HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-09-05, Page 3- '7 SEPTEMBER 5-, 1870. B y, - L A ;E ! Port 1 B7-Laitv to RaiSe by,. way of Loan. tile Slito. at T.4-17z4Isi Til au sakl\TD I) OLlakil S, foa Pur1)0Ses Reaeitaaftez 1%4_ t lolled. ,......,.......______ IT I:ri; Take, the Rattpae ere ef the Tette:14 1 ezeat1 i th Lave pet ittoned the eleeteiw • of the *aid 2 own of Seatorth, jet ts: 1 u on, for more efficient Prot ' in Fire. vle il Co the paid Council eteeelderit. , e le tl f t n ( end uteesealy to giant the prayeeot :.,,,1 petati al. il WITF.IZVAS, ttte at ie Connell considenie ra of We terwen In ennatradted tkpatt whit 3, t NI, n Eti, tile Wattle ta or Holly system c„ reest tnleit ut ft r Vire Pretection pee ""tk Iv if FIZPAR, it wi,I requil e the net a it, rt `I ht-usatel Dellare for the co/1st-motif:el/it ' k. Waterworks. lIeeleW IlF,I.E.I.q, the seta Comern him regelv. , .: t . yli i-.• tl.e ea:d t-ein of mortcy tor theme :art wIi 1:Ill.:A q. it a ill require the emu of 1.!•,, i.! i ) .14 rS t I be raleeti arum t.t • ' .r 11.epte!trti•nt of the eahl : , f ,t, . ? „ .... , ,3 ,.. .•.. tesoatt „t I :,dati .. - /„ z i 1 %.:. *Lc.. annint of the_ w .. - s • - r % .1 r ?.74 t r. d Ve-rIgirst` - A t Pro - - - „ . _ It. PI* - lattait - rhe only one; so far as I know, is the proclivity cf this breed to sit. If Brah- mas are compelled to earn most of their own living, they will get exercise enough • to counteract their tendency to broodi- ness,and keep them in good laying trim • When you want to fattenithem for mark- et,they will turn every graiu of food given them to good account. Take them a.11 in all, as egg producers, sweetness and delicacy of flesh, docility, ease of man- agemeut, economy of keeping and pro- lificacy, taken with rapid growth and harclihess, as I have said before, I know of no breed that. can surpass there. Their laying capabilities are 8 eggs ito the pound, and they lay 135 per Next `in, nay estimation comes the Plymouth Rocks." The farmer's ob- ject in keeping poultry is generally quite simple, and fixed on two things— eggs and meat. The fowl that will ve him a good supply of eggthrough e year, and furnish its quota of SEPTEMBER 5, 1879, NEINISTIY THE HURON EXPOSITOR. a _ "Crnex.pected Rencontre. gobd but simple man, residing in a, village of Dumfriesshire, struck up an intimacy with teaneighbor recently ar- rived in the locality. This latter an - Oared a very •goodly sort of •pereau, • whose frequent intercourse and conver- stition afforded no small degree of pleas- ure and edification to his newly -acquired iriend. The new -comer had at last risen so high in the confidence and esteem of the other that he believed him to be a saint, if there was one in the world. .One uight,- however, hear- ing some disturbance in the hen roost, he went out with a lautern to discover the cause, wheu, lo, there was his pious friend very deliberately twisting the necks of the poultry, preparatory to carrying them off! The good man, more aghast at the flagrant hypocrisy of his neighbor than concerned for , his own Rae exclaimed, more in sorrow than in anger, "Ob, Dawvid., Dawvid, man, lit- tle did I expect to meet wi' you here !" Trowth," said David with apparent .unconcern, " jist as little did I expect to meet you here !" BECOILling Rich by Accident. - During an excursion 'from Detroit to Niagara -Falls, and while at Cleveland, an incident oecnrred which will never 1* fere ttk n. these who heard of it. The, Kennard Melee at that eity was aalal meth guteea, a 11(.11 031 e-ccentrit V40014411 etreet "mew L.'4 a? 10ht• at Oa, lt_14 * at/ 7. re leti TieoTheley t t Nik‘riflit s Ere play was stopped at Saxon les Bains, he hung around the place, ten- dering instructions