HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-09-19, Page 4' 4 !"•2166."17116"1.!.!!'e_ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! should not regret even did the British Colutubians carry out their threat and secede. If the loss of - that Province ' would save the building of that part of the Pacific Railway, we could well at - ford to suffer the less. We are rather dubious, however, of the sincerity of ' these threats of secessiou. The British Columbiana have proven thenssolves capable of looking after number one, and they have sense en.ough to know when they are well off. They never were so well provided for as they have been since they joined the union, and they never would be again were they to leave it. We are inclined to• the opin- ion, therefore, that these threats of se- cession are not made in good faith, but are simply put- forth - with a view of squeezing a little more out of the Do- , minion treasury, and when they accom- plish their purpose, as they very likely will, we won't hear any more of an- nexation to the United States until they run, short of funds again, and want to make another - pull to replenish their exhausted exchequer, -Unfortunately, Ontario is the teat from which the greatest share of the milk- must be drawn. Poor 0ntario, ;vhat she is , I made to suffer on account of her con- nections, and yet she has a surplus in her treasury, while her sister Provinces, who are continually trying to suck her, are on the verge of bankruptcy and ruin. Hair Restoral—j, S. Roberts. Myrtle Navy—Tuckett & Billings. Auctioneering—Francis G-raham, Caution—George Weiland. Colt for Sale—Thos. D. Morton. A Rare Chance.—Robert Brett. Make Your Fortune—John Williams. Rare Chance—James Mitclaell. Boy Wauted—Killoran & Ryan. By -Law No.6 A—Town of Seaforth. Millinery—A. G. McDougall & Co. Winter Goods.—Wm. Hill & Co. Millincry—Hoffman Brothers. Tremendous Bustle—Thortaas Kidd. Auction Sale—Charles McTavish- witsememor nron expeoitor. SEAFORTH, SEPTEMBER 19, 1879. • Our Member. Sir R. J. Cartwright, M. P. for Centro Huron, will address his constituents at Brussels, on the evening of Friday, Oc- tober 3rd, commencing at 7 o'clock, in the Town Hall. Mr. Thos. Gibson and ether prominent members of the party will also he preseut and take part in the proceedings. Let there be a rous- ing meeting. It is also expected that Mr. Cart- wright will visit Seaforth and deliver an address on the political questions of the day to his constituents in this part of the riding. The date of the Seaforth meeting has not yet been definitely fixed, but it is expected it will be on the 6th or 7th of October. We will be in a position. to make a definite announce- ment next week. • British Columbia. British Columbia, has got up its back and threateos to secede from the Con- federacy and join the United States. It threatened this once or twice before, but by some means it became cnolified. Although not a very large or important child ,of the Dominion, if is a very ins- • portunate and greedy one. Before it would submit to adoption, it had to be promised a good deal more than it was worth. These promises haVe not been fulfilled, for the simple reason of the utter inability of the Dominion to re- deem them. They were made in haste, and those in whose behalf they were made have since had abundance of cause for repentance at their leisure. The British Columbiana were promised by Sir John, when they joined the Do- minion; that the Pacific Railway ,would be built through their Province within ten years. When Mr. Mackenzie came into power he found it necessary to modify this promise. For this they turned against hitn, and threatened not f s only- to annihilate his Government, bet to secede in a body. Although he never succeeded in securing their phlitical support, Mr. Mackenzie got thena so far • pacified as• to postpone annexation to the States. In the course of time Sir John came to the surface again. No sooner did. he reappear to -view, than the good people of the Pacific Province took him to their booms, and. carried him off in triumph to their own land, and made him a representative of one of their own constituencies. They were then more than sure that their hopes wordd be realized. But, alas ! for human expectations, they are doom- • ed to disappointment once more. Sir John is not going to be able to do any • more for them than Mr. Mackenzie did, notwithstanding his Profuse promises. They are again "riled," and they again threaten to secede. The great misfortune is, that British Colunabia was made an unreasonable • promise, a promise which they should hive had sense enough to know wee impossible of fulfilment. They have used that promise as a lever with which to extraet from the Dominiop.. more than what they are iu equity entitled to, and, even should they secede, the Dominion would. not be much the poorer. In fact, it woulcl be as well to give them all the possible encourage- ment to pack up and travel. So long as that Province remains in the Do- nainiou, just so long will the Dominion lase threatened with the ruinous expense • of building the Pacific Railway through its inhospitable and barren lands. But if it secedes, all necessity for extending this road beyond the confines • of the Northwest Territory will be at an end. To construct the road further than Winnipeg, Manitoba, in the meantime, would be folly, but though foolish it will no doubt be attemped