HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-08-15, Page 7AUGUST 15, -1$7 NBEA . T O L, L Honesty is the Best Polar �t SaW 'is it that CHARLES such a ruching business h se OO d ua not the National Policy, nor is ee o good tim.• a, ant it is bee -rasa it etha a is business :end doer not try to in alt ted;. taking petty allusions, and bcc alaera hie ace he removed to his new Iris wozi �+rileryis JAL TO AlW AND SUPERIOg TO Mon ddition to his Beautiful Accessories, he by i iful received Balustrades, orYSton one of Segvec's es his Ki prance, "which f7ssorjes Equal to that f an Gallery west of 'Toronto. les wishing Promenade or Panel Photographs terior sceneries would do well to give Kira He is bound not to be behind the: tiara zre Frames es Made to Order cheap as use UH RLES IOORE ograplaer, Picture and Picture Framei}ealel Whitney's Block, Seaforth. }-411\,, rRONIzE HOME 111DUSTRIES. ci go, abroad fo yo r Furniture 'ken you CCM t as Good Valu r your money in I. ensall as is ny other lours in Conac1a. oEy FAIRBAIRN Has now on hand a Splendid Stock of TT a TIT1- B OF ETERY DESCRIPTION, icl1 he mill sell at Prices to Suit the Tines. UNDER TAKING ALL ITS BRANCHES PROMPT, LY ATTENDED TO. 0 (1 _ aw- CLasq Hearse t he will frzrnish for FUNERALS on res: sOi able terms. 13TJT .D r tracts for Bnll=lings of etery descriptio'' on most reasonable terms. Material far. if desired. ie€ober tire Fleusall Furizitare and under• Eetablishrnentt. 8- F451.1RBAIRN. THE EDISON CTRIC ABSORBENT BELT eases, in addition to the proper.. ,t the Holman Pad, all the Rea. Properties. of 9 leetricity. Cures Ens Disorders, diver Complaint, Qjr�rrn:es , kkcaralgia, dick Rend. .Dizziness, _Depressed Spirits, ICE—$1.50, 175 and $2.00. AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE For Pamphlet containing all information. The Holman Pad also kept on hand. ERCRANTS AND DAIRYMEN. S. TROTT, S. AFO:RTH, much pleasure in calling paf rticaiar atter. n to hie air tight BUTTER PIRI(IN, • erkin is warranted air tight, and will ently keep the butter much purer and I than any other tub m�tdie on the old I, saving more than the price of the tub ced value of butter. San -ries always ori on lFor $r Tubs on banal as ns aL sP call at Faetor,y or address S. TROTT, Saaforth. -_Coopering and repairing as usual- 600 1TED, ONE THOUSAND -OELESS PEOPLE. uuderaigned bas much pI i0ing the inhabitant of Ki , neighborhood, that ho haOST ANI) SHOE SHOP id Village, and he hopesy by strict at - business and by usioginothing but 1 of stock, to merit a share of publics J. B...7Ahn ESON- asure in in- pen npen and oar- opened a 7BER FOR 1SALE. Fitst Quality, $6 per M. PI from $8. }ILLS CUT TO OSIER, Length, front 10 to 50 Feet, atthe MILE, IN McKILL OP• The Subscriber has also la ER YARD IN SEAFORTIL t1 lii.eas cd Lamb can be obtained.. THOMAS DOWNZI COTES AND WACONS. sleighs are sold and we have now on a good supply of buggies a d atfgon5 Letter ourselves ate hard to` beat either ilattired, workmanship, fun. ee them and eatisfy yours aken a exchange, and seeon Ifurserhoeing avid general pre raptly .endst?.ti:ifactiongo rnauded- Come and get r►j s as we are bound to do tt ti OEIN WILLIAMS, _ . DRAYAGE. clr•rsignedhaving entered into co -pal' ip, are prepared to meet the wants alai saute of Seaforth and other$. who eir services as carriers to and from Oa rc,ight sheds and elsewhere on moat terms. Orders may be left: etjoseph pt Grocery store, and willrecei�v F l attention. NORMAN BROWNELL* JOSEPH" A.13EIti'I'• Aug. SO, 1878. 560 h or Fries. elves. 4Id Ihand ones job -ring at 5.ranteedor a at your at -witted' E iabarn• AUGUST 15, 1 879. Girl Waits Seven Years for an Absent Lover, Only to ear at Last of Rita Death' in Zululand. One of those instances whioh prove the truth of the old saw that " truth is stranger than fiction," was brought to light in this city w few days ago. The case is also interesting j as presenting an example of devotion and constancy somewhat rare in these degenerate days. ! ; Some years ago, in 1872, a young girl employed as a domestic servant in the fanady of a well -know; citizen, and known as ." Nelly," won ! the affections of a young well-to-do mechanic, and for a'time love's coarse ran smoothly. Af- ter an engagement of about a year, the happy day was fixed, but at the hour appointed, instead of tie bridegroom. there came a note saying that " he could not marry her that day," giving no reason. Naturally the poor girl was almost broken-hearted at such appar- ently cruel and unfeeling treatment, and many were the maledictions be- stwed on the young man by her friends, and deep their threats of vengeance: The delinquent, however, was not to be found ; he had unaccountably disap- peared,leaving no clue as to his future intentions. Even with appearances sa rano' against her lover, the girl would never believe in his faithlessness, and though from that unhappy day he had never been heard of, slie still relied on his