HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-04, Page 6' TFM HURON ..musw•gsw - • SYirePt 0-v-kre the Falls. called out, "put that kettle down." The act Close of a l'our Amine/ the Ilforld soldiers, of course obeyed. "Briug me —A Belgian Lady Perishes. a spoon," added tile Paince. The spoon was at once produced, but one of the The guests at the Falls Rouse on the soldiers ventured t� begin a stammer - American side of Niagara Falls were ing reramistranee. "Hold your tongue," shocked last Saturday afternoon at the cried the Priuce ; "take off the lid, 1 report that one of their namber, a lady, insist ea' tasting it." No futth.er oh - bad been swept over the Falls. At first jection was raised, and his Highness _ -the story was disbelieved, owing to the took It large spoonful. "You call this peculiar circumstances connected with 1.soup," he exclaimed; "why, it is dirty ' the case, but investigation soon showed water!" "It is,your Highness," replied it to be true. Four days ago A. Rol- the soldier; "we have just been °lead - land, a wealthy gunsmith, doing busi- ing out the laundry." . ness at No. 51 Boulevard Deavray, and *residing at No. 24 Rue laragnal, Liege, . A Sad Case. 1 . Belgium, arrived at the Falls with his- _ The St. John papers are telling of a ' wife. M. Rolland had been itai exhibi- very sad case that happened to the ' tor at the Paris Exposition, and at its giant in Barnum's circus. It seems , close started, with his wife, on a pleas -e tnat this • nt had ten thousand dollars • digeatieu—sit up in your °Wee tina fall asleep for ten minutes; •wiu make a neer man .of you. ; VI. Food fuel,• well adjusted. to the capacities of your machine and the work it has to doa engitieekept clean, inside and:put, and sleep enough, con- sti tine the' essential' phereical-conditions of health. There is one other condi- tion, quite as important : refuse to be unhappy. The num who sleeps well, keeps himself clean and feeds well, and then refuses to be unhappy—who makes account with himself that un- happiness is wroug (though eiceptions will force themselves upon him), and ought to be thrust out; who believes that he ought to maintain a trustful, cheerful frame of mind, and doubts it, —if he has hada fairly good body tode start with—ought to be able, accints excepted, to keep it in good, vigorous, working conditioh. up to the end, or nearly to the end. Dyspepsia. ure tour around the world. They a \ been married only a short time, and in bonds, educated goat worth four W were making a sort of extended bridal thousand dollars, and a ife, -whose trip. They visited Chiaa, Japan au cash value is not given. • While the giant was posturiog before enthusiagtic numerous other countries, and crossed thousands at the circus, and exciting over to San Francisc& whenze they the admiration of inquisitive women, came to Chicago, and then here, pro- whO pinched his calves to see if they ceeding leisurely and visiting the coun- try on the way. They took rooms at were real, or stuffed with sawdust, some bold bad maa ran away with his $10,- 1 the Falls House, but bbarded ta ' Ro- 000, his educated goat and—his wife. maine's French restaurant. They were in the habit of having a cup of coffee Even a giant has feelings. It will pro - the morning at the hote . M. Holland in bably be accepted as a fair and. logical proposition that a giant may exhibit informed Mir. Romaine yesterday after - e noon that this would beltheir last day more motion than a small man, for there is more of the giant to exhibit i.? here, as they intended o take the 2 ernotion than there is of the small man. p. m. train for New Yo k, whenoe they proposed sailing for Paris. He exhibit- Be etthat,as it may, the giant was sore ed his railway tickets, already purchas- dfetressecl. He might have boot over the loss of his wife, and he might even have ed, and said that by way of passing the r morning pleasantly he and his wife iallied from the shock his nervous sys- u- tem received by the discovery that hi tended to visit the islands at the head of the Falls, where they could lounge_ bonds were gone. But when he came to realize that he had lost not only hie in the Shade and enjoy a last, long look wife and his bonds, but his educated at the wonderful scene before quitting goat as well, he collapsed, and it is now it forever. He, therefore, requested his. hosto have breakfast ready for them feared by thecircus proprietors that he t, at 7 o'clock, and said. that they would may shrivel up and dwindle down to an return in time for the parting dinner. ordinary sized man. They reached the restaurant promptly --- • on time, and seemed to enjoY Henry Ward Beecher on How the meal to Maintain