HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-09-05, Page 8• ;PTEMBER 5, 1879. E CANADIAN— OF COMMERCE. TOR0'.vro, $6.000,000. 1,400,000. DIRECTORS. kM MeMeenrtn, President. ,it IIUPF, Vice- President. uttI. jai 1,4 Michita t, T. tiut hei laud Kt ayner, Etsti „,.T, Ira i. Arntou, E. R.araafaster, Eato oaa-FON. elet.aral Mat:Floes. aaFIIN ItOSERTS 'IN, Inspector :--.T. Cf. lIfirieraand T. II. Goadhy -.T. G. Orchard, Aocrit. BRANCHES. rrf issued. for rote We st Italica, Chins., . Ala:Ai:au Exchange Simaoe, Stratford, S Seaforth, Thorold, Toronto, Walkerton, Windsor, Woo dstoek, Earope, Japan, and bought and rade cm the most favorabla terraa. [t. wed on deposits. RANK Ft las American Exchange National :al...trod—The Dinh of Scotland. FORTH BRANCH. [VES, - MANAGER. HAT 1f1701\1-. NEWS FOR ALL 1.aving ptireliaaed. a Bankrapt AND FANCY DRY 00DS, int•n4 ziving hiDa3tota- L. an -1 wi1 for the next thirty days aa have neF•er baon known xu ta Lae Stock i all new aal id must and will be sold,se comet thc Brant: while they Flaat. GR4).4.•.g.:1:1E?.ei -'Itichandlee SA formerly, at Ma num Pi odhiee t d JJor.th ( Cfccap Store, first door aiLtal, ‘ton. S311"elf. :11E SEA FORTH IP A H D LAND AGENCY 'NZO STRONG F.evelai First -Class Stock, Fire oa-F ranee Cornoanies, and id prepay F FAVORABLE TER\1& n: several c the beet Loan 80eic- -1: the sale and purchase of Farr* erty. ( re FIRST-CLASS tM i) FARMS FOR SALE. to Loan at S PCi Cent. IlltereSt. White Star Line of Steamers ter M. Morrison's Store, Main:S !ft -mane -IAL LIVERY .A. SI1'oITj1. Ellin FORBES, ,Lama the Stock and Trade of the :41 LFy, Seaforth, from Mr. be to state that he intends etisint. ss in the old s t and, and has Iibla horses icitd vehieles to the ta.ek. None but nit fiirtat ble rthicles and Good Hor.,t s Will he Kept. yeic-a and Carriagea, and e Won 3 always. reitdy for ase. :af nien!.a. Tritk Uoi- iireat the stables or any of the hotels - 1.t 1 t'.. Of PAFITNERSHIP.'. heretofore existing between •ton, for Mantila.ctarers. of Plows, this ‘.lay been dissolued by All accounts duo thefirm to be ten at once, either by cash or oFay all liabilities of the firma - its this llath day of Juiy,.137j. S. K.-REID. SAMUEL BARTON. :1D CASH., will carry on the b:usictess in. aiz., that old anal well known ilarasorfs,on Goderioh street, -t-o: t unity of thanking hia, caa.- fa cors,..hoping, by strict attain. VV.:a tea increase the canfikaaa firm. Mill Pick Dresiing i.SAM.I.TEL. BARTON. ----- ,, is a first FcIass tradessaaa. Iest and of temperate habits, has i.e. tete and extended ojJpJrUfli II -1)e Una Mr. Barton navy trouaga which. Ilia talents and LU. S. K. ItlaID. PLA MILL, AND BLIND FACTORY toe oa laave to thank his uttaierod iitteralpatronage extendedta tocitio bnaito-as in Seeforthiand f.tvorevi with 0.continuance to build would do well to give ;fon:ie to keap on hand_S 1 'Ni L17.1.1-; ER, N IX E Y-4 • ,N :A 0 U-1,1)TNCiS, ETC. et of oi. inoaatisfactiontothoall • v.',Lh their p.itronage,astions Isiat arc F I ow ed. :o:FIF Custom PlaninS. 12ftYAD.Foor.. - :S., VARMERS AND Li )TIi ERS. t .e attention of atil, these %Lt subscriber is determined to f.1`! Oood ineh Iforel0ck,"n04 Fruk h,"itt the following rate•ar: ki ..a7 01) per thousand.; 14 fee* ft Fr Cash. is..11 orders over VC r -t Call and see if you don't kuted. ai months will bo charge& hanks his numerous customer* rt, and solicits a coati's. - JOHN THOMPSOlg. 1. teain Saw Mills-, MeraloP. • SEPT4IBER 5, 1879. Anottter Tuven.ile Prodi The latest addition te the long juvenile Rrocligies, in respect to me and mathematical accuracy, is repo from 1\OEaine.1 He is, says the Ba nvownercial, the son of it. former gy. signattire of Hurd & Co. is on each list or package. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, mon.- Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by rted all medicine dealers. ngor post- .4,MIRMI•11•11111•111 master of that place, and is now ten CENTRAL EXHIBITION 1879 ran of age. He is untaught, save 1u 1 the art of reading, to which he app to give more attention than wiser faits would allow. His strong poin memory. Ile recollects not only ev thingthat he reads, but everything t he does, remembers on what day he it, where he was at the time, and w ears WILL BE HELD IN par- t is ery- THE crry OF GUELPH' 1(11 On Sept. 16th, 17th, 18th and 19t12. hat were the circumstances that led him do it. For instance, ho will tell wh he was on any day within the past years, and what he was doing. F they, he remembers and can tell eve .thing that his friends have done, p viding he has seen them do it, and tell on what date and. on what da' the week they: did it. The first that his friends noticed_ his precocity was aibout a- year a when they accidentally discovered t be was almost infallib e on any date had ever seen or he rd. Walking OPEN TO ALL. to ere The Governor-General and Her Royal Highness two the Princess Louise will be pressnt on Werl nesclay,', the 17th. to open the Exhibition. A ur- grand rally of the yeomanry from all parts ry- of the country is expected to bo prcsent on ro- that oce asion. can TnIlIZE LISTS and Entry Papers can be had of -I- at the Secretary's office, Gulp, and also from the Secretaries of other Societies through- , ou t the Province. 01 Parties not recsiving their Entry Tickets prior go, to the Show, will find them at the Secretary's hat e'll° he • Th -pass ln fare company with some relatives in a ce etery it was observed that.ho would st at a tambstone, read the date of t death recorded, and the exact a of the person buried there, th glance up and tell what day of the we the dead persou was - born. This h ,pened on several occasions, and but 1 tie attention was paid to it. Fina one of his relatives took pains to lo into an old- almanac covering some the dates he had mentioned, and fou that the day of the week had beengiv correctly in every instance. This eau .ed them to ask him questiorisnwhen Was discovered that he could almost i stantly tell the day of the week o which any day:within the past 75 yea Ina series of tests made by the Co mereial writer, the boy gave the day the week corresponding to a large laUT11- ber of dates between 1812 and 1840, gave it correctly in every instance, and averaged five [seconds for 'each test. The longest tmae required was sight seconds, the Shortest three seconds. His habits are described as "peculiar He never plays with other boys, but is continually busy in reading. Often- times he takes an unabridged dictionary and studies it hour after hour, never seeming to consider it anything btrt pleasure to do it. In fact he takee no comfort unless busying his brain about something. If there is anything he does not unders and he keeps at it till he does undere and it, and then it is next to impOssi le for him to forget it. One would. na urally suppose that a °hill with sacl4 uuusual powers would. gradually fail and fade away, but, singularly enough, he is constantly growing stronger and more healthy." - It is to be hoped that the last asser- tion is strictly true, and that the I pte- • cocious youngster will not exhaust his brain power in infancy. The chances, however, are heavily against him. His , name is Charles Fuller. Potatoes in Engla-nd. several Railways will entr v freight and ngers to and from the Exhibition at 6iugl e 111- L. PARKINS -1N, Prerident. oG. AiuRTON, Secretary. p ' Guelph, August 9th, 1879. 612-4 go en ek • EL CTRIC ABSORBENT E3ELT Sly ok he THE EDISON- of nd en s - 'it u- rs rn- of 7 A correspondent writing to the London Daily _Yews says that the con stimption of potatoes in England is so great that in the course of the last three years that country has imported some- thing like 600,000 tonsnrepresenting a total value of nearly £2,600,000, the weekly consumption. of London alone being equivalent to 5,000 tons. Every country of Europe coutributes more or less to the supply, but the largest quantities .are imported from France, and the reports from there are the reverse of eucouraging. , It is estimated by a very competent authority that the potato crop will be a very bad one, and that the yield will not exceed. 