The Huron Expositor, 1879-06-20, Page 51 iTUNE 20, 1879. i were in excellent avid ' ,:sed their determinatioa L for success hi their fleeting Of the Tagil tt' rch, Goderich, a she tio'laiN tke into eonsideratiou the ees, the cougregation and t pay two ministers, it tiasui. in view of the present 4'4, tte of the country and, redete iembership of the Oh an0V83., it woulti be adviso expenses and retain but es. The meeting was ellarae*I. ie utmost harmony, past* agreeing exactly ea tic. a the best course, to /attn. circuMstances. Nstra ittliott [stem are to resige du Er' Month, and that ROY. -desired' that he should est red a candidate for the Yaeatit S_!set to annouuce the stidaa4 Mr- WM. Anderson, static* 4yostinaster at the Gies t. e township of Turnberm place early on. Monday f last _week. Mr. Anderselt 'sham on Sunday, and ap. ,e in his usual health, batoa ring morning he was taltatt ill with heart disease, awl very short time. He Ina ears of age, and was one eit 4ttlers in that part of ths He served all through tit, itinv and the siege of Luck - Highland company. At tat tgement he had: one of hi off. Ile had 'two medals received for acts of bravery the army. He was highly by ail with whom he canal t. and his sudden deatit nite a gloom over Glen An - V. J. White, of the Raeder. , ss agent at Exeter, was enough to lose a valuablit tonday of last week. In ths the animal was suddenly - [Ind, in spite of all the yeterita which could be brought it, died that evening. The Ls quite a pet, and So trained ress work that it was almost stole and is quite a loss to lla . Several newsPaper men ia te have met with misfortune; 'few weeks age Mr. John Et; he Mitclaell Advocate, lost * mrsi. On the same morning McLean, of THE EXPOSITO)4 able mare, and latterly aer, vas pitched fame his buggr ing. His right arm was 4 td badly bruised, and his m. -pelted him to remain in a week. He is now able to* mine:Aid his injured arm is int. Lily. witzer Armstrong, a young ing for Wm. Milne, at Ethee a severe accident on. Mom* last week. He was taking tingles from the saw roill to 1. and was driving down tits bridge near the grist mill, e of the shingles slipped off' t on to the horses, causing reak into a run at once. M. g tried to jump off to stop as he was sitting on Van hat ,gave way, his lea caught. , throwing him violently on to and drawing him across be ett loose. He was terribly Wont the face, the jaw being view. His head and th41 S neck were badly hurt. alder dislocated, and one kg 'sed. Mr. Heffernan, who was Lt Ills shop door, was the first r Mr. Armstrong's plight. Ile .!'e removed to Dr. -tIcKelvey40 .me he was attended to. Be ved to his sister's, 'iMrs. Q. He is a strong, able-bodied rwise the accident would pro - e been too much for him. on Tuesday afteis week, at about 5 o'clock, out in a room at the back qf shop of Messrs. Strips antters. A large stock Of s and other combustible Mr in the rootn at the the), [Led and burnt very rapidly, few minutes the back part ilding was a mass of flamti. insber of men were on di c.av minutes after the alarm ; and, there being a good mi- ter on hand, soon had the fire sit. and in three-quarters cif was all out. The house waS Oged, the back part, consist - lied -room, a kitchen, and thO re. the fire broke out, being :hopped down to save th. line. The up -stairs was ock dwelling by Mr. Stripp,anil e of the fire there was a pail twenty children in the build - them playing in the wor* , of whom escaped, though 1.1 frightened. A quantity d bedding and wearing ar destroyed. Total boss 11(4 The building was insured, id the furniture, stock, &ca , Perth Items. Milvertan cheese factory if. t from 20 to 25 large chee* t re. Coleman, butcher, of gki pped a car -load of butter f4a. ft market a few days ago. s grist naill is in course ot Kirkton. It will be twe and Lee high, and have four rune! rimitive Methodists of Setsi ave presented the rabbi!' n. J. E. Moore, with a, seed l;ible Christian Conference, seeion, have appeinted. Rots cee, to Mitchell ; Rev. J. illarton, and Rev. J. VealoP G. Roberts, of the Ar100; ,31.ind and Shade COmpauTi, I:tea-tine a branch lausinessig liich would give empl0ys/1014i men, - from Blaushard while wait.; ic.fen street sidewalk in Stf week, tripped on a 104'1 fell with such violence as tO .er elbow. the class lists of Toroutoi for 1879, just publislloaa at a number of former pu , Fs High School ha,ve the late artnual examinat101!-I .r, N. Queues, ist class las. McCallum, 1st English, and 2nd class JUNE 20, 1879. sisol_r""' • THE HURON EitiOS11.01. FrEts3h; 1st year—John Clark, itit class honors in mathematics a. d sntlish, and lst mathematical Bohol ship ; XV. Morphy, 1st class hone'in mathematics and. 2nd class iu cl s- sics. Charles Sweeton, of Wallac , bad the misfortune to lose a valuab e horse lately. During the night t e alissal jumped into a field of clove and ate to excess, from the effects .whjahriotodised. —Bkwoolen factory in Listow:1 was destroyed by fire on Monday 9t eat. A quantity of wool in the buil. teg was also burned. The loss to i Brooks will be over $10,000, there wa only $3,000 insurance. —air. Matthew Fauela, of Logan, wh left Mitchell for Manitoba a short tina ago, has returned kome perfectly dis gusted with the country. If a ma