HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-04-04, Page 7APRIL 4, 1879 RTGA GE SALE t M PROPER! y owlish ip of (re? and by virtue of a power of sal cola; in a certain mortgage niede by johe, to the Vendors, default haying hank a payntent of the same, will ba Baia 0.etiaa, at OM DA ER CIAL ROTEL, rgE TOWN OF SEAFORTII, DAV, ra I 15, risas, aleck M-, the fel/owing- V roperty, via.: in the Fourth Coneesaissa Ore.), in the County of Huro acres, more or less. nd 40 acres are cleared, &ad ihabaj v timbered with hardwood, cedar anal tsa sand log house with f yk barn *Intl a frame IrIackamith shop tisea. wrta eituated, on good toads, les of Ethel Statian. 4 mileet tiIe s- of the Towu of Listowe and, o:, the Towa of Settforth. EgiMoFKA f the_ of the purchase Tenney to be time of sale, and sufficient to two weeks thereafter. From vale wilt be givtat for pa5meut t puralmsters. particularapply to A.. RUN jaak,, or to -CRONYN. KEW & BETTS, Vendor& Solicitar BrasE. Lo :tateaer, Seaforth. rett 2711a, 1a79. .5 THE SEAFORTH NeE. AND LAND ADEN don. (as CY. .ONZO STRONG fe Several First -Class Stock -Fire Insurance Compauice, and ia p epata Z•1.1` FAVORBLE TEP MS. several of the best Loan a for the saIe and purchase o arm *.EIZ, OF FIRST-CLASS ED FARMS FOR SAL 4) to Loa at S Per inter -eat. tha White Star Lite af Steatite -Over M. Mon ison's Store, Ma n-Eit ,NSOLI DATED BA K OF CANADA. - $4,000.000. OF MONTItEAL, Dicorporated 1333; t.oYAL CAN.IDIRN BE, Incorporated 1561. MUNCH. ION BLOCK, SEAFORTH. on Neva 11Cocit Payable at any Stu. Exchange on London payable :1ea of tits, Culled Kiegdont. \T PAID US DBP091T8. flTIL,PLANING-MILL„ 0011.AM) RUUDFACTORY riberbegs leave to thank his num area ,.for the liberalpatrouage extendedto inruentina busirtess in Seaforth,and .may be &voted with a coatinuance nnling to hand won/d do waif to ain he will continue to keep on head iIkef PINE LUMBER, s BLINDS, MOULDINGS, G.LES, LATH, ETC. :iatat ol giviugaatisfaction to t aose ar him with their pa troztage,a,s non.- aorkmen are e utpluyed. ittenttou paid to Custom Planing -JOHN IL BROADFOOT. EMPORIUM. dber hereira thank4 numerotta S (merchants and ether) for their rage durint the past '7 years, and t intearit3- and close attentior, tOE erit their confidence and trade in laving greatl j enlarged his previa e winter, he i uow prepared to "lay 1HEST CASH PRICE V Of Gocsd Fresh Eggs, delivered poriana TREET, SEAFORTH. be sabacriber. 25 ton:, of good dry' taw. D. D. WILSON. FOR THE MILLION. gued have on baud a 1 trge sapplz aim Sbinglea, 4t i. MILLEN )11 the Village of INA worksee , from the very he zaattuar in. whieh we mene- t there is. no Bastard Shinglet '4 prepared ;to do I' LA. NING , 11.,00tat wa(. Sash at ehcrt : Douai aaal Sasli always- cm M Minds eall, mouldings made sa A. PAITON, ) R. TOTING - Trustees. A. L. GI13SON, i NI AND' PEAS. z•i• ha i Da* on hand, at Tiensall, 4,raity of Cloice Coructit for meal it eat L in lots cif 10 bushels or t:ICES 'MAN HAS RE- LY BEEN GOING. oil hand during the next far elected Peas; for Seed, at Kippee gaiset teLe itay quantitj of gool atriset price. DAVID 2,1eLENNAN- - DR.ESSING ISS STARK _dorm the Ladies of Sea forth and. 4 is prepared to maketill BRAIDS, cte Lat !wildcat Itrom Combings. ef and ail Orders panctuallYa,t` sulicited. Resideace—Bragt 4GE LICENSES x le 4!t 11" E , new Act.) iaarted at the MIZE, SEAFORTH. APRIL 4, 1879. ---:-- Bough-Texas Cattle' and t Treatment. 'A correspondent of the New )7eratti has been sent west to inv gate the cattle disease business and,. serve any that would be apt to cs disease amongst the live stock w are designed for the eastern ca trade, In a late letter he writes t be found that at Greenville, Vincen i and up northward as fa as Peoria,th are stations which are I sed as fee plexes, for swill fed cattle. At Gre ville, Bond County, about forty in north of St. Lotus, the 1 condition surroundings Of the cattle there fo was enough to breed disease, even they were fed on wholesome hay cern. In three long, narrow sbeds Oa was an average. of 150 cattle crow into narrow stalls, with no space move about in, breathino the same carer and over again, as no mean ventilation was provided, and 4 reigned supreme. Lory...,i troughs 17 the full length of the sheds, and pres almost as filthy an appearance