if British Columbia, remains a Province of the Dominion. Wo could buil h the road that far without seriously crippling our -- selves, ECrul the traffic it would 'secure would aid, in no srna.11 degree, to defray the expenses of working it. But, to carry out the original plan, and to ex -a • tend it through British Columbia by would. be simply ruinons, and. it is to an.d be hoped that money for that purpose dini will not be got. We believe those now Lon in power would be reckless enough to bankrupt the country for the sake of securing political support. It is grati- fying, therefore, to know that although they have the will to accede to the de - mends of British Columbia they have not the _means, as they cannot, in the meantihne, borrow the money to carry (int the scheme. But the time may come when they can do so, and it is for fear that this time may come during the rule of these reckless men, that We "Gush." "The return of two of the Ministers, one charged with the cere of our finances and the other with the prose- cution of our great uational work, the Pacific Railway, finds them in a better position than ever to congratulate themselves on the present condition of the greatObjects committed to their care. Even in the short time which has elapsed since they left Canada for England, a change has come over the aspect of affairs. They went away be- fore the harvest had conapletely de- th veloped its -richness, and they return to an find itesozich and arbufida,nt as to ren- m der the hearts of the Opposition sad, all tr •THE HURON EXPOSITOR. fed upon "pap," and the public, at least that part of it which form their opin- ions upou what they read in the Minis- terial press, are made to believe that black is white, and that everything is lovely whether it is or not. Of course thee horrid, -vulgar Grits growl and complain, but, then, it don't matter much just now what ,they say. With their low, grovelling, economical tastes, they don't know what's good for a coun- try. Its only high -bred politicians like Sir Tupper, or heaveu-boru financiers like Sir Tilley, or Royalty-honorecl. statesmen like Sir John, who know how to steer the ship of State, or who can govern a countay like Canada. So says the Mail, and who dare dispute ks utterances? • News of the Week. Hoare AGAIN.— Talmage sails from England on Saturday. Heavy RAINS IN PORTUGAL.—There have been very heavy rains throughout Portugal, which have badly damaged the vintage. FEMALE MATRICULANiS.—Fifty female studeuts,recently passed at the London, Fn gland, University, of which number 28 obtained honors. CEFALLENGE.—Elliott has challenged .Hanlau to row over the Thames or Tyne course, for the Sportsman chal- lenge cup and £200 a side. YELLOW FEVER.—This scourge still numbers its victims' in the South. There is a contiutud cry for more nurses, more physicians and more means. DEAD.—Gustave Hippolyte Rogers, •the famous French tenor, who made the tour with Jenny Lind on her first visit to England, is dead, aged 64 years. CATTLE! DISEASE.—The cattle plague having a peered in Russia,u ' Poland, Germany has forbidden the importa- tion of li stock from Russia or Aus- tria. STRIEE .—Extensive strikes are re- ported at Ashton cotton mills, also at the mills f Horrocks, Mills & Co., Lon -- don. Cu se, further reduction of wages. FALSE EILING.—With one exception e direct rs in the West of England d Sout Wales Bank, have been corn- itted to trial for issuing false balance eets. • and cause, those patriotic persons cast about for excuses for the gen prosperity." So says the Toronto Mail. A manufacturer of • pure and unadol _sited "gush," especially when a Dom ion Qabinet 19nister is the subject, Chief Orgau can beat the wo Judging -from current reports, m common people had arrived at the c elusion that the raissiOn to ,Engla had proven a miserable failure. _ - Ministers started out for the purpose securing theImperial guarantee for loan to aid in completing the Paci Railway. When they arrived at other, Ode of the water, their cour ailed them, and they dare not even a or the guarantee; They were going naugurate a huge immigration sche by which the entire Northwest Was -be settled with old country tenant f mars, and. this. has dwindle(' do to a small deputation, which h promised to come over and spy t lands and go back and ieport to th fellovas what they had seen. Sinai' deputations .have visited the country. on similar missions scores of times be- fore, and that was the last heard from them.. What the results -from. this deputation will be we may judge from the past. In fact it had become the al- most universal itnpression that the on thing the ministers did accomplish their mission was to have a jolly goo to erala w Appeusell in Switzerland, on Sunday. Several miles of houses were inundated, s a and many swept away. ter, Pncerec• ASKED. --Western stock raisers, dr ading that pleuro -pneumonia in. may be in roduced into their herds by the imported iulls, will present ,petitions to rld. Congress t protect them by law. ost GENERO GIFT.—Wm. H. 