HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-07-04, Page 5WA 4, 1879. legs. He was sh. er suffering, The bottetae et341 arr. A.ngus StewartWea was valued at $110, of . politice is already at Winghaan. The rime In and John Neelead ae candidates for Atte_ re respectivel3r. at the al"TNT ext. week, on Monday, \stile was workiug at a °ire foundry at Clinton, his beet ly came ia contacl . these the first joint of hia threat/ _a iu the Methodiat cianrea very nearly exploded, the lay °veg during service. lee of. mind of a youttgaseu lamp and pitching it out , saved a great comma. harton Hodgson, of Exeter, a Wednesday last week fLI or the county of °uteri°, ;purposes apenclingus Shed relatives. We hope alie 71.1eaIth will be benefitted by liamed T. McLauchlin, Stee :Kander McLanchlin, had big ebove the ankle ou Thum )0n, 26th ult., by a fall from ber ia Watt's saw inet issels. 'Under careful.treo, now doiug well. esday evening of last week retook, Mre. 31orsehead, whe '.slessrs, Dyer & Howard* Exeter, took afit, sate, medical aid, died. alsout. ! Wednesday morning.- The e the sympathies of the-vil- ae" the brown spaniel owned McGillicuddy, of Brussehe skl- early on Thursday morne sk. Teddy was aaim harmless, aud the friendly wag 'ill be missed by the young - neighborhood, with whom s•-•orite. Iter evening a. yeung lad ili u into tb.e Maitland river 0. above .Rockey's dam. The : hung ou to one of the tqt- was rescued by a passing Pace the water is very it WILS lucky for the boy that E nothing worse than a good mon seuds forth its tribute Mr. R. Hiscox, of that -a curiosity in the form of a eh has; feet and legs like a t cannot SWIM., and is, there - 'of the water. The goose ;-sen it under any circum - Els habits are more like that than a gosling. :lizabetla Main, mother -in- . J. N. 'Wright, of Brussels, residence of the latter on lit last week, at the ripe age !deceased was born ia Can- :slairg, near Kingston., and hauges iu the land of her her long life. The funeral a Thursday. titers of the north don't feel ake a hack seat in the mat- ain. Mr. Henry Smith, of :cessiou of Ifowick, has* ..eat which measures fifty s Robt. Broadfoot, of lot 26, o n of 'Morris, has one 4 feet 'ss, and anotb.er fully five ;.et in length. Good for the; 'Fa-tals, on Saturday evening, We returning from choir a T. Ainley and Miss Bella with an accideat. The siaked and slipped. together a walk, Miss Harris was ed but Mrs. Ainley sprain; and was bruised about the adll be confused to her room 7- two. : absence of twelve years, i time ins intelligence re had been received by any. es in, Canada, Mr. Robert er of Messrs. Wm. Clegg. .rth, Francis Clegg, Deputy- trris, and Joseph Clegg, of been heard from. He is rr the profession of druggist ;Nebraska. -,Itasit week Mr. Jahn Iron - id Bead, had a vSry vain - which he is pardonably seriously injured by a. 'ks penetrating one of its stifle joint. Mr. Win. of Exeter, performed the ,ernoving them. The colt well, and will be none the iialiap. 'Ixani Times, of the 19th - Mr. R Manning, of gx.- iorent for the Confedera- ,ciation, came to town last itt settled the claim of ! late Edwin Kent. This teserve great credit for settlement of claimer tame they were not re - x the claim for two weeks xcitement was created in `sday yearning last week, Am. tt- Elder's team of way. The wagon to !.re attached happened to flour, a great quantity of )Wil out and scattered After knocking down . and doing considerable the horses were stopped areer, 'opposite the Man- ' Greenway party Which • r Manitoba on the 6th ;ere crossing the Perabin& ig stove fell overboard - hall, an Exeter boy, and . Marshall, of Rodger - ,g to see the stove lost. ttoixi of the river, Where feet deep, aud fasten- .: ove.a, which was pulled seal. The other por- • was also found arta t:c: bottom of the river hi amic of the Presbyterian Sabbath Schools at held on Friday, 20t1 -0 adjoining the village - ea. the children march.- ..sbyterian church, °erg - banners, and led by Mr. pb ell, Sr., playing the irr was served shortly children and friends, iev adjourned to the the music, recitatione, It was estimated that about 200- children reld )er of friends present, to enjoy themselves - shades of evening Were • JULY 4, 1879. -4;,ensing on, when each took off their several way, resolved to meet anither dela, -At Ben Miller Oil premises Of Mr. Jonathan Miller were entered or Sat. =day night and robbed of $35. From the peculiar feelings of .the ininates next morning it is surmised the Y had been chloroformed., No ewe. -On Saturday last Mr. D. Malloy, of Clinton, was so unfortunate as to break a Dumber of his ribs. He was engaged. in removing a pump from a well in the Commercial Hotel yard, Seaforth„ and stepped on a cistern covering in the vi- cinity, when it gave • way, and failing down, resulted as above. , --Mr. Chas. Marrow, of Clinton, who _ has held the position of Inspector of Weights and Measures, in this county, for some time, was dismissed this week,. in common with those similarly em- ployeclall over the ProvinCe. He. eon_ templates a trip to Manitoba, and if pleased therewith will endeavor to form a colony. -On Saturday evening Mr. S. Graham, of