HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-04-11, Page 22
• A cold, stormy night in the month of::
March. 1807, Marshal Lefebvre, with!
twenty-seven thousand Prendh troops,
had invested 'Dantzic. -iThe city ewes,
garrisoned by seventeen thousand Ruts,
sian and Prussian soldiers, and these,
together with twenty or thirty thousand:
well -armed citizens, presented nearly'
double the force which opuld be brought:
to the assault. SO there was need of
the utmost vigilance onnthe part of thel
sentinels, for a despetate sortie from
the garrison, made unawares, might'
• prove calamitous. ,
At midnight Jerome Dubois was
placed upon one of the Most important
posts in the advance line of pickets, it
upon a • narrow 1 strip al laud
raised above the marshyflat, called thei
Peninsula of Nelusung. •.For more than:
an hour he paced his liouesonte beat!
without hearing anything mord than
the moaning of the wind and the driv-
ing of the rain. At length, however,'
another sound broke upen his ear. He!
stopped • and. listened, and presently- he
called- 1
" Who's there ?"
The only answer was a moaning
He called again, and , this time be,
heard someehtng like the ney of a: child,
and pretty soon an objet came toward
him out from the darkness. With a
quick, emphatic movement he breught
his musket to the charge, and ordered_
the intruder to halt. I •
"Mercy !" exclaimed a childish voice;:
" don't shoot me! I anti Natalie. Don't
you know me?"
Heaven!" cried Jerome, , elevating
the muzzle of his piecei "Is it you,
child ?”
" Yes ; and you are geed. Jerome. 0;*
you will come and help mamma. Come,
ane -ie dying!" •,
It was certainly Natalie, a litUe girl_
• only eight years old, datightet of Lisette
Valliant, a sergeant in Jerome's own
• regiment,, and was in the army in •the
capacity of nurse. •I
en Why, how is this, my child ?"
said Jerome, taking the :little one
by the DAM. "-What is it about ‘your.
mother ?"
"0, stood Jerome, yen' can hear her
now. -lark."• ,
The sentinel bent his ear, -hut could
pray hear the wind and the rain,
"-Manama is in the dreadful mud,"
said the child, " and is dying. She
is not far away. • 0, I can hear her cry-
By degrees Jerome gathered from
Natalie that her father had taken her
.• out with him in the mottling, and that
in the evening when the storm came on
her mother came after her. The ser-
• geant bail offered to send a man back
to camp with his wife, but she prefeered
to return alone, feeliug sure that she
would nieet with no trouble. The
way,sho ever. had beenme dark and
uncertan , and sho had 'teat the path,
and wandered off to the edge of the
racirass, Where she had stiek into the
soft mud. - •
" 0, geed Jerome," cried the little
one, seizing the [rnan's hand, n can't you
hear her? She *ill die if you do not
come and help her."
At that moment the sentinel fancied
be heard the wail 'Of the unfortunate
womae. What should he do?.Lisette,
the good, the beantifel, the tender-
hearted Lisette, was iu mortal danger,
and it was in his potter to save her. It
was not in his heart to withstaed •the
pleadiugs of the child He could go
and rescue the nurse, and return to
his post- without "detection. At all
. events, he could not ref se the childish
pleader. ,
" G-ive me, your hand, Natalie, I'll go
with you."
With a cry of joy the child sprang to
the sehtier's side, and, when she had
• secured his hand,- she hurried him
• along toward the placeWhere she had
left her mother. It.seemed a long die-
tance to Jerome, and once he stopped
as theugh he wentd. turn back'. He
• did not fear death, but he feared die-
" Hark," Uttered the ,:hild.' -
The soldier listened., and plainly.
• heard the voice of the suffering woman
calling for help. " • , Hd hesitated no
longer.. Ou he hastened - through the
storm, and fennd.L4ette suuk to her
• armpits in the soft morass. Fortunate-
ly a tuft Of long grags had "been within
• ber reaclaby which means she had held
her headabovethe fatal mud. It was,
no easy matter t� exteicate.i. her from
the miry pit, as the Workman had to be
very careful that he lifinself did net lose
bus footing. At leneth s however, she
was drawn forth, and Jerome , led her
- toward his post. •
"Who Conics thee° ?" cried a voice
from the gloom.
Heavens !" gasped Terme, • stop-
• ping and trembling from head to foot.
"" Who coeees there ?" repeated the
voice. •
Terome heardthe nlick of the musket
lock, and helkuew that another sentinel
- had been stationed a1 the post he bad_
left. , The relief had come while he hat
been absent.
n Friends with the cotuatersign," he
answered to the .last call of the:new
• He was or lered to advance, and when
he bad given the cortutersign, he found
himself in the presence of the offeser of
the peed; In a few hurried words he
told his stery, aud had the officer been
alone he might have allewed the mate
ter to rest where- it was,!but there*were
• others preeent, and : when ordered to
give up his.niesket he obeyed Without a•
murmur, and silently aneompaided the
officer to the Cainti, whelre he wag put
in irons. • ! • I - ,
On the fallowing Morning jentine
Dubois was-: brought beforea court-
• martial under chante ofhaving desert-
ed his post. • He coefessed that he weed
guilty, and then periniseion was grant:.
