HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-08-22, Page 7AUGUST 22, 187'9. OFIEAPES Ca - IS NOW RE:MINING A rery Large Stock of all k.- ;roceries and Provisions. Fresh Lot of Canned Pruit ',Toney and Jellies. r.-fi.eNh Lint 0/ those. ve.2-y choice reas i t Iticick, Green. and Jap% Gr,,,,7„s„iof L'N'lirup8 a Vohteses. nts, Raisins, Prunes, 46 thltmeal, Col -71771'6a, If-be,rt, Pot Barley, .Pleur ikort.s, best of Bain& and Bacon,' kinds 0/ Fr.sh Garden Seer/4 ro 1 01 t t p thLons, u a o mons a E Onioos and Potatoes. Crocks, _ma Pal., tf.e. 1. titer, Eggs, and a good va. ty of Soaps. 1.16enits in t• P°nni boxes, atj gro.tra Coffee. Also twit ,kt.•.;•1 Engli-h Excelsior Horse aurt !, Food. All are invite•t toth come eatd get _cf (etre.tGoods in the Doraboott. forget the platie : A. G. AUler-S- GROCERY, Main Street, SEA.rottrt SUNBEAM G A L 1.4 E mzeNtg the nest Policy. • it that CHARLES MOOR E is doing we! a rut,hirez land/less these hard timetr. rhe Natio4 Policy, nor it the pros. •.:-,tst I tiro -3. bat j ibec ‘use he attends itzthin an.1 doei, not try to injure others petty nts, anti eatiAo his wort he re:poved. ta hid new gall.,ry-is TG Ala AND SUPERIOR TO MOSt i:irt r•Iltiftil Accessories, be hu' • i-jfteem New York, one of Seavey'a :,.d B.titratra lea, or Stoue Fein, wheat Lig Equi to that 01 an,y i:Uailer," West oi Toronto. wishing, Prom enale r Panel Photographs .4eet tales 'mid 00 well to dvehirjs. t- t-• loan' t not to he behiad tha times. ‘.lit,le to Order chJap as Ets,aal• II AP LES A10 ORE, -h; !tun! aea Picture FrameDeillerf Wtti:k.ov*.t..;1,,e1c, Set, f ath. COM ael EROIA L LIVERY :4 le AFORT 11 . RTHUR F0413ES, G part -Lased the Stock and Trade orate :ortnuerenti Livery, Straka*, from Mr TVViatC.r2..I to state that he intends tr• tht t s. in the (dtl stund,and hat : .ev Ina bit. horses and vehicles to ths „ ciy large t.tuck. Nene but •70*Fit ntliir table Veh icles and Clood Ii'iRurs#:,.s. Will be Kept. R and al en flin,Qies and Carriagea,aud and Stnt.;:e V; age s, always ready for In& .A.-raugt,nunfs Matte With Cese nv.:rcial Mete .s eft at the stables or any Of the WWI Etetided Ece. 4ERGRAN1S AND DAIRYrdEk S. TRUTT, SEAFORTH, i!eiwh PI. &e -.ire in, e.illitq.; partlealar attea, 'An to his ear Eight ;BUTTER F;RKIN1 rerkin is warranted air tight, and (te ittly keep thel butter muck purer ail t 1'U 1tU. Atr tub m ide ea VP ta , saving ituve than, the pries of the tab value ofinitter. Sam:pies a1way3 On "_•1•141-. Tubs on 1.tanl as usual. For psi- eii .t1 air or adore:sec__ s. TRGTT,SeafortItt rit.g arta rtpaiiing aa usual. 600 MTED,, ONE THC)USAND k'sHOELESS 'PEOPLE. untie t ited Itr.s xi:m(1i pleasure lull. !toing tw ieb.dbitantd Kippett artd talr• ntuod, that he has opened a 10'r AND St-i0E SHOP ve.te gr... and he hopes, by strict at - ,r1 Itaret 1,3 tit,irtg nOthing 11,0 Of bit20.:, to zuGritt.thare of -PIO 3-.• B. JAMIESON. tUR DRESS -0 GI • MSS STARK ir.forin the Laslies of Seeforthini n.ity [lam :It,: is prepared tp makeul li Ee, CU'', LS, BRAIDS, Sr,oe Fte".1:ion. from Combings. '7s):` 'eni-tte.an I s.1I orders punctua0llYai A ell Itet,ideace--11 ,tfot DRAYAGE h tvittg ti..!ered irtto calart; ' a , Ij,zrd te meet the wants 04 tq St:ttiortb awl others Iv° n/51- " r'net•-;a eat -lief -4 to and front ,11. ,she•ts and elsewhere Oa rav7. t' luAtt. mav bo left at Sosepti (i I y -tot tend vein rec.eve etetoPt N() ft M k 11.RGWNVT,A1 „ft)ti.EP11. ABELL. • :;•1, E-iENSAtete. B 0 0 1'1 IV E: • (,..4 pen for the sciumertrade new and fashionable. t•i•ttts r " eather-t. Ornaments, Berlia ."- tresa and Mantle Making a lila goaran teed.iLCfl liA.EY 3r1 tcHELL, AtOtTST 22 1b79 THE HURON- EXPOSITOR. lisartnestealettnefaMtlaausemasamatimmessiono. ,The Bank Run. Amusing, but 'Pouching Scenes and in- cidents of tke Excitement. The Montreal Witness of Saturday has the following items in regard to the on on the City and District Savings Dank STRONG IN FAITH. Said a friend to a depositor, "Aren't eez agoing to draw yer bit o' money Itees the City and Disthrict Saviu's Bank?" eairo„' replied the other. • i.And why not e" interrogated her friend. Shure and didn't Dochtea Hingston say it WaS all right, and didn't he cure Patsey of the