'Vander- bilt has just given $100,000 for the erec- on- tion of a gymnasium, and of a civil ela- nd gineering land scientific hall, on the he grounds of Vanderbilt University. of CHANGE OF SENTIMENT.Th0 Lon- a don paper tell of a belle who paid. $25 to have th initials of her lover's name fic tattooed o her arm, and later, haviug the quarrelled age as a mean sk A LITTL the Manh to to the Tier me • t d WATER 'SPOUT. ---A most destructive aterspout occurred in the , canton of to • longing to They were ar- They • W/I a four-stor, as i u,burying he men. Tw eir got out ohs were burie ar SUING T rey is goin which said munist an nceuvred s penal into him. • CROQUET iy of croquet caao on the by oCestablish d all players inguished players will be in atten- ce. GA/NST EUROPL—General Grant, on recent visit to Japau, warned the peror against incurriug debts with opean nations, saying 'ithad made blood boil to see the way European ers • attempt to degrade Asiatic time, and recuperate their tectateeCener- dist gies at the country's expense. It now dal' A seems, however, that this conclusion his was a most peroneous one. They went Ern away before the Canadian harvest had 'Eur "developed its riohness," and their ab- his sence has caused it to be "so rich and pow abuiadant as to render the hearts of the M nati Opposition sad, &c." So that, after all, Lon the mission to England has not been so barren of good' results as most peeple dida been year thought. It has caused the earth to stud. send forth her abundance, and has filled been the granaries of the Canadian farmers R to overflowing. These wonderful Minburg - with him, was offering $500 of obliteration. HUMANITY.—The robbers of ttan Bank, New York, sent Id a letter enclosing a $100 ond and a $1,000 bond be - poor woman named Tyson, unable to use either. ACCIDENT.—Last Saturday - building in New York caved n its ruins a number of work - of the unfortunates were e. while a number of others beneath four floors. re PRESS.—Lieutenant Ca- to sue the Paris "Figaro," that he, being a sworn Com - hater of imperialism, mo- os to lead, the Prince 'en- danger and then 'deserted CONVENTION.—A. convention layers is to be held in Chi - 23rd inst., for the purpose ug national rules by'which ay be governed. Several trous campaign. Military, movemente idea that he looks upon the commercial are made with great caution'. The union of the two countries as desirable mountain tribes are showing unmistak- for both. able hostility to England. The Moh- munds, an intensely hostile and war- like tribe, occupy Dekko, and other tribes of Afghans cover all the ap- proaches to Cabul. GETAWAY° CAPTURED.—Cetewayo, the Zulu king, after a pursuit of sev- eral weeks by the British, has been captured by Major Marten The capture was made by surrounding him in the hush with a detachment of troops and threatening to shoot him if he did not surrender at once. HANDSOME TESTIMONIAL. — The Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Free Middle Church, Paisley, who has for some time been laid aside by ill health, was on August much from the interest of the show, -25th presented with a cheque for two and no doubt militated much against it thousand guineas. The testimonial this year. The Directors should have was subscribed by persons of all shades a hall erected on the show ground be - of political opinion, and of all religious fore next season, if they wish their denominations. • allows t� be Successful. The increased THE IRON' TRADE IN ENGLAND.—The gain would do more than make up reaction from the recent temporary re- for the additional expense incurred in vival in the iron trade in England and the erection of a suitable hall. Scotland has become very marked. In the indoor department there was a Twelve iron furnaces have been blown fine display of vegetables, roots and out at Coal Bridge, and eighteen in grains. The display of ladies' work and other parts of Scotland. your thou- fine arts was deficient. We noticed sand workmen have been thrOwn out of that Mr. A. G. VanEgmond, of the Sea - employment by this step, and the pros; forth Woolen Factory, had a varied and pects for them aud for all persons en- excellent assortment of manufactured gaged in the various departments of the cloths, which were creditable to his es - iron industry become more and more ts,blishment. Mr. John Copeland, of gloomy each day. Clinton, was the principal exhibitor of vegetables,and carried off some prizes, of which 16 were first. • In the field there was a good show of Hon. Mr. Letellier, ex -Lieutenant- horses, especially of young animals, Governor of Quebec, was tendered a while the show.' of cattle, although not most hearty reception by hie Montreal large, embraced several very fine ani - friends a few days ago. There was a mals. In sheep and pigs there was an lengthy proceesion, a mass meeting at unusually small show, but the quality which it is said there Were over 10,000 of the animals may be judged from the people present, and afterwards u ban- fact that the Messrs. Snell and Mr! quet. The honored guest delivered a John Cumming, beth noted breeders, 'short but vigorous address. He is still were the principal exhibitors. very feeble from the effects of his recent • Of mountebanks and side show men, The Chilton Show. The show under the auspices of the Hullett Branch Agricultural Society, was held at Clinton on Tuesday and Weduesday last. There was a good at- tendance of spectators, and upon the whole the show was fairly successful, although in some classes the competi- tion was light. This year the field part of the show was held on the Driving Park grounds, which are well' adapted for the purpose, but the indoor depart- ment was held in the Town Hall. This division of the show makes it very in- convenient for visitors, and detracts Items Political