• ea him to tell his ivii eltnry,
This he did in a tew.vords, but the
court ceuid.ao Tio6ing but pass sen-
tence of death, but the etembers there -
Of all eienedn. petitio i praying that
Jerome Patois Might b pardoned, and
this petaime .wat sent to the General of
the brigade, and throu th him to the
general of the divisilm, by whom
it was endereed. and: sent up to the
marshal.. •
Lefebvre was kind and generous. to
his soldiers ahneet . to a...fault, but he
(naiad not o•verleok se greve an error as
that committed by Dubeis. Theorders
given to the eentinel 'had been very
simple, and foremost of every necessity
was the order forbidding him to leave
his post tintil properly relieved. To
pertain extent the safety' of the whole
1 '
army rested upon tie shoulders of each
individual sentinel, Ind especially upoili
those who at night ivero posted. neareet
the lines of the enemy.
• '
," I am sorry," sad the gray haire
old warrior, as he olded up the pet
tion and handed it back to the oflic
who presented it. "1 am sure th
matt meant no wroi g, and yet a gre t
He knew what he
wrong was. •done.
was doiug-ho ran he risk -he was d -
tected-be has bee 'tried aud condeume
ed: Heeneet suffe
• They asked Lefe vre if he would fide
the condemned.
"No, DO!" the m reined crie quickly,
"Should I see him and listen to owe-
half-his--4.)ayeIerti tht pardon -im, ttn.d
that must not be one. Let :him - die
that thousands ma ' be saved."
The time fixed f • the execution ef
Dubois was the "me ning succeeding the
the day of his trial. i The result of thlo
interview with MaIshal Lefebvre Nellie
made known to hi , and he was not it
all disappointed.
He blamed no One, and was only eor-
ry that he had not diea upon the battle-
field. •,
"1 have tried to oe a good soldierj"'
. .
he said to his cept in. "1 feel that
have -done no crime that should leave *
.stain upon my nen e." •
The captain took his hand, and- as-
sured him that his* name should beheld
in respect.
Towards evening ,Pierr" eVaillant.with
his wife and chilct„ vere admitted to see
the prisoner. Thi WAs a ' visit which
Jerome would . gla ly have dispensed
with, as his 1ee ngs were alreade,
wrought up to a pit h that almost nu
manned him;- but he braced himself
for the interview aud would have
stood it like a hero, had not little Ntt-
tittle, in the eagern ss of her love and
gratitude, thrown herself " upon bi,ft
bosom and, -offered o die in his, stead.
This tipped -the bri taming cup, and hie
tear -flowed freely:. • 1
• Pierre and Liset e knew not what to
say. They wept BA d they prayed,. and
they would have w llingly died for the
noble -fellow who sel beeu thus omit.-
:Later in the evening came a coin:
Nation, who, if he ived, would at some
time return to Jerome's boyhood home.
First the condernnled thought of his•
widowed mother, i,nd he sent. her -a
message of love andevetion. Thep he.,
thought of a broth r and sister. And '
finally he thought f one -a bright-eyed
maid -whose vine- lad cot stopel upon.
the banks of the S "ine-ouelwhom e
had loved with a ove such as -en y
great hearts! can fe 1. •
.' 0, my dear frie id," he cried,bewing
his heed upon his asped hauds, "yen
need- -not tell them falsehood,but if the'
thing ieipossible, le them believe 1 fel
iu beetle." t
. His companionpromised that be
would do all he "cou d," tend, if the truth
could not be kept h ck, it should be 'Ito
faithfully, toldthat he name of Jerome
Dubois :should noti bear • disliQnour m
the minas of those vho had loved: Ulu
in other days." .
Morning came, dull and gloomy, with '
driving sleet and spew:, and at an early"
hour Jerome Dub 's was led forth to
meet his fate. . Th place of execution
had been fixedupOa low barren spOt
toward the sea, end thither his div•-
sion was being inari±hed to wituess ti e ,
- .
-onel fell, his body literally torn in pieces
by a shell that exploded -against his
The point upon the peninsulanow
reached. by the head of the assaulting
column was not more than a hundred
yards wide, and it was literally a plain
of death, as the fire from twelve heav
guns was tureed upon it. The colone
had fallen, and very soon three othe
officers went down; leaving the advanc
without a commissioned leader. Th
"wey was `becoming blocked up wit
dead men and diead horses, aud th
bead of the coluinh 'stopped and wever
Marshal Lefebvre, from his elevate
place, saw this, and his heart throbbec
painfully. If filet column; were route
and the Russian infantry charged; eve
the head of the peninsul4, the resul
• might be calamiteus.
Bit-see!•'A Man in the uniform o
e.FreuCh private, mounted upon a pow
erful horse cap risoued in the trapping
of a Prussian titaff: officer, with his hea,
bare, and a bright sabre swinging ie hi
hand., rushes to the freet and urges th
column forward. His wordsare fier
and his look ia dauntless.