60,000,- 000 sacks (three bushels each), while = the consumption in France averages about 75,000,000 bags. It follows, therefore, that if 'this estimate proves correct, the French, will have to import instead of export. The districts in which the potatoes aro grown are the Vosges and the country about Cher- bourg, and it.is in those districts that the rainfall- has been particularly heavy. Another correspondent in reply says that the largest quantity of potatoes imported into England is from Ger- many. For a fe v w 'Ics about June, England gets pot toes from Cherbourg; buts soon as th y ripen in England, trade with Fra ce ceases, and then large quantities ale brought into Eng- land from Germany between the .months of August and the following May. According to the board of trade returns,the imports of potatoes into the United Kingdom amounted last year to 8,751,174 cwt., against 7,969,136 ewt. in 1878, and 6,031,341 cwt. in 1876. In the first six months of this year they were only 3,039,823,cwt., against 6,311,- 993 in 1878, and 2 906,587 cwt. in 1877. The countries « hence England re- ceived tho.ie suppl es are net designated. - • EPPS'S-COCOA.-- 'ratanl and corafort- ing.—" By a them gh knowledge of the natural laws -whiitgovern the opera- tions of digestion t ad nutrition, and by a carefitl applicati me of the fine proper- ties of well selec ed cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our 1 reakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us inane,' heavy doctor's bills. It 18 by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- n.ally built up until istrong enough to re- sist every teudency' to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle na dailies are &Sating around us ready: to attack wherever there is a weak We may escape many a fatal. shaft by keeping ourselves WeU fertified with. puro blood, and a properly nourishedframe."—Ciail Ser- mce Gazette. Sold. oily in packets label... leda-a James Epps & f2o., Honaceopath- ie Cho mists, 48,- Threadneedle Street, and. 190, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 RIDE-B(um) Hoasss.—A horse is said to be hide -bound when his skin will not slip under the pressure of the haud, but sticks as if it was glued, which couditiou is always dependent on a deranged state of the stomach and di- gestive orgausa-by correcting which, and giving to them a healthy tone and eo.ndition, the disea4 or complaint will thsappear. Experieuce has proved that ttche raeaus best adapeed to this end is Parley's Condition. Powders and A-rahian Heave Remedy." It has been 1188E1 in numerous cases with complete liessegenerally effecting a cure in a days. It is the best condition Itaschelne known, and may be given with Perfect safety at all times, and does not r • Pos esmes, in addition to the proper. tieslof she Holman Pad, all the item- • edial Properties of Electricity. Cures Dili oats :Disorder, 'Aver Complaint, Ner •onsuess, fliestraigirt, Sick Dead - Relit Dizzinr ess, Depessed stpiritA, &e., 04%-e. RICE—$1.50,$i.75 and $2.00. . - CAL AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE For Pamphlet containing all information. N. .—The Holman Pad-elso kept on hand. SOMETHING NEW IN SEAFORTH.. FLOUR. AND ,FEED. G. R. MONKMAN TT- AS OPENED a Full Stock of Flour andFeed ot every description, in STARK'S BLOCK, adjoining Megarey'e BakeLy. Part es wanting FLOUR or MEAL of all kinds, r GRAJN of all kinds, can nuke motley , by pm hating frommo. Cash pai d for Potatoes, Apples, Bacou , 13 utter, Eggs, a d all kinds of produce. Goodt Delivered in Town Free of Charge. Rem mber the Place - Stark's Block, Main Street, 'eaforth. 610 •G. R. MONEMAN. PAINTING. H. TOWN BEGS to inform bis friends ano the public in general that 1 e has commenced business as a Painter nod Glazier on his own tieeount, and is prepared to execute all ordcrs cntinsted to him in the most satisfactory manner auk -on zeasonable tcrrns. Orders left at the store of Messrs. John - SOLI Brothers will receive pompt attention. 588-4 H. TOWN , Setiforth. N.B.—Whitewashing and ptipering a specialty.' ' This Great :Household Medicine ranks 1 amongst the leading necessaries of life, These famous pills purify the BLOOD, and act moat powerfully, yetsoothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, n nd BOWELS, siring tope, eneliy, and vigor to t, hese great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They a re confidently recommended as a never failing r emedy in all asses wahere he constitution from w ha teVer COT160, has beccone impaired or :weaken - e d. they are wondeofullat cflicaeioua in al] ail- 1 m ents incidental to females of all ages : and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsur- passed. , • H 