HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-04-25, Page 7URON EXPOSITOR, A___.L 25, 1879, rgIE pANADIAN K OF COMMERCE OFFICE, - 4 ToRoN ( . Valetta'. - - $69000,0 00. DIRECTORS. ke1 MC:NI :4TE% I'reeidettt DAM i'1OPE, Vice—President, trnitert, 1• sq. James itl'iektie, Esq.. Elliett Fate T.Sutberland3teyTtior,Z s .1yeee. h�.d;. John J. Arntoin Ee, A. R. .feMaeter, ZFtl. q nealie ittl fxenerelMalinger; JOHN ROBERTSON, Inspector, e aa. -J. G. Harper, and J. II. GoadbyT 0. 0r eh:urti, Agent. f3 RAN C1 E. TIa renton, Lonelon, Lueeu,: Montreal,�t,i,, Orangeville, 1 ru 1 etci barer, St. C:etheriues,: &aTnie. Simeee, Stratford, g Sealed); Thorold, Toronto, Win deer, �F oodstote , eit,I Crediis Lamed for use in Europe, t e -ed West Indies,, China, Japan, and_ . Idyl. alnti American Exchange bought ane to reale on the most favorable terms. eller. ed on deposits. `. rk—The American Exchange National England -Tire Bank of Scotland. EAFORTH BRANCH. 11 AXES, - - MANA.GEre foNSOUDATED BANK OF CANADA. - - - $4,000.009, ilii felt MONT1 AL,Ineorporatedlgg3: it.1 ROYAL CAA BANK, ' Inc orporeted 18E31.. AFORT BRANCH. !MON ON ' LOCK, MAIN—ST. SEA Foram * < oa New Verde Payable at any e e.ni e i States, of Exchange on. Lone?on payable f Cie ea: of tee Gutted kingdom. 't'Es T PAID US .DEPOSIT$. EMPORIUM. :,,etnerilter lit•rt;bv t1i=1Lkte hie numerous nefrs tInfleitztlat4 and others) for theft .:s..renege: Elgine tele pest 7 year's, and s;riet bete erity and close attention f,a t®r uteri their sur: iclenee tend trade la krt Having greet,, enlarge.i hie prena ri the whiter, he is aow prepared to pity 'HIGHEST CASH PRICE i .a*rti'y ct1 Good Fresh Eggs, delivered ., lemp,.rium, I STa ET.'. SEAFORTH. ed by the seb uriber, 23 tons of good dr, leeet. straw. D. D. WILSON. ItOX ORO MILL FARMERS AND OTHERS. RS. BURNET> & DOLPHIN, having sed and pet in e. thorough state of sprit bot Flouting 3/ill, are now prepared as alin: aril t.'l`t°ppc.aaLt. aril terse keep on hand. 'ant for sale t rf=ly of flour au,i Feet; of every d esori . s tttkit% grain to be gr0and can have if itI thLFrl elle sante day. proplietori are both prtletical workmen, roughly undlerstand the business, they giants'.• altiftletion. I;F;RNETT & DOLPHIN.. O N AND PEAS. beerreer has new on hams, at Renal;, 'r a tentity cf Choice Cora, tit for mesi- i'i:i t,t: cull in I its of Iii bashels o_ s t ES THAN R N HAS RR- I.ENTLY BEEN (GOING. anti hese on hand, daring the next fel 1; :tit=its; Selected 1'r:as for Seal,. at Kipple «ill also take any qu:cntity of geed :ed at mitt tet prigs. DA ID McLE.NNANe UTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFO'IiTh,, ' pee,.artd to $ulrply customers: Wit auruber of Iris _ PER1OR BUTTE. It TUBS, e er hundred,. Cash. These Tabsere ie , favorably kuown to the treble that reit .:try to say axle thing in their recommee 1 OTT al:- ci rmeaufa stores a small Hai tt,-:uitablo for weshiug batter in. A by Mail or otherwise promptly S. TROTT, Seafosth. IR DRif,SSI. . MISS STARK ITIS to iuforni the Ladies of Seaforthee ' pity that elle i`< prepared to snake np et'R L , BRAIDS, toe •the barest Faehion from Combings. 3I' eterete. and; all orders pan ctnellq r - 'e. t. eel' :whetted. Residence -lies traf>Frtll.. TAT NOTIGE 'O' FARMEld T. I'AII ISII'S well known and favor rrz ` YUt 'rd , ENTEIk2RISE ," will bedaid le ag t in this seasons AR usual. He 711 :i- fot:eaviog arreoa -other places`. Off Abaro, Walton,. le-atts' Settlement,B1lt t ra for eek. f ateliers in the vicinity* :ices shd,.,1d1 not promise their mares tit ses until they see " Young.Enterprisel i ft rrr ri e real good s oek than Any othg • .teet etalleei is the tenuity. ity. Fot ...0 Roti.! e Bell,. JOHN J. PARISH. Pr•oprioto& H- `I SALL. L OR i Ah-il1 i. l er'y 1l'f;.�W1i1tilt' 1E11 _1100112.S. t`t ivtd•, a ChtriVs Selection sof tie* in Militia i'y and i`:tx.cy floods. tall • rah on tic, Opening Days, 24 ri;. ll:.