HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-04-11, Page 7APRIL 11, 1,879. [ORTGAGE SALE RM PRO:PERT the Township of Grey. • ER and by virtue of a powee of sale cote. _ ined in a certain raortg tge made by jobat rein to :he Vendore, dtfault having beeo. the payment of the same, will ha sot lie Action, at C.OMMERCIAL licYrxt,t N THE TOWN OF SEAFORTI/i "ArEs-DAV, APRIL, -1[5,1879, A weleek P. M-, the following iraleahio. .1 Property, viz.: 'ea. nt4, in the Fourth Concession Ot the 41.1 0/ thee , in the County of ifurott, eon; ..,1, el acrt :4, more or less. 1e laud 40 fterCS are eleared, and thefe4 fixity tinabeied with hardwood, cedar ana here is a good log holies with frame ad. bun and a frerne blecksznith tiltek (eenaises. ' .ropert y ie welt situated, au good made:, suites of Ethel Statian, 4 miles af Troll,: _ - mil, ti of the Tawo of Listowel, and 1.1es of the Town of Seaforth. - TE41,11ts OF ts_ik I..V. --..- tinva wiii be given for pxyment - nth Of the pun -Imes: money to be pat the ,e time et eale, and setbeaent to moo dn two weeks therhatter. Frone of bal, owe to rseit p•irehasere. rther partientars apply to A. HUSTTBIto anierook. ter to . - CRONYN, KEW & BETTS, Vendoree Solicitors, f P. BRINE, 1.0ndett, Naertiotiver, Seaforth, nr, Marc 11 :13th, 1879. eae.s. - THE SEA.FORTR tANGE AND LAND AGENCY. kLONZO STRONG !NT fo Several First -Class Stock, Ftee rate Insurance Companies, and isprepea e lists on q0ST -FAVORABLE TERM& t gir several of the best Lean See* nt for the salt:and purchatie of Fir* Property. TRER OF Fl RST -CLASS eVED FARMS FOR SAL& t)tsts to I. oust at S eelr (431t. intone:et.. for the White Star Line of -Steamers. E -Over Woriievo's 'Store, Main -8t ONSOLEDATED BANK OF CANADA. eekee, - $4,00-0.000. NK (IF 'MONTREAL, Ineorporated1883; li netYAL CANADIAN BANK, lotorporat ed. 1664 - BRANCH. N ton aLOOK$ MAILAI-Sti SEA FOttni. • ou Nene Vorrle Payable at any Unetne Steeee., of Exchange. nn London payebis Cioee of toe Caned hArtadone. 'EST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FORTH PLANING MILL, JJ1URMD BLIND FACJORY e eriberbegsljav3 to thank his *newt _le for thbel a I patronage es.tOndedt4 emu:reaming baeinees in ScafOrth,s$ he may be favored with a• continumet e. atending to build would do well to gitt ee he odd corninue to keep on handl t ail klad 'SRI' PINT?, LIT.MBE.R, Sot JE , • BIANDS, iN101.ILDINGSs EfNGLE,S, LATH,. ETC. -•esfetant of ;acne; eatisfactioo to tie* trona him with eheir pe.tronageots nts tteewarkruen are employed, • Lrett L.:ration. paid to Custom Pianist TOftN 11. BROADFOOT. EMPORIUm, ecriber hereby theoke hi a numeral tare ewe:chant:4 and others) for their ge durin • tho p i.t 7 ye -ars, mei :Act ititeeritv and tense. atreation ie 'metit their ceefnee and tradela gr t1 eularged his paw ehe wit: ter, he is now prepared tale,/ IGHEST CASH PRICE toti'o ef Good Freeh Eggs, deli...volt lemporiatu, STREET, SE.A.FORTH. L the subseribere 2ditotte of goodly/ :straw. D. D. WILSON._ ES FOR THE MILLIS )....4fned hare on hand a large sap,e1/- eneei Stingle:4, at .4%. MILLE" a the Village of Etee-- ,--e-rre., --E-tr-r-y Us...! -...r.:. I -.4 _1_, 1 ...4'...R.7 entiencel wetkrtion, from the Tell L. .Che maoritniu which we Mann' there b zi Bestard. Shtnglei neve prep trel to do It' tie-ANIL° `Ii;.-seeerst eettel Aerate at mime int Duets and Sash always 01 Blinds and Mouldings modelle A. P 111 ON, *)- 'I. TOUN Traste41 A. L. tillOSON, 5. pV AND PEAS.. inter has ri or en. hand, at Ilemegt •C !ity otC.rit.it: • Ceen tit for meal b.. :ell do 1-oe of 10 bushel/iv& ICES THAN HAS a BEEN (;01N(. oil heel ne. jug the ne_xt fel selt ell l'eee fer Seed, at sses wee take eery quantity ofgOOt ova' eat ; thee DAV f;) LENNA/T4 a DRESSING- TIISS -STARK xr, a the Litelies Settforth eat eta: in prep:teed to make ae- . ttJL,1!i1te-1,IDS, .frora Combings -ate, end ell meters nunetualli- cell et...Zee:ore. Reeideace- AX, FLAX. 1:IE, of OA: Seaforth Flax. -qa few htinth Beshels of 11. woiel, iota &la s to disposeor ing this Seaeon, Apply at 1)E.:trifE. 