HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-04-25, Page 5APRIL 25, 1879 !mesemesasseesmsee,....miana. An inquest was held, sea a f "died from natural causesre. 'night last week Mrs. Deneoe_ on the Bayfield Read, Gosie'r: _ ship, had eight or ten sheep dogs. Lccount of the large addition of :o the Molesworth Cheese pa.. year, the committee has beee 1.t the hauling of the milk for to the gallon. Thomas Fisher has rented his :lrev to Mr. Henry Fogal, :Fisher has moved to Fogape apoeite the sehool house, where ts to follow his trade of al builder. flax men a zuriolii much to. pointilient of farmers, have de - t tG SOW any flax this seasoie out 40 acres, to keep their ovest work during seeding. T*hia us drawback to the farmers. tug Despatch arrived. at God. aa.t7-trday, on her return trip *bur i Island. The ealateut '1..ake Huron free Of ice, but. •towards the Maeitoulin. The orth, and is blowing fresh anci Addley, while engaged ingles with a circular sawsat c Rogerson's saw mill, sun, day lately, received a severe e saw passing through his ear. separating it from his rrich township lost one of ita ants on the 31st ult., in the per - Robert Cluff, of lot 18, Bay- icession, who died suddenly rt disease, after .being a resie ;7-= years-, s2 of which were the place where he died. Cockeiline, of Lonclesboro, one of a party that went to about three weeks ago, has after taking up homesteads if and. Scns, and pre-empting 1,..lelred acres mere, making in. res. . Re speaks highly of the • Ie 8th inst. a ewe belonging tO Ballantyne,North Boundaree . dropped a 174 lb. lamb. Mr. of the Thames Road, same is the owner of a lamb, four 1, which weighs upwards of 40 Len dropped it weighed 15-4- s a promising specinaen... rumored that a number a os which were taken to Mut- h the Greenway party were in thtioix whea they arrived at nation, owing to the indfffer- taken of them. One or two expected to recever, and their :press great dissatisfaction. ,lames Brown, of Howiolt, says the past two- or three weeks -s have given birth to 17 lambs, liree cows have been delivered ,vesall of which are doing e claims this prolificness to be It of good feeding and careful during the winter, le Mr. James Hislop, of Turn - us returning home from Brus- .'riday afternocds, IItli inst ,the was riding took fright at a wag- ing near the road. As it was about it fell, carrying its rider Mr. Hislep sustained a thslo- the shoulder, which limb was y bruised. 4aturdav evening last NeilFox, r. John Fox, of Clinten, and an a of the "Vey: Era office, met very painful accident. With e was engaged jumping, when ti and fell,a, stick on the ground el his body about two inches a wound that is very painful h. will take some time to heal. ng the stock which Mr. James linten, keeps on his farm are :f cattle which he is fattening nglish, market, and which are 1 in prospective by Messrs. - Spooner, Hearn & Co. It is that they will reach between 'Ind sixteen hundred pounds, ar lot of cattle cannot be found intv to -day* 7riday eVellitIg last George, the son of Mr. Jahn- Leech, of ceived a severe scald iu the was at a -neighbor's house, adug out of a room into the /ion: the lamp was lit, struck against a basin of belling the hands of a maul, scalding i-verely over theface and eye- Eonday of laat week, as Mx. hent waa tuning his horse in sethiud the Plicenix 13lock, in slipped into a partly cover - id was almost conapletely sub - !By dint cd hard labor the aane got out, but blessings were Yea upon the person who was re for the uufilled condition of prise party met at- the Pres- tirsornage, ilfoleswOrth, to take 'f 'All-. and Mra. Wm: Mitchell [eparture for Manitoba, and a good -speed in the Prairie ; The Rev. Mr.`Johnsten took 0 remark how highly Mr. An- kdiell and hisfamily were y their brother Presbyterians, ited William, ii the name of frfatiou, with a etter contain- - Division of the Sons or Tem- .$,,talIed the fol owing officers til -rent quarter. on Friday, :viz.: Brother Heury Warner, 'ether T. Leapsnan, W. As; Tomkins, R. Scribe; homes Simpson, Asst. R. rether W. Hicks, F. S4 hos. Ratcliffe, Sr., Treastirer:. 'iiarles Dobson, Chaplain; recob Snack, Cone Sister cs, Asst. Con.; Brother John : _Brother William Keifer, --flowing are among the nam- e ceunty who have gone to = Froth the vicinity of Moles- - c -r Stewart, jr., John Broad- trd Ross, Wra Paden, John Mitchell and wife* :trent:bell, W. Steveri-Son, N. 1ott and seven children. Mrs; dwards, Samuel and Hugh A. McLean, and Robert Afar - C. -Alorrison and Jas. Me- J.Caster, Ross Caster, Curds-, and our Johnstone f For-dsvich. ' a 12th inst., while a yoaug c. McIntosh, of Howick, was csi in the sugar bush, he by is became entangled so that Ming down struck his I�& in two places., and crushing s a, pulp. The lad was taken et surgeon dressed the limb, APR.' 25 1879. THE URON EXPOSITOR. - and hopes a e entertained of saving it. strange to s y, about one year ago a younger son met with a similar acci- dent, which laid. him up a greater part of the seas() , and he now lies danger- yphoid fever. Mr. Mein- eo°11ehslYillf