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The Huron Expositor, 1879-03-21, Page 5
IIIM111111b, Pout NiAitoR 21, 1879. Cause of the fire unknown,. ‘,9• T ether, about ses00. No ulster_ tv last week Mr.jas.Swener- I from Exeter station eea clover seed, this being the ipment that has ever left nidey "'learning last, about 40 longing to Hallett, left Londe._ an for Manitabse Over one .evrale assembled at the station :ioff. tree of Mr. Emerson, lot 2-5 12, Wawanosh, was struck auring the storni the other ight, doing a coneiderabIe damage. Campbell, of Stanley. W- eri engaged in teaching, in... for Maulteba, in a few goes with the Greenway access to you, Colin. meg' Watson, of Hullett, lost mare the other week. It hast : ' with influenza, and got eseake'when it prematurely , of colts, which Caused .12.0 Jeukins, of Goderich i S./left time since, let the iq. WS erection of a fine '.1tessra. McCartney,Thomps L of Clinton, being the con - rue formerly belonging to tho on the Iluron Road, Ownship , having been sold a.: ince, to a Mr. Pemberton, . e„ will be occupied by hire Tiring opens. imeth McLeod, of the 5th of Morrie, choppel off a por- if his fingers, while catting '. the cattle. 'Medical assist- , lied as soon as possible, and Vas attended to. sM Kennedy- has purchased ' sta.bie on the corner opo.. ' -,. store, in Clinton, paying hes resold one corner of it to ' fch & Jones for $300. Mr. ss made a good. bargain. • Davment, of Clinton-, has cow fed by Mr- W. X. Big. ng 1,620 pounds, and the I steer which. Mr. R. Fitz - been feeding for soine time, 1 and brought the scaleclown Ads. eted that the Government -dredge the mouth of the dtor, and extend the North , ther into the lake, and with to the south. • The work menced at the earliest prac- .aeirt. irde,y ath inst., mr. William e Base line, Goderich Town - unfortunate as to have his He was driving, a cow, when id fell on, him, with the re - a. Ile is doing as well as cted. Limes Lynn, of Jamestown, ar day sawing through a. ' s, his little child, about two me near and place d its hand leve The little hand was not Mr. Lynn until a bad. cut . I upon one of the fingers. eter arson, case was up be - Squire. Mr. MacMahou, •-; acting with County Attor- tot being prepared, asked for ee weeks, which was granted. !,. of Goderich, arid Jones and • St. Marys, are acting for s,. - the past few days, Mr. ier, of Exeter, has had his rned with a dine, a large ;skin from his shoulder hay - ken by Dr. Browning to ie wound caused recently by 1 of a cancer from Mrs. et. isoner Fullingten, who es- U.ocierieh jail a short time , recaptured, made another liberty on Sunday night, .ersted escaping through the the jail officials. He will On for safe keeping some of tinge in the vicinity of meets monthl,f for business idol improvement of the t the last raeeting a spirit - took place cne the nee-es- ers to give mere attention o to procuring frequent .seed. in this connection has ordered a supply- of n as the Mack Tartarian ot lately- a caw valued at _ erty of Mr, Wm. Werry, hip of ITsborne, stuck its the swing door in front of e stable where the feed was ally worked itself over on altogether, the halter be- ght around the animal's 't was almost strangled rry found it. The butcher ediatel3r drawn across th.e at, and the blood flowed the beef was good, but ss will be considerable, realize nearly as much ' it would have brought on arket, which, the cow was eliug grain at Exeter sla- y of last week, Mr. Hard - r, was unfortunate enough c injury in a very strange . was running in the dump 'eaff of grain, with consid- _ when the wheel struck e car, stopping it sudden-, eutunr of the car caused :lurch ft aavard, upsetting es -bar on the handles • Harding on the mouth, Vee teeth and Loosening a and faetening him by the laa roof of the car. go t free or to speak for s. finally, by pushing on fl his foot, succeed; in cape. He is rapidly re - Ing of the Primitive ureli, Brown -town, took altay, the lth inst., and 'Weess. Tea, was served tataaa After partaking ,us repast provided by retired tis the church., lectual part t the enter:- ed to the chair, and place. Mr, 'flung, of clle duties of the ‘same in V and efficient manner. ee; of Wingliam, deliver- ing and humorous DA' Lich he threes- out some suie men anci women. were also delivered by 17.h, the pastor, and, by 11 and Baker. Music of ti nature was furnish- , 1VtARCII 21 ,18791 ea by the cheir, which added much to the success of the entertainmt. The receip s of the meeting were 4ver $40, , which will be applied to the parsonage falidGe. I °roe May, the . Exet r peace , 1 . breaker, was on Tuesday sent need to, two tni)ntlis in the dommon jai . John Grenniger was sentenced. to s x weeks ' imprisonment injail for stea ia„a ihar- _On Wednesday morning a t vireek , ness,in Zurich. - , , Wm. gowey, sr., of Exeter, x s arrest- ' ed on, a. eharae of bigamy, jahreferred against him by a woman calling herself Sarah Howey. Mr. Howey 'has beenl living for the last four or five ears : -with another woman, who agaim to have- been married to him by I a m gis- trate in the United States.' Prisoner was- committed for trial. 