HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-05-16, Page 5ALvy 16, 1.879. leave town she was dismissed. aye previously she "beat" bee n Goderieh by getting on a, locking herself in the closet the same course between, 'Winghara. as been provert beyond a doubt is can live for a mouth after be.. ed alive. A gentleman. in Exes t. hen which was buried under a Ld. of straw for about four weeks. ad of which time ahe came out tly none the worse for her co t. The hen could. not possibly (I anything to eat during the a was under the straw. Wednesday night of last week :ude of the night was disturbea a dozen dogs making a visit te _Brown's h en roost, at Exeter,ard airty-eight hens and two ducks, a went into the stable and toot off the roost, where they were for the night. The same dogs Mr, D. Wanless' hen -house, rif- ng had enough "fowl Mr. Brown's premiaes, aid 0 much noise that a hors. as in the stable hard by got frightened that it broke loose, a the stable, started off at * a pace and never stopped tat a barn yard in the 2ncl eon - if Hay. more Wingbara merchants kie where the woodbine txvi- Roth were well known in the d the news that they had. clear- aused general surprise. afe. Evester, who has carried on a, e on Victoria street for some ; about the middle of last weele, eat since been heard of. The ef his defalcation is not pore newn, but it is Somewhere in "borhood of $300. Sometime is beginning of last week Mr. :ennedy, who bought hides on et for his father in Ingersoll, raped. His father carries on dve tannery in. Ingersoll, and reW on him at the •bank to pay hides he bought. It has been, ed that he did his father out $4,000. No trace of either of has been found. following are the names of - ) formed the Greenway Mani.. v, on Tuesday of last Week: V7aIper, J. Hewitt, D. Elle.. s. Ellenba.ura, and four chil- i. Cave, R. P. Marshall, Mrs. F. Heyrock, F. Cave, II. Hog.. logarth, Mrs. Brown, senior, 711, junior, and four children inchy, R. Sanders, A. White: dlison, T. Lang, J. Moir, R. S. Parr, Mrs. Parr, Miss L. 'ter Parr, Mrs. Ring, R. Elliott, s, Miss B. Hicks, Miss. R. 7. and Mrs. J. Hicks, and four Oke and three children, W. Clifford, R. Sweet, Thos. T. Young, senior, Margaret Dancey, T. Young, junior, on, T. Hueston, J. Sweet, 11. '.Young, W. Clifford, senior. nee, W. Lewis, C. Fraser, P. a J. Rogers, J. Caldwell, J. F. iad Mrs. Reiebeil. These per- Jentralia station at 9.30 p. m., loudly cheered on their de- iy about 400 friends and ac- es who had assembled at the bid. them good-bye. Vinghara Times of last week ; the following :—Between four o'clock Sunday morning of the young raen—we will intlemen—of this town took :ir heads to have some "sport." went to Lane's auctionroome away the red flag. Heade& carrying this, they went to a Lich has a very bad repute, 1 in a. shameful raanner. ase was battered with 1 stones, and daubed with ey yelled and shrieked, se -hole neighbOrhood was soon p. Several revolver shots , after whieh the roughs re - Josephine street, by way of reet, taking off gates and Luch damage as possible on Three signs belonging to Mr. aa, were taken away from the 5. store and demolished. One taken from Seeger, Wade & Lw office. Several other de- , --were committed, after which 'sbansded. The manner in carried on was disgraceful -reme, and it is to be hoped who hada hand in the affair ght andpunished. Perth Items. h Court of Revision sits on - Abbott, one of Mitchell's Wished business men, has solvency. rday of last week Mrs. R. tchell, was standing on a outside, of the hone ar- ndow, when one of the legs air sank in the ground, d her to fall, breaking one of her left arra near the Te- club has been formed in. .ess. The following are the, e institution: Luke Kings tr. Rourke, 1st Vice; John. /al Vice; Cornelius Friel, 'atriok Sta.pelton, Cortes- eretary ; Michael Gambut, ecretary ; William Roan, nag naeetirtg of the Mitchell k Association will be held inst. The following races ace: Running race, purse general business horses; se $60, open to hack and -es that have not beaten ; open running race, purse I, purse $100 ; pacing race, tford, on, Saturday night, sut 10 o'clock, a fire was a stable in rear of Mr. Sn's confectionery on Mar- t was put out in a few 1 the damage was light. after the alarm sounded bright light was seen la of the park, which proved se of Mr. John Sillifant. were on the spot, but too he building, which wag to- ed. Insured for $600Jvhich -er the loss. listable Herrington, of St - a clever arrest of a horse giving his name as John ove into town about 7 P-11-6 of horses and carriage - on noticing that the horses ely used ap, andi the nasal suspiciously, arrested hinr of having stolen the horses. MAY 16 1879. t THE H 'RON • it EXPOgrrOn. see_ s 5 The emu wh. different ston the team.. A bim bearing Market fjotel ii questioned told se eral s as to how he cathe by hotel check was fouad on the name of C. Efeller„ Berlin. Mr. Herrington telegraphed t Berlin, and received a at Chief Constable Illip- pertreplywsotatutind gb up on the first train with a warren for his man. The horses om George King, near - Beairawere stolon , °at o. —A by-law o aid and assist the St. yarys Credit alley and, Huron Rail- way company in the construction Of a othvay from t e town a St. Marys to the town of V.V. odstock or Ingersoll, and tor the erect° of maehine shops and