Lever, when the other doe - etas gaveitim up ? It ain't the likes of we as is goiug to doubt the woord of a tleniall;SHAMED TO GO IN. A merchaut met a Witness reporter, a entering into conversation, said he had gone t the Bituk with the object ef withdrawing a part of -his deposit, bet seeing the crowd of ol. women, and evidently poor and very excited de- -sitors who were trying to geteaear the clerks, he became aehained of himself and linet urs of infirm persons were car- ried into the Bank to get what- was to their credit. N() INTEREST ALLOWED. The Bank of Montreal hag, it is said, received over five hundred new deposits on current accounts during th.e past _week. Money is so plentiful that the Bank will not allow any iuterest on new Recounts. s ereetto AND INCAPABLE. In it "rim like this was, where old men and old women, whose "little all" , is here stored. as well as servant girls, -laborers and others, whose every -dollar has been the•resnit of hard toil, form a, large proportion of the depositors, some of the scenes. presented are peculiarly interestmg and sad. All this forenoon, two decrepit cild woro.en were sitting on the floor of the batik, quite close to the door, as if stunned, being utterly inca- pable of acting. They had come to the place evidently with the object of With. - drawing their deposits, but had been advised. not to do so. They remained there the whole forenoon, aud our re- porter. was iuformed left without taking out their money. THE EFFECT OF EXAMPLE. The action of many of these poor people was iudaeuced by the couusel and example of the priests. A case in point occurred this forencou. The Rev. Father Beaubieu entered the Bank shortly after thiadoors opened to make a deposit. His movements .were followed with much interest by a number of people, including the two elderly women mentioned above; they watched him at the counter, aucl when it was seen he was paying money into the institution several left quite satisfied. An old _French-Canadian woman coming ie, asked a gentleman if the Bank was good. The reply was;" There is no danger." Going to another who was going away with a handful of bills -Bank of Montreal and Dominion notes, as all the amounts are paid ill - she asked. the Same question. This gentlemau saiil, "It is ali right, ; I 'ain lust drawiug money for nay business." "Good, good, all right ; I am satis- fied," she said, as her face lighted up and she trotted off. Another guatlewan, who said that all he owne'l was in the Bank-aud he is reputed to own a ,fitir share of this world's goods -was looking on in a half - armed, wholly unconcerned manner, while a broker, shaking his head nays- teriously and. seriously, said, " This is a serious matter." ROBBED OF $415. It is reverted that a hard-working wo- man of Point St. Charles drew her savings to the amount of $415 from the City and District Bank yesterday aud was robbed near McGill street of the amount. The case has not, however, been reported to the police. • A woman who sells cabbageS. on St. Ames Market had the snug little de- posit of $1,500 to her credit. She got a check for the amount aud after some conversation with several gentlemen who eeplained to her -the folly of her course she put the deposit iu again. She reported this morniug that she slept better last night than if she had had the money home with her. ANOTIIER Mrs. Menard entered the Bank and withdrew- her deposit of :;,175. Before she had. reached St. Francois Xavier street she found that her money had disappeared. She at once reported the matter to the detectives, but the thieves had disappeared in the crowd. leer Its GOT oter TITE EXCHANGE BANS. A gentleman who had a largo account at the Exchauge Bault, wished. to. with- draw_his account, and drew a cheque for the whole of his deposit. It -was I paid, hut no interest was allowed. Thinkiug this somewhat strange, he asked the reason -why it was not 'allow- ed. The teller consulted. the cashier, and the cashier consulted the manager. The result was about $200 for iuterest was addec1 to the amount of the deposit and. another cheque was given- for the Run total. The gentleman immediate- ly went to the Molsons Batik, and asked them to open an account