can at all live in Ontario, he advise hhn_Qtoltaya fewhe re. took advantage cf th cheap trip to Nebraska. Amongst th passengers were J. G. Tremain andwife John W. Gray and W. G. McFall, o Listowel • Jacob Walter, of the Town ship of Wallace ; and James Kearns, o Falmer5t8n. _D. D. Campbell, Esq.'has lease his fine flouring mill in Listow,e1, t Messrs. Craig, Hill & Guthrie, of Wash ington; New York, who are now busfl engaged. putting in a quantity of iam and improve(' machinery, and refittin the naill throughout. —Mr. W. H. Sparling, of St. Marys who was formerly a, printer in th Argus office, has graduated in arts a the Victoria University,with the degre of B. A. He is to be ordained as minister of the Methodist Church a the Kingston Conference. —The planting of willow and popla treet on the streets of St. Marys ha been prohibited by vote of the Tow Fathers. They are neither beautifu or cleanly (that is, the trees,) and the are therefore condemned. Maple an chestnut are COMDaended, —Work has been cornrcienced on th new High School building at Listowel The structure is to be completed by th 25th December next. In aid of th building fund the township of Elm has contributed $300; Wallace, $500 and it is expected that Moruingto will make a liberal contribution. —Mr Roger Saunders, of Stratford who has for many years been the popu Jar manager of the Thomson & Wil hams Works, is about to remove t Chicago, to take charge of and run, i company with Messrs. Walter Thom son, of Mitchell, and Henry Thomson of Seaforth, a new oatmeal mil ,wiaich the gentlemen are starting in tha city. —On Monday. of last week an ol lady belonging to ItIornington, name Mrs. G. Shaw was seriously injured As Mr. Shaw was proceeding to Mitch ell with a load of grain, his wife wh was with him, accidently fell from th waggon to the ground, sustaining som serious bruises. She was afterward, taken home, but slight hopes are enter tabled of her recovery. —At the commencement exercise of the University of Toronto lately held the degree of B. A. was conferred Mr. Thomas Corcoran, Stratford. Mr Corcoran took honors in logic, menta and moral philosophy, and civil polity In the third year Mr. James Ballan tyne, Stratford, took first-class honor in French, German, Italian, history an ethnology, and second-class in English Miscellaneous Items. .,—Capt. A. J. McKay, who lives 'tea 'Underwood in the township of B,f•uc has perhaps the largest and most thriv- ing apiary in this section of country. The product of his hives last yea amounted to about 4,500 pounds of ex- tellent honey. Mr. McKay imports his queens from Italy. —Thos. McCormick, of Colchester, and Alex Clarke, of North Ridge, Gos- field, are en route to Manitoba with their families. They are driving all the way with horses and wagons. Mr. Clark intends building a grist mill there, as at present the land he has taken is 80 miles from a mill. —A heavy thunder storm passed over Toronto 1a.st Sunday afternoon. Light- ning struck in several places, but no serious damage was done. Rain poured down in torrents for nearly four hours, submerging side -walks and crossing and, choking up culverts so that th water accumulated in large quantities and in some places flooded cellars. —The death, in Quebec,is announce of R. S. M. Bouchette, at the age of 7 years. Deceased was admitted to th Bar in 1826, and was for some time edi tor of the Liberal (Quebec, 1837.) Fro that time until his death he filled number of important appointments 1. connection with the customs and othe departments, under the Lower Canad Government. —Assad drowning accident occurrec at Fort Erie last week to a man name Frank Hooper, a moulder, about 40 years of age, residing in Buffalo. He, i company with a man named Mr. Kam, went fishing on the Niagara River, an while at anchor they both got to on end of the boat in which they were which caused it to 1111 and sink. Kaat was rescuedebut Hooper was drowned' ---eCertain members of the Berli4 Town Council own pigs. A few even- ings ago the Board of Health reported. that unhealthy smells emanated from piggeries, which were prejudicial tO the public health. Pig owners at the Council Board immediately rose as one man and said that the effluvium was exceedingly wholesome, and. it would be a pity to have the cause removed So miss the story. —The other night an Anaerican from the Western States, travelling through Canada to Portland, was swindled out of a25 by two sharpers at Union Sta- tion, Toronto. He was sitting in one of the cars when a gentleman ap- proached him and entered into a gen- eral conversation with him. On hear- ing from the American that he was go- ing to Portland, he said that was lucky, as he was bound. for the same place, and they might travel together. .Be- fore the train had. started a respectably dressed man came along and asked. him for $25, as payment was demanded im- mediately on a quantity of baggage he had going through. The other, after feeling his pockets and discovering that he had. not the change, asked the American to lend him that amount and he would return it on reaching Port- land.. The money was handed over to the man who had come into the car last, who left on receiving the money and. was soon followed. by his coin - OS p nion, who did not return. After