repair shops fa r the sarae in town of arYs, by ying to the said om- St. M pony the sum of $60,000 by wa of bonus, ana to. ssue debentures. therefor, n na to autho 1 : the levying of ialspecial s rate for thv pa, 1, ent of the said dawn - tures, and nate est thereen, will be ub- elided to the atepayere of St.Mrys i on the 20th in t. —Last fall o early in the winter the shoe shop of M . J. W . Kethe, at Nevtry, was entered a d a lot of boots and shoes carried away. Suspicion pointed o a young man, or rather boy, by the name of Soper, and comrade named Don- aldson. A fe months ago Constables woods and He .phill went to Muskeka, where they w re understood to haye gone, and whee the friends of Donald - on Jive, but di not succeed in seen 'lig them. One n ght last week, hewever, Constable Woods learned -that ! Seger had returned, nd was staying with his friends at the outh end ef thetewn of Listowel. He being iudisposed pent Constable: He so phill and. another'Man in Ms enaploy to arrest him. They found him at his brother Stephen's. Stephen took . own his rifle and hold- ing it within a ew inches of Constable Ilemphill's he d, threatened to shoit if they dared to arrest his brother. A loaded revolve placed at his ear, ow - ever, had the e ect of bringing hiti to quietness, and the younger brother was taken in cus a 0 y. Next morning °n- otable Woods - en t and arrested. Step en for resisting a. officer, and locked him up also. The have since been, tied before Mayor Scott, Mr. T. E ay, Reeve, and M . D. D. Campbell,' . P. Stephen was lined $20, and the o her committed to ail to stand his trial be- fore the judge. Tea No Pora man won't do i must have a p have a grasps tional Policy. have the most market. Arri stock of Gent of light ties i French Cambri arrived this we Hosiery, two p and see them Oak Hall. MAN.—he no policy this age. Everybedy licy of some kind. Some policy, others a Na Oak Hall's policy is to fashionable goods, in the ed this week a very fine Furnishings, consisting all the new shades, Ties only 5 cents. Also k a large:lot of GerMan ir for 25 cents. call HALLY & ANDERSON, AFGHANISTAN announces that , cepted all the advance fronti Kojuk Pass, Valley, as far and Khyber Pa British also ga agent at Cend is not hiforme have agents at not known wh signed immed later at Cabul. turns as Dave Later news sa Lahore, &Dien ghanistan has posals, is cartes ably entirely w Sircda says tha tween Gen. and Yakoob FI entirely cerem negotiations. —A Lahore dispatchYakoob Khan has ac- ritish proposals. The r line to give the British esheen Valley, Kimura as Shuaragardan Pass, s, as far as Laorgi. The the right to keep i an ar. The :correspondent whether they are to Cabal and Herat. It is ther the treaty is. to be ately at Gundamuk _or Major Cavagnari re - to Cabal with Yakoob. s: The despatch from dug the :Ameer of lAf- ccepted the British pro- ly premature and prob- ong. A despatch. from the visit a exchanged, be- rown, Major Cayagnari an have been thus 'far nial and preliminary to TURKEY'S T A corresponde graphs that commander in aging popular and openly th obliged to ma subject to th At a great ban: popolis he spo agitator than Governnaent, cerely desirou lin Treaty. Commissioner gra.nanae of th the French an commission, b pointraent of f the Administr Bs the Turks d foreigners to b OUBLE WITH ROUMELIA. t at Constantinople tele- olyphine,. the Ruskan Rouraelia, is encour- gitation so energetically t the Pcirte ha e been e representations pn the • RUSSialT Ambassador. ttet recently at Phillip- e rather as a Pan-Slavist s a representative of the hieh professes itself Sin - of carrying out the Ber- The Turkish Financial • refused te sign the pro - reforms elaborated; by English naembers of the cause it Tenders the ap- reigners at the head of tion compulsory, where - sire the introduction of merely optional. A FEARFUL RecoarsH—The Cincin- nati Gazette ha- a correspondent travel- ling through ntucky fir the purpose of writing up a history of ;the honaicides, shooting affair;, etc., that have oecurred in the dark an bloody ground. Thus far six count -ie have beett visited, and, as far as heard from there hav been, inten years, ON er 500 shooting ffrays in which the i tent was to kill. In about 160 of t ese the intent was sar- ried out. STRANGE DIS dispatch says broken out i proves fatal in Derby, which seventy perso chene with 20 reported as ha ity elsewhere • ASE.—A St. Petersbnrg the disease which has Caucasos, in Russia, twenty-four hours. In contains several houses, s died. In Medivres- houses, 200 persons are ing died. The mortal - on the same scale. Mi cellane9us. —Several gr recently in Ru —Lord and land on a holi —Hales, 75 on Lake Hales sequence of la has been done. —The orde Conn.cil, rep.' Arnericaa swi comes into for —One hundi colliers in En in the event o crease of pay at fires have ceoureed sia. ady Dufferin are in Eng - ay. iles south-east of Pesth, o, is inundated in con- e rains. Much damage 1 1 • Iof the British! Privy lig the I e aughtering of e at the pert of landing, e on May115. ed and. twenty thousand land contemplate a strike their deinand for an in- eing refused. —Several residents ofiGalt are going into fLg =lbw , having planted out a good. many ir es. It is said that the Bummers are the fruit, but t uite hot enough to ripen e trees must be protect - ba during the winter. The