HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-18, Page 5tjuix 18, 1879.
carried beyortd his deptb...
struggles to save
, the current of the river.
sei the bank considerably
. He felt so grateful fee
:ce, that he inamediatet.
ad thanked God for it. .7
n'Tsrmenatelaasaaano,_ _____
:tenon Notes.
renseain, aged twenty-two
McIlwain, a farmer li,ving ,
of Nile, was drowted tee
he Red River, off the yawl
.er Manitoba. Irromvaiti
A to the Prairie Proviriee
I had taken iip land at
ehewan. His nousan who
the steamer and saw the
ared that he had a pre..
t something was going ao
-Ilwain, and tried to per_
kayo the steamer. The
itiv took part in a 48-itour
nipeg, aud succeeded ita
prize, with. a score of lair
:ens of Hensall vsere
T heir slurtabera ort Wed.
Iweek, about 1.30 o'clock,
Esg cry of `! fire." Ou ex -
muse was found to
rge pile of wood, sopro-
(Irving to the railway
cause is supposed. to be
rnm the engine of a saw-
, of the company, which
ing there for the previous
.the time the scene was
villaa.fers, the flamee had
sable headway, being lo -
.centre of the pile. The
,.engine was at once tele-
Isondon, but did not ar-
Os half -past five, during
the citizens naade stren-
rto subdue the flames,artii
..1 efforts aucceeded in
'under_ subjectiore not al -
read, and thuS saved for
this vast pile, which if
val of the fire engine, it
er.i impossible to save a
/ondent -writing from
ltiedd tolinship, Says:
-bb, of this vicinity, met
.rious accident on the
ard inst., by having one
iv hurt with lightning.
titting Cuaavti in thehouse
en all at once he heard
the lightning Which, it
iwil. through -)the stove
which it made several
a- which it made its way
en. after leaving which
taken its course towards
ore the beet off his boot
s skin with some flesh
Mrs. Robb, who was
Opposite side of the
-al marks which show
el a very narrow escape.
settlers in this neigh -
a the rain on Thureday,
e heaviest thoy had ever
s part. It has greatly
I wheat iu this vicinity.
way several culverts on
_is. which it took a lot
th. It ems.
ra of Elm- a made an ex-
:odel Farm, Guelph, on '-
a a Mr. W. R. Davis,
narrow escape from
fartin, of Elma, has re.
:nitoba, thoroughly dis-
svterian pic-nio near
ilszninion Day, $20, in
JI School,were realized.
ouncil of Listowel have
'event the exhibition of
lements on the streets
McDonald,. Deputy
1, hasbeen served with
OUQ damages for de-
,rac ter of Dr. Horni-
av of last week Mr.
4 Mornington, had his
bow- the ankle, at Wire
's barn raising, by a
tiling upon it.
'Jay, of Listowel, has
ern a visit to Georgian
; will shortly give to
rre on of the people
tat iooality.
':Irompson, of Mitchell,
,fall vadue of his claim
Truok Railway Cora-
whinery destroyed by
a -ay to Chicago a few
of Mr. Thos. Green,
er a tub of boiling
It was resting on two
r part of the water
ild. She died on the
In, of St. Marys, was
rlt..ce course at Strat-
Day. While holding
ts, e he was struck by
in the running race
it the head.
[Christian Firk - was
with leaving the em -
Josiah Murphy, Lo -
est for which he had
He was fined 55 and
days in jail.
lied very suddenly in
ago- She lay down
the afternoon, being
1. In a few minutes
fled. The deceased
.Itt of Mitchell for
l was much respected.
:liunderetorna which
,viiship of Wallace on
stria of Peter Erb, of
was struck with
• destwye,I. There
ereshing machine in
risiderable amount
lements and a quan-
11 were destroyed.
1.1taster named Nes-
load of stones. into
evsy, he lay down. 013.
1.sieep. The horses,
elidance, turned off
the load. A large
unster's foot, badly -
ping him a prisoner
•re he could be ex-
; factory at Listowel
:round on the morn -
The valuable ma -
tory was destroyed,
e tools belonging to
orisiderable quantity
low sash, and other
Tial, along with sey-
jay 18, 1879.
ibnimincr plans, was also consumed.
Mr AE1
oeproprieter, ne,_ of Ethel,and
be manager, Mr. E. B. Sutherland,
• wer° preps:ring naaterial for a warns
ber of extensive contracts, will 'be
*bovine's. There is only $2,000 in -
-A regular Donnybrook fight occur-
red at the last Listowel fair. A large
toed gathered to see the shillalahs
lotseahed about, which was done with
good effecttoo, as more than one poor
fellow's head could testify. The ap-
nea of two constables put an end
totae (alivarshun." The combatants,
wtta s number of adders, after a limited
confinement, were taken to the Police
soot arta hadto pay for their license a
of $55.50. This appeared to be
Ito mostserious part of the perform.-
-At the Listowel cattle fair, held on .
Friday, 4thh inst.., there was about the
ousistember of cattle on the ground,,
ces were rather low and sales
e dull. Several good cows were
di-esrpeeed of for from twenty to twenty -
fee dollars. Oxen. about $80 per yoke,
sca yang cattle for from fifteen to
pasty -five dollars each. Mr. R. L.
Bigg, of Hamilton, bought a number at
en averaged from 211 to 3 cents per lb.,
so a Durant, of Bridgeport, bought
toad at similar figures. Many of
the animals brought to the fair were
wen home unsold, and there was gen-
eragrumbling at the prices realized.
--A charivari that proved more seri-
ens than. amusing to some of the par-
ticipants came off at Fullarton village
alonday night, 7th inst. A short
fireeago Mr. Dancan Brown and Mrs.
