HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-03-21, Page 7YrA,Rell 21a 1879, ossemssoloissz PRE SEAFORTH DE AND LAK6 AGEM, )NIZO STRONQ .O Several First -Class steek, Piro est/ranee Companies, and is propos. q T FAVORABLE TERMS. r several of the hest Loan Soda. aer the sale and parelea.se o Funs eperty. :R OF FIRST-CLASS I. J.) FARMS FOR SALE. :to Loan at $• eer Vent. Interest. 'le White Star Line of Steamers. ver M. Morrison's Store, Main -St T8' DRUG STORE. eeisth€ Purest Drugs and Is. ,t,epts all the Leading Patent es. ‘eeps the Best Perfumery, s, Combs, &e. eeps No. 1 Trusses, Shoul- es and Supporters. kt eps Tooth, Nail, Hair, tad Bath Brushes. eeps First-class Dye Stuffs. keeps the Best Horse and Et.eps the Best Tobaccos, el- pes, HIM A CALL. site Cavil:1'0's Hall, Seal SOLIDATED BANK CANADA. $4,000.600. r MON r REAL, Iacorporated 1833; lhaL gaNantaN BANK, Lut erporated 1861. N 13100K, MAIN -ST. SEA FORTH — New' 'ironic Payable at any Statee, Oentauge on London payable a at tae United iiingdwa. Pal ID ON' DEP° S'ITS. 1'11 PLANING MILL, AND BLIND FACTORY r begs leave to thenhis nunterou the liberadpatronage extendedto encing bosiness in Seaforthauld y be favored with a continrianect ng to build worild do weIl to give 4.111 ecintinue to keep un hand a kii tef FINE LUMBER, $lasauEs, LINDS, MOULDINGS, WE6, LATII, ETC. .rit of givingsatisfaction to those Aim with their patrol:regents none rkmen are eraployed _ election paid to Custom Planing .tHN H. BROADFOOT. EMPORIUM. tr hereby thanks numerous :merchants mad others) for their darine the past 7 years, and inteerity mad close attention to ; their centidence and trade in ing greatl, ertlaeged his prem - rioter, he is now prepared to pay {EST GASH PRICE -of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered riura, L eBET, SEAFORTH. sabseriber.115 tons of good dry v. I). 1). WILSON. !FOR THE MUM& ed have on band a Ierge supply a Shingles, at xt. MILLEN'S te Village of need workmen, from the very !:Sed maimer in whieh we mann- at there i. a° Bastard. Shingles - prepared to do. PLANING oorg.. and Smelt at short. identere and Sash. alwayeon ,tietatle and Mouldings made to E' A.. PATTON, 11 TOUNG, r Trustees. A.. L. GISSON,J -1 r,ER TUES. , T, SEAFORTIi- to supply alk customete with his R BUTTER TUBS, eel, Cash. These Tabs are so blown to the trtele that it fa- y any 'tang izel their reconern en- mautifactnr a a' small Hard- : for wathing batter in. Or otherwise promptly 1. S. TROT'T, Se P AND PEAS. •ias new on hand, at Hensall, ity 4Oheiee Cerra fit for meal td1 in lets of 10 bushels or l'ES. THAN. HAS RE - _BEEN GOING. hhazel during the elext few' eeted Peas for Seed, at Kippec ' A take uoy quantity of good ....Et 'diet!. DAVID McLENNAN. D.R.ZSSI1N Git S STARK 7.r1,1 the Ladies of Seaforth and ht inprapared to make up BRAIDS, :Ashion from Combings. • iend all orders nmactualla ate etilicited. Residence—Main, E EJOENSES VirlIFIf CATES, Lew Acta issued at the BFF10E,. SEAFORTH. L Provincial Land Surveyor reeer.. Ordure by mail prompt S. CAMPBELL, MARCH 21,1879. ' Narcotics. The increasing use of narootics- by Americans is exceedingly to be regretted. The evil was sufficiently great when con- fined to opium and morphine. Now that chloral is added to_ the lists, the ensuing diseases and mortality have be - Come frightful. This drug is now used by tens of thousands, is sold by all,drug- gists to non -practitioners, without stint, and is used. without knowledge of its dangeroua tendencies. Indeed, no one - yet knows all the mischief • it capable of.. It is known that among these evils. are: deadening of the memory; blotches upon thelakin,destruction of the omit of the stomach, and ultimate !paralysis of the heart. The warning has been given by physioians and manyiare 11/1- wi1ling to Prescribe it at all. The _ temperance question concern' g theme of alcoholio liquors sinks intol iusignifi- C&UC� compared with this qd.stion of narcotics. Yet we have no crusacles,no organized opposition, no Maine laws. Women are more subject to the habit than men. Professional menatesort to it tO quiet their nerves and: relieve their brains of surplus blood. It ie sapping the intellectual force of the better part of the comrcarnitya Its moral effects if less lothscane, are more vital Oan those manifested by the drunkardA dis- tinguished physican says: " find it - impossible to believe or trust an opium eater or chloralist." He will lie invar- iably. His moral inStincts are some- what blunted.. He is likely tc) become - profane and brutal. He becomes faith- less, because he loses faith ilia others. The habit is a