and. Otherwise. illness. there was an unusually large array, both —Kingston News: A difficulty con- in the town and on the show grounds. nected with the approaching Dominion In future, the town as well as the show Exhibition at Ottawa, is the distance of authorities would consult their own in - the grounds from the city. As the mat- terests, and the interests of visitors, if ter stands at present, the cabmen will they would keep all such sharpers at a have the monopoly of taking out visi- distance. The following is the tors, and, consequently, there is a possi- PRIZE LIST. bility of exorbitance being practised. IT A.LORSES, HEAVY DRAUGHT. — Brood The grounds are two miles from the city mare, lst Mrs. Thos. McMichael, 2d and an equal distance from the termin- . Thos. Moon. Spring foal, colt or filly, atiou of the street car track. lst Thos. Moon, 2d John McMillan. —Rev. David Macrae still continues Three year old aelding or filly, 1st to minister to a congregation in the par- John McMillan, 2d John Shipley. Two ish of Gowrock and in the United Pres- year old filly, lst John McMillan, 2d byterian- Church of the place, notwith- . John Avery. Twoyear old gelding, Ist standing the censure of the Assembly. ; H. Gilmour, 2d John Govier. One Rev. Mr. McLean, whom the Presby- year old filly, lst John McMillan, 2d tery appointed to take his place, holds Mrs. McMichael. his services in the Gamble Institute, GENERAL PURPOSE.—Brood mare, lst not having ventured to assert his right John McMillan, 2c1 Thos. Trick. to enter the church in the face of the Spring colt or filly, lst and 2d John portion of the people that still adhere McMillan. Three year old gelding or to Mr. Macrae. filly, lst John Stanbury, 2d Wm. Rob- -A Toronto gossip writes: On the ingot]. Two year old filly, lst George carriage stopping at the church door, Watt, 2(1 John McMillan. Two year. the Marquis stepped out andpreseuted old gelding, 1st Jas. Nott, 2d John his baud tothe Princess. He then preT Gonvier. One year old filly, lst Wm. ceded her along the aisle, and upon ar- Robinson, 2d Mrs. McMichael. One riving at the pew, he opened the door, year old gelding, John Mason. Span went in first and allowed the Princess general purpose horses, lst John Cum - to follow. This, to the unsophisticated I ming, 2d T. M. Elliott. and to the Uninitiated in the mysteries BOAD OR CARRIAGE HORSES.—Span of court etiquette, seems strange con- carriage horses,lst M. McTaggart & Co., duot, and it is certainly not in accord r 2d John Shipley. Bugg a horse, 1st with the stories of the assumption of John Brunsdon, 2d John Shipley. Road first place on all occasions by the Prin.- ' and carriage colt, . Wm. McCallum. ce•s—s.• The outlook is bad for the Tory ling colt or filly, Joseph Copp. . Roadster colt, John Brunsdon. Year - Government in England. The Afghan CATTLE.—We were unable to get the war has broken out afresh, the' Zulu list of Successful competitors in cattle, war is,still incomplete, and Ireland is , on account of the jackass of a Director more--tinsettled now than it has been for who had charge of the judges' book years. li we add to all these sources of having taken it home with him, instead anxiety the commercial depression and. of handing it to the Secretary when the the bad harvest, we make up a list of class Was judged,as he should have done. troubles that Eire bad enough to worry —REPORTER. even a shrewder and more sanguine LEICESTERS AND THEIR GRADES.— man thap Lord Beacoupfield. It would Shearling ram, II. Snell & Son. Ram not beat very great surprise to the out- lamb, H. Snell & Son. Pair aged ewes, side world. if the Liberals carried the H. Snell. Pair shearling ewes, H. next elections. • —In Memphis during the past week 111-,(311. COTSWOLDS AND THEIR GREs.— there have been 132 new cases of yellow Aged ram, John Cumming. Shearling fever, 62 of the persons attacked being ram, lst H. Snell, 2nd J. Cumming. whites. The total number of new cases Rohs lamb, let and 2d H. Snell. Pair to date is 1,136, and the death -rate has aged ewes, H. Snell. Pair shearling for some time been steadily diminish- , ewes, lst J. Cumming, 2d H. Snell. ing. This small death -rate is a Pair ewelambs, lst John Cumming, 2d matter of surprise to those who have had experience with the fever, as it was H. Snell. LARGE BREED PIGS.—Boar, Robert supposed that the recent damp weather Beau, sow pig, under one year old, would cause an unfavorable termination John Stanbury. Boar pig, under six of a large number of cases. That it did months old, John Stanbury. Sow pig, not is attributed to the fact that the under six months old, John Stanbury. nurses this year are of a much better on s. SMALL BREED PIGS, SUFFOLK.—Boar, class than those who had charge of the ULTIPLICITY OF CANDIDATES. — ID. sick in Memphis last season. lst John Goyim., 2d Geo. A. Cooper. don, England, the number of can- Sow having littered in 1879, lst and 2d —The great show at Toronto closes John Govier. Boar pig under one year tes for the Wesleyan ministry has this week. It has been open now • for old, lst and 2d John Govier. -Sow pig so large for the last two or three three weeks, and has been very largely under one year old, lst and 211 John s that the accommodation for attended by people from all parts of the Govier. Boar pig under six mouths old, ents at the Theological College hag country. The show itself has also been quite inadequate. remarkable for its success, both as to the extent and quality of the exhibits. This is the first time that Toronto has USSIAN TREACHERT.