HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-18, Page 66 A Modlerii. Miracle. The Extraordinary Revelations Neue-Yerk Pkysieictn—A Story Taken With Man ij Grains of Si NEw-Y RR, June 18.—Yestei1 called Dr, Clar nee Bigelow's att to an article printed recently in t newspapers, de criptive of an Aust discoverylwh.er by cattle can be 1aidawaylfor w eks, and then b back to.life andi genuine activity. purpose of this discovery is to s meat in ibe bo es, and kill it other side of the ocean after it is ed. out again. In this way the c food andattention can be dis with while at sea. In cases of gency a man travelling from Cali can buy a first-class ticket for hi and. ship the rest of his family, i ing the mother-inllawsin patent erators. At the terrahrus of his ney he could restore his childr their youthful vigor, and his wife proper position tit the wash tub or ing stove. of a to be it. ywe ntion e city alian ozen, ought The live • the thaw- st of ensed enier- orni a self, clud- nfrig- jou"- n to o her cook - 1 1 ft 11 Your correspoddent asked the 1 octor what he thought about it.. • "It is nothing," said he, "to the (treat crowning leffort of medical sciene °that I witnessed -a few nights since. "Fray what -was that ?" was a d. The Doctor reflected for a few mo- ments, and then he spoke as folio s "When you publish what I am bout to tell you it will set the whole co. utry .a ringing. Accompanied by my fr ends Judge Warren and Dr. Chamb is, I went last week to one of the up- own hospitals, whither we had been in ited by Prof. Doremus and. the house phy- sicians. On our arrival we were s o'virn at once to the dissecting room. A the foot of the amphitheatre of sseats tood 8. long table on which rested some im- movable object covered with a hite sheet. Most of the seats were occ pied. by medical students from Bellevu and Roosevelt Hospitals. Myself and. par- ty, were assigned to chairs on the lat- form. Shortly after eight o'clock the white sheet was removed, and I sa v ,on the table the nude- body of a •• an. Presently Dr. White stepped dow by the table and said: `" My friends, the body before e is that of a man who bled to death. He was employed in a planing -mill on',et Sixteenth', street, near North iver. He fell against one of the swift re °ly- ing saws, one of the large arteries i i his arm was severed, and the blood, wiGich is life, flowed out before assistance Gould arrive.' The doctor paused," continued Dr. Bigelow, "for a few moments, lool ince meanwhile, attentively at the ody. Then he continued: There is a mere cessation of life, because the blood was diverted froni its natural channel. • I can discover u • in- jury save the severed artery.. It i Ab- solutely necessary to the success of the experiment we are about to wita ess, that the organs of the body be uni i jur- ed, for any material injury to any o •aan —I mean vital .onati—would prec ude the possibility's -Of its performing its functions, since science cannot res ore tbe orga,us. But where the action of the organ is interrupted by some cause that does not materially injure the or- gan, then I believe that the organ nay again be compelled t� perform its ,d As the great wheel of a mill ma stopped by turning off the wate may it be made to 'evolve again turnine the water on • thus the b be , so by ood which turns the wheels of the body having been diverted, the wheels sop- ped, I claim that the body mak be brought to ilife. Whether the soul las departed and can be brought bac1, or whether the mind may be restore1 1 cannot tell; but Ibelieve I can. • &satin restore every material organ of this body. I have carefully closed up the several arteries.' "He then called upon Prof. Dore us , and. Dr. Chambers aud myself to assist him. An incision was made in he body just above the heart and the v na, cava and , great coronary vein N ere slightly pipreed. In these ppeni gs were inserted Small silver tubes. On • the left of the table stood two gay nic • batteries. IA slight cut was made lust abose the plexus of the four infeilior -cervical nerves, and another above the first dorsal nerve. The conducing wires of the respective batteries 1, ere placed in aonnection with these citts. A small par of bellows was plaoedj in the mout1 of the corpse, and r. Chambers ook charge of them. P :of. Dorenius v.jfaS then placed in eharg of the batteries. "At this moment attendants led 4wo full grown sheep into the DOOM, and at a signal from Dr. White stood them near the table. Meanwhile I had, un- der instructions, connected two