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The Huron Expositor, 1879-05-30, Page 5
MAY 30, 1879 water two seconds. Re ta ea, weighs 140 pounds, s feat b, and is of slim build ippearance, with deternsinat countenance. His father is a taid his mother an Irish wet resides at Teterville, Ontario: and. has ono child. He aa ea of jumping when a sailor e ago in the Carribbean Seta 13=- being knocked off the topt :he sea, a. distance of 108 feet. m Milwaukee, being accia irown from it vessel 1118.st 62 being serioasiy injured ia , he lumped from Watson Se ter in Milwaukee, a distance turning over twice in the dee Wedding Celebrates/LI LV the 29th inst Mr. anti• tte Kidd, of Mitchell, celee I 50th anniversary of their, ty. They were married at: an obscure parish ea I LEnaland, on the 29t1I of May, he following year they came landing at Quebec on the . 1830. Coming tip the St. far as Montreal, they rot. ere 18 months, and _then. e holder iuto New Tork , a they reinained two yearg. of two years they returned tnd came west as far aa Te- -;hip, where they settled, and ed for fourteen years. They Ied east as far as the ton_ek, where they remained nine ir next move was to the f Mitchell, where they for twenty-three years, - now comfortably set- t° western part of the 'dug in peace and quiet the - teirlabors. During the first of their wedlock Mrand had eleven children, bora ive: sons and six datightera. nr there are still eight living, are married and comfort- , in life, and two, a son and re at home with their -oar- Srand children they have iving and one great grand s great grand child is Annie tv, whose parents reside in, he has still living seven- nts; one great grand father treat grand mothers, two rs and two grand mothers. Is. Sunshine. Crittenden while . brother Robert in remov- E7roirt the hook, received a, y to one a his fingers. The a the boy's hand, and could ,ved till his father cut iteout r. Joseph Clegg's barn, on .ssion 5, Morriswas con - re, on Friday-, the 23.rd. day =tit 430 p. ra. The fire is have originated from a pile ed. straw. The tenant, Mr. el, had a horse rake, fan - "Sows, turnip scuffier, one aad half a ton of hay, all of reduced to ashes. The barn by insurance, but the con- ot. The loss on the articles 00. Mr. Brown, who was • a neighbor about half & o_tved Just m time to get ?s and harness. 1311311111M11131111M12111111111 Bly Oa. deatte.-The Blyth Review .2 d again next week. 3. -Mn John Campbell ship - r loads of wood to London Messrs. McKinnon & Mc- -ed one car of wheat. :NTS. — Our enterprising Ir. J. G. Moser, has eorat :It on his -new Shop on . opposite the Central HO- .. .N_ SOCial was given at the M Mr. George cGowan, Sr., v, 24th inst., in aid of St. burch. Amount realized; was given by Mr. Prayne, last week, in aid of the ethodist Church. Amount Ie. essrs. 'McKinnon & Me - 1 Anderson & Elder, have ag wool. Parties having - o dispose of, will do well by Myth. -Treadwell, 93c to 95c; .: to 85c ; Fife, 90c to 95c; o 50c; oats, 40c., to 45c c 11 58c ; butter, loose, 100: s. 80. -Mr. N. Cumming, of the n of Hullett, .met with an e driving to Blyth one day .. appears the iron came whiffietrees, allowing the . and the horse became e. running away, pitching tching one of his ankles, 'able him for a week or --- .- - Varieties. umber of English cotton. ve came out to work in the 1 Si Mills. railway between Dundas . i was opened for the trava I Friday last. ,acksort, residing in the ,Atueliasburge committed I.eday morning by shooting -muse can be assigned for Ile -wag 70 years old. lig lathes presented them- xaminatiou of the College :and Surgeons for ma- foronto. MissesAuedista' abeth Srnith passed, and, ducked. : Whyte, Sr., telegraphs' 1 that the cattle they: litchell a week ago are a that city yet, and he for certaio when they . delay is on the part of seems to be waiting fori - 'eland, contractor,- Port e paseing along the street' ome hist Monday night. i tiald -robbed of his gold ; in. He fortunatelt, ha , t him at the time. The I ,.vse young Deem They ' hind horribly about the : nilling hut , with a car rold ratea, on Monday pened to W. Robinson, .ellie Grey,. in the last ' sung race. -While the fug up thie homestretch the traek in front df stumbled 011 LtI throw- , MAY sO, • THE , TURON EXPOSIT aeg her rider, rolling over and serieusly uring him. He was ,picked up in- Bibleand conveyed to a house near by and every care and attention shown aim. Be is slightly better. _Bev. Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn sailed for Europe on Wednesday. Three thousend Brooklyn people escorted. him - down the bay. -The first lot of wool bought in Guelph this season commanded rather a taw figure, having been bought for 18c. per pound. The first lot brought into Paris sold for 22 cents per pound. i -The Clifferd creamery will be in 'ration by the 1st of June. The milk sedin about 300 cows is already prom's - ad: to be supplied twice - a day during the season. Over Bixby applications were recleiv- •ad for the situation of chief constable in Gala The Council had some difficulty in deciding between so many, but they finally settled on Mr. James McFeig- gan. --A remarkable and novel mode of seeenge has just come t� light iu Mon - teal, whereby a young man has beeu deprived of the use of one of his eyes, and• it is said the other is