as floors and sides of the walls—sli steaming, and actually rotting; th troughs are filled twice a clay with b slops and chop feed, Tr' 'cli the Ca learn after a time to devciur ravenou as no corn or hay is given them dur the whole fattening process, which g orally la,sts from two to three. mont FRESH .A.nuiv_tts. While your correspondent was loo Jug through the sheds 'a, small herd rived that was easilY recognized i Texas cattle. They were thin and pc and appeared weak, eith'er from st vation or disease, and unable to car .withoat tottering the weight of th enormous laorns. They were separat ancl driven into a vacant Shed,aud ea assigned a stall, after which the feedi process commenced'. A quantity : beer -slops and bran mixed was empti into the common trough from barrel Although they had not undoulDtedi. been. fed. for forty-eight hours, and fro insufficient food. while in transit; pr Rented a half-starved appearance, th merely sniffea at the vile mixture, an utterly refused to touch it, some them lying down as soon as they we - driven int7) the stalls, to be quick prodded -ap with the long poles in th bands of the men who' had them i charge. They are penned. in this wa several days before they will touch fee at all, hat as soon as they do comment, to feed on it, it is surprising how rapidl they fatten up and the healthy appea ance they present. They are kept i these close sheds where no pure air ca reach them for two and three month kept in a filthy and diseEse-breedin condition and fed on nothing but (Esti lery refuse and beer -slops until, the present a healthy and fat appearance, when they are _shipped to East St. Louis and there sold from- the stock yards as fresh and healthy Texas - cat- tle, mixed up with bona fide shipments from Texas and Colorado. 1 ! tyND 0 MITE MY D I S EA.SED . In this way there are da ly shoved on the Eastern market from 00 to 1,000. head of. cattle that are undoubtedly diseased, so intermixed with good. con- dition stock that it is impossible to separate them after they reach the east. This is very easy to do at this end, there being no veterinary surgeon at the yards, a.nd. no effort made, be- fore shipping to separate and exarain6 even what are known to be mixed iota, and, as a consequence, it is safe to say that all are more or less diseased by the time they reach New York. , How John Jacob Astor Lost Money by Saving It In the Causerie of the Boston Tran; script a good old story of Astor is re- told. One of ' his ca.ptains' had sailed Six voyages to China without a chron-; ometer, t'depending on " dead reckon, ing " ancl." lunars." Just before start-. ing on his seventh voyage he suggested to Mr. Astor that it would he safer to hive a chronometer. " Well, get one;" said the merchant. The captain didi so, and entered its cost in his account current. When Astor's eye fell upon - the item he drew his pencil through it. The captain expostulated. " Tam it, man," said Astor, "1 tolt you to get one; 1 titn't say I'd pay for it." The captaia severed his connection with Astor then and there, went into Wall street, engaged with their oWners,, and. before night was in conernazid of a& fine a ship as ever floated in lliew York's beautiful bay. In three days she was ready for sea, and set sail. At the same time Astor's ship, ander the com- mand of a new captain, 80 sail also.: They had a race for Hong Kong, but! the captain, who, as he used i to put it, had discharged John Jacobl Astor, byl keeping the inen at the braces, took ad- vantaue of wind., and won by three days. Thenlhere was lively work. The ship was loaded in the shortest time possi- ble, and before Astor's vessel, which had arrived meantime, was half loaded, our ca.ptain weighed anchor, and, with a good cargo of tea, set sail for Sandy Rook, arrived in good time, got his ship alongside the wharf, an.c1 began hoisting out his cargo, which was sold by auc- tion on the spot. This glutted the mark.et, fo.r the consumption was com- paratively small in those clays,and when Astor's ship came in prices had fallen. Tsvo days later, as the captain was sauntering down Broadway, he met his former employer. "How much did dat chrondmeter cost you ?" asked the lat- ter. "Six hundred dollars." "V11," said Astor, " dat vas cheap. It cost me sixty tousancl dollars." The