bas osur ly had his share of trouble. -Foram h people have been mak- ilarewe demonstrations to resi- tsng of tht place, previous* to their departure fo • Manitoba. The Masonic brethren ho ored Messrs. Henry and aster, and the Sabbath Erasmus eohoeltea,o ers of the Methodist church surp sed and made a presenta- tion to Mrs. Alex. McCurdy. --R. Knox a Wingliam jeweler, has got into trou le. He was lately arrest- ed in Toron o, at the instance of a. in that city, on a charge elvflwolbestaalienin goods under false pre- teneee. He ppearecl before the Police • Magistrate here, and was remanded. f or a few day, bail being accepted. It' is 710W rurao ed that he jumped. bail ' and cleared at. A writ of attachment has been ma 0, and his store is now in the hands o an assignee. Mr. Knox has lately m t , with very severe losses, the heaviest eing the destruction of his branch store in Luoknow last month. H struggled hard againet fate, but at 1 st was compelled to sue- comb.- We egret that he las got into such a fix, but sincerely hope thatthe affa, r may be amicably set- tied. -The of 1 st week was a decided ere •'ton spriug show, held on Tti sn0C8SS. Th re WELT s'large attendance, and the weal er all that could be de- sired. A nu di ber of agents, with speci- mens of agri laurel implements, were on bend. Te following is the prize hst: Horses Imported draught stab lone...James eke, Crown Prince. Gen- - erel purpese stallion-lst J. Wilson, Pride of Do ; 2d M: Kreigher, Young Far os er's Glory. Three year old -T. Hod; ns, Robby Burns. Can- adian draugh stallion-lst J. H. Rich- beil, Lord Hap do ; 2d E. Carey. Young England. Th ee year old-lst E. Giess, -Netherby '; 2 S. Holnaan, Lord Neth- erby. Freud stallion-lst John Gell- man, Lion H art ; 2d. G-. J. Fitzgerald, Black Rocket. Carriage stallion -J. Fisher, Your: Peacock, Blood stal- lion -X. Brad ey, Lord Byron. Road - ger -G. Fi erald, Membrina Roths- child. a -On Wed -esday of last week, Mr. Box, of St. arys, lost a pocket -book containing $3 in bills and $865 in pro- missory note . He suspected an old man 8.11d wo nained MoGregor,who were in town. begging during the day, and constable Herrington being inform- ed. of the a ilair, went after them. and succeeded in capturing them at Mr. Riordon's, ba e line, but failed to find any trace of t e pocket -book. -Three yo ng men named Robinson, Colley and A cinch, had a miraculous escape from d owning while boating on Trout Creek, St. Marys, on Saturday. An oarbroke, and the boat, by the cur- rent, wes swe t over the -darn. -Colley jumped out, striking the bank, and. contrived . to reach the shore by cling- ing to the ti ber. The others, with the boat, w ut over the dam, and were only s ved from being swept into the Tha es by almost superhuman efforts. -There is 1 ving in the township of Fullerton, on be town line between the townships of ullarton and Blanshard, an old lady named Grace Willis, who will be 100 ye -rs of age on the llth of March next. jLast summer she made a juilt which to k the first prize at the Kirkton. show last fall, in which there are over 2,000 pieces. She has never required to ear spectacles, and her eyesight is stil as pod as ever it was, and she is as mart and active as most Woreten forty y ars her junior, and looks as if she sv,er good for 20 years yet. She came tot is country from York- shire, Englan ,37 years ago, and. she now lives wit her son-in-law, Mr. John Scott. SPAR-LEN:V-In wife of Mr. G HALL -In Grey, Mr. Wm. Hal FENWICK-In E wife of Mr. la SCOTT -At Win wife of Mr. (I' Births. ectforth, on the 15th instant,the orge W. Sperling of a daughter. n the llth instant, the wife of , of a son. -eter, oz the 18th instant, the . Fenwick of a daughter ham, on the 13th instant, the orge. W. Scott of a son. &triages. QUANCE--HALS EN -Lt the residence of the bride's father, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mr. Wm. Quance, to Su- san, eldest da ghter of Mr. Jas. 13alsden, all of Exeter. PEPPER -FAIR A1RN-At Exeter, on the 16th • instant, by tli Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Mr. R. J. Pepper, iss Mary Fairhaim, both of Tuckersmith. CALLOWAY-a-FERGUSON-At the residence of the bride's allele, Samuel Ferguson, Esq., De- troit, by the :Rev. ,Afr- Dickie, Presbyterian, minister, Albert John P. Calloway, Esq., of Hayfield, Ontaaio, to Miss Annie eldest daughter of George_ Fergreson, Esq., Gratiot Aeenue, Detroit, Mich. 000PFE1t-PALMER-At the Methodist Parsdn- age, Brnssels n the 23rc1 instant, by the Rev. - Wm. Hayhtir, a Mr. Smelly Hoopfer, to Miss Martha Jane Palmer, eldest daughter of Wm. Palmer, Esq., tU of Turnberry. • Peaths. CANTELOk-In Tilton, on the 12th instant, Ellie May, dai ghter of Mr. David Canto -ion, carpenter, ageI one year. EST -01 the 16h instant, the infant child of Mr. Thanes ast, Hallett. McLAREN-At insa1I, on the 7th instant, Archibald Mc are.n, aged 48 years. GILL -In Hay, or. the 14th instant, Mrs. Gill, mother of Mr. jno. Gill, of Exeter. CAMERON -At amefield, on the 17th instant, Hugh Cameron, aged. 30 yeeas and 9 months. TH MARKETS. EAFORTH, April 24, 1879• Pall Wheat- ,, . . . . ... 