with him. Af- ter going through the usual prelimin- aries, he presented the c-heque given by the Exehange Bank. Fortunately, for him, it was accepted, at exactly two miuutes to three o'clock, The next morning the Exchauge Bank failed. He. had been just in time. • Keeping Meat '\iltarin Weather. - Great is the convenience o a good refrigerator ! But many of us who liver11 the emmtry have to get along .1 without such. a convenience. Farmers' I families, who often depend tipou the butchers' meat cart for supplies of fresh meat, are annoyed by the bother and Waste that (emits of getting more beef or mutteu than they can conveniently es° np before it becomes tainted. The most foolish waste is to eat more of it t.ban you need with the idea of "saving ;" the -dottor's hill that may result from overloading the digestive organs isnot so good it show of ecotiomy as ,the fresh egg e you might coax form the I hens by dean Meat. The meat should first be wiped. feeding them any ekcess of and dry. Some sprinkle it went hi all its parts with salt. Others use b..._±lack pepper plentifully, washing and ,w1, Ping it well before using it, to remove 'Qs Pepper and salt, and tlie_.hang it in the coolest place poesible-some in ; well, and others in a cellar. Perhaps ; the best precaution is to 'wrap it in a 000 , dry cloth and cover it with charcoal b 0 dust. Some say that wood ashes would 0 0 answer as well as charcoal; but I only 0 0 know the virtue of charcoal by experi- 000 ence. I have found Ghat charcoal will • even remeve a slight degree of taint. I am told. that mutton is improved as well as pr served, for a short time by wrapping lit in a wet cloth with vinegar and 1ayin4 it on the bottom of a dry cel- lar. All ikinds of meat, including fish and fowl, may be preserved in brine for a longer or shorter tirne.-American Agriculturist. HORSES SATED. --The lives of thou- . sands of horses have been saved during the past year, and the' credit is due to " Dailey's Condition .Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." This pre- - paration is being extensively used, and exacts froni all the highest praise, Nothing of the kind has ever before been half as successful or given such universal saMsfaction ; it cannot be equalled. We cae confidently roe0m- mbn4 it, and Would advise all who own horses to keep a supply of it oonstantly on hand -it may be the means of saving your horse's life., Remember the name, and see that the, signature of Hurd A . Co. is on each package. Northrop te. Lyman, Toronto, Ont.,: proprietors for Canada. Sold by all naedicine dealers. • EPPS'S Coco:a-Gratefu1 and comfort- ing.-‘.‘ By a thorough knowleclgo of the natural laws which, govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, &ad by a careful application of the -fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provident our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies aro floating around. us ready to attack wherever *there is a weak point. We may esca,pe many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified, with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame."-Civit Ser, vice Gazette.- sold only in packets label, led-"J'ames Epps 85 Oo., Homoeopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 100,- Piccad.iliy, Lon don." 482-52 Summer complaints, or Cholera Infauture, which is carrying off the infants and children .by the thou5and at this st ason of the yam., can al- ways be checked and °tired by Dr.Fewler's Extract of Wild Strawberry: It litts -never failed to give immediate relief in, the most severe camiti. It is a boon within the reach of t.very motintr. Do no fail to give it a trial; you will be pleased with its charming effects For sale by all dealers. • Mil - bun, Bentley & Pearson, Toronto. Dn. Fowr.,En's EXTTIACT OP WILD S'TIL4W131,111R-Y. -A specific remedy for all Summer Coinplaiuts,, such as DiarrhoeC-Dysentery, Canada Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantrun'Soar etomacle Griping Pains, and till derangements of the bowels used by using improper food, such as raw vege- tables, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, inipure wa- ter, or chattge of water, changes of the seasons, ex- posure. No