1 —During last week, Mr. Dorward, of Exeter, nearly lost a valuable colt, which he had occasion to tie ,td , the fence in the deep snow, while on his liceneward journey from St. Marys. Had it net been for the timely arrival of some tra-vellers, who assisted "him to get the animal out, it is quite l'kely the colt would have died before Mr. Dorwarcl, single-handed, could lave rescued it from its perilouspreclica- ment. —Regal ding, the Moleswortla cheese factory: The balance of las year's cheese was sold lately to Messr . Leech & Magwood, lof Howick, .who intend taking it to Manitoba about th end of the present month. The che se was, by _ competent judges, prono need a prime article, and was sold for fri cents per pound. The centred for putting an addition to and fixing up , he , old factory building in the most Iapproved style, has been awarded to Jax4is Dun- can, whose tender was the lowe t. The total cost will be 6305. Prospeets for a good season's business the coining sum- mer, were never better than at present. ' A considerable amount of new stock has lately beeu taken up, and the farmers are nearly all of the one opinion respect- ing the superior advantages of the joint Bak system. , i , esomM111111111W , • Perth Items. i • , —The liambermenpf Ellice he.ve been busy during the plistwinter. In another decade fertilepasture lands re-- place the dense foreet. John T. Hicks, of Mitchellleas purchased, at a handsome figure; from Robert Clark, Of Fullerton, his young bull, "Duke of Russeld.ale." • —At the. Perth Assizes, in the case of the Queen. vs. Dr. Ford,. of St.! Marys, for the alleged poisoning of Guest, the Grand jury, after deliberating .i.11 day. , found "-No Bill." ; . • ' —George Potta -Was amusing hitheelf near a circular saw in McClay &-Jaines' factory, Mitebell, on.Wednesday, when his finger eame in contact with the 81eW, which almo.st severed it. , -e-A creditor of Alonzo. Smith:, the de- ' faulting teamster of St. Ma-rys recent- ly- went over to Tjncle Sam's dominions andsecured. a team of horses -oh which there was a chattel mortgage. —The atinnal spring show Of entire animals will be held in -Mitehell ;on Thursday, 10th April, under the ems- . pices. of the Frillarton, Hibbert, and Log.ati Agricultural Ass.ociatione fine horse belonging to John Draper, of Prospect Hill, Blanshard township, broke its leg in a se# snow drift on Monday last. The aninaal Was quite useless., and had to be shet. —Messrs. Colquhoun & Dowe, of Mitchell, have purchased. that ..:*altuthl• Canadiai draught stallion„ Sill Waiter Scott,' owned by Messes.. Walker: & Cain, of Liken, for the sum of V00. - —Edmund Brand., of Wallade, lost a valuable colt by getting its head tangled, -in the halter. Mr. Brand is very unfortunate with IspeSes, this being the second .one he has lest tins winter. —Mr. Pearson has sold his farm, north half of lot 42, T. E., Blanshard township„consisting of 65 acre, 1,2 of Which are under fall wheat, forl$3,100. Mr. Alexander Macdonald,. one of his neighbors, was the purchaser. —Mr. A, H. Wynn has sold his ho- tel at Newry to Henry Cook, formerly of the township of North E.asthope, for. the sum! of. §1,800. Mr. Cook is. at.. present engaged itt keeping hotel itt the township of Hay, county ofi Huron. He takes possession of his new premises on the 1st of,April. —Mr. Cyrus Long left thetewnehip of Wallace asfew- days ago, to up hisresidence iii the township! of .Te- curaseth. In doing 80 he .took his dog with him,- but it seenas the fait. ul ani- mal was not content to live in t .e land of, its adoption, and has since. r turned to the old farmstead,. having tr4reUed a .distance of 80 miles. —Mr. Richard Carroll, fornierly itt the Stratford post office, and sor. of Mr. T. Carroll, Clerk of Hibbert, has been promoted from the position of night agent Of the.Grand. Trunk Railway at Baden, whieh he h as held for several yeare,to that of day operator at Guelph. That he should have attained so good a. station ;in so short a time speaks • well ; for ,his abilities., - I - -L-Mr.,Wria. Bond was brought before Mr, G. S. Climie„j. P., at ListeWel, on Tuesday of last week", cherged, with having set fire to the . peal !factory, which was a short time ago burit clown at Henfryn, and about which ;he had. been eniployed for a while. Evidence snfticient, however, was not forthcom- ing, and after a trial . laetin.g several hours, Mr. .Bond was_ 'honora ly ac- quitted. —Ex-l&layor D. D. Camp -bell, f Lis- towel, has. purchased -the ShieI 's mill property in that town. I The p operty embraces a four story "brick h ilding, iseaely new, having four run of stone, . driven be the Warswick Corliss engine, exhibited. in Hamilton in 1876; several . dwelling houses and. a consieerable quantity of land. . The price psid. was -522,000,a which is considered. 3 great bargain. —A, very handsom silver me al has been preseatedsto- the curling lab of St. Marys. by Mr. Ballantyne, _ . P. P. The medal is to be contested for by the members of the club„ the winner, tere- tain it as Ins own property. It is got up afterthe latest style, and is very valuable. The sight of this ined.al will be sufficient to inspire competitors with fresh energy, and the winner will have. a right to be proud. of his success. , - —About six o'clock on Weduesda,y afternoon of last 'week, while a man named Daniel Macpherson was en- gaged near the railway track in Ellice, about toter. miles north of Stratford., in felling a tree, it suddenly fell upon him, killing him instantly. -Deceased was in the employ of Mr. John Corrie. He THE HURON EXPOSITO. was about 35 years of age and leaves a wife and family. Dr. Shaver held an inquest, and a verdict was given in ac- cordance with the facts. —A most painful accident occurred near Stratford on Saturday morning the 15th inst., whereby Mr. S. Kernmer -a highly respectable farmer of the town- ship of Ellice, was instantly killed. It seems Mr. Kemmer had fallen a tree in his woods, when a limb from the tree felled broke loose from an entangle- ment, and flying back with great force struok the now deceased upon the head, causing death immediately. ' —Another old pioneer of Elmo, passed away on Friday last in the person of Mr. Geo. Forrest, on, the 14th conces- sion. He was iu his usual health, and partook of a, hearty dinner, and while his wife was dischargingher custoenary household duties she discovered her husband dead. The deceased was one of the first settlers of this part of the township, and was much respected by those who had the pleasure of his ac- quaintance. - He was 72 years of age, and a native of Perthshire, Scotland. —The man Angus, who was _arrested. in Shakespepre lately, for atealina a horse from Mr. John Ketchie, Of ealt, turns out to -be the same party that stole horses front Mr. Benjamin. Faulk- ner, of M.ornington, and Mrs. Ewing, of Pilkiugton, and