HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-04-04, Page 5APRIL 4, 187%
sure in the neighborhood ofof a a
minion of dellars. By beat
meat the maintenance of ja-ea
t:utions have been increased ever
a year. The immigration do.
it, with a less number of
Erought into the country, woe ill.
rn 1874 by the sure of $100,000.
twn Lands Department expe.
ici-eased $50,000- in 1874—witnh
:ied receipts and a less murth.,„.
sold or located. In fact, an -11-11..
person who makes a.rt hives.
as I have done,. will and in
partment the same unwarrant.
miustifiable increase, and when.
oparent in that portion of the
which the public °an nowt ae.
or inspection, what . are we te
tha‘s.e branches of the public
Inch are altogether under die
nent of officials ? T have na
t a majority of nay political
ts believe their opiniena are in
ige With the best hateresta of
trv, ybu, Sir, among the num.
VOUlti: be very sorry, therefore,
tIte your misstatements to uz.
otives,but rather to a mistaken
class of public men who pre_
hen not in power, to be honest
s of economy and retreiash-
'est valuable qualitiesfor &man
'an public life to possess—for
fenieraber that the inhabitanta
d are but emerging from the
saxd privations of pipneer life.
/ von for the use of your
am, 3 --ours,. respectfully,
GE. jA.cxsoLturajzz.
Shows am Seed
r;tor of the llitron, Expositor. •
miz last letter I showed the
;for 'farmers and dealers trying
re the quality of grain and pro-
rieriltural shows are doubtless
•to accomplish that end, but
ieginning to lose their novelty
ot worth half the money apent
- It appbars to me it would be
ter for the cc:entry if the Gov -
would apply about half the
furnishing really ctood seed
all kinds; at cost, to these so-
-Farmers know that spring
ts and barley are continually
-at. and require to be changed.
h better would it be, then, to
a this way, than to be imposed
rv stranger tlis,t COnTeS along?
er an ".honest farmer" froin
sold Lapire or Red Fern at
:shel, Unfortunately, it prove
fraud and a failure. It is,
good milling wheat; This
tussia,n Siberian, Anrnetka
'Rice wheat, is being sold, that
eserve the name of wheat
,00rly, and is very silbject to
and weevil; ,,besides,_ the
telf could not grind it; if he
dd be meal instead of flour.
is not to sow it, as millers
iy it, and if buyers were to do
ix it with ether wheat, it
Iv ruin the character of all
and depreciate the value a
would fall . entirely on the
The only real good wheat for
:now of, is the Lost Nation.
as good, as Fife. If this
uot be got, far better to sow
introduce Russian Siberian,
--,ome of the -other varieties of
ring -wheat the country would
of. Yours, &c.,
Huron, N tes.
Vico-Chancellor Blake is to
(.:ture in St. George's Church, '
- on Mondavi evening next.
t 'harles Die' ens.'
on. Mr. Cart right has pre -
the Meth dist Episcopal
( oderich a c eck for $109, to
fraying the 'eht now on the
superance p ople of Usborne
eing for thej signatares DO-
A -cure the su mission of the
tinperauce 4et to the dee.
eounty. and o far are quite
rties from I ullett who left
)a. a, coup' of weeks ago,
detained at Emerson, on ac -
breaking ue of the ice in
.;na the over flowing of the
gfa. Hotel t Spring Hill,
rnship, has hanged hands.
,tty, of the Carlingford Ho -
succeeds Mr. Page, the
kving to D Win, where he -
;eiou of the taiiway Hotel.
lwin Kent Ued very sud-
ngbaln on S ralaymorning.
ind aud as 'ell as usual on.
fternooe, b it taken sud-
lie evening lvith congestion
and died befcre morning.
tirday, 15th! March, J. C.
slerich, said, by- auetien
propert-vetA.shfield, to J.
- s
for ;a000 cash. On
th March, Arr. Currie sold
ision 4, Goderich. township,
CAL. Win. Whoa, of the
Lir. for $3.o2•F,
'ounty Judges' Criminal
Goderich On Tuesday, be -
:mire, Dr. Hall and Kean,
e came up ftlr trial for set -
Le bending factory in Ese-
aouth ago. The case had
z -d the time before at the
it Crown, ancl the Crown
f-ir another adjournment,
4T1.1:)ed, awl a verdict of not
'wing fence -viewers have
.4..t1 in West Wawanosh
tea, James Gibson, John
ni Cameron, Jahn Ham.-
'tadeliff, Richard Wilson,
John' McLean,
1; ersfai, George 1Veather-
ars Cumming. Also the
4141 -keepers : J. W. Jack-
0,ertson, Win. Humphrey,
ou. John Hunter, John
Ines Bruce.
kay afternoou of test week
e of Exeter, on a warrant,
lic residence of Mr. T.
Stepheu, and arrested
ge of knowingly receiving
A short time ago a man
'nage, near Brantford, lost
a search was made
eee where the owner sup -
was, but was unable to
ttty. It is alleged that
ring of this, and having
ssion of the stolen pro-
s./ to London, where he
'ftee. Mr. Roswell, the
orse, was telegraphed to,.
U p got possession of hie
London. The matter
APRIL 4,1879..
was then placed in Const
efficient hands, and O'Roo
- resteda,s stated above. He
in the Exeter lock-up �ii Tae
ad settled the matter the
seg. lie has now to hunt u
he traded.
as lodged
day night,
est morn -
the horse
—A large party left Stratfd d by the
Grand Trunk on Tuesday or Mani-
--:There were about 1,100 iandidates
at the county of Perth pro tion ex-
amination on Friday last.
