HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-10-03, Page 6Expoisi,Wa. --kru-,40ff Row Secretary Thompson t $tarted ill Life. i A Bedford (Ind.) man tells the story: Waa down to Louisville buying goods I in 1831, think it was, and While there 1. vas t d a to uno fellow b o. Wearing apparel and bed -clothing ple could be wished to sh9w, _the direct n endless variety were found in tinza coanection Of cause and,; heats. Afteesome Valf-doniO ien of these 'great 'deterioration of rai Character had been reconnoitered, the officers produced by the physical injury of the looked into the kitcheu, where stood a supreme nerve -centres of the brain; safe. It was not unnaturally expected When the cause was taken away the that therein would be found some of the old woman's valuables.1 As the result of a diligent search ainongst the keys, the key of the safe waii;f8tind in a little the name of Thompson. °He was a Niler little person, who did not look ; vu be more than eighteen years old Re told• fromVir 'ilia and asked me if there was any "opening" in _or about Bedford, and I asked him if he could teach school. He said be didn't know; he could try. He didn't sup- I O: the higher,branches were taught. 1 told him no, and Thompson said he would go with me. We started the same afternoon, Thompson borrowing a korse to make the trip. On reaching Bedford he was given a school, and at the. close of the terra my employer, af- terward my father-in-law, tookhim into the store and gave him a clerkship. He and. I slept together over on that counter there for a year and. a half. We would male -up ourIaeds by spreading a bolt or two of cloth from the shelves out on the counter, placing another roll under our heads for pillows, and lying with our feet together. Dick and I used to. have occasional kicking bees when our feet got tangled. up, but there vicious Was nothing it. H picked up a copy of the statutes somewhere limn after entering the store, and began *ailing it carefuDy. Dick, you krow, ever forgets anything he .reads, alid in little while he knew the laws of , as they then existed, by laeart. One aka a. fellow -came into the store in a bad sate of mind. He was in- volved in a scrape, and the only law- yers in town had been retained. on the opposite side. Thompson volunteered. to defend the man, and., to the surprise of everybody, cleared him. His conduct of the case and exposi- tion of the law excited. the wonder and admiration of the inhabitants, and af- ter that everybody wanted "that little Thompson," as they used. to call -him, when they got into trouble. In a few months he was obliged to give up his position in the store and devote his whole time to the legal business that piled up an him. His talents and. de- votion to the law attracted the atten- tion of judge ewey, of Chitrlestoia, who loaned him ooks with which to ltnish his course f readings. in three or four months h was regularly admit- ted to the bar, aid from that time it was smooth sailing. He lived in Bed- fOrd twelve or fourteen years, during which time we sent him to Congress two terms. At the expiration of his second term he moved to Terre Haute. • Bog Oak Ornaments. A. gentleman, connected with the manufacture of ornaments ffona Irish bog oak, gives to Land and Water some inter4ting particulars with. regard to the history of that indUstry. 'When taken up this bog is perfectly black -troth the action of the peat or bog ' water. It is very rarely obtained in a h . wn inrlishworran, Hays: "Every year thousands of portions of the tree or log are rotted, are driven to the ga and. useless even for fuel. When laid up bread;" and it is equ for use care must be taken that it is _ , country, in all its bo not placed in the open air, lest it may, refinement. A wont from the sun's rays, become open and. for feed as well as a shattered into chips from end to end. how much politeness To preserve it, it must be put into some fact. So I say, in all cool place, and left to Fdry gradually, c , give to all girh. and when properly seasoned it must be cupation of some sort, without hang- eut in lengths of from ts7o to four feet, ing like a mill -stone about the neck of a and these lengths be, split again, and tit., sound ,paras.removed from the un- effect went also. , . He Thought SQ. . The man in charge of the bio engine buneb, in, which were I also two police at the Water Works realizes that he whistles. In the interior of the safe has a curiosity for most visitors, and was found a gold watch, thirteen silver when callers express surprise and inter - watches, several bags containing imitae est he feels pleased. The other day a 1 tion gold rings, some more bags cou- stranger came infer a look around, and taining genuine gold ilnge, and a large his general make-up satisfied the -en- nuniber of watch chains, some of them gineer that he was a person of