a ti .e the Ameridan became alastmed a a informed Mr. Healey, Grand Trunk R ilway policeman, that he belzeyed hcj had been “beaten," and he recorded th circumstances of the case." Deteo- ti e Burrows, who was at the, etation, w s made acquainted with the f cts, but did not succeed in finding the sharpers. The American proceed d on hi S journey without either his Ile ac- quaintance or the $25. , 1 ---Last efonday afternoon, in ,Ham- ilton, a horse attached to a democrat wagon and tied to a post in front of the Bank of Hamilton slipped its bridle, and after running about a block daShed into the plate -glass window of Mr. John A. Clarke, druggist, corner of King and Hughson streets, smashing both glass fronts and cutting its head. and shoul- ders severely in the operation. , The affair caused quite a panic during the short time it lasted. —During the -week ending June 7th Mr. II. M. Johnston, of Haysyille, sent to the. Nith Valley Creamery 5,600 pounds of milk, the yield of 20, coWs— besides keeping enough milk for fa ily use. 280 pounds of milk from ach cow, which experienced. ch.ees men claim to be the largest average fori one week ever known in this section. The animals- are all common grade, an1 in the herd was one farrow cow. r —While Mr. McLean, whctdriveS for Mr. Thos. McCormick, confectioner, of London, was on his way from York to Caledonia en Friday last, he had his valise, containing three dollars, in pers, a life insurance policy, a qua of clothes, brushes, slippers and small articles, includiug a rev with a quantity of cartridges, s Mr. McLean did not miss the t until he reached Caledonia, wbe remembered passing five tramps o read, and upon telegraphing back tamed that the tramps had been wards seen carrying a valise similar to his. He, in company with a friend, immediately drove back on the oad, and on their way were joined by two 1 naore friends. They came Upon the thlieves, who were seated on the side of the road, apparently dividing the poil, twhen Mr. McLean picked up a hand- kerchief and. demanded 'the return of - his property, but one of the, yillians drew a revolver and ordered him to put dawn the handkerchief or he would shoot him. A constable tried to arrest one of the tramps, but they drew their revolvers and defied those around. The thheyes then ran away into the woods, arid up to the present have , escaped capturo, haying once been cornered, but af er exchanging shots they .got away ag in. The valise was afterwards found in. the rive', thmtramps in the mean - tithe having rigged. themselves in new clothes. 1—A young -lady, whose naMe is with- held, but who is of very attractive ap- pearance, arrived at London from Kin- cardine on Saturday night, and drew the attention of the watchman by her despairing attitude. On being ques- tianed she told a tale of grievous dis- tress, in brief as follows: She is seven- teen years of age; is thedaughter of a well-to-do farmer near E lkhart,In di an a, and has for several years been at a ladies' seminary at South Bend, in the same State. During the vacatioas, at horne,she frequently met a young farmer living near'whom she had known for a long period. Latterly they had become very intimate, he paying her great at- tention; and upon her return from her la t vacation he follokved her to the seriinary and induced her to marry hi . They met frequently for About twelve months, after which he left her, and during the seven mouths since that . , 0 ti e she had only received one letter fr m him, which was dated Kincardine, O t. Fearing to go home in her pre- sent condition without her husband. or proofs of her marriage, she had been, to ' Kincardine to find him, when she found tbat he had left there for sotne weeks, haying failed in business and left lie I trace behind him. She then cletermin- 1 ed to return as far as Detroit, and if she I could do nothing else she could throw cop- utity ther lyer, len. unk he the scer- fter- herself into the river and hide shame as well as end her troubl ever. On hearing this recital the stable took the girl to a hotel, be1com- irg responsible for her expenses. Iater a counts say the recreant husband is in E erson, Manitoba, and his nanhte is J Ines Kenney. her e for C011- -A Napanee paper gives aii ac oust o a row which occurred in a Met odist C urchin that district thus: A di pute a, ose between a Mr. and Mrs. 3eun aid their class leader, mr. St rnis; al out a singing school. Mutua re - eliminations were indulged in. until the a air culminated in charges and tejr charges, and a church trial. p rties were evidently to blame, a older to settle the matter amicabl- inister in charge ordered the tc another class; they refused to ply, and were afterwards susp fr m membership. An appeal t ken to the Quarterly Board, an a tion not being very decided, M rs. Benn considered. their right ored, and the latter undertook t cise them' by speaking in class. s interrupted, and the clas issed, aud an action was entere , Btoun- oth d in the mans CODI- laded was d.its and B re - 8 ex - She dis- be- re a magistrate against herfoit rbing dis- tt public worship. - The agis- t ate fouud'her guilty, and berm the a peal. After a patient investigittion, d hearing something like fort -two witnesses, the jury retired and. re ain.