HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-18, Page 8; - _
*to:on txpooitov.
Porsche Poise;. -Pure Paris Geeen
warranted to kill the 1 Potato Bugs,and the.Troe
Dahnatian Insect Powder for killing Flies, Fleas,
Bugg, &e. The most 'wonderful insecticide known,
yet perfectly harmless to animals. Also Poisoned
skr Sticky Fly Paper, wholesale or retail, at Lulu -
DEN & WILsoN's. 606-2
FLOWEAS AND BIRDS. -A meeting of
the Directors of the Seaforth Flower,
Cage -Bird and Domestic Fowl Associa-
tion was held on Tuesday night in W.
N. Watson's office, when it was decid-
ed that a general meeting of the mem-
bers of the Association should. be held
at the same place on Friday, 25th inst.,
at 8 o'clock p. m., for the pur-
pose of making arrangements for hold:
ing an exhibition. of filling up vacancies
in the Directorship, of devising plans
for eitending the operations'of the As,
sociatiom'and to further its object gen-
erally; and that all those interested in
the objects of the Associiation be cor-
dially invited. to attend. In the mean-
time, all those members of the Associa-
tion who have not yet paid their subscrip,
ton fee of $1 are respectfully solicited
• to pay the sum to the Secretary -Treas-
urer of the Association, W. N. Watson:
WATER SUPPLY. -A special meeting
$sf the Town Council was held on Mon-
day evening last, for the purpose of
• considering the best means to be adopt-
ed for the securing 'of a suffiCient water When the vehicle got started thosehold-
ing it were unable to control it, and it
supply for fire protection. purposee.
*an down the gangway with great ra-
Various schemes were propounded stud
pidity. Mr. Hill, who had hold of the
exhaustively discussed, when the fel:
wagon, was carried with it, and on
lowing resolution was earr1e,.1 : eThat
reaching Wee.bottona was thrown with'
the providing of a sufficieest water sup -
great force upon the ground, striking
ply Bard fire protection, tier this town ne-
on his forehead. Hie head was cut
cesserily implies a Very large expendi-
and bruised, and his breast injured.
tare of money:, therefore it is deemed
We are glad to learn, however, that he
advisable to etibriait the severalschemes •
proposed. 'so a meeting of the risteneyees is recovering.
-On Friday afternoou last an exci-
te be cedled at Eta early date, and also
dent of a much more serious nature
that the Cosmeil, with their present in -
happened in the Red Mill, to a young
terreation, e• ee.ommend the mode of
ma,n named 'Taylor. He was putting a
providing water by pipes from Turn belt spring, and a steam fire engine." -belt . on a pulley, when his hand got
caught and was drawn in between the
The Council adjourned, after haying ac belt and the rapidly revolving i pulley.
ceptecl an invitation from Mr. John
He was standing on a table at the time, -
Kyle, the newly electedi member, to par -
end when his hand got caught, the ta-
take of --- ice cream. .' ble as knocked from under him. He
was then left suspended by the hand,
THE TWELFTH DE Jur.-?bee : was.
an immense Oraugeecelebretion in God- while his arm and hand were being
crushed between the belt and the re-
erich, on Saturday last. The several
lodges from this' vicinity joined.iri the volving pulley. The weight of his body--
celebratiou there. Over 600 left kept his arm from being further drawn
Seaforth station by special train in in, and prevented him being whirled
around the shaft. He remained in this
the moruing'and large ascessions; were
taken on at Stapleton end Clinton. In position until the machinery was stop -
addition to this two large excursion ped, and he Was liberated. Had the
trains passed up during the day with table on which he was sta,nding not
members of the Order from Mitchell, been overturned, he would most likely
carried around with the
Stretford and other stations east. It is have ' been ,
stated there were between six and seven pulley, and would, in all probability,
thousand people in Goderich on that have been killed ere he could have been
day. • The excursionists from here re- relieved, As it was, his arm, was
turned about 7 o'clock in the evening. broken in two or three places, and he
At Goderich the usual procession took suffered severely from• the shock to his
system. Under careful medical treat
place, and was e most imposing ' affair.
menhe is recovering, but he will
French Stallion " Champlain " will be
kept at the residence of Mr. Peter Mc-
Ewen, McKillop.-tProf. Fetzer purposes
giving. a grand vocal and instrumental
concert in Clinton at an ,early day, for
the benefit of a benevolent institution
in that town.. He will be assisted by a
number of Seaforth and Clinton ama-
teurs, and also by tho Seaforth band.
PERSONAL. -Our esteemed totvnsman,
Mr. R. N. Brett, has recently returned
from Port Austin, Michigan, where he
has been'visitinghis brother. Mr.Brett
was very much taken up with the coun-
try in that section. The very best land,
convenient to markets, an be purchased
for about $10 per acre. There are al-
ready a large lumber of -Canadians set-
tled in that county, and all are doing
well. Mr. Brett thinks that farm-
ers who are determined to leave
Ontario should pay -that part of Michi-
gan a visit before they definitely deter-
mine to settle either in the Western
States or Manitoba, as he thinks they
can do better there.
