HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-08-01, Page 5AUGUST 1. 1879 , and her child, from Xis_ eriously but it is thought ijured. The other escape(' light bruises. The buggy _ ereck, ons denomination called anJ who claim to build rch on the doweseee 4sations, have of, 'ate heft ings at, Trowbridge neeeb :COSS. Strachare llth. cou- nmington, lost a valttahle : time ago. The animal ell the high door of a bank- : to the greened, receiving as caused his death. k of cheese manufactured ictorv, in Logan, this sea,. sold- for five cents per. e Of the patrons have ceatt- eir milk, thinking it will manufacture butter. )f some 2a- or 30 from Lis- erted for a holiday trip, ttered a. boat tor a cruise itve day's on the Georgian Lig the Manitoulin Islands. I take their stock of pro - e tackle and other neces- ena 'euing of one of the hot- seasou, a valuable horse Mr. Theobaid Litt, near l'ropped dead iu Stratford, eiive heat. It had been is of 60 miles during the le a mate, which is enough rse with the temperature Kay, who has been ee Presbyterian churches end North Mernington, /Ito the pastoral charge regations on Thursday, Messrs. 'McLeod and ratford, W. A. Wilson, and .Messrs. Croly and ;ent and took pert in the iv afternoon, in Stratford mg men named Isaac . Fletcher, had a dispute, ✓ cltew a, revolver, seed Itigg's head, fortunately .ssed. fire. Four of the s were loaded withi. ball tcher was knocked down e: taken from hina. The low on his track. AL P., who recently re- awbridge to Stratford, ting supper, at which a e. his friends were pres.- ix years :have elapsed w came, an unknown ihe township of North nesteed in the profession hiug. His probity •and nesense were readily a,p- 5 country neighbors, and de their confidant and '.ed almost every office people, from reeve to liament, and he has fill-. -ell that he never feared newed expression of the s supporters. . News Items. been taken to submit for approval in West of Ur. M. G. Munroe, La a leg broken in two ately, by jumping out ee, of London, had the I headlong down stairs. s She was taken tip till lies in a piecarious meonstration of some the Liberals of Mon- enant-Governor Letel- beir approval of his n practically decided neral meeting of the was held a few days good deal of discus - ed to go iuto liquida- ep the affairs. The tich this action was there are too many ness in the city, and impossible to invest The bank is in a orulition. postal money order .iounced in the Official hall he regular ex - orders between the Dcnninion and the sums received from uetry for payment in axixnum amount Of iSSUed in either 550 in lawful money iiich the order or- ney order shall in- sert of a cent. The article took effect on ssful Kindergarten operation in the city he charge of Miss nes, Iowa. The ex- eing exercises were were deemed eroin- The samples of perforating of pie - mat plaiting, em- eing were eearnined, Precisiou of every - he system has taken Guelphites, that it nue the school , in :!tealing of the llth laze repaired to the 'rcisse Menard, Mon - ug an entrance they. The house, collecting "lothing they could d threw it out of the /night have it con - d. They soon found eelreorn where Mr, e were asleep. Here 1 and chain, a gold elier valuables, of )0k possession. The to leave the room bed where Mrs. He ' paused for a solved to wind up rhe theft of a kiss. ld kissed e the sleep - awakened partly , . sum, and partly by iiiskev. A. flicker - ening room shed a scene of this truly ad as Mrs. Menard first object that mrly face stooping u. She recollected before. A scream ei nd and. surprised d, the enraged hus- Lle description was .s, and from it the 1 AUGUST 1,1879. teetdve on Monday evening arrested de ate Theophile Bissonnette, on St. An- -vine street. When taken before Mrs meeard he was instantly recognized as Ze robber of the kis, and wasremand- ea by the Police Magistrate. .....e, physiciala at Salem, Indiana, sea addicted to opium eating, and his neighbors tried to cure him by tying bee to a tree, whipping hiin severely sed raking him take a vow of refor- uttigli• qualio pole is played in San Fran- rieee, The game resembles football, with the difference that in the one the belie; pushed along the ground, and in the other it is pushed along the surface ofglowltserio. _ite, an aged man and for- merly a prosperous lawyer in New York, and who claims to have been the cast person to raise the Aneerican flag m ealifornia, was compelled to beg lodgings at a station house. lie bad been robbed of his watch Dead the ropey he bad by an ungrateful rascal who imposed on him with a pitiful tele and whom Slote took with him to bis boarding house. -Discoveries were made at the jesatyre colliery, near Glasgciw, where a terrible explosion on the 3rd of July destroyed thirty lives, that some of the men had tobacco pipes and else key ti; te the safety lamp, which w, found open, raaleing it probable , that he ex- losion was caused by a reckless at - P tempt to take a smoke in a situation where it could not fail to be attended. by a tremendous shock. -A diking fountain hes been open- ed for the use of the public at the junction of five streets, centred at the foot of Leman street,Whitechapel, Lon - The inscription on the base of the plinth is: "This fountain has been eteoted by Einma,wife of Mr. Nathaniel Montefiore, in loving memory of her brother, Sir Francis Henry