HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-03-07, Page 3MAttett 77 1879. NCE BANK CT CANADA. tP oFFICE, MONTREAL. $1,000,00.0: teS-M. ff. Gault, Pereident ; Thoe. etenesident A. W. t 31. ton. Thereat; Tiffin. Alex.11nuthe, -remelt R Murree, Caehier Geo. lineots •f tide Roil; hes hoer epoted tie ol • e Goa et uterine le:eine-le Lem et. Notee es! h Ind .liee tented, Imo I set fair basinees twee. Bank eeeartment h le boo, oneetioe ten Ode, e .1.tooette eel time One tlr ard-4 , floe eect there en p lyethe At ;It r et 1111 oclieee .L. bank et 31 no reel ;tad tee Fe nem eta. .t.e.; EN Co --tem 011- -The Altianee 1. Nee, yoee-oetionel }Oink of • letes'e, thee...mu o Co.. 6 , Nat heist ttaeo. ears It. to 3 Se tintlave, lo to 1. Oil N .1t.'el K 1.1. Nlanege r pTECTION. tie Protection gnereateoi to le OtlY total In o nee' eat rK 3.L beet enettied soli ell oar iES N1i LIARRIAGES, - nCW OD eerie a geod anee'Y of theeo t-t-i'esitees. sea a nattoor et those o Welt everybody ogee oft s soli tverY eheep -on eeett termet tetstotates. 1here alio eue enel rt onupeteut atet erten' ets leleek- o te yeere, ane am prep lose t lie delete of .3 o Vork. frotu nehor. o r Lew meet MI I'Varie wale- . ranted. evey to receiet ell p let azeottate in moo : ottate WILLIAMS, Kinhurn. ›ramanciAL LIVERY 5 E A 1? 0 R H. kXUR FORB ESi _ whetted the Stock and Trade of the teal Livery, -Sealorth, from Mr: bees to ,tat e that he iutends haeitteee in the oht steed, au d hea ' oiluabie hca ses anti %Ames to the None but :"Gen fiertaitie re/eidesetiftl Good 4tr- be Kept. -.)ren lluggie.4 and CerrOtgee, and Ogle Wagons al wept ready for use. wove nu al'et With Com. bat trial Ji n. - L, the etabida or any of the hotels. stied to. IMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAF011,T11. „ yeNAT'GFITON bete; to inform '88 men of- Seaforth and the. travel - et he has parehteed the Livery Stock of Mesera. Carnochan & To all in hie power to retain the eh this favorite establishment' hog 41,1 keep only good driving and re- ed hi cerrieges. will be kept wed order. Oaiic1 night or dee ,e ttly attended to. PIC -NIC AND 'A.P.TIES Liberally Dealt with. tble. AII orders le.ft et the Com - sr at the office will receive orompt bles Gu Market Street, opposite r. s. AteNA.UGHTON, Proprietor, • ENS:ALL esc"- car loa.ie of Cor ox hand, and tnerneut is likely tcs impose a duty ear time to buy. et, cente per 10) tonradc. ew High, Mixed Cu el, for feed or 43 the cheepeet. itntring anti Chopping aortest Notice. MIN rucchatiged our to meet the deficie coin this sea - have remedied t a general com- . flour and flour t at will not rise, 'e running tendon ova _All orders lied to aud work e. aranteecl. : MeGREG(R 714211TA1'T. )XBORO ATILLS. NIERS AND OTHERS. URNETT & DOLPHIN, having put in a thorough atate of repair Ortring Mill, are now prepared to en -I len op:kluge keep on hand and for sale a Flour and Feed of every descrip- t groin to be geound can here it e the IMMO da y. toe are both practical workmen , underatend the businesa, they eliefectiaa. itURNETT & DOLPHIN. ()GRAPHY. n ese, etvitt touch of the aim, otaneonsly spleiedidly done .'. truly reflecting eaeh grace, aruirig eye, and beauty of face I h of skill, a,s wondrorta aa BOW! of nature,ApelIes, ne'er drew, I ettettun, or picture ea 'erne :" .eticei " cap " flit. Calder to a you want •a picture-Photo- type-centeining all these extis- test seep into the Gallery aad von will field An - the beat of I:tut-toe, and reedY me, A. CALDER, Seaforth. RSHIP NOTICE. el having eutered- into partner- preparee to martufectore Piowe, t.V.O. By ueiag _irst-eittes• ma - i ell the werit cotriing tltrongle, e can geere at ett a goed ertieln- longiven to ret airing, horse- al jebbitte, M. Rereon hav a yeeri exietrienee to (trees - Will nuke thlt a apeatieltY- '-u'e Celebrettel Atericaltu.ret feu - IS Lc's. .13 etatel, OtoderiOle Street, Sea - 560 TN PORK ACTORY. JOBB ▪ pey the Higheat Pe ice for f limo% alive er tireeseLl. tee ant ty on hen.l. Flue Hefts t, SpieRolls, Beef ea„, sensate noioena.ana ets I Iteve been in the • t et P 3 L ai'e„ cn1 lieving one ett I • arooe of fruect in. Can - able te live ars good satie- 1 ROBB. . al'ai hAMI. 56'8 1LJt1 M UTUAL RANGE COMPANY. .NNoti, Secretary ead Teas- * ... • C oupttey, wiil attend ab I EL, SEAF MIT?, On, Setur- tee 2 te o'cleCk ferl: i t lie business of the: teteetol :till leteee tette notice • aoo Uajiy'_ .1.141E el REIttt, esidetit. . eel ary. 585 B R E", T, I Dea:er tu LEATHER and 'NUS I .Every Description. ptiet Steck kept. Terme oelicit. 4. All orders by mail It. ".7. BRETT - MARCH •7, 1879. TFIE HURON EXPO ITOR. 3 The ,Hunter's Story. careless steps, unconsciouS of -harm. We were °nee stuPPlug at an inn m Her very Innocence blinds her vision to • . g ci the dangers of the way. That manyaiid a=Onto, where several old hunters girls, thus carelessly guarded, do naa- trappers were gathered around ,the tare into pure and eoble women, is opei fire. It was a rainy night, and the lodgers sat up late, amusing each other surely convincing proof of a protective bv relating incidents of wildlife mid ad, Providence, hist we know, alasthat venture. One of them who had been in many lovely children, sylidse early years • Afri .a, related his uarrow escapes while gave p omise of au earnes-1, aud useful him -ing the lion and. the panther; an: future, develop into frivolous and good othe • gave an account of - an encbunter for -not ling members of sopiety. with a cougar. At last, a hard -visaged, Theie young girls, .durineethis forma- 1 weathertbrowned. old hunter and trap- tioti period, Certainly have rights which per, who had become greatly excited by are often abused. What are they? The the ides of the others, gave us the fol- right V) patient love und sympathy; the lowing stirring anecdote: right to wholesome oversight and re- ! 