HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-05-09, Page 3MAY 9, 1879, ORTED STALLIONS, lebrated Imported Stallions, Ifeegetre. • teed Chi-tine>lain, %%ill travel the rontea this season : -ERPRISE'S ROUTE. leave hie own stable, net 26. a e• t Boundery, Laborite, and proceed tir. Ball tee „ for noon ; thence. to t hence by wee- of the Thames Rom to Church, at Mr. Me Domed's, for neot. West to Exeter North, tote', for inner - thence eorth to. taa. m ase eel is' Ifotel, Heiman, for night. eDAY- North to Scheffet'e Hotel, ion; thence North to Brucetitild, Tote!, for night. THURSDAY—Meng avid to Seafortle, at the Commercial ising at ueou and remeining until the thornily. FRIDAY—South along the led to tne Red reverie for itoon; thenee elring Hill for the rairlit< eneeeegmar Cromarty to Rebert Hoggarthis, lee nee s vnt h trellis own etable, where. h. a until the fwiewing Monday inneedo7 ve route wid be commenced on eliel; 28, and will be col Mimed rein:owe eeatton, health mad wee,ther permit:: kIVIPLAIN'S ROUTE • ;1—Witt leave bi.3 own stable, Lot ea, et Bounden'. I:shame. and proceed teetleratiee Corner to Remelt, at Rey. t cl. for neon; tht nee Weet along the ad to the, Pere Line, In enee North err title to Verna, at .Toslin's Rotel, TUESDAY—Along the l3aytired Road 1.1, et Turner ee Ifotel, for noon; thenee eltdon Road to john AA -ere -se, rem thence north to- Grauton, theaee aennot's Bridge, then e to the Anna :telit. IVEDNESDAY—Will p4oceet -the Torrauce's, Hnllett, by Way ee tr noon; tbence east to Davis' Hotel, thence north ta Walton, at Bierne nieht. THURSDAY—South to Davie (there, for noon ; thence south to Sae, Ceromerciel Hetet, for night. Fan Dublin. by weer of the Herm ae ride-I/este; Rotel, for 1100n ; thence te J, fork nena. SAT u extav—Sotait to meettion of Hibbert. to hie own stable r III retina unti. the following Monday Pe ronte will be eornmepeed on Non. ete, and wilt be continued regularly . ecaeon, health anti weather perm ireE WEN & HORTON,. Proprietor& ` '4ELLIS, KIPPEN, .GAIN ON HAND, INC THE FARMERS WANTS. t MELT IS. luta now on hand a etosk rb Diamond Harrows, whielt for work - r -d price defies all comers. Also Plows move, menufacturect by Monroeof rbich speak for themselves. In feet hat ift wantect in Nettling, 40RSE-SHOEING aa nsnal, with etriet attention to the s patrons. T. Meths' horse shoeing iteeff. and in C0flfiequong€ alt work n. in thia line is held in high within- - p EWERS ! FARMERS !r Lt e our Plowand Harrows Repaired Kippen—be makes them week in Eel aning of all kinds attendedte nest notice, and satiefaction guanin- e ree a trial end be convinced. MELLIS tak J s this opportunity of - hie minty customers and the publie for the veinliberal support they haw adth in the past, and hopes that by work end by close attention to bud- rit th.eir coedertee in the future, to- < as many new ones as may wish to thtL or the Stand, and come when yon will t In a dud me ready for bnsiness. YIVIAS MELLIS, Irappen. _-r Sale, a good cow—will calve about hay. 589 kiiCE RANK Of CANAIIA. EAD OFFInE, MONTP.F.AL. $1,000,000. ORS—M. H. Ga-ult,Persident ; Thos. ; ceictent ; A. W. Ceilvie,M.P.P. e Thomas Tiffin, Alex.Buntin, james e. R. Murray, Cashier Geo. Barns of this Bank has been opened up in 'Jere a. General Betaking business will .ed. -Notes of hand discounted, end '<ed at fair business rates. :0 Bank department has ale° been inuection with this, where. deposits tved from one doller upwerds, and wed thereon. tied peyable at par at, all °Meet of le bank of Mentreal and the Federal ;Dela. AGENTS.—tondon—The.Allianee ed. New York—Nationa,1 Bank of Helmer's, MeGewan & Co., 63, Wall cago—Uaion National Bank. en eoura 10 to J. Satardaye, 10-tc-J-1. JOHN LECKIE Manager METHENG NEW,. rGE OF BUSINESS -- has purchaeed the Stock and Bast - lames Carpenter, D UR LIN, and carry on the business heretofore ty Mr. Carpenter. He will keep cone ind a fun stock of ,-rs AND SHOES which he will sell at prices suitable t He is also prepared to turn out Aiherle in the Neatest and Best f good naitterial. Fits guaranteed. emptly attended to. Retitled workinan himself and intend' e his pereena.1 attention to businesi, eive entire sa.tisfaetion to. all "whe m with their patronage. the Peace—Carpenter's old stands dergest's Hotel. C.•FRIEL. rHEAT, PEAS BARLEY, all lands' of Field, 6a/r7 and Flower Seeds. e thank a to- my patrons for the et accorded me the past year, I take ,Iforreieg the public that I haveest expense. cerefialy selected my prat' :k of seed grairot from the most se- a. I can confidently recommend Oa eN and WHITE RUSSIAN as the trieties grown, both for quektith milling purposes. My peas are see - e the Province for nurity and quid- aad Oets of the very beet varieties. troothy Seed, Turnip, Pdangolds and 1 and Garden Seeds fresh and pure. special care to ;select seeds clean 1. all eoxioue weed seed. ABMs inv seethe and give any informs* &mere and others. Remember Hamilton Street, above the Col- JAMES MeNAIR, Goderich. ..ENSALL few ear loads of Corn on hand, and ,renaraerit ie likely to impose a duti e'er time to buy. rn 90 centa per 100 pounds. New High Mixed Corn, for feed or as the cheapest. F louring and Chopping hottest Notice. Ha.vingchanged our to meet the clefieiency in this ses- e have remedied, the gerteralcdee- L- tiour and 'lour that will not nee, a running tendency. AIL order, !dad to and work guaranteed. MeGleEtiOlt & URQUHART. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Retail Dealer in LEATHER eel DINGS of Every Description. 2 Very Best Stock kept. Tanneen Solieited. All ordere by mid ;01:aptly filled. R. N. BRETT MAY , 187 nsimommenna THE URON • zest irrepre sible fell w; the more I i. tho m re he get-. And there he yonder. It's the ; try to forgive James Murphy of his brown well and pros- er been killed in ianew on th doorstep only fault he has, Josh bira for ray ke.' ;And ii,otu lly there steed on th doorste geone house, ooking as perous as if e had ne a brawl. When Kit y told hire all about it, he extended a hand to Jeshua, the little finger of whi h held a diamond as big as plover's e g, and declared he never was so glad sf anything in his life. "For you see, Josh " he said, when they were 1 comfor ably settled at aliuner, and e plate 4id porcelain and prodigality had alm st taken away • &shuttle bre th as well as his appetite— s. you see, tty has had everything else, ii.nd it' a wora ifs nature to be always wan mg ; so al these -years she's been pining or that w ste of land out eul the prair e and he brother Josh. I've told he I had no bjection to hunt- ing you. out, 'f it was 't for the rest. They treat there in the ber ; but yo for me, Josh forget these way, -P11 ma where; som suit you, I t And this Noo look here an' pay attention! We'll tak' it lackwarda this time ! Are ye. listening 7 Didna ye ca' me back -when I wis goalie oot weel enough pleased wi' the sugar, an' no askin' far tea, didna ye cry me beck an' said ye gied tea ailing wi' the sagar ?" "1 did." - "-Weele an' hadna ye gien me the sugar for naethin'?" , "1 did." • " Weel an' what • hae ye to say for yersel' eh? It's no the worth o't min' ye, but 1 m no. a man to be made a fule o'; hoo ver, there's my card, ye can summon mei but I'm thinking yo'll get the ware o't. Na, no! I wasna born yesterday. I thocht . there wis some jookry-p ukry aboot it. Come awa', Betty, ere's .00r came, and the crood 'hoorah d,' an' the policemom threaten- ed to tak' him up ..for obstructing the pavement, au' we cam' aerie." He thocht he wis 'cute, but he found oot there wis some gey lang-heeded folk in the coal ;trade as weel as in the tea trade. ; Yours, Je.efES K. me rather shabbily out When ampaign, if you remora- was in.st had alw and Pin hinge. I e a place thing in t rosperous ed Joshua w th rather t bli Imo "but 1 mus land on the And then, Ritty, and 1 reflected. th ed," Said go back t rairie." as he w is heart t this bro ys a good, word tot the man to you stay on this for you some - ie customs would. sation t Vicar olitician survey- whose p a critical air. Boy Joshua. coldly he used his pari came ac her litte , that waste of s very fond of as softened, he t her -in-law of his didn't look 1 ke the thi f and murderer their local aper had, pictured him; and now th side had hel n t he reme bered, the other I him up as a pattern of purity and. r'ghteousia ss. n I must go back James," he said, sleekly; "b t, with 'our permission, r4 take Kit y home with me for a visit, aad show hr the setti g sun." t‘ All righ ," said J rues, "only re- member tha until she comes back my sun will nev r rise." Then Jos - ua went o it and telegraph- ed to Mrs. ixby tha he had found Kitty, but e erything was not exaotly SS he had e pected. - "NO, / fl a ss not," aid Mrs. Bixby; "oh, no, sbli isn't quit the dear inno- cent angel h imagine ; some impudent baggage, I s ppose, th t he has picked up in the st eets. I'vl, no doubt she'll cheat and slead th poor old idiot to his heart's c latent; bi t he musn'tbring any of his Murphy here. I won't have them at my h use; that's . very certain." But when some we ks later, she, to- gether with he rest o the family, lwent down to the train to s e Joshua off, she found there beautif 1 and fascinatin a 0 woman, wha gave st ch pretty little corapliraent and gree ings to her 'grown up relatives and lovel little silver bits and trinket. to the lit le ones, that even the aclanian inc hea-rt of Mrs. Bixby Was softeae ; And NV an the train werit offataking ith it Jos int Flanders and Kitty, and. hen a , ntlemitn, with a diamond up n his llttIle- finger as big as &player's e g, offered her his arm on their way ona the heti, Mrs. Bix.by took it Ulan ly, saying to herself, ‘iAfter all, there's any a M rphy." 1 ! , Jearaes