matter from . what cause or in what form yt.iti are subjeet to any of the above com- plaints, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry .will relieve you, and. a speedy cure will be effected without injury to the gyatfOl. It is manufactured from the wild strawberry plant, and free from opium and. other injurious drug. For sale b,)nil dealers, at is. 1014. or three bnes for 1. Pre- pared.ly Milburn, Bentley & Pearson, Toronto. Backl en's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cats, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds1 of Skin Ertiptions. This salve is guaranteed to, give per- fect satiSfactiou in ev,try ease or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.. For sale. by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. - 566-8m A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and. all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever; Astluna, pain in the s4le and chest, dry hacking cough, titlkling in the throat, Hoarseness, Sore T-hroat, and all chronic or lingeting diseases of the throat anklungir, Dr. King's New Discovery has 110 eqnal sad:leas established for itself a world-wide repu- tation. . Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice.. The for -mina from which it is ,prepared is highly recomniended by all it in the most glowing medi- p«.1 lng terms. Go to eal iourials. The clergy and the press hdve corn- limentyoui druggist andget p trial bottle free of 'cost; tit reguleir size for 1. For sale by Messrs. Hick- son and Theasdell, Seaforth. Enjoy Life. whitt a. truly beautiful world we live iu! Na- ture gives us grandtur of mountains, gime and oceans, itinl thousands of means for enjoyment. We can desire uo better wheu in perfect health; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and wor- ried out with disease, when there is no oecasion fur this feeling, RR every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will make them as free from disc alto as when born Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct cause of stventy-five per cent. of such maladies as Bil- iousness, Indigestion'Sick Headache, Cost iveneks, Nervous Prostration.Disines of the Head, Pal- pitation of the Heart, and other distressing symp- toms. "Three closes of August. i Flower prove its wonderful cifect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. --* Great Western itallway. Trains leave Brussels ,station, north and south as under: . .:__ GOING NORTIL GOING SOIITH. Mixed 10:25 A. M isfoil - .6:15 A.. M. Accom... ..... 9:08 P.1,4% Ace= 12.15 A. M Mail ...... ... .2:58 P. M.Atixed .. ,, .7: P.: M T • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Setiforth and Olin' on Stations as fGCCI)Ir°N‘ov N:VEs'r- SEAFORTH. CLINTON. - _ Fxpress 8:10 P. M. . 8:30-P. M. Lxpress 6.55 P. M. 9:15 P. M.. Mixed Train... S:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. Mixed Train ..1:05 P.M. 1:45 P. M. GOING FAST- SEAFORTI-I. Express ,. 8:00 A. M. 7:'6 A. M. Express Train..... :051'. M. 12: -9 P. M. Mixed. Train 4:15 P. V- 3:30 P. M. Mixed Train...., '.7:85 P. M. 5:55 P. M. London, HuronandBruce. Game Nount- Mail. - Mixed. Express. P. M._A,. M. P.M. London, depart 15 5 55 6 15 Exeter_ ...3 35 8 05 7 35 52 8 34 7 51- Kippen 3 58 8 44 7 58 13rucefield 4 08 9 00 8 03 13lyth 4 25 9 45 8 25 4 52 10,82 8 52 Clinton 525 11 50 926 sten. Mixed. Express. A. M. A.. M- p.M. - winebani, depart...10 55 , 7 00 6 15 - Blyth 12 15 7 5 6 53 Clinton 1 10 p 01 7 24 Btucefield. .1 40 8 18 7 43 - 7 '58 Kipen .1 57 8 28 If ensall 2 05 8 84 Exeter. 9 50 8 49 Winelotm GoING Sotri- A KK. AA KK A A KK AAA K K A A.K K 7 H H A L L ri a AA L L naafi AA L L ' H ti ' AAAAA_ L L H II A A LLLLL LLLLL INIMIN".1.1•1111•151SIMIT.9.11111 IOW LJ 0 HALL CLOTHING allOMMIMIMMINIMNIMM=1••••••••Wc• etheseletaiibeeiti eileeeetereelieLeZiee 1,411 4 Al • THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT `NOSH3CINv 'H1hOdV3S 1 awe, ....mo•sharkInGelair.,...6.6,.. -.WW1 R THE SEASON OF 1879. -,-,-;z•-et- 4tc\‹ gatrZialty t.: . • IZITEDSMTM ....,,,... 