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The Huron Expositor, 1879-05-30, Page 7
MAY 30, 1:89.; IR NEW TAR IT POSSIBLY EFF4CT TIM SP AND SUMMER STOCK oi, OTS AN ,S110 I am jest opening, as they were all mf prise foie its all advent. My Factory Oat E LATEST sTYLES :he different lines of Laches', Giants' Bo firth isarimplp yoc Simmense tock of Children's ly en bought , All of taliie BOTTOM and whit is of more importance i eral public is, that they will be sold at t Figures-, which I thine; any person, aftet ing the goods and ascertaining the pdo, at. STOIVI DEPARTMENT. F ust tin Department of my business, mitt witl be conducted on the prifieipte pry enstoraers the very best possible v ett ,r money, and as I bought heavy in MPORTED STOCK illation of the rime in prieez-iwhioh rinse. lace, I will be able to sell at old price.%, ring i eatlq Executed on the Shortest Possible < once. I -sincere thanks far past patronage, and% �tzpC of obtaining a liberal share iu; trig, remain, &e., THOMAS COVENTRY, ,the Mammath Boot, St -ark's Block, Ea 6 dsin Street, Seaforth. MELLIS, KIPPED AGAIN ON BAND, 1YLHL THE FARMERS' WANTS. - r As MELT IS has now on hand a steak, coteh Diamond Harrows, which for wort ,a awl price defies all comers. Also Plow ar g Plows, manufactarod by Monroe, oto. --- b, which speak for themselves. In 'feet ;ll that is wanted in farming, ORSE-SKOEI G d to as usual, with strict attention tp Mat leis patrons. T. Nellie' horse shoeing ...ter itself, anal in consequence all work him in this line is hall in high estlm%. he public. IR ERS.FARMERS !:L r ws 3{t your Plows and harrows Bepaire$ 3lellis, Kippen—he makes them 4rork aim. Repairing of e..11 l iucls attended to ahcortest notice, and satisfaction guaran. [rive zee a trial and be convinced. AS ' ELLIS takes this opporteni6y of -. king his many customers and the p'ibU% -al for the very liberal support they lima - him with in the past, and hypes that ay :lad work and by close attention to bust - merit their coufl..lence in the future, ea. rith as many new ones as may wish to trial. caber the Stand; and come when yore will always fled me reaely tor bnsiuess. lOMA8 MELLIS, Maven, - -For Sale, a good cow—will calve about of 't= ay. 589 1FORTII PLANING MILL, DOR Alla BLIND FACTORY bsctiberbegs leave to thank l;iauuaneralt - aers for the liberal patronage extendedte i commencing business in Seathrthesnd. t he may be favored with a eontinuaiser uc intending to build wortld do well to givtt- 1,as: he will centilitre to keep on handl •.k of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, - S S]{ 1�' RS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, HINGLES, LATH, ETC. confident of giving satisfaetiontatht favour him with their patronage,as neat clee 'sworkmen areemployed. ilex attention paid to Custom manias - JOHN H. BROADFOOT. LEER FOR SAL'. ills. First Quality, 86 per M. Phos .. from $8.. 3II,LS CUT TO ORDER, Length, from 10 to 501 Feet, at the - 7 MILL, IN McKIL.LOP.: - The Subscriber has also a - ER YARD IN SEAFORTH, 1 kinds of Lumber can be obtained: THOMAS DO WNEL LIR DRESSING., MISS STARK 6S to inform the Lad4es of Seaforth ant - city that she ei prepared to make tip CIES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &O.e e Latest Feehion fro -in Combings. - kloderate, and all orders punetaallys%• A call solicited. - Residence—'ata afartli. AND MANTLE MAKIN MISS FORBES, f Stratford, begs to announce to tht ra of Seaforth and vicinity that she hat Fashil,nab!e Dress and Mantlel4lalein; hent in Seaforth. Rooms over£hotna1 y Geode Store—Entrance by Mecham nte. Having a perfect knowledge of rye, she 'Japes to be favored with dins - 'nage, and guarantees to give eri.tirt fro. Cutting at•ti Fitting a Seeoit4ltg 'prentices wanted—apply immediately. MI85 FORBES. IITf THONLls' EXCELSIOR fCLEOTB16 WORTH f ti TML• s ITS WEIGHT - tin cannot stand where it Is used. Ie tet medicine ever made. One dose aures are throat. -One bottle has cured bran. fay cents' worth has cured an old stand It poeitivelv aures catarrh, asthma* _ Fifty cents' worth has cured crielr ig *.t1 the same quantity lame back' of fr Lig. The following are extraotairont n nanny lettere that have been receiv Int parts of Canada, whi,;`t, we t1#inhr- 'dea�•Ltly satisfy the most skeptical: T•• Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send roe 6 d4Zea .s' Eels chit: Oil, have sold all I had $rat - ant more new; its cures are truly von` 14icGuirc,, t,f Frani lire write.%"'- ' the agent left, it acts like a charm-' at first, but takes splendid now." -° r.a, writes, " Please forward 6 dozes - •iectric Oil, I am nearly out, notes - rt is highly recommended by thoseWhO. Lt.' J. Bedford, Thamesville, wiltele 4c o.uce a fan tl:er supply of Ecle trio • only one bottle left. I never saw an f, well and give such general satisfty l rte%n psora, Woodward, writes, "Si ncrre Ecleetric Oil, I have sold entire -'i' 'rig take:taike IL" ;,stiller & Reed,iRla` 4., write, ' The Ecticctric Oil id gett;tng rrrtation here, andis daily called dor* tether supply without delay."Lemo - ' lInel.inghale, P. Q., writes, "Sent! - ,f I:electric Oil. We finer it to t d by all medicine dealers- Price THOMAS, -N. TOMAS, PnELPs, N Y. An tl' & LYMAN, Toronto Ont.,` • the Dominion. NoTE.