HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-05-09, Page 5MAY 9, 1879 lo possesses. West of the • Ink. meridian or about Dodge Qt., the grass cures on the grouili v`,retaming its nutriment. Etere alssary to put up feed for about utlis, more or less. This coral. su:aing up pretty fast, Etta it lw as if all stock men were of being " homesteaded out" k ears. A neighbor tells me be t nineteen new claims betwee4 Irutchiuson lately. The flinties thea have what they coat la,w, which to a cattle nutu " move out," and -works uNe to &beep owners as we ae herds of cattle and sheep ate but surely being driven west, the lands of Texas and NB* J. 0. R CormrY, Kansas, April 25, 1879. .arenrimmosinrommammi.,_ , - I of the Tesolvendy Act. the bill for the repeal of the. [c.y Law came up for its t in tbe 'louse, on Saturday. rues Macdonald appealed ta the'. reconsider the vote of the /ere. ningwhich he stated had been v condemned by the press- of xrv. Ile did not believe that Oa/milts were all that was ea. theravere preferable to total The advocates of repeal, how. re opposed to any comprornisi `. although one or two were in having something which would E. return to the old system of dal assigninents. Mr. afae. 'loved an. a.menchnent that the paid. not go into operation foe as to allow those provinces id no insolv-ency laws time to .tsures. This amendment Was zt vote of 49 yeas to 49 nay; bill was reported .withont On the motion for a third Jamee Macdonald moved ntleS hoist, the members were and the amendment lost on a yeas to 107 nays. Th.e me.. he Gayernment in the Efouse, (.aders of the Opposition vote mendinent, but neither tried ix to control their followers. Macdonald was not present vote was taken. The third as carried amid loud applause, nsolvent law ancanditionally ‘io far as the House of Cora- oecerned. ememeemese.e.„,,,,,,,ea : Huron Notes. Fannee Mennen, lately a Brus- rented Markle's Hotel, Dray- . . unnican and family have re- rn Exeter to the State of , where they intend to settle wining operations. a -TUB- in the fatir highest di - the Exeter Public Sohool ant a. semi-weekly military drill. d put through their facings ;-t time on Tuesday of last 't of attachment has been is - 1st the estate of C. M. New- Tingham inerclaant. Quite a merchants of that town,soine id -established, have gone to :ther day a son of Mr. Jolm nekersmith, aged four year, Lake the bone of his arm . wrist. The fracture was at - and the little fella -yr is new ernes Tewsly has purchased , Brown's house and lot on E'et. Clinton, paying therefor $800. The lot is a quarter :and the house is a good one, I- attached. Alt. Y. Thompson, late of Ed now attending Knox Ca- cti), intends going to Mani - U(.1 in a short time, where he nission work by the Students Society ie connection with 6. ex. Locking'a farm, contain - es, lot 27, lath oolioession7of (-,u.t 3 miles from Clifford, at public auction last week, Lsed by Mr. Geo. McDonald, tor $',i,850-. This is consid- „,ably cheap. Mc:Naughton, of Messrs. :Elder's, has been appointed t at Blyth, in place of Mr. z en, resigned. The public efficient and trustworthy McNaughton' The ap- ild not have been placed R. Abbot, of Exeter, has in quite a curiosity, being a eopatra's needlee which is n Loudon, Englend. The 1 to be an exact represents,- knolith in miniature and is curious hieroglyphics. It ed by a book containing a e obiliesk as far as known rd of its removal and Inca - and. It is an ieteresting • elves, 26th ult., Mr. Hugh ea had the misfortune to .,re fall, which might have 'lly to him. Ho was en- d: on his house, ;near the :hen the scaffolding gave 'titan; him to the ground, ; where he lay stunned and was taken hame and is now, we are pleased 0 -r way for recovery. ay last a few of the resi- er went a fishing to Grand Teeded in securing large * dslt. Their only mishap zing of the boat in the = stream, precipitating two wly caught fish and the the water. Their spirits . epee], to the occasion, ed by the accident, the continued until enough , pans:- had been caught. a April 25th, a barn rais- e' the farm of Mr. John . concession 1.4. On the hat day the neighbors t up the structure, and . the work was begun until was exactly two hours .utes. The barnwas tial building, 36x00. It Mr. Hughes, of Morris - e in any other quarter ; After the erection was :company repaired to do finer man. A sumptuous prepared be the genial es, who conduct in this eyend all praise. After ds had been partaken of, ounger men tried their g the stone, tossing the nig, etc., whilethe older MAY 9, 1 79' - beads were talking "Protection,” and quite a discussion eiisued on "them ex - dollars," that Me. Askin and others who are building have to pay for their hardware. The proceedings wound up with a soc'al hop. —On T party rind way, left consisted from the t and the vi They had • cows. A following hood D Struthers, wife and and S. W. - spa son, s rot Aubu ell esday evening the se r direction of. Mr. T. Gr entralia for Manitoba, f 106 persons, prinpip wnships of Stepben and ages of Exeter and B1 • "th theme 30 horses an ong tlae number were arties froin this neigh McGowen aad. wife, . Holmes,T.Callin,J.Fra four children, W. E.,, Young, Blyth; J. Eld. aforth ; G. Hoar, F. Or . —A depu ation frail -Wingham, cludine the Mayor (Benj. Wilson, Es visitehion on on Thursday of 'week for th: purpose of inspecting waterworks in that city. They w taken in ha d by His -Worship Ma Lewis, and von a thorough insight i the System n vogue there. The pa W&first yen to the reservoir, afterwards tnessed pressure edp ments with he hydraits and one ed