HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-10-03, Page 51=10111111.111111211161,
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Loss, about $2,000 • insurance, $600 on
buildings and $2015 on contents. Mr.
. Keatshouse, on the third concessioa,
was also struck. A bed upon which
some of the family were reclining was
thrown from its place, together with
the occupants, across the room, but
they were only stunned. The fire was
subdued. A double buggy of Mr. DOLI-
nelly, of the sixth concession. standing
in the yard, was smashed to atoms by
the electric fluid, not a spoke being left
in a wheel.
—The authorities are engaged in an
enquiry which, it is thought, will lead
to the arrest of a resident of the village
of Springhadistant about 26 miles front
Toronto, on the Northern Railway. A.
man, who has been in the habit of
officiating at times as local preacher in
the neighborhood, is said to have wrong-
ed a:young lady, and then supplied her
with noxious drugs for the purpose of
procuring an abortion, and further
developments are expected in a few
—The case of 'Maxwell v. Cossitt,
which occupied the attention of the
Court of Chancery in Brantford, last
week, for two days, is one of general in-
terest to manufacturers of agricultural
implements. The action was for in-
fringefaent of three several patents
for a reaping machine, °ailed the Max-
well reaper. The Court, decided that
the patents 'were all Valid, and. that
the defendant had infringed upon two
of them, but had not infringed upon the
third. .
—A COMnaiSSiOn cyf reprbsentatives
from the -Ontario Government and the
New York State Legislature have under
consideration the scheme of forming
an international park at Niagara Falls.
The object will be rather to restore the
ground as far as may be to its original
form, and to keep it in that state. It
is proposed to plant trees on the por-
tions a land cleared of buildings, and
to sow grass seeds where necessary.
On the brow of the hill which would
bound the proposed park on the Can-
adian side of the river trees should also
be planted, so that the reserve would be
completely cut off from any buildings
that might afterwards be erected.
, Auction Sales.
Monday, Oct. 6, 1879, on Lot 17, Con.
5, McKillop, Farm Stock, Household
Furniture and Farm Implements. W.
J. Shannon, proprietor; r. P. Brine
Tuesday, October 7, at 1 O'clock P.
M., on Lot 3, Con. 3, L. R. S., Tucker -
smith, Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Win. Stoneman, proprietor;
A. Bishop, auctioliedr.
Friday, October 10, on Lot 18, Con. 3,
L. R S., Tnekersraith„ Farm Stock
and Implements. James Sellars, prop-
rietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer.
Thursday, October 9, on Lot 11, Con.
8, McKillop, Farrn Stock. FranciS
O'Hara, proprietor; John Bullard, auc-
Saturday, October 11, on Lot 3. Con.
6, Hibbert, Farm Stock. John Bourkei
proprietor; D McPhail, auctioseer. -
Tuesday, October 14, on Lot 3, Con.
2, Stanley, Farm Stock, Implements
a,nd other articles. S. S. McDonald,
proprietor; 3. P. Brine, auctioneer.
Friday, October 3, on Lot 7, Bayfield
Road, Stanley, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Thos. Moore, proprietor; J. P.
Brine, auctioneer.
Tuesday. Oct. 7, 1879, on Lot 18, Con.
7, Morris, Farm Stock and Implements.
Jane Nichol, proprietress; C. R.
Cooper, auctioneer.
Monday, Oct. 20, on Lot 30, Con.. 9,
MeKillop, Farm Stock and Implements.
John Alexander, proprietor; John Bul-
lard, "auctioneer.
Thursday, Oct. 9, at the Commercial
Hotel, Seaforth, 'Valuable Town prop-
erty. McCaughey & Holmstead solic.
itors for Mortgagee.
MetENNAN--In Blyth, on the 29th ult., the wife
of Mr. David McLennan of a, daughter.
IIEWITT--In Blyth, on the 18th nit., the wife of
err. William Hewitt of a daughter.
MA.RTIN-In. Tuckersznith, on the 22nd ult., the
-wife of Mr. James Martin of a daughter.
HAWTHOENE-In Hullett, on the 28rd ult., the
wife of Mr. Peter Hawthorne of a eon.
FOWLER -In MeRillop, on the 25th ult., the
wife of Mr. Geo. Fowler of a daughter.
MOONEY-O'NEIL-At irishtown, on the 1st
inst., by. the Very Rev. Dean Murphy, Mr.
Mooney,- of Hibbert, to Mess Annie,
eldest daughter of Mr..Chas. O'Neil.
. OUIMETTE-EID-DELL-At the'residence of the
1 bride's father, on the 24t1a ult.- by Rev. J.
Lochead, Mr. Wrn. L. Ouituette, merchant,
Londesborough, to Ellen .Moore, eldest
daughter of Mr. -Walter Eiddelloat Hullett.
KING-HENNING -- At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 16th ult., by Rev. H. Mo-
McQuarrie„ Mr., George King, to Miss Mary
Henning, an of Triruberry.
CAMELON-ATEEY--In Wingluem, On the lith
Lae by Rev. Jas. Smith, Mr. 'Jas. ,Cruneron, to
Miss ',Clary Avery, both of Crenbroole, township
- of Grey.
TeRE-ROBINSON-In. Wiegh.ain, on the 24th
nit., at the residence of the bride's father, by
Ilev. Wia. Eryers, Mt. Wm. Lee, to Mary,
yo•unges-teleughter of John •Robilison, Esq., all
ofeWinghara. • e •
D eaths .
