HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-03-14, Page 7MARCH 7, 1879. tiE CANADIANI OF COMMERCE, TORO.NTQ 4.'vtaattest, _ $6,00'0,000. - - 1,4 06,000 DIRECTORS. ILLIAM MeNieeTER, President, - env Horn, Vtee:- Presiden t. lletrt, Feel. Jaraea Miebees Esq. ,t meg. T. -tut erlaud tayu er, Zee. yler, feel. Jehu JAla/N..14 E. A. It. eleMast( r, >E8ett IN. Gem rel afateeger. JOHN ROP,ER tSt)N, Inspector 11.K„ —T. G. Harper, trecd J.- E. Gamily, G. Orchard, Agent. tanAtv OH ES. Harreilton„ Simeoe, • Loudoo, • Steal ford, Lueen, trathrey, Montreal, Reaforth, Oraegevilte, Thorold, teive, Tomato, Weikertbn, tteze rbero, Windsor, t.'etherines„ Woodstock, Saatiia. el Credits isened tor use in Europe, •ad Wt Iie China, japan, an - :eft. ad American Exchange bought ana nude tho MOSt favorable•terms. llowed on depoeits. LERS. —The Anierieun Exchange National rana—The Bauk'of Scot1a-1We FORTH BRANCH. ..‘„YES, - MANAG >0 _L--CIT-FaHIS TUBE WAREROOMS S'AFORTH. • . IF.APET FCRNITURE IN TtfE couNTY • Te.eeiciee m Large Stock of NEW :rem the teeet Factories in Gan- e•a eue`e1.-7. t) sell rhea per than any ae I pey etteh doa and get- fl Lt rr-iV SPTE, . OM Chet' e fin ea, eire. .1-f,, Fez et Te reed Lege, r. e. xtra Good, tar at2 50. the x er: Beet.115. tell, for e;,,l 1j. e ,-11..9a Itttt :1 St...u.Ne 1X4-, Let Iona, 7 Plawf,r Ilarellt4, projection fronts, feller Linde very pew, ;C,rs fot Civil, Chair s„ ,Cofits. Lcan- nil1 Ccennot be aatt Seineing Wheelg- very low. GIVE ME A CALL • faruieli .y(nr hctuee for a little 4)-1N i!iieetle• ortoo4ite M. R. Come. 1,101t Jewelry Eetablishineut, Main • nine, Woo! and Wool Pick- JOI.F7.1ct" S. PORTER. letill3e1^11 be in a pesitien to furnish atti.r tb.in any tutu in the place. 'TIT E EAFORT HI Atii5. LAND ACI.:NCY. iLONZO STRONG to Several Firet-Ulass Stock, Fire fie 1nel:el-ince Companies-, and is prepare tisks UST FAvoRATILE- TERM'S, it for several ot the best Loan Soda, !rit for the e:lle and purchase of Farm 4 Property. Ft:ZST-CLASS tM- VELD FARMS FOR SALE. Ota to Loan at t..4 Per (eial. gni ere*t. the White Ster Line of Steamers. --Over M. Morrisale'e Store, Mairefit ERTT DRUG STORE. • • keeps the Parest Drugs and ‘-; kteps all the Leading Patent ea. 'S keetia the Best Perfumery, One, Combs, &e. • ktepa No. F Trussea, Shoal. rants and Suppeters. .5 In eps Tooth, Nail, Hair, es and Bath Brualles. keeps Firat-claSs Dye Stufk S keeps the Best Horse and e Meilijnes. - 'S keeps the B.st Tobaccos, Qi• :Pipes, ite. 'IVE, HIM A GALL .s,t.,itu. C01\1210'6 hall, Sea EMPORIU eriber thanks his numeral eh:ULU; and others) for theft ,reige .1,1110 the 11,03 t 7 ereers, ✓ t ir.te ,iity arid etoee attention -to merle their cienutlercee :cud ttade lia‘irat,r atle enterged hie prqw iLte it; aow prep.:I.e.( to pal I.G1-1EST CASH PRICE tiy (C 1;(eal Ereell Eggs, deliverei e-ruperinet, STILEET, SEAFORTIL the eat :Ler; 25 tern, of good 4r1 I). D. WILSON. ..hN AND PEAS. 14k.. -,w an hand, at Ilenta. `1:Y f ri Co , lit for mei e I i of .1.0 lteeshalil THAN ffAS 111::1;N • ita-e• lin lieu I tictriire the next° - s - ;.j Pelee fer t•dr O() take any quantit; 1 at market price. 2IcLENNO I R DRESSI.N MISS STARK to infitrui the La lie,: of Seaforth tLt prp1'are.1 t.1 rtenca OEP ,CURLS. BRAIDS, 04- 1.at ert hUllz from Combiii0jk - iderate.aral u.1L -dors Inman:111v A call s..licited. iteridence— p.th. ARCH' 14, 1s79. sw owing False Teeth - and:. Li nig Seven WeeksWithout 'oD•d. Ab :at eight weeks ago Levi Waggen seller,. employee in Wood's cotton fac- tory, n138 years of age, entered 003$tlut street restaurant and ordered a,. su4ieit Waggenseller had three false t eth. For Leai. twenty years -the smalrylate, which held these -teeth iu placethe upper jaw, had done ser- vice... Gradually, however, the small hooks vhieli held the plate fast to the jaw .be atu. to wear off, aud, one day plate surprised its oownverear. als•uadgd%e,flet dropping out... ,To replac it was but a matter of a few mo - moats,: and as the teeth. _vere still firin inthe )1ate they continued to do thein werk. But