Goldsmid, Bart., M. P. for Reading. Born 1st May, 1808; died 2nd May, 1878. Write me as one who loved his.fellow mem"- Leigh Hunt --Leadville, Colorado, furnishes one of the meaneet elopements on record. Joseph Love, a hotel keeper and mine owner there, took in James Cummings, the victim of an aggravated. disease, and nursed him back to health. Cummings showed his gratitude by running off with$3,000 of Love's money, Wm of his children and his wife. The guilty couple were overhauled at Pittsburg, and Governor Hoyt has honored the requisition for their return to Lead- ville. -A Vermont minister, besides' his two sermons every Sunday, and lecture and prayer -meeting and pastoral °ells, raised last year, on two-thirds of an acre of land, 100 bushels of roots, le. tons of fodder corn, 30 bushels of ears of corn, 200 squashes, 78 watermelons, 80 muskmelons, 3 bushels of peas, 3 bushels of beans, 4 bushels of potatoes, 15 bushels of tomatoes, 5 bushels of cu- m:abets, besides flowers; fatted one hog, weighing 409 pounds; kept one cow, from which butter was made; and kept hens; which supplied. many dozens of eggs.- -The Bonaparte family, once so riu- merous, is now considerably reduced. Prince Napoleon and Princess Matilda, the latter childless, are the only de- scendants of Jerome, King of West- phalia, while the elder branch, result- ing from the fusion of the lines of Joseph. and Lucien, consists of Cardinal Prince Lucien, four sisters, and. Prince Charles, who has only two daughters. There are also three sons and. one daughter, the issue of Lucien, Prince of Canino's second marriage, but none of these have direct heirs, the daughter being a nun at Rome, Prince Lucien be- ing remarried, and Prim e Pierre's mar- riage; being deemed inv id. -Just after an American train came into Montreal on Tuesday, a man steisped out, loaded down with several articles of -considerable size, including a pair of gaseliers, a hand lamp,' globes, &-c., and moved off in an indifferent sort of style; but latterly no such 'studied aies of stoical indifference are likely to deceive the officers of the Cana,dia,n. Oustoeas, as they begin now to realile the advance in the Canadian tariff has" created strong inducements to smuggle. The man vith the load was aecordingly bronght to a standstill hythe voice of the officer, and as no satisfactory explanation was given ot where the articles were obtain- ed, they were coiefiscated. It isi stated. that smuggling is being \ carried on across the Vermont and New York State border's into Canadian territory in farmers' wagons -cotton goods, crock- ery, hardware, in fact n.early every kind of manufactured goods are being thus brought over. , -The • following from an exchange will prove particularly interesting to those who think that the operation of the statute labor law is injurious: A case that recently came up _ in Port Perry arose out of the refusal of a young taan to perform his statute labor or give any good reason -why he should not perform it. The pathmaster, on the advice of the Township , Clerk, had the delinquent summoned up before J. Squelch, J. P. The young man, how- ever, disregarded the summons, and the pathmaster, on further advice, had the delinquent bro u gh t up on a b enchw arrant before M. G. Robinson and J. Squelch, 1. P.'s. The by-law on which the party Ives brought up set forth that a resi- dence of six days within the township Teake such parties liable for two days' statute labor, and ou the strength of tins by-law the magistrates convicted and fined, the party •,5 and costs, in all a little over $10. The party refused to Pity the fine and. carried the case to the County Court, where the judgment of e too magistrates was set aside and the township saddled with the costs -Some- where between $60 and $80. -A- very distressing drowning acci- dent occurred in Brockville on Wednes- daY. Three young ladies, two sisters named Hugel, and Miss Wright, went to bathe inth.e river. They all ben wading out, when Miss Wright said she would go no further. Miss Hugel and her sister. continued going further out, Ililen they sud_denly got in deep water, and the little sister immediately got hold of the elder one. Miss Wright tried for help, and Miss Cook es who twos lieareheard the cries and threw in an oar ; but the bank being very steep, and she being quite a distance away, it as of no use. She then ran and gave 'no alarm. A man in a boat a mo- nient after passed ; but the Misses Hu - Fel both sank, and he could. render Ilione no assistance, as he could: not aenn. In the meantime Mr. T. Me - 11430h, who had heard their cries from THE HIMItON EXPOS11011, mid -stream, dived down and brought up the body of the youngest, but Was unable to lift the body of the 'eldest, which was afterwards . brought up by Mr. Griffith. When found both young ladies were dead. One was 18 year of age and the other 9. Their mother was absent in Hamilton at the time of the accident. -The new structure erected by the Leeburn Presbyterian congregation, in the township of Colborne, to replace the building destroyed by fire last Novem- ber, was opened with appropriate ser- vices last Sabbath, Rev. J. Sieveright, pastor of the congregation, preaching in the morning, and Rev. Mr. Graham, Egmondville, in the afternoon. The attendance on both occasions was large. ,The collection in aid of the building -tend was 430. The building, when