—Mr. S. Barren, of West OrTft, has
rented lot 9, concession 9,. Do nie, for-
merly occupied by Mr. John ichol.
Thos. Ballantyne, . P. P.,
left Stratford on his annual business
tour across the Atlantic on T ursday of
last week.
After a few days' illn ,Ss, Mrs.
Chas. Beer, of Fullerton, died on Sun-
day, 22nd ult. Deceased. wa an old
settler of the township, and was uni-
versally respected.
—The tender for the erection of the
nigh School at Listowel has been
awarded, the cost being $6,100. The
contract is subject to a proviso, in case
the Board cannot finale° it.
Gore of Downie Debating Club
gave an entertainment consisting , of a
debate, recitations, readings and sOnsbs,
' in School house No 4, on Wednesday
the 26th ult. Mr. S. Rankin occupied
the chair.
—A fire broke out at Stratford, last
Friday morning about two o'olock in an'
unoccupied houae on the corner of Kent
and Inverness streets. At one time there;
was fears of a serious fire, but owing to
the speedy arrival of the firemen the
blaze was extinguished before it Coulhl
rea,ch the other buildings. Loss small.'
- —On Monday night of last week the
stables in connection with Mr. Cor-
nell's hotel, Stratford, were consumed
by Etre; together with two herses be-
longing to Messrs. McCormick, confec-
tioners, London, the hotel 'bus, a quan-
tity of hay, &c. Loss about $1,000. In -
with the result stated. Mr. Cressman
found the animal about half an hour
after the occurrence, but life was ex-
tinct. He valued it at
—Patterson's party for Manitobanleft
Paris station on Tuesday night, and is
without doubt- the largest that ever left
Ontario, and required twa monster
special trains of sixteen pasE,enger coa-
ches, two baggage, and thirty freight
cars. The emigrants were all from
points on the main line of the Great
Western, between Hamilton and Lon-
don and the Wellington, Grey and
Bruce division. The number of full
-tickets Sold was a little over 500, and
the- cost for the' transportation of the
entire Party and .effects was $15,000.
They are destined for no particular set-
tlement, but 'will scatter over the entire
Province and the North-West on their
arrival at Winnipeg. -
—An assault casein which two wo-
men were concerned, came before the
Mitchell magistrates last week. Mrs.
Gabriel Murphy was the defendant, and
Mrie Monroe the plaintiff,:ancl both are
residents of Mitchell. It appears that
the latter, with her family, occupied
three rooms under the same roof as
Mrs. Murphy. They had some words
on Saturday morning: The pipes from
the stove of Mrs. Munroe ran through
some of Mrs. Murphy's rooms. - While
in a passion the ' letter pul ed them
down. The house began to 1 fill with
smoke, When Mrs. Miirphy f reed open
a door and got access to Mrs.I Munroe's
apartments, and at oncebega4 to throw
snow on the fire.- "Greek et Greek
and the tug of war commenc d." Mrs.'
Munroe forbade her doing so. Mrs.
Murphy then seized Mrs. M nroe by
the neck of her dress and sh ved her
into a room. There was ,consider-
able noise, and the neighbors cried for
help. A fine of $2 and $3 95 costs was
imposed upon Mrs. Murphy, o 12 days'
in jail.
GIBSON—In Monis, ori the 22nd ult..,
- Mr. James Gibson of a daughter.
he wife of
WATT—In Hallett, on the 25th ult„, 04 wife of
surance $600. The fire is supposed to ,
Mr. John Watt of a daughter. I
be the work of an incendiary. irisisElte—ie Ethel, on the 20th ult , Ithe wife of
—Mr. Joseph Priest, of the 8th con- , Mr. George F. Fisher of a son.•
cession, Elms, near Newry, had th uI
misfortune to lose a valuable horse o
Saturday, 22nd ule. His team -wa
being driven along the gravel road
when orts of the horses slipped and fe
across the sleigh tongue, breaking it
leg so badly that Mr. Priest was com-
palled to kill the animal, as there Were
no hopes of its recovery.
—The Hibbert, Logen and McKillop
Agricultural and Live Stock Associa-
tion will hold their first Spring Exhibi-
tion and Fair in the village of Dublin
on the 14th day of April, when libera,
prizes, amounting in all to $70, will b
awarded for best stallions, bull, seed
grains, &c. Jos. Kidd, Esq., President
Thos. King, Esq., Secretary, and Ai M
Ross, Esq., Treasurer.
—The residence of Mr. Hanaberry,
lot 19, Mitchell road, Fullerton town-
ship, was totally destroyed by fire last
Sunday -during . the time - he Was at
ahurch. - The fire is thought to have
originated in some way from tb,e stove..
All the household effects, besides a
large quantity of seed grain, were de-
stroyed. Mr. Hanaberry computes his
loss at $700. The house was not in-
—A large and enthusiastie meeting
of the Reformers of the township pf
Elena was held at Elms, 'Centre, on
Tuesday afternoon of last week. After
last year'sbusiness had been wound hp,
the election of officers was proceeded.
with. Mr. R. Cleland was re-elected
• President, and Wm. Lochhead; - Secre-
tary. After the committees had been
appointed, the- meeting was adjourned.