-Messrs. Samuel and Robert Dick-
son and Miss Dickson and Miss SProat
arrived home from the Old Country yes-
terday. We are glad to learn that Mr.
Robert Dickson is improved. in health.
A OCIDENTS. -0 n Sat aeday Morning
last Mr. Thomas Hill, of Egmondville,
met with a very severe '.accident, from
the effects of which he has since been
disabled for viork. On that morning
he, with a. couple of lads, was taking a
wagon down the gangway from the
paint shop, which is on the second flat.
After this speeches were deliver
eminent members ,of the Order.
proceedings were remarkable for
and harmony, and no doubt thos
visited -the county town, whether
bees of the Order or not, were
repaid by the pleastires of the d
the crushing ancl crowding they e
ed board' the cars. After arr
here in the evening, the several I
formed in procession and went the
spective ways; for home.
LOCAL BRIEFS. -We have to t
Mr. R. N. Brett for a basket of b
ful cherries, of the " EnglishOx H
variety. They were of delicious fl
and as large as small plurns..h-Mr.
Stoddard has sent us a mammoth
Thye not be fit for work again for a long
rder time. '
who A
em- -The following is a list of those who
VY successfully passecl the examination for
Y 1" admission to the High School: Heenan
ceivs S. Anderson 430 marks, from. No. 7,
ving MoRillop ; Lizzie McKay 416, Saaforth
ages Public School; Wm. DeCentillon 412,
r re- No. 5, McKillop; Grace Elder 366;Sea-
forth ; Julia Leatheeland 362, Seale We;
Timothy Malone 360, No. 5, p ;
"4 Ellie Givlin 358, No. 5, cKill p;
anti- Maggie MeNaueht 34), Seaforth; bt.
art" Pringle 349, Seaforth ; Lizzie Ev ns.
vor, 348, No. 5, McKillop; Jane Black ' 46,
ohn • No. 7, Tuckersmith ; Margaret Gov n -
egg' lock 344 No. 10, McKillop; Thee sa
which. was layed. by .a co mon Killer= 339,Seaforth ; Richaed Hug es
Spanish hen. It measured inches 30,
the one way and 6 inches. the other
way. -Messrs. John Mitchell, Robert
Laidlaw and L. Reunde, all Seaforth
boys, have gone to Chicago where they 313, Seaforth; Bella, Mabee 313,
336, No. 5, McKillop; Kate Pashley
Seaforth; John -Malone 322, No. 5
Killop ; Christina Wilson 319,Seafor
John Robb 314, Seaforth; Louisa
have secured. good situations. Weevish
them success. -The contract for water-
ing Main street ,has been given into new
hands. Messrs. Brownell & Abell now
have,the job. The work will. be well
done by the De* contraetors, and there
wili not be an more' granibling,, I
dust! -Mr. M. P.. Hayes has comp
and removed into his hfine new
• residence on 'Victoria Square. -Itis ru-
mored, but with what ,degree of truth
we know not, th.at the agencies of the
Consolidated Bank in. Sector -Ws, Clinton
and Wingham are to be closed up.. in a
few weeks, -We would: . again remind
our readers of the 'Confirmation -sot-
vices in St. Thomas' churele Seivorth,
ea Friday next i All who feel dis: osed
to attend will be. made welconie. ..i._
reaping match under th.eauspices of
the Huron Farmers' . and. Mechanics
Aeseeistion will be held. at Eater to-
day. -On Tuesday last during the wind
gale MreEwhig's covereft butcher wag-
on was passing down ,street. -The wind
struck the wagon . and. blew it over on
• its side. The r boy who was deiving
was thrown out, but therewas no se-
rious damage deueseeThe Egtnendvills,
Flouring • mill property will be offered
for sale by publie au.Ctien.at the Shen -
=credal hotel,, Seaforth, on Tuesday
19th Augusta -Mr. Dent did not suc-
ceed in -selling any .of his town lots on
Monday. -A base -ball match is . spoken
of between the, merchants of Seaforth
and those of Wingham, to . be played at
Seaforth. .The Seaforth "boys " are
doing some lively praetising, and WE
may expect an exciting 'match if the
Wingham chaps: don't •;. flunk out." -A:
itranger who has . recently travelled
greatee part of Canada., remark.
forth; Jessie , Case 311, Seafor
Daniel Deveraux 304, Seaforth; P
Delaney 304; ,No. 5, McKillop;
garet Alexander 288, NO. 10, McKill
Agnes Armitage- 287, Seaforth;
McDougall 284, •Seaforth ; Maggie
war 280, Seaforth; Sarah Lueby
Seaforth; Levine Mabee 280, Seafo
The above candidates are admitted
the local board, but the list is • sub
to confirmation by the:} School
sidectors. Of 59 who wrote 29
passed. Of the 30 who were rejec
20 failed on arithmetid.• History
the next most, fatal subject to cal
dates. Dictation, geography; and c
position tripped a ,few, while all
escaped on- arithmeticmimed well
grammar, and all but two on fo
book literature. • Much of the pen
ship was inferior. Grammar and fo
book were the subjects on which .