ALLEN -In East Wawanosh, 'on the 21st ult, Mr.
John Alien, 'aged 67 years.
SEAPORTS, Oet. 2, 1879.
Pall Wheat-- . . ... .. . 1 00 to 1 09
Spring Wheat;Fiie, per brothel- . 1 05 to 1 08
Spring Wheat,Ited chaff,per bush-. 0 98 to 108
Oats per bushel. ... . . ... . ...... . 0 25 to 0'27
Peas per b ashen. ................. 0 50 to 0 56
Barley per bushel..-. .... . ... 0 45 to 0 56
13utter, No „1, Loose.- ... . 0 08 to 0 12
Eggs.......... ..... 0 la to 0 12
Floor, per 100 • .. -..... 2 33 to 2 75
Hay......... . .. . .... .....•...... 8 60 Go 900
Hide, per IL ....... 0 05 to 0 06
Gra by Hides per 100 lbe •, 400
Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs 8 00
Sheep akins...... ...... . ...... 0 15 to 125
Lamb Skins per tb ..... . ... . . 0 20 to 0 40
Salt (retail;per barrel, .... 0 85
sat (wholosale)per barrel...:0 60
Potatoes, per bushei. • 0 25 to 0 80
Applee, per bushel.. ..... 0 20 to 0 25
Oatmea b rl 2 50 to 2 75
Tallow, per lb..... . ..... 0 05 to 0 06
Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs..... 8 60 to 5 00
CnietTort, Oat. 2,1879.
FalIWhewt,par bushel............ 1 03 (4 1 06
Spring Whea,d, perhaehel......... 1 00 c 1 04
Oats, perb .... . 0 26 (4 0 28
Begley, per bushel .......... ..... 45 (4 0 06
Peas, per bushol................. 0 52 @ 0 58
Better........... . . .. 0 11 (0 0 14
Potatoes'. 0 25 @ 080
Eggs .... . .. ..... 0 11 (4) 012
Haeeeer ton,............... .. . . 8 00 i 9 00
Live Stook Markets.
TORONTO, Oct. 2.—Cattle--Only one
buyer on the market for shippers, and
all he could get was one car, averaging
1,150 pounds, for which he paid $4.25
per cental. Lower grades are slow of
Sale, and. may be quoted: Second class,
43.25 to $3.75 ; third dass, $2.25 to
$2.75. Sheep.—First-class for ship-
ment, that is wethers, averaging 1110
-lin& and upwards, would not bring
ver. 4 per cental, or 85.50 to $6 each.
°con class have been very slow of
sale and easier at $3.50 to $3.75.
Lambs—First class, dressing not under
430 pounds, have been easier at $3 to
$3.25, with abundance in. Second
class have gone off slowly at $2.97 to
.----, ----e-
1 LIVERPOOL, 0 t. 1. — Spring wheat
1 s Od ; red winter, 10s 8d. • White,
1 s'.8d ; club, lis 2d; corn, 58 5d1; oats,
6 8d; barley, .5s 3d1 peas, 7s 5d ;
p rk, 488 Od ; beef, 778- 6d; cheese,
4s Od.
LONDON, Oct. 1.—Diehl and Tread -
ell, $1.75 to $1.83 per 100 Ms.; red fall,
$ .75 to $1.82; spring, $1.30 to $1(30;
o ts, $0.94 to '$0.98; peas, 850 to $1;
dairy cheese, 510 to 6c ; factory:51 to 7c;
barley, 90c to $1.20; aggs, 13c to 14c;
Witter, 110 to 15c; nevi potatoes, 25c to
t� $0.30c per bushel; bay, $910 $10.
tcl $1.15; spring, $1.08 to $1.10; oats, 34c;
all wheat,
toi 35c; peas, 60c to 64c; barley, 55c to 68c;
hay, per ton, $7 00 to $10 00; wool, 20o
b tter, 13c to 1St ;.potatoes per bag.,
' Seaforth, l'or the Great Sierra Nevada Sniok-
eng Compound, a poeitive cure for Catarrh, and
is equally efficacious in all Bronchial Affections.
The worst eases of Asthma, Phtheic and all
Diseaeep of the Luege yield readily to this treat.• went. : L. SMITH, Arkona, Out., General
Agent. e For -sale by all di uggiata. Price, 75
Cents a box. 601-52
MONEY TO LEND -_.Q n tern ii inore
&goons than ever before offered. A. 3. Mo.
COLL, Solicitor, Bruited°. 504 .52
WHO WANTS MONEY ?-A few thousand
dollars, private funds, for immediate invest-
ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply. to JAMES
H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seafortai. 588
$10 to $1 000 Tnvested in irall-St.,
Stocks mu k es fortunes
m ery month. Books sent free eeplainind every-
thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17
Wall -street, New York. 587-0
ORONTO Oct..2 F • M Y TO LEND -.I have an am t f
$(1).55 to $0.60.
Local Notices.