completed, will be more spacious and neater than the. one buriaed, and the few workers who have hung so deter- minedly to the enterprise are to be con- gratulated on the success oftheir ef- forts. Pure Salt. The persistent refusal of dairymen to use Canadian salt, which was not suited for their purpose, has had the effect of stimulating the salt dealers to improve their methods of 'manufacture, and re- move the chlorides of calcium and mag- nesia -in -plain English, lime -which had the effect of deteriorating the cheese or butter in which the Canadian article was used. Says the Globe: "A Ca,nadiala manuTacturer has ,in- vented a process by which these impu- rities are eliminated at an early stage of the evaporating process. The manu- facturer alluded to had put in practice a new method of utilizing the waste heat yore tlie hottest pert of the evap- orating pans in order to warm the brine before it comes into the pan. The raising of the temperature of the brine was found to precipitate the objection- able chlorides, and to allow the brine to pass into the pans in such a state that there resulted from the evaporation a chemically pure chloride of sodium al- most identical in composition with the best British salt. The Canadian salt so made crystallizes with a beautiful grain of the proper size for use in but- ter and cheese. As it is not ground it is free from the finely powdered 'pan - scales' which th.e utmost vigilance can- not keep from occasionally passing no- tice, and injuring the ground article.. When it is added that the home-made salt can be supplied for less than half the price of English salt, without taking into account the duty which the latter has to pay when imported ha packages, the importance of the invention to Can - adieu interests will be seen." The manufactnrenand inventor of the. process, above referred to, is Mr. H. Ransford, of the Siapleton Salt Works, who reside e in England, and is now (neer seventy years of age. The process was experinaented upon for nearly six months, with the most satisfactory re- sults. The invention has been patented, and. they are now manufacturing at the Stapleton Works salt especially for dairying purposes. -New Bra. Third Class Certificates. The County .examiners concluded their labors of examining the papers furnished. by candidates for third class certificates at the recent Teachers' "ex- amination, on Tuesday. The papers were unusally,seveee, as the result 'very clearly shows. The papers on arithmie- tic and grammar formed the principal stumbling blocks. There were 106 candidates aled 32 only, were success ul. Had the examiners not reduced the est on arithmetic and English gramniar, not more than six would. have pas ed. Below we give the names of those sfrko secured certificates, with the nurniber of marks awarded to each, the hig est obtainable being 1,275: E. B. I. Dun- can 994; T. Sloan 955; T. Hawkins 940; E. Rowlands 925; F. Crassweiler 906; A. Gray 873; M. A. McQualrie 870; D. N. Kee 835; F. Silty 811 ;M. L. Killoran 794; A. B. Dickson 790; C. Eadie 780; D. Campbell 773; T. Johnston 761; M. Nicol 760 ; S. Dim - bar 757; D. Struthers 752; E. A. Mac- kay.744 ; S. McKibbin 748; T.. W. Les- lie 737; A. Knechtel 732; N. Murdoch 729; W. McKay 728; J. Durnin 728; M. L. Baxter 721; H. G. Cobbledick 713; G. McIntosh 708 ; N. McKay 701 ; J. W. Shaw 687; J. McLeod 686; Keine 639; G. M. McMahon 638. FALL SHOWS. The following are the dates of the Pall, Exhibi- tions of Agricultural Scetieties in this district; South Huron, at Seaforth on Thursday and Fri- day, Sept. 25th and 26th: East Huron, at Brussels, on Thursday and En - day, Oct. 2nd and 3rd. West Huron, at Goderich, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept..17 ann. 18. Stephen and Usborne, s± Exeter, on Tuesday and 'Wednesday Sept 23rd and 24th. Turnberry, at Wingham, on Thursday and Fri- day, Sept. 25 and Dith. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, on Wedneeday Oct. 8. Births. McRAE-In Clinton, on the 26th ult, the wife of Mr. A. McRae of a son. DALE -In Hullett, on the 28th ult., the wife of 111r. George Dale of twin daughters.: SELDO.N-In-Exeter, on the 21st ult., the wife of Mr. B Seldon of a sem. REMEY-In Settforth, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr. B. Berney of a son. DAVIS-In Exeter, on the 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. W. Davis of a son. MITCHELL -In Crecliton, on the 22nd alt., ehe wife of Mr. John Mitchell of a son. • Marriages. BROIRY-SALLOWS-In Goderieh., on the 24th ult., by the Venerable Archdeacon Elwood, Mr. Wm. Brophy, of the town of Goderich, to Miss Lizzie &Mow& of the township of Colborne. • Deaths. - HARLAND-In Clinton, on the 29th ult., 'William - Pole, infant on ef Mr. John T. Harland, aged 1 mouth and 19 days. SPINDLER-In Hallett, on the 30th ult ,Joseph Spindler, aged 17 years. WORDEN-In Exeter, on the 22nd ult., the be- loved wife of John Worden, in the 74th year of her age. JOHNS -In Toronto, on the 25th ult., Elizabeth Ann Edwards, relict of the late Richard Johns, aged 24 years and 6 Months. McCREATH - In ,Goderich, on July 24th Mona Louisa MeCreath, aged 4 months.. Local Notices. IF You WANT Cheap Sugars and Cheap Strawberries just leave your order at WILSON & Yotnesees. 601 FRUIT JARS. -Any quantity of Ameri- can or Canadian Gem Jars at Weeson & Youneses, at the old prices. 