Elliott, Postmistress, were married and
ielton a wedding tour. On Saturday
nightthey returned to the late Mi -s.
Elliott's home, near the cheese factory,
eters they were charivaried in old
fabioned style. On Monday night
they repaired to Mr. Brown's home,and
were followed there by the charivariers,
who annoyed them with tin pane,
torts, etc. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown
had warned them td desist, and. threat-
ened to shoot some of them if they did
mot. The storming party, in spite of
earnings, continued their attacks until
patience and forbearance became ex-
on the part Of the newly mar-
ried couple, and they made a sortie,
armed with revolvers, determined to
give their besiegers a fair field. but no
favor. In the melee one of the chariL
variers, named. W. Bothwell, had a
ullet put through his thigh and. lodged
his other knee, and smother, J. Bell,
received a wound in the foot. After a
-wrounds Itfr. and Mrs. Brown were
masters of the field, and it is to be
ped they have taught a much needed
n to the youth of the section that
not soon be forgotten.
General News Items.
-Potato bugs have appeared in two
fluent localities in Manitoba.
-The Toronto forger has been ar-
'sued on fifteen different counts, to all
which he pleaded not guilty.
-Dr. Kennedy, of Bryson, had his
OS injured a few days ago by the
lesion of a :bottle of spirits of am}
-Yr. D. Ewart, architect in the
hlic Works Department at Ottawa,
beenaopointed a life member of the
nch Academy of Architecture, foe
ces rendered in. connection with the
aris Exhibition. He superintended'
construction and decoration of the
anadian trophy.
-The strongeat chested, if not tlie
test singer of the world, is oue.
orro, who in the Berlin Variety
cake treats his audience to selec.I
JOfrom the "Troubadour," while a
eight of 700 pounds rests upon his
ast. He challenees the singers o
world to compete with him in hi
talk for a purse of 500 marks.
1-dlessrs. Walter D'Espard and M.
ith, two London bank clerks, have
de a canoe voyage from that city
Iva the Thames river to its termina-
on in Lake St. Clair, thence by Lake,
&River Detroit to Amherstburg, re-
ing in the same _manner as far as
athara, where they took the train for
ndon. The voyage occupied nearly
o weeks, and the enjoyment is re-
tied imraense, notwithstanding sev-
tip-outs and portages.
-Daring the storm of Friday last the
se of Mr. Andrew Hood, 7th con -
on, Puslincla was struck by light -
lig, which, entering by the chimney,
tided to the room below, striking
rs. Hood on the foot, and tearing her
oe, but otherwise doing her little or
injury. A. dog_reposing at her feet
instantly killed, but strange to say,
r children, who were all gathered
und her, escaped unharmed. A cow
onging to Mr. Wm. Leslie, Reeve of
etownship, was about the same time
ed in a field.
-Haulm arrived in Toronto on
esday evening last, having been met
Niagara by tho steanaer Chicora,
in Throat°, with about 300 excur-
ists to meet and welcome the ch am -
oarsman. His reception at the
en's wharf was wildly enthusiastic.
eer after cheer ;vent rolling alone the
ore, passing from wharf to wharf, and
housetop to housetop. A. multi -
de of. steamboat Bald locomotive whis-
sounded a dealcuine chorus, while
the intervals could bbe heard the
ins of brass bands floating up from
ead near on every side.
--TheMontreal [Fitness says: The
eet" is discussiue just now the in-
s'igatiori of Mr. Alexander Saunders
I Air. Campbell, -manager, into the
airS of the Consolidated Bank, and it
tederstood that it is their opinion
t the present capital of the Bank
have to be still further reduced.
g the worst -view of the assets, ac -
ng to their opinion, the present re-
' of $900,000 is about exhausted,
‘111g simply the capital of $2,100,000
▪ It iS nOt improbable a further
action of the capital stock will be
511, so that a reserve may be obtain-
!atileugh no change with th.at object
ew een be brought about until Par-
a meets in February. A reduc-
niosfan2ggOepsetred.cent., or GO per cent. in
-Col. Meekes lived by himself in
COUnty, Iowa, aud his neigh-
stipposed he was a bachelor. Last
ter a woraan and boy arrived in the
Renounced themselves as Meeke's
,and son, and were received by him
'•" kerning joy. He said he parted
his wife many years ago in Eng-
butwas glad to get her back.
Nva,8 immediately installed as nais-
of his household. A month 'ago
'tun registered at the village hotel
• Xeekes, and. explained that she
was the wife of the Colonel, hieving
married him in Washington City.' . He
admitted that she was right, and !went
to live 'with her at tb.e hotel. This
over -supply of long -lost wives doe not
seem to cause him much trouble. One
wife remains in contented possessi n of
the home, while the other is appar ntly
happy in possessing t e man.
-Mr. Ross R. Wi a ans, of Balti ore,.
has just been marri d in Loud la to
lvliss Neva Whistler, is cousin, a so of
Baltimore. The you 'g bridegroog has
taken his bride to a dm agnificent ijouse
in Kensington Garde s. He is so (Es.'
satisfied. with the gas furnished byj the
London companies t at he will have
gas manufactured in is own gronnds.
Permission to make tae gas had t3 be
obtained from the .1unicipal ant,iori-
ties. Mr. Winans is he eldest son of
the late Thomas Winans.
-Mark Byron, a young man aged. 23,
who came from Russi recentiv anI
tled in Chester coun y, Pennsylvt nia,
committed suicide on the 4th inst. by
shooting himself. e had. pro osed.
marriage to a you , lady in town
named Mary Stine, ho refused irn.