—Eeleetr nd Eleetrized. Sold iii Seaforth rT Bleasc:all, 3. S. itt:berts and .0.er NAY_ 30, 1879. Varieties. - z,liss Waldron sues a Mr. Dren- nan iii Montreal for $5,000 damages— breaoh of promise of marriage. Paying business if she gets it. _Down the Moira will be brought to Belleville this season 300,00Qpine saw logs, go,000 pieces of 16 feet cedar, and SW pieces square timber. _-:.lfr. John Darling, an old and re- spected settler of McGillivray and father Councillor th yearnrues of his ageng,died lately, asaudy, what is the stag of religion in your town ?" "Bad, sir ; very brad. There are no Christians ex ept Davie and mysself,ancl I have my d ubts about Davie." _.E: -Governor Miller, of Minnesota, is delivering a lecture in that State which is entitled "All Men are Liars," His tickets read "All Men are Liars— adniit one." A son of the Siamese twins is achieving high honors in an. Eastern College, which leads a funny -man se ask : "Why shouldn't ] Le rise in the world. ? His father was well con - netted. 1 slippery politician, on being informed that the leadeits of his party threatened to throwhim over- board, exclaimed, "Let e do it if they dare, and I'll show 'em that I've strength enough to swim. to the other side." _A physician finding a lady reading "Twelfth Night," said : "When Shake- speare wrote about Patience on a mon- ument, did he mean doctors' Ipatients ?" "No," she answered. ; "you don't find them on monuments, but under them." —Kissing the baby'may result in de- forming its nose and bringing on near- sightedness. The safest way is not to kiss a baby of the feminine persuasion until it attains the age of sixteen years. The ca,tilage of the nose is much stronger then. - -As a party of travellers were being rowed across the Tweed, near Abbots- ford, one of the number asked , the Charon of the ferry, an old weather- beaten man, full of dry humor, if - he could oblige him with a match. "No," said he, "I never had but ae matoh, an' that's my wife, an' faith she's; mair than a match.," - -Mark Twain's" brother, Mr. Orion Clemens;, has been excommunicated. from a Presbyterian church at Keokuk, Ia., for heresy. He had delivered a lec- ture denying the inspiration o - the Old Testament, making out Abraham a fire - worshipper, declaring the last six coin- mandmeuts in the Decalogneto be moral rules always practised by man- kind, and so on. - —A queer journalistic suit was com- menced in Cincinnati the other day by James L. Ryman, proprietor of the de- funct Breakfast Table, who sues E. B. Brown for 1150,000. He charges that Brown ma's employed toWish the ' funny business for the -paj er—three columns per week for ten dollars ; that Brown suddenly stopped his fiinn_y work, and the paper criedin conse- quence. Hence the suit. - —Great sensation has been caused in the Devon Valley district, • Clack- mannanshire, owing to a wholesale de- struction of fish in the Devon. Enor- mous quantities of,Iish have been wash- ed to the side of the banks. Fears were entertained that tihe water would be dangerous to use, and the people who use the water for domestic purposes have been put to great inconvenience besides alarm. It is stated tlflat a tank of creosote used at Blairhill estate for dipping fencing stobbs had been thoughtlessly allowed to be run, into the river, which has caused all the destruc- tion. —The Rev. Ur. C#ober, of rass V al- ley, California, offended part of his Methodist congregation by employing a, Chinaman. The officers voted to pay him no salary unless he disch rged the Mongol. " I now answer you, once for all," he said, from his pulpit, " that this Chinaman shall stay and I shall continue as pastor of this church, until the Conference sees fit otherwise to di- rect rue, salary er no salary, !starve or no starve. 1 have never yet been in- timidated, and do not propose -to be now. Brethren, it strikes me that it would be better for you to follow the religion taught in the Bible than that dealt out on the sand lots in San Francisco." —The death, of the Princess Alice on the same day of the month and week that her father died has drawn atten- tion to the fact that , Saturday has been a fatal day to the Royal Family of Eng- land during 107 years. William III. died Saturday,llarch 18th, 1702 ; Queen Anne, Saturday, August 1st, 1714 ; George I, Saturday, June 10th, 172"•• ; George II., Saturday, October 25th, 1760; George IR., Saturday, January 29th, 1820 ; G-eorge.IV., Saturday, June 26th, 1830 ; the Duchess of Kent, Sat- urday, March 15th, 1861 ; the Prince Consort, Saturday, December 14th,1861; and the -Princess Alice, Saturday, De- cember 14th, 1878. . —Queen Victoria, says the New York World, has been made a graudmother before the' sixtieth - anniversary of her birth. This is rather unusual, even among `early -marrying sovereigns, but it is quite possible that the Empress of Austria, now forty-two and with a granddaughter more than five years old, may be a great-grandmother before she is fifty-five. And how remarkably com- monplace is the fact when contrasted. with the case of old Mary Cooper of King's Bromley; Staffordshire, or " the noble matron of the family of Dolbur- gess, in the Archbishopric of Mentz," either of whom could say to her daugh- ter : "Daughter, bid thy daughter tell her daughter that her daughter's daugh- ter cries 1" And that one has not to be so very old to fulfil such conditions is instanced by the case of Lady Child, of Shropshire, who was a mother before she was thirteen, and a grandmother ere she was tweuty-seven. - El'ps'S Coco_.