5914 APRIL 11) 1.79.. - • eisememseamnaimille- "-e";-e- -see e irigeinory of the .pincess Alice Eld-MA JEFFERS GE.LHA.IL Fair, noble Princess, thoti art gone, Thy life is o'er, the victory vent; Ina -More palatial haute thou in.ovest now, With brighter coronet upon thy brown; Bee waren, trim friends on taut and sea, - with princely mate and Royal. Mother, mourn fen thee. 1 e THE URON ing his chance, Green remarked that he had an ox that could !:teat Randale's horse for 300 yards. •Randale lauglied at first, then got . mad, and at last offer- ed to bet ten to one that it c lila not bt. tly taken, prepared _done. The bet was prom and they adjourned to the place. The ax was bo.cked up to a lit- tle hand -cart, half a yoke pit around his neck; a, couple of saplingii served as shafts, and the whole rig waelcompleted by a pair of ox -hide traces. Randale -was trade the scoring, and c ntrol his horse subject to the action of is horned .adversary, as Green knew v ry well it ,would never do to trifle with his steed, 'When eveilything was ready, way they went, Green with his long b ack-snake sne,king things lively for th px, and Randale swearing like a troo erl at his .440 - naaeSure enough, at tl e end of 300 yards, the ox came in a ead. On the spot Randale bought half the ox for $500. The next day be as pitted against two horses, spathe vho1e city turned oat to see the r markable , phenomenon, a trotting ox. 4gain was he victorious, and amid. the 4iJdest ex- citement he passed the line six lengths . For alike of thee bath droppetk full many a tear, The earth th is poorer since o art uot here; ea child, as wife and mother thou didet shine, With purest light, with love I !most Ditine. Rena the sad hour when bending o'er thy dying sire, With Weetest voice and sOltest hand that did not tire; Dldst cool his fever'd brow 4r cheer his drooping soul, With promises of Go.1, of H liven, the Chistion's goal ; The heart of England did from that hour, move, Toward thee, lost Princess, w th the deepest love. We, know in IR a.ven there s no earthly rank or fame, The monareh leant% this sitle he grave, his • crown_ - and nanie ; Their wealth ancl pomp an care, the rich lay a°:arthl lis The..y drost is chimged for an ininiortal tont it fai Clujist-like Service here, cromoT ; We reap oar golden s tiTt ofI it. rewordup there, Thou still art princess! and as thou reov'st in higher 'sphere above, • With those who went leder e whom thou didst . lore; We'll pall the Ange Princess ! And in our Queen, thy preciou • mother, weedil say God bless thee! And for thy husband. mid thy enderones, we pray', God comfort thee! And bring thee all, at it to t eet, Where weary pilgrims walk nir h gladsome feet, The broad, bright pavement of ttotrs golden street, In the land of lifefrternal In the life of bliss supernth, Heaven The Cost of Living Now and Then. , There is now -a„ Current notion among . consumers that everyttlin•g is. dearer than. it used to be in Beitain, and that ,• ., is made the excuse far spendingat a higher ,rate, and for p oacling that an income of E800 -,is requii cl to maintain - the same scale of living for which £500 formerly sufficed. No i ea can be more unfounded. Bread is untaxed.; and could he- sold . at -a living profit to the man who earns 6s. a day at hedf the - price formerly paid by Iiis predecessor, whaler more skilled wok was paid 2s. ! 64. Better tea is sold a 2s than. at the beginning of the century 'cost 7s.. Cof- fee was 2s. 6a. that is eeellecl in qual- ityby - that at a present price is. 6d. Seeded sugar •wee 10d .; pure sugar is now Id. Salt, that is U w free, paid a duty of 20s. per .1-assl,e1.