HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-28, Page 7wir 01�,, *T' �i 4, -EXTR�A-� ('(Ioj) V
"GE LOT OF NEW L 7$, EXTI'A (100 D� 1-7
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E LOT OF -N-Lw qp%
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TeAh. We will ret
any c-ise where it fails
& at 5 Cents. a. Ad.alts., ,,re Perfec
fresh and may bq, rehed-(-
bY 1110k'SO & BLEA
ceitta a or 5 pouri
C.J 7--7'L Z
�.the Blood aad buld up. t,
.:Lfly, Pro(III.Gin a sleek a
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gtfliu right kind.,
R1 EN T NT I B f L I 0 the Great Vegoab
Theyact like a cliar
25 A P,ox
ALTE�RAIVE 8--au-.Rs
C K �i ox & B L E A hgestiuu, Loss (A Appe
m. &a. and her6e,- U, K ALC C a U C, H. CKSON & B -LEAS
�edy cure,
A BOTTLE we Riake a number
as �Vingter
-edy, luk
rick Shepherd. bilt's character. He'- has conducted doctor.. A lady living near me bas tt The D-Iry vet "V U y 0 ead what the peopi i ga y may escape TO TE PULIC.-It I himself tolerabl W011 for some time neail, r a thou�and dollars' within the many a fatki ohaft'by keeping orsel-v as Tou�: I send you th in rog zd to the Great ShoBhoneen Re ned� R ,R, EX e follow- I- past. 0 Levi Jones, Markham,-siv Rd ff the, la, -,t two years for treat and Pills. D AYAGE.
s for publication. They were I mentOf ill- well 3brtified,with ptire blood,and a I h 4C a, very severe attack Lot bronchitis. j wng ac bad 4L Ltis I SIGN OF C1 ULAR ina verge I with-'Keerte, continued Mr. health brouolit oa by -ly - X ur� .Composed. by J. S. Hogg (alia;s the I the' pernicious ptopei shed fr&me,1I--0j7;jj 96r- that I cdu4 Itardly get fay brSkLth. I SOU&I T are 40 t for i,ttrick 6hepberd "), on'the comet of repared to meet, the athe'White Sulphur Springs,. practice of wearing tight corsets. She vice, Gazette. a quick rezoedy, and A(-ei , the -- Sh �ci f - Sold only. in packets labE I- mg OShc nees THE SAW. I the 1 NVest V irginia, last fall when he got a was of Sefor(h and have rarely been seen in pri nt, 1 a hamed of the. waist Nature gave James IMPPS k. Co., Honiceopat It6nietty 11 so itigIlly recoxamonded. I ptocur �d a bottle, and am Qnl.e t ervices as carirs to and from, thtr ai beir a
1811, but telegrah dispatch informing him that her, and tried to alter it. happy to sa thwt by the tiole it W. -I y ueight -she-Is and lsewh,r.re on
atid are altO6ther to() good to be lost, the Miebicran Central Hours which ic Cheini4s, 48, Threadneedle Strel, ag taken I waii.entGely well, slid have rema ized Ireasonable termA. orders ma most
y be 4,ft at.Toseph
something over 70. He h oot Ithough I was Inueb exl)(1se& through the and inky bethe meaus of keepiug the I Z� was selling at might'be spent iii the cultivation of the and 170, Piccadilly, London 482-52 Bownell's Grocery Store, all�j Avill ree X fn ad "boualit it mind ate 6mploye in bendin oer ajv�eprom-nr,
r- +I,..,. "f 7, Scottish 0 w ter inname o j.some I tl I . - 1. ji. ' ey. . '. - I - I creint attention, eul. I where about 40. lie said to ine:- the s ' ing PEO'L oratville, have found in MID rufflina and bind- your re- poets, 8,10111; With 0 machine,' TnE PLE-WANT PitooF.—There is me4ies particularly beneficil for livn c Mr. Ward, I have cot 17,000 'shar re Omplj ilit, JOSEPH ABELL. b es of ina -arments so that they may be fash- no medic' ibed byphysicians or dyorispsis and-lortmobial affectios, and wouid 187?-
�brttuce. ine p scr WK ROBERTSON Tiio5as A.N.DEiisox, Morris. that stocki which I bought long ago and ionable in appearance. The great fault sold bir advilie .3-11 Similarly -Affeated to g Drug&ts, that barries itich ev- - _ ive tlrmn a tj-� al John inlayson, AThrt-.], &�ys " Wherf travellio'g put away for itivestment. I 4hink I lies n(,t in the expensive fabrics bought, denceof its success and superior vir-tue one of my cot got fjort- And 'broke oat. I c Ill I A UTIE M
will sell it now.' Ile inado over KOO,- but ( DRESS AM M
R I ye, IJOW lo'rj�ly is this -%A-iltler'd scone, in the unuecessary work'put into Aim as Pos cam r, -'s Gni f or Bev not, enro it, tind had tvzeT,,Arrl horle. It. bec e t-,rilight from hjr Yanks go Illue, 000 right there." That is his style; he the in lik * cr And how:da- women Coughii, Colds settled -on the bre !90 up- better and o,or Yarrow'q mountains orcon, is not merely a speculat3r on turns, but ,based , ba 1, of the P*medy and n. box rf*f IS, SLEET11 L D -E. walk? They trip, they shufflo, they Consui nption or any disease of the Throe t To 1111T �ulbahned in mi(Inight der. aud before they t Py trot, t ti N�TIIKRES to snnub.ce to the Ladies .01 he buys large riw)s of stock for invest- I anible hey crawl, they wad- and Lungs. A� proof of the fact is that improve, and before they -were finiSheil My I Dot- - Sea- bt' 0 41e, they rag themselves on painfully were hau jame I cornmen.lei to ; I& C 0. lorth aAa t;lluj6,