—Grateful-and cornfort- ing,-_t, By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with & delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. ` It is by the judiciousase of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually radually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease-. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well fortified with pure blood, and a THE URON EXPOSITOR. properly; nourished frame." --Caul Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led--" James Epps & Jo.., Homceopath- io Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 190,,Piccadilly, London," . 482-52 BoSCE E'S GERMAN SYRUP can now be purchased right at home. It is the most successful preparation ever intro - &wed to our people. It works like a charm in n.11 cases of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, se- vere Coughs, Croup and another Throat and Lung Diseases. No person has ever-uset this medicine without getting iminedia e relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffering skeptical . persons going ab ut our streets with a suspici- ous coug' , and the voice of consump- tion coming from their lungs, that will not try it. If you die, it is your own fault, as you can go to your druggist and get a sample bottle for ten cents and try it; three doses will relieve any case. Regular size only seventy-five cents. - Is your throat sore, or are you an- noyed by a constant cough ? If so, use promptly "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers." They will give you instant relief. They 1 relieve the air passages of phlegm or mucous, and aday inflammation, and no safer remedy can be had for coughs, colds, or any complaint of the throat or lungs, and if taken - in time their efficacy will soon be proved. Sold by all druggists and country dealars at 25 Dents a box. • Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salveis guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in every ease •or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. - 566-8m Gilt Edge Butter. There is always an aetivo demand for butter that is up to the gilt edge standard in quality and color. Much butter that is otherwise good sells at a reduction of from one to five cents perpound, because deficient in color. Whon.the color is not up to the standard, makers use Wells, Richard - sun & Co.'s Perfected Butter Color to give a bright Jerre color. This color is by far the bright- est, purest and best made. It is as harmless as salt, and never imparts any taste or smell. It is everywhere recommended by butter buyers and dairymen. ,Sufficient to color a tub of -butter costs' but five cents, and it is no work to use. For further particulars in regard to it inquire of Hick- son and Bleasdell, druggists, solo agents for Sea - forth. STILL THEY COME.—Dr. H. En. Ross, Kincar- dine, considers Yellow Oil as staple an article as he had in his store, end' as sure to sell as tea or su- gar. Jas. Bobbin, Bobbinton P. 0., writes : " We have used H' gyard's Yellow 011,andind-it answers every purpo e for which it is recommended." There is nothing otter for bums, bruises se-'lds, etc.; no better liniment in the world. Milburn, Bent- ley & Pearson, proprietors, Toronto. For sale by Mr. J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. . 4-595 Aged persons are often troubled with derange- ments of the kidneys and urinary organa, and will be glad to learn that Victoria Buchu and Uva Ursi is prepared with the especial purpose of meeting these troubles, and malting life happy to the aged. Those who have used it speak highly of it, and it is highly recommended with confidence. For sale by Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth, 4-595 If those who have never tried' that unrivalled preparation for colds, coughs, hoarseness, asthma., sore throat, etc., Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, will but receive the testimony al the many thousands who have successfully used it, they will be -acting wisely. It is one of the oldest and best known remedies in the Dominion. For sale by all dealers, at 25 cents per bottle. Milburn, Bentley, & Pear- son, Proprietors. 4-595 NERVOUSriESS.