HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-03-28, Page 7MARCH 28, 1879. ELLIS, KIPPEN, aAIN ON HAND; fl THE FARMERS' WANTS. - IkIELl IS has HOW on hand a stock Di:treend Harrows. -which for work - el jet. dt. ties all comers. Also Plowe pee% mar ain't urea hy Meuroe, of hieh epeak for thems,elves.'i tea eat it, NN anted in faiming, tORSE-ZHOEiNG es nenal, with &tea& atteutiou to the , putt s. T. Mt11 horse slioate !t,af. azia ifl ienet. Treece aU weri in this line is luet1 iu highthd estinato, "MRS FARMERS!! t enr I lows and Harrows Ilkpairea 'Elppen—he rnakce the m weak 1.e; fl ing of all lands atteuded to t re ti'(, and sath-facti(n gueran. inee trial the]. 1)e couvIneee, take s thie opportunity ee a lee it ..ny cuetemeis and th.e public e tte try libtial support they have iu the past, end hopes that by it •k am l by close_attention to bast. th•-ir eentldence in the future, to. .• • fl. ore- tit. w tent e as may wish to t tle Stand, and ceme when you win ees find me ready ter hneiness. .41S BIELLIS, Kapaspera ••44-.1.,t., A gt,titi COW—Wilt CAIVO about C89 ERIS' DRUG STORE. L; keeps the Purest Druh and kt. cps all the Leading Patent [. ernes, keeps the Best Perfumery,. rlso Combs, &c. kepi Ne. 1 Trusses, &ioti. eeteee and Supporters. ; kt t pa Tooth, . Nail, Hair, s and Bath Brushes. keeps First-class Dye Stuffs-. kteps the Best Horse anct etti. iUS. keeps the. Best Tobaccos, eeipes..&e. Oj- WE HIM A GALL. aits Carano's Iia1I Seaf PLANING MILL,. OO( Affi Billa FACTORY "ee. -e• leave t•than k his nareeron fe. beral pe: renege extended:to i'a It, ire St; in Seaforth,and ; f.t.,,e1 with a eontittuance- , e lit e build wrinia Lio won to .gin eent hare to keep on liara aIi Lin Is et Y. PINE LUMBER, . .3„ illeiNDS.;„ MOULDLN:GS; LATH, ETC. eri-teetofeivingeatisfaction to those a it li their pa t renege ate none xrkititu s,re employed. enti.". to Cnetom Planiee JOHN H. BROADFOOT. Ok EM PORiUM1 -:17wr he:eTTir thank 4 hi A numerous • a a., egt lite eel at here t fur their •teee durin‘ the pest 7 e:ears, and inte oity ana r!. rIft attentionto aerie the ir coutalence mud -trade in revina er. tole enlarged hie prem. - :net wilizei. he is new prepared to pay GHEST CASH PRICE - titer ef Good Fresh Egge, delivered ,napereira, .STREET„ SE.A.FORTH. sat ecriher, 25 tons of gotid dry rew. D. 1). WILSON. 0 PA SRC.; tAL, LI VERY -s.',EAFO.RT11. rHua FORBES, erelaeed the Stuck and Trade of tha ceael Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. :eley. aeee to state that he intends a lee-a/nese in the (ad staud, andha .ieel horeee end vehielee bile wk_ :None bat nfiatable Velaett4 and Good pillorse$ WW be Oplan Buggies and Cerr'ages, arct I4treelle Wagonalways ready for use. : rt0;i'af 711e Matte With Com- . ;nr reia 1 Nen. at the etables or any of the holt edett to. F l•tz TNE MILLION, e:ental have on handea large sapplY siq4s. shingles, et - lac Village of Serii. wed woeltraen, from the very i•Le warmer in which we mann, 'at 1.: at. there ie no Bastard Shingles Faye etc:ear:: 1 to de PN ING tiooum. asatt trinsiit at short 1 1),'re :teal Sash always Ott .ut Blinds and Mouldings made to- Ae• PATTON, ) 1. TOUNG, • Ti•usteete A. L. GIBSON, ' FTER TUBS. r it( In', EA FOI tTfl , to snit; all customeia It1t4 ;i.0 his it BUTTER. TUBS, ThpseTele.; •are so le L alien te the trade that it is eay at! stieng itt their reeonnuere eneenfacttires a small Had. ..• t 'ea •1.ine b'tt• er in. et orO ten:wise premptly S. MOTT, Se AND ° c7AS • r hae eev• on handat muse% f reei Cleat , at far meld • a .1 in bee of 10 bueheis i(E*rfIAN HAS RD -V BEEN GOING. et. hen 1 dining the next fat tee-a:•coed Peee for Seed, at KipPel S tea, tale, fitly qmintity of VI* e. a a O: pri DAVI: MeLENNAN. R oilEssiriG. MSS STARK t 1 La iie-; of Seaforth alli ie &eel:need to wake up CURLS, BRAIDS, tcol ,t FaeLien frrtn Curabings, ar. t V, mad all o ret e r putictrialITS e -ill benefited. Itesidence— MARCH 28, J879. ssealla _I . - THE HURON' EXPOSITOR. liCONV Sir Walter Scott Saved Enierson is 75, and Victor Hugo 76. the One Pound Not.. - Chief Justice Ailey was 87. Charles •1 aoCrrtCalofaollonlived t 91 The Scotch resisted the dest -notion of their favorite currency witl fiery zeal with which, a century befo -e, the Irish had refused to receive Vood's halfpenny." Every man with Scotch blood in his veins or Scotch bre- ale on his tongue, was ready to belie tlat the measure would ruin Scotian.. Few Scotchmen, however, had 'eith r the skill or the knowledge which would have enabled them to oxplais their views upon the subject. Eithe from ienoraace or iudifference, Melvil e had assented to t o nox ons sc I 13 i Tito fifty Scotch members represen ed, it must be recollected, Lord M Now was it possible. for Schtlk ncli to make herself heard, except t rough. Lord!7ife1vi11e The answer earn from iinarter which no one could dis - A proposal to stop .