The day following h forced his way
into an empty school ouse and dr w a
handsome portrait of iss Stine o \ the
blackboard beside a p rtrait of hiu: self.
Underneath he wrote "Abe love her;!
she no love me." On the other pt of
the blackboard he wrote: "M. Byron,
artist, born in Russia, December 26th,
185C; death in TJnite1 States, July 3,
1879." His dead bo y was found in
the school -roost. Lit le is known of
his history, as he spoke but little Eng-
lish; but it is believe4 he was a fugi-
tive from Russian jnstice. He was
greatly esteemed by at in the vicinity
where he lived.
-A man named Wm. Plummer,_ a
farmer, was returning home from
Guelph late on Thtirsday night, 9th
inst., when it is suppo ed his horse S ran
away, throwing him o t of the wagon.
He had his spine an. shoulder blade
broken by the fall. "" e fell out of the
wagon opposite the ouse of a man
named Grindle. Gri • dle's dog was the
first to find Plummer, and. commenced
barking. Grindle anJ his son, hearing
the dog making a noisa took a shot gien
anal went out to the toad fence. They
saw the dog running a ound something
on the road, and wit out ascertaining
what it was, but supeosing it to be
some wild animal, the father foolishly
ordered his son to sho t. The son fired
at Plummer, while hi collar was all
that could be seen in the dark. The
shot entered Plunamer s neck and s oul-
der, inflictine an ugly and dangerous
wound. After the son had. fired they
ut to the road
d shot. When
ey took him to
or some neigh -
loch, of Rock -
sent for Drs.
Guelph, and to -
bout 50 ' grains
er's neck. The
t hopes of his re -
had the courage to go
and see what they • h
they found Plummer
their house, and sent
bors and Dr. McCu
wood. Dr. McCulloc'
Keating and Clark, of
gether they extracted
of shot from Plum
doctors have very slig
Auction ales.
Tnesda.y, July 29, an the. premises,
Main street, Seafort , Planing Mill
Property and. Buildin Material. Se.
cord, Cosens & Co., iEtroprietors ; J. P.
Brine, Auctioneer.
Monday, July 21, on Lot 29, Con. 14,
Grey, Valuable Fari4 Crop. E. 0.
K. Davies, Proprietorj; C. R. Cooper,
Wednesday, July 2,l at the shop of
R. Fulton, Egmen ville, Wagons,
Sleighs, &e. J. P. Mine, Auctioneer.
Saturday, July 19, on the premises,
Goderich street, Seaforth, Wagons,
Democrats, &c. Reid & Barton, Pro-
prietors; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer.
Friday, July 18, at the Commercial
Hotel, Seaforth, Hous hold Furniture.
J. P. Brine, Auctioneer.
MONCUR-In Exeter, on the
of•Mr. W. H. Montour of
TOMS -In Exeter, on the 80
Mr. C. Toms of a dandlit
ult., the wife of Mr. Rob
DUSTOW-In Carrick, en tho 7th instant, the
.,;vife of Mr. Thomas Dust w of a son.
CHESIsTEY-In Tuckersmith on the 30th ult., the
ife of Mr. &ones Chesne , Jr., of a son,
LENNOX-In Kinburn, on the 13th instant, the
vita of Mr. R. J. Lennox lof a daughter.
SNE L-SIMON--On the 1th instant, at th
esidence of the bride's f then by Bev. J. W.
luteher, Mr. Joseph Snel , to Miss Clinstma,
Simon, both of Dashwood.
GEBSON-YOUNG-On the 12th instant, at To.
ilento,by Rev.Dr. PottsaMomasGibson,Esq.,M.
P.P.,Wroxetento Saralneldest daughter of Mr.
Richard Young, Lakelet.
GIBSON-FIELDS-On the I2th instant, by Rev:
0. G. CoIlamore, at the re idence of the bride's
father, Goderieh, Mr. Sa4nnel la Gibson, to
Miss Mary A. Fields.
JAMES-CURRELL-In St. Catharines, on the
2nd instant, at the Arjerican Preebyterian
Church, by the Rev. Nr. Bruce, Edward
eldest son of Mr E. D. Parnes, proprietor of
the Crearaorne, Gardens, to Miss Catharine
Elizabeth Curren, sewn 1 daughter of Mr.
George Carrell, of Ashilel .
9th instant, the wife
'11ult., the wife of
anosh, on the 28th
,rt Henderson of a
BAIRD - In Turnberry, co the 8th instant,
Thomas, son of Mr. Wm. 1 aird, aged 27 years.
GARDNER-In Goderieh to nship, on the 14th
instant, Mary Gardner, rc 'et of the late .Alex.
Gardner, aged 75 years.
WRIGHT-At Bae-sville, Mut. -oka, on the 7th in-
stant, Agnes M. Chesn y, wife of James,
Wright, aged 32 years.
ARMSTRONG -In Seaforth, the 16th inetant
Mr. Robert Armstrong, disied 65 years.
BAY -In Hulleet, on the 14th inst., Catharine
Bay, nelict of thelate Woo Ray, aged 40 years
and 11 months.
SEAFOR H, truly 17, 1879.