—On the evening of the 21st ult., a
large company from Elma, drove over
to the farmof Mr. Thomas, Morning:.
ton, where they met with a right hearty
welcome from the latter gentleman and
his amiable wife and family. After the
usual ceremonies, dancing was indulged,
in for a short time, which was follo-wed
by excellent songs from isfr. Tueker, his
daughter and other Elma friends. Re-
freshments were then seeved in abun-
dance, and again followed the light fan-
tastic, which was kept up until a late
—A man named. R. Hutchins got his
head badly crushed at St. Marys last
Saturday afternoon by • 'attempting to
ride through an archway at St. john's
Hotel ou a loai of straw. The team
were bard to manage and he was busily
engaged with them, not noticing that
there was not room between the load
and the roof for him until too late to
stop the horses. The pressure of the
load against the roof ,of the archway
stopped the team when they -Were about
half way through, and had it not been
for timely assistance. the man would
have been killed. He was. taken from
the lead and his wounds dressed, and
is now doing as well as can be expected.
—A chapter of accidents isrecorded
from -Mitchell last week. First,. Mr.
George Page, who is over from Iowa,
getting a Canadian girl, when going to
the home of his intended bride, slipped
on the ice and broke hie right leg in
two places.—Next, a son ot Mr. Sills,
Reeve, fell froin a packing box and.
broke the small bone of his arra.—
Also, Mr. Samuel Crawford, while com-
ing down a ladder from ;one room to
another, in his pump faCtory, slipped
and sprained his ankle.—And, a lad
named Green pushed another lad, son
of Mr. :-S,Talter Thompson, against `a,
post, inflicting an ugly out op the right
eyebrow.' What a harvest for the sur-
e SANDERS—At Exeter, -on the 26th
of Mr. George Sanders of a dau ht
s ,
TEAL—In Ueborne, on- the 22nd ult.;
Mr. John Veal, jr„-of a son.
SPARLING—In Brantfbrd, on the 1
wife of Mr. Albert W. Sperling of
DUNCAN—In Brossels, on the 31st tilt
• • Mr. Alex. Duncan of a son.
., the wife
the wife of
h ult., the .
tho wife of
ELCOAT—CRICH—At the reeidence o the bride's
father, in the township of Tuckers 'th, on the
19th ult„'by Rev. Mr. Caswell, Mr. David El -
treat, eldest son of Appleton Rico t, Esq., all
of Tuckersmith.
GARNER--LYNE--On the 24th ult., t the resi-
1 donee of the bride's mother, by 'Rev. S.
e Jas. Allm, Mr. William Robert Gar4ier, printer,
to Miss Sarah May Dyne, eldest 4aughtor of
Mrs. Lyne, both of Exeter.
; RILL—DOIlNYN--On the 20th ult., 4t the real-
-deuce of the bride's -step -father b the Rev.
Rural Deem Davis, Rector of gt. aura, Mr.
John Hill, to Miss Annabelle Doriyn,' all of
WATSON—BROA.DFOOT—On the 1th ult., at the
residence of the bride's lathe:, by the Rev. W.
Hayharst, Mr. David Watson, to Mise Aessie
Soot, Esq.,
Canadian Notes.
—Marvin Welton has been sentenced
to four years; in the Penitentiary for
complicity in what is known as the
Castelton Tragedy.
barn. of Mr. Duncan Weir, of
Dorchester, was struck by lightning on
Friday evening last, and was complete-
ly consumed. with contents,:consisting of
reaping machines, buggy and three hor-
ses. There was no insurance.
—A report from Woodstock states
that McCabe, recently under trial there
for the murder of his wife', has made a
full confession of his crime and that the
confession criminates Di. Bowers, he
having poisoned_ her at the instance of
McCabe. The rumor, however, is
scarcely reliable, and if sueh a confes-
sion has been made it has not yet been
made public by the authorities.
—Mr. Henry Cressman, a farmer re-
siding near Berlin, lost a valuable
thorough-brec1 two year old heifer last
week, ay a straw stack sliding down
and smothering it. Tne cattle ASeems
undermined the stack by eating it away
near the bottom, when it toppled over
C., eldest daughter of John Broax
of the township of Morris.
WILCOX—ROBERTS—At the . resid
bride's father, onthe 21st ult., by. t
B. Evans, B. A.; Henry Horatio
Port Credit, to Elizabeth, eldest
-William Roberts, Esq., Hibbert.
BARRY--O'NEIL-aAt Irishtown Oh
25th ult., by Rev. Dean Murphy,
Barry, of Hibbert, to Miss Catlin'
neice of Patrick O'Neil, Esq., J. P.
JONES—.GILLESPIE—At the reside
John McMillan, McKillop, on the 1
by the Rev. Matthew Barr, Mr. Rol
blacksmith, Clinton, to Miss Elle
of the township of Hallett.
nce of the
e Roy.W.
Wilcox of
ughtet: of
h, on the
Mr. PB.
ne Roach,
cc of Mr.
t instant,
rt jones,
[MSC 011
the 2nd Instant, by the Rev. Mat hew Barr;
E. J. Callaway, Esq., of Moun • Pleasant
Stanley,, to Miss Phernie Fergusn, second
daughter of George Ferguson, Es , Detroit,
DETWILER—KNUTESON—On the 2 dinstant,
at the I residence of the bride's father, Mr.
Samuel Detwiler, of Blair, to Empna, bldest
daughter of John Knuteson, Esq., o Wroxeter.
ORTH—At iSashwood, on the 23rd ultf, William
t Homy, son of Mr. Henry Orth, aged 17 years, 1
L. month and 26 days.
H LPIN—In Seaforth, on the 2nd instant, Mr.
P atrith Halpin, aged 55 years.
3, 1879.