€1 notes ronst.d the, patriotism of the "Wizard. f the North " Scott was under obli ation o nee . ! John Adams reached. 92, and Thema Jefferson 83. Martin Van Buren almost 80. Stephen Girard died at 8 and John Jacob Astor at 85. , Ancli-eN 1 Jackson. was 74, James Buchanan 7 : John Tyler 74, and Millard Filmor the same. Caleb Cushing a,nd. Georg Ilancroft are each 78. Young men don't be discouraged. Take gool car of yourselves, keep out of debt, gel • home early at night, and you re 'ay a ; go into the peventies. • The Stock. Gamblers of New York. The Stock gamblers of Wall stree are occasionally tossed worse thin th stocks they deal in. Not lona teso on 1- of them, a victim. of Black Friday, committed suicide. More recentaY on of them was sent up for vagrancy ; an on Wednesday last one of them was sent to the penitentiary for a petty I theft. All of these men were onc wealthy. The fascinations of Wall street -were too ntuch for them, how ever, ancl they refused. to give up th ; game until there came the inevitabl crash. Probably not one man ip. five hundred reaches more than tern orar 1 success in Wall street. Hundr ds o fortunes are Made, but they dis_ ppea, as rapidly as they come, and. thei pos- sessors in alipost every e di poor, and frequently by their own hand. Jim Fiskwas probably sa-ved from pov- , erty by the friendly bullet of S okes ; and if Jay Gould ever retires, it ill be because of the lack of means t con - 'to the Scotch bankers for the col. -Werth- ,- tion which they htqc shown him luring his distress. His strong Soot pre- judices were, moved by what he t iought an iujusticc- to Scotland. and he robalar ly longed for sterner work than" 'Wood- stock "—work which -would caa oat of his troubles, and. lead iiitnl to for- - get his own embarrassments. j Thele various considerations loth -iced L in for the IDOIRClIt to throw aside the novel, and adopt the character of " alachi Nalagrowtber," a Scotch trail. stumps Malagrowther had no -great ,retentions to economical Ruch, ladae, but he bad an. inexhaustible fund Of haler, and, he -was a Scotehman to the - backbone. He Complained that 1,e had. - discovered- a. delibesate design n the part of. England to affront Sco lancl ;. ; and all his fellow cc outrvmen 1St ieved. Ile saw a- c• nfirmation of his suspicions in the 4uppression of no.; Board of Customs ir Edinburg, nd consolidation- with tho Loudon I ard. He declared that the substitution of soverigns for -notes would fill So tidad with a new race of highway men. Arguments of this character word have little weight in grave assembly ofi cia,ns ; but they were exactly suit d to feed. the flame which was burnin from one end of Scotland to the other It was in vain that Croker, the See -etary of the Aiamiralty, the ablest li .erary man in./Lord Liverpool's Admi istra- tion, wilting under the name o the "Bradwardina Waverly," eudeav red. to reply to " Malachi Tilalagrowt1 er's arguments; it was irripossible to resist his humor. The Ministry h d to abandon the intention which the had formed. of exteliding Scotland their, scheme of suppressing small not s Euglaud. In the sarne three rm nthe in which the great reverse had fal cu him, and itt which he had learne for the first time the fatal nature o his wife's illness, Scott had. added a neer leaf to his laurel crown: Single iand- ed, he had encountered- the Mi istry, and single handed_ he had. b' titan them., • A Resolute .Lady Curie , The worthy proprietor of Carg n is lmown to Le an enthusiastic eurleil„ and. his enthusiasm, which ,has infected so. many, has not suffered. the' inmates of his own household to escape, for Mr. Dudgeon, Jr, is only less ardent on the ice, and the female amnesties of Car - gen, inspired, by the example of their. masters,. „lately challenged an ' equal .number of the fair sex to a ,bonspiel. The challenge "was accepted, - and a . meeting* took place; the coutei ding rinks being skipped by ladies pro pted and directed by gentlemen. . It- i not - usual to find a rink of lady curie s at play, -The phenomeuen, hoWev r, is not Unprecedented., LatlieS on s ates, at least in Seetland-e-were never seen, and probably never heard. of, till o ly a few <year s ago; and would r their have astonished our great-grandmo hers to, have seen how fast it Was po sible ,for a young lady to be (on skates) ith- oat losing her modesty. But t ough our gratulmotkersnever tried the s otes, they have been known on rare OCCEt and in obscure. localities to tur out with their husbands arid sWeethes.. ts to have a piteli in -the roaring game.' It is long since we heard of anything .0 , the• sort having occurred, however, an in these, days