hollow rubber *legs to the silver tubes already mentioned. The other ends - 1.. were soou connected. w h the large ar- teries of these two seep. The two tubes throbbed. as the sItarm blooct of the sheep bounded through therm It was a breathless , monseut,---iincl as we leaned forward ahr interest was pain- ful_ Dr. Cha,mbers began to work the bellows and the lungs of the body slow- ly responded. Three or four minutes of the most anxious suspense ensued, as Dr. White leant over the body, pale with excitement. No movement could be seen save the slow rising and falling of the chest of the ina,n's body. Two 'minutes more, and one of the sheep staggered and fell. ".Rising erect, aud seizing some in- struments, Dr. 'White called out : "Now, Professor ! ' "In an i stant the powerful current of the two batte 'les was turned, and. with a su dell jerk the body sat up- right. Qui kly f Ircing it back, Dr. White; wit1 the assistance of some of the vouiigeq men withdrew the tubes from the veins and closed up the Small perforations. The wires were discon- nected and the bellows removed. The respiration still.ceuthnied l The pulse beat faintly- The corpse was alive !" With eacb recurring sentence theDOc- tor had tightened. his grasp of my ftn11. He leaned °ward me, and he fairly hissed out the words: "The corpse is alive!" kfter a while he centinu d with more n oderation : " The inc sion above the heart was well closed up and the body carefully removed to bed in au adjoining rooi 1. But the wog: was uot over. All that long night we sat in the room, all of }is from. tirne tol time feeling the pulse of the now living man, and at times minis- tering small quantities of stimulant, n t only to him but to ourselves. Our p tience was well rewarded; every m reent the pulsegrew stronger a the hrea,thing deeper. Several tiro the man opened his eyes, but apparen ) I 1 ly took no notice of anything. At day- break, when Judge Warren and • I left the place, he was still sleeping." Dr. Bigelow was asked if the tuan was still living, and was he, getting OD. nicely. -• "Oh, yes; he is living. The experi- ment I have described, to you took place just five days ago. I have only this moment returned from the hospital. The man's wOunds are healing, and he is able to move abont the room." "Does he feel all right, and willhe be able to go to work again ?" " I am afraid not." He spoke in a low, doubting tone of voice, which re- vealed the fact that there was more of the story ithanBigelow had yet related. Pressed to tell the full facts. in the case, he said : -" Well, the man eats and drinks; seems to 'be afraid. of other people, or more curious than afraid, and. is affect- ed strangely by the heat and cold. But 'he can neither read nor write, does not know the usa. of books, plates, or knives and forks. He is not able to talk, but cries but loudly, Or jabbers in an inarticulate manner. Once in a while a word can .be distinguished, but the man does not appear to perceive any drfference between. it . and the jargon. The animal life has beenrestored, but not the spiritual. The mind, with all its. component parts has gone, I fear, never to be -restored." This is, indeed, a wonderful achieve- ment of .science. It may seem too won- derful for belief, but your correspondent can vouch for the great respectability of the persons named. They are gentle- men of high standing, and the proof is irresistible. Two " Civilizations. "A many years ago" two young men, John and James, Boston boys both, were fellow clerks on Xiibr street. John went to Chicago in its muddy.days, prospered, married, raised a family, and ere his hair was gray became, a well-to- do; substantial citizen, -open-handed and -open-hearted. James remained at home. He, too, prospered, married, raised a family. and became one of " the solid men of Boston." Now, it fell out that when John's eldest sou—they call- ed him Jack—was twenty -One, he vis- .ited Boston, -bearing a letter to his fath- er's old friend, whom he found- in a, dingy Pearl street counting-rodm, deep in the A dvertiser. Jack _presented the 'letter, and -stood, hat in hand, while the old gentleman read it twice. So you're John's son ?" he 'said. "You don't look a bit like your father.". Then there was a pause; Jack still standing,. '-What. brought you to Boston?" he was asked; • Well, sir," said Jack, "father said I had better see his old home and get a taste of Salt air." . "Go- ing to be. here over Sunday ?" "Yes, sir." "My pew is No. --- at Trinity. Hope to see you there. Glad to have