old'engines, with all o which the v tors seemed well plelased. Wing,h talks.of building wateeworki at a • c of from $10, toithat effec submitted, dete, it has waterworks town than a team en. teotion purp ses. —The C • :ton New Era says : On Saturday' las , the °fa e exporting firm of Messrs. Spooner, Mooney, Hearn, Watson & C.., of this pace, and Messrs. McLean, of 1 oderich, s ipped frorn this town, for England, t as -finest let of cattle that h ve ever 1 ft. the county of Enron, if n, t the fin:st lot that Were ever purchas:d in Ca ) ada. The herd consisted of bout 140 ead, filling eight cam Mixt -four of 1, ese were pur- . chased from Mr. m s Fair, of this town, he gett ng 53 pe pound for near- ly all of the the tot weight of the 34 being 51,2 5 pounds. He had been stall feeding °ea for n arly six months. There were a out 20 b Ils areont,:,, the drove, severe, of them 'Weighing in the vicinity of ,500, and one purchased from Mr. J. 1 ovie•r, of Hullett, weigh- ing over 2,701 peueds, very unusual weight. Th. ee was Iso some ifine lieifers and st ers in th lot, two beauti- ful young stee s purcha ed from M. A. McAllister w iehine ov 2,900, and one from R. Fitzs mons, 1,7 . The value of the lot is a eraged at 75 a head, ,and. their safe a val Id erpool will be anxiously- loo -ed. for. essrs. James Hea.m and. Jo n Freem n accompanied the cattle. —Winghara has, of late, became rather notorio s for the umber of mer- chants and ot ers that have taken it into their hea to vamo se from. ton. The latest on he list is George Green, who has carri d on busi ess for a num.- ber of years o Joseph e street: Ore Tuesday mor nag, 29th ult., he left town, but left ord with no ane where . he intended g ng. It w s not known for certain mat I Thursd y that he had cleared out. n that m rning a general clearing out sa e took pl ce at his store, which was con noted by his boys, and. continued mit' Friday a ternoon, when the Assignee a rived and topped further sales. During these -t. days a tre- mendous. Tian ity of goads were sold the store being crowded to its utnaos capacity all th time. • ods were sold for somethingke from 20 to 25 cents on the dollar. A short ime ago Mr. Green paid out $3,000 to his oreditors, and at the tim irtforme them that lie could not pay them in re, but in a short time he ould pay them in 11. Had they give him a oh nee, he would have been able to meet t eir demands in a very short time, as I e had a lot of _money to collect. But t ey waidd not give him a cha ce, and c osed on him. A writ of attacl ment woe issaed at the instance of A. mean & o., Ha,milton, h and the store is now in t e ands of the Assignee. No vord has een heard. ;of Mr. Green's whereabouts. —William Ad, of H y, near Dash- wood, who, it ill be re embered tried lately to kill himself. y cutting his throat, has sin ensade se eral attempts to shuffle off this ma dal coil. Dr. laynm. dan, wh. stitehed p the gash in his throat we t out on Saturday, the 26th ult. to se: how the old inalifor he is abOut 60 or 65 year of age—was getting along, red when he got to the house he found that Wil had cut -Lor mutilated bat wrists. He had. also tried to murder his wife. The doctor returne4 to Ex ter and used a war- rant to be issue( for Wild' arrest, and Constable Gill f Exeter, rrested him • and lodged hi in the lock-up. On Sunday the p isoner w s ,allowed to walk around in be lock- p, Consta,ble Gill keepiug close CO on him. On Sunday evenin , about 9 o'clock, the would -ba self -m -derer w s put to bed in one of the cel s, and wen Mr. Gill opened the cell oor on M nday raorn- leg he found hie d- on the oor and mat- tress. Upon ex:raining t e occupant of the cell it wa, soon dis, overed that the blood issued -era the °mid in the throat, which e had ton open with his Augers durin the nighi. Dr. Hynd- men was seat fa , end af er the blood had been wash el from t e old man's face and. proper tim.ulants1 administer- ed to him he beg n to revi e, and. ask- ed to. be taken to the stove, a request dthiell was not g -anted, whereupon he (Wild) became ti fly and, pr tended. to be almost at the point of eeth, but on being threatened with the endouffs he rallied again, an said he would not at- ttoerwrapotat jociwp•killsehui sell again if the doe - the gash. The wound d'as dressed and ie was tal en to God - on the first northern bound. train. cond OM - and ally Hay, yth. d 12 the bor- F. zer, A.., 101 Far- in - last the ere yor nto rty and eri- the isi- am ost 00 to $15,000. A by-law is, we understand, to be the ratep4Lyers at an early ng been considered that s more suitable for that ne, for fire, pro - of $4,250 which Voorhies had paid, re- taining 01,250 for himself. The re- maining $850 was paid to Wheaton's counsel for examining the title. The Court upon the trial gave judgment for the plaintiff. The General Term of the Supreme Court, upon appeal, re- versed the judgment. Judge Ingall.s, who delivered the opiuion, says: "In the light of the facts narrated by the plaintiff himself we perceive no escape from the conclusion that he was not only aware of the desire on the par t• of Willett to secure to him this bonus, but actually favored and en- couraged it, and finally pocketed. the - larger share of the money. We are unable to regard. this transaction in any other light than a clear and de- liberate violation of the statute against usury. Rega,rding the consequences which must ensue to the plaintiff from holding this loan usurious, we entered upon the examination of the case, hop- ing to discover some ground upon which the judgment could. be sustained with- out going counter to our honest convic- tions in regard to what the facts and. the law applicable thereto demanded, but we have been unsuccessful." Wheaton, therefore, by accepting #2,- 000 bonus, loses his $50,00F4.