The Huron Expositor, 1879-07-04, Page 3JULY 4 1879, !ELLIS, K F)PE-'7 I: TO LIFE AGAIN; with. areas ‘roent Neese C. Mellis does so mrtell, bre:leen. 3a t he eOe<3'. the work ,whne them' 'tine-. Remember:if you went 'II og go to T. Meths% if you want -law repelled, go to 1'. trellis% it „act barn deter and gate Itiogt-e,whea.. esekip end price eennot enepaes'eli esse if you want e our threshing egie. ite,i.teati with t he best of ireato if you want reaping and mewing # ted with new leo aiehere Rue es, el T. '.‘1, plowe and blacksinithiae t, from a needle to an anchor. ettii; and be eoevilleetl. A geed. etOek at '-rt liar LOWS, ti rid Flow Castings aline._ lle-olexuher that I am been/ to it; eta; telt tor 1119 alga : )MAS MELLIS, RupDen. CARRIAGES. WACCONS. wishing a first- class Buggy, 0,1441 - sen, go the A.KIPpeIll Earelate FOr the better eceallumodation otter_ Intl the public in general, I have laegt„,1 my Carl iage N‘ (irks, and I ana ad, -.lag Bug.i-, 0arriagea anti any -40,4 mfort, durability and price, dtty.4. 1 Bettn. Wu and Wegoits repeintett. :1‘.(1.1. Repairing of a1.1 kinda prole* to. Remember t e eteteL Ell)(#1.t. ii,ip,neetv DYILLE FLOUR MILIt cspeet fully advise the publle time made. earl% ngeniente with M. ItlAtibt eh to run the Egmondville Flour milli „Int. My Stuyer, Mr. John Some* wseaueville vele* day, a.nd will pay : the .•.#1o#1 milling wheat that may 111, timers can rely on getting at hut wee. Mr. Cha.rieeworth will desalts. reliably with all prrties wbo zasy with their patronege, vaa vas. tr.. wet, satiefaction to all whe winnow Mille a trial. leutieuler tate/wet eLopping. Grist ing., otExchangieg tercet,. Give ns one Wale A. ARMITAGE, Snaaoirria TICKETS TO WINNIP4 arner per week will cell at Ila.yitelis V hut eclay morning, and the Bev t ill. call at Goderieh, Kinj Southampton , Michael's Bay, , Coekhnin rebind, 'The-zealot:I Biter, s, St. Je te# ph 's It -lend, Garden Itiveet eae Mai ie. For freight end passes. ' ARMITAGE, Agent, Sesforth. _ [ANCE BANK OF CAN -ADA. 11EAD OFFICE, MONTttEAL. a - - - $1,000,00k TORS -M. H. Gardt,Persident; Thee . Vice -Pr esid en t ; A. W. C. e, LT , 1 hornets Tiffin, Alex.Buntiu, JURA [ C. R. Murray, Cashier Geo.Bansi al thia Bank has been opened nit it al.e.e a Genera/ Banking businesajj eeted. Notes of hand dieeountedased ected at fair businees rates'. nge Bunk depertro.ent Mut also beet eonneetioo with this, where dew& eeived horn one doller upwardi, ase flowed thereon. v:ened pivabIe at pea at all oaten* ; the bank et Moutreel and the Feden1 enada. - AGENTS. -London -The Anima lilted. New York-Nationel Bank el Helmer's, McGowan & Co.,61, Will ."Iiiettg,o-lreion National Bank. hours 10 to 8 batardays, 10 tol. JOHN LECNT Ft Mans COMMERCIAL LIVERY ELA FORTH. RTHUR FORBESt purehaeed the Stock and Trade Nthi ote rend Livery, Seadortle, from Ka t'hiteley. begs to stete that ha inteade the bueinesa in the old stand, ad Ise el al 'valuable horsee and vehieles to Lk igeet oek. None but rtss (tom fi,r table Vehicles and Good orse$ W al be Kept. ind Open Iluggiee and Carragee,aa L Stogie Wagons alweys ready forase. Arrange -men,_;$ ..1/-cule With Com. mercial Nen. ieft at the stahlea or any of the battle attended to. ;OMETHING NEW. LN GE OF BUSINESS :EL has purchesed the SteeX f James Carpenter, 13 ET IAN, al eiter carry OR the briefness heretefes et 1 y Mr. Carpenter. He will keep air baud a fail stock of 430TS AND SHOES tele, which he will sell at prices suitable IP He is Digo prepared to tura at Ill'orfc in the Neatest and Bei al of teed material. Fits guar/Meet a.- pi emptIy attended to. practical workman himself and inteni- L e etc, his pereenal attention to business' = to give entire satisfaction to all ate lthia with their pa.tromige. nher the Place-Oerpenter'e old stile!, l'endergast's Hotel. C. FRIEL. G EMPORIUM. am-el/her hereby tlaanki Ida maniere& toel s mei chants and others) for theig etre nage durine the past 7 years, sad sti it, t inte erily and close attention te to merie their confidence and totals re. II :trio,: greatle enlarged his pre& taa. w -, he is now prepared teal, n EON EST GASH "PRICE itity of Good Fresh Eggs, deliver"' Emporiu in, N STREET, SEAFORTIL d by the enhecriber, 25 tons of gooi&I a straw. D. I). WILSON: TT-NERSHIP NOTICE. sigued having entered into orbit' , ei# now prepared to manufacture Ideevr fluegiee, &e. By using first-class:Il- e ha.ving all the work coming tideagle - potpie, we ean guarantee a good artle* ' ae idtention given to repairiug, bolo awl general :lobbing. Mr. Bartell bit ,Aar thirteen years experienoe in illt45. we will make that a speellsR` r Watson's Celebrated Agricultnrall& RED & A.RTON, eat's eta stand, Goderich Street, dek 5E0 HE NIcKILLOP MUTUAL _ INSURANCE COMPAO S. J. SHANNON, Secretary and Tresi; -__- -r of the at ove Company, will attends' taaN'S IIOTEL, SEAFORTH,On Salt ah we*, from 2 to ,r. e ee of traneacting the business am y. All interested et ill please