met. you.' And there the -interview ended. NOW itqchanced that not long after, James' sdn, roving through the West, reached Chicago. He remembered his • father's friend by name, and hunted him up in his office. "Well, my son ?" said a pleasant voice,.before he had olosed the door. "My name is JameS :' sir, and I thought "-- "I -What! Yen don't mean to say that--. Of course you are. I might have known it. Where's your baggage" " At the hotel, sir." "At the hotel? We'll go and get it, and take it right up to the house," answered the genial old gentleman, closing his desk with a vigorous slain. " We'll.go right up now. There's plenty of time for a drive this afternoon. This evening you can go to .the theatre with my girls, and to -morrow you and I• will take a run on the C., B. and Q., ancl have a look at the country. Then I want to take you out to the stock yards and have a trip on the lake, and" " But sir," broke in the overwhelm- ed young man, "1 -mast go home to! morrow.:' • "Tut, tut, my, boy, don't talk that way. You can't begin to see this city under a week, .and you're going to stay -that long anyhow." And he did. In fact, he's there now: . . A Scientific Horse -Catcher, For the last eight or ten. years the public has from time to time read of the daring exploits of Mr. James Find- ley, of this cit, whose :prowess has won for him 'the sobriquet of " The Horse -Catcher," During his residence Syracuse he has caught more than two hundred. runaway horses, saving -many lives by his clarinet efforts, and much property from whoresole 'destruc- tion. Mr. 'Findley is an unassuming young man, but his bravery is appre- ciated by the public. He was born in Albany, and came to Syracuse eighteen years ago. Although only 24 years old, he has a wife and family, and has served five years at his trade as a- car- riage painter. About twelve years ago Findley began catching runaway horses. He was somewhat timid at first, as may be imagined, bet he gained. confidence in hinaSelf as be succeeded -and experimented, and now does not hesitate to throw himself in the path- way of the moat infuriated steed. Findley's first experience as a horse - catcher was in Auburn. He was. wait- ing fora train near the depot one after- • ternooa tiVelve years ago, when his at- tention was attracted by a runaway . horse, which was dashing toward him at a break -neck- pace. In the wagon were seated a lady and her little child: Tho mother was paralyzed with fear and could not speak. The little child screamed in terror, and the -cheeks of the bystanders were blanched as they saw the frightened, macldeued horse dashing furiously toward a train of cars that stood across the street. The spee- tators all rushed. out of the way aud the leacknien and drays -nen rau to a place of safety. Findley saw in an instant that the occupants of the wagon would be killed if they were thrown against the train of cars. Without hesitating a Moment he planted himself 'directly in fronts of: the maddenened beast and sprang at his head. He threw the i horse down, ancl although the wagon 1 was overturned, the occupants were un- injuredsave by mere scratch 68. .His method of stopping a horse is as follows: When he Sees a runaway horse .approaching, he. plants himself ' directly in its' route, and runs with it in .the saiue direction, it is proceeding. Findley can run like a deer, and by the time the runaway •lierse is ) abreast of him, nine times out, of ten he is run- ning as fast as the horse. To seize him by the check -rein is but the work of an instant. Of course his act is one fraught with with great danger, and he May be said to take his life in his -hands every time he attempts to stop a horse. Perhaps the bravest act of his performed on the 7th of Ma team of young horses was ru breakneck speed down West street and across the market 1 the Empire House directly to Syiacuse Savings bank. In a more they would have plunged building. Findley saw the and sprang in their path. one by the eheck-rein and v its backslightly as a cat. By human effort he succeeded i the horses in their • course, and them down to the ground, T act,was witnessed by Patricl who had a -handsome brouz struck off, upon which the commemorated in fitting t presented to Mr. Findley. Courier. ItHE life was last.. A nind at Genesee front of anis' the instant into that comin,g e seized ultedi On a super- turijiing brought is brave medal eed was ms, and Syrabuse Handsome Cnurch s. , The new Episcopal Cathedr lin Ed- inburgh is thought to be the ost Lim - portant