°s" FOr France and for Lefebvre P' :th
strange horseman cries, waving hi
sword -aloft and pointing ; toward Us
battery. "The marshal will weep if w
lose this day." •
. The brave troopers, tittle led by on
• wh.o feared not to dash forward ate)
the -shot fell thickest,geme an aeswerin
shout and pressed on., caring little .fo
• the rain of death, so lone as they had
living leader to follow.• long
" might take the: battery, and yet court
ing death, Jerome Dubois spurred on
and finally the troop came upon th
battery with irresietible force.
It was not in the power of the can
waders to withstand the shock, and th
Russian infantrythat came to thei
support were swept away like chaff
The battery was quickly captured, an
When the guns had been turnect upo
those who had -shortly before been thei
masters, the fortune of the day was de
cided. The Russians and the Prus
eians-horse. foot and dragoons-sucl
as were not taken prisoners,. made th
best of their way- back into Dant=
having lost much more them they ha
Jereme Dubois returned to the gnard
house, and gave himself upto the office
in- charge. First a surgeon was cane
to dress sever -al slight wounds which h
had received. Next his colonel wa..
called to see what should be done wit
-him. The colonel applied to the gen
eral of brigade, and the general of bri
gade applied to the general of division
and the General of. division- applied t
Ma rsh albLefebyre.
" What shall we do with Jerome Du
-bois ?"
"God bless hint!" cried the genera
veteran,who had heard the whole story
"111 pardon him to -day and, to-morro‘
; I'll promote him."
And Jerome Dubois, in • time, wen
hinaself to see the loved ones in Freuce
ancl when he went he wore the unifor
of a captain. -Selected.
fearful punishment
net more than half
the sound of some
broke upon. the -wit
shortly an aide -de -
to the sicle of the g
with- the cry :.
"-A sortie! a She
1. They had gain
the distance, wh n
strange commotion
:try air, and veiy
'amp oaane dashiig
neral of the brigade
io ! the enemy ate
out in force: 'Let,t ;is .thing be stayed.
The ;marshal ets that you fadee
about and advance ,upou ?the peninsi
la 1" t
In- an instant all as changed in th.4
and the b igadier general, addo
•had temporary- °enameled., thundered
!forth his orders fie his countermarch.
The gloom was d esipated, and WI h
edad:hearts the set fere turnedi from tlee
-thoughts of the ex 'elation- of .a - bra e
comrade to thoughts of Meeting ti. e
" What shall we le -with the prise*-.
er ?" asked the ser emit who had cheat e
of the guard.
" Lead him back
plied the captain.
The direction w
to -the camp," r. -
• •
s very simple, . bit
the execution -there f was not to be. So
easy, for hardly hes, the words escaptidt
the captain's lips' 4 bee a squadron of
Prussian cavalry 'carne dashing directly
toward them. Tl division was quick-
ly forinc`i&l into f&pr hollow equates,
while the guard tie t held charge of,t1 e
prisoner found t: emselves obliged .so
"In Hertven's Milne," cried Terena ...,
"cut- my bonds, anl let me die like a
soldier !", .
Th p sergeant quickly cut the _co dd
that 'bound hie ell) Ws behind him, and
then dashed towan: the point where li s
own regiment was stletrioned. The rattle )f
musketry. lied .ce .is nieuced, and ti e
Prussians well() va-nly endeevering o
break e squares .of French troop.
Jerome Dubois de Reds about him. hr
some weapon with. vhich to arm hini,
self, and presentlye saw a - Prussian
officer not far MIA- cling in his saddle
as though he had bsen wounded. With)
ti, quick bound die. reached the :spot,
pulled. the dying officer from his seat,
and leaped into th empty saddle.
pubois was • fully •yeeolvedthat' he
would. sell his life it that day -sell :1
iu ltehall of France • and sell it as dea -
Jv ae possible. Bu he was not needed
where ho • was. le • kiiew that tl.,e
Pressians could no • ,break those holloF
squares; SO be rods away thinking to
joie the Itrench ca elry, with whem lie
cduld rush i tint t ie deepest danger.
Snpposiug that ti e heaviest fightidg
must be upon the t ehrung, he rode his
horse in that -dire tion,. aud when hie
reachedit he Rein", that he had net
been mistaken. U on a slight emin-
ence toward 1iagel4berg the enemy had
planted a battery a heavy guns, sup-
ported by two reg ments of infeditq ;
and already vith shot' and shell im--
mense demafte al been done. .
Marshal Lefeber rode up shortly af-
ter this battery .hat been opened, and,
very -qmckly made ip his mind that it
must be taken at a 1 hazards.
" Take the :butte y, he said to
colonel of cavalry, " and. the battle is
Dnbhis heard the order and sew the
uecessity. Here -was- danger euough,
surely; and. determieed to be the first
itt the fatal batteryt lie k-ept as near to
thetleader as he (hiked. Half the dis-
tance had been gaited, when from the
1111 came a storm of iron that , pltiwed
into the ranks of the French. The col-
. The Money Value of Ma).]..