Fall Wheat • 0 88 to 0 92
Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel... . 0 85 to 0 90
Spring Wheat,Red Chaff,per bush. 0 78 to 0 88
Oats per bushel . 0 40 to 0 45
Peas per bushel . - 0 55 to 0 58
Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 55
Batter, No . l, Loose 0 124to 0 14
Eggs 0 10 r to 0 10
Flour, per 10? lbs.... _ 2 35`to 2 50
Hay 9 00 to 10 00
Hides, per lb. - 0 05 to 0 05
Grubby Hidesper 100 lbs... ... 4 00
Fallen Hideo, per 100 lbs....,800
Sheep skins. 0 50 to 1 25
Salt (retail) per barrel, .. 1 0 75
Salt (wholesale)per barrel........ . 0 65
Potatoes per bushel 0 55 to 0 60,
Oatmeal i)- brl2 50 to 3 00
Tallow, per in . 0 04 to 0 05
B eef, in quarters, per 100 lbs8 50 to 5 00
Clover Seed 1 3 50 t 3 60
T imothy....1 1 50 to 160
, .
I 1 CLINTON, April 3,1879.
Fall Wheat,per bushel 0 80 0 0 95
Spring Wheat, perbushel . 0 80 0 0 90
Oats, per bushel ...... .... 0 40 0 0 45
Barley, per bushel ' 0 500 0 66
Peas, per bushel 0 66 (qi. 0 61
Glover Seed, per bushel 3 50 375
Timothy Seed, per pushel 1 75 t 2 25
Batter ' ' 0 12 0 0 15
Pork 525 550
Potatoes 4. ' 0 50 0 60
Eggs 1 010 010
Itay,per ton. 1 800 900
LieStock Market
MONTREAL, April 2nd.—A vejry dull
market vseS to be seen to -day. Com-
mon grade S were cheap, wh• .finer
kinds remained without eh nge in
price. There were about 40 'co vs and
84 calves offered for sale at pric s vary-
ing from op to $40 for milch cm s, and
$1 to $3.75 for calves. Sheep in fair
demand, bit there were none en the
market, an4 prices may be quoted
nominal at yesterday's rates, om $3
to $3.50 each. Mr. Corrigan sold a
nailch cow for $17; others w re tdis-
posed of at 21, $35 and $40. A utcher
bought 8 c Ives for $1 each. A few
other sales ere effected at quo ations.
Busataao,, April lst.—The • . arket
was quiet and prices a little o , with
faW sales. We note 13 head of ockers
were sold av 951 Ms. at $3 624, nd 16
Michigan steers av 1,216 lbs. at 4 62-i.
The best cattle weie a lot of adiana
steers av 1,410 tbs. sold at $5 32. Some
Kansas steers av 1,280 tbs. sold' : t $5 15,
Of Michigan cattle the sales _ were as
folldws : 11 steers av 1,052 Its, a $4 25:
11 steers av 1,093 lbs. at $4 60 ; 17 steers
av 1,126 lbs. at $4 50; 21 steers v1,276
lbs. at $4 45. Of Canadian stoc ers 50
head sold at $3 60 'av 787 lbs. IS eep.—
OfMichigan sheep we note sales o 150 av
120 lbs. at 8570, and 304 av 116 lbs. at the
same price, the hightest in tho mar-
kets, 525 av 102 lbs sold at $4 90,158 av .
105 tbs. at $5 30. Michigan lambs av
70 Ms at $5 35; 158 sheep av 77 tbs. at
04 30. Swine.—Yorkers rouge from $4
to $4 30, medium and heavy hogs sold
at 8425 to $4 50.. Some prime heavy
hogs sold at $4 60 to $4 70.1 A few , lots
of hogs sold at $3 to $3 40 and some of
114 lbs. at 03 60. ,
Auction Sales.
Saturday, April 5, at thelCommercial
Hotel, Seaforth, Honse and- Lot. and
lIonsehold Furniture. John Falconer,
proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer.
Spring Shows.
!Spring Shows for the exhibition of Entire 8tock
will be held as follows in this District : •
Senth Huron, t 13rucefiehl, Thursday, April 17.
West Huronort Smith's Hill, Thursday, April 10.
East Huron, at Brussels, Friday, April 11.
Stephen and Usborne, at Exeter, on Wednesday,
April 16.
Turnberry, at Wingham, Tuesday, April 16.
Hthbert, at Staffs, Tuesday Apri115.
Blanshard, at Kirkton, Friday, April 18. -
Mitchell, at Mitchell, Thursday, Apri110.
Hallett, at Clinton Friday, April18
Elina, at Newry, Wednesday, April p.
Mina and Wallace, atListowel, Thursday, April 10.
Morris, at Blyth, Wednesday, April 16.
Crediton'at Crediton, Monday, April 14.
Hibbert, Logan and McKillop, at Dublin, Monday,
Local Notices -
GET YOUR watches, clocks and jewelry
at HICKSON & BLEASDELL'S before they:advance in
priee under the new tariff. 590
GARRovv` & MEYER, Barristers, Wing -
ham; have now on hand a quantity of Private -
Funds to loan at 8 per cent. I581
EVERY VARIETY -Of Field, Garden and
Flower Seeds, pare and fresh at W. H. MoDou-
q-jann & CO:tEri Main Street, Seaforth. 588
SEEDS, SEEDS. — Fresh field and
garden- seeds arrived and opened out this week' at
LAIDLAw & FAIRLEY'S Central Groeery, Seaforth.