Fall Wheat 0 96 to 098
Spring Whoa. t, Fife, per bush 1095 to 1 00
Spring Wheat,IledChaff,per ush0 90 to 0 90
Oats per bushel 0 42 to 0.43
Peas per bushel 0 50 to 0 55
Barley per bunhel 0 45 to 0 50
Putter, No. / , Loose 0 08 to 0 1,0
Eggs . 009 to 0 09
Flour, per 100 lbs 2 35 to 2 50
Hay 6 00 to 9 00
Hides, per lb 0 06 to 0 06
Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... 4 00
Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs. $ 00
Sheep skins 0 15 to 1 25
Lamb Skins, per lb 0 20 to 0 40
Salt(retail)per-barrel, 0 86
Salt (Wholesale)per barrel.. .... 0 75
Potatoes, per bashei 0 60 to 0 65
Oatmeal brl 9 60 to 3 00
TalloW, Per lib 0 04 to 0 05
Beef, in quarters, per 100 lb 8 50 to 6 00
Woolper pound, 0 20 to 0 20
Fall Wheat,per bushel......
Spring Wheat, perbushel.
Oats, perbushel .
Barley, per bushel..
Peas, per bushel -
Efay,per ton
TON, July 17, 1879.
•,... 0 96 @
0 90 @
0 40 (4,
50 @
0 00 @
0 TO
0 60 g
0 09 A
. 0 19
7 00
1 00
0 96
0 50
0 60
0 50
0 13
0 60
0 10
8 00
LIVERPOOL, July 16. -Spring wheat,
.9s Od • red winter, 9s 6c1 to 9s
8d; white, 9s 6d. to 96 7.d; club, 9s
9d to 9s 10d; corn,* 3d to 4s 2d; oats,
5s 6d; barley, 5sL3d ; peas, 5s 10c1 ;
pork, 46s 6d; beef, 77s ; cheese,
33a 6d.
Tonorao, July 17: -Fall wheat, $1.05
to $L10; springr$1.00 to 1.O7;$oats,40c;
peas, 550 to &5c; barley, 50c to 56c;
hay, per ton,.$9 00 to $12 50; wool, 00c
butter, 19 cents to fifteen cents;
potatoes per bag, $1.10 to 61.15.
LO2sTD0N, July 17. -Diehl and Tread-
well, $1.78 to $1.85 per 100 lbs.; red fall,
$1.75 to $1.80; spring, $1.35 to 1.68;$
oats, $1.22 to $1.25; peas, 85c to $1.00;
dairy cheese, teic to 6c ; factory, 5i to 7o;
.barley, $1 to $1.10 ; eggs, 100 to 120;
butter, 9c to 12c; new potatoes, $1.25
to $1.30 per bush.
Cheese Markets.
WoonsTocix, July 14. -Owing to the
June cheese being mostly all sold. in
this section, the market on Saturday
was somewhat dull. Four factories,
the Bright, Pioneer, Spring Creek i and
Braemar, registered on the board. 930
boxes, all of which were sold, the av-
erage price being 5i -c, the cable still
standing at 3-3s 6d.
Live Stock Markets.
MONTREAL, July 14. Prices of cattle
generally ranged ic per 100 lower than
last week. Mr- Ryan, among others,
sold two head at $3.75 per cwt.,. live
weight, while another dealer parted
with five head of good medium cattle
at $55 each and under. On Saturday
some business was done in hogs, Mr.
Head having disposed of 118 for Adam
Armstrong, of Ingersoll, at $4.90 per
100 lbs., live weight. The same gen-
tleman sold fifteen choice hogs tiNer-
aging 270 lbs. at 4ic. At the Viger
market to -day there were over 200
head. ,The best cattle were worth from
4 to 5ic, and in one or two instances
we hear that even 6c- was obtained, In-
ferior stock sold from 2i to 3 ic.
The Gem Jar at WILSON & YOUNWS.
Local Notices.
NEW PRUNES, Cheapest in Town, at
ALLEN'S Grocery. 599 -
TURNIP SEED at Cost, to clear out lot,
ataAmonet's Grocery. 599 -
SPECIAL Lines of Sugars for the pre-
serving season, at LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY'S, Sea -
forth. 603
liYOU WANT Cheap Sugars and Cheap
Strawberries just leave your order at WILSON &
YOUNG'S. 601
FRUIT JARS. -Any quantity of Ameri-
can or Canadian Gem Jars at WILSON & YOUNG'S,
at the old prices. 602
SEE WET' SOAP, 25 bars for $1 at ROSE'S
Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 cents, worth
60 cents. and those cheap Raisins and Currants at
Roen's Grocery. 574
HICKSON & BLEASDELL. have been ap-
pointed Sole Agents for Centre and South Huroa
for the sale of the Holman Liver Pad. Descriptive
treatise sent post free. 605.
ordered clothing at War. Hun. & Co.'s prove
beyond argument, that they sell the cheapest and
make the best fitting clothes in Town. Please
take note of this. 595
F. G. SPARLING, having determined to
go ont ot business, offers his whole stock at cost.
Buyers would do well to call and see for them-
selves. This is n humbug. Must be cleared out
at once. F. G. SPARLING. 583
traordinary. Wm. Hann & Co. have just received
another shiprnent of White Piques, which they
will clear out at the -old figure, 10 cents per yard
These goods are deciedly the cheapest in Seaforth.
D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth,
invites the attention of cash inyers to his Stock
of Groceries. His Stock is constantly turning, and
is always fresh. His prices are the lowest -it will
pay you to call. Examine his goods and compare
prices. 574
will continue daring the season to supply the
Seegmiller Strawberry to any partiks leaving their
orders, at prices as low as any other Strawberry of
canal Quality can be purchased for. Leave your
orders and you can have your berries delivered the
same day they are pulled. 603
tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea-
-lorth and Huron County, I apparel the opinion of
some of oter best people as to its merits: 'I have
used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by J, L. Cragin
& Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and find it very good.
The. clothes are beautifully white and the washing
is done hi much less time -Mrs. M. P. Hayes.'