0 00 to, 0 92 Spring Wheat:Fit ,per liCts.hel...'0 85 to 090 Spring Wheat,Re Chaff,per bush. 0 83 to 0 86 Orita per bushel ... . . . ........... 0 40 to 0 45 Peas per bushel. . ..... ......... • 0 55 to 0 58 Barley per bushel.. . . ... .......... 0 40 to 0 55 Batter, No.l , Leo, e.. .... ........ 0 12f to 0 00 009 to (J 09 Fleur, per 100 lbs ......... . 2 35 to 2 50 Balla ......... .... ..... 9 00 to 900 Hides, per lb.... ...ea_ .... 0 05 to 0 05 Grabby Hides per 106 lbs... ... 4 00 Fallen Hides, per 00 lbs. , 0 50 Sheep Anis. 3 00 (retail)per .. to 12 0 75Sait5 (wholesale)per barrol" 0 65 Potatoce, per . ... 0 55 to 0 60 2 50 to 3 00 Tallow, per tab 0 04 to 0 05 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs8 50 to 5 00 TCliemvoerthySeed..... • - • 3 50 3 60 1 BO to 1 60 CLINTON, April 24, 1879. Fall Wheat, per b ushol..a. ........ 0 80 0 Spring Wheat, perbushel. 0 80 0 Oats, perbroshol....... 0,40 0 Barley, per bushel 0 50 Berta, per bushel • 0 0 60 0 Clover Seed, per bashel8 50 6 BTuirattoothr.y.Seed, per pushel . 1 75 0 0 12 (4) Pill'trakt'Oe`s-". .14 ..... .. .. .... . ..... ' 50 2650 3 Eggs• ••• •• •-•t• Re •••••• °1° @ lielYtPer tElni•••••••••••••••••••• 8 00 A 0 90 08 04 06 0 6 8 75 22 01 5 0 6 01 90 LONDON April 4. -Fall wheat, per 100 lbs., 01.60 to 1.68;0spring wheat, $1.20 to $1.40 ; 0,ts, $1.05 to $1.10; peas, 85c to $1.00; barley, 8Qc to $1.30; butter, per M., 11c to 14c'; eggs, per doz., 110 to 1.2ic. TORONTO, April 24. -Fall vheat, per bushel, 90c to 980-; spring wIlleat, 85c to 92c; barley, 40c to 60c; oats, 38c to 400; peas, 60o to 66c; butter, per lb.., '10c to 12c. • - Lrvenrooe, 'April 23.-F10 lOs Od per cental; pring w to 8s Od ; red winte a 8s 10d i white, 8s 9d to 98 34; club, 9 6d; corn, 4s 5d per, °metal ; per cental; barley, 5ts 3d p. c 3d per cental., Live St ocr—M—, ark Totioneo, April 23. -The ket is quiet, and prices of cat lyelower. Cattle-tirst-cla,ss $4.25 per 100 lbs, li e weight ; second- class, $3 to ' $3.25 Sheeps-For fat, suitable sheep for ;export tie to 50 is offered for May and June del'very. For the local market they bring, first-class, $6 to $7 ; seeondsclass, $4 to $5; third- class, $3 to $3.50. Larabs-For first- class, 84 to $0.00 per had; second - plass, $3 to $0.00 ; tlird-class, $2.50. _ Bueeeeo,April 23. -Cattle -1 -Of Michi- gan cattle there were sold at the close of the market the following - Hulbert & Brown; 21 steers av.1,090 4s at $4.50; 15 ay. 1,253 lbs at ,4.76 ; 20 stockers ay. 914 Ibs at $3.50. McDonough & Co. sold 16 ay. 1,2701 lbs at §5 ; 17 ay. 1,078 Ms at $475; 221 steers air. 972 Ms at $4.40; 15 stockers! averaging 980 lbs at at $3.021 ; 8 ay. 735 lbs at $3.50. L. G-. Burrows sold 50 Stockers av. :748 lbs at $3.50. Pfeiffer 4 Bros. 'IT stockers av. 885 Ms at $3.65. J. Sullivan, 8 stockers ay. 835 lbs at $3.70. We note 45 Kansas steers ay. 1,444 its and 45 ay. 1,437 at $5.40. flhinois teers ay. 1,504 Ms at $5.40. Sheep-- cDonough ct Co. ,sold 165 Mic igen sheep av 96 lbs at $5.50, also 100 ay. 91 lbs at $5.80; 139 ay. 88 lbs at $5; 44 lam s ay. 67 Ms at $5.37i. Kimball sold. 68 sheep ay. 98 lbs at $5.50. Th • market closed quiet with prices nchanged at the Close pf f e week. Swine -The market iopened ether dull with good Yorkers selling a $3 6a to $3 80, and some hogs of over 200 Ms. selling at $3. 90, the highest fiigure given at this market. Somelfew selected heavy Philadelphia and-BoSton hog . reached $4 to $4 05. - 1 1 .Weekly Review of the 1English Grain Market. Ltrepoia April 22. -The Mark ..Lane Express says: Field work has been slightly delayed and the conti trance of ram causes some uneasiness. , Reports from some parts of the kin&dena are less promising than a few weiks since. Reports from Scotland -are aVora,ble. Supplies of English wheat have been light, both at Mark Lane and in the provincial markets, and bu4ness has been interfered with by the 'holidays. Trade was quiet, but fine samples sold steadily without tr)ay redi ction in price. The imports of forei n wheat into London were fair, altho. gh Mon- day's returns shoved pnly 45; 00 quar- ters. Subsequent arrivals to riday ex- ceeded 59,000 quarters. The quantity has been swelled. by cOnsidera, le impor- tations from Odessa, and. • icolaieff, much of which has gone direct o millers. American arrivals have b en light. The demand for N -o. 3 spriug 'heathas exceeded the supply. The vi, ible sup- ply shows e reduction of 2,200,090 bushels in three weeks, white he ship- ments to the Unitet Kingd m were 124,000 quarters. B siness n Mark Lane is restaioted, but prices aye ' not perceptibly varied. Sales of English wheat for the last week, 47, 40 quar- ters at 41s 2d, again.st140,845 q -tarters at 51s 11d for the corxjespondiig period the previous year. ]mports into the United Kingdom for he wee t ending April 10, 725,249 cwt. wheat nd 184,- 480 cwt. our. r, 8s Gd to ifsa,t, 7s Gd to 9s 2d; id to 9s abs, 5s 6d ; peas, Gs ts: ocal mar- le,general- , $3.50 to • -Full Stock of the Cheape very best Ducks and penims man Brothers' Cheap -Cash S forth. ••••••••••••lar t 'to the at Hoff - ore, Sea - Local Notices. • FIRST QUANTITY fresh Clover and Timothy Seeds at W. H. MeDonaa & Co.'s. 591 • , I1. EVERY VARIETY of Field, Ga den and. Flower Seeds, pure and fresh at W. E1. aloDon- GALL & Co.'s, Main Street, eaforth. 