"SECURE your shadow ere the sub-
stance fades." Chz les Moore is now in full bias
in his new Photographie.Studio, Whitney's Block
Seaforth. 583
SEE THE SOA , 25 bars for $1 at ROSE'S
Grecery. See that very fine tea at 50 cents, worth
.60 Cents, and tilos cheap Raisins and Currants at
ROSE'S G.ocery. 74
FARMERS—la ED OATS.—Just Arrived,
10000 Mahe/8 Of CI mice White Oats for seed; ini-
ported from Illino' . Apply to L. Rankey, No. 1,
Storehonse,-or at ohn Kyle's Grocery Store, Sea -
forth. 587
- F. G. SPARL NG, having determined. to
go out of business offers his whole stock at cost.
Buyers would do \ ell to call and see for them-
selves. This is no Inmibug. Must be cleared out
at once. F. G. Sr Warm. 583
D. D. RoSn,. iamily Grocer, Seaforth,
invites the attenti n of cash buyers to , his Stock
of Groceries. His Stealth; constantly turning, and
is prices aro the lowest—it will
%amine his goods and compare
is always fresh.
pay you to call.
prices. 574
.attention of Farm
of Clover and T'
and price cannot
Co. Si,„ear of the 2i
Seaforth. 588
ORE.—We beg to call the
re and others to our prune stock
othy Seeds, which for quality
e beat. W. H. McDouoAra. &
=moth. Turnip, Main Street,
BY ADVERTI EmENT in our to -day's is-
sue W. H. Perrin, of Clinton, offers for sale a large
quantity of choke peed Peas, also prime timothy
and clover, seed wheat, barley- and oats, and 6,000
bushels of prime American. corn, at 50 cents per
bushel. 590-1 "
WM. ALLENiS selling out. Crockery
down. Tea sets at cost. Toilet sets very low.
Glassware below par. • Tetur,b ebt value in town.
New fruits at wholesale prices. _Bargains all
round; Wrenreat ALLEN, next door! to Papa's
bookstore. 585; -
sale, Lost Nation and Golden Drop Spring !Wheats.
Also a limited quantity of White Australian. Oats,
the most prolific white oat grown. W. H. Mc-
Donaar.r.-..e0o., Sign of the Mammoth Turnip,
Main Street, Seaforth. 588'
wanting to buy anything in Crockery or Classware
-will find our stock complete and well asso ed, and
prices lower than in any other house, qu lity con-
sidered. Tee Sets from 82 up, Toilet Se s, $1. 15
and upwards. WrnsoN & YOUNG. 586
NEW TEAS. —Received this 1, eek at
wresoa & YouNG's; a large consignment f 'Extra
Choice New Season's Black Green and ja an Teas
bought direct from the importers at th i lowest
cash prices. For quality and price we et n confi-
dently recornmend them as the best valuef in town.'
Call and examine oar Stock before pru:eha •ing—wo
guarantee satisfaction. 586
DOBBINS' ELECTRIC Soaa.--Having ob-
Proved and Acknowledged to be
the St‘ndard PlOw of America.
The Material used in the construc-
tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of
Face and . Toughness, is superior to
Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTTRED
by ME, only in Canada.
Always on hand, made of Is proved
,Patterns, and warranted (A 1).
olumns, Castings,- School, hurch,
Garden and Lawn Seat and
Cast Iron Fe -acing a Sp cialty.
All Kinds of Repairing do a e and
Good Work Guaranteed.
Seaforth F undry.
A Very Large Stock of all kinds of
Groceries and Provisions.
A Fresh Lot of Cann,41 Fruits, and
Honey and Celery._
A Fresh Lot of th,o.v- ,very choice
Teas in Black,IGreebland Japan.
All Grades of Sugar4 Syrups and
C.urrants, Raisins, Prunes, Dried
Apples, Oatmeal,. Cornmeal,
Cracked Wheat, Pot Barley, Flour,
Shorts, best of Hams and Bacon.
All kinds of Fresh, Garde??, Seeds,
Top Onions, Potato Onions and
Set Onions and Potatoes.
Cream Crocks, Milk Pans, Flower
Pots, &c.
Lard, Butter, Eggs, and a good va-
riety of Soaps.
Soda B_scalts in 3 pound boxes, at 25e.
and pure ground Coffee. Also that
Celebrated English Excelsior Horse and
Cattle Food. All are invited to come and get
some of tile Cheapest Goods in the Dominion.
Don't forget the place:
tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea- sal Mairi-Stre.et, SEAFORTH
forth and Huron County, I append the °Pinion of
some of our best people as to its merits: "1 have
used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by ,I, L. Cragin
& Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and find it Very good.
.The clothes are beautifully white and the washing
is done in much less time—Mrs. M. P. Hayes."
" I used Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di-
rections, and found the clothes whiter than when
washed in -the old *ay, and in half the usual time -
—Mrs. IL Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and am highly satisfied with the
result. I behave it capable of doihg all the wrap-
per claims for it, and Most confidently recom-
mend it as economizing both time and labor, and
as doing its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsmith."
"Having given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial,
I think it is all the manufacturers -epresent it to
be—Mrs. R. T. Colenian." I desir, slimy friends
and customers to give this Soap one trial, so. they
may knew just how good the best soap iii the
U'nited States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth,
Ont., Agent for Huron County. 571-52
-1" Ash will receive applications up to APRIL
156h, to rent or conduct the V-ARNA CHEESE
FACTORY dur}ing the coming season- Address
Varna P. O. ,591
OTICE.—All parties indebted to the Estate
-1-/ of the late Simon Powell are requested to pay
t he same forthwith to the undersigned, or they
s hall be handed into the Court for collection.