--; M. MITCHELL, Modiste,. EAPEST LOT ---0E— AND BLEACHED COTTON - Ever I:io gl..t to- Se:alortlr FFMAN BROTHERS' 012c E!ash Store, Seaforth.. AND MANTLE MAKIN yU)UitE begs. t0 annul ce to the . eaforth tied vicinity that she f8 in 1itt.:;:t arra Mantle Making, ID. • lea. Itoorue over I'.. Log fn's e �trr doors eeuth 0t the post Office. sea wanted. Apply im,meditatelec -1 Dane to Say "No 1" Dere io say "No 1" when you're tempter to drink, gaols for a rnonient, my bravo boy, and think Think ofa to ce?" res, without counting hnthe For anaiveli4g cost; I - Think of the mother vtho bore yon in pain; Think 0f the teats that will fall like therein ; Think of her heart, and how cruel the bloyr ; Think of lier love, mud at once answer " No i" Trunk r of the hopes that are drowned in the bolT1; eyelet of the diarrg r to body and Foul ; Think of sadlyes Once pure as the now; nook at them now; and at once sneerer"N< ' - Think of a re t. :Mood with ruin -tainted breath Think how th glass leads to sorrow and dbeth ; Think of the homes that, now shadowed with woe, Night have ben • heaven had the answer leen "INO. " Think of Ione eves both unwept roti unknown, Biding rout; h ppcs that were fair as your own ; Think o prow proud forms now for ever laid low, That still migrt bo here had they learned to say No." Think of the d emon that lurks in the bowl, Driving to rule both body and soul; Think of all tit -s as life's joureevyou go; And when y0 t're assailed by the tempter say —PUiILxc Q-PI:4Io A. Glass Mountai-n and Ro d. • 31r.. P. jar . Norris, the Superintend nt • of -the Yellowstone National'Park, o a recent visit to the capital, gave a 1 c- tnre on so , e of :the natural curiosit'es of the regi.n over which he pl•esi es . and is tinge fed in exploring. Awing these may a e metttioned as the most novel a mountain of obsidian or Volcanic glass, and a road made from this Ma- terial. lie: r the foot of Ber l aver Lake the explore s discovered this mountain of glass, vs ich there rises in basalt - like column and countless huge masses many of hu dreds of feet high from a hissing hot spring forming the margin of the Zak , thus forming a barrier *here it N. as very desirable that a wagon road should be, as the glass bar- ricade slope for some 300 feet high at an -angle o 45° to the lake, and its glistening s : -face was therefore impas- sible, there being neither Indian nor game track over it.. To make the• road, huge fires w -re made against the glass to thoroug • ly heat and expand it, and then by dashing cold water from the lake ag inst the heated ',glass sud denly cool t e latter, causing large frag- ments to br ak from the mass which.. were afterw rd broken - up by sledges and picks, 1 t not without severe lacer- 'ations of t e hands and faces of the party, into smaller fragments, with which a woe ou road one quarter of a mile long as constructenbout mid way along t e slope, thus making, it is believed,. th., only road of native glass upon the co.. tineut. Ori reaching the Grand Cano Yof the Gibbon river the explorers fo .rid . the eastern palisade, for about tt. miles in length, to con- sist of vert' a1 pillars, hundreds. of feet high, of gli •toning black., yellow, mot- -tied, or ba ded obsidian • or volcanic gla s.. This obsidian has been -and is still used b . the Indians for making arrow heads and other weapons and tools, and t e mountain has formed a vast quarry or the making of such in- struments o • weapons of a quality and quantity un(mailedelsewhere.—AS'cien- tffic America. 'Habits of the Florida Alligator. their quickie ss in some case§ is. re- markable, a when in the water a speed. of from five e eight miles an- hour is, made,: and on land- they are able to throw th.e sehres over h.alf. a- circle, using their f re feet for a fulcruna; strik- ing their enemy' with their tail with. tremendous (sree, - In getting food. the alligator shoWs a remarkable degree of catch them number of alligators form iu a line, driving the 'fish before them into et cove dr inlet. Thedeanli alliga- tor makes a 'rush, catches a fish , in. his open mouth, rises to the aurface,- tosses the:fish into the air,. at the eauae tinSe expelling th water. by a current ' of air drawn thro, gh the nose, and is reedy to bolt the fish:when .it .falls. °Mug to the .form tione of the teeth, the, al- ligator came t naasticate his food; but bolts. it in, Mall elle aka. The:gullet is not large.. Peey of size is codceoled. tuatil it be ins to petrify,. when. it is sought and eevoured. The loreles.t ani- mals are a tanked if they get intothe water, dra ged down and drowned'. Last spring a. large ox went into the waters- of L ke Jackson, not far from Tallahassee, to drink. An alligator fastened to he fere leg