Good Health and very much. They were both in the best Live a Long Life. of spiri6, and on goinc out waved al. - Romaine a laughing adieu. I First select a good father and mother E USAND S STOBY• 1. tO be born from. . II, Then, being born with a good THHB What followed. mast be gathered from body, regard it as a machine, and keep M. Rolland's lips, as nobody else Call be found who saw the accident. He says that they reached the islands abetut 8:30 o'clock, and, passing out to the Third Sister, sat •doeva and spent a . pleasant hourerechiaing under the trees. There were otiThe island when he first by too much fuel an excess of steam; went there another lady and two little :that will strain the engine and make boys, but these persons subsequently poor work. You must not let the fuel went away, thouga M. Rolland wasun- get out and the fire grow low, then the aware of their absence until he looked engine will not work at all. Most men around to call for their- assistance. eat because they are hungry, or because About 9:30 o'clock, as nearly as he cau the food. tastes good. Those are two judge, Mme. Rolland became thirsty, .very respectable fads; nevertheless, a and asked him for a silver drinking cup man who is working ought to eat rather which he carried in a velvet case in his with reference to what he has to do, de - breast pocket. He handed it to her, termieing both quality and quantity by and. abstractedly looked in another di - that oonsideratiou.. He should sort his rection, while she arose and proeeeded food. as an engineerdoes his coal, and to fill it on the spot where the accident his pine weed. If I have to do a pretty occurred: There is a flat rock jutting sharp morning's work, I eat eggs, toast - out of the sward stud eatending out to ed bread wad coffee, which conabinc a the water, abo-ve which it rises about a gittle weiglit, andreat deal of nourishment with a very foot. Two dead cedar trees lean across frorn left to eight, their. tops resting ,in lare easily digested. a On the yolks of two boiled eggs, a slice smother dead stump, thus format(' . 0 Of toast and -a cup of coffee, I can work is the small island known as the 'Little TODI ' . Brother. The channel between' the of -eggs, and cotton wooTarre alike to me.. two is very cleeprand. the water pours Mme. In 'summer I generally make my break - between with tremendous force. M Rolland went to the edge of the flat 1 fast of bread and fruits. The best • 1 Venice. We were in one of the old. it in perfect working order by the same methods by which you would keep any other machine in order. The body is -an 'engine; food is the fuel; blood is the -steam; the head is the cylinder where the steam works. One must not create sort of harbor, About 20 feet ditstant f 8 to 2 without a break I do nct t the litt of the egg. Rice whites breakfast I ever eat in my life was at rook, and, steeping down, attempted -to 1 dip the cup tato the cuirent. She was within two mouths of aer confiuement, and probably became dizzy. Her hus- band heard SYLASII AlsZD A SHRIEK, • and sprang to his feet in time to see the poor young woman swept out - into Our breakfast was a delicate piece the rapids on title outside of the old boat ham, -with eggs, which we did not which lies stranded betweeu. the island anything for; but there were white and the falls. He sayathat she arose purple and White .grapes and mel three times to the top of the ftimbling with a good eup of coffee. I breakf water, throwing .up heahands and ap- ed en such fruias all the time I pealing for help, and then disappeared there. A light breakfast suits me. forever. Her body waa almost inaine- may not another. I know persons diatelv carried over the Canadian Fall. need an ample beefsteak before t M. Rolland. says he was tempted to can preach or write. It agrees a spring after her, but thedutility of the their habit and constitution. I attempt was so manifest as to restrain describe my own habit. I need him, although he was altnost :beside little food.. 1 can eat all things eats, himself with grief. He waited a quer- provided I do not overfill. ter of an hour in a vain hope that his III: Next to firing up comes cicalieg wife would rise again, and then rushed out the ashes. What is called. being off to give the alarna.. Being unable to tired', is nothing in the world but ashes .', Mns. assalma am:, BENTLEY & PEARSON,— decal palaces, which was converted into I an hotel. It took more steering to reach the breakfast room from yOur m chaber, than it does to ,bring a ship into New York hareor ; but it wa a charmiug room when one reached. it. of are Cf8 DS, St- (1) Abstain from drinking immediate- ly before and during meals, an.d for an hour