The number of the population ha
often been reckoned, not its Value as
• part dello actual wealth of the nation
-A 'moment's consideration will she\
what an important part is :played iu th
structure of the nationa,Z wealth by tit
natural and acquired powers of bod
and eiiod. They are essentially arti
cles of wealth, aud have a distinc
enonomic value. For . instance, al
wages unty.be considered to be paid fe
powers, either innate or acquired, in th
human being. The lowest in the poin
of value, because the myst plentiful, is,
of ceursesphysical power, or mere 1DUS
Oular effort with spade, -shovel or hoe -
the kiud of -labor least elevated abov
that of • the horse or ON. The uext i
mental power, in ,other words thos
faculties of the mind which enable th
possessor to manage complicated affeirs,
td exhibit discretion and ijudgmeut, to
acquire knowledge and apply it to th
needs or =Awe of society, whether a.
lawyer. physician, judge, author; or ar
tist: Such powers are not only mor
rare than merebrute force, but requir
for their full development a special eau
catiou aud training ; and, in conse
(pence, demand and obtain more am
ple remuneration. The last is more
.power, or character; without which, in
deed, both physical and mental powe
lose much of, their value. •Withon
moral powen or charecten'there can b
uo guarantee that the duties whicl
mind and bcdy are fitted t� discharg
will be punctually and setisfactoril
performed. In order that their labo
may command its highest price, th
plowmau in the field, the barrister it
court, the physician in the sick room
the judge ou the bench. Must alike in
spire their employer, client, patieut o
suitor, witb the idea that they posses,
not merely the physical, and intellec
Wel qualifications requisite for theie re
spective tasks, but that the exercise o
these qualifications will be invariabl
associated with a due sense of honor
in other words, that they may be trust
ed. And such a comldnation of mora
with' physical and intelleetual qualitiee
distinctly tilde, be it remembered, t
the econon ic value of the laborer.
Leisure I lo
-A per ou having a patent roller, o
right, has 'wens travelling over Lamb
ton.- His nede of proceedingevas this
He took w th him a person well known
Mr, Geo. ucas, of Sarnia, he woulc
:show his p an of -the roller, which dif
fered from ether rollers in, accoimed
dating itself to the ineqrfalities of tin.
surface. If tt. stone Was in the field, in
stead of jumping over like •orthode.
rollers, the machine .w,oul(1 readjus
itself andembrace the stone, pressirn
:the • soil arourid. it. • This wonderfu
piece of mechanisen conld.be furnish&
•for $14, or by farming a :club in eacl
township, sixteen men at $10 each cone
• prised the capital. Furthernaore, site
• each got a eoller, for every additioua
; toner manufactured the Company wa
• to get $1 each. Aday was set for -HI
• .
•• pin -pose of formiu s a company.. au(
- election of directors. A $10 • note"." wa.
,given by each asearnest of their how
fides, which was not to be used, bu
brought to the meeting. The dat
came, and all the money-makers wer
there, but the roller man Was not there
and the notes—were not there. Mr
.George Lucas was there with a tette]
from the roller man from Detroit
whither he had levanted. • The Com
pany was not formed, the:. individual,
saying they held Lucas responsible fo
Whatever thoy lose in the matter. H
alleges. that if they are victimized -he i.
1 also a victim:
A. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &e., Baussels. Office
• • •
in Leckieht new brick building. 504-52
•-f nolicitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich, Ont.
M. 0. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam-
eron. 506
WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commia-
Swim in B. R., Wroxeter. Auetaoneer and
Appraiher. Accounts and notes collected on
reaeonable terms. 366
ta L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor tn.
-L°'• Chancery, &a., Goderich and Senforth. Of -
ace, over Jordan's Drug Store, Getterieh, and
Kidd's Store Reafort h. 554
(nARROW & MEYER, Banisters, Attorneys -
N ---L at -Law, Solicitors,in Chancery, Notaries Pub-
lic, and Conveyancers.Motley to Loan, private
Muds, at 8 per cent. ollices-Gcderich and
Wingliam. H. W. 0. Meyer, Kent's Bloek, Wing -
ham, Solicitor Cousulidated 13ank. 581
Agi ALCOUSON & WtiTSON, Burristere, Attor-
' neYta Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton,
Ont. Oflice--First door east of the new Royal
Canadian Bank building. Money to loan oil farm
property. • !
s.ittaLCOnSON. 404 • 0. A. WATSOV
Sul\ 1,1EYElt, Burristert and ottornet
1-1 at Law, Salicitore in Chancery end Insolvency,
Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Seto
forth andtBrassel 23,000 of Private Funds to
invest et once, an Eight percent. Interest:payable
enarloa• •
68 .
Jas. Et. BENSON. 11: W. 0.-,SEYEIt.
The above firm has tint day been dissolved by
mutual 'consent. All 'accounts due the firm to
be paid Lo Mr. Bentsen who will pay all Habil.
ities. •
Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. C. MEYER.
I oftnICE,
.Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
°Li •
CITORS for the Conselidated Bank of
" Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce
in Scalorth. -
Farm ana Town and Tillage Property bought
and sold.
Money (prinete ftinde) loaned on mortgage se-
culitieF, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges
moderate. !
Money invested for private peranns upon the
best mortgage securitica, without any eaten:me to
the lender.