of the tuairnal, . crushing tie, bone. The on straggled' ou shore,„ de gging hie antogonist pith him. At ti is time the shere Was -black -with alliga airs, attra,cted by the suiell of bloode arid. SO:Tee crawled upon the onenf the 1 eonsters high into the air! From the o (acts, of the fall it lay tin _on the gro,u d stunned a considerable time. But he wounded ox again got gater elosed on -his nose and dragged. How "V‘To.i; an_ Suffrage. Works 1.m Kansas. A Hoosier seenin Kansas many peeve and .unfamilier _ sights, but none .more interesting thon ' that of the ladies voting. Th v hove the privilege of voting in 1 _ motters pertaining to schools. As ar as my observation goes, the ladies ere have minds of their own. They neither Vote foe the haed- tell them t4 vote for, unless the can- didate is, i their own iopinion, the proper one. Their votek . cameet be bought. Th y are universally , en the side of moral`ty and temperance ; hence the workers in the tempentuce cause are warm advocates of equ 1 suffrage. Election da3 s pass quietly. If there is any drin ing or fighting done, it is not at the i olls. Everything is orderly circulated. by_ anti -suffragists in the eastern stet 8. Candidates hleep carri- ages running for the accomModation of ladies, but a great many walk up and deposit thei votes. As the result, so far, has bee very satisfactory, even to the men, it will probably be but a short time until equal suffrage is granted. TI o gentlemen show their gallantry au faith in the ' ability of the ladies by appointing them ' to office. The eurolline clerks of the Legislature are lathes, Iso a large proportion of the county superintendents, who, in every instance, discharge their duties he a manner that gives universal sat- isfaction. -% 'omen are not so pleety here as in alone,. Perhaps that is the reason t ey are so well respected and protected. The54 are scarce enough to be precious. In proof of whieh we E often see aavertisements for wives, by some of the young mon who took Greeley's advice some tiro ago, and now have handsome farms and homes of their own, .I noticed in he paper a few days since the offer of fine horse to the person who would ass at the ad- vertiser in. securing a good, 'udustrious wife.—Letter to Indianapolis Ilefalcl. Diarrhea. • (1) For diarrinea in children, take one cup wheat flour and tie it in a stout cloth and drop in cold water. ; then set over the fire and boil three hours stead- ily. After it is cold; remove the cloth and crust formed by boiling. The ball thus prepared can be kept ready for use for any length of time. To ose, grate a tablespoonful for a cupful boiling water and milk --each one-half. Wet up the flour"with a very little cold ,water ; stir iia and boil five minutes.sweeten- to taste. Use a little salt if dsired. (2) Nothing is easier to check Wan chronic diarrhoea, if it is of the - gen ine kind, which you rlay..know by th symptom of a clean, very -smooth tong: e. If the tongue is not clean and s ooth, the diarrhoea may bo an effort of ,nature to clean you out,-aud you had best let it diarrhoea, nnin, one sing a few ble. • But possible, i or nd u may have trouble of an opposite A Story of Scotch L ndlords. alone. If it is really_ chronic take pills `of opium and t grain of each, at intervals du days, and it will stop the tro stop using the pills as soon a A. correspondent tells, the following : I heard rather a good anecdote -the other day illustrative of the rapacity of some of the Scotch lalidlord§. A gen- tleman who had paid a large rental (I believe £700) fora a shootin and house, according to the terms of his lease had to leave on a Saturday. It would have suited him much better ,tohave re- mained till the following Monday, 'con - .sequently he asked the landlord's per- mission to do so, naturally expecting that, as a matter of courtesy it would be granted; but, to his surprise,.he re- ceived r nswer to the effect - that if he stayed •!-'30 more rent would be.deihand- ed. The sequel to this, however, is better. After leaving the moor he re- ceived an account for £20, for wear and tear of carpets `caused `°by game- keepers and gillies° attending divine service." The lady of the house, it ap- pears, read prayers daily for the benefit of her servants. 