—N. Y. Mail. CONSIDERATE. -- The three noted Chapel Hillburglars, who.were to be hanged at Hillsboro, N. C., one day last week, have been respited until the 15th, that they might be better prepared to meet their God.: Births. DAYMENT-In Hallett, near Clinton, on the 6th instant, the wife of Mr. John Dayment of a daughter. HpNT-1n Clinton, on the ith instant, the wife o Mr. Harry Hunt of a daughter. ' CRAIG -In Blyth, on the 5th instant, tho wife of Mr. Robt. Craig of a daughter. Blyth, on the 4th instant, the wife of Mr. Jonathan Emigh of a daughter. Blyth, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr. Hugh McTavish of a SOB. • • Marriages. COTTON-SW1NN-I11 Clinton, on the 7th inst., by the Rev: R: Thomas' Mr. Wm. Cotton, to Mies MaxySvrinn, bothof Clinton. MANN-DUNCAN-1n Wingham, on the 24th ult., by the Rey.- H. McQuarrie, Mr. Charles • Mann, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr. Robert Duncan, all of Blueeale. FISI1LEIGH-NEWSOME-At Walton on the nd ult., by the Rev. J. G. Faille, Mr. Frank Fiehleigh, to Miss. Jane ',Newsome, both of Brussels. • Deaths: - YOUNG -At Blythe on the 6th instant, after a brief illness, Margaret, the beloeed wife of Mr. John Young, aged 27 years and 14 days. LATTIMER-e-In Seaforth, on the 26th ult., John, son of Mr. Levi Latimer, aged 3 years and 4 months. KEIL-In Gradate's., on the 26th ult., Richard Neil, aged 32 years and 7 inonths. . AITCHRSON-In McKillop, at the residence of her son John Aitcheson, Esq., en the 2nd inst., Airs. Jane Aiteheson, a native of the. Parish of Sport, Scotland', aged 86 years and - 4 months. S TICKLE -In the township of Waterloo, county of Waterloo, on the 22nd ult., Rev. John Stickle, aged 76 years. . THE MARKETS. • SEAFORTH, May 8, 1879. . Fall Wheat 0 00 to 0 9. - Spring When t, Fife, per bushel0 85 to 0 9p Spring Wheat,Red Obaff,per bush0 80 to 0 83 Oats per bushel0 38 to 0 40 Peas per bushen . 0 55 to 0 58 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 55 Butter, No. 1 , Loose 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs 009 to 0 09 Flour, por 100 lbs. 2 35 to 2 50 Hay s 800 to 900 05 to 0 05 4 00 Hides, per lb. 0 Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs. , 8 00 I ; Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 t Salt (retail) per barrel , 0 85 Salt(wholesale)per barrel. 0 75 Potatoes, per bushel 0n75 to 0 80 Oatmeal brl 2 GO to 3 00 Tallow, per lib 0 04 to 0 05 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs3 50 to 5 00 • CLINToN, May 8, 1879. ij'aUwheat,perbnshol..0 80 c 0 90 0 80 @ 088 0 40 0 0 45 C 060 060@065 3 50 (0 8 '15 How $50 - 00 Were Lost. Abel Wheaton -teed the late ex -Com- modore Jacob oorhies, dr., of the Brooklela Yacht Club, to ; foreclose a 50,000 raortuage given by, thee latter. The defence of u eiry was !set up. It appears from t e testimeny at the pedal Term of the Supeeme Court that Me. Wheat n applied. to George Willett, cashier of the Bull's Head. Bank, where he kept an account, aske leg if he knew a y of the bank's cus teaners who desir d. a hea,vki loan upon mortgage. Wine t subsequeatly named Mr. Voorhies, an , as Mr. Wheaton tes- . afied, told the latter that he was will- ing to divide witbihim. what coramission he received. Wheaton says he made no reply, but after e loan was executed Willett gave him #2,125 ot# of a bonus pring Wheat, perbushol ate, perbushel arley, per bushel one, per bushel lover Seed, per busbeei imothy Seed, per 1 75 0 2 25 atter 0 12 @ 0 15 ork ,‘ • J 5 25 0 5 50 Potatoes.. . ' 0 60 (4 0 65 Eggs J 009 g 010 ay,per ton 800 @ 9-00 , , Teepee°, May 8. ---Fall wheat, 930 to 1.03; spring, 900 to $1; oats, 38c; ens, 66c to 68c; barley, 65c to 800; utter, 12c to 13c ; cheese, 8eic to 9c, LONDON, 'May 8.+—Diehl wheat, and fireadwell, per metal, #1.60 to $1.65; ed fell, $1.30 to $1.62; spring, $1.20 to '1.40; oats 96c to $1.03; peas, 800 to ' 5c ; seed pas, #1.15 to $1.35 ;bailey, Oc to 1.25 ; eggs, per dozen, 9c to 11c; utter per jound, 10c to, 12c; cheese, d iry, 6c to c; factory, 17c to 8c. / • • Live Stock Markets. TouoTo, May 7.—Cattle—Best cat - t e wanted being $3.50 to $4, unless for choice beaist ; inferior, $3, to $3.25. ambs—There is a..fair market demand a $4 for best, $3 for eecond, and $2.50 tw $3 for inferior. Calves—There is a rge offering, but good to choice sell at $ 0 to $22; aecond, $6 to $7. - MONTREAL May 6.--Thei e were only 4 oads of caale on the market this orning, all of which were -sold at pi ices ranging from four cents to 5 cents p r pound live weight, W. S. William- s of Brampton, Ont., 8°1,1,6 choice st ers, weighing about 1,300 each On an a erage, at qo per lb.. John Elliott di posed. of 30 head at from 4c to 5c. chael O'Grady sold a carload at 41c, aa d A. Stone, of Whitby-, disposed. of a lo: ct at a slightly higher average price. daseph Lunnes, of Toronto, had. a load of hogs, SODIe of which he sold at 5c per lb., live weight. On the 305h of April two cars of sheep and one of horses passed through via the G. T. R., from George Sparks, of Prescott, en route for Europe. An active shipping busi- ness is expected. forthwith; 50 cattle cars have already been asked for at Guelph. • —Full Stock of the Cheapest to the very best Duoks and Denims at Hoff- man Brothers' Cheap Cash Store, Sea - for th. Local Notices. 