" I need Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di-
rections, and found the_elothes whiter than when
waehed in the old way, and in hell the usual tirae
-Mrs. hl. Y. McLean." "3. have tested Dobbins'
Eleetrie Soap, and am highly satisfied with the
result. I believe it capable of doing tell the -wrap-
per claims for it, and most confidently recom-
mend it as economizing both time and labor, and
as. doing its work well -Mrs. T. Goldsmith."..
'Having given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial,
I think it is all the manufactnrers represent it to
be -Mrs. R. T. Coleman." I desire all myfrienda
and customers to give this Soap one trial, so they
may know just how good the best soap in the
United &ides in THQMA.S KIDD, Seaforth,
Ont,Agent for Huron County. 571-52
FOR SALE -Two colts, one rising three years
old anti the other two, both marl s. Apply
to DAVID DOBBANCE, Sr., Lot 29 Con. let
McKillop. 604
1011h0ARDERS.-A number of Boarders can be
accommodated with board, either ladies or
gentlemen. Apply to J. M. CALDWELL, (only
man and wife), Goderich Street, Settforth. 570
- ---'----
STRAY PIG.- Strayed from the Mansion
j Hotel, Seaforth, aliont the 16tft: of July, a
White Boar Pig. Any person givingisuch infor-
mation es will lead to the recovery of the above
animal -will be suitably rewarded. ROBERT
GRUBBING and washing done on reasonable
term H, by Mrs. RAYMOND, Harpurhey. e04.
N OTICE.-All parties indebted to the Estate
-LI of the late Simon Powell are requested to pay
the same forthwith to the undersigned, or they
ehall be handed into the Court for colleetion-
ecutors. ' 561
- - -
NT OTICE.-The followipg animals are im poun-
-LI a ded at Seaforth: Two Steers, one red, the
other red and white, about three years old. Un -
1 ess claimed before the 24th day of July these
ninaals will bo sold by Public Auction on that
day. WM. DORRENCE, Pcundkeeper. 606
1iTONEY TO LEND -On terms more advan-
tageous than ever before offered. A. J. Mc-
COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504-52
ViTHQ_ ',WANTS MONEY ?-A few thoustind
" dollars, private funds, for immediate invest-
ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES
H. BENSON, Selicitor, Seaforth. 533
MONEY TO LEND. -I have any amount of
-LY-A- Moneyto Lend on good improved farms only,
at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Slam no
object if seenrity ample. I don't lend for any
Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570
$10 to $1 000 Invested in Wall -St.,
Stocks makes fOrtunes
dory month. Books sent free explaining every-
thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17e
Wall -street, New York. 687-52
. Genuine Clearing Wale of
p ARTIES may alWays rely upon obtaining
flret.elass value for their money at Stanley
Day's Noted Cheep Store, Foeter's Block, Sea -
forth. Die Sells for Cash—No Credit, No
Trade, No Bart r, and No Humbug.
No Misrepresentatio , No, Exaggeration, bat
Seasonable and Step' Goods, Bought Low,
are sold upon smell nargin, amounting only to
an actuul auctioneers commission, and in many
instanoes the public I really bay for less money
them an ordinary mel chant has to pay. Remem-
ber, a Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned, Low
Prices and Fair Dealing has made
Stanley Day's /emporium Popular
it the People.Eta, is determined to
maintain his reputet on against all odds. Call
and Exp./nine his Steele. No Trouble to Show
Goode. If they don't suit yon in quality or price
you need not buy. The 'following is a partial
list of the Ja•gnh.i. now being offend : •
Crochet Eded g, 1 cent,
Needles, 2 et ts,
Torchon Lane 2 cents,
Pins, 3 cents,
Boot Blackin , 8 cents, •
Shoe Polish, ' cents,
Toilet Soap, cents,
Shaving Soap 3 cents,
Cana la ic Han kerchiefs, 3 cents,.
Silk Ribbon, cents,
Embroidery rimming, 3 cents,
Maltese Lace 3 cents,
Valenciennes ate, 3 cents,
Machine Spoo 8. 4 cents,
Factory Cotto , 4 rents,
Bunch Braid, cents,
American I'd te, 5' cents,
Combs, 5 cen s,
Note Paper, 5 ents,
Envelopes, 5 ents,
Bout Laces, 5 cents,,
Linen Towels 5 °entire
Fining, 8 yen 8 for 6 mate,
Embroideries 5 cents,.
Ladies'Linen Collars, 5 cents,
Children% Li le GloVes,- 5 cents,
American La e, 5 cents,
Baby Pins, 5 'ents,
holler Towel ing, 6 cente,
Ladies' Stn. • gs, 6 eents,
English Pi -int, 7 cents,
Bleached Cott n, 7 cents,
Rusee Lace, 8 ceuts,1
Bow Ties, 8 o tits, I
Oxford Shirti g, 9 cents,
Gents' Hall 11 se, 8 cents,
Patchwork P ints, 9 cents,
Print Shit -tin s, 10 cents,
Drees Linen. 10 cents,
Brown Hellen, 10 cents,
Ladies' Lace ties, 10 cents,
Shawl Pins, 11 cents,
Ear Rings, 10 ents,
Best Faints, 1 cents,
Dress Geode, 10 cents,
Whipe, 10 cents,
Looking Gilts es, 10 cents,
Brooches, 10 cnts,
Set Shirt Stu 8,10 cents,
Girls' Straw ats. 10 cents,
Lnstres, 124 cnta,
Window Net, 1I2i cents,
13rown Duck 24 cents,
Straw Ticking; hi cents,
Lorne Linen Towels, 124 cents
Bov's Braces'. 13 cents,
Sill; Handkerchiefs, 13 cente,
Charms, 15 cents, ,
Curtain Net, 1 cents,
Muslin Net, 1 cents,
Sleeve Button , 15 cents,
Scarf Pius, 15 ents,
Men's Braces, 5 cents,
Taikish ToNvel , 18 cents,
Ltidies' Setae 25 cents,
Boys' Hats, 25 bents, ,
Tabling, 25 -cents, '
Drawers, 40 coats, 1
Tweeds, 45 cents,
Men's Hats, 501cents,1
Silk Parasols,. 0 cents,
Lace Shawl's, 5 cents,
Harverd Shirt, 65 cents,
Lace Curtains, 75 cents,
Cheviot Shirts 75 cents,
White Drets Snirts,15 cents,
Gents' Alpaca Coats,$1 60,
Wo.sted Pante $2.