specimen , of Gothic rehitee- ture attempted in Scotland ince 'the Reformation. It was the 1 st, id many believed it -tn. to be the • reatest, work of the late Sir Gilbert Se tt. Its length is 278 feet (56 feet less han 'St. Patrick's Cathedral in Neve Y rk), and in its breadth 98 feet 6 inches (76 leet less than St. Patrick's,( while he cen- tral towers, when completed, will I be 300 feet high, and the two towe s w14.ch flank from the west front will be 209 feet 9 inches. In pieturesqu Edin- burgh a more commanding sit colld not have been chosen, and the omp et - ed towers will form striking objets i from all parts of the city. Th l po tal is modelled. after what remai s of he splendid doorway of Holyrood Abbey, and the front as a whole will i e, it said, the most splendid Gothic fi cad Scotland. Already' the buildis g cost 0800,000, and the . entire Cat dralsaside from the towers, will ready at the end of the prese t . ye Meanwhile the Church of Scotl nd to be outdone by the Episcop aus restoring the historia Cathedra of Giiies, the original parish churcl of inburgh. Since the Reformat on structure has undergone many radii changes, a part of which havi g b used at various. times as a lace merchandise; a prison, a Council cha ber and a police office. Wi hin walls John Knox was accust med preach; indeed his last Bern on preached there, and only a lit le from it he lies buried.- This. 1 atio any otla ea ame Co monument is associated with cidents in the history of S among them the Solemn Lease Covenant sworn there by Pari the Assembly and the Thighs rnissioners. • Varieties. . --Half of -the hair and --bea man in Springfield, Mass., has grey, while the other half ret natural color. The dividing lin beard is in the middle of the chin, and on the . e head it is immediately o er the n • — Mr. John Dunn, the ex -e bial Minister of King Cetewayo nd now interpreter on the staff of Lord heltas- ford, married his seventeent 1 w fe when about to start on the 6x editi n for the relief of Ekowe. He bou ht hr for ten cows. Many of hisOthe wives he got for nothing as presents fr m Zr- lu chiefs.' —Sir Garnet Wolseley, who h s now come to still higher honors and respon- sibilities, hardly looks the strong com- mander that he is. He has a very slender figure, and there is something wonderfully pleasing rather than mas- terful about his expression. He has a bright face, gray hair, and a quick, yet womanly eye. —The Prince of Walles is bent upon having his eldest sou receive a military education, and, it is probable that the lad will study for a year at Sandhurst before being given a corumission in the army. •He will go to the infantry at the outset. and his uncle, the Duke of Con- , naught, entertains so high an opinion of the discipline of the Rifle Brigade. that the Queen's grandson may be required to don the black tunic of the "Sweeps:" — Dr. 'John son asked the Widow Porter to be his wife. "I tell you can- didly." said he, "that I have no money, and that an uncle of mine met his death on the gallows." "I care nothing for your wealth. I care nothing for your parentage. I have no money myself; and though I have no relative hanged, I have a dozen that deserve to be." So the doctor and the widow made a match of it. of turn ins of t 18 in Las ie - be r. ot is t. d- 113 al en of ts to as ay al 1;, 11 n- 11 a ts —A lady who has -recently returned from Paris re -assures those Of her friends who hesitate to cut up costly fabrics into short walking suit. • She says that in Paris only dinner coStumes and ball dresses are made long. ;House dresses, carriage dresses, promen- ade dresses are all made of one length. A Parisian lady does not pretendi to be tt uperI seen on the street holding hlskirts. ,- A General Candle-Snnfier. In one of Dr. Chalmer's ragsed Schools in GlasgoW, there was a boy who could not be controlled, and was a eenstant interruption to the school. After bear- ing lobe, with him sit was resolved to expel him. The superintend.ent of the school, seeing elements of power in the boy, pleaded for one more trial. It was before the days of gas, and the school- room was 'lighted with common candles. They of course needed frequent snuffing, and. so the superintendent appointed this uncontrolla,ble boy general Candle - snuffer. From the commencement of his work a change came over him. He 'entered into his work with , spirit, and became one of the best boys in the school. His active energy only needed employment. EPPS'S COCOA.