188 SEE TIIE SOAP, 25 b rs for $1 it ROSE'S Grocery: See that very fineitea at 50 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap I aisins and '....hurants at ROSE'S CrrOCOry, 574 • FOR TIIE LADIES. Madame est's reliable Patterns and I Fashions, and Summer jut to hand. leen and. ( 'ague of the Fashions. War. N-. WAT • Demor- for Spring et a Cata- tots, Agent, Seaforth. 591-4 - DOBBINS' ELECTRIC: SOAP. -h ie Na- tional Policy has not inereitsed the price of this famous soap. I am still ladling at • old figures Try a couple of bars -the laist soap in the Domin- ion. TrioatAs-liana. see SPRING PLOWING. -Messrs. BROWNELL ta,AnErz are. prepared toereeeive orders for Gatden Plowing in town. Anything in thatlire entrusted to them will rewire prompt attention, careful 'work and reasonable rates. ! 592, F. -G. SPARDIN 0, having deteilinined to go out of business, offers Mk whole stobk at cost. Buyers woullil do well to call and see -for -thetha selves. This is no humbug.' Must be cleared .out at once. F. G. SPAR:LING. 1583. • THE SEED STORE. -!Farmers wishing to procure Lost Nation Spring Wheat and White Fife for seed, should call eatly and score it. A cpuintity for • sale at W. H. •McDotroAaa & 'Co.'s, Sign of thee -Mammoth Tuanip, Main Street, Seaforth. 591: I D. D. ROSE,•Yamily Grocer, eaforth, invites the attention of cash buyers t4 his Stock of Groceries.. His Stock is eonstant,lytluming, and is always fresh. His prices are the iciatest-it will pay you to call. Examine T.s goods and .compfue prices. 574 . ' THE SEED STORE. 11We beg te call the attention of Fanners and others to our name stock of • Clover and Timothy Seeds, which for quality and price cannot be beat. i W. H. Mc enoAaa & Co., Sign of the Mammoth' tTurriip, Jain Street, Seaforth. 588 i Wm. AT.LEN is selling out. Crockery l down. Tea sets at cost. Toilet ses very low. Glassware below par. Teas, best val Lin town. New fruits at wholesale: paces. Bargains all round. Wri,nralt ALLEN, fiext door to Papst's bookstore. 535 SEED WuR&T AND SEED OA TS .- F.Or sale, Lost Nation and Golden Drop Sprang Wheats.' Also ftlimited quantity of White Austialian Oats, the most prolific white on grown. W. H. Mo- DOUGALL & CO. Simi of. the Mannnlith Turnip, Main Street, Sea!forth. 588l CROCKERY- AND GLASSWARE. -1- Parties wanting to buy anything in Crockery or Glassware will find our stock complete and. well apsorted, and prices lower than in any other house, quality' con- sidered. Tea Sets from $2 -up, Toilet Sets, $1 15 and upwards. WILSON & .YOuNG: 58, DOBBINS' ELECTRIr. C !Soa- aving ob- tained the Agency of this aelebrated s, ap in, Sea - forth and Huron County, 1 append the opinion of some of our best people asto its merits: -" I have used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by J, L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. and find it very good. The clothes are beantifullY white and he washing is done in much- less time --Mrs. MJ P. Hayes. 11111111.111111.11101182111111.11111111M11.11.1anallesellea "1 used Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di- rections, and found the clothea whiter than when washed in the old way, and in half .the usual. time -Mrs. IL Y. McLean." "I have tested Dobbins' El tree Soap, and am highly satisfied with the re ult. I believe it capable of doing fill the vrap- poi claims for it, and most confidently fecom- • m d it as economizing both time and labor, and as doing its -work well -Mrs. T. Goldsmith." eying given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial, I t4iink it is all the manufacturers represent it to be Mrs. R. T. Coleman." I desire all my friends i at c customers to give this Sop one trial, so they ma know just how good th teat soap ia tho Un ted States is THOMAS KIDD, Seatorth, On., Agent for Huron Count. 571-52 Ew TEAS. -Received this week at WI sok: 4 Yourro's, ralarge consignment of Extra Ch ice New Season's Black, Greene -rid Japan Teas, bou lit direct from the imperters at the Ibiest cash prices. For quality and i price we can confi- dently reconunend them as the best value in town. Cal and exaMine our Stock before purchasing -we gu ante° satisfaction. 586 1 . • . PERSONAL.! 131) ARDERS.-A number OfIlloarders - can bei , accommodated with board, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply to J. M. CALDWELL, (only man and wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 TO CONTRACTORS. To CONTRACTORS. -Tenders will be received -1- by the underaigued for additions and alter- atio s to dwelling house, up to the 30th April inst Lowest or any. tender not :necessarily ac - cep d. • Plans! and specifications may be seen on appl cation to F. HoLMESTED. 