—T1103 St. Peters - Gazette urges that now is Russia's rtuuity to expel the English from ral Asia, and by the defence of Af- istan to free Russia's eastern fron- or ever from the danger of English oachment. DIAN INeusanY.--The Indians at bud Agency, Dakota, are reported ve made good use of twenty mow- achines and scythes sent them by Department. Four thousand tons y have been harvested by them g the preeent season. CHINAMAN.—The Chinese popu- n of New York shows a rapid th. during the past two years. y escaping from California mobs east. To -day there are in New over 300 Chinese •Jaundries, 50 ries, 20 tobacco stores, 10 drug s, 6 restaurants, and over 75 in do- e service. isters have really superseded both Ina- oPePot ture and Providence, and why should ghan not the Canadian people fall down and tier f worship - them? Of coorse we . make en" this statement on the authority of the Rose Pail, and who ever knew the Mail to to ha tell an untruth? When they had their ing m hands in, these potentates should have the used their magic wand to increase the of ha prices of barley, oats and wheat, either duloill of which could stand a good hitch u wards. They,might even have exerted p- latio their influericii to annul the order in eg r:amnsve Council which overcomes the National York Policy and permits the big millers to groce import wheat and oats from the United store States, grind it and sell it in the Cans Tei mesti - adia,n markets, to the serious detriment., belie according to their own teachings, of the nimn Canadian farmer. Perhaps, were they in co to cross theAtlantic again, accompanied bt eads tyh E . TREACHEROUS AMEER.—It is DOW veal in the best informed circles dia that the Ameer is undoubtedly mplicity with those who commut- e assault upon the British . em - at Cabul, if he is not guilty of having directly instigated the affair himself. Facts pointing in this direc- tion are coming in possession of the English authorities. The pretended imprisonment of the Ameer is believed to havebeen resorted to for the purpose of deceiving the British as to his loyalty to them. If is held there can be but little question of his secret association and communication with Rusiian agents for the purpose of organizing a combined defence of Russians and Af- ghans against the English troops. The struggle will now probably be between the British columns and the entire Af- ghan strength, headed by the Ameer himself. The gravity of the situation has immensely increased by these new .developments. There can be no longer any doubt of a long and possibly dims - their wives and private attendants, to spend a couple of months more ng and wining with. the "nobs" of don, at the country's expense of course, they might even accomplish the restdts we have hinted at ,above. But were they to fail, as they 'have done this time, they could instruct their chief organ to cover up that failure by paeans of praise and songs of glorifica- tion, as it is now attempting to do. No person would believe but their mis- sion had been successful, except those sceptical Grits, and as for' them, why, it don't matter. Our Ministers have had a good time, their Organs are well lst John Govier, 211 Wm. Stewart. Sow pig uuder six months old, lst and 2nd Wm. Stewart. 'SMALL BREED PIGS, BERKSHIRE._ attempted to get up a show on its own Boar, lst Michael Kelly, 211 J. Stan - account, and the wonderful success bury. Sow having littered in 1879, lst which has attended it must be alike EL Snell, 211 Robt. Fitzsimmons. Boar gratifying and encouraging to those who' pig under one year old, John Mason. promoted it. Would it not be wisdom Boar pig under six months oldrlst H. to have the Provincial Exhibition perl Snell, 211 John Mason. Sow pig under rnanently located at Toronto? If some- six months old, 1st H. Snell, 2d John thing of this kind is not done, it will die M a natural death before long. PasOotinL.TRY.—Black Spanish, lst G. A. —A strong feeling of animosity lis Cooper, 2.1 L. A. Cooper. Light growing up between Russia and Ger- Bra,hmas, lst Ge Swartz, 211 Wm. many, and there are politicians aied Stewart. Dark Brahmas, lst James journalists on both sides who make no Kane, 211 George Swartz. Spangled secret of their wish for a trial of strength Homburgs, lst Jas. Kane, 211 Jas. between the two countries. Germany Smith. Silver Pencilled Homburgs, lst is cdrtainly taking precautions that J. Kane, 211 Jas. Smith. Houdans, lst seem to provide for the worst. Ten and al Jas. Smith. Game fowls., 1st thousand workmen are laboring on the and 211 Geo. Irving. Bantams, Mrs. T. fortifications of the fortress of Thorn, McMichael. Ducks, 1st Thos. Fear, which is called the Strasburg of Ger- 211 Jas. Nott. Muscovy ducks, Wm. many's eastern border. The fortress of Stewart. Geese, lst Geo. Gilmour, Posen has also been immensely 211 Geo. Gilmore. Turkeys, lst Wm. strengthened and enlarged, and can Stewart, 211 Thos. Fear. Singing now accommodate a large army. A birds, Wm. Cottier. Collection of considerable part of the indemnity pay- pigeons, lst Jas. Kane, 2d Wm. Robert- ments made by France has been ex- son. pendecl upon these fortifications. IMPLEMENTS.