- e in deliberation about five biours, NS tenthey returned a verdict of "not gt ilty," and. the conviction was quashed With costs. The proceedings have been bout. sgraceful to both parties thrall I stead of Christian forbearanc and O nsicteration, a spirit of malic has b en manifested. A very little tact w ould have obviated the difficulti• aud s yea all this disgraceful exposur and expensive litigation. Births. • ILANNAH—in Hallett, on the 15th in t, the :dee of Me. William Hannah of a clang ter. SIPPEL—At Zurich, on the 8th instant, t e wife of Mr. P. Sippel of a drmghter. MEYER—Iu Wingham, on the 15th hist nt, the wife of H. W. C. Meyer, Berriste , of a daughter. Marriages. CHESNEY—DALLAS—At the Manse, Br eefield, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. T. G. Thom - on, Mr. Mr. Andrew Chesney, to Catherin eldest dairgliter of James Dallas, Esq., all of Tucker - smith. • MOODY—McLA.GHLA_N—At Watford, on the lEtth instant, by Rev. W. Ames, Mr. Bober1 Moody, formerly of Blyth, to Miss Elvira Me achlan, only daughter of James D. McLaohlan Esq. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jane 39, 1879. Fall Wheat 0 95 to 0 98 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel0 95 to 1 00 Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,perbash0 85 to 0 90 0 00 to 0 42 . 0 50 to 055 0 40 to 0 50 0 09 to 0 10 0 e9 to 0 09 2 35 to 250 8 40 to 900 0 05 to 0 05 Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... 400 Fallen Hides, per NO lbs 3 00 Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (retail)per barrel, Salt(wholesale)per barrel Potatoes per busher • Oatmea b rl Tallow, per llb. • Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs..... 8 50 to 5 00 Wool, per pound, • 0 22 to 0 24 Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter, No. J, Loose Eggs Flour, per 100 lbs Hay Hideo', per lb. 0 85 075 0 60 to 065 2(0 to 300 0 04 to 005 • CLINTON. June 19, 1879. 096 4 098 85 ee 088 0 85 et 040 V 50 g 0 60 0 00 4 050 0 10 g 0 13 0 60 ee 0 60 009 et 010 0 19 @ 022 8 00 t4 900 Fall.Wheat,per bushel.. SpringWheat, perbushel Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel Butter Potatoes Eggs "Wool Deaths. cfritravz—In MoFnlop, on the 15th instant, Mr: John Grieve, aged 26 years and 2 months. Hay,per ton, LIVERPOOL, June 17.s -Spring wheat, Os Od to 8s 4d; red. winter, Os Od to 98 5d; white, 8s 4d to 9s 2d; club, 9s ld to 98 5d; corn, 4s 2d; oats, 5s Gd; bar- ley, 5s 3d; peas, 6s Od ; pork, 478 Od ; beef, 758 Gd; cheese, 37s 6d. TORONTO, June 18.—Fall wheat, $0.95 to $1.01 ; spring, 90c to 98;$oats, 38c to 40c.; pea,s,00c to 65c; barley, 500 to56c ; baled hay, per ton, $8 to 13;$wool, 21c to butter, 10 cents to 13 cents; cheese,8i cents to 9 cents. LONDON, June 19.—Diehl and Tread- well, $1.70 to $1.75 per 100 lbs.; red fall, $1.68 to 1.72;$spring, $1.35 to $1.67; oats, $1.17 to $1.20 ; peas, 85c to $1.00; dairy cheese, 5-tc to 6c ; factory, 5-.1- to Go; barley, 80c to $1.25; eggs, 121c; butter, 10c to 14c; wool, 25c. • Cheese Markets. WOODSTOCK, June 14.—The market to -day was very dull, owing to the downward tendency of the cable. Some twenty factories were represented, and the following factories registered. on the Board: Strathallan Union, 550 boxes, last half of May, sold on p. t. East Zorra and Blandford, 700 boxes, last half of May. Maple Grove, 75 boxes, last six days of May. Soho,. 60 boxes, last ten ds!ys of May. Dunn's, 250 boxes, last ten days of May. Braemar, 115 boxes, last half of May. Clear Creek, 125 boxes, last half of May. Duncan's, 450 boxes, last half of May. Buyers present—Messrs. Gillard, Pod- more, Slawson, and Finly. John Pod. - more shipped to -day about 400 boxes, at 6ic. Live Stock Markets. MOXTREAL, June 17, 1879.—There was a fair demand this morning for cattle for shipment, and higher prices were paid-; transactions with butchers were small. Prices ranged from 41c to 5ic per pound. Wm. Head sold three fine cattle at 54c, and one bull and one steer at 5e per lb. Ritchings & Bryant sold two loads of superior cattle at $76 per head. George Patterson had three car- loads (54 head) of cattle, three fine horses, and 24 hogs, and reports: Sold 44 cattle at 5ic per lb, or about $75 per head. R. J. Hopperbought 14 head at $43, and disposed of a number at from 4i -c to 5ic per Re Last week J. C. Johnson, of Toronto, shipped via Point St. Charles, 20 earloads, and A. Reeves, from Don, 17 ca.rloa,ds of eattle. Be- sides these, 58 other cars of cattle ar- rived at Point St. Charles; also 13 cars of hogs and 11 cars of sheep. R. J. Hopper sold 59 hogs at from 4ic to 50 per lb, live weight, and Wm.. Head sold. 18 at 5c. The Gem Jar at WILSON cg.: YOUNG'S. Local Notices. NEW PRUNES, Cheapest in Town, at ALLEN'S. GTOSSYS. 599 Ttaterr SEED at Cost, to clear out -lot, itt Aenee's Grocery. 599 SEE THE SOAP, 25 barsfor $1 at ROSE'S Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and. Currants at ROSE'S Grocery. 571 THE SEED STORE.—Any evaantity of good Early Rose potatoes for seed at W.11. Mc- DOUGALL & CO's. Sign of thc Mtunoth Turnip Main Street Seaforth. 