sly one, and thn breeds . .suspicion. In every way it su tones the intellect and the nad attack „is _upon the brain and. t in both producing: paralysis 'ants may not be inj•urieue if administered ; natcoties musti do damage. The - very dot the term implies this. The such simply • because it pa. certain portion of the. nervou The simple problem is, whether lysis shall become perraiment it will be ponateileient : and 111 lose his life. What is neededi iegi:slation to restrict the sale of such drugs as endanger health and life. In. Germany and. England: there is much loss laxity. s . this country' not one druggist in a thousand exere ses any judgment in the matter, and law is unknown to compel him. , - Our Homes. . I Houses and., farms, bank Sto ke and• „ bond:s- are all good things to h ve, and especially when the "dividends fill the capacious pocket -book, • and pronaise . comfort., ease and luxury. Bu it has been observed by thoughtful pe ple that wealth, is not an unfailing satire of hap- piness; nay, it has often prove' an an- noyance and even a burdento-. „life. There is something that oftecoeimeS with wealth that naars the jo s that shouldaccompany it, 'and., be ore the• owner is aware, it -has. sapped his hu- manity.. and he stands out so ed, vain „ arid selfish; a being to - rnaJiH angols weep, and. devils laugh and s heckle. When the Saviour of men wda i pon• the . earth, Helave an impressive esson to one who came . and inquired. What he ehoulddo to have- eternal life. ! He said . he had. kept all the Commandments . from his youth up, and asked : "What ' lack 1 yet?" The . answer -wa. : ." Go . and sell that thou hast And gi„ e to the poor." The advice, we • are issured, made -the young man "„ sorrow I." But the further impressive words ere ut- tered : "1 say unto you, thas a. rich -Man Shall hardly enter into th King- dom of Heaven." Under suca - teach- ings„ a-nd with the experien e - that wealth brings Many evils in it train, it seems strange that the hum . i family sho,uhl jeopardize every hope, ,- n& tire the limbs and worry the br in., and, stain the hands in the eager el ase for riches. The question should c me to- day to these merchants on 'Oh'i ge.the business man in his counting -r om, the professional man .in his w, arisome study: "What am I striving f r at the opening of 1879„?" Aside from morals and religion,which we leave to, he pill- .' pits, what ideas have we forme 1 for a year's happiness? We take,it f r grant- ed that our readers agree with ' is that the world was made for happy ien sand women. Its beauty and. vari ty and • bountiful supplies of eornforts 4ucl lux- uries,teach us. the fact rctore forcibly than words can:express it. Hal py men - and women are not „found. on side of happy homes. We pity the mi lonaire „ who smilesat the simplicity of he,pro- position, and equally the in n.... who boasts in his pride that he can.p =haw witli gold this precious com.mod ty. It is something that gold will not buy, and any amount of wealth will not !prevent a bankruptcy and its .banishine„ t from the horns If a, single reader at te open - 1 ing of this -new year feels that It s home is not the ideal place he has, in the - years .gone cherished and anti ipated, it would be well to stop and inql ire the reason, . tly • Its e heart, Stimu- preperly evitably ition of -cotic is lyzes a system.his para - or when e victim decided 'Does the tired wife, shut up in -the nursery, with annoying dutlei of lomes- tie life, for days, and weeks, and onths, light up with a smile at your c ming ? . Do the little ones stand at the „ ind.ow and peer iiito the gathering ta ona to note your earliest approach, audi make the house resound. with joy wen the. door swings to admit you? No," Well, there .is something wrong. H isband and. wife might well stop and as in all sincerity how shall we make home happy the coming year? Wealth- alone will net do it; the honors of the. world. and the rounds of fashionable life soon grow insipid, and we must ever turn to the home, whether palatial or hiumble, to find this object of life. If then e were some patent method for obtaining it, or if it could be purchased, what a dataand.