deep of gold. In addition to the foregoing thought and a man to appreciate the -articles there were diSoovered in the merits of monster machinery. The safe a number of bank, books, including stranger viewed the engine from every one showing a balance of 218 standing side and angle, and sat down. Then he to the credit of the deceased. at the reviewed it and took another rest. Then Glasgow Savings Bank; a life policy he walked around the building in a for 260 on the life of the deceaSed, and wise way and came back for another in - another on the life of a child; between spection. For two long hours he hard - twenty and thirty purses, most of them ly had his eyes off the ponderous ma - empty, one, however, containing two ohinery, but was at last ready to go. half -sovereigns and a ;gold dollar piece, Taking one last look, he walked up to and another containieg two or three the engineer and said: cent pieces, sent to the deceased as a "Say, mister, this 'ere injine runs by keepsake from a frien,d in the -United steam, don't it ?" States -so at least it appeared from 1 "Why, of course,'I was the amazed the paper in which , the cents were answer." "Well, I thought so more'n half an hour ago," eontinued the man, "but it's just as well to be sure about these things. There are so many wind -mills around now -a -days that one can't be certain of nothing. -Detroit Free Press. . . EPPS'S COCOA.-. -Grateful and comfort- ing.-" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and n.ntrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored. beverage, Which may Save us rhany heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles wrapped up -a lady's 'gold broach, set with hair; a Glasgow University al- bum for 1847; a valuation paper -dated 18th inst., 86c. By the time the offi- cers had exhausted the contents of the safe the inventory had.ibecomeso bulky that they did not prooeed further with their search, but went ,aud reported the result of their explorations to • the Pro- curator -Fiscal, by whona a writer has been appointed to take charge of the contents of the house till the deceased's next of kin (supposed to be in America) are discovered. Ho* the deceased came to be in possession of the purses, jewelry, &c., is at present a mystery Which the dete3tives of the Central di- vision of police are endeavoring to un- of diet that a constitation May be grad - ravel. The circumstances attending ually built up untilstrong enough to re - the old woman's death are also being siat every tendency to disease. Him - investigated. - 21 yrshire Weekly Ne.ivs. dreds of subtle maladies are floating . around us ready' to attack wherever Teach Girls a Trade or Pro- there is a weak point. We may escape fession. many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Surely girls who are capable of earn- well fortified with pure blood, and a inc a living for themselves ought to and properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser - eau marry to much better advantage vice Gazette. , Sold only in packets label,. than those who must forever depend led-" James Epps &Go., Homceopath- upon somebody to support them. t ic Chemists 48, Threadneedle Street, woman .is free and independent, she and 190, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 marries for love, and love alone. But your other damsel of the useless hand -why, she must marry -anyway. If she cannot have a husband whom she loves and respects, she is Obliged, by the pressure of her own helplessness, to take the best she can get, or run the risk of having no one to supperther. Horrible .thought 1 Any girl of average intellect, over 20 years old, ought to be ashamed to confess that she, could not, if neces- sary, do something to provide for her- self an -honorable and independent liv- ing, no matter if her father could count his wealth by millions,. Miss Faithful, sound state, and in most cases the outer y countrywomen es of death for y true of our sted freedom and n's stomach calls an's, no matter may ignore the justice and de - a trade or oc- at. takes frora four to six yoars to mason some specimens, as in many in- stances the wood is found at a. depth of tight and sonaetimes ten feet under the atrface. When properly seasoned, any ?ortion requiring to be glued becomes aarcl as stone, and is firmer and less li- tble to give way than any .portion of ;he manufactured article. The finish s not quite perfect until the article has been for some time in use, and the longer. the finer the article seethe to be, no matter whether used as a personal or table ornament. The men employ- ed are all, without exception, self- taught; each one makes his own tools, and, will not take any apprentices; and each person has a peculiar taste for a certain class of ornaments, which he follows, and to which lie is left to pro- duce the Specimens he can. There are