escaped from the Lon- don police a short distance from that city about a month ago. He is now safe in Berlin, and will ..probably soon be sent back to penitentiary,froin which he has only lately em&ged. He Inee passed. recently uuder the name of Wil- son, but his real name Is Angus, and he has been known as a professional .horse thief for many years. „ valuable bay horse was- stolen from the 'stable of Mr. Wm. Suther- land, lot ,18, south boundary, Blan- shard township, on the evening of Thursday of last week, and no clue to the thief has yet been found. During the past few years horse stealing has become quite a common occureence in the county of Perth, and, strange to say, is submitted to by a passive commun- ity with comparative indifference. Per- fect security of property is the ultimate basis of society and should surely -con- stitute the first end of any good govern-. ment. It is no wonder this crime is so common when we consider how lax and anomalous is our machinery of de- tection.. As matters stand at present, the horse thief,byusing a little discre- tion in selecting Ins victim, experiences no difficulty in eluding pnrsuit, the owner in many cases being not in a po- sition to • employ first-class detectives and offer large rewards in the face of doubtful results. Mr. 'Sutherland has the sympathy and assistance of the neighborhood and has offered a reward of 650 for the recovery of the horse. ' 1===.11111111NININ11111 Canadian Notes. —On Monday last the first boat of the season arrived in Toronto harbor. It was a sehooner from Oakville. —An hotel -keeper in Toronto has been awarded $200 damages from the corpora- tion of that city on account of injuries sus- tained by being thrown from his cutter, the horse having shied. at a, heap of ashes on the side of the street. —Gauthier's ice,and fish freezing house itt SandWich Was totally destrOyed by fire on Saturday night. Loss about 4,000;0 $1,000 worth of fish destroyed; uninsured ; omen insurance on building. Fire started in the straw covering the ice house. Supposed incendiary. —jam.es Taylor, a respectable and industrious Scotehma,n, who had leased the Lossing woolen mills, four ' miles from Norwich, • committed suicide by poisoning himself with strych- nine last Thursday morning. Supposed to be on account of financial difficuf- , ties. —A contractor for a portion of the Canada Pacific Railway intends employ- ing 2,000 laborers. He has made ar- rangements for their transportation to Manitoba at a cheap rate, 'the cost of whieb, it is understood. he will bear himself, the parties to repay him after- wards. , —Mr. Plumb, of Niagara, has arrived at Ottawa and taken his seat in the House of Commons. It will be remem- bered be was defeated at the last elec- tion by Mr. Hughes, of Toronto. The latter gentleman was unseated and dis- qualified and the seat given to Mr. Plumb by the election court. —Two youths named Epperson and Modlington, now und.er arrest at Lon- don for housebreaking and robbery, are said to be representatives of a regular organization of junevile thieves number- ing upwards of twenty in that city. The detectives say that the boys have secret haunts, where they meet and store the booty secured in their expe- ditions. I —There is one member, of the Do- minion Parliament who is an enthusias— tic horse " sport." The person under reference is Mr. John Philip 'Wiser, of Prescott, the representative of Grenville constitueney. An Ottawa paper says: " Mr. Wiser may be seen daily driving in our streets, his'fine speeding mare Queen,' with a record of 2.34. Mr. Wiser is a thorough horseman, and • handles -the reins in an artistic man- ner. It is reported that Chestnut Hill,' one of the fastest horses in Mr. Wiser' stables at Prescott, will shortly be sent to this city, and that Mr. Wiser will drive the team on the road." • 1 --A curious affair occurred at mai, Province of Quebec, the other day. A gentleman uamed,Youngstrea.mewhile at his work, was violently assaulted by a Mrs. 'Poole. On his remonstratine with her, she said. he had sent her. valentine. . This he denied, and on hr still continuing her violent conduct he put her outside the workshop. A feser minutes after her husband appeared o' the scene, and threw Youngstream to ,the ground, but before he could do much damage other parties, came an, separated. thein. Then the wife made another attack with the hammer, with which she struck Youngstreana over the head five or -six times. The affair will be ventilated in the Police Court. —A most brutal assault was made at Montreal on Matthew Breen, alias 13nennau, labourer,4by one Michael 0'- Neil,labourer,Lachine,on the 12th inst., nearly resulting in the death of the former. O'Neil, who had some quarrel with Brennan, met him in the boarding house about noon, and forthwitli attack: ed pim itt a ferocious manlier, striking him to the ground, and hitting him 011 the head with a piece of wood. Not content with this, the ruffian raised the the head of the prostrate foe and gash- ed it twice against the stone wall, and. three or four times on the had floor. He t en dragged the unconscious man to th: mid.dle of the street, O'Neil was arres ed and charged before the Judge of Se.sions with having committed an assail t with4ntent to kill. Bramnau is in a ery low state. He says he gavie O'Ne no provocation for the assault, ' - Brockville paper Bays: " We ul call .attention to the card of. Mr. J. G. Gordon, who has settled in Brock- ville or the practice of his professio and has located himself in the sa,m cha,m er - as Mr. Webster occupies Hard ug's Block. We had the pleasur of an introduction to 'Mr. Gordon som few y ars ago, at Almonte, when he ha the -p efix of Rev. to his -name, he bein then minister of the Church of Scot land. Dissatisfied with- the union f the ranches of the Presbyteria, 1 Chur h in Canada, l'he resigned hi charg , and, feeling indisposed to co nect 1 imself with the , ministry of an other denomination, turned his atte tion t law, studied in the office of t celebr ted law' firm in Toronto, an now a ales his bow to Ithe people. of thi part • the world as a barrister in fall stand Auction Sales. Sat rda,y., March 22, on Lot 13, Con. 2, H. t. S., TuckersinAli, Farm Stoc and plemeuts. Mrs. E. Ramsa, propr etress. J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Mo iday, March 24, on Lot 23, Coi 4, L. . S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stec and 1 Plements. Alex. Terry, pro Fides • ; J. P. Brine, .auctioneer. tor; . . P. Brine, auctidineer. Tu sdity, Mardi 25, on Lot 8, Lak Road est, &amble Line, Stanley, Far Steck Implements and Household Fur nitur . Wm. Gibson, proprietor; Bose enber y & Orthe, auctioneers. Fri ay, March 28, 1879, on Nort Half f Lot 21, con. 7, McKillop, Far Stock andImplements ; Mathew propr etor,, John Bullard, Auctioneer. 