titit&l: 4:I a tbemselves accordinglY- avt, JAMES Ir.E141F11°',41' ilLAN ,.N. ON, Secretar. ,..T„_ Is N. BRETTt SEAFORTII, .le and Retail Dear in LEAT13111 01 lis EINDING-S of Every Desor11440Lag but the Very Best Stock kept. 1-tM e. A. Trial Solicited. All ordart wise promptly filled. R. lq• BPSII Gaieties. Indians never kisa each other. We out blame them. -Yost people can bear the mis- fortunes of others with Christian resig- nation• To work out our own contentment, we should labor not so much, to in- raease our substance, as to moderate our desires. -The foundation for the meanest man is ha when a small boy tarns the worm ix& in an apple for his companion to :__.Those little turn oven our mothers set to give us, have we forgotten them ?- No: we never see a woman's slipper' without thinking of them. -Which does the most damage, the old. hen scratching in newly -made bed in the garden; or the woman who goes out to throw things at her ? - , George dear, clout you think it's rather extrava.gant of you to eat butter with that delicious jam?" " No, love; economical. Same piece of bread does for-bBotehfo'r'e marriage a man is generally' greeted by his sweetheart with " My darling, is it you ?" But after marriage she rushes to the door and shouts, "Hngh Henry, wipe your boot e !" --The proprietor of a building site in, Wisconsin advertises his land for sale in this wise: "The town of Poggis and aurronnding county is the most beauti- ful nature ever made. The scenery is celestial ; also, two wa,gons and a yoke of steers." ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR. , --An Irishnaan, at the imminent risk of his life, stopped a runaway horse a few days ago. The owner came up af- ter a while and quietly remarked : "Thank you, sir." "An' faith, an' how are ye goin' to divide that betwane two of ?" replied Pat. -Massachusetts has a six year oldl boy who can sing " Pinafore " fromibe- ginning to end. That isn't milch. There is a robin redbreast that sits en a tree over in Fairhaveu, and warblesIthe opening chorus of that opera to perfec- tion, and we thought we recoguized the words " never go to sea, never go to sea," in the answering echoes of the frogs in the marsh last evening. • • nocence just a trifle overdone. "You said last night, when you brought these c ns home,. that they were oysters and uld be nice for breakfast. I thought u had better eat them right away, as ey didn't smell as though they would ep very much longer." And then Mrs. Willaby removed the ns; and her husband sat and looked the teapot, and thought so long that s coffee was cold as a rich relation e thought to drink it. vice to a Young Man. her thing, son; you waut to re - r that wearing 22 inches of coat out across 16 inches of shoul- esn't make a gymnast of you by ems; any more than .a straight measured step, and a Burnside h a cord aud acorn give you a ord. There have been young men, aye, and old men, too, before your time, who owed the tailor for their chest and shoulders, and owed for thena a precious long time, too. There have been young men who -could waltz for an hour and 68 minutes without once sit - ng down to rest who couldn't saw ough wood to warm a flannel cake, not if- starvation stared them in the face and tried to drive them to it. Don't worry about your shape, thy son. 11 en will admire your crooked legs if ur trousers are paid for, and if your aclais so lop -sided that you have to eep your helm hard a-pnrt the time keep from -walking round the block starboard when you want to go raight ahead, they'll never think of it you don't owe for the coat that lies in such ungainly, honest wrinkles acros i. The man who doesn't owe a della i a rich man, even if he hasn't a crus eat in the house. And don't borrow Lyon can't get along without havin ore than - you've got, don't , borrow teal. You'll feel 'better about it, and s a general thing, you will be more& pected and less tormented. The morning after the Lawrenc ouse fire we met on the streets no les han nine liars, who had seen respec ively a woman, a man, a child, boy, roung girl, two children, a negroman, n old wonsan,and a stranger,standing third -story window in the south wi4 act for themselves, before we try to pparently half -stifled by the smoke, drive them, and such management, vringing his, her or their hands, as the tact, or whatever you choose to call it, ase naight.be, jueb a few seconds before is just as essential in a family as in a he wall fell. To -day we wandered u wider sphere. Few like to be ruled -ad dow-n the streets of Burlington and earched in vain for those liars. They ire gone. The awe-struck faces whicli hey wore around to mask their fea,rf 1 nd deliberate lies are gone. The suni ner winds and the limestone dust weep o.ver the corners. where their Great Western Railway. mendacious tones erstwhile made ga - Trains leave Brussels atation, north' and SOU th rulous music of the day, but thes as ander: Yc •k 011 a hi