597 THE EXTRAORDINARY Large Sales of ordered clothing at Wan 'Mtn & Co.'s prove beyond itrgument, that they sell the cheapest and make the best fitting clothes in Town. Please take note of this. 595 F. G. SPA.RLING, having d.etermined to go out of business, offers his -whole stock at cost. Buyers would do well to call and .see for them- selves. This is no humbug. Must be cleared out at once. F. G. SPARLING. 588 PIQUES,PIQUES, Pesuas.—Bargains Ex- traordinary. WM. HILL & CO. have just received another shipment of White Pignes, which they will clear out at the old figure 10 cents per yard These goods are deciedly• the cheapest in Seaforth. 58 D. D. ROSE, Family. Grocei, Seaforth, invites the attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Groceries. His Stock is constantly turning, and is always fresh. His prices are the lowest—it will pay you to call. Examine his goods end compare prices. 574 Great Western Railway. Trains leave Brussels station, lidrth and south &l3 under: \ GOING NORTH. GOING SOIITH. Mixed 10:25 A. M Mai/ .6:15 A.. M. Accom. 9-08 P. M Aceorn 12.15 A.1.1 Mail..........2:58 P. M. . Mixed..,.....7:35 P. M Grand Trunk Railway. . Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton follows : GOING WEST— SEAF011711. Express 3-10 P. M. Express 8 52 P. M. Mixed Train......5:85 A. M. Train.....11:35. A. M. GOING FAST— SEA...FORTH. Express...8.00 A. M. Express Train.. .12:58 P. M. Mixed Train..... e4:15 P. M. Mixed Train.....10:27 A. M. Stations as CLINTON. 8:30 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 6:08 A. M. 12:35 P. M. CLINTON. 7:37 A.. M. 12:85 P. M. 8:80 P. M. 9:55 A. M. PERSONAL. BROADFOOT-& BOX, SEAFORTII, U N-RERTAKE O. RSI &O.FUNER1ALS ATTENDED ON- THE 'HORTE67 NOTICE. COFF HE TRU NS AND SH1OUDS ALWAYS ON HIND. ARSE FOR III RE. SES. TRUSES. T.TSS_WS For th Radical Cure 41 RUP- TURE accurately Fitt4d by a Compe ent person at ROBE TS' DRUG- tTORE. All th on h Latest Improved Styles nd at Moderate Prices. OPPO ITE CARDNO'S HALL; SEAFORTH. , GREAT CREDIT AUCTION. SALE REL ESTATE Wit Stones and Vacant Lote,,in the VILL GE OF BRUSSELS, —ON— SAT RDAY, JUNE 28m EDMS—THREE YEARS. T 1 OMAS LEADBEATER, Proprietor. C. R. COOPER„ Auctioneer. I 602 MA ITOBA NO. 4. R. aREENWAY -I ntends taking out ANOTHER PARTY to Man- itoba on the 15T11OF JULY NEXT, If t e proper encouragement is -given. This Pa ty will kart from Exeter and Cen- tralia. Al communications to be addressed to the " BF LECTOR OFFICE," Exeter, where every info mation can be had. Circula s containing' full information as to fare, route , &e., will be issued in due: time. i Mr. Gre nway a ways accompanies his parties cart throu h the country free of charge. 6024 CA ON 33 under i ug their his very g them. M ble for th e nce in th iromediat ligation s and been on the d the COTS son for people of treat on attend his Hall, en ti Humorist all, and b Mechanic .1 D OF' THANKS. ALF of the Seaforth Fire Brigade the igned take this opportnnity of express- incere thanke to Mr. J. 131 Watson for ntlernanly and generous conduct with . Watson, finding•that it *as impossi- Committee to get even it Ismail audi- o hall on the 5th, 12th and 15th insts., ly releaaed the Brigade fiom any ob- o him, though he t ad lose much time t great expense in comin to Seaferth tee just mentioned. In eonclneion, ittee. while again thanki g Mr. Wat- ie generosity with the 1hemen and 'eaforth and for his fre intellectual onde.y last, we would ale urge all to master effort to -night, at Cardno's led" Quarter Hours With the Noted ." The lecture will gratify and satisfy for thetencfit of Mr. Vete= and the ' Institute. SIGNED James A. Cline, William Henderson, David Cry, toad II. Wtason, 1 ommittee. 602-1 «P4JEL PICTURES." sO GRE T has the demand been for these pictur s that Calder has been almost compell- ed to wor night end day (Sundays excepted) in order to keep pace with the increasing demand for TREE 1hOtOgraphy. %here is nothing super- fluous in this statement. Calder's Policy is to tern out rat -class work only, at a fair remuner- ative pric , and relies on the sound judgment of a just pubic as to the verclibt, whieh, in the past, has not only enabled hini to ocmpete with but to surpass a 1 petty rivals. Photography of all kinds got up in manner sure to please. Old Pictures Copied anI Enlarged to perfection. Remember the Peopl 's Popular Gallery, with the Everlase. ing Stairs opposite the Commercial. ANDREW CALDER, Seaforth. UCTION SALE Of Ho sehold Furniture in the illage of Brueefleld. jit. J. P. BRINE has been inetrneted by -2- MR JAMES MILLER to sell by Pablie Auction, in the premises of the proprietor, at Brucefiel , on WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd, 1879, the folk mg property, viz.: One book case, 1 sofa, 2 b dsteads, 1 cane bottom rocker, 5 cane bottom e airs 6 common chairs, 5 tables, 1 cupboard, 8 stoves, 1 eight-day clock—first-class, 1 sewing s achine 1 double barreled shot gun, 1 clothes ringer, 1 wheelbarrow, a number of gardener' tools, and a variety of other articles too num eons to mention ; alto a quantity of cloths, t 'cede, &a., will be sold at the same time. Sale to c •mmenee at 2 o'clock P-. M. sharp. JAKER. MILLER, Proprietor. J. P. BE E, Auctioneer. 602-2 .SAL , 1 Ilig OAEDERS.—A number of Boarders can he I eccemmodated with board, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply to 3. M. CALDWELL, (only 1 man and wife), G-oderich Street, Seaforth. 570 IMPORTANT NOTICES. NT 0 TICE.