I an' Last Sa 00t getting slang a stre - gow,) Betty pointing to " Guid kee sugar for that?" I s ys, getti "Tlaat's ex raornar ; atyreel wh n tlaey'r goods for aething. new gen= his. Pui they afford a' that ga " P etty ," says, grudged to ay a fair I buy ; b t •when 10 4k offer ye al thing , :for naathin , I would estaunin' in my . ain licht if clidna tak' it. Gie me the; basket an' 11 go iu il an' get eight pun, al!.' after I come oot i ye can slip lin an' get anithe eight puri ; it'll no look sae greedy -like Jist wai a wee." An' in I goes. " '11 tak ei iht pun o' that su- gar l'?;I say . " °eft inly, sir." An' in a Ijiffey I g t the sugar in a paper poke, an', puttia it in the basket, I shut doon the lid, a ' says, " Pni sure I'm very Much oble ged to ye o be sae kind to me—me a erfect str. nger. Sugar's no very_ dear, but it's ye something; it reaukr be a sair loss t you. • Hooever, I must jist tl an.k. ye," n' wi' that 1 made , to come oo . 1. "Hey," eries the lad ikt the back o' the coont r, " ye've forgot the tea? There's tw pun o' teagoes alang wi' that!" “ Lod,saie us, tea le -tae, did ye say? Betty," 1 cries, "Its. no only sugar they're giei awa'," but tea. Great criff- tens, this bh.tes a'! Tea! Certainly, I'll tak the te ' an' The d up the lid o' the basket, an he popp d in a package o' tea, a' read made up. I thocht lit wis vera fortun te I had seen the shop be- fore the u employed_ got word o' it, or they wid II e ha.en it ' rookit oo afore I got near' . "Is thei naethin' else—coffee or any- thing ?" I s ys. "No," he says. " It's jist the tea an' sugar go th a0ither." ' Weel I'rp shure We ocht to a thankfu' for that same; altho' if t tere wis a bit pun o' offee I widna obj ct. Weel, guid da to.ye? guid day ! ' an' r cam oot. thrd, he jampit ow r the coonter, and gri pit me at the door, an' shook me, au' says, "'Tile money, sir !" "Money,' says I, perfectly du foulf• il- ere'd, "ye ne'er said there wis ony mon- ey, but it's no ower late yet! Ho much de ye gie ? Ye're a perfect angel in thae bad tines! I hape the money's no Spurious." eYe:vets gie Incthe money," e says. "Me l,I says, "Money for what ?" " For the tea," he says " Did ye no say it *ent ala g w' the sugar ?" " (ilertain- IV/ " Alt' didna ye say ye gied the sugar for aething ?" "Yes." 1 "An' what's the in.oney for then ?" "'or the tea," he s ys, gettnig angry. 1" Noo, look here,1' I says, puffin., hiii- into a close oot S the crood, " Ifet us under- staun eacj. other ! Noo jist listen! "Betty, hand the asket a wee. To begin at tl e begiuui g : Did ye Rio say ye gied su ar for naething?" "We do." "Weal, so faur so goad—ye gied me my Sugar for naething, an' when I wis com- ing oot, ye cried after me that ye gied tea, alangi;yi' the sugar." 'But yelre to pat, for the tea.'' "Tut! tet ! will I bale to begin again?" 1. • Whose Pigs the Bishop of Peterborough lled in his country parsonage, to go, about a good deal among hioners, and on one occasion oss a. boy minding a sow. and , when the .following cenver- ok place : , Well, my little Man, and gs are those?" • - Whoi, that old. zow's, to b sure. Vicar No, no, I don't mean that— who is t e master of them? Boy— Vhoi, that little blackchap there wi the curly tail—he licks the' lot on ' m. Vicar snsused)—No, no, you don't underst nd me ; I mean who is the owner o them? Whom do they belong to? Boy elong to? Whoi, to ray father, - of course. Vicar-I—Well, and who is yoiar father? Eh? Boy—IWell, look 'ere; if you just moind the pigs, oi'll run and ax`mother. • idn't Have a Pair. • The Over Reef (Utah) Miner tells a touching story as follows Two of our . sporting fraternity, whom we will call' : Smith and ,Jones, recently became en- , gaged h a game of poker with a big, raw -bored, green -looking stranger, and, as some imes will happen when stran- gers arel playing, the stranger found himself looking at four queens, while • Srnith 1ad four kings and joneS calmly regardelt four aces—the best hand. The , _betting 'as ; pretty lively, and filially the stra gencalled for a 'sight,' as all money was up, and said he had four queens. Smitl said, "No good; I've got • four kings." e mischief you. have !" yelled the strange -r, and let fly his right fist, about the size• of a peck of walnuts, plump be- tween Smith's eyes, knockinghira across the roo ' • . "What have you got?" sneered the strange' to Jones. With a glance at that big fist, Jones hastened to reply, "Oh, I haven't got any thi g. I was only bluffing," and the stranger raked in the "pot,'" and, as he departed, muttered: "You can't ring in any cold decks on me." it • aye Ge s His "Sar Words of -Wisdom. ea for aething." The best corner' stone of a republic is ty an' me Were hearthstone. isions, an ga'ina To work out oer own contentment, t we should labor aot so Much to increase rday, Be our pro in the ou -si e, ( as our substance, 1.1.i to moderate our de- gripit uae jby the arm, an' ;sires. . • a shop nd ow, says:— us, Jeems ! d'ye see that? aetlaina!" "Eh ! *h g oot my specs. rade must be dull, to give awa the • My certy, it's a bodies; hop can an' a big .rent ?" ye ken I've inever rice for onfthing ; If there is any', iting more poignant than a body agonizing for want of bread, it is a soul which is dying of hunger for light.