0 ie day, seven years ago last spring, straint ; the right to healthful and in - after tending my traps in the morning, nocent recreation; the right to be kept I started out through the mountains on busy, the right to every 'advantage in a brut. 'Bout noon I killed a big education, the right to stand side, by herr- and while 1 was cooking my din- side with their brothers, felly equal in ner, I happened to discover a small importanee, itt value, and in their °peeing in a rocky place up the side of claims for careandconsideration. In the mountain, which I was ceetain led fact every -one Will :concede that their to a cave. rights are presisely similar in youth. The entrance, for a little distance Was The conflict of opinion besens later in only large enough to allow a ma,n to life. , -erawl itt. 1 went 'after My rifle, and Words need net be antiatiplied on returned to th,e place, determined. to see their claims to -love and sympathy. All wItat sort of a cave it, was. When I Will agree likewise to theneed of over- came back to examine the .opening 1 sight and restraint, but comparatively fatted a beaten, path rumain.g into itand few parents are willine to give the time I knew that it must be: the home of needed. If thenoisy,t7trouble.some,rest- some wild animal. • less daughterof twelve or; fourteen be- Taisanade me a little cautious. I put tomes -quiet for an hour, the mother is my slew), into the opening, keeping my so relieved at the delightful quiet that gun ready to crack at the first living thing she neglectto - enquire whether the I should see. The cave was dark, and I book will helpor harm her child. If enull see but a few -feet ahead, but lyres.; she desires to speud One afternoon after ently 1 heard a noise that seemed to another with an intimate Ifriend, the come from the interior, and ,1 waited house -is, so peueettil in her absence that and listened. _ • .• permission is willingly granted, without , It waaa faint,moaning 'sound, and thought as to the good or bad iufluence when it etas repeated, I knew that it of. her toinpanion. Worse .still, if she came from a ,.you -ng panther. Had I asks to be out evenings, Or even to stay known as much then as I do now I away all night, to ride with a boy of b.ave climbed down froin that her own age, to go with him to any s place as fast as my legs would let me. of an entertaininent, "Yes 4' is unh But I was inexperienced then ancl hadtatingly said rather than meet the c more curiosity than caution, and. more filet which " No " would surely p courage- than wisdom, and I took, it Yoke. And all the while the tastes, the into my head to capture a young habits, the -morals of the still plas ic panther. character are being formed for good or I began to crawl down into the cave, ; ill. This is not healthful or innocnt through a narrow, crooked passage that recreatibn, but rather a -Oration of t1iab must have been fifteen feet long. One right. - - of the panthers—for 1 soon found that To keep busy is a ueceseityi. If the there was more than one cub in the rents do not see that their children cave—kept up his crying, which grew klept ititerested in lawful employme louder and louder as I approached. At '1, they will be very likely to inter rt si- n- o- a- re t's, st last I came to a place where. the cave ,: themselves in unlawful: ones. • Ti ey ,, . (have at rieht to that hied of watchful widened into quite a room., , I could stand up, but it was so - dark.' care that will guard, them against vil that at first I could not diatinguish tendencies in,all direetions„ and at he . one object fromanether. I felt around . same- -ime furnish them akeith such a with my gime- and ied by . .the varlet: of mental and phyeical .occupa- sound, 1 awn found a ,nest of young tion as shall . completely ' satisfy their panthers.! restlessness. Fill their... Minds with There were two of th.ena in at nice lit- usefuliknowledge, lofty Purposes, noble tie bed of leaves, made hp' in one cor- desire+, an.d-you will,of course exclude tier of the cave'. They made a- great • idle . Variety, selfish expectations and noise when 1 stirred up the pest. ignoble aims. ' Teach the hand to be. They were quite .young, and I put skilfule theeye to be -qa-tiCkethe ear to them into my huuting-ca.p and started be receptive, and they will gather in so to go back. . Many genuine beauties, and becdm.e I had taken good care to remember capable of such a , variety Of innocent Yes, that •the heart of. the child ecome fully satisfied. Iud:ustry ppiness are as sure to be united nesse-lid vice. . -, right to a full and ,syinmetrical 1 discipline is most Sacred.. If a e.dsll athe defences labial liberal e gives him in his warfare against ride the flesh and the devil, does Ice me in sight of the mouth of the not •the girl who is to be his constant eav . i - ally ubeid to be similarly guarded? If here is to be home iu the cornieg , and if ' at th.e same time her in-, -is to effect such marvels outside .s the theorists claim, should she thoroughly prepared