best answeriug was done, quite a n
her being evidently capable of gi
the lesson selected from the re
word for Word, and. of parsing very
rectly: The total number -of m
was 560. Candidates were require
make 280 on the total and not less t
one-third of the marks on each sepa
subject. On the whole, as the m
show, the successful candidates have
had an 'easy victory, with. plenty of
marks to spare, notwithstanding the
faht that several of them, and som of
the b.esteare only 12 years of age. or
the information of tea,chers, pares fs,
and fnturo. candidates, we propos: to
publish some or all of the examine ion
papers, as we are sure there cen be no
more direct way of benefitting the ub-
lic schools than by encouraging the to
h •
P ;
In -
m -
Harris, superintendent of the (Au
is expected next Sunday evening.
Oliver, Lots' 29 and 30, Con. 7, Gr
has traded his farm fele a grist mill a
other property near Barrie. He inten
peeving up directly after harvest.
• SID ACCIDENT. -On Monday last,
a son of William Sillery Was tying
of the horses in the stable he put t
rope doubled through a •small hole a
put his thumb in the loop to e draw
through. The horse raised his he
suddenly and. lpulled the rope ba
taking his thumb off at the first joi
One of the sinews broke eight inc
up the arm and pulled out. Dr.
Tavish was sent for and he had to a
putate the thumb close to the ha
The little fellow stood the operat
well. He is doing as well as can. be
ed a few days ago that Seaforth was prepare their pupils thoroughly for
the neatest, liveliest and. most .busmess-
looking little town he had visited.- in his
travels. He's a judge and speaks the
, 'as we all know. -Parties -wishing
ke entries for the - Provincial or
Toro bo Exhibitious can procure the
nee° •sary blanks on qpplication to Mr.
G. E. Cresswell, Secretary of the South
Riding Society.-Meqsrs. Secord, Coz.
zens st Co., intend having an auctionJ
sale of building material of various -
kinds at the planingmill recently oc-
cupied by Mr. Adam Gray, on Tuesday
the 29th inst.-Mond-ay inid. Tuesday
were the warmest da,ys of this season.
-Gents having. wiles.. or greased cloth-
ing can have it cleaned and made to
look like new by taklug it to the Queen's
Hotel. -Fall wheat hervest will be gen-
eral in this neighborheod next week. -
We have been requestdd to state that
the well-known stallion " Old. Enter-
prise" will be kept at the residence of
Mr. James Horton, Ushorne, for the re-
mainder of the season, and that the
uniform test, which supplies a
means of ,comparing their efficie
The High. School will open Sept. is
Ethel. h
Fnom Meseense.--News lately re eiv-
ed from Muskoka, is to the effect • hat
Dunbar Brothers will soon have t eir
saw mill in operation. Also that Mr.
John. Milne has his mill running.
Mire's Loss. -A large sash end
door factory in Listowel, belonging to
Mr. Wm. Milne, of this place, was
burned to the ground. about four o'clock
on Thursday inernieg of last week.
How it caught fire is uuknowu. It wes
no doubt- the work of an incendiary.
It will probably be rebuilt iu a short
Curuen . SERVICE.- The Methodist
Church pulpit was occupied last Bewley
evening by Rev. Mr. Moyer, junior min-
ister, for the present year. His dis-
course was good, and. was favorably re-
ceived by those present. The Rev. Lir.
X -
FARM SOLD. -Mr. John Hender. on
has sold Newton. farm, on the 4th c
cession of McKillop, two and a h
miles from Seaforth, to his son-in-1Mr. L. Magill, for the sum of 86,
cash. It is one of the handsome
farms in the township, and Mr, 1
Faul is to be .congratulated on his p
ehase. gh -
BETTER YET. - Mr. Editor,-
The farmers of the North have no
tention of allowing those of the So
to get the better of them in the mat
of tall gnarl. Mr. W. McGavin
fall. wheat which measures 6 feet
inches, and Sprifig wheat which. me
ures 60 inches. . This is no "blo
over a
Comeone-e-The last meeting of t
Stephen Council was held on the
inst. All rnembers present. Minn
of former ineeting read and sign
Moved by W. Baker, seconded b
Ryan, that the road COMMilMii011
draw from the Council the amen
expended by them, and pay the ha
employed by them: Mr. Baker
M. Wind are allowed to do next ye
statute labor for Lots 7 iu the 4th
5th Concessions this year. The Tre
urer was empowered to borrow $1,
for the useof ,the township. Trust
of School. Section's are requested
hand in to the Clerk on or before n
meeting the amounts they wish ley
in their sections. Next meeting to
on the first Monday in August. A la
number of accounts for township w
were examined and. ordered to be pai
SMALL -Pox. -Several cases of sm
pox have ow -erred. in the neighborh
of Thorn.e's wheel house, township
Ilsberne. Some of the Smillie fa
died recently with it.