—The Council of the Corporation of 'LI the County of Huron, will meet in the Court Ho use in the Town of Goderieh, on Monday the 16th of Jnne next. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. 599-2 — NI OTICE.—All parties indebted to the Estate -LI of the late Simon Powell are requested to pay the same forthwith to the undersigned, or they shall be handed into the Court for collection. T. T. COLEMAN and A. G. VANEGMOND, Ex- ecutors. 561 IISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE -Li —The firm of Hickson & Robertson, Butter Dealer s, &c., of Seaforth, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, E. Hickson retiring and W. S. Robertson continuing the business. All accounts ank notes due the said firm are payable to W. S. Robertson, end all liabilities (if any) to be paid by ihim. Signed—E. HICKSON, W. S. ROB- ERTSON. Witness—W. H. BLEASDELL. Sea - forth, April 7,1879. 592 -SeS SMEN WANTED TO SE 1 L NUZSERY STOCK from our CAN - AD NURSERIES, situated at Fonthill, Welland County, Ontario. Energetic, reliable men can obtain good pay and steady employ- ment. A ply, giving references, to S ONE ilk WELLINEZTON, 602-4 Toronto, Ontario — LEGAL NOTICE. --- - • THE D VISION COURT.—The office of the Seco*d Division Court will be open daily from half -past one to lour o'clock P. M. Office. in my BI icle, over the store of Johnston Bro. L. MEYE , Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 JOHN L CRTE, General Loan and Real Estate Is Agee , Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. oney loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgagee bought and sold. Matured mortgage paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farms and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's n w bre* block, Brussels, Ont. 615 FB SALE OR TO LET. p00M, TO *FT.—Three Front Booms to let in my bloek, overldessre. Johnson Brothers' Hardwar Store. Apply to L. ME YIER , Divenon Court Office, Seaforth. 592 R00MS1 TO LET.—Three rooms to let over A. G. Ault's Grocery store, suitable for dress - ma king it rartmente or for dwelling rooms with front and rear entrance. Apply to G. AULT. Peoprieto . 5.90 RARE HANCE.—Photograph Rooms to Let on st floor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position entral. Also, three or fonr Rooms on the fiat a ove, suitable for a dwel mg. Posses- sion let emery, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- STED, b rrister, on the premises, r to ROBT. SCOTT, GE -Mop. 1 5734f. V ARM ship OAS mar miles fr sion, an are 38 a looking well; plied wi of feed state of TLE, P TO RENT.—Ie situated in the Town- Hullett, half way between the prosper- et•towns of Seaforth and Clinton, 1i m the Huron Road, on the 8rd conces- cOnvenient to school honse ,&c. There res plowed, and 6 acres of fall wheat rosperons; good bearing orchard and e buildings, in good repair; wall sup - h good water; there is a good quantity the premises ; the land is in SI good ultivation. Ipply to FRANCIS KET- oprietor, Let 7, Con. 8. Huilett. 1/38-4.i 1\TONST Is Ti TIME1 DUNCAN 84. DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. We are now &Zang Goods Cheaper Than Ever. Our Stock is Large and Well Assorted. The Goods are all New. Just received, Special Lines baught Very Cheap, which, we are Selling at about half their reg- ular price. COSTUME LINEN, CHECKED LINEN, SNOWFLAKE LINEN Stri ed Costume Cloths in -Browns and Blues, White Piques in one, two, three and four eord. White Marseilles. PWNTS, BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS FOR SUMMER Ladies' White Skirts, Embroidered and Tucked, at 75e. to $1.50. WE HAVE A JOB LOT OF FRENCH WOVE CORSETS, AT 50 CENTS. These Goods are value for $1.00. 200 Pieces Sewed Edgings, Ladies' "White and Ties, Parasols from 30 Cents up. BLACK GOODS. MOURNING G BLACK Colored Net ODS. LOM OR FOUND. flOG LOST—LosIeeitt Seaforth on the let a Awn, a Collie Peg, answezing to the mime of Ceptain. 'Reis two \tars old, black on body wi b brown nose and lees, and rough elan. Any pe son returning the lenient& th the undersbentx1 wi1 be suitably rewarded. end any person hare bo" leg him after this will be yr esecuted as the la directs.—JOHN COWe McRillop, Sea- le ESTRAY STOOL- VSTRAY COLT.—Came into the eneloeure of -1-4 the enbscriber' on jtine let, a dark bay Colt, on year old, withwhite star on forehead. The ow ler is requested to prove property, pay expert - ,s es and take it away. SIMON BAIX)UR, North TRAY 4AY li.0013L*TW.—"Siltraayyed from the premise Es h—al 601 3 - - of the undersigned, Lot 18, Cort. -9; Stanley, on r about the 1st of may, a brown two year old entire Celt ; had a, white star on forehead an was sightly Rcznari Dosed. Any person giy ng such information as will lead to his ry will be suitably rewarded. HENRY. DO VSON, Jr., Proprietor, Varna P. 0. 60114 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. pASTIME.—Good pasture; plenty of water and,shade '• fences in good order; cattle and hoises taken. R. BAMFORD, Stapleton Silt WOrkS. 802-6 ie• BONG TOP BUGGY FOR SALE.--Ileavy Coveicd Bugg.% ; Leather top; 'wheels entire- ew ; very suitable for marketing; may be se n at the Grand Trunk freight shed. Chep' f oil cash. C. CLARKSON. 601 Cf/AR POSTS FOR SALE.