fig yields abundantly in Michigan, and has been cultivated with success in Massachu- setts and other northern States. —The inquest into the cause of the late explosion at Stratford Was oontnu- ed ondnesday, and. was adjourned i until Th rsday, when the jury expect to return their Verdict. i Dirt s. UPSHALTer-In Hibbert, ox the 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. George Upshall Of a daughter. O'SULLIVAN—In MoKillqp, on the 5th indent, the wife of Mr. John O'Sullivan of a son. lifoCASEY4-In Hibbert, on the 5th instant, the wife of 1Ir 4 . Peter MoCasey of a son. EVANS— MeKillop, on the 7th -instant, the wife of iMr. Evans of a son. DECANTELON—In McKillop, on the 12th in- stant, the wife of Mr. Patrick DeCantelon, of a BOIL ' I TREAVES—In Seaforth, on the 13th instant, the wife of Mr. William Treaves of a daughter. DORRANCE—In MoKillop, on the 5th instant, the wife of Mr. David Dorrance of a danghter GRIEVE—n Seaforth, on the 5th instant, the wife of r. Elliott Grieve of a son. McCARTY At Harpruthey, on the 13th instant, the wif of Mr. Michael McCarty of a daughter. • Marriages. KING—SMITH—On the 29th ult., at the residents° of the bride's father, by the Rev. R. Thomas, Mr. Wm. King, photographer, of Mount For- est, to Miss Mary A., daughter of Mr. Henry Smith, of Clinton. . LURER—O'BRIEN—On the ist inst., at the C. M. Church, Kippen, by the Rev. Mr. Living- stone,f r. A.. Luker, to Catherine, seeond e delight : r of Mr. Patrick O'Brien, both of Hay townshi . STALIIER--HOLMAN—At the Central Hotel, Seaforth, on the 30th tilt., by the Rev. A. D. McDonald, Mr. Charles Stalker, to Willimina Holman, both of Bayfield. BROADFOOT—CHESNEY—By the Re -v. A. D. McDonald, on the 13th instant, Mr. Erskine Broadfoiot, son of James Broadfoot, Esq., of Tuckerith, to Annie, daughter of the late George Chesney, Esq., of Tuckersmith. EASTON—MATTHEWS —In Aurora, Nevada, Mr. John L. Easton, of Bodie, to Emma E. Matthews, of Silver City. Deaths. . ROBISON—In Ilsbonie, on Saturday, the Brd inst., the beloved wife of Archibald Robison. STOTHERS—In West Wawanosh, on 27th ult., E. Stothers, aged 21 years. She sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. DUNBAR—Of consumption, at her father's resi- deuce, North Yarmouth, on the 12th instant, Fannie M. Paddon, in her 26th year, wife of R. H. Dtinbar, late master of Blyth Public School. ROBERTSON—In Usborne, on the 3rd instant, the -wife of Mr. Archibald Robertson. HARRIS—In Hibbert, on the 9th instant, Marian Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the late Charlet; Harris, Esq., aged 12 years and 5 months. • THEXARKETS. , $EAFORTH, May 15, 1879. Fall Wheat ' 000 to 094 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel....0 85 to 0 90 Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbash. 0 83 to 0 85 Oats per bushel 0 37 to 0 38 Peas per bushel . ..0 50 to 0 55 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 50 Bntter, No.1„ Loose 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs . 0 09 to 0 09 Flour, per 100 lbs.. ... . . ... 2 35 to 2 50 Hay 8 00 to 800 Ilidee per lb 06 to Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs. , Sheep !skins 0 50 to Salt (retail)per barrel .. Salt (wholesale)per barrel........ ' Potatoes, per bushei 0 60 to Oatmeal p bri ..... 2 60 to Tallow, per pb 0 04 to Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs8 50 to 0 05 4 00 3 00 1 25 0 85 0 75 0 65 3 00 0 05 5 00 CnitnroN, "May 15, 1879. Fall Wheat,per bushel 080 @ 0 90 Spring Wheat, b erbushel . 0 80 @ 0 88 Oats, per bushel . 0 40 g 0 45 Barley, per bushel.... ; 0 50 g 0 60 Peas, per bushel . i 0 60 @ 0 65 Butter 0 10 (0 0-15 Potatoes - 0 60 (0 '0 85 Eggs 1J09 (0 010 Hay,per ten 8 00 g 9 00 LIVERPOOL, May 1.4—Spring wheat, 7s 64 to 8s 64; red winter, 8s lld to 9s 54; white, 8s 84 to 9s 2d; club, 9s 24 to 9s 54; corn, 4s 44; oats, 5s 64; bar- ley, 5s 3d ; peas, 6s 54; pork, 47s 64; beef, 74s 64; cheese, 42s. TORONTO, May 15.--1'all wheat, $1.02 to $1.05 ; spring, 92c to $1; oats, 380; peas, 66c to 68c ; barley, 500 to 78c; baled hay, $10.50 to 12.50;$wool, 20c; butter, 124 cents to 15 oents ; cheese, 8i cents to 9_cents. LONDON, May 15.-LDie1il and Tread- well, $1.63 to $1.67 per 100 lbs.; red fall, $1.60 to L65;$spring, $1.20 to 1.65;$ oats, 95c to $1; peas, $1 to $1.05; bar- ley, 85c to $1.05; eggs, 8c to 11; butter, 9c to 14; dairy cheese, 6c to 7e; factory, 7c to 9c; Wool, 18c to 20c. • tet -H••••••• Live Stock Markets._ MONTREAL, May 13.-0attle—Busi- ness was fairly brisk.Prices ranged from 4e to 5fc per lb. lie e weight. The following sales are reported: Wm. Head, twelve cattle, at from qc to 5o per lbe T. 0. Robson, of St. Mary, for export, 18, at $58 per head; W. S. Wil- liamson, of Brampton sold. two loads at from 4ic to5c perHugh. Kelly, of Toronto, 36 cattle, including 10 choice heifers, at $60 per head; T. J. Ceoh and O'Rotfrke, of Shakespeare, 33 extra good cattle averaging 1,490 lbs. each, at a little oyer ; Geo. Paterson, of Guelph, 16 fine cattle, at about $4.85 per 100 lbse Jos. Lunuess, of Toronto, 14 cattle ati$4.621 ; John Elliott, 7 cat- tle, at 5fc, arid 9 at ; G. Fetherston, 35 cattle, at a little ovIer ; M. La- porte, of Mildmay, Ont., 10 cattle, at $61 per head, and 13 atfrom $45 to $50 —and had about as many more unsold; J. Bungard, of Port Peery, sold seven at about 4ic ; F. W. Ritchings sold 17 at $68 per head, two weighing about 1,400 Its. each, for $170. BUFFALO, May 13.