594-1 STOCK FOR SERVICE. LLETT FARMERS IMPROlirE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned wall keep for theimprovement- of stock thie season on his far , Lot NO. 2, Concession 3, Hullett, a Thor- oug brect Durham Ball, bred by tiobert Brown, Esq., of Grey. Terme-75 centa per cease pay- able at the time of service, with the privilege of re- turn ng if necessary. ROBT. Mel11011A.EL. 593 LOST OR FOUND.. G LOST --Lost, in Seaforth on the 1st of April, a Collie Dog, answering to the name of 0 ptaiu. Reis two years old, black on body with brown nose and legs, find rough k kill. Any per son returning the animal to the .uudersigned will be suitably rewarded, and any person har- boring him after this will be proseentrd as the - law directs.-jOHN COWAN; McKillop, Soca torah P.O. • 591 LE GA Ti NOTICE. TIT DIVISION COURT. -The office , of the . Second Division Court will be open daily from half-paat one to tour O'clock P. M. Office in in Bloak, over the store of Johnston Bros. L. MIEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 CUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS.- ' he Creditors of Robert A. Hays, late of the Tow of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, gen- tlem n, deceased, who died ori -or about the 20th day, 1 December, A. D. 1878, are reqnired on or laCfr e the 23rd day of May, A. D.1879, to send by le ters, postpaid, to James H. Benson, of the Tow of Seaforth aforesaid, Solieitor for the_ Ex e utors of the said Robert A. Hays, deceased, theil• christian names and. fornames, addresses and dessi iptione, the fall particulars of their elai a, statement of their frobonnts and the na- ture of thc securities (if any) held by them; and - immediately after the said 23rd day of May, tho aeseta of the estate of the said Robert A. Hays, deceased, will be distributed among the parties on till of id said so di son reaer time May. rates part y ed thereto, having regard only to the claims ich notice shall have been received, and the xecutors shall not be liable for the assets tributed, or: any part thereof, to any per- t whose claims notice shall -not have been ed,by them • or their said Solieitor at the of distribution. This notice is given in pars ranee of Cep. 107, Sec. 34, Revised Statutes. JAM S H. BENSON, Solicitor for Executor& Pate at Seaforth, this 20th day of Mareh, A. D. 1679. 594 FOR MANITOBA. GREENWAY'S SECOND PARTY will eave Centralia on TUESDAY, the 6th ot Tbc very best accommddation and lowest Mr. Greenway agrees to accompany his to Government land, Mad- assist them in mak] g locations. The very best time to go. 594x2 • THOMAS GREEN WA.Y. I i OSE EVERLASTING STAIRS. /I Crowds if the Achnirers of Good Artistic Photo- grephy are daily luggi t g themselves up those • nightie1 stairs -It is Strange, very -But, of coarse you know good work and upright deal.- ing; always tells. CCALDER'S Gallery is on the ground floor. It is not THE nasT west of Toronto. Nor has he been So dreadfully fortunate as to secure the services of an operntor of unlimited experience and extraordinary (2) ability. But he conducts his own b u sin ass, docs his own operati eg, gives all details his personal attention, and feels fully conapetcet to turn out Photographic productions cquaL to any house in Western Ontario. So whenever you feel liki sitting for a picture (guar- ted'A 1 in every respeet) give the puffing and blowipg of other houses the cold shoulder and bear in mind the favorite spot, op those everlast- ing stairs, to the Gallery opposite the Commer- cis 1. ANDREW CALDER, Seaforth. CARING'S MUSIC HALL, SEAFORTH. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 29-1 BAUMANN CONCERT ,COMPANY. Moral, and Popular Musical Entirtainment, in -• ta educing the Celebrated CHILD PIANISTS, Blasters GEORGE and FRANKIE FOX, the Mu- sical Wonders of America. Also MISS NORAH CLENCH, j The Talented Young Violinist. Miss Chneh, Accompanist, and Mr. J. ar. Baumann, Violinist and Music -11 Director. Tickets, 25 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents.. To be had at Papst's Bockstore. 524 IMPORTED STALLIONS. THECelehmted Imported Stallions, lEnter- prise and Champlain, will travel; the following routes this season :. ENTERPRISE'S ROUTE. MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Lot 26, Norlir It'ast Boundary, Osborne, and. proceed East to Mr. Ballantyne's for noon ; , thence to Farquhar, thence by way of the Thames Road to the Sono Church, at Mr. McDonald's,,for night. TUESDAY - West to Exeter North, to H. Brown's Hotel, for noon; thence north to Lon- don Bond to 1ie3nolds' Hotel, lieneall,,for night. W EDNESDAY-N °air to Schaffer's Hotel, Kip. Pen, for noon; thence North to Brueefieldi at Terncir's Hotel, for night. THURSDAY -Along theill Road- to Seaforth, at the Commercial Hotel arrieieg at noon and remaining until the folio ing morning. FRIDAY -South along the Kippen Road to the Red Tavern foe noon; thence East to Spring Hill for the night. SATITADA.Y -By ,‘-ay of Cron:tarty to Robert Heggarth's,aor noon ;1 -thence south to his own stable, where he will roimain until the following Monday morning. Thel above route will be commenced on Mon- day, April 28, and