CROCIeERY.' — There are Bargains in
CI (leery at WILSON & toteeo's. 016 -
G d Clever Giel.. Apply to Mits. W. N. CRESS-
:f.L, Tuckersmith. 616x
• BRAN AND Sacuas.----For Sale, at Ogil-
viLris Seaforth, e few tons of Bran and Shorts
at $8 and $11 per ton. 612
SEE THE SOAP, 25 bars for $1 at ROSE'S
Greery. See that very fine tee at 50 cents, worth
60 cents, and those .eheap,Raisins and Ciurants at
R en'S Grocery. 574 ,
UNBEAM ART Giraxay.--,-Sornething
Ne v. -Now is the time to secure your shadow.
CR ARLES MOORE is now making foureAmbrotypes
fo 50c. Picture frames cheaNr thaneever. 610
. D. RosU, Family Grocer, Seaforth,
in ites the attention of cash buyers to his Stock
of Groceries. His S took is constantly turning, and
is always fresh*: His prices are the lowest-it'evill
pay you to call. Examine his -goods and compare
priees. 574
DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SO:kn.—Having, ob-
' tai*, oil the Agency of this _celebrated soap in Sea -
forth and Huron County, I append the opinion of
Emile ofour -best people as to its merits : " l'have
used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by J; L. tenni
& Co., Philadelphia, rtk., and find it very good.
Tht. clothes are bea,utifully white and the evashing
is done ine much less tinee-Mrs. in_ P. Reyes."
" I used Dobbins' Electric Soap, accoiraing to di-
rections, and found the clothes whiter than when
waehed itethe old way, and in half the usual time
-Mrs. M. Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins'
Eleetric Soap, and ani highly satisfied with the
resipt. I believe -it cepable of doing all the wrap-
per. s or it, and most confidently recom-
mend it as economizing both time and labor, and
as doing ilia work well -Mrs T Goldsmith."
" H tying given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair. trial,
I think it, is all the manufacturers represent it to
be---Felrs. It. T. Colema-n." I desire all my friend's
and ;customers to give this Soap one trial, so they
mayi know just how good the best soap in the
Unieed Steles is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth,
Urge Agent for H Tim County. 571-52 .
"pe OR SALE. -Two colts, one Aping three years
Old end tbe oilier two, both males. Apply
to DAVID DOR ANCE, Sr., Lot 29 Con. let
• 604
riOLT FOR SALE. -For sale, a yearling colt,
airied by the imported "Lord Redd°. Ap-
ply to the undersigned on Let 33; Con, 3, H. R.
Tuckersmith, or to Beticefield P. 0. THOS
D. MORTON 615 .
m CalTGAGE SALE. -Under and by virtue of
the power of Pale contained in a certain
mortgage, default having been mrde in payment
of seree, will be sold by Public- Auction, at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on. THURSDAY,
9th clay of OCTOBER, at two o'clock P. M.
The ;following valuable property, viz.: Being
Lot •,4 on West side of Louisa Street in F. G.
Sparl g's Survey of part of the Town of Sea -
forth There is a valuable new house on said
lot. erms liberal. Ten per cent. on day of
sale. For farther particulars epply to Mc-
CAUC HEY & HOLDIESTED, Solicitors for
Mortgagee. 614
_• • - • - - --
TION. -The public are hereby eau eion e d
egainst giving credit to Ernest Houghton, in
my nerae, without my written order or coneent,
as I not hereafter be responsible for any
d eh ts lee -may contract. GEO. A. LiOUGHTON.
S ealoilLt h, October 1st, 1b79. 61"7x4
ARID OF THANKS. -The Directors, on be -
h." of the Tuck, rsmith Branch Agrieultural
Society, beg to tender their Pincers thanks to
Mess) 3. Robertron & Co. L. Murphy,
Johnsen Brothers, John Kidd and John Rogers,
for th use of lamps, •&c., for the Agrieullaral
Hall during the Exhibition. GEO. S.PROAT,
Pretnt. • 617-1
STitAY PIG. -Strayed into the enclosure of
the subscriber, Lot 28, Con, 15, Grey, about
th e miple of August last, one Sow Pig. The
owners requested to prove property, pay oharges
and teke her away. HARTWELL SPEIRAN,
-fie STRAY SHEEP AND LAMB. -Came into
the premises of the undersigned Con. 3, H.
R. S., Tuckeramith, a ewe and lamb. The owner
can have the same by proving property, and
paying charges on applieation to WILLIAM
ROBB., 6144
ES IHAY COW. -Strayed from Seaforth on the
2nd of September, a so:nail heifer two yeara
old aerated red and. white, giving milk. Infer -
ma tion as to her whereeetouts will be gladly re-
oeived, and experases paid by WM. HILL, Sea -
forth. 614
s avik AY SHEEP. -Came into the premisee of
thd undersigned, about the middle of August,
a Sheet), with bell on. The owner may have the
ea me by proving property and paying for this
ad yeetisement. . WILLIAM ELDER, Lpt 85,
Con. 1, Usborne. 617x4
v STE Y HEIFER. -Came into the premises
-e-e' of the undersigrie-d, Lot 26, Con. 8, Usborne,
about t e let of May, a red and white Heifer, 2
years o d. The owner m.ay have b er by proving
proper and paying expenses. Mrs. JOHN Me-
FARLA E, Lumley P. 0. 617x4
I" SPR Y J3EIFER.-Came into the premises
31-:d of t e ruidersigned Lot 10, Con. 3, Stanley,
shout t o last of July, a red and white heifer,
suppose to be two years old. The owner can
have th same upon application to the under-
signed, nd proving property and paying charges.