to inexperienced players. Afterward he haunted Mon- aco, where, however, he was refused access to the gaming tables when he had money. So he died in poverty. • • A New Race of Peopl. The Portuguese explorer, Major Pinto in his recent ex locations in Southern Africa, announces that he has discovered a race of white nen, hitherto entirely unknown, living near the source of Zambezi River. He says:— "A great white people exist in South Africa, Their name is Cassequer ; they are whiter than the Caucasians, and in place of hair they have their heads.covered with small tufts of very short wool. Their cheek • bones are prominent, their eyes like those of the Chinese. The men are extremely robust. -When they discharge an arrow at an elephant the shaft is completely buried in the animal's body. They live on roots and the chase, and it is only when these supplies fail them that they hold any relations with the neighboring race, the • Ambuelas, whom they obtain food • from in exchange for ivory. The Cas- sequeres are au entirely nomadic race, and never sleep two nights in the sanie encampment. They are the - only people in Africa, that do not cook their lead in pita They wandiv etyma in eater, 4 it 41m tnir t Mx over all the 142-111itt laine hetweet the te la atelothe t ei`-eutee. It weeIl seaett tIle 1410,41 -fl 14-A - t ttt Z.tt. ". -▪ .-*4 a 5,4,1.k *it, gw , fi,;• - eC' as dairy cattle at nee a autryr - shires are rivals for the foremost posi- tion in the estimation of the American dairy farmers, though the former appear now to be taking the lead, but Short- horns are nowherep i is chiefly owing to the fact that in past years beef has been a much less nego- tiable article than. the- products of the dairy. In recent years, however,' beef has found a' new and undreamed of valae ; and. this fact will in .all proba- bility tend, in a short time, to lift Shorthorns iuto a position correspond- ing with that which they occupy in this • country.—Eateresh Live Stock Journal. Poultry for the Farm. v” •r *•,*„ article 011 the selection of stock itt the fast 'wow r,1 the Poulfry bag 1101 1,',1144W1111.1 111 itgua tt1},ttler .110,7 1-,! NI 44i ibt rki 14– t!**11 ewe t ,ik*. LT -Pit Te•Y°: i44-414 - -I 441=. 0,Mtu -11 '4'i 0:4 4,F PCtl1 etc, 414 t 4 '1 141 11i: Itieeetii/e c, 4, Li it Wcigh it kW t11 1*,10,14th, tool Whott. way w -t pm,471 1i�' tialn-!-, the- I) =done,. the If ealet:a for la.ble Urea 1 11,114 t`4,411t111 no imp will turn ttiVay from a dinner grated by a Light Ilrahrute I do net think there It, auy fowl that equals the lirahmaS for the farmer. Possibly the Plyznonth Rocke may rank tiearly as high. The 1 quiet temperament, too, is a recom- mendation of no mean rank in favor of these fowls. The chief objection, and. - • ttt.--7*-1Airer reste4 and should fi'd;:f r 9.5the dt serve, the other side, and it is then closed. be- hind them. The figures of the Presi- dents are pretty fair likenesses of the persons they are intended to represent. This procession moves to the accom- paniment of music played by theiclock itself. .The music,machinery is capable of playing several airs, especially na- tional and patriotic airs. • - Another interesting feature of the clock is an orrery which shows the movements of the earth,. moon and planets, all perfect and controlled by the machinery/A the clock. There are dials which show the hour, minute and second in Detroit, Washingtoe, New York, Sin Francisco, Louden, Paris, Via, St. Petersburg, Con- stantinople, .Cairo, Pekin and , Mel- bourne. • The clock also shows the day of_the week and month in Detroit, the mouth and season of the year, the changes. oL the 113oOn, eta, the whole forming most wonderful and complicat- ed machinery. Mr. Meier has worked upon this