in great danger. A young lady whom he had aliscarded met'him on Phillip's Square in company with another lady on whom he had centred his affections, and threw vitriol in his face, causing iim intense pain. -A. telegram from New York says Rev. Mr. Beecher. was interviewed on ais return home frora Montreal. He said: "We have had. an excellent time. We took 528 men out of this depot, and we have brought every man baek safely. We were received. with enthusiasm everywhere we went. it was just oue roar of ovation all the way up and. all the way back again. In Canada it *as a heartfelt international welcome." -On Sunday, the 25th inst., Robert jackson, aged 20 years, and his two sis- ters, aged 15 and, 12, came to their death by drowning in. Third. Lake, in. the township of Stanhope, about 12 niies from Haliburton, in: the Coun- ty of Peterborough. It appears that the three of them were in a small birch bark canoe, and had ;with them a doge which is said. to have been the cause of the boat upsetting. The bodies wera. found ois Monday. -One of the largest companies of emigrants which arrived this Season were served with supper at the immi- gration sheds, Montreal, last Monday night. They were prinoipally English, Scotch and Irish, and a few Norwe- gians, and were anew class of emigrants, having left agricultural places in the Old Countryto settle here. They num- beredin all 490, and. left again for the West, where the majority of there will settle, while a considerable number of them will go to Manitoba. The Nor- wegians were en route for the Western States. •, -An unfortunate accident befel : Mr. M. Sweatman, the Conservative candi- date of the South Riding of Wellington. He had returned home late Saturday night, and in order not to disturb any of his workingmen, who had gone to bed, • he determined to feed his horse him- self. To cany out this purpose he as- cended to the barn to procure some oats, • and net knotting the trap door had been left open, he walked through it, falling a distance of nine feet. At first he thought his leg was broken, but after a little while he discovered that the sin- ews of his foot had. been severely strain- ed; in fact, it seemed as if they had all been broken. Mr. Sweatman is unable to place the injured foot on the floor, - and cannot walk. This is extreinely unfortunate, inasmuch as it will pie: vent him frorn taking, for some days at least, that active part in the political contest now going -on which is expected of him. -On the 8th Of May a tall, red whiskered, talkative pedlar, approached Mr. John McIntosh, a farmer, living near Grewson's Corners, Erin, and offered to sell him first clasacloths 2 cents a yard." The farmer said he did not want to purchase, and at first • would net look at the goods. He was finally pursuaded to examine them, and after much persuasion to purchase -five pieces, for which he gave a note of $48. After the pedlar had. gone Mr.Mcintosh examined his purchase, and the closer the examination was made the more he was pursuaded that he had. been "sold." He considers that the cloth is not worth manufacturing iuto clothing, and if it was he has not . as much ase for it as he would have for two heads. Farmers have been warned. time and. again througli the press to have noth- ing to do with shoddy goods. Perth Items. -A. Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters has been established in LIS - towel. -The gravelling of the Huron Road between Mitchell and. Carronbrook, has been let to Mr. Thos. Coed, at 35 cents per yard. -The tax. rate for next year for tie town of St. Marys, has been struck id 13 mills on the dollar, a reduction of 4 mills in two years. -Mr. Tones, of Logan, who was re- ported to have absconded some time ago with a huge sum of money belonging to other parties, returned last week. - -Mr. John Hannah, aged. 66, of Elnda township, was killed on Monday even- ing of last week at the raising of a barn, by falling from one of the upper plates, which had. not been properly ineeeta -Messrs. George and Richard Gill, of Fullerton, lately sold a fine drove of 16 fat cattle, whose average weight was nearly 1,400 pounds, to Head. & Pride ham, of Mitchell. They were destined. for the English market. -A. man named John Dewar, a resi- dent of North Easthope, was found deaden the road one evening last week. : He was subject to fits, and. it is sap - posed he had fallen on his face while in one, and was suffocated. -About noon on Saturday the stables owned by Mr. Ross, of St. Marys, were totelly coesumed by a fire which caused tonsiderable excitement for the time be- ing. Loss about $500. Supposed. to ave ignited from fire-erackers. -The voting on a by-law, granting tB0,000 to the St. Marys Credit Valley aiel. Huron Railway, took place at St. Xarys on Tuesday. The by-law was carried by a majority of 183. The vote ,as a large one and there was a ma- jority in each ward in favor of the bonus. Great enthusiasm prevailing -A lady iu Stratford was summoned before the Police Magistrate for keeping •a dog witleoat license or tag. The deg was produced in court. It was four inonth.s Old, and weighed two pounds • ten ounces. The case was ppstponed indefinitely. • -Cao, Sunday, llth inst., a -sudden whirlwind arose on the Main street in Listowel, and in a few =meats attain- ed almosit the fury of a hurricane. Among