„ there Would be. And yet when it lies at our &era, or is plaeed in our ands, we hesitate to pick it up. and all to •grasp it. The: fact is, too in ny are looking for great things and great Tents, when the stun of hunnan happii ess is almost wholly made „up of the lit le and apparently insiguificaut things ab tit ts. It has been. said that " fain. Rarity breeds coutempt." This can on y be- come true betweeu. husband salt wife, and parents and children when die no- bility of manhood and woma.uhb.d. has been forgottee and laid aside, al (l sel- fishness alai vulgarity have taken its - hone -red paw.. If the occup,a ts of some of the hoines who have see hap- piness departineaduring -he- past year,. would, iu turning the iiev leaf, r „ Mem- ber some of the lessons they one well understood, the change would. be magi- cal. • -Let the husband. ,itry for three months to water his house anal ave it as -he dialn the days of his Wooing Let the wife ,praotice the easy charm that won the lover. Neither has for gotten, and there. is more than " mil lions in it." It won'tbe acostly ex• periment ; and if the trial of a ye does not make every room of your home hunable though it be, ring with happi ness, then you raay-set it down that the devil has a mortgage and - will likely foreclose, and the sooner the better. But do not give up too easily:, for of al desirable and beautiful things of this life, a happy home stands &St. It is a hind of foretaste of the hoine beyond, whose "gates are never shut," and "whose glory no man can: estimate." As our sons and daughters grow up and go out from their homes, although they may scatter to remote regions of earth, yet forever arises before their 'minds the loved spot that sheltered them, and the sweet influences of tile home of the childhood will protect them from raary an'evil, and draw them with the swejet voices of the past to noble and heroic .. achievements—TO/tic:ago inter - Ocean.' A Persistent Dog. More than eight years, ago a poor man named Gray died, and was buried in the old Grey Friars' Churchyard, Edin- burgh. His grave is noW levelled by time, and nothing marks it. But the spot had not been forgotten by his faith- ful dog.' James Brown, the old cnra- tor, remembers the funeral well, and that Bobby was one of the ,most con- spicnoue of mourners. James found the dog lying on the grave, the next morning • and, as dogs are not admit- ted, he tinned him out. The second morning the same; the third morning, through cold and wet, there he was, shivering. The,old man todk pity on him, and fed hira. This convinced the dog that he had. a right there. Sergeant Scott, R. E., allowed him his board for a length of time, 43 ut for more than six years he- had been regularly fed by Mr. Trail, who keeps a restaurant close by. Bobby is regular in ' his calls, being • guided by the mid-day gun. OnS the occasion of the new dog tax being rais- ed, Mr. Trail was called upon to pay for Bobby. He would have done so had the dog acknowledged him att his mas- ter, .but he will attach himself to no one. On hearing of, the facts of the case, the Lord Provost of; Edinburgh exempted him, and, to n4rk his ad- miration of fidelity, prssented him. with a handsome collar, with brass nails, and an inscription: "Grey Friar's Bob- bi, presented to him by the Lord Pro- vost of Edinburgh, 1877."—Our Dumb Animals. EPPS'S Cocoa.—Grateful and oomfort- in„,a.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion andlintrition., and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our brealdast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us nmany heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of sueli articles of diet that a constitution may be grad ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame."—,Oivi/ Ser- vice Gazette. Sold.' only 'n packets label- led.—"1janaes Epps & C . Hoopath- ic Cheraists, 48, Thre d;moeieedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 . - :Is YOUR LIFE WORTH 10 CENT.S?--Sick- ness prevails everywhere,and everybody complains of some disease - during their life. When sick,the object is to get well; now to say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion ,Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, Billi- ousness,'atc., can take GREEN'S . AUGUST FLOWER without gating relief or cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents, two doses will relieve you. . • `Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, &nee, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Totten Chapped Hands, Ohilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For ,sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 566-8m Mus. S. E. TrromAs, Dress and Man- tle Maker, East Side of Victoria Square, Seaforth. Conn.