— Cattle — Sales were made of a lot of 16 head of Michi- gan stock ay. 1,188 lbs. at $4.80; 18 Michigan aV.• 1,214 lbs. at 4.80;$ 19 head of same ay. 836 lbs. at $3.90, and 20 head of same ay. 993 lbs. at $4.14. Medium to good grades were quotable at $4.50 to $5, and choice to extra at $5 to $5.50, and good to choice butchers' stock at $3.75 to $4.50. Stockers were in light supply and prices for good ranged $3.137i to 53.75 for Michigan, and Canadian at $3.50 to $4.25. Light and inferior stockers were dull and un- changed. Sheep—Clipped sheep were sold all the way from $4.20 to $5, as to quality, while fair to good wooled brought $5 to $5.40. Among the sales we notice the following Michigan sheep: McDonough & Co. sold 256 wooled ay. 123 lbs. at $5.80; 80 wooled ay. 99 lbs. at $5.80; also 180 wooled ay. 84 lbs. at $4.70; Whaley sold 14 wooled ay. 88 lbs. at 915.75. Ohio clipped sheep, weighing 81 to , 92 lbs. sold at prices ranging from $1.25 to $5.40. The mar- ket closed. with stock generally bleared off. Swine—Prices ranged from $3.50 to $3.70 for common to best selected, and $3.35 to $3.65 for light weights. A few Yorkers brought $3.55 to $3.65, and small lots of medium and heavy. $3.60 to $3.70, mainly at $3.60 to $3.65. Mixed lots were quoted at $3 to $3.30; roughs, $2 to $2.75, a.nd pigs $3 to $3.25. Local Notices, SEE THE Soap, 25 bars for $1 at ROSE'S Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at Itosn's Grocery. 674 AT RETAIL.—Goods are being sold. by Private Sale in Stanley Day's Auction Mart, at Wholesale rates for cash. Spring Suits inado to order, $10 60 to $12 60. 593 IA RARE OFFER EVEN FOR AARD TIMES. --Virm. CAMPBELL sells Scotch ahd Canadian Tweed Pants, made to order in first-elass style for e3.50, or two pairs for $6.50. Trythem: 595-2 AUCTION SALE of Dry Goods at Joarr' Roonas, Saturdliy, May 3rd, . afterneon and even- - ing and every day following until the whole stock iti cleared out. Goods sold during the morning at Auction prime. 695 DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP.—The Na- tional Policy has not increased the, price of this famous soap. I am still selling at old figures Try a couple of bars—the best soap in the Domin- ion. THOMAS KIDD. 592 SPRING reowntes—inessrs. 16ROWNELL & ABELL are prepared to receive orders for Galan Plowing in town. Anything in that lino entrusted tri them will receive prompt attention, careful w rk and reasonable rates. 592 P. Gs SPARLING, having determined. to go out of business, offers his whole stock at cost. Buyers would do well to call and see for them- selves. This is no humbug. Must be cleared Out at once. F. G. Sentra-nu. 583 D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth, iris tes the attention of cash buyers to his Stock o Groceries. HStock is constantly turning, and is always fresh. His prices are the lowest—it will pay you to call. Examine his goods 'and compare prices. 574 I ICROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. —Parties wanting to buy anything in Croekeryor Glassware will find our stock complete and Well assorted, and prices lower than in any other house, quality 'con- sidered. Tea Sets from $2 up, Toilet Sets, $1. 15 and tIpWardS. WILSON SG YOUNG. 586 NEW TEAS. —Received this week at wresoe & YOUNG'S, a large consignment of Extra Choice New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, bonght direct from the importers at the lowest cash prices. For quality and price we can confi- dentlyrecommend them as the best value in town. Call and examine our Stock before purchasbagwe goianuitee satisfaction. 586 'DOBBIN'S' ELECTRIC SOAP.--iptaving ob- tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea - forth and Huron County, I append the opinion of soine of otzr best people as to its merits: "1 have used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by J, L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and find it very good. The clothes are beautifully white and the washing Is done in much less time—Mrs. M. P. Hayes. "1 used Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di- rections, and found the clothes whiter than -when washed in the old way, and in half the Usual time -.:Mrs. M. Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins' Electric Soap, and am highly satisfied with the result. I believe it capable of doing all the wrap- per claims for. it, and most confidently recom- mend it as economizing both time and labor, and aa doing its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsmith." "Having given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial, I think it is all the manufacturers represent it to be—Mrs. R. T. Coleman." I desire all my friends and customers to give this Soap oue trial, so they may know just how good the best soap in the United States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth, Ont., Agent for Huron County. 571-52 STOCK FOR SALE. MARE FOR SALE.—.&large general purpose Imare, good to work n either double or sing- gle harness, perfeetly quiet and not breechy. 111 exchange for a good driver. Apply to A. STROFG, Seaforth. 