when lissom Maidens .e to skim the leo ou. skates, our -MO rons might do worse than exercise hem - selves by quietly indulging in the ore - solid and 'stationary. sport of cu ling. The result of the match between the Gargeu domestics, -whom-we shall call the insiders, and. the ladies residin on the estate—the wives and daualitels of farmers and others—whom we hall can the outsiders, was such as to yore _rant the highest - expectations t be formed of female curling; ladies not 'infrequently bec•ome champion aro. net players; they might attain similar dis- tinction on the ice as curlers. • On the occasion of which we tire speaking, the game was in the fullest sense well bon. - tested ; the ladies threw their stones and laid. their_ cows like men,' doing th,eir• work of sweeping as ladies only can do it, Towards 'the end _of' the game, however, an- unfortunate • 'Led; dent occurred. , Tito lady who ski- ped the outside rink; in '.delivering her stone, •slipped, fell, and—broke an rm. An accident like this 'would have sent some fair ones into SWOolia and ina y of the sterner sex to Led;- not..eo our I ere, me, however. It only served. to b out More hilly her_ resolution and en- thusiaSm. Her rink was likely to \ in ; it would not fail Ire any failure of 1 ers. So -she got her arm in a Sling, and, go- ing at it single-handed, had the s tis - faction of corning off victorions, • a ilia the cheers (*tall around witne sed titO exciting ganic. .T)ic lady a ter - wards pneOetIreel surgical asSistai ; but the limb . -was se swollen that it could net be set and spaced. for a day or two. Ripe Old. Age. Living to a ripe age is not yet one of the leq arts." Pius IX. Ovas stared to nee his 81t1i. -year. Count de Waldeok, Wilt) died three' years ago,Was pasT t 100. he Emperor. Of Germanv is 82. Marshal MaeMalien , is 72. The 1:;.fe :AL Thiers Was over 80, and. the his- torian Guizot had roached 87. rd Brougham was 89, Lord Palmerstm 81, and Earl Russell tit). William Ci len BrYant was past 83. Richard na, who -introduced Bryant • to the pu lic, has recently died 1.1.t the ago of 91. Longfellow is 71, and -Whittier passed 70. Charles O'Connor is Cardinal :A.PCloskey is 68, and, ope Leo XIII. is the Mr. Mods one - is 7-1. Carlyle is 83, ands still bri tume'his speculations. - ----:- --a-- • A Reprobrate Lord. , . Few sadder ' stories respectin ithe aristocracy of England could. b told than attaching to the ... areer of the . young Viscount , Maid tone, who has just died. His life, as r_has been pointed out, would not -eflect lustre upon any order of ;society, el rven the lowest. He was familiar [the bankruptcy court, and. he was co tinu- ally getting into some .scrape or other. On one oecasion he enlisted as a rivate in the army, but was speedily rawn out. He compressed a sped 4 'al of of what is called " life " into his brief space of twenty-six years, an this killed him. Ile was heir to the Earl- doms of Winchelsea and. Nottingham. Not long ago he married the dailighter of a wealthy Conservative mem .er of Parliament, Sir George jenkinso • A wasted and a blighted life is th only record he hasieft behind him. - EPPS'S COCOA.—Grateful and co i sfort- ing.--" By a thorough knowledge *f the natural laws which govern the ipera- tions of digestion and nutrition, a ' d by a careful application of the fine p :oper- ties of well selected cocoa Mr. "Epps has provided our breakfast tables -with a delicately flavored beverage, may save us nia.ny heavy doctor's It is by th4. judicious -use of such a of diet that a constitution may be ually.built,up until strong enough sist every tendency to disease. areas of subtle maladies are 11 around. us ready to attack wh Thich tills. ticies grad - to re- Hun- ating rever there is a weak pdint. We may e cape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished. frame."—Civil. AS'er- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets Ethel-. led—" James Epps & Coa, Honiceo ath- lc Cheinists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly; London." 48 L52 TIIE PEOPLE WANT Pnoor.—Th re is no medicine pres,cribecl by physici ns or sold by Driiggists,-that carries suc evi- dence of its.succegs and superior 'rtue as.BoseireE's GERMAN SYRUP for s vere Coughs, Colds Settled on the b east; Consumption or:any disease of the T4iroat aud Lungs. A proof of the fact i that any person.afflicted can get a Salmple Bottle for 10 cents and try its su . erior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents.. It has lately been introc need in this country fromGermany, sis d its wonderful cures are astonishing jivery one that uses it. Three doses wi I re- lieve any case. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. . i . . 