1 561
N" 0 TICE TO DEBTORS —'Iotice is hereby
given that all persons ndebted to • me for
small book accounts, that i their indebtedness
-16 not paid before January first, 1879, they will
be sued without further notice or respect of per-
sons. 0.0. WILLSON. 576
NOTICE TO DEBTORS.— All patties indebted
-LI to Mr._Wm. Grassie, either by tote or book
woe ount, are requested to call at the offiee of the
nn dersigned • at Seaforth, at once, and settle,
othensise claims will be put into Curt for col-
- lection. WM. N. WATSON, Receiver. 58974
Partnership el Annitage, Beattie & Co., Pre-'
duce Dealers, Pork Packers, and Flak Manufac-
Minn s, of the Town of Seaforth, is this day die-
' solved. Mr. A. ARMITAGE to pay all liabilities
of the bald' firrn, and all accounte due (he firm
are payable to him. ALEXANDER ARMIT-
LEY. 591-4
—There will be a meeting of the club on
TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, at 8 o'clock P. M., in
the Commereial Hotel. A full attendance is
desired, as there will be business of importance
brought' before the meeting. All who wish to
become members are cordially invited to atte nd,
or :give in their names. M. R. COUNTER,
Secretary and Trerthrer ; J. R. LYONS, Presi-
dent. 1 591-1
-L.' is hereby given that the partnerahip hitherto
existing between the undersigned under the style
and firm of Foust & Ehnes, carrying on business',
in the -village of Zurich, has been dissolved this
day by mutual consent. Notice isalso given that
all debts due the late firm will be collected by
D. S. Faust, to whom all claims against the
fix -in must be presented for settlement. D. S.
HAIST. Zurich, March 19, 1879. 590*4
11OG -FKEDING.—Publie notice is hereby.
1-1- given that the Rodgerville Cheese Manu-
facturing Company have resolved to hire in hogs,
to be fed on whey at the following_ rates: at-
tendance and feeding, at the rate of .50 cents
per month, per head. They agree "to take in 50
about the 5th of May, and 50 about the 25th of
May, and 50 about the 10th of June. Parties
wishing to take advantage of this offer would re-
quire to conarnunicatei with the Company on or
before the middle of April, stating how many
they 'intend sending, and at what time. JAMES
LANG, Manager, Rodgerville P. 0. 586r6
—Or —
"L CIATION will sell ,by Public Auetion on
THUM IAY, APRIL 1 Othe 1479,
At 13 W PARK, tbree miles from the
20 Theta oughlareil alheir-t-liorsa Cows
and Heifers,
Most of theist with calves at' their sides, or due
to calve ortly. ,
gh-claes 3horthorn Bulls of well-
glish Families, robust constitutions,
colore. Also,
red Yearling Cotswold Rams.
red Leicester Yearling Rams, and
e Pure Berkshire Sow and Boar Pigs.
Twenty H
known E
and good
Ten High.
Five High-
sums of $5
at 12 mant
seven per (re
G 0. T. SIRICKLAND, Auctioneer.
All sums under $50, net cash; all
or over, net cash or approved nota
s, with interest added at the rate of
t. per annum.
Cata ogues with annotated notes of each
animal's pe igreesent on application to Mr. John
Hope, Bow Park, Brantford P. 0., Ont. 501x1
M. CR ENWAY retorns from Manitoba
about he 16th of April, and -will organize
another par y for that Province, to leave CEN-
TRALIA a d all Stations on the London, Huron
and Bruce ailway, on TUESDAY, the 6th day
of MAY, 18 9, and will Le at the following
places to g ve information ,to intending em-
igrants and respecters:
Tuesday, A ril 22, Royal Hotel, Wingham.
Wednesday " 28, Queen'a " Clinton
Thursday, " 24, Mansimi. " Seaforth.
Friday " 25, • Purdy's " Hensel'.
Following d ys at his reeidence, Centralia. The
very best II/T ngements and lowest rate. Every
information s to route. land, &e.
Centralia, arch. 25th, 1879., 591
:TORN BE TTIE, of the Seaforth 'Ilex Mill,
t" has on h nd it few hundred Bushels of good
Clean Flax S ed, which be wishes to dispose of to
farmers for owing this Season. Apply at his
office. JOH BEATTIE. 591-4
1: undo rsig i ed intends keeping hie Thorough-
bred Bull lo another season, for the improve-
ment of sto k, on Lot 27, Con. 2, McKillop.
Farmers will do well to patronize him in view of
raising stoc for the English Market. His get
of calves sho that blood will tell. My test ms
aro only one oiler thEse hard times. Certificate
of Registsre Pedigree, No. 1,384, Wonderful,
bred by Jams G.y, Ingersoll, Oxford County,
got by Sir JO!, .ny 1700) Registerd, dam Be.undie
by -President ,54e), grant dam Matilda by Young
England (822 5281), great grand dam Red Rose,
imported, by Baron, of Kidsdale, (11,156), dam
Red Rose, s e herd book. RODERICK GRAY,
(1ARDE .—A number of Boarders can be
accomm dated with board, either ladiee or
gentlemen. pply to J. M. CALDWELL, (only
man and wife , Goderieh Street Seaforth. 570
Full Stock of all the Latest Styles. An Early Inspection
is cordially Invited.
Any person that cannot make it convenient to call in the day time has the
opportunity to do so in the evening of either day, as the stores will be open late
each evening.
THE DIVISION COURT.—The office of -the
.1- Second. Divialrea Court will be open daily
1ron2 halt pot one ttr /our -o'clock P. M. Office
in. my Block, over the store of Johnston Bros.