—Any amount of Corn in quan- tities to suit purchasers' by the bushel or car lots, at 3. BROWNELL'S. 583 GARROw & NEVER, Barristers, Wing - ham, have now on hand a gentility of Private qunds to loan at 8 per cent. 681 s CHEAP FEED. — orn, choPped, $18 per ton at the Hensall Mills. Sae their adver- tisemenb in this week's lame. 585 " SECURE your s adow ere the sub- . stance fades." Charles lioore is now in full blast in his new Photographic Indio, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. -583 • SEE THE Sop, 25 bars for 1 at R 's Grocery. See that very finetea at 50 coats, worth 60 cents, an.d those cheap Raisins and Currants at ROSE'S Grocery. -574 - . FARMERS—SEED OATS.—J110 Arrived, 1,000 bushels of Choiee White Oats for seed, im- ported from Illinois. Apply to L. Renkey, No. 1, Storehouse, or at John Kyle's Grocery Stone Sea - forth. 587 „ D. D. BOSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth, inviOs the attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Groceries. His Stock is constantly turning, and is always fresh. His prices are the pay you to call. Examine hisgoods and cempare prices. 574 • • • , War. ALLEN- iS selling out. Crockery down. Toe sets at cost. Toilet sets verylow. Glassware below per. Teas; b est valuein town. New fruits at . wholesale prices. Bargains all round. WILLIAM ALLEN, nekt dome to Papa's booketore. 585 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Parties wanting to buy anything, in Crockery or Glassware. will find our stock complete and.well assorted, and prices lower than.'in any other houst‘, quality con- sidered. Tea Sets from :32 up, Toilet Sets, $1 15 and upwards. WiLsoN '&Yotneo. .586 NEW TEAs.--Received this week at wn;soN•a- YouNG'S, a large consignment of Extra Choice New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, bought direct from the importers at 1iu lowest cash prices. For quality and price we ..can coati- dently recemniteed them as the best valiee in town. Call and examine dur Stock before purchasing—we guarantee ,,satiefeetion. 586 • • • DOBBINS'. ELECTRIC SOAP.—Having ob- tained the Agency of this celebrated seep in SEM- -fortinunIlluron County,- I append the opinion of some of our best people lie to its Morita,: "1 have used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by .3, L. Cragin & -Go-, Philadelphia, Pa., and lind itvery good. The clothes are beautifully white and the washing is done in much less time—Mrs. M. P. Hayes,' -" I used Dobbins' Electric Soap, accorflinie to di- rections, and found the clothes whiter than. when washed in the old way, andin half the usual time e -Mrs. M. Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins' Electric Soap, and am highly :-.-ettistied with the result. I believe it capable of doing all the wrap- , * THE HURON EXPOSITOR. , per 4 ; mend as thingt " " Ha • • I thin , be— , and ct ' • may lea Unite • Ont., An , Of all of the can re oovER Brom throat POSIT has fai i many eositive ready For As caning possibl TRIAL by.Hicl . , alis for it, and most confidently mom it as economizing both time and labor, an its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsmith.' ng -given Dobbins? Electric Soap, a fair trial . it is all the manufacturers represent it tc s, R. T. Coleman," I desire all my friend• stomers to give thiseSeep one trial, so the3 ow just how good the beet soap in tin States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth gent for Huron County. 571-52 . . Honest Medicine Free 01 . Charge. medicines advertised to cure any affection 1 throat, Chest or lungs, we know of none wc onunend so highly as DR. KING'S NEw Dm- for Consumption Coughs, Colds, Asthma, tis. Hay Fever, Hoarseness, tickling in the loss of voice, old. Thai medicine does rELY CURE, and that where everythingelse ed. No medicine can show ono half as and permanent ewes as have al- nen effected by this truly wonderful remedy, Imia and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific, he very wont cases in the shortelit' time . Wo say by all means give it a trial. BOTTLES FREE. Regular size $1 For sale son & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 556-8m-1 ' - Trai as und:r: ° GING Mixed.. Ascom Mall. V- • Trai follow: GOING' Exp Exp Mix:el GOING Mix:d ` Exp ,ess Mixed Mixid London, GOING Lone ExeOr Hen Sall Kippi3n..... Bruoefield. • Clinton Blyth. Win:ham, GOING 1 Win • BIS, Clint Brim Kipp Ben -all Exet; Great Western • 8 leave &rissole NORTH. 10:25 A. M. . 9:08,P. M. 2:58 P. M. •• Railway. station, north and south GOING SOUTH. Mail • 6:15AM. Accom 12.15 A. M Mixed 7:95 P. II Grand Trunk Railway. s leave Seaforth and Clineon Stations as : WEST— SEAPORTH. CLINTON. cos 2:25 P. M. 2:45 P. M. ess 8.58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Train.... 9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. FAST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Train..., 7:52 -A. M. 7:27 A. M. Train.. 