—Two horse buggy, open, —Seeretary Everts, of the United Cantelon Brothers. One horse buggy, • States, who last week visited Toronto, covered, Cantelon Brothers. Fanning and who has been making a tour through mill, M. McTaggart & Co. Gang plow, this country, seems to have formed a 1st Thos. Tipling, 211 J. B. Ware. Pair favorable estimate of Canada and. the iron harrows, Thos. Tipling. Democrat Canadians, judging from the remarks wagon, Cantelon Brothers. Set horse which las addressed to the Americans shoes, lst Jones & Couch, 211 Thomas in Toronto, who were received by him. Tipling. Wooden pump, Jas. Ferguson. Regarding international affairs his ob- Wooden axle lumber wagon, lst Con- servations will be generally endorsed. telon Bros., 211 J. Bruusden. Wrought So long as the fiscal policy of the two ironbeam plow, lst J. B. Ware, 2d countries is not identical, as a matter Jones & Couch. Horse hoe or scuffier, of necessity there must be negotiations John Brunsden. upon points of difference, but there can GRAIN AND FRUIT.—Five bushels fall hardly arise any cause for other than wheat, any variety, lst Robt. Beacom, diplomatic sharp -shooting. The Secre- 2d Thos. Fear. Two bushels sprina tary trusts that the day is not far • dis- wheat, Robt. Bean. Two bushels white taint when the customs restrictions will oats, John Mason. Collection apples, be reduced to a minimum. The whole ten varieties, five of each, lst T. M. tenor of Mr. Everts' speech gave the Elliott, 2d John Johnson, Four named varieties fall apples,. lst Alex. Innes, 2d. John Johnson. Collection of apples, lst T. M. Elliott, 2d John Johnson. Plate of nine Russets, T. M. Elliott. Plate of nine Northern Spy, T. M. Elliott. Plate of nine snow apples, M. Elliott. Plate of nine Mammo Pippins, Wm. Morgan. Plate of ni Rhode Island Greenings, John aohnso Plate of nine Spitzenburgs, Wm. Marge Plate of nine Baldwin's, T. M. Ellio Plate of nine fall pippins, John Lindsay. Plate of nine strawberry apples, S. An- drews. Plate_ of yellow crab apple James Smith. Plate of red crab apple lst Jas. Smith, 2d John Copeland. Co • lection open air grapes, 1st R. Irwin, W. C. Searle. Three named varieties of plums, lst H. Joiner, 2d T. M. Elliott. Three named variety of peaches, T. M. Elliott. Three named variaitiee winter pears, Wm. Morgan. Three named va- rieties fall pears, Jas. Smith. MANUFACTURES.7-TG/1 yards home- made cloth, E. Corbett. Ten yards of home-made flannel, Mrs. fie Stoke Pair home-made blankets, E. Corbe Ten yards factory made cloth, E. Co bet. Ten yards factory made flanne Mrs. S. Stokes. Pair factory mad blankets, E. Corbet. Double set far harness, Newton & Dennis. Set sing buggy harness, Newton &- Dennis. Co lection of cabinet maker's work, Bros. foot & Box. Specimen marble work W. H. Cooper. VEGETABLES.—Collection, named, J Copeland. Two varieties potatoes, is John Lindsay, 2d Jos. Ewing. Lon manaold wurtzels, John Copeland. Ye SEPTEMBER. 19, 1879. Bradley machine did choke ise the guards, and I defy a contradiction, • as to the binders making an assertion that a decision was given the dgayveheseetrore: and that they are to ' T. tificate, emphatically deny that there th is any truth in this statement, As to ue my telling them that L. C.'s lette n. n. tt. was not correct, I did not do so. hut your readers will see that I utterly deny the assertions made by them. Thanhiag you for the space in this issue and hole inn that your readers willpardon Or intrudmg, I am sincerely yours, S, GEO. STANBI:RY, Statley. I- [ED. NOTE.—Any further communications on 2d this subject will be inserted only aa ertise- ments and Charged for aecordingly. We cannot afford to allow implement agents to advertise their wines at our expense.) mieetsamamesiman,_ Hide Doctors. To the Editor of the Huron Expositor. Sin: I see by the New York Hide Leather Reporter, a man in Peteraof° e. shipped 33 hides to I3oston, on t. , their arrival there they were haaid- ed to a public weigher. After he 1, had shaken off salt and other foreign e matter, he weighed and found the Wel m 595 pounds less than the invoice caned le for. This is au answer to the question is as to how hide dealers pay so high prices de and still get a profit. If this Canadian , had succeeded he would have made about $40 by his stuffing the hides with foreign substances. Salt is -cheap here t end sand costs nothing, and sonae of our g Canadian hide doctors are as expert in -• u these things to increase theweight of hi ere as the Jews are said to be in /milling gold coin for the dust they eX- tract, and of the two characters the hide doctor is the most disrepntable. have gothold of hides from sense ofthese parties so filled. with sand that they would turn the edge of tanners tools every five minutes. A hide Inspector is much wanted in this County. Re- spectfully yours. • W. G. SMITH, Tanner. Goderich, Sept. 12, 1879. low globe wurtzels, John Copeland. Al- tringham carrots, 1st John Lindsay, 2d Thos. Fear. Long orange carrots, John Copeland. White Belgian carrots, lst John Copeland, 2d Wm.Morgan. Swede turnips, any variety, lst John Cope- land, 2d. Thos. Fear. • Grey stone tur- nips, lst John Mason, 2d. John Cope- land. White globe turnips, John Cope- land. Short garden carrots, any va- riety, let John Copeland, 2d Alexander Innes. Long blood beets, 1st John Lindsay, 2d John Copeland. Blood turniP beets, John Copeland. Parsnips, John Copeland. Winter cabbage, lst John - Copeland, 2d Joseph EWillg. Cauliflower, lst Joseph Ewing, 2d John Copeland. 