London, accompanied by his wife, were on their way to Clietons. driving; At Brucefield they, stopped to water the horse, and just as it had finished drinking, and before Mr. Gee - bans could resume his place in the bug- gy, it got frightened by a passing cow, and ran away, throwing Mrs. G-raham out and breaking her collar bone. , But little injury wast'done to the baggy. , --Last Friday tenders were epened on behalf of the County Council for the erection of a new bridge at Grand Bend: Five were received. They ranged from $6,275 to $4,997, for Howe wooden truss bridge with stone abutment. At the opening of tenders were present the Wardens of Huron and Larribton,,with the committee appointed by the Huron County Council, coosisting of Messrs. Menzies, Hardy and Adamson. The tender of Cornelius Purdy, of Hensall, for $5,000, was accepted, providing he furnishes the necessary secutity. -At a meeting held on Tuesday evening last week, to discuss thei ad- • visabilityof organizing a Caleddnian Society in Brussels, there wen altaost unanimous opinion in favor of it. Steps will be taken immediately to have the society put in working order, and. as there is no lack of the right kind of, ma- terial for a Caledonian society in and around the village, it cannot fail to be a success. The meeting decided to have the Caledonian games take place on Thursday, the lith of September next, the day following Lucknow games,Ifor which full preparations will be made and due notice given. -The contractor for boring for salt at Blyth having reached 1,100 feet, the depth contracted for, without striking the salt stratum, he has been re-engaged to continue the process for some 200 feet further. This step has beea neces- sitated from the fact that the level of Blyth is some 150 higher than .any of the neighboring localities where salt has been obtained. Already indications of the proximity of the salt rook have • been found, and no doubt before the latter contract has been performed, the most ardent hopes of the proprietors will be realized. ' -On Saturday last Mr. E. Doherty, of Clinton, who travels for Mr. R. M. Racey, tied_ his horse and buggy in , hout of Braemz's blacksmith shop, North Exeter, while he was taking an order. During his absence it is sup- posed that a bee stung the horse (a number being in the vicinity), and this caused it to break away from its fasten- - ings, when it then dashed into the shop, over anvils, tools, implements and. men, causing consternation, and carry- ing the buggy near the rear of the shop, where it became detached, badly wrecked. The horse then massaged to free itself from nearly all the harness, and pranced around at a lively rate un- til it was secured. Singular to say, the horse sustained no particular injury. THE HURON EiPogi7:0R. • successful competitors: Pitching quoits -G-. T. Browialst prize; Jas. Mitchell, 2nd prize. Standing jump Paul Powel, 1st; Robt. Musgrove, 2nd. Running jump -R. Musgeove,lst ; Wm. Stewart, 2rid. Running hop, step and jump -Wm. Stewart, 1st; R. Mus- grove, 2nd. Standiug hop, step and jump -Paul Powel, lat; R. Musgrove, 2nd. Three standing jumps -R. Mus - strove, lst ; Wm. Loh, 2nd. Standing high jump - R. Musgrove, lst ; J. Brookbank, 2nd. Running high jump -W. Loh, 1st'P. Powel, 2nd. Men's 100 yard race -R. Musgrovee-lst ; An- drew Scott, 2nd. Hurdle race -Han- nah -and Scott, let. Boy's race -Mus- grove, Jr., 1st; Jr., 2nd. Girl's race -Jessie Gray, let; M. McEnnie, 2nd. Bell race - M. Farrow, lat. Golden duck -H. Johnston, 1st; H. McHardy, 2nd. Putting light stone - W. Loh, lat ; P, Powel, 2nd. Pic -aim -The Union Sunday School pic-nic came off in John Diamond's grove on Tuesday last. Commencing at an early hour the young people began to assemble from the surrounding country until about noon, they number- ed nearly 400 besides tho. old people. The grove was well fitted up with swings, tables, Sze.. Having emptied a great number of baskets, which were well filled With the good things of the season, they resumed their many plays until lee -worn, wearied. and. tired they wencleetheir way homeward to restemd dream of the(fine castles in the air. Blyth. Sociere-A social will be given at Dr; Sloan's this (Friday) evening, in aid of the St. Andrew's Church. Pro-Nic PARTY. -Last Saturday a number of the viilagersi areanged a pic- nic party, and drove to Point Farm, near Goderich, to spend the day. MARKETS. -Treadwell, 95e to 06c; fife, 90c to 95c; red chaff, 85c -to 86c; oats, 40c; peas, 55c to 58c; barley, 55c. butter, loose, 100; tub, 11o; wool, 23c; STRUM( SALT. -Messrs. Gray, Young se; Sperling, of Seaforth, struck salt on Wednesday, at the depth of 1,120 feet. The news caused quite a sensation in the village. MAGISTRATES' COURT. -Messrs. James Gillespie and John Thompson were brought- before the Squire on Wednes- day, at the instance of Mr. Thomas B. 'White, for being drunk and disorderly, and fined one dollar each. STRAWBERRY FE STIVAL.