merchant and 'captain have long since paid the long reckoning, but that chronometer is still a good timekeeper and a treasured relic, as well. heir York esti- oh- ause Inch ttle hat nes, ere Ung en- iles and bud. if and ere ded to air of Ith 1111 ent the my, pse er- tle ly, ng hs. k- ar- as or ar- ry eir ed ch fig of ed s. an. 0- ey of re ly 11 y. r- 11 11 s, 1-, Let Glasgow Flourish: - A London contemporary says tliap the Glasgow Tramways Company have been sorely perplexed of late owing to the objections raised to the running of their cars on Sundays. What compli- cated the qtiestiona and. rendered the position of the directors especially em- barrassing, was thefact that the practice complained of was adopted to meet the eotIVenienee and. at the request of per- sons who wished to use the cars for the purpose of enablin; them to attend. church on Sundays ; so that if the di- rectors yielded to the remonstranceS- of oue set of stria Sabbath observers they woundedthe susceptibilities of another set of equally good people, also . bent on strietlyrobserving the Sabbath. Lately the unhappy directors received depu- tations from the WOrking. Men's Sab- bath Protection Association, the- Sun- day ;;ehool Union, and two Free church Congregationswho peinted out the wickednees of using the cars on Sunday and. the demoralising influenc am un- holy triage would exercise on the corn- raunity. The chairman urge that the cars were only worked for the conveni- ence of church -goers, and mee ly asked if the deputation would. be s tisfied in the event of the running of' the cars being restricted to church' honrs. He was, however, informed that evee this attention to the interests of th curch- goers would in the opinion of e depu- tation;be "an infringenient of the Fourth Commandment." In; he end a promise was given that th subject would receive the consideratio of the directors, and now we are tol that a resolution.I has been come t to Stop Sunday work altogether. The esidents in the suburbs will therefoiTe have to forego the pleasure of hearing their fa- vorite preachers, or prove their leyotiou to them by walking three or for miles, unless they happen to be wealthy enough to keep or to be able hire a carriage of their own.. 1 His Ruling Pas§ion St ong. The late Mr. Willis C. Shel on, this very promising youug musicia, i, wrote as follows to a friend in Clevel nd, 0., on the 13th of December, 1876, while 111withconsumption : "1 little thought, when pl ying in Cleveland six months" ago, tha it was my last concert. How than -ful we ought to be that we cannot 1 ok intio the future. li I could have se ,ii three days ahead, instead of playing With my usual brightness how sad and esolate I should have felt! Yes, _th organ would have groaned and frown d down upon me, and I should have t embled with it. The organ 1 For sx long and weary months I, have not een al- lowed to listen to or ' play it. have been told that if I were to exp ess my thoughts on it now, after this lqng sus- pense, that no doubt I should j1ay so far above what I have ever don before that my greatest efforts heretofore would be as nothing. Yes, I , would play until my instrument would' sound akin to the heavenly choir. I would play until I grew cold, exhausted and then, with one last funereal strain, I and the organ would be silent orever. it Suchll m , my physicians tee, w uld be the penalty. Yet, how thankf 1 I am for the pleasure I have taken and given to others through my music." . In the same letter he expressed the pathetic wish that "if my dyi g hour should come suddenly, or should be the unexpected result of this sicknes , they will carry me to the church for tie last time and let me commune wi h my organ until my hands grow durbb and my eyes dim, and let me die un er the shadow of the gilt pipes and darkened frame. . . Know Your Business Thor- oughly. A young man in a leather stole used to feel very impatient with his eIst ploy- er for keeping him,year after.' year,, "handling hides." But he saw the use years after, when in an esta.blis'ament of his own he was able to tell '.)3T the touch the exact quality of the goods. It was only by those thousands 1f re- petitions, that the lesson was le rued. ; and so it is with everything in vbich we acquire skill. The half -info ,med, half -skilled .in every business, ou num- bers the others, dozens to one. Iaiiie1 Webster once replied to a young man who asked him if there was any "room in the legal profession," "There is al- ways room at the top." The etter you know your business, the 1etter your chance to rise. You can gather much information by making a wi4e use of your eyes and ears, and perhaps be able to surprise your employer i an emergency by stepping into the next man's place and discharging hi du - _ties satisfactorily; so /earn your busi- ness. Prospectus of the Wheat Irop England. Mr. Thomas .Scott, writing t Mark La.ne Express, says: " The sent appearance of the growing may be beheld by the result, bu lateness and paucity of the plant the ground are by no means indic of a good crop. Nor is the iJ breadth sown, on account of the genial weather in the autumn. prices, too—about 40s per quart autunin, and now only 38s 4d likely be found to have lessened farmers' desire to sow the usual bre of wheat, and cause a very limited to be planted, probably not more 3,000,000 acres, as against 3,75 acres in 1878. * *, * I antici therefore, that we shall have a red supply of horne-groWn and for wheat, and. enha,nced prices during current year. . , Varieties. —This naval joke is going the ro nds in England. A middy who had rec nt- ly joined his ship was interviewed by the captain, who made the trite re- mark: "Well, I suppose, as of ald, they have sent us the biggest fool of the family." "No, sir," replied thenod- ern Percival Keen, " the fashion ias changed since your day." —When Burns was first inviteJt to dine_ at Dunlop house, a west con try dame, who acted as housekeeper, ap- peared to doubt the propriety of er mistress entertaining a mere plow au who made rhymes,las if he were a en- tleman of old descent. By way of. c n- vincing her Of the bard's right to s ch a distinction, Mrs. Dunlop gave her he " Cotter's Saturday Night" to re. dE; This she -soon did, and, returning h volume with a strong shake of he head, said: " Nae doubt ladies and g u- tlemen. think neuekle of • this, but or me it's neathing but what I saw i' y father's house every day, and I di na see how he could hae tould it in ny bther way." the pre- heat the on tive sual 1171 - OW riix will the dth area ban ,000 ate, ced ign the SO . . EPPS'S 0 0 COA.. --Grateful and comf., t- ing.—"By athorough knewledge of the natural laws which govern the ope tions of digestion and nutrition, and a, careful application of the fine prop ties of Well selected cocoa, Mr. E Ilas provided our breakfast tables -a delicately flavored beverage, whi h may .save us many heavy doctor's bi ls. 'It is by the judicionsuse of such articles Of diet that a constitution may he gr d- ually built Up until strong enough to 'e- sist every tendency to disease. H (-trials of subtle' maladies' are. float around us ready- to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may eaca • e many a fatal shaft by keeping oursels Qs . well fortified with plane blood, and. a properly nourished. &I.- ?* Gazette. . Sold only in packets lab 1 - THE H led.—" James Epps & Co. Homosopath- lc Chemists, 48, Thread;leedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 IS YObIt LIFE WORTI110 CENTS?—Siok- Ross prevails everywhere,and everybody complains of some disease during their life. When sick,the object is to get well; now to Say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion,Costi veness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, Billi- ousnessi &c_., can take GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER!WithOnt gOttiuci relief or CUM. If you doubt this go to your Druggist and get 'a Sample Bottle for 10 cent and. try it. .Regular size 75 cents, two d.oses will relieve you. - NOT among the most savage and debased tribes only that the,condition and comfort of the horse have been neglected, .but we be- lieve there are many in civilized coun- tries who are guilty of the same neglect ' , and without the excuse of the fernier; here all 'may avail themselves of the use of an article which has done more than anything else heretofore known to improve the condition Lind relieve the suffering of the horse: Those who will - not use it will be the losers, their horses the sufferers ; to avoid both use " Dar- ley's condition Powders -and Arabian Heave Remedy," anyou will be satisfied with the result. Remember the name, and .see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each pack- age. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. proprietors for Canada. Sold by all mediciiiel dealers. • OTTAWA, Ontario. 'VICTORIA] CHEMICAL COMPANy, TORONTO: Gentlemen,—Oonfirming my statement a --short time ago, as to. the satisfactory results front . the use of your compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, I will furtherladd that fresh proofs of the genuine benefits conferred on patients requiring it are con- stantly coming under my observation ; parties to whom I have recommended it have in a short time, with the deepest thaulrfalness, acknowledged the •relief they have experienced, and in some cases have assertad that it, and it alone, has saved their lives. It gi ,es Inc much pleasure to assure you that I consider your Syrup, the Victoria, Hypophos- . pilau, the best preparation of any which has come under my notice for Debility and all pulmonary complaints,' Bronchitis, Coughs, &e., and believing this, I constantly recommend it before every other Compound. I Very truly yours IE. F. MCCARTHY, • Plia.rmac,eutical Chemist. For sale by Mr. J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. - 2-586 • For all purposes of a family medieine, Hagyard's Yellow Oil is at the head of the list. It is used with unprecedented sucoess,both internally and ex- termilly. It cures Sore Throat, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites relieves, and often cures; Asthma. For sale by Ziesars. Lumsden & Wilson, Se2o1.50811. Gr at Weatera Railway. _ Trains le ve Brussele, atation, north and south as under: GOING ORTH. GOING Bowan Mixed.. ... 10:25 A. M. Mali.. .0 6:15 A. M. Accent.. ... 9:08 P. M. Accom 12.15 A. M 2:58 P. M. Mixed 7:95 P. M 11 ----- Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as follow -s: I GOING WEST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON.CLINTON.Express.. 2:25 P. M. , 2:45 P. M. Express.. .. . .. 8.58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train.... 9:00A. M. 10:00 A. M. GOING EAST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train.... 7:52 A. M. 7:27 A.M. Exprees 1:15 P. M. 12:50 1'. M. Mixed Train.— 5:00 P. M. 4:25 I'. M. Tra n.-.. 10:35 A. M. 10:00. A. M. • London, Huron and Bruce. GOING N0RT11— Mail. Mixed. Express. P.M. A. M. P.M. London, dePart.... 2 15 6 55 6 15 Exeter. 3 35 8 05 7 85 Hensel15 52 8 34 7 51 Kipper' 8 58 8 44 , 7 58 Brucefield,I,. 4 08 9 00 8 08 Clinton 4 25 9 45 8 25 Blyth....•4 52 10 32 8 52 Wingham, krrive5 25 11 80 915 GOING SOUTI — Mail. Mixed Express. A. M. £M. P.M. Wingham, depart10 55 7 00 ; 6 15 Blyth ' 12. 15 7 3i 6 55 Clinton. . 1 10 8 01 7 24 Brucefield . 1 40 8 18 7 43 Kippen 1 57 8 28 7 58 Hensel]. 2 05 8 84 8 04 Exeter..... 2 50 8 49 8 23 LAR GE PROFITS. THE D rectors of the Canada Silver Mining Company. owning two square miles of territory in the same section as the famons Silver Islet Mine, which has already yielded $4,000,000, are prepared to receive applications for shares be- longing to an isstie o/ 4,000 $25 shares, each share being entitled, without any additional charge, to a $40 coupon, re- deemable in cash by an annual payment of $4,000 from the Company. Attention is directed to the fact that, after receiv- ing $40 for every $25 invested, subscrib- ers will still retain their Shares, thus not only participating in the profits of the Company free of cost, but actually securing a direet profit besides. Terms: $1 on subscription, and the balance in montly instalments of $2 per share. For further particulars, address immediately HENRY IMLACH, Secretary, London, Ontario. When writing, name this pa- per. 5e:4-12 THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. cr.