McQueen intend purchasing a ste
thresher this fall. We wish them ev
success in their enterprise, and besp
them a, large run this season.
FIRE. -The lea buildings adjoin ng
the barn of Mee": Fyfe were burned to
the ground a few days ago, and but for
the timely aid of a few neighbors he
frame barn could not have been sa ed.
The cause of the fire was children p
ingwith matches:
-One of our citizens owns' a roo-ter
and several hens that go through 1 is
potato patch every day regularly nd
eat off ell the bugs they can find. o,
by purchasing a setting of eggs from he
proprietor, you have a receipt for de-
stroying potato bugs.
STRUCK 131 LIGHTNING. -The barn e -
longing toMr.J.Hackney,ThamesRo d,
was struck by lightning and fired ast
Thursday, but as the rain was fall ng
at. the time, the fire was soon ex-
tinguished. Also a large elm tre , a
little west of Mr Allin's, standing on
the road allowance, was struck and
shivered to pieces.
ir :
inI&chines, and they have all given the
best of satisfaction. The prospects are
that another spring the sale of these
Machines will be -very large.
A HEAVY STORM. -On Friday morn-
ing last we had the heaviest rainstorm
of the Seasons The rain fell in sheets
for about an hour, filling drains and
cellars. The stonework of Grant's inew
tuilding suffered from the effects. The
earth from the excavation having been
thrown on the street, and -across the
Surface drain, caused the great miss of
water to run behind the rear Wall,
Washing away about 15 feet of it. The
front wall also sprung in about 6 inches.
A good deal of the wail will have to be
carpenter, who has been on a visit to
Manitoba for the last two months, re-
turned home on Tuesday last.
mains of the brick wall of Fishleilh's
building, which has been left sten. ing
since the hie, is notsoon taken dow , it
will yet fall and do harm to some one.
ANOTHER ENGINE. - The town of
Dueville, Ont., haying suffered a •ood.
deal of late by fires, has ordered a st am.
fire engine from J. D. Ronald., of B us-
sels. The engine is to be deliveres by
the 1st of August. •s
SHIPMENTS. -J. Alexander, merch nt,
OR Tuesday last made another s ip-
ment of 2,500pounds of butter to A er-
deem and Mr. M. Wallace, of Brussels
cheese factory, shipped 25 boxei of
cheese to the same place.
APpOINTMENTS.:-MT. Alexander Hun-
ter has been appointed Clerk of the 4th
Division court, the headquarters of
which is located in Brussels. Mr. F.
S. Scott has also been a-ppointedBaniff.
Both are good appointments. -
THE FIRST 013T. --;Mr. 30114 1.11CASII,
of Stanley, near Varna, commenced to
cut his fall wheat on Tuesday lest,
This is the first on record this season.
Tnn CROPS. -The crops in this vi-
cinity look splendid. If people had
had. the making of the fall wheat them-
selves, they could not have a more sat-
isfactory crop. It is now past all
danger, and harvest will be general next
tveeh. The spring wheat also looks
Well, but some complain thatthe weevil
ie -very bad in it. Oats will be a splen-
did crop.
lSEVERE STOR1L-A very severe wind
end rain storm passed over this place
en Tuesday forenoon last. For a few
Minutes the wind blew it perfect gale,
and the rain fell in sheets. No damage
'was done, however, except to the fall
'wheat which in some places was laid
flat. This will. render the labor of
taking off the crops more difficult, but
kvi ill not do any harm otherwise.
day evening, as Mr. S. Reid and family,
of Stanley townshipawere on their way
home from church, the horse became
frightened and stopped so quickly as to
throw Mrs. Reid and the child in her
items out of the gig, and then made a
Dolt and ran away. Mr. Reid,in trying
o stay its wild career, turned it into
he fence, but it went through the fence
-bad left the gig, throwing Mr. Reid and
ne of the girls out, hurting him slight -
y. Mrs. Reid and child were not hurt
last Constable Kippen, of Brussel, ar-
rested a young man ley the the nam of
Torrance, from Hullett, on a charg of
stealing a watch and -$20 in. money. In-
stead of takinghis prisoner at once be-
fore , a J. P. and having him put
in 'a place of safe keeping, the
constable , confined. *him in a r om
in the third story . -of the Qu en's
Hotel, leaving
him. there Saturday and.