602 D. RosE, Family G-rocer, Seaforth, invites he attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Groceries. His Stock is constantly turning, and is alwa_ s fresh. His prices are the lowest -le will pay yo to call. Examine his goods end compare prices. 574 I • • SEE 4HE SOAP, 25 banter $1 at Ron's Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins- and Currants at ,RosE's Girocery. 574 neftE EXTRAORDINARY Large Sales of ordered 6lothing at Wm. Henn & Co.'s prove beyond iirgument, that they sell the cheapest and make the best fitting clothes in Town. Please take note of this. 595 . PIQUE 9 , PIQUES, PrenEs.-Bargains Ex- traordinaty. Wm. limn & Co. have just received another shipment bf White Piques, which they will cleanotit at the old figure, 10 cents per yard .These godds are deciedly the cheapest in Seaforth. 598 DOBBiN.S' ELECTRIC SOAP..---HaViTlg ob- tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea - forth and Huron County, I append the opinion of SOMA of Our best people as to its merits : "1 have used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by J, L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and find it very good. The clothes are beautifully white and the washing is done Ih much less time -Mrs. M. P. Hayes.' 1` I used Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di- rections, and found the clothes Whiter than when washed in the old way, and in half the usual time --Mrs. /14 Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins' Electric Soap, and am highly satisfied with the result. I believe it capable of doing all the wrap- per clainis for it, and most confidently recom- mend it tee coonomieing both thue and labor, and as doing its work 4w/el1-Mrs. T. Goldsmith." "Having given Debbins' Electric Soap it fair trial, I think Ms all the manufacturers represent it to be -Mrs. R. T. Coleman." I desire all my friends and custo• ors to give this Soap one trial, so they natty kno just how good the best sdap in the United States is THOMAS EMD, Seaforth, Ont., Agent for Huron County. 571-52 THE IS/CARE:WS. t , SEAFORTH;efiely 81, 1879. Fall Wheat 0 9d to 0 98 Spring Wheat,Fife, por bushel... , 0 93 to 0 98 Spring Wheanlied Chaff,perbush0 90, to 0 9430 Oats por bushel: i: 0 40 o 0 Peas per bushel • . 0 50 to 0 50 • 5' Barley per bushel..0 4to -0 50 Batter, NO. l, Loose 0 05 to 0 07 Egge 009 to 0 09 Flour, por 100 lbs 2 85 to 2 50 Hay 6 00 to 900 Hides, pen lb Grubby Hides per 100 lbs 0 os to 40 6 0(0 Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs. ., 3 00 Sheep skins 0 15 to 1 25 Lamb Skins, per lb, 0 20 to 0 40 Salt (retail )per barrel 0 85 Salt (wholesale)per barrel........ 0 75 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 65 Oatmeal et brl . 2 60 to 3 00 Tallow, pr !lb , • 0 04 to o 05 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs..... 3 50 to 5 00 Wool, per pound, . .... , ..... 0 20 to 0 20 , 1 CLINTON, July 81,1879. Fall Whesit,per bushel.. .... 0 98 @ 1 00 Spring Wheat, perbinhel 0 90 tg 0 92 Oats, perlinshel 0 50 (.4 0 50 Barley, pee bushel C 50 @ 0 60 Peas, per bushel 0 00 lee 0 60 Butter .1 0 07 (4) 0 09, Potatoes .- , 0 50: @ 0 60 Eggs 1 009 A 010 Wool , i 09 @ 022 Ilay,per ten. 700 g -800 InveEroore July 30. -Spring wheat, 8s lld red. Winter, 9s 2d" to 9s Od ; white, 9s 8d to Os 0d; .blub, Os 8d to les Od; corn, 4s 5d to Os oa oats, 5s 6d. ;" barley, 5s 3d; peas, es id; pork, 48s Od ; beef, 77s ed ; cheese, 32s Od. Toneseo, July. 31.-1%11 wheat, $0.95 to $1:07 I; spring,$0.95 to $1.03 ; oats,42c;. peas, 58c to 63o; barley, 40c to 500; hay, per ton, $6 00. to $10 00; wool, 00c butter, seven cents to ten cents; potatoesi per brl., $1.25 to $1.75: LONDN, July 30e-Dieh1 and Tread- well, $1170 to $1175 per 100 Ms.; red. fall, $1.70 to el.73 ; spring, $1.35 td $1.&7; oats, $1105.to $1.10e peas, 85e to $1.00; dairy cheese, 5ese to 6c ; factory, 5?-, to ;. bar1ey4$1- to $1.10; eggs, 10c. to 12ec; butter, 10c to 14c; new potatoeis, 80e to to e1.00 per bag. . Cheese Markets. LJTTL!K FILLS N. Y., July 28. -For shipping grade of cheese 5ec to 51e was paid for extremes; 30 lots went on Bipedal Orders foe the home trade at 6c 61-c. , There were sold 9,000 boxes of dairy' : 486 boxes changed hands at 4ic to 5ec. Thiety packets butter sold at 11ec to 14c. Live Stock Markets. TORO/gTO, July 30, 1879. ---CATTLE, best cettle taken bring $4 to $4 50, unless for a Vehoice beast ; inferior e3 50 to 03 75. SnEee.--For local consumption the prices are :'-.for best, $5 50 to $6 50 ; 'second $3 to $4 50 ; third V to $3 50. Lemes.e-There is a fair market demand, at $4 fOr best, $3 for second, and $2 50 to $3 forinferior. CALVES. - There iS a large offering of medium, but good to choice sell at $7 to $8 ; second $5 to 46. • The 6em Jar at WILSON & YOUNG'S. ; - I LOST OR FOUND. feHAIN FOUND. Found on Main Sb. Seaforth, a logging chain about 16. feet in length. The owner can have the sameeupon proving pro- perty and paving charges, by applying at the Cdminerpial Hotel etables, Seaterth. 608 UFFALO ROBE LOST. -Lost, on the road betemen Seaforth and Walton, on the last day of April, a Buffalo Robe. The finder receive a reward of ee'2 on returning the same, or on giving such information as will lerld to the rocovery of tho robe to ANTHONY TROUT - MON, Folmosa P. 0. 608x , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A -GO—CiD-CH-A/C—CE.