VOTERS' LIST ---#879.
Municipality of the Township of Trick-
ersmith, Connty of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered -to the persons mentioned in
the Third and Fourth Seetions of the Voters'
List Act, the copies required by said Section to
be so trensmittecl or delivered of the List, made
pursuant to said Act, of all pei sons appearing by
t.1:e last Revised Assessment Roll of the said
Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Elections for . Members of the
Legislative Aesembly and at Municipal Elec-
tions, and that Eaid Li 81 was first posted up at
my office, at Tuckersmilh, on the 9th day of
July, 1879 and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
List, and if any omissions or any other errors
are pereeived therein to take immediate proceed- •
ings to have the said errors corrected according
to law.
Clerk of the said Municipality.
Dated this 9th day of Judy, 1879. 605
Newspapers and 'Alit]: Periodical Litera-
' tare belonging to the Seaforth Mechanics'
Imstittite will be sold in their Room, on Monday
next, at 8 o'clock P. M. The delivery will be
made so the purchasers of Dailies and Weeklies
(" Illustrated London News '1, excepted) on re-
ceipt of succeeding numbers. By order of the
Board. P. HAYDEN, Secretary. 606-1
- -
ant to the Power of Sale contained in a certain
motgage, bearing date the First day of Jane, A.
D. 1875, and which mortgege will be produced for
inepection at the time of sale, tnere will be sold
by Public Auction. at CARMICHAEL'S HOTEL,
in the TOWN of SEAFORTH, County of Huron,.
AUGUST, A. D. 1h70, at the hour of Two o'olook
in the Afternoon, by 3. P. ,BRINE, Auctioneer,
the valuable Mill Property a-ncl Farm Land known
as THE EGMONDVILLE MILLS, consisting of
Fortylniee Acres of first class land, being Parts
of Lots Nine and Ten, in the Second and Third
ConceseiGns, Huron Road Survey, of the Town-
ship of '1 uckersmith, id the County of Huron,,
and Province of Ontario, as particularly describ-
ed in a deet from John Deitrick, Conetant Louis
V anEtzmond, and Annie Johnston, his wifeende
one Martin Charlcsworth, dated the Twenty -
Eighth Day of July, A. D. 1874, recorded in the
Registry Office for tt e County of Huron, in Book
VII1, for Teckersmith, on the 16th September,
A. D 1874. Ou tho property is a Large Frame
Grist Mill- three storeys and a halt high, in first-
class repair and running order, driven by steam,
having a very superior thirty horse power new
Corliss engine and neW boiler. The mill has
also auxiliary water power which can be utilized
for six months out of the year. A good business
has for years been done, which, as the property
is situated in the heart Of one of the best wheet
growing districts in the Province, may. reason-
ably be expected to centinue. TERMS -Ten
per cent. cash at time of sale, to the Ver dors'
Solicitors, and the balance of purchase money in
ono month, without inserest. If the purchaser
desires it $3,000 of the purchase money may re-
main on mortgage at 8 per cent. interest. The
Vendor to have the rig t to one bid.. The other
conditions will be madc known at tlae time of
sale. For farther part' culars' apply to HORACE
HORTON, Esq., Goder oh, to , the Auctioneer, or
to SEAGER, WADE 4 MORTON, Vendors' So-
BUFFALO ROBE -I. OST.LLost, on the road
between Seaforta and Walton, on the last
day of April, a Buffalo Robe. The finder will
receive a rev, aid of $2 on rethrning the same, or
on giving sash informetion as will lead to the
recovery of the robe to ANTHONY TROUT -
MON, Formosa P. 0. 603x
-1V OTE 1 OST. -Los
-LI Note of hand dr
Sea forth, in favor of
for the sum of $50, an
19th of February, 188
cautioned against acc
sorer time in May last, a
wn by ThomasD. Ryan, of
James Ryan, of itelrallop,
payible on the 18th or
. A1 parties are hereby
pting or negotiating said
note, as payment t erecf has been etopped.
In the Diferent Lines of Seasonable Goods at
Bargains in Black and Colored. cRENADINES.
Bargains in Plain and. Fancy DRESS GOODS.
Bargains in Light and Dark PRINTS.
Bargains in LINEN SUITS and ULSTER.
Bargains in White and Colored EMBROIDERIES.
Bargains in White and Colored HOSIERY.
Bargains in Silk, Zenilla and -Cotton PARASOLS.
Bargains in White and. Colored CORSETS.
A look through the Stock will convince the most scrupulotee that the Goods are -
Sacrificed at a Large Discount. Secure some of the BARGAINS.
I feel great pleasure in directing the attention of the public in general, and my
own customers and friends in particular, to my very extensive stock of General
Groceries, which will be found.