* - A gentle person is like a river flowing calmly along ; while a passionate man is like the sea, casting.up mire and dirt continually. e Having a honee that is all preaching and no pleasure—all duty and no fun— is a ; dull old tread -mill which will drive the children away sooner or later. _ The force,the mass of charactenmind, r ' heart osoul, that man can put into u.ny qt, is the most important factor in that work. Being sometimes asunder heightens friendsl ip. The greater cause of the frequent quarrels between relatives is their being so much together. There is a gift that is always a blow, and there is a kindword that is muni- ficence ; so much is there in the way we do things. There was but one crack in the lan- tern, and. the ,kind found it out, and blew out the candle. How great a mis- chief o e unguarded point Of- character may cajuse among us. Onespark blew out the magazine, and shook the whole countrv for miles around. Dundee, killed Camus, the Danish_ leader, and that KennethIII,who com- manded the Scots in person, dipped. his fingers in the blood of his foe and smeared them over the chieftain's tar- get. The Earl of Errol bears on a; white shield three red escutcheons '- his crest is a falcon, his supporters twohus- bandmen upholding ox -yokes, and his ;motto - is "Serva jugum ;" all of which have traditional reference-. to the per- formances of the "old man Hay" and his two sons Sereld and Achaius at the battle of Lougcarty, near, Perth; also 'between the Scots and the Danes, and in the reign of Kenneth III. The Scots were getting the worst of it, when the Hays, who were ploughing near the scene of the fight, armed themselves with their ox -yokes, and manfully at- tacked the Danes iu a narrow pass. The Scots rallied by force of their ex- ample, and in the end gained a com- plete victory. As a reward the King granted to the "old limn Hay" as much land in the Carse of Gowrie as a falcon flying from his fist should measure out before perching, which happened to be about six miles, and assigned to him and his two sons the three escutcheons for their arms, since they had been that day the three protecting shields of Scot- land. nis Views of the Pistol Carry- ing Mani. Old Si picked up a dime that he ac- cidentally found where he had laid it down: when returning us some change a "few moments before, and then, as he reached the door, remarked: " Ef dese hyar jedges an' newspaper keeps on talkin' like dey do, !dar's gwine ter be er moughty change in men's fashins in dis part ob de lan' fore lon o you think so ?" y, dar'll be er onsalerble stock ob breeches wid hip pockits in every tailer-shop twixt dis an sun -set 'fore Chriletnius time !" "You mean that they will break up the pistol carrying practice ?" " Dal's the pint! Dis ting ob gwin 'rouu' loded up wid ham'-muskity like dey wuz 'spectin' news ob de next wah on ebery train . is getter play -- out ! Hit's gittin' mos' too ominous present !" "' Well you know the old saying Is in times of peace prepare for War?" "Yes, I knos dat, too; but ter my niin' dat means ter lay up pervishuns an' forridge, an' not ter keep in pracktis fer de inemy by makin a bull's-eye in the pit ob yer uabor's stumick !" " Thatis very true; besides the habit keeps down needed immigration." "Dat hit do, but den, hit ain't so much de immergrashun dat's prebented ez de -ernmergrashun dat's kumpelled. dat I's lookiu arter. Dis hyar suddint- ly handin er man er led kupon fer de onlimited journey by de undergroun rode ar whets runnin dis country! An 1 de sooner dat our treets aant named Six-shooter avenue an Shot -Gun ally, de sooner dis land wil be swiss crowdid wid fokes dan er Minstaul show an grave -yard lote' cum down fum wah- prices, yer heah me ?" And then the old man slid out without leaving a due -bill for the dime. Li 64 Old Scottish Family Tales. An musing -writer on armorial bear- ings r minds the Greenock Telegraph that t e boar on the shield. and the breat f Sir David. Baird commemo- rate th protection afforded by his an- cestors to David II. against the wild hog he had hunted and brought to bay; and th broken hammers on the shield and in the crest of Sir James Nae- smyth commemorate the escape of his ancest rs from the Douglases in rebel- lion ag inst James UL, and the clumSy stroke svhich so nearly betrayed him at the ' forge. The hand and dagger, the cr st, and "Je pense plus," the motto of the Earl of Mar, witnessing howli ancestor slew the Danish corn- mande Enrique at