clock nearly ten years, and for the last our years has devoted his whole time to it. He is a Bavarian by birth, is about 34 years of age, and. has lived in this eoun- try 13 years. He ia a, stone -cutter by trade, and was employed for a number of •years in the stone -yard of David Knapp. To furnish him time and means to complete this clock a _joint stock company was formed, called the American National and Aetronomical Clock Compativ, with a capital stock of 8311,,Otto, and that tette/telly eaw wee the el= e4,. nr,.qt nhich 4t has el.,petokd vd tuat snino.11-*# As 14, 41 r Uri Vi P.4 'IV. 5*U —The peoplei„ y, N. S., have seen a large fish in their harbor. It is described as sometimes like a shark and sometimes like a ithoal of por- poise. What is really needed is a --bet- ter article of whiskey in Digby or •none at all. DR. FOWLER'S Exrueor o WILD STRAw- Brillaty.—This preparation stands peerless as n remedy for all summer cemplaints. Have you diarrhom ? It will positively cure you.' Hare yon oholera morbtis It will poeitivaly cure you. Have you colic or cramps in the stein Loll? It will posi- • tively auto you. Is your stomach sour? 11 will positively euro you. Aro you going on a sea voy- age ? Be sure and take a bottle of the Strawberry in your haversttek, for use in sea.siekness, vomit- itttil lit itraltitai Unit tjt/W- 4'177 it inil lifit,itirt4Y Cart° YOU. 1'orC17 one speaks it. ..1 letre no le eitaliei tee' °Mat la* REMEMBER t`.4 Fem.-itf 11 1 MOM *fit r.-4. 1.tt#7,74*.-t - 14-vz%tiot 4-iti .n44„ tag f - 4 VI fttzt 51.1 t•-• 4t. "• 2 7 ,4• tL-1 • w,t4.;. • 2 • tele-eee Carling'., Ale, in bottles, per dozen, f:l. Labatt's Ale, in bottles, per dozen, $1. Cosgrove's Ale, in bottles, per dozen, $1. Russell's Ale, in bottles, per dozen, $1. AND ALL OTHER LIQUORS IN --PROPORTION. eatee. f4z. e.4 fee ..a 4 it, 3-07 i** '.71 a I- -; 2; t 34i.44 ih seteee.e . oe 1 1- # .1 1 . A Womi emu' Dificamery. E. "1" t1 2i7•4.*4311.R.344311,-14 ti*tti elf ti4<oott kttto1. se h. 11. Ptvb tt *tail/fan 0.12•11i*, lu4.„:1441.31 Ctv,itb4. Ilrottehilt YtIt Manna, jai fee fee, nee elie.t, dr: :ttieklier, eteigh, lidding in the timed, 1Ioareent-4, Sore Throaj. and all elated,. or lingetliee diet emit; of the throat and lungs, Dr. King's New Diecoevry has no equal end has established fur itstlf a world-wide repu- tation. Mauy leading physicianreetunmend and use it in their :I'm:Lice. The formate. from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all inedi- , cal journals. The clergy and the press have com- plimented in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a Wel bottle free of cost, or a regular size for *1. For sale by Messrs:Hick- son and Bleasdell, Seaforth. DR. FOWLER'S EXTIUDT OP WILD STRAWBERRY. —A specific remedy for all Summer ,Complaints suelf as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Canada- Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Difantum, Sour Stomach, Griping Pains„ and all derangements of the powels eaused by using impropar food, stuth as] raw ,vede- tables, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure wa- ter, or change of water, changes of the seasons, ex- posure. No matter from . what cause Or iu what form you are subject 'to any of the above com- plaints, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry will relieve you, tied a speedy cure will be effected withOut injury to the s3 -stem. It is manufactured from the wild strawberry plant, and free from .opene and other injurious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at Is. 101d. or three bottles for $1. Pre- pared by Milburn, Bentley & -Pearson, Toroi4o. R. N. BRET 1- SEAFORTH, • Wholesale and Retail Dea;er. LEATHE SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terme moderate. A Trial Solicited. 