HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-25, Page 7- a i 4 • Cfl tj H Ci2 0 • • 0 4 of) 0 0 S 1.41.s. ZE HOME INDUSTRIES. 6roaci for -your Furnzturt Cchii get as Good Valu 17 money in Bewail as in cer Town in Canada. 'EY FAIRBAIRN ou hand a Splendid Sawa of INT a' T_T E TERY DESCRIPTION, as will sell iti; Prices tat the Times. iDERTAK I NG ;TS BRANCHES PROMPT- 1i- ATTENDED TO. 31- Gias ifearge Lftsh tn. FUNERALS on rea. sortable terms. Buildings of every descriptioa '.. reasonable terzna. Material far - I . the Heneall Furniture and under- Uninent. S. FA IRESIURNs 4SOL1DATED BANK CANADA. [ r!L ••• - Isea,000.000; E' MONTREAL,Incorporatedlan aYAL• CANADIAN BANK,. I Incorporated 1861. RTII BRANCH. 14 BLOCK,. PhAiNeST.- •SEAFORTH. . New 'Cork Payable at ited States.. xelizatarge on London Malik ea of the United Kingdom. PAID OX DEPO91 TS. TRUSSES T.T B S S adical Cure of RUPe curatetly Fitted by are t person at DRUC STORE. test Improved SW10- . at Moderate Pricea. E C.JRDSO'S EAFORTH. F 0 0 r11 & B OXf A Fojzfii, 4-AKERS, &C. 1 '• ATTEN.DED Ultf fdg It•'.67Sflr _NOTICE. AND- SHROUOS WAYS ON HAND. SE FOR HIDE. eltur.25, 1879. r A ffusleand's Explanations: I sand, grass -seed, corn, peas, nails commented upon time out of mind, that I 1- e rice' Fart of this screen is recovered with fine meshed wire, which rainy husbands neglect those little at - 1 allows the sand to.escape; the re- tentions audenarks of affection of which maunder having wire of a larger mesh, they were so lavish during courtship. •yrough which the rice passes. It is Of course, there must be a reason for a i then conveyed to the millstone to bo engem which, though reprehensible in 1 ailed, From the stone the ride is ole - the Abstract, has the sanction of all but • vated ; then, passing over an in - universal practice, and it becomes the ' °lined th h THE 1-1u 0 N ExP0g11011. may have mingled accidentally , et a.faot that has been noticed and with th planetermede s aker,. it falls anty of the philosopher to inquire into f be ore a fan, the blast of which separ- -end -expound. it. Perhaps it is best ates the)chaff from the graiu, the for- ANCHOli LINE nier eing blow alustrated by an anecdote which was n into al large room, a• I NIZED STATES MAIL STEANEERS Sail ground -rice bin. From tilts the 'rice is Gra veta Saturday from NEW YOLK and ( a friend, whose wife; pleasure in very decided terms while he it: It, seems that on Col-unded ThisLiverpnoi, Londonderry, Glas- while the latter is r `V ecei ed into the U ' by the way, manifested her deep dis- . SGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON distributed' iuto the mortars to be Direct. process removes the TICKETS for e. Films as low as was relating embus avenue there dwelt a wedded (1;.() • ark coating (called the flour) between aniao,%tarr ptarits of Etulop pair Virile were made one last fall, No kni the rice and hulls, or chaff, and occu- PrepaidPassageseCellrutiee fiches i od to air persons gladye " than. was the husband ht of old was more devoted to his pies from one to two hours and a half, wishing to bring out their frienTs. e f nring he honeymoon and the Moon according to the quality of the grain. s jhe Passenger accommodation of Author Lino at When sufficiently pounded, the rice is foreta.rarpspayre unsurpassed for elegance and coin - that followed it. But, ere the third removed from the mortars and elevated 1 to S. DICKSON, moon haci Waned, the young wife noted At the Post Office, Seaforth to the flour screen, where the flour -is 593 ..-or thought she noted, nd doubt it was resembles the &ma -screen, except as re- A LONG WANT SUPPLIED. became still more apparent. Her hus- 13taken ienThev_anhedlcisuall..dal:,erotbu straes.,Prioelersi te (7c0 pletrocnarwspeef hoe -hoeing go t w we titxtoted supply ofo d d t In 1 aride,BeeaetthhIsrRI°:ur:el:este h and 1. -P - 111a ba d a CasinIdEeSdti., AN D w°rirni na cony d...ene gonnest ajalsaria uggies 71 ficuzi tcolisobb6alloinnitsStieewia,:hol T either nownigHxio pocfor °013 bund rigs at your jorbbin 598 are OHN vILLIAts, xi_ "Ha. &men. feney-a, change. As time passed ou it separated from the grain. This screen a was loving, of course; but Solite- gards the mesh of the wire, and from it an how there was a lack of the old ardor, there was a falling off in the old dem- onstrativeness. This troubled her, and wonaan-like, she was quiok to conclude that his love for her had cooled. One evening, after thinking the matter over pa day, she broke out with, " You don't love me any More ?" " What Makes von think so ?" he asked, in a business- like