1. Cold fomentations are useful in spra,ins, but- not until the active ie - nomination hansubsided, and it is re- ) quired to give tone and strength to the part. Tho best way of applying them is to put a thick bandage -upon the part and keep pouring coldtwater over it. 2. Beat up an egg to a thick paste, with flue salt sprea'a it on a cloth and biud it on the part affected. . Renew oe- 3. Alcohol, one pint ; (A spike,one ounce ; origanum, one ounce ; camphor, one ounce ; spirit§ ammonia, one 4. Take one teaSpoonful A _honey, the same of salt and. tho w ite of an egg ; .beat all Well together, an hour or twO would be bet etand au hour. Then anoint tl -place freely, keep Well.. rolled ' When the excitement caus d in Scot -- 4 laud by the Disruption as .at its :height two elderly females ro t together -it the village of .. Lenchaes, . apd a dis- cussion on -1.' spiritual hide eneerice," dent " dame-, " -are ye no fear' in the Auld Kirle,Wheir ye km a' gae to the had nlatse after t: or at least er. Let it e sprained up with a to, or preventing the horse being used. Remember the name, and. see that the signatures of Hurd der Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lym an, Toronto, Ont., proprietors for, Canada. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Prize Butter at the N. Y. Fair. • There was a very fine display of extra.. choice butter at tiit:great internatiornal Dairy Bair. The paekages that took the prizes were splendid sam- ples of what gilt edgobutter ought to be, perfect in quality and color. Among the finest of these watt that made by D."Whiting, Geo. Lawrence, and A. W. Cheev.•r, which, es well as that made by many others was- colored -to a ' perfec:t Tube tint With Wells, Riuberdson &Co.'s Perfectedd-B3uttcr Color. This'color received the Iuternational Dip- loma over. all competitors for "superior purity, strength, perfection o1 color, and permanence." -It wasanew really reeomniendedboth by the makers and the butter buyers. If your. butter is white,' ruse it. For full particulars inquire of Hickson & Bleasdell, druggists, who are sole agents for Sea - forth. - 5914 - • I3uckleri's• Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world: for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hinds, Chilbleius, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This peeve is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in every ease or money refunded. Prieo 25 cents per box. For sale by Erickson & Bieasctoll, Ssaforth. 56698m . The . Greatest ,Remedy Known. Dr. King's New Discovery: for Consumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed - within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou- sands of once hopeless sufferers now loudly pro- claim their praise for this wonderful discovery, to wlii h they owe their lives. Not only does it posi- tively cure consumption, but coughs, colds, asth- ma, bronchitis, hay fever; hoarseness and all affoc- tioes of the throat, chest sand lungs yield at once to its wonderful curative powers as - if by magic. We do not ask you to buy until you know what you are gettban. We therefore earnestly request that you call oileVoux druggist,Flicksou & Bleasdell, and get a trial bottle free of charge, which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits and show you wlutt a regular one clolbtr size bottle will do. For sale by Ilickson and Bleasdall, Sea - forth. - 556 -Sm -4 I'or all purposes -of a faiuiiy medicine Hagyard's Yellow Oil will be found invaluable. Immediate relief will follow its use. It relieves pain, cures 4`11111�Iains, frostbites, scalds. burns, corns,llienrna- tilinal neuralgia, &c., &e. For internal use it is •non.e the less wonderful. Ono or two doses fre- •quei t1y.cure sore throat. It will cure croup in a 'few lininntes. A few bottles has often cured asth',fna. : Colic lids been cured in fifteen minutes by a•teaspoonful dose. It cares with the utmost raphity. It is really a wonderful medicine. For sale .)y3kIcssrs.Hickson &-Bkasdoll, Scaforth. 5-592 • -- It Ls no exaggeration to say that health is a lei ge ingredient in what the world calls - talent. A roan without it may bo a giant in intellect, but his deed, will be the deeds of a dwarf. A weak mind in a sound frame is much buttes than a giantenind in a crazy constitution. Professional and business rnenwho are continually thinking, and whose hoed rs are sedentary, should use Victoria Hypo - phosphites, the great brain and nerve remedy. For sale .ry Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson, S::aforth. . 