yp In -,a towering -Nig and puts them aside. He oNvus I S, 0 any person afflicted can' get a: Sample wag completely citred. It'i-13 now 17 min tbs hal; 411011MIDeueea Likeshff(IOWS ScO01) the vielding sky, 3,000,000 bushels of wheat, and has it as tho igjij�be furbelowB and flouncias B6ttle for 10 cents De! e and 1,14imile X1 ski" in .all Itheiv - %te:iOUS 91108 lauts
t of nightj Vd try its superio, 111, but hav;- had no I'arther attavk.11 9 -ice r.tyl(.s. -iftavj),V. had- ten -experjellee she
itid tholt, n'N'- stored in Chicago. He has nearly paid arolin (' I them were a burden en tirely too of the Remedy in pint bottlis, $1. Pills,25cl, Dreful (if ilunlellsity. effect before btyiDg?--die regular i et's 1 91ZO It i a box. 2 .1 --fox. that wh6at ii the stock traustiptioris heavy for g G10
raceful, free motion. 75 cents. It'bas lately been introduced _A_ 'I respect fni,ygolicited. I bid thee littil; Rom of a few weeks or mouths past. He also of Mr. G. ------ DY. -Job Meft tIlzough,
sb 'd front the pal! of gloiT rivon, holds a large quantity of Erie 4onds. j t1"tore or m St. ohn ritreet, Cuttin Stranger of in this country from Germaiiy, and it � T E' G (r"AT FEMALr, REILE 11 . I TlAst Shilleat Celestial gale j L Voluntry Old Maid. Nivondeiful cur's ar ' Periodical Pills-Tbip invaluable medidu e is g and As I have reuia'ked, lie is the I mos 1 0 e astonishing every ' ftiffing in tho cure of all, illose The ' i re- dangerous diseases to whicb4ho fem l 6onstitu- Broa%1 pinion of the Rhio- of &aveu. one that uses, it. Three doses will ' ' un :inful SEAFORTY. fitting a Apoeit it v.
I successfta man. of his age who. ha a( 'a sweeter and moreiuterest- tion it; sn bjeet. IL the flacr of woe and death, I ch ji�cber, whet ve any case.j Try it. Sold by 9,11 xcessand re- I Art tbou his,na,me in the stock m 8 ing her in fiction or real lie - It. niodei.ates all e BAIR DREfSS1MG..
LD arket in Dru(7(Tj,;ts. i moves all obtraot ions, ana a Speedy cure may bt, PINT r4rolu ensign staff unf urled ; a� up- life , .C. ian the spinster' who has, or . t-- I I - ri re ht wdy.1' liedon. To))ia.xit�dlitelies,itiepeculliti 13, suit ed.'*
)Lrt thon thL of His --------- =--+— some go6d reason, refused a lover's pro- It Will, in, a short unie. bring on the mon jNr&V.ed o'er a sordid, infUl. world. I , r I OTTAIVA, Ontario. riod wit -h regularit:. . thly Lie- MiSS STARK A Boy's Leis-ure'Houbs. posal, 96 d b i g now pas�. the flower VICTor iA C1IXAfTbAL Coxi,Axy, TORONTO. Thelw pills Should h6t'he taken byFornslesdaring thethlitthreo monhe (A her ;l0tith","'cheerfully acce lien -Confirming m I I CALT, AT WILLIAXI: R013 RTSON I WTIME!E(to inforra the Laiies of Seilforth And
6! froin tliat pure polucia. 4vain d -.Wbat a boy does with his leisure is Pts the statement a silor of Pregr&ILCY, its they are sure to bring on Win- L -LTR ofethlelleni-sholle, tillie ago, as to tho � sati%raet6r- ,y results from Vieftuty that She is-prel
That er'st o'er plain. I most important; what parb of 1 an* -old, maid. ;The ordeal carriage, but at any other time theyaresafe.' In )jLTe4 to nlak�e up
XO,Tstqjjt (.vil we can dt he geis in school I use of yet r compbul d Srup of HypophospIlites * - I
LDEN, through which she has passed seems to -wiii furtj� er .9 -- all cases of Nervous and Spinal Afat-tiono, witCH-ug, CUPES Bright 11E.1-ald of the et.-rllal thone..1. is mainly drill or exercise ; it is, a gym- add thqt la-sh proofs of the genlulli pairis in the back and lim bs, fatig.uc on e)igbt ax- BRAIDS'� &,c have r3fined her feelings, and of itself benell In the Latest aRhion f rom Combing'sl.' nasium to him; he inust eat elsewhere. ts ccYnforred oil patiouts requiring it tire con ertiou, palpitation of the heart, hynteri -vyiiaver portends tly front, of fir(t ist-antly cialling und�r Illy observtition; parties t( 0144 91 G:'O.)S A -ND SEE -Y I i E :B;1kRO-%TBD Puutua�vat-
bly draws to her 'the "regards ( - whites, these pills; will effea a cure when Wat he does with Us spare hours hom lh,vve fill ot) ley to. A call solicited.