other achievements it lifted. a heavy looking glass out of one of the rooms up 'stairs in the Commercial Ho- tel, carrie1 it through the window of • the room nd dashed it in pieces in the street. - -On Wednesday of last week, Sir Henry Tyler, Presid.eat of the Grand. Trunk Railway, accompanied by Sir • Charles and Lady Young, Mr. Joseph Hickson; General Manager, and the heads of departments, visited Stratford: and made a close inspection of the vari- ous workshops, and the scene of the late explosion, expressing surprise that the traces of so terrible a disaster had so speedily been effaced,. An elegant dinner was served for the party at the -refreshment rooms, after which they = took their way westward. -The death was recently announced at CanneB, France, of Miss Frances Jarvis, formerly of Stratford, the young Canadian eantatrice. She had gone to France laat Christmas in hopes of re- covering her health, and of pursuing her self-ehlosen career Iin the musical art. Her training had been at the Con- servatoire I at Milan, and the sympa- thetic guidance of Madame Jenny Lind Goldsmith: had helped to develop her talent. Her state of health, however, became rapidly worse' under the in- fluence of a peculiarly trying spring, and she finallyIsuccumbed to consumption. Miss Jarvis was niece Of Mr. P. R. Jar- vis, Stratford. • -A short time ago Mr. John Robeone of New Dundee, purchased a number of fat cattle fcom farmers in the county of Perth, principally from the township of Elmo., and hid them Shipped from the Port Dover station for the foreign mar- ket. Amoiagst, the animals purchased were four l head from; Wm. Burnett, weighing 5 980. at $4.90 per hundred pounds; fie head from James Burnett, weighing 7,170 pounds .! two head. from *Wm. Keith, weighing '2,370 peunds, at $4.25; two head from' Robert Ford; two head. ftom James Keith; four head. from John Glennie, weighing 6,590 pounds, and one cow from Wm. Keith at $40.- The cattle were all in good. condition, and the majority were for their age a ;good size, and. showed. con- siderable care in breeding. _ -Mr. Hickson, general manager Grand. Trunk Railway, recently receiv- ed a lettter from Hob. Mr, Moteton,' private secretary to the Governor-Gen- eral, conveying the heartfelt sympathy of the Ma.equis of Lorne and Princess Louise, to those who have suffered either personally or by he loss of their belongings Ity the recent explosion. • A cheque wae enclosed for $32, with in- structions to distribute it as follows: Mrs. M. D81an, 10;$ G. Hawkins, $7 ; A.Larab,$5.; A. Porter, $5 ; J.Cra,wford, $5. Hon. Mr. More -ton also forwarded a cheque for lido for Mrs. Wells, who had a, child injured and whose husband was recently killed on the road. The amounts were distributed by Mr. Lar- mour, assietant superintendent, and suitable acknowledgments returned to the donors for their kindly assistance. uron. Notes. -A Sabbath School has been or- ganizedinSchool Section No. 1, •Turn - berry, by M Robert Douglas, assisted by Mrs. Wni. Douglas. -Messrs.,I. R. Smith & Co., ma - chants, a Brussels, have dissolved, and the businese will hereafter be carried on by Mr. j hn Steward. . -A farm r living On the 2nd conces- sion of Usb me has a cow which fur- nishes milk sufficient to produce 21 pounds of butter per week. • -Mr. F. F. Godwin, of the 4th con- cession of Stanley, has fall wheat grow- ing on his farm, of the Scott variety, which meaSures 20 inches in length. -A Mr. Webster was fined a few days ago in Exeter for Icruelly treating a horse. There are many offenders in this respect.who should be looked after. --Less than half -a -dozen appeals have been made against the assess- ment ,of the township of Hullett this year. This speaks well for the As- sessor. -Last week five fishermen belonging to Elimville caught 300 fish in one day, none of which weighed. less than ten pounds. They must have struck a good spot. -A Sabbath School was opened in Ethel on Sunday, the llth inst., in conneCtion with the Methodist Church, with Mr. John Wade as superintendent. over forty were present. -The Wirigharia Times says that the Editor of th!e Goderich Star was severe- ly chastised 111 Wingliana by a citizen of that tow4 on the evening of the Con- servative Dr1.0.SS meeting. Dangerous • tiraes these,' -Mr. G. E. Pay, lately of the firm of Hodgins & Pay, Clinton, has formed. a partnership with Mr. S. Davis, of the same town and. the iiew firni intend carrying on business under the name of Davis & Pair. -The citizens of Exeter located along the Main street turned out en masse with brooms and swept the dust ali into thecentre of the street, from whence it was carted away. This was done preparatory to sprinkling. -Mr. R. IRobinson, carriage -maker, Crediton, has been confined to his bed for some time, by being • struck on the leg with a stake, in Mhands of Mr: • Wm. Buckingham, while endeavoring to kill a muskrat. -Messrs. C. J. Hamilton and H. G. MacKid, of Goderich, received the de- Kiree of M. D. from the University of Toronto, at he recent inedecal exami- nation. The former also, passed his final before 'the College of \iP' hysicians and. Surgeogs, without att oral, -On Thutsda,y last, while Messrs. Geo. andR. San ers,of Exeter,were out for a boat ride, he boat capsized, giving them both a good ducking. The same gentlemen, on the same day