HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-18, Page 7JUL- can H 0 z 0 rri 0 c c ITI z m 0 0 4 LEI bJ.1\1"- S T-.114 ATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRI hy go abroad for your Ilur. when you caps get as Good for your money in, &malt 1' any other Town in, Canada,. ." -YDNEY FAIRSAI Has now on hand. a Splendid Steel F -CT 1\1- 'T R OF ETERY DESCRIPTIOlit Vlach he will sell at Prices Suit the Times. UNDERTAKING S "ALL ITS BRANCHES PRO - LY ATTENDED TO. f isv (1 First -Class Hea hich ho will furnish for FUNER.LS 01 sonable terms. 13T_TT.T., ).11\TGa Contracts; for Buildings of %any d ken on inost reasonable terms. Mat hed i desirel. Remember the Hensall Furniture and king Establishment. PC S. FAMO 'RE CONSOLIDATED ;A.P TA ''. OF CA,NADA. - $4,0 :TY It kNIC. OF MO:CTREAL,Incorpera0 and ROYAL CANADIAN BAIL Incorporated 1861. SEAFORTH BRANG !OIVIINION BLOCK, MA111 SEAFORTH Deaf ts on New Voett. Payable ink in the United Spates. of Exchange on London ' all Chief Cities of the, United KingdOu, :.VTEREST PAID OAT DEPOi! -RUSSES. TRUS _ or the Radical Cure of UREI accurately Fitted orciPetent person a,t n I 1- t SERI'S DRUtA LH the Latest Improved -on hand at Moderate PPOSITE CiiRDNO'S SE.A.FoRTS ROADFO OT SEAFORTII, iNDERTAKERS, CS HIM LS ATTEND D 0.- SITORTEYT iV0(.1tICA OFF -1111S ANC, SH ALWAYS OI rasp - HEARSE FOR fr a Ilia 185 1 879. THE HURON EXPOSITOR„ 1 7 lob Istanufactures and the Chinese Trade. fat u honesty is the hest of policy," se• ere there is no higher actuating 0-811 11 iple in bushaess, the Manchester planufaotureis are demonstratin be world. Their po cy 0f IS Zi n t dr- &lay cotton goods to give thesis ; ow She Recovered Her of Stability and weight; i Tooth. the aPPearauce kasoly to cost them dearly. The Edina I I The following incident is said to have Seays: occarred in Knoxvi e, Tenn. A. lady Ilasell esitallialai nalsanufaetures are of pure ' i had a false tooth which had become ettoa, as free from size as possible, is the variety grown most successfully, as he dark muck gis es the white onion a dirty hue which injures marketable val e. When t -he onion tops are at the height of their , growth, their odo fills the air for great distances aro ud. • e all the lower classes of goods ; la Great Britain are heavily loaded jt sio; and this cireumstance, with ;oodles cost of production here, has this fsr enabled our manufacturers bele to put their goods on the China taarket at a far low-er price. Hitherto, me of tlae consuls dryly remarks, 1 Balinese have always run after the ewer commodity so long as it pos- sufficicut adhesiveness to hold together under the needle and not fall topieces in a shower of rain.' But soh a state of affairs obviously . can- a be expected to continue. Already the shinare beginning to entertain Avery natural prejudice aga•inst the lois-priced but very costly rubbish sent i tethers from the Mauchester looms apleieleg vats, and the feeling is op- oting to diminish thedemand even tor inedinm makes, which do not merit the suspicion. The inevitable result of sadisbonest practices of the British nfacturers, if; they are persisted inilJ , be to brand all their products, good ottaa alike, with au evil name in the Chinese market, and their American Sols will gain a position from which assay become impossible to dislodge tera.s. Pickerel in His Pockets. Lyman Beecher, though a de- vout and earnest divine, was like the celebrated Robert H8,11, a great lover of locent amusements. This is attest- ed by his well known fondness for his yiolin, the music of which• might not always have been considered by the lot sanctimonious as strictly ortho- dox. The following incident, related by an eld resident of Litchfield, Mr. Beecher's home for many years, is characteristic of the famous preacher, and illustrates bis calm self-possession : loose, and recently, yard feeding her chic very hard, when the was at once swallow chickens. The lady that very chicken, a Bible, effected a capt of the craw until she stance she took to taking a