JG. SCOTT, M. D. &c.,Phyeician, Surgeau and
Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi-
dence south side of Goderich Street, first dom
east of Presbytorien Ch rob. 34';
IT L. VERCON, R. D., 0. M., Physician , Sur -
Le' • geon, etc., Coroaer for the Cohnty of Huron
Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north,
direetay opposite Seefarth Public School.
WA. ,ADANIS, M. In, late of Lekefield, Out.,
• Physician Surgeon and Acconeheut.
Graduate of. the University of Trinity College,
Toronto. Member of the Loyal College of Phy-
ea:liens and Surgeons, Ont. Kiuburn.Ont. 41e
Wtt. HANOVER M.D., O. M., Graduate of
" MeGili University, Pbysician, Surgeon and
Accouchbur, Seaterth. Ont. Office -Rooms in
Meyer'e Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and
formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at
Carronbrook on Ttlettelftys and Friday. 49(
I) MeNAUGHT, Veterinary SUrgeon, Gamin
• ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Scaforth
Ont. Office and Residenee in rear of Killoran &
Ryan's. Calle promp113 attended to, night in
nay. A. stock of veterinary medicines on hand
Chargee reasonable, Eforses examined as to sound.
noes and eertificates given if required. 407
JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the
" Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting
Iwo years to practice with Professor Smitb, of
Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his
residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly
attended to by day or night. A large stock of
Veterinary Medic:hies Constantly ou hand, Horses
examined as to soundness and certificates given
FIoreet• bonght and Bold on commissinn. 424
hours from 8
Mrs, Whitney's
-ILA- Surgeon Dentist, Graduate
of the itoyal College of Dental
Surgeons of °aerie. Office
A. t. to 5 P. al. Rooms in
new briek block, Main Street,
A. MeLEOD, Licented Auctioneer for the
• County of Hilton. All orders left at jarnes
MoBride's will receive prompt attention. If by
letter addresa Seaforth P. 0. 558
T P. BRINE, Lieenced Auctioneer for the
" • County of Huron. Sales attended in all
parts of the County. • All order5• left at the Ex-
posrran Warn will be promPtly attended to.
S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Landur
-D• and Civil langineer. Orders by mail prompt
ly attended to.
D. 8. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.
4T-710) I1N LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate
Agent, Grata, Produce aud Cot»mission Mer-
chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or
couutry, et 8 per sent. sirupbu iuterest. Charges
moderate. Mortaages bonght and sold, Matured
inortgeges paid off. Terms to suit borrowers.
Fame and village property for sale. (Alice-
Leckie's new brick block, Brussele, Ont. 515
tti eigeed, while returning think.; for the pat-
ronage alreftdy reeeived, tvould retniad his -many
customers and friends that be still Continues to
make pumps and cisterns of the best material
and by the best workmen. None but quartered
tio,ber used for pumps: A. few farm gates still
on lama. All overdue accountnot settled forth-
with will be charged 10 per cent. interest from
the let of_ January, 1878. NOBLE CLUFF,
Seaforth. 563
To THE PUBLIC. -Read -what the people say
-L. in regard' to the - Great Shoshonees Remedy
and Pills. Levi Jones, Markham, says: "I had
it very severe attack of bronchitis. 1 was so bad
that I could liardly get my breath. I sought for
a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshouees
Remeay." so highly recommended. I prbenred a
bottle, end am happy to say that by the time it
was taken I vininuitirely well, tied hate remained
so, although I was much exposed- through the
winter in travelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem-
oreet•ville, writes : " I have found your re-
,' medics particularly beneficial for liver complaint;
• dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and would
adviee all shnilarly affected to give them a trial:"
John Finlayson, Athol, says: " When travelling
one of my feet got sore and broke out. I eonld
not cure it, and had to return hone. It became
better and afterwards much worse. I finally pur-
chased a bot' le of tbe Remedy and a box of Pills,
and before they were half gone I commenced to
improve, and before they were finished my foot
was completely clued. It is now 17 months
since,I but 1392Ve bad no further attrtek." Price
of the Itemed3 in pint bottles, .$1. Pals, 25 cents
a box.I 522
Itins-Thie Molina ble medicine it
unfailing in the (Aire pf all thote p:tuful and-
daugetous dietauts to which the female constitu-
tion isaubject. It moderates all excess aud re•
moves alrobtructions, and it speedy (etre may be
relict] on. To ma, tied ladies, it is peculially suited.
It will, in a Short time, bring on the monthly pe-
riod. with regularit: . These pills should not be
• taken by Females timing the thst three monthe
of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring cm Mis-
earrinee, but at any other time they are safe. In
all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affectioun
pains in the back and limbs, fatigut on slight ex- 4
eaten, palpitation of the heatt, hysterics, and
whites, these pills will effecta cure when all other
means pp re failed; and, although a powerful
remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtfnl to the coustitution. Full
directions in the pamphlet around each package,
whichshould be carefully preserved. Job Mosan
New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 cente
for poatnge enclesed to Northrop & Lyman, To-
routoa Ont., genernl ageots for the Domininn,
will insure it bottle containing over 50 pint by
retnin ,Sola in Senforth by .FficktIon &
Bleasdell, .7. S. Roberts, and R. Eumeden. 197
T 13EG S to inform his friends
ano the public in general
that be has commenced bushans rim it Painter
a nd Glazier on his own account, and it: prtprtred
to execute all orders entrusted to him in the
most satisfactory 'trnanner anti on leaver:able
terms. Orders left at tbe /acne of aleeers. John-
son Brothere will leceive poinpt attention.