8-592 • To be thoroughly happy, you must be well. To be w 'll; in thousands of 'eases, you should take the F•rcat medicine, which relieves, regulates and rem' •; ates disorderly systems -Victoria Buchu and Uva Urea. For Blight's dist etso of the kidneys diabetes, and all diseases of the urinary system, it, timely use is very beneficial. For sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. - - 9-592 I I PLIRCONAL:-R1.v. Tares Brooks, Weston, says.; "I h ve fo'iincl nothing -to give ore more pornrarrenn roliee for shortness of brcath'or asthma, than Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam. and can with confidence rotor uncial it to all requiring a good medicine for coug is and colds, and diseases of the throat and ltlnbr • For sale by all dealers at 23 cents per bot- tle. I Minntmx„ B1rsTLEY & PuAiisON, Proprietors, Toro rte. e_ew to bide they will Tr ins leave Brussels station, north and south 0,13 VI liter GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Grand Trunk Railwa Trains leave Scaforth and Minton Statious as folloWs CLINTON' . 19t PA 1 ell HA'aMARE. : HARDWARE. OF _THE CIRCULAR SAW. Q w 0 HO 11' M. AN BR9T HER S' Cheap Cash Store Seaforth. Lee 17.1 cas " The only thing that concert nae," re- word. to seml yew' faithee and rhither, who belonged te the ,A.uld•Kiele, ye, had . EPPS'S Codoe..--Grreful anl comfort - natural laws which :govern he opera- tions of digestion an.d. nutriti in and by ties' of well selected cocoa; Air. Lpps has provided onr breakfast tables with a d.elicately. flavored. beverage, which may save ns many heavy do4or's bills. It is by the. judi ions Ilse of such articles dreds of ' subtl maladies ar floating around. u§ rea v te attack wherever there is a weak point. We ay -escape many a fatal ah tft byleeeping ourselves properly nouris red frame." ' Civil Ser - and 1(.10, Piccadilly, Londous.". 482-52 Dizziness of the -Head ? Is a our Nerv- Cough? Low pirits ? Com ng up ' of the food after eating ? t.szc., 0. All of these. and. miloh more are the direct re- druggiets to be a, pesitive cur . 2,400,- 000 bottles were given £1.Wa in .the United States through clrug,gi lis to the people as a trial. . Two deses will sat- isfy &DT Person of its wonder ul quality Sample bottles ten eentse. Regular. size .seventy -live cente. Sold positively by all first-class druggiets in t e United. • why not ? • And Who knows- hut what their horses areeejoicing as well; who can proVe . the contrary ?. •But their owners .eejoice because Of . the 'aelonish- Powders and Arabian Heeve Renaedy." Some were lean and noon aving no ap-petite, other§ Would. devour their food ravenensly, yet derive no be efit from it ; some were hide -bound, itli rough . and shaggy . hair.; others le -d severe colds and colighs ; many . had. the heaves and other compleint peculiar charm, the disease .Or complaint ' was speedily reneevod, the appetite._ and • di- gestive organs cornected,the s hi soften- ed, and a sleek and shining pearanee given to the coat all without ny danger • T.tondon, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Exeter 8 85 8 52 13 68 4 06 4 25 Heesall Kippen Brtieedeld Chu, ou ngharn, depart.. 10 55 Clinton 1 10 Hensel]. 2 05 2 50 Exeter A. M. 5 50 8 05 8 34 8 44 9 00 9 45 10 89 11 110 Mixad 8 01 8 18 8 28 8 e4 8 49 6 15 7 85 7 51 7 68 8 08 8 25 9 26 P. M. 6 15 6 55 7 24 7 43 7 58 8 04 8 28 MRS. C. M. DUNLOP'S Pall Tema in ' Music .will open. on Sept. 16tb. Pupils should giro in their mines previous to t e opening of the class. Those not hav- 4ith use of Piano or organ al; very mod - iate rites. Seaforth, S apt. 7, 1878. 