will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather permit - Ting. 1 , CHAMPLAIN'S. ROUTE. MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Lot 26, North East, Boundary, Ushorne, and proceed West by Bonthron's Corner to Hensall, at Rey- nolds1 Hotel, for noon; thence West along the Zurich Road to the Parr Line taence North along!the Parr Line to Varna, aeJoslin's Hotel, for night. TUESDAY -Along the Hayfield Road -to Bracefield, at Turner's Hotea-for noon; thence along:the London Road to John A.very's, remain- ing oa.e hour; thence north to Granton, thence east tO-Broadfootar Bridge, then: e to the Alma Hotel, for night. WEDNESDAY -Will proceed north to John Torrance's, Hullett, by way of Kinle' rn, for noon; thence east to. Davis' Hotel, Lead ury; thence north to Walton, at Biems' HoLe1, for night. THURSDAY -South to Davis' Hotel, Leadbury, for noon; thence south to Sea - forth,' at the Commercial Hotel, for night. FRI- DAY -a -To Dublin, by way of the Huron Road:, at Pendergest's Hotel, for noon; thence to SpringHill, for night. SATURDAY -South to th e 1 th concession of Hibbert, to his own stable wher he will remain until the following Monday morning. ' The above route will be commenced on Mon- day, April 28, and will be continued regulirly during Lthe season, health and weather permit- ting. 594 MeEWEN & HORTON, Proprietors. • a SEAFIORTH. ITH & WEST ai,re Just Received. a Lot of MISS S AND BOYS SAILOR HATS In all he new colors, very cheap, and selling fast. Also a Lot of A ERICAN PRINTS, At 5 c nts per yard. See them -they are a •lendid Lot. STAP E AND FANCY DRY GOODS. 11 Stock of Staple and Fancy ods, and at Bottom Prices, as BO TS AND SHOES. - AF Dry G usual. In t is Department we are showing Goods • 0 per cent. cheaper than here- tofore. Special Lilies for Children in Americ n Manufactures. H TS AND CAPS. 1879 SPRI1VG-- • _ 5 1879 STOCK FOR SATE. BULL CALVES FOR SALE. -For Sale, One 2 -year old Durham Ball, 4016 Two Yearling Durham Hulls- These Hails rare full bred, and are very superior animals . Purebasere ean have their choice of these animals. Terms Cash, or credit to suit. Apply to the nradersigned, Lot 22, Con. 9, McKillop, er to Winthrop P. O. SAMUEL SCARLETT. 591x4 . DUNCAN 48e. DUNCAN, SEAFORTH, Take Pleasure in informing their Patrons and the Public generally that their Stock is now fully re -assorted in all lines, and is replete with all the Latest Novelties of the Season. IN THE DRY GabDS DEPARTMENT The following com.mend especial notice Cashmere DeBerges in all the Leading Colors, Colored S. W.. Lustres, Colored D. W. Lustres. The Army Robsart ,Cloth, something new. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Parasols -A. Large Stock, cheap. sPR IIrTs._ Our Stock of Prints is unusuailly large, conaprising all the -Newest Patterns, and being the best value we have ever shown, are worthy of special examination. Striped Costumettes, White Piques, White Muslins and Colored Muslins. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. Our Show Room. Opening has been the most sueeessful we have ever had, and was acknowledged. by all to be the finest display ever shown in Seaforth. This Department being in charge of a First -Class Milliner, we only ask for an inspec- tion to convince all that our Goods, FOR NEATNESS AND STYLE, CANNOT BE EXCELLED. We are continually -adding to the Stock all the Latest Paris and New York Styles in Shapes and. Trimmings. OUR TWEED DEPARTMENT Is now complete in all ollisseS of Scotch and Canadian T-vveeds. A full stock o Cotton Shirtings, Dena," Ducks, Sheetings, Tickings, Towels and. Towelling. We a e determined upon retaining our ORDERS FOR CLOTHING reputat on for giving the best value Have our best Attention. Having a First -Class Cutter, we can always guarantee town i • Gents' and Boys' Hats. satisfaction, and at reasonable prices. Suits from $13 in Wool Tweed. NEW GOODS Just to hand. We have bought Child- ren'a. d Misses' Sailor Hats at very - close p ces, and purpose giving Bar- - gains. We are aware that 1 IM NEY IS That We are half w SCARCE, conomy is a ipositive necessity.. endeavoring to meet the public by buying Goods art the • VER CLOSEST PRICES, And se ing again with the Smallest; Paying rofit; We are not doing busi- ' ness ju t for the fun of: running thing. We have A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS. AND SHOES. A Full Stock of" Fresh Groceries Always on Hand. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, Seaforth. THE CENTRAL GROCERY. LAI D LAW & FAI R LEY, 8 EAFO RTH, ARE CONTINUALLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPLIES OF THE VERY BEST GROCERIES TO BE HAD In the Market, arid are offering them AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Parties svisking to obtain Reliable Goods will Always filtd the, a Supply at the Central Grocery, as we avoid all inferior articles, AIN ESTED,C PITAL With a do not an adv But w with iew to increasing it. This we• retend to be able to do without nce on the goods we handle.. can accomplish our purpose A VE1'Y SMALL ADVANCE ON 01 ST, when, we sell for CASH only: e don't p/40Ele to CLO HE DEADBEATS At the difficult TEM is , 'UBLIC EXPENSE, which is o avoid unle4 the CASH SYS - leered to, fi3, please 1 I 1 DO OT AS1K CREDIT. We co Stock, ures an 0 'ally invite Inspection of our hich is marked in Plain Fig - sold at t E PRICE ONLY. You wil be courteously shown through hether you buy or not. B Mi '111-1 clz • .Bi1 Sign Acrofts the Street, SEAF RTH, - - 01•4TARIO • 1 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT, At present, is fall of all the -Leading Lines. Those desirous- of purchasing any thing in this Department will do well to inspect our stock and prices before mak- ing their selection. FLOUR and FEED on. hand as multi. Cash for Clover and Timothy Seed. GOods Delivered Free of Charge. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. .MIMMINNIIII•11111•11•11••• FOR THE HOUSE CLEANING SEASON Whitewash, Yellow Ochre, Ultramarine Bltie, Whitewash, Brushes, Scrub- ' bin(' 'Brushes, Black Lead, Stove Brushes, Boot Brushe,s, Chloride of Lime, Carbolic Acid, Copperas, and other disinfectants. Sal Soda. .Rosin, Concentrated Lye, and other ingredients used in soap -making. THE FURNITURE CREAM • Prepared by us and sold. at 20 cents a bottle works wonders on old Furniture, giving it a rich and permanent gloss, and can be used. on the finest Goods, such as Pianos, istc., saving an immense amount of lator- Try our Bug Poison. It is Sure Death if • properly used. Our Stove Polish is the Cheapest in Town; only 10 cents a box. "o- HICKSON & BLEASDELL, Seaforth. EVERY NEW STYLE IN BONNETS AND HATS CAN BE SEEN IN THE SHOW ROOM OF HOFFMAN BR -OS'. CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH, Dress Goods of all kinds were never so well represented as they are this season at ROFFMAN BROTHEINAT Cheap Cash, Store, Cardnds Block, Hain Street, Seaforth. • ••.•• MONEY. MONEY ID 17RND-On terms more alaViln.. tageous than cver before offered. A. J. Ides 504-52 COLL, Solicitor, Brasealla WHO WANTS MOND-?-A few thouaand T dollars, private funds, fOrirOmediate Invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apra' to JAMES 11.13ENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 MONEY TO LEND, --I have any amount -0/ j44Y411eneyto Lend =good improveillarms -only/ ab 8 per, cent. Chargea very mail. SUM object if security ample. 1 don't lend for may Corapany. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth, 570 $10 to :_cal "300 Inveeted in Wan -St., - • • Stocks anakes f ortuneS • :every month, - Books sent free explaining every- thing. Address BAXTER & Co,, Hankers, 17 Wall-streetaNew York. 587,52 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. POR SALE.-4.niee lot of Cedar Rails. Apply to W. SCOTT, Brutefield. 594 TTAY FOR SALE. -For Sale, tt quantity of Good Pressed Hav by the bale. Apply at the Commerciel Livery Stables, Seaforth- AR- THUR FORBES. 594, ,Q BED PEAS. -D. McLennan has received an- other Supply cf choiceSeed Pelle at bin Ware - ho -uses, Herman and Rippen Stations. -Call early befere they are en told. D. MeLEN- NAN. 141 OEDAR POSTS FOBSALE.--or Saieon Let 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile fromBass- sels, any quantity of cedar posts, either cut or by tbe acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden's Hotel, Mellillop, 567' OT10E-To the °tango/len and. others Of the Ceunts of Huron and elsewhere, who may w ant a good bass arran, thattluft be surpassed r tont. I have made e great quantity of drama si net the year IE -31. Sena in your or -dere you ca n rela- on rettjPg gcod extiele'don't iorget the plate. CHARLES SCQBIE, Seaforth. 5934 FOR SALE OR TO LET. 0012S TO LIT.-Tbree Front Names to let in my Meek, over Messrs. johneon Brothers' Hardwa re Store, Applaato L.11x-YE'R,Divireion. Court Offiee, Seaforth. -592 IQ 0011S TO LET. -Three rooms to let over A. ji-V G. An -it's Grocery store, mititable for dress - ma king apartments or for dwelling roorne, with front end rear entrance. Apply to A. &AULT. Proprieter. 520 rr0 RENT. -House and Lot in the Village of Ignrondville to Rent. There are fully three- quarters of an acre of good garden land in the lot. Immediate possession -will be given. En- quire of GEORGE BLOOMFIELD, Unread- y:Me. 5944 RABE CIIANCE,Photograph Rooms to Let on first Door in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Rooms -on the tint above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses- sion ist January, 1879. Apply to P. HOLME- STED, barrister, on the promises, or to BOT. SCOTT, Mallillop. 57841. TTODSE TO RENT. --To rent, a tomfortable 'Li' Brick Cottage,on theCurrey farm, adjoining Seaforth. A gerelen -of half an acre incennection. Good stone cellar, water and all other con- veniences, and pleasantla sheeted on an -emin- ence over -lc eking the town. Apply to ALL DAVIDSON, Commercial Rotel. 