597-2 REAL ESTATE FOR -SALE. `IARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 8, concession 7, Hullett, containing -50 acres, 46 of which are cleared, the balance hardwood. A good bear- ing orchard, frame house, barns and sheds; plenty of water, and on a good gravel road leading to markets. , Within half a mile of the village of Ki nb urn. .Will be sold cheap,apply on the premises or to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 597x8 TO CONTRACTORS. TO CONTBACTORS.—Tenders will -111, be received until the 3lst day of May next, at 1 o'clock P.M., by the undersigned Trustees ,of School Section No. 5, Stanley, for the erection of a frame school house. Plans and specifications may be seen by intending 'contraotors at Henry Dawson's, Goshen Line. Tenders will be opened in old school house at 1 o'clock P. M. The Trus- tees do net bind themselves to accept the lowest orl any tender, if not satisfactory. HENRY DAWSON, JAMES ESSLER, GEORGE KEN- NEDY, Trustees. 694x4 ' LOST OR FOUND, RAYED COLT,—Strayed from the premises o the undersigned, Lot 18 Concesaion 9, Stanley, on or about the let of May. A brown to -year old Entire Colt. He had a white star o n forehead, and was slightly Roman nosed.. A ny person giving such information as will lead to his recovery, wil be eaitably rewarded. HENRY DOBSON_Jr., Pro., Varna P. 0. 597r4 TIOG LOST—Lost, in Seaforth on the let of April, a Collie Dog, answering to the name of Captain. He is two years old, black on body with brown nose and legs, and rotigh skin. Any person returning the animal to the undersigned will be suitably rewarded, and any person har- boring him after this will be prosecuted as the law directs. --JOHN COWAN, McKillop, Sea - forth P O. 591 EETRAY COLTS.—Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 9, Con. 2, McKillop, on 30th April, two Colts, one two years old and the other a yealling. Both were of brown color with heavy mane. The two-year-old was a filly and the yearling a horse. They are both from the sine mare and horse and very much alike. Any person giving suoh information as will lead to the recovery of the above animals will be suitably rewarded. MATTHEW PURCILL, Seaforth P '0 596 P.p. • HEESE MAKERS ATTENTION! tfHE committee of the Western Ontario Dairy- men's Association have made arrangements to have Professor L. B. ARNOLD , The well known dairy expert of New York, give Practical Lessons in Cheesemaking, in the Strat- ford district, at the following times and placer; 11 Big factory," East Zorra and[Blandford, Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 19, 20 and 21. Lecture to patrons and cheesemakers on Wed- nedsay at 2 P. M. Tavistook Factory, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, May 22, 23 and 24. Lecture on Saturday at 2 P. M. Fullaarton Cheeae Factory, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26, 27 and 2e. Lecture in TOWn Hall on Wednesday, at 2 P. M. - Seaforth Factory, Thursday,Friday and Satur- day; May 29, 30tand 31. Lecture in Town Hall on Saturday at 2 P. M. A. full attendance of cheeseinakers and all Per - sots interested in dairying,is earnest- ly desired, and it- is hoped all will avail them- selves of this opportunity of gaining valna.ble practical knowledge, Patrons are particularly requeSted to attend. T. BALLANTYNE, C. HEGLER, 697-2 President. Secretary. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL. JULY 8th AND 9th, 1879, ANDIDATES aro required by law to notify the Head Master not later than June 1st of t heir intention of presenting. themselves nt the a bove-mentioned examination. The exercises will commence at 9 A. M., percisely ou each day. Forms may be had on application to Inspector Dewar, or to the undersigned. C. CLA.RKSON, 596-2 High School, Seaforth QEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY.—The under- " signed, while returning thanks for the pat- ronage already received, would remind his:many customers and friends that he still continues to make pumps and cisterns of the best material and by the best workmen. None but quartered timber used for pumps. A few farm gates still on hand. All overdue accounts not settled forth- with will be charged 10 per cent. interest from the lst of January, 1878. NOBLE CLETE, Seaforth. 568 1 TNFORMATION WANTED.—Of Joseph Pyke, H-1-! who was inSeaforthabou.t twnon:weeeks tit= I who is in the Commercial, and would like to hear frolapohim. CHARLOTTE PIKE. • 597x1 linii:firlteiren" t61g'1:.r4 1.4 ;:ag.6'..4451!hei - - - ti. ! ..4 fga :Ill croi 0 1 ga : t• ki E f.,-.3 It g El',9.timag 0 4.6,51!.! ;;;.;.$1;—perisali- 0 ..„. .:._...„P•;:x1P willounire•••••;:m---. 13 !Si t1,2 4 - WC E T." CO 1..40. r.-00 a.. P •-•"` fg El er •••• g a 14CD 4 0 I 0 tp AI la - •••I p c7 is0 40 og: 0 4 g *c, 01.3 0 ,I, a 1 ege0t1S94.040g°;(47:6 g.1,4-.., 47 1.'MO ep 177. I. 4 (1) t:, 0 --- I ' ° 0 14 02 0 0 ,1 ix 2r61. On4s. r'-‘1,. 00 le - Cl2 1 : 1: : ; : t :1: C : SI:' - "Z; • T* --C 2 I : 1 IV IP ' 14 :47 : il.' t; ; ° ocbsa'rs Eti ii," ol 0 ea 1,1 CD pil ,, ... 14 Z:fg ,4 Ft.' 0 CD " le." I .3 17. 0 ° m 80 5' Si g• 4 Olt Z e,'el ilg--612. rgs.ET4;74'.a.0.....egIt".gg 00 PEa47,741742Mrs.P..1041 -r-ti ...4,$12,710:.?" re . 0 - 0..4: o V,* cl. c.- 71:lg.,' r_y. , eat 47 0(0 y15'O11:F'•017:E3a:,6D)-' , 'c1w• sit:i,/l.,5 ' ,.0,c;:Dei,2 tar7;'-744Q,•„f1.P1”°p -1 .-. 1104 :;E°i"1ea5t.r . :a81,p,frc.a4e.to:,`.o•i.ci:.." ,•.: g 0=ega:- .0So7.q:eg.02t .74•1....,,.-'e‘c:,c,14,V.oD3os,-" 4. 1.. v.8.00:DEcl/6o1.=i 1onitu- ..tItk.n0:5i0..Iidi .l. - pj • l V:w°-,c2 g0,,d7g0 i,e,,.,.,m g-. ;:1;'1:: — : ;a :t;118ePo:::: -V;::l a.,.'