-A promenade concert and. strawberry festival, in con- nection with Trinity Churcji, was held in the Agricultural Hall on the evening of the 1st of July. After the pro- . gramme was filled and the refresh- ments served, a cake was voted. to the most popular young lady in the audi- ence. Miss- Way, of Blyth, secured the highest number of votes. Proceeds of the evening, $66.50. PERSONAL. -Mr. Roderick Anderson, of Calumet, Michigan, returned home on Saturday, to pay his many friends a visit, after an absence of 10 years. -Mr. Wm. McKenzie left for Strath- roy last week, to remain a week or more. ' -Rev. W. Henderson and wife, who have been visiting at Ingersoll for the past two weeks, returned home last Thursday... _ • -Mr. D. Bain, of Goderich, has been in town for the last ten days, paying his friends a visit. -Miss Annie Bailey, of Detroit, for- merly of this place, has been in town for the past'Week. -Rev. Walter Inglis, of Ayr,is spend- ing a few days in town. , -Mr. Archd. Dewar, Public School Inspector, of Seaforth, visited Blyth on Saturday. . -Mr. R. W. McGowan, who has been at London for the last three months, returned home on Friday, looking well. - -MT. Thos. Burnside, who has been residing at Dundas for some time, re- turned to Blyth last Thursday. -Miss Alice Laught, of Brucefield, has been in town for the past week paying her frieuds a visit. -- 0 or. Hibbert. • Pio-no.—The annual pic-nic in con- nection with the Sabbath Scher& of Cromarty and Roys' churches was held in tlte grove, about half a mile north of Cro ait:ty, on Dominion Day. Dinner was served from 12 o'clock to - 2, after which the ' majority repaired to the swings for an hour, when addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Musgrove, of McKillop, and Mr. McTavish, the resident school teacher. Music was furnished, by the Cromarty. cuoir. A collection in aid of the Sabbath School was taken up, the proceeds of which amounted to over $20. • Kipp en.. DELICATE OPERATION.L-OH Friday of last week a very delicate surgical op- eration was performed -On- the person of Mr. Phillips, Sr., of this place, byDr. Hurlburt, of Brucefield, assisted by Dr. • Vercoe, of Seaforth, and Dr. Worthing- ton, of Clinton. A tumor had. for some time been growing underneath the left eye, and its growth was so reek as to be crowding the eye -ball out of its place, and the pain was meet intense: It was decided to remove the , e3re and take out as much of the tumor as pos- sible. The operation was sucsessfuny and very skilfullyperformed on the the above named day, and the patient is doing as well as could be expected. ANOTHER HORSE ACCIDENT. -We re- gret to learn that Mr. Hugh Love, Sr., of Hills Green, met with a very pain- ful accident on Wednesday evening last. It seems that himself and Mr. Charles Brussels. Tro• fr E • yea. weie re urn ng erne om x- eter in a buggy. When nearly opposite the residence of Mr. McEvrea, another buggy tried to pass thern. Mr. Troyer, who was driving, urged his horse on to prevent this. and. during the race his buggy struck against a steer Which was standing on the side of the road, upiset- ting it and throwing the occupants With great force ripen the road. Mr. Troyer escaped uninjured, but Mr. Love was stunned and otherwise con- • siderably injured. He was immediately conveyed to Hensall, where medical aid. was secured, bet we have been unable to learn. the exileut of his injuiles. We sincerely hope, however, that they are not serious, and that mil: esteemed friend will SOOD be around again. Bluevale. CRURCH SERVICES.-COMUallUi0I1 services were held here in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath, the two preceeding and one following days, conducted by - Rev. D. G. McKay, assisted by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Wroxeter, Rev, Mr. Wardrobe, of Tecswater, and Rev. Hugh McQuarrie, of Wingham. Dosnxiox D. -The celebration Ot Do- minion Day iu Bluevale came off with the usual spirit and dieplay on such occaa, kens. At 9 o'clock our young ball club and their friends were delighted. at the appearance of the Wroxeter covered bus, trimmed with many banners, con- taining the Wroxeter club, who played their brothers here a game and beat them by ten ruus. Next the calithum- plane headed by Captain Mindslulu Don Calibus came forth from their secret retreat, accompanied by his beautiful Queen of the South and suit. • Their appearaaice was haled. by rending. the eleraents by vociferous cheering. W. Ceason was awarded 1st prize in this array. The regular games commenced .at 11 A. M., and the following are the • BAND Been. -The town band held a ball in the Town Hall, on Monday evening last, which passed off very well and was well. patronized. DOINGS ON THE FIRST. -The 'first was observed here as a general holiday. The day was very fine, and a- large number visited the town. The citizens passed • the day in various ways, and all seem- ed to enjoy themselves. Melville church. Sabbath School held their an- nual pic-nic. The school marched in • precession from the church, headed by the town band, to Armstrong's grove. Refreshments were served at 12 o'clock, after which speeches were delivered by the Revs. Messrs. Smith, Jones, Giffard and Hamilton, and Mr. T. McGillicuddy. A number of selec- tions were sung by the children, who were ably conducted by Mr. N. M. Sinclair. The balance of the afternoon .was spent in different games. The whole affair was very successful. -A number