Thy str, aill- loe-k- .so pale w recommended it have in a Short time e -Main
all who know her history, Stich an though a powel I Street, Scatorth. PIING r pl4tce to mart or jua-ru t .dire, determines his destiny. Suppose he d Lnkfulne-gs, aekn wledged th( lnea-Da nove failed; and, at LUE 0 with the eeptst remedy, do not contlill. iwon, ealonjel, autirua Ly, ,Strang. r day or scientific one ii y0falgl years much pleasure to assure yo P AS� 0, R N -A
of Hoawm I 1ji'd thee hail reads history every eminently loveable _and sym- relief the.,, 'Iljbve Ild in some case or anything hurtful io the constitution. F 11) have asse 6 i�, urld it alone, bas aved tbei directlons in the pan p et r on e b p k
books; -in. the course of a.' few pathet, �c, -forward i n all goo(I works, the tba b *
he i i Ill C
then roiud those thousa� bec'01nes leaptiec warin 'Tiend of marribd men and wo- which should be caref nuv preserved. -f D E sought those pfAar 10 It mat b MoN CROSS- CUT SA'" VIADE patl , agai, ter4 very that I cofsideryonr*si:lnp, the vietoria Hpophos. men, die coiYldmde of many a tender phites, the best pre New York Sole Proprieio Tjlro�gll wliaeniesq of,, lowing pherl% little what he undertitkect, ta;tin, Greek, I SubBeriber 'nDw on band,at 1j-eusa% J7, paration of any which ha $1 00 ai)d 12j cei t8 G 8 00111 ge enclosed to Northrop & jyman, sion. Ages does not. inellow the ider- my notice fog Debility find all P, uW1111011a alarge quantity of Choice Corn Fit flor metia, )pear if he ronto, Ont., general acy nts for the D or seed. 'Will be soMl -in lots of To flinct tlY WSt"re Woll! the v Hebrew, Saiiscrit, all disap pas for ixosto T1" LUE the mil qT vay and believing Wi 10 bubhels or 11 insure IL bottle colltainlugover-5 pills by ver at beaut of her disposition. � She nev C01"I's, &c-, whcn thou r uses his spare time ou'them. y 'r hcoi istantly rqommend it before. every othel DE N 'anishist from hurutul vif-w, A boy w," employed in :6 lawyer,.s -s, never retails ill-natured os- compouli. ep, ta-uly Yours return maiL 1iold in Scuforth by lijaeon & FP%,O.N,f THE BM DaU-BLE 9 th t1 hand, though HY, 'I thy sip; nori oj? e o ier ifcbA-nT' 811011 had I r office, and had the daily paparto amuse Bleasdell, T. S. RnborfA, and R. LumAdeh, 19" LO WE' R PRICRS MAN HAS R- Throu.-gh wilds of Yon blue: prorap; to p�t in & seaonable word on i Phatmaccuicai Cherni%1 'CEN TLY -13E El N GOIN, G� himself -with. He comm6ftced to study For Sal i by Mr. ' A9. Roberts, Senforth. CARD OF THANKSW ['n N�- G it crisis, does"not deem it her mission to I will also have on hand dring the np-xti few Oh! on thr rantid prowto glid., -French, _au4 aftliat little. aesk became months Ch(..ire 4jel et.ea peas toFrench 1, her right DIL, AND GUARAN- Slbion- WM wilso tate az.y qua-mt-it) -of LUE To sail ibe, bouxidli-ss cy with thee, a -fluent reader and -writer of the set all the people aotim 1� ren I ewtern Ititilsray. To the Directors of the'P%1c illov.1mutu &I good To plou.411 Q10 twilililig ktars aside lauguage. He - acdqmplis She in Lkes an admirable aunt, and 'j's* Clover Seeditt mai-ket hed this by I Trains loove.Brn-48ols stntion, north and South Fire Insurance COUIP 58.) Like foam WIls Oil a tranquil SM. very 11( as laying isi(l� the icessary to the codafbrt of a large under XCLUPNAX, newspaper, and taking young GOWG NORTH.' ENTLRIVEN Tble is t a fron, the- sin -up some-thillff not S6 &mVsing,, but far circle Cf cou's'ns- Mau 0OING 15OUTH. Gej&jM fbat 13V loss by f. ttle to I 1v Tlae ivjcjf�.,; front off. tht Mixed .. .... 10:25 k Mail ........ -T- U F, S'. To bruh th( y Uf ire has% I B U T T L, G, more proitable. low on the threshol(I of -1i to beatrs, a A6eom.. ... 9:08 ]�- Nit. Anwont ...... N.1 5 A. entire satisfaction, and th.%t I perfectly TE ED To cu'r TH RTY CORDS OF. Th -n far to kindly remembrauee of her. -for the T a i I .... ... 2:tr,8 I,- !x. isfied wilh the treatment I at Me A coachnIan Was oftoni obliged to ...... 7`15 P. U hands of the offitials of yon r Cownpony- DEN otll(,r 111doas find planet% role. good nature a -ad tact with which sbe wait long hours while his mistress made 5,95 2 0 THOMA9 1HODGENS, trang,er of 0 14 thin,,, oyd ca11s. lie determined to im helped him to' steer clear of sboals G rand. T ruiik- Railw y. I Is mow prepared to Sup-iy -all r Smi�tv oil it sall volu Me c . on- ave beoll �Traiug cay'. earerth att (,liiu on statious &81 inberofIns ji:acentric as thy conkso on hi"gh time ; I where lie otherwise might h 11.4&VR:DXVOOD WT +H OUT REFIT- I j follows: A refusal foun LIN G And airy as Chine ambiout 4atin. taininor. Eclogues of VirkAl,. but I wreck -el. ded on a rea Bul GOINO NVEST— . FArojtTH. CLINTON. A 8. C. M. DUNLOP'S Fill Term in TTER. TUBS, LUE, son, tb �reffte, seems often, pyodfidtiVe Fxprfo.: ........ 9:25 P,. I'tr. no d it, and so Purchased a could t i 6ZL )- 416 P. N.T. I At -4430 per hundred, Cash., These; Tubs 4-xe so , ong inaT thv ray Luti In Grammar. Day by day lie studi- of more than evil in the. nature of ENPI-M ........ ;8.58 P. A. 9::)-) P. it. Lltigic will opt -n on Sept. 16th. Popits ell ard fivorabV known to, t,,j trade that Or nortileVII Arch vde�d Train.... '9.100 A. M. 16:00 A. X. ed this, au'd fa things. And after all, 310 one ever uiniecesoary to Bay Anitbing in their reeoln.nen- Then Irliveliliq to tllc, it wav hally mastered all its heard cf 'a man dyng fro'p i, broken CLINTON. �hould give in their. uarues prtivious to T EN ALSO LA XCE TOOT El, ONLY da -tion. Liogm the goTey pGrtal% of t1te morn. hitricaraes: His mistress came t6hind 1-52 A. M. 7::) XR� TROTT also majallf-8:e.ure.; a him oe day as lie stood by his horses heart. -No coDsideratiens wounded FxpresF Train_ Y0.5 P. M. l'-):50 P. M. the opeTiing of the class. Th&:,e not hav- wood Tub, suitble for wesiang biave iu� tron.... 5:oo P. 4::15 P. V- Ordrs by mai or otherkvile romptly. attiond. 10:K) A matistics for Girls. aDd asked hirri hfixcd IV. lom A. M. 1 ing Instruments can be accommodstel ,UE. waiting for�- her, feelin s, a0rouised ' affections, and the ed t4r).