RODER OK ROSS, Brucefield. 614x1
ma oo S TO LET. -Six rooms to let over A.
-LI) G. ult's Grocery store, suitable for drees-
m a king apartments or for dwelling rooms, with
front arki rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT.
Proprietor. 690
SALE OR TO RENT. -The Soaforth
kn own au the Bed Mill; 4 run of stoneEn
steam power; with siding from Grand Trunk
Railwayi; possession abotit the let or 16th of
Sep tem ber. Apply to W. KINGSLEY, Strat-
ford. . 694
FARM ;TO RENT. -To rent, Lot 11, 5th con-
cession, Stanley, containing 100 limes, about
80 cleared and in a good. state of cultivation.
Iramediete possession if desired.. The above
will be llet on favourable terms to a good ferneer.
Apply th the owner. DAVID GALBRAITH,
Goshen le. O. •
PARE ,ICHANCE.-Photograph Rooms to Let.
Lu on 'first floor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth,
positicinerentral. Also, three or four Rooms on
the flat dbove, suitable for a dwelling. • Posses-
sion 1st iTanuary, 1879. • Apply to F. HOLME-
STED, *Mater, on the premises, or to ROBT.
SCOTT, tdaKillop. - 573-tf.
VARM 0 RENT. -To rent for a term of 8 or
-IL. 5 ye re, Lot 10, Con. 8, Stanley, containing
100 acres, 80 cleared, well fenced and under good
cultivation. Good buildings, plenty of water
and a bearing ()retard. Also 30 acres fall wheat.
and 30 ready for spring crop and balance grass.
Is convenient to markets, schoole and churches.
Poseession given any time eiter March, 1880.
Apply on the premises or to RODERICK ROSS,
Brucefield P.O.• 614x4
y o
Moneyto Lend ongood improved farms only,
at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Sum no
object if security ample. I don't -lend for any
Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570
AGENT 1VANTED.-An experienced 'Fire I
an ranee Agent- vanted for this neighborhoo
Address Grand River Matra' Fire Insuranc
Compan, Galt. 616_
TENDERS WANTED.-Tendere will be icceiv
ed up till noon on Saturday, October ilth
for the erection of a frame School House • in th
Village of Hensall. Plans snd specificatione ma
be seen on and after Monday, October 6th. et th
office of the subscriber. The board do not bin
themselves to accept the lowest or any tender
HR0e0138Ear PATERSON, Secretary of the Board
TEACHEIt S WANTED. -Two Teachers Want-
ed, Meteor Female, holding second-class cer-
tificates, for Schools No. 2 and 11, Tuckersinith.
Duties to commence on January 3rd, 11-80, Ap-
plications will be received by -the undersigned up
till the llth day of October, at 2 &clack P. M.,
at nemondville School House, at which tea°
and place all applicants' must appear and sign
:eel_ Le=
theirodiucekeagremith Public School Board, Peafor6thop2ost
_iment. GEORGE SPROAT, Secretary
THE nndereigned having_purchaeed the Eg-
mondville Mills, and having secured the ser -
via es of an experienced and competent neWer,
are now prepared to do
And all other work in the Milling line.
Parties bringing Grists can hood
then Graund the same day as ie/i.
Chopping can be done any day, as there is a run
of stones kept for that special purpose. .
Flour of tbe very choicest quality will be 'sold
at Wholesale or retail, and will be delivered in
Egmondvilte or Seaforth free of charge.
The Mill is being fitted up specially for Cus-
tom Grinding, so that every farmer will be sure
n- to get the flour made from his own wheat,.
• The Mill is One of the best in the County, hav-
i ng all tbe neweet and most improved machinery,
. a nd pert fee levering us with their patronage may
rely upon getting satisfaction.
ee. RARE CHANCE. -Twenty-five acres of land
4--1- wbh heuse and barn for sale in Egrnondville.
This property is well situated for either farm or
garden purposes. Title indieputable. Apply to
FOR SALE. -For Sale a first class Planing
Mill, nearly new and in good running order,
situated in the flourishing •Town of Seaforth,
W111 be sold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of
SEWED, COSSENS & CO., Gederich, Out. -
p ARE CHANCE. -For vile, acenvenient aud
-2-1' deeirable. residence on the corner of North
and Second Streets, Egmondville, with three-
quarters of an acre of land attached. House,
neaxly new, -with good cellar, pump in back
kitchen with best of -water; young orchard of
choiee fruit trees; and good. stable. For further
particulars apply to JAMES MITCHELL. Eg-
mondville, or 3: 11. BENSON, Seaforth. 615x4
MelTeFe YOUR FORTUNE. -Five hundred.
dollars in cash, and $500 on time to suit
purchaser with interest at 7 per cent. will buy
200 i cres of good farming land in Victoria County,
20 a res cleared, and a good house on the prem-
ises within 11 mics of a market town and a.
stembboat lending, within half a mile of a good
road, and within one mile of a store, church-,
echool house and poet offiee. Apply to JOHN
WILLIAMS, Constance P. 0. . 615
that fine farm, the peoperty.of David Fergu-
son, being Lot 1, Con. 9,11,. R. S., Tuckersmith,
oontaining 100 acres, 75 of which are cleared and
• in the very best order; is all well fenced_ and
underdrained ; the timbered portionis beech
aud maple 1 there is a new irame house, frame
barns, stables, sheds and outbuildings; an ex-
oellent orchard of -bearing trees and plenty of
good .spring water • is within 7 miles of Seaforth,
on the Grand Trunk Railway, and the sante dis-
tance from Hensall, on the Great Western, wish
grave roads leading to eaeh place; a spring creek
runs through the farm. Apply; if by letter to
Seaforth P. O., or on the premises to DAVID
N°Wis the time to get your saws gummed at
A. Callender's,blacksmith, Clinton. All kinds
of heavy or light saws gummed so that they
can be talen home the same day.
