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The Huron Expositor, 1879-02-28, Page 5
UARY 28, 1879. heroselVns in this new coml.- apply to Mr. Greenway ae knowsedge of the country - those at7he go with him to ie. dIOWilael is the score made in tionre -No. 1, Turnberry, on. bruary 14th; subject, geo- cla,ss,—John Thomson. 9G., mer 4 Wm. Hughes- 68, van 52, John Hoopfer 52, ier. 4th class—Bertie Snell 93, nrnson 59, Wm. Knox 50, 'wart O. Jane Hislop 17, AI - 11. Line Commissioners and La- nder the Ontario Liquor Li- as officiated last year in this ve been re -appointed for this •tild Mr. Scott's Bill prohibit- ipal officers acting as com- become law,Mr. B. L. Doyle, :GoderiCh., and Mr. Thom-aseesa of Grey, will have to be by some other persons. ,lyth R view of last week says L. McNaughten has resigaed a in the post office and Mona ph of* in this town, and with Messrs. Anderson cti �r. McNaughton will be et the post he has filled so kithfull -, but it is a gratificaa now th t he still remains s. Me.srs. Anderson & El - cured la valuable assistant Naught lrmon n.e Literary Association pen meeting in the school Leal Section No. 3, Grey, on vening,Illth inst., which was ssful, and altogether an en - ie waS spent. During the Le members• of the Association .0 audience with a debate, age, readings, a4id dialogues, 7-e excellently re dered. The Lking rapid prog ess. ,able English, of Brussels, has aer in his cap. In. coni.pany- her eonStable, h has succeed - tiring hos. Nevells, of Cleve- ), who is charged with shoot- ;ernan of that city in June, le in the discharge of his duty. of $50 was efferalfor Nevell's Ee was arrested in the county na Saturday, 16th inst., and ;arnia to be extradited. inalay, 16th inst., as Mr. Wm. was hitching up a fine in -are, to Mr. E. Monte th, Thames )01i fright at the uffa,lo robes ylts running abou and run - it attempted t jump the doing se it struelt its shoulder, /atop of the post, and smash - milder bone into many pieces. .)rute Was raercifrilly killed. fine animal, and valued at 4mrity qrange Lodge of North t at Dane-ennuu on the 4th a the follZwind officers were d installed .: H. Perkins, M., - Nethery, I.). M., Wawa - i. Wilson, Chaplain, Manches- a W. Vallough, Secretary, n; W. Magill, Treasurer, ranosh; J. Gibso , D. of C., sva.n.osh ; A. D vidson, L. . Next meeting of Coun;ty 1 be held in BlYth, on first f February, 1880. ednesday evening of last week 1 dinner of the &nett Branch 7a.1 Society was helkt at the ail Hotel, Clinton, and was deal. The supper was got up iss style, after partaking of usual toasts were responded f the speakers making some sin their renaarks. Singing .1.1., the proceedings, and the Vtroke up at an early hour, eit a very pleasant time. ther evening ta very painful efel a three year old child, of e painter, of Wingham. The it appears, was aboat to shut tear, wheu she was thrown r.n to a red-hot stove, andheld e time by the door. When large portion of her cheek the stove, and. one of her also badly burned.. A doctor il and dressed the little suffer - ds. The child was a most -ie, and, in all probability, ut will disfigure her for life. nday evening of last week, entary supper was given Mr:, till, by is friends in Bayfield y, preVions to his removal to Ile spread was got up at the 1 Hotel, in that village and ttended. Mr. W. W. Connor chairman; th.e customary drank, Mr, D. II. Ritchie to that of "the Navy," Capt. " the Army," and the chair- ' Volunteers," and a number entleman to various other pleasant time was spent, and aroke up shortly after naid- [ , ) lig gentlem.eu who reside re ardent lovers of the Trp - rt. 8.0 in order to indulge •arite amusement they went ka..) attelad the quadrille as - hat little town last Than- e,. 4fter the pary had. iliese tivo gentlemen, started early hour. _ They had not fore both were sound asleep, Ley awoke their horse was 1 the clutter batten' side up, he Ix ys underneath. The .everai yards behind hunting and, wendering if there had. rthquake. After they had ing in ship shape, they start - and reachec1 horae about— , daylight. ening laat week, a, person ibibecl a little too freely of ' was put to bed in one of the lintOn., Soma after, persons hotel were surprised to see me running out in hi a bare .th no other clothing on than awers and undershirt, and, f a- dear life, up the street ards. the base line. Parties ,rxed him, but never caught 1 till they got Out to the ailroad, about a mile and he etartiug peint, where he lensing his feet. Had , he 'reIIUOL to at once he would. v have bee u frozen to death t v, -as hitterly cold. lung the Bayfield Concession, , eisliip, while in. Clinton 1U in charge of a youth eard Watson, enjoining hire. liglye careful with them, rding the, caution, he care - .hem. s4tmling alone in the 1 of Trick's mill; in a - ettin started off, anal went Bayfield Concession, and last week, -31r. W. FEBRUARY 28, 1879. THE URON EXPOSITOR. 