0111)WAY'S.OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties ar • known throu.gheut the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, bad breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible reraedy. If effectually tabbed on the neck and chest, as salt iuto meat, it Curer: SORE THROAT, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even AS1HMA. For Glandular Swellings, Absce s -es, Piles, Filitulast Gout, Rheumatism, The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured onl at 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and ar sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout th Civilized World ; with direetions for usa in al most every language. ,¶he Trade marks of thee Medicines are regis -Lerecl in Ottawa. Hence„ any one throughout th British Possessions, who may keep the Armed. can Connterfoits for sale, will be proseented. JtL Purchasers should look to the Label on Pots and Boxes. If tbe address is not 533, Ox- ford Street, London, they are spurious. IT'S THE HEIbIIT OF FOLLY to neglect those premonitory symptoms of chronic ill health which develop 1 hemselves in the shape of de- bliity, loss of appetite and sleep, in nervous senna tions,- dyspepsia, and an itrug:liar state of the bowels. Remedy thern by timely measures or dread the worst. Deal summarily with the minor ailments before the greater assails you. Amongst the resources of the pharmacopia there is no surer and safer one in cases of debility, nervousness and despepsia; than Quinine, provid- ed the remedy is judiciously used. Decisive cures of the ebove ailments are constantly pro- duced by small doses frtquently repeated. These have the Effect of increasing muscular power, improving the appetite, and aiding digestien. Northrop and Lyman's Quinine Wine is an ex- cellent ta ubstitute for the ordinary drug, and possesses a flavor which lenders it peColiarly ac- ceptable- It contsins nothing int tho slightest deg: ee injurious to the Most delicate Sherry Wine and certain aromatics are combined with the Lgredients, the whole form- iogI a chemical preparation hs rinorious in com- position, pleasant it: taste, thorough and prompt IT -Action. Besides invigorating the syatem, aid- ing digestion and promoting regularity in the ' action of the body, it relieves . depressOm of the mind, which is an a Imo:: t invariable forerunner • of desprpsia and I: rvous debility. It is extreme- ly beneticialin cases of malarial fever and ie a valuable: safeguard against t hose male dies. When buying be particular to ask for the Quinine ‘jr'in.e prepared hy Northrop et Lyman. Sold by all druggists. THE HURON EX.POS1TOR. LUMSDEN & WILSON, SEAFORTH, HAVE PENS, INC, JUST RECEIVED FULL .ASSORTMENT IaLLE' s INDESTRUCTIBLE SCIIOOL BOOM. = - V1„ 1,4.. • =‘r <4 • _ . t- 41.f±S Ix :V 'ra k ;;:.:NA4t:\ !'t ' *14 • .. s; T:.1t JOY/. 9 4'41 enes-__-77---- • r SOHOOL BOORS NcY4V BOITITh IN IRON-,-- i (HOYT'S PATENT) ---- - This remarkable invention entirely does away with i the too frequeat complaint that books come to pieces ' Among them are in the student's hands. before they have done reason- . remedy this evil. a e sc.rvice. The ...fro LLooks are ‘varrauted to . !Description of the Improvement. The point of advantage in this binding is simply that in the opening and closing of the book there is no friction, which is the destructive element of all ordinary ib)litliiInt gnietliod the leaves of the books are fastened by wire pins, inserted near the back margin, TravelleiL& Elegy, with Notes by the ends of the pins being inroad down and lying margin, clamping the leaves Sankey & mon-. parallel with the Traveller & Etereva tvithi Notes by flangesoverlapping together. ng the ends of the pins. which pre- 17111eri;rit, .E,ng,v1t.q.1,-t. .f..1. clionl <lassies. A back of thin metals pressed on the book, with Stevens & Morrie. vents the leaves from. tearing from the pius, as is tho laca mai s ,. o.„es on 4th Reader- caigs, with wire, sewing or tape work. ..Dr. Davies, Notes on 5(h Bender. By apeculiar curve in the pins, perfect flexibility c is secured in the opening of the -volume, the whole roiglatorals Ep• chs of Eng. Hitstory, forming a practical and substantial ))inding, ab- Crec,P.