—For Saler= Lot 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile from Brae- selS, any quantity of tedar posts, either ent or by the acre. Apply to ALEX. R013ERTSONe opiosite Leyden's Hotel, McKillop, .567 XL—L-1AT J. S. ROBERTS' DRUG- STORE, v-1 Seaforth for the Great Sierra Nevada 13mok- in Compound, a positive cnre for Catarrh, and. GOODShi qually efficacious in all Bronchial Affections. . Th4e worst cases of Asthma, Phthsie andeell m t. M. L. SMITH, Arkona, Ont., General Ag3nt. For sale by all druggists,. Price, 75 Di eases of the Lungs yield readily to tie:so:752st- ce ts a box. Our Mousning Department never was SO well ass ated. Our prices for. all kinds of Black Goods never we e so low. The Di -cent Black Lustre is a bargain. The 20 cent Black Lustre shines hke sil The 25 cent Black Lustre is double finish, The 30 cent Black Lustre is just woiaderf We have Black Lustre at 35 cents, 40 cen We have Black Iron Grenadines. Our Blakk Thibet Cloths are good colors 35 cents a yard. Our English Paramattas at 35 cents, 40 c fine lend well finished. Our French Cashmeres (all who]) at 75 are the best finished and the eheapest them.. Our Blaek Persian Cords, our Black Ru Clothe- are all worthy of inspection. Our Black Capes are rain proof and indes Any Line in Mourning Goods can be boug ID TT 1T 0:A.1\T 8z fast dye, and -very wide.. 1 at the price. s, 50 cents, and 60 cents:. nd wide widths, at 30 cents and nts, 50 cents and 60 cents are cents, 85 cents, 90 cents and $1 goods in this County—examine sel Cords, our Black Empress ructible, and. fast dye. t at 1\TCA_LT'S. 'SPECIAL NOTICE TO GREAT BARGAINS IN AT 1-10..bli- 13IR., EVERYBODY. We have an unusually Large Stoek of all kinds clear the whole stock out, we h RESS GOODS pNSTIMAGE.—Good fresh pasturage for Cate ▪ tle and Horses,100 acres,on and aftsrthe24t11 of Tay. Plenty of good ermine water,on 2nd Con.H. R. S.. Teckeremith. TERMS.—ForEfortne$2 per mo th ; for the season, $1.75 per month. Cat- tle —$1.50 per month; or $1.25 per month by th season, Payment to be made before the St ck is lin:toyed. Owners responsible for soca- . de ts or strays. Applications must be =laciest on e, as only a limited number will be taken. Ap ly-to JOHN THORP. 595 • STOCK FOR SERVICE, 11ULL FOR SERVICE.—Thwill SERVICE.—The undersigned wi keep der bag the present aeaeon, on Lot 14, Co,n. 2, McKillop, a thoroughbred Durham of very line pteligree. Teems, 75 cents, pay- able ef the time of service, withlhe privilege Of retinrning. If not paid at the time of service 25 cents extre will be chargrd. FRANCIS CAR - LIN. 601.3 ••••• ULLETT FARMERS IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. ---The undersigned will keep for the improvement of stock this' Beale= on his fen:en, Lot No. 2, Concession 8, Hullett, 0. Thor- oughbr ea Durham 13u11, bred by 'Hobert BTOW119 Esq., f Grey. Ierms.-75 cents per cow, pay- ab/e atethe time of service, with the privilege of re - twining if necessary. ROBT. MeelICHAEL. 593 VABMERS, IMPROVE YOUR STOCK.—The undei signed intends keeping his Thorough- bred Bull for another season, for the improve- ment of stock, on Lot 27, Con. 2, Fanners will do well to pan onize bim in -view of raising btock for the English Market. His get of calves show -e that blood will tell. My terms are only one dollar these hard times. Certificate of Regietered Pedigree, No. 1,384, Wonderful, bred. by James 91:--y, Ingersoll, Oxford County, got by Sir Johnny (700) Registex-d, dam Daundie b3 P SSW -Ent 1540), vend dem Matilda by Young England (822, 0231), great grand dam Red Bose, irrlported, by Bait n, of Kidedale, (11,156), dant Red Rose, see herd book. RODERICK GRAY, MiKillop. 591-18 WANTED. CLIRL WANTED. — Wanted, a good Ser -sant " Girl for general housework. Wages $6 per of Dress Goods, and.in order to: month. Apply to MRS. M. Y. McLEAN, sea- ve determined fora. 602 COMMENCING ON FRIDA 20TH OF JUNE And. Continuing for two weeka, to offer Dress oods at Prices never before attempted in Seafo th. Also a Few Ladies' Linen, Suiti, Linen Costumes, Linen Ulsters, Linen Circulars. and Summer Jackets to hare the same fate. Come, See, and be Convinced that. we are fulfiuuiig all we say. HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CH AP CASH STORE, CARDNUS BLOCK, SEAFORTH. CARRY THE NEWS ALONG. LET THE PEOPLE 0 ,the North, and the South, and the East, and, the West, know that the GREAT GENUINE CHEAP SALE is Still Going on..at STA,NLEY DAY'S Noted Dry Goods Stare. T OUSE WA:1TED TO PURCHASE — Cheap -2 for Cash. A comfortable cottage, containing 4 or more rooms, situated in Egroondville. Ad- deciss, stating price, &c., R. IRWIN, Clinton. 602 °nit' TiO CONTRACTORSA-Sealed Tenders will be -I- received by the School Board of Tuckersraith up till the 28th of Jane, ior the following work, vile: For re fhingling School Houses Nos. 1, 2, and 6; re -painting No. I.; re.flooring eio. 9 with maple flooring, and 82 new seate for the The following Trustees will show the iwok, viz.: No. 1, John Wood; No. 2, John Dig; No. 9, James McEwing; No. 6, the sub- s dliber. GEORGE SPROAT, Secretary Public ql:ool Board, Tuckersmith. 6014 TEACITFIRS WANTED. — Wanted, a Male Teacher, holoia g a third-elass certificate, for seataa sectiontio. 