—Grateful and. comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern th.e ,opera- tions of digestion and nntritiou, ad by a careful application of the fine !roper - ties of well selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided • sour breakfast table _with a delicately,- flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctor' bills. It is by the judieionsuse of such rticles of diet that a constitution may b • grad- ually built up until strong enoug to re- siSt every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are fl ating around us ready to attack where -ver there is a weak point. We may scape many a fatal shaft by keeping o elves Well fortified with pure blood,- nd properly nourished. frame."—Civ 1 Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label* led—" Sallies Epps & Co., Homce path- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle 'treeti, and 190, Piccadilly, London." 48)-52 HURON EXPOSITOR. MEDICAL. J G. SCOTT, M.D. tte.,Physician, Surgeon and • Amonehenr, Seaforth, Ont. Office and reel - deuce south side of Goderich Street, first doe/ east of Presbyterian Church. 349 T.4- L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Phyaician, Sur - 1 --a- • goon, eto., Coroner for the County of Huron Office an d. Residence, on Jervis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Pnblie School. W A. ADAMS, M. D-, late of Lakefield, Ont., T • Physician, Surgeon and Acconehent. Graduate of the University of 'Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy-s globule and Surgeons, Out. Kinburn.Ont. 486 WM. HANOVER, M.D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Acconcheur, Seaforth. Ont. Office and resideno e' first door south of :the Catholic Church. Will ttend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fri- day. 496 1")McNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls prompt13 attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medinines en hand Charges reasonable. Horses examined as to sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the u Ontario Veterinary College. Meer devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled, in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and certificates given Horses bought and sold on, commission. 424 IT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., 1--1_• Stirgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Boyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seaforth. LEGAL. AJ. McCOLL, Vitiator, &c., Brussels. Office • in Leckie's new briek building. 504-52 riAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristexs, liolicitors in Chancery, dan, Goderieh, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. • 506 NATILLIAM.SMALL, Conveyainer and Commie - v &loner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer aud Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable terma. 366 GARROW & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys - at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pub- lic, and Conveyancers. Money to Loan, private fends, at 8 por cent. Offices—Gcderich and Wingham. H. W. 0. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing - hare, Solicitor Consolidated Dank. 581 M ALCOMSON & WAT neys, Solicitors in Ont. Oftlee—First door Canadian Bank building. property. 8. MALCONSON. SON, Barristers, Attor- Chancery, &c., Clinton, east of the new Royal Mouey to loan on farm 404 - G. A. WATSON BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery andInsolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Oflicca—Sea. forth and Brussels. $25,000 of Private Funds to investat once, a t Eight percent. Interest.payable yearly. 55 JAB. II. BENSON. H. W. O. ZIEYI.It. The above firm has tbi day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. H.w. q. MEYER. JAMES H. BENSON. HOLMESTED, LA1V, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OF l'ICE, Scott's Block, 'Maim Street, Seaforth. OLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm ane Town and Tillage Property bought and sold. Money (privet° funds) loaned on morgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the best mortgage seeurities, without aiiy expense to the lender. S. G. McCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED. MISCELLANEOUS. DA. MeLEOD, Licenned Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. All orders left at James MeBride's will receive prompt attention. If by letter address Seaforth P. 0. 658 _1" P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the u • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the County. An orders left at the Ex- POSITOn Office will be promptly attended to. TO THE PUBLIC.