to • exert it d ?. How ban she train her chil- eeti her husband under proper sn.y bearings., and I felt sure to find no .pleas trouble in making my Way out, I :will crawled alo,n-g, careless 05 usu- ' and h al, congratulating myself on my as itll courage' and good luck, and , thinking.' _ Th what nice pets I would • make of the ment yOung. panthers:, and. how- proud I boye n: \walla be to show them, and to tell cultur how 1 get them, when all at once . the w 'hat do you think I saw? The old her sp pan her was coining 'in.. future g • e had smelt my tracks, and ijcould tlueue see ythe light on each side of her, as of it, she approached through the entrance, not b tha every hair on her body was stick- for go ing to.veards her head. She meant rah- dren, ehi t. : discipline, order her houee sucCessfully, I dropped the culea and so the Y set move all the hidden •wheisls of the so- up yell. The old panther- seemed to cial culcle of which she is a member, so cou•prehend the situation, and gave a that tile whole shall revolve smoothly gro vl so merciless and savage that and in just the orbit she prefers, be at it .ade my hair creep and. my blood once 11, houdehold goddess and a society chi , . queen, mend, bake, eleae;keep up the I raised my gun. I used to think reading, her practice, write letters aud this I was all timber .a.t.rifle-sliooting, .essay, be postedin the news of the but -though the panther was not more -day sb that she may converseeasily and 013,1 thirty 'feet from me, I was almost gracelullyi &c., btfinitum, with-. afr id to risk a shot. out a "culture quite as wide as that of I had little tinae„ however,' for delib- her Mother, Who is never expected to do era ion„ and 1 diseharged iry i piece, ex- well more than one thing at a time? If pee ine that the next minute the panther -these !little girls are to be educated with woleid. be uticm me. But when the responsibility so varied and important stack& cleared, away, I saw that the.by•and by, do let us see to .it that nai had dropped on the spot where they have everyopportmlity for prepara- had received_ the bullet; went tion. am she up I 11 wa. o her cautiously, but she was° dead. ve been in tight places since. That Bribed by a -Ciss. „ the best shot I ever made. - A temperaucelecturerl whel has been at -work in the towns ist? the Hudson, has b en giViug a reporter a page from t. his evly experience in Michigan. Pre- aiousieto his arrival in a small, town where he intended to dp some work, the boys had agreel anseng themselves to go - o the meeting, butinot to sign the pledg . He appealed in vain for re- eruitsl in the temperance, pause. Not. a man vould Move. At this stage of the proceedings the belle of the town sprang to her feet and cried out: " Boys, this is really- too bad. Won't you sign the pledge?" Not a soul `moved from his, seat. •• Again the fair belle appealed to the men's better nature, but it was of no avail ; they had promised they wouldn't sign. Finally the lady aid:S"Boys, I'll kiss the first man who signs the pledge." . At this juncture up jumPed a tall backwoodsman, and drawlingly ex- claimed: '‘' Siss, Pri ver huckleberry. Whar's•yer• pledge ?" The bia,ve girl kissed the fellow, and the cheering which followed' made the building rattle This incident broke the ice, and before the reformer had left the town, nearly every one lied donned the ribbon. ' Girl's Rights. Linn time immemorialall appeals for larger opporttinity for w' omen have bee I met by thewithering reply, " Wo - mat's sphere is home." This is con- sid red an unanswerable argument, and. iS a ways advanced with an aggiavating self complacency -that is often beyond end "mace. 1 generaAly feel like reply- ingas the Irishman did to the com- panion who met him -with the remark, " It WEL gar worsen and:then' rights to this .sphere,I .ven-'ure tinaidly to ask, "What is a. giri s sphere ?-1" if the world had 'settled apo 1 an answer I should not presume to c it, 1 eon s a foine day," "And who said it n't? D'ye want to argey, ye beg - 'was the response. Consiguing aim any rights for her outside of ut the truth is she has not been .idered of sufficient importance to hate a sphere. . For this, a.t least, let her give thaaks. • r society she is for the most part re - gar ed as a_ nuisance. At liable the fatieer wishes she were either youu.ger .ider—small enough to pet or large igh to be of some -account. Her hers look down upon her with un- dis eased contempt; her older sisters • can never comprehend her exeuse for •exi. tence, and her mother's heart is too full of hopes and. plans for the- young lad es of the family,or for theboys' pro. pects itt life, to leave -much room for hought or care about her. She lust •elf looks lovingly back -upon her chi dhood. and. wishes she were once mot e Within -its charmed circle, Where dol s. and sugar-plumswere enough for hal piuess and -•kisses were taken for gra itede The future- is full of Mystery. , Frei heart throbs as she imagines its jov.. ELBA pictures its triumphs. Poor -! 