1 • • Consumption, so prevalent' an . fatal, is dreaded as the great scour our race; and. yet, in the form stages, all pulmonary complaints be readily -controlled by using "Br Pultnonic Wafers." They will re the 'worst cough in a few minutes, have a most beneficial infltence o bronchial 'and pulnaona,ry organs; they must be used in time. P speakers and singers will also d great benefit by using there. Sol all druggists and country dealers. 25 cents per box. , so e of tive in ay an's ieve and the but iblic rive by rice Local Notices. Mils. J. E. THOMAS:Dress and fan - tie. Maker,'East Side of Victoria Square, SeeCorth. COItN.—e1.4 amount of Corn in q an- tities to :mit purchasers' by the bushel or ca lots, at J. 13.aowereoe's. 583 GAnnOW & MEYER, Barristers, Ing- ham, have now on hand a quantity ofiPiivate Funds to -loan at 8 per cent. 581 EVERY VARIETY of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, pure end fresh at W. n. Dou- GALL & Co.':;, Main Street, Seaforth. 588 SECI:Ista Your, shadow ere the ub- stance fades." Charles Moore is now in fall blest in his new Photographic Studio, Whitney's 'lock, Seaforth. 583 . • SEE THE Sone 25 bars for ,5.1 at Rt SE'S Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 cont, orth 60 (ante, and those clic ap Raisins and Curren Is at. Ruse's 0 roc, ry: 571 FAItifiellet—SEED OATS.—Just Arrived, 1,000 bushels of Choiee White Otits for seec ported from Illinois. Apply to L. flunkey,1(o. 1,, titors-hong,, 01.• at ;Tului Kyle's Grocery Store Sea - forth. 587 . 1)..1)..RoSE, :Family .Grocer, Seafo teeie_s the attention of cash buyers to hie of (Iroeeries. his Stock is constainlyturnin ie always fa eh. His oriel a are the lowest --i pay'you to call. Examine his good ; and ceeipare prictet. 574 rfir, 'toel: , and will • 1 per claims for it, and most confidently -recom- mend it cis economizing both time and labor, and as doing its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsmith." "Having given Dobbine' Electric Soap a fair trial, 1 thjnk 11. itt n11 rnnn,ifnbivrng•if. fn a be--Mrs.'R. T. Coleman." • I desire and customore to give this Soap one 1ritt1, , ratty know just how good the best 7 United Stetes is THOMAS KID , Ont., Agent for Huron County, 571-52 3 WM. ALLEN is selling out. 3 down. Tea sets at cost. ''Toilet'sate , Glassware elow par. - Teas, b ob't value . New fruits at wholesale prices. Bargains -. round.- WiLL/Am ALLEN, next door, bookstore. 585 , 1 'CROCKERY -AND GLASSWARE.1-- wanting to buy anything in Crockery will find our stock complete and well assoli:ted, prices loweth r an in any other houee, siclered. Tea Sets from fi2 up, Toilet, And ainvards. WILSON & Youtio. 586 3 NEW TEAS. —Received this, )• wiasos & YOUNG'S, 41, kir) 0011SigTh11(111t Choice New Season's Black, Green and:Japan bought direct front the importers at , cash prices. For quality and price eve dently recommend them as the best velue . Call and examine our Stock before our guar:elite° satisfaction. 586 - limy friona, so the, toap in tlii D, Seaforth - - Crocker3 very low in town al to Papst1 PartieE . . . or Glassware am qe lity eon. Sets, $1 lf week at Of RAVI Teas the lowest can eons in town, hasing—w( kucklen.'s Arnica Salve. - The beet salve in the world for Cuts, Sores; 'Weer% Salt Rheum,. Tater, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds . . Eruptions. This Navels guaranteed to , fect.satiefaction in every case or money , Price 25 cents per box. For sole by Bleasdell, Seaforth. . Bruises, Chapped of Skin give per• refunded, Hickson & 566-8in cough, cold, of voice, the throat Discovery of hun- and that No other permanent that Dr. of asthma, coughs, disease, if drug store, free of 556-8in-2 . Ontario. a short from the I genuine it are con- parties to short time, the Some cases saved their assure You Hypophos- has come puhuonary believing every other Chemist. 2-586 . of the balsams by the and aro so blended of bottles are .of the eel° by 2-586 dangerous causes. and Uva dis- aro suc- which bottle. ' '2-586. Hagyara's It is used and ex- Scalds, Asthma. Seaforth. 2-586 , ' -Facts that We Kn.pw. If yon are suffering. with a severe asthma:, bronchitis consumption,lose tickling in the throat, or any affection of or lungs, We know that Dr. King's. New will give -you immediate relief. We know dredsof eases it has 'eompletely cured, ivhere all other enedicineil had felled remedy eau ehow one half as Jimmy cures. Neer to give you satisfactory proof King's : New Discovery will cure you bronchitis, hay fever, consumption, severe colds, hoarseness, or any throat or lung you will call at Hickson and Illeastlell's Heaforth; we will give you a trial bottle cost, or a regular size bottle for $1. Vacaortee CHEMICAL 0 entlemen,---Confirming time ago, as to the satisfactory , use of your -Compound Syrup will further