—Read what the people say -1- in regard to the Great Shoslionees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones Markham, says: "1 had a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly got my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshonees Remedy" so highly reconnnended, I procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, mad have remained so, although I was ,mach exposed through the winter in travelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem- oreetville, writes: "1 have found your re- medies particularly beneficial for liver complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and would advise all similarly affected to give them a trial." John Finlayson, Athol, says: When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could not cure it, and had to return home. It became better and afterwards much worse. I filially pur- chased a bot'lc of tbe Reinedy and a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I commenced: to iinprove, and before they were finished my foot was completely eared. It is now 17 months since, but have had no further fitted." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 25 cants a box. 522 -pm GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -L. Periodical Pills—This invaluable mediciue is unfailing in tho cure of all those p:infal and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re. moves all obtruetion 8, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To mairiadladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularik These pills should not be taken by Females daring The th st three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on. Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and throbs, fatigut on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure vrhon all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not eontuin iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 "PANEL PICTURES.' QO GREAT has the demand been for these pictures that Calder has been nimost compell- ed to work Light _aid day (Sundays excepted) in order to keep pace with the increasing demand for TituE Photogruphy. There is nothing super- fiaous in Chia statement. Calder's Policy is to turn out first-class work only, tit a fair remuner- ative price, and relies on the sound judgment of a just public as to the verdict, which, in the past, has not only enabled him to ccmpete with pot to surpass all petty rivals. Photography of alfiki ads got up in a manner sure to plume. Old Pietnres Copied and Enlarged to perfection. Remember the People's Popular Gelleiy, with the Evefrlitst- ing Stairs, opposite the Commercial. ANDREW CALDER, Sealorth. TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. S. TROTT, SEAFORTE1, HAS much pleasure in calling particular atten- tion to his air tight BUTTER FIRKIN. This Ferk in is warrantid air tight, and will consequently keep the butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub made on the oltI principle, saving more than the price of the tub in enhanced value of butter. Samples always on hand. Common Tabs on hani as usual. For par- ticulars all at Faztory or addrees 8. TROTT, Seaforth. N. B.—Ceoperiug and repairing as usual. 60U TIIE G -01_133=\T 1879— N. 1879 R. JAMIESON OF THE GOLDET)I LION, HAS A LOT OF REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS &C., Which he is Anxious to Sell Out Cheap. REMEMBER THE PL CE: GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCEI4, SIE.-11`1_POIR,T1-1 ilas Pleasure in announcing to his Friends awl C tamers that every Department is fully stocked with First -Class Goods. Hundreds of Families testffy to the value given at Rose's Grocery in the past, and he looks forward to the future with, every coiflde1ce. No Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convin ed of the advantages offered. No trouble to show Golds and 4ive samples. Flour, Corn, Oatmeal, Buckwheat _Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, tec., always kept in Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seaforth. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good morning Tones, where are you going to r JONES.—" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Farnitare Warerooms, to get some new furniture, you see Blilie is getting played out end I want to get some first rate farniture atsvery low prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say that he has the very best and cheapest in the county." 