.' -a' ! 7...2Tl7F,t,",it Fi-glai 1"IcTO i r..5 r5-4.=0 c. li ....5,1:1.aars-si. . .... ET, 0 0 0 )-04 w Et 'RI 0 4 0 I/ • . .,- el- 0. 0 g. ft 91:' O's 0 -n -n AU0 ION. .A_ CARRAC S, BUGGIES, DEMOCRATS, WACONS, &C. JAMES il sell by WEDNESDA All his sto Phretons, Light and k, consistin Democrats, Waggo The abo e stook is A best meter als by first c ars Will et ve none) Sale. PHAIL bile Auction, on MAY 21, 1879, of Cutunder Carriages, Top and Open Buggies, 11 New, and built of the se workman. Parches - by Buying at This SALE AT I 0 CLOCK P. M. TERMS. over ilat on appro cent. per a stuns Over 597 - All sums of $20 and under, cash; mount, 6 months' otedit will be given ed notes. A discount of nine per num will be al.lowed for cath on all wsnty dollars. JA S McPHAIL, Proprietor, Mitchell BRO A DFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &C. FUNER LS ATTENDED ON THE HORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HE RSE FOR HIRE. PUBLIC FOR Firs -1- onto an f he 101 the Town forth and Sth at 2 .of Goderic p. Forms o the Candi the Secret It is in Secretary intention t Candida cates are r ficates of s to furnish Candida they inten other na Third Cies 596-2 SCHOOL TEACHERS' EX- MINATTONS, 1879, Class—At t 1 Ottawa on at 9 n. 111 f Goderich linton, on '.-iii. For en RION e Normal Schools Tor- TIIIIIISDAIr July . For Second Class --At and High Schools of Sea- UE.‘11.11A July the hird Class—At the Town Alt July:1_4th at 2 the notice o be previously given by tes can be 1btained on application to ispensible that Candidatee notify, the ot later t -hap the let of Jane, of their • present th mselves for examination. es for First, nd Second Class Certill- quired to fo ward the necessary certi- ecess in te ching, and all arerequired ertificates of moral character. es for Secon Class must state whether to write at oderich or at one of the ed High chools. Candidates for must furni h proper proof of age. ETER ADAi SON, Secy. Board Errs. 1, SO ET PA EL I NG NEW. IOTURES. A CALD R invites cust macre and t new Panel Phctograph gem and ne ds to be see are printea on extra fini shed i first claim about gett* g pictures t and see sa plea of Cald leaving the r orders el place, the SI N. B.— Interest fold to the taut day. TO e attention of his many e public generally to his . The Panel Picturels a to be appreciated. They e alb uminized paper and style. Parties who are ken would do well to call r's Panel Pictures,before ewhere, Remember the allay opposite the Commercial. ' A. CALDER, Seaforth. alder has s g Discles ze of a di, ill on hand a few more es," which he may un- cerning public at no dia- ONT ACTORS. OTICE is hereby gi -1-1 will be received by one o'clock -P. M., on MAY, for making 17 Township of Turnberr ed at the :louncil me Bluevale. The Conn& accept the lowest °ran are not si4isfactory,Ith Public Auetion, at th Plan' a specfications a the Clerk' ti Office. J ship Clerk,1i Turnbeny. en, that sealed tenders the undersigned, up to TUESDAY, the 27th of miles of drains in the . Tenders will be open - ting, Johnston's Hotel. does not bind itselt to Tender. If the Tenders contract will be let by same time and place. d profilea can be seen at AMES JOHNSTON, Town - 596 -41 COIL/ RT 0 TOWN4HIP OF R EVISION. TUCKERSMITH. THE Court of Revis Tuckersmith, will HarpurheY, on Tuesda at 10 o'eloick A. M. please take notice and dingly. WILLIAM M on for the Township of be held at Faugh's Hotel,' , May '271h, commencing 11 parties tnterested will govern themselves &war- CONNELL, Clerk. 597-2 TOW SH I COURT OF HAY. RIEVISION. THE Court of Bevis on for the Township of "L Hay will be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, on MONDAY, &fay 26, commencing at 11 o'clock A. M. All p fes interested will please take notice and gov • themselves aecordingly. SAMUEL FOSTER, lerk. 596-2 co $3.50 U) CO co F.- 1- I- I - Z Z Z z $3.50 < < < < Q. O. a. a. TWO PAIRS FOR $6.50 GOOD SOOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. AT CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, • Corner of Main and God erich Streets, Seaforth. THE GREAT SALE CONTINUE THIRTY THIRTY DAYS LONGER BiOCI=ZS'. Piles of Dry Goods still left at Rogers'. Bargainsin _Every Department at Rogers', The Whole Stock to be Cleared Out at Rogers'. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, see the prices, at Rogers'. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, price the* at Rogers'. All Buyers of Dry Goods Made Happy at Rogers'. THE GREAT SALE TO CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS LONG- - ER AT. JOHN ROGERS', SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL WAREROOMS. O. C. WILLSON, PROPRIETOR, HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS. THE NEW MASSEY REAPER AND MOWER A SPECIALTY. These are new machines for this season, and Farmers would do well to exam- ine them before purchasing others. . Sharp's Rake is so well and favorably known that it requires no comment.. The Massey No. 13 Thistle Cutter Plows, the Oliver Chilled Plow, and a fall stock of General Purpose Plows always on hand, and at greatly reduced prices; $40 Plows for $18 call and see them. All kinds of fire9:11 Implements, such as Horse Hoes; Scuffiers, Iron Harrows, Land Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Churns, Washing Machines, Wringers, and every article'belonging to the business. Orders taken for Paris and Woodbridge Threshing 'Machines. Sewing Machines—A full stock of the Florence, Wanzer F, and Raymond, which need do comment, as it is an established fact that they are the leading machines in the market. Sewtng Machine Needles, Oils and Repairs. All kinds of Plow Castings Ponds,and other Repairs always on hand-. • 0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. 