617 A. CALLANDER, Huron Street, Clinton.
MRS. BEATEN, (formerly Miss menda,) is
now prepared to attend to Dressmaking,
in all its tran-ches. Good fit and. good work
guaranteed. She is aho prepared to give les-
sons in Madam Briggs,or tbe newly invented and
much improved Chart of Mr'. Howell. Rooms
next door to Canada Methodist Chinch, Seaforth.
Apprentices wanted. 617 -
THE subecriber has made arrangements for
-h buying and -shipping al 1 kinds of good clean
merchantable grain at He salt and Kippen for
another season, and is pr pared to handle any
quantity that may be o ered. The highest
price given for bright, he vy, properly cleaned
berley. It will pay you to lean it well.
la dies of Seaforth and
opened ot t a stock of Berl
fingering yarn, slipper pat
board, &a., one door sout
confectionery store, where s
to an pply the wants of tho
call. Mao plain sewing,
dressing done at reasonable
617 ' MI
ld intimate to the
icinity, that she has
n and zephyr wools,
erns, needles, card -
of Mr. McGarey's
e will do her utmost
e favoring her with a
tamping and hair
T HAVE Much pleasure in nformind the public
geneially that I have co menced the milling
business in what is know. as MELVILLE'S
M ILLS, Hullc tt, and trope y strict attention to
bu. sinees and fair dealing, to merit a share of
pu blic patronage. Gristing and chopping done.
leAlt. C. R. COOPER has been instructed by
Mrs. WM. CORNISH to sell by Public Auc-
tion, at the Tecumseh House, BRUSSELS, on
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th, at 2 o'clock P.
M., Nor th Halt of Lot 28, Concession 8, Morris,
containing 100 acres. For further particulars
apply to
61702 C. R. COOPER, Brussels.
• 13_• P,03333, I
WHILE thanking his numerous patrons for
the liberal patronage bestowed upon him
during paeit years, begs to intimate that he is
again prepared to furnish his patrons and the
public generallyewith as good an article (if not
better) thie season as in the past. All kinds of
Cured Meats, Pork Cuttings, Sausages, Bologna,
&a., constantly on nand. • e H. ROBB.
N. B. -The highest price paid for hog, dress-
ed or alive. • 616
• Every Saturday from NEW YORK and
GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON
TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glee -
now, and all parts of Europe. Fares as low as
any other first-class line.
Prepaid -Passage Certificates issued to persons
wishing to' bring out their friends.
The Passenger accommodation of Anchor Line
Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and com-
fort. Apply to
At the Post Office, &atonic
fte The business will be under the personal super -
'Vision of the proprietors, who will always be on
hand to receive and attend to euatomers.
A Trial is solicited.
614-8 .11A1111Ent KYLE.
Village Properties. in, the Villages of.
Egmondville and Seaforth, in the
County qf Boron.
-4- TWENTIETH Day of OOTOBER, 1879, at
1 o'clock in the afternoon, by 3. P. BRINE,
• 'Auctioneer, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, in
the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, by virtue of Pow.
ere of Sale contained in certain mortgages,which
will be produced at the sale, the following prop-
I --Under mortgage from David
ts Six, Seven aud Eight, on the
south side of West Front Street, in the Village
of Egniondville, in the Township of Tuckersmith
end County of Huron, being part of Lot Eleven,
in the Second Huron Road Concession of the
Township of Teelferamith ; Also a parcel of land
abutting the south ends of Leta Six and Seven,
on the south side of Vv est Front Street, in Eg-
rnonfiville, containing half an acre, more or less,
which said last nientiot ed trod of land may be
better known as follows: Commeueing at the
southerly angle of Tillage Lot Six, thence south
thirty degreen west two chains, more or leas, to
an angle, thence north sixty degrees, west two
chains fifty links, more or less, to an angle,
thence north thirty degrees, east two chains,
more or less, to an angle, thence smith sixty de-
grees, east two chains fifty links, more or lege, to
the plaoe of beginning. The following imerove-
ments aye said to be on the premises: Having
erected thereon a one and a half storey fiaine
dwelling, with kitchen, wood shed, barn and
storehouse; the laud is need as a garden and
PARCEL II -Under mortgage from William
Malcolm -A 1 ot of Laud in the Village of Sea -
forth, known and described on a plan of part of
the Village of. Seaforth as Lot Number One
Hundred and Fourteen, Market Street, in said
Village, Jarvis- Survey, and forming part of Lot
Eleven, in the Fixst Concession of Tuckersmith,
Huron Road Survey. The following improve-
ments are said to be on the premilles : Having
erectedthereon a two storey frame dwelling,
suitable for two tenants and a f rame stable.
TERMS -One-tenth Of the parches° money to
Pop, 18743,.