-In_ton's F,poeit Primer. , sclIcaely indestructible by wear and t'ear. • • Narrison3s Sehool Composition. ReId.ss ErigliNit Ety. Dictionary. Ready in Iron binding. same prices as ordinary . i • I l'illillex-9a CornpOsition, Spelling and Recoul4R) Third and Fourth. it enders. 1 srul.,Sb,-tind ITTerllif rebyle Elem. Arlth. 1 Revised Edifion Miller's .,„,Reuttyls Head Line Copy Books. SwInt°11/s• I Grammar Blanks,. :speiifihz Book, Companion to Readers. 1 Walter Smith's Drawing SeriOtt, W' Lay Book not in floe& will be procured ou Shortest Notice. . Subcliptions reeeivedcfor Canada School Journal.—$1.00 per year. 110,043 sent by 1=11 on receipt of price. - • REMEMBER THE PLACE : LUAISDEN & WILSON'S BOOK AND SEATIONERY STORE, MAIN STREET, SEA -FORTH. -e-Nntinesen ert • r0:?,7t.';alfiVP *5 FULL surruEs or ALL OF 1 MILLER & f CO'S EDUCATIONAL SERIES, Hamblin SKieliles lrfath. SeYles. Dro RicLellan's Mental ArithInetics. Dr. McLellan's Exananation Papery:. Kirkland & Scott's Ificru. Arith. KIrkla.ncils Statics. Potts, Euclid, IVIa,gon's Series of Grammars. r75 0) 0 0 z td 0 0) • NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. Iv pal) CHILLED PLOWS • Proved and 1 cknowledg eel to -be the Standard Plow of America. FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL,. STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH, IT HAS NO EQUAL. The Material used in „the construe- • tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of Face and Toughness,' is superior to e Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTTRED by ME, only in Canada. And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it been known to fail. has never y ° Columns, Castings, School, Church, GANG FLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SGUFFLERS, &O.*, Always on hand, macle of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. 1). - Garden, and Lawn. Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing' a Specialty. All Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed. '11.11.11 &REK MALi REMEDY.—Job Moses Periodic ills—Tbia invalua blemediciue is unfailing cure of all those peioful and daugeroue :senses to which the female constitu- tion is sub,ect. It moderates till excess -And, re. niovea all °bur:melons; and 'a speedy curer:nay be relied on. To ma. ried ladies, it is peculia ly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on tdie monthly pe- riod. with regular -its . These pills should not be taken by Females daring the filet, three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to b;ing on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatiguc on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fufl directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Mesas, New York, -Sole Proprietor. Si 00 and 12i cents for postage.enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, ill insure. a bottle containing over 50 pills by eturn mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & leaadell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 ire that the horse be kept from work. 1"r" Aeraeraber the name, and see that the B JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Fundry. c. M. DUNLOP'S 'Fall Term in Music will open on Sept. 16th. Pupils should give in their names previous to the opening of the class. Those not hav- ing Instruments can he accomnaodated with 'use of Piano cr organ at very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, 3 ept. 7, 1878. 661 fr BRADLEY HARVESTERS, • A WARDED Medals at the World's Fair Phil- adelphia. U. S., ; Sydney, Australia, 1877; Pari, Frnce, 11,78 ;. Gold and Silver Medals, Huron _beeper Trial, 1877, and Geld Medal 1878. Everywhere successful. Sold by D. Hogan and W.. j, Grieve, Seaforth ; Robert Anderon, Kipper); Archibald McCully, Brncefield, John Robinon, Varna : L. Elliott, Goderieh ; David Halstead, Wingha.m ; T. Eng- lish, Brussels. Order early. Satisfaction guaranteed. Re- pairs can be had of any of the Agents. L. D. SAWYER &Co, Hamilton, Manufactarers. GEOSTEWART; Clinton, General Agent. • THE GOLDEN LION FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. ....-. .,..„, ... CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY.....,,,i , - ip"-e-) •-•,•;,..,„-,, -,. 