the plate itselfavas no long - or reli -bio, and frequently its owner would e annoyed. by it dropping out hile t Liking with a friend or eve wolkin4: oo the street. Waosenseller sat down to his meal ii the rCenturaat and had about half ished i when he felt something goiu down • is throat, giving him intense pain; which he thought was a bone. Be was soon undeceived, howeierefor, bi hold iustinctively to his niontle. he Laind his false teeth were gone. Plate and alf.had gone • dowii his throat, and he could feel, them lodged against his breast. That was -the last meal Waggeuseller ever ate. The teeth • remained, in the lower, part of the throat, causing him at tittlEjS -severe pain... Dr. Stewart- was, ealled to visit the patient on the -fifth day after the ecearreace. He advised him to take a swallow of gin as the readiest meaus of dislodging the teeth, which still remain- • ed in the throat. .The patient followed his advice, anti almoSt.immediately felt • the teeth going down. But this only ied to a worse result. The teeth move down and lodged abeut. one inch and, half abeve the entrance- to the stomach Had they passed into the ,storaach, ao cording t� mediate', authority, the chie danger iu the case would have bee • over. But -lodging th.ey did th patient Quaid swallow nothing, net even nallk or 'water., It was absolutely im possible to get anything down hi throat: Milk was recommended, but when it Would be poured down as soot as the glass would be removed from hi lips it would come back, exuding fm ro his ears, eyes, mouth and Postrils. .Th strangest of all was what followed. •Eth: man strangest for seven weeks withen swallowing a morsel of food or a deo of water. • Even the. juice of an orang he could not swallow.- From el, stou hearty mean weighing probably 19 pounds, he dwindled away to a mer skeleten. Strangely enough,. too, al this time the man, who was perfectly conscious and rational, had no Cravin forked. The smell of victuals, he said made hirn sick. After being for over seven weeks with W out food aggeusdller died, death re suiting .zrorn inanition', or, in °the words, starvati.ou. To thesvery last is had po appetite. up to the last bout he retained his senses and talked freely about his case, instrueting his relatives to have a Ijait mortem examination made upon his body. The examivation' was made, aucl the Plate, with the teeth it it, was found about one iiich and a hal above the eutrance of the stomach, the ho.oks firmly imbedded in the .finalte---- Phaludelehat 1,07zes.. ' + • She PoinoAn. lIerself With. ,Ine!aidatalarn. . • A sad ease of Suicide occurred at ..the Air Line HOtel„ Tilsontairg, en Wed- nesday evening. It seems that a young girl, rained Emina Louise Rogers, whose parents live about a mile east • of Straffordville, drove from .New Eng- land to the teliwzey station, her inten- tion being to proceed to Aylmer, where she has -for some time past been work ing at the millinery business. But in 'Stead of -departing by tale train, she took a lk into town. and peseensed . a, two MU e phial of laudanum. at a drug store.- fl he afterwards went to a neigh- boring jeweller's shop, where slits seem- ed so die reesed and expressed such a • desire to see a young na.an earned Hub- bard, residing.at Now Englau.d„ ethq the jeweller agreed to- gefor him.. ..The girl then went back to the Air Line • Heteleat when Mr. Brown, the jewel- • ler, subs( queetly drove past on his pro- pos,ed mi THE H acm Exposron. ish and The Ta her son They ar gagemeiJ their Koran terests. are fier never w predatory to the last degree. than mother often ptays that may be a successful robber. Utterly faithless to public en - t; it would never even occur Minds that an oath; on the as binding if against their in - It must be added .that they ,and bloodthirstY. They are. thout weapons. When grazing their ca tle, when -driving beasts of bur- den, or *hen tilling the soil,ithey are still twined. They are' perpetually at war with each other. Every tribe and section of a tribe has its internecine ,wars, every family its herediary blood pads, anid every individual his'personal !foes. Titere hardly a man' whose hands- are unstained... Every person Omits up 'warders. Each teibe has a debtor and creditor account with its eighbors, life for-life...Reckless of the 11wee of others, they are not sparing of their own. They consider revenge to I be the strongest of all obligatioes: They _ possess gallantry and courage in them- selves, and admire such • qualities in others. Men of the same party will 4tand by another in danger. To their minds boipitality is the first of vir- tues. . Any person who can make • his way into their dwellings will be kindly received, but as .soon as lie has left the roof of his. entertainer he may, be robbed 1)r killed.". I Cause and -Cure of Snoring. I:: • ! A writer in the Rcient;fic Monthly__ tells how the habit of snoring -is ac- quired, an—better still—how it may be cured': . , . "And, first, the cause: The air - reaches the lungs through two channels, the nose and the mouth. *The two cur -7 rents meet in the throat below the soft Of the palate, the.end of which hangs d loose and swings backward and for- a ward, producing the snoring. If the air reaches the lungs, as it should, - through the nose, no noise will be made. If it reaches the same throngh. the mouth, the palate will make more noise, since it is not the. natural channel, but when it rushes through .both theSe elizumela, then it is:that the wend sleep- er bapishearest from the Pillows of his companions by his hideous noise. The remedy for snoring is to keep the mouth closed; and for this purpose Dte,Wyeth, the writer of the article referred to, has invented an article SO cheap that auy one can make.it; and .no snorer should be without it. consists . of it -isingle cap, fitting the head snugly, and a piece of soft material fitting the chin. _These are connected by elastic 'webbing, which. is connected with the heitdcap pear the ears. This contrivance prevents the. jaw from dropping down, and thereby rendering snorieg impossible. The great trouble will be to get people to adopt- this invention, since the most up- right an crli °nest of men and! women " ill rarely, if ever, confess thkt they ore, and will be very indignant if ac - 14 - ✓ cjuse.d of it. As a further indneement e to the introduction of this contrivance * of ,Dr. Wyeth, it may be added that breathing through the mouth is very de- trimental tcii the health, and that many* diseases' of the throat or lungs are Con- tracted or aggravated. thereby.1' f A Fondling at a Farm House. : • . . ' A child wits left'at the door ,of Mr. Jacob Deo, aboutthree-quarteks of a Mile north of New. Sarum, on Friday night between the houra of pine and ten o'clook.' Mr. Deo, accompanied by Rev. Mr. Martin, returned from .churoh • meeting about ten nainutes before the .disoovery was made. Thete *as no. sign of a child at the front doorwhen they entered, but the attention of the inmates was seen afterwards attracted by theythining and seratching .of the • dog. and. two bundles were seeii lying _ on the stool) when the door was opened, . One of the bundles coutained a, female baby abont four weeks. old, dressed very neatly and comfortably, stickily/ bottle -sion, he fennel her lying on. a loutage, t liable to rise. She told him that she had taken a quantity of lam -l- emma. In t he did not believe her. Her actions 'ere so strange. however, that hEi left young companion to watch over her, but her new guardian -did not stay long in the room, in consequence of her sii guitar murder. Between ten and eleven o'clock the hotel keeper's wife wen to show her to a - bedroom. She Rana the girl: apparently asleep, and, ever = effort failing- to rouse her, she then ';alled for assistane•e. . Auex- aminatioi revealed the awful fact that the girl:was dead. A. medical mati was - sent for; but she was beyond the reach of human the boson mortem e - deceased, .age last J. gone in piegnatley. ,, The In' abitants of the -Khyber Pass. . Mr. 