DE ,�- like oucr]jt to restraiii a lady, if there is .1 ilat he '-was so intentiv readincy - -ojjn� 0 i good cause for it, from saying to li�r wbb ine of Pia-Ao or organ at very mod- 75 OPs2\M PER FOOT. TEnghsb steuistican who �vas Oul a bit. of Virgil 'my * lady t). - y London, Huron and Bruce. paying cotut to a young -lady thought to suiter No." 1�rhat! -clo, you read latin Goixo NC RTH- Mail. Mixed. ENP ress. Seaforth, Sept. 7,1878. 361 MIT <D r -r -T a 13 surprisehei witli. his immense erfidi- little, my lady.", She mentioned this A. . P. 1�1. The Quizzing-(T'lass. iondon, depart.. -2-15 5 55 6 Li LITE, tioli, Produciucy his note book; 'she to her husbaud, who l'usisted that 3 3-3 8 05 TO GRANGELS, F thourphthewas 7 3.1 -AND loveZn- David sliould have teacher to instruct The Re. M—, a Scotch minister 8 7 51 OTHERS. fl,bo"t to indite it W ROBERTSO-N & WJ81 MERS, STOP'j! net but was- slightly taken, back by the of some humour, was one day Wallung 7 58 him. In a few years lie became a FA 1i following questio: Brucefi(ld .. ..... 4 N, 9 co 8 08 aan, and was a useful aud be- u g ss earned a i tbro li the streets Edinburgh,die IS THEY Occupy the -atte!ltio of all, these Clinlou .......... 1. 4 25 9 .15 L hard times, the Subscriber i-9 detornljted ed in Lis rough contry clothes, to ING 16 How niany dq you e&t ev'cry loved inuister in Scotland. when Blyth 4 52 10 32 N11ingba Ill, arrive. 5 25� 11 80 8 52 R 1) W A Rl �4 F ineeb thet-a bl-V offeringgood lu.eh - lienijock, -not UE'. A boy was' hired to ope a-youn lady,the leader a gro LIP Of . HA tild shub.- 9 2.5 r KRCHANTS, usually sold f4or iue�111 At the, followb.g TatoS; )BIN Why three of course; but of a11 the the gates to let the tea fashionable belles,stirveyed hi through 'Mail. Alixi-d Expre GO- TO A. CALLANDER, C&LINTOf"' ms out of aii iron m 001"Pr thOUNRIld, 1.4 foot oddest questions-" � 2 I
A. .Ikf. A. M. raii1e. He sat on a log all day by the her quizzing -glass rather more curious- All 4I DW -Winghn m, depart 10 55 7 00 6 15 (ELURON STREET,) TO CRT YOUR 5 per cert. diseou.n.t. Call and see if on Yth .......... Never raiad, dear I'll tell you. h1l side of the I gate. Som'etimes *, au hour i ly - than he thought consistent with 12 1 7 35 6 55 get what is, representecl. ING about it in iuoment.` would Pass before the teams came, &Ed fernale delicacy. Seem.iti� sud-tlenly - to clillholl .- ...... 1 11) 8 01 7 24 SEAFORTET. Book Ai;wounts over 8 months wi, 9 R be chwrVa His' pencil was rapidly -.6b W ik Brneeffild.... ... �j. 11 40 8 18 7 4:3 A W S G U M -NI E D. Spercent. ........... s n ping her The sabscriber tha-alw his n=crous eustobjers 0 this he employed so well. that there recognize her, lie walked up to her- 1 57 8 28 7 1heh )p
Inr 1, r libeml su ort, and W.icits -waist 05 ,an get them home with Ton the sitme div E1 slender -was scarcel� any fact in the history briskly, nd seizing her by the hand, Ilensa)] ...... . , 8 4 4 i You c that esctLp6d his attention. He begaii with the familiarity of an. old cquaint- Ex, 8 40 823 that you briylg them. anef their favora�
Now, iny darling, Pvc got it, nd if witli a little i book on English history 86nee, accosted her.; with-,, My dear . . . . . ............... luid in the road; having R 438 stet Saw Mills, MeN.'"Rop. NG you -wish to know hoxv- much has that lie fo" Ihow do,yon do ? how left ou A. 0-.,LLANDD UE, passed throu that adorable little learned O' f your orthy father, that. thorougly, I e borrowed aild. - ve ierable AMEWN, HOLT L't Barristers, 58- 1, xnauth in the 1. C, � 1i �) General Blacksmith, Oliuton$ On b THE ONTARIP LOAN AND AV- �E-N st seventeen years, I can a rhiuistet GoR f mother, and'when dict you c*I `�olio tors in Chancery, &c., Godericb, Ont. Isinith's History 0 onie to M. Ca Nm�-ron, Q. C�, Philip Holt, M. Cr. cam-' give you the exct fi'aures.".. Greece. This good mii became - great town All this 'WUS expresse OF LONDONT-
a eron. 506 Goodness gracious! &11 1-01" ly, I n terested in him, and loa, the rapidity and energ of an old. and 'vN'h a t c tied bin . oy WI�Lfj Presidell t. 18KIALL; 00 avLyancer nd Otimmid- jDSB PIT TEFFr