way, scarcely lifting his eyes from thehook which he was reading. “Be- cause," she sobbed, "you never pet= any more, and you are not half so at- tentive as yoe used to be." And I then she broke clown into a regular cry.! The husband saw that something mut be done. Laying aside his book, and re- gretfully relinquishing hie cigar -a man does hate to be disturbed when once Settled for the evening -he went to his weeping wife and led her to the win- dow. "My dear," he said, "do you see that horse -car coming up the avenue ?" "1 do," she sobbed. And do you see that man running to catch it ?" eYes, dear, what of it?" And do yogis see that he is straining every nerve ; that he is shouting to the conductor at the top of bis voice, and doing his best to make the car stop ?" "I do," said, the wife, whose curiosity was aroused, " but what on earth has that to do----" "One moment, My dear. Look again. Do you observe that he has caught the car, and that he is -no longer running, but is probably quietly seated inside, taking a rest? He has got through shouting and running, because he has caught the car. Now, my dearr-at this point he kissed away her tears- " it is jus5 so with me. I have caught the car." And with that the self-satis- fied. moister led his wife back to her seat on the sofa, and silently resumed his easy (their, cigar and book.----"Cau- seur," ill. Brooklyn Transcript. i A Heroine. ' A correspondent of the San Diego Enos gives the following account 'of a • thrilling deed by a young woman" of that city: "There was a drove of ten head of cattle passing up Eleventh street, driven by an Lichen. At the woe time there were two children walking near the cattle, one about five or six years old, and the other about • three or four. Some of the cattle were wild and: wicked, andsone of the cows, r largo black and white, seeing the children, ran for them. The oldest child, seeing the- danger, ran away, tell- ing the other to run, but the little one could not run very fast, so was left be- hind. The halt -drunken vaquero turn- ed to head the infuriated cow off, but not being a very good rider, full off when the horse NvIlioeled around. les and be taught to ride in thering, Mazy Lawrenee was coming down the having the "old clown -'fling all- man- stret, and seeing the horse running, at ner of funny sayings at him for the peo- once comprehended the case, for, she 1ple to laugh at and applaud. If not bounded and caught the rope that was. that he would. be set to play the snare dragging titter the horse that the stupid drum in the bath. But none of these Indian let go, and with a, strength • sur- things canoe. His chief duties were to assist the cook or carry water to the elephant. Three weeks with a circus and not yet advanced to the position of property boy. Poor boyehow his hallucinations must have been dissipated! • Actual show life is very far from his wide- eyed dreams of it while studying • the circus posters. We hope he will get home at last all right, bringing S01110 useful lessons from his rough. experi- ence. Batthe boy who ran . after the show is but an illustration of huinau life after all; How many men, have been deluded by spangles, and found that they were only caaying water' to the elephant. -Cincinnati Saturday .Nigh. . . Tooth -Grafting on Roosters. Dr. P. G. C. Hunt, the dentist, has been experimenting in • tooth -grafting., Two weeksago he took two robust chanticleers and inserted iu each of their combs a human bicuspide tooth, and to -day the teeth are as firmly im- bedded iu the combsas if they had grown there. A chicken-faucier who saw the fowls desired. to buy them of the doctor, being under the impression eserves a great deal of credit for her that the birds were of a new strain. To secure their growth it was ne- cessary to remove the nerves and fill the orifices in the teeth. -Indiana - the flour falls into a large room, and TIff IMPROVED STAR WASER. then the rice is elevated to be • again screened, in order to separate the dif- MR. THOMAS D. O'CONNOR, having put-- feient qualities of clean rice before the polishing process. This is performed by what are called brushes -wooden drums, covered,with sheepskin and in- closed in wire, and from the brushes the polished rice passes through • the spouts into the barrels, where it is packed. and ready for market. From twenty to thirty, and. (very rarely) forty bushels to the acre is the rate of present production, • while the same land, before the war, produced sixty, chased the sole right for the sale of this ex- cellent Washer in the To a iashipa of Trickersmith and McKillop, is now prepared to fill all orders on the shortest notice and most 'reasonable terms.. The Star Washer is one of the best in the market, and is pronounced by tho,e who have need it to bo the acme of perfection, doing bet- ter work in less time than any other machine. Thosewho may wish to give the Star Washer a thorough test before purchasing can have true opportunity of doing so. THOS. D. O'CONNOR, Settforth, Ontario • N. B. -Two -good smart. pushing men wanted t o act 0.8 Agents for the sale of this machine. 