add that fresh benefits conferred on patients stantly coming under my whom I have recommended with the deepest thankfulness-, relief they have experienced, have asserted that it, and lives. It gives me much that I consider your Syrup, _ phites, the best preparation under my notice for Debility complaints, Bronchitis, this, I constantly reconunend Compound. - Very IL . Pharmaceutical For sale by Mr. J. S. Roberts, •. IlagyarePit Pectoral Balsam most healing balsams and which enter into its composition natives'when America was combined with other vegetable together, that it is a specitie the throat and lungs. used ammally, and it is standard preparations of Messrs. -Hickson and measeen, • OTTAWA., COMPANY, TORONTO. my statement results of Hypophosphites, proofs of the requiring, observation; it have in a acknowledged and in it alone, has pleasure to the Victoria of any which and all Coughs, &c., and it before truly yours F. McCenama Seaforth. is composed gums. The were used first discovered, tonics, for all affections Thousands of considered one the day. For Seaforth. 4 - The kidneys aro subject to a variety of and painful cliseas.es, arising from various By the judicious use of Vietoria Bimini Ural, these affections may be cured. Blight's ease, diabetes, and all female complaints, cessfully combated by this popular remedy, ix for sale by allelealers; Price, $1 per * For all purposes of e family medicine, Yellow Oil is at the head of the list. with unprecedented success,both internally - tomally. It cures Sore Throat, Burns, Frost Bites; relieyes, and often cures, For sale by Messrs. Lamsden & Wilson, • _ and eputh 6:15 A. M. A. M 7:95 P.M as P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. ' P. M. A. M. Express. P.M. • 6 15 7 35 7 51 7 58 8 08 8 25 8 52 9 25 Express. P.M. 6 15 6 55 7 24 743 . 7 58 8 04 8 23 . Great Weis teru . t . Trains leave Brussels as under: GOING NORTH. Mixed.. ....10:25 A. M. Aceom.. , ... 9:98 P. M. Mail 2:58 P. M. Itallway. station, north GOTNG sou'ruf Mail Accom12.15 Mixed Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clin' on Stations follows: Gm NG WEST— SEAFORTII.. CLINTON. Express -2:26 P. M. 2:15 Express8.58 P. M. 9:20 Mixed Train9:00 A. 11I. MOO GOING FAST-- SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train7:52 A. M.. • 7:27 Express Train1:15 P. M. 12:50 Mixeed Train.... 5:00 P. M. 4:26 - Mixed Train.-1035 A. M. .10:00 . London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Mall. Mixed. P.M. A. 'AL London, depart.... 2 15 5 55 Exeter , 3 35 8 05 Hensel]. • 3 52 8 34 'tippet 3 58 8 44 - Brucefield. . 4 08 9 -00. - Clinton 4 25 9 45 'Blyth ....•.. ..... 4 52 - 10 32 Wingham, arrive5 25 11 80 GOING Semen— Mail. Mixed A. M. A. M. Wingham, depart10 55 7 00 Ely th . 12 15 7 35 Chnt on 1 10 8 01 Brucefield 140 818 Rippen 1 57 8 28 Hensel'. - 2 05 8 84 Exeter • 2 50 8 49 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i s -- ----t- Planing °via, Seaforthe of VCR SALE.—For Sale a first class A; Mil, nearly now and in good running situated in the flourishing Town of W111 b'e sold cheap. Terxus easy. Enquire SEOORD, .00SSEN 8 & CO., Goderich, Ont. _ _ .. 'ROE SALE.—The subscriber has for -"-' acre lot in thatetirnship of MeKillop, Huron., 20 acres are cleared and the balance timbered with beech and mAple. . The will be sold cheap. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,* Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. : E -VOLLMAR COOPERAGE FOR That lot of land, with shop, stable, boiler engine, heading turner, stave jointer, swing saw frame, &c., as left after, the tire, sold cheap. These machine's, with small equal to new. Enquire at TWE EXPOSITOR Office. .• - - - -- - • --- - - 'HOUSE AND LOT IN BUCEFIELD.—For " Sale, a large two-storey house in Bruoefield coutainieg, 4 rooms down etairs and 3 Coed cellar and well. Also one quartei land. For further particulars apply Briggs, Bracietield, or the proprietor E. BRIGGS, Varna. . sale a 50 County of well property 517 ' SALE.— and e planer, to be outlay, ' - 589 .--- up stirs. acre of to 3. E. . ' 582 Ti‘A.1331 FOIL $ALE.—For Sale, Lot No.' 5, Bay- field Coneession, (+clench Township, con- aiining 85 acres, 50 of which are cleared and in a ;boil state of ciiltivation. The farm is adjoining he village of Bayfield, and will be sold cheap and m favorable terms. apply to -the proprietor, TWIN GOVENLOCK.594 1 Tile SEtte STous.---We beg to cali the ettentiou of Fanners and others to our prime etoek (if Clever tied 1 neothy se.eas, which for "a ladity and pi:iet, cannot be beat. . W. H. Arcp6t7cirAlr.a. & C' o. Sign of tlerMauenoth Turnip, Main ,S reet, Seaftirth. 5es , Senn -Wire.er AND SEED OATS.