1:15T. M. 12:50 P. M. Train.... 5:00 P. M.4:25 P. XL Train.-.. 10:35 A. M. • 10:00' A. M. Huron and Bruce. NORTH— Mail. Mixed. Express. P.M.A. M. P.M. on, depart.... 2 15 6 55 6 15 ,- 8 35 8 05 7 85 ' 8 52 8 34 7 51 ........ 8 68 8 44 7 58 4 08 9 00 8 08 • 4 25 9 45 8 25 ... • ... a.. .. 4 52 1082 832 arrive.. 525 11 30 925 SOUTH— Mail. Mixed Express. . A. M. A. M. P.M. ham, depart.. 10 55 7 00 6 15 . 12 35 7 35 6 55 • n 1 10 8 01 7 24 - field 1 40 8 18 . 7 43 • n 1 57 Et 28 7 58 2 05 884 8 04 r 2 50' 8 49 8 23 1.1EGA I. CAMERO/sl, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Sop:liters in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 • WIIIIAM T Y Si Appraieer. reasonable SMALL, Conveyancer and 00MIlliel- nor in B. R., Wroxeter. Auetioneer and Accounts and notes collected on terms. 366 B L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in J--'• Chancery, &c., doderich and Seaforth. Of- fice, o er Jordan's Drug Store, Goderich, and Kidd's tore, Seaforth.-354 clAidiow & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys - ‘e" at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pub- lic, end:Conveyancers. Money to Loan, private funds, at 8 per cent. Offices—Goderich and Winattarn. H. W. C. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing - ham, §olicitor Consolidated Bank. 581 MALCOMSON neys, Ont.ffice—First Canadi proper t S.MAILCOMSON. & 'WATSON, Barristers, Attor- Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, door east of the , new Regal n Bank building. Honey to loan on farm . - . 404 e. A. WATSON Rilttlf10, " at Law, Conyoyancers, forth andBrussels. tweet at yemrly.' 1 JAS. H. The above mutualjeonsent. be Aid Ito ities. , I Neva N & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Set. $23,000 of Private Funds to once, at Eight percent. Interest, payable - 53 BENSON. H. W. 0. MEYER:. firm has this day been dissolved by All secounts due the firm to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- . 271876JAMES H. BENSON. , . H. W. C. MEYER. , , Nil TEDIUM.. JG: SCOTT, • At dence south east of R M. D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and onchour, Seaforth, Ont. ' Office and resi- side of Goderich Street, first door esbyteriap Church. 1, 34e TT L. -L-A- • go Office and directly n. VE.E RCO, M. D., C. M., Physieian, Sur- On, etc.,' Coroner for the County of Haron Residence, on Jarvis street north, opposita Seaforth Pablic School. W A- ADAMS, M. D,, late of Lakefield, Ont., " • Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheue. Graduate of the ,University of Trinity College, Toronto Member of the Royal College of 'Phy- Sieiene Rnd Surgeons, Ont. Kin burn. Ont. 486 Wal. HANOVER; M. D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physii etian Surgeon and Accouchenr, Seaforth. Ont. Office—Rooms in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 D. Mc • atol Ont. \ OI1oe Ryan's. day. Ai. Charges ness and AUGHT, Veterinary. Surgeon, Grade , of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, and Residence in rear of Moran & Calls prompt13 attended to, night or tock of veterinary medicines- nn hand •easonable. Horses examine.d as to sound- certificates given if required. 407 JAMES r-' Ontario two years Toronto, residence attended Veterinary examintas Horses W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the Veterinary. College. After devoting to practice with Professor Smith, of has settled in Seafortli. Office at his east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly to by day or night. A large stock of Medicines constantly on hand. Horses to soundness and certificates given might and sold on commission. 424 4 41). ''"' • 'Nete!hce. learaiii„ hours Ire Mrs. Whi Seaforth. TT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. 49., ft -1"-L• Surgeon Dentist, Gradnate of the Royal College of Dental ' Surgeons of Ontario. Office ni 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in ney's new brick block, Main Street, - • MISCELLANEOUS. A J. M -I-3- • in Leckie's COLL, Solieitor, &c., Brussels. Office new briek building. 504-52 T P. " • Con parts of eosinon RINE, Liceneed Auctioneer for the • ty of Huron. Sales attended in all he County. _All orders left at the Ex- I Mee will be promptly attended to. . .TOHN " Agen :Aleut. i ::onutry,-18 moderate mortgage Panne .a. Leckie's 1 ELECT ' OIL -1 Gerhe.