L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562
DIST. Isetweea Seaforth and Mit &ell, a
Ladies' Shoe. The finder will be suitably
rewarded on leaving the 641310 at THE EX-
POSITOR Office, Sestorth. -586
D0G LOST—Lost, in iSeaforth on the 1st of
April, a Collie Dog, an ewering to -the name
of Captain. He is two years eid, black on body
with brown nose and legs, and rough Skin. Any
pe:son returning the animal to the undersigned
will be suitably rewarded, and any person har-
boring him after this will be prosecut(d As the
law directs.—JOHN COWAN, McKillop, Sea -
forth P. 0. 591
M ONEY TO LEND—On terms more advan-
-4-Nta,geous than ever before offered. A. j-latic.
COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. -504-52
W110 WAN TS MONEY ?--A. few thousand
dollars, private fends, forinnnediate invest-
ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES
II. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533
ASONEY TO LEND.—I bave any amount of
151- Money to Lend on good improved fames only,
at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Sum no -
object if security ample. I don't lend for any
Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570
N. B. millinery Stock is, now complete; and any parties desirous of anything
in that line can be accommodated at any time previous to the Opening.
We have now received and opened ant our Stock of Seeds, and.
Display this year than ever before. We have bought from -first-el
whose reputation is established beyond a doubt, and we are there
tion to offer you Special Inducernents. Will guarantee all -to be fre
and will give you the advantage,of Garden Seeds in Milk, as Seeds
not usually be relied. on.
IJ -
aye a Larger
ss Seedsmen,
ore in a posi-
h and sound.
in papers can
And can supply anything in those lineti. We subjoin an abbreviated
Seeds, comprising Hardy Annuals, Haif Hardy Annuals, Tender
lasting Flowers, Ornamental Climbing Plants, Ornamental Grasse
ported Flower Seeds, Choice Imported Seeds for Green -house cult
Chinese Prithrose,
Ss two ec ekts ,
Zinnea Elegans,
Candy Puft,
Sweet Sultan,
eanary,13ird Flower,
Canterbury Bells,
Phlox Drummondies,
Poppy, Portulacea,
Sensitive Plant,
list of Flower
Duals, Ever-
, Choice Im-
Cate fly,
Coirv loulus,
Ice Pliant,
Love elesBleetling,
Marv4li of Peru,
Mign nette,
Minn bus,
Nast tines,
Schiz nthus,
Sweet William,
Gour s,
Forgelti Me Not,
&c., &c.
And expect to open next week with a Large and Beautiful S
Is of .
We can confidently promise to the.Ladies that our Millinery, for
and Value, cannot be surpassed even in the cities.
Ladies, Reserve your Orders Until Y ou see Ou
ork, Style
Four or Five American Pianos and lialf a Dozen American Organs will be sold
at -the old. prices, when we shall be cornipelled to make an advance it our prices
owing to the increased cost of importing these goods under the new T
The EMERSON PIANO is still gain1attg rn poptil. arity, and as w have been
appointed Wholesale Agents for Ontario, we can supply them at the Lowest
Figures Possible.
We can also supply the CHICKERING, DUNHAM & SONS, S EINWAY,'
and other first-class Pianos on short notite.
CLOUGH & WARREN and W. BELL & CO.'S Beautiful Organs always in
stock. Do not fail to see and hea,r then.
Instruments sold on the Instalment System, or on time to Euit the purchaser.
The Trade supplied, as usual, on the most liberal terms. Send for Circulars.
SCOTT BROTHERS, Main Street, eaforth.
Sit) f4 1 Ai 41 Invested in Wall -St.,
V"- %""j Stocke makesiortunes
ery month. Bee ks sent free -explaining every-
thing. Athiress BAXTER. & Co., Bankers., 17
Wall -street, New York. 58742
J' STRAY RAM.—Came into the premises of
-`4' the undo] signed, Lot 18, Con. 2, L. R. S.,
Tuck eremith, in November last, a two-year old
ram. The owner can have the same on proving
property and paying charges, JOHN WORK-
MAN. tif36
STRAY 11E117E11.-0mo into the premises
of the undersigned, Lot 28,Con.11„MoKillop.
about three weeks ago, a tred and white heifer
coming 2. The owner ta_ requested to prove
property, pay charges and.take her avray. WM.
GRIEVE.. 578
*L` S T A Y 13E111.13.—Crinie into the piemisea
of the undersigned, Lot 22, Con. S, L. R. S.
TuckerSretith, some tune ago, a ted and. white
tare year old heifer. 1 he ONTMOT can have the
sante bv provirg poverty, and paying .clierges.
CCORDINCOD.—Cordweod, green or dry, wanted
to exchange for I new wagon, 2 pairs of bob-
sleighs, iron hallows or wheelbarrows. D. Me -
NA UGH T, Seaforth. 586
EED PEAS.—D. McLennan has received an-
other S. urply ef choiceSeed Peas athis Ware-
houses, Hensel). and 'F...ippen Stations Call
early before they are all sold. D. MCLEN-
NAN. 591.
(-NEDAll, POSTS FOR SALE.—For Side,on Lot
`-• 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile front Brun -
eels, any quantity of cedar posts, either cut or
by the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON,
*opposite Leyden's Rotel, 867,MeXiliop.
WOR BALI, PRIVATE.—One bay mare;. 1
colt, rising two years old; 1 -wagon; 1 pair -
of" bob -sleighs; 1 teed drill, L, D. sawyer's
make; I fanning ; all of these implements
are newly new, 551 was only laming three
years on a rented faun. All of the above se-
ticles will be Eold cheap for cash or on good
security. The proprietor intends go ng to
Manitoba about the first of May, and must sell„
so come along and get bargains. -JOHN IL.