1L879 SPIZINC3-- 1879- DyNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH Take Pleasure in informing their Patrons and the Public generally that their Stock is now fully re -assorted in all lines, and is replete witk all the Latest Novelties of the Season. IN THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT The following commend especial notice: Cashmere DeBerges in all the Leading (iolors,. Colored S. W. Lustres, Colored D. W. iLastres. The Army Robsart Cloth, something new. Black and Colored. Cashmeres. Parasols—A Large Stock, cheap. PaR,Il\T TS. PR. IINT S - Our Stock of Prints is unusually large, comprising all the Newest Patterns, and. being the best value we have ever shown, are worthy of special examination. P 1 MILLINERY. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. Stri ed Costumettes White Piques,White Muslins and Colored. Muslins. Our Show Room Opening has been the most successful we have ever had, and was acknowledged by all to be the finest display ever shown in Seaforth. This Department being in charge of a First -Class Milliner, we only ask for an inspec- tion to iconvince all that our Goods, FOR NEATNESS AND STYLE, CANNOT BE EXCELLED. We are continually adding to the Stock all the Laaet Paris and New York -t • Styles in Shapes and Trimmings. OUR TWEED DEPARTMENT Is now complete in all classes of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. A full stock of Cotton! Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Sheetings, Tickings, Towels and Towelling& ORDERS FOR CLOTHING Have our best Attention. Having a First -Class Cutter, we Call always guarantee satisfaction, and at reasonable prices. Suits from $13 in WoolTweecl. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES. A Full Stock of Fresh ,Groceries Always on Hand. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, Seaforth. WANTED. A PPRENTIOFS 'WANTED. — Wanted, fan- xnediately 12 apprentices to the Dress-inaking - 13usinese. Apply to MISS ANDERSON, Set - forth. 595x4 PERSONA 'rt. Tft OARDERS.—A number of Boarders can lie accommodated with board, either ladies Or gentlemen. Apply to J. M. CALDWELL, (only man and wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 MONEY. MONEY TO LEND—On term more advan- • 'LTA' tageone than ever before offered. A. X. Me- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504.52 WHO WANTS MONEY 7—A few thonsand dollars, private itmds, for immediate invest,. ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES H. BEN SON, Selicitor, Seaforth. 533 MONEY LEND.—I have any amount of 'LY -1" M-cney to Lend.on good improvedfanns only, at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Sum no object if secinity ample. I don't lend for S.ny Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seafortli. 570 $10 to el lion Invested in Wall -St., tIP "u" Stocks makes fortunes ' every month. Books -sent free ex.plaining every- thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall -street, New York. .587-52 STOCK FOR SERVICE. A IMBIBE BULL.—A pure Ayrshire Bull "L" two yeats old, with registered fpedigree, will serve cows at $1 for season, on Lot 5, Con. 3, Tarnberry. LA.WRENCE LOVELL. 595x4 T_T ULLETT FARMERS IMPROVE YOUR -1-l- STOCK --The undersigned wilr keep for the improvement of stock this; season on his faire, Lot No. 2, Concession 3, Hallett, a Thor- oughbxed ,Durham Bull, bred by obert Brown, Esq., of Grey. Terms. -75 cents per cow, pay- able at the time of service, -with theprivilegeefre- turning if necessary. ROBT. McMICHAEL. 598 -FARMERS, IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. --The undereigiaed intends keeping his Thorough- bred Bull for another season, for the improve- ment of stock, on Lot 27, Con. 2, op. Fanners will do well to patronize hire vielf Ot raising stock for the English Market. Ms get of calves shows that Mood will tell. My teams are only one dollar thesehard times. Certificate of Registered Pedigree, No. 1,384, Wonderful,. bred by James Golly, Ingersoll, Oxford Cotmty,. got by Sir Johnny (700) Registerd, dam Batindis by President (540), grand dare Matilde. by Young England (822, 6281), great grand dam Red Rose,. imported, by Baxcn, of Kidedale, (11,156), dart Red Bose, see herd book. RODERICK GRA.Ti.. McKillop. - 591-18 FOR SALE OR TO LET. lept 00MS TO LLT.—Three Front Rooms to let' in ray bloek, over Messrs. Johnson Brothers' Hardware Store. Apply to L.M.r.YER, Division. Court Office, Seaforth. 592 ROOMS TO LET. --Three rooms to let over.A. G. Ault's Grocery store, suitable for dress- making apartmerits or for dwelling rooms, with, front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G.AULT. Proprietor. 590 -RARE CHANCE.—Photograph Rooms to Let " -on first floor in Scott's Bricki3lock, 8esiorth4 position central. Also, three or four Rooms on the flat above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses- sion lst January, 1879. Apply to F. 1COLME- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MeKillop. 