had a nar- row escape from being run over by a train on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway. -We are pleased to learn that Mr. Robert Moir, of Hay, who matriculated in Queen's College with such ceedit last fall, carrying off three scholarships and •the honor of, a fourth, has been again distinguishing himself, having at the recent final xa,minations won the high- est place in mathematics in bis year, and also a very high position in classics, standing sechnd in Latin and third in. Greek. Mr. Moir is well known in this county as a !successful teacher, and his many friends will be pleased to learn i that their expectations of his success in his collegiate course are being so amply jiistified, Mr. J. H. Duncan, another Huron boy, at the recent examination in Toronto carried. off the 2nd - year scholarship in medicine. -The -Goderich Starof last week says: We are pleased to be able to con- gratulate Mr. Graham Cameron on having passed very succeeefully his ex- amination as a barrister, and also Mr. E. N. Lewis, who has studied in the office of Mr. B. L. Doyle, and Mr. Downey, who was formerly in the office of Mr. Mp C. Clameron, Q. C. on hav- ing passed. their second. intermediate examination at Osgoode Hall. They all acquitted themselves in a most credit- able manner. -In Clinton on Tuesday a team be- longing, to Mr. Butler, of thelCith con- cession. of Goderich township:ran away, circling around a vacant lot beside the Commercial stables. In the middle of the lot is a well and purnp, and. the horses jumped on the well covering in their mad career, the covering giving away and allowing one of the horses to drop partly into tho well. A crowd at once collected, and by their aid it was soon released, sustaining only a few slight cuts. Whilathe team was run- ning, the boy who twas driving, pluckily caught them by the bridle, an. tried to stop them, but they succeeded in throw- ing him. off. • , Births. BioTAVISH-In Hibbert, ou the 26th instant, the wife of Mr. James McTavish of a do:tighter. PEARSON—In. Grey, . on the 18th instant, the ,t,ife of' Mr. Robert Pearson of a son. M NE—In Ethel, on the 171h indent, the wife of Mr. D. Milne, of a daughter. • Marriages. HABKIRK—PALTEIIMAN—In McKillop, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Musgrave, on the 28th instant, Mr. Robert S. Habkirk, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Thos. Paltermau, Esq, all of MeKillop. • CLARK—SCOTT—On the 28th instant, at the residence of the bride's father'by the Rev. George Clark, Mr. Wm. Clark, to Miss Annie • Scott, eldest daughter of Mr. W. P Scott, all ' of Monis. TAYLOR—SNELL—In Kinburn, on the 26th instant, by the Rev.. J. Caswell, at the resi- • donee of the bride's father, W. Snell, Esq, . Mr. Jaanee M. .Taylor, to Miss Mar- • garet W. Snell. - COOK—ROSS—On tho 23r1 instant, at the Wes- , • leyan Methodist parsona,qe, Whitechurch, by the Rev. R. C. Henderson, Mr. Wm. Cook, of West Wawanosh, to Miss Sarah jano Iress, of • Kinloss. • - Deaths. AITCHISON—In Turnbeny, on the 25th instant,' George, eldest SQ11 of James Aitchison, Eke:, eged 8 years. McDONALD—In Hibbert, on the 18th instant, Mary Currie, relict of the late Peter McDon• e ald, Esq., aged 86 years. SADDLER—In Hibbert, on the 16th instant) Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. John Saddler, aged 5 years and 8 months. COLE—In Goderich township, on the 21st instant, I3ertha, Emma, only daughter of Peter and • Mary Colo, aged 10 months and 15 da3s. Blyth, on the 25th instant, Mae- , 1Lgeret, wife of Mr. Gideon Ritchie, aged 61 years and 5 months. KERR—In Lueknow, on the 17th instant, John. Kerr, aged 32 years, 9 months. TEWART—On Wednesday, 20th instant, at the residence of his son-in-law, David Chnstio, 12th concession of Hibbert, Mr. James Stew- art, aged 98 years. FARMERS', Commercial iMen, Traveh,. ers and all -others, visiting Brulleels, will find the very best accommodation at the 'Tecumseh. Hotel. No Trouble spared to make guests comfortable. Good Stabling and reliable hostler. joenee CAMP - DELL, Proprietor. 698. • THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, May 29, 1879. Fall Wheat 0 93 to 0 95 Spring Wheat, Fifeeper bushel.— 0 85 to 0 92 Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbush0 83 to 0 85 Oats per bushel • 0 00 to 0 40 Peas per bushel 0 50 to 0 55 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 5t) Butter, No.1,Loose 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs 009 to 0 09 Flour, per 100 lbs 2 35 to 2 50 Hay 8 00 to •Hides, per lbo 05 to . Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs.......... Sheep skins 0 60 to Salt (retail)per barrel .. Balt(wholesale)per barrel... Potatoes, per bushei 0 60 to Oatmealr brl • • 2 60 to Tallow, per ub 0 04 to Beef, in quarters, per 100 18.... 8 50 to Wool, per pound, • 0 17 to • Clean ort, May 29, 1879. FaflWhoat,per bushel...........