—P ;he thee ronnhon rhitis. P ng coughL Ind croup :he back, ind ;ears' standing. L few of the rom diiTe ihould su 'Jenard, o Dr. Thom rote and lerful." IONC- sold t was slo )ole, of I ['homes' :Traits it. lave used 'Send me hi, I havd hing sell ion." 3. ne some mt. Not erton, P. . great re i end us a f Sibb & Co Ii.e gross ;ell," SO ECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate ; Grain, Produce and Commission Mer - oney loaned on real estate in town Or por cent. simple interest,. Charges Mortgages bought and sold. Matured 1 paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. - d village property for sale. Office— I ew bride block,•Brussels, Opt, 515 , 'CITY! TECCIMAS' EXCELSIOlt EOLECTRIO 1 -WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN , in cannot stand where it Is used. It ie , est medicine ever made. One dose cures , 4ore throat. One bottle has cured bron- , fty cents' worth has cared au old stand - It positively cures catarrh, asthma, , Fifty cents! worth has cured crick in , the same -quantity lame back of 8 , The following are extracts fora ( many letters that have been reeeived •ent parts of Canada, which, we think, ., Lcient.ly satisfy the most skeptical: J. Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen i s' Eclectric Oil, have sold all Ihad from i ant more now ; its cures are truly won- , Van. MeGuire, of Franklin, writes, "I r 11 the agent left, it Acts like a cliarm— , ] at first, but takes splendid dow."1 H. i . na, writes. "Please forward 6 dezen electric Oil, I am nearly lout, nothing , t is highly recommended by those who t." 3...Bedford, Thamesville, writes, at once a further supply of iEclectric only one bottle lefa I never saw any- o well and give such general satisfacs ,1hornpson, Woodward, -writes, "Send bore Eclectric Oil, I have Fold. entirely ing ta.kes like it." Miller & Reed, M- ., write, "The Eelectric Oil is getting utation here, end is daily ealled for. rther supply without delay."Lemoyne, , Buckingham, P. Q., writes, "Send us of Eclectric Oil. We find it to take d by all medieine dealers. Price 25 'Cents. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE.—Ecleetrie— Silected and Electrized. Sold in Seafoi th by Hickson & Bleasdell, 3. S. Roberts and ...,. Lure sden 521 SICK 0 THE CIRCUI.AR SAW t • ROBERTSON 8e. Ca, SEAFORTH. CA L AT WILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO. AND SEE THE IMPROVED DI OND CROSS -OJT -SAW, MADE FRO THE BEST DOUBLE REFIN- ED C ST STEEL, AND GUARAN- TEE P TO CUT THIRTY CORDS OF AAR II WO OD WITHOUT REFIT- TING- , ALSO LANCE TOOTH-, ONLY 75_ CENTS PER FOOT. W • ROBERTSON & CO., ARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. HE OLD ESTABLISHED STO .E AND TIN EMPORIUM, —SEAFORTH:— RS. WHITNEY, WIS ES °nee more to remind her many f lends and customers that she is now better irepared than ever te sapply all their wants i her line. She as one of the most com plete ass rtments of , 111 0 "V S Both Co 1 and Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the 1 test designs that Gan be found in any town in the eounty, and at prices as low, as the lowest. Her assortment of Was nev r better or more varied. Both W vance o Ea.ve-Tr tire sati COAL. OIL, °legate and Retail at a very slight ad- manniaotorers pricen. Repairing and ughing promptly attended to and en - faction guaranteed. BRUCEiFIELD. For the better accomodation of -her customers Mrs: Witney has opened a branch there in Brucefie 6, where will bei found a complete stock of every hing in her line:. She would direot par- ticular a teetion to and 'Invite inspection to her Stoves, -hide intending peirchasers ghould see before e urchasing elsewhere. Remember when y ou eo • e to Seaforth or Brucefield don't leave without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spen . MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefield. L BCE PROFITS. rpli Directors of the Canada Silver -t- M ipg Corapany Owning two square mile of territory in the same section as the 1 mous Silver Islet Mine, which has alrea y yielded $4,000,000, are prepared to r ceive applications for shares be - longi g to an issue of 4,000 $25 shared, each hare 'being entitled, without any e.ddit'onal charge, to a $40 coupon, re-' deem ble in cash by am annual payment of $4,100 from the Corapa.ny.e Attention is dir cted to thelaotf that, after receiv- ing $ 0 for every $25 ;tweeted, subscrib- ers w 11 still retain lr Shares, thus not o ly participating; in the profits of the C mpany free of cost, but.actually securi • g a direct profit besides. Terms: $1 on sntscription, and the balance in Montt instalments of $2 per share. For fuethe • particulars, address immediately HEN Y IMLACH, Secretary, London, Ontaf o. When writing, name this pa- per. 584-12 THE GR AT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses Perio mal Pills—This invaluable medicine is xnfailthg n tho