-E,-,•'200 will buY a good. parcel of land, comprising fifty acres'in the Township of Kincardine, County of Bruce; clay loara ; a fi ame barn on the place. For fur- ther particulars apply to G. & H. JACKSON, Egmondville. - . 606-3 FARM ItOR SALE. --The undersigned has de- cide to dispoee of the north half df Lot 6 in the third 'conceesion. of Me leillop, on reasonable terms. The lot is of the very best deecription. is and is tot sursapeed by any in the toWnship. It sitnated 21 miles fromICarronbrook,and the same distance irom the Catholic Churoh at Ieishbown. There is an excellent hewed log house on the premises, together with two or three good stables. There is also a firsticlaea well of excellent water. This is a rare chance for intending perchasers. For further particulars'apply to the proprietor, JEREMIN1 RYAN., . ', 608x3 V ARM FOR SAL. -For Sale, in the township -1-' of Grey, County of Huron, Lot 14 And west half of Lbt 15, on the 2nd concession, eontaining 149e acres 75 of which are cleared and iwe.11 fenc- ed; good frame bank born 40x56, with stabling underneath ; good house 22x28, with stone cel- lar ; good well within ten feet of the hduse, good young orchard, ana never failing cieek runs d through the farm.i , This is a first-class stock faxm, arid is only 160 rods from the Gerey. Joint Stock Cheese and Butter Factory. This farm is only 8e nines ftom the Town of Brussel, and can be bought for $4,000. For .further particulars apply to the proprietor, Mr. DUNCAN McDON ALD, Jamestown P.O. - 605 -es-eientose, -LAND FOR SALE. -The West ee-e- 1 of Section 19, township 3, range 6, West containitig 320 acre e more or less. The South e of Section 80, township 3, range 6 .West, containing 320 acres more or less. The -land is situated on the Penibina Mottitain, 5 miles from Nelson- ville on the main bevelled route to Itock• Lake le miles trout Bonney's store, 1 mild from a School House in cdurse of erection. On e eec. 19 there is a eplendtd orop of 20 acres and 10 acres mora broke up. There is a good log house 1 and stableon the place, also a never failing stream Of spring water running across, also a good spring near the buildings. On e Section 30 , there is II log house and small spring creek, 5 1 acres oe crops and 10 more broke. Theie is some wood on both half sections and stone sufe- °lent fo all buildhig purposes. These are most desirabl locations for any person wishing to .,1 locate. he land is well situated, and in one . of _ th.0. ebest iettlements in Manitoba. For further particulars apply to CHAS. DAVIS, Le6a0d8bxu4ry 1• P 1 THE EDISON ELECTRIC Poseeposee, lu tie* of the If edial Properi JCUJ*ou5 Din Nervousness, ache, DLzzit ABSORBENT BELT additiola to the proper - lima at Pad, all the nem - les ot Electricity. Cares rders, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Sick Hend- ee., Depressed !Spirits, PRICE -11.50, 41.75 and. $2.00. OALCAT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE For Pa N. 13. -The phlet containing all nformation. lman Pita also kept on hand. S U NBEAIVI ART GALLERY. Honesty HOW is it th such a rush It is not the Na pect of good ti to his business by making pett --eince he remo is the Best Policy. t CHARLES MOORE is doing ng businees theee hard times. 'one' Policy, nor is it the pros- es, but it is because he attends nd does not try to injure others allusion, and becauee:his work ed to his new gallery -Lis EQUAL TO ANY AND SUPERIOR TO MOST.. In addition to hi just received fr Bea utiful Balu makes his Bettatiftil A.ecessories, he hiss m New York, one of Seavey's. trades, ok Stone Fence, which 4ccessories Equal to that of any, Gallery West of Toronto. Parties wishing romenade or Panel Photographs of exterior scener es would do well to give him a call. 11 e is bon • d not to. be behind the times. Picture Frames ade to Order cheap as usual. CHA Ph otographer, P 1Vhit LES MOORE, 'dune and Picture Frame Dealer ey's Blotk, Seaforth. 0A. " PANE SO GREAT h Ps -j pictures that edto work nigh order to kecp pa for IDLE lhot( fluouB in this st JD L P I CTU R ES.' a the dbnand been for these alder has been almost compell- _aid dee, (Sundays excepted) in .e with the increasing demand as by. ¶lheze is nothing super- Ito-neut. Calder's Policy is to turn out first-class work only, at a fair remuner- ative price, and .elies on the sound judgment of a just public as to the verdict, which, in the past, has not only enabled him to compete with but to surpass all petty rivals. Photography of all kinds got, up in a man er sure to pieese. um ricturee Copied and Enla ged to Perfection. Remember the People's Po tiler Gallery, with the Everlast- ing Stairs, oppo 'te the Commercial. A DREW CALDER, Seaforth. BUCCIE THOSE sleighs -L. hand a goo whick we flutter in style, materit Call and see them buggies taken ii for sale. Horse tended to prone) DO psydexuande1. ow n prices as w 598 AND WAGGONS. are soldand we have now on supply of buggies and waggons ourselves SIT hard to beat either 1, workm,auship, .finish or price. and eatisfy yourselves. Old exchange, and secondhand ones hoeing ind general jobbing at ly, andect isfaction guaranteed or Camel and get rigs at your are bonnd to do a business. poHN WILLIAMS, Milburn. 