58`3-4 II. TOWN, Seaforth.
N.B.-Whitewashing and paperir g a specialty.
. „.."11.1m.11,1r1.1111.
SEEDSExeltirmeent its Settionticninsaila
•anemia!, and udiaceen
I -
. We have now received and opened out our Stock of Seeds, and _have a Larger
Display this year then ever before. We have bought from. first-class Scedsmen,
whose reputation is established beyond nt doubt, and we are therefore in a pesi-
tion to offer youdSpeeial Inducements. ;Will guarantee all to be fresh and sound.
and will give you the ad,tantage of Garden Seeds in bulk, as Seeds in "papers can
not usually be relied. on.
And can supply anything in those lines. We subjoin an abbreviated list of Flower
Seeds, comprising Haray Annuals, Half Hardy Annuals, Tender Annuals, Ever-
lasting Flowers, Ornamental Climbing Plants, Ornamental Grasses, Choice Im-
ported Flower Seeds; Choice imported Seeds for Green -house culture.
Pansies, D brummondie,
Poppy, Portulecean
Sensitive Plant, •
Chiuese Primrose,
Sweet Pea,
Zinnea Elegem,
Marigold, •
Candy Tuft,
• Scabiosa,
Sweet Sultan,
Canary Bird Flower,
Canterbury Bells,
Ice Plant,
Love Lies Bleeding,
• Marvel of Peru,
Minnifus, •
Schizanthus, -
Sweet William,
- Gourds,
Forget Me Not,
&c., &c.
Four or Five American Pianos and Half a Dozen American Organs -will be sold
at the old prices, when we shall be 'compelled to make an advance in our prices
owieg, to the increased cost of importing these goods under the new Tariff.
The EMERSON PIANO is still gaining in popularity, and as vee haVe been
appointed Wholesale Agents for Ontario, we can supply them at the Lowest
Figures Possible.
We can also supply the CHICKERING1 DUNHAX & SONS, STEINWAY,
and other first-class Pianos on short notice.
CLOUGH az WARREN and W. BELL & CO.'S Beautiful Organs always in
stock. Do not fail to see and heat. them.
Instruments sold On the Instahnent System, or on time to enit the purchaser.
The Trade siapplied, as usual, on the most liberal terms. Send for Circulars.
SCOTT BROTHERS, Main Street, Seaforth.
A- Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec-
tacles and Fancy Goods, which, will be sold Che:cp for Cask
REMEMBER TUE PLA.Cg--Directly Opposite Mr. X. S. Porter's Fnrniture
Store, Main Street.
Second. hand 20 lintra'a-e Engine, Balance Wheel Rod Saw Mandrel. ,..... ..... ........„... ... $225
Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Belance Wheel and Pulleys Complete. - 225
Second hand 16 }forge Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors,
Second band 12 Horse Bugine, Bela -nee Wheel, Pnl1e3s and 'Gov -emote
A. Hoisting or tout Engine, with Hoisting Gear •.
Secoud hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack . •.
Second hand 16 horse Portable L'oiler, with Smoke Stack.
Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack ,
Second halal 30 horse Portable 'labeler Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars,
Steam Gunge, Gunge and Safety Valven all in Good . 450
Second baud Shingle and Heading Mephitic• •90
Heading Jointer
• • ......, ........... 40
Heeding Planer
Heading Turner •
Stave Machine, with Knife
• • .... • . • • • • • • .• •70 •Y • • •• • ••••• .... 11/1..11 4 - 4 a. 50
' .. . . 70
.. 80
New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheap.. min Machinery
. for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, Paddling Purifiers of Improved Xids.
itat-an'Agricultural Implements.- S t otos of Vatious Kinde.-Repaire on Boilers, Mills, &cepromptly
Attended to.
W 111 S 0 i\T,
ip_SpUpR,niA. arpdE-Mr. Watson is agtnt for the followina first-cla.ss Ineurance Cotr,panies
N.;rtliarn, Lot -elfin, ale tut ; 8 entiali Ceaperiel, at Glotaow, Sc Aland ;
Royal Canadian and National, of Montreal ; Britisa amerien. of Toronto; Canaria Fire and altuiee,
of HaMilton Gore Distriet af Galt. lAban AND ACOIDEN r.—Traveller's, ot Hartford.
N.-Mr. Watson is appraiser for the Canada Petmanent Lthaa and
Saving9cNoinEpyrnyT, 0 O
01 iLt3roAlito. The oldest and best Loan Society in the Demittion. Money
advanced ou allkinds of Real Ettete
SEWING MACHINES. -The fan -wire- manufacturing and farnilv sewing machines
kept constantly on hem' liosve, Wheeler & WINO.), Osborne A and the White. Machine oil,
needles and all kinds of attachment -8 on hand. hlachiues of all kinds repaired.