1 Tu day, March 25th, at the residence of the , proprietor, '• Queen Street, Brue_ sole, ousehold Furniture, Live Stock, &c., onra,d Kabel, Proprietor, C. R. Coope , Auctioneer. Fri ay, March 28, at the Lapslie farm near eaforth, Superior • Farm Stec and Implements; D. D. 'Wilson, Propr rietor J. P. Brinei Auctioneer. Th rsday, March 27,ou lot 8, Bayfield Road orth, Stanley, Farm Stock, Imr pleme ts and Household. Furniture Eliza eth Callaway, Proprietress, J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. Mo day, March 31, on concession 12, McKi lop, Farm Stock, Implemente and•I ousehold Furniture. J. Wallace, propri tor; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. I 11 111 Births. - HOMU II -In Winghara, on the 12th instant, the wife of Mr. J. J Homuth of a son. SPEIR In Morrie, on he 40h instant, the wife of Mr. Allan Speir of E. daughter. FOGAL -In Ethel, on he 10th instant, the wife of Mr. Wellington Fogal of a daughter. • BIT° -In Egnaendville, on the 1601 instant, the wife of Mr. David Ritchie of a daughter. WIDDI OMBE-In Seaforth, on the 18th instant, the wife of Mr. S. Widdicombe of a son. ' McNE IN -In Hibbert, on the 12th ult., the wife of Ir. John MeNevin of a son.. Marriages. LINK A.TERa-An'DERSON-At the residence of the bride's mother, on the llth instant, by the Ile . H. MeQuarrie, Mr. Peter S. Linklater, to Mis Elizabeth Anderson, all of Winghara. BRTAn Se-GALAHER-In Brussels, on the 3rd ins ante at the parsonage, by the'Rev. F. By us, Incumbent, Mr. Alexander Bryans, of the township of Morris, to klieg Maggie Gale - her of the township of Howick. • Deaths. CURR1 In Hibbert. at the residence of Mr. Jas. Pu don, on the 12th instant, Mrs. Jane Curry, age 85 years. CARLY E -In -Osborne, on the Thames Road, on the 10th instant, after a lingering illness of nin years and two months, all of which time . he as confined to his bed„ Mr. James Carlyle, age 87 years. COMB S -In Brussels, on the 10th instant, John We ley, son of Mr. Geo. Combes, aged. 3 TOO ths and 15 days. LOWR -In Egmondville, on .the 6ih indent, Eli abeth Rutherford, daughter of Mr. Joseph Lo ry, aged 11 years, 6 months and 8 clays. CURRY In Hibbert, on the 23rd ult., Christina, sec nd daughter of Hugh CurryeEsq., aged 16 yea s. Pall Wh Spring\ Spring Oats pe Pea e pe Barley p Butter, Eggs Flour, p r 100 lbs Hay Hides, er Ib.... o 05 to 0 05 Grubby ides per 100 lbs... ... .. 4 00 Fallen des, per 100 lbs...., ' 3 00 Sheep s ins . 0 50 to 125 Salt (rotail)per barrel 0 75 Salt (wh lesale)per barrel...... • • 066 Potatoe , per bushel 0 55 to 060 Oatmeal eft Inn 2 25 to 2 50 Tallow, •er lb 0 04 to 0 05 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbsfl 50 to 5 00 Clover eed S 50 to 3 60 Timoth 7 50 to 7 60 CLINTON, March 20, 1879. Fall Wh ateper bushel 0 85 @ 0 96 Spring 1, 'heat, perbushel 0 80 @ 0 90 'Oats, p •bnahel 0 40 @ 0 45 - Barley, er bushel C 50 @ 0 65 Peas, pe bushel 060 © 0 75 Clover Sed, per bushel 8 50 @ 3 75 Timothy Seed, per pushel 1 75 @ 2 25 Batter 0 12 (di 0 18 Pork 5 00 5 25 Potatoes 0 50 0:9 0 60 Eggs 0 10 @ 012 Hay,per ton. 8 00 @ 9 00 THE MARKETS. SIEAFORTR, March 20, 1879. ttt •eat, Fif heat,Re bushel bushel r baeheJ o. /, Loose 0 88 to 092 ,perbushele. 0 85 to 0 90 Chaff,perbush. 0 78 to 0 83 ,. 0 38 to 0 41 .... 055 to 0 58 0 40 to 0 55 0 14 to 0 14 0 10 to 010 2 35 to 250 7 60 to 800 ; • ive Stock Markets. MONTREAL, March i8, 1879. The trade was sluggish to -day, and prices of cattle continued about the same s on last Tuesday. The price of live h gs has advanced considerable; sales t -day were made at 5c per lb. S. Price old six extra, oxen averaging 1,615 lbs. at 5c per lb. Mathew. Elliott sold. tweut •two cattle at $45 each, or about 40 per lb.; F. Shiels sold. a carload of cattle t $36 each. J. Elliott sold seven cattle t $37 each, or 3ic per lb., and a carloa of cattle at $3.60 per 100 lbs. R. J. 1 opper. sold 26 cattle at an av- erage f 043.35, Or from 3ic to 4ic per lb.; 1 m. Head sold twenty cattle at from 31-c to 4.ic per lb. J. Elliott sold - ten ho7s at 5c per lb., and Win. Head sold e veral lots of hogs at the same divary 359 M $4.70, lbs. at $5.10, 5.79; eragin avera,g 279 Swine froin Heavy lbs. br marke dency, lbs. so stock. Sheep---Leroh bought chigan sheep averaging 89 tbs. at and also a lot of 173 averaging 83 4.45; 208 averaging 116 lbs. at and. 144 averaging 129 lbs. a Matheson dt Co. bought 71 av- g 86 lbs. at $4.90 ; also 94 lambs ing 73 lbs. at $5.50; Hollis bought averaging 130 lbs. at $5.64. —The range of Yorkers running 38 to 160 lbs. was $3.75 to $3.10. hogs averaging'from 220 to 260 tight from $4.10 to $4.25, but the closed with a declining ten - and good fair hogs of over 200 d from $4 to $4.16'. Sprin will be South West If E estHi - Stephen Apr Turnbe Hibbert Blansha Mitchell lin Ilett, Spring Shows. Shows for the exhibition of Entire Stock eld as follows in this District : uron, t Brucefieltl, Thursday, April 17. iron, et Smith's Hill, Thursday, April 10. on, at Brussels, Friday, April 11. and Usborne, at Exeter, on. Wednesday,' 116. • ry, at Winghanas Tuesday, April at Staffa, Tuesday April 15. d, at Kirkton, Friday, April 18. at Mitchell, Thuredly, Apri110. at Clinton, 'Friday, April 18, Local Notices. FRE.11 CLOYER* and Timothy Seed at LAIDLAN & FAMLnY's,-Senforth. 