- The daily newspaper, about a four h of its present size, and an eighth -1 that canbe ii measured -of the curre. t quality, cost 7d., -while each advertise neat was tax- ed 2s. (id. ,A better hat.is now worn it 12s, than e as formerly snaplied at 25s.. Literature, periodical - •aaid standard, once so expensive, is .neW so cheap that it costs less to buy_a new copy of a book or pamphlet than tl• bind the old. •Thdaged cite remember whenthe.Way- erely .Novel cost 31s. 6d., and was hired out to read at is. per volume for twelve hours.. It is now retailed, withall the notes, at 3d. Let"" the girl of he peri- od" ask her grandmother what sixty years ago, straw hats " cine to." At -a Queens Assembly, the bekt-dressed lady appeared in a Cotton print that - a hop - picker would now scorn'. -to wear on a Sunday. Leather was taxed, and H we have ,the benefit of the remission in boots and shoes of far b�4ter make, at a lower figure. All artiCle of clothing- even1. . of ornanae•nt-are made -greatly - more accessible to eeree • .purse.- Soap was taxed, b -ricks, Wee, Slates; timber, and glass. Wine is little more than half its former price. In faet,svith. the excep- tion of beef,mutton, buttfer and cheese, the whole cokt of living is creteris: paribus . -that is, in reference to -the Beane he- , cessiery eornmoditiesHve in . the year 1879 than .Still More extraordinary of the meat's- of living. r or plumber at, say Green . this .yeite would strike less time 36s. per weel predecessors had 18s. . fc longer service, when •the wheat that now averages Wes. 4d,- stool .at i10s. 5d. -y much less t was in 1801. s the contrast -he carpenter vich Hospital, at the offer of In 1800 his r eight hours • A Trotting Ox. In March, 1859, " TateiF " Green and five comradeseft ltheir hOmes in North- ern Ohio in the viciuitvl. of Findlay, Hancock County, with the avowed iu- tention of makiner then, fortunes 'at Pike's Peak or Cherry Oeeek diggings. Everything went all rikht with. the party until they crossed the Arkausas, when a feeling of home-eickness began to make itself felt among the emigrants. Men would becnme sick fOr it sight .of civiliza,cion and break eff 'with the par- ty, causing a galena divide. In this way they would sometimes cat wagons in two, and even, Greeu says, he once -saw Dal ox cut iu two. G oen's partner was one of the disaffectec , and, in de- cidiug to pull up stakes, property was made, he t glad the front wheels of Green taking the other ox 'wheels. Out of these he !made a sulky in which he drove his ox. At Denver, disheartenitig •reports began to meet him. Disgusted. miners pushing for home met thein every day. - The tide turned, ana tbreatS of burtung St Louis were made. Indeed, a. party was or- ganized for that purpoee, but never consummated it. Checiked by the news that no gold was to be found in the Cherry Creek diggings, " Taters " squatted on -a 160 -acre tract, upon which, by the way, Golden City new. stands. . 'Denver, 'in the days of. 159, was pro- bably as fast a plaCe as any Gay on the continent. It was the poiet where civi- lization inet the wilderness. The for- tunes made in bonanza mining were spent here with au open hand. One day, as Green was driving his ox from homeetead into Denver, some s on horseback attempted to pass him. The ex,. moved by the spirit 'which infested. the place probably, quickened its steps rintil it went off in a swiuging trot, leaving the horse be - Mud. This was the firet intimation Green had zhat his bob•tailed ox (it was bob -tailed) could trot. The idea then preseeted itself to hid" that if he could only accustom the bovine to trot- ting a Certain din stance on a certai piece of ground. he could out -trot any horse in the iseighborhood. There was a ganShler by the Dame Randale, froze' Illiuois, Denver at this period, who owned: a horse that conld do". his mile in 2:40. Raudale was quite ia chum of Green, and would occasionally drop into hie quarters and blow his horse's trumpet. A. day. or two after Green's discovery of his ox's powere, Randale dropped in on him, and; its usual, began e talking horse." Watch, division of king one ox • the wagon, and the hied a ea . • Every day thereafter be d horse