Sowing and. Reaping. c'Whatsoever a man sowethithat shall he also reap," both in the natural and in the moral world. Every seed in the one and every deed in the other, yields fruit after it's kind. This principle of .sowing and reaping is especially ini- portaut to the young, who are just be- ginning to shape their cha.racter and destiny-- ID. the spriug time of life we sow what we mast reap in the autunsu of age., and perhaps through the endless ages of eternity. The chief pbssibilities of good or evil for an the future are bound up in the period, of youth. The sowing may be done theughtlessly • and carelessly, but it will report itself in due time according to this law. Men in age often say, "If I could but live my life over again, how differantly it should be." While this iS impossi- ble, still the young may have the ad- vantages of a second life by trying the counsels aud experieiaces of the aged. It is one of the utmost importance for them to understand this relation of sowing to reaping which is affixed to our physical, mental, a,nd moral nature. Men who in early life overtax. the brain or body in the frenzy to cet rich; men who overload the wheels of life by gluttony; men who bestialize them- selves with sensuality; men who burn ont the vital forces with the damning fires of alcohol; all Buell are liable to strict account in after years. When re- membrance and retribution eome upon them, then, too late, they begin to real- ize that "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." len A Ane memb proppe ders d any m back, hat wi war re 1 1 Might Like to Excl4ange. The story is told of Sir Samnel Baker, the African traveller, that,when. he was taking leave of KaaairaSi, King of Unyoro, that prince asked him, as a particular favor, to leave Lady Baker behind. This cool request 'raised Sir Sanniel's ire, and in high indignation he told the king that if he ever dared to make such a request agait he would . shoot him. Lady Baker, too, who over- heard and understood. the , offer, felt that a -word from her would , not be out of place, and she gave the unfortunate mouarch "a piece of her mind," in the strongest vernacular she could summon to her aid. His Majesty, thus caught between two fires, was for a few mo- ments astounded, being perfectly un- conscious of having given any cause of offence. At last, seeing that his guests were really very angry, he said, in a de- precatory voice: "Don't be angry; I did not mean to offend you by asking for your wife. I will give yon a wife if you want one - and I thought you would have no ob- jection to give me yours. It is my cus- tom to give my visitors pretty wives, and I thought you might like to ex- change. Don't make a fuss about . it; if you don't like it, there's au end to it." ••• 41 by brush or dusting -cloth, to find rest eventually on the carpet again; the sweeper has done more harm them good; she has wearied herself, and while so. wearied has inhaled quanti- ties of dust, to the great irritation of her lungs; in addition to the dust which she has temporarily beaten out of her carpet, she has, byhardwork, removed threads, scraps, bits of paper, &c., from it, and also a considerable quantity of the nap, and lastly has -Wrenched and worn her broom. Theright way is to go over a room picking up by hand all bits that stick to the carpet, requiring vigorous use of the broom to move them; then with dust -pan and brush take up patches of mud, crumbles of bread, &c., and lastly, with the broom, brush lightly all over the mom, taking off the surface dust; some advise damp- Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Dried Apples, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, t THE CHEAPEST GOODS. A. 0- T.:T 111 , IS NOW REOEIVING A A Very Large Stock of all kinds 01 Groceries and _Provisions. A Fresh Lot of Canned Fruits, and Honey and Jellies. A Fresh Lot of those very choice Teas in Black, Green and Japan. All Grades of Sugars, Syrups and Molasses. ening the broom to keep the dust from flying, but it takes a vast amount of care to avoid spotting the carpet; old tea leaves, moistened and scattered round, catch a great deal, and I have heard of meal being so used, but the surface dust does not amount to much, and as I have shown, it is useless to try to remove more by sweeping; it can only be accomplished by sweeping or shaking out of doors; and the attempt to sweep it out while stretched on a. floor wears carpets more than anything else; so a reliable carpet dealer told eme. For dusting use a damp, not a wet, cloth, and so effectually remove the dust. Windows can be beautifully *leaned with moist whiting rubbed lightly over each pane, and polished off with a dry cloth, but it is not nice for the hands, and is not much 'improve- meht on the damp clotla, and news- paper for polishing. I am not much given to moralizing, but a few didys since a feather escaped my "picking over," and I tried to sweep it off; it stuck most