afterward. Also, use no milk in either tea or coffee. (2) Burn alum un- til the moisture in it is evaporated; then fake as much as you can put on a dime about half an hour -before eating. Three or four days probably will an- swer; but take it until cured. (3) The kernel of the peach -pit has proved in my case a perfect remedy for what is termed heart -burn. I suffered from it hourly for years; more at some times than others. When the suffering mani- fests itself eat one or two Of the kernels, and after a few days the symptoms will disappear., (4) Change your diet and manner of living; drink neither coffee nor tea; never driuk at meal times; after every meal, or during the meal, dissolve half a teaspoonful or more of cayenne pepper in half e, glassful of milk, and. drink it; eat' plain food; never taste pastry of any kind. If you are troubled with sleepless nights do not try to produce' sleep by taking stim- ulants or opiates -a -they do more harm than good ; take a sponge -bath just be. retiring, and, if you are unable to do it yourself, get some one to rub you well with a coarse towel ; if you wake in the night and cannot get to sleep agaiu, get up at once, not lie until you "get nervous thinking about it;" ta,ke a foot -bath; rub your limbs well V> get- up a circulation; drink a glass of cold water. Do not expect to cure yourself in one weet's time; have patience; anal try one month. In bathing, use your hands to apply the water; they are nanch better thah a sponge: soften the water with borax; it is more invigorat- iug than salt water. —When the waters of Niagara first flushed with delight in the smile of the Princess Louise, she said, "Don't speak; let me drink in the whole scene ;" and subsequently remarked, "I`never have seen, and never shall see such a grand sight again. What I would have miss- ed had. I not seen it." When Grant was gazing on the ruins of the Colise- um, he merely rolled his cigar over in his month, and remarked to his com- panion, in a tone full of feeling, "Let's take something to drink." Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sorea, 'Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaiute Corns. and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give per - feet satiataction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 566-8m ' If you are suffering with a cold, do not fail to rry Hagyard's Pectoral Balsain. It is daily re- lieving -its hundreds throughout our Dominion. It is pleasant and palatable. For sale by Messrs. sden La Wilson, Seaforth. _Marriage is a'solexen thing—a choke for life; be ettreful in the choosing. And be careful in choosing a remedy for female complaints. Be sure to ask your (baler 'for Victoria Buchu and Uva Ursi. It is now extensively presoaked by all re- spectable physicians. Bright's disease of the as kidneys, diabetes, ate., may be ovorcome by the 14_ Buchn if taken in time. For . sale by Mr. J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. ho Theism —Constant grindina at the mill of iey 11M,, perpetual loss of vital force, will drag the ith strongest man to the dust ; it is manifest, there- elfore that the svatem Must be kept supplied -with a , a j, due amount of oxydizeible phosphorus. The pleasantest and most palatable way in which it le, can be introduced into the system is by the use of Vie.toria Hypophosphites, which is the greatest brain' blood and nerve food in the world. For sale baMessrs. Hickson & BleasdellaSeaforth. MILLBREDGE P. 0 , Tudor, Ont. speak English, he wen .direct to M. in the body. - For every vital act i Sirs _: Heel it my duty to inform you that last spring Host iny hearing with one fair, and this .Romaine, who published the first ! -volves a consumDtion ot fibre or ei ve eau e lost the hearing of the other also, so that I was airaid I would never be able to hear again I triedoverything to bring back my hearing I could think of., but found it all in vain. At last I made up my mind to try some of the Yellow Oil, so I rubbed a little on the outside of my ears two or three time a day, and every night and morning. I wet some wool with the oil, and kept it in my ears, and in one week's time I could hear as well as I over could, but still -rub on the oil when the 'weather is cold, and I keep wool aLso in my ears. I write this to you that you might know the worth .ofyour Yellow Oil. Yours truly, J oust For sale by all dealers., hies of the disaster_ The fact that M. material, and the consumed material Rollaaid. dicl not inform any -of -the collects. When a man has been w island. keepers, and that noboy else ing all day, whether with his brain B&w the accident, caused his story to be muscles, his beelyiejull of .waste doubted