0 CHEESE AND 1313TTER MAKERS. - W . HILL & Co.,' have on haid a large lot of first - cline Liverpool Dairy Salt. 594-3 EE THE Soap, 25 bas for $1 at ROSE'S Grocery. See that very fine Oea at 50 cents, worth 60 dents, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at Bo. n's Grocery. 574 T RETAIL. -Goods are being sold by Pri ate Sale in Stanley Day's Auction. Mart, at wh lesale rates for cash. Spring Snits made to ord r, $10 50 to 5312 50. 598 IIE SEED STORE. -We are again re- i4ng this spring a large and choice stock of Ho se Flowering Plants of every variety and color, selling cheap, at W. IL McDotioALL & CO., Sign of tr Mammoth Turnip, Seaforth. 5944 THE HURON t3tPOS1';.OR. MM. A RARE OFFER EVEN FOR HARD TIMES. -Wm. CAmrnELL nolls Scotch and Canadian Tweed Petits, made to order in first-01ae style for $3.50, or two pairs for $6.50. ' Trythem: 596-2 AUCTION SALE of Dry Goods at Jones RooRns, Saturday, May 3rd, afternoon and even- ing and every day following until the whole stock is cleared out. G-oods sold during the morning at Auction prices. 595 DOBBINS' ELECTRIC Sou.—The Na- tional Policy has not increased the price of this famous soap. I am still selling at old figures Try a eonple of bars -the best soap in the Dotnin- ion. Tnomes Kenn. 592 SPRING PLOWING. --Messes. BROWNELL & Alma. are prepared to receive orders for Garden Plowing in town. ' Anything in that line entrusted to them will receive prompt attention, careful work and reasonable rates. 592 F. Ge SPARLING, having determined to go out of business, offers his whole stock at cost. • Buyers would do well to call and see for them- - selves. This is no humbug. Must be cleared out at once. F. G. SPAALTRO. 583 D. D. ROSE,. Faraily Grocer, Seaforth, invites the attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Groceries. His S tock is 'constantly turning, and is always fresh. nib prima are the lowest -it will pay you to call. Examine his goods sndncompare prioes. 574 CnocimaY AND GLASSWARE. —Parties wanting to buy anything in Crockery or Glaesware will fend our stock complete and well assorted, and prices lower than in any other house, quality con- sidered. Tea Sets from $2 up, Toilet Sets, $1 15 and upwards. WiLson & YouNo. 686 NEW TEAS. -Received this week at WILSON & Youne's, a large consignment of Extra Choice New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, bought direct from the importers at the lowest cash prices. For quality and price we eau confi- dently recommend themes the best !value in town. Call and examine our Stock before Purehasing-we guarantee satisfaction. 686 WANTED. A PPRENTICES WANTED: Wanted, "nu - mediately 12 apprentices to the Dress -making Business. Apply to MISS ANDERSON, Sea - forth. 595x4 TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOBS.-e-Tenders will be received until the 31st dee of May next, at 1 o'clock P. M. by the undersigned Trustees of School Section No. 5, Stanley, for the erection of a frame school house. Plans and specifications may be seen by intending contractors at Henry Da,WBOICEI, Goehen Line. Tenders will be opened in old school house at 1 onlock P. M. The Trus- tees do not bind themselves td accept the lowest or any tender, ii not satisfactory. HENRY DA.WSONI JAMES ESSLER, GEORGE KEN- NEDY, Trustees. 59 ix4 STOCK FOR SERVICE. A YRSHIRE BULL. -A. pure Ayrshire Bull :L• is two years old, with registered :pedigree, will serve cowerat $1 for season, on Lot 5, Con. 8, Turnberry: - LAWRENCE LOT ELL. 595x4 TT ULLETT FARMERS IMPROVE YOUR -a--L STOCK. The undersigned will keep for the improvement of stock thim season on his farm, Lot N. 2, Concession 3, Hullett, a Thor- oughbred Durham Bull, bred by obert Brown, Esq., of Grey. Terms. -75 cents, per cow, pay- able at the time of service, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. ROBT. McMICHAEL. 593 FARMERS, IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned intends keeping his Thorough- bred Bull for another season, for -the improve- ment of stock, on Lot 27, Con. 2, 31 Fillop. Farmers will do well to patronize bim in view of raising stock for the English Market. Hie get of calves shows that blood will tell. My terms arc only one dollar these hard times. Certifioete of Registered Pedigree, No. 1,384, Wonderful, bred by James Grey, Ingersoll, Oxford County, got by Sir Johnny (700) Registerd, dam Daundie by Pt esident. (540), grand dam Matilda by Young England (822, 5281), great grand dam Red Rose, imported, by Damn, of Kulsdale, (11,156), darn Red Rose, see herd book. RODERICK GRAY, McKillop. 591-13 LEGAL NOTICE. THE DIVISION COURT. -The office of the Second Division Court will be open daily from half-pset one to tour o'clock P. M. Oinc,e in my Block, over the store of Johnston Brea. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or -country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farms and village property for sale. Office- Lockien new bride blook, Brussels, Out. 615 TeXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -1-4 The Creditors of Robert A. Hays, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Haien, gen- tleman, deceased, who 'died on or about the 20th day of December, A. D. 1878, are required on or beim: the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1879, to send by letters, post paid, to James H. Benson of the Town of Seaforth aforesaid, Solicitor tor the Executors of the said Robert A. Hays, deceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses and dessiiptions, the full particulars of their claims, statement of their account, and the na- ture of the securities (if any) held by them; and immediately after the said 23rd day of May, the assets of the estate of the said Robert A. Hays, deeeased, will he distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shell have been received, and the said Executors shall not be liable for the assets 80 distributed, or any part thereof, to any per- 80II of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them or their said Solicitor at the time of distribution. This notice is given in pursuance of Cap. 107, Sec. 34, Revised Statutes. JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of March, A. D. 1879. 