affection being unchanged. That her confidence was not mis- placed, although her life's dream was destined to be shattered, was prov- ed by a letter received by the last Eng- lieh mail.: This letter, wtitten by an- other, for the poor fellow was dead, con- veyed. the intelligence that, overcome with shame and sorrow at the loss of his situation (caused by his intemperate habits) w1! ich of course prevented his marriage. he had left Montreal intend- ing never to return. At length he had enlisted at Halifax, and in course of time volunteered into a regiment fight- ing in Zululand. Through the cam- paign he distinguished himself on sev- eral occaeiens, until, at the battle of Gingilhova, he was .fatally wounded. Before his death he gave into the hands of a comrade a piece of ! ribbon, some hair and a ring once belonging to the girl he had jilted, and which he had worn next to his heart all ! these long years, charging him to convey it to her again, with the explanation of his con- duct, which he had bitterly regretted ; and the assurance that his last thought was of her, though he dared. not hope that she still thought of him with any- thing but contempt. All this his com- rade faithfully conveyed to the girl, and thus though her hopeswere dashed to the ground in so sad a manner, she has yet the happy consolation of know- ing that• her lover, was not utterly un- worthy, anct that though dead and lost to her, his end had been a noble one, fighting bravely to the last.—Montreal Gazette. An English Estimate of Tal- mage. The London Truth says : Rev. De Witt Talinlage is at present starring about the country under the patronage of various pious los ds and lathes, who publicly refer to him as " the distin- guished American divine," " the cele- brated transatlantic orator," and the like. As American divines go, he may be a distinguished representative of the species : but that he can be called a " celebrated orator " in any true sense of the words, is out of the question. The only merit of his style is a certain florid, daily telegraphic sort of orna- mentation, which as soon palls upon the ear as stucco arabesques do upon the eye ; his voice is coarse and un - Musical, and his pronunciations dis- figured by a full -flavored American twang. He drops his final g's in words ending in " ing," talks of when he was - " on the baddle-field," remarks that to pious lords and ladies it will some day be said: 4 Yer did it ter me," and de- clares children to be his ,t larms." Al- together the Rev. DeWitt Talmage struck me when I heard him as being a sort cf Yankee Chadband who has got a little into society. • Tropical Snow. Ten sweet oranges ; and one grated cocoanut ; 2 glasses pale sherry ; 1 cup powered sugar ; 6 red bananas. Peel the oranges ; divided into lobes and cut these across three times, making small pieces, from which. the seeds must be taken ; put a layer of these in a glass bowl, and pour a little wine over them; Ptrew thickly with white sugar ; the coacoanut should have been pared and thrown into cold water before it was grated ; spread some of it over the sugared oranges ; cut the bananas into very thin slices, and put a layer of the fruit close together, all over the _ cocoa- nut; more oranges, wine, sugar and cocoanut, and when the dish. is full, t heap high with cocoanut; sprinkle sugar on 'this, and orna- ment with rings of sliced banana ; eat very soon or the orange will grow tough in the ovine. Oranges cut up in the Way I have described are more easily managed than with a spoon, and less juice is wasted, then when they are sliced in the usual manner. ,This is a handsome and delightful dessert. A CoxrFmon Specimen. An American lady writes : " At night my husband comes home with a rush, hangs his hat upon the floor, throws his coat upon the first chair, sends his boots flying in another direction, works his feet into his slippers while unfold - his paper, reads, eats, reads again un -til bed time, throws his paper down for some one else to pick up, and rushes off to bed. This is the programme, with exceptions, until Saturday night. Sun- day morning he bolts his breakfast, and tears around while getting into his ` Sunday best' and rushes off to church ; Comes home and. bolts his dinner (never eats), reads alittle, sleeps a little, and away he goes again. When he tries to keep quiet, he is sure to make the more noise ; if he starts to go round a mud, - puddle he is sure to to step flat into it ; if he crosses the room carefully he is sure to kick the table leg or fall over a chair ; and let him go to a table where a spare clean cloth has been spread and you will see more of decorative art jn five minutes than you ever dream- ed could be accomplished in so short a time: He is temperate, naturally kind- hearted, attends strictly to business and pays his" debts like .a man ; was once chatty and domestic, fond of his family and home, but has allowed him- self to drift with this rushing, reading