600 seventy, and even as much as ninety TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. bushels per acre.-Philactelphia, _Trade Journal. • . The Boy Who Ran Away With the Circus Becomes Dis- abused.' The boy who would travel with a cir- cus has been out about three • weeks now. He is homesick, and would like to get back to his old. home again if he could, but he can't very well. They ain't paying boys much to go along with a circus this year, and hisn't in funds. Besides that, he doesn't know exactly what direction to take to get home, being somewhat bewildered e with the zig-zag route they have been taking. Things haven't turned out precisely as he expected when he ran away from home to join the show. His ambition to be a circus boy was inflamed. when, he first saw the posters displayed on, the old blackstnith shop at the corners, while on his way to school. Then the procession on the street added to his yearnings for the circus, and by the time the canvas, was spread -on the village common he was satisfied that nothing but a life of mingled spangles and sawdust could ever satisfy him. -He got in that night by doing some little jobs for the boss canvasman, and when they pulled Up stakes after the performance and started for the next town, he hid among the rolls of canvas on a -wagon and was carried away with the rest of the paraphernalia. But he hasn't had. a plea,saut time altogether. He has been kept at all manner of drudgery ever since his presence along with the show was detected. He has been cuffed about by rude hostlers, bounced. off wagons by grouty drivers, and ordered. around by everybody. Once he was jolted off the pole wagon while asleep at night, on the road, and nearly killed. He expected. that when he joined the show that he would be dressed up in spangled tights at ouce prising for one so slender, stopped the frightened horse, sprang into the saddle, and at once was after the cow, which now was within about ten yards of the little child, whose fate seemed to be sealed. As luck _would have • it, the horse ou which this heroic gid had,, risked her life was hall broncho, and ran very fast. She, in. less time than take • for me to tell it, was almost up to th44 child, and it seemed as if in spite of he endeavor, the child was doomed, for th cow was apparently just in the act of putting her horns through the child, wheu Miss Lawrence threw her cloak over the cow's horns, and, screamed to the child to thi OW herself on the ground. The -frightened child, seeing the black cloak flying over her head, thought it was the cow, for fortunately it fell just in time to have the blinded beast jump, over.her. Before the cow could get the cloak off her horns, or make a second charge, the brave girl came up to the child, and stooping down on one side ot the horse raised the child up in the saddle and rode away. Now I 'wouldsay a word for Miss Lawrence. I have heard a great deal about her riding, but never before saw her try her skill. She • bravery, and also fur her riding, as I do not think there is another lady or girl in San Diego that would have done what she did -to stoop down and lift a child up into the saddle Without get- ting thrown. To catch a half -tamed and frightened horse that had thrown a man, and ride it, is what I call cour age , g and. T -T 114 I -1g of Rice. cures endive thousands of hopeless cases. ' Over po4s Pews. Stop. That Cough. If you are suffering with a cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitio; Ray Fever, Consumption, loss of voice, tiekling in the throat, or any affection of the Throat or lungs, I•se Dr. Ring's New Dist•Ov-, ry for Cotiissititifgnpn tsinoniu .Teiic. ltisixscitthe great remei13- that i eaia RaJadlill . (nalt . iy its. wonderful froRmille iiLo f ormedy Was measured one million bottles of Dr.King's New Discovery have bet•u used within OM last year, and' have to of the planter's vessa given. perfect satisfaction in every 'instance. We 9 mad tubs, then emptied. into rush can unhesitatingly sa3 that this is molly the oniv baskets