594 BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UN DERTAKERS, &C. FUNERALS ATTENDED OAT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARS -E FOR HIRE. TOWNSHIP OF HAY. COURT, OF REVISION. .THE Court of-Pevision for the Township of -IL Hay will be held at the Township Hall, urich, on MONDAY, May 26, commencing at 11 o'clock A. M. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves aecordingly. SAMUEL FOSTER, Clerk. 596-2 ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL. . , JULY 8th AND 9th, 1879. TIANDIDATES aro required by law to notify the Head Master not later than Tune 1st of theirl intention of presentnig themselves at the above-mentioned exaniimition. Terms may be had on application to Inspeetor Dewar, or to the undersigned. C. CLARKSON, 596-2 Digit School, Seaforth PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' EX- AMINATIONS, 1879. VOR First Class -At the Normal Schools Tor- -12 onto and_Cttawa on TUURSDAY July :he' eLleh at 9 a. tn. Eon Second Class—At the Town of Goderich and High Schools of Sea - forth and Clinton, on TUESDAY July the Sth at 2 p. eq. For Third Class -At the Town of. Go.derich on MONDAY July 14th at 2 p Forms of the notice to be previously given by the Candidates can be obtained on application to the Secretaiy. It is indispensible that Candidates notify the Secretary not loter than the lat of Tune, of their intention to present themselves for examination. . Candidates for First and Second Class Certifi- cates are required to forward the necessary certi- floatee of success in teaching, and all arerequired to tarnish certificates of raoral character. Candidates for Second Class must state whether they intend to write at Goderich or at one of the other named High Schools. Candidates for Third Class must furnish proper proof of age. 596-2 PETER ADAMSON, Seoy. Board Exre. TO THE LECTORSI -OF THE— MA.ST IMDItINTC3- -OF THE - COUNTY OF H RON. aENTLEMEN.--Having received he nominee I-4 Lion of the Reform. Conventio of this Rid- ing, and seeing the Legisleture is di solved, lap - pear berme yell again ale a Candid te for your suffrages. I do not think it necessary to enter into a long thy exposition of my prinoiples the two terms nhave had the honour o represent l you, I have endeavoured to act up to oases pdioadrginigi E 'I mad to you when elected. , If reelected I shall try to meet you confidence and will continue to support the Hon. Mr. Mowat and the Government, of wh ch he has proved an alma, Loader, in a genero s way. , I win have an, opportunity of m eting you pub lie y in various parts of the Ridi g, when I will be able personally to explain m views on the Pu ilie questions of the day, in s eh a man- ner as ill, I trust, secure 13:10 your 'earty sup- port. am,G entlemen, Yours faithf ly, 596 THOMA. GIBSON. EL1 OTION 'ADD ESS. To eh Electors of 'Month 1111 on: QEN LEMEN.-Having been Bele° ed by the R !miners of South Huron, for the third timeeae tbeir Condidete to represent the Con- stitne cy in iheLocsl Legislature, I. again ap- pear be ore you solicitingyour suffrag s for that positio Duni the six years I have reprose ted you in the Loa Legislature, I have end avored to advanc: your interests to ,the best of y ability. You se me to Parliament as an i. dependent support r of the Mowat Administratio Believ- ing th t their Legislation has been i the beet interest of the Province, I have give them a fair-anigenerous support. Should ou return me at t e approaching election, and sI,ould the Mowat Government be sustained, I hall con- tinue to support them so long as I con . icier their measure just, and Management of Pu lie affaire honest nd economical. I have not g ven them a alavis support in. the past, nor shall I do so in the fun' e; but will vote for such in enures as In my ju gment will advance your bes interests, emanat from which ever side they ma . It is unnecessary for pee to say m re at the present 'ime. I shallhave an onpoitun'ty of die - sussing subilely before younhe verities issues of interest ' this contest,when,I think,Ica n prove to you that the coarse I haee pursued as our repre- sentativ in the past as well as that I ropose in the futu e, b the proper one for your r presenta- • fates ; a • d has boon and will be in di best in- tereets f the Provir cc at large. Heaing you 'will ace rd nee the 'same generous a a d hearty ' upper t in the coming _election as y u did in those w ich have passed, I Neve the ennui to be your bedient servant,. 