cure - of all those p:inful and angeroal diseases to which the female constitaL ion is sub ect. It moderates all excess and re- eves all beractions, and a speedy ouremay he elied on. o mairicdiadiee, it is peculiarly stated. will, in short time, bring on the monthly pe- •iod with egularite . These pills should not be alien by emales daring the fast three months f Pregran -3,, as they are sure to bring on Mis- arriage, b 1 ala,nybther time they are said. In 11 cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, mins in th back and limbo, fatigue on slight ex- rtion, pa pitation of the heart, hysterics, and hites, these pills will effecta cure when all other Fans he e failed; and, although a powerful eraedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, r anything hurtful to the constitution. Pall irections i the pamphlet around each package, hich sho • Id be carefully preserved. lob Moses; iew York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 cents or postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To - onto, Ont, general agents for the Dominion, ill insur a bottle containing over 50 pills by eta= mai. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & leasdell, . S. Robette, and R. Lumsden. 197 MRS Music should the ope ing In with us erate r DA. Me • Count McBride's letter addr C. M. LIUNLOP'S Fall Term in ill opeiai on Sept. 161h. Pupils,. give in their names previous to ing of the class. Those not hav- trumente can be accommodated of Piano or organ at very mod - t08. Seaforth, S ept. 7,1878. 561 EOD, Licensed Auctioneer for the of Huron. All orders left at James ill receive prompt attention. If by se Seaforth P. 0. 658 a 7 FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. CENTEN4IAL AND--,S)YDNEY _ -MEDALSANDAPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER, S.EAFORTH, Are agak to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implethents. They are ' still manufaeturing the same Plows as were awarded Special Distinction at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They desire to direct 'special attention to their „ GENERAL,. PURPOSE PLOW, NEW a et 33 ct r -r • 0 to ED This ig one of the.berit Plows thaflras ever bee h introduced into this part of the oountrr. It has been thoroughly teated, and has given general satisfaction to all who have us( d it._ It is no Yankee invention, got up for sale only, and dependent on the blowing merits of agents to coMmen4 it to favorable notice. ALL THAT IT WANTS. IS A FAIR TRiAL. • It is warranted to clan in any ground. We ask -the Farmers of Huron and Perth ;4 to give it a trial before investing thei!r money in a Yankee humbug. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE 14N. PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, F-4 The old and well-known' Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better than °Ver. Also a 71) One Han -se PLOW, Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SCUFFLERS, AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. g ' r 2 ;----SCELVEN. This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang PIow now Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. • All these implements are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better and more diirable than :those got up by large establishments for catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectable establishment that turns out a good article. Plows of all the above kinds kept cOnstantly on ha.nd, and can be seen at their shop at any time. IRON HARROWS—THE StY.071CH DIAMOND HAI?RoWS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 1--i PT:4 in use, and Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel. Mai -at., Seaforth. MALCOILM MON.' ROE ..St BROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. -' ALEXANDER MONROE. THE SPOT FOR BOOKS AND STATIQINERY. C. .W. PAT'ST,.dARDNO BLOCK, SEAFORTH. ALL THE STANDARD W RKS KEPT IN STOCK. CONSIGNMENT TO NEW GO DS ARRIVING WEXKLY SCHOOL BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS,NEWSPAPERS, , HYMN BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, BLANK BOOKS, CAR , , LEGAL FORMS, OA.RD OASES, WRITING P,APER, ENVELOPES,' PERIODICALS, NOVELS CARDBOARD, MUSIC, &c. Everything to be Found in -a Fir§t-Class Book and Stationery Store can be had at 0. W. Papst?, Carrno 'A Block, Sealorth. THE GODER(CH FOUNDRY_ Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel atm: Pulleys Complete... ..... . 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pollens and Governors.... . .. 275 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance WheeiPulle3 in and Governors. . . 