*. J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of • HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED, ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on hand. . FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &c. 523 G. & J. PETTY. FARMERS, STOP! CO TO A. PALLANDER, CLINTON, (HURON STREET,) TO GET YOUR FSAWS GUMMED You can get them home with you the same day that you bring them. a- A. C ALLANDER, by 585x12 General Blacksmith, Clinton, Ont. r - Ps LUMBER FOR SALE th HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per N. PINE ' from $8: BILLS :GUT TO ORDE All Length,4rom 10 to 50 Feet,: a the PONT MILL, IN MoKILLOP. The Sebseriber has also a . LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH • Where all 'kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY 'HSU0ivas A11dVJO1Id ON1IJIVd3U 0 0 2 URON EXPOSITOR. c -t - if) Pq" 0 !as (t) CD t<1 CD CD I '7S I •••-4 tat- 'aas o )-01 .07,1 1=-1 re 0 —1 frl 0 0 0 rr 0 m 0 0 3NIHOVW aNY SIGN THE F CIRCULAR 4;4 SAW. WM. ROBqrTSON & CQ., EAFORTH. CALL AT WILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO.'S AND SEE THI IMPROVED DIAMOND CROSS -CUT SAW, MADE FROM THE BEST DO BLE REFIN- ED) CAST STEEL, AN GUARAN- TEED TO CUT THIRT CORDS OF HARD 1V0 OD WITH UT REFIT- TING. ALSO LANCE T OT li, ONLY 75 CE NTS PER FOOT. WMI. ROBERTSON HARD WARE ME CHANTS, SEAFORTH. • 7-17 • .Y • er ---16.1T7:.11:117:4.;' • sam•tii" NOS /2 NI)ILVMD a.ati �a31N18d 01111l1NO MRS. C. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will o ien on Sept. 160. Pupils should give ii their names pieviorts to the opening o the class. Those not hav- ing Instrurn nts can be accommodated with use of Pi no or organ at very mod- erate rates. eaforth, 8 ept. 7,2.878. 561 THE Mc ilILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INS RANCE COMPANY. Nr! ia. W. J. SH 1---L urer of the Ithe QUEEN'S H day of each week, the purpose of tr Company. Al] i , and govern them i 1 W. ,L SHANNON NNON, Secretary and Trees - hove Company, will attend at TEL, SEAFORTH; on Satur- from 2 to 5 o'clock P. M., for nsaeting the business of the tmested will please take notice elves accordingly. JAMES KERB, President. , Secretary. 585 THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. I have much pleasure in informing my Customers and the public generally that my t-2.tock of SPRING GOODS is now Complete, and having been purchas- ed before the Change in -the Tariff, Extra, Good Value is shown in Every Department Particular Atten- tion was paid in purchaSing COTTON' GOODS of all descriptions, and the Stock of DUCKS, DENIMS, SHIRTINGS, GREY and BLEACHED COTTONS, COTTONADES, 85c., at the Golden Lion was never better than at present. .A Splendid Line of BROWN HOLLAND:s, at 12. Cents per yard. Also Extra Value in 10 Cent Bleached Cotton. We Import all Linen Goods from Glasgow, and are showing Beau- tiful Goods in TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, TABLE NAPKINS, and all House Furnishing Goods. Lace CURTAINS and Curtain; Nets, in very choice Pat- terns. We are showing a Large Stock of PRINTS, and a very Complete Stock of DRESS GOODS -- with Buttons and Trimmings to inatch. A CALL SOLICITED. R. JAMIESON. Seaforth. • E-1 o rn 0 r.4 FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. psoRDEDET UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL cotortsS10% CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER, SEAFORTH Are again to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as were awarded Special Distinction at the Centennial and- Sydney Exhibitions. They desire to direct special attention to their NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW xai F-4 This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced. into this part of the oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee invention, got up for sale only, and dependent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL. THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. It is warranted to clan in any ground. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their mopey in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON Rows, Hiws PATENT nows, The old and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which; with recent inn: provements, is better than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SCUFFLERS, AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. __,..4,/-7,4cog$,a114,12014!*,aaii,-74K eira, aaaaa , ase7saska,414211,..,a • a;;;51,411.,_14, Otirkisal ja,-,sfaeseat 4.• ..:-'?..".4.:. ''' • - . .- L..1,2,-.20::7" ....5. ... ../. • 4 _ ...4 . .---3.----./.....-.....,-,::-*-7-.. .7....„...:„....