—For sale, Lest Natitm i nil Golden Drop Spring w1,i.ats. Also a iliitliteil quantity of Whito Australian- at:, th- . t't jtttlific vitae oat grown. V. IL Me - 1 iOrtieee, A: Co., Sign of the Mammoth Ti rnip, jleMain Stret t, St tift* e 588 - DefiniNS7 EL XTRIO SOAP.—Havinc, ob- tained the Ageric of thie celebrated Soap in Sea - forth and Huron 'County, I append the opini ne of some ef our beet people as to ite merits " num act' Dobbins! Eleetric Seep, made by ,T, L. Crasin ' Coe _Philadelphia, Pa., and find it very Tho elcithee are beautifully white and the we • done in math less thee—Mrs. M. P. B. has . uF.ed Dohhins' Electric Soap, according '(3.reetions, and Remit the clethes whiter that inner e es." o di - ellen washed in the old way, and in half the usuttl time eand am highly satisfied Wit. --Mrs. M. Y. McLean." I have tested Dorthems' Eletric Soap, reeult. I believe it capable of donna till the %imp- ("1.1.10I0E FARM FOR SALE—Being ! Lot 4, ‘--/ Con. 7, Hallett, County of Huron; 100. acres; 80 (geared, well underdrained, and in a geed. state of cultivation e buildings convenient and good; terms eta:, .1, For further particulars apply to Messre. Me0AVCI-HEY S: HOLMESTED. Seaforth, or on the premises to WM. E. COLDWELL. Con- stance P. 0. 555 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—Pr .Sale, v the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, iI. R. S., Tuclansmi th, Cbunty of - Huron, eonsisthig of 50 acres, 3i miles Ifrour the Town of Seaforth, and convenient to ;school. ' The land is of the very best quality. yor forther particulars epply to JAMES PICK4,11D, opposite the prendees, or to Egniondville 210. 524 ! VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale the .. Y west half Of ,Lot 97, Con. 3, McKillop, con - 'wining 50 acres:, known as tlee Deigle estate. This arm is situated within one mile and a quarter of Seaforth. Thelland is- bf the choicest qualiO% There is a handsome rosidenee and good .outbuild- hags. The fall; iS well planted with fruitnnd or- namental tree., is in excellent order, and- well fenced. It is a Imirebly gaited for a retired gen- Itleman, a dairyman, or market gardener. Terms i , easy. Thie property must be sold at once. Apply I to A. STRONG Seaforth. 539 3 TTOUSE AND LOT IN !SEA_FORTIE FOR -I-1- SALE.—For Salo a eomfortable frame dwell- ing house and a .quarler-acro lot, ou the corner of Market and Louisa streets; there aro six rooms and a kitchen, 3 up-Stairsand 3 down; gOoUwell, stabis and wood -shed; the house is Well finish° 1, and the lot well folioed ; Apply on the premises. PETER DALE. 585 BLACKS.AW _ISHOP FOR SALE.—For Sale e. in thel' lla,ge of Jaraestown, a good blacksmith shop, with t nee quarters of an acre of land at- tached, in finch are a number of choice fruit, trees. There is also a etable on the premises. This propc. ly is situated en u good. locality, and will be sold tn terms to suit purchaser. Apply on the prowls !s to JAMES LYNN, Jamestown P. O. 584 VARM FO SALE.—That Well-known and fine- -A; ly sitna ed farm, Lot 1,.Con. 1, Hallett, in the County of uron, 'containing 100 acres, 90 of which are el %red ; there are two fiame (livening houses, barn, horse stable, cow stable, sheep -house • and drivingliouse ; also orchard and abundance of water. Tho farm is situated two miles from the Town of Sar orth, on the Hinton Road. For full particulars pply to McCAUGHEY & 11OLME- STED, fioaf rth, or to SIMON YOUNG, proprie- tor, on the p emises. ' 553-4x • • . _ pitOPERT FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 14, Con 16, Grey; West half of Lot 29, Con. 6, with cheese factory complete; Lot 14, CO3. b, and south hill of Lots 16 and 17, Con. 5, town- ship of Morr s ; Lot 22, Con. B, and Lot 28, Con. B, township of Howick, all gond int Droved farms, together wit several 50 acre farms in Grey and Morris i and houses awl lots andvitcant lots in the village 0 Brussels, Prices low, terms. easy,. and title go d. Apply to JOHN LECKIE, Bins - eels. 1 •574 'ARM FO able far ship of'Hull tt, situated miles from Kinburn, -and 6.miles 1 •om Soaforth. There aro excellent buildings on he promises, including a first-class stone house, wo storey, 30 by 40 feet. A spring creek runs trough the farm; good orchard, good. fences, and t xi land in an exoellent state of cul- tivation. A ply on the premises to JAMES Mc - MICHAEL, r to MR. JAMES II. BENSON, Sea- forth.- 562 - - --- FARM PO SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale Lot 22, Con. 12 of thelownship of Stan- ley, contain g one hundred acres, 83 acres deux ed and in a ood state of cultivation, and good co 17 iteres good hardwood. bush; arine seeded clown, there will be 13 nue' in this fall there is about 3 iving rcherd on the premises and a var iety of f int tre s all now btar1ng. The farm is well wet 'red, a never f iling creek runs through the rm, also two goo4 wells, largo bank barn 36 by 0 foot with goo stabling under- neath the ba n, and a log dwelling house. The farm is situat dwithin two and a half miles of the village No SALE.