also jewelerewho mount and embellish the ornaments with gold and silver,and with rare, and most brilliant Irish gems such. as the Kerry Irish diamond, the emerald, the garnet, amethyst, beryl, aquamarine, and Donegal petble. The Celtic Orna.ments are generally studded with the above native gems; they are beautiful, and most artistically ea - stilted. The designs embrace some thousands, and all of them are both classic and historically illustrative of Irish antiquities. Extensive deposits -f bog oak and other buried woods have atieen discovered in-Gerinany. i The Hoard of a Glasgow .1/riser. On Monday, several officers of the Central division of police paid. a visit to the house at No. 12 Bridegate, wherein was found on Saturday the remains of the woman Vatson, whose death was reported oe.Sunday. They did so for the pasea: of taking an inventory of th efice's-vo an's property, which thy ound to be ilinch more extensive and varied than thy had intaained. Since Watson's deathl the house bhad been in charge of a watllman. On the outer door appeared '‘ the announcement, "-Lodgers kept 11 sre.- When lodgers were kept there 11O one seems to know, and it appears to be pretty plain, judging from the (state in -which the house was found wlaen it was --visited on Monday, that no, olue save the "lone, 1.p.rie female has Wen residing in it for -some time past. The officers had. in their possession a j bunch of retween s forty- and fifty kes, which had been alV found in the Isousia on Saturday, and. It these, as well as another dozen bunches found on Monday, proved of consider- . able assistance in the work of exploring ; the dead woman's domicile. In every ook and corner of the three-room and kitchea house were discovered articles, some of them of no value even to the owner, and others not so worthless. ' They included several hundreds of but- tons, a big assortment of pocket-knives, ' many pieces of cloth (of various shapes and. equally various designs), men's and wenien's wearing apparel, and other odds and ends too un morons to m en - ion, even if thy were all nameable. : i eaoh of the scantily furnished apart - were found, about half a dozen i lists, and several of these were opened /atlas of the keys already referred i man. • A Scotoh Courtship. A shy young man of Scotland for fourteen years had wooed the lassie of his heart. One night Jamie, for that was the young man's name, called to see Jennie, and*there was aterrible look about his eyes -just as there is some- times when they've made up their minds to pop the question. And Jamie came in andsat down. by the fire just as he had done every, Tuesday and Fri- day right for fourteen • years, and he talked of the weather, and the cattle, and the crops, and the stock market, I was going to say -but no, they didn't talk about that. And finally, Jamie said: "I've known you for a long time." "Yes, Jamie," said she." "Aud-I've thought I'd always like to know you, Jennie." "Yes -Jamie." "And so I've bought -a lot--4e-nnie." "Y, e -s -J -a -m -i-e. " "So -that -when "Yes -Jamie -yes." "We're dead we can lay our bones to- gether." Phe fool Dad „cone and bought a lot in the graveyard, but Jennie was not discouraged. She knew her man well --after Fourteen years .she ought to - and so she said gently: "Jamie." "Yes, Jennie." WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyanoer and Commie - "Don't you think Would. be better to Diener in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and lay our bones together while we're yet Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on alive ?" 1 reasonable terms. 366 • NOT QUITE SO. -"It is among the most savage and. debased tribes only that the condition and comfort of the horse have been neglected," but we be- lieve there are many in civilised coun- tries who are guilty of the same neg- lect, and without the excuse of the for- mer. .Here all may avail themselves of th-e use of an article which ha,s done more than anything else heretofore known to improve the condition and re- lieve the suffering of the horse.Those who will not use it a 'il be the losers, their horses the, sufferers. To avoid both use "Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy," and. you will be satisfied with the result. Remember the name, and see that the ; sigreature of Elfird & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Out., proprietors fois Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers.. $1141T.H. &- WEST MEDICAL. JG. SCOTT, M.D. &a., Physician, Surgeon and • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. , 349 WM. HANOVER, M.D., C. M., Graduate of 'McGill UniverBity, Physician, Surgeon and Acorn:id:lour, Seaforth. Ont. ?Office and reaidenee, first door south of the Catholic Church. 