persistently, and had -to stoop and loosen it; then the lightest flirt of the broom sent it sailing out of doors; I thought what an apt illus- tration it was of the way folks try to coerce others to do things in a way contrary to their natures. It is aP ways best tO see if people, and cir- cumstauces, as well as things, won't over, and, like the feather, blows make many hold more tenaciously to their W. N. ANDERSON, General GennectraBlEMRaTnsaogNer: Inspector wrong doing, while a little persuasion floats them off easily in the right direc- tion. Cracked Wheat, .Pot Barley, Flour, Shorts, best of Hams and Bacon. All kinds of Fresh Garden Seeds, Top Onions, _Potato Onions and Set Onions and Potatoes. Cream. Crocks, Milk Pais, Flower Pots, &c. Lard, Butter, Eggs, and a good va- riety of .Soaps. Soda Biscuits in 3 pound boxes at 95e. and pure ground Coffee. Also that Celebrated English Excelsior Horse and Cattle Food. All are invited to come and get some of the Cheapest Goods in the Dominion. Don't forget the place: f A. G. AULT'S GROCER, 591 Main Street, SEAFORTH THE CANADIAN - BANK .OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, - - TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - *6,000,000. Rest, 1,400,000. DIRECTORS. HON. WILLIAM MCMASTER, President. HON. Anaai HOPE, Vice -President. Noah Barnhart, Esq. James Michie, Esq. ' 'Witham Elliott. Esq. T. 8 utherland S tayner, Esq George Taylor, Esq. John J. Arnton, Esq. A. R. McMaster, Esq. • \GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. tongues are stilled. Thus; passes awa Mixed 10:25 A. M. Mail 6:15 A. M. the glory of this world. This is th Accom........9:08 P. M. Accom 12.15 A. M tate of the fire liar. The morning a Mail..........2:58 P. M. iklixed.., ..... 7:)5 P. ss ter the fire lie is the fint man who gave . d. h 1 w omebod Grand Trunk Railway. the alarm, an e a ways sa s buried in the smoulderinc ruins. Two Trains leave Seaforth and Clin follows : GoneG WEST- Expros Express Mixed Tillie.- .5:35 A. M. Mixed Train.....‘11:3e A. M. days later, when the fire cominitt starts an investigation, and hants u that man for the principal witness, - ing duly sworn. and cornered, he dos depose aud frankly admit that he h d been out of town nearly three week , didn't get -in until the fire had all be.n • put out andahe firemen gone home ilea a ly three hours. Don't judge a man by his clothe:. Can you tell what the circus is going o be like by looking at the Italian suns pictures on the fence? Do you value turkey for its plumage? And isn't t skin of the mink the most, and, indee the,only valuable part of him? The a on Stations as SEAFORTH. CLINTON. 8:10 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8 52 P. . . . . 6:08 A. M. 12:35 P. M. GOING FAST - Express Express Train.. Mixed Train.... Mixed Train... London, GOING NORTH- SEAFORTII. CLINTON. 7:37 A. M. 8-00 A. M. .42:58 P. M. ..4:15 P. M. ..10:•47 A. M. 12:35 P. M. 3:30 1'. M. 9:55 A. M. Huron and Bruce. Mail. Mixed. Express. P.M. A.M. P.M. 215 555 615 3 36 803 783 35'4 83-1 751 858 844 758 408 900 808 425 945 825 1 th 4 52 10 32 8 5 Winghina, arrive 5 25 11 60 9 25 GOING SOUTH- Mail. Mixed. Express. A. M. A. .2.M. - Wiogham, depart.. 10 55 7 00 6 15 Blyth 12 15 7 35 6 55 Clinton 1 10 8 01 7 24 Bracefield. 1 40 8 18 7 43 luPPen 1 57 8 28 7 58 Hensall 2 05 8 34 8 04 Exeter. 2 50 8 49 8 `‘.3 London, depart Exeter Henson. Kippen Brnoefield Clinton d 2 be men fair to look upon. who wan up and down this country, and sit n the coolest places on the hotel piazz s, who are arrayed in fine linens and car- dinal socks, and who have to hold their hand over their scarf pin when • they , want to see the moonlight, who, un s- sisted and unprompted, do not posse -s the discretion. to come in when it rains, and don't know enough to. punch a -he e in the snow with an umbrella, new sc ft snow at that, without any, crust on t. Now and then, sou, before you . are s old as Methusaleh, you will meet a man that wears a hat that is wor h twice as much as the head it cove s. On the other hand, don't into t e error of believing that all the goodn ss and honesty and intelligence . the world goes about in shreds and patchrs. We have seen a tramp, dressed in mere rags than you can rake out of the fanafly rag -bag, and with more dirt aud -hair on him than would suffice to protec a horse who would step up to the front e, a - door and demand three kinds of ca half a pie, some black coffee and nilla ice-cream, and then steal eV movable thing in the yard, kill the d choke up the pump with sand, tra on the pansy bed, and girdle the che trees because he couldn't carry_ th away. Good clothes or bad, s they are never an infallible index the man that is in them. -Burling II okeye Home Topics. -House-cleaning is over by this ti and the great object of honsekeepers the next few months will be to k clean, with as little hard work as Bible, the "rooms now looking 'so fr from their spring