A By -La -w to Raise by -Way of
Loan the slim of ELEVEN
Purposes Hereinafter Men-
• tioned. -7
• larItEBEAS, the Ratepayers of the Tonnf
" Seaforth have petitioned the 31Uninipal
Council of the maid Town of &Worth, In the
County of Henon, for More alligent Protection
from Fire.
it expediEnt and necessary to grant the prayerof
AND WilhilEAS, the said Council tOngder8
DRESS GOODS—Five Hundred Pieces Fancy Dress Goods in Sateen,
Serges, Debeiges, Suitings, Tartan Plaids, Brocades, Persian Cords,
Colored Cashmeres, Black and Colored Lustres, Black Cashmeres, Par-
amattas, Merinoes and Coboargs ; Four Hundred Pieces Plain Twill
and Fancy Winceys.
SILKS—Black and Colored Silk in all the best makes, at old prices. Ly-
• ons Mantle Silk Velvet.
STAPLE GOODS—Plain and Fancy Mourning Prints; All Wool, Union
and Cotton Shirting; ; Plain, Twill and Fancy Ducks, Tickings, Canton
Flannels and Brown Holland@ ; Tabk Linens in Turkey Red, Bleached,
and Loom; Napkins, Towels, and Towelling; Blankets jX1 Canadian
White and Grey, and English.
AND WHEREAS, the :laid Council cOnsidersa
system of Waterworks constructed upon what
is known tie the Waterens-or Holly gyatell2 f.Oe
the most efficient for_Fire Pr-otection purposes.
Eleven Thousand Dollars for the construction of
taiAdNwDa4Wernw:r11:A.8, it will require the SUM of
AND WHEREAS; the said -Connell has resolv-
peodstooarfaoirseesathide. said sum of =env for the per -
AND WHEREAS. it will require thesumof
Two Hundred and Thirty -Fix Dollars to be reified
annually by sin cial rale, foi the payment of the
• Reid debt, hereinaltei mentiened.
• AND WHEREAS, it 'will require the stun of
Six Hundred aeid sixty Dollars to be raised. =-
• molly by special rate, for the paynient Of the
said interest as also hereinaftermentioned,e.
AND WHEREAS, the Amount of the whola
rateable property of the lead Vonoration eirre-lh
spective of any income In the nature -of tolls,
intereet, -dividends, mute or fees from. said prop-
eetY, an d Ws° hrespective of any income to be
deriv_ed from the temporary investment of the
sinking filed hereinafter mentioned! -or any part
thereon) accoreing to the last Revised Aeeell
went Roll of tbe said Corporation, being for t
) ear One Thousand Eight Hundred artd. Seven
Nine, is the surn of Five Hundred And S'
CANADIAN AND IMPORTED TWEEDS—We have DOW Four Thousand SiX Hundred and E h yDal-
in Stock Three Himdred Pieces embracing all the Best Goods made in tars -
AND WHEREAS, the existing debt of the
said Corporation is as follows : Three Thousand
Dollars, borrowed under the authority of Hy -Law
No. 46, ef the ettid Town of Seaforth, and inter-
st thereon at Seven per cent. per annum, pay.
ble halnyearly,from the First day of September,
S79; and -.Fifteen Sundred, Dollars, borrowed
nder By Law No. 100, of the /mid Town of Sea -
mil, and intereet thereon, at Seven per cent.
er annum, from the First, -day of July, T879;
nd Six Thousand Dealers, 'borrowed under the
uthority of By -Law No. 8 A; of the said Town
f Seaforth, and intereet the,reon at Seven per
ent. per annum, payable halnyearly,from the
ixst day of jnly, 1879; and there is nothing in
irxeesatr. and unpaid, either for principal or in -
AND WIIEREAS, for paying the said interest
rad sinking fund it will 'require an equal 4130IIIII
liee.i111 rale Of One refit and 88,13246,468 of a
in the -dollar, in addition to all _rates to be
levied in each -year.
AND WHEREAS, it is made necessary to ap-
point e time and place for taking the TOfee
the dilly qualified electors, and for appointing
Returning Officers to take the votes of the add
electors at the meeting.
this Country; Heavy All Wool Tweed for 50 cents. We have the, best
assortment of Scotch Tweeds ever shown here. •
WOOLENS—.Broadcloths, English and French Worsteds, Trowsering, e.
-• Fancy Ulstering, Naps, Beavers, Meltons and Diagonals:
SHAWLS AND MANTLE—Full range of Mantles in all the new- Pa
est English. and French. Styles. 'Mantle Cloth in CamePs Hair, Ulsters, a
Waterproof and Twill. Shawls—Fancy Wool Wraps, Black and Color- 0
ed, Wool Long Mayas, Tartan and Small Shawls.
Underclothing, Ladies' Fine Merino Vests, all styles and prices in a
Lined, kid, and Fur Top, (with springs). Ladies' Cloth, Lisle and Kid
with one, two and four buttons. Corsets:in all the well-known makes of
Englishan anadian, from 30 cents to $2.