or two, and there soon popular demand for a share Accordingly a stock company feated a eca.me a the ox. asform- ed with a capital of, $6,400, being 64 shares of $100 each. The stpck went like hot cakes, and soon sdicl away above par. In a week, duri ig which he had won several more aces, the stock was quoted on the gani bling ta- bles, and passed for 81,000 a share. At last a horse sired -in San rancmco came along, aud a trial of speed was made up between him and th. ox. If the crowd_ of spectators had 1 een large before, it was gigantic on this day. It seemed as if the whole county had tnru- ed out, and it was estimated tiliat there were 10,000 people present. Every- thiug being in readiness, avray they went, heralded by ii, thousau voices. The ox took the lead from thie- tart ; at the 100 -yard pole he was a let gth and a half ahead; at the 150 it hail become three lengths; at the 250 the distance had widened into five lengths and the ox still ganneg. But the ol saying; " There's many_ a slip 'twixt - the eup and lip," was never _truer tha i in the present case, and when within a dozen yards of the winning post 4 s oxship became tired and made up hi mind tee stop. Accordingly he planted his front feet arid refused to budge. M iral sua,- sion, profane abuse, physical 11 -usage, all, separate or combined, ailed to move him, and the horse quie .ly trot- ted past, and took the race, the ox never reaching the winning post at all. That minute the , sto k * sank from $1,000 a share dowu to • e -sixty- fourth of the value of ox intriusicallis, as meat. • , • Many efforts were afterWar to coerce the bovine into a teo enticement and persuasion, go otherwise, failed, and he -never again. -The police dourt at Stratf graced with it numerous anal the afternoon of the 24th ult., t sion being a charge of assa agaiust a young man by one of sex. 'For some weeks past it the town talk that the voting question was beilig shadowed b port of a juveuile, in prospect she had even gone so far as to that if the money was not forth the gent's body wouldbe pe .with leaden bullets. Severe; views were had, but they were isfaetory to the lady .in the c she became exceedingly.demop For several days she pursued h , his mao ut a tle an trott 11 d rd was nce on he ocean tit laid the fair as 'been an in. lady who demanded money towards the Sup - lye, and declare coming, rfoirnatt6ed r_ FOR ot sat- - se, and r gab) e, bet without being able to get in range. However, about 8 o'clock . on Saturday evening, she confronted hiin on Water- loo street, near, Walker's lelac shop, and made:a, demand for This was refused, when she hum ly plungd her hand into het- pocket, and the ominous click, click,. n. a re- - volver was -heard. The male party im- mediately grabbed the handl which held the shooting ironaand al scuffle ensued, in which the lady was thrown . . dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well. fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- . led-" James Epps & Oo., Homceopath- in Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 190, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 It is no exaggeration to say that health isa large ingredient in what the world calls talent. A man without it may be it giant in iutellect, but his deeds will be the deeds ef.4-dwarf. A weak -mind in a sound frame is enneEZetter than a giantmind in a crazy constitution. Professional and lmsiness men, who are continually thinking, and whose habits aro sedeuttuy, should use Victoria. Hypo - phosphites, the great brain and nerve remedy. For Halo by Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. 