of ladies and gentlemen had a private pic-nic inWarner's grove in the afternoote-A large number took ad- vantage of the cheap railway fares, and visited different places of interest. -The Canada Methodist Sabbath School held an entertainment in the Town Hall in the evening, which was well attend- ed. -The races in the afternoon were well attended, and in most cases were well contested. Below is the list of winners: Greeu Trott. -Entries -Malcolm Mc- Donald's b. m. Monis Giri, Michael Shire's b. g. Charley S., Thos. Hall's b. m. Forest Maid, George Love's, re le Kitley Jack. Result -Forest Maid, 1 1; Kit1ey Jack, 2, 2 ; Charley S., 3,3. Green Run. -Entries -John Ough- ton's Ethel Boy,Homer Leaven's Harry Bassett, John Nott's Orphan Girl, Stewart Fiskey's Mary Ell, S. H. Hall - man's Wilmot Boy, National Policy, J. Alexander's Grey Nellie. Result - Orphan Girl, 1, 1; Mary Ell, 2, 3; Harry Basset, 5, 2. 2:26 Trot. -Entries -Thos. Stanley's Slippery Jack, Henry Chapman's Lady Mott, Michael Shine's Charley S., T. Hall's Forest Maid. (drawn). Result - Lady Mott, 1 1 1; Slippery Jack, 2 2 2; Charley S., 3 3 3. Open Run -Entries -O. Hodge's De- cedee, John Nott's Sleepy- Tom, J. Nott's Black Hawk. Result -Sleepy Tom, 1 1; Pecedee, 2 2; Blank Hawk, 3 3. Judges -D. McNaught, V. S., Sea - forth; Robert Paulin, Wroxetler ; John Parker, Brussels. Starter -J.1 G-ofton, Wroxeter. VIIIMIWIIWIellWielnefeemosenna Miscellaneous. • -The United States Consul at Con- • stantin-ople announces the arrival of Clark -and Bacon in, the Dorian, a boat of only two tons, from Boston. The voyage across the Atlantic in so small a vessel has elcited great wonder in Constantinople. They encountered a severe storm, in which Clark nearly lost his life. -The zeal of the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh in favor Of the Bill for legalizing the marriage with a deceased wife's sister is said to find inspiration in the wish of the Queen that her daughter Beatrice should marry the widowed Prince Louis of Hesse, and take charge of the children of her deceased sister Princess Alice. -Laughter very often shows the bright side of man. It brings out his happier nature; and. shows of what sort of staff he is really made. Some- how we feel as if we never thoroughly knew a man until we heard. him laugh. We do not mean a mere snigger, but a good, hearty, round laugh. The- solemn, sober visage, like a Sunday dress, tells nothing of she real man. -We must consult the gentlest man - Ler and softest seasons of address ; our advice must not fall like a violent storm, bearing down and making those to droop whorn it is meant to -cherish and refresh. It must descend as the dew upon the tender herb, or like melting flakes of snow -the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon and the deeper it sinks into the mind. --In their flirtations the West Point cadets carry themselves with perfect grace, a large measure of assurance, modestly expressed, and an air of fore- ordained victory. For cool _gallantry no one has yet eclipsed the cadet who the other evening- promenaded down the long line of ladies and gentlemen gathered under the maples to witnese the review, with the handsomest lady of West Point, her white cloak flung jauntily over his shoulder and his left hand carrying the trail of her fleecy dress. Some of his cop:trades gazed en- viously on this original warrior and the unclassified public with admiration too great for expression. -According to the Virginia City (Nevada) Enterprise, a *freight train wias stopped. between Reno and Wadsworth the other day by an army of _crickets which coveredsthe track for three or four miles. When the engine struck them it slid along a few feet and then tra stopped -the dead bodies of the ills having the same effect upon the k as though it had been greased. These crickets are jet black, two inches M length, and fat. They do no harm to the crops. It is the opinion of the rail- road men that the crickets took to tie track beca,u.se the rails kept their heat long afterniundown, when the ground elsewhere'avas cold. • -A lady in Portland, Maine, called at a jewelry store, and after making a purchase went home. Two hours later a messenger called at her house and informed her that she had left some- thing at the jeweller's. "Now, let me see," she mused, "what can it be? Here is my pocketbook, and there on the sofa is myfa, and I have got my gold watch here, and my bonnet; why, where is my bonnet? Oh, there it is on the floor; it fell off the table -and really I can't think what I have forgot- ten -Why, to be sure! How absent- minded I am! I declare if I haven't forgotten my darling, precious little babe I" And so she had -only that and nothing more. Births. JACKSON -In Hensel', on the 19th ult., the wife of Mr. S. T. Jackson, merchant, of a daughter. NORTH)/ ORE -In Exeter, on the; 24th ult., the • wife of Mr. George Northmore, baker, of a son. WILLIS-In Ethel, on the 22nd ult., the ife of Mr. Wm. Willis of a son. LALDLAIV-In Morris, on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr. John J. Laidlaw of a son. SHEPPERD--In Blyth, on the 18th ult., the wife of Mr. George Shepperd of a son. Marriages. LA.MBROOKE-FAN