at first, but wleen'his standing terial which has not yet been car was learned, and. it was found that off. When he gees to1 sleep, the w there were very few pereaus along the system recuperates_ aid reintegrate shores at the time, and those in such self ; the brain recusers ; the vari positions that the bushes between the capillaries and exereti e organs take road and the water would naturally the waste and. clean tile system out. obscure their view of the rapids, with the morning every mau ought to. Mr. Rolland's'intense grief, the currentnature an opportunity to cOniplete of opinion changed, and a deep gloom cleansing operation, aid he ought has been thrown over the ,cornmiauity. to begin work till it is completed. Mme. Rolland was only 29 years of age, is full as.inaportant as morning pray and was of good family in her native If a man, is costive, his brain will place. Her husband has. announeed muddled and his prayers vvill be mud- dled. IV. In this eonnectien comes the morning bath. A great deal of waste should pass off through the skin, and it is of the utmost importance that its pores should be kept I open that they may do their work well. I have been accustomed most of My life to take a cold bath in the morning 1wheu I get out of bed. That, however, is an ex- periment which every rnai must try for leimsell. If he does, not g t up -a reac- tion, and the cold water t rns his lips and nails blue, he must modify it. But I recommend a daily bath in • one form or another. lir. Sleep is a great restorer of perv- ous energy, and it ougbt to be taken re- gularly and systematically. A. recent paragraph in the Nov York Tribune re- ports a G-errnan professor as saying that most people who have reached the age of 80 have worked till the.. small hours of the morning aud slept tillenoon. We shall next have him reporting that the man who daily.drinks eight gallons of I3avarian beer outlives everybody else ! 1 think a niae should go t bed at 10 ! o'clock, though I do not g myself till , 11. :Eight hours ia a fair amount of. sleep... Where a inan is Ilivaleg under presser°, where his employment ueces- sitatea ineessaut brain work of an ex- citing kin 1, more sleep may be neces- sary.. As a rule, I allot the eafly morn- ing to study, the afternoon to social wok, ands the evening to social recrea- tion: Generally, I break my day into two parts, the greater and the lesser day. Besides my sleep' at night, I have my afternoon nap for an hour., If you cannot take a nap after dinner—and Nem menet without injury to their rk- Or a- ied ole die up In V43 his not It rs. be his intention of remaining several days longer, in hope of recovering her body. Value of am Orchart A . young man starting out in farnaing cannot do a better thiug than, to plant an apple orchard. Don't rely on the gnoatled -and decaying old trees; the life of an orchard, under favorable eon- ditione, is only abouathat of a' man. Nothieg will lift a mortgage or run up the prefit side of the account, like a prime orchard in its first years of bearing. _Go for the standard • veale. ties, or seeh as experience has proved to do well in your locality and soil. Theories are good in their place ; but a day speatin driving through Your town- ship, andefiudiug out what fruit grow- ers have acteally learned and clone, is better. G -et yoer trees from. some re- liable nursery—the nearer at hand the better—aud use your own best care and other people's expeeaeucelin plant- ing them. - . " Prince Peter and. the Soup. Prince Peter of Oldenburg has just had an exciting experience. Ile is at the head. of the Imperial Russian col- leges for girleeand is very 'diligent in performing his duties. 1 He lately de- cided to see for himsell wheth.er there were any grounds for, the numerous complaints of the poor food furnished at the Smoliug Convent, where 800 . girls are educated. Proceeding to the in- stitutioa just before the usual dinner. hour, he avoided the main entrance, and. walked. straight toward. the kitchen. At its door lee met two soldiers carrying a b9 .ucre qteargiaa cauldron. "1-10.1t !" 14Q —# CLAIM . LEGAL. A 3. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Bruseels. Office 1—k • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, -Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameaon, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie - T sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer arid Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable terms. 363 Q__ARROW & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys - at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pub- lic, and Conveyancers. Money to Loan, private funds, at 8 per cent. Offices—Goderich and Wingham. II. W. C. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing- hatn, Solicitor Consolidated Bank. 581. -1- ALCOMSON & WATSON, Banisters, Attor- noys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, Ont. Office—First door east of the new. Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on farm property. s. MALCOMSON. 404 G. A. NYATs0* 1 aENS.ON Jr MEYER, Barristers and Attorney " at Law, Solieitors in Chancery and Iueolvency, Conveytmcers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea. forth and Brusseis. $23,00o of Private Funds to nvest at once,at Eight per cont. Interest,payable yearly. 58 JAS. 11. BENSON. H. W. O. MEYER. 'Die above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. ! H. NV. C. MEYER. • _ MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OF s'ICE, Scott's Block, Main,ttreet, Seaforth. SOLICITORS Mr the COnsolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commeree in Seaforth. Farm and Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (primate funds) loaned on moiagage se- curities, at reasonable aates of interest. Charg es moderate. Money invested for private persons upon tho best martgage seoaritie3, withoat any expense to the louder. S. G. McCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED. T1 I H W t/ 1'0'11 AA Re 9 `133111S N IVIN 'H.L11O IVBS CA 0 1. tri co 0 0 EXPOSITQR. BON3.WWCO —1 0 NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. 1•T CD PT) R.' CHILLED PLOWS Proved and Acknowledged to be the Standard Plow of America. FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- -NESS, AND FINISH, , IT HAS NO EQUAL The Material used in the construc- tion of these Plowsafor Smoothness of Face and Toughness, is superior to Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTTRED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SCUFFLERS, &C., Always on hand, made of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. 1). Columns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. All Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed. JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Foundry. I-1 1\T S AI PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go abroad for your Furniture when you can get as Good Value for your money in Hensall asin any other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has now on hand a Splendid Stook of .T1 TY R. INT 1 rr 1.1 OF ETERY DESCRIPTION, Which he will sell at Priczs to Suit the Times. UNDERTAKING IN ALL 1T'S BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Also a First -Class Hearse Which he will furnish for EIMER:al-A ou ma. eonable terms. BT...TILID .11NT Ga. .Contracte for Buildings of every description taken on most reasonable terms. Material fur- nished if desired. Remember tbe Hensall Furaiture and under- taking Establishment. 57G S. FA1RBAIRN. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK 01? CANADA. CAPITAL, - - $4,000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1838 • and ROYA.L CANADIAN BANK, , Incorporated 1861. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST. SEAFORTH. DMUS Oil New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bilis of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good morning Jones, where are you going to?" JONES.—" I sin going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new furniture, you Bee mine is getting played out and I went to get some firet rate furniture at very low prices. Our baby wants a new eradleeand they say that he has the very best and cheapest in the county." .A..DDPJEJSS. Jo the Free and Independent People of Huron: M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises lately owtpied by Mt. John Kidd, as a Hardware store, and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in the Furniture line at remarkably low prices. Intending purehasers will lint it greatly to their advantage to call and examine his sock before purchesing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture needs to order i very" short notice. Picture framing a speeialty. All work guaranteed. Farm prothice, leathers, wood and lumber taken in exehaoge. . .HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, tion. His snack rate. Funerals ander his own supervision, and will be cenducted with the greatest care and atten- of Caskets. Coffins, Shrouds, &o, will be found complete, and at the very lowest ttended in the country. A Hearse for hire. Remember the place. M. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTH. FANS. FANS. FANS. FANS. A Large Line of Black and White French, Dress Fans, Received Direct from the Factory, at about one- half the usual prices. Call and See my Fifteen cent Fans—the same as sold last season for Twenty -Five cents. C. W.