Sunday nights. On Monday mor n
when he went for his prisoner, lie was
gone. Instead of making a lad.de of
repes,'•.he made a rope of sheets and
bed -clothes, which reached withi 1 14
feet of the side -walk, and, it is ups
posed., by that means let himself d. wn.•
All this was done, it is said with the
handcuffs en. At the. time of wr tieg
no word. of the prisoner has been re-
A NEW, MOWER. -On Tuesday last
we were 'present at the testing of a,
mower on the farm of J. N. Kneel tel,
of Brussels. The machine was m nu-
- factured by j. D. Ronald, of Brussels,
and is kn,own as the "Improved B ck-
eye Blower." The machine is stroa gly
built, light of draft and easily han led,
and does its work well. When not cut-
ting, the cutting bar can be raised. and
laid flat across the front of the mac. 'ne
just behind. the whiffietrees, the in .tion
thrown out of geal and the mac ine
can be driven at any speed acres the
field or on the road., and makes less
noise than an ordinary buggy. Though
commencing late for this season's ay-
ing, Mreltenald has sold a good - any
nnual examination of the pupils of
chool Section No. 6, Grey, was held on
s the 4th inst. Tlae pupils &s-
emis). d at 9 A. M., ready to be exam-
!nedi4. the several brauches of study,
but the expected visitors not putting in
their appearance the ceamination was
delayed until'about11 a. m ., when the
visitors Peon to collect. The examiea-
pion was resumed, the classes being put
through their. exercises by their teach-
er, Mr. D. McNaughton, asSisted by
Messrs. P. McKinnon and T. Leishman,
teachers from neighboring sections, and.
Shovsed that they had -been thoroughly
drilled in the .several branches. A very
'noticeable feature throughout the whole
examination was the quiet and orderly
Manner in which the pupils conducted
thernselves, thereby reflecting much
'credit upon themselves and. their
' -The pupils of School Section No. 3,
Grey, were publicly examined on Mon-
day, the 7th inst. The house was well
,filled, there being about sixty pupils, as
yell as a large number of visitors pees-
enat. The pupils were examined by
Messrs. Slemm011 McNaugh ton and,
Leishman, and judging • from the man -
per in which they answered the large
!number of questions put to them by the
'teachers present, showed conclusively
that they had been carefully trained by
their teacher, Mr. -McKinnon. As this
was Mr. McKinnon's last examination
there was a large turnout of both pa-
rents and visitors, who took a deep in-
terest in it, and all of whom seemed
.sorry that th 0 time had come when teach-
er and pupils must part. At the close of
the examination Mr. John Strachan
took the chair when" speeches were de-
livered by himself, Messrs. McLaugh-
lan, Oliver, Slenarnon, McNaugleten and
Leishman. Mr. McKinnon intends go-
ing to school again to fit himself still
further in the profeseion. His place is
'taken by Mr. E. Slemmon, of Ethel. -
Jo. A. Flack, to the effect that he in- I
tended to appeal against the assess- I
ment of drain, he being assessed too
high on lots 238, 239, 240, 241, 262, 263
and 265; and., also that he intended to
prefer a claim for damages to his prop-
erty. Several ccounts for surveying,
jobs and printing were ordered to be
paid. Twenty dollars was granted. to
be expended. in improving sideline be-
tween lots 5 and 6, concession 2; and
the Assesser's salary, amounting to $55, -
was ordered to be paid. . It was moved
by Councillor Miller, seconded by Coun-
cillor Griffin, and carried, that a by-
law be passed to borrow on the credit!
of the municipality of Turnberry the
sum of $873, for the trustees of Union ,
School Section No: 7, Turnberry and
East Wawanosh, for the term of four
years and. five and a half months, at
the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. A
grant of $5 was given as charity to
Mrs. McLeod, and an order for $6 to
the caretaker of the oorporation found-
ling child, after which the Council ad-
journed. to meet again at Bluevale at
the call of the Reeve. •
JUL 181 ino,
able and ran away, breaking the wagon I tend her certificate and - elks* her st,3
considerably. -As a tearnster pf Mr. I teach to the Close of the year, 6h,
Dorward, of Exeter, was driving out on though not granted, speaks • well,
off the road, when one wheel of his memento of success and frteg
i .84
the Lake Road, he had OCCKSioll to turn the petition will be kept by her ese
wagon suddenly gave way, ever spoke 1 School section No: 10, llowick,hes-1
leaving the hubNo further damage school bell on the School hon
. 1 se• eice,
was Zile. first in the township. It seems litruft
-Mr. T. C. Doherty, of Clin on, has i that there are not mote bells
sold. to Dr. Reeve, of Buffalo, ns bay schools, when they can be bought 743
mare, " Jolly," for $156. This are is cheaply.
consequence of taking first p izes at
a fine animal and was well k
agricultsiral shows wherever he
°Nv113 ill .....:Latest and Best of all. Two collar'
was i in ene, and therefore twice the Yal
en-ter;ehd.o pall show of the East Huron 1 any other single collar. Any style el
Agricultural Society will be
Thursday and Friday, 2nd. an
October, in Brussels. All
paying before the lst of Angus
eld on3rd of
Will get
. customers for inspection widen T
•e -
scarf, tie or hove can be worn with theft
collars, with -equal grace and faellea
The Patent Reversible Linen° Co
are with confidence submitted te eur
two tickets. Those subsoil hag af- reversible rribrlece foematmtireenodftihtiszonaailtis, aonnaettheut
eek the i pecuhar shape and curve of fold -p
I s.
one free he
e appii_ holes will bear a strain of fifteen. er
SIS c Ic: n
cation of a little -water at once prevent. 1more pounds weight before giving elk
ter that time will get only
-On Tuesday evening last
roof of the planing mill of Me
Cartney, Thompson ds Scott,
ton, was seen to be on fire; t
de tructive which will prevent high-pressea what might ha,ve been a
Blyth. fire. It had ignited. from a sp rk sup- I sneezers from losing their eollar, .