573-1f. VAR'S! TO RENT.—Is situated in the Town- -1: ship of Hullett, half waybetween the prosper- ous market towns of Seaforth and ounton, lj miles from the Huron Road, on the Srd. -conces- sion and convenient to school house , de. Then axe 38 acres plowed, and. 6 acres of tall wheat looking prosperous; good bearing ore.hard and well; frame buildings., in good repair; well sup- plied with geed water, ; there is s good quantity of feed on the premises; the land is in a good state of cultivation. Apply to FRANCIS KET- TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 3. lEullett. 588-4n SPECIFIC ARTICLES. -pOR SALE.—A nice lot of Cedar Rails. Apply to W. SCOTT, Btncefield. 594 MRS. CURRY begs to intimate to the ladies of •LN-R-Seaforth and vicinity, that she is prepared to make up Children's Clothing in the latest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. A call solicted. 595-1 EDAR POSTS FOR SALE.—For Sale,on Lot •-/ 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile fromBras- sels, any quantity of cedar posts, either cat or by the acre.. Apply to AT..P.X. ROBERTSON. 567 opposite Leyden's Hotel, 3.1131Cillop. NOTICE—To the Oningemenond others of the -A-•1 County of Huron and elsewhere, who may -want a good bass drum, that can't be surpassed for tone. I lutve made agreatquantity of drums since the year 1881. Send in your orders; yen can rely on getting a good article; don't forget the place. CHARLES SCOBIE, Seaforth. 593- p AS TURA0E.—Good freel pasturage for Cat- - tle and Horses,100 acree,on and afterthe 24th of May. Plenty of good spring waterion2nd Con..11.. R. S., Tuckersmith. TERMS.—Forlionses$2per month ; for the season, $1.75 per month. Cat- tle.—$1.50 per month; or $1.25 per month by the season, Payment to be made before the Stock is removed. Owners responsible for acci- dents or strays. Applications must be made at once, as only a limited number will be taken. Apply to JOHN THORP. 595 IMPORTANT NOTICES.. OTICE.—All parties indebted to the Estate -J-1 of the late Simon Powell arerequested tom the same forthwith to the undersignaa, or they shall be handed into the Court for collection. - T. T. COLEMAN and A. G. VANEGMOND, Er; centers. 561 OTICE TO DEBTORS.—Ilotiee is hereby ." given that all persons indebted to me for small book aeconiati3, that if their indebtedness is not paid before January first, 1879; they will be sued without further notice or respect of per- sons. 0. C. WILLSON. )576 IISSOLITTION OF PARTNERSHLP NOTICE "" —The firm of Efickeen & Robertson, Butter Dealers, &c., of Seaforth, is this' day dissolved by mutual consent, E. Hickson retiring and W. B. Robertson continuing the business. All accounts ank notes due the said firin are payable to W. B. R obertson, and all liabilities (if any) to be paid by him. Signed—E. 131CKSON, W. S. ROB- ERTSON. Witness—W. II. ET:EASDELL. Sea - forth, April 7,1879. 592 TIISSOLETTION OF PAIITNERSHIP.—Notice s hereby given that the partnership hereto- fore existing between the undersigned, unaertthe style and firm of Latimer & Sperling, carrying: on business in the Town of Seaforth as carpen- ters, has this day been dissolved by mutual con. sent. Notice is also given that all debts dne the late firm will be collected by George W. Spar-. ling, to whom all claims against the firm must be presented for settlement. Signed, THOMAS LATIMER, GEORGE W. SPARLING. Withesg, Samuel Stark. Seaforth, April21a1, 1879. 594-4: LEGAL NOTICE. THE DIVISION COURT. --The office' of the Second Division Court will be open daily from hall pat one to tour o'clock P. M.. Offuse in my Block, over the store of Johneton.Bros. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Bee1:nth:56 _TOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate " Agent, Grain, Produce andCommission. Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in. town or country, at 8 per centsimple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers.. Farms and village property for sale. Office-- Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 615 VXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS.--, The Creditors of Robert A. Hays, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hution,g.en-, Heresy, deceased, who died on or about the '20th day of December, A. D. 1878, are required on or befrze the 23rd day ef May, A. D. 1879, te send by letters, postpaid, to James Benson, of the Town of Seaforth aforesaid, Solicitor for the Executors of the said. Robert 1. Hays, decealsed, their christian -names and surnames addreSses and dessriptiosis the full particulars of their claims, statement their accounts, and. the na- tare of the securities (if any) held by them; and. immediately alter the said 2.8rd day of May, the assets of the estate of thesaid Robert A.. Hays, deceased, will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, havingregard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received, and the said Executors shsilixitbe,liable for theessets so distributed, or any pert thereof, to any per- son of whose claims -notice *WI not lave been reeeived by them or their said 'Solicitor at the time of distribution- This notice is given in pursuance of Cap. 1.97, Be 34, Revised Statutes. JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Bea -forth, this 20th day -Of March, A. D. 1879.