596, ARCHIBALD nISHOP. TH STAI RS' A AIN. True B auty (Calder's Pictures) itierea es, while false (those of -other houses) les s, on examination.. OALD R, the representative Photo • See fo 'th, in giving publicity to a few varnihea truths, hardly expected (oh tainly net) they would raise such a com the Suni!lower Art Gallo), man's camp. craeh cane. Oh yes, it came. There' least doulbt about it. It was a terribl the dyne/ ite explosion atiStratford wa icant as compared to it. The "the was at ever heat, and. it warn't a ei them, wa use of m sides, te never lose ie. Bat, come what will, tha advertisdpent" mast ba answered, a sharp tog; a limb o' the law is consal respectfully declines to become a part euse, wtile, after considerable shuffling apher of plain tin - no, cer- tion in But the not the crash- nasignin °meter" arm day nd those everlasting stairs, bad luck to the cause oe it all. But wh t is the urning over fancied grievance:, and be - per is each a good thing that e should "stairs d right ed, who to the another for the s'' (said ding to oes not e either. r would the fol- • te Garie t some is caught advent of facts -to b taste), an possess t Oh no, n yen well, hardly ever. Cald submit, for the edification of the public lowing query,whichnike the subject of a cartoon, faces both ways: How is it th in -the trab. which is the sign fresh batch of "bottom fac taken with lots of salt, acco still the Sunflower Gallery" e faculty of palming off, &c. houses aro doing such a rushing business, °aped - ally in large photos, while at the same t' e their employees are complaining of hard -ti es, and contimeally boring people to come there and get their picture taken. Calder still has som doubts as tie which is the best gallery west of 'oronto, but as to where the most artistic Photo can be procured he has not the slightest do bt, and would ask those who admire good wor to give the Gallery opposite the Commercial a ti al -the place who patrons will not have to und rgo the torture of hree or four sittings f or a pint re, and thon go ae ay dissatisfied. A. CALDER, leaforth -the gall ry with the everlasting stairs. C alder, u alike other houses, will not unkler any ci rcumst; nces allow pictures to be takea at his gallery on .undays. 596 GRAN TRUNK- RAIL AY ! THE NEXT SPE Ila EXCURS ON -FOR- M. 1\T T 0 Will leave RESCOTT on Pt4ftyl3IIiand STKA T FORD 141h of May. Ca ling at all interm diate Stations to Detroit. PAR 1ES WI EL BE IVIAD UP on the rota e between Seaforth and Strati rd, on May 14th, caving S caforth at 1:15 P. M. to join this Excurs on, in connection with which pecial facilities w 11 be afforded for bonding g ods at Port Huron and for rapid and comfortable trans- it through o points on the Canada Pao' e Rail- way, and th North-West. EAR Y It RA.NGE rmENT must be made wit the Company's Agents to insure suitable acc modation for all desirous of rifling this party. n..41PE JAL PASSAGE FtES AND R TES for household Effects, Move- ables, Live took, Horses, and all neceesary in- formation' to be had from any of the Agents of Cho Grand Iunk Railway. SPEC A.I.EACURSION TRAINS will be ma e up and despatched along the line at interval during the season. Comfortably cushioned c rs being provided for Passengers. W. WAIN RIGHT, General Passenger Agent. 596-1 Grand Think Railway, Montreal. AR E SUNBEAM GALLERY. 0 moolt nOES not wish to injure the feelengs of those terrible Crowds of Admirers" who are con- stantly luggi g themselves up "those everlast- ing stairs," but he would like to submit these facts: C. Moore DORS NOT possess the faculty of palming off other peo ple's wit for original pro- ductions, and does not require to sneer at the work of other establis hments, in order to bolster up his own. Finis not addicted to making false _assertions, ati interested parties evould makti be- lieee , and is at all times prepared to defend hat he puts in print. As a guanantee of his sterly increasing business, and ihe satisfaction iven to the public, he might state that he has done more wor k in large Photos during the pas two months than he had hitherto done in a year. People have een known to get Photos at ether houses, and • ot being what was expected, they have come a d got new ones taken ta the -tin- b eam Art G lery. C. Moore still maintains that his Studio, the ground floor, in Whitney's Block, Seafo th, is TliE BEST west of Torento. PICTURE. FRAMING. Fano; Mouldings kept on hilaid ; es made to order; a large stoek of always on hand; Do not forget the y'e Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Plain and Picture lra Chromos, &c. place, Whitn CHA LES MO ORE, Phot grapher, Picture Frame Dealer, &c. TO C NTRACToRS. • ereby given, that sealed ten ere eived by the undersigned, tip to M., on TUESDAY, the 27th of king 17n miles of drains in the urn.berry. Tenders will be *n - en meeting, Johnston's Hotel. Council does not bind Aso); to st or any 'fender. If the Tenders tory, the contrazt will be let by , at the same time and place. tions and profiles can be seen at ce. JAMES JOHNSTON, Town - berry. 5954 NOTICE is '1-1 Will be re one o'clock P. MAY, for m Township of ed a the Con Bluevale. Th accept the low are not Batista Public Anode, Plans, specfic the Clerk's Ofl ship Clerk, Int 4 18749 DUNCAN SPRILTG.- 18,79 & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH, Take Pleasure in igforming Meir Patrong and the Pubffe generally that their Stock is- now fully re -assorted in all' lines, and is replete witis all the Latest Novelties of the Beason. IN THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT The following commend especial notice: Cashmere DeBerges in all the Leadin Colors Colored S W L 1 Cashrnerese Parasols—A Large Stook, cheap. ustr es, Co ored D. W. Linares. The Army Robsart Cloth, something new. Black and Colored MONEY. PERSONAL. Tan OARDERS.-A number of Boarders cen acconniaodated with board, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply to I. M. CALDWELL, (only man and wife), Goderieh Street, Seaforth. 