mean bo, ilzs� and w'as ofluien seen si ttinry byh':iiyl familial friend, and, with -.in air of olic r i D. Wroxe(cr. All-etiolleer ADa PRO F M, Now just listen, and you will. h' equ&lit,y alittllesavouriDg of unts LARG 1. Oar outheloacouversing with him about uperior- Acco avo been obliged': to t.), t:. n ! - r:- and notes collected on"i exactly Nvh.%t you h. f aucient tinieS. Tito astouished-fair one e People 0 I ity. had not rvai,ionol.-)1c terMS. RE Directors rf the Canad absob to maintiin those charms"' T OTICH TO The Onfaxio 4�--:--- time to witl�Llraw her hand or to return DO'YLE, Burii"ster, Attornvy, Solicitor i Gompany'owning two square which to make the ha:ppiness of niy A Diin6a-er Interference., friendly grecting, looking her still in &c.,0roderich andSLafortli. Of- miles of territory in the sue e.eetion Loan and avinas compsayare prepar.ed -to fice -veil- Jor t e receive deosWq iu. tho savi of $5 theface. The flue-loolinglaftyliatby dall*6 !Drug Goderieb, and Ii famous Silver Islet Wine, which has When the lae'G of the Setifort already yielded ,' .,000,000, are wepared But I doiA Nvaalt to o.-ilf Pxed,p�riodp, or Five per ce))t. on ileynau4 A hfir Captain in a this ti.rne recovered from her c'. to receive applictions for shares be. & 'Iftrb, Attorneys- longing to an issue ot 4,000 s, Ali, yo arc, s-uprised no doubt; �nt and has�il withdrawing' i investments of this ompanv are Seetwe'd bv y -5 Shares iineut, lie and. his lady ot-laiw olieltors,in Chaiv--y-Notaries Pub- each share being (I mortga:ges on Real whi- an. Wonderful thiligs. JiLst ! ibli soille You re inist. littled, iviihont any ch Zorils to de- Yorlishire and put up to Loan, private I I additionol charge, to a $40 coupon, ro- afty YM iositors the best i)ossiltle sceinityior hes t fl aof th listeii Yon are now seventeen vears] wliere there h q)pened to be sir 1" " AVhat," replied lie, .11 is it Pos- cer eLnt.- Offi-,i-Ictiorich and deemable in 1A eir deposits. For ave I at an in ii, itig IBM -cash by xuannual payment t vou (10 not know If- W- 0. '%N'iUg- of 84,000 front the by Ic-tter, or at the ofPce Z -f the & old, so that- in fifteen ye s, you I I only Lis niuch in the larder 'as would -sible. m ir dear, tha laturt, olielitor Coostolitlitted B mc. is directed to the hict ,Lmt, after receiv- Sb 1-1 2 absorbed - o.xon or calves me?" ,,'Indeed, I d3 uot,..sir.11 11 '. 1$ Manpger. Nither serve tlieni'for dinner.' -whicli was sheep and lambs, 14; chickens, mediately drffere�l. do I you," said the parion. A1VAT::-0N, B-irristorg, %tt ing $40 for every $25 inveRteA, subserib- In the Meantime �1 ers will stiU retuin their hares, thns 327 ducks, 20-1 ; solicitors ill cii,, geese, 12; turkeys mormilp, In ;MCCAUCEY in and a4wn;" and makilIg a cor- Otl tloor east of 1 -he new Boyal not OBI Participatig in the protits of t. 100 games of v&rious kincls, 824; e the Gom'pany free of eastAllt actually there monious Vow, be, walked aw,Ly. She bloney to loan on 66 -re. SL a direct profit besiles. Terms: L&W, CH.UNCERY, AND fishes, 160; eggs, 3,120; vtigetables 1%YLLS perJ ectly mired of quizzing" uraii- I - . . - . - ; I
brt was cfetting ready for noter coin- § -RI on subsci iption, and the" b,t,Unce in sed (bunclies), 700; fruit (bash -et -S), 603; - - ?�, 1) i 404. 6. A. AVATFON %",, C LAJ 1 ersiti 111ontl %hdruents of 82 per Sh Ire. F or C11) The land- Y in, pay, "Irzedwho tbey were. bhe street md ').).read, calze, &c., (in sacks of 'flour'), 4 0 ; t-14 1 Scou's Block., jaia Stre,--t�, senlort&, loid told them, lie I not' directly k Iand,At.lomf.) fnitberparticulars, addreaqimmediattly > di� now, to 2he A-fro-rhan Lady-. 1, 1.11'aw, SolicAors in Chaiteery and Iasolveycy, HRNRY IKLAR, Secretary, London, for the .,unveyanetrs,!�otarjes Public, ate. Offief-H-Sel, Ontario. When writing, nalne this p.,t- 11; water, but lie bebeved theleutlernal mi Irish �OLICITORS 9j.-)oudent of a Loadou I forth.0 id Jj ru J,23,000 of Private to 5:�4-12 officer. -lie c)rre per. ;- Ca Us& and the Ca-l:W.I.in o Cojn�nerce