1 1 IT S EALED IENDERS in' endereigned t he County of II o f AUGUST, n4 011 the boundar3 w anossh. Plans at my office. necessarily ac County Clerk. r1110 . . ' Will be received by the in behalf of the Corporation of ron, until FRIDAY the 8th day t, for re -building Help's bridge between East and West Wa- and Specifications may be seen The lowest or any tender not lepted. PETER ADA.MSON, odelich, July 23, 1879. eore STI li FOR SALE FCR SALE. -Two colts, one rising three years old and the ather two, both mares. Apply to DAVID DORI ANCE, Sr., Lot 29 Con. lst MeKillop. 604 ES IRAY STOCK. . V STRAY PIG -Strayed from the Mansion -.2=' Hotel, Seafaith, about the 16th of July, a W hite Boar Pig. Any person giving such infor- re ation as will 1 ad to the recovery of the above animal will be suitably rewarded. ROBERT CARMICHAEL. 606 V STRAY COL I -124 Logan, on ti' colt,heavy. Spr a email star on f con. MeKillop. • to its recovery v•i• -undersigned_ E TY, .-Strayed from Lot 15 COM. 4, e 15th of July, a four year old ng halt in right hind kg. Also rehead, was last seen on 6th ny information that will lead be suitably rewarded by the 1 BT. JUNES, Mitchell. 608x4 AL NOTICE. , -- COURT. -The office of the Court will be open daily to tom: o'clock P. M. Ofdce the store of Johnston Bros. of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 erne DIVISIC -I- Second Division from haltpatt one in my Block, over L. MEYER, Clerk _TOIIN LECKIE, " Agent, Grain, chant. Money lo country, at 8 per moderate. Mort mortgages paid $ff. Farms- and villa L,eckie's new brie- General Loan and Real Estate Prodece and Commission Mer- ned on real estate in town or cent. simple interest. Charges ages bought and sold. Matured Terms to suit borrowers. e property for sale. Office- block, Brnesels, Ont. 515 iviGNEY TO LEND 43 -L tageous than CO -LL, Solicitor, MONEY. -On terms more silvan - ever before offered. A. J. Mo. Brussel& 504-52 . ; WHO WANTA ' ' dollars, privete ment at 8 per cent. 11. BENSON, Se liicitor MONEY ? -k few thousand funds, for immediate invest- interest. Apply to JAMES ,, S eaforth. 538 1\{orTEY TO LEND. Moneyto Lend at 8 per cent. object if secutite Company. JOHN -I have any amount of on gOod improved farms only, Charges very small. Sum no 'ample. I don't lend for any S. PORTER, Seaforth. 57.0 $1 0 to $1. ee ery month. thing. Address Wall -street, New , Invested in Wall -St., 000 Stocks makes fortunes ooks sent free eeplaining every- BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17 York. 587-52 IMPORTANT NOTICES. SCRUBBING and term e, byMr. washing done on reasonable RAYMOND, Harpurhey. 604 N OTIC E. -All -Le of th e late Semen the sam e fm theeith shall be handed T. T. 0 OLEMAT ecutors. parties indebted to the Estate ltowell are requested to pay to ;the undersigned, or they into the Court for cellection. and A. G. VANEGMOND, Ex- 561 ' N 0 TICE TO q1EDITORS.-All ed to me either service of bore, quested to pay the lst day of Septerer any one and as Mg for four years, attention of said 1te in vain. Any date will be placed for collection: againet me will on or before th DAVIS, Leadh pubes indebt- by note ex book account fel boll, or boar, &o., are re- same to me On or before tht next. I have neeer yet sued ome of these accounts are stand I am eompelled to draw tht credieors, and trust it will nol debts remaining unpaid at thal in the hands of my attomej ll parties having just claim] e pleased to hand in such claim! a bovementioued date. CHAS y P. 0. 60818 TI HT BINDING 1879 A.T.TGI-TTS_,T‘ 1879 GREAT GENUINE CLEARING SALE —itT----.. DUNCAN 84 DUNCAN'S, SEAFORTR This Month we Offer the Whole of our Well Assorted Stock at and. Below Cost Prices in order to make room for Fall Importations. To Clear—Fancy Dress Goods from 10c._ to 20c.; Plain Lustres, all colors, for 10b., 12-&-c. and 15c.; See our 20c. Colored Lustre, worth 30c.; Costume Lin- ens in Plain, Checked and Snowflake, from 10c. to 20c.; Prints—Balance of our Stock, some 200 pieces, will be' sold cheap, for 5c., 7c., 8c. and 10c. per yard; Par- asols, Sunshades, Frillings, Silk Squares and Ties ; Tweeds, Cotton Tweeds, Linen Drills and Stripe Linens; Canadian and Scotch Tweed's from 60c. per yard, up; Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Tickings. and Towellings ; 300 pairs White Cotton Hose at 10c. and 12c.; 200 pairs White Ribbed Hose at 10c., Kid Gloves in Black and Colored; Ladies' and Misses' Lisle Gloves at 5c., 10c., 12c., 15c. and 20c.;_ To Clear—Ladies' White Skirts at less than cost ; 200 Remnants of Dress a Goods, cheap; 150 Remnants, of Print, cheap ; Men's and Boys' Felt Hats at leSs than half price—See them. TAILORING—Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles; Large Stock of Worsted Coatings, Scotch Tweeds and Canadian Tweeds; Suits Made to. Order from $12 up, and a. Good Fit Guar- anteed; Boots and Shoes ;- Readymade Clothing, &c. 13 TT N 0.A_ N" 33 TT 1•1" 0 _A. I\T. S 'MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THE "MEDICAL HALL," SEAFORTH. WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS For the Sale of all Goods Manufactured by THE HOLMAN LIVER PAD COMPANY For the Ridings of South and Centre Huron. No other parties withite these limits are authorized to sell them except through us. Undoubted certificates can be furnished of remarkable cures made, and their very extensive sale is . also a good guarantee of their efficacy. PARTIES SUFFERING SHOULD PROCURE ONE At Once. Descriptive Treatise sent post free on anplication. Orders by pest promptly attended to. Child's Pads, $2 each. Regular Pads, $2 50 