8-592 - To be thoroughly happy, yon must he well. To be well, in :thousands of cases, you should take tne great. inedieme, which relieves regulates and renovates disorderly systems-VictOria Buolin and. Uva Ursi. For Bright's disease of the kidneys diabetes,- and all diseases of the urinary system, it, timely use is very beneficial. For sale by J. S. et Roberts, Seaforth. • 8-592 PERSONAL. -Rey. James Brooks, Weeton, says; *" I have found nothing to give me morepermanena relief -for shortness of breath or asthma, than Hag - yeast's Pectoral littleam. and can with confidence recommend it to all requiring a good medicine for coughs and colds, and diseases Of the throat and lungs. For sale by all dealers at 25 cents per bot- tle. Mminitin, BENTLEY & PEATtSoN, Proprietors, Toronto. 3-592 -Grent Western Railway'. Trains leave Brussels station, north and south as under: GOING Nonni., Mixed.. ....10:25 A. M. Accom.. .... 9:08 P. M. Mail • 2:58 P • GOING Boom Mail 6:15 A.. M., Accent 12.15 A. M Mixed 7:95 P. M Grand Trunk Railway. -- Traimeleave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as follows: Goma WEST- SEAPORT/I. CLINTON-. • Express 2:26 P. M. 2:45 P. AL Express .,. 8.58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train9:110 A. M. 10:00 A. M. GO1NG FAST- SEAPORT/I. CLINTON. Mixed Train.- 7e32 A. M. 7:27 A.M. Exprose Train1:15 P. M. • 12:50 P. M. Nixed Train.- 5:00 T. M. 4:25 P. M. Mixed Train.... 10:35 A. M. 10:00 A. M. • London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORT/I-Mail. Mixed. Express. P.M. A.M. P.M. London, depant..... 2 15 5 55 6 15 E • .t 3 35 8 05 • 7 85 • Hensel] . 52 8 84 7 51 Kippen a 58 8 44 7 58 Brueefield. '4 08 9 00 8 08 .. . . 4 25 • 9 45 8 25 -..........4Illyth....52 - 10 32 8 52 Winghani, arrive,. 5 25 11 80 9 25 GOING SOUTH- Mail. Mixed Express. A. M. A. M. P.M, Wingham, depart 10 55 7 00 '6 /5 Blyth 12 15 7 31 6 55 Clinton . 1 10 8(41 7 24 %lice fielde1 40 8 18 7 48 Kipp en 1 57 8 28 758 Hensalle..... 2 (15 8 84 8 04 Ex. toe. 2 50 8 49 8 23 NO BIM BUT REAL FACTS. INT 01=)1=' CHILLED PLOWS roved and .4 eknowledged to be the' Stan ard Plow of America. EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- ksrnith NESS, AND FINISH, money. ediate- IT HAS NO EQUAL. clowu. The Material Used in the construe - Screams of " murder" and ' help " tiOn of these. Plows, for Smoothness of brought a crowd, but the a-ff ir was Face and Toughness, is superior to over before they could be of aijiv ser- Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTTRED vice. The evidence at the Polio Court : by ME, only in Canada. brought out some_nasty details, nd has afforded a large amount of food or gos- sipers. After hearing considera le con- tra,dictory evidence, the magiSti ate ad- GANG PLOWS jOurned the case until Friday. . • PIMICING HORSES. - Many orsocts physic their horses frequently--eespeci. ally every spring. This is a gr iti er, o littfes es ine gen- ns the .liable off -a• which. To, re - from, purifying the blood and enabling all the organs to do their' work N 'About oyertasking 'any, which is accom al.ished by the use of "_Daxley's -Co -dition Powders and Arabian Heave R.e edy " -it is always safe and clerbain. Remember the name, and pee that the -signature of Hurd st Co. is on eac pack- age. • Northrop it Lyman, Toren o, Ont. proprietors .for Cienada.' sou by all Medicine -.dealers. „- • • Is Yona LIFE 'WORTH 10 CENTS? _Sick- ness-.pnevails everywliere,thed eve -ybody complains of some disease durin their life. When siclathe Object is to g t Well; now to say plainly that no person 'n this world that is suffering with Dyepepsile. Liver Coinplaint and its effects. Such as Indigestion,Costi yen ess, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach., IIeart Burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed SPirits,1 ausuess, &c.., can take GIZEIN' PLOWER without getting ..relief ei cure. If you doubt this go to your Drugaist elect get a Sample Bottle for 10, cents laud try it. Regular size 75 c.,•ent, two -doses will relieve you. -..'Eers's CO-COA.