whitewashing,sce ing and scrubbing. I have little pathy for the woman -who burdens her- self with a certain routine of work every week, and never stops to see if it is all necessary, or if there- May not be some easier mode -of accomplishing the same results ;• years ago, I read somewhere that "many a woman mar- tyrizes herself with needless work, and expects pity from those who would pre- fer her letting it alone ;" and -it is true.4 For instance, the old rule that _every house should be swept from garret to cellar every week, is a very good one, where there is a servant with nothing else to do n' but where the sweeping must be done by the house -mistress, she is wise if she shuts up allemusecl rooms and contents herself with brush- ing out the dustr•Which is all that can accumulate, ou some comparatively leisure day, if it be only once a month; again, where grease is . dropped, as in kitchen OLT 'dining -room, serubhing is necessary t but in most country houses water a,ncl a cloth take all the dust from up -stairs floors, andthe labor . of scrubbing is needless. ' Such lighten- • ing of labor is neither laziaess nor un -- tidiness. Then there is sweeping and dusting; many a time I have seen a perspiring woman raising clouds of dust by the vigorous use of her broom upon, perhaps, her parlor carpet; if there is a Pleatsaeat Bedrooms. There is nothing more ihdicative of refinement and genuiue culture in a family than bright, cheerful, and taste- fully decorated bed chambers. Taste- ful decorations do not 1 necessarily mum expense, aud it is possible to make a chamber look very prettY at a very small outlay. Indeed, in ' many instances, no °tithed! at all will be re- - quired. beyond. what would .be incurred under any circumstances. The wonleh of a family, especially, are apt to pass a good portion of their time in their bed- - chambers, and in some households the eleepingnipartments are used allke for sewing -rooms, sitting-rooms,and nurser- ies. It'is worth while to obtain all the hmocent pleasure we CELL1 ill this life, and there can be no doubt that life is . pleasanter if most of it e hours are passed in cheerful looking apartments. Mr. Willaby's Oysters. • It was rather latc yesterday morn- ing when Mr. Willaby got up, and. he was vaguely ceuseious of a recollection of things, but he didn't say much, aud tried to appear as cheerful as he knew how. Presently breakfast was an- nounced, and. the family took their places at the table; but Willaby was amazed as he sat staring -at six lit- tle round. weeden boxes of axle -crease ranged solemnly in front of his -plate.' "Where under the sun," he said, with • a puzzled intonation. "what in thunder -where did this axle -grease come from, and. what is it for?" "Oh! is it axe -grease ?" asked his wife, with charmin g • simplicity and in- ry np ry ,na to on me for ep OS- sh r - MEDICAL. T G. SCOTT, M. D. &c.,Physician, Surgeon and " • Accoucheur,Seaforth, Ont. (Mica and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door eaet of Presbyterian Church. 342 L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician,Sur- "1" j" • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Oftice and Residence, or,), Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. lAT A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., v • Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheus. Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. _Member of the Royal College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 485 NEW Youx.-J. G. Harper, and J. IL Goadby Agents. CHICAGO. -J. G. Orchard, Agent. CARRY THE NEWS ALONG. LET THE_ PEOPLE 0/the North, and the South, and the East, and the West, know that the GREAT GENUINE CHEAP SALE is Still Going on at STA.NLEY DAY'S Xoted Dr.!! Goods Store. Ladies should call and inspect our lovely Swiss Embroideries at 8 cents, 10 cents, 12-a- cents, 15 cents and 20 cents; G-ood. Lace Curtains, Vr yards long, 75 cents; Handsome Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, :0. ; Splendid Curtain Net, 15 cents and 20 cents; Ladies' and Children's Lisle Gloves, 5 cents; White Pock- ets, 3 cents; Ladies' White HOSE, 6 cents; Gents' Socks, 8 cents; Gents' Socks, very heavy, 10 cents; Ladies' Linen Collars, 5 cents; Silk Parasols, 50 -cents ; Black Lace Shawls, 50 cents; Clark's Elephant 6 -cord Machine Spools, 3 for 10 cents; Pins, Needles, Hair Pins, Shoe Blacking and Stove Polish, 3 cents; Print Shirtings, 10 cents; Factory Cottons- from 4 cents; White Cotton, frond 6 cents; and everything else as cheap in proportion. The Entire Summer Stock must be cleared out. BRANCHES. Barrie, Hamilton, Simeoe, Belleville, London, Stratford, Brantford, Liman, Strathroy, Chatham, Montreal, Seaforth, Collingwood, Orangeville, Thorold, Dundas, Ottawa, Toronto, Dunville, Paris, Walkerton, Galt, Peterboro, Windsor, Goderioh, St. Catharines, Woodstock, Guelph, . Sarnia. Commercial Credits issned for use in Europe, the East and Weet Indies, China, Japan, and South America. ' Sterling and American Exchatnge bought and Hold. „ Collections made on the most favorable terms. Interest allowed on.deposits. BANKERS. , New York -The American Exchange National Bank. 1 London, England -The Bank of Scotland. -aaTsa. HANOVER, M.D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seadorth. Oia.t. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdaye and Fridays. 496 MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradn • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Chargee reasonable. Horses examined as to sound- netss and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and cortificatee given liorsos bought and sold on commission. 424 hours from Mrs. Whitney's Seaforth. -fe-f DERBYSHIRE. L. D. 8., 'kJ" Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in new brick block, Main Street, MISCELLANEOUS. 1-1 A. McLEOD, Licen-zed Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. All orders left at James AleBride's•will receive prompt attention. If by etter address Seaforth P. O. 558 T P. BRINE, Licenced Anetioneer for the " • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex-- eosiroa Office will,be promptly attended to. draught through the room, a little us flies out, but the greater portion settles on the furniture, and, having settled., is again whisked into the air of the room SEAFORTH BRANCH. M. P. HAYES, - MANAGER. KIDD'S HARDWARE. In Tickings, Ducks, Shirtings, Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods,Lustres, Prints, Laces, Ribbons, Lawns, Muslins, Towellings, Towels, Cretons, Veilings, Frill- ings, Corsets, Hollands, Linens, &c. Remember the Address: STANLEY DAY'S NOTED CHEAP STORE, RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c J. FOSTLR'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. FENCING WIRE , AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Deacription Cheap. GREAT NATIONAL POLICY SALE -AT- ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH Teas, 4 pounds for $1; Teas, 3 pounds for $1; Teas, at 40 cents; Teas, at • cents. Teas at 60 cents; Teas at 75 cents -the very best value offering Town. Tobaccos, Smoking or Chewing. at all prices. Sugars at old Prices. 50 in Fruit Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit, Wine Biscuit and Soda Biscuit -best quality, and fresh and cheap. Raisins, Currants, Rice, Spices, Pickles and Canned Goods, at verylow figures. Brooms, Brushes, Butter Bowls, Ladles, Prints, &c., at a small advance on cost. Crockery and Glassware not advanced. Milk Pans, Cream Crocks, Flower Pots, &c. Fresh Garden Seeds, Tares, Top Onions, Carrot Seed, Early Peas, Early Beans, EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Pat up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JO1IN KIDD. 'CITE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. -Job Moses Periodical Pills--iThie invaluable medicine is unfailing. iu the epeCof all those p:inful and dangerous diseases to Wlicali the female constitn- e tion is subject. It moderates- ail excess and re- moves all obtructiona, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To married4dies, it is peculiaa by suited. It will, in a short tirdo, bring on the naonthly pe- riod with regularit: . These pills should not be taken by Females daring the filet three months of Pregiancy, as they are sure to bring on Mi - carriage, but at any other tinie they are safe. In v.11 cases of Nervous and Spinal AffectAons, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue. on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the painphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle contain.ing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, 3. S. Roberts, and R. Lumaden. 197 BARGAINS ALL ROUND AT ALLEN'S GROCERY. TRUSSES. TRUSSES.- TIZT_TBSS For the Radical Cure of RUP- TURE accurately Fitted by a Competent person at ROBERTS' DRUG STORE. All the Latest Improved Styles . on hand at Moderate Prices. OPPOSITE CARDNO'S HALL, - SEAFORTH. MANITOBA NO. 4. MR. GREENWAY Intends taking out ANOTHER PARTY to Man- itoba on the 15TH OF JULY NEXT) If the proper encouragement is given. THE GREAT SALE -TO- 7CT_A_Dr.roiv. 600D NEWS FOR ALL - SMITH, Laving purchased a Bankrupt Stock of 4111.LINERI( AND FA,NCY DE.Ie -GOODS, At o Great Sae) ifice, intends giving lila eastern - els tle bent fit. and will for the next thirty days s 11 at such prices as have never been known in Walton before. The Stook is all new and in good older, and must ami will be sohl,so come gong :mu get the Bargains while they heat G 1104.1E111E* And General Merchandise as formerly, at the i#owest Prices. All kinds of Farm ProCuce taken exchange frit. Goods. lit In. mber The Cheap Store., first door orth of Sarres Hotel, Walton. 