Mr. Wet on is agent for the Franze & P gm knitting machines. The best „family knitting
machine manufaetured, capable of doing a11 kiuds ot cotton and. woolen work.
Mr. Watson is agent for the State Line of Steltrasbipe, sailing bewteen New .-Yoik •and all ponit
in Europe.
Office, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel.
T ONCE MORE respectfully beg teave to treturn thanks to my nu/net-nue enetotners for thei,r kmixtpds
-t- patronage auriag the lest 12 years that I have been at irg bu-iat-te amongst them, and kindly
ssot1,-,ikitortf. coonRtiymmactee6..fotboeirsievros tor the fatale. I have just received a Large and WtelbleSceoluecutte:
of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of
GRoCERircs-ThAs roSpeeialte-which, for qaulit,:yoxio,nslimataekicee, acricootkhoenb.teli in. .
A Large Stock of BOOTS and S-HOES-MePhel•
and CoalLi , Hardware, 1 torte aad Oils, Drops, Puteht Medicines, Baeon_an:1 litimso,1 iftaansfac:tveovdeuroye-
thing required in a gent ruldstsciis-roc.inAtitaftoor to
tpaaltl iv)totrutiao-asniot diefh3toond to
mae sec it. and previous sears,
taken in exchange. I weal
to come and Fettle by citsh or note befme the end ‘,1 this mint It, or the accounts will be put into
other hands for collection. No further notice will be, given. MONEY TO LOAN 0N EASY TERMS.
-I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving ard Investment Society, one of the best loan societies
in the Dominion. The above Society losne money on gnnd farm security for a terra of from three to
twenty years, on the tra at favorable ennditione. LIFE INSURANCE. -If yo •• want your life Insured
give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In-
surance Corapatties in the Dominion, and condneted on the nmet eerniornical principles. Don't for-
get to give me a call. I am always attentive to businese. Pot Offite and Telegraph Oftlee in eon-
nection. Clover, Timeany, Turnip and other seeds on hand.
tie the 17th inst.. about 12 hours before tow
night, raider toyer of a height sun, A, CALDnni
or the Seaforth Pt:tenet:1-105e 1.X011T Artillem
with a etrong force of the bot ebentieel proennea
and appliances, marle his wey VI the f ,rt ress
opposite the Cowmen -del. OD being discoveree
by the vigileat sentry, be ran up 0. flag of tract
The get es of the fortro-s being on, Calder he.
Enedtatelv and beroiealty penetrated bathe pros.
once of M.Ijor Colianan, and levelliug a double.
barreled Camera, denten:Jed his neconaitjand
tairt•ender in the name of the Calder Photogovt,
Establishmeut. Seciug that resi-t mee would be
illuph,ifr u(al l °1°
gnent 1
(fthe Celder studio in the 'phew of an exquisite
card pbot ograi D he excitement a lava
nitro ben both • roopt• and eivilittoneescapeatta,
tun. Now tin t quit t ii - be rettored-teettaL
with the snperior -plain and I:111(7 backaeatantis:
acceseories, eheiniculs, light, Ana otherianitatat
which Mr; Calder posse:43es tor doi• g worlt la the
bet t artistic style --it is t.01 Adelitiy hope4 that
all tiT210 have not already been TI.XV.N" eAllTrig
will Call at Mr. .alder's studio and be menu.
Talitta at °Ilea. A. CALDER, Seafanht
CAPITAL, Z1,000,000.
DIRECTORS -Mt II. Gault,Pereident; There
CarrerbiiI,Viee-Plesident ; A, W. • .atilvie,X.PAtt
N. K. (3 cell, Thomat• Tifan, Alex.13moin,
Crathern; -C. R. Morrav, Cashier G. name
A. oraach of this Bank ha S been -opened art
Btoseels, where A etnerA. Bemiring busizteee nut
be tianatteted. Nottn of hand oiacouuted, ant
Loans eftected at fair buldoette raten
A; Savings Bonk department hs nitro tan
openeti iD connectiot with this, whete dep0t4
will be received from one tiallar upwards, anti
interest allowea thereon,
Drafts issued peyable at par at all offices -et
this bank, the bank ef Montreal and the Aden
Balla of Canada.
asoltEIG N AGENTS. -London -The Atha*
Bank, limited. New .York-Nationel Bank .01
Conemeice, Helmer's, Metinwen Co.,4 a wag.
Street. Chicago -Malan National Batik.
Bueiness hours 10 to S flatordayfi, 1.41 to i..
563 JOHN LECKIE Managet
fl MEL has purchased the Stoek ena
nes of Soraes Carpenter. DUMAN, eta
will hereafter terry or. the business herendate
eat tied on by Mr. Cavemen Re 'will keep rote
stautly on lutud a full stock -of
-•Of all kinds, whieh he will sell at mites sintalle
to the tirone. ite Is180 prepared, to Illto -014
Ordered ork in the Neatest and Beet
Style, and of good material. Fits gnaratteed.
Repeiting prom ptly att ena en to.