„.1.74" -4912ftgriariktr.41. This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. All these implements are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments for catch sales. Every implement warranted. to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectable establishment that turns out a good. article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can be seen at their shop at any time. IRON HARROWS--TH_E SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS KBPT COSSTANTLY ON HAND. Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. ALEXANDER MONROE. D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER,' Ilas Pleasure in announcing to. his Friends and Cus- tomers ,that every Department is fully stocked with First—Class Goods. Hundreds of Families testify to the value given at ROS6'8 Orocery in the past, and he looks forward to the future with every confidence. No Prices 'quoted. Come an see, and be convinced . of the advantages offered. No trouble to show Goods and give samples. Flour, Coil' 7,, Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy) cec., always kept irt Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seaforilt. GREAT REDUCTION IN 800TS AND SHOES. "I BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT I HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lciwest Rernuileative_Prices. ig flg 5 8 0, 00 0 0 0 0 so SD P 0 0000 o .0 o0 c.• et- et- et - •aa 23 SO W6,02,22 Ct/ o cl) corna2 cr-C1-C-t- ‘24:)(Cit) ZZG0 Po P3 P et- kt tel lit • ••-• •••1 ••••j (5(5 0(5 0. 0 0 0 ct- 4-441-44 )..rs 0 0 0 0 LI ig 0- 0-aeb• a 0 0 a, 000 r.a o ra taa tta' a - 1—.• '10 Cfq frQ CrQ 0Z00 5,3 0 towrorn ct- et- et- ct- 'X M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 -C to re ca ra P P et. et• 0 0 0 0 0.‘ It,- tt0 as ts re as re CD 0 0 0 0 r cs b:IttiWtti .3 0000 rt- cf. ctt-r- 1:r o ca o et es ,-. CO 4:0. 07 (5 17J tr, u> W CO -rp et• ee T DRED KEGS AMERICAN CUT NATL.., BEST QUAL: THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, —SEAFORTH. MRS. WHITNEY,- IMES once more to remind her many friends and customers that she is 'now better prepured than ever te supply all their wants in her line. She as one of the most -cora plete assortments of Srl'077-S Both Coal and Wdod, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that an be found in any town in the county, and at prices es low as the lowest. Her assortment of Was never better or more varied. COAL OIL, Both Wholesale and Retail at a very alight ad- vance on manufacturers prites. Repairing and Es.ve-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the better accomodation of her customers Mrs. Whitney has opened a blanch store in Brucefield, where will be found a tonmlete stock of everything in her line. She -would direct par- ticular attention to and invite inspection to her Stoves, -which intending purehasers should see before pur(haeing elsewhere. Remember when you come to Seaforth or Brucefield don't leave without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brueefield. KIDD'S HARDWARE RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAIN'M OILS, &a - FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest'Notice and WalTanted. Special inducements to Cash, and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE; The Great English. Remedy is especially reconimended as au unfailing cure for SeminalWeakness Spermatorrhea, Lupo- tency.and all diiease that follow as a se - Incite° of Self abuse Vas Loss of Memory, 'After aide& Univeratti Lassitude, Rain in the Back, Direness of Vision, Premature oia Age, and teeny other diseases that leads to Inaanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are I USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST :HATERIAL first caused by deli -luting from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Specifics Medicine's Ithe result of life study and many ye,ars 01 ex- perience in treating these specialdiseattese Ran- i phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold I by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be ant by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY &- CO., Windaor, Ont. f-;olt1 in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberta R. Lumsden and all pruggist merchants. Therefore I can Guarantee Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor me with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. 1 ELLIOTT GRIEVEI SEAFORTH;