-Caat6ful and comfort- ing. -"By is thorough knowledge of the natural laws whieb govern the opera- . tions of digestipn and nutrition, iind by a careful Supplication of the fine 16oper- ties of- well selected cocoa, Mr Epps. - has provided our • breakfast tabie with a delicately flavored beverage; jwhich may save us many heavy doctor'. bills. It is by the judicious.use of such- artio1es of diet that a constitution may'la grad- ually built up until strong enoug]l to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun - 1 ror, and one which has caused of many valuable horses, as pha it is usually given, often produ flammation' of the .bowels, whic erally proves fatal; it also weake horse aud thus renders him mor to disease, or less able,to throw what is required is a tnediciue operate .gently upon the ancl act upon the liver and Inn Moving all obstructions thei LANDROLLERS, SCUFFLERS,- &C., Always on hand, made of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. Columns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. All Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed. • JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Foundry.' THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quautity'of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL -KINDS OF CURED MEATS Qonstantly on' hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &c. 523 G. Et J. PETTY. FARMERS, STOP! CO -TO A. CALLANDER, CLINTON,. (HURON STREET,) TO GET YOUR SAWS ,GUMMED. You can get them lhome with you the same day that you brirg them. A. CA.LLANDER, 585x12 General Blacksmith, Clinton, Ont. SIGN TH • • .g.KPOgirrOlt, 7 OF CIRCULAR: THE GOLDEN LION, -SEAFORTH. -SAW. , { ' .. 11.E.. j .. .4. 14% c 1.14 -VV.4 ) -4..t, .e et .• ...,, • .! .. 4,, • . ' C;IC:3 c {-'4*-- _ .., , • . WM. ROBERTSON &. Co' •, SEAFORTH. i -CALL & AT WILLIAM ROBERTSON AND SEE THE IMPROVED DIAN' D CROSS -CUT SAW, MADE . . .. FROM 1 HE BEST DOUB:LEILREFIN- ED CAST STEEL, AND G/TARA.N- TEED TO CUT TEIIRTY CORDS OF HARDWOOD WITHOUT REFIT-. TING. ALSO LANCE TOOTH, ONLY 75 CENTS PER FOOT. WM ROBERTSON & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. THE CHEAPEST GOODS. A Very Groce A Fresh, A Fred Teas All Gra olas Currant Apple Crached. Shorts IS NOW RECEIVING I • arge. Stock of all kinds of ies and Provisions. Lot of Canned Fruits5. and • and Celeri(. Lot Of those very choice Black, Green and japan,. es Of Sugars," Syr243 and 68. Raisins,. iPrunes, Dried Oatmeal, Cornmeal; Wheat,, Pot Barley, Flour, - -best of Ilains and Bacon.. .411 kin s .of Fresh .Garden Seeds, Top 0 ,,ions, Potato 071.i0725* and Set Or ions and Potatoes. . Crean?, 'rocks, .kilk Pans, Flower Pots, c. 1 Lard, Bt tter, Eggs, and a good va- • • riety o Soaps. Soda 131 cuits in 3 pound boxes, at 25o. and pure gt mind Celice. Also that Celebrat t d Englhh Excelsior Horse anci- ent-tie:Fond All aye invited to conic: and get some of th Cheepeet Got ds in the Dominion. Don't forgoi the piece: A. ..:AULT'S GROCERY, 591 Main Street, SEAFORTH LA GE PROFITS. TBE. Minh miles @ the ISM already to nee irectorsf the Canada Silver g Company owning twooiquare territory in the same species' as us Silver Islet Mine,..which has dekted $4,000,000, are prepared ve applieations for shares be- longing o an issue of 4,000 $25. shares, each she .e beitik entitled, without any addition 1 charge, to a $10 coupon, ro- t/waled hi cash her an amnia' payment of 400l from the Cerepany. Attention is direct d to the foot that, after receiv- ing $40 f r every $25 invested, subscrib- ers will still retain their Shares, thus not only articipating in the profits of the Coin any frog of cost, but actually securing direct profit besides. Terms : $1 on su ssoLip5iOn, and the balance in moutly ristalinents of $2 per share. For rue the' p rticulars, address immediately IMLACH, Secretary, London, When writiog, name this pa - 5 -4-12 HENRY Ontario. per. Ifinsie wi Should the open ing I hist wieh nse eritte.rat M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in I open on Sept. 16th. Pupils ve in their names previous to ng of the class. Those not hav- uments can be accommodated 1 Piano or organ at very mod- s. Seaforth, 8 ept:-7, 1878. 