496 T_T L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- -L-1- • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. • MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. palle promptla attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines nn hand Charges reacionable. Horses examined as to sound - nese and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. 'ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After :devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, -of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on band. Horses ,exatnined as to soundness and certificates given 1101'808 bought and sold on commission. 424 Tar DERBYSHIRE. L. D. B., •L-1-• Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seaforth. LEGAL. A .T.McCOLL, Solieitor, &c., Brussels. Office • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52. riA.MERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &a- Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 A Fracture of "the' Skull. • Some years a:go- a miner was sent to the Ayrshire District Asylum, who, four years before, had been struck to the ground insensible by a mass of failing coal, which fractured his skull. He lay unconscious for four days after the accident, then came gradually. to him- self, and was able in four weeks to re- sume his work in the -pit. But his wife noticed a steadily increasing change for the worse in his character and habits; whereas .he had formerly been cheerful, sociable, aud good natured, always kind and affectionate to her and his chil- dren, he now became irritable, moody, , surly, suspicious, shunning the coin - 1 pally of his fellow workmen, and impa- ' tient with her and the. children. This bad state increased; he was often ex- cited, used threats of violence to his wife and others, finally became mani- acal, attempted to kill them. had a slit - cession of epileptic fits, and. was sect to the asylum as a dangerous lunatic. There he showed. himself extremely suspicious and. surly, entertained a fixed delusion that he was the victim of a conspiracy on the part of his 'wife and others, and displayed bitter and re- sentful feelings. At the place where the skull had been fractured there was a Well marked depression of bone, and the depressed portion was eventually aemoved by the trephine. From that time an improvement took place in his disposition, his,p1d self coming gradu- ally back; he became cheerful again, astive and obliging,- regained and dis- played all his former affection for his wife and children, and was at last dis- charged recovered. No plainer exam- MALCOMSON, Barrister, and Attorney at- " • Law, Notary Publics Conveyancer'Bruseele Mr. Carey, late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron's office, will be in charge of the office, and Mr. Maloomson will be in Brussels every Tues- day. 609 GARROW & MEYER, Barrie _ ttorne ys- at-Law, Solicitors, in Chan _ay, Notaries Pu b - lie, and Conveyancers., Money to Loan, private funds, at 8 per cent. Offices-Goderich and Winghani. H. W. C. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing - ham, Solicitor Consolidated Bank. 581 ARE SHOWING S.0::METHING NEW pENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Att'orne;s- 1-' at liaw, Solicitors in Chancery and Ingo] vency, , Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sea. forth and Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight percent. Intereet,payable yearly. 63 JAS. H. BENSON. H.W. C. MEYER. The above firm has thia day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Alain Street, Seaforth. sOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm and Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the best mortgage securities, without any expenee to the lender. S. G. McCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED. C T")S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer: Orders by mail prompt ly attended to. `470 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. In LADIES' and MISES' FEJ)LT I-1 _A. S Trimmed in all the New Colors. DRESS GOODS. We: would also call attention to our Dress Goods. The Stock, has never been so large and well assorted. WE ARE SHOWING EXTRA VALUE -IN- wiNCEY S -Snowflake, Check and Fancy. FLANNELS -Grey, White, Scar- let and Fancy. BOYS' AND MEN'S HATS. All Prices. All Styles. A Splendid Assortment of Boots and Shoes. SMITH & WEST, No. 3, Campbell's Block. ARE YOU GOING? WHERE 9 FV4 ! to the Noted Cheap Cask Store in the Foster _Bloch, Seaforth, RUN BY STANLEY _DAY, The Only Plaae to Buy. Your A. 1.a Li GOODS AT BOTTOM PRICES. Will Von Call and -Examine tile Quality min Compare the Prices. I (pate a few of ,the Bnling Low _Prices. Swiss Embroideries from 40. per yard. Embroidery Trimming, from 3c. a yd. Edgings from lc. per yard. Lace from 2c. per, yard. Frilling, two yards for 5c. Factory Cotton from 50. per yard. Bleached Cotton from 7c. per yard. Prints from 5cper yard. Brown Holland from 9c. per yard. Winceys from 80. per yard. Roller Towelling from 6c. per yard. Machine Spools, three for 10c. Cambric Handkerchiefs from 3c. Linen Towels from 5c. Silk Handkerchiefs from 13c. Gents' Homemade Socks, 35c. Pins from 3c. Toilet Soap, 30. Blacking or Stove Polish, 3e. Boot Laces Sc. per dozen. Dressing Combs 5c. 