4iimenmenimmemme past Mr. Geo. Middleton's like wind, alio sleigh thuraping over the pitchholes fearfully. Fearing the animals would perish, Mr. Perdue started. after them with a lantern, visiting barns, fields and outhouses, but getttng no trace of - them. Procuring assistance, a fresh search was made, when they were found in Mr. Pratt's orchard, over three miles from the starting point, num- jared. —A very destructive fire occurred a short distance from Belfast, Ashfield township, a few days ago, by which the barn of Mr. Jerry Alton was totally dee strayed, together with its contents, con- sisting of four hundred bushels of wheat, a reaping a.nd mowing maehine, a threshing machine and other imple- ments, besides several hundred bushels of otlaeregrairt. The cause of the fire is unknown. Loss, about $2,000; insured for $800. —The Molesworth Joint Stock Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Company held their annual meeting on Thursday, the 17th inst. It was op. aof thoae cordial, happy meetings that the mem- bers of the aforesaidcompany know how to hold. From necessity, the Secretary's report was adjourned .till the cheese would be sold. The Direc- tors elected for the current year are Hance Cumming, Ilugh Cunningham, Wm: McMillian, Peter Stewart and Jeremiah Belden,—Mr. Cunningham, the retiring President, being the only Director who served last year; but all parties seemed satisfied .that the retir- ing genelemen had done their duty well. A by-law was passed, giving hill power to the new Board to go ahead, bnild, and put the fadtory in proper shape to make and cure cheese accord- ing to the most improved style. The new Board chose Hance Cunningham, Esq., as their President; and they also engaged their old Secretary and Treas- urer at advanced salaries. A very able discussion took place on Joint Stock Companies for the manufacture of cheese and butter, as being the most profitable. Some opposition brought out the members' talents, to defend their system; and the discussion wound. up withthe Secretary's •speech. He said that the Molesworth Joint Stock Factory was the cheapest on this earth, and very nearly proved. it to be so. Some fresh stock was subseribed, and a large premise. The Molesworth factory has very bright prospects. —The Spring Show, under the aus- pices of the Stephen. and. Usborne: Branch Agricultural Society will be held at Exeter on Wednesday; April 16th. ,Perth Items. —Mr. Barrett, of Mitchell, last week shipped a lot of hosiery to Manitoba. —In. 1871 $6,162.10 were collected. as taxes in Mitchell. Last year the proceeds from the same revenue amounted to $11,246.77. —Mr. A. W. Wright,late of Stratford, and a -prominent protectionist and Anti - Dunkin act advocate, goes to Winni- peg to start a daily newspaper. —A valuable horse belonging to John Wiloughby, of Gowanstown, is in a dangerous condition from that malig- nant form of " scratches " so pfevalentl elsewhere. —Mr. Jabez Jewell, late of the town- ship of Hibbert, has moved into Mit- chell, and purchased from Mr. W. Cln- low his house and lot there, for which he paid the latter $600. —The Dominion Hotel, Gowanstown, has been sold by Mr. Edward Anderson to Mr. Harrison D. Jones of Wallace. The.present oceupant Mr. C. Hunt, retves by the beginning of next month for his farra near Guelph. —We take much pleasure in announe- ing that Very Rev. Dean Murphy, Of Irishtown, has recovered from his late illness, and is able to be about as 'usual. This will be welcome news to. his nu- merous friends both in and out of the parish. —Mr Edward Brand, of the 7th con., Wallace, two weeks ago, was pitched from his sleigh- in one of the deep holes on the gravel road and somewhat seri- ously injured, the sleigh running over him. He is able to be round, but is far from well. —Ott the 14th inst., as Mr. George Holmes, of the fourth concession of Wallace, was engaged in chopping in the woods, a limb fell from a . tree be- side him, and, striking him on the arm, broke it. Under