'Teriple, at one time Secretary to the Chi .f Commissioner of the TIM jab, gives he f:dlowitig terse and grapliic account of the characte-ristics of tlienet` Khyber el els as distiuguished from filet other Atsl aatS •- " Now these tribes are savages -1 oble savages, perhaps and uot without ta me tincture of generosity and virtue. bu still absolutely barbarittua nevertitele ei. They have nothing ttp- proacbing to govornroAft or civil 111-1 stitutious. Thoy have for the merit no education. They have nominally a• religion ; but „Moltammodauism, as understont -Ly thein, is no better, or is perhaps, a :wally worse, than the creeds of the wil, est race on tenth. In their eves, the : tie great. cenituandmeut is blood ft,r 1-1e.el and. Ere iiiil sword for all intidein that is, for all people not Moliannitellan. They are superstitious awl pries-rB idilen. But the priests • i (Mollalizo z re as ignurant as they are bigoted, an leise their influence simply fur preaching erueades .againet imbe- lievere, and niculcate a doctrine (.:if rapine mid bloodellEd against the de-. feuceless people of the plaiu. The hille men are seesitive in regard. to their women, Int , their tmeterns in regard to marriage :cid betrothal are very pre- judicial il: regard to social advance-: ment ; at tie f,aane time they are a sensual race. They are very avaricious; for gold they will do almost anything except betray a guest. They are thiev- aid. The 'phial was found iu of her dress, omptsi.- :A post &ululation showed that the who was seventeen years of buttery, was out six weeks a small bar of soap and a phial cif oil of pepp ermint. The- accompanying bundle of clothes comprised a number df -little dresses. It appeared from various in- dications that the child had. been car- ried a considerable distance before it vas left at the door, and had it not b eeu that Mr. Deo. was -somewhat tired after the day's avocations he would lave pursued and probably overtaken the person who left the little one. It is hardly necessary to state tkait the most tender care will be taken elf the child, while inquiries are being made with the view of discovering the par- ents.—St. Thomas Journal: -••••• A Sinful Posture. The following law and law-case.taken. -hem- the records of the New- Haven , Colons/ in. 1669, are strange reading in 1 these times. The Statute says: '1 Whe- •soever shall inveigle or draw t ie af- fections of any maide or maide-s€lrvarit, either to himself or others, witho 6first gaining the -consent of her paretitr,shall pay to the plantation for the first of- fence 40s; the second. £4; for the:third, shall be - imprisoned or corporeouEdy punished." -Under this law, at a court held in May, ; 1669. - Jacobeth Murline aud Sarah Tuttle were prosecuted "for setting down ou a .chestle together, hie arm around her wasite and her arm upon his sholilder or about his 'leek and continuing in the same sinful pos- ture about half an hour, in which tyme he hyssed be: and she leyssed him, or they kissed one another, as ye witnesses testified." , . 1 . i For Chapped and Rough . I Hands. , i (I) Take three drams of powdered borax; three -eights of an ounce of glyc- erine, six ounces of rosewater ; mix well together and appl y frequently. It will melte the skin smooth and white. (2) Take two ounces of glycerine: and - one ounce ofrose water ; mix and rub your hands well with it before retiring a', rest. It is pleasant, agreeable, and eleanly,and its effects are truly wonder- ful: (3) Our readers need not suffer from having theirlands affected by water or:-.Zoapsuds, if the hands are dipped in vinegar water or lemon juice im- mediately after. The acid. destroys the coreosive effect (-...f the alkali, and Makes the'hands soft and white. (4) Sweet oil, ,oue pint; Venice turpentine, three ounces; hog's lard, half a pound ; bees- wax, three ounces. Put all into -al. pip- kin, over aslow fire, and stir it With a wooden spoou till the . beeswax is all melted and the ingredients simmer. it is fit for use as soon as cold, but the longer it -is kept the better it will be. For ch.aps or cracks, nib