‘ 0 80 0 97 Spring Wheat, perbushel - 0 86 (0 0-92 Oats, perbushel 0 40 (0 0 46 Barley, per bushel C 50 ed.) 060 Peas, per bushel 0 60 © 0 65 Batter 0 10 @ 0 15 Potatoes • 0 60 @ 0 66 Eggs • 009 (0 010 Hity,per ton. 8 00 (0 9 00 • Loarata, May 29. -Diehl and Tread- well, $1.70 to $1.75 per 100 lts.; red fall, $1.65 to $L70; spring, $1.35 to $1.65; oats, $1.15 to $1.23; peas, 85c to $1.05; barley, 90c to $1.25; eggs, 100; butter, 9c to 13; dairy cheese, 7 to 8c ;factory, 7c to 9c; wool, 18c to 20c. TORONTO, May 29. -Fall wheat, 0.90 to $1.02 ; spring, 94c to 96;$oats, 38c to 400.; peas,64c to 65c; barley, 50c to56c ; baled hay, $10.50 to $1400; wool, 20c; butter, 10 cents to 17 cents; cheese, Sa- cents to 9 cents. LIVERPOOL, May 28. -Spring wheat, 88 4d to 8ad4d ; red winter, 98 5d. to 9s 5d; white, 98 2d to 98 2d.; club, 9s 4d to Os 5d; corn, 4s 3d; oats, 5s 6d. ; bar- ley, 5s 3d; peas, 6s ; pork, 47s 6d; beef, 758 Od ; cheese, 448, 8 00 0 05 4 00 8 00 1 25 0 85 0 75 0 65 8 00 0 05 5 00 0 20 • Live St,spck Markets. • MONTREAL, May 27. -The market is very dull, the principal business being purchases by Ald. J. McShane, M.P.P., for shipment to England. He bought from George Patterson 34 cattle at 41 cents per pound; .from John Stagg, of Brockville, 18 at 5c; from S. Price, 11 at $66 per head; from Jos. Lunnes, of Toronto, 9 at 5ic per lb ; from T. G. •Conn, of Stratford, .13 at $70 each, and one splendid heifer for 80;$from dif- ferent parties, 38 at 410 per /b. Joseph Lunnes also sold. 12 cattle averaging 1,240 lbs each at $63 per head. Hugh Kelly, of Toronto, out of two loads sold 15 head at 41c. Wm. Kinnear, out of a load sold two head for $120, or about 4ac per lb. R. J. Hopper purchased. 20 cattle at 41c and 16 at 4ic, and sold 18 to different parties at $55 per head. Hogs were also plentiful and. in small demand. Geo. Patterson sold. a lot at *Ter lb live weight. Jos. Lunnes, Mr. Fetherston and Mr. Murphy, , of Tweed, each had a carload, none of which were sold. Mr. Fetherston. sold 49 sheep at $8.25 per head. Local Notices. NEW PRUNES, Cheapest in Town, at ALLEN'S Grocery. 599 SEE TEE Soar., 25 bars for $1 at ROSE'S • Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at RosE'S Grocery. 574 AT RETAIL.—Goods are being sold by Private Sale in Stanley Day's Auction Mart, at wholesale rates for cash. , Spring Suits made to order, $10 50 to $12 60. 593 R. Tnr,..N:sG u.NiP.ir:0,ryn699 KBenatCost, to plear out lot, at A aPORE.-Any ' quantity of gooTda.e2a SEED lRor;i4 toea for seed at W. H. Mo- y se DOuGA of the Mamoth Turnip ri & oe's. slea Main St tot Seaforth. 5a's7 Goods at Toms ATM ION SALE of DT, vb:fternoon and even- Rot:mite Saturday, May Ifid, the whole stook iiag and every day following meth' is cleare out. Goods sold durltea the morning at Auction prices. 595 THE ordered beyond make th take no SPR & AB= Plowing to them work an F. EXTRAORDINARY Litre Sales of clothing at Wm. rftrx & Cd,.'s prove ment, that they sell the chespee and best fitting clothes in Town. Pk 'as() of this. 595 PLOWING.—IVIOSSTS. BROWNE-LL 4 are prepared to receive orders for Garden in town. Anything in that line entrusted will receive prompt attention, carefn.1 reasonable rates. 592 . SPAM:. LNG, having determined to go out o bustuess, offers his whole stock at cost. Buyers 1.0111(1de well to call and gee for them- selves. 'hie is no humbug. Must be cleared out at once. F. G. Shamnoo. 588 PIQU f3, PIQUES, PIQUES.—Bargains Ex- traoeein ry, Wm. Hrm tt Co, have just received will elect out at the old figure, 10 cents per yard panhecesjelege - -nipmene of White Piques, which they ds aro deeiedly the cheapest in Seaforth. 598 D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth, invites ti e attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Grace 'es.' His Stoekis constantly turning, and is alway fresh. His prices aro the lowest—it will ppraiyeeyap4 u 7o call. , Examine his goods and compare Cnoc •FIRY AND GLASSWARE. -Parties wanting o buy anything in Crockery or Glad -ware will find. ur stock complete and well assorted, and prices lo er than in any other house, quality con- sidered. Tea Sets from $2 np, Toilet Sets, $1 15 and upwi ds. WiisoN & Youno. 586 NEW TEAS. -Received. this week at Wresoen YouNG's, a large tonsignment of Extra Choice N w Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, beught d rect from the importers at the lowest cash pric s. e For quality and price we can confi- dently re oman.end them as the best value in town. Call and xamine our Stock before purchasing—we • guara.nte satisfaction. 586 -Se Oak Hall White Vests only 50 cents. Not half price. EIALLY & AN- DERSON. "IANTED. 11olts WANTID.—Wanted to purchase, a goo reliable family and driving horse from 6 to 9 ye re old. lldust be perfectly quiet and a s.mart "-fro-. For a suiteble animal a liberal price wil be paid. Apply at THIll EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 599 LOST OR FOUND. 00- L Apri of Capta with bro pet scot r will be s bo ring h law dire forth P. ST—Lost, in Seaforth on the let of , a Collie Dog, an meting to the name n. Ile is two years pld, black on body n nose and legs, and rough skin. Any turning thotanimal to the undersigned itably rewarded, and any person har- m aft er this will be prosecuted as the ts.--jOHN COWAN, litc-Sillop, Sea - 591 ORTANT NOTICES. OTIC the House in 10th of J Clerk. '.—The Council of the Corporation of °only of Huron, will meet in the Conre the Town of Goderich, on Monday the ne next. PETER ADAMSON, County e 599 2 N 00TI Qif th the s am F hall be T. T. CO cantors. E.—All parties indebted to the Estate late Simon Powell arerequested to pay forthwith to the nndersignad, or they ended into the Court for collection. EMAN and A. G. VANEGMOND, Ex - 561 N OTIC TO DEBTORS.