- PAPST, Cardno's Block, Seaforth,. 'SNV.d SNVA :SNV.d ISNV.A JULY 4, 1879. NATIONAL POLICY. Owing to the Beneficial Birects .National Poli,cy 1 have REDUCED THE PRICE OF .A.S FOLLOWS. Carling's Ale, in bottles, per dozen, Un Labatt's Ale, in bottles, per dozen, II., Cosgrove's Ale, in bottles, per dozenela Russell's Ale, in bottles, per dozen, ta AND ALL OTHER L1QtrOass IN PROPORTION. REMEMBER THE PLACE zs m >1 21 AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. J 011 1\1- W.A. TR, ID, S J3JA_FO While returning thanks to his many customers for their patronage an the past, also to thoseF'who so liberally patronized his late sale, he begs to inform them, and as many n,ew ones as will fovor him that he WILL STILLBE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND ?, AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMTTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD, SEAFORTI=1. First Door North of Killoran .1a By Grocery. THOMAS .D. RYAN: N. B.—All Orders Peomptly Delivered -residence in Sesforth or Egmondville. SOS4.8 THE NEW SflO FARMERS, ATTEN1ION1 1-10C3-.A.1>T, Formerly -of the Firm of onrsii6 - Hogan,having purchased a -eh* and commodious premises form. erly .pccvpied by Mr. David it- ' flaught, on Noith Main Stmt.,* now prepared to every kind4 CENERAt HLACKSMITHINC, ; Such as -HORSE-SHOEING, REPAIRINO,the He will also keep on han 1 a firs -class stoek-of : - HAY AND OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. PLOWS, HARROWS • THE SUNBEAM ART GALLERY, SEAFORTH LT‘ There is .No Art to Find the Mind's Construction in the Face.", THIS was quite true in Shakespeare's time, but Art is like everything else in this fast,progressive age, so that by the aid of Photography,the powers of the mind, combined with visible impres- sions of character, and all the cardinal virtues are dearly delineated in the portraits taken at the Photo Art Studio of C. MOORE, Vithitney'e Block, Seaforth. If you want Photos finished in the lateet and most approved styles go to the Sunbeam Art Gallery; if you want Cabinets, or 4 x 4, high') finished, go to the Sunbeam Art Gallery • if you want an easy and finitable position go to the Sunbeam Art Gallery; if you want Chromos, biottoes, Printed Mottoes -Photographs of Scenery, and all kinds of Pictures, go to the Sunbeam Art Gallery; if you'wanPicture Frames, Motto Frames, and all kinds of erames made to order, cheapest in town, go to the Sunbeam Art Gallery ; all work guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction. CHAS. ItIOORE, Photographer and Picture Frame, Dealer, Whitney's Block. Main Street, Seaforth. N. B.—C. Moore 'cel not wig). to Occeiae the public, nor try to injare any person morally or from a business standpoint by making Superfluous Statements, but will alwaya beiound at his post and always ready b., wait on his many customers. And other Implements of his own Manufacture. PRICES MODERATE_ And Gaaaa Work Guaranteed. He hopes to receive a call from all Ids old friends and as many new ones as feel inclined. Remember the Shop—North of the Qneeet Hotel, West Side. D. 1100 AN, SEIFORTIa_ OUR NEW TARIFF CANNOT POSSIBLY EFFECT TEE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES 1Vhich I am just opening, as they were all pia chased before its advent. My Rotary link Work comprises all DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER. AND GLASS. MAN- UFACT1LIRED BY G. W. CLARKE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGENT, SEAFORTH. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec- tacles and Fancy Goods, which will be sold Cheap for Cash. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Directly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH. GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES T BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT I HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remunerative_Prices. I USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIAL Therefore I can Guarantee Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor me with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place Opposite the Foundry. ailorr GRIEVE, SEAFORTH. READ. "THE DISCLOSURE.' READ. Having fully decided on moving to Manitoba, Hr. Dent qffers to let, on easy terms, that first-class business stard occupied at present by himself. Possession given. at once if desired. And to the vublic he would say that, in view of the above fact, he is going to run og his present stock of Dry Goods, some of which have only just been received, at less than any one else can sell to you, as his object is to get away at the earliest possible