on the hands! when you, go to bed (5) Five cents' worth of gum camphor, the same of sweet oil and white wax ;- place togeth- . er in a cup to melt until thoroughly 'nixed. Wash the hands - clean, and. wipe dry; apply before retiring. (6) Apply pure glycerine in the evening. after the hands have been thoroughly cleaned with castile soap and • rinsed with lukewarm water. Sometimes it is beneficial to wear kid gloves during the - night. (7) Take three pounds of com- mon yellow soap, one ounce of car.nplaor - dissolved in one ounce of rose water and one ounce of lavender water; beat the above in mortar until it becomes a paste; Make it into balls to dry, and place it in a °eel place for the winter. (8) Take equal portions of glycerine and alcohol; mix well; before retiring at night wash the hands in warm water, and rub well with the lotion. (0) A. .salve for chapped hands is made -of two parts fresh lard, one part white pine pitch melted together. Doing Up Men's- Linen. -A husband complained that his shirt bosom and oollara were badly done up, and the casewas referred to a knowing shirt -maker, and his answer Was well worthy the attention of.house- . keepers: . " Yes," said the -man, " the -fault is with your laundress. While doing up your collars, she Stretches them the wrong way. Damp linen is very -plia- ble; and a good pUll will. alter a four- -teen -inch into a 'fifteen -inch collar in the twinkliug of an eye. She sought to stretch them crosswise, and. not length- tiled:- Then in straightening out your shirt bosom she makes another Mistake of the same sort. They also ought to be pulled 'crosswise instead. of length- wise, particularly in the neighborhood 'of the neck. A lengthwise pull will draw the.front of the neckband some- what under your chin, where it was never meant to go, and, of course, it spoils the Set of your collar. With the front of your neckband an inch too high, and your collar an inch, too long, you have a most undesirable combina- tion." - The necessary changes were made in the methods of the laundry, aud allwas right with shirts and collars. • What Drinld 'Michael Hall's capacity as a drinker was underdiscuesion in a Stutro (Nev.) bar -room when be entered. He was proud of the distinction accorded him, _ • and offered to bet ten dollars that he could drink a quart of 7hiskey in ten minutes. , The wager was made, and the money put into the hands of a stakeholder. A quart of such whiskey as is sold in mining towns was measur- • ed out. Hall swallowed fully a pint --at a draught, but after that the fluid went down harder, and ten minutes and a quarter had. elapsed when the last wae drunk. So he -lost his ten dollars, but that is not the worst, for be immediate.: ly fell to the floor, remained uncon- scious forty-eight hours, mud then died, William Bell killed himself foolishly in. Waldron, Ark. He had .been a per former in a . circus; but intemperance bad incapacitated him for such employ' merit, and he became a bar -room. buM- mer. His sole remaining gymnastic feat was to stand on his head, which he wa-s ready to do for drink. Two men be:t that he couldnot remain inverted an hour, and he attempted.tbe feat, but a rush of blood to hie head resulted fatally. • Eres's-Cocoa.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properf .ties of well selected Cocoa,. Mr. EppS • has-proVided our breakfast tables with a' delicately flavored beverage, which may save -us many heavy doctor's bills. Itis by the judicioueuse of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of . subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there -is a weak point.' We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well fortified with pure blood, and. a properly nourished frame."±—eivit Ser- vice Gazette.. &id only in packets label- led—" James Epps & Co., Homoeopath- ic . Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and -170, Piccadilly, London." 482--52 THE PEOPLE WANT PROOF.