10 to commence (laths at • the end of vacation- Also a Female Assistant Teacher, for School ND. 8, Egmondville, holding a third- class certificate; duties to commence the end of vacation. Applications will be receiv- ed np to the 28th day of June, and can be left with -the eabeeriber or any of the Trustees. GEORGE 8PROAT, Seaforth P. 9., Secretary Tnekerereith Public School Board. 601-3 Ladies should call and inspect our lovely Swiss Embroideries at 8 cents, 10 cents, 12a. cents, 15 cents and 20 cents; Good Lace Curtains, 2-i yards long, 75 cents ; Handsome Lake Curtains, 3 yards long, $1; Splendid Curtain Net, 15 cents and 20 cents; Ladies' and Children's Lisle Gloves, 5 cents ; White Pock- ets,13 cents ; Ladies' White Hose, 6 cents; Gents' Socks, 8 cents; Gents' Socks, very heavy, 10 cents; Ladies' Linen Collars, 5 cents; Silk Parasols, 50 cents; Breakfast Shawls, 50 emits'Clark's Elephant 6 -cord Machine Spools, a for 10 cents; :Pins, Needles, Hair Pins, Shoe Blackina°and Stove Pohsh, 3 cerits ; Print Shirtings, 10 cents; Faetory Shirtings, from4 cents; White Cotton, from 6 cents; and everything else as cheap in proportion. The Entire Summer Stock must ba cleared out. In Tickings, Ducks, Shirtings, Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods, Lustres, Prints,. Lace, Ribbons, Lawne, Mnslins, Towelling, Towels, Cretons, 'Veilings, Frill- ings, Corsets, Hollands, Linens, &c. Remember the Address: , STANLEY DAY'S NOTED CHEAP STORE, FOSTLR'S BLOCK, -SEAFORTH. TO THE FARMERS. NOTICE.—Sealed Tenders will be re ceived by the Clerks of the Counties of Larubten and H iron, on behalf of the Corporations of the said. Co unties, until noon on Weenesday, the 25th a J-une neat, for Rebuilding the Grand Bend Bridge. Plans and F. pecificatiens may be seen at the oilicea of the Clerks of the said -Counties, and also at ler. onside's, Grand Bend. Sure- ties will be required for the completion of the contract. The lowest or any tender not neees- saily accoited. PETER ADAMSON, Clerk of the County of Huron. Goderich, June 7th„ 601-2 18'9. _ . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 011 SALE.—For Sale, part of Lot 17, Conces- sion 7, Hay, containing 25 acres, 4 of whicb arel cleared and fenced. The balance is well tins- beed, of which a zonsidexable portion is cedar and pine. Apply to JOSEPH RIFE, Hills Green P.O. 6.02x4 011 SALE.—On the 8rd coneession of MeNil- ,! lop, one mile from Seafortle over an acre of L and, onl+kieh is situated a eoinfortahla frame co etage, with necessary outbuildings, and good fu II hearing orchard a choice fruit trees. Ihe wil ole is well fenped and under high enitivation, Al ply to W. MOORE, at the MechaniesInstitote, Seeforth. 5994 FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 8, c,onteserion 7, Hullett, zontaining.50 -acres, 46 of which • are cleared, the balance hardwood. A good bear- ing orchard, frame house, barnsandsheelse,plenty of' water, and on it good gravel road leading merkets. Within half a mile of the lahlge ef Kinbu.rn. Will be sold theap,apply on thePremisets or to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 597x8 FARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 17, eoncession 8, Stanley, 100 acres 80 cleared, well fenced and in. a good state of Cultivation, the balance well timbered with maple. Frame hoeee barn and sheds. Five acres or good bearing orchard., and two never failing wells. Isen eood crweal road. within 2 miles of Varna, 6 reailealrorn Bruce- ld station, Great WesternRai1wayea.nd12nailes iron Seaforth and Clinton. For ftrether particu- lars apply to ty proprietor on the nremisee,or to RAPERS AND MOWERS REPAIRED598 Venire P. O. HN REDMOND. FARM FOR SALE.—For Sala, Lot 26, Con.% , Trutersmith, containing 100 acres of exeellent AT THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH land, abcut 70 of which are cleared. and a tonsid- erla.ble part of it well tinderdisituade the halence 1 good hai�wood bush; frave house, frame barn, , well; eonverderet ha A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT stable Drcherdgood d s ools, chnrehes, &e. le situateabout 6 Mile.% THE TIMES. TERMS CASH. fr Seaforth and 1 mile teem Brucefield station, ▪ PROPRIETOR. or a good gravel thad. For Inither particulars apply to the proprietor on the prianises, or if by J. S. RUNOIMAN, - letter to Brucefield P. 0. THOMAS 3113NRO, Thckerstuith. 4501 1\T 111 C All Accounts due the Goderich, Foundry and Manufacturiug Com- pany, Limited, mult be promptly settled to avoid costs. No persons are authorized to receive payments or make settlements on behalf of the Ccmipany except the undersigned. HORACE HORTON, President. JOHN CHRISTIAN, Secretary. GODERICH, June 13th, 1879. ARM DOR SALE—For Sale, Lot 22, Cents, Township of Tnekersmith, L. R. S. eonteen- ing 100 acres, about 70 of which are ellered and in a good state of eultivation ; the balance is good hardwood. bnela ; good frame house, barn and stable; excellent water on the premises ; well fenced ; good young orchard, and every eonvelii- epics appertaining to a farm. Is situated.ohout 7 nines from seaorta,24 from. Kipper), and 3front Brneetield, on the London Huron wad Bruce Railway. Tire land is first -Class elay loam. Fur fnrther particulars apply to the proprietor on the Premises or if by letter to P. O., WLFS kcuiLLAN.