and conveyed, on the heads of Tire cum for throat and lung affections, and can plan 1 rem, into the storehouse. •This beottleIree pf cost or a regular size for eq. gror eerfully recommend it to -Call and a a labo las now been almost entirely sale by Messrs. Hickson ;S: Blettsdi Seaferth. . go, Or a, fiv Enjoy Life. • cs are used to discharge the 'car- e into the hold. of the vessel and filled, ture giVes us grandeur of mountains, glens and y a C MILL -------- wound 1+,0 can desire lay h•tter when hi perfect health. but how often do the majority of people feel like • giving it up disheartcm-d, dig,ouragod and wor- ried out with disease, alien ilivre is nu occasion for this feeling, as e+ery suffelvi can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's ."Auguat.Flower will make them its free from dist a: -ie ell born. the planutsetroroerli_ettse.i. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the shiest ettn.::Ae. 'pounded.- Here it is kept till Taiers it to be milled or of seventy-five per cent. of such maladies as 131.1 - Magness. Indig,-stion, Sick lietulacht C f • os less len lit is conveyed intolNervous Proqration, Dizziness of the Head, Pal- . , tut•ueeinnailtlitperoinl)car, ao iroraediately Lamson of tile Heart, and other distressing symp- toms. Three doses of August Flower will prove runny processes through its wonderful effeet. Sample bottles, 10 • celits. !Ilai.c.b. it must pass • before it shall be 'Try it. ny for market. First the rice is esinepveartsVed by Machinery., Either 1ship . e or ten. buShel tub is lower- What a truly beautiful- world we 'live iii!Na- tbeu raised, b oc,.eans, and thousands of meatus for enjoyment. a a wooden drum and moved by Ofnrchtotoptgv.,heels1 and emptied into a' box which delivers the- rice Into serew-a methoctin comnaon nearly mills for conveying - the grail). nit e0batieted to the saud-screen by means Of elevators. These elevators consist of peculiarly -shaped tin or iron cups, -secured at equal distances to a rubber or leather belt. The sand -screen re- znoves all foreign substances, such as - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Tetti:r, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all kinds of Skin • Eruptions. This snivels guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in -every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per - box. For sale by Hickson & Blcasdell, Seaforth. . 566-8m • S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, HAS much pleasure in °ailing partieular atten- tion to his air tight BUTTER FISKIN. This Ferkin is warranted air tight, and will coneequently keep the butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub made on the old principle, ,saving more than the price of the tub in enhanced value of butter. Samples always on ,haral. Common Tubs on haul as usual. For par- ticulars call at Factory or address, S. TROTT, S6aforth. _ B. -Coopering and repaiiing its usual. 6:10 - MBS. 0. M. DUNLOP'S Fall TermIn Music will open on Sept. 16th. Pupils fhould give in their names previous to the opening of the class. Those not hav- ing Instrumenks can be accommodated with use of Piano or organ at very Mod- erate rates. Seaforth, Sept. 7,1878. 561 LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Qaality, $6 per M. PINE • from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the POKY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTIT Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 T/1011A.S DOWNEY 11•11.011311ft NO BLO 1\T CHIL Proved a the Stan, BUT REAL FACTS. El d. card PLOWS cknozoledged to be Plow of America. FOR EA.E QUALI YC STRENG NES.,A IT H EC The Mater tion of these Face and Cast Steel, a by ME, only OF DRAUGHT, F MATERIAL, H, LIGHT - ND FINISH, S NO UAL. al used itt the construe - Plows, for Smoothness of oug mess, is superior to id is INIA.NUFACTTRED n Canada. GANG P O\ LAND Always on Patterns Columns, Garden Cast Iro All Kinds Good Work S, OLLERS, JFFLERS, &C., and made of Improved and warranted (A. 1). , ash gs, School, Church, cud Lawn, Seats, and 11,n,cing a Specialty. of uar epairing done and nteed. O N NOPPER, • Seaforth Foundry. 0 ✓ -• 323 cc, ARVESTERS, A WARDED Medals t the World's Fair Phil 4-3•- adelpbia. IL 8., 87e; Sydney, Australia, 1877;- Path(' France, ; Gold and Silver edala, Huron .neape • Trial, 1877, and Gold Medal 1E78., Ever3wh ie successful. Fold by D. Efogan a Robert Anderfon, Xi Brim:field, John. B obi Godeii cb ; Daii1 Rai lish, Brussels. Order early. Sittig pairs can be had oi an L. D. SAWYER & Co., GEO. STEWAI-11, Cli d W. T. Grieve, Se forth ; pen; Archibald McCully, ison, Varna : L. Elliott, Lead, Winghara ; T. Eng- etion guaranteed. Be - 01 the Agents. amilhon, Manufacturers. ion, General Agent. ' •faae . 