—There is no medicine prescribed by physicians or sold by Druggists, that carries such evi- dence of its success and superior virtue as BOSCHEY'S GERMAN &nor. for severe Coughs, Colds 'settled on the breasti- Cons urn p tion (many disease of the Throat and Luugs.- A proof of the fact is that any person afflicted can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75- cents. It has lately been iutroduced in this country from 'Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing every one that uses it. Three doses will re- lieve any case. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. • Grand Trunk Rail wz; y.. Trains leave Seaforth and Olin,on Stations as follows : Gum; W.Esr— SEAFORTII. .CLINTON. :Ex press 2:25 P. M. 2:15 1'. M. ENpreitH 8.58 P. M. • 9:21) P. M. mixed Train9:(i0 A. M. 10:0). A. M. Gorsa FAST— SEAF,111.TH. CLINTON. Mixed Train. 7:52 A.. M. 7:7 A. M. Exprese Train1:15 P. M. 12:1,0 P. M.. Mixed Train:I.. •5:00 1'. It% 9: -?,5 P. M. Mixed Train10:35 A. M. I 0:90.A.. M. • London, Huron GOING N wale— Mail. P. al London, depart.... 2 15 Exeter Ht1nsnll Kipp( n Memel:mid. Clinton Blyt h.. . • ......... ' Wingliain, srrive.. Gorso Sor,Tn— . pead Bruce. ixtixoit. Express. . A. M. P. M. -- 555 615 33:; 805 73 a 12 831 751 858 8 41 7 58- ,1 08 000 808 ' 425 945 8 233 452 10 32 852 525 11 80 925 - Mail. Mixed. Express. • A. M. A. Ar. P. Nr. 10 55 7 00 8 15 12 15 7 35• 6 55- 1 19 8('l 724 140 818 743 157 82-i 758 25 384 804 25) 349 . 823 Wit:I:hare, depart.. :Myth' Clinton ru e efield open }tense)] Excter A-Re:AL NEeessiry.--No honee shoall he with- out a -bottle Of liagyard's Yellow (iil. in cese of ac- cident.. There is uo preparation offered. to suffer- bighumanity tliat has mede • et) many per:ea:cent curvet, or reliev: d so nmeh pain and misery. It is called by some the (local Saniateitan, by . others hssrs. Lmnstlen tt: Seaforth cure-all, and by the aldieted an Angel of ille5rey. For ale by Me If Demosthenes had not suffered, anti by _un- ece exied efforts overcome great, obstacles, would he havt become the ten at. st orator in the world? If our mothen Demoethenes have a cough, cold, or tiekling of the Uthatt, nothing will nlieve them so spot dilya Hagyard's PeeLoral Balsam. It is an ecdlient: remedy for Quicisy, infidenza, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis; rte. For e ale 1)3 -all dealers at 23 cents per bottle. 1-585 ns. C DIPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyoi • and Civil Engineer. Ordeis by mail prompt ly tittond d to. 09 D. S. CAMpl3ELL, Mitchell. SEA. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM THE C NSOLIDATED BANK SCOTT ROTHERS OF CANADA. CArl AL, •- $4,000.000. CITY 13-1 'X OF MONTREAL,Incorporated 1883; • • 'tin I ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, ' Ipcorporated 1861. SE FORTH BRAN EL DOWil ION BLOCK, MAI -ST. SEAFORTH. Droll on New 'Cork Payable Bu.nkja t e United States. 1111111m f Exchange on London payable at all Ohio Claw: of the Untted Kiugdom. INTER 'ST Pf ID OH DiePOSITS. at any SEA ORTH PLANING MILL, SASHJ DOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE H.ab. criberbegs leave to thank hi a namerou custoiners for the liberal patronage extended to hinisince onemencing butuness in Se.aforth,and trusts hat e may be: favored with it continuance of the sum . Parties i deriding to build wonld do well to give him a call, s he will 'continue to 'keep on hand a large stoc of all kinds et RY PINE LUMBER, 8A PJ 111 E DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, S INGLES, LATE., ETC. }Tercels outident of givingsatisfaction to those who may f your him With their patroleage,as none bac first -al ies workmen are employed Partieul r attention paid to Cuistom Planing 20 JOHN IT. BROADFOOT. STOVE 1 E OLD ESTABLISHED AND' TIN EMPORIUM, SEAFORTII.— RS. WHITNEY, TATISHE. once more to remind her many T T fele d's and customers th it she is now better pre ,tired than ever supply all their wants in h r lino. She as one of the most coin plete aseor merits ofl 13olh Coal nd Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the lnte t designs that eau be ferind in any town in th: countyi.