A.t the aiden revolted, and in Seafor,.h. Oh, -well, if lle'.-i -aid -one , describm an Afghn beanty as i t lit ol: cc, at, Eight poreent. z jumping up, exclamed: of- lvipg tuvol Farm ana Town . and Tillage lroT-xt v 1)ougt vn9riv. I the- Coin Pany, " a'poblto will serve him. blue-bht,,A� hair I,AastereLC stiff Nvith and sold. I think yon. are voryiiii,pertinent - % 9. U. 13RNSON. H. -W. C. 3MYr.R'. C/3
fWcl -watch"-pulling I guills, all -nis The n-ey (Privlte fand Here, waiter, take this d either worn in various foi. ST loaueil orl 311417 guge �se- besides,an(j T -Will not r, � ;,bo -,L fina hiiq tbi i day boell dissolved by TRE OLD ESTABLISFIED I - M 11 I
A. y , aut an elega-i)t on the ead or plaitcd, in long I)rai,ls 11110081 colisi-lit. All nevotints d to c� reasonable rates -of intoefeat. C.Lity-ges 17V it up 1 Ile thp flr to einitic
0 M moderate. listen to you upon which she flow in- down the back. The - inar f tj b(- pid(l to- Mr. &L ,on who wiji pay all idijoil- bairs allet hin 6 L4 e E9 f Money for persn,38 ron the
to the h TOVE A D T 1 N E P-11 P 0 R lul ouse. o'clock."' ears.are pierced and decorated with I 11 &0. M CO JAIXIES ff. BENSON. 'j! t Ar.y asilen-se to 27 1876. He gazed, after' he'with an abstra.Gk,ld I i the lender. r, IH. W. 0. AT111jYFIR. well be iinagifted, rows of silver ri)j -s, -NY hile larcre AFOTH.— air, to 11iialSelf lef b, S G. McCAUGJ1E 7, 7M. . F. Ho iugs 11. from the L�T',SJLD '
was no lobes. 'Ll"he neck tpleased at uch an impudent r c� "Z f U If kept talkina at' thiit rAe, sts.'are tattooed with h-ures of messaae, but recollecting;hi in self tr, rho- and bre twelve hours out of rt" ril R&S. WHITNEY wenty four, lier SOMET-HINIG NEW. of 4WVS -would ill-twelity, inent, took the watch froln the wciuter star,,, alid flow,�rs, and the spa,rkle of hhe J. 3 yev.rs trvei - �L di s- coa d all-! rosi-. :I WISHES one.e more to remind her man, -*'rGE OF tUTS 1 N 11- 0, side w, �Iodcrich Svroet, 'first door I allid. desired hin-i to present bis lustrous 6laCk eVC8 is eulle1l.codby h and cusborers thit she is tauce of 1,332,124 miles.!, ing the 1. MAN to the corapaily and 11c would. ds wit)� blck ntirnoily. The bettev prepared than ever t, FURNITURF.
The maiden, *within two iil;�tlis' I i )- supply all theli them b cheeks are rouged, tLnd dotted with !w[intsinlierfine. 8haas oneof t1lemosbco" efore lie This VE R D., Cou, Al 1harried & well-to-do groacr wh I little round 11,10les of old I 1, L. , : plete of C. FRIEL bas purthused 11je qjnr:k.v 8 a,g, e r,to L silver gron.. ctc.,, Col-ollf-I n4l Bugi-
, however, cusse(I his dinne n418.4 <,f S 110 st"LtNtican. _]I)
tiusel fw'tened OLL* with vain, iV loose Offict. rmd IL sUj I .
will N ciurro-x 1he br,rellofore i
on A�na be sent lip to him in quiet, after ea,ting arvis et enfirrth Public School'. URP d vu by Mr. (1ij rperlt er, He will k ee cen--- which ILG Claj)ped ',� uslin.or silk jack6t of 0 rURE., I couple of lar yeltow, blue or S r -r 0 ,e I stanty on batid a full Stock -P Tim Keend. 'd belovi the Ont, of 8 - I horse -pistols tider his arm, going dowa i 7 A A 3 AA 1.9, -�V I Ed' h Coal said Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, ds I Physician, 4tirgeon and Accolielicut. correspondent of the Ne wi York S11 --airs, himself into the coni-'! trousers if sill-, or other coloredinaterial 11 of the latest designs,* that Pai, be found in any B00TS AIND SHOES VI)iversity of Trjnity!Co1l(,gQ, town in the C01213tY, 1-M-1 at pri6CS M8 low ILS the hs P"MY by -ripletc the indoor costal-ne. Oil 90- emberof the RoyPI POIJOIN Of PbY- lo%est. of Ruble (ir I come to I col Of all which he will sell tit i)ri�u s sa rD M tll(,' gre.jIt Washir)(F lot thein. iiow \vLu t o'clock it Out t.10 lady �years legtings of cottoji sieian4 andSnnieons Oi gton I to te firries. sHe is to out I'Verlt -in he an
Nvatswtt I ,, is btlt first he beg ANOVER, M.-,RC)BERTS0N t alld iLI11011If Othfir tjjjDgS 16,9ked hin-1 11, sgod to -10c inforilled to cloth. gaAered at t1m slroos of r I It 13 Graduuto of" 1"T.—N T% T Z)-, I: z, 1—:, fOpiiiion of Keene, of whorn lie i,, a I-wbicli of t1je VC11ON& leatherlaml a boorkaposh or 1-1bypician. S LtTge011, ItUd or- rentlen-lea he watch be- or ljnivert4 Wit a never better or mo.re variod. Depairing PTODIptly at he -,Uvl flicild. Here a dead ilclicc 'eusuea. cloth. oiaj,. otlice—liporasir p 0 a hmse' f -in luti-na-