1. CESTENNIAL emittitss10114tki ti OEETENNIAL AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MACOLIVI MON EGE BRO THEP, EAFORTH 5 Are again to the fore this SeD:2011 As.ith their Agricultural Implements. They are stull anufacturing the athe Plea s as wet e atkattIttl Special Distinction at thre4 Centeiinial and teydney Exhiletives. Tbiy detect to 4111 eel, special attention to their NW GENERAL PURPOSE co PLOW, 0 Thi as one of the hest Plows that has ever been ietroduced into this part of the ' ommtiy. It has been thoroughly testi cl, anti has given general satisfaction to all who have need it. It is no 'Yee are invention, got up for sale only, and dependent ; on the Wowing werits of agents to commend it to favorable witioe. AiLL THAT IT WANTS 1.1 A FAIR TRIAL. It is to giva WE OF THE WEST. Theol Don't Worry about the effects of -the New though the Duty is large,:as Our :G-oods are so Superior in Gni awl Make that you can well a ord to Pay the Difference. OUR STOOK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST And of the Ne' -est and Most Fashionable Goods. We are cola- tinually Receiving all the Novelties as they come out. We Call Special Attention to Our CilStOM, Department. 1.-Tre,-/inake Goods to Order in. first-class style at very low pnces. In this branch of our business we, Trold the Fort, and are sure that the Prices of 0117' Goods wi72 tmake sales. We say it With011t Fear Of 001LIPatliCti07t. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE BEST ENGLISH, FRENCH,SC5 CH An CAHADIAN TWEEDS We are 92011' showing a fnll line of the above Goods, for the conzing awl ...These Cods. have been selected with care, and Indy be relied on as the _Host Pashion«ble Shades and Correct Fabrics. SCOTCH :SUITINGS. In Scotch Switinys we have ft Lary:, Stork and Seleet Style., at rea- sonabl Tiow Fignres. .! COAT AND: VEST MATERIALS.- . - Worsteds ttly? Vt' jill't»';'6,71a 'may be regarded as stalgte .Buyers qf these Goods are ‘iable to be misled as to -quality, on, accoient of Jute and other foreign material being largely 'used in the. manut'acture of low- lines. Our lowest lines are PURE WORSTED WOADED COLORS, Soft, Elastic, and capable of being made into 4ttits, while our _Finer Qual- ities are It neltrpassed, and comprise New ,Ptitterns both in desion!..and TIre hare, owing to the large amount qf patronage received on, our starting business in, __Vovember last, bought a nzuch, larger stock, as we .found our spring one iltsullicient for the demand. • TROUSERIEIGS. • We are unable .fally to describe the merits coktainod 'iv our Fancy Trouseringx, which, w7 ficr, excel anythiny id the market. They comprise the Finest Lines cf. .L'uylish, French, and Scotch, makes, and must 176 seen to be fully appreciated. CANADIAN GOODS. In our Canadian DepartniPnt will be found Full Ranges of Coarse '...11ediu7Th, and Fine Coods, which defy competition. which, prove warranted to clan in any greund. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth I it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee hemhug. LS) MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S 'PATENT PLOWS, and well-known Cutter Plow, with recent int- ents, is better •,et at ;0'4" than `ever. Also a 1 One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing! Gardens. SCUFFLERS5•AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. zul 00 W Jr -N. 111. ':itia gr " ARDWARE. HA, ft: SION OF THE CIRC 14,, 0 ••• _ r • \I�' - This Plow is universally admittedeto be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing.any other. all these inipleinents are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments' for catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectable eetablishment that turns out a good article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can be:,seen at their shop at any time. IRON HARROWS -THE SCOTCH .D1AJTIOND HARROWS KEPT COSSTANTLT O II.A.ND. - Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-sa, Seaforth. MALCOLM MON MALCOLM MONTME. ROE & BROTHER. ALEXANDER. 40NROE: ID 01 ID CC, 1; :d -g c••• •-• ,"`• ••••• „4.-:••• g 'er• 3WOH 3ZIHOH1Vd 0 0 'Slump OT ti! D ARE. LAR SAW • 1 ; •••••••21:1 =WNW 1113MO Vel QV10 • BRADLEY HARVESTERS, A WARDED Medals st the World's Fair Phil- adelphia, U. $.., 187e; Sydney, Australia, 1E47; Paris', France, 1b78; Gold and Silver Medals, Huron ieape Tthii, 1877, and Gold Medal 1!,.78. Everywhere successful. .o111 by D. Hogan and W. J. Grieve, Seaforth; Robrt Anderson, Nippen; ,Arebibalei McCully, Bruceileld, jolan Robinson, Varna L Elliott. G.ittet ich DaN id Halstead, Wingham; T. Eng - is. Order early. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1e - can bs of any Of the Agents. re. D. SAWYER Hamilton, Manufacturer& GEO. STEWART, Clinton, General Agent. ;No BLOW BUT • REM, FACTS* CHILLED PLOWS Prove,d and Acknowledged to be L the Standard Plow of AmericLJ a. FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH IT HAS NO EQUAL. The Material used in the construc- tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of Face and Toughness, is superior -to • Cast Steel and. is MANUFACTTRED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, * SCUFFLERS, &O„ CANADAKNITTED GOODS. - In our Canadian knitted Goods. VP3 will show.an 110,71s:tally large and r attractive assortment y Shirts. Drawers, and Hosiery; • SCOTCH UNDERCLOTHING. We invite Special Attention to this Department this season, as ire are having them ,AlLade,to ,irder to suit oar own .Trade, in all sizes -S. _Hen's, Man's, 0. S. Men's, Extra 0. S. Men's, and Double 1::xtra 0. S M en' s . FELT HATS. This Department contains a very choiee assorbnent qt the Newest Lines in Ghristy's Stiyf c&ndSqft Hats. Also all ithe ,Vew Lines front the best Anorrican makers. 8 04 FUR CAPS. FUR CAPS, 83 SOMETHING NEW IN SEAFORTH. FLOUR AN D FEED G. R.' MONKMANi UAS OPENED a Full Stocii of Flonr itnti Feed or every description, in STARk'S BLOCK, adjoining Alegarcy!s Bake, y. Patties wanting . FLOUR, or MEAL of all *kinds, OT GRAIN of all kinds, can make money by puiehating from me. Gagh paid for pott•toes, Apples,Bacon, butter, Eggs, and all kinds of produce. • Goods Delivered in Town Free of Charge. Remen)ber the place - Stark's Block, Alain Street, Seaforth. 610 ' • G. R. MONK:MAN. -.The Assortment in this Department witl be found very complete, con7, prising S.- S.' -Seal, Persian Lamb, Hink and Otter. Full Lines in Imi- tation Seal and Lamb. Also fr hitney, _Pete; shani, and other Fancy Cloth. GLOVES AND MITTS. - Men's Kid Oloves and -Mitts, wool lined; Dogskin, Castor)Buck and Kid, unlined. This .Npaitment will be found uy nusuallLarge and I Attractive. GENT' FURNISHINGS. Our Gents' _Furnishing Department will also be found very complete. White Shirts a Specialty. 11A -1 -.J1 --;Y. &DiRSO1T., •„ 1 OATARIO PRINIERS' EMPORIUNI. GWATKIN & SON HAV E THE ELIS ).N E LECTR C ABSORREKT BELT 1 Possestdeoc, in nticlitiott to the, pi' oper. tivrt or .the Violnion Pad, all ilio irtl feroperti...t e I t!, Icetricity. t'streto Biltious Disorder., Arre Compinint, riervolesttesx. Iketgralitzia.. ,,•,ic•Fi Head - :le he, Dizziut ptt,t, Depotts4(I &Tx. PRICE -$1:50, $1.75 and f:•2.00. CALL AT ROBERTS' DRUG -STORE For -Pamphlet erintainitig all information. N. B. -The Holmen Pad tiliO lept on blna. C.A,..1R,ID 7 DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Snrsery, • 6.ndCiv11. Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended to. 479 D. S CAMPRIZTAL, „ TO THEIR NEW PREMISES', Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets. MAR.RIAGE LicsrisEs ia KC T I IF s CATE P.;, ;Under the new Aet,)isaned at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEA.FORTH. LUMBER FOR SA.LF, HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per 31. PINE from is. BILLS GUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McICIIJ.1.10P, LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, I Where. ..161kIda of Lumber ran be obtained. I 479 TIIOMAS DOVINET he Subscriber has also a 'Always on hand, made of Improve& Patterns, and warranted (A. l). Coittenns, Castings, Scitool, Church', 'Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. All Kinds of Repairing done and Good -Work Guaranteed. JOHN INIOPPERI Seaforth Foundry.. AILS, C. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term 1)1 Music will open on Sept...16th. Pupils rhon)4 give in their manes previous to the opening of the -elms. Those itothav- ing Instruments eau be aceonnnedated with nee ef Piano or organ at ver? mod-, erste rates. flealorth, 5*IA. 'TAM, eat 4."