—Notice is hereby /Wee that al) persons indebted. to me for small bo k accounts, that if their indebtedness • is not pa d before January first, 1879, they wlll be sued ithout further notice or respect of per - eons. O. C. WILLSON. 676 'RISS° 1 UTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE —Th • film of Hickson & Robertson, Butter Dealers, c., of Seaforth, is this day dissolved by mutual c nsent, E. Hickson retiring and W. S. Roberts° continuing the business. All accounts mak note due the said firm are payable to W. S. R oherts n, and all liabilities (if any) to be paid by him. Signed—E. HICKSON, W. S. ROB- ERTSON. Witness—W. H. BLEASDELL. Sea - forth, Ap " 7, 1879. e9e EAFO TH PUMP FACTORY.—The under - kJ sign d, while returning thankfor the pat- ronage al eady received, would remind his,many cuetomer and friends that he still continues to make pu ips and cisterns of the best material and by th beet workmen. None but quartered, timber n od for pumps. A few farm gates still on hand. All overdue accounts not settled forth- with will e charged 10 per cent. inttrest from the lst 1 January, 1878. NOBLE CLUFF, Seaforth. • 563 CO RT OF REVISION. MUNI IPALITY OF MCKILLOP. TBU nit of Revisited for the Township of llop, will be held at Leyden's Hotel, On Saturday, the 2e th of June, commeneing at 10 o'clock A.M. All parties interested will please ta e notice and govern themselves accor- dingly. OHN O'SULLIVAN, Clerk. 699-2 DIMS WISH for Dre Es an styles. feels satis A call res of Mr. G. the store fitting a — 1\1' °TIC -LI Esq., pointed F' that Hem been appoi Candidate Huron at to be held AND MANTLE MAKING. ISS SLEETH S to announce to the Ladies of San. and vicinity that she has commenced Mantle Making in all their various eying had ten years experience she ed she will give general satisfaction. ectfully solicited. Rooms in the rear . Sparling's store. Entrance through r from St. John Street. Cutting and 585 - - UTH HURON. ECTION AGENTS. • is hereby given that George Anderson, f Stanley,' Varna P. O. has been sp- a/mini Agent for Archiliald Bishop, and Jackson, Esq., of Egmondville, has ted Financial Agent for 4.-E. Jackson, for the Electoral Dishiet of South he election for the LegislativeAssembly, n June 5th. •f JOHN. BEATTIE, • Returnieg Officer. CRU nN the be pr FIELD a forenoon a LTY TO ANIMALS SERMON Sin of Cruelty to Animals will (D. V.) ached in tlae Scotch Churches of BAY- VARNA, on SABBATH, June 1st, d afternoon, By the REV. JOHN MOFFAI; IC ulster of the Congregations. ECMO TWOU st a have Cha.rleswo for my acc will be at cash for all offered. F Seaforth p orally and favor the ture to grt give those given to C for Wheat. f DVILLE FLOUR MILLS. Despedtfully advise the public that ade arrangements with Mr. Martin h to ran the Egmondvillc Flour Mills unt. My buyer, Mr. John Somerset, gmondville every day, and will pay the good milling wheat that may be es can rely on getting at least °es. Mr. Cherlesworth will deal lib - reliably with all parties who may ills with their patronage. I will ven- rantee satisfaction to all who winnow Mills a trial. Partioular attention opping, Gristing, or Exchanging Flour Give us one trial. . ARMITAGE, SEAFORTII. : 11 T HROU H TICKETS TO WINNIPEG ONE Ste Ever Ste amer ver hur on, deuce Bay, Bruce Min and Sault mly to er per week will call at Bayfield Thursday morning, and the same ill call at Goderich, Kincardine, In - Southampton Michael's Bay, Provi- "Cockburn Islaniit, Thessalon. River, • s, St. Joseph's Island, Garden River, te Marie. For freight land passage A. ARMITAGE, Agent, Seaforth. : 11 ... • HEADQUARTERS FOR DYE S+UFFS ---AT— • STOCK FOR SALE. ARE FOR SALE.—A. large general purpose mare, good to work n either donble or sing- vje harneee, perfectly quiet and not breecliye 1 -vviR,exchango for a good driver. Apply to A. . STRONG, Seaforth. • 597-2 THE ' MEDICAL HALL," SEAFORTH. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. It -CIA= FOR SALEe—For Sale, Lot8, eoneession ! ! ,r • 7, Mullett, tontsining 50 acres, 413 of which Iare cleared, the balance hardwood. A good bear- ing orchard, frame house, ba msand she& ; plenty , of 'water, and ona. .good gravel road leading to , rearltets. Within half a mile of the vlilege Of . il K ',burn. - Willbe sold chean,applyon the pitmlses We will this season, endeavor to maintain our past reyata ion by keeping I or to A. STRONG, Land Anent, Seaforth only tke Very Purest Dye Stuffsf We have now in Stock: 1 ESTRAY STOCK. I PURE DUTCH MADDER, THE BEST INDIGO/ EXTRACT LOGWOOD, LolawooD CHIPS, rustic Chips, Redwood, Nicwood, Cudbear, Cam'wood' Brazil- Wood, Bluestone, Alum, Copperas, Indigo Compo Qompound, Solution of Tin. Sugar of Lead, Bichro ochineal, Cream Tartar, yuric Acid, &C. W STRAY. COLT.—A stray. colt same into the- .'• premien s of the undersigned, Lot 85, con. I11 Logan,on May 18. Of bay a Weer about -2 years 1 old, with white star on forehead aud nose. The 1 owner is requested to prove property pay e.epen- lies, and take it weal,. LOUIS BENNAWIS. 598x4 ' STillYED COIT,—Strayed from the• premises 'se' of the un dereigned, Lot 18 Concession 9, Stanley, on or about the 1st of May.. A brown 1 two-year old Entire Colt. He had a white star on forebead,. and wee slightly Boman nosed. I ' Any pereon owing such information as still lead b to his recovery, wil be suitably rewarded. HENRY DOWSON Jr., Prop., Varna 2.0; 597x4 nd, Madder ate Potash I. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. AND ALL COLORS IN PACKAGE DYS, All of which we will Guarantee to give Good Col rs, if direc- tions are followed. Dye Receipts given away with ach parcel. TIellebore, Paris Green and. Lime Juice, a Full Stock HICKSON & BLEASDELL, Seaforth. 'r EE SELQITI USICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. T II M 1\11 S ON 13 1 A 1\1- 0 We are pleased to be able to give the following Testimonial, from one of the Greatest Musicians of the age: ST. JAMES HOIEL, BOSTON, November 23, 1878. MR. 'WILLIAM MOORE, Proprietor Emerson Piano Co. DEA.R SIR: It gives me great pleasure to recommend, above all others. the Emerson Piano. FANNY -KELLOGG. We have beeh appointed. Wholesale Agents for Ontario, and can supply these Instruments at manufacturers' prices. ORGANS—W. Bell cS Co.'s and other Beautiful Par or Organs Always in Stock. Instruments sold on time, or on the instalment system. Any other makes of Pianos or Organs supplied on the shortest notice. Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended. to; SCOTT BROTHERS, Main Street, Seaforth. BARGAINS ! SUMMER DRESS GOODS —.AT-- HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. New Linen, Suits,- Linen, Meters,' and Linen, Circula4T, at HquInan Brothers' Cheap Cash Store. Splendid Value in Prints, Cottons, Skirtings, and Ducks, at Hoffman Brothers' Cheap Cash Store. Just 0 per&d, a New Lot of Millinery, Parasols, Corsets and Gloves, a .Heffinan Brothers' Cheap Cash Store. Extra Value in Ladies', Misses', and Children's _Hosiery, at Hoffman • Brothers' Cheap Cash, Store. Call and get a June ,Nwm,ber of E. Butterick (6' Co.'s Fashion Sheet, just to hand, at Hoffman Brothers' Cheap CaShi Store. HOFFMAN BROTHERS, CARDNO'S BLOCK, • MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ot5 INTENDS TAKING OUT cc 4 a. 1- 0 4 TO MAN ITOBA T4 0 rs2 0 0 0 THOMAS GMENWAY, CZ/MUM, Ont. VT. 1\T. VT A_ 'T S 01\T, INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING MA- CHINES, CONVEYANCER, &c., SEAFORTH, ONT. Watson is agent for the following first-class Insurance Companies: FrallE11.1_SpUtceRniA.Naned of London, England; Scottish Imperial, of Glasgow, Scotland, Ileyal Canadian arid National, of Montreal; Britisla America of Toronto ; Canada Fire and Marine, of Hamilton; Gore District of Galt. LIFE AND ACCIDEN+.—Travellefs, of Hartford. MONEY TO LOAN. -Mr. Watson is appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, of Toronto. The oldest and best LPan Society in the Dominion. Money advanced on ailkinds of Real Estate SEWING MACH !NEIL -The following manufacturing and family sewing machines kept constantly on hand: Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A and the White. Machine oil, needles and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of aft kinds repaired. Mr. Watson is a gent for the Frame & Pope knitting mac.hines. The best family knitting machine mextufactu red, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work. Mr. Watson is agent for the State Line of Stearashipe, sailing bewteen New York end all pollute in Europe. Oilice, Main Street, Seafortb, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel. yea, - ' "••,, ; CeeREAT BARGAIN,A Home and Lob in the Ne't Village of 3?.tucefteld ;will be sold very Cheap. j Any one wanting a comfortable home for little i money will never have a better ohance.. The property must be sold. Apply to the proprietore 1 5U8 kiAddlEpS. a.M/LLER, tailor; if by letter to Brnee- mon SALE.—On the 8rd concession of McKil- -1-7 lop, one Mile from Seafortb, over an acre of .1 Lankon which is situattd a oomfortable frame cottage, 'with necessary outbuildinge and good. full healing orchard of choice fruit irees. The whole is well kneed and under high. cultivation: Apply to W. MOORE, at the Mechanics Institute, Seaforth. •529-4 . WARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 17, concession -A- 8, Stanley,100 acres, 80 cleared, well fenced. and in a good state of cultivation, the 'balance well timbered with maple. Exame house barn and sheds. Five acres or good bearing orchard, and two never failing wells. Is on a good gravel road within 2 miles of VallaS, 6 miles from Brum- field station, Great WesternRailway, and.12 mike from Seaforth and Clinton. For further paitien- lars apply to the proprietor on the preinisetnor to Varna 2.0. JOHN REDMOND.. -598 FOR SALE OR TO LET. p 00MS TO LET.—Three Front Rooms to let 'LA' in my bloek,. oeer 'Messrs. johneon Brothels Hardware Store. Apply to L. /41,xErt , Division Collet Office, Seaforth. 592 1-4 00111S TO LET.—Three rooms to let over A. -8-11 G. Ault's Grocery store, suitable for dress- making apartments or for dwellingrooms'with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. A.ULT. Proprietor. 590 • TpARB CHANCE.—Photograph. Rooms to Let Lc on fast floor in Scott's Brick Bleck, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Rooms on the fiat above, suitable for a dwelling, Posses- sion let January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MeKillop. 57341'. WARM TO RENT.