587-2 EvE tn VAnIXTY of Field, Garden and Flower eeds, pure .tr. d fresh at W. H. 3.1cDote _GALL & O.'S, Main Street, Seaforth. 588 - Lei Lees,- & Fent LEY have received and opened ut a choice assortment of Jellies, com prising lack and. Red Currant, Strawberry-, Pine Apple, L mon and Orange. 588-2 Pal AT Money to Loan on first-class farm s nrity. Interest, 8 per cent. annually, not in a vance. Apply to C. R. COOPER, County Auction er, Brussels P. 0. 585-3 CAN. ED GooD8 in Peaches, Pears; Pine Apples, pricots, Plume, Tomatoes, &c. Also the celebrat Dundee Marmalade at LAIDLAw it FAIR- LEY'S Ce tral G?ocery, Main -at., Seaforth. 588-2 THE SEED STOBE.-We beg to call the attentio of Fermersand others to our prime stock of Cloy • and. ?Timothy Seeds, which for quality and price cannot be beat. W. H. MCDOUGALL & Co. ;inn_ of the Manunoth Turnip, Main Street, Seafortb. 588 SEED WHEAT A.ND SEED OATS.—For sale, Lee t Nation and Golden Drop Spring Wheats. Also &limited quantity of White Australian Oats, the most prolific white oat grown. W. H. MC- DOUGALL & CO., Sign of the Mammoth Turnip, Main Street, Seaforth. 588 THE CENTRE HURON UPRISING. MAJOR COLEMAN TAKEN _Great Excitement in Seaforth, Timk- en -smith, fficKillep, and adjacent NI Haricipalitice. On the 17th inst., about 12 hours before mid- night, t ndeneover of a bright suu, A. CALDER, of the Seaforth Photographic LIGHT Artillery, with a strong force of the best chemical processes and appliances, made his way to the " fortress" opposite the Commercial. On being discovered by the v:gilant sentry, he ran up a flag of tree°. The gates of the fortrees being open, Calder im- mediate. y and heroically penetrated to the pres- ence of Major Coleman, and levelling a double- barrele d Camera. demanded hits unconditional eurreneer in the name of the Calder Photograph Establishment. Seeing that resietenee would be in vain, he Major at once 'surrendered, was borne off in triumph, and Is- now on exhibition in front of the Calder studio in the shape of an exquisite card photograph. Durieg the excitement a large num ber both eroops and civilians,ceiscaped cap- ture. N on that quiet has beeu restored -together with the superior plain and fancy backgrounds, accessories, chemicals, light, and other facilities which Mr. ,Calder possesses for doing work in the best artistic style -it is coefidently hoped that all who have not already been TAKEN CAPTIVE will call st Mr. Calder's studio and be PICTURE. TAKEN at once. A. CALDER, Seaforth: T. MELLIS, KIPPEN, AGAIN ON HAND, SUPPLYING ME FARMERS' WANTS. THOMAS MELT IS has now on hand a stock -L. of Scotch Diamon,d Harrows, which for work- manship and price defies all comers. Also Plows and Gang Plows, manufactured by Monroe, of Seafortl , which speak for 'themselves. In ,fact he has all that is wanted in farming. HORSE -SHOEING Attended to as usual, with etriet attention to the wants of his patrons. T. Malls' horse shoeing speaks for itself, and in consequence all work dond by him in this line is held in high estima- tion by the public: FARMERS I FARMERS ! I If you wn nt. your Plowe and Harrows Repaired go to T. Mellia, Xippen-he rushes them work like a charm. Repairing of all kinds attended to on tbe shortest notice, and satisfaction. guaran- teed. Give me a trial and be convinced. THOMAS MELLIS takes this opportunity of thenkirg his many customers and the public in gene al for the very liberal support they have favored him with in the past, and hopes that by doing good work rind by close attention to busi- ness to merit their confidence in the future, to- gether with as many new onee as may wish to giee him a trial. R emember the Stand, and come when yon will you will always find me ready for business. THOMAS MELLIS, Kippen. N. B. For Sale, a good cow -will calve about the first of May. 589 HO 1 FOFt MANITOBA. R. GREENVVAY'S Manit ba Party leavesCentralia Station on TUBS AY, MARCH 25th, 1879, By Speeial Train. Partie going to Manitoba would- do well to join this party as they will have the L WEST RATE OF FARE And bet arningentents. 589 THOMA.S GREENWAY. Centralist. AL ESTATE FOR SALE. pRoP RT7 FOR SALE. -For Sale, thet con -- L• vetu nt and desirable residence on the corner of High nd Market Streets, lately occupied by Dr. Vero te. Apply to DR. VERCOE. 488 TeLUE ALE. -New Dwelling House in BIttevale for n le ; story and a half,18x26, with kitchen attached 14x18; extra well finisbed ; one quarter acre lot ell fended and pump, Price, $500. Ap- ply to J SEPIE 1313RGESS, Bluevale. 589 THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. I have much pleasure in informing my Customers and the public general y that My Stock of SI?RING. GOODS is now Comp]. te, and having been purchas- ed before the Change in the Tariff, Extra Good 'Value is shown in Every Department. Particular Atten- tion was paid in purchasing COTTON GOODS of all descriptions, and the Stock of DUCKS, DENIMS, SEIIRTINGS, GREY and BLEACHED COTTONS, COTTONADES, &c., at the Golden Lion was never better than at present A Splendid Line of BRO WN HOLLAND, at 124 Cents per yard. Also Extra Value in 10 Cent Bleached Cotton. We Import all Linen Goods from Glasgow, and are showing .Beau- tiful Goods in TABLE LINENS. TOWELS, TABLE NAPKINS, ,and all House Furnishing Goods. Lace CTJE,TAINS and Curtain Nets. id very choice Pat- terns. We are showing a Large Stock of PRINTS, and a very Complete Stook of DRESS GOODS,— with Buttons and Trimmings to match. A CALL SOLICITED. R: JAMIESON, Seaforth. • NOTICE OF REMOVAL. SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH CHARLES MOORE, Photograoher, bees to ietimate to his numerons petrons and the public generally tbat he has REMOVED TO WHITNEY'S BLOCK—Oppo ate Menne. Wm. Robertson & Co.rs Hardware:. where he has fitted up splendid rooms on the ground floor, replete with every modern contrivance, which render it 'the THE