And Second to No Other House in Western, Canada.
I have just received one of the Finest Lots of NEW TEAS I ever Imported,
comprising in part the following:
JAPAN TEA at 3740., 40c. and 500. Per Pound.
' 'YOUNG HYSON at 40c.,, 450, 50c. and 60c, Per Pound.
GUNPOWDER at 45c. and 50c. Per Pound.
FINE CONGOU at 50c.. 60e. and 75c. Per Pound.
EXTRA FINE CONGOU at 90c, Per Pound.
Direct from the West Indies, a Large Consignment of Porto Rico Sugar. A IFo
on. hand, Pure Scotch Refilled, and American and English Sugars at the usual
Low Prices.
A splendid variety of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, such as Tuckett &
Billings' Myrtle Navy, Last Rose of Summer, Napoleon, Albert Solace, Little
Favorite, Navy Sixes, &c.
Currants, Raisins, Rice, Barley, Oatmeal, dc. Coffees, Brown and
Green, Fresh, Strong and Pure. Soaps of all the diferen,t brands
and best makes, including the famous Dobbins' Electric—the King
of all Soaps—indispensably necessary to all first-class laundries.
IS, frilly assorted, and New Goods are arriving daily. Just to hand, a beautiful
assortment of Mid -summer Prints and Costume Cloths, Dress Goods, &c.
First -Class Butter Taken in Exchange for Goods. No
Second Quality Touched.
EGGS also Taken-, as usual at the Highest Market Price,
N. B. -The Liquor Store is in fB running order, and all Goods delivered.
punctually in town free of charge.
To those who wish to purchase good reliable Goods either ire
'eh STOCK. -.-The nndersigned WM keep for
the iniproventent of stook this seaeon on his
farm, Lot No. 2, Conceaelon 3, Mullett, a Thor-
oughbred Durham Bull, bred by Robert Brown,
Esq., of Grey-. Terms. -75 eents per eow, pay-
able at the time of service, with thepririlegeof re-
turning if neceesary. ROBT.MelfrOMA.EL. 593
BcY WANTF.D--Wanled immediately, at the
EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth, a stout, active
13oy to , _do choees and make himself generally
useful. 646
-A i for Cash. A c.ornfortable cottage, containing
4 or more roome, situated in Egrnondville. Ad. -
dress, etating price, dm., R. IRWIN, Clinton,
Ont. 602
TEACHERS ;WANED. -Wanted. 8 Female
Teachers for the Seaforth Public SchooL
Duties to conameuce after the holidays. Apply
to the Seceetary, stating salary wanted, until 1st
Angust. WM. BALLANTINE, Secretary. 604,3
TEACHER W TED. -A male teather holding
-A- a second claSs certificat-e, for School Section
No. 1, Usborne; duties to commence Aug. 170a,
1a79. All spplidations stating salary,&ea,roust
be in by the ls of August. Address TEOMAS
CASE, Seeretar± Board el Trustees, Rodger Ville,
' Ont. 604
TO CONTRAC1'ORS.-Ten dere will be received
by the undersigned, up to the 15th of Angust,
for the erection of Three Brick Stores in the
Tann of Clinton; Plans and Specilleations can
be seen at my office. The lowest or any tender
not necessarily !accepted. WILLIAM COATS,
' Clinton. 606 4
A GOOD CH,INCE.-e.200 will buy a good
-4-1- parcel of lima, comprising fifty aeres, in the
Tow nship of IrCuicardine, County of Bruce ;
clay lam; at* iine barn on the place. For far-
ther particularapply to G-. & H. JACKSON,
-14 OTEL FOR, SALE.- For Sale Cheap, the
"L'A" "CniOn Rote), Harpurhe,y, at present occupied
by Gcotge Fitch. The house in large andnommo-
dious, -with pod stablingyalso about one Pore of
land attached. IThere is a good business. Tida
is an excellent o rortmaity tor any one 'wishingto
go into the hote business. Satisfactory reasons
will be given loi wanting to selL Apply to the
proprietor on tbc /itemises or to Seaforth P. O..
GEORGE rAcg, Proprietor. 606
FARM FOR ATM. -For Salt, in the townslalp
of Grey, Coi1uty of Huron, Lot 14 and west
hailed Lot 15, qn the 2nd ecneession, containing
I49/ acres, 75 o which are cleared and well fenc-
ed; good frame 1 bank barn 40xt6, with stabling
underneath ; gcod house 22x2S, with stone cel-
lar ; good well Within ten feet of the house, good
young orchard, and a never failing creek rune
thronyh the farm. This is a •first-class stock
farm, and is oily 60 rods from the Gey Joint
Stock Cheese and Butter Factory. This farm is
only Si miles Rom the Town of Brussels, and. ean
be bought for $4,000. For further particulars
apply to the proprietor, -gr. DUNCA.N McDON-
A170, Jamestowra P. 0. 605
hOTTAGE TO BENT, -To Bent, a comfort-
• -1 alee Cottage pleasently situated and eonven.-
lent to busineas part of town. Apply to L.
MURPHY, SeafOrthe 603-4
-11Q 0031S TO L.T.--Three Frontqtooms to let
in my block, over Messrs. Johnson Brothers'
Hardwa re Store/ Apply to L.M.r,fER, Division
Court 0 face, Seaforth. 592
003IS TO
-LI' G. atilt's G
Ina king apart ine
front and rear e
ET. --Six rooms to let over A.
ocery store, euitable for &nes-
ts or for dwelling looms,
trance. Apply to A. G. AULT.