1:?.•J 88.' lo the Free and Independent People of Huron : M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he ha removed to the premises lately oampied by Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware store, and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in theFurniture line at remarkably low prices. roatendingparehasers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examinahis stock before pnrchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice Picture framing a specialty. All work guaranteed. I Farm produce, feathers, wood and lumber taken in exchange. Is, as tion. rate. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT formerly, under his own supervision, and will be condocted with the greatest care and atten- His stock of Caskets, COMAS, Shrouds, &a. -will be found complete'and at the very lowest Rm Funerals attended in the country. A Hearse for hire. emeber the place. s M. ROBERTSON, .SEAFORTIL FANS. FANS. FANS. FANS. A Large Line of Black and White French Dress Fans, Received Direct from the Factory, at about one - the usual prices. C ll and See my Fifteen cent Fans—the same 1 as sold last season for Twenty -Five cents. C. W. PAPST, Ccurdno's Block, Seafortli. aSNV.d 'SNVA 'SNVA 'SNV.A AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. J 011 N WA_ IR, JD, SEJA.F0 RT 11, While returning thanks to his many customers for their patronage za the • past, also to those who so liberally patronized his 'late sale, he begs to • inform them and as many new fines as will fovor him that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND .s As ready and willing to serve them al before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS ANI) GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMTTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD, SEAF,ORTH. HAY AND OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. 1\TOTTO_ All Accounts due the Goderich Foundry and Manufact triug Com- pany, LiMited, 7/01,9t be promptly settled to avoid costa No persons are authorized to receive payments or make settleme2zts on behalf of • the Company except the undersigned. HOR,ACE HORTON, Pr sident. JO HIV CHRISTIA.P.7, Sedretary. GODERICH, June 13th, 1879. JUL' 1 18,- A.1.1 PATRONIZE HOME INN Why go abroad for your ,27 when you can get as Good for your money n Hensall any other Town in Canoth, SYDNEY FAIRSAI! Ilaa now on hand a Splendid Stasti T1 IT IR. INT ir E OF ETERY DESCRIPTIO Which he wili sell at Pn'oel Suit the Times. ' NDERTAKINO IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES PRO LY ATTENDED O. Also a First -Class Ha Which be will furnish for FUNERLL8 sr sonable terms. 33TYT.I.J1311\TO. Contracts for Buildings of every 6 taken on most re.asonable terms. Ma nished if &aired. Remember the Ilensail Furnitareana taking Establishment. 576 S. FAIRS THE CONSOLIDATED B OF CANADA. CAPITAL, •- - CrTY BANK 01? MONTREAleIneer and ROYAL -CANADIAN 33 Incorporated 1861. SEAFORTI1 BRA DOMINION BLOCKAIAI SEAFORTIL. Drai ta on New York Paitlge Bank in the United States. BIM of Exchange DU London at all Chief Cities of the linitedifingderk INTEREST PAID ON DR TRUSSES. TRUS TITSS For -the Re,d1cal Cure Of TITRE accurately Fitted Competent person at ROBEfITS' DUG - All the LateEt improved on han4 at Moderate OPPOSITE CARDNO'S SE A_VORTS BROADFOOT SEAFORTH4 UNDERTAKERS, FUNERALS ATTENDED 0 SHORTEST ,NOTICA COFFINS AND SH ALWAYS MC HEARSE FOR -0 ese hav offtiont undor th in a B te d Pect4c1 e aro 1 pi :from tIal vats, at a3ike oake' prat) be to brand Asi Icta*et, gain, kerd Yraall sta earnest Robert bisjtina,,ellsenbfi re;:tra;:phLiv: forfgaonx.eith::yrg vreparan Iltheg7fil:nbise wrillytgal purpose16-absoPmr:iinbtua.1:1 to reach thel Ithathil:ettehuhlehili::::, • 1 n a°1 eneb: le' rs eitcelrae: re-' eh ittl' '3 a 1 anceY'3111hea:elitThPea'ulew;ituit15 Pue of tit' sell! unorn to struggle elusion of the his fishiu ike Erie yetelo:,. A Gre m aeatreacantehalaermrlYoons: mile -s east • 3110111a8n8ailIt1 ctafeimaatio he feet, driviu ay acro asef loa4 LlIdnl i utthIageyrss t:t the 7 eteeaninCasTildfr:Ye°i;; ttymmae 0 home ell. ;td ii w.-alleeafilt'otale:lieedrheat:sugl?1 'ma that) ,finest of ' prlee::00 tuosat ejantt:11 ugh60 acres 1 rtherl lehra ed 111:18°, te.118;:et: 611u 118 r Af Cori:7:1:4j: Tere*: ihi e°1 letittl 1g 4 3f1 I el f°Our,:3°8:.; * fl1 it1 1 G 1 3e;_enini1 laBitaill ;ill. ieolt ' 1 8 salism: 6 -t- nio . y allkbieste °hi' el %Tatou seed grea wee T GI. girls, t 1 gr ee 88 equires th earj by th" 11g of