FINEST STUDIO WEST OF TORONTO, And where he will be in a better position to teem out Most Attractive Productions of the Photo- graphic' Art in every class ind style. He has been fortuuate enough to eecure the services of a First -Class Artist, whose experienee in the best United States and Canadian galleries in a sure guarantee that Artistic Excellence and Perfection wilt be attained in all work entrusted to this establishment, and. at prices to suit the timee. • C. Moore has laid in a large and varied stock of Chromos, Mottos, and other Fashionable and Fanciful devices. Also a splendid assorereent of Piettiresind Picture Emmen as well as a full stock of Plain and Fancy Mouldings, -which he can make up In frames almost at the cost' of the fdoulding. He invitee an early inspection by his friends of his extensive stock, which is now ready, and begs nhey will faeor him with a call. Photographer, Picture, aud Picture Frame 1 Dealer, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. CHARLES- MOORE. N. B. -Picture Frames Made to Order, and Pictures Glazed and Mounted. on the Shortest Notice. DISCLOSURES NEXT WEEK, BY G. DENT. LOOK 0 TT el' T" 01R, 'II 1-1 M. r; Disclosures next week by G. Dent. Look out for them,. Disclosures next week kJ G. Dent. Look out for them,. DisclosuT es next week by G. _Dent. Look out for tkenz,. 'Disclosures next week by G. bent. Look out for them. Disclosure* next week by Dent. Look out for theta. Disclosures net week by G. Dent. Look out for them,. Disclosures next week by G. Dent. Look out for them. Disclosures next w.esk by G. Dent. Look out for* them. Disclosures next week by G. _Dent. Look out for them. Disclosures nixt week by G. Dent. Look out for them Disclosures next week tym G. Dent. Look out for them. Lisclosures next week bY G. _Dent. Look out yor them. LOST OR FOUND. Los. —Between Seaforth and Mitcheii, s Ladies' Shoe. The finder will be suitably rewarled on leaving the sante at THE EX- POSITOR Officengeafterth. 586 PERSONskla 111QOARDERS.-A number of Boarders tan be accommodated with boa•rd, either ledies or grntlemen. Apply to J. M. 'CALDWELL, (-only roan and wife), Goderich Street, Senforth. 670 - - • - STOCK FOR skrz, T.0 'DAIRYMEN.- For Sale, 25 Good Daily -I- Cows, 21 of which are with emit. Also 6 milk can. Apily to the undersigned, on Lot 19, -Con. 9, MeXillop, or to Winthr.op P. 0. HYMAN TYERMAN. 588x4 • LEGAL NOTICE. THE DIVISION COURT. -The office of the Second Division Court will be open daily from hnlapa. t one to Sour o'clock P. M. Of/lee in nay Block, over the store of johnston Breen L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 5-82 STOCK FOR SERVICE. PIG BRE P.DERS.--The undersigned win keep for the improvement of atoelt &alit% f the present season, on Lot 2, Con. 10, H. B.S., 1 Trackammith, a Theron& Bred Suffolk Beare i This pig took the firsteprize at Seaforth, and is 1 one of the best II, the county. TERMS. -One dollar, to be paid at the time of serviee. with the ,DER YULE.. 1 privilege of returning if necessary,. ADEXAN- -572 - SPECIFIC ARTICLES. ---- -- --- ----- ---------- - -- - -- - 00.11DWOOD,--Cordwood, greert or wanted ‘--1 to exchange for 1 new wagon, 2 Pairs of bob- sleighs, iron heirows or vbeelbarrows. D. Me - NAUGHT, Seaforth. 1 585 pEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. -For Sale,on Lot `es 26, Concession 6, Monies, one raile from Bus - se's, any quantity -of 4edar posts, either ent or by the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden's Hotel, McKillop. 587 WANTED. pcuLL WANTED.- Wanted immediately, s good thoroughbred or grade Durnain Bull, Otto year old. Any person having •a suitable ani- mal svottld find a purchaser appleing at the EXPOSITOR Office, Seafortb, 589x2 TO CONTRACTORS -Sealen Tenders will be -L. received by the undersigned up to the 1st day of ApriTnext, for the contract en xepairirtg school house in section- No. 6, Hallett. Plane and specifications of work to be done can be Peen on applice.tien to - the Secretary of the School Trnsteee, TetonAs NEILAND14 11114Ock 588-3 Pont Oft3ce. MONEY. •InerONEY TO LEND -On :terms more *elven- -I"- tageons than over before offered. A. je Me- COLL, Solleiton.Brussels. 601,52 WHO WANTS -MONEY 7-A. few thousand dollen, private funds, forimmediate invest- ment at 8 per OCIlt. interest. Apply to TAMES H.BENSON, Selicitor, -Settforthe 588 MONEY TO LEND. -I have any amount of -LN-L- Money to Lend ongood improved tetras only, at 8 per cent. Charges very email. SUM no - object if security ample. I don't lend for any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. h70 Sii) to $1 Invested in Wall-St.e v"" Stocks makes fortunes ee ery month. Betake eclat free explaining every- thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Banners. 17 " Wall -street, New York, -587-52 ESTRAY STOCK. V.STRAY CAT'ILF.-Conre into the premises of the undersigned, Lot V, Con. 12. Stanley, three Ileifets coming 2 years old. The owner can have the same on proeing property and pay- ing charge -s. ALFRHRED SCOICHMER, 587x4 ESTRAY RAMe-Came into the premises or the undersigned, -e•-ot 18, Gon. 2, L. R. S., 01-1M.A.PMR0 =7'.1R0 Ttt -amen:rah, in Novenaber last, a tAVO-yegY old. A. G. AULT HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which will be sold at Great Bargains. Be solicits a call from all, feeling confident that both prices and quality of Goode will snit alt who may faenr him with their patronage. Try his Green Tea, at 50 cents per pound, try his Black Tea at 5nefents per pound, try his japan Tea at 50 cents per pound -you will find them the best in town Itar the money, also A pounds of Green Tea for $1.1 20 pounds of Rice for $1. 5 gallons best Coal Oil for $1. 20 paunch of Pot Barley for $1. 20 pounds of Currants for $1. 20 bars of good Soap for $1. 16 pounds of Raisins for $1. 