The Huron Expositor, 1879-03-14, Page 3MARcrl 7, 1879. IDE BANK BF DAMAO-A, ID OFFICE-, 3TONTREAT, a - $1,000,00(1'.- e la' —al. 11. (I- tale, Pereident ; Taste. , •e- l'test•lent ; A. W. \Leas. aortae Tulln, A/c x.11u tar in, James 3ZurrayieCteiltiter Geo. Borah f th ie Thad. hes; le en ripened, up ill lea tl-eaeral atieitteee 3. Nat. e hind dieeounted, Rad 1 at fair lyeaineee aaree. Batik •tic:ea:Neuf n h ta beim ineetioe with tan w Item tlepostts kelti oat one. (AO:: ‘r tie weeds, awl ee therene ,a pieetes at p•tr at all oftieee of setae et MnrL'l awl the Federal , A (4 ENT—Loral .—The A.Illarete 1. New York— NZ• tl 13 Ina of elerrtiwen .t Co., 6 a wan tee -• 1-•t1oti Nth td llault- etrs la to 3 'emu; any% ln sone: CKIE Meleager _ • Preteztion erta aet)e. oray goed la 1. 4, it has enable i AND cxr eve ee tans agoal 2 a' 11' ge e., mei a whieh ev• rybel, teal sell veri. ehean r =Nanette. I h; - eameetent %eta Fete ef ye.tre.aad KniSSIIK Of JOb: achor, Low and aft , ranted. heppy to receipt eat a await. JO 0 N. rauteel to ,t-ty oki ea t sae( te sell ell our T AGES‘,, tilt`13" of the le na•ti ter of thaaa says a te.'t tea - -otet r &rine ve ) flOg'4god twar it 1, prepered to eaele, from a Work 1Var. NiltViEKOSel 1:.:APORT -Fo st aceoants dS, Kinharle., LIVER irehaeed the Stotat and Trade of the pal Livery, Setiforta, seam err. . beta; ta stete hat he intetals • beeitzess in the ol 1etand.a tad haa salittable Lin acts ant vehicle's to the statek. None but iti; fir a 11 1 e f-elecle,land Good Horse.' Will 1 e S'ept. `Je.. en Reggie.; ant; Carr:age% and vele Waeotta wayli keialy _an use. try:Sento/1'a With. Qom. mercia l Men. 4 the stables tir uy of the hGtels ided to, YttIMERGIAL ILIVERY, ..SE-1/1.FORT NeNACtlef rot( ega to iaferna ; ItalTi Of S4afOr:il.intui the eravel- se he ha.; pinata; tel the Livery ' Steck of aft sees' (animal:ten & ..lo ell in hie pe.vii e to retaiu the eh this feverite e.tahlishineue has ail latea outy gotta driving and re. at d fliis carri Igoe will be kept wed urdela Cella night or daty, iely attended to. PIC -:•110 AND aallTIES Liberal y Dealt with. able. Alt oelers lett at the Com- er at the wit :a will reeeive prompt 441.es on Market 4t: met, opposite -NI. aleN.AUGIITta*!, Proprietor, !E 1,1.1 MILLS aiw ear load a of Con on hand; and • on/eat is likely te impose a d. tr,y our time to hay. n retitle par 100 pawl High .uaxed Corn, fur teed or ae the coelepeat. 110u7-in7 ant/ Chopping hert est :‘,C'cit ire. Halving changed oar Eft rnr the dela -lamer in thie sea- heve reinteliea the general corn- fieur end flour that will not ria, miming tendency. All ordera tele and work geartinteed. - MeGREGOlt !el URQU ART. - — - OXL0L. MILD). 1•IERe;_.AND THERS. tURNETT & put in a thorong eortring Mid, axe - 1 thppiug e keep eu heed 'rlout and Feed ea gran to be grout ri t tie eatee -tots ars both pra enderetand the etisfaet ion. BURNETT P1TIN, having eat te of repair iv prepared to xi 1for sale a every descrip- d ea h ive it tieal wo-rkmen, busiaess, they - DOLPHIN. - EY & H LfilESTED, _ELY, AND CON ;'.laYANCING - oFsieE, , Main S tree t, Se tfortlt. fut the Consoli la ted Dank of the Canneian Beak of (kmmeree -n. mad Village P-operty botight • fatale) loaned ea rune gee, se- parable rates of in earat. Charges " fGr private pe4 eons upon the aeznities, without: auy expellee to M. A. F. IOLMESTEIJ.- _ . 0 Gli.A H Y. F•AFift toneb Ot the sun, ateeon-ly11 lent i ila done ulY ridectine tenni grace, aniline eye, awl lteaoty of facet et. or :sin, as woullroue at' newt f eaiaie,isiebes, iitaar drew, 11 icture, or picture as true 1" tical " cep ' tt CtI ler to a n went j le t nre—Photo- pe—c. Denham; ell these ariis- I ht 41) t( the r klieg .=anereiel, end ;et u will find An - ii bt at of ha w -t, aril re der e. A. CA L.1.} Seafeet h. RSH1P -- 1 h=tvine eutere ' into, partner- _ t•tee re .1 :: o en ati r .fee t n re Plows:, 'By iteing. fine -cities tne- . ti:,1 week vatting tar00011 . a a4Z1 -tVI kra-:xtef; it en) Y 1 arciete. 'ate :.fit`O t,1 repei-ing, home - a eal l albite,. at-. Bee =et lava • •?.',4 y,:l.:' -I ...,:11' ri eta! iii thetee- • wet et eke fa a a sgeleiatter- $ C-4eletetted Aeelattiteral Ira- :: Fel I), ee 1 itTON, taatei, Cedelit:it Strait, Sea. 560' 1, LOP M L fir CaDAPARY..- tea:, Seer -airy awl Ttcae- lVdI actend, at JI ea, AFilt TH, cnt Satur- :I te eai aea an ter e et i tee t la he -thees of the itteesttMI'et elease teke notice .V•.. 4 'fITI4i,:1.1.• • aalF-t Steo.trv. 585 ORTII, Dea'er in T.EATUER and 'Male of Evere leaaeription. 'arty Ikst Stoek kept. Terms letileited. &I1 otdcre by mail ; 1y atieil. It. N. BRETT • MARCr.{. 