603 F. 14:131TII. CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS LONGER This Party will start from Exeter and Cen- tralia. All communications to be addressed to the " REI LECTOR OFFICE," Exeter, where every information can be had. Circulars containing full information as to fare route, &a., will be issued in due time. Greenway tcways accompanies his parties out through the countr y free of charge. 602-1 AT 1?.00C31-1R/S'. ‘1 PANEL PICTURES? .041) GREAT has the dernand been for these pictures that Calder has been airoost compell- to work night and day (Sundays excepted) in order to keep pace with the increasing -demand for TRUE Photography, There is nothing super- fluous in this statement. Calder'a Policy is to turn out first-class work only, at a lair remuner- ative priee, and relies on the sound judgment of a just public as to the verdict, which, in the past, has not only enabled him to ccrnpete with but to 4tupass all petty rivals. Photography of all kinds got up in a manner sure to please. Old Pictures opied and Enlarged to, perfection. Remember he People's Popular Gallery, -with the Everle.st- Ing Stairs, opposite the Commercial. ANDREW CALDER, Seaforth. Al LONG WANT SUPPLIED. THE IMPROVED STAR WASH'ER. Piles of Dry Goods still left at Rogers'. Bargains in Every Department at _Rogers'. The Whole Stock to be Cleared Out at Rogers'. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, see the prices, at Rogers'. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, price them, at Rogers'. Alt' Buyers of Dry Goods Made Happy at Rogers'. R. THOMAS D. O'CONNOR, having pur- chased the sole rIght for the sale of this ex- cellent Washer in the To nships of-Thekersmith and MeKillop, is now prepared to fill all orders on the shortest notice and mast ereasonablo eerms. The Star Washer is one of the best in the market, and is pronounced by those who have heed it to be the acme of perfection, doing bet- ter work juices .time than any -other machine. Thoee who may wish to give the Star Washer a thorough test before purchasing can have tne opportunity of doing so. THOS. D. O'CONNOR, Seaforth, Ontario 1 N. B. -Two good smart, pushing meneranted t o act as Agents for the sale of this mosehiste. 600 INT Cria C 70 GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. A 8 THEY occupy the attention of all, these I"- hard times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hemlock, "not usually sold for inch," at the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot ;Fencing, at $7 50, forCash. All orders over 4,000 15 percent. discount. Call and see if yon don't got what le represented. Book Accounts over months will be charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks his numerous tustomere for their liberal support, and solicits a. coal/an- - ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. 438 Steam Stew Mille, MeKthop. THE GREAT SALE TO CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS LONG- ER AT JOHN ROGERS', SEAFORTH. TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. s. TROTT, SEAFORTH, HAS ranch pleasure in calling particular atten- tion bo his air tight BUTTER FIRKIN. This Ferkin is warranted air tight, and will consequently keep the butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub made on the old principle, saving move than the price of the tnb in enhanced value of butter. Samples always on hand. Common Tubs on hani as usual. For par- ticulars call at Factory or address S. TROTT, 8eatortb. N. B.--41oopering and repairing as usual. 600 SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL WAREROOIVIS. 0. C. WILLSON, PROPRIETOR, . HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS. THE NEW MASSEY REAPER AND MOWER A SPFCIALTY. These are new machines for this season, and Farmers would do well to exam- ine them before purchasing others. Sharp's Rake is so well and favorably known that it requires; no ooninaent. The Massey No. 13 Thistle 'Cutter Plows, the Oliver Chilled Plow, and a full stock of General Purpose Plows always on hand, and at greatly reduced prices; $40 Plows for $18; call and see them. All kinds of small Implements, such as Horse Hoes, &Olen, Iron Harrows, Land Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Churns, Washing Machines, Wringers, and every L belonging to the busimess. Orders taken for Paris and Woodbridge Threshing Machines. Sewing Machines -A full stock of the Florence, Wanzer F, and Raymond; which need. do coinnaent, as it is an established fact that they are the leading machines in the market. Sewing Machine Needles, Oils and Repairs. All kinds, of Plow Castings!, Points, and. other Repairs always on hand. 0-• 0. C. WILLSON Main Street) Seaforth. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Every Saturday from NEW 'YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderry) fail LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Gives - now, and ell parts of Europe. Fares as low u any other first-class line. Prepaid passage Certificates issued to persens -wishing to being out their friends. The Passenger aeCOrnmodation of Anchor Line Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and emu - fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 593 At the Post Offite,Seaferth -VT. 1\T_ "W" _S&.