'eltild Its realities are quite unknown to 1 .ers as with fresh heart andkindling des' res she stands en its threshold eager, - to ester itt . and take possession. She has reached the most critical period of her life, -when she needs evisest and mo. t tender -guidance, yet no one peons to s ispect it.. Her eager appetites, im- am tire judgnient, and weak self-control are. likely to itsvolve her in serious trot ble. Bad men and worse women are preadine snares for her unwary feet while she trips gaily along. -with or enc., 1 IO , , He Stands Vire. . Some time ago I was walking along the Strand, in Loudon, when I' over- took one of the finest -looking soldiers I had ever seen. A conversation en- sued, in the course of which I said to . , him • - • , "There is one thing lin connection With Soldiers which puzzles me." " What is that, sir l'i" asked the soldier. I ! I replied: "No (me dares to doubt the bravery of the Britieli soldier.; he will rush up to the canuon's mouth, al- though he knows it will be certain death for him to AOso—andi yet man.y a British soldier', s"o- brave, iso courageous, and sti daring, is ashamed to kneel down in the barrack-rbom and offer up the prayer taught him by Ins inother ! I cantot understand tlia, of the British, soldier." " all, sir, that's true ;• very few men have eourage to do that. " ow is this—how de you accotint for th's ?" I inquired. "Well, sir, you remind me of what occurfed in my own bedroom at the , barracks a short ' time ago. A fresh; man came in, and the first night, when we were going to bed he knelt down by. his bed -side to pray. And there was tie' hullabaloo! While he , was on his, knees some men threw their belts at him. some latighed, Some Whistled, and one fellow jinnped over a bed aud shouted in his ears, but the new comer was firm, and went on with his prayer. On the second night everyone was on the look -out to see whether he would, kneel down again. As soon as the: man bent his knees, a 'strange scene followed.. Whistling, , jeering, and mocaing was general, and belts were agaia -hurl° his head. Still ke Went La ' on saying lis prayers, and seerned not , to notice theitejeers or ' abuse. On the third. night; -when he, -began to pray, i there was not so rnuch noise as 'on -the 'second night. On the fourth and fifth , nights he continued his prayers, but on! each succeeding night the opposition grew less and less. On the sixth night, while he was kneeling, one of the sol- diers in the room - exclaimed, 'Ho. stands fire. He standsfire. He's gen- nine!' And from . that night every - man in the room began to respect him." G-aieties. In slippery cities Christians are, known by the ashes they put on the. sidewalk. . Never play euchre with a one-arm- ed ijaan. He always holds. a "lone: han ," you know. , .. hey couldn't take that; it takes six in ! . my p'li Street Arab— ather up like emen to run think our rch will last a good mai y years yet," aaid a waggish deacon to 1s minister ; "!I see lie sleepers are ver tel sousai." " What's gography, Bill ?" -" It's a n' of forrin lands that we know not 'n' about by 'cute chaps that's nev- er seen 'ern." Bill got a government situation. —Ex -Secretary Fish says: I some- times think when I see the way we blunder toward luck, of an old -saying tha fool Providence takes care of kings,. , and the United. States." "As to having half a husband," sa,y • a Mormon lady spitefully, " that is a, good deal more than many- of you EaStern women are likely to get." Op- pressive silence. —On being deserted by her adorer, a young lady in the millinery line broke forllh iu this way: "Such a wretch ou t to be battered to death with thi bles, and. buried in's. bandbox." , How far is it round the avorld, - Au fustus dear? asked the sweet girl -1'w nty-four. inches, darling, gently re- plied Augustus, winding his arm aro nd her waist. She was all the ld to him., ' . • 1 It is related of a colored clergymau ew Haven that in ' calling upon a ler for some eOnanenniOn wine, he !asked what kind he wanted, and ied : ." Some of de ladies of the non- ashun have expressed a preference gin." Teses" LEGA t. Co M. C. eron. ERON, HOLT & CAMEROV, Barristets, elicitors in Chancery, &e.. floderich, Ont. moron., Q. C., 'Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- , 506 W I Appre reaso LIAM SMALL; Conveyancer and Commie - loner in B. II., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and ser. Accounts and • notes collected on. able terrine " 366 L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor m -LP • hancery, &e., Goderich and Seaforth. 'Of - title, over Jordan'tt Drug Store, Goderieh, nd Kidd' s) Store, Seaforth. W & MEYER, Barrisikete, Attorneys - at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pleb - lie, end Conveyancers. Money to Loan, prkeate finds, at 8 por COOD. Offices-Goderich toad Wingharn. H. W. C. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing - nein, Solicitor Coasolidated Bank. , 581e ALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristers, At or- ' .11- ieys, Solieitors in Chancery, &a., Clin on, Ont. Office -First door east of the new ROM Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on farm property., A. MkLOOMSoN: _404 G. A. wATSCH,, eENSON et MEYER, Barristers and Attorney 1.) at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveeancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sea* f orth a nd Brussels. $23,000 of Private Fund .3 to invest at Mice, at Eight per eent. Interest ,payable Yr . eI I BENSON. H.W.H. W. 0. METE . The above firro has thie day been dissolve by mutuel consent. All accounts duo the firrlI to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liibil- ities. JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. II. W. C. MEYER. . WO P1 1 de wa rep gre for • e Was Tog Sick to Draw-. ur boy ,s