THE HURON EXPOSITOR. habit, until now nothing could break it up short of breaking his neck. Fancy a wife trying to coddle such a streak of lightning." PROFITS OF THE FARM. — Farming does pay, and pays well on- the capital invested, with such general intelligent management as is necessary in any oth- er business. There is no . other busi- ness which offers as good security for the investment ; there is no oth- er business which brings more con- tentment and less wearying anxiety of mind. The man who owns his farm and has three or four per cent. at the end of the year on the paid-up capital, after supporting his family, is actually in better condition than nine -tenths of the men in any other calling. HEALTH is STRIINGTE. — To prevent or conquer disease is one of the grand- est attainments ever aimed at by man, and "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" will as sure cure coughs, colds, tinkling in the throat and pulmonary complaints, - as war and pestilence will destroy. Se- vere colds, if not attended to, sooner or later lead to ineurable consumption, and the strength of the strongest soon fails if neglected. ° The readiest and best means known for the cure of these complaints is "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers," which have been thoroughly tried for the past twenty years, and have never been known to fail. Singers and public speakers will also derive great benefit from the use- of them. Sold by all medicine dealers at 26 cents per box. EPPs's COCOA.—Grateful and comfort- ing.--" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which .govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables -with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack' wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished =frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label led James Epps & Co., Homoeopath- I. is Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 190, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 • DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. —A. specific remedy for all Summer Complaints, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Canada Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infarrtum, Sour Stomach, Griping Pains, and all derangements of the bowels caused by using improper food, such as raw vege- tables, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure wa- ter, or change of water, changes of the seasons, ex- posure. No matter from what cease or in what form you are subject to any of the above com- plaints, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry will relieve you',and a speedy cure will be effected without injury to the system. It is manufactured from the wild strawberry plant, and free from opium and other injurious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at ls. 100. or three bottles for $1. Pre- pared repared by Milburn, Bentley & Pearson, Toronto. • TESTDZONIAL.—Balmoral, May 21st, 1878.—This is to certify that I havo used and sold Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wilts Strawberry 'with great satisfao- faction, not only to myself, but to my customers, who in every case when I have recommended it, speak highly in its favor. For cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, and all summer complaints, I can with confidence recommend it. EDWARD G. Cont. 1 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 566 -Sm Murder. Will Out. A few years ago "Angnst Flower' was discovered to be a certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint, a few thin Dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly they had been cured by its use. The great merits of Green's August Flower became heralded tlirough the country by one sufferer to another, until, without advertising, its sale bas become immense. Druggists in every town in the United States and Canada are selling it. No person suffering with Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, low spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Go to your druggist and get a bot- tle for 75 cents "and try it. Sample bottles 10 cents. • Great Western 1{ailsvay. Trains leave Brussels station, north and south as under: - GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed 10:25 A. M. Mail • 6.15 A. M. Accom.... 9.08 P. M. Accom 12.15 A. M Mail ..2:58P.M. Mixod..,....,7:i5P.M Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as follows : GOING WEST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Express 8.10 P. M. 3:30 P. M. Express 8 55 P. M. 9:15 P. M. Mixed Train......8:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. Mixed Train. 1"•05 P. M. 1:45 P. M. GOING FAST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Express .-........8:00 A. M. 7:86 A. M. Express Train.....1:95 P. M. 12:49 P. M. Mixed Train .4:15 P. bI. 8:80 P. M Mixed Train,..7:35 P. M. 5:55 P. M. • London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Mail. Mixed. Express. P. M. A. M. P. M. . London, depart 2 15 5 55 6 15 Exeter ' 3 35 8 06 7 35. Iiensall . 