HOSIERY AND GLOVES—Men's Fine Scotch Wool and Canadian
• Ladies' Men', and Misses' Hose. Gloves—Men's in Cloth, Buck, Gape
MILLINERY DEPARTMENT—We have bou ht and im rted
one of tbe Largest Stocks of Millinery ever shown in this County, con-
sisting of all the Latest Novelties in French, English, and American
MILLINERY OPENING DAY—Our Millinery Opening Day wiR
be SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, when we will Show a
Complete Assortment in every line. Special Value in Silks and Velvets,
Hats, °veers and Feathers. Also a ,Magmficent Assortment of Trim -
ed Goods. An Experienced Milliner in charge.
-I •
A FULL STOCK–A Ikull Stock of ail sorts of BOOTS and SHOES,
and Fresh GROCERIES.
ID TT 1\T C A_ 1\T (Sz JD TT 1\1- 'S
be paid down on the day 01 sale. .For balance, Z
terms will be made kuown at the sale.
For further particulars epply to
Or to Solieitore, Masonic Hall, Toronto,
W, N. 'WATSON, Seaforth.
Toronto, September 25th, 1b79. 617-2
HAV1NG purcheeed the business carried on
by Mr. 3E. BRIGGS for so many years, are ...AP
now prepared to do
Of Every D eecription on the shorteet notice and
most reasonable -terms. –J
They will use nothing but, the -very best ma-
terial, and as to fit and wortmatiship they guar-
antee satisfaction.
article, and fair nod reasonable prices, thee hope
By strict attention to business, givingAgeood
to merit and receive a liberal there of public
Their Shop Will be tound in Rettenburry's
buil ding, D. McIntosh's Veterinary Office, one
door south of the post office.
Give us a trial. JOEL BRIGGS.
617 teE0. W. BRIGGS.
•I A. Specific Reniedy for all Snuamer
pi, complaint@ such as Diarrhea, Dy -
Aa 'sentry, Canada Cholera. Cholera
kra illierhus, Cholera lutautum, Sour
fie lesiva eh, Griping Pains, and elide.-
' rangenaenta of the bowels. caused by using
improper food, such as raw vegetables,
unripe or sour fruit, bad milk,
la pure water, or change et water,
changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter
from what cause or in what form you are aub-
- Jed to the above complaints, ler. 'row-
er Ices Extract of Wild .Strawberry
will relieve you and a speedy cure will be
re effected without injury to the system.- It is
manufactured from the Wed Strawberry
Plant, and free from opium and other injur-
ious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at is.
U) 101d., or bottles for $1.
No. 5. MANITOBA. No. 5.
Greenway's October Party
For Manitoba, should send their names at once
to WHITE & dARRICK, Reflector Office, Exeter,
together with partieulars of what they intend
taking in freight, live stock, &c. Party will
leave by special train, via. Great Western Rail-
way, on
At 9 o'clock P.M., nom Centralia. Fare through,
$22 65; this train will make the usual quick
time, and be made up of good comfortable cars.
The Fall is the very best time to go. First-rate
opportunity for profitable investment in the very
finest land. See it for yourselves. 619 •
H. T WN BEGS to inform his friends
and the public in general
that he has commenced business as a Painter
a nd Glazier on his own account, and is prepared
to execute all orders entrusted to him in the
moet satisfactory manner and on reasonable
terms. Orders left at the store of Metiers. John-
son Brothers will receive prompt attention.
588-4 •H. TOWN, Seaforth.
N.B.-Whitewashing and papering a specialty.
T OT 22, Con. C., Turnberry, will be sold by
14 Public A.uction, on the 14th day of OCTOB-
ER, at 12 o'clock noon. There is a good frame
house and barn on the place; 80 sores cleared.
615 CHARLES Mc TAYISH, Pr oprieter.
port Lion of the Townef Seaforth, in the Conn
of Huron.
• L -That it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the
said Corporation to raise by way of loan, from
any pereou or persons, body or bodies -corporate,
; who may be willing to add -lance the same upon
the credit of the Debe,ntures hereinafter men -
Honed, a sum of money nob exceeding in the
• whole the sum!' of Eleven -Thousand Dollars, and
to cause the StirRO to be paid into the hands of
the Treasurer of the said Town, for the -purpose
and with the object above recited.
IL -That it shall be lawful for the saidMayer
to cause any number of Debentures to be made
fax such sums of money as may be required, no
less than One Hundred Dollars each,Ind. met
exceeeing in tbe ag,gregate the sum of Eleven
Thousand Dollars, and that the !said Debentures
hall be eealed with the seal of the said Corpor-
ation, and signed by the Mayor and the‘e:reite-
nrer thereof.
III. -That the mid Debentures shall be Inacle
payable in twenty-five years at furthesifroni the
day hereinafter reenticned for this By -Law to
take effect, at the effiee of the Treasurer' of the
said Corporal -ton, and grail have attached to
them Coupons for the payment of interest.
IV. -That the sae Debentures shall bear in-
terest at and after the rate of Six per emit per
annum from the day mentioned for this By -
Law to take eff-, et, whiphinterestehallbepayable
>on. the Fifteenth days of June and December in
each year, at the office of the said Treasure.r.
Di) V.-Ibet for the ptnposeof paying theinterest
and forming a einking fund for the payment -of
• the said Deteeteires, :an equal special rate of
83,132-56,46E mills in the dollar gm; en
" ' , addition to ail other rates, beetaised, levied aid
ft%• c °heeled in each year upon ai14-he reteelele pep*
erty in the said Cenporation dining the envie e
anee el the paid Deberatures,or any of them
0 14. -That tins By -Lew sludi take effect oho -
come into operation on the day of Deceen
; her, A. D. 1b79.