the battle of Mut- hill, aid to the promise which he made when le presented the head of his ene- my to lalcolm II.; and the shakefork on the shield. and the motto "Over, fork over," of Sir William. Cunninghame tell of his ancestor's concealment of Malcolm III. from the vigilance and hostilitv of Maebeth. The Earl of iCarlawarth bears an a black shield what the herald:s call "a naked man, proper" that is, depicted in the nat- ural colors. About this the legend is that oille of the linsmen of Kenneth II. wap3 captured. hanged, and exposed on a gibbet by the Picts. The King offered] a large reward for the recovery of the body, when, amid general hesi- tation to embark on the enterprise, o ue pr ISE IA exclaimed "Dal- zell," trans- lated I dare"—the Carnwath surname and in tto—and proved hiniself in the result ts good as his word. The Earl of Kintore bears in virtue of his descent from tee Keiths, Earl Marischal, red and gold stripes at the head of a white shield. These are explained by the story that the *ancestor of the Keiths, in a battle against the Danes near News and Notes for Women. a ---Adeline Patti is worth $3,000,000. —A club for foreign governesses has been opened fn London. _ —Women are appointed to be no- taries public in the State of Ohio. —Florence, Italy, is to have an aca- demy of design exclusively for women. —The wives of fifteen of the diploo matic corps in Washington are Ameri- can girls. —One of the successful miners of Nevada is a woman, Mrs. Murphy, wife of Foreman Murphy, ..of the Alexander mine. —Mrs. Welch, professor of domestic economy in the agricultural college of Iowa, will shortly publish a volume of hex lectures as a school text -book. IWoman's Education Associa- tion tof Boston has opened a cooking school. Girls who wish to be profes- sional cooks, or women who wish to use their knowledge in their own fami- lies, get six lessons for $1.50. The teach- er is Miss Parloa. —A.'Marshall county (Iowa) paper has the following complimentary notice of a woman recorder: Among the best county officials is Miss Jennie Tuf- frie, the deputy recorder. Faithful as the sun, she is the real officer, and helps Captain _Messenger through ali his diffi- culties, as he is a crippled soldier. She has been deputy over three year." —Miss J. M. Slocum, a teacher.of Canandaigua, N. Y., is winning a place as a writer on political economy. She graduated in the law department of Michigan University. She had chosen political economy as a life study, and the legal studies were pursued with a view to increasing her knowledge -of that science. She delivered, some time since, a lecture on "Demand," which met with such distinguished. success that she has been called on to repeat it at numerous other places. Grandfather Lickshingle's View Of It. Grandfather Lickshingle threw down the paper yesterday ili disgust and ex- claimed: " It makes me sick, by gracious—it makes me sick!" " What makes you sick, grandfather?" asked James. " Why,_ here's another coachman runs away with his employer's d.aligh- ter." " It is certainly too bad," said James. "And they get married the minute they are out of sight of her father's house." "The poor, silly thing." " Well. I should say e the poor, silly thing!' I should also say tlie sap - head, the shallow -pate. tl crazy.crack- brained imbecile," continued grandfath- er, in a towering rage. " The poor creatures are just from boarding -school," said James, " with their head's full of romantic—'! Who's just from boarding -school ?" yelled grandfather. "The poor, silly girls are." "Who's talkin' about girls?" yelled. the old limn, a little more savagely than before. "It -'s the coachman I'm a -hit - tin' at. If I had a SOD, an' he was a good coachman, an' he would disgrace himself by running away with his em- ployar's giddy daughter, I'd spend my pension money in roitous livin', an' wouldn't leave him one red cent to rub against another. Ncvr you hear your ' old grandfather quote Shapspeare." EAFO RTH BRICEFIELD MORE BARGAINS. We h ate just received ahother Lot of Fine WORSTED SUITINGS Which we are making up in our own inimitable. styles at prices that Pay Us and Astonish our Comtietitors. A LARGE STOCK Of Dnc1s, Denims, White and. Factory Cottons, • Tickings, Shirtings, Prints, Tabl nssa Towellings, Cotton Yarns, due, 'bought by us in NEW YORK BEFORE THE RECENT ADVANCE, Which We will clear out at old prices, thus giving our customers the full ben- efit of bargains secured before ;the Na- tional Policy. 1 DRESS COOS A SPECIALTY. A Superb Line of Colored Brillian- tines. Decided Bargains. -.Ladies, see them. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is uuder the Management of MTSS GLIC Enough said. Glove, Hosiery, Sunshades, Laces, F &c., in great sarriety. Tri mings and Haberdashery well assorted. '4 A pecial Line of Clair De Lula: Fringe, 25c. per yard. A IES nil Stock of FRESH GROCER - t the Lowest Prices. WM. HILL & Co. TH A Ve . Cr AF CHEAPEST GOODS. G-. IS NOW RECEIVING A y Large Stock of all cinds of ceries and Provisions. esh Lt of Canned Fruits and ey and Jellies. A F esh Lot of those very choice Te 8 in Black, Green and Japan. All ra,des- of Sugars, Syrups and M lasses: Curr nts, Raisins, Prune, Dried A pies, Oatmeal, Comm al, Crac ed Wheat, Pot Bctrie,j, Flour, SI orts, best of Rams ano Bacon. All -inds of Fre' sh, Gard4 Seeds, T Onions, Potato Oni ns and Se Onions. and Potatoesi Crea Corc.ocks, Milk Pans Flower pu., Lar Sod and Celeb Cattle some Don't 591 187 At C forth,c of G All rant Work He nishin He Card Butter, Eggs, and a jood va- ty of Soaps. Biscuits in 8 po nd boxes, at 26a. ure ground Co ce. Alao that ted English Exile or Horse and owl. All are invited to ooiie and get the Cheapest Goods in the pominion. orget the place A. G. AULT'S GROC RY, Main Street, ` AFORTH SPRING. 1879. RING (LOT M 13 ING. EAT CLOTHING EMPOIIIUM. mpbell's Great Clothing Emperium, Sea - n be seen the Most ExtensivelA.saortment ntlemen's Suiting* in this County. armentsmade by him will be War - ,d give perfect Setiefactio in Price, - nd Fit. eeps A Full Stock of s, Hats and Caps, &c. ents' Fur - will give, Special Induc menu Purchase:0. He ill sell Cloths at the Loweet Cut ree of Chat ge. Ha neigh years, and h of pu THE CENTRAL,' GROCERY, LAI D LAW & FAI R LEY, S EAFO RTH ARE CONTINUALLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPLIES OF THE VERY BEST Gli.00ERIES TO BE liAD In the Market, and are offering them AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Parties wishing to obtain Reliable Goods will Always ?ind a Supply at the Central Grocery, as We avoid all inferior articles. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ) DEPARTMENT, At present, is full of all the Leading Lines. Those desirous of purchasing any thing in this Department will do well to inspect our stock and prices before mak- ing their selection. "FLOUR and FEED on hand as usurtl. Cash for Clover and Timothy Seed. Goods Delivered' Pree of Charge. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTOFiS. SMITH.—" Good morning Jones, where are you goiag to 2" JONES.—" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new furniture, you see rink e is getting played out and I want to get some Bret rate furniture at very low prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say that he has the very best and cheapest in the county." A.33 7D1?..,SS the Free and Independent People of Huron : M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises letely tiecupiei by Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware store'and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in theFurniture line at remarkably low prices. Intending par rimers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. Picture framing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, feathers, wood and. lumber taken in exchange. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, under his own snpervision, and will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds'&c , will be found cornplete, and at the very lowest rate, Fanerale attended iu the country. A Hearse for hire. Remember the plate. IM, ROBERTSON, SEAFORTIL DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING- GOLD SILVER AND GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED BY G-. W. CLARKE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGENT, SEAFORTH. M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATCIIES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec- tacles and Fancy Goods, which, will be solcl Cheap for Cash. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Directly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's ;Furniture Stoie, Main Street. M. R. QOUNTER, SEAFORTH. W. IT. W T S INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING MA- CHINES, CONVEYANCER, &c., SEAFORTH, ONT. INSURANCE.—Mr. Watson is agent for the following first -obese Insurance Companies: FIRE.—Pbcenix and Northern, of tendon, Englend ; Scottish Imperial, of Glasgow, Scotland ; Royal Canadian and Nationaleof Montreal; British A.merica, of Toronto; Canada Fire and Marine, Of lamilton ; Gore District of Galt. LIFE AND ACCID,RNT.—Traveller's, of Hartford. MON EY TO LOAN.—Mr. Watson is aPPrtilsor for the -Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, of Toronto. The oldest and best Loan Society in the Dominion. Money advanced on all kinds of Real Estate SEWING MAISHINES.—The following manufacturing and family sewing machines kept constantly on hand : Ho -we, Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A and the White. Machine oil, needles and all kinds of attachments ou hand. Machines of all kinds repaired. r. Wet- on *is agent for the Franz° & Pepe knitting machines. The best family knitting 102110 ne manufactured, capable of doing all kiwis of cotton and woolen work. r. Watson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing hewteen New York and all points in Europe. 0ffice, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel. THE GODERICH FOUNDRY_ Sec na hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel $225 t Sec nd hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel ane Pnllays -Complete— ..... ..... . 225 See nd hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors , 275 Secend hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance 'Wheel, 2u1le3 s and Governors .......... ... ... .... 200 250 150 200 A Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hoisting Gear Seetnd hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack Sec nd hand 16 hem Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack Secand hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack .....................225 Second hand 80 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate tars, Steam Gunge, Guage and Safety Valves, all in Good Order Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine 7 Heeding Jointer Residing Planer Heading Turner Staee Machine, with Knife THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, TT AVING-Purchased theStock and Trade of the -lee- Comm:rebel Livery, 8eaforth, from Mr. GeorgeWhiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old stand, and hes added flew:Jai %eat:table horeeh and vehicles to the formerly large !dock. None but ?irst-C1a88Comfottab1e Pehiclegand Good 1?e1iab1e Iforse8 Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carriages, and Double and SingleWagons always ready for use. Special Arrangern,ent8 Made With, Com- mercial Men. Orders left it tile slables or any of the hotels protoptle atteudell eo. 450 90 40 50 70 80 Ne Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill Machinery for Flowing, Grist and Saw Kills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. IAgricultural Implements.—Stoves of Variong Kinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, &c., promptly Attended to. CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ,M.••••••••,.=....10 POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. INCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return the nks to my numerous customers for their kind patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them, and khidle sol cit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and Well Selected Bt ok of DRY 00DS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of G PrgCe SEtoRckof BOOTS and SHOES—MePherson's make. crockery, Glassware, Lamps 0 ES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the ACounty. an Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drags, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- thi u g required in a general store. Ask for what you *ant if you don't see it. Cash or farms produce tak n in h e I would also intimate to all parties indebted tonne for last and previous years, to come and eettle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further notice will be eiven. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Sooiety loans money on gond farm security for a term of from three to twenty years, on the most favorable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE.—If you want your life insured givo Inc a call, as I am agent lor the San Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In. nee Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give Inc a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con - nee eon. Clover, Tinteetlay, Turnip and other seeds on hand, PROTECTION.' T.TAVING the Protection guaranteed to any -h-h one who tams only good materiel and does firet- ales work, it has enabled us to sell all our B-UGGIES AND CARRIAGES, And we hese now on bend snood supply of those handsome 4.1UT'l'E ifieS, and a number of those ?ILE G S which everybody saye een't be beat, and we will sell very-cheap—on:inch terms es will suit our customers,. I have ale° engaged the services of a competent and -attentive Black- smith for a term of years, and SEn prepared to executeIt Mel* of Job Work, from a needle to an anchor. Prfees Very Low and all Work War.. ranied.. I should be h .ppy to receipt all past aecounts during the next month. 578 JOHN WILLIAMS, 3Iinburn. — -- EGG EMPORIUM - R. PATTISON, WALTON. •••••••• to T ignites, and IA ing ;enjoyed a Liberal Patroe age in this orhood for a period extending over 18 he wishes to return thanks fetr the same, pea he may still °outdates to Merit a share lie favor. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, EA.FORTH REAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES. EG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT I HAVE REDUCED LL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remunerative.Prioes. THE Subscriber hereby thanke his mama -one customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage durine the pest 7 years, and hopes by strict integrity and close attention to bueiness to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Rasing greatle enlarged his prem- ises dining the winter, he is now prepared to pay THE HIGHEST OASH PRICE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the subscriber, 25 tons of good dry clean wheat straw. I USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIAL Be Therefore I can Gnarantee Good Satisfaction to thoge who wish to favor me with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. ELLIOTT GRIEVE SEAPORTH. D. D. WILSON. isT TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. A s TREY occupy the attention of all, then; 'LI' hard times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hemlock," nOt usually sold for inch," at the following rates,: 12 foot Hemlock. ut $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50, foreash. All orders over 4,000 5 per cent. discount. -Call and see if you don't get what is represented, Book Accounts over 11 months wilt be charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks his numerous easterners for their liberal support, and. solicits a continn• ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON.. 438 Steam Saw Mills, MCFIllop. THE ROXBORO MILLS. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. AfESPIIS. BURNETT & DOLPHIN, he,ving 45-1- leased and put in a thorough state of repair t he Roxboro Flowing, Mill, are now prepared to do G rioting and Chopping. They will also keep on hand and for' sale a good handy of Flonr and Feed of every descrip- tion. Partiee taking grain to be ground can have home with them the -some da y. As the proprietors are both pranticel workmen, and thoroughly tuideestand the business, they can guarantee satisfaction - 584 BURNETT th DOLPHIN. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail. Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glee; - now; and all parts of Europe. Fares as low we any other first-class line. Prepaid Passage Certificates issued to persona wishing to bring out their friends. The Passenger accommodationof Anehor Ltne Steamers are unsurpassed/or elegance and oorn- fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 593 At the Post Office,Seaforth CORN AND PEAS. THE' Subecriber has now on hand, at Henagal, *1- a large quantity of Choiee Corn, fit for Meal or seed. Will be sold in lots of 10 bushels or over at LOWER PRICES THAN HAS RE- CENTLY BEEN GOING, • I will also have on hand during the next few monthstChoice Selected Peas for Sad, at itippen Station. Will also take any quantity of good Clover Seed at market pride. 682 DAVID MeLEFINAN. BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTh, Ts now prepared to !supply all oustoment, with J- any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are to well and favorably known to the trade that it iu unneceseary to say anything in their recommene dation. MR. TROTT alio manufactures a small/Ur& ' wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaforth. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS FORBES TATE of -Stratford, begs to announce to the -1-4 Ladies of Seaforth and vicinity that she has o pened a Fashionable Dress and Mantle Making establishment in Seaforth. Roomsover Thomas Kidd' s Dry Goods Store—Entrance byMechan- ics' Institute. Having a perfect knowledge of her business, she Impel to be favored with -a lib- eral patronage, and guarantees to glee entice satisfaction. Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. Twelve Apprentices wanted --apply imniediately. 592-4x MISS FOR -BES. HAIR DRESSING. MISS' STARK virisHEs to inform the Ladiesof Sestorth and I Vicinity that she is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, ko.e In the LatestFashion from Combings. ' Prices Moderate, and all orders pulactually ate tended to. A call solicited. Residence—Main Street. Seaforth, PAINTING. H. pil-Vvem BEGS to inform hie friends \-/ tald the public in general that he has commenced business as a Painter and Glazier on his own account, and le prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in the meet satisfactory rammer and on esesonable terms. Orders left at the store of Idessrs.John- son Brothers will receive prompt ettention. 588.4 H. TOWN, Seefortli. N.B.—V71,itewashing and papering a speeialty. _ LADIES, TAKE NOTICE. , "TILE 14148i -signed begs to inform the Ladies of -1- Seaft;rth and= Surrounding 031:011ntlY thatelhe hasagain resumed ;the bueineas of straw and felt millinerY, tamping, and hairadresging.- She can now be found in lticGinethe Biocketwetaiss, 1 over Mnrrayht shoe shop, where all work in any of -these branches entmsted to her *ill receive proinpt and careful attention. 593x4 MISS lieXIBBON., .