'Note Paper 5c. per quire. Envelopes Sc. per. package. _ • • OtgrORilli 4; 1879. 1879 FALL MILLINERY OPENING. 1879 FALL OPENING OF. MILLINERY AND MANTLE SHOW ROOM AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SERT. 25 AND 26, Full Stock of all the • Latest Styles in French., Eaglish, and American Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Silks,Velvets, Ribbons, Hat Ornaments, Shapes, ttc. •Mantles a Specialty this Season, and Stock will be found , to be Larger than on any former occasion. -I ALSO OFFER " BIC DRIVES' IN Lustres, Prints, Merinos, Cashmeres, Cobourgs, Tweeds, Stocking and Fingering Yarns, While Dress . and Flannel Shirts, Shirts and Drawers, Braces, Collars and Ties, Scarfs, White Grey, Scarlet, Cantou and Fancy Flan- nels, 'Umbrellas, Grain Bags, Tab-. ling, Sheeting, Ducks., Denims, Costume Cloths, Hosiery, Lace Curamins, Curtain and Window Nets, Ribbons, Corsets, and a conglomeration of Small Wares too extensive to en- umerate. STANLEY .DAY. MISS FORBES. TN RETURNING thanks to the ladies of Sea- -1- forth and vicinity, for the kind and liberal patronage of the past, begs to announce that she has changed her place of bneinees to the room e over Mr. Dent's store, where she hopes to secure as lib ,ral a patronage as in the past. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. All are invited to give a can ; entranee between Montreal Tele- graph office and Dent's Store. Apprentices want- ed immediately. (116'4 POOR COPY ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Cheap Cash Store, CARDNO'S BLOCK, - ▪ - SEAFORTH ONT. N. B. -No Circulars this season. Please accept the above invitation without further formalities. SOAPENA ; OR, LADIES. FRIEND. THE GREAT LABOR SAVER. It is priferable to Soap fur all purposes. it will wash in li ard or soft water. For cleaning housewalls, floors, oil cloths, tinware, greasy pots, cans, and for all kitchen utensils, it is superior to soap. Will prevent the fulling of flannels. Will preserve the color of cali- coes. Try a package and you will never be without it. For Sale by • D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER, S3aA_FORTI--1 DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER AND GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED BY G. W. CLARKE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL' AGENT, SEAFORTH. M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATCEIES A SPECIALtY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A Complete Stock of Watches, Clock's, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec- tacles and Fancy Goods, which, will 6e sold Cheap for Cash. SUNBEAM ART GAL LE FLY. -AFTER THE BATTLE REMEMBER THE PLACEDirectly Opposite Mr. j. S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH. AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. JO I -I 1•T WA. RID, SELAFOPJTII, While returning thanks to his many customers for their patron4e zn the past, also to those who so liberally patronized his 'late sale, he begs to inform them and as many new ones as will fovor hint that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMTTLY ATTENDED TO. • JOHN WARD, - ▪ - SEAFORTH. HAY AND 0A.TS TAKEN IN EX*CHAN41.1 POR HARNESS. - IRON BOUND SCHOOL BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED, A FULL STOCK OF THE SCHOOL READERS, IN IRON BINDING, Also all Books now in we in Public and MA, Schools at Lowest Cash .Prices. • FOOLSCAP, SLATES, PENS, INK, AND ALL ARTICLES REQUIRED FOR SCHOOL USE. SEE MY SCRIBBLING- BOOKS AT 5c. AND 10c- EACH. C. W. PAPST, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. TOTHE FARMERS. REAPERS AND MOWERS REPAIRED AT THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. TERMS CASH. J. S. RUNCIMAN, ▪ PROPRIETORI, 1•TOTIO_ The Battle is now over, and Peace is restored in otir quiet town. CHARLES l)10011E is to the front to salute 'his many patrons. His Gallery is on the ground fiobr, And he has now every accessory to make itlemong the finest galleriee in Onterie, which is a credit to the Town of Seaforth. All Accounts due the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturiug Com- pany, Limited, must be promptly settled to avoid costs: • No . persons are authorized to receive payments or make settlements on behalf of the Company except the undersigned. HORACE HORTON, President. JOHN CHRISTIAN, Secretary, GODERICH, June 13th, 1879. HIS ARTISTIC WORK And highly finished Photoeraphe enable him. te gain victory after victory. ':‘Remember he is now making four Ambrotypesfoi 50 cents. Picture and Picturing deeper than ever. CHARLES MOORE, Photographer, Picture and Picture Frame Dealer Whitney's Block, Seaforth. 