not fond of drawing; in. ,he cannot draw, Will not draiv!, s not draw. I can't draw to -day; my throat's sore. It hurts it. Besides, I don't drawing;- like and my mother said edn't ever draw if I didn't feel like iN 11) fac do too fee I n it.' th Are you sure your mother said t ?" a:sked the teacher. ' Yes," he said. stoutly,. "she did. Sh said 1 wasn't to draw when I didn't fee like it, and ',don't feel like it now; m throat's too. Sore." .' Very well," replied the teacher, "I shall esoandl veal to your mother . abc ut it." . nick as a flash he -replied, "Well, if was you. I wouldn't take the trouble to • o and see her, because, you see, it wa back When we.was a livin' in Wisconsin that she said that, and as lik as not she's forgot all about it by thi tine." ' ints to -Winte;Travellers. ld Ike met another darkey with a ea petssack : ". What is you gwine to nov, Ebeuezer ?" "De town is to full fori me, Uncle Ikea an' Pse gwine to tal4e de train."- "Jess! so. Is you gw ne-froo on de kears?" " Dat 'pens, Uncle ,Ike, on, de weakness ob de bridges an' de tressels. If one o' dem* gets tired hol'in itself -up in de cold wedder, jus about de time de kears I'se on comes, den I'se gwine froo." "Well, my boy, you take my advice au' set on de tail gate o' dat ar train: o' kears,- an de vaunt you Leah dat slowcometer. gin - a yell, au' heali somefin' crack, boy,you _ fro' yo' kearpet-sack an' jump; kase I bin fro ter jump, an' I nebb.er did wake up, bot, untelesum white olks fotch me a pint of corn oil an'. owed inter me. Yob jun-m. So long.' i. Why Fortuhe Didn't. I tell you, Mr. Johnson, fortune }cks at every man's 'back door once his lifetime," said an old darkey to neighbor, on hearing him complain - of hard times. . 1l ' No -fortune never knocked at dis che's -back door," replied the discon- eel' te individual mournfully. "I know ' dist." r . . ' Perhaps he comed round when you Wa D.% eiftr," said the first. # ' ButI say dat he Bobber knocked." ' -An' how do von -know ?" Just tell me dat." ' -. • ' Well, 'cause I ain't got np back door for him to kuock at," responded._ Mr. Jo nson, with an air of triumph.—Dane /no y Sews: . 1711ED.114.41.. j 13. SCOTT, M.D. &e., Physician, S urgeon and • -Accouchent, Seaforth, Ont. Oft108 and iesi- donee south side of Goderich Street,. first 'door emit of Presbyterian Church. • ' 349 -rr L. VERCOE,11. D., C. M., Physician , Sur - gotta no th, j". • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of HTon Office and Residence, on Jarvis directly opposite Seaforth Public Schbol. W A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Laketield, Ont., • Illysician, Surgeon and Accoucheno. Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy• sicians end Surgeons, Ont. Kinbtern.Ont. 485 17JM. HANOVER, C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Acconcheer, Seaferth. Ont. Office-Rom:Mt in Meyer's BlOck lately occupied by Dr. Phelan,land formerly by the late Dr. Ring. Will attend at Oarronbr�okOn Tuesdays and Fridays. 406 DMeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu -le' • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seateith, Ont. Office lend Residence in rear of Killoran & llyan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or day. A steel of veterinary medicines on lanc1 Charges reasonable. Hereee examined este 80 Ind- . . . dat' twice. De fus time de kear wed me, an' de las' time I fo'got fo' kn in his in Sure Grip on Grace. t wad a revival meeting in Hopkin - to . Several had related. their experi- en e. Mr. W. was called. He arose an spoke as follows : Brothers and sis ers,--Yon all knew I joined the ch rch last winter. Shortly after I ca e ont on the Lord's -side, a man, on of the devil's agents, offered to bet $5 hat I would not hold out a year. I co ered that -bet- with $5.• The time isn t quite -up vet, but.it will be in two we:Its., Five dollars Will come good to a al an these hard times, thank the LO d. Brothers and sisters—if any of yo should see auy man • who -wants to in est any inoney in the same way, just se:,d him on. Pray that I n3ay remain fai hfula-e-efae/hi Monitor.. -4- F r all purposes of a family ettedieine, Hagyard's Yel ow 011 is at the heed of thet list. It is used wit unpracedented success,both internally and ex- te ally.. It "cares Sore Throat, Burns, Scald, Fro.t Bites relieves, and often cures, 'Asthma. For sale by tretore. Ltuesden & Wilson, Seaforth. 2-586 nese Ana certencates peon u regnireo. , 1 q1111 _fAkIES " Ontario twO ,ears Toroeto, resid attended Vetor examined Horses W. ELDER,: V. S., Graduate ofi the Veterinary'. College. After devoting to practice -with Professor Sinq'of has settled in Seaforth. Office a his nce east of W. M. Church. Calle proniptl:y to by day or night. A large stock of inary Medteines constantly on hand. ID race as to tioundnesa and cortificatee g von bought and sold on coramission. 424 • - "tooPtt'._ i',1 Walk ' hours Mrs. Seofc II DERBYSHIRE. L. 1)/. S., ' -.-"L • Surgeon Dentist, Graditate - Oae..t. .of the Loyal College of Deutal 41111.4g •Surgeoue of Ontario. Office from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Booms in Whitney:se new brick block, Main Street, rth. i • MISCELLANEOUS. k j. McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office r -t. •' in Leckie's new brick building. 504452 , _T P. J3RINE,Licented Auctioneer for t•-7 • County of Huron. Sales attended in parts of the Collar. All orders left at the POSI oti Moe will "be promptly attended to.. . the all Ex- . the by Oder - or - DA. Mc-LEM), Licen led Auctioneer for/ • Conntyief Huron. All orders left at Jatnes PtIc13 ide's will receive prompt attention. If tette .addreas Seaforth P. O. • 558 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Eatate AgentOGrain, Produce and Commission chalet. Money loaned on real estate in town country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charm mod rat e. Mortgages bought and sold.. Matured mortgages paid off. Terme to snit borrowers. Farrel and village property for sale. Office Leek' et. new brick block, Brussela, Ont. 615 SEAEORTH rona customers make and timber on hinid. with the Seaforth. THE 'iL unfa den 'crone tion. mori retie It m riod take of P °err' all pain: erti whites, mea rem or a dire whi.h New for .ostage ron. will. rata Blea EL Goo the com chit big and . the year-' R le fro • ttho Coll Dr. you, derf hav & it w Cole Tho equals hav t " Se Oil, thin tion" me out: vert a gr Sem Gibl one well Con NOI Age Sete Hie 'min SA Tlli CIII. TR Sab dele Soh tan ,s and the ths • vide. ma tice gra 'lima :lab as I' see ma - Sec Pre : ing tar PUMP FACTORY. -The ander- igned, while returning thimke for the ;e already received, would remind his Many andfriends that he still continues pumps and cisterns of the best material by the beet workmen. None but quartered used for pumps. A few farm gates All overdue accounts not seteled earth will be charged 10 per cent. interest hem let of January, 1878. NOBLE (MUFF, 563 , - ---- -e-e— GREAT' FEMALE REMEDY. -e -Job Mosee Periodical Pills -This invaluable medicine ling in the cure of all thoee et:Willi diseases to which thp female conetitu- is subject. It moderates all excess and a all obeructions, and a speedy cure mey I on. To Ina eriedladiee, it is peculiai ly stilted 1, in a short tittle,bring on the mouthly with regularite . These pills should not . by Females daring, the fast three menthe egraney, as they are sure to bring on age, bat at any other time they are Attie.. atses of Nervous and Spinal Affeetions, in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight n, palpitation of the heart, hysteriese these pills will effect a .cure when all • s have failed; and, although a poWerful dy, do not bontain iron, calomel, antimony, . ything hurtful to the constitution. tions hi the pamphlet around each package, should be oarefully preserved. Job Moses, York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12i enclosed to Northrop 86 Lyeurni I Ont. general agents for the Dominion, insure' o bottle eon taining over 50 pills n mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson' sdell, J. S. Roberts; and R. Lumeden. 4CTRICITY 1 THOMAS' EXCELKOBECLEOTEIC OIL -I -WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT • .-Pain cannot stand where it Is used. ,heapest modieine ever made. One dose . on sore throat. One bottle has cured s. Fifty cents' -worth has cured an old -stand ough. It positively sures catarrh, asthma, kroup. Fifty cents' worth has cured criek iack,and the same quantity lame back etauding. The following are extracts of the many letters that have been received different parts. of Canada, which, we think, Id sufficiently satisfy the moat skeptical rd, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen 'homes' Ecle citric Oil, have sold all I had and want nt ore now; its cures are truly I." Wm. Meguireof Franklin, writes, sold all the agent left, it acts like a ehalea.... s slow at first, but takes spleticlid now." of Iona, writes, "Please forward 6 dozen • as' Eclebtric Oil, I am nearly out, nothine it. It ia highly' recommended by those need H.'? ' J. Bedford, Themesvillee wiles i a me at once a further supply of Eel i have only one bottle left. I never saw : sell so well and give such general satiefao J. Thompson, Woodward, Writes, "Send .onie more Eclectric Oil, I have sold entirely Nothingtakeslike it." Miller 4-4 Reedettl. n, P. Q., write, "The Eclectrie Oil its getting et rebutation heretand is daily called ue a further supply without dellty."Leineyne, & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes, ''Send rose of Eclectrie Oil. We find it • to '2 . Sold by -all medicine dealers. Price 3. S. N. THOM A.S, PHELPS, N Y. TH1tOP a: .LYMAN, Toronto Ont., to for the Dominion. N000.-Eclecteie- ted and ,Electrized. Sold in Seafortli son &-. Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts and sden . _ . COUNTY OF HURON . BATH; SCHOOL. ASSOCIATION. pat- to sti1,1 - is and re- be pe- be Mo. •In ex. and *the] ' Full CeutE To- by & 197 i rs It it cut et. brat. - is of E ;from :,J, from !won. ''l H. who etric ,any. for. us take 25 -And Sole be ee, 521 - IST and 879. end s of sere - tars tify eter pro. ease I no- Pro - and tc Sixth Annual of Huron will be RCH, SEAFORTH, RSDA.Y, ' MARCH ath Scheele are rates. Ministeis ols are Members should send names *there intending • ecretarye5f the March 6th ; comfortable "lor Ruch as comply e the Con4ention and prayer the have been i ath School Saperitateudent r os known, and hat their schools be had on application tary. J. CURTIS ident ; E. F. MOORE, Secretary; W. Local °Committee. Convention of the Comity held in the MEJ1A0 on WEDNESDAY 121h and 13th, ergently requested to and Superintenclen of the Convention. of delegates. Mini to be present should u Local Committee not homes will b with the above. P the subject of sped precediug Sendey. / sent to every Minister in the Copnly, Ministers are requested are supplied. Programmes to the Corresponding STEVENSON, Clinton Goderich, Correspond. M. GRA.Y, Seaforth, Seem 556-2 . .. STOCK- S.A.1JJ & DUNCAN, §,EAFORTH The Balance of our Fall and Winter Goods will be sold at and Below Cost Price in order to make, room, for Our New Spring Goods, which are Arriving from. Glasgow and Manchester Direct. DRESS GOODS FOR THE MILLION, Dress Goods, Lustres and Cords in all colors. Our l5 Cent Dress Goods, in Cords and Greys, are worth 25 cents. Our 20 cent Dress Goods, wide widths, new colors, are worth '30 cents. Black and Colored Cashmeres, and Black and. Colored. Lustres, from 10c. up. We will clear the whole of our Winceys at Cost. See our 10 cent and 15 cent Winaey. Checked and Striped WinceyS from 8 cents up. GREAT BARGAINS IN pLOUDS AND SHAWLS We 'will clear out the balance at half price—see our 15 cent Clouds. Half Squares, Breakfast Shawls and all kinds of Woolen Goods will be sold at a Great Sacrifice. Twenty -Eight Woolen Shawls, the balance of our stock, will be sold at prices to suit Customers, as we are bound to clear them all out. Ladies' Woolen Neck Shawls. Paisley Shawls, a Great Bargain. I SIXTY FELT SKIRTS AT 50 CENTS, WORTH sa CENTS. LUSTRE SKIRTS AND STRIPED SKIIITS. Scarlet Flannels, all wool, froIm la cents per yard up. Shirting Flannels, all wool, from 30 cents per yard up, worth 40 cents. Angola Shirtings, Wincey Shirtings, and Canadian Grey Flannels. 200- REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS OF .GOODS TO BE OLEAREO 01111. SEE THE BARGAINS, 77. BUFFALO ROBES,—We have a !few Buffalo Robes, which will be Cleared. Out at less than Cost. LADIES' FUR MUFFS.- We have- a few which will bi sold at half price to clear them out. - Good Muffs -fir $1 40. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. 1 j,.400 Pieces New Prints. Cheaper than ever. 1 -Case French Dress Prints. 50 Pieces of Holland, 'from 10 cents per yard up. Waterp oofs and. Meltons, for Ulsters." Canadian Spring Tweeds. ID UJ 0 A_ i\T az ID TT 1\T ( A, SEAFORTH, - - 1 ------- ONTARIO. 4Ik 'ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Hav:ng determined upon a very important change in my business during the com- ing season, it is necessary that I clear out my large and varied STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS And with a full determination to do so SPEEDILY I am now offering, my whole stock of SHAWLS, SILK VELVETS,, WOOL G4ODS, FLANNELS, DRESS -GOODS, SILKS, upups, TWEEDS, HATS, AND CAPS, MANTLES, RIBBONS, CLOTHS, FURS, ND READYMADE COMING., AT REMARKABLE DISCOUNTS, MANY LINES POSITIVELY BELOW posT PRICE. Bilyers of DRY GOODS will please bear in mind that this is no puff, but a bona fide sale, and -will consult their own interests by going direct to JOHN ROGEBS,,SEAFORTH. N. B.—As we close our books on January 1st, 1879, all accounts must positively be paid forthwith. DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLIS ING GOLD SILVER AND GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED• BY G. W. C aA.RKE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGE 7T; SEAFORTIL M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. ' FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. * AUCTION ,SALE . . OFA VALUABLE FARM. MIL 3. P. BRINE will -sell by Public Auction J -LL- for Mr. DAVID HILL, at the Commercial Hotel, SEA.FORTII, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH. lash, 1879, At 1 o'clock- P. M, one of tile best farms in Flute lett, being composed of the West Lail, el Lot 9, Coreession 9, townsl.ip el Hallett, -containing 50 acres, 40 etres are well eleared, without -stumps, and in a good state of cultivatioo, being well undeitireined. There are on the promises a new frame house, 22x32, frame barn and twot frame stables. also a good bearing orchard alla a never -failing well with pump. Consnierable fell plowing done, n10 fall wheat SOW*. TERSIS.-Text per cent bf the purthase money on the day of sale, -stiff-tient to make up the stun of $1200 within 80 days, the balance -on tine to volt purchaser, secured by mortgage with interest at 8 per cent. DAVID HILL, Proprietor; J. P. BRINE; Auetioneer 556 • AUCTION SALE A VALUABLE FARM ,]E. J. P. 13RINE has been inetrutted by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, on SATtill. DAY, MARCH 15th, at I &dock P. M., that vale uable farm, being Lot No. 28, boundary betweeii Mclinlop and Morris,containing 84 acres 40 aeres clear of stumps,,20 chopped toad the Intl- ance well timbered. There is a log home and two frame stables. A spring creek running through the centre of the farm and a well near the house. There are 8 acres under loll wheat and 90 acres plowed and ready for crop. It is within one-guarter of a mile of the Village of Walton - TERMS. -One thousand dollars of the pur- ths.se money on the day of sale, and the balance on time to snit perchaser, seamed by mortgage at 8 per cent. interest. 556 N. meteTIOLAN, Proprietor. SOMETHINGNEW. CHANGE OF BUSINF.SS rt FRIEL has purchased the Stock Axel Bezel - N -J • nese of James Carpenter, 011181.1N, eeed will hereafter °eery on the business hereoefote carried on by Mr. Carpenter. He will keep con- stantly on hand a full stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Of all kinds, whieb he will sell at pricee suitable to the times. Ho is also prepared to luta out Ordered Work in the Neatest and. Best Style, and of good -materiel. rite guaranteed. Repairing promptly attended to. Being a practical workmen himself and intend- ing to devote his pereenal attention to business, he hopes to give eutire satisfectioff to ell who may favor him witb their patronage. Remember the Place-Caepenter's old stand, opposite Pendergast's Hotel. 