moment. Don't buy until you have called on him. Look out for the Auction Sale of his Dwelling House, on long time, which will be announced in a cotcple of weeks, if not privately disposed of before that time. POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. IONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return dhanks to my ratinerous customers for their kind patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them, and kindly A Large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES GStoRck0016DERRYIESGOODS solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Lave and Well Selected —TEAS a Specialty—whicle_fomr eqpnhaelirtiondmparkicee, of all descriptions. Mao always on hand a full assortment of are o ctiheeryb wtahree,CLo an nutt4, and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- thing required in a general store. Ask for what you want if yon don't see it. Cash or Jana produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and settle by cash or note before the and at this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further notice -will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, ore of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm security for a terni of from three to twenty years, on the meet favorable conditions. Tere`E INSURANCE.—If you want your life insured give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted oxt the most economical principlee. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentive to businees. Post (Ace and Telegraph Ofdee in con- nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. R. PATTISON, WALTON. THE LATEST STYLES In all the different lines of Ladies'aGents'alleaa, and Misses' Wear. My Stook of Children's West of all kinds is simply immense, All Of 01* have been bought AT BOTTOM FIGURES For CAST!, and whet is of more impottittoe the general public is, that they will be fadd it Bottom Figures, which I think any person, Alta examining thn good," and ascertaining therm will admit. - CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, The Custom Department of my busineskiiiii the past, will be conducted on the prineiple giving my customers the very best possible ea* for their money, and as I bought heavyin IMPORTED STOCK In anticipation of the rise in prime ivbielt We' taken pluse, I will be able to Bell at oldptiess. Repairing Neatly Executed on -a' Shortest Possible Notice. With sincere thanks for past patrOrtageAnt strong hope of obtaining a libels' share in future, 1 xemain, &e., THOMAS CO YENTRY, Sign of the Mammoth Boot, Stark's Block Side Main Street, Seaforth. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND ACIO ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several First -Clem Stedr,110 -s- and Life lust:mane° Companieseand ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TEEM. Also Agent for several of the best lien SWF ties. Also Agent for the sale and purehase 410t and Village Property. - A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS a, PROVED FARMS FOR SALE $50,000 to Loan at 8 Peet/WA, Iistereist. Agent for the White Star Line of SteU OFFICE—Over M. Morrisons Store, Soaforth. SEAFORTH PLANING All -Lia SASH, DOOR AND BIM Mair Tolystsoumbesresrlibmeit•bheegieirezaavieRatottrhaonagnkohIsall2110 himsince commencing bushaess in Sea trusts laat he may be favored -with a tea of the same. hit' a call,as will contlime to keep BR iarPgaer tsiteoscikntoeinaduinkigntdosb:would fild do DRY PINE LUMBER% D 0 OSRHSI,NEGLITAENSS:SLI,:ATImOni Ll Ilefecisconfident of givings&tif. who may favourhira with theirpatr pw but fi artrsitenelita: :tetetkinntiota en4reemPtml°7 201 JOHN IL BRO etti makin thau Pra aaeateY aelbut eleaessv 'Was LI ea the - /snail letter date - sou, -prosperq revisi ben On° Wad 313 VMS 114/1 had ld; twiy. elick the ma • n irlf1 1 are n *-2Etibindli'6111°:i),araifYfencedol:t:IvIlosiliu:116:7":: ,thman'ttrlilihye.:seaeralvitirl,1:11 ri tn zYg Jingb, 0 ittirifriadoggtri:n at lank - kind til, talb:h•ath 11 a jolted la. eao up asbreel the hat “ saw! traanft iPin7 a Ii ft C. 'ahoila. 0 ,:feA,_ nifAuns:d.:43:(7)trih,0;14•! but 0.01 TaaliTYe'lli ., on Lond for I sa i. low; .-la iii eeon:ctss r:f thihtlIn'44 intea Vel, zoirtlersa: 1 il let hhuns mtliteag,thn.ikioltuv_lifei:6€1:0:: tIlheliP°33:;:i nothingsef l j1'T icl.4.' a driver _ ipb°711:tte!1 1" 1 i et ie:sr. 4 a, an:Ini.118::° Pthi: pat extrenst Ionis-d? .vo.ie She plate i iL vh ye Rem tha i —At in Lend (A Wal. the him ing (Te tie arr pearls. —Mr Lord D has hee High Legieta a-Ppoih tarY iu Inako speck and will -see better you w the w has fox. worIA's freezin Lord's which —A. a.few A thisi and w tr.uttin girl. an laughi marks I eau