561 LUMB HEMLOCK, BIL All Len PONY LUMBER Where all ki 479 R FOR SALE. First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. SCUT TO ORDER, th, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the ILL, IN McICILLOP. e Sabsoriber has also a YARD IN SEAFORTH, ds of LuMber can be obtained. • THOMAS DAWNEY, I have much plea4ure in ▪ informing my Customers and the public generally that my fHtock of SPRING GOODS is now Cdraplete, and having been purchas- ed before the Change in the Tariff, .h.xtra Good Value 18 shown in Everr Department. Particular Atten- tion was paid in urchasing COTTON GOODS of all descriptions, and tbe Stock of DUCKS. DENIMS, SH1RTINGS, GREY and BLEACHED COTTONS, COTTONADES, Svc, at the Golden Lion was never better than at; present. A Sialendid Line of BRO WN HOLLAND-, at 121 Cents -per yard. Also Extra Value in 10 Cent Bleached Cotton. We Import an Linen Goods fromGlasgow, and are showing Beau- tiful Goods in TALE LINENS, TOWELS, TABLE NAPKINS and afl _douse Furnishing Goods. Lace CURTAINS and Qnrtain Nets. in very choice Pat- terns. We are sh wing a Large Stock of „PRINTS, and a very Comp ete Stock of DRESS GOODS -- with Buttons andf Trimmings to match. A CALL SOLICITED. R. JAMIESON; Seaforth. 44 FOR THE •SEASON OF 1879. outnEDBy UNITEDSTATEE CENTENNIAL colvoimuut CENT NNIAL AND SYDNEY MED LS AND DIPLOMAS. 14 ' Cf) t"r4 -174 0 P;f4 (12 74. 0 t -J 1:4 r -i Ps4" enst MALCOLM -MON.ROE & BROTHER, SEAFORTH, Are again to the fere this seasor with their Agricultural Implements. They are ws as weie awarded Special Distinction at the ons. They, desii e to direct special attention to still manufacturing the same Pl Centennial and Sydney Exhibit their NEW G-EN-ER1AL PURPOSE PLOW, "z; This is one of the best Plows tibat has ever been introduced into this part of the oountly. It has been theloughl • tested, end has given general satisfaction toll who have lista it. It is no 'Van -ee invention, got•up for sale miler, and dependent 0 on the blewing merits of agents 110 commend it to favorable notice. I I I I i ALL THAT IT *ANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. ICJ DI 0 0 0 CoD7020 rr se. ,rt* 0 CD te re 0 et- et. Cr ct• e••••• .-f• ;4> ig 5 5 es• -mama, le a CD 0 z IQ St'. V IQ el -el a -Z 113 • c-1 wre-row rt is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (807 0 • _< '5(5070 0.4 •• r.r, •••P 3ts err c-1 c-1 O 000 O 0 W 07 0c ^ 0 O '0 *0. 0 b:( lieb73 ; 81. es es re- ar ne te tre 0 CD •rri .41 r•-• .0.inalAIV spax maaxari It is warranted to elm] in any ,rt.unci.. We ask the Farmers of -Huron and Perth THE OLD ESTABLISHED to give it a ttial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. STOVE' AND TIN EM:PORiiTh --SEAFORT1.1.-- WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS,, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, The old and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, jrenna. which, with recent; irn- provements, is better .0.,••••44,than ever. Also a One liorse PLOW, - Suitable for Plowing _ • -s-e'Sfiejesese-----4' Gardens. SUOFFLERS, AND TRION AND WOOD PLOWS. _ • • - \Alp. ' . • - ee,7.• eeereeetiozeoeVe , , . on- r•,..r 4:- I.' SCRIVE MRS. WHITNEY, TATISIIES onne more to relnind hor many- !' friends and zustoinees that she is now better prepered then ever to enpply all their want e in her line: She as one of the most nem plete assortments of srro-v-s, Bo• h Coal end Wood, Cooking, Hall wad Parlor,. of the latest desios ttat enn be found. in way town in the ccunty, end at prites an low as the loe est. Her assortment of m v1:7; \vas 11: 2 zbrettl\e:orWmore 'GOA L OIL, trek Both Wholt sale end Detail at a very slight Ad - 1 vsnee on manufacturers wires. Repairing and 2 ' Kave-Troughing promptly attended to and 1 en- tire satisfaction gnarantt ed. BRUCEFIELD. Pm the better eccomodatien of her customers - This Plow is universally atimittied to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial bef(l)re purchasing