SON -In Exeter, on the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mr: Joseph Henry • Lambrooke, to Miss Emma, eldeet daughter of • Mr. Robert Fanson, all of Exeter. BRYAN-BOYD-In Lueknow, on the 2Gth ult., at the residence of the bride.'s father, Mr. John Sell, by the Rev. R. R.. Waddell, 13. D., assisted by tbe Rev. James Caswell, Mr. Jas. Bryan, Editor of the LUCkIlOW SENTINEL, to Lizzie, relict of the late D. B. Boyd, and. pro- prietress of the paper mentioned. TURNBULL-TURN33ULL-In Grey, on the 15th nit., at the residence of the bride s father, by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. James S. Turnbull, of North Dumfries, to Miss Isabella Turnbull, of Grey. ATKINS03.3-DRUMMOND-On the 1.6th ult., by Rev 11. W. Willituns, at Berlin, W. K. At.. Esq., J. P ,of Ailsa Craig, to Alice, second daughter qf John Drummond, Esq., of McGillivray. BROWN -HASTINGS -At Kincardine, on Do- minion Day, by Rev. j. L. Murray, M. A., Mr. Sohn T. Brown of McKillop, to Jessie, third daughter of her. Robert Hastings, of Turn - berry, • . GRIEVE -SHAW -0n the 2nd instant, by Rev. A. D. mcDonaid, at the residence" of hfr. E. Grieve, Seaforth, Mr. Thomas Grieve of Me- Killop, to Miss i ary Ann Shaw, of Seaforth. MURDOCH-ROSS-On the 80th ult., at the Manse, St. Andrew's Church,. London, by Rev. A. Murray, Mr. William.Mnrdoch, to Miss • Jesaie Ross, both of Stanley. . . DeathS:- MAIN -In Brussels, on the 24th ult., Mrs. Eliza- • beth Main, aged 82 yeare. amitememe. THE MARKETS. SEAFbOulllelfi.9 9 : June 39, 1879. • 0 96 to ' 0 98 FspalrlioWghweahtost, Filo, po rsh Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbush-. 0 87 to 0 88 " t 4 p0east: pplirr bbntisshheeli .... . .. .... , ....... 0 00 00 5 4350 t oto 00 1 0 2 00 00 55 05 0 (9 to 0 09 Barley per bushel • BELT:, No.1, Loose 9 00 to 10 00 0 10 to 0 12 ErFlaoyur, por 100 lbs 2 35 to 2 50 Endes, per lb 0 55 f) oto 0 1 25 06 Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... ... t 4 00 Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs8 00 ....,.....0 20 to 0 40 Sheep skins .O 1 Lamb Skins, pix Ib Salt (retail) per barrel, 0 85 Salt (wholesale)per barrel... 50 6755 Potatoes, per bushel 0 GO to 0atntoa14Pbr1 250 to 8 00 Tallow, per 0 64 to 0 05 Betin ters, per 100 lbs 9 50 to 5 00 Wool, per pound, 0 28 'bo 0 21 • crusrow, .inly 8; 1879, Fall Wheat,per bushel...-. ..... 0 96 0 098 Spring.Wheat, per bushel ... 0 85 tql 0 111, Oats, peibashol....... 035 0 040 Barley, per bushel.. . 0 50 @ 0 60 Peas, per bushel 0-00 @ 0 50 Batter .... . , . 010 on 018 Potatoes . 0 60 (.11 - 0 60 Eggs .1 0 08 ES 000 Wool. 0 19 efif 022 • Hay,per ton. • 8 00 6 9 00 Invsineooe, July 2. -Spring wheat, 88 3d; red winter, Os Od to 9s 5d; white, 88 4d to 9s 2d; club, 9s 3d; corn, 38 lld ; oats, 58 6d; bar- ley, 5s 3d ; peas, 5s lld ; pork, 47s Od; beef, 76s 6d '; cheese, 35s Od. • TORONTO, July 3. -Fall wheat, $0.95 to $L04; spring, 900 to 95c; oats, 40c; peas, 55c to 65o; barley, 500 to 56c; baled hay, per ton, $9 to 12;$wool, 23c to 24c; butter,. 10 cents to. 13 cents; cheese,51. cents to 6 cents; potatoes per bag, $1.10 to $1.15. LoansoN, July 3. -Diehl and Tread- well, $1.66 to $1.75. per 100 Ths.; red fall, $1.65 to L68;$spring, $1.30 to $165; oats, $1.15 to $1.16; peas, 850 to $1.00; dairy cheese. 5.1c to 6c ; factory, 5i to 7o; barley, Si to $1.25; eggs, 11e.- to 13c; butter, So to 12c; wool, 23e to 24c. strawberries, 6 to 8 cents. Cheese Markets. • STRATFORD, June 27. -The following factories offered cheese hare to -day, Elrabank, 300 boxes;- Bornholm. 185; Winthrop, 350; Blaushard, 260; Blue - vale, 350; St. Mary's, 261; Molesworth, 380; Elnaa, 350; Harnmond,170 ; Bruce - field, 600; Kinburn, 300; German Ueion. 1,100; Seaforth, 300; Rosevale, 180. Nearly all June cheese. About 1,200 boxes were sold at 5 cents to 5f cents. INGERSOLL, June 30. -To -day over 90 dairymen and buyers were present at the cheese market. Seventeen fac- tories registered 4,788 boxes. 220 boxes sold at 5ic. 1,250 boxes sold at • and 1,020 boxes sold at 5ao. One buyer reports buying 1,500 boxes at from 5c upwards. s 4. Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL, June 30. -- The arrivals during the past week were 79 carloads of cattle, or 1,310 head; 127 sheep, 573 bogs, 20 horses, and one yoke of oxen. Only a small proportion of the cattle, hogs and sheep were shown on the market here, the remainder being promptly shipped to Europe. - Very little business was done this morning at St. Gabriel's as only between four and five carloads were on market, the best cattle being bought up for foreign ac- count. Local butchers operated very sparingly owing to hotweather. Prices ranged from 40 to 5-1e, although it is stated that for • some extra choice anirnals,weighing between 1,590 to 2,000 115s., higher figures were paid. No hogs were offered, but they aee said to be worth three cents per pound live weight. The Gem Jar at WILSON & YOUNG'S. Local Notices. NEW PB.IINESr C ALLEN'S Grolery. .599, ALNLEENZ P Grolfbelei"Ey. 3.5' 0 991 TURNIP SEED* at at ALLEN'S Glocery. 5* - TURNIP lEED at boat, to clear out lot, a t:ADLEN's G'ocery. 520 SPECIAL Lines of &agars for the pre- serving season, at Lallari.kw & FAIRLEY'S, Sea - forth. 