561 ENORMOUS PILES OF SILK, ZEN- ILLA AND COTTON UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash Store, Seaferth. LARCE PROFITS bailee; of ten itory in the Mlle Eyet!011 as the famous Silver Islet Mine, which has each ehere beiug entitled, without any Timing to en issue ef 4,000 $25 shares, .edditionel cherge, to a $10 coupon, re- .: eeeraable iu cash by an aneual payment ot $4,000 from the Ge mealy.. Attention eirected to the fact that, after receiv- rit will still retail). their Shares, Gins .the Corepany tree of cost, but actuelly eel onsubseliption, mei the b..htnee in inontly iustelneeets of '82 per shale. For STOCK FOR SERVICE. CD 0 WARMERS, IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The nedetsiened intends keeping his Thorough. bredBall for another season, for the improve- Faimers will clo well to patronize him in view of raising stock for the Reglieh Merket. Hie get of calees. shows that blood will tell. My teen's are enly ene dollar these herd tile( s. Cert ificete of Begieteied Pedigree, No. 1,364, Wonderful, bred by James Gny, Ingersoll, Oxford County, got 1.4 Sir Johnny (700) Begieterd, darn Hannah) by Plesident t 540), grand dam Ms tilda by Tented England (822, 5281), great gland dam. Bed -Rose, iniported, by Bettie of Kulsdale, (11,156), dam Eted Rose, see laerd hook. RODERICK GRAY, 0 cp 0 0 CD crq rket. Also English Annealed Galvanized Fencing V • .xauxv pug aJT ufapauUV uap.xe-9 pug sao td 0 0 0 04 CD Ore' e pug q uo axeu cri cp cn NOSNHO FLAX, FLAX. het eke er MIN BEATTIE, of the Seaforth Flax Mill, bEtS hand a few hundred Bushels of good Clean Fl x Seed, which he wishes to dispose of to farmers for sowing- this Season. Apply at his FOR THE SEASON OF 1879 'I KIDD'S HARDWARE ter. :n. aeletteeene tc.:-.:et. tentraziell CENTENNIAL 'AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. NALC01.0 MONROE Et Bi.i.OTHER, .SEAFORT111-. DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES ,A.ND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, An- Are again to the fore this seaeon with their Agricultural Implements. They are FENCING WIRE: Still manufacturing the sa.me Plows as were awardtd Special Distinction at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They desire to direct seecial attention to their AND BUILDING aTIARDWAItE NEW ENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, 1 0 • ct- 0 .,uosOXd'i �Y This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the country. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all who have ustcl t: It is no Yankee invention, got up for sale only, and dependent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. Of Every Description Cheap. EAyE TROUGHS AND CON-DU-Cis- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice end V anted. Special _inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN. KIDD. THE OLD "ESTABLISHED It is warranted to clam in any ground. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, to give it a trial before iuvesting their money in a Yankee humbug. ---SEAFORTIL— WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, The old and welh known Thistle _ Cutter, Plow, which, with reeent im- provements, is better SUCFFLETS, AND IRON AND cl tr 5 IL than -ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for—Plowing WOOD PLOWS. err) se 171 lart r 2 0 This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Fanners should give it a trial before purchasing oily other. all these iinrilements are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better aud more durable than those got up by large establishments for catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. hices as low as those of any respectable establishment that turns out a good article. .Plows of all t ie above kinds kept constantly on hend, and can be seen at their shop at any tim IRON LIAR OWS—THE SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS KEPT COSSTANTLY ON HAND. Repairs for al kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows rif any make Repaired. Re ember the Shop, opposite Weir's 13 etel, Main-st., Seafoeth, READ. " THE DISCLOSURE." READ. Having fulfry decided on moving to Manitoba, Mr. Dent qffers to let, on easy terms. that first-class business stand occupied at present by himself. Possession given ot once if desired. And to the mblic he would say that, in view of tile above fact, he is .k,, going to run 0 his present stock of Dry G oods, some of which have only just been recei ed, at less than my one else can sell to you, as his olject is to get away at the earliest possible moment. Don't buy until you &we called on him,. Look out far the _Auction Sale of his Dwelling House, on long time, whia will be egfit9Z02,01Ced in a couple of weeks, if not pl ivately disposed o/ before that time. AT H IS posT AS OF OLD. While returniYig thanks to his many customers for their patronage in the past, also to dose who so liberally patronized his rlate sale, he begs to inform thein and as many new ones as will fovor hinb that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STATD As ready and willing to serve them. as before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURN1SHINGr'S ON HAND AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMTTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD No SEAFORTH. HAY AND OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. HURON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. t3". 