11 E33T 8 L PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go abroad for your Furn iture when you Can get as Good Value • for your 9noney in Hensall as in any other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has now on hand a Splendid Stock of TI TY II INT I rr TT R. oy EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which he will sell at Prio9s to Suit the Times. UNDERTAKING IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Also a First -Class Hearse Which he wlll furnish for FUNERALS en rea sonable terms. Contracts for Buildings of every descriptien •taken onmost reasonable terms. Material fur- nished if desired. Itemember tlea Hensel." Furniture and. under- taking Establishment. 571: S.. FAIRBAIRPt. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, • HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, kc FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE , Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &O. FUNERALS ATTENDED UN TiIg SHORTEST .NO,TICE. • COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE. BRAN. BRAN. BRAN AT $8.00 PER TON AT THE BIG MILLS SEAFORTH 609 A. W. OGILVIE. 'f1HE GREAT FEMAIE REMEDY. -Job Moses Periodieal Pills- his invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female conetittt- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtructione, and a speedy care/nay be relied on. To maariedladies,it peonliallyenited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthlyriod with regularity. These pills should not be taken by Females daring the firet three months of Pregran.cy, as they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. na all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back andlirubs, fatigut.on sligh.t ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysteries, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when. all other means have failed; and, although a powerful - remedy, do not COIAL1111 ir021, calonaelsantitaiorgs or anything leartful to the constitution. Fun directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1. 00 and 12i (mitt for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To. ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, -will insure a bottle -containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in. Seaforth by Hickson Bleasdell, J. S. Debate, and R. Lures -den. ].9 One oornmo in Setting the ho eepecially imp- -where drainage i cations' a eeliar -two and a hal _.tohi een tw-aat en rd t 1 ,I1 .v il house, and tan lar; ;drbeaisniadre, tihe . sometimes on Then it is chea is far better M a Alooked, is to ha istefnioteinapo ,ilimnar ily should be as lar the house. Th of making the ' -enough to stand' haps a wasiasta tiole of furnitur and it ought poorly veetilate thesicPk u re isms a:1137de atill 1:3C:etiai heedeSisilitfill'C'rre 1 two adults, and. dren sleep, sboul ful and Well ven be an outside do tendinglo the g leys, Ana both i il made to raise a The family si a southern ex light and eheerf roost used. No] ered complete n without a bay adds to the the( the room inside an ornamental 1 to the value of a cost. No laou climate withdut under the weatl the house very i bttl grantattahlingiefe:itonWiii -thet i.; wood and water side, can be res) not more than blarrottasirS8t:rsu,adl housekeeper sail - ber of journeys', There ensah,e vooau old ea .r 41 3 a il3r Da ati 8: ehl lae and. io down and up 0 , tililtandoh elwriterltae4r1 m injure, and th teller after ever the shelf until i are eievatea-v afan. i 1 .fn atsft:thrilitiitahjel the contractor I then you will house will od4 aaoptitg the p contract need. changes, but if ter the work is regular contras plan is settled- . a number of b this way get I pries.made outhaie ellti oornuwork,t ei irwibai tt :11 loy. . , ti the liouee, the etc., and the work from day built accordi every one who but if you e builders tiler -should not Ian raeoped. A houte is. one that canaa after being bit timespifgo .vemo nil .ehnertreebf eat dollars spent i blviiiillitliA, aadeotrolne ilasnalocesiveWhni ee ber that a bon mernefitleaeea-c, re'T taste and mea ictoustn.:PillanctilYi venient, and. Him -6 Good humia valuable aid t equally good sense of hum httieftioflon anawork 1 brightens up lively, witty tidiculeus pot T. 'ann. glia nt :r.oY alt laugh over so Ivoileidatageaubseet t oie B.: p:e. r icylvii:iet ter:: a., :hes bilities of life as', btothings,i haisnuieu spioyoinli tst°atiaorsdei vi_ ways -oppress ebffriifrthtentdoehras. °tin:it:ern, :III irrite.ted ab.e reason I tan exclaimed. a husband; the wrong d hieclionlmneicaat7toldioei guess tonun 3:111:11elf:mengiteabe:; she went au b e elia:rnuuekei nrntmr 4, royi inome;raut te sot 4 ai feel igette a humorous SOLtie child tearr. Isat mom.