1.....0„-,....t.s. *,-...,..1:- MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER; SEAFORTHs Are again to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as weie awarded Special Distinction at the their Centennial and Sydney Ehibitios. They desire to direct special attention to. NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the ooun try. It has been thoroughly testd, and has given general satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee inventien, got up for sale only, and dependent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. It is warranted to clau in any greund. We ask the Fernier -8 of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug-. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, ifILLIS PATENT PLOWS than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing Gardens, SCUFFLERS AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. The old. and. well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better Fan_nane (13 O Eo CI la , ,tiA4 trvI < et. This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchaaing any other. all these implements are manufactured by themeelves, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than thoee got up by large establisfiments for catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectable establishment that turns out a good article. 4=1 ▪ Plows of all the above hinds kept constantly on hand, and can be seen at their C:3shop at ariy iree. IRON HARROWS—THE SCOTCH DIAIOND HARROWS KEPT CO...VSTANTLY OY HAN.D. Repairs for all kinds of MAYS kept constantly on hand. Alec) Plows of any make Repaired. R.emeneber the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main -at., Seaforth. ROBERT JAMIESON, SLAFOTII All VICES RECEiVED THIS WEEK FROM GLASGOW, STATING THAT Hi_A_T___11.4 GOODS Were Shipped from that Port ON THE I3TH AUGUST. R. JAMIESON, ,3) SE.A.FORT11. TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, HAS much pleasare in calling paxticatar atten- tion to his air tight BUTTER FIRKIN. This Ferkin ik warranted air tight, and will consequently keep the butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub made on the old principle, saving more than the price of the tub in enhanced value of butter. Samples always on hand. Common Tubs on bawl as usual. For par- ticulars call at Factory or address S. TROTT, Seaforth.' N. B—Coopering and repairing as usual. 600 MARRIAGE LICENSES OK CERTIFICATE, ) (Under the new Aot,) issued at the EFOSITOR OFFICE, SEAfORTH. N Paint and Paint Oil, Glass, Putty, co 0 ALIVMG8V1-1 stilJojeas ‘sluctioaajAT .Hiaadv3s LUMBER, FOR SALE HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP, The Sabacriber has also a •LUINER YARD IN SEAFORTH Where 479 all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. THOMAS DOWNEY DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orden by mail promft ly attended to. 47 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchll. MALCOLM MONROE & 13ROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. ALEXANDER MONROE. D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER, S111.APO_R,11'1--1 Ras Pleasure in announcing to his Friends and Cus- tomers that every Department- is . fully stocked with FirsOlas Goods. Hundreds of Families testify to the value given at Rose's Grocery in the past, and he looks forward to the future with every confidence. No Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced of the advantages offered. _NO trouble to show Goods awl give sample.' Flour, Corn, Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, &c., always kept in Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seaforth. TO THE FARMERS. REAPERS AND MOWERS REPAIRED AT THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTIL A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. TERMS CASH. J. S. RUNCIMAN, PROPRIETOR. ONTARIO PRINIEfir EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & SON HAVE lz,1V10V". TO THEIR NEW LISES, Con Bay and Wellington Streets, 1\-1- OrTIO All Accounts due the Goderich Foundry and lifanufacturiug Com- pny, Limited, must be promptly settled to aurid cots. No persons are authorized to receive payments or make settlements on behalf of the Company except the underigned. • HORACE HORTON; President JOHN CHRISTIAN, Seeretartys GODERICH, June 13th, 1879.