13 pounds of good ugar for $1. Baking Molasses, Golden Syrup, Best 'White Sugar, Drip syrup, Vinegar, Codfish, Cheese, Piirk, Best Family Flour, Corntmeal, Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Brown Flour, Pastry Flour, Potatoes, Ap- ples, Pork Sausage, and good Butter and Eggs always on hund. Remember the -place: , t A..G. AULT'S GROCERY SEAFORTH. . , I .)1 GOOD _NEWS FOR THE BAREFOOTED AND ALL PARTIES WHO WISH' TO BUY LARGE QUANTITIES OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR, 4 SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY. TO -KEEP abreast et the times in the Geneeal Reduction in Prices of all kinds of Goods -but • more particularly, in possible, to induce people to buy for cash -I have determined to make the following reduction in prices to cash buyers in Custom Made Work r Gents' Long Leg Boots..all kinds, 25 cents per pair. Shoe Packs and -Short Hooits, all kinds 1214 cents per pall% Ladies', Boys" and Girlelliloots, all kin'd., cents per pair. I have jnst opened an Immense Stock of Factory Made Work in all the diffeeent lines which 1 think intending purchasers ought to see befOre purchasing elsewhere, especially my lien's and Boys' Riveted Work, which undoubtedly surprise anything in the trade in Factory Made Work. All of which will be eold at a reduction corresponding with the above to cash .buyers. Parties buying on timenvill be charged the old prices. As I am the first in my line in Seaforth to pull down the prices I trust tbe public will show their appreniatiOn by an extensive patronage, as I am deter- mined to make it to their advantage to do so. Sign of the BIG BOOT, Stark's 1_ Block. East Side Main Street, j - THOS. COVENTRY, Seaforth: POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. -- _ T ONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to my munerous customers for their kind the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them and kindly -LGSteRckocP aotirIDDEnaRRger ES -TEAS -TEAS a Spec solicit a continuance of their favors for the fr(ture. I have jnat received a Large and Well Selected A Large Stock of BOOTS GOODS and. iasltylionli sb,_foltireqpuhtirtionan,admparkicee., arcreoctkheeryb7Gtiaisuswtahree,CLoautant:s. of all descrier ions. Also always on hand a lull assortment of and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Diu is, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hains, in fact every- thing -required in a general store. Atsk for wh t you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. 1 would also tntimate to nparties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come end settle by cash or note before tae end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hernia for collection. No further notice will be given.. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. -I am alsorvaluator for the Dominion Saving ard investment Society, one of the best loan societies atin the Dominion. The above Society loans m nee, on good farm security for a term of fromthree to ram. The owner ean have the same 011 proving pr operty and 'raying ebargee. JOHN WORK- MAN. 586- 1.1STRAY,...11EIFER.-Came into the premises •&:a of the undereignede Lot 28,Con.11, MeKfliop about three weeks ago, a red and white heifer coming 2. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. WIte GRIEVE. 578 EST RAY HEIFER. -Come -into the premises of tbe undersigned, Lot 22, Con. 8, L. R. Tuckersmith, -some time ago, a red and white two year old heifer. The -owner can bane the same by proving property, and paying charges. MILES MeMILLAN. 588)4 IMPORTANT NOTICES. OTICE.-All parties indebted to the Estate -4-• of the late Simon Pe•well are requested to pay the sante forthwith to the undersigned, or they ehall be handed into the -Court for -collection. T. T. COLEMAN and A. G. VANEGMOIsID, Ex- ecutors. 561 IVOTICE TO DEBTORS.-Netice is hereby -1-N given. that all persons indebted to me for small book atcounts, that if their indebtedness is not paid before January first, 1879, they will be sued without furthernotice or respect of per- sons. 0. C. WILLSON, 576 -(1AUTION.-The public are hereby cautioned le/ against giving credit to any person in my 'name without my writteu order or consent, all from this date I will not be responsible for any debts PO contracted. THOMAS WHITESIDES. Seaforth, February 26, 11379. 5864 VOTICE TO DEBTORS. -All patties indebted -4--N to Mt. Grassie,_ either by note or break account, are regnested to call at the °Mee of the undersigned at Seaforth, at once, and settle, otherwise claims willbe put into Court for -col- lection. WM. N. WATSON, Receiver. 589-4 - OTICE TO DEBTORS. -All parties indebted -L-N to the, undersigned, 'who do not Fend the anaount of their indebtednees - to him at Hensall will be sued withbut fnrther notice or respect of persons. All parties hhVing claims againat the undersigned will please forward them to him at IlensalL OSCAU RUDOLPH, Hensan. -5864 T_T 00 FEEDING. -Public notice is nereby given that the Rodgerville Cheese Maim- facturiiig Company 118;90 T-CSOIVed to hire inhogs, to be fed on whey at the following a•a.tes at - lendance and feeding, at the rate of 50 cents per month, per head. They agree to take in 50 about the 5th.of May, and 50 about the 25th Of May, and 50 about the Ineh of Jene, Parties -wishing to take advantage of tide offer evenin re- quire to communicate with the Company on or before the middle of April, stating how many tley intend. sending, and at wbat time. JAMES LAING, Manager, ltodgerville P. O. 586-6 twenty yeeas on the rnest fend/Able condition . LIFE INSURANCE. -If yon -want your life insured FOR SALE OR TO LET. give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Muttial Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In - u p got to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph °Zee he nection. Clover, Timet.hy, Turnip and other sOeds on hand. • , PATTISON, WALTON. s ranee Com anies in the Dominion and conducted on the most economical principles Don't for - p looms TO LET. -Three rooms to let over -LA/ A. O. Atilt's Grocery store, in the front part of the building, with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. tn. AULT, Proptietor. 