8 52 8 34 -7 51 Kippen 3 58 8 44 7 58 Brucefield -. 4 08 9 00 8 08 Clinton 4 25 9 45 8 25 Blyth 4 52 10 32 8 52 Wingham, arrive 5 25 11 30 9 25 GOING SOUTH— Mail. Mixed. Express. A. M. A. M P. M. Wingham, depart ....10 55 7 00 6 15 Blyth 12 15 7 85 6 55 Clinton 1 10 g 01 7 24 Brucefield. 1 40 8 18 7 43 Rippen' 1 57 8 28 7 58 IlensalI 2 05 8 34 8 04 Exeter. 2 50 8 49 8 23 AIRS. C. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will open on Sept. 16th. Pupils should give in their names previous to the opening of the class. Those nothav- ing Instruments can be accommodated with use of Piano or organ at very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7,1878. 561 BR OADFUOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &C. FUNERALS ATTENDED UN TJJE SHORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS A,ND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ' HEARSE FOR HIRE. A GI-RFAT OA..AAMITY_ THE CONSOLIDATED BANK CLOSED TIIE BILLS ARE BEING TAKEN AT PAR FOR GOODS AT THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Tat MONSTER DISCOUNT SALE Which was compienced on the First of August, is being continued successfully, and every day brings in new customers who are taking advantage of the liberal discounts offered for all cash purchases, to secure serviceable Goods at Wholesale prices. Although the whole stock of General Dry Goods has been marked at low figures, having been secured at Free Trade prices, I am allowing A VERY LIBERAL DISCOUNT OF FROM 5 TO 10 PER CENT. FOR CASH ON THE FOLLOWING LINES : c 11LILL.VE1i Y GOODS—Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats arid Bonnets, Parasols, Sunshades, Umbrellas, Laces, Ruchiugs, Embroideries, Cub`s, Collars, &c. STAPLE GOODS—Ducks; Denims, Tickings, Towellings, Skirtings, Table Linens, Hollands, t c. DRESS GOODS—Black and Colored Grenadines, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Black and Colored Alpaccas, Fancy Dress Goods in Plain, Check and Twill—Newest 'Styles. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT .OF LADIES LINEN COSTUMES At much below their actual value. Every person should see those attractive Goods, which are certainly a great bargain. Boots and Shoes, Readymade Clothing, Hats and Caps, And Gents' Furnishings in . Great Variety. 1,000 Yards of New Fall Prints, in Latest Patterns. 700 Yards Tapestry Carpets, in Newest Designs.. 500 Yards Hemp Carpeting, Extra Good Value. Stair Carpets in Wool, Tapestry and Hemp. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE ALL OVER TOWN. THOMAS KIDD, SEAFORTH. N. B.—The Grocery and Liquor Departments are, as usual, stocked with a choice selection of Goods. Every attention paid to the requirements of customers. CENTRAL GROCERY, CARDNO'S BLOCK. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT AR.E SPAR- ING NO PAINS TO MAKE IT THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION To those who wish to purchase good reliable ';Floods either in .GROCERIES, CROCKERY, OR GLASSWARE. Notwithstanding the National Policy we are selling Teas cheaper than ever. Although Crockery and Glassware have advanced in the wholesale markets fully 20 per cent., we are still selling at the old prices. Parties wishing to secure Bargains in this line, either in China or White Granite Tea Sets, will require to purchase early before the present stock is all sold out. The Gem Fruit Jar, in quarts and half gallons, will be sold (per dozen) at less than last year's prices. • ,Flour, Oatmeal, Cornireal, Granulated Wheat, Split Peas, and Pot and Pearl Barley always kept in stock. Also a. large stock of Clear Bacon and Sugar Cured Hams. We invite intending purchasers to examine our stock and prices and convince themselves that the Central Grocery is the place to buy good goods, and conse- quently cheap goods. The personal supervision of the firm given to all orders, and goods warranted as represented or cash refunded. Free Delivery. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. SPECIAL NOTICE. " THE BATTLE OF THE TYNE," A POEM Descriptive of the Late HANLAN—ELLIOTT BOAT RAGE In ENGLAND, and Dedicated. to ED- WARD HANLAN, Champion Oarsman of the World,- BY orld; BY H. T. McPHILLIPS. This is something every admirer of the Champion should have. PRICE, ONLY 5 CENTS. FOR SALE AT C. W. `PAPST'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. PLOWS. PLOWS. FOR THE MILLION. IF you want plcws that are plows and noo hum- bugs-go um-.bug;go to T. Mellis, Rippen, and get ono of those general pui pot.e or thi'tle cutters mann- factured by Munro Bros. of Sonforth, which for workmanship snd price defies all competition. OLIVER'S CHILLED PLOW.. I have on hand a stock of these plows, improved with the iron beam, the best in the market. Farmers if you want ' our Canadian thistles slaughtered call and get one before they are all gone, as they are selling very fast. PLOWS REPAIRED. Plows' of a'.1 kinds r'paired on the shortest notice. 