THE TWELFTEL-The Blyth. Loyal posed to lum fallen from th smoke- I enjoYing the pleasure of a hes
Britons vsalked Wingham on the 12th. e --It was intimated some in:Le ago > ANDZBEGN, Oak 'ROI SeafOrtit.
Orange Lodge and Orange Young stack. i sneeze. Call and see them. HT' *
REMOVED. -Mr. John A. McDonald
removed. his stock of lignors, &sc., into
his new store opposite the Victoria Inn,
on Wednesday.
that Dungannon had three ladies whose
cornbined weight footed tip to 764 1
pounds. Blyth steps in and s
are three females there who
IYIenieses.-Treadwell, 98c to $1, fife, 948 pounds. Seaforth is yet
95c to $1; red chaff, 85c to 90c; bar -
from. Our town has never bees
ley, 500 to 550; oats, 45c to 500; peas, in anything yet, and surely the
55c to 60ce butter, loose, 9c ; tub, 10c. weight will -not allow its prow
SICIPMENTS.- Mr. P. Kelly shipped shaken. -
two cars of lumber to Ilderton.-Mr. -Wingham has received an
Wm. Way shipped 2 cars of tan bark
and three cars of wood to London. -
Messrs. Taylor de Elder, shipped, on
Wednesday, 100 barrels of flour to
Vs there 1777
to hear ,
eclipsed I
ladies of
ss to he
ther ad-
thtion to its medical practiti ners, in 1 A e mg
the person of Dr, Dowsley, lately of ••• -
Clinton. We have lost the count, but
as nearly as we can remember lihere are
Shediac, New Brunswick.
somewhere in the neighborlio d of a
PERSONAL. -Miss Lynder, who leas dozen doctors in that town. It is
been superintending the millinery de- 1
partment for Messrs. Anderson :Ss El-
der, for the past season, left for To-
ronto on Monday. -Mr. E. Potts, of St.
Thomas, has been in town for the. past
week. -Miss Kerr left for Exeter on
Tuesday, accompanied by her brother-
in-law, Mr. J. C. Regime of Ingersoll.-
Mies McTavish left for Briyilekl on Mon-
day, to spend a couple of weeks with
her friends. -Joseph Redmond, of St.
.Catharines, formerly of Blyth, has been
in town for the past week. -Mrs. H:
McKellar, of Detroit, is spending a few
weeksin town. -Mr. T. M. Hamilton,
of Komoka„ visited town on Friday.-
Mr. H. Buie left for Port Huron, Michi-
gan, on Saturday, to spend. his summer
holidays sailing with his brothers Copt.
John Buie, between Buffalo and qhi-
Huron Notes.
-The Royal Hotel, Winghaan, has
been leased to Mr. George Green for a
term of years.
-Rev. J. Broley, Methodist minister,
has been removed from Ba,yfield to Ger-
rie, much to the regret of the former. backed down. hill, throwing ont the cc-
-Mr. S. E. Jones, an Exeter jeweler,
has been compelled to sticcume t� the
hard times and has closed. up his busi-
strange y
ta,kers in suchaesplendid field
-One day last week, Ma,ste
Grosch, of Blyth, came veryn
his life while bathing in thegi
runs through. that >village.
down four times, and was on t
going down the fifth when he
cued by Master R. Drumin
seized him by the hair of his
pulled him out of the water j
nick of time.
-On Dominion Day a ver
ful picnic was held in school s
1 Stanley. The children asse
the school house, and headed. by Mr. F.
the af-
under -
f opera -
ar losing
r which
He went
• eve of
as res -
d, who
ead, and
st in the
success -
tion No.
nbled at
McKenzie, with the tag -pipes,
to Mr. Alex. Innes' wood.s. I
ternoon the children engaged
athletic sports, and the o hers in
swinging dec. The day passe off very
pleasan tier.
-As Mr. Moles, with his ife and
child, of 'Fordwich, were • 'ving np
Grear's hill, at Gerrie, on eaturday
night,.the horse became frig tened at
Leech's covered peddling w'on, zind
cupants and running through the vil-
lage. Mr. Moles was severel injured.
He was conveyed into Mr. nry Per-
kins' house where he received i Sareari-
-Several Exeter people have been tan -like treatmant.
shivering with the ague lately. As a -The members of the Episcopal
rale they do not appreciate the -luxury,
-Turnberry Agricultural Society's
Fall Show will be held at Wingliam, ou
Thursday and Friday, September 25th
and 26th.
-The lightning during the storm of
Friday, 27th ult., shivered about a dozen
telegraph posts between Jamestown
- Mr. John Robiusou, of Winghsan,
left on a visit to " merrie England" on
Wednesday last. He intends to return
in about six weeks.
- A new telegraph office has been 111 -
Methodist body of . Wingh in have
bought from Mr. Thorrinestou he lot on
the corner of Centre and Jobir streets,
for $500, on which they baton to erect
a beautiful church. The edi •ce will be
built of brick, and. will be136 ly 68 feet,
with a spire 120 feet in height It will
cost soreewhere in the neigh orhood of
$5,000. The ground. has be -n staked
out, and building operations will be
commenced. at once.
-Mr. joseph Young, who
awarded the contract for digg
in the township of Turnberre, has had.
the contract taken off his iiaiids, on ac-
stituted at Holmesville by the Donain- count of his securities being d emed ob-
ion Telegraph Company. Mt- E. j. jectionable. The contract 4as again
Hill has charge of itlet in sections on Tuesday I st -week.
-Miss J. C. Aikenhead, daughter of The contracts were awarde , No. 1 to
Mr. Jas. Ailsenheal, of Stanley, return- ;Messrs. Brace end. McKenzi , No. 2 to
ed home last week, after about a two George French, and. No. 3 t4 ThOs. L.
Jobb, all at figures a good. a al under
Mr. Young's contract price.
as lately
ng drains
years' stay in the vicinity of NewYork.
-Domestic servants are in great de-
mand in Wingham. A girl lately ad-
vertised for a situation, and had some-
where in the neighborhood. of twenty
, applications. •
-A. change -has taken place in the
management of the Goderich Foundry. ,
COUNCIL Doines,-At the meeting of Mr. Runciman has retired from being
manager. Atpresent the establishment
Turnberry Council, held at Wingham
' on the - 4th inst., Mr. Black reported is in the hands of Mr. Chas. A. Hum -
having let a job on B , line, west of ben
-A voice comes from Ashfield re-
Bluevale s to John Rule, 115
rode covering crossway, $40 -Finished. gard to tall grain. Mr. James Vent, of
Mr. Miller reported having let a job of that township, brings it stalk of barley,
covering 'crossway, putting in a cutiert, measurinfigetfeeotf 2bairnlcohy,an ofioh
es.He whafis.a
and clearing road allowance west of splendid
Wroxeter gravel road, to John Mc-
will average four feet.
Ewen, $15.55 ; also a job of covering -A. four-year-old boy named Harry
crossway to John Miller, $20.28: a job Ko Wednesday
sodfayPlraost Kay,Nye e e,wwahs while
of clearing to Wm. Pahner, $5.50. Mr.
Griffin reported having let a' job of his aunt, Mrs. J-. W. Shiel, of Brussels.
grading on Arthur street, the, between The stroke was a severe one, but the
little fellow is rapidly recovering.
Turnberry and the town of Wingham,
$25 ; also a job of gravelling on sideline -The second annual Sunday School
25, to W. Clendenning,' $44; and Wm. excursion from Brussels to Kincardine
E. Mitchell, spreading gravel, $6. Mr. will take place on Friday, 25th inst. The next meeting of the boahd will be
Henniiag reported haying let a job of The fare is : adults 75c., children 30c.,• on the last Saturday in July at 10
culvert and. repairing one, to Wm. under 5 years free. This will likely be
Gemmel, $4; also, a culvert to Alex. one of the most successful excursions .
o'clock a. In.
McDonald, concessions 6 and 7, $1.75; of the year.
-From enquiries the Sipa learns
be had also inspected the job let to J. -The other day, a little son of Mr.
that meals were furnished in Goderich
W. Walker on B Inc, 66 rods covering William Chapman, of Hay, had his on the 12thof July by thel Albion to
crossway, 7 rods ditching, and mending feet *severely burned by going into the 1,000 persons, the British to 400,
roadi at west -end of crossway, 544..75. hot ash bin, in which a quantity of fresh Wleiteley's to 300, Marthfs to 600,
On .
motion$40 was granted towards un ashes had been recently put. His feet Bailey's to 700; Marlton's to 400In
proving sideline between lots 10 and 11, were so severely burned as to cause the round numbers there was ,alpout $2,500
and liquid l
concession 12, also $20, to be expend- skintopeel off. -Under naedical care spent at the hotels for solid,
ed cutting hill cm boundary line be he is doing wellrefreshmentsMeals were also fur-
tween Turnberry and. Culross, opposite -A Blyth boy, Master J. T. Mitch-
nished by Vivian, Ball and oth-
lot 5, concession 12, and Mr. Little ell, is the, possessor of 150 chickens, alt ers, and beverages and. notions at
tO let the job, and $5, to put in culvert this year's growth.. Among such a arious stands throagh to-nLivery
on gravel road, concession 2, and Mr. number, it is not astonishing that there and other businesses also 'Profited by
Miller to let the jobMrBlack reshould be some curiositiesOne of the in
the immense flux of people. So that Mads from the Newest En
. . - .
ported having examined
the job of chickens has leas growing out of its Patterns
draining let to Mr. McMichael, and. back. Ile has also a hen with its feet ' expenditure of as much more in other
stated that he should have an estimate
of about $50. On motion, 3Ir. Mc-
Michael vas granted $50, being third
estimate on drain. The Council then
formed into a Court for the purpose of
revising the assessment of ' draMin
town plot, Winghana, aud drain on lots
17 to 27 inclusive, in bit concession, the
Reeve in the chair. Their being no
appeals against the assessment of drain
in town plot, it was movedby C. Griffin,
seconded by- J. Henning, that by-law
34. for draining a part of the town plot.
Wingham, be now read a third time
and. finally Passed -Carried. By-law
No. 34 was then read a third time and
finally passed. In regard to by-law 33,
being drain on concession 1, lot 16 to
27 inclusive, several sinall changes
were made in the assessment, after
which it was read a third time and
finally passed. A notice was handed in
by J. A. Morton, Esq., attorney for Mr.
-The Directors of the G ey Cheese
and Butter Factory, near Jamestown,
made a sale of their cheese to Mr.
Thomas Ballantyne, 'of Stratford, re-
cently. That gentleman expr ssed him-
self remarkably well plea.shl at the
manner in which the busine s is con-
ducted -in fact in. his opinion it was the
best factory he had been in si ce he left
Stratford. The factory is nder the
management of Mr. James atterson,
always ready to 'welcome vi itors and.
give anyinformation desired.
-The directors of the Ho
ers' Mutual Fire Insurance
met at Mrs. Days' hotel,
Saturday, the 28th. ult. .
applications were. a.ccepte
Board, . covering risks, am
V77 303. Joseph Clegg's clai
on his barn and outbuildi
were destroYed by fire on t
May last, in the township
was passed., and ordered to
ick Farms
eerie, on
by the
tinting to
. of $280
gs, which
e 23rd of
of Morris,
be paid.
At no time have we had as mans
.$30ecial Lines tooffer ..as at 114
esent. In every Department
we have Goods Bought at List
than Wholesale Cost Priem, agi
to Reduce the stock
33 A. IR/ 0- A. ITS
IN A. G. NeDOUGALL &-t-03
The Best English Crapes per
are used) which stand the
and damp weather.
turned 1 1 places as was spent at thehotels,malling
,e5,000 which changed hands on this day
-One evening last week in Brussels,
while Mr. F. S. Scott, of that village, in Goderich over and. abov the ordi-
was bathing in the pend, some person nary expenditures.
imagined he had a claim to part of the -An exarcdnation of the school in
contents of the pockets of Mr. Scott's
clothing, and confiscated $7 thereof. If
there are detestable creatures on this
earth, it is those sneak thieves.
Section No. 10, Hovvick a
taught by Miss Lizzie A. ii
off on Thursday, the 26th u
number of the parents as \V
a Wallace,
ages, came
t. A large
11 as young
-On Saturday, 5th inst., a horse be- people of the section were resent. A
longing to Mr. J McInnis, of Exeter, social lunch at noon, a few ieces et in -
was standing in front of his store, when etrumental music, and recitations
it took fright at a child's carriage, which varied the exercises' and at the Close a
was passing down on the sidewalk, and resolution was passed, giving the teach -
ran away. The animal ran as far as er a very hearty vote of thanks for ser -
Mr. James Piclsard's store, when both vice rendered during the past two years
horse and wagon keeled over. The har- and a half, and. expressing regret that
ness had to be cut before the horse her connection with the sch"ool must
could be released from the wagon. The now terminate. A. short time ago a
wagon was badly broken. On the fel- petition was circulated whieh was sign.-
lowina Monday as Mr. Sweet, of ptl by every resident househelder of the
Steplren, was di•iving around town with section, with the exception -of one or
the same animal it became unmanage- two, to have the school authorities ex -
The Best Black. French, Ca
and Paramattas for Brews
Always in Stook.
We Make a Specialtr of
Mourning Goods.
A. G. McDovGAa
Ana 466
the to
ter 3)
roast halt o
'toile& Irma
t ite seho'
c O.
votth hag
orth half osflf
pi 25 acres;
to a
YelS SAL '
wuship of
SO -acres at
excellent fe
treOil bush; the
stable aOti-
orriumi ;
106, Yenta P.
/Venn SALE
Id No-. I, Con.
islieabh areclear
alma cultivation.
ached and pi
hoad -ealing
it church a
wle of the V
Mir to Wel
- -of Huron,
iani, horse
The lam Is
Seaforthi o
sgtreclars apply .
VD, Stofortia, es-
0ort 16, Orey ;
silk cheese factory
allotth half nf
Noreb3 ; Lot
tionship iv Raw'
.p with severe,
and houses
Tillage of Brosse
*level ,App
inile,s /nun 8
ike house, two sto
'minas through t
btu, au -4 the hula
lp t 10° toj 4hi.nee advrtelo$
P=0. 301IN
aolsieds, Vive acre
eri and
Per int
/1- the .1)
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ash ;
An the
-14-IOUs 443
tr hv
$ Oxtun
tt8' tith-
b 40