200 250 350 Second hand 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Snioke Stack................... ..... ..... ..... 200 Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Snake Stack. 225 Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars, Steam Guage, Gunge and Safety Valves, Olin Good Order 450 A Hoisting or Boat Engine with Hoisting•G ' Second hand 16 Horse Portasble Boiler, with Saioke Stack. . Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine Heaclind Jointer Heading Planer Heading Turner Stave Machine, with Knife • • • .1. 90 New Engines and Boilers on hand, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill Machinery j. for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. • • ,11. -Agricultural Impiements.—Stoves of Various Kinde.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, Arcepromptly Attended to. CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURINt :COMPANY. ...mmmomiciameminemet- ONTARIO PRIN1ERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & SON HAVE p• EJM OVED TO THEIR. NEW PREMISES, . Cor. Bay and Wellingtos Streets. HURON FOUNDRY IND MACHINE SHOPS. s_ 191C5j\TaI1VIAl\T' ' MANUFACTURER OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, • MILL MACHINERY, ENGIiVES, BOILERS, &C. Contracts Taken- for every.gescription of Mill Machinery, FiEPAIRINGOMPTLY, DONE. SEAFORTH, - 1 33 33 ;3 V CoCoCea? r•-• t-st 0 0 150 0,-0200 er es- cr• t:3 ••• • • •••S ITY tts CD 0 ,a0 0 0 '33 vt. 31" et P-3.4 0 0 0 0 tr O 0 0 CD 0 0 0505 ▪ 0 0 tee cie Mien =`,-;* 0. es. O 0 t'D 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 „'‹ 'C 0 CD ✓ V P0, • res- et et C4 0 0 0 1:5 0 -02-0,05 .02 0 0 2 0 0 0 t:5t;1/41173 0 0 0- 05-• 05-05 (5 M VA H 1 J-4 1\TOTITO Owing to the universal de pression in Trade and the dull times for the past sea -- 80711 people generally have firactzs▪ ea vicoNomY in heir puroitasesin all .branches oj trade. The GROCERY BuSI- NESS has felt the pressure with, the rest. Considering this, we feel gratified that our Business has HELD ITS OWN. Although, the Bard times are not yet past, we feel that the worst is over, and people MUST HAVE CHEM' GOODS. _in anticipation 0/ this we have laid in an un- usually large Stork, of TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, ToBAccos, FISH, CURRANTS, and RAIS- INS, together with a Oeneral Stock of FRESH GROCERIES. I have also on hand a large stock of CROCKERY, GLASS -- WARE, LAMPS and LAMP G ooDs, which wM be sold at extraordinary low prices for cash. connection with this tve Always Keep on Hand FLOUR, FEED AND PROVIS- IONS of all kinds,. ,In pur- chasing I have kept an eye to the main fact, viz., That we must BUY CHEAP for we know that we will have to SELL CHEAP. Our Shop is on the southside of Main-st. opposite Market-st., Strong Fairley's old stand. . 572 M. MORRISON. DR. wriliAm GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for aatorrhea Seminal Weakness Sperr tency, and all 'diseases that follow as a se- a - (pence -of Self abu BefereTaking se, se_ as Loss of Memory,liaer Ad* Univerial Lassitude, Pain in the Back, DiRCIO8111 of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption . and a. Premature Grave, all of which ae s. rule are first caused by deviating from the*Path of nature and over indulgence- The Speciffe Medicine is the result of a life study and many years et ex- perience in treating these special diseases. BM-, phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists atz-el per patkage, or 6 packa.gee Jot $5, or will be Sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM -GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson. & )3leasdell, 3. S. Roberts R. Lumeden and all druggist merchants. • - ONTARIO. PAY Up.—Dr.. VERCOE, Seaforth, hav4 ing a large number of account o dna, would fed greatly obliged to those indebted ;to him if they would call anti settle thei: accountat as early 4 date as peesible. 576 F. G. SPABLING, having determined. to go out of businessnoffers his whole stock at cost. Buyers would do w441 to call and see for there - selves. This is no huinbug. Must be cleared out at once. Ii‘. G. SPA.R=No. Dtra IS'APORTII PUMP FACTORY.—The under- signed, while returning tharke for the pat- ronage already received, would remind his many customers and friends that he still oontinues to make pumps and eisterns of the test material and by the best workmen. None hut quentered timber used for pun.ps. A few farm gates still on hand. All overdue accounts not settled forth- with wiii be eharged 10 per cent, interest from. the 1st of jemmy, 1878. NOBLE OLTIFFI, Seaforth. 568