—Is situated in the Town- -1- ship of Mallett, half way between the prosper- ous market towns of Seaforth and. Clinton, miles from the Huron Road, on the 8r4 conces- sion and convenient to school house , ac. Tb ere are 48 acres plowed, and 6 acres of tall wheat leoking prosperous; good bearing orchard and well; frame building, in good repair- well sup- plied with good water, there is a glad quantity of feed on the 13/ani8es; the land is in a good state of cultivation. Apply to FRANCIS RTJT- TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 9. Hallett. 5884x SPECIFIC ARTICT,BS. VOR SALE.—A nice lot of Cedar Rails. A.piary to W. SCOTT, Bnicefiell 594 CEDAR POSTS FOR SA -1.—For Sale,on Lot 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile from Bru B- ads, any quantity of cedar posts, either tut or by the acre. Apply to ALEX, ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden's Hotel, MoKillop. 1507 OT10E—To th e Orangemen and others of the -1-1 County of Huron and elsewhere, who ratty want a good bass dram, that can't be surpassed for tone. I have made agreat quantity of drums since the even- 1881. Send in your ordera ; you can rely cin gettinga good article ; don't lorget the place. CHARLES SCOBIE, Seafotth. 593-8 TDASTURAGE.--Good fresh pasturage for Cat- -1- tle and Her-ses,100 acres,on and after the 24th of May. Plenty ofgood epringwater,on2m1Con.H. R. S., Tuckeremith. TERMS.--ForHorees$2 per month, for the season, $1.75 per month, Cat- tie.—$1.50 per month; or $1.25 per month by the season, Payment to be made before the Stock is removed. Owners responsible for acci- dents or strays. Applications must be made at -once, as only a limited number will be taken. - Apply to JOHN THORP. 595 LEGAL NOTICE. rplIE DIVISION COU.S.T.—The office of the - Second Division -Court will be -open daily from half-patt one to tour o'clock P. M. Office in my Block, over the store of jo)niston Bros. L. MEYER Olerk of DivisionCourt, Seaforth. 562 :TORN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate " Agent. Grain, Produce andComtnission Mer- chant. Money loaned. on. real estate in town or country, at 8 per eentshnple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrow -era. Farms and village property for sale. Mee— Leckie'a new brick block., Brussels, Ont. 515 VXEOUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS.— The Creditors of Robert A. Hays, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Connty of 1[1130R) gen- • tleman, a ecessed, vho died -on or about the 910th day of December, A. D. 1878, are required on or befere the 28rd day of May, A. D. 1879, to send by letters, post-paid, to James 11.B -enema, of the Town of Seaforth aforesaid, Solicitor for the Ee.-ecutors of the said Robert A. Hays, deceased, theie christian names and eunmenee, addresses and dessiiptions; the full particedars of their claims, etatement of their accounts, and the Ma- ture of the securities (if any) held by them.; and immediately after the ssid 28rd day of May, the assets of the estate of the said Robert A. Heys, deceased, will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaims of -which notice shall have been received, and tbe said Executors shall not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any per- son of whose chime notice shall not have been received by them or their said Solicitor at the -time of distribution. This notice is given in pursuance of Cap. 107, Sec. 34, Revised Statutes. JAMES IL BENSON, Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day -of March, A. D. 1879. •524 - a STOCK FOR SERVICE. TMPR OVE YOUR STOCK.—The undersigned will keep during the present season on Lot, 17, conceesion 4. VoKillop, a THORO BRED DURHA M BULL- This anima' is 2 years old and was purchaeedfroin. Mr. George Sproat of Tuckers milli. He is one of the best mail:dale in the township. TERMS. --.$1,50 payable at the time of eervice, withthe privilege of returning if neceisary. JOHN SARA. 529x1 _ T_T ULLETT FARMERS IMPROVE TOUR Jos- STOCK.—The undersigned will keep for the improvement of stook thieSPELS073. on his farm, Lot No. 2, Concession 8, Hullett, a Thor- oughbred Durham Bull, bred by Robert Brown, Esq., of Grey. ' Terres.---75 cents per cow, pay- able at the time Of service, -with theprivilegeof re- turning if necessary: ROBT. MeMICHAEL. 593 rpHORO BRED BULL.—The midersIgned. will keep for the improvement of stockeluringthe present season, on his preroises, 2.4 eoncession 11.11'- S., a two year old. THORO BRED DUB - 13 Alf BULL. This bullewas purchased from Mr. John Shipley, Stapleton. He was got by "Duke of Hamilton," and weighs 1,900 lbs. TERMS,— Two dollars per cow ; to be paid on the ist of January 1880. All not then paid will be charged 50 cents extra. The privilege of returning 31 necessary. GEORGE SPROAT. 598x3 VARMERS, IMPROVE YOUR STOOK. --The -A: undereigned intends keeping his Thoroner- bred Bull for another season, for the improve- ment of stock, on Lot 273 Con. 2, McKillop. Fanners will do well to patronize him in view of raising stock for the English Market. Ilia get of calves shows that blood will tell. My tonna are only one dollar these hard times. Certificate of Registered Pedigree, No. 1,984, Wonderful, bred by James Giy, Ingersoll, Oxfora County, got by Sir Johnny (700) Registerd, dam Baundie by President (540), grand dam Matilda by rottng England (822, 5281), great grand dam Bed Besee imported, by Baron'a Kolidale, (11,158),dans Red Rose, see herd book. RODERICK59-GiRA.e 48Y McKillop. 4 -e