11v Dr. Pbelan, aud ing to devotle his pe'n-enal ba I 4Leeo, nd lVard, i,, t I Mr. 13ligli. then b on his r* it band- alld' ()thc' fa. twi to tbelr f(irrut-1.1y by theluto Dr 0 A 8 Will attend al GOAL OILY hu h-ves to give iatire satisilictiou to an vho ht Stlece'ssful. living nin at the by akiiia them eve fnrehcad ottor of ro.-;--.9, or odier's�;euts. Tite.,zanyt4 itud Fi-itiFt roly'the qn.estiop. i as oh Wholtsale and lietail at a very slight. ad- IjAv 11'.M Wj th t. o ii Nvorth of theaI Bbt n 1111cy ;N'f(,1NkUCH1T,VeteAuary Surgeon, Gmur. . Lbe F).we-Carpenter`6 o!<l itun, no C0111dilld 111) v rs I ove lie vanceon manufactill-ers prices. It ' pa i ri n g Em d L
I frai of the cil iincitz r their s % s afr� of 0iitar.io,t0riJ3ftl-Y College, Senforth A I I Eave-Troughing promptly attcUdad to, and en- II&VO 0h, flien, gon blen: fShere illarh1v OUL. ence in rear of Killoran & I tire r I 71 says he, I I affilaction gu;rauteed. CnIls pronl1t13 attended to, night oy ind of eelivities antl ititer- flud, I have boy1aiii un tbto ear with 11 slipper. Arx.kIN OPENN'D A bo 1( i The Nvi-ter, a, while agO t A lif. L0, -il)-Lry illedicinc.9 on haind BRUGEMELD. I 6EAFORT11 PLA.N'hN-G !Mr 11 vc e,, t, rs es exti a i u ed a 9 t o smin r her eugtomers no simpler or nftiven if roquired. 407 For the bette 1)cople ill I .. I . — il. bvhneit Store in FACURY cme'. as st b.tes thn the Mrs. Whitney hs oi Ivett-v remedv for fro Store
s Extruettlic frust bv� tile ap- 15MCf-f101d, W113M Will be EL COMINN StrOCk a 17 cr to �(.-LCrluary IV to College. �Ilter d6votiug f everything in her She -%votari aireit pv- j, rT"!IE a ber.begn Icave to th;t jj;� jjjs L)uW,0rjjn two bi j)rtaice with Smith, (if it.aulurattention to a3ad hivite inspection to her 'orth of1iis-Olrl Stand. rpposite the Is he 'L in'tive of but I fill(I I 11ave. 111i"LL le .lication of ice Nvabor till the. frOzell ding a)1 atificial b-, hts st.-ttlud in 6eiforili. oijieeat -i Stoves,yhieh intLading lourehwes sould B -e Two Doors IN born tlwre. Ile *ent NIT,dd,11 & Co.'s Dry Goo,18 Store, whttre he is billi since domweneh.g buziress in . saafo3 oI)rc,rrjl)tly lbefore OF6.rhcrc. Rerneirlber when sialve Inade prepp,zed NVIU111 quite a y iiiti, to Illjjj(, Of equlal t truits hat 114-, ratly be favqred wit h P. is, and `3avilig lie wished thein g -)6c1 LtUlkIC-d to bv- clay or night- st,'o jyOjj co c t i rth o B Parts of and (jru1)poNVd'3r, 011 blVD(t. H orgefi I ill m 0 Se, r,i r raceffi-ld leave of th"-same. Ire has muilied eve)IIII(r, whic they s 'IOU' inSpeUting Tj.,Y� Sto(.k. It Ivill be time fited ti� �o soundiless and ec rtilical es gjvt�,o II1a1lV t ttill i)f 11.111d PIL Iweil Ppent. Wal zt he will 00atinive Io biltd Nvith tbo pan ill bill, Stopped into hollhbt, alldsrl�fl Oil 4,.)4 TO 8 17' , I �-L A -S AS ANY E Y, S1 oek Of -all Mud -3 t -f
Iwell. L 1jlijjLr, but al- W 'tell if' his I 116 l.o) bis deatfi, and 1( L of t wil, (I 11011or, colklrtl�,- 13- Lt pliblic if, s frow 8 Areilledy) 11ave now In 11,140 over hour IV I zk ju , 0 5 �P. M. Roolk's in rellutatioll oil - flit, Coast, sellillgr new rick block, Thfain. 'Strcet, I i 1 1 0 L twenly fience it'--ct6mot bo ,aid W hi t 11c, V: D E PL A K I N G that tl)CV tre Oil tliid. '1111--V 118LVe 1M011 Spatorth. of Ainaricawi 110 (1,(-! C i a C d IIled to 5s Tlsu4�11. .0d tile authurity of those thorongily tried, and prouo-micod (tin RE(,%,E1VED aj iieu.-.� i At-z.-nt;,,,)n L -v 11 lidlth t1l e'y have preserved) to be it 'ohLiliqr, &-c,�, 100k LLt NeNv York�; ntl There is an inipre-ii(in aoroad as %'e A 11eCuLjL,8 J' 11"' IT. In Leckio's new b4ch buiWing. 0 4 - A Large 18teek of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, 20 r Iru- ;.,I a (freat I)art hidebteLl here, t1mt outu American wonneil, .9ure lmrinless and ewillently &c., , . I 1. I � 'DIRECT 'r-RO, I'd A �N, U FA CIF U 11 E R r for tho blio.N.tLitt coittlidoll, of -the tock- think inore of theirAtti re than nything prepant.tion, &.11d. if tiken in se-lson wi I Lictnuced Auctioncer Ior L.Ue L-otlt3 of ILI) i initell of tho restomLioii of , elsc. At a'school at Fraukfurt-iii-the- Sa63 attittuded iD cure .couali 801*6 I All orders left at the Ex. 110 iLierican Pupils arb aditi�tted, I CUT &.1. ROBERTSON tbroat, and ll bronchial affections. PoSITOR OffLe,wiflUl 531 How I I)rOMptlTaftended to. j?ly 1!o. ques- One fttir trial � will (onvilice 'the 311o.su inahim, sl) the jureceptor in ro Foe The mat isli