—A very great number of those in the middle and higher classes of society, who, without being ever actually sick, never know what real health iti ; who live constantly in a lower plane of living that is normal in main, who are weak all over, though, not specially and constantly weak: in any one organ, who may not experience pierding and grinding pain, yet suffer at times, if not al- ways, that pzofound exhaustion which In many cases is worse than pain. Those in that lamenta- ble state have always been relieved, and many per- manently so by using the Victoria Syrup of Hypo- phosphites, i being particularly adapted for those eases. For oh by Messrs. Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 4-595 OLDEN LION, APOR,H, Good Vjalue in BLACK CASH - LIE ES at - the Golden Lion. Good V rue in PARASOLS at the olden Lion. Good Value in Black and Color- ed LUSTRES at the. Golden Lion - Good Value in Factory COTTON at th! Golden Lion. • Good Value in SHIRTINGS at the Golden Lion. Good Value in DUCKS and DENIMS at the Golden Lion. Good Value in TWEEDS at`ihe Golden Lion. Good Value in PRINTS and GINGHAMS at the Golden Lion{ Good Vi,1ue' in Table LINENS at the Golden Lion. { : Good Value in TOWELS and TOWELLING at the Go1dAn Lion, A GALL SOLICITED. R. JAMIESON. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. N1 B. W: d. SHANNON, Secretary and Treas- urer of the above Company, will, attend at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, 'on Satur- day of each week, from 2 to 5 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of transacting the business of the bompany. All interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JAMES KERR, President. W. J. SHANNON, Secretary. 586 LSI CO 0 1 CLOTHING 1 0 1 'I1 / InIL 1,0, j I til • fnl IIlI1l:WU �1 pII�I�rIII 1laa i.. •AriultU sllu:.,h.lir}reia 1.il . p 1T)!Ci / i 7 D PROCL To the People i r r 'NOSflGNV 'H1lOdV3S OCLAI M ! Far and Near, to your Friends and Friends' Friends, the SWEEPING BARGAINS See Oak Hall's Blue and Black Order, from $12 to $16. See Oak Hall's Tweed Suits, from See Oak Hall's Pants for $3.50. You can bet your last dollar they See if they don't. Carrie and s We - invite the patronage and r public, and assure all that not be wanting to merit a continual HALLY 84 Ac Oak Hall Clo AT OAK HALL. Serge Suits, Made' to 1? to 315. Made to Order. E)eat all cempetition— e them. commendation ofthe ling on our part shall ice of their patronage. 1 DERSON, thing House, Seaforth. D. D. ROSE, FAMILN' GROCER, ,9LA1= OR.i - Ilas ..Pleasure .in announcing to Iis Friends and Cus- tomers that ever✓ y De artYrraent i fully . stocked wit/ f ✓ First–Class Good's. hundreds of Families testily to the value givens at Rose's Groc I he looks forward to the future w ;ry in the past, and th every confidence, No Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced of the advantages ofered. No t and give samples. Flour, Corn, Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, Stock.. D. D. ROSE, Seaforth. ouble to show Good's Oatmeal, .Buckwheat •c., airways kept in, MARRIAGE LIC ENSES OR CERTIFICATES, STO (Under the new Act,) issued at the - EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEA.FORTH.. MBS. C. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will open on Sept. 16th.. Pupils should give in their nacres previous to the opening of the class. Those not hav- ing Instruments can be accommodated with use of Piano or organ at very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, 3 ept. 7, 1878. 561. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL, - - $4,000.000. CITY BANK OF NONTEEAL,Incorporated1888 and ROYAL CANADIAN BANE, Incorporated 1864. SEA -FORTH BRANCH. , DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST. SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States: RIILt of Exchange - on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. 11VTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPEO[FIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as a se- quence of Self abuse,K _ B ore ak ngas Lose of Memory, After pg, Universal Lnassitnde, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old. Age, and many other diseases that Loads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature. Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Spociffc Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packagee for 0, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all ?raggist merchants. WIS f bett er wants i plete as Both C of the 1 town in to west. EIE OLD ESTABLISHED , E AND TIN EMPORIUM, SEA FORTH. RS. W H IT'N IEY, ES onee more to remind her many iends' and customers that she is now i epared tbr-n ever to supply all their her line. She as one of the most tom ortnsents of , v -E al and Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, test designs that can be fo,;urd in any the county, end at prices a$iow as the Her assortment of. Irl w.7STA� Was nev r better or more varied. COAL OIL,. hole sale and Retail at a very slight ad - manufacturers prices. Repairing and Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire sati faction guaranteed. ; EIRUCEFIELD. Both - vauce o For t ]sirs. BrneEfi of eve: t' eular' Stoti es' before you CO withon well spe e better accomodation of her customers hitney has opened a branch store in Id, '+here will be found a complete stock -thing in her line. She world direct par- ttenticn to and invite inspection to her whi h intending � c g purchasers should see part basing elsewhere. Remember when e to Seaforth or Brucefield don't leave inspecting my stock. It will be time t. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefield. BR UN FUNF ADFOOT & BOX, SEAFOR_TH, DERTAKERS, &C. RALS ATTENDED; ON THE SHORTEST -NOTTS. COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYSD ON HAx 4 HEARSE FOR HIRE. FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS; MALCOLM MON CF & BROTHER, SEAFORTH, Are again to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as were awarded Special Distinction at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They decile to direct special attention to their NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, es - 0 CDm 0 This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee invention, got np for gale only, and dependent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it Lb favorable notice. AIL THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. It is warranted to clau in any ground. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, The old and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better S 11 CFFLERS, Z O to © ttrl lc 4kiDC than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing =roe Gardens. AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. .''''''f--<""':1-• �f r Z 00 A � Z This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use,.and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. all these implements are nnanufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments for Everywa tolow as catch sales. implement iranted give satisfaction. Prices as those of any respectable establishment that turns out a good article. - Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can be seen at their shop .at any time. - IRON HARROWS—THE' SCOTCH DIA.310117D HARROWS KEPT COYSTANTLY ON IIAND. Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main -et., Seaforth, MALCOLM MON ROE & BROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. ARD ABEL. HA ARE SCN OF TE CIRC LA SAW w 0) c g td Cfq CD '/L�.29 1VGb ssomua U All at hard pan prices. ca estZt 0 co CD f --j )11 51) r'+ CD 0 .02 CD in a trains aria eimpatT4 ea z 2pn/ouz `yl.tolvd, ►. 0 have on hand a very Fine . ssortment of 0 0 1i PA1NT;ING Annth public a pa s in general that be has commenced business as a Painter and Glazier on his owh account, and is p''cpared to execute all others entreated to him in the moat satisfactory manner and on reasonable ALEXANDER MiONMoreROE. torus. Orders left at the ore of Messrs. John: soh Brothers will receive prompt attention. -t: O WN I3E4,S to inform his friends i - ADDRESS TO THE. ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good morning Jones, where are you going to ?" JONES.—" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new furniture, you see Haire is getting played out and I pant to get some first rate furniture at very bow prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say that ho has the very best and cheapest in the county." - .A DDI H S 8_ - `'o the Free and Independent People of Huron M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises lately occupied by Mr. John . Kidd, as a. Hardware store, and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in the Furniture line • at remarkably low prices. Intending pnrebasers will find it greatly to their advantage to tali and examine his stook before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. Picture framing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, feathers, wood and lumber taken in exchange. . Is, as tion. rate. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT formerly under his own supervision. and wall be e -inducted with the greatest care and atten- His stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, &c , will be found complete, and at the very lowest Funerals attended in the country. A Hearse for hire. Remember the place. - - M. ROBERTSON,- SEAFORTH. ONTARIO PRIMERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & SON HAVE R 1 0 V" TO THEIR NEW PPJEMiSES, Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets. $3.50 PANTS. TWO PAIRS FOR $6.5 0 $3.50 GOOD SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS AT CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Corner of Main and Goderia Streets, Seaforth. 588.4 E. TOWN, Seaforth, N.B.—Whitewashing and papering. a specialty. „alll/II ill/ffl!/lilli B- rn l� CDs, ' o'> ��Cr H 11) CD CD 0 -513 CD C) 0 0 CD lean Cut Nails. These Goods were aes bought before the Change in the to cD f 0 Cis saa asa lean Hoes and Garden Rakes—Better Goods than ever before eq uo °Nett am Jo 3oois OJ7 0 cp 11 'Sj Aottpr 1-4 I Z 0 Z. w 0 .F. Ti S. CAMPBELL, PFovincits1 Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Urdere by mil prompt ly attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBE LCL, lsitcheUl.