41 ordeala by mail or otherwise proraptly filled. let. R. N. BRETT THE PLACE: Th441ta1eopeee 'e tee-tee:tel. rittoms. 11. 1; YA •N.11, --M114.12t5 Pree1441,1 -1**115014st see teataertee avitertuair notentadvilit. 01/3.15 ,BROADFOOT-& BOX SEAFORTII UNDERTAKERS, &C. 1 'FUNERALS ATTENDED ON THE SHO TEST NOTICE. COFFIN AND SHROUDS A1/WAY8 ON 'HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE. BRAN. BRAN. BRAN AT $8.00 PER TON • AT THE BIG MILLS, SEAFORTH 609 A. W. OGILVIEI, ESTRAY STOCK, ESTRAY 00 W.—Strayedfrom Brueefteld about 10 days ago, a red cow about eight or 9 years old, giving milk. Any infoimation that will lead to her recovery will be thankfully received and suitably rewarde 1 by .JOHN MoINTOSII, Storekeeper, Brucefield. 611 Ti‘ STRAY HEIER.—Came into the premises of the u.ndereigned about the latter end of • April,. a 'spotted red and white, two-year-old heifer. The owner is requeated to prove prop- erty, pay expenses aed take her away. WM. WHITESIDES, . Parpurhey, Seaforth P. 0. • 609*4 CATTLE.—Strayed from Lot 19 I Con. 8, L. P.. S., Tuckersmith, about the end of April last, five Yearlings—two steers, twO heifers, and one bull; the bull is -red, ono steer white, the others rod and white a1 how con- siderable Durham; breed.' Such information as will lewd to their l recovery will be suitably re- warded. JOHN DAMAN, Kippen P.O. 611x4 • FOR SALE OR TO LET. -ea ooms TO LET.—Six rooms to let over A. ji-U G. Ault's Grecery store, seitable for dress - m eking apartments or for dwelling rooms, with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. ATILT. Proprietor. 590 pARM TO RENT.— Being 250 acres Lots 4 and 5, 9th con. Tuckeremith, 135 acres clear, o rat nary builchrgs thereon, soil good and in g ood state of cultivation. Apply to D. MeMIL- 608-4 LAN Soaforth. OR SALE OR TO RENT.—The Seaforth 4: Mill, known as the Red Mill; 4 run of stones; Steam power; with siding from Grand Trunk Railway; positeselon about the 1st or 15th of ;September. Apply to NV% KINGSLEY, ,Strat- ford . 694 P' 011ANCli.—Photogreph Rooms to L -et " on 6mA...tar in Nee-tete:a Brick Block, Staforth. -*silica eetd tea. A1* -1, Uwe or four Refati2 t -ti hifild 2.1t-4-katitikt-,-:V fer * #11221:14n*/ 1.*4.2*.. *..-. 14 4aeg5ag ,... 1'41c.k 4-14 1,,- V. 110.144E. TV1t, halvi4te."/ =-,4 t.t* t 5y,..w.Ta 2.4 2532 X-5•4,1 r. .,. ' 11 7.'„ It*.**4-:,"4-= 1 5-, •!'l,... t„,.*,-, .k.., gt,w4 , .4 * --.:22,*fj 4 -Y -tft ,..-t- --4-1-•:' '-., - ''.-'k 2:.-4 4.4..t2---- - - -t, •.•- ' t ,4,,f,r,1- ' 't: -i'-i 1 ie.:I TT'1 NDERTAKING IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES PROMPT.. ' LY ATTENDED TO. Also a First- Class Hearse Whioh lie will furnish for FUNERALS on rea sonable terms. Contracts for Buildings of every description taken on most reasonable terms. Material fur- nished if desired. Remember the Remelt Furniture and under. taking Establishment. 576 ; •S. FAIRBAIRN. _.— - 1(1pLi'S HARDWARE. RECIEWIED Dine? fitoi SANUFAC. AMMEIWAN m N4llag4, .8P4Draei, letteWLIA, F013,:tf, HMS AND RAKE'S, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, FENCING WIRE • Li, ." CENTRAL GROCERY, CARDNOS BLOCK. LAIDLAW & FAIRLY, •SEAFORTH THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS ESTABLISIiMENT ARE SPAR- ING NO PAIN'S TO MAKE IT THE CENTRE OF ATTRA.CTION To those who wish to purchase good reliable Goods either in GROCERIES, CROCKERY, OR GLASSWARE. Notwithstanding the National Policy we are selling Teas cheaper than ever. Although Crockery and blassware have advanced in the wholesale markets fully 2,0 per cent., we are still selling at the old prices. Parties wishing to secure Bargains in this line, either in China or White Granite Tea Sets, will require to purchase early before the present stock is all sold. out. The dem Fruit Jar, in quarts and half gallons, will be sold (per dozen) at less than last year's prices. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Granulated Wheat, Split Peas, and Pot and Pearl Barley always kept in stock. Also a large stock of Clear Bacon and Sugar Cured Hams. We invite intending purchasers to examine our stock and prices and convince themselves that the Central Grocery is the place to buy good goods, and conse- quently cheap goods'. The personal supervision of th* firm ivn to all erders, and pods warrautell rtpresmiteil r e*sh rt-fenticd. Jr:42 1),utcry. LA!! ILA:if gt F - PURE'. WORSTED VifoADED COLORS, 1 4 .3 OUR. NEW TARIFF CANNOT POSSIBLY EFFECT THE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES Which I am just opening, as they were all pur- chased before its advent. bly Factory Made Work eoreptises all THE LATEST STYLES In ell the different lines -of Ladies'', klerite, Boys, and Misses' Wear. My Stock of Children's Wear of all kinds is simply immense, All of which have been bought AT BOTTOM FIGURES For CASH, and -what is of MODS importance to the general public is, ;bat they *will be sold at 33ottom Figures, -which 1 filial any person, after examining the goods and ascertab3ing the prices -will admit. • CUSTOM DEPARTMENT.. The Cuetont Department of TOT blisiDOSs, 11.13111 - The past, will be conducted on the principle -of giving ray ottetomers the very best possible value for their money, and as I bought heavy in IMPORTED STOCK In anticipation of the rho in prices vision:have taken place, I -will 1* able to sell at tdd prices. Repairing 2Ceat1y Exi_zeiltiq on. M. ..(lliortest Possibk A -0a3. With *- t24-'2* ti-AtAs .r taa tat .mtw--", **I* 41: -14 *it! *tritaii* Veitr*ls. * a - T *4- gy 1 -N .**4 4' t ti a 'taa- - Hor,sf4 ill lie kept. Soft, Elastic, and capable of being made into Suits, while our Finer Qual- ities are unsurpassed, and comprise New Patterns both in design and color. We have, owing to the large ain,ount of patronage received on our starting business in Nevember last, bought a much larger stock, as we found our spring one iiim(gicient for the demand. TROUSERINGS. We are unable fully to • describe the merits contained in our Fancy Tronserings, which, so .far, excel anythiny in the market. They comprise the Finest . Lines ef English, French, and Scotch, makes, and must be gi.on in he fully apprPeirtied. - CANADIAN GOOD** co, te4$1-1 t till Rasr -ifCoat...1 1042t F4i1e5- #7.#$ 4#1, *:! d et-i1.4e1iti, CANADIAN KNITTED 0000111. .44i- emfiviimt Kniffied Gecob timWiII atom an unusually large and at:mart asibrimeat (gf Prawers, and Hosiery. .to SCOTCH UNDERCLOTHING. . . , We mink Avecia5 Attentio• n to this Department this season, as -we are having them, illade to Order to suit Our Own. Trade, in alisizes—S. AND !BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROti-GHS AND CONDUCT- • ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. HENSALL. LORNE ROOMS, OTB 1100ms are nowopen for the summer trade • Stock of Millinery new and fashionable. Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Berlin Wools, Mottos,&e. Dress and Mantle Making a special- ity. Good fits guaranteed. 598 MARY MITCHELL, ilensall. Men's, Men's. 0. &Men's, Extra 0. S. Men's, and Double Extra 0. S. Men's. FELT HATS. This Department contains a very choice assortment'of the Newest Lines in Christy's Stiff and Soft Hats. Also all the New Lines from the best American makers. - FUR CAPS. FUR CAPS. The Assortment in this Department witl be found very complete, corn - prising S. 8. Seal, Persian Lamb, Mink and Otter. Full Lines in Imi- tation, Seal and Lamb. Also Whitney, Pete, sham, and other Fancy Cloth, GLOVES AND MITTS. Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts, wool lined; Dogskin, Castor, Buck and Kid, 'unlined. This Department will be found unusually Large and .Attractive. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Our Gents' Furnishing Department will (5180 be found very cornplete. White Shirts a Specialty. 1.122.2" 'Covered and open Buggies and Carriageroted • Double and Single Wagons always readyfornse. Special Arran4yement8 Mack Wick Cow mercial Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the boleti promptly attended to. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing betWasa -1- Reid & Barton, as Mantiactarers of Plows: Wagons, &e., has this day been dissented by mutual consent. All accounts due thefirm tole, paid to Mr. Barton at one., either by cash or note, who will pay all liabilities of the AM. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of July,1371. S. K. REID. • fisistalt. DARTON _ Vitness--EDWA Tvn — BAMIng win esi on the baltittaar the *aa place, viz., that el4ssairsussook staita ot 6444 Orb* i sal 1****th**Cittiov****124 ***Atts# tot* Watt's **I pt42 Mena bookie, 40614 2.112"1 14sidigtfccirork la *** _4 t *th* 4.142*. 0/111rek _ -*el-0044k* MAX17.7$1* MR, OA RUN * &at etass *25*ttly 14**5.**4 et **4* lame atprott**24 alka*itmadlea smear* 24*-4ititil th.-3-tfore type tball Mt* RAM** ~re that pattottag* whisk kla taleata 111,1111162Noth Awn, fi.X. 11h1D. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTMIT THE subseriberbegs leave to thank hisassairea -a- customers for the liberalpatronage extendellW him since commencing bushaess in Seaforikand trusts hat he may be favored with teanitaulegs of the Sallie. Partie s intending to build would do well le SI* him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand.* large stock of allkinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BtitN17,117-.A.TLDINGs, SHINGLES; LATII, ETC.- Hefeelseonfident of givingsatisfactiontotion1 who nmyfavour him. with tb.eir pa tronage,sittelee but first-elassworktnen are employed. • Particular attention paid in Cn.stom Planing 20E JOHN 11. BROADFOOT- TO GRANGERS, FARMERS Al OTHERS. A S THEY occupy the attention of itt,thoss 4--1- hard times, the subscriber is determined Se meet them by offering good inch Hemlock, " gat usually gold for inch," at the following reti,__Lio 12 foot hemlock. at $7. 00 per thousand; 14 Imin Fencing, at $7 50, for Caela. All ordersoverr 5 per cent. discount. Call and sea if you. get what is represented. Book A.ccomats over 8 months will be AIWA 8 per tent. The subscriber thanks his numerous trastomal for their liberal support, and solicits * cookie** arm of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON'. 498 Stearn. Saw Mills, MaYaldclik - vat.v....71 Witt ItiT4T hotrg, and it ite the rainfall. has bee Another correspot that the largest imported into Dn many. For a few Aegiand gets potat but as sooa ss they, trade with Franc large quantities are land. from. • Gerir Meats of August May. According zetrirns, the inap9r the United Itingd year ba 8,751,174 ev ewt. in 187S. anti 1,4s3ti leiS, and '2,11 The count/it% *Iva those supplit En*** ppbcaticl 0,11 4011- 144-40etitt dsreailaitn;heiutilju ontaitiibtpl itstnd„ of sbtu vounasreyl there is a Weak pOir wnlaelitYloartifafitaelash:iftthl viceit°Pelea_Cle:ljzettcYamia°.:isfitolapldpeciso,ii fc Chemists, 48, Ti PO, Piccadilly, RrozBorBaia to 13E- -y, -n not slip under t e snit re v‘tirrgebut ono:igsastttinaoi setnek ifyaai e"illiaditilovinn,t.th°etaishemtt en: ppear. Experiet att9exte;se ne besotnaadilpil azabianHitc Renit- in numerous etas 7,....tilee481b:rreqdt1118Y:611e etyirt:itliallS'efftti; Ibieiti-teakatn:hwenh'oarlisde fllCtiIber the name,