4 ARM TO RENT. -Is situated in the 5T9o1:w Wn- -a' ship of Hnllett, half way between the prosper= ous market towns of Seaforth 2ind Clinton, miles icm the letneon Rosalaon the sra conees- , aim), and convenient to school hone ,&e. There are 38 acres plowed, and 6 acres of tall wheat looking prosperous; good bearing orchard and well; frame buildings, in good repair -' sup- plied. with good water; there is a good quantity of feed on the premises; the land is in a good state of cultivation. Apply to FRANCIS KET- TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. S. Hullett. 588.4x- - - IMPORTANT NOTICES. parties Indebted to the Estate . of the late Simon Powell are:requested to pay the same forthwith -to the rindersignad, or they , be banded into the Cortrt for - T. T. COLEMAN -and A. -G. VANEGMOND, Ex- ecutors. - 561 iNj OTICE TO DEBTORS.-r•Totice is hereby given that all persons , indebted. to me for small book eccounts, thafif their indebtedness is not paid before January flist, 1879, they will be sued wi tbcut inither notiee or respect of per- sons. 0.0. WILLSON. 576 aISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE -le' -The firm of Rackson & Robertson, 13utter Dealer s, &c.. of Seaforth, is this daydissolved by mutual consent, E. Hickson retiring and W. S. ltobertson eon -tinning the bushaess. Allaccomits ank notes due the said firm are payabieto W. S. Bobeitson, and all liabilities (if any) to be paid. by bite. Signed -E. HICKSON, W. S. ROB- ERTSON. Witness -W. H. BLEASDELL. Sea - forth, April 7, 1879. 592 WOTICE TO --CONTRACTOES.-Tenders will 'Li be receivr a until the 31st day of May iext, at 1 o'clock P. IL, by the undersigned Trustees -of chool Section No. fa Stenley, for the erectionof a frame school house. Plans and specitleations mav be seen by intending eontractore at Henry Dawson's, Go:hen Line. Tenders be opened in ohl school house at I e'cleck P. M. The Trus- tees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, if not satisfactory. HENRY DAWSON, XAM.ES ESSLER, GEORGE KEN- liEDY, Trustees. 594x4 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEASTIIP.-Notiess is herebygiven that the partne,eship hereto - fere existing between the undersigned, underfthe style and liMa of Latimer & Sperling, carrying on bneiness in the Town of Seaforth as earpen- ierF has this day been dissulved by mutual. eon - sent!. Notice is also given that all debt -s due the late briar will be colh cted by G-eorge W. Sper- ling, to whom all claims -against the firm must be presented for settlement. Signed, THOMAS IMER, GEORGE W. SPA RLING. Witness, Samuel Stalk. Seaforth, .April 21st, 1879. 594-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Teehifh 011 SALE: -17-; -Sale, the west part of Lot No. 1, Con. 17,Grey, containing 50 aeres 85 of which are cleared, well fenced, and m a stat: of good cultivation. There is a good frame house, good orchard and plenty of water. It is on ,the gravel row.' leading to 13raraels and Seaforth, and _ adjoins a church and sehool. It is also within half a mile of the Village of Walton,. Apply on the premises or to Walton Post Office. CHARLES 493 N EW STORE TO SELL OR RENT IN THE VILLAGE OF LARELET.-Thesubserllser -offers to sell or rent his beautiful new store now imply for occupation. Size of store 44.42;seth. dwelling above store, height of ceiling of dwelling - house 10 feet, and rooms well _finished. Is one of best business stands in the County of Her- ron. For further particulars apply to the pro- pricier- JOHN SCOTT, Lakelet P. 0. N. IS -- None with small -capital need apply. 5913-3 IIESIRABLE PRO`PERTY-Y011 aux._ For Sale, aecomfortable brick Cottage with 8 &ems of _choice land, in Roxboro, township of MeXillop, within two miles and a half -of Seafortb. Tbereis a fine orchard of choice bearing , fruit trees„.e.1.sv wells, stable, blacksmith ehop, and all necessary conveniences. It is pleasantly situated, and is a most desirable property for a retired fanner or a market gardener. It will be sold. theap and on easy t erros of payment if desired. Apply to the proprietor on the reses or to setteaath P. 0. THOMAS HYSLOP. 533 TeARMS YOR SALE -Two valuable farms, viz:: Lots 12 on the 7th and lith Concessions of Grey, comprising 200 acres. On lot 12, Comes- sion 7, about 90 acres are cleared, and free from stumps; lot 12, eoncession 8, has about 16 acres +geared, the remainder good hardwood. On the homestead there is a commodious frami.e house, witb good bank barn 60E86, and frame shed 60x24, a good bearing orehard, end first-elass well and pa:P. 0.. p.Title perfect; terms reasonable. Apply - on the premiSes, or to RAIN MeINTOSH, Bras- seATALIJABratl FARM FOR SALE. -Being :94xortf halves of Lot Nos. 45 and 46, Concession Township of Monis, -County of Huron comprising tO. 0 acres cleared and in a good state Math/R- ion remainder valuably timbered. The Uvula within two miles of Blnevale station, Welhtt' Grey and Bruce Railway, five and a balf of wine - ham. station, Wellington, Grey and"Bruce and London, Huron and.Bruee Railways (one of the most rapidly growing towns in Western Ontario), and -within 5 miles of Wroxeter station Torepte; Grey and Bruce. First-class fruit bearirig *rebel* good frame buildings; exeellent water. Per further particulars apply on the premises to 692 ABOBIRATin x VSL.