8_ Ir_TI\TCIM,A.11•1-, MANUFACTURER OP AGRICULTURAL IMKEMENTSI MIL MACHINERY, ENgLITES, BOILERS, 4:c. ContrcIcts alien for every description of Mill Machinery, REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. -SEAFORTkl, - - .ITARUI PRIMERS' EMPORIUM. GWATK1N & SON TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, Con Bay and Wellington Streets. Dress G.00 s of all kinds were never so well represented as they oire this season at ROFFMAN BROTBERS' Cheap Cash, Store; Vardno's- Block, :Vain Street, Seaforth,. _MRS. WHITNEY, WISHES once more to Teraina ha many ,T friends end customers that she is near erante in her line. She es Vue of thomost 'COM plete assortments of Both Coal and Wood„ Cooking, Hull and nesior, of the lateSt Ale -Piens tleit can be found in en, town in the eozoity, end at prices as low am the lovest. Her assortm6Ilt of Was never better -or more varied. COAL OIL, Both Whoh sale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on manufactmers prices. liepairingand Eave-Troughing promptly attended to -and en= tire satisfaction guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the bett-er ecomoda Al her tustomere MTS. Whitney hate Opellea s lemma/ store In Brucellehl, -whew) will be footed a complete tatoek of everything in her line. She -would direet par- t e tiler at teatime to Anti invite inspection to her StoN es, vhith intending purchasers should. see well spent. MRS, WHITNEY, DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPEOn0 The Great Englieh. Remedy is reel...00.11y recommended as au Seminal Weakness tency, and all diseases that follow as se- quence of Self abuse, nesen Before --elag as LOPS of Membry, eine Universal Lassitude, Pain in the 13sek, Dunnese of Vision, Preenuture -Old Age, and reany4otber diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Preenattixe Giave, ell of which att a, rule ere Ent eaused by deviating front the Ptak of nature and over indulgence- The Speciffe Medicine he the result of a life study and_ nutny yeas of ex- perietee in treating these Ppecia) diseases, pam. phlet free by mail. The Speeific Meilleine le sold ali Druggists at eel per package, a-6 package) for $5, or will he eent by mall reteipt -of the money, by addressing WILLIAM -GRAY CO, Windsor, Ont. Sold in. Seaforth by Illeksen Bleesdell, J. 8. Roberts R. Lturisclen veld prugeriet merchants). SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY customers for thelibeeal patronage extendedto trusts hat he maybe favored with u nontinuanee of the same, him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand * large stock of alikinda DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC, ElefeeIs confident of givingsetiefuetion to those -who may f aro= him with their petronagem none but firs t-clueeworkmen aee employed, 201 SOHN H. RROADFOOT. THE RENSALL PORK FACTORY. Are prepa.red to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS„ ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL -KINDS 01? CURED MEATS Constantly on hand. PINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &e. 523 & PETTY. FARMERS, STOP I CO TO CALLANDER, CLINTON, (HUEON STREET,) TO GET YOUR .SAWS GUMMED. You ean get them home -with you the ame day that you. brirg them. A. ALLANDER, General Blacksmith, -Min Ont. LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PRAM BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 60 Feet, atthe PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Subseriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Wbere all kinds 43f Limber east be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY.. PAARRIAGE LICENSES Trider the new Att,)issnellatthe EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAfORTH