HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-03-07, Page 7MARCH 7, 18 IE CANADIAN 1OF COMMERCE, 1`10E, — TOR oNTO.. `apitaI, _ $6,000,000. - 00,900 DIRECTORS. LUX MOlisTED., Prosideut lion, Vice -President James Miehie, Esq. t. Esq. T. Sutherland Stayner, Esq. Esq. joint 3. Arte, Eq. A, R. McMaster, Esq., RSON. General Manager.. OUN RODERT&IN, Inspector. G. Her, and J. Goadby G. Orchar , Agent. BRA-NOrli ES. Hamilton, London, Luca n, Montreal, ottawa, Paris, I'eterboro, 1 St. Catharines, Sarnia.. PIlitS issued fOr uso Vest Indies, China, Rime°, Stratford, Strathro3-, Seaforth, Thorold, Toronto, Walkerton, Windsor Woodstock, in Europe, japan, aad rican Exchange bortglat and .dc' on the most favorable terms. vedlon deposits. NI( E The 'American Exchange National, an .1—The Bank of Scotland. =ORTH BRANCH. YES, :NIANAGER. )i-e/r11.WLEVS 1.111E WAREROOMS; EAFORTH. ApE-7 FURNITURE IN THE COUNTY. 1,:e?eis ing a Large Stock of NEW limn the best Factories, in, Can- enebh d te sell chtlapor than any ' nty, ae I ply, euali :Iowa and get a 'fa r-,7 A ,4 SELL: (*hail e air SI 80. , icy turned Lege far S.2„ tre Goa, for e v Best, for e -e-3 25. ch, far St 15. re, eec1,10 emits. eirelle Bedsteads, 4x 1, 0 feet larig, wet knell it Bare u, Iarti7.-ction fronts,. very low. $5. 'eth Clutiee, Sofas. Loan- linekere, I Cannot be- nd Spinning Wheels very low. VE ME A CALL f/irnish your house for a- little direetly_oeposite M. R. Conn - h Jewelry Establishment, Main idca, Slane, Wool and Vi'ool Pick - _MEN S. PORTER. scion be in a poeitien to furnish ea. than tiny one in the place. .11E SEA:FUR:TR 1 AND LAUD AGENCY,: 44Z0 STRONG Several First -Glass Stock, Fire Suranee COMO:LIAO], /Ina orepar. rr FAVOR A BLE TER VIS. several of the best Loan Seoie— i.r the sale and purchase of Farm, aerty. Et. OF R8T-CLA88 IM- ) FARMS FOR SALE_ ea: Loan at S- Pet- ('ent. Interest - e White Star Line of Stearaers. er Morritioe'e Store, UM/3-SL k 4.-.'• DRUG STORE (!eps the Purest Drug and. Is. ! _eeps all the Leading Patent , H. - eepa .the Best Peefurnery, , Combs, &c. eeps No. 1 Trusses, Shed- s and Supporters. •ceps Tooth, Nail, Hair, nd. Bath Brushes, Ceps First -doss Dye Stuffs. -eeps the Best Horse and. ediciues. eeps the Best Tobaccos, Ci - es, &e. HMI A CALL. ite GardraO's Hall, Seat - , er hereby thearke his numerons Fa:in:heats an.d others) for their duriira the past 7 years, and inte4rity and dose attention to, their confidenee and trade in ving greatla ,enlarged his prem (rimer, he is now prepared to pay , 4EST CASH PRICE .• of 40Lott Fresh Eggs, didivered [ertain, ZEET, SEAFORTI-I. eale-ei Deer, ton-, of good dry 1). 1). WILSON - AND .PEAS. has now on hand, at Hones -11v tity of Choice Corh , fit for meal eald itt lets of 19 bushels or . THAN HAS RE- el- BEEN GOI.N(1. - on hand during the next few- eleeted Peas for Seed, at Kippen 16? take auk eueutity of good araet price. MeLENNAN- DR.SSI.N G. S STARK "elm the Ladfe of Seittorth and she iA prepared to make tip 'TRLS, RilIDS, (to-,,- -:•.eseeiou from. Combing. all enters, eartetiteneat- solicited. Residence—Maim • MARCH 7, 1b79. eagemicele Two Drummers.- . A Legend of the Road: :it Vas tat( rival drummers The merls that did blow ,Of safes vtere in St. Louis made And sacs from Chicago. They chanced upon, a merchant, Wlaafain &safe woirld tiny, .And in the praise of their homes' wares The drinerners twain. did Vie,: Been etriving• to see which could construct The m.osl colOssal lie, Up 'space the St. Louis drummer. "Once a mana eat did take And locked the animal in a safe . -01 our suoerior make. "They made a bonfire round the safe • With tar and. kerosene, 7. And for lowittui-twenty hours it blazed With ragi ug heat, I wen. e, The fire went eut, the sate was cooled, And I w'll forfeit five Hundred good dollars it that eat • Did not vow oat aliee." Then mild apspake and auswereci him The Chic ago safe agent: With our ;ate one day we did essay The swirl experiment. • We placed the safe :elected on Of colds t fiery bed, A.nd pitch-pinn we heaped in coal -oil steeped Till the iron glowed bright red ; • And in fee,y-tiglit hours we ope'd the safe, And., a1a.s:1 the eat was dead." "Wee dead 7 :Aha: !" his -rival cried, With a triumphant breath; But the Oh 'cage Man replied: "Yes, the eat was frozen: to death .!": - NO word that St. Louis- drummer Spoke, But silent he stood and wan, While the X arises merchant an order gave To the (Jliiettgo man. Why the Whale "Spouts." Whales swim very Swiftly, the Spec- tacle ef a whale careering along the Sur- face -of t e water being one worthy of eemembr nce. At frequent intervals the whale is seento• " blew " or "spout" --these t:•••rros beingapplied to indicate the ejecti n of water, or what looks, like that fluid. from " the nostrils. In the whale one whales the nostrils are siteeted • n the top of the head, and are menet " biow-holes.", On the sup- position t at the water ejected. from these =Lpei tures consisted of Wit whioh,• as ahead 7. remarked, is continually be- ing draw into the mouth, the ". blow- ing" of t rese animals appeared. to be susceptibl of ready explanation.But it was nit mately seen that there was no plain ell:atm:nice' jnitification for the . idea that eter could ' pass so readily and const -ntly from the mouth to the nose, while a, much more feasible ex-' planation of the " blowing" Ot these aentnals anreadily be found. Thus the water whichis taken into the mouth appears, to be strained. .off, as we have Seen, by tli e whalebone plates., and. es- capes sine ly by the- sides of the mouth - cavity. \ hen, on theother hand, the whale "b ows," the animal, rises to the surface, tl :e act of " blowing " being in reality t e • effort of expiration, or breathin out" the heated itir ..of the lungs, pre aratory to taking in a. fresh - breath of ir. As the whale begins to blow.just 'efore approaching the sur- face of water, the effort must result in the wa er which lies above the head. being cari ed up into the air in the form a ai C011111 n or jet; whilst .MI0 heated air from t e lungs is expelled when the asaineal h:s reached the surface, and, being co, densed by sudden exposure to the out r cold, appears in the .form of the fine spraY or vapour which is last exhaled. A Mini • ter Roughly Handled. A local treaoher had been preaching .in the aft;rnoon at a village not. fee from New aetie,, England, and heving accompan ed one of the chapel mem- bers to th -house., was of course intro- duced, to is wife, who 'aPpeared - very glad to ser him, and waxmingly pressedhim—for full quarter of an .hour—to stay tee vea. He at last consented. While all his pressing was going on, the:. husba 4 was quietly standing by, preparing o wash his hands and face. • The good !nay then went to get the tea ready„ an • it was not long before both the tea au 1 her temper were brewing • for, hearine, as she thought, her dearly beloved N a,shing„ she mede • for the little winthw which communicated be- tween the tehen and the pantry where she was, tied, taking advantage of his . position, ore quickly than one could say" Jack Robinson," she administered two: or thr e hard raps .on. his bald pate, accompanied by the exclamation " leaxu ye t bring thern: hungry preachers here every time they come -to preach I" As soon as the unfortunatee individual could get ti e soap-aude out of his eyes he begant. think what .it,alleneant,b-ut could not oree to no,. other conclusion than that he old lady had made er.sad mistake-, hich she soon found. out, for, upon retur Mg to the parlour, there she saw her hu -band patiently awaiting his turn to wa, h. A II eighb sow that what he been shut terribly, an flesh. Throw she ju1 ea enously. izcd burnt tablespooef around mei as twice a, 1 ash es. Gi time ; her toi4 even buehel, for than whole of a hog cle —to satisfy terial—to e aud prove', phoric acid dispeusable freely will I condition. A The folio the senious His Excell Hay, K: C. the Lake o Y 0 - es of Appetite: -• •r informs - us that he has a, not eat corn., and asks an do for her. She has up in , L small .pen, roots has grown quite. thin in. to her pen all the charcoal , and she will devour it rev- ive a free suppirof pulver- )one.or bonemeal. Put two els of sulphur in a pailful of 1, ina.de into a{ slop, as often eek with a handful of wood e no corn in the ear for some eeth may be sore; ground here you give every eighth grinding is much cheaper corn. Tb keep the stomach tn and active when shut up the craving for bone ma- -terminatd.intestinal -worMS t mange, charcoal, phos - sulphur - and .athes ,axe in - These giver,a regularly and eep hogs in gond fattening ild Boar ,at Bay. ring are the !particulars of accident which occurredto ncy Sir John Drummond B., *hett boar hunting on Ayala, some miles from Tangier, on the 16th. It seems, that a Lig boar was started.. which gave - the hunters a -food gallop, Mr. Wood even- tually' gettieg the first and Mr. Mat-- . thewe„ Jr., the second spear; but, al- though ver: badly wounded, the beast nkanaged tt -get away- into the thick covert. At er the beat. was 'finished, Sir John, teiwilling to lose this addition to the bag, tot the hbund.s down to the thicket into which the boar had retreat- ed, where they soon came across him.; buthostucl obstinately to his refege, and would not leave the covert„ . Itt the meantime the horsemen had po ecl themselves around the thicket, a Sir John Went to where 'he heard dogs givin zongue, and there found boar at bay itt the thick bushes on so sand He direct. d some of the Moors to in with thei guns and put an end the pig, biit they all refused, and . John tumor ingly with his .iusUalg lantry and determination,' taking double-brufr lled gun from oneof t 'Moors, and unheeding. their remo THE HURON EXPOSITOR. st- age. 1Torthrop& Lyman, Toronto, Out. nd proprietors for Canada. Sold. by all the medicine dealers. the • ' . me Is YOuit LIVE WORTH 10 CENTO—Sick- lieSs prevails everywhere,and everybody go comp' ins of some diseasie clueing their to life. 1, hen SiCkthe objectis to get well; Sir now toay plainly that no person in this al- world 1hat is suffering with Dyspepsia, a Liver I1ornp1aint and its effects, such as he Indigestion,Costiveness, Sick Headuche; n- Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Palpitation 'EiIeart, Depressed Spirits, Billie , 84c., cen take GREMN'S August, without getting relief or cure, loubt thlie go to your Druggist I • a Sample Bottle for 10 cents is- and trY it. Regular size 75 cents, to ed 1 doses will relieve you. , re- strances tilta hp should not face t danger, bo1. ly went in to give the a mal his co' t de fp'ace. Sir John w accoEnpanie only by Moors at the tir He crawlerl into the bushes, s,aw t hoax at bay. t about 15 or 20 feet- d tame, and t iking et, steady eine pull the trigger, vhen to his horror Ithe suit was Me ely a puff, and the bo irnmediatel rushed to attack him. theanimal iame on he pulled the tr ger of the se mad berrel-with the sa futile result s the firat, as the gun h evidently been loaded for some tim and also vi h Moorish Powdercharge of the infuriated boar th ew Sir ; T John to the ound, where he was ra- le he of the ni- ousues as FLOWE ne. If you he and go let • ae The kianeys are subject to a variety of dangerofte As lirt painful diseases, arishie from various eausee. ig- u si, these a cc ions nifty e emu . Brig it s ills - me, ease, dialletes, and all female complaints, are' w- ad eessfully 6oinbated by this popular remedy, whieh is for sale by all dealers. Price, $1 per bottle. 1 e, he .. 3;: the juldieifireust-use of ifile)ioria slI3uchu tiind Uva tacked c which he himself. young Mo hatchet, c the boar walking ojvt new come • ; three good bl hatchet, h Itt the beaters ca only being gun, put a, feeling tha termined t Tangier, o y reaching there at nine o'clock at night. It was then found, on cutting off s boot, that he had receiv- ed a severe mind in the calf of his left y about the legs, with was endeavoring to defend n calling out fer help a r, armed only with a small led in to the rescue, and mediately left pir John, r, him, and attacked the but on receivinh two or WS about the head with the turned away. ! S. C. M. DUNLOP'S Pall -Term in Music will open on Sept. 16tb. Pupils should give in their names previous to the o ening of the elites. Those not hav- ing llnstruinertts can be aecommodeted with 188 of Piano or organ at very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, 8 ept. 7, 1878. 501 ntime three others of the to the rescue, one bf them — rmed,, who, with his lone end to the boar. Sir John*, e was badly wounded, de - proceed straight back to leg, betweeb four and five inches long, and about 41, inch and a half deep, and also a slight: Around lower down the le Most fortunz tely he had received other injury, fllthough the gaiter on h right -lee wr badly torn in twobOr thr places.—Gln altar Chronicle. ° The Ba k Director's FARMERSI STOP 1 0 • cD CD 1:101 teid 0 Da Co co el- et cicr - CO TO A.•CALLANDER, CLINTON, (11U/RON STREET,) TO GET YOUR SAWS GUMMED You ea get them liome with you the same.de 110 is . A. CALLANDER, ee 585x12 General Blacksmith,,Clinton, Ont. g- that you rieg them. A muffled man to Windsor lboun cries " I3oat nen, do not tarry ; and I give thee a s lver pound to row ine o'er the ferry." Now who be ye, would cross this stieam when. it is past 11 To launch my craft I would not dream the boats la, up at 7." " Thiow o that rope," ried out the man, as h buttoned hi protector, "and be as lively ae yo# can (whispering)„ I'm a Chicago bank director." "Now that remark your sense displays; row yon over sonny; not so much for your winsome ways, as for your bag of money." With ice the boat gets many a shock, and each calls forth. invective —there now appears on, the ferry dock two men and a detective. "Come back, come back,'' they cry in grief, in accents sweet as honey, "and we'll forgive that flying thief ; our money, oh, our money !" But look! lands on yonder shore; there was nothing to prevent him, and they shall see him never more, though they always will lament hiro—Detroit LU BER FOR SALE. d, HEMLO K First Quality, $6 per 'M. PINE from $8. ILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the if PONY' MILL, IN MOKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a . LUMBER' YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY. Free Press. . i . Politeness' Towards Children., Many parents who are polite and pol- ished in their enanners towerd the world at large, are perfect bores inside the home -circle. What wonder if the children are the same? If a nian'should accidentally brush against anOther in the streets, an apology would be sure to follow; but whoever thinks of offering an excuse to the little people, whose rights are constantly being violated by their careless. eiders? 11 a stranger offer the slightest service, he is grate- fully thanked; but who ever remem- bers to thus rewaxd the little tireless feet that are travelling all dajr long up- stairs and down on .countlese errands for somebody? It would be policy for parents to treat their children po-• litely for the sake of obtaining more eheerful obedience, if for no other rea- son. School-13oy's Composition on a Subject he Knows Nothin about,.* Girls is alike one way—they are al like cats, If you rub them the righ way of the hair, they'll pur and look sweet at you; but if you rub 'em the wron way, Or step on their tails, they'll claw e you. So long as you let a girl have he own way she's nice and sweet ; :but jus eross her, and she'll spit at you 'wors nor a cat. Girls is also like Mules they're headstrong. Ia girl don't wan to believe any thing,you can't make.her If klie knows it's so, she won't say so Girls is little women if the're good d if they ain't good, then whip them aeid ask Mt. Edison to invent a machine to d.o it fir -rate. _EPPS'S Co1O0A.—Grateful and -cdinfort- ing.—" By 4 thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a -careful .epplication of . the fine, proper - dee of well selected. cocoa, Mr. ;Epps has providell our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, -which may save inJ Many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that 0, constitution may be (Tad - tally built Up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease!. Hun- dreds of se4btle• maladies .-are. floating around us ,retiely to attack wherever there is a Weak point. . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly . no- lirished frame."eaciv-4 Ser- i vice. gazetM., Sold. only in packets label- led—" (Tallies Epps. cc.:. Co., Aoniceopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 179, Piccadilly, London," '4S2-52 , HIDE 13 01.7 ND. "'pun S . —A horse is said to be hide -bound when his . skin. - will not slip under the pressure of the hand, but s icks as if it was glued, which- condition is always dependent on a derang • d state of the stomach and digestive organs—by correcting whioh, and giving, tip them a 1ea1thy to and condition, th,e disease r complaint will disappear.: pxperieno has proved that the means' best adapteli to this end is " Darley's. C-oudition Powders . and Arabian Heake'Reinedy." It bag. been used. in numerous cases with epMplete success, generally effecting a cure in a few days.' It is the best Condition medicine kugwn, andenay be given with perfect safety at all times,and doesjiret re- quire that theliorse. be kept form work. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurl & Co. is on pech pack - 1 , , LARGE PROFITS r[11:4 Directors al the Canada Silver • -1• Mining Company owning two senare miles pot territory in the same section as the fabiou.s Silver Islet Mine, which has already yielded $4,000,000, are prepared to receive applicathins for' shares be- ' longing to an issue of 4,000 $25 shares, each hare being entitled, without any additi nal charge, to a $10 coupon,re- deemi4bleln cash by an annual payment of $4, 00 from the Company. Attention is dir eted to the fact that; after receiv- ing $ 0 for every $25 invested, imbserib- ere will still retain their Shares, thns not orily participating in the profits of the COmpa,ny free of cost, but actually securing a direct profit besides. Terms: sr on subscription, and the balance in moat], instalments of $2 pr share. For further particulars, addresOmmediately HENRY IMLACH, Seeretary, London, Ontario. When writing, name this pae per. 5i4-12 • KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECIr FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPA ES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND .RA.KES,' GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND bUILDING HARDWARE - • Of Every Description Cheap. •EAVE WROUGHS AND CONDUCT. ING PIPE Pat up on special Fret Paying Customers. • JOHN KIDD. A A_ the Shortest Notice and Warranted. inducements to Cash and e.63.(rg.ce. c re c t1 C-1 C•••I C-4 0 0 W wW Ct et et Ct 4 4 OV.7 •]-.• •-•• 0 CS tS • I I TR GOLDEN .LION, - A LAR PRIN RECE • LION, ALAR PRIN RECE LION, • ALAR PRIN RECE LION, ALAR PRIN RECE LION, ALAR PRIN RECE LION, A LAR 'PRIN RECE LION ALAR PRIN RECE LION, LARG RECE LION, A LAR( PRIN RECE LION, PATR011IZE HOEE INN'S RIES. Why go !abroad for your Furniture when you can get as Good Value for you money in ffensall as in • any 41ter Townin Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has Low on hand. a, Splendid Stock of F ci .1-t :1`27- rr OF ETERY DESCRIPTION, • Which he will sell at Prices to Suit the Times. UNDERTAKING IN ALL iTS BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Also tf First -Class Hearse 'Which he ill furnish. for FUNERALS on roe+ sonable terms. IT_AD I 1\T G S_. , Contracts' for Buildings of every description taken on mpst reasonable terms. Material fur- nished if d sired. Rememb r tbe Hensall Furniture and under - taking Est bW.slunent. 576 , S. FAIRBAIRN. SEVEN HUNDRED ED .EG S E LOT OF NEW SPRING '8, EXTRA GOOD VALTJE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORT EL E LOT OF NEV SPRING S. EXTRA GOOD VALUE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORTH. E LOT OF NEW SPRING 8, EXTRA (100D VALUE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORTH. E LOT OF NEW SPRING 18, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORTH, — E LOT OF NEW SPRING 8, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, VED AT- THE GOLDEN SEAFORTH, E LOT OF NEW SPRING S, EXTRA GOOD. VALUE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORTH. E LOT OF NEW SPRING S, EXTRA, GOOD VALUE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORTH. , ' E LOT OF NEW SPRING 8, EXTRA., GOOD VALUE, VED AT THE GOLDEN SEAFORT. E LOT' OE NEW SPRING 8, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, VED AT ' THE GOLDEN EAFORT A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING muN 8, EXTRA 000D VALUE, RECE VED AT THE GOLDEN' LION, SEAFORTH, A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PIUN 6, EXTRA. 000D VALUE RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFO.RTH.i A LARGE LOT OF NEV SPRING PRIN 8, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT TEIE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH.} A LARG LOT OF 'NEW SPRING PRIN 8, EXTRA GOOD RECEIVED AT THE LION, SEAFORTH.! JAMIE CENTRAL GROC.ERY. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY WILL sriow AT THE "CENTRAL 1 GROCERY" THIS WEEK, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW FRUIT, COMPRISING: Six Cases Patras Currants, entire free from, Sand. Four cases Messina Currants; was • ed ready for use.. Five barrels Common Currants, Twenty Pounds for 0716 dollar. gift!' boxes new. Valencia Raisin selected off stalk. Ten boxes London, Lay ers, black ba, ket and blue bask,et, for table us Ten boxesS'ultaiza, Raisins, entire free from seeds. Figs in Mats, four pound, and o e and a half pound boxes Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. Extra Ground Sugar for icing. Almonds, _Filberts and Walnuts. SIGN. OF THE CIRCULAR :it SAW. M. ROBERTSON CI SEAFORTH. CALL AT WILLIAM "ROBERTSON _ TEAS AND SUGAR COFFEES, .PICES, &c., Always in Stock, , and warranted t e best value in thg market. FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISION We Invite Inspection of our lar e Stock o/ CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Witick we are Selling ,,Off at priceS to suit the times. . • LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEsFORTH. "CROWN INK.'1 TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL Bal OONVINCED THAN IT IS FIRST-CLASS INK, AND THAT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. • C,..H/ OW -1\T Il\TK Is as good after being frozen as an. Conimon Ink before freezing,• and yet is Sold for ONLY 15 CTS. PER PINT BOTTLE AND A LIBERAL DISCOUNT T THE TRADE: There is as much Ink in a pint bottl as in eight 5c. bottles -40 cents worth. .Do not Throw Your Money Aiwa' Buying Five Cent Ink. 'TARRY MITCHELL, 'SOLE AGENT FOR .SEAPORTH; - - ONTARI THE NEW SHOP. FARMERS, ATTENTION :EIO Or _A_ INT Formerly of the Firm of Monroe Hogan,having purchased the larg and commodious premises form, erly occupied by Air. David Mc Naught, on, North, Main Street,t now prepared to do. every kind o C.ENERAL BLACKWITHINC, Such as HORSE -SHOEING', REPAIRING, &c. Ile will also keep 'on hand a first -las stock PLOWS, HARROWS Anm And other Implements of his own Manufact tire. PRICES MODERAT And Goo a Work Guaranteed. He hopes to receive s call hem all his ol VALUE, ,Itiunels and as many new ones as feel inclined. GOLDEN Remember the Shop—North of the Qaeen' I Hotel, West Side. SON. D. HOGAN, SEAFORTH BUTTER rrJEs. JHE HENSALL PORK FACTORY 8. TROTT, SEAFORTh, Ts now pr pared to supply 11 custoniekb with any nu ber of his SUP .RIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are so well and fa orably known to the trade that it is unnecesear to say Ansel:ling in their recommen- dation. MR. TR ITT also ma-nufactnres a sraall Hard- wood Tub,s. itable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend- ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaforth. G. & J. PETTY • t Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE fof itny quanfity of 1- ' HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSE ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, POR CUTTINGS, &c. 523 G. & J. PETTY!. a-- & CO.'S AND SEE THE IMPROVED DIAMOND CROSS -CUT SAW, MADE FROM TH E BEST DOUBLE REFIN- ED CAST STEEL, AND GUARAN- • 1\T 0 "T C Owing to the universal de- pression in Trade and the dull times for the past sea- son, people general& hare. practised ECONO"MY in their purlases branches oi- trade. Ihe GROcERY BUSI- NESS has felt 8,1e pressure with the rest. Considering this, we feel gratOed Mat our 114siness has HELD ITS OWN. Althougk the Hard times are not yet past, we feel that the worst is Over, and people MUST HAVE CHEAP GooDs. In anticipation, y- this -we ha're laid in an un- usually large Stock of TEAS, SUGAILSI COFFEES, TOBACCOS, ' FISH, CURRANTS, and RAIS- INS, together with a General" Stock of FRESH GROCERIES. I have also OTZ Iltand a large stock of CP.obKhra, GLASS- WARE, LAIIIP.S and LAMP GOODS, Which will be sold at extraordinary low prices for cash. In connection with this we Always Keep or Hand TEED TO CUT THIRTY CORDS OF FLOUR, FEED AND PROVIS- IONS of all kinds. In pur- chasing I hare kept an, eye to the --main fact, viz., That we. 2nust BUY CHEAP foP know. that we will have to 1 SELL CHEAP. Our Shop is Oil the soutbside of Main-st. opposite Market -$t, Strong c• Fairley's old stand. AL MORRISON: HARDWOOD WITHOUT REFIT - TING. ALSO LANCE TOOTH, ONLY 75 oENTs PER, FOOT. WM. ROBERTSON & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, • SEAFORTII. ,S1131NUJd c�ablNo FURNITURE. 572 THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, —SEAFORTH.— MRS, WHITNEY/ ISMS ones more tO remind. her many friends and eustomers that she is now better prepared than ever ta supply 8.11 their wants in her line. She as one of the most cora plete assortments of S ill 0 7.\T" S Both Coal. and *od, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that sari be found in any town itt the county, and nt priees as low a.s the lowest. Her assortment of Was never better or raore varied. COAL OIL/ Both Wholtsale and Retail at -a very slight sa- vaneenn raannfacturers prices. Repairing and Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfitetion guaranteed- BRUCEFIELD. For the better Recompilation of her zustomeri MI'S. Whitney has opened. a branen st•Ore in Drucefield, where will be found a eornplete stock - of everything in her line. She would direct par- Veular attention -towed hrvite inspection to her Stoves, which intending purchasers should sec before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when you eorne to Seaforth or Brneefield don't leave without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spent. - MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth alid Bruce -field. 1 DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English lemedy is espeuially Veeoramended as an unfailing atm for Seminal Weakness SperinsitorrhealImpo- tency, and all eliseasee that follow as ase- quence of Self a.bnee, B ore Val Loss of Memory, lifter akin& I Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimirese of Vision, Premature Old Age, and, many other FURNITURE1 diseases that leads to Insanity Or COnSliniptiOn . 4 and 4 Premature Graye, all t whieh us S. rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence? .Che Speciffe Medicine is the result of elite study and many years of ex - M. ROBERTSON, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER HAS AGAIN OPENED A Retail Furniture Store Two Doors North of his Old Stand, epposite Waddell 35 Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where .he is prepared TO SELLAS CHEAP AS ANY IN TI1E TVA DE. UNDER AKIN G Attended to 2$ te111411. A Large Steck Of COFFINS, OASEETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, the, 'always on hand. 531 M. ROBERTSON. - -- THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL, - $4,000.004. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1863; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated. 1861. SEAFOliTH )3RANCII. DOMINION. BLOCK, MAIN -ST. Dratibi ens 'New Vork Payable at any Bank in the United States . Billv of Exellangt on London payable at, -a]1 Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID 0..V DEPOSITS. perienee in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail: The Speeitue Medicine is sold by all Deugei, sts at $1 per pan) ago, or -6 pa*Aragee for V, or will be sent by min on receipt of the money, by addressing 'WITZTAII GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. sold. itt Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, 7. S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all druggief merchants- SEAEORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR'AHD BLIND FACTORY THE subscriber -begs leave to thank his rintrieron I. -1- ernitomers for the liberal patronage eatendedto himeince commencing business in Sealortkand trusts hitt he may be favored with a eontinuanee of the same. Perties int attain g to buna woulddo well to give him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand , large stook of allkinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, mAreitiele, DOORS, BLINDS, MOUIJIANGli, SHINGLES, LATH, ltefeelsconfident of givingss.ti3faction to those who may favour hire with their patronageasis none but, first -els ssworionen are employed. I Purtienlat attention psi. 1 Custom PlaLing 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. SHINGLES FOR_THE MILLION. pHE undersigned have on haat a large supply -2-- of First -Claes Shingles, MILLEN'S FACTORY, in the Village, of i Made by experienced 'workm,.:11, iron The very : best mat,nial. ishe manner in which we mann- , facture is suchti.at there is no B:astard Shingles in the pat k. 1-Ve are always prepared to do le14.,1 NININ and supply JiPoorili and Saida at f•hort notice. Panel Doors and Sash always on hand. Venetian Bli,uds and Mot/Wings made to order. A. PATTON, ) R. TWIN a, Truetees. 582 A. L. (.7aIBSON, MARRIAGE LICENSES 0 re a ir IFI(ATBS, ;Under the new Act.) issued at the EXPOSITOR MICE, SEAFROTIt