11:•-"V .10:t 5,. O . Nt S GENUINE • • • •••••mam•nolk uJ 0 CLOTHING 0 IiJ •=11=•11111•2•••••=•••••••••••• I 1,3 II .., ..• - ....._ :111.1111:15igier-AgnEgrgert! FIALL171,4% NDET3S0' 1: di ....,..... WI A PROCLAIM! PROCLAIM! To the People Far and Near, to your Friends Friends' Friends, the and SVVEEP1NG BARGAINS AT OAK HALL. See Oak Hall's Blue and Black Serge Suits, Made to Order, from $12 to $1(13. See Oak Hall's Tweed Suits, from $12 to 315. See Oak Hall's Pants for .50. Made to Order. You can bet your last dollar they beat all cempetition- See if they don't. Come and see them. We invite- the patronage and recommendation of the public, and assure all' that nothing on our part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of their patronage. • HALLY & ANDERSON, Oak Hall Clothing House, Seaforth FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. -se 441-fle.11+ *\ CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY UNITED STATES k • I vi MEDALS AND DIPLOAS. CENTENNIAL commISSIO HARDWARE, HARDWARE SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. LIAM ROBERTSON & Co.'s, 0 0 ; a-•••44 • , • . any other establishment ON 1.1.9A8V NIARR/AGE LICENSES OR CRTIFICTEK, (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORD'. MALCOLM NiORROE & BROTHER, SEAFORTH, Are again to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as we i e awarded l Special Distinction at the Centennial aud Sydney Exhibitions. They desite to: direct special attention to their NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER A TD GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED BY G. W. CLARKE & CO. M. R. CIUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGENT, SEFORTH. M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ND JEWELLER. FINE WATOEIES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK ARRA.NTED. A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewery, Silver Wed Ware, Spec- tacles and Fancy Goods,' which -will be sold Cheap for Cash. Porter's Furniture M. R. CO -LINTER, SEAFORTH. REMEMBER THE PLACE -Directly Opposite J'1\ .11.. T. S Store, Main Street, ONTARIO PRIN GWATK IR, Hi ERS' EMPORIUM. N &. SON PREMISES, ington Streets. B A.V TO THLIR NEW Cor. Bay ud Well GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOT T BEG TO AN.NOUNCE TO THE PEO PLE OF •CINITY THAT I HAVE REDU ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM S • To Lowest Remunerative Pr I USE NOTHING B,UT THE J3E Therefore I eau Guarantee Good Satisfaction to those who wis AN SHOES. SEAFORTH AND VI - "ED • OEMAKING T MATERIAL to favor Inc with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTE T N )TICE. Remember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. ELLIOTT GRI VE, SEAFORTH. cf. •-•-• 0 p qqa a orD Ci2 0 8. 110010Vd N30100 UZ) 9. This is One of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee invention, got up for sale only, andalependent O11 the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL THAT .IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. It is warranted to clan in any ground. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before iuvesting their money in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, The old and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, whichewith recent im- provements, is better than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing Garden. SCUFFLERS, AND IRON AND WOOD- PLOW. 0 0 ILI 2?"' „ . , , 'WIPES" tX 0 0 I.. Ce 0 • --''';'-f::&21::1&17:_tt.77ta. This Plow is universally-'ai:Cli;tt7(1-t:112itrev4*11)4;:tGang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. All these implements are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, anil are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments for catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectahle establishment that turns out a good article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can bei seen at their shop at any time. IRON IIARROWS---THE SCOTCH DIAMOND -HAlROWS KEPT 00..VSTANTLY ON IIA SI). Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-st, Seaforth. Seeea - a MALCOLM MONROE' & BROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. ALEXNDER, MONROE., 0 0 tx1 ee. se. 0 0 9,113 spoof) OSOU Ceaeas.IR,3:). nS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Cii1 Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended t. 479 D. S. C.A.MPBELL,