knife, the cr that place, the tooth opening closed with and. the chicken rele is still living and w resolution never ag tooth, while the lad teeth again. • while out in the ens, she sneezed ooth fell out and d by one of the kept her eye on d, as soon as pos- se, when she felt discovered a sub - e her tooth, and w was opened at taken out, and. the needle and thread, sed. The chicken 11, though full of in to swallow a sports a full set of -At the funeral 01 the late Baron Lionel de Rothchi d the first three spadesful of earth w re thrown in by the eldest son of the eceased-, "so that he might fulfil the di ty of burying his dead." The other kinsmen followed in their order, then me fibers of the con- gregation. As the coffin was lowered into the grave those present joined in the words, "May he come to his ap- pointed place in peace," and. plucked a few blades of grass before they left, saying in acknowledgment of the resur- rection, "And they s all blossom forth from the ruins like the dust of the earth." Bucklen.'s Ar • ca Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rhe , Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. d all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is aranteed to give per - feet satisfaction in every c' se or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. or sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 566-8m An Honest Me Char cine Free of e. Of all medicines advertis .d to cure any affection of the Throat, Chest or Lui.gs, we know of none we can recommend so hig ily as Dr. Kins's New Discovery for- Consurnp -ion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ha ' Fever, Hoarseneas, Fishing was one of his favorite di- Tialing in the Throat, lo s of voiee, ete. This. versions, and he was sometimes seen medicine does positively cure, and that where Sandingneighboring • pond trolling for nearly knee-deep in the water everything else has failed. No medicine can show a of one -hall so many positive nd permanent cures as have already been effected 1 y this truly wonderful pickerel. He was engaged in this pis- , rfeeemtsetly: inFor Asthma an. Bronchitii; it is a per- terial pastime on Friday afternoon e c'e.peurosinsfhlteW the I' Ty worst cases in the mhortesttim and so absorbed had he become in cap- , it a tsiaa Trial bottles f ee. /tegular size f1.11. , say by all means give Wing thefinny denizens of the lake,de- ; ; For sale by Messrs. Hicks n &Bleasdell, Seaforth. iting each in the capacious pocket Ufa loose sack coat which he wore for 1 ife. purpose, that he had entirely for- votten that this was the afternoon for orld we live in 1 Na - mountains, glens and DB usual preparatory lecture Until the means for enjoyment. ' ging of_the church bell admonished en in perfect health; im of the fact. Having now only e to reach the church in season for Enjoy What a truly beautiful ture gives us grandeur of oceans, and thousands of We can desire no better w bat how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and wor- ried out with disease whei there is no occasion eiervice, he shouldered his fishing for this feelirin,oafstehlaTtry an erer can easily obtain satisfactoryGreens August Flower will le and. started immediately for the Dyspepsiaraake them as free from d'sease as when born. hurch, on reaching which he deliber-and Liver Corrq laint is the direct cause tely set up the pole against the of seeati e per cent. of such maladies as Bil- i2usneSsTindigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness hurch, beside the door, entered and . • , , ' ness of the Head, Pal - ked gravely up the long aisle to the pitation of the Heart, and s ther distressing syrup- nlpit, while the na asured slump, ittosmIss,,ortaTehiriueel deoffseeest.of.sAau r pis: bFoltotyeesr,, -al. cents.piaiye nmp of the water in bus boots was dis- Try it. ctly heard at ever step. He. as- nded the pulpit stairs' and proceeded. once to the duties of his office,, de- ' ering one of the most impressive dis- nrses, all unmindful of his burden of , ,some of which - had hardly yet ased to struggle in his pocket. At the uclusion of the service he again shoul- ered his fishing pole and walked eisurely home. . • A Great Swamp. When the Erie Railway was being structed the engineers encountered, avast morass in the town of Chester, our miles oast of Goshen, N. Y. It °voted nearly 500 acres, and was filled 111 treacherous quagmires and springs at were almost bottomless, To con- tracts), foundation for the road -bed of railway across this great swamp re- uired the driving of piles to the depth 100 feat, and the use of hundreds of housands of loads of stones and dirt. belling of the mile of road. neces- m17 te prose the swamp, called. for a ?eater outlay ot money than any five es of the road. between Piermont dIersey City. The tract of swamp ascot considered worth ' the nominal collected from its owners, and for enty .years after the road. was *remained in its- noisome condi-- a the home of malaria and deadly vers. - Twenty years ago a farmer. conceived eideo, of draining a portion of the act and making it tillable soil. By telling he reclaimed. 60 acres. The t acre he bought cost him 51. 'Who*: twas found that the draining left as fe il the finest of black muck, compos - almost entirely of vegetable mold, GOING NORTH.' price advanced to $17 an aere. Af- Mixed ......10:25 A. M. the 60 acres were reclaimed the &0.mMail .0:08 P. M. nee still further increased, until to -day high as 51,000 has been paicl for the aimed. laud. The ruling price is per acre. The great value of the a min. to its adaptability to the; • TORONTO, )ntario, July 19, 1878. Messrs. Milburn, Bentley, Pearson, .GENi`LEMEN,-Sometwe ve years ago I knocked off the cap of my knee, an since that time have often suffered with a swell -lig in the knee joint, caused from twisting the leg. I have used all kinds of liniments, as well its medical attendance; but on the last two occasi ns have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil. The result o this has been marvel- lous ; instead of laying np for a week or ton -days, as usual, all the swelling h s disappeared in three days. I can most heartily recommend the Yellow Oil. 1 Make what use you 1 ce of this, and state it come' unasked for. Yours truly, FRED. HILLS. For aale by Messrs. Lurisden. & Wilson, Sea-. forth - 601 • Vh toria Hypophosphites extends its influence into _very part of the uman organism, com- mencing from the foundaf on, °meeting diseased action, and restoring vital powers, creating a healthy formation and pu ification of the blood, drivi g out disease, and le ving nature to perform its a .latted part. It is t1it. finest nervine -remedy known, and the greatest b 7ttin and blood food in tha world. For sale by Mr. J. S. Roberts, Sea - forth 601 -Tine never sets so healily on the aged as when they are ill and depressed. A heavy per centagc of old reople suffer from dney complaints, etc., brought on by derangeme u ts of the secretory..or- gaus who will hail with oy the great remedy pre- pared eXpressly to rnee their cases-Victorin. Buchu and Uva Ursi. It can be recommended with confidence. For salt by Messrs. Hickson & Blea. dell, Seaforth. 601 YFLLOW OIL. -This na, ont t ie entire Dominion, liesai h -sho aye not found if an gel of mercy in the I popu ar and best liniment one dm has once used it FreCtj Hills, of Toronio, t gi.V.0, unsolicited, the 'anti • • . Great WeEate ie is familiar throug,h- nil there are few fend - at one time or another onsehold. It is the most in the country, and no ill be without it. Mr. ie genial civil engineer, !xlid certificate - n way.. Tr ins leave Brussels station, north and south as under: tare of onions. A crop of 800 bush- el onions to the acre is not 1111001.121.- 01 and. the Greycourt onion meadows arecelebrated throughout the country. About800 acres are under cultivatio 8 year, and the success of the onion issiaess in the meadows has led to th laiming of similar lands in oche Parts of the county, until it is believed tat the onion crop of Orange county; amouut- to 500,000 bushels this Year. The average price received by mon raisers is $1 a bushel. The av- ryield is 300 bushels to the acres tssh as soon as it is read -y for market; at'id as it matures early in the season h s• iaraier is allowed abundant time to '6eet) his land in the condition necessary to its productiveness. • ore axe 17,000 acres of swamp land la the 'Wallkill 'Valley, which will aVentually be convertedinto this muck wlaicla is the best in the world for esetable raising. The, land, after e 'flirts, is tilled with the slightest la - n. Onion seed is sown by a hand - al!, and the-greateet labor is in keep - 111,s down the weeds after the plant be - to grow. This work is done by leY's and gills. Hundreds of these may in the growing season on their ae'''.• and knees between the onion Pulling up the weeds that the rich .,°alls rapidly into existence. The ceding requires skill and care, as the e s so loose that there is constant wiser of teasing up the young o,..t crop is almost invariably sold fo4 e plants by their roots or removing '4eir covering of earth. The red onion Grand Tina Trians leave Seaforth folio'. -s: GOING WEST- SEAF Eipress 8.10 Express 8 52 Mired Train......5:85 Mixed Train.....11:35 GOING SOUTH. Mail .6:15 A. M. Accom......,12.15 A.M Mixed...........35P.M k Railway. nd Clin.on Stations as RTH. M. M. A. M. M. GOING FAST- SEAF RTH. Express ... 8:00 . M. Express Train- .12:58 . M. Mixed Train4:15 . 151. Mixed Train.....10:27 A. M. _sonclon, Hur GOING NORTH- CLINTON. 3:30 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 6:08 A. M. 1q:35 P. Mt' njaToN. 7:1_. A.M. 12r3a P. M. .3:30 P. M. 9:55 A. M. n slid Bruce. iL M. London, depart 2 15 Exeter 85 Hensall 8 52 Kippen 4.6 8 15)8 Brucefteld Clinton Blyth Wingha.m, arrive GOING SOUTH - 52 25 il. A. M. depart. . ..1I 55 Blyth 12 15 Clinton 1 10 Bruceileld. 40 Kippen .... ... 57 If eb s all 05 Exeter . 50 Mixed. A. M. 5 55 - 8 05 8 34 8 44 00 9 45 10 82 11 30 Mixed. A. 151 7 00 `I 35 8 01 8 18 8 28 8 34 8 49 Express. P. M. 6 15 7 35 7 51 7 58 8 08 8 25 - 8 52 9 25 Express. P. M. 6 15 6 55 7 24 7 43 7 58 8 04 8 fe.3 LUMBER OR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Qaalfro BILLS CUT All Length, from 1 PONY MILL, The Subscrib LUMBER YARD Where all kinds of Lunt 479 tv, $6 per M. PINE 58. TO ORDER, to 50 Feet, at the N McKIL.LOP. r has also a IN SEAFORTH, JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Foundry. er can be obtained. - THOMAS DOWNE Y GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SE AFORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT I HAVE REDUCE ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SH EMAKING To Lowest Remunerative_Prices. I USE NOTHING- BUT THE BEST Therefore I can Guarantee Good Satisfaction to those who wigh to REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST MATERIAL avor me with a call. 014 OE . Remember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. ELLIOTT GRIE E, SEAFORTH, THE SUNBEAM ART GALLERY, " There is Ho Art to Find the Mind's Constructz rp BIS was quite tine in•Slinkcsreore's tine, but Art is like eyeiything -1- age, so that ty the aid of Photogrnpby,the nowers of the nhd. com sio ns c -f character, and all the cardinal virtues are oleo &linen te.t1 i Ph oto Art Studio of C. MOORE, Whitney's Block, Seidel ih. If yen wa latest and most approved styles go to the Sunbeam Art Galls ; if yo highly finithed, go to the ,Sunbeam Art Gallet y; if you want an easy an Sunbeam Art Gallery ; 11yen want Chicanos, 15ottoes, Print d Mottoes and all kinds of Pictures, go to the Sunbeam Art anm-3 ; if yon we; Fra ro ea' and all kinds of h rameR made to order, cheapest ton, go to all workguaranteed to give entire Satisfaction. CHAS. MOORE, Photographer and Piet'ore ‘Nhitney's'Elo N. B. -C. Moore et e rot wish to deceive the public, nor try to injure a business standpoint by making Superfluous Sta tements, but will alwa always ready to wait on his many enatomers. SEAFORTH. on in the Face." Ise in this fast,progreesive dined with visible imprea- t he port) aits taken at the t Photos finished in the wantCabinets, or 4 x 4, suitable position go to the Photographs of Scenery, t name Frames, Motto the Sunbeam Art Gallery.; Frame Dealer, ek, Main Street, Seaforth. any person morally or from yi be found at bis post and DIAMOND DUST POLISH. -FOR CLEANING- AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER ND GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED BY G. W. CLA.RKE & CO. M. R. GUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND .RETAIL AGENT,. SEAFORTH. M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE FINE WATCLIES A SPECIALTY. ALL -WORK A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver tacles and Fancy Goods, which will be sold Ch REMEMBER THE PLACE -Directly Opposite Air. J. Store, Main Street. M. R. COUNTE AND JEWELLER. WARRANTED. Plated Ware, Spec- ap for Cash. S. P.orter's Furniture SEAFORTH. •••1111•1116. CA w."...L\T_ 7.NTA.T'SO INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING- AN CHINES, CONVEYANCER, ,&c., SEAFOR 1NSURANCE.-Mr. Watson is egtnt for the follbwing first- FIRE.-Pbee nix and Northern, of London, England; Scottish Impel Reyal C anadi an and Natioral, of Montreal ; British America, of Toront of Hamilton ; Gore District of Galt. LIFE AND ACCIDENT.-Travell MONEY TO LOAN,. -11r. Watson is appraiser for the Co Savings Company, of Toronto. The oldest -and hest' Loan Society advanced on allkinds of Real Estate SEWING MACH !NES. -The following manufacturing a kep t constantly on hand : Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A and nee dies and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of all kinds rep Mr. \Vat. on is agent for the Franze & Pope knitting machin's. machine manufactured, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and. woolen 'Mr. 'Watson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing hewtee in Europe. Office, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel. KNITTING MA - 'II, ONT.. • • lass Incuranne Companies ial, ,of Glasgow, Scotland; ; Canada Fire and Marine, 'r's, of Hartford. ada Permanent Loan and n the Dominion. Money d In roily- sewing machines the White. Machine oil, ired. ho best- family knitting ork. New York and all points 1•1••••••••••1104. .010MINI/111001/...1 ONTARM PRINIERS' 'EMPORIUM. ra1-s.11.10.111111125341111011531=6. NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. CHILLED PLOWS Proved and Acknowledged to be the Standard Plow of Amerca. FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- ' NESS, AND FINISH, IT HAS NO EQUAL. The Material used. in the construc- tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of Vace and Toughness, is superior to Cast Steel, and is MsA.NTJFACTTRED- by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SCUFFLERS, &O.,. Always on hand, made of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. 1). Columns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. , All Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed. • GWATkIN 8(... SON mivs 0 I I) TO THEI 1: NEW PREMISES, Cor. Bay mill Wellington Streets. BRADLEY WARDED Medi adclphia. P. S 1677; Paris, Fran 14.1 (Anis, Hui on r.e: Medal 178. Ever3. Sold by D.Rogii a Robert Anderton, Brucefield, John It Godei ich ; Da vid 'MIAOW 010 NMI HARVESTERS, I, at the World's Fair Phil- ., 167e ; Sydney, Austrelia, e 178 • Gold and Silver per Trial, 1877, and Gold hei e successful. and W. J. Grieve, Seqforth Kippen; Archibald McCully, ibinson, Varna : L. Elliott, alstead, Wingham ; T. Eng- lish, Brussels- -Order emly. Sat sfe.ction guaranteed. Re- pairs can be hacl off any of the Agents. L. D. SAWYER & dn., Hamilton, Manufacturers. GEO. STEWAIA General Agent. IRS. C. M. UNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will opci on Sept. 16th. Pupils ehould give in their naroes previous to the opening of the class. Those not hav- ing Instruments can be accommodated with use of Ph io or organ at very mod- erate rates. S aforth, Sept. 7,1878. 