603 . IF You WANT Cheap Sugars and Cheap Stra-wberries just lemt your order at WiLsoN & Yoroo's. 60e FRUIT J41s.-Any quantity of Ameri- can or Cariteiian GentJars. at WeLsow & Yonxe's, at the old. prices. 602 SEE THE .SbAP, 25. bars for $1 at ROSE'S Grocery. SedWiat very fine tea at 50 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at Rosre's Grose . 574 Tim SEE Senn -Any quantity of good Early R se potatoes for seed at W. H. Me- DOUGALL & €4's. Sign Of the Mamoth Turnip Main Street S °forth. 597• _ THE EXirRAORDINARY Large Sales of ordered- clothing at Wk HILL & Co.'s prove beyond argument, that:they sell the cheapest and make the hest fitting clothes in Town. Please take note of this. 595 F. G. SPARLING, having determined to go out of bueinesseoffers his whole stock at cost. 13nyees would do well to call and see for them- ( selves1 This is no humbug. Must be cleared out at one. F. G. SieutLeso. 583 PIQIUES,RIQUES, PIQUES. -Bargains Ex- traeriSeary. Wan PULL & Co. have just received anothpr shipment of White Piques, which they will clear out at the old figure, 10 cents per yard These'grods are deeledly the cheapest in Seaforth. 598 . D.D. ROSE, Family G-rocer, Seaforth, invitethe attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Groceries. • His Stoekis constantly turning,and is always fresh. His prices are the lowest -it will pay you. to call. Exert -tine his goods end compare prices. 574 STRAWBERRIES. -LAIDLAW #3/ FAIBLEI: will continue dmeng the season to supply the Seegmiller Strawberry to any parties leaving their orders, at prices as low as any other Strawberry of equal Quality can be purthased for. Leave your orders and you can have your berries delivered the same day they are pulled. 608 eapest in Town, at aaest in Town, at at, to clear out lot, 4•••••••• STOCK FOR SALE. • PCB SALE. -To cone, one tieing three yews. -A" Old end the other two, both muri s. Applz• to DAVID DORBANCE, Sr., Lot 29 Con. let. 604 THE PR.OPRIETORS OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT ARE SPAR- ' JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produee and Commission Mer- - 11.10 NO PAINS TO MAKE .IT ehant. Money loaned on rear estate in town or country, at 8 per centsimple interest. Charge moderate. •Mortgagee bought and sold. Matured ' i mortgages paid off. 'lereire to suit borrewers. Forme and village property fon sale. Office- / Leckie's new brick block,. Reuss -els, Ont. 1)15 • --- liWome CENTRAL GROCERY, CARDNOZ BLOCK, _LEGAL NOTICE. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY Tiih DIVLSION COURT. -The effice of the -8- Second tivision. Court will be open daily from half-ptef one to /our o'ciock P. at. Office in my Block, oen file afore of Johnston Brow. SEAFORTHL. MEYER, Cletii of Division Court, Seaforth.562 . THE CENTRE OF -ATTRACTION To those who wish to purchase good reliable Goods either in 4 GROCERIES CROCKERY, OR GLASSWARE Notwithstanding the National Policy we are selling Teas caper than ever. Although Crockery and Glassware have advanced in the wholesale -markets fully 20 per cent., we are still selling at the old prices-. Parties wielaing to secure Bargains in this line, either in China, or White Granite Tea Sete, will require to 'purchase early before the present stock is all sold out. The Gem Fruit Jar, irr quarts and half gallons, will be sold (per dozen) at less than last year's prices. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Granulated Wheat, Split Pea,. and Pot and Pearl Barley always kept in stook. Also a large stock of Clear Bacon and Sugar Cured Hams. We invite intending purchasers to examine our stock and prices- and convince themselves that the Central Grocery is the place to buy good goods, and conse- quently cheap goods. • The personal supervision of the firrn given to all orders, and: goods• warranted as represented or cash refundedis Free Delivery- LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY,. SkAFORTH. THE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS —_tT— MEDICAL HALL". SEAFORTH. ESTRAY STOCK. TieSTIlAY COLT. -Came in -t9 tint enclosure of • the eubscrilaer, en .3-tinc let, a dark bey Colt, one ye sr with -white st ar en lc reheat'. ibe owner sTx quested to prove propkrly, prey expen- : -P, and take it -away. _BAD° Vli,'North half Lot 4, L. It. W., Hay, 601 WSTRAY COLT.-Sira3cd Iran' the creiees of she tur 4-emigre:de Lot 18, Con. 9; Stanley, on or abent the let of 'lc a betiwn two year eld en th e Colt ; he had a white ' on forehead and R UP slightly Ronan nosed. :Pen -person giving erteh info) metier!) as evil] had' tjeo- revery will be suitably rewarded:I Bli.NRY DOWSON, Jr., Pr, °pieta; Valera P. 0. - 601x4 REAL ESTATE.FOR S 'VLE,. • - VA.BM IOR SALE.-Foi :Sa't, Let 22, Ceti, 3, • - Tevrt-i.ip of Tneter#mith, L. R. eor taixi- ing 1(0 rerES,f,box..tt 70 <1 which pre fee:sired anti in a ,ge od -Mate oi tultivation ; the beaten: is geed hardwood br ab; god fn n.a henee, lestan and st able ; execlitnt water or, the r# )3.1iiefi 'ne]i ft need good yonrg oechaed, Ana Vreri.'•ecoveni- 0,0 a, pertaltone ta n. faxen. Is ,situated about 7 miles from .Searen iu nfroni nielpn, and 3 ITE'Ata Braceficid, on the I.ondoin Huron en& Bruce Railwey. The lend is 53.