570 AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE OF PROPERTY IN SEA - 4 -"L' FORTIL-Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage, made by Samea Redmond, and Rebecca Redmond bis wife,, to to bar dower'default having been made in lnextt thereof, will be sold by Public Auction, at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on SATURDAY, MAY 10th, at two o'clock P. M., the following premises, Viz: Lot number 9 in Block H, on Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, as marked en a plan of part of said Seaforth, made for names Beattie and Sanuel.Stark. There are tivo com- fortable dwelling houses ' on the preroise.s With -every modern cOnvenienee and goon gar -den at niched. U.'he above property will be sold on terms to suit purcbaser end which will be made known on the day of sale, or upon previous ap- plication to the undersigned., JAMES H.13EN - SON, Vendors' Solicitor. 595 - Dated April 301h, 1879. PRII•T TS.. PR IS.Tfi'S_ Our Stock of Prints is unusually large, comprising all the Newest Patterns, and. being the best value we have ever shown, are worthy of special examination. Striped Costumettes, White Piques, White Muslins and. Colored Muslin& MILLINERY. M1LLINRY. MILLINERY. Our Show Room Opening has been the most successful we ha-ve ever had, and was acknowledged by all to be the finest display ever shown in Seaforth. This Department being in charge of a First -Class Milliner, we only ask for an inspec- tion to convince all that our Goods, FOR NEATNESS AND STYLE, CANNOT BE EXCELLED., We are continually adding to the Stock all the Latest Paris and New York Styles in Shapes and Tlimmings. OUR TWEED DEPARTMENT Is now complete in all classes of Scotch and- Canadian Tweeds. A full stock of Cotton Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Sheetings; Tickings, Towels and. Towellings. ORDERS. FOR CLOTHING Have our best Attention. Having a First -Class Cutter, we can always guarantee satisfaction, and at reasonable prices. Suits from $13 in Wool Tweed. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES. A' Full Stock of Fresh Groceries Al ways on, Hand. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, Seaforth. ANNOUNCEMENT EXT RAORDINARY Hav*ing determined upon a very important change in ray business during the com- ing season, it is necessary that I clear out my large and varied • STOOK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS And with a full determination to do so SPEEDILY I am now offering my whole stock of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, CLOUDS, TWEEDS, SHAWLS, SILK VELVETS, WOOL GOODS, FLANNELS, MANTLES, RI BBONS, CLOTHS; FURS, HATS AND CAPS, AND READYMADE CLOTHING, AT REMARKABLE DISCOUNTS, MANY LINES POSITIVELY BELOW COST PRICE. Buyers of DRY GOODS will please bear in mind that this is no pun; but a bona fide sale, and will consult their own interests by going direct to JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. N. B.—As we close our books on January 1st, 1879, all accounts must positively be paid orthwith. NEW AND CHEAP EDITIONS OF POPTTLIN,2R E300ICS- A VOYAGE IN THE SUNBEAM, (Around the World), by Mrs. Brassey, with 118 Illustrations, also one Colored Map and Chart. Cloth, neat, 540 Paged, only $1.50. . • "OCEAN TO OCEAN,"- (Through Canada in 1872), byRev. Geo. M. Grant. Cloth, Neat. $1. " INFELICE," by Augusta J. Evans Wilson. Four hundred and ninty-three pages. Paper Covers 25 cents ; Cloth $I.25. EMLO, by Augusta J. Evans Wileon. Paper Covers 25 cents; Cloth $1.25. Mailed, Post Paid on Receipt of Price by C. W. PAPST, SEAFORTH. AT HIS POT AS OF OLD. JO II 1T W IZ D, S A.P0 I T While returning thanks to his many customers for their patronage in the past, also to those who so liberally patronized his !late sale, he begs to inform them and as many new ones as will fovor him that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND AS USUAL ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMTTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD, - SEAFORTH. HAY AND OATS TAKEN DT EXCHANGE FOR HARNRSS. MONEY TO LEND -On terms more ativan- tageous than ever before offered. A. T. Me- COLL, Solicitor, Bruesels. E04-52 ietemo WANTS MONEY n -A few tbousend 71 dollars, private fnnds, forirornediate invest- ment at 8 per cent interest. Apply to JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 538 J\ONEY TO LEND -eel have any ,amoune of 41 -I- Money to Lend on good improved farms only, at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Sum no object if eecurity ample. 1 don't land for any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570 $ 1 0 -to $1,_ 000 Invested in WallsBt., Stocks enalres fortunes oery month. Booksent free explaining eirery- thimg. Adercss BAXTER& Co., Bankers. 17 Wall -street, New York. 587-52 LOST OR FOUND. - TIOG LOST -Lost, in Seaforth on the 1st of April, a Collie Dog, summing to the name of Captain. Ile is two years old, black on body with brown nese and legs, and rough akin. Any pe eon returning the SiBiBial to the undersigned wili be suitably rewarded, and any person bar - bo ring bim after this will be prosecuted as the law directs.-JOEN COWAN, McKillop, Sea - forth P. O. 691 "fin ETRA.Y COLTS. -Strayed from the premises -2-4 of the niriersigned, Lot 9, Con. 2, MeEillope on 30th April, two Colts, one two years old And the other a yearling. JBetji wine of brown color with heavy mane. The two-year-old was a filly and the yearling a horse. They are both from the sa me mare and horse sad very much alike. Any lex son giving such information as will lead to the rebovery of the above animals will be euitably rewarded. MATTHEW PURCILL, Seaforth. P. 0. 696 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. OR SALE. -A nice lot of Ceder Rail& Apein -L• to W. SCOTT, Brticefield. 