any other. all thee implements are Dian uflootured by themselves of the very best material, and are better and more durable tha.n those got up by large establishments fin catch sales. Every implement w rrantecl. to give satisfaction. Piices as low as those of any respectable establish en t that turns out a good article. Nies. Whitney has opened a beaten store in Brut( field, ahere will be,Inond a complete stock I of comp hing in ber Jine, -She would elhent par- teular attention to Ana none inspection to hen - Stoves, which intending purcheeere should see 1, hatpin purchasing eleewhere. Roneinbervihon I you eonte to Seeforth :or Bineefidd .don't leave aith oat inspecting my. -stock. It will be time weil epent. , , : Plows of all the above kinds kept coestantly on hand, and can , be seera at their I shop at any time. r i . 1 I - 1 IRON ZIAR.ROWS-71111e i,S1CUIVII DIA MO Ni) I I A RR° WS ICE PT i I C S 1' .L .1r O.,.17 HARD. Repairs for all kinds of, Plows liept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make . Repaired. Remember the 8hop, !opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER. MAtCOLM MONROE. ALEXANDER MONROE: Lc READ. THE DISCLOSURE." MRS. WHITNEY Seaforth and Brneefield. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED aIRECT FROM' MANUFACTURERS-- ; AMERICAN CUT NAILS, READ. 1 SPADES, SHOVELS. FORKS, 1.10.klS AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &e - Having fully decided on moving to. .31anitoba, Mr. Dent offrBto lt,;. on easy ternts that jirst-cia,business stand occupied at present •by - .:FENCING wirtE , . .4imseltr: Possession given at Owe if .desirtd. I . , ' i AND BUILDING HARDWAItE And to the publib he wonia say that, in view of the above fact, he 178 i going to run (11 1.6;d prehent stool. of Dr,q Goods, some of which. have only : I just be --n rec,ived, at ie.,* than (Mil 0718 else can sell to vu, as his object is ' vaAvi;.: SAN CONDUCT 'TROUGHD . to get away at the earliest possitble nbOment. Don't buy until you have - TNG PIPE . cea/ed 072. ki.M. Put up on the Shortest Notice and Wane -anted. . I Look out for the Auction S4.1.8 of his Dwelling House, on long time,,, , . which, will be announced in, a Comic of weeks, if not pliwately disposed ,Special bulucements to Catilt and of before that time. Prompt Paying Onstomfffs. . .101-1N KIDD. Of tvery Description Cheap. ONTARIO PRIMERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN SA. SON HAVE H 1\./1 0 "CT ID TO TI3.EIR NEW PRiMISES, Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets. AIENEEENNEENEMIEEILL.14- MARRIAGE LtOENS K CERT1FICA ;Under the new Aet,)issued at thel EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOgTH. LEGAL NOTICE. THE DIVISION 001111T.-T1ie office Of the Seeor.ii Division Court will be open daily from half-paet one to mnr o'clock P. - Office in my Block, over tbe store of Johnston Bros. LelittRYFelt, Clesk of DIV5.Sit.10 Coed, Seaforth. 562 D.R. WILLIAM GRAY'S -SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English, Remedy is esputial.Iy eco/arneuded sis 50 unfailing cure for Soninel 'Weaknees Spermatoirbea, Impo- tency, and all al.)eases that follow RR a se-, (111.(1;CC 01 Self abase, .-1`;'' BefereTatung as Loss of Memory. lAftei ging. Univereal Lassitude, Pin kettle Beek, Dunueet , of Vision Pr: enatuee Old Age, and many other diseattes ;hat lewle to Lusanley or Consumption and a Premature Grave, aline' whielt Re enle are 1 firet caused by deviating (nem the Put) k of nature And over ind-ulgenee- The Specifte Medicine is . the result of a life etudy end. many ,yeers perier ee in treating these special tiisetexcea Pam- , phiet free by mei'. The 1.4pecilic Modieine is sold by all Druggists at es.1 per peel:ago, or 0 paclaiges for $5, or will be sentby mien fen reeelot of the 1 money, by addressing WIT.TeDelf GRAY CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Hie.k-son Bleasaell, J. S, Roberts R. Lomeden Atilt elle pruggiet meranwats.