•steclass .clay Joann, Fax fneth# r particulars applyto the pie plietor an the prendees, •cr if by letter toIhneefield P. el.e, MILES li.fehert.LAN. Ofilelex • .._.- - LOST OR FOUND. BUFFALO ROBE LOST.-Lont, on the road between Staforth and Walton, en theheet day of April, a Buffalo Robe. The finder "Will receive a reward of $2 on retetening the same, -or •on giving sixth information as will leait to the rocovery of the robe to ANTHONY TROUT: - MON, Formosa P.O. . 003x "MOTE 1 OSTe-Lose, some time in May last., a -LT Note of hand. drawn by Thomas D. Ryan, of S eaforth, in favor of James rt;, an, of MeKillop, for the sum of $50, and payable on the 36th or 19th of Feb/1184y, 1880. All parties are hereby ,centioned against accepting or negotiating said A Splendid Assortment of Fans at Prices- Ranging . ijante,E4sot3ment therecf has been stopped. 0(6.x4 from 4 cents to $4.501.. BATF -I SPONGES, BUGGY SPONGES/ SLATE SPONGES • PURSES, WALLETS AND POCKETBOOKS. BACK COMBS IN GREAT VARIETY. Fishing Thekle of all kinds, Trout Hooka, Trout Lines, Bass -Hooks, Bass Lines, Trolling Lines, &c. Walking &Heirs, Plated Brooches, Hair Brushes, Pocket Knives-, &e.. Half Gross Dr. King's:California Compound, for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, in all its forms. Hohnan's Liver and Ague and Liver Pads.. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. Croquet Sets, Sticky Fly Paper, Poison Fly Paper, Fly Brick, Magic- Fly Killer, • Paris -Green, Hellebore, Pnre Lime Juice, &c. A Complete -List of Dye Stuffs. Humphrey's Homeepathic Specifies, &c. HICKSON & BLEASDELL, Seaforth. 1\TOW IS `111-= TIMM_ DUNCAN 84 DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. We are now Selling Goods Cheaper- Than, Ever. Our Stock is Large and Well Assorted. The Goods are alb New. Just received, Special Lines. bought Very Cheap, which, we ake Selling at about half their reg- ular price. COSTUME LINEN CHECKED LINEN,SNOWFLAKE LINEN Striped l Costume Cloths in. Browns and Blues. White Riqges in, one, two, three and fourstaord. White Marseilles. PRINTS, BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS FOR SUMMER, Ladies' White Skirtseranbroidered and Tucked; at 7.5es to $1.50._ WE HAVE A JOB LOT Of FRENCH WOVE CORSETS, AT 50 CENT& Theaa G-oods are valuator $3.00e 200 Pieces Scoateel Edgings. s'' White and Colored Net Ties„ Parasols fron34Q Oeztts up. PERSONAL. BLACK GOODS. OARDERS.-A number of Boarders can be accommodated with board, either 'adage or gentlemen.. Apply to T. M. CALDWELL,.(only man and wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 _ . WANTED. AvennED.-A seivant girl. Enquire at the Methodist Parsonage, eioderich St. 604 la OUSE WANTED TO PURCHASE - Cheap 'a IL for Cash. A comfortable cottage, containing 4 or more ro CMS, situated in Egmondville. Ad- dress, stating price, R. IRWIN, Clinton, Opt. 602 rrEACIIERS WANTED. -Wanted, 3 Female -1/- Teachers for the Seaforth Public School. Dui ies to commence after the holidays: Apply to the Scerefary, stating salary wanted, until 1st August. WM. BALLANTYNE, Secretary. 604-8 TEACHER WANTED. -A male teacher holding -t- a second class certificate, for School Section N o. 1, Usborne ; dutias to commence Ang. 17th, 3879. All applications stating salary, &e. must be in by the 1st of August. Address THOMAS CL8E, Secretary Board of Trustees, Rodgerville, Ont. • 604 TEACHER WAN TED. -Wanted, for' one of the Jnnior Departments of the Wingham Public S chool, a teacher, whose services will commence on the 18th of August. Salary, $250 per annum. Applications. witb references, will be received by the Board up to the 21st Jelly, inst. E. R. TAL- BOT, Chairman ; a-Amigs FERGUSON, Secre- tary. 604 2 WM. HA/slOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of T v McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Acconchenr, Seaforth. Ont. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block lately oc,cupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. Kings Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 BLACK GOODS. MOURNING GOODS. Our Mournieg Department never was so -well assorted. Our prices for all kinds • of Black Goods never were so low. The 12i cent Black Lustre is a bargain. The 20 cent Black Lustre shines like silk. The 25 cent Black Lustre is double finish, fast dye, and very wide. The 30 cent Black Lustre is just wonderful at the price. We have Black Lustre at 35 cents, 40 cents, 50 cents, and 60 cents. We have Black Iron Grenadines. Our Black Thibet Clothseare good. colors and wide widths, at 30 cents and 35 cents aelard. Our English Paramattas at 35 cents, 40 cents, 50 cents and 60 cents are fine and well finished. _ Our French Cashmeres (all wool) at 75 cents, 85 cents, 90 cents and $1 are the best fmished and the eheapest goods in this County -examine them. Our Black Persian Cords, our Black Russel Cords, our Black Empress Cloths are all worthy of inspection. .. Our Black Crapes are ram proof and indestructible, and fast dye. Any Line in Mourning Goods can be bought at D-10-1- cA. 1\T cSv IYITN0A.1\T'S, MA IN STREET, SEAFORTH, • MONEY. AT ONLY TO LEND --On terms more tolvan- y-s- tageous than ever before offered- A. ...Me- _ COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. • , S045 lgt7H0 WANTS MONEY 2-A few thousand " dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to ',TAMES H. BENSON, Selicitor, Seaforth. 