—Por Sale, that most desir- e, being L t 1, Oen.. 6, in the town - fences, balm one half of el acres of whe acres of n, th Bayfichl. For further particulars apply to S. M ;LEAN, proprietor on the premises or to W. Com or, Baylield P. G. 672 SICH 0 THE CIRCULAR SAW. WM. CALL A & CO.'S A D SEE THE IMPROVED DIAMOND CROSS -CUT SAW, MADE FROM TH BEST DOUBLE REFIN- , TEEL, AND GUARAN- ROBERTSON &. CO., AFORTH. WILLI4M ROBERTSON ED' CAST • TEED TO JUT THIRTY CORDS OF HARD WO SD WITHOUT REFIT- TING. AL 0 LANCE TOOTH, ONLY 75 CE NTS ER FOOT. WM ROBERTSON & CO., HAP. WARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. LARGE PROFITS. THE Directors of the Canada Silver Mining Company owning two square miles Of territory in the same section as the famous Silver Islet Mine, which has already yie ded $4,000,000, are prepared to receive' applications for shares be- longing to n issue of 4,000 $25 shares each share being entitled, without any additional harge, to a $40 :coupon, re- deemable ih cash by an annual payment of $4,000 him the Company. Attention is directed lo the fact that, after receiv- ing $40 for very $25 invested, subscrib- ers will st 11 retain their Shares, thus not only paiticipating in the profits of the Company free of cost, lint actually securing a eirect prdfit besides. Terms: $1 on subscription, and the balance in mon'tly instalments of $2 per share. For further par iculars, address immediately 1 HENRY I6 LACH, Secretary, London, Ontario. When writing, name this pa- per. 5.7.4-12 MRS. C. M. DUNLOP'S All Term in Music will open on Sept. 16th. Pupils should give in their names previous to the opening Of the class. Those not ho,v- . ing Instruments can be accommodated with use of Piano or organ at very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, S ept. 7, 1878. 561 * THE IvrcKILLOP M TUAL FIRE INSURANCE OMPANY. R. W. J. SHANNON, Seeretclry. and Treas- urer of the above Company, will attend at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, on Satur- day of each week, from 9 to 5 o'qlock P. M., for the purpose of transacting the business of the Company. All interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JAMES KERR, President. W. J. SHANNON, Secretary. 585 • • . 7 FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. • CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER, SEAFORD!, Are again to the fore this season with their Agri chi tura' Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as Were awarded Special Distinction at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They desire to direct special attention to their 11 0 NEW GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, - o. ri) cr 0 ecs ts to CD This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the F-4 oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all who have used it. It is no Yankee invention, got up for sale only, and dependent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL. THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. It is warranted to cla,u in any greund. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth c4 to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS Theold.and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better than ever. Also a aasj-1 One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SCUFFLERS, AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. -a Fri r 2 0 §, 2 et• ; 17116111.4 -.1111V ER. - • • ." This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purcht sing any other. aJ1 these implements are manufactured y themselves, of the very best material, (t) and are better and more durable than th se got up by large establishments for aara? catch sales. Every implement warranted o give satisfaction. Piices as low as those of any respectable establishment tha turns out a good article. WHEELING, Plows of all the above kinds kept consta y on and, and can be seen at their shop at any time. liRON HARROWS ---THE SCOW _DIAMOND HARROWS KEPT ' CONSTAN27.1 ON HAND. Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept const ntly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Reinember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth, MALCOLM MONROE & BROTI-11. MALCOLM MONROE. ALEXANDER 3.103.410E. 11•1111M•MININIMmilm•IIIIMI ONTARIO PRIN1ERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & 'SON RaMM077-1) TO THEIR NEW PREMI ES, Cor. Bay and Wellington treets. THE OLD ESTABLISHED k.IDD'S HARDW STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, —SEAFORTH.