011iODS grown from seed, lst Thos. Fear, 2d H. Joiner. Potato onions, John Copeland. Corn, lst S. Andrews, 2d John Copeland. Water melons, John Copeland. Muskmelons, John Copeland. Citrons, lst J. Cope- land, 2d John Lindsay. Tomatoes, lst Jos. Ewiugs, 2d W. C. Searle. Largest Pumpkin, lst John Copeland, 2.d Wm. Morgan. Largest Squash, lst Wm. Mergan, 2d John Copeland. Celery, lst Joseph Ewings, 2d John Copeland. DAIRY Paonece.—Keg salt butter, is S. Millen, 2d John Govier. Maple Su gar, John Copeland. Maple molasses lst John Johnson, 2d W. Morgan. Crock butter, lst Wm. Robinson, 2d. John Govier. Home made cheese, Mrs. • Thos. McMichael. LanIES' WORK.—Fancy braiding, lst Mrs. S. Stokes, 2d Miss Payne. Tat- ting, Miss Payne. Crochet work, lst Miss Payne, 2d. Mrs. R. Beacom. Em- broidery in cotton or muslin., lst Mrs. Thos. McMichael, 2d Miss Payne. Em- broidery in silk, Miss Payne. Bead work, 1st Miss Payne, 2d Mrs. Beacom. Knitting, worsted, lst Miss Payne, 2d Mrs. S. Stokes. Knitting, fancy, lst Miss Pa,yne, 2d Mrs. McMichael. Patch • work in silk or velvet, Miss Payne. Patch work in quilt, lst Miss Payne, 2d Rebecca, Lawrence. Gent' linen shirt, hard made, Mrs. S. Stokes. Gent's cotton shirt, linen bosom, Mrs. S. Stokes. Gent's fancy flannel shirt, lst Mrs. S. Stokes, 2d Rebecca Law- rence. Plain hand sewing, lst Mite Payne, 2c1 Mrs. Stokes. Wax flowers, Mrs. Beacom. Bouquet of natural flowers, 1st Mrs. J. Stephenson, 2d W. C. Searle. Berlin wool work, flat, 1st R. Lawrence, 2d Miss Swartz. Bethia wool work, raised, Miss Swartz. Pen- cil drawing, lst Miss E. Stanbury, 2d Master B. Stanbury. Woollen stock- ings, lst airs. Stokes, 2d Rebecca :Law- rence. Woolen socks, lst Mrs. Stokes, 2d. John Johnson. Pair woollen gloves, lst Mrs. Stokes, 2d Miss Lawrence. Log cabin quilt, lst Miss Payne, 2d Miss Lovett.. Rag mat, Mrs. James Fergu- 8011. SPECIALS.—Specimen of penmanship, by a boy under 14 years of age, Master Heury Stanbury. Lamb's wool socks, John Johnson.. Collection of ladies' work, Mrs. T. McMichael. By John Mason, for the best two-year-old general purpose mare or gelding, sired by any horse, lst George Watt, 2d Jarn.es Nott. By A. Lanes, for the best spring foal sired by Sorrel Cloud, lst Mrs. McCal- lum, 2d Thos. Tipling. For Parents. The Toronto Telegram thus exempli- fies the evil effects of allowing children to have too much of their own The act of the West Winchester mu. deter who struck down his father ana sister in cold blood was a peculiarly horrible one, and one for which there seems to be no reasonable explanation. It is said. that the parricide was a wil- ful young man, who had always been allowed to have his CWIl way—that, in fact, he was a spoiled child. The same thing was said of Gerald. Mainwaring, the young man who killed one police- man. and wounded auother near Derby t not long_ ago, and for which he was sen- - tenced to death, the sentence being al- terwards commuted to imprirsontnent . or e. His father was a wealthy man, and young Mainwaring had always been allowed to have his own way- The di- voreed. wife of Newman Hall, the great Ldtelon preacher, was another spoiled child,. and so was Mrs. Sprague, whose name was so prominently mentioned in connection with, the Sprague-Conkling difficulty the other day. Spoiled till's dren do not, of course, always turn eut badly; but it is evident that children who are pampered and petted. and allowed to do as they please when they are young, are often very difficult to keep in check when they are not so young. That Reaping Trial—Mr. Stan- bury's Version. To the Editor of the Huron Expositor. DEAR Sin.—in the issue of your val- uable paper dated Sept. 12, I see a let- ter written, or supposed to have been written, at least signed, by "Stewart & McCully." In this letter, those writing the same make Certain assertions. As to all, I will not intrude on your time or space in this, as you will see by the following that all are fallacious. I did not purchase the Noxon Combined Standard, but dil have one of the ma- j chines on trial, which (although they • say so) I used during the entire harvest. i This I utterly deny. I got the ma- chine from Mr. McLean, and. he never asked me to buy it. It was simply left me on trial. They say that they take c exception to one sentence, which reads 1 as follows : "It withstood all criticizing, t cuts clean, is of very light draft, and NN, throws the best sheaf of all its compe- t titors," and I cheerfully agree with c them that it does. As to Messrs Mof- w fatt, Nott, Biggins, Callender, Thomp- o son and Hinchley, I am positive that R none of those sayv the machine working j during that contest, and consequently t could not have bought. They say 0 further: "How is it that near the road w where Mr. McLean cut, or rather tried s to cut, people passing imagine, &c." a Now, I would distinctly state that both in the Bradley and the Noxon had gone fe over this ground, and if one only took the I heads, the other got none of the straw. a As to the lying or tangled oats on one w side of the field, neither machine could te cut them satisfactorily, although both " naachines bad a trial. In other parts of to • Clippings From" Grip." CLEAR THE THA.C.R. SOInething has got to go soon The through express of Public Opinion is on the down grade with a full head of steam on, and the antiquated old dames of Canadian " Upper Chambers are crooning on the track. Somethinghes • got to go, and Mr. Grip is -decidedly of the opinion that it is • not the train. Public opinion is