each. Special Pads, 4;3 50 each. Splee-n Belt, Absoeption Salts, 25c per,pkt. BodyPlasters, 50c, eachl FoolePlasters, 50c. per pair. $10 each._ HICKSON & BLEASDELL, Seaforth. DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD .SILVER AND GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED BY G. W. CLA.RKE & CO. M. R. °MINTER, WHOLE- SAT.,E AND RETAIL AGENT, SEAFORTII. M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JIINELLER. FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Plated Wafre, Spec- tacles and Fancy Goods, which will be sold Cheap for Cash,. REMEMBER THE PLACE -Directly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH. • We 11-_ -Vci- _A- IT S 0 1\1-, INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING MA- CHINES, CONVEYANCER, &-c., SEAFORTH, ONT. WANTED. -FT OUSE WANTED TO PURCHASE - Cheap' Is for Cash. A comfortable cottage. containing 4 or more rooms, situated in Egmondville. Ad- dress, stating price, &c., R. IRWIN, Clinton, Ont. 602 leits TANTED TO HIRE. -A. situation wanted as Y assistant to a thresher having had severed years experience at the work. Apply to J. S. WELSH, Seaforth, or if by letter to box 215 Seaforth P. 0. 608 TEACHER WANTED. -A male teacher holding -1- a second class certificate, for School Section No. 1, Usborne; duties to commence Aug. 17th 3879. All applications stating Wary, &c.'ranet be in by the 1st of August. Address THOMAS CASE., Secretary Board of Trustees, Rodgerville, Out. 604' T CONTRACTORS. -Tenders -will be received be the undersigned, up to the 15th of Angnar, for the erettion of Three Brick Stores in the - Town of Clinton. Plans'and Specifications can. be seen at my office. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily emitted. 'WILLIAM COATS, Clinton. 606-4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. flOTTA4E TO LET. -That comfortable oottage corner St. John St, opposite „English Church. Isnroediate possession given. Apply to EDWARD CASH. 608 Rjel? 00M8 TO LEL-Three-Front Rome to let in my bloek, over Messrs. Johnson Brothers' crow are Store. Ap ply to le MEYER, Division Court Office, Seaforth. 692 Roosas TO LET. -Six rooms to let over A. G. Ault's Grocery store, eaitable for drese- m aing apertments or for dwelling rooms, with front and. rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT. Proprietor. 590 FARM TO RENT.- Being 200 acres Lots 4 and 5,19th con. Tuckersmith,185 acres clear, o rdinary buildings thereon, soil good and in g ood state of cultivation. Apply to D. MelefIL- LAN, Seaforth. 608-4 VOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The Seaforth -a- MilL known as the Red Mill; 4 run of stones- Eitenta power; with siding from Grand Tenni Railway n poiseession about the It or 15th of September. Apply to W. KINGSLEY, Stmt. ford. 694 s 'RARE CHANCE. -Photograph Rome to Let RA' on first Boor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or our Rooms on the fiat ahem, an/table for a dwelling. Posses- sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- STED, barrister,- on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, Mileillop, 573 -ti. SPECIFIC -ARTICLES. - TO THRFSIIERS.--For sale, cheap, or Will JP' exchenge for a good horse, a Separator Thresh- ing Machine and Horse Power, Oshawa seethe, nearly nevi+, and in complete working order. Ap- ply _to A. STRONG,. Seaforths 605x8 OTICE TO FARMERS: -I am now prepared -el to do threshing when called upon. I have t he New End Shake .Clinton Machine with all t he latest improvements and a clover ,attach- ment. WM. T. DORRANCE, Lot 84, Con. 54, McKillop. 1937.4 ALL AT J. S: ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Seafoeth, for the axeat Sierra Nevada Smok- ing Compound, a positiee euro for Catarrh, and is equally efficacious in all Bronchial Affections. T he evesst cases of Asthma, Pletbsic and all D iseases ot the Lungs yield readily to this treat - m ent. M. L. SMITH, Arkona, Ont., General A gent. For sale by., all druggists. Price 75 cents a. box. 601-i2 D RAINING TILESt -JOHN CARTER, Win- s" throp, begs to inform the public in general that he hes commented the manufaeture of a superior article in Draining Tiles. Be ;newsreel - t tires these tile SID valions aizes-Nos. 1, 2. 8. 4, and 5. Paeties having lands requiring draining would do well to piee these tiles a trial, as they are warranted to be eqrcal to the best tile made. Terms mode.rate. 606-4 SEAFORT11 PUMP FACTORY. --The under- signe , while returning tharke for the pat- ronage alr ady received,.wonld remind his many customers nd frienda that be still continual; to make puts s and cisternot the best rnaterl4 and by thebest workehen. None but quartered timber used for pumps. A few fame gateit sti on hand. WI overdue aceounts not settled forth- with will be charged. 10 Ter cent. interest from the 1st of January, 1878. NOBLE CLIME, Seaforth. 