-- MRS. WHITNEY, WISHES onne more to remind her many friends and. customers that she is now better prepared than ever te supply all their wants in her line. She as one of the most corn . plete assortments of • S 0"V Both Coal and Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, Of the latcst designs that clan be found in any town in the county, and at prices as low as the lowest. Her assortment of • Was )iever better or more varied. COAL OIL, Both Wbolisale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturers prices. Repairing and Eave-Trougbing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction guaranteed. BRUCEFIELD. For the better accombdation of her custonae s Mis. Whitney has opened a branch store in Brucefield, where will be found a complete stock of everything in her line. She would direct par- ticular at tentical to and invite inspection to her StON es, which intending urehaliers should SOO before pure he eine eleewhere. Remember wheo y an COW e to Seaforth or Bruceficld don't leave wil hout iispecting my stock. It will be time well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brueefield. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great , English Remedy is especially recommended as an Illifailing cure for Seminal 'Weakness Spermatorrhea, Rape- tendy, and all diseases that follow as a se- quence of Self abase, Before aking as Loss of Mera017, After -Taking. Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Direness of Vision Premature Old Age, and many other diseases Vision, leads to Insanity -or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Penn- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by$a15,o 1Dir•uggists at $1 per package, or -6 package° f will be sent by raail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLI/all GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold itt Seafortb. by Hickson & Bleasdell, 3. S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. C.A.TUD_ DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. RECEIVED D RECT FROM MANUFAC URERS 1ERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FO KS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, QILS, •to FENCING WI ND BUILDING HAR Of Every Deseription Che EVE TROUGHS AND C ING PIPE P t up on the Shortest Notice mod Special Inducements to _Prompt Paying Ousto2 JOHN WARE p. NDUCT. W arr an ted. 1 1 1 I 1 tt 4•-• to re ro t7.; 0 0 0. 0 • c-t- 1 -ft •-h4-#.4-ft 0000 sBav 0000 0 a. a, ▪ Ot3 „SQ 02 ' Uri te a a ot" 15 • r.• -.. cssaww P -W W o 0. 0 ea 0 <a • Ct• c...s.• P cr et- cr et - e -4 0.4 O 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 a w0 0 0 0 td tsi -0000 tr. 0 0 0 .S tZ• w C12 . . . t> 5, 5' =soros) a a ..._ a 0 .0 a P 0 0 0 o C000 000= tat 00 0 0 0 0 -0 CO 0 CD CD < "s1 p.„ PPPP ct -Cr cf- THE NATIONAL POLICY THE NATIONAL POLICY Has not yet mosie its appearance, but we have been carrying out our owN Policy of taking advantage of the times and buying before the advance of duties expected under the N. TO OUR CUSTOMERS We would say that the N. p. most profitable to themselves would be to buy for CASH—don't buy- what you elo not want—and. buy what you want at WM. HILL & SEAFORTH--0N-...BRUOEFIELD We have bought largely, pasied the Goods through the Custom House at the OLD DUTIES, and will sell them CHEAP! CHEAP!! -:. 'OOMPH!. Prices named are not at .all times a satisfactory indidation of the value of Goods, but we quote to -day; HeavyBrown Ducks at 14 cents per yard. Heavy Check Ducks at 14 cents Per yard. Heavy 32 -in. Anaostrea,g Tick- ing at 13zgents per yard. Heavy Yard Wide White Cot- tons at 10 cents yer yard. Heavy Grey Cottons at the Old Prices: TINT7-emicyrrniva- .and As. usual, we are ahead of all .competi. erstors. TWO CASES of Fine Goods to . hand at desperately low prices. - KIDD. . A REM! GOOD SKIM ORDER ARMERS, S 0 TO A. CALLANDER; C' (HURON STREET,) TO GET SAWS GUM You can get thein home with you that you bring them. , • A. CALLANDER, 58412 General Blacksmith, Clinton, Ont. OP! INTON,, ED. same day OUR LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, Mist, Quality, $15 per M. PINE from e8. BILLS CUT TO ORD R, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feetj, at the '01R. $18,0 O.. The satisfaction we have given our custoraers in this departMent m the past win have our best efforts to maintain,, and if possible excel, in th.e future. WM- HILL & 00.1 Seaforth and Brueefiekt. THE HENS ALL paRx FACTORY. G. & j. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED PONY MILL, IN Mc ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS The Subscriber has also - LUMBER YARD IN SE FORTH Where all Linds of Lumber can be o taint& 470 THOMA DOWNEY. fkla Constantly on hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK CUTTINGS, &e. G.'S& 4.1.. PETTY.