become mature on the question of abolishing the House -of Lords idea out of our political system. Cool headed and • sagacious men—not fanatical constitution tinkers—are be- ginning to see the absurdity of burden - lag the people with these useless ap- pendages. The recent on of the Quebec grandmothers have surely ripen- ed public opunoisana that Province to the verge of mak-wiles& For a long time the people of -N-ova Scotia have longed for the day when their little House of Peers (composed of two dozen respectable old gentlemen) will be num- bered. amongst the things that were, and there are few thinking people (ex- cepting Senators and their wives) who are not ready and anxious to vote the Dominion Senate out of existence. It is worse than useless, for it is simplya repetition of the House of Commons sa- to partyism, and, moreover, it costs the people of this overburdened countryabont one million of dollars per annum. In the meantime the train goes thunderingalong, and engineer Grip refuses to whis- tle down brakes. LOG HER.• • Sit:—My name is Whipple, Sarah Whipple, and I live within sight of Lake Simcoe. My husband inherited his farm, a good farm, forty acres in fall wheat this year, and a Berkshire pig of the best pecligree,frorn his father. He is deacon of his church, has been in the Council, and. we have one son, Hezekiah, nst 24. My son is a very good boy, has a class at the Sunday School, and sings n the choir. On Monday week he went up to the. Exhibition, and 011Thursday we had a message, costing 37 cents, to say that the deacon had better orne to Toronto', for Hezekiah wanted cooking after. It was just dreadful, but he deacon, said it was all right, and he -ould go up and send me a message by elegraph. Sure enough the message ame next morning, n all right," and as comforted. But on Monday, an- ther message came for me from the othsay's saying " come up." So ust put on my black silk, caught * rain, and was in Toronto by 2 o'clock. h, but the streets were crowded! And ho do you think I met on Yonge treet ? Why, who but Hezekiah, with short clay pipe in his mouth, shout - g " 'rah for Lorne," and looking per- ctly wild. The noise, the confusions never shall forget. I took him by the rm. He started. when he saw me, and hen I asked him what was the mat - r, he exclaimed madly, "log her? My poor boy," I said, " do you want log your own mother ?" and he could say not another word, but he was so much offended_ that it nas.de his very knees weak and shake, so that he oonld hardly walk. I took him So the hotel and. put him to lie down, and then went to look for Whipple, and walked to the Rothesay's who telegraphed for me. But I found him before 'reached there, and found him making a speech in the eld, where the grain was standing, I believe the Noxon machine made the best work. As to the divider choking in the Noxon, I do not deny it, but what happened the Bradley? It, unfortun- ately for its agents or owners, was con- tinually choked, even in the standing grain, while the Noxon only choked in the tangled. While cutting oats the - , .. __frosorptispecoete:Itat.ybfal,:peltlaoo:gessi nare_000......!..._ •:a:SedtehsEirrtitlpi_Tte00::::: vsnwhijaisnii tugs r itti s :Tie dal, 3:openiol- pt oteiftsiw i ., Poor piep:ti 3hrti.d (hi ihpttet:iait e.teit itna 10111)1 in p Wh pig:I:put_ one tel and when.' says, whibh. is diaesangelroPusooarl, in Toronto *I kjah was not r known by the , said ever so. sin -°Pdriant:k'ocnItlyuseah C illosi ea kiayoult:neda these not acme ez 118185. its I sure ought to 1, P. s•—i lost his satchel amf eiliThippie came thing but the e approve of Ex]. Genen On the 31 Green, residina 431118t1Pao_13 was an]d yarn. She ws fwhuier dicawh ino hes ceased was ah and leaves -sew --At noon, occurrence tool 2renongr eoe arTu,sto,onIt whaephIi leith each othe tee_tbA,bboitutit to:fo elean as thougi toys turned, a reinst tailtre atbhP°eYPinsr finger of the 11 nors, a farmer coke, used a qu the purpose of 4 bugs. lie left taining a email in the field, an. it. About a as :aatttetlheinctio°vetrh ing, and two In Were found ilea wee discovered found the pot el some of it. I careful • bow t p o oTn haebi ro Roy 0 th ,quis and Prince ford on. Tuesd; -visiting the var the city, they b train for Londsi at Ingersoll an4 and reply to a(1. tions. They ar half -past -three, t ao t in oe: . by hae: ,city and an n was spent in vi : ittEnttibt'erLsci'atlaYa. 114f) ig tlahs describe fashioned air, A known. H n nae crr ft not strongly in oinff°,8citreataking,toyextpbi were amt by aa work before bei aroun1 sa,ve wi ordinary attrac and. various we but the highes' pzsideetn,wbom otherww marking, -Wel lookingbody, k MEM DOWNEY—In. his wife of Mr. Jol F1TZOERALD—li the wife -of Mr; 'HAMMOND—In E Mr. 3.8. Ham a-daughter- 131ITTY,.. —In Tuck wife of Mr. Jo SMA TiLA:COATBE- the wife of 3 • daughter, COOPElt---In East, the of Mr, JONES—JOIINS1 Winghara, by James D. .Ton • Susan Jane. ton, Esq., of. 1 131CRS—BLICE1.-- Dryers, at the Mt; riol3wia Lo David -Math, McEA.-Y—MoD01: cbriamdeecsori. broxtliliel Margery McD4 -dente of the b by Bev. -W. Wardrope, th Matthew's Pr Esq, thelph. GBLIal?r.t1D:Yel—s, foLlatca:e:rri Mr. Caswell, E Maria, t ren WILSON—In MI Abraham WI aged 2 years. BECORD---In Tor midenc3 of - daughter oi t -Sound, and 1 • Goderich, age first, Mr. Wm 411.11.1==.1 Farm Stock day, Sept. 22, 4, concession 80n, Propriefo seer. - Tuesday, 0 M., on Lot S, smith, 'Farm,