582 . C. FRIEL.. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. T,TAVING secured the first prize et the Pr- vincia1 Exhibition, Toroiato 1878, Western Fair, London, 1878, Northtrn Exhibition Walk- ertont 1878, and at . almost all the prineipai x- hibitions in Caoada, for the BEST SCOTCH DIAMOND :HARROW. Also first prizes for two consecutive years at the Provincial Teating Meteh I or the beat vat- ting hareowi, agaiust a large competition, when they were unanimously pronounced by theJedges to be ttmexior to Anything on the field. They are manufactured from refined iron, arta made very strong in the neck, which its of an oval ehene. Having been at a large outlay for new and hue proved raechinery, I -am in a position to menu. facture at priees that defy competition. Look au this : One set for $12, or Ave sets for $50. 586-6 Tylos4 trig eciArtz, citutouo T\TCYr.10,E,' TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND QYHERS. A s THEY occupy the attention of all, these hard times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch nematode " not tumidly void ler truth," at the following rates: 12 loot Hemlock - at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Fencing, at $7 50,foreaslo All orders over 43000 6 per cent. discount. Call and see if you don't get what is represented. Book Accounts over 8 mouths will be chaeged eertent. The subscriber thankts his numerone customers for their liberal eupport, and solicits a continue awe of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON,. ' 438' Steam Saw Mills, MeXilicm. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAV- INGS COMPOiY, OF LONDONs JOSEPH JEFFERY, President, ALEX,. JOHNSTON, Vace-President. SAVINGS BANK. isitxmcm. NoTTcE TO DEPOSITORS.- The Ontario Loan and &Whigs Company •arts prepared to receive -deposits in tho sum of $5 and upwards, at the rate of SIX PER .CENT. per suntan, FOP. • fixed 'period's, or Five per cent. on demand. All investments of this Company -are -secur-ed mortgages on Real Estate, which efforde to *de- positors the best possible security loe the safety 'of their deposits. Foe further particulars apply by letter, or at the offiee el the Company. •581.12 1V3L F. SULLEN, Mennen, MiCAUCHEY & HO1.MESTED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFeicE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. orici.ToRs for the Consolidated Bank of IsJ Canada and the 'Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm ana Town and Tillage Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned. on moregago se- ' cantles, at reasonable rates of interest. 'Charges moderate. titoney invisrated for private persons upon the best mortgage securitiee, wiaimat any expense 40 the lender. S. G. lifeCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED,. • DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS SLEETH WISHES to announce to the Ladies of Sea- '' forth and vicinity that she has eonitatinced. Drees and Montle Making in all their various styles. Having had tete years experience tabe• feels eadisfied she will love general satisfaction. A call xespectfully solicited. Rooms in the rear of Mr. G En*Sparling'estote. Entrance through the store or from St. john -street. Cutting and fittilfg a f pecialty. 585 A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sitter Plated Ware, Spec- - tacles and Fan cy Goods, which will be sold Cheap for Cash. STORE GOODS BY TENDER. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 AND AMEND- MENTS THERETO. REMEMBER THE PLACE— rectly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's FurnitureQEALED TENT.ERS will be received by the to' undersigned until MONDA.Y, Mtteob 10,10o R . COUNTER SEAFORTH. the entire stock of Graceries, Boots and Shoes, CI ockery etc., belonging to the Insolvent estate Store, Main Street,. THE SPOT FOR BOOKS AND STATIONERY. of Cherie* William Davie, Leadbory. The Ask will be for cash. Address CITA-111,ES DAVIS, toseignee, teseibtoy. N. B. -All accounts due the estate ennet be settled by the above date, as the affairs of the estate must be closed op. 586x2 C. W. PAPSTI CAITNO'S BLOCK,. SEAFORTH. DRAYAGE. ALL THE STANDAR WORKS KEPT IN STOCK. CONSIGNMENT TO _LIT SCHOOL BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, LEGAL FORMS, , 'W GOODS ARRIVING WEEKLY: WRITING PAPER, NEWSPAPERS, FANCY GOODS, • ORDS, CA'RD CASES, ENVELOPES, PERIODICALS, NOVELS, 'CARDBOARD, MUSIC, &c. .Everything to be Fotind in a, First -Class Book and Stationery Store can be had at C. W. Papst's, Cardno's Block, SiaJorth. THE tmdersignedhaving entered into co -part- nership, are prep.:teed to meet the 'wants of the Merchants of Seaterth and others. who may require tbeir servites as carriera to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most reaeonable terms. Orders may be Ieft et Joseph Brownell's Grocery store, and will receeve prompt and earefulattention: NORMAN BROWNELL. JOSEPH ABELL. SealorthfAng. 80,1878. 660 DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt iy attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.