7, 1879. :•1 THE URON EXPOSITOR. The Wealth Gold Cannot Buy. a, you wonder that I am so eheery, As I pass you, day by dna, Wita a workingman's climb' -renew armor, A al his garments of horn ,splui gray; And you think snob a life must be barren 0 the song a aud the bloesonter of joy; That it reaps but the thistl s that rankle Aad gernerhthe cares thet annoy. it ALI the smiles on my fee are the token O honie-love that never Erows cold; Mem clinging white arms of my children,- lre precious than silver or gold. And to them the plain regg( d father Is as dear as the father c u bo; • For bewail the !yank, hone V features., A epirit, of kindness they tai. "So 1 siug as 1 bond to my labor, id singing I go to ray lame, And Onedeee of the (bey is ot gotten I. those beers when no 1, oger I rem ; In t lose boure when the stl •ery moonlight M kes the lanes end the) edges all fair, An ns lily children s swoet. faees, A id brightens my beby's soft hair. "8 I rise with the lark in t &ul like him I kcep triii His 'oy hi the morn's deed 31 tie the treasures toet In 1 y youth for a home I nik prime that home h And thus will life's evenhe 11 the -Wit that my ma e tg my song ; ig pleasures, • st the year long. as planning, my own; be pleaeant, ood has kuown. " T e workingman's pathe ey be shadowed, • B. a the heart in his breaat will be light, If the toil of the day is onlivened 11 the restated the peace of the night e And the home 'where a welt; nue awaits din, A esurely as evening ara '8 nigh, Is a bliss none would ohms e for a kingdom, d a wealth that gold c -mot buy.' The Art of allchig. If the sod only to - vain C011ar knO and whet men hate . lees havi were ent been Jesse pres The vers be a in c OS ta • e notice- closely eople who are life are those w ow to talk the ake others talk. ble gift.To be a rsation as not to lisplay your own ledge, but to dra r out the opinion thelten the thong Its of • those with you talk—this s an acconeplish- indeed. It mak s each. a -eentri, to the enjoy -net t of all, and it s with each a p easant sense of. man; g said something which' •,others if the glad to hear. TI is is. very 'differ- derlan ern the" conseio suess of • having and t bored or suubbe or both, which plum - folks often carry away from the in thy -rice of a -fluent or yrannical talker. Th.e e is a good deal- of this sort of con- much tional missiontar work waiting to wait t'll Mr. Lindsay r and the time hich we - spend he wo id consult upon t • .attering about th weather:might .cordin ly., on the return ery profitably devoted to ;it. It !' he wa informed of the shoe( 'd be borne in mind .that there is tempt ng offer. . •. scarely .any one of a* -rage intelligence " V ry well," said: -Mr. ;who' cannot,. if he is damn out, talk.iu- shoji' tere.tinely and instrectively about at ing• with -which alniliar, or which -egular labor. ,•• M :at pre car or Cm. the friend anufactnrer,. th the couversation ,know ine, td the R Exeh • Mr. maid for hi ovine, taken ered the jo did. e shall find that ost popular in o understand not selves, but how This is a very tie so to direct become more t often b bible t and thi always unoste uneasy. Mr. Gladstone does tin give away money, foi he has en known to ger and . read the tenants who were bedridden; mission of . charity he has scharged in the most natural, tatious fashion, even when he was Pr'rne Minister, and had work enongh. such a in trutl the ex to occupy all the moments of turcly toiler as himsnlf. He is, , a most fervent Christian ; and lunation of much of what is waywa T.1 in his character ay be found in his c eep religiousness. His wrath is general y righteous wrath, if one may so call it. Truth. Want d Mr. .Glad.sione for a Clerk. • incidents similar to tho follow - quite as amusing, have oocur- 3 he lives of eminen people. They te the fact that mu who attain d -places of greatia OBS are general. fill them. A go rst be a good cle Press says: rious adventure ondon offices of t , merchant, shi . There ' one d but -wealthy ship ,inquiring for Lill Was out, the vi to wait in an a e found -a person copying figures. ip owner paced t es, and took cat ter's doings, and a : . u writes a bonn Man in,,a, au red in illustr and ho ly fit t .would don Ci A 0 in the Lindsa an M. brusqu derl an' Lindsa queste where ed. in land s eral ti the wr to him " T dost." , "1 a reply. A figures want." '1n "Ye glad you think d. Chancellor k.. The Lon- - nce, occurred e late Mr. W. owner, and y entered a wner of Sun - say. As Mr. tor was re- jacent room, busily engag- Thel Sunder - e room sev- ful notice of length said hand,- thou was the , thou dost; _the machs thy weel ; thou'rt jus the chap I eed " said the Lor d.ofier. •, indeed," said • th Sunderland I'm a Man of few words;. noo, 'It come over to canny old Sun - thou seest I'll gte a hundred enty pounds a year, and that's a hou dost not.meet ith every day life, I reckon. No, then." Londoner replied that lie was blieed for the o r, and would leas one thing,. the O. lied: practically most is co fleeted. with his your terepanion th street a machinist, a artis a builder—lead area el to the one sub'lect, if. there are no o hers, in which ha is sure to be in, tere tea. The -result vill be that you will please him, and.. 'gain. fresh kilo' ledge yourself. Whoever talks mue • . thus with. speeialists upon their choaen department o labor or thought will:get together a fund. of valuable in- fer-Mat...ion, not to be ettrued from the • hooks.—Bosten ,.To -nal. • one h ,prese you i How to Deftf No defenee again perflict as a common tiediover the hes,d, a. one ef waahleather, p shirt and waistcoat, N more equally warm t A wadded coat will man to sit and. work and so will an extra worn during the wh day. Just let anvon we say try the very. , Draughts. t clratights is so ilk handkerchief d a silk vest, or t on between the ill keep the body Ian a, goc:d. fire. liable the chilly 1st/where in doors, of thin flannel, le of the active who_doubts what 'Maple_ expedient, when the chillness beaornes unbearable, ing-gown over his 1 in five minutes e, and ready for ill not suffer, as en he goes out of notion upon that lusion. You are • outdoor life by rather w eak en ell , et too great, being vatives of consti- chilly in an . !night s in .becl because of putting on his- dres ordinary clothing, an he %VIE be comfortab any work; while he lie f ncies he- w doo ,s. The- popular. sub eet is a mere - not etrengtheued for shiaeriegendOers„ bu hab: tual warmth, if oue tuti as the whca he got:up, as re iug indoors because wo d not be so sensi coo, . The object is of a TO war of the best prese nal strength. A. ell refuse blanke \mild increase Ger and. EE0 Ma Jacks T'arto and p casio tncky a Te nessee horse, and ward matched for $5,00 run o the Clover Botto uncle 'Joseph H. Conn, horse back, behind him, He s me t days fetal). great same land Gove Th prese betti and is sense of cold potin use warm cleth- groes out-of-doors he The le of his great- petit ot to- be sensible hear dow Gen. horse, with long pistols held in each hand. I think they were as long as my arm, and had a mouth hat a ground - squirrel could enter. In hi g wake folio wed my ncle Conn, Stokly, Denelson, Pat- ton, and contradict this proof,.and.vindicate their innocence. They failing to appear Gen. Jackson told the court that the proof vas closed, and for them to rend- er their judgment .in the premises, .-which. in- a few momeuts, was done in accordance. with the facts proved. I was still on the fence, forming one line of the large pound containing the proper- ty bet on bihe race. Each man was an- xions o get back his property. Gei . Jackson waved his- hand and i announced the decision, and. said: " No , gentlemen-, go calmly .and in order, and each man take his own prope ty." When the word was given the pdople came with a rush. It Wits more terrible than -an army With ban- ners. They came bulging against the 11. fence, and knocked it down for 100 yards:. I was overturned and nearly tram led to`i death. Each man got' his prope •ty and thus the iraudulent race was b most that 2,000 this . action drawi tain strea effect I. -this great and worthy object. .--iVa;:thville, (Tenn.) Cor. N. Y. Ilerald. • 1 "Auld. Lang Syne." turned., whom' e siihject. Ac - of the latter, ship owner's Lindsay ; " I be sorry to stand -in . your way; ndred and. tweut pounds,sis at t more than I can afford to pay the department 4 which you are •ent plaCed. You will find my a good and. kind aster, and, un-. circumstances, 9 e sooner you each other the better. Allow Or -afore, Mr. , to introduce ght Hon. W. E. G adstone, of the quer". . Gladstone had ben engaged . in g a note 6f some shipping returns. budget. The Sunderland . ship , you may be • sure, Was a, little aback at first, but he soon reeov- is self-possession-, and enjoyed e•quite as much as Mr. Gladstone Gen. Jackson 13k;Ok6 -Up a Fraudulent ace.' fink scenes of is biographer, not brought to When a boy, I sawe: - him scare t to flight 20,000 110h. The oc- was this.: Gre-y iound, aKen- horse, had -beaten Double:Head, heY were after - a. side,' to be Ixi Course. My carried. mo on to hee the Mee. n t me on the cedar ee and told remain. till hereturn d. In those ,ot only counties hilt ltates,in full ,attended the riteelcourse as a National amusetnent, and the • 4S still kept up in France and Eng- nder the fostering -care of 'each ument. . • I • re must have been 20,000 persons t. I never witnessed such fierce between. the Statels. Horses egroes _were put uP. A large was filled -With horgee -and ne- het on the result of this race. iine had new arrived for the euro-. rs to appear on the track. I some loud talkink, and, looking the track, saw, for the first time, Jackson, riding slowly :on a gray y are the intere n's life which has omitted an pleaeaut tlifferen •e, but to be aud, ain moderately j and healthfully —to be iusensil le, in fact, to or- ry differences of emperature. a Maran ge. • e following is a trauslation•from an paper. The sentimentia good, we give it for t e benefit s ofour you g readers: arriagea are nal gratify one of three fort ne or positions.. Tho man who ma a tele ; who rnarries s. rizistress who marries for • positions_ tales a lady. ' He is bved by hiswife, reg.. riled by his mistress, tolerated by his atly. Ile hasp. vife for -himself, a Ulia ress for his household., a lady for the world and society. . I is wife will take care.of his house - holt his mistress of hishouse, his lady of hs appearance. If he... is Sick, his wif will take care of him; his mistress wit visit him. his lady enquire after his health. He takes a walk with his wif e. a ride With his mistress, goes to a Par y with his lady. His wife will shake his grief, his mistress his money, his lad his debts. • If he dies, his Wife. Will. we p. his inisiress lament, and hie lady we a mourning. - • ally contracted to esires, viz.. Love, ries for love, takes for fortune, takes •Inu int so tior er, ha noi:seurj, and soon after les library .of ks,. which was bought back for him 11.)rd\Vtdvrtou. His readiuess to our all who appeal to his charity is - limited by his means, and be •frea •ntiv returns from al.country walk wita his -pockets cleaned out, thanks to -his distribution of gold and silver ng the sick and, needy, villagers. re months ago he went out for sa k of about twelve miles, intending turn to Hawardeti be- train, ; but in evening he founct he had given away ything, and had not Money left to his ticket, so he trudged home on , arriving so late that his fainily had Mr. Gladstone.: . O iii a tender father, a devoted bus - d. a true and good friend: His dis- resteduess about money matters is reat that be refused an augmenta- of hie salary atitilSt Prime Miniet- ud left office.. impoverished. He te sell a g maly collection Of china di he had amassed tfor he is a con-. hoc by sue onl qu Etna SO/ Wa to 1 the eve pas foo oken up by an•exhibition of_ tlie extraordinary courage. He - did dy what it woull have required rifled. men to have effected. All as effected by the presebce and of one man, and without the g of one drop of blood. ' A cer- nbwledge that in one event s of blood, woiild have flowed Thdre aro two gentlemen of Toronto, well known to business and social circreli for their wealth and position, who, u earlier life, occupied more hum- ble positions, the one being a. baker and the o/her the son-in-law of a corn doc- tor. lOf course there is uo harm in this,for we know, on the best authority, that bheir antecedents were honest and respe rich geutl other day r wa, well, Jim, titings are not as they *eel to be. I haven't eaten a bit of °good bread since I've been board- ing ,Elt • this hotel, DOW --three years. Heigh-ho, they don't make bread like they 'slid when you were Et baker, do they -t" table, and that's more than many eople can claim. Now, one of the men has awaY of twitting the about his "start," and the other marked to him : • fierce led t stand ticul that was was heft)]. race, 5500 eter who brought his horse upon the track; that stole talk rolle his e at b fero ever stru peop e. -If they felt as I did everyone expo bed to be slain. He announced to the arties if they wanted some. lead in thei 'hides to first bring their horses on the rack, for "by.the eternal" he IN01.1 a kill the -first man that attempted to d so. There was. no response to this hallenge, and,,after waiting some time and they failing to appear, Gen. Jac son said it was a great mistake, in the pinion of sense, that he had acted bast ly, without consideration. He wou a give the scoundrels-. a fair trial, and. o that end he woulti constitute a cour to investigate this platter, who wou a heat proof and to do justice to all arties. -Thereupon hd appointed a Sheriff to keep order, and five judges to heal, the case. Proclamation was made that the Court was open and was ready to toceed to business, and for the part es to -appear and defend. them selv .s. No one appearing, Gen. Jack- son ntroduced the witnesses, proving the ribe,ry of Greyhound's rider. who was to receive $500 to throw off the race, having received $2•50' in advance, and that Greyhound had been turned into the teheat-field tlae night before. He gain called on the parties to appear nderson and several others as as bulldogs. As Gen. Jackson re Van and approached. the Judges' , he was rapidly talkieg and ges- ting. As he came by me he said e had irrefragable proof that this O be a jockey race, that Greyhound pen iu the wheatfield the night , which disqualified him ffor the and that his rider was to receive to throw .it off, and "by the - al" he would shoot the first man . . Jiiii winced; he couldn't help it, when, the matter was VIPs thrust upon hilarebut his friend only enjoyed his embarrassment. In a -few minutes the opportunity, was afforded him of -com- ing back on the resurrectionist, and he saidl.. • . • .. - Max, I've got a shoe that hurts my foot like the mischief." - t• Have you ?” said Max ; "why don't you do soneethins for it ?'il , "It's a corn, fbelieve2" , "h !" sympathized Max. .. "'Yes. Heigh-ho! It - isn't like was !Max, when your father used pare my corps, and make my feet comfortable." • " What, sir?" snapped Max. . "-I say it isu't, like it used to be e. and whet he didn't -happen to be present, the gad lady, his swife. could do it - just as leell. as he I could. Ah me, old fellow ; -those halcyon. days will never come back again," and as Jim 'look- ed • upon his friend in . a contented, placid -Sort of way, that . gentletnnn blurted. out : . " lind I hope to the • good. Lord they won't." Then they looked- at etch other a mine ute, Land both \yea °tit; and carne back, chesVing a grain of coffee. oinan Asserting Herself. A cordingto the Cincinn ati Enquirer a la • y was sleeping in a berthon a western railroad with dne hand hang= ing peacefully out over a loop in the curtains. A Oincinuati drummer thought he would have some fun,. and. siezed hold of the hand and ehook it most -cordially, remarking as he did so: "Good-bye, old boy, good-bye.; can't be with you always,you know; give my ).ove to the folks and dou't fail to call tand See us when you come to town." ' Here_ the facetious -drummer was knoeked clear across te car by - a stal- wart blow from the disengaeed. hand of the.pccupant of the berth. °After pick- ing himself up and pulling his nose. .. aronnd to its proper place, he offered to bet 13. week's salary that the fellow in the ;berth was a prize-fighter. This ox - cited some curiosity oh that point, and the Perth was, eloselat watched.. Susan B, _Anthony turned. out of it in the mc1ning. . THE the people's money should not be from them in -.this manner. He d incessantly, -while . the spittle from his mouth and the fire from es. I have Seen bears and wolves y,.but lie was certainly the retest 'ous-looking animal 'that I had seen. His appearance .and manner k terror tothe hearts of 20,000- to SO NATIONAL POLICII Has not yet fp' ade Its appearance bi THE NATIONAL POLICY we have been carrying. ont our ow policy of taking advantage of the time and buying before the advance of dutie expected under the N.P. • TO OUR CUSTOMER W.c) woul&.saY that the N. p. mos profitable t� themselves would be to bu don't My what ,you d for lOvaAntSHaa--' no — d buy what you waat at WM. HILL & CO.'S, SEAFORTI!••••01:••••HUGEFIEL We have bought largely, passed th Goods through the CuStotn House at th OLD DUTIES' and will sell them CHEAP! CHEAP!! CHEAP !!. .1 Slight Mistake.- . Irk a country parish in Scotland, not many years ago; a toWn clergyman, who was, offieiatiug for his clerical brother, wished -to be -asgured.by his own eyes that his gown and tie were in perfect order before he ascended the pulpit. With this view -he asked the beadle if he had hot a glass to give him. " Weel, no," replied John, "but I'll soon get ane'for ye, sir." Imagine the surprise anti horror of the evangelical gentleman when John returned. with a pewter measure in his band, and placing it before the worthy divine, informed b_iret that he had been quite unable to procure' a single "glass," but that he had. brought him a half mutchkin in- stead, which," he naively added, "wad maybe dee as weel." . named are not at all times satisfsotory iedication of . the value Goods, but we quote to -day i Heavy Brown Ducks at 14cent , per yard. Heavy Check bucks at 14 cent per yard. Heavy 32 -in. Amostreag• Tic lug at 1 cents per yard. HeaNr Ya d Wide White Co tons at I1Q cents yer yard. HearGrey Cottons at the 01 PAces. I1NT OT.ACYTI---11-1•T As useal, We are• ahead of all competi- tors. 'TWO CARES of Fine Goods fo hand at desperately low prices. A REALLY GOOD SUIT TO ORD $13.00. Gaieties. • The wife 'of a small farmer in Perth- shire,some time ago,went to a chemis Flur City" with two prescriptions— onejor herhuSband and the other for her cow. Finding that she had not money elm -Ugh to pay for both, the .chemist asked her which she Would take. "Gie me that for the coo," said the wife, "the SNC.4112 will dae weil enough for him, puir body. Gin he were to dee, I could sane get another mad, but I'm na sae sure if I would soon get another coo." Consumption, so prevalent and so fatal, is dreaded as tho greatess scourge of qur race; and yet, iu the formative stages, all pulincinary complaints may be readily controlled by using" Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers." They will relieve the :worst cougbin .a few minutes, and have a most beneficial influence on the bronchial and pulmonary- organs; but they, must be used in time. Public -speakers and. singers will alse derive great, benefit by using them. Solki by all druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. THERE is no remedy -for female complaints so gond as Victoria Buchu ana lava Ursi. After its use for a f.,w days. the whole system eeenis eigorated, the pallid lipe awl cheeks soon till+ a rosy tint, and. cheerfulness soon drives away the siekEy fears and nervoue pains which destroy the pleasures of those who snffer from the peculiar complaints of the gentler sex.. For sale hyls5 Mi. J. S. Roberts, Setiforth. l The satisfaction we have given customers in -his departivent.in the p: will have_eurl best el.firts to maintai and if posible excel, in the -future. • st n„ WIC HILL &CO., Seaforth. and Brueefield. PAT ONIZE HOME INDUS RIES. • Wit? fo go abroad for your7-Furnit4'e en. you. can get as Oood Value jour money i Hensall as in y other Town in' Canada. SYDNEY FA_IRBAIR as now en hand a Splendid Stock of It 1\T I TEt F ETERY DESCRIPTION, aee TH E MEDICAL HALL. HICKSON 8t. BLE SDELL, SEAFORTH Wh-ch he 'will sell at Prices to Snit the Times. IN UNDERTAK.ING LL ITS BRANCHES PROMpT- Mr! ATTENDED TO. Also a First -Class Ilearpe Whic he will bullish for FUNERALS on rea. Sortable terms. Green's August Flower, Boschee's German Syrup, Al1ate8 Anti -Fat, Vegettne, Carbeline, Dr, King's New Diseovery, Elixir of Cuca of Joseph Bain, Allen's Lung Balsam, Phoephozone, Pierce's 0 -olden Medical-Discovere, Pierce's Favorite Prescriptior, Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet Walker's Vinegar Bitters, Bruntoirs Rheumatic Absorbient Brunton's Digestiye Fluid, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Pills, • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Ague Cure, Campbell's Quinine Wine, Canipbell's Cod Liver' Oil,, wit Hypophosphites, Trommer's Extract Malt, Trommer's Extract Malt, with CId Liver Oil, Luby's Hair Renewer, AND. A HOST OF OT VOR IN THIS. BRANGEI WE AIN, AS TE1E OLD STS Co tracts for -Handbags of every description taken on most reasonable terms. Material fur- ' niehe if deeired. Re • ember the Heneall Furniture and under - takiu Establishment. 570 S. FAIRBAIRN. T E NEW SHOP. FA MERS, ATTENTION • HICKS° Mrs. Hair.AlnitsHenaeirwRere,newer, Hal Cingalese, for the Hair, Shoshonees Remedy and Pills, lIariestoln1/21's..t airtstaeprsar, illa and Pills, Bha Mandrake Bitters, DeCuracao Bitters, Ratdwitys way:a teeasodly2t, elief and Pill Thds, Pain Killer, - Themes' Eclectric Oil, Wistar's Balaam of 111ild Cherry, Grey's Specifics, Job Moses' Bills, Clark's Female Pills, Leibigs Extract of Meat, Beef, Wine and Iren,, Beef and Wine, Beef, Wine, Iron and Chicera, Hamburg Tea, Hamburg Drops, - Constitutional Catarrh Remedy, Sage's Catarrh Remedy, Sandford's Radical Cure, ERS NOT ENUMERATED; TO KEEP ALL TETE LATEST AS WELL DARD PREPARATIONS. & B LE ASD ELL, Seaforth. SEAFORTH NOTICE' CHARLES MOORE, Photographer, bees t. generally that he has REMOVE Iffeesrs. Wm . Robertson & Co.'s liareware. w floor, replete with every modern contrivance, THE FINEST STUD And where he will be in a better poeition to graphic Art in every chute and style. Ha has First -Class artist, whose experienee in the Se. guarantee that Artistie Excellence emit Perte eatablishment, and at prices to suit the tun C. Moore has laid in it lsitee and vtOiedsbo Fanciful devicea. Also a -splendid assortanett etack of Plain and Fancy Mouldings, whieh Moulding. • He invites an enrly inspection by his hien they willfavor hint with a call. Photographer, Picture, and •Pietttre Frame} Dealer, Whitney's Block, Seeforth. N. B.—Picture Frames Mad f to Order, and F REMOVAL. SEAFORTH D.. IIOGAT For erly,of the Firm, ofilfonroe & I ogan,having pure/wed the large a d commodious premises _form- e occupied by Jir. David ilfe, • aught, On North Hain, Street, is ow -prepared to do every kind of ENERAL BLACKSMITHINC,' Such as HORSE=SITOEtNG, REPAIRING, &c. He ill also keep on hand a first-class stoat of P 1 OWS HARROWS, An.d other Implements of his own • Manufacture: ICES MODERATE And Goog. Work Gueranteed. r irtimate to his numerous; patrons and the public TO WHITNEY'S BLOCK-01P0aite ere he has fitted lip splendid rooms on the ground which render it the 0 WEST OF TORONTO, rn out Most Attractive Productions of the Photo - been fortunate enough to secure the services of a t United :haute a 14 C111A+11411 galleries its a sure tion will he attained in _all work entrusted to this s. k of Chrornoe, Mottos, ani. other Fnehionable and of Pictures and Picture Frames, as \tell aa a full e can make up in frames -ahnost at the cost of the of his extensive stock, which is now ready, and begs 3 AUCTION SALE OFA VALUABLE FARM. A4r.. J.- P. BRINE will sell by Public Auetion for Mr. DAVID LILL, at the Commercial Hotel, 8EAFORT11, on WEDNESDAY, AIARCH 19th, 1879, At 1 o'clock P. 3I, one of the best terms in Rule lett, being compoeed of the West half, of Imt Coecession 9, toweiatip of Ilellett, containing 50 acres, 40 tierce are -well tattered, without stumps, and in a aood stete of -cultivation, being maltedreined. '11- re are on the premises a new frame house, 22x32, frame barn and two fame stables. also it good bearing orcherd and a never -failing well with purep• Considerable fell plowing da-ne ; elso fall wheat sown. TER U.S.—Ten per centof the purchase money on the day of sale, enill sleet to make up the sum at $1200 within 80 days, the balanee en tine to *-nit purcbeser, secured_ by mortgage -with interest at 8 per cent. DAVID BILL, P-roprietor; Auetieneer. 586 AUCTION SALE - A 'VA LU ABLE FARM CHARLES MOORE. ictures Glezed and Mounted on the Shortest Notice. H hopes to receive e call from all his old frie ide and as many new ones as feel inclined. R member the Shop—North of the Queues Hot I, West Side. HOG..kN, SEA.FORTIL ria—TA:1\T A. G. AULT HAS JUST ECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GRO ERIES AND PROVISIONS Which will be sold at Gr at Bargains. He °baits a call from all, feeling confident thet bothpriees and quality of Goods wiIlJ snit all who tnay favor him with their patronage. Try his Green Tea, at 60 cents per pound i - try is Black Te a at 50 cents per pound; try his Japan Tea at 50 cents per pound—you will find tialm the best in town for the =nee, also 4 pounds of Green Tea for $t + 20 pounds of Riee for $1. 6 gallons best,Coal Oil for $ . 20 pounds of Pot Barley for $1. 20 pouuds of Currants for 51. 20 bars of good Soap for $1. • 16 pounds of Raisins for 51.. 13 pounds -of good augur for $1. Baking Molasses, Golden Syrup, Best White Sager, Drip Syrup, Vinegar, Codfish,. Cheese, Pork, Best Family Flour, Cornmeal, Outraeal, Cracked Wheat, Brown Flour, Pastry Flour, Potatoes, Ap- ples, Pork Sansage, and good Buttcrand Eggs always on Mind. Remember the place: A. G. AULT'S GROCERY, SE,AFORTH. a R. X. P. BRINE has been instrueted by the Id undersigned to sell by Public Auction, it the QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, on SATUR- DAY, MARCII 15th, at 1 -o'lock 2, M thatval. liable farm, being Lot No. 29, boundary between McKinop and. Morris, contathing 24es;ser40 acres clear of stump, 20 chopped and the bal- ance well timbered. There is a log house old two frame stables, 21. spring creek running through the centre) of the farm MIA IL 'Wen near the house. There are 8 acres under fail wheat and 20 aeres plowed and ready for mop. It is within one•qua.rtet of a mile of the Village Of Walton. TEEMS,—One thousand dollare of the put - chase money en the day of Bele, and the balance on time to bnit purchaser, secured by raortsage at 8 per -cent. interest. 586. N. McMILLAN, Proprietox• GOOD NEWS FOR THE BAREFOOTED AND ALL PARTIES WHO WISH TO BUY LARGE QUANTITIES OF BOUTS AND SHOES FOR A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY. TO KEEP abreast of the times in the General Reduction in Prices of all kinds of Goods—lent L more particularly, if polieible, to iiuluce people to buy for cash—I have determined to make the following reduction in prices to cash buyer a in Custom Made Work : Gents' Ceng Leg Boots, all kinds, 25 cent* per pair. Shoe Pack* anti Mhort Boots, all kind*. 123 cents per pair. Ladies', Boys' and tblirls Boots, all kinds, 123 cents per pair. I have just opened an Immense Stock of Factory Made Work in all the different lines, which 1 think intendiug purchasera ought to see before purchasing elsewhere, espetially my Men's and Boys' Riveted Voila which undoubtedly surpass anything itt the trade in Factory Made Work. All of which will be Field at, a reduction correspondingwith the above to cash buyers. Patties- buying on time will be charged the old prices. As I am the first in my line in §,eatorth to pull down the prices, I trust the public will show their seprociation by an extensive patronage, as I am deter- mined to make it to their advantage to do so. • THOS. COVENTRY, Seaford". Sign of the BIG BOOT, Shark's Block. East Side Maui Street, f THE GODERICH .00UNDRY. SOMETHING NEW. CHANGE OF BUSINESS fi FRIEL has purchased the Sleek Ana. Busi- N-J• "less of James Carpenter, 11 LIN, And willtereafter early on the business heretofore carded on by Mr. 'carpenternil will keep con- stantly on hand a full stock of BOOTS AND s-D-mrs • 01 all kinds, whieh he will sell at pines slitable to the times. He is also prepared to Turn out Ordered Work in the Neatest and. Best Stele, and of good materiel. Fits guaranteed. Repealing promptly atteudea to, eieing Et praatical workmen himself and intend.- ing to devote his pereentil atteotient to business, he hopes to give entire satisfeetion to all who may levee' him with their patroneee. Remember the Plete—Carpenteee old stand, oppositePeetelergast's Rotel. 582 0. F11E1.. Second. band 20 Horse Engine, Balance IN heel and Saw Mandrel... ...... .................... $227255 Secondn hand 20 Hoe Engine, Balance :Wheel and. Pulleys Complete ....................... .225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance_Wheel, Pulleys and Governors Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance 14 heel, Palle} a and Governo; s ....-....................200 ." A Hoisting or Boat. Engine with Hoistine Gear • •• • d. dr,. lc" 250 Second hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, witb Smoke Stack............. ........ ...:...., ..., ... . 2/5205 Second ha lid 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack. . . . . 200 . .... Second hand 20 horse Porteble Boiler, with Smoke Stack........ . Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Be 'ler, wieh Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate* /.3a.re., Stearn Gunge, Gamma and Safety 'Valves all in Good Order Secondhand Shingle and Heaeiug Machine ' Heading Juinter • ... • Heading Planer • • • ...- . aa . • Heading Turner. .1 04044wm.....-”a .. ...440.A Stave Machine, -with Knife a • 6.44e. ,•••••••••.4.,..e• . 450 90 40 50 70 80 New Engines and Boilers on hand, o Made to Order very cheap. 131111Machinery for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mi is. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. 'Agricultural Implements.—Stoves o Various Kinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, &o., promptly Attended to. CODERICH FOU DRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. POST OFFIC STORE, WALTON. SEED WHEAT, PEAS, ARBI, Oats, and all Kinds of Field, gar- den and Flower Seed& TN returning thanks to my patrons fer the e • al support accorded me the p•st year, Itaka .pleasure in informing ehe public that I have, at considerable expense, carefully selected niy pea - mat large stock of seed grime frOM the nlOst re- liable growers. I can confidently recommend the LOST NATION and WHLBE RUSSIAN as the best spring varieties grown, both for ,onantity, quality and milling purpnses. My peas ale sec- ond to none in the Province for purity and quale ity. Barley and Oats of the very beet varieties. Clover and Timothy Seed, 'Turnip, Mangolds and all other Field and Garden Seeds flesh and pure. I always teke special Mt tu select teeds clean and free from all noxious weed seed. Always glaa to show my seeds, and give any informa- tion desired by Isomers and ethers. Renumber my stand en Hamilton Street, above the Col- borne Hotel. 5a a IMES MCNAIR, C-oderich. IONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to roy numerous customere for their kind patronage during the last 12 years th t I have been doing bueiness amongst them, and Ideally solicit a con tire:Lance of their lava' s for t e fume. I have met received it Large and Well Selected stma of DRY GOODS ee s. of all driptionA180 alwayr on hand a full assortment a weli hich, for quty and price, are the best in the County A Dirge Stock of . GROCERIIESB:--6-06AsTassi.).ecid,IsitYH ES-31cPherson's make. Crockery, Glaseware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints ard Oils, rugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hamsin fact every- thing required in a general etote. Aek for what you want if you don't see it. Cash Or farm produce thken in exchange. I would also intimate o all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and settle by cash or note bel.re the end of this mmoonNtly, orTothLe O4.N Nouiremts EwiAllshreTpaimnsto. other hands for collection. o farther no ice will be giveu. —I am also valuator for ,the Dominion Sit irg ard Investment Society, ono of the best loan societies •in the Dominion. The above Society losus money on gond farm secnrity for a term of from three to twenty years, on the meet favorable condi t ons. LIFE INSURAN CE.—If yon want your We metered give me a call, aa I am ageut for the Sun 3 'anal Life Asenrauce Company, one of the best Lilt -in- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conthicted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always &aunt ve to business. Post Office and -Telegraph Office ineon- ‘ nection. Clover, Tirackty, Turnip and oth ir seeds on hand, R. PATT sop, %WALTON, WHO SAYS TH AT MIL DENT SELLS THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS IN SEAFORTH? WHY, EVER YBODY SAYS SO. A ND I buy of him myself. He's stllin out, you know end it, won't take hira long to do it at -"L his present prices. You can get a peefect duek of a jacket at Dent's for $1 60, and it lovely Shawl for $1. 25, ami then in Dress Good Ent it's no use taking. You must see for your- self before you can believe it ; and he h s a case of New Spring Prints, jast in, the lovilest pat- terns yen ever saw. Don't throw your in uey away, but go and spend it at Dent's. lot of notes and overdue accounts on hand, and would Mr. DENT would also say that he has notify all parties interested, that they n net all be settled by the 28th of the present motet-, or they , no a v. will be put into Comet on the first of March, without. favor to anyone—he must have the dust. 587 P.BRINE, Anetioneer. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. le,TAVINGeecured the frrsti prize At the Pro- vincial Exhibition, T onto.. 1878, Western Fair,London, 1878., Northern Exhibition, Walk- erton, 1878, and At -almost all the principal Ex- hibitions in Canada, for the BEST SCOTCH 'DIAMOND HARROW. Also ftrst prizes for two ennsecutive yeare. et the Provincial Testing MAtCh for the best cut- ting Van ovas, against a large competition, when they were minim ously pronounced by the.Tudges to be superior to anything onahe field. They are manufactured from refined iron, an d made very strong in the neek, 'which is of an °Yliavn bilaigeieen at it large outlay for new and Droved xocchinery, I ion in a position to manu- facture at pikes that defy competition. Look at this : One set for $12, or live sets for $50. 586.6 Tile& TIPLING., Clinton. fiSTOTiCiE TO GRANGERS, F-4.1tMERS AND OTHERS.- . - As InD .7 occupy the .attention of these IMrei times the subscriber ie eletermined tti meet them by °tiering good inch Hemlock, " not 3 'usually sold for inch," at the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand ; 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All orders over 4,000 5 per cent. diseomet. Cali and see if you don't get whet le repreaented. Book Accounts over inmate will be charged 8 percent. The subscriber thanks his numerous easterners for their liberal support, and solicits a continu- ance of their tavola. _ JOHN THOMPSON. 438 Steam Saw Mills, MeTUliop. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAV- INGS COMPANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPil jEFFERY, President A.LEX. aoirss ION, Vece-President. SAVING* RANK 1111.41VICIE. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS,— The °aerie Loan and Setviugs Company are prepared to receive depoeite in tho sum of $5 and upwards, at the rate of SIX PER CENT, pawl -tun, PIE fixed period, or Five per cent. on .demand. AU investments of this Company are secured by mortgages on Beat Estate, which affords to de- poeitors the best poseible security for the safety -of their d-eposits. For further particulars apply by letter, or at the office of the Company.. 561-12 WAL, F. MILLEN, Manager. ORES AND MANTLE MAKINC. MIS SLEETH WISHES to announce to the Ladiea of Sea- " forth 11111 nity thnt she has commeneed Dre and Meiotic Making in all their valiant; styles. Having had ten years err clime° she , feels rai jelled elm Will give gi neral satiefaction. A cell respectfully soliciteue. Rooms in the rear of Mr, G G. Spading' s *tore. llotrance through the store or from St. John street. -Cutting toad fittings specialty. 6:35 DRAYAGE. • THE undersigned having entered into co=part- -a- nerehip, are prepared to meet the wants el the Merchants a Settforth alai others who may require their services as carriera to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere molt reasonable termii. Orders may be left at joseph Brownell's Grocery store, And will receiv•e prompt and careful attention. NORMAN BROWNELL. JOSEPH ABELL. Sea! artb, Ang, 20, 1878, 560 331=t11ZE'S. IVIONTHLY. $ALE.. THE next Monthly Sale of Farm Stock, Ironle. menta and other propel -kV -sill beheld at the COMMERCIAL ROTEL, 14EAFORTH, on SAT. URDAY, MARCH 29th, 1679, commencing at 12 ,o'clock noon. i A lotof rat Stock will be offered. • 1 Patties having stuff to sell would do well to confer with the Anetionear. Entries to Se made 1 look A If if possible. , ...a ...a...a- _A..•,•••••