533 ONE/ TO LEND. -I leave any amount at -LY`a" Mcneyto Lend ongood improvedfarnes only, at 8 per ct nt. Charges very snsfl. Scam DO object if Etenritywnple. 1 (-met lend for any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570 $1 0 tO $1 COO inv"Ila in Wail -St*, Ste eke males fort once rt (13 nitAll h. Bcc,ke sent fete exit/stifling every- thing. Adiress BAXTER * Co., Bankers..7 all-street, New York. 1'87-52 FOR SALE OR TO LET. OTTAGE TO BENT, -To tent, a cenifort- ‘:-/ ab e Cottage, pleasantly situated and cenven- lent to business part 01 town. Apply to L. MURPHY, Sealorth. 603.4 IQ 00MS TO LI T. -Three nowt Betters to let • in n y bit dc, over Meese& Sohn sere Brothers' Her dwar e St e. Andy to L. Mn TETI, Divieion Culla t. Office, Sea -forth. 592 p 00353S TO I ET.-Tbree rooms to let over A. -"J Gaoccay store, SEitoble for dress- roa king a pa ri mente or for -dwelling rooms. with fro nt and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT. Proprietor. t90 - _ - - W011 SAI E OR TO RENT,--Tbe Seaforth -11-: Mill, Ion len as the B415 ; 4 inn -of stones; stem peeve) ; with siding from Grand Trunk Raiiway'poseessien atont the Jet or 15tb ef St tembex. Arply to W. EINGSLEY, Strat- ford. f 24 RARE CHANCE.-Pbotograph Rows to Let • on first fioor in Scott's Brieli Block, Sea forth,. , position central. Also, three or four Rooros en •the tat above, suitable for a dwelling POSSeS- sion it Sanualy, 1879. Apply to F. 110LNIE- S'i'ED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MoKillop. 573-tf. • SPECIFIC,' ARTICLES. I ID AS TUBE.-Ciecd pashare ; plenty of water -A- and shade; It nces in good order; nettle and h copes taken. R. RANSF-ORD, Stapieten Salt Works- 602-6 ciALL AT I. 8. ROBERTS' DRUG ST -011E, Seafoitb, for the Great Sietra Nteada Smok- ing C(324°11734, a positi-ve cure for Caiarrh, and is E (pally (Mentions in an Bronchial Affections. T be evenet eases of Asthma, Phasic and alt Dist ases of the Lunge 3ield readily to this treat- ment. M. L. SMITH, Atkona, Ont., General Agent, For eale by all diuggiste. Price, 15 cants a box. 4301-52 ASI 'CRAG E. -Good fresh pasturage for Cat- • tle and tee,100acre-I-non an& after the 24th of May. Ilsoty -et eood eyrie.* water,on 2nd Con.H. R. Tncl: er th TI.RMS.-For Elora fi $2 per month ; lx the etflfif.13, $1.75 er ezeneth, Cat- tle. --$1.50 per mr Lib; or $1.25 per nouth by Ile FCC SOD, 1a3rnc13t tO 1 e made 'before the S tock is removed. Owners eeeponeibla tor acci- • dents or et) ys. Applications most be nastiest ence, as only a limited member will be taken. Apply to JOHN THORP. 595 STOCK FOR SERVICE. TiLLETT FARMERS IMPROVE YOUR • STOCK. -The tindelsigned will keep for the imp) ovt mente of stock this% searfon on his farm, Lot No. 2, Concef.sion 8, Rallett, a Thor- ou ghbt Dm ham Bull, bred by Robert Brown. Erq., of Grey. RITIML-75 eents- per eow, pay- able at the time of eelvice, -with the privilege of re- tuenirg if necessary. R0337. Me -MICHAEL. 593 VARMERS, IMPROVE YOvelt undeleigned intends keeping his Thelough- bred Bull for another teasonefor the improve- znent ef mock, on Lot 27, Con. 2, hicKillep. Fanners will do weli to patronize hito in view of raisiog Meek it& the English Varlet. Die get of calves }bows that blood Will tell. My terms are only ene oliar these herd thanes. eta-05.We of Register el Pedigree, No. 1,384, Wenderful, bled by Jatree 0 y. Inerscli, Oxford County, got by Sir Johnr,y t7( Regieterd, dam Daundie by Pieeidtnt 1540n grend dant kletilda by Young Eogland (S22, E281), _geeet grand dam Red Roe, impel ted, by Bann of linisdale, (11,156n -dam Red Bose, see herd Barn, RODERICK GRA.Y, MelCillop. 591-18 IMPORTANT NOTICES. CRUBBING and washing done en real:co:sable • term 8, bv Mrs. RAYMOND, ileepurhey. 4'04 OTICE TO DEBT -0118. -All thoee who have accounts ramainirg unpaid to James Miller late of Bruct feeld, will please band the stune to Mr- Thos. Higgins, who will gim receipt for the satiee. JAS. MILLER, Brucefiehl. • G04x2 • OTICE.-A 11 parties indebted to the Estate 4-1 of the late Simon Powell are requested to pay the Halle forthwith to the undersigned, or they *hail be bonded into the Conrt for rellection. T. T. COLEMAN and A. G. VANEGMOND, Ex- ecutors. 561 OTICE.-Tee Annual Mowing Match of the / Huron Farmers and Mechanics' Association -will be held ou the farm of Mr. John Willis, Exeter, on Tuesday, 8th of July.. A trial of St CLIX1 Engines makable for threshing machines will be held at the same time. All are invited to attend S. A. YOUNG, Secretary. " 603.2 — .QEAFORTIf PUMP FACTOBX.-The under- • signed, while returning tharka for the pet- ronage already received, would remind his many customers and friends that he still -continues to make pumps and cistern* of the best material and by the best workmen. None but quartered timber used for pimpsA few' farm gates still on hand. An overdue accounts notsettied forth- with will be charged 10 per cent, interest from the let of Januaxy, 1$78. NOBLZ CLUFF, Seaforth. 563