A I�iden-;ed 4ictioneer for tha AND 11LARES, TED B -A I V(t IWI�J)illlf So 11111CIL tiOI1S K9 31effl 1 THE CONSOLIDA I r- to this rulo-: �V'e do not take skeptield. I'llold, i)y ll inedlcine deal- CrontyoflInron, All orderi left at,Xames NK the McBridets W 11 receive ipromp,! attention. if 1.q L 88, PALNNTS, OlUi-, Vo Artioricau virls theV dress so ers t 2 , . . t, -cl- -ts re OF CANADA. .4)) hlued his extravaglIntly - "icy think , ilk so ind -t-, i1MI110, a inta-L! 111U.Ch Of their clothes that they disturb Cfal hild comfort- j Lnpo- al Loon and Real Estate N G W I RZ E b A -Ent, Gruin, Pro uce and Commi.,;sion Mer- t L r, cy, T, d all tilt) p�,, I<- I th . sizn ell-ent. Afol ey luallell ii real estate in 6wn or OF 11ONTRE,AL, Ircorpor-rited If", tha 0 (11liet of Our D- "L thorou'di knowledge (if the tat their influence II-,LtUr CII Ito cut AVI)I. 11.- (firl ; and Ive fh*d. tl' al 1-w-hiCh g0vern the opera- eutint ry, at t � par D IIUILDING 'el ent. simple; intere-t. Charges I Y%IX quenco of S I abuf es bought Ild gold. Matured d�-ad, iii tile Fifth Mort I A RD 'i -;-A liOY&I; CANADIAN LANR, Ingas Loss of Memo AMIUCY (100, 111,,'InOr0 110,1111 diall their 111biley tioll., of (I gostio a -lid. ilutritio and by ModL , . 9tif - ! I : � It 1nOrtf1ftgc1, I -aid (�jl. . elms o su I . Incorporated IBM U!niversal Lapsitude, Pxiin in Lhe ack, J)iwrje�z g o o d. In is, I bo- 06 1ppliction of the flile proper- T L it bawmwurs. v�' AFarmi and village property lor sale. MAI, -e- Every Des,cription Cheap. Of vis1033, *prematare wa Age, and zn;myother How that lievo, but one private chool wherc Am- ties of iv,41 selected c6co,%, r. E s Lackic-'H nevy briek block, 134r..41els, ont. 15 aisesser, oiat Ica& to Insani�y t)r lip -EAFORTH BRANCI-11 Itprovided our 1`18 AND OGN D U G1111 ildt-1141t Ival, llotLbove I ericai) g;r1s 111itted, for similar In 1" h d a Pre-matu-m Guve, allf which. as a Me are
FACTORY. -Tho. - 't 111JI Keenc with That P. reform in Nyoniau's a. delicatkIv bevdira which DONIIINION EILOCK,MAIIN-ST. tie by&.viiti nth -c 4.1 signed, white rtMa�nljls darkd for tL�e 11-tt- PIP2 ca "Vi'2411 tlk about ihore Aoek, an is iie6ded, few but otill few- save ii,? inany doc r's bills, ronage alren3 recai74 would rernin, ad Over intillIOWIt' I W -t tb e re�,ult 04"A life atrvly and many i vi &x- ou.%taraersalirlfrie!id-4t"hitthe ttill c(ititipnes to Put'up on the Sharteat N oti---ip and Warrantea falU is a iliall er are brave eii(yu.,1 6 aiteniPt the, It is bv the judiciouguse of km0. articles Pam- make pump. s'ld cisterns of the be. -;t roatcrial lDz--,tT1j4 tokk kNew Vorli. Payable at UDY phiA free bV r0i'll. 1he9j)"eilia nd Nvearipg of "arn-lents cut Avitl� rpgard to of dici thiaLt a constitution iu,V be grad- ,dbythabast workt4ou. N6ne but qnarte-ed Qy Bank ill the 1-3-itedCoUILI not uilderL coinfort, and ivjthout regard to Tasnion. I uall- built, up un j timber Itied for A fewfaral gatca siill lag- - - - -�;- 1, A- ton
. . t� � y Lil-stromf enonall to re- it G67116216S to u6tslb ana jr!.5 or will be by jtudl i)t of the & BLEASE)ELLP 1(ind of treatment. lonp, &% women wer licavii�ly-trirn- sist every tendonev- to diseasL, m % 3 , . HI,n ' oulland: All overduuttecuunts notsuttled fjrti- Payiwg Custoiers. lgillo, of Exchange on London payable -by aclire,shing- WILLIA'.51 GRAY CO., 1eT, nbtle, mla -son re's of s arl floating at all Chlof Cities of the United Kingdom. in St-jiftrth by -with will be ahared 10 per oeut. intereat from ions W0111LI be of ,,ret ined and trailing resses, so loii,. win a. LL (lies 0 Ont. T R �4,i, the Ist of January, AS78. 'NOBLE CLUFF, .1 11 T Q a
r. ymitcr- LlIeV II&N 0 enormous Was 110. e arolUILL V S fVt1UV LO UMC]i NV110rej*er. oaforth, JOHIN ]XIDD. )�41D QX -DEPORITS. ME -r(.
T- I I