VOL SALE OR TO RENT, --The Beaforth
Mill, known ss the Red Mill ; 4 run of stones;
steam power; With stding from Grand Trunk
Railway; possession about the it or 15th of
September. Ap .ly to W. KINGSLEY, Strat-
ford. 694
RARE CHANCE. -Photograph ROOMS to Let
LI' on first floor n Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth,
position eeettra.1„, Also, three or four Roonas on
the flat above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses-
sion let Januar-A 1879. Apply to F. HOLME-
STED, barrister, on thepremises, or to ROBT.
SCOTT, Afeliillop. 5734f.
pASTUBE.-Good pasture ; plenty of water -
and shade; fences in good order; cattle and
h orses taken. It. RANSFORD, Stapleton Salt
Works. 602-6
T0 THRESHERS. -For sale, cheap, or will
exchange for pod horse, a. Separator Threshe
in g M achine and Horse Power, Oshawa make,
n e axle new, and in romplete woiking order. Ap-
p ly- to A. sTnoisrp-, Seaforth. 605x8
(1 ALL AT 3. S. R013ERTS' DRUG ST013.E,
Seaforth, fox the Great Sierra Nevada Smok-
in g Compound, 4 positive cure for Catarrh, and
is equally efficacipue in all Bronchial Affections.
T he woret case S of Asthma, Phthsic and all
D ieenees of the Rungs yield readily to this treat -
m ent. M. L. it M1Tlf, Arkona, Ont., General
A gent. For sae by all druggiete. Price, 75
cants a box. 601-52
throp, begs 4o inform the public in general
1 ing Tiles- He nianufac-
that he has torrhnenced the mantita.eture of
supelior article* Draina
tures these tileii variorte sizes -Nos. 1, 2. 3,4,
and 5. Parties hjzvinglands reqearmg draining
would do well to ive these tiles a trial, as they
are warranted to c eqqal to the best tile made.
Terms moderate. 600-4
Notwithstanding the National Policy we ire selling Teas cheaper than ever.
Although Crockery and Glassware have advanced. in the wholesale markets
fully 20 per cent., we are still selling at the old prices.. Parties wishing to secure
Bargains in this line, either in China or White Gramte Tea Sets, will require to
purchase early before the present stock is all sold out.
The G -em Fruit Jar, in quarts and hall gallons, will be sold (per dozen) at less
than last'year's prices.
Flour, Oatmeal, Cornreeal, Granulated 'Wheat, Split Peas, and Pot and Pearl
Barley always kept in stock. Also a large stock of Clear Bacon and. Sugar
Cured Hams.
We invite intending purchasers to examine our stock and prices and convince
themselves that the Central Grocery is the place to buy good. goods, and conse-
quently cheap goods.
The personal supervision of the firm giveii to all orders, and goods warranted.
as represented or cash refunded. Free Delivery.
eigned, -while returning thanks for the pat-
ronage already reeeived, would remind his many
distends and blends that he still continues to
make pumps and nieterns of the best inetcrial
and by the best v-ollemen. None but quartered
timber used for pneeps. A few farm gates still
on hand. All overdue accounte DOt eettled forth-
with will be charged 10 per cent. interest from
the 1st of January, 1878. NOBLE CLUFF,
Seaforth. 563
- -
THE DIVISION COURT. -The office of the
Second Divizion Court will be open daily
from half -pat one to /our o'clock P. M. Office
in my Block, over the store of Johnston Bros.
L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Senforth. 562
jL ACTS -John Moran end Thomas .David
R yen, Plaintiffe, TS Thomas Stanley, Defendant.
A Whit of At teohment, has issued in this cause.
R OBERT GIBBONS, Official Assignee. God-
erich, july 10th, 1879. 606
-A- ACTS.- Andrew Cleghorn, Henry Daws on
ong, and Charles Richardson, Plaintiff, vs.
Wifliam Allen, Defendant. A Writ of Attach -
m ent has 'Breed in this cause. ROBERT GIB -
B ONS, fficial Assignee. Goderich, July llth,
1879. 606
-A- ACTS. -William Burrows, Charles Stewart
an d John Wilson, Plaintiffs, VB, Martin Charles-
worth, Alexander Cheri( sworth, and David Char-
lesworth, Defendants. A 'Writ of Attachment
has iseued in thin cause. ROBERT GIBBONS,
Official Assignee! Goderich, July 11, 1879. 606
TO1IN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate
hr Agent, Grain, Produce and -Commission Mer-
chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or
country, at 8 per icent. simple interest. Charges
moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured
raortgages paid. Off. Terms to suit borrowers.
Farms and village property for sale. Office-
Leckie's new brie* block., Brussels, Ont. 515
t e Matter of WILLIAM ALLEN,
an Insolvent. -A Writ of Attachment has been
iseueti in this caliee, and the Creditors are noti-
fied to aneet at My office, in Goderich, on Wed-
nesday, the 3Oth day of July next, at I:30 o'elock
P. M., to receive statement of his alleles and to
appoint an Aasiaec if they zee fft, at.d order the
affairs of the e -tate generally. ROBERT GIB-
BONS, Cfficial Assignee. Geduld; July 17th,
-A- ACTS. -In Pho Matter of MARTIN QRAE-
and DAVID C4IABLESWOETH, Insolvents, -
A Writ oi Atta hment has been issued in this
cense, and the 3reditors are notified to meet at
my officio in G derieh, on Thursday, the 81st day
of July next, a 1:30 o'clock P. M., to receive
statement of heir affairs and to appoint an
Assignee if they see fit, and order the affairs of
the estate geherally. ROBERT GIB13011Se
I Oftkial Assignee. Goderich, July 18, 1879. 6954,