PEAREN, Hensel). 591*2
on the llth cone,essixn, Megillop; mice $40per
acre; Building lots in different parte of the -
town of Seaforth, purchasers can make theirown
terms of pa yraent, at 8 per cent. interest. JAL
-I-1- sale in Harpurbey, adjoining Seaforth, a
house and. five sores of land; the house contains
seven rooms with good stone cellar; plenty: of:
water and. all other conveniences; the land is or
the best quality, in good order, and is admirably
adapted for it retired farmer or market gardener,
will be sold cheap 'fer cab, apply to the pro-
prietor, R. HANDCOCR, on the premises or to A.
STRONG-, Land Agent, Seaforth.
-t—A-11-ATFO- R—SILE.—Vor Sale Lot 2t, Con L1. L. R. S., Tuckeramith, contai;iing 52 urea, 8.5
of which are cleared-, 'well fenced and in good
cultivation ; the balance is timbered with hard-
wood.; log house and barn and frame stable; a
good bearing orchard and plenty of 'water; IS
'Within 5 miles of Seaforth and 4 from Brucefield,.
with a choice of maril:ets; a gravel toad to each
place; immediate possession if desired. Apply
to Messit. McCaughey & Rolmested, Sesforth, or
to the proprietor on the premises. ANDREW
ROSS. 888x4
13HTTAM BLL.Th—oroughbred (with
ered pedigree), aged 2 years, will serve rows
itt Hentryn at $1.50 each, in advance. EDWIN
C. K. DAVIES. 590-4 • •
TO DAIRYMEN.— For Sale, 25 Good Dairy
4" Cows, 24o1 which are 'with calf. Also .6 milk
vans. Apply to the undersigned, on Lot 19,13on.
9, McKillop, or to Winthrop P. 0. HYMAN
TYERMAN. 588x4
-"LULLS FOR SALE. --The rnaaeraigaed beg
Jtwo young bulb? one part Dinham and. the
her a thoroughbred' Ayrshire, -which he wiehes
to dispoee of. Apply to N.T. A -dams. Lot 32, Coi-
1, Ifullett Township, Conetanee P. 0. 591-1
BULL FOR SALE.—The undersigned has a well
bred young bull, 14 montha old for sale, at
his premises, Lot 20, Con, 2. H. R. S., Tinker -
smith. Also a quantity of clover -seed, 'warranted
free of foul seeds. SAMUEL CA.RIslOCHAN.,
Seaforth 2.0. 59043.
-potum, CALVES FOR SALE.—For Sale, Ores -
2 -year old Dnrhara Bull, and Two Yearring
Durham Bulls. TItese Bulls are full bred, and
are very anperior animals. Purchasers eau have
their choice of these animals. Terms Cash, or
credit to FUR. Apply to the nndersigned, Lot
22, Con. 9, McKillop, or to Winthrop P. 0.
-FARM TO RENT.—Being lot 29, Con. 14, Grey,
formerly owned by Wm. Ring, about65 acres
cleared. EDWIN C. X. DAVIES, /I enfryn
2.0. 590-4
14 00MS TO LET.—Three rooms to let over A.
'LV G. Ault's Grocery store, suitable for dress-
making apartments CT for dwelling rooms, with
front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT.
Proprietor. 590
13111SARE CHANCE.—Photograph Rooms to Let
" on first hoar in -Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth,
position central. Also, three or four Rooms on
the flat above, suitable for a ,dwelling. Posses-
sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to it HOLME-
STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT.
SCOTT. MaKillop. 573-81.
HOUSE TO RENT.—To rent, a comfortable
Brick Cottage,on theCurrey farm, adjoining
Seaforth. A garden of half an acre inconneetion.
Good. stone cellar, water and all other con.-
veniences, and pleastintiv situated on an emin-
ence over -1 -coking the town. Apply to ALEX.
DAVIDSON, Commercial Hotel. 591-4
FARM TO RENT IN: STANLEY. --That splen -
aid property known as Dr. Woods' farm, being
westeily poi -done of Lots 1 and 2, Lake Road
West. Good land; laige clearing ready for orop ;
plowed. and manure put out; good orchard ;
Possession April ist. Apply to Dn. WOODS.,
Bayfield, or table agent, W. 11. Woods, on the
premises. 588-4
• 'ARM TO RENT. ---To rent for two years, Lot
-22 20, Con. 1, L. 11.8-, Tuckers/131th, containing
100 acres, 45 cleared, and well improved.; good
frame barn and frame house; -plenty of water and
good. fences; two miles and a half from Pruce-
held, and. one mile and a quarter from Kipp=
stations • ou good. gravel road; if -desired part a
the renwill be taken in clearing. Apply to the
proprietor on Lot 10, Con. 2, Hallett, or Clinton
F01 TO RENT.—Is situated in' the TONVI1-`
ship of Hullett, half 'way between the planar -
ens market towns of Seaforth and Clinton, 34
miles 'TOM the Huron Road, on the fird conees-
sion, and convenient to schoolhouse , &a. Them
-are 88 acres plowed, and 6 acres of tall wheat
looking -prosperous; good bearing orchard. and
well, frame buildings, in good repair; wo11 sup-
plied with good water, there is a good quantity
of feed on the premises; the land is in s good
state of tultivation. Apply to FRANCIS KET-
TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 3. Hullett. 588-4.a,