„an.1 at prices as low 68 the louest. r assorienent of Was never letter or more varied.' COAL OIL., Both 'Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on anufacturers prices. Repairing and. Eave-Trou hing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfa tion guerauteed. RUCEFIELD. For the b tter aceomodation of her customers Mrs. Whit ey has opened a -briencn atore in Brueefield, here will be fouird a complete stoek of evorythi g in her line. She would direct per- ticular atte ition to aad invite inspection to her Stovee, whi intending purchaseis should Hee before pur basing eleewhere. Remember when yon come t Seaforth or Bracefield dan't leave without in peeting my stock. ID will be time well spent. •IRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefield. SIGN THE CIRCULAR SAW. WM. ROBERTSON & ca•l • SEAFORTH. CALL AT WILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO.'S. AND SEE THE IMPROVED DIM ON FRL T ED' CAST TEED TO HARDWOOD W CROSS -CUT SAW, MADE E BEST DOUBLE R..EFIN- ST.EEL, AND GUARA.N- CUT THVITY CORDS OF ITaouT TING. ALSO LANCE TOOTH, ONLY 75 CENTS PER FOOT. WM ROBERTSDN & CO., HAI 'DWAR.E MERCHANTS, SEAFOR.T1I. THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared HOGS to pity the IfIGFIEST- PRICE for 0-3- quantity of LIVE OR DRESSED • ALL KINDS OF! CURED MEATS Constantly =hand. 'FINE LARD, SIAUSAC ES, PORK • CUTTINGS, &c. 623 G. & J. PETTY. INVITE THE -ATTENTION. OF TI -1 PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING TES- TIMONY OF ONE OF 'HE WORLD'S GREATEST _ • PIANISTS W Ta. REGARD TO TIIE 1/1 „ELI S 0-1\T IiAIsrO, • For Which We are the 1 Iholeeale Agents for' Ontario • OSTON. Mass., July 21st, 1878. 711:1E BMWRSOLIT PIANO (302: PAW Y. GENTLEMEN—I have examined wil h one I have is superb in Every cespect. Elael lei 'prominent, in them, whilst in power paralle/ed feta:ems with which lie opinion in respect them. cat interest and pleasure your Uprieht Pianos. The , y of touch sad tine singing gneli y of tone' are they are lit e a Grand. I am not the lee et surprised at the un • - your Pianoe met? . stud most heartily and emphatieally entioree pub - to Faithfully you s, F. BOSCOVITZ. W •1 Ve ruments always on hand. Also the popu- n the shortest I notice. • Eel talment system. • "WIRERS, Seaforth, Ont. ORi Clough & Warren's Celebrated Ia-s lar Canadian Bell Organ. Other Pianos and Organs.supplied Instruments sold on tivae or the in SCOTT D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER . ST1A6s_1-101=VTI-1 Ilas Pleasure in announcing to his.Friends am/ Cm- 10MerS that every Department 'is fully stocked with First-Cla,s Goods. Hundreds of Families testify to the value' given at Rose's Grocery in the past, and he looks. forward to the fature with every confidence. No Prices quoted. Come and see, and be CO21VinCed of the advantages offered. No trouble fo show Goods and give.samples. Flour, Corn, Oatmeal, Buckw,heat, Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, &c., always kept in Stock. .D. D. ROS ET, riSeaforth. HURON FOUNDRY • ND' MACHINE SHOPS S.. 11,T3 MANUFACTURER OF AG _MILL IIACHLVERY, Contracts Taken for every d SEAFORTH; aal.TaN.L1ii Kd ne trent-. 0 -0 a' CD O 0 0 0 _ cre C1Q ITQ ..n7 tee ee. rig ac.• g re et — Vz "az P ••• •••• • CI re. 0 07 W 07 Ut et- cr. ct• C..4 e... e-1 CCCC -••••••• •-• 1.•-• CID C 0 ••• ttl Ite ta- !CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ,VOILATES, BOILERS, (tc. escription of Mill Machinery. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. _ ONTARIO ONTARIO PRIN1ERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & SON HAVE M 0 V • TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets. KII)D'S I -LAM -DWARF,. RECEIVEP 6IRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS IMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, '• HOES AND RAKES, • GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, & FENCING WIRE ND BumbING HARDWARE Of Every Deseription Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE • t up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. • • JOHN KIDD. ARMERS, STOP! do TO A. CALLANDER, CLINTON, (-HURON STREET,) TO GET TOUR ene $AWS GUMMED. You eau get the13 home with you the same day that you brirg them. • A. CALLANDER, 585x12 • General Bla.ekareith, Clinton, Ont. LUMBER FOR SALE, amirocK First a6 per M. PINE from $8. - BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN TVIcK.ILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, 'Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 09 THOMAS DOWNEY. FURNITURE. FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER • 11 I 111 jH THE GOLDEN LION, A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING - PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTII. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS. EXTUA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE 'GOLDEN LION, SEAFOLTH. - A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING - PR mrs, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN. LION, SEAFORTH. 1 A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPItLiNG , PRINTS, EXTRA. GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT TaE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTIL A LARGE LOT 01? NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN. LION, SEAFORTH. A pLEAIRNG14, TipaTTIOI AF .NEW-TPAILtIuNEG, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. -A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VA LITE, RECEIVED Kr THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTh. A LARGE -LOT OF NEV SPRING- , •PR IN TS. EXTRA G.00 D VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN • LION, SEAFORTIL Refail Furniture Store A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE., RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN Two Doors' North of his Old Stand, (appoeite LIONS EAFORT 11 Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where he is , prepared A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE. TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN REGEBTED AT TAB Got,DEic THE TRADE. LION, SEAFORTIL HAS AGAIN OPENED A UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. A. Large Stock of COFFINS, CASEETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. 531 M. ROBERTSON - DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great Englieh Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing crtre for Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that fellow as a so - k . quence of Self abuse, I, BeforeyensTanlitiLnasssitnile,poin in m Loss of Meory, After Taking TIni of Prenaature Agd, and many other the Back, Diinnesr diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of whie.h as it rule are first, causedby dhviating from the Ptah of nature and over indulgence. The Speeiffc Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these epecial diseaees. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specilie Medicine le sold by ell Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packagee for $5, or wail be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRA.Y (it CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Iliekson & Bleaedell, J. S. Roberts R. Lam3den and Alt druggist merchants. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PIIINT.n. EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. A LARP,F.: LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS. EXTR GO4M VALUE, EWE' VED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SE A FO ItTH. A LARGE LOT OF NEV SPRING PR) NTS, EX ritA GOOD- VALUE. RECEIVED AT THE GoLDEN LION, SE A FO • R. JAMIESON. BUTTER TUBS. ; S. TRPTT, SEAFORTIa, J13 ow prepamd tiopply any nuo3ber of hie SUPERIOR I31-2-TTER ktS...30 per himired, Thee Tubteare iio woraud .favoyubly known to the 'trade Viet it is unneeesaary to ely ane-bing in their reeocumen. dation. 3111. TROTT also marelfaetnres a tonal Hard. wood Tab, suitable 1. r war -thing butter in. Orders by Inuit or others,. ha) promptly ed to, 495 all custorceil, *Wet S. TROTT, Se