`T 80 , HAIR DRESSING - miss -STARK vtISHES to inform the Ladiesef Seaforth and v Vicinity that she in prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &ea, In the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate. and all orders punctually at- tended to. A call solicited. Residenee--Main Street, Seaforth. BUGGIES AND WAGGONS. THOSE sleighs are sold and we have now on -v- hand a good supply of buggies and waggons which we flatter ourselves are hard to beat either In style, materiel, workmanship, finish or price. Call and see them and satisfy yourselves. Old buggies taken in exehange, and secondhandones for sale. Horseshoeing and general job'ting at tended thpromptly,andsatisfaction guaranteed or no pay demanded. Come and get rigs at your own prices as we are bound tb -do a business. 598 JOHN WILLIAMS, Kloharn. INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING MA, - CHINES, CONVEYANCER, &cc!, SEAFORTH, ONT. -Mr. Watson is arecnt for the following first-class Insurance Companiee : INSU RANCE. FIRE.-Pbeenix and Northern, of London, England; Scottieh Imperial, of Glasgow, geotland - Reyal Canadian and National, of Montreal; British America, of Toronto; Canada Fire and Manuel: of Hamilton ; Gore District of Galt. LIFE AND ACCIDENT. -Traveller's, of Hartford. MONEY TO LOAN. -Mr. 'Watson be appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, of Toronto. The oldest and beet Loan Society in the Dominion. Money - advanced on all kinds of Real Estate SEWING MACH' N -The following manufacturing and family sewing machines DRAYAGE. THE undersigned having entered into co -part- -I' nership, are prepared to meet the wants of the Merchants of Seaforth and others who may require their.services as carriers to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most reasonable terms. Orders may be left at Joseph Brownell's Grocery store, 2,na willreceive prompt and careful attention. NORMAN BROWNELL. JOSEPH ABELL. Sear arth, Aug. 30, 1878. .660 PAINTING. IT TOWN BEGS to inform his friends• lora the public in general that be has commenced business as a Painter and Glazier on his own account, and is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him m the most satislactory manner and on zeasonetble terms. Orders left at the store a Messrs. John- son Brothers will receive prompt attention. 588-4 EL TOWN, Seaforth. N.B.-Whitewashing and papering a. epecialty. 11ENSALL. LORNE ROOMS, • /WE Rooms are now open for the summer trade Nel Stock of Millinery new RI14. fashionable. Flowers, Feathere, Ornaments, Berlin Wools Motto', &e. Drese and. Mantle Making a special! ity. Good fits gnaranteed. 598 SIA.R1 MITCHELL, Henson. SALESMEN WANTED - MO SELL NURSERY STOCK from our CAN- ADIAN NURSERIES, situated at Fonthill, Welland County, Ontario. Energetic, reliable men can obtain good pay and steady employ- ment. Apply, giving fereneett, to •Sz E IlN4;.' TO IV, 602-4 T onto; Ontari0 - - - TO THE PUBLIC. -Read what the people say •L' in regard to the Great Shoehooees Remedy And Pillfl. Levi Jones Markham, saya; "I had a very severe attack oibronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get my breath. sought for a quick remedy, and seeing Ora "Shoehonees Remedy " so highly recommended, I procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by tile time it was taken was entirely well, and have remairieel so, althoiagh I was moth exposed through the winter in travelling." Bev. F. B. Stra.tten, Dem- orestville, writes: "1 have found your le - medics partulails beneficial for liver 'complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and would. advise all similarly affected to give them a trial?' Sohn Finlayson, Athol, says: When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out. zotild not cure it, and had to return. home. It became better and afterwards mueh worse. I finally pur- ehateed a botele of tbe Remedy and a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I cenameneedel to improve, and before they were fanisked my foot was completely -cured. It is now 17 months since, but have had no farther ettack." Pries of the Remedy In pint bottles, $1. Pi11s,913-cente *box. 522 kept constantly on hand: Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A and the White. Maclaine oil, needles and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of all kinds repaired. 1 Mr. Watt= is agent for the Franie & Pope knitting machines. The best family knittiOg. machine inaimfaettired, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work. Mr. Watson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing bewteen New York and all poirita in Easope. main street,Beaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel. 1,,t1 4 J•1 :`[ 1 - --"1 e -1 _1 , [ la • . 7 ' .1! 14 ••=1 if 41 1.4 11