_ehe' V11. -That the votes of tne aectors of the -sad
A1 Municipalitytehall be taken on this By -Law on
TIIEJ 0-0113.1\T TITON
We are showing this month a very good assortment of M
-Woolen • Shawls, and at very reasonable prices. Also a Viet? >o Efliott
stock oJ Ladies' Jackets, at various prices. Good value in all Z
TOBER, A. D. 4879,
Commencing at the hour of Nineteelock in the
molning, and frora thence iill the hour of Five
o'clock in the afternoon, at the following
FHE NOTITII 'WARD -At Edwaxd Cash's
_eV BS THE SOUTH WARD -At the Town Hall.
FOR THE EAST WARD -At theFir' e Evens
And that Edev.ard -Cash shall be the Returning
ftlecr lor the North Word; Wilnara
f hall be the Returning Officer for the Sonth
Ward ; and Serottel Stark shall be the Returning
Officer fax the East Ward. '
13E IT ALSO ENACTED, itt pursuance of the
Revised Statutes of the Province pi Ontario,
_r Chapter 174, Sectiort 289.
>1. -That the Clerk of the said Municipal Con-
• Peration of the Town of Seaforth Phial at the
hour of Twelve o'clock noon, on Tuesday., the
Z- Seventh Day of October, One Thousand
Eight Hemaxed ard Severaty-Nine,at the Tema -
Hall, th
the saidTown el Seaforth, sum up the
M rut enber of votes given for and against this Bee
r Law.
II. -That the Mayor of the said Muni
ipal Cnrporation shall attend at the Town
all, in the said Town, on Tuesday, the
• Tldrtiefh day ,Of September, One Thousand Eight
▪ Hundred and Severity -Nine, at the hourof Eight
'clock in the evening, for the purpose of &p-
ointing persons to attend atthe various polling
laces sfoiesaed, and tbe final surondiagnpof the
Z votes by the Clerk respectively on behalf of
Persons batercsted in and promoting or %moaner -
he passage of this By -Law respectively.
kinds qf Dress Goods, particularly in Black Lustre., and Black
and Colored Cashmeres. A very cheap line in -Colored,All Wool
&ryes. Received this week, front the Factory : Bed Blankets,
_Flannels, Tweeds, Mettons, _Etojfics, &c. ,stock, a good range
• CD .c
of Clouds, Squares, Breakfast Shawls, Shoulder Shawls, de. H
Tailoring done as usual.. Good' Fits Guaranteed. 7:1.
INT 0 1.11 I
"THE CENTRAL GROCERY!" THE above is a true eopy of a proposed Ey-
TEAS in Black, Green and Japan. Prices Low to
Suit the Times.
Law, to be teken into consideration by the
M -u nicipe.1 Council of I he Town of Seaforth, after
the expiration of one reonthlrom the Nineteenth
day of September, 1879, the dole of the first
publication of tbe same, and....bat at the hour
and places filet ein fixed the poilk will beheld.
'Ye inetrnetiong
etifellSIC.-Mrs. MIMI-Akin will
JJ in instrumental music to
of piano given for pre -dice if
east of Victoria. Square, Sea
T-1 A. MeLEOD, License
County of Huron. Aij
McBride's will receive pro
letter address Seaforth. P. cP
new pnpile. Use
sired. Residence
rth. 814
- -
Auctioneer for the
ordexs left at James
pt attention. Xf by
parts of the County. Al4 orders leftat the En-
POSTTOR Office will be
:I- P. BRINE-, Lieence4 Anctioneer for the
t Counte of Huron.p.
THE DIVISION C0131111'.-Tbe office ii -31 the,
Second Division Cott 'will be open daffy
finr`;117haBui-oPcak€,tore: twhe.I;tu.oke°'odiciolinP. gmto'n 717.
L. MEYER, Clerk of DIVIS10,11 Court, Seaforth. 562
F RA1''
LAND AGENT. --Special attention given In
s ale of landed property, fanning and thorougen
b red stock. Cattle selected for the English mar-:'
k et. Office and Auction Rooms, Aeheson% new
lock, Godeiicb, Ont. Tenns moderate 4315
Tome LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate
te Agent, Grain, Produce and -Commission Mer-
chant. Money loanedon real estate in town or
country, at 8 per centsimple interest. Chargee
modem! e. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured
mortgages paid off. Terms to salt borrowers.
Farms and village property for Bale. Office-
Leckie's new brick block, Bmssehe Ont. fili
Qua ty an lice are Right.
Flour, Feed and ProvWons Always in Stock.
o t 0 01C1R,"'62". S Full
Full Lines in all the Departments. Tea Sets in abundance. Tea and Dinner
Sets, Toilet Sets. Glassware, any quantity. We hold one of the best stocks in
Western Ontario,. Call and. be convinced. The Goods speak for themselves.
• • '
-gEinFORTH PUMP FACTORY. -Parties want-
ing anytning in the pump or cistern line will
find 11 to their advantage to call at the -above
factory, as the proprietor bus first-class stock
of pumps on hand 'which will be sold &tap
Cisterns of any size made to order, and
cheap. Small wooden pumps for eisterri
Please give =ea call. N. CLUE A gohd
for sale.