563 , AU 0 TION.: SA TJES. UCT1 ON SALE OF VAL liAB LE FREEHOLD 423- PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE VIL- LAGE OF WROXETER IN TITP, COUNTY OF HURON. -Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which weif be produced at the time ofsale, there willbesold at the village of Wroxeter on THURSDAY the 14th of AUGUST 1879 at twelve o'clock noon, by James qtretton, Auctioneer. All and smgular those certain parcels of land and premises sit- uated in tile raid village of Wroxeter. Being composed of Lot No. 18 on the west side of Gib- son Street end Lot No. 84ean the south side of Vogt Street in the -village o.f Wroxeter aforesaid, aCCOI ding to a plan made by Cyrus Carroll, P. L. S. for the Hon -James Patton, registered in the Registry office fOr the Ceunty of Huron,eontain- . ing of an acre more or less. On that part of the property situated on Vogt St., is erected a two stole, filmic building used as a wareroom and on the part on Gibson St. a two story frame building need its a factory, TERMS. -Ten per cent. of the purchase money to tee made at the time of sale. Further terms and conditions may be obtained on application to, Mcb11311. RICH, HOWARD & ANDIt'WS. Vendors Sono- itore, Toronto. 608 A 'UCTI-nlg SALE OF /ALUABLE MILL PRO PERTY.-Under and by virtue of a power net sok contained in a certain xriortgage dated_ the llth dee- of October. A. D, 1878, made by John S. Bean and Angoet Heyman., the under- si gned will Fell by Publee Auction at Bean & 11 cyrean's mill in the village of Dublin, in the County of Perth on TUESDA.Y the day of September A.D. 1879, at 19 orelock noon the following valna.ble property namely, Lots No. 80, 84 and 35, Sing's:Survey in the village of Carron - brook (now Dublin) in the County of Perth and Province of Ontario. On the above peoperty is situated a test class steam grist mill with three , run of stones. Themachinery of the mill is of the best quelity and about new. The property is situated inpetiblin a. thriving village on the Grand Trunk Railway and is only 20 miles Irate the town of Stratford and a from the town ot Seaforth. TERMS.-A.depoeit of ten per cent. of the pnrelMee money will require to be paid down on the day of sale and the balance in 30 days. All further conditions will be made known on the day of sale.. The title deede may be inspeeted at the office of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Go deriehs Rot further particulars ap- ply to CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Goder- ich. J. C. CURRIE, Auctioneer. Dated at Goderich, July 29, A. D. 1879. 608 INSURANCE. -Mr. Watson is agent for the following first-class Insurance Companieas FIRE.-Pheenix and Northern, of London, England; Scottish Insperfal,,of Glasgow, Scotland ; Re sal Canadian and National, of Montreal ; British America, of Toronto; Canadi Fire andeMarene, of Hamilton; Gore District of Galt. Lail; AND ACCIDENT. -Traveller's, of Hartford. MONEY TO LOAN.—Mr..Watsonis appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan. and Savings Company, of Toronto. The oldest and. best Loan Society in the Dominion. Money advanced on allkinds of Real Estate SEWING MACHINES.—The following manufacturing and family sewing machines kept constantly on hand: Howin-Wheeler & Wilson, Osboome A and the White. Machine oil, needles and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines ot all kinds repaired. Mr. Watton is agent for the Frame & Pope knitting machin.es. The best fsenily knitting ma chine peanufactured, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work, Mr. Watson is agent for the State IAne of SteamshAps, sailing howteen New York and all points jaf:07. ,OMain Street, Seafartb, nearly opposite Mauston Ilet-ot. TMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE STEAK GRIST MILL IN THE 'VILLAGE OF EG- MONDVII;LE, COUNTY OF HURON. -Pursu- ant to the Power of Sale contained in a certain rno tgage, hearing date the First day of June, A,. D. 1875, and which mortgage will be produced for inepection at the time of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction, at CA RMICHAEL'ei HOTEL, ID the TOWN of SEAFORTH, County of Iluxon, on WEDNESDAY,.the THIRTEENTH Day of AUGUST, A. D. 1679, at the hour of Two o'clock ID the Afternoon, by j. P. BRINE, Auctioneer, the valuable Mill Property andFa.rm Landknown as THE EOMONDITILLE MILLS, consistiT% of Forty -Nine Acres of first class land, being Parts of Lots Nine and Ten, in the Second and Third Concessions, Huron Road Survey, of the Town- ship of Teiekersreitin in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, as particularly describ- ed in a deed frona John Deitrick, CoristantLouis TanEgmond, and Annie Johnston, his wife, to , one Mei-tin Charksworth, dated the Twenty - Eighth Day of July, A. D. 1874, 'recorded in the Registry Cifliee for tee County of Huron, in Book VII1, for Tockersinith, On the 16th September, A. D. 1874. On the property is a Large Frame Grist M1114 three storeys and a hall high, in -first- class repair and running order, driven by esteem, havinga eery superior thirty horse power new Oorlisa engine and new boiler,. The mill has also anaeliern -water power which oats be utilized for six months out of theyeae. A good besdness has 1 or Teets been done, which, as the property is situated in the heart of one of the beet whet growing dfstriets in the Province, may reason- ably be expected to continue. TEIthIS-Ten per cent. eashet time of sale, to the VerrIone Solieitors and th.e balance of purchase money in One month, without interest. If the purchaser desires it $3,000 of the purchase money may re- main on mortgageat 8 per cent. interest. The Tender tei have the right to One bid. The other -conditions will be xnade known at the tbxiet of sales Fo further particulars apply to HORACE HORTON, Esq., Goderieh, to the Auctioneer, -or to SEAGEles WADE & MORTON, 'Vendors' So-, Deleon, I 6064.