561 uJ 0 0 I. al :sae. - !1.1 ELI 141 ‘i Wit11111111111111011013 '01 I ___ESON; 111 T HARDWARE go NOSH3CINV 'HfliOJV3S IMMO ••••.'41114444.1.11111•10.....•••• PROCLAIM! PROCLAIM! To the People Far and Near, to your Friends and Friends' Friends, the SWEEPING BARGAINS AT OAK HALL. See Oak Hall's Blue and Black Serge Suits, Made to Order, from $12 to $16. - See Oak Hall's- Tweed Suit % from $12 to $15: See Oak Pants for Made to, Order. You can bet your last dollar they beat all cempetition- See if they dn't. Come and see them. We invite the patronage and recommendation of the public, and assure all that: nothing on our part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of their patronage. HALLY 84. ANDERSON; Oak Ha1lClothing House, Seaforth. FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. ,r•-• ORD crqrr c.: %UNITED STATES _ .., CENTENNIAL cOEIMINSIDII CENTENNIAL Alit SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS, _seVi..tssess'e' MALCOLM MONROE & BRTHER,SEAFORTH, Are again to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as wei e awarded Special Distinetien at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They deeiie to direct special attention to their NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, t-i- c•t- HARDWARE SICK OF tHE CIRCULAR SAW, 0 de i' a e4. '1.- ,-, - oe 0 as CD • • MARRAGE LICENSES OK E RTIFIe AL E (Undex1 the new A:AO-issued Itthe EXPOSIT R OFFICE, SEAFORTH. LIZ 1•••• 110010Vd N30100 rr, 0 t.."1 0 0 it .0-.4 i..-, CD .7....) }....... 11 „) 0 -;;•-„, e.....4 W *-4 CI- 0.•*' :LI , ,•-.. • 0 ,--.1 ••••• )-"'' : I 0 1--t• s -J .....1 .1".., . : it 3..1 ).m.....L 0 it 0 0 )....1 • p.5 O 1 0 1......a ..-0.4 f'"••• ,.....1 Zia This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the (-0 oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general -satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee invention, got, up for sale only, anddependent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL THAT IT WA.NS IS A FAIR TRIAL. It is warranted to clan in any greund. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, The old and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SCUFFLERS,. AND IRON •AND WOOD PLOWS_ Re11-1.ARDSON'S ijare tee • _ E y L. .,./:1 -7-,r--3:-;a.:•• ,-,- , a ,.,,' : ..... _.......,._,:::._-_,,,,....,„...2.c.401, • • ....reis.4.. ...g.„,..... ,..,: -.""---411-2-'' • -T . ssa.:crY4'14-1* ---**,...9t.---':- ^.- "S• \N„__ -' -•‘,.._ *-."--'''>,. -*--"X't---_-,_- , N k, *-- ••-•-• 1,.. --. - r.4', . ' ' _ .4sjisgt4t....... , ••<p 0.y,, ' • -.._,;„1„,,„,2.-.....,,t-,--. CCRiVE.- owl. poloops 0) 0 ,-.. )---a 1..' , 1.'."4 r.-.1 • 1.....1 0 P -*4 0 0 ,z -p- )-1-4 • -"1 (2) ..-I , 0 I 0 rn ,--.1.--, 1 • ..... : • 0-1 W Ili C-‹ . '''' i _t• -i ..... ti -t - 7: 1.-, . e, ..-, : ,-d-a 0 e-, firg iu 1.8 . 0 2 Go 0 ra% Cn. p Edo 0 &.< 7Z, CD ; ir•-• Z )71 0 0 CD }m.4 Li in .r -r4 r -I 4 This Plow is universally admitteci to be the ;best Gang Plow now in us, and eizatri i : te..,, 1 , ; i...3=, 2_, sad ...., 1 All these implements are manufactureti by themselves, of the very best material, us ; , I ea CD t es and are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments for mg a4 rn fa":• i 0 . . catch Bales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. niece as low as ,;..e.' i rf' r•-... .-e i t; (D ,.:: '+ 0 -cl ! j....1 s I ,-- • - in se ". SI) (4 ' 0 ct- i c-+. •,,--. t -r-- 0 , 0 CI i __jI. • se 4 + i 3..0 7 0 ,1 >41 1 ta 1 0 1 1 those Qf any respectable establishment that turns dut a good article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hank and can be seen at -their s -se shop, at any time. 0 )-4 IRON IIARROWS-THE SCOTCH DIAMOND II -ARROWS KEPT CONSTANTLY aN HAND. Repair e for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, M airiest., Seaforth. - e MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER. MALCOLM MON.R0E. TIGHT BINDING CA-IRJD_ • rn - 1 0 0 *.ra 00 SPBELLP , rovincial Laud Surveyor attendedaliCde to. Engineer. Orders by mail PromPt ly ALEXANDER MONROE. 479 D. S. cE 11fteeitt - 7