694 HAT FOR SALE --F ' or Sale a quantity of Good Pressed Hay, by the bale. Apply lit the Commereial Livery Stables, Seaforth. 4R- TH1312 FORBES. 594 1\jRS. CURRY bentnto-intienate to the ladies of - Seaforth and vicinity, that he is prepared to make up Children's Cloth ng in the latest style. S a defection guinanteede A tall solieted. 595-1 cnEED PEAS. -D. McLennan has received an - ether Supply of choice Seed Peas a his Ware - ho uses, Hensell and Iiippen Statione. Call ea rly before they are all sold. D. MeLEN- NAN. - 591 CEDAR POSTS Fon SALE. -For Saleeon Lot 26, Concession 6, Morrie, ones:tine fromBrue- sels'any quantity of cedar posts, either tut or by the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden's Mot -el, McKillop. 567 NOTICE—To the Oiangemen maid others of the Comfy of Huron and elsewhere, whomay want a good bees Arum, that can't be stapassed for t On e. -I have made agreat quantity of drume since the yearn -31. Send in your orders yon can 103- on getting a good arlicle ; don't forget the place. CHARLES SCOBIE,Seafortb. 598-8 _ pA. STUTIAGE.-Good feeeb pasturage for Ca - tie and ilorsea,100 aeresom and efterthenith of May. Plenty ofgood eptin9water,on2nd-Co11.H. R. S., Tueliersmith. TE11MS..-Forilo1se8-$21ex month -, for the season, $1 75 per month- Cat- tle. -$1.50 per month, or ,125 per month by the season, Payment to be made before the Stock is removed,. Owners responsible for acci- dents or strays. Applications must be made at once, as mile* a limited member will be Wren. Apply to JOHN THORP. - • 595 FOR SALE OR TO LET. P OOM 5 TO LET. -Three Front Rooras to let -1-1' in my blcek, overMessrs. Johnson Brothers' Hardware Store. Apply to L. Mn..YER,Division Court Oftlee, Seaforth. 592 Tn 00MS TO LET.-Tbreen;krins to let over A. j"' G. Ault's Grocery store, euitable for drew!. ma king apartments or foredwelling eoome, with fro nt and rear entrance. Aaiply to A. G.AULT. Proprietor. - 590 PABE CHANCE. -Photograph Rooms to Let Lu on first fioor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Booties on the flat above, suitable for a dwelling. Poeses- sion 1et January, 1879. Apply to F. /10LACE- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MaKillop. 573-11. WARM TO RENT. -Is situated in tbe Town- -12 ship of Hallett, half wa between the prosper - OUB mallet towns of Seaforth and Clinton, 14 miles from the Huron Roan, en the Sett conces- sion, and convenient to school bone ,&c. Tbere are 88 acres plowed, and 6 aeres of fall evilest looking prosperous; good bearing orchard and 'well; frame buildings, in good repair; well 'sap - plied with good water; there is a good quantity of feed on the premises; the land is in a good state of cultivation. Apply to FRANCIS ITTIIT- TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 8. Hallett. 586-4i - - - IMPORTANT NOTICES. N OTICE.--All parties indebted to the Estate Jel of the late Simon Powell arerequested to pey the same forthwith to the undersigned, ot they rhall be banded into the Carat for collettion. T. T. COLEMAN and A. O. VANEGMOND, Ex- ectitore. Sal MOTICE TO DEBTORS. -Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to me for small book accounts, that it their indebtedness is hot paid before January then 11379, they will be sued 'without furthernotice or respect of per - EOM. O. C. WILLSON. ,678 IISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE -an' -The firra of Hickson & Robertson, Butter Dealees, &ce, of Seaforth, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, E. llickson retiring and W. p. Robertson continuing the business. Allatcomets ank notes due the said firm are payable to W. S. Robertson, and all liabilities (if any) to be pain by hini. Signed -V HICKSON, W. S. ROBe ERTSON. Witness -W. H.13LEASDELL. Sea - forth, April 7,1879. .592 TinsoturioN OF PARTNEASHIP.-Notiee is hereby given thee the partnership limeto- lore existing between the undersigned, underitbe style and firm of Latimer & Sperling, ca;rrying on business in the Town of Seaforth as carpen- ters, has this day been dissolved by mutual ton - sent. Notice is also given that all debts due tlie late firm will be collected by George W. Sper- ling, to whom all claims against the firm must be presented for settlement. Signed, TrromAs LATIMER, GEORGE W. SPARLING. Witness, Samuel Stark. Seaforth, Ai:TH.21s1, 1879. 5944 _ RE Ala ESTATE FOR SALE. -finARMS FOR SALE. -Two valuable fames, vine Lots 12 on the 7th and 8th Concessions of Grey, comprising 200 acres. On lot 12, Coneeen sion 7, about 90 acres are -cleared, and free from stumps; lot 12, concession 8, bas about 19 aortae cleared, the remainder good hardwood. On the homestead there ie a comniodions frame house, with good bank barn -60x86, and frame shed. 60314, a good beating -orchard, and first-class well and pump. Title perfect; terms reasonable. Apply on the premises, or to JOHN MeINTOSH, Brus- sels P.O. 8940 VletneaBler, FARM FOR SAM -Being elinekle _ helves of Lot Nos. 45 and 46, Conceseinat 1, Township of Morris, County of Huron, tomprising 100 acres cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion; remainder -valuably timbered. The formis Within -two miles of Bluevale etation, Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, five and B, 'half of Wing - ham station, Wellington, Grey and. Bruce and London, Huron and Brine Railways tone of fh% Most rapidly growing towns in WestennOntariek and within 5 =Reset Wrexeter station, laronto- Grey a lid 33ruce. Fist-classfruitbearmgoroba goodframe buildings, excellent water. For further particulars apply on the promisee to ARCH.113ALD EYVEL. 5954