'A good stock of plow castings for the Francestown plows, the Massy plows and Munro plows always on hand. HORSE -SHOEING And Blacksmithing of all kinds done with neat- ness and durability- Remember that T. Mellis' work is fast gaining a reputation from the public and in consequence is doi ng a large and increas- ing business. Look out for the sign, and re- member the stand. THOMAS MELLIS, glppen. BUCCIES. CARRIAGES. WACCONS. PARTIES wishing a first-class Bagggyy,, Carriage or Wagon, go the ICippest t,'hrriage Works. For the better accommodation of my customers and the public in general, I bave large- r increased my Carriage Works, and I am now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages and Wagons, which for comfort, durability and price, defy all comers. Old Buggies and Wagons repainted at hard pan prices. Repairing of all kinds prompt- ly attended to. Remember the stand. 600 WJl. EDGAR, Hippest, FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. otnL 13°11)ED yt.. , CENTENNIAL A I SYDNEY VISITED SIA IES `Y'u CUTER/an cOatmisSiot1 MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER, SEAFORTH, Are again to the fore this seafnn with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the sane Plows as -acre awarded Special Distinction at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They desire to direct special attention to their NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, .ba U • U.4 0 as 0 0 re - 0 This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part cif the oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee invention; got up for sale only, and,dep$ndent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL THAT IT. WANTS IS A -FAIR 'TRIAL. It is warranted to clan in any gr'und. We ask the Fanners of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, Theold and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better SCTJFFLERS, AND than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing; Gardens. IRON AND WOOD PLOWS, urt IR r 0 0 2 c) This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. all these implements are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments for catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectable establishment that turns- out a good article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can hejseen at their shop at any time. IRON HARROWS—THE SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir',s Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. ALEXANDER. MO NROE. fIN t rtRWLi EMPORIUM. GWATK1N & SON HAVE , 1 OV D TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, Cor. Bay and Wellington Streetta NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. BRAN. BRA N CHILLED PLOWS Proved and A cknowledged to - be the Standard Plow of America. FOR EASE .OF DRAUGHT,. QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH, IT HAS NO EQUAL. The Material used . in the construc- tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of Face and Toughness, is superior to Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTTRED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SGUFFLERS, &C., Always on -hand, made .of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. 1). Columns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and .Lawn Seats, and Cast Iran Fencing a 'Specialty. done and All Rinds of Repairing Good Work Guaranteed. JOHN N OP P E R, Seaforth Foun j f:, BRAN AT $8.00 PER TON AT THE BIG MILLS, SEAFORTH 609 A. W. OCILVIE, GRAIN SAVER `SO3MOW OV1O NOH BRADLEY HARVESTERS AWARDED Medals at the ii'orld's Fair Phil- adelphia. U_ S., 1.67€; Sydney, Australia, 187'2; Paris, France, 1S78 ; Gold and Silver -Medals, Baron r.esper Trill, 1877, and Gold Medal 1578. Evert where suecesrfni. Vold by D. Begin and W. J. Grieve, Sa„forth ; Robert Anderton, Kil•pen; Archibald McCully, Brucefield, John R.ob:nton, Varna : L. Elliott, Goderich; David Halstead, Wingbam; T. Eng- lish, Brussels. Order early. Satisfaction guaranteed.- Re- pairs can be had of any of the Agents.. L. D. SAWYER &, Co., Hamilton, Mannfaetiurol_rs. GEO. STEWART, Clint -.n, General; Agent. HARDWARE. HARDWARE. SICN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. `Sc'o0 I NOSi'TO': q. ` i noo otj. 0 Go c�- PP rte+ tb to 0 0 CD 0 0 n 0 I CDz MARRIAGE LICENSES Olt 10ERTIFItlATE13, (Under the new Aet,)issaea at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOCTIL ase 1- I� td? 'NOON N30100 `oictm<j nopuoZ oSp 0 0) 0 z tTi 0 cn CD CD t..+. put) 4saa auk CD Pa D ca CD CD CL CD 0 'S,XoU1o1Satt3 ,I .o dogo `1100.1 S! I3d Oif1T .su tis auaicos OD 0 CU et taa 00 laa 0 O 0 tr 02 m 0) �e•i'- e spoo.pj °sou O O 1 00 D S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land stirrler:4 and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prottnpt ly attended to.. . 474 D. S. CAMPBEIT, Mjtehef4