Being a practical werlon n hints& and intend-
ing to itevote his pereenal Ift.tention to busitless,
lia h(IN-s to girt (attire sntiataction to all Vilto
may laver him -witb their patronao.
Remernher the Place-Clerpenter's -old stead,
opposite Pendergast's itotel.
5t.t2 C. FRIEL.
Oats, and alt Kinds of Field,•
den and Rower Seas.
TX returning thanks to my patrons for thelila
--1- eii support atcordea rue tbe .past year,, Deka
pleasnee bit inferrning.the poblk that I haven*
oueiderable expenee,eerefohy edeeted myptal.
ent huge stock of aced grains from the mOstre.
prower. I Can c01,11-deni)y.rt:clnutliettathi
beat splint varietiee groan, both tor quantity,
(petits and tailting purposes. My peae amine-
ond to none io the knewittce for porky andoual-
ity, Barley awl Oats of the voyhett vatietiea
Clover and Timothy 8eva, Turnip, Mangoldssat
all other Field and Garden Seeda aresh and pate.
I always take spetial tare to Seleet seeds -oda*
anti face hem ell noxious weed seed. Alloys
glata to show my Feeds, and give any infonnet
tion duetted by feamtan and others. Jaemembe
my ataad t n liatualton Street, above the *It
home Hotel,
tM-ES MeNAIR, Godericla
T.T.A.vizza the Proteetion gateranteed Ulm
a- one who toms ouly good material ant doet
fafit-ChISS \yolk, it has enabled us to Bell Ailina
And we have now on hand a. good. supply of them
handsome :Uri' la ittaa, earl a number of thote
2.0I Iii11,41111111S -whit& eveLybody says tem% to
beat, snd we will iTti rein cheap -on satth tenni
na wfli tuat our eustomeas. I have auto engaged
the eervices of a competent anti attentive Bluke
smith for a tt1111 el yf.arSI and BM pr#:palVd
execute A11 Ifiljletits of Job . -onk, lanti a
needle to an aneher.
it V. Low ailed Ian Wonk Ware
name -nit.
lihmaa be happy to receipt all past account* ta.
daring the next month.
5'78 JOAN WILLIA.Mat Kinbara,
- - —
ytt E have a few car loanot -of Corn 013 h-andiani
as the Oovenarnent is likely to iropose adult(
on it, now -is youe t,i-ne to bny.
Chtnmed CtirT) 93 e ents per 1-00 pounds.
Well Cured'Sew Illgh Mixed Corn, for !C0I:OI
seed, as theap as the encapeat. -
Gristid2g, Flouring and ,CitoiTiv
Don e On the Shortest Ntot ice. Having,thangedola
bolting cloths to meet the a efitiemey in thiss*
son 's tallest., We have reroedied the genet -edema ;-
plaints of dean flour and flour that will not 114,
Iola that bait a runnitag tendeney. All orate 7
proinptly attentlea to 5ind 'trot* gearanteed.
585 MeGR tiORa-t CROY ART4
THE ROXBORO 1\111,148.:
leased and put it a throe:51;1;h state of mate
ti e Roxboro Flouting Milt, ore now prepared* a
do 4, riNl1ng,anil 4'hoppitig.
They will ateo keep on hand an.) for saki
good entail:, of Flour and Feed of every &nein L.
110 n.-
obeground can hava
e samed,,
As the proptietels are both practical workantr
and thoroughly understand the hosioesa, tilt/ -
can guarautee Satisfaction.
581 BURNETT a Dot,pEn.
THE undersigned having entered into parte* •
-I- ship, ale new prepared to manufaotare PIS% .
Wagon-,, Buggies, &e. By tieing firs classtria
tenial and having all the work coming 1hrohi
our own hands, we -can gnara atee a good anal&
Particular attention given to repoiting, hate "
tLoeing anti general toebiag, Mr. Boni:a/lig
lug had over thirteen years exp. rienee la
ing mill picot, we will •twat: that a seetititr•
paigeemnetn• ifs.or Watson's Celebra.ted AgricultaralUt •
Wilhainsonts old stand, Goderich Street
INT II. PE11.'..1IN, OF CLINTON, bas
eeTavt: tBuo;liceelsial0s1Cpberrdeb'theedl Petiansiefs(e'r ItTealettitiv -
brought from thnerth expressly for taaaetiP
taiite; tiolfebp3iensiteinTitillzs Itiusearikl rtin.ahAiviceor eleadiraer
eat, Ott; and Baxley, for Seed in IstattO
'-mall tjuantitiee, to enit buyers. Alta: ott
gbnualletyla. of Coin, at co ceats per bushel...FP'
590-4 t
ISS ;5100PE b:gs.tona'nitPE
0ERnncet4-o tClileb3TA:
enj-gagld SitteaDf°rellsah
sn vieinity tat be
and Mant)e Making,
Latest Styles. noon's over 11 Levitz*
Store, four doors -south et the post offite.
apprentices wanted. Apply it:limed-Ada.
to g
en 0
it 5,t,
°voerhrill 44i
t 1:ht: 1;71 I:It-II
to lo
•a do
te to