581 — --- - -FARM TO RENT. -To Rent, foe a term of years, Lot No. 2, Con.10, H- R S., Tucker - smith, containing 105 acres ; stone house and goad nutbuildiegs ; 80 acres cleared, well fenced and in good order. Apply to the undersigned on i the premi t es, or to Cbisellaurst E. O. A. YULE, Proprietor. • WE. AUCTION SAL E AUCTION SALE ous 11 IL sale the house and. lot formerly occupied by AND LOT IN SEAFORTH.-For Mr. C. F id, on John Street, Seaforth; the house is new, a d contains seven rooms; there is also a stable o • the preniises ; the property, is eon- venientl situated to the business part of the town; . 350 of the purchase money cash, the balance to suit purchasers; amity to A. STRONG, Laud Ag at, Seaforth. .rate. WITS Bur ALO, March 18, 1879.—Milch cows nd spriogers were slow to sell and pi.ces low. We note the following sales: Hulbert & Brown sold S lots of steers nd stockers, of which 18 steers averts, lig 1,049 lbs-. sold. at -L10;5 18 averagng lbs., at 64.20 • 23 feed- ers avraging 998 lbs., at -3.70; 24 do. avera ing 784 ns., at $3.40; 17 light hutch rs' steers averaging 1,073 lbs., at 63.80. Kerr, Taylor & Co. sold 20. steees veraging 1,086 lbs. at $4.27i. 11,1cDo lough & Co. sold. 10 stockers av- eregin .756 lbs. at $3.20. Senile Ohio steers averaging 1,500 Its. at 64.75, about he highest figures paid for or - AND LOT IN HARPURHEY.-For • sale in Haipurhey, adjoining Seaforth, a house an five acres of land.; the house contains seven rooms with good stone cellar; plenty of water peal all other conveniences; the land is of the best iuttlity, in good order, and is admirably adapted or a retired farmer, or market gardener, will be s ld cheap (for cash; apply to the pro- prietor, HANDCOCX, on the premises or to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 589x4 ARM tOR SALE. -Lot 22, Con. 3, township Hay, County of Huron, about one mile from the flour sbing Tillage of Howell and the Landon, Huron a i d Bruce Railway! comprising 100 acres, SO clear d., soil clay loana, in a good state of cul- tivation, good buildings and fences and a good orchard, three never failing wells; the situation as reger s neighborhood, set ools, charelies, loads, • markets &e., cannot bo surpassed; For terms appiyoi the premises, or address JAS. WEIR, Heneall '.0. 589x4 a OF— FARM, FARM STOCK AND IM PLEMENTS. Air . A. BIS ff0P has been instructed by the '1-‘-1- proprietor to sell on be premises, by Public Auction, on MOJDAY,MARCH 24th, 1879, the following [property, consisting of 100 acres, 85 cleared, being Lot 31, Con 3, -Je- borne, Huron County. Good brick bouse, end good outebuildings. Distant 4 miles from Exater station, on the G. W. R., and convenient,' to chur ehes d schools. Aleo a quantity of Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. RI3S- SY1LL J. ROSS, Proprietor. 589 , SEAFORTH CHEESE FACTORY. A •meeting of the Patrol:is on the Set•forth Cheese Factory will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, on THURSDAY, MARCH 271h, 1879, at 2 o'clock P. M., I& the purpose of winding up the business of the past year, end making arrangements for .tho present year. A full attendance is desired. The routes for milk drawing will be let on THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1879, at C&R - MICHAEL'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. at 2 o'clock P. M. J. DUNCAN, Secretary; ROBERT GOV- ENLOCX President. 589-1 —OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS: 1\if . J. P. BRINE has been instructed by Mr. -L. D. D. WILSON to Pon by public anction, et the LAPSLIE FARM near SEAFORTH, on FRIDAY. MARCH 28th, the following valuable property, viz.: Thirty-one very superiorleicest er ewes, some of which have lambed and the balance with lamb; Tspaseof working horses; 1 yearling colt from Old Wahaor; 1 leaceeter ram lamb; 1 lumber wagon; 90 rods portable fence; I large straw tatter; 1 grain crusher; 2 heavy spring wagons; 1 new democrat wagon; 1 new - single buggy; pair of bobsleighs; 2 sets of double harness; 1 mowing ma.ehine, , Watson's Humming Bird ;" 1 land roller ; 1 fanning mill; 1 wheeled cultivator; 1 gang plow, Munroe's make; 1 plow; 1 pair of iron harrows ; 1 turnip smellier ; 1 sulky hay rake; ers.dles, scythes shovels, and many other articles too ntinterous to mention. The whole will be sold without re- serve, as the proprietor is giving tee farming . Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. 31, TEEMS Alt earns of $5 and under cash, over that amount 9 months' -credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved endorsed notes. A discount of 6 eents on the dollar will be given for cash on credit amounts. D. D. WILSON, Proprietor; j. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 589 584 14 ARE CHANCE. -Photograph Rooms to Let 1-41 -On. first floor in Scott's Briek Block, Seaforth, position central. ALso, three or four Rooms en the ilet above, suitable for a -dwelling. Pos sion let January, 1871 ApPly to F. liOLMg- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SSCOTT,MTeoli-xtillEoL -573-41.STA.NLEY.-That splen - IN Fdid property known as Dr. Weode•farne, being westerly portions of Lots 1 and 2, Lake Road West. Good land; Jaigo clearing reedy for etop; plowed lina manure put out; geed orchnrd Posseseion April lst. Apply to 3)11. WOODS, Bayfield, or to his agent, . 11. Woods, on the - premises. -588-4 ; n .0 miles from the Huron Road, on' the Seel c0 ..ARM TO ItENT.-Is $tuated in the To n ship of Efullett, half via between the prosper - ons - mail:et towns of Seafertheand Canton, i eic sion, and e,onventent to school house, -&c. Tbere are 88 acres plowed, and 6 aces of fall wheat leoking prosperous; good bearing.orebard and. well; frame buildings, in good repair; endl sup, i plied with good water, there is a geed •aaantity of feed on the premisee ; the ittaia is in a good state of cultivation. Apply to Fit 4.NCIS BET-, TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. a. Hullett. 588-4X, -