proper treatment, he is getting along well since the accident. --A number of dressed. hogs were soId in Mitchell last week to Mr. John. White, pork packer, which averaged 400 pounds each. They were the best offered in Mitchell this year, and they brought $5 50 per 100 pounds. The hogs were fed by Mr. Anthony Goettler, of Sebringville. — Last week, while chopping in a piece of wood, George,- son of Mr. Richard Eshelby, of Mitchell, came near losing one of his ears by accident. When striking upwards, the axe glanced, and struck the lad behind the ear,near- ly severing it from the head. Medical assistance will bring it all right again. —On Friday last Mrs. Irwin Sloan, of Mitchell, came very near losing her life. While attending to her domestic duties, she accidently fell into the cellar, the trap door of which was careless- ly left apen. The lady received severe injuries on the shoulder from the fall, but no bones were broken. It is well that the accident did not result more seriously. — One day last week as Mr. Josiah Murphy was driving to Mitchell his horses took it into their heads to run away. Having no desire to check their -speed, our friend gave them a slack line, but the road was so rough that the _doubletree was soon snapped. in two, al- lowing the animals to go ahead, leaving the cutter and driver behind. The horses ran to Mitchell, where they were brought to a stand. —Iu the township of Wallace a pecu- liar case was submitted to' arbitration last week, arising out of a trifling dis- pute about the ownership of a, few rails. Louis Goebel charged Elijah Ellis with -taking rails from a swamp formerly be- longing to one Newton. It seems that about a year ago, Gmbel purchaSed the property from ago, who had given Ellis a present of the rail timber in, the swamp. After Crcnbel p.m:chasedi the property, he forbade Ellis to rembve the timber; but the, latter paid no atten- tion, but removed the rails he had. Made before Gebel purchased the property ; hence the present difficulty. The arbi- trators were Newton, (who formerly owned the property), 'McNeil, a neigh- bor of his, and G. S. Climie, Listowel. Verdict—Gmbel to pay all costs and keep all rails not removed from the property, Auctiop. Sales. Monday, March 21, on Lot 23, Con. 4, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stock and Implements. Alex. Torry, pro- prietor;. J. P. Brine, aucti?neer. Monday, March 10, on ,Lot 28,Con. 14, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock noon. Thomas Davideoa, proprietor; John Bullard, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 4, 1879, on Lot 21, Goshen Line, Stanley, F atm Stock, Im- plements and Household Furniture. James Davidson, proprietor; Bossen- berry de Orthe, auction eers. • Friday, March- 14, 1879, on Lot 0, Con. 3, Hay, Farm, Farm'Stock and I plements. Jacob 'Lemmel, propriet r; Bossenberry & °Alley auctioneers. Wednesday, March 19, on Lot 6, C n. 6, Hullett, near Kinburn, I Farm Sto k, Implements and Household Furnitu e. R. N. Adams, proprietor; Jas. Ho B - ton, auctiOneeri Monday, March 10, on Lot 29, C n. 14, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imp e- ments. Thomas Davidson, proprietor; John Bullard, auctioneer. Thursday, March 18, on Lot 23, Con. 14, Hay, Farm Stock -and Implements. Casper Weber, proprietor;, Bossenberry Orthe, aucticFers. Wednesday, arch 19, at the Coin- . mercial Hotel, Seaftorth, a Valuable Farm, situated in the township of Hal- lett. David Hill,proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 12, on Lot 34, Con. 14, MdKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. Stephen Lamb, propriet- or; John Bullard, auctioneer. Births. WA_RD—In Hibbert, on the 23rd instant, the wife of -Thomas Ward of a daughter. ! BULLARD—In McKillop, on the 23rd instant, the wife of William Bullard of a daughter. BEAM—In Seaforth, or. the 24th instant, the wife of Harvey Beain of a daughter. CLINKHA_MMER—In Seaforth, on the 26th in- th stant, e wife of Peter Olinkheaumer of a daughter. TYERMAN—In Hullett, on the 26th instant, the wife of Aaron Tyerman of aeon. CUTHBERTSON—In Ashfield, on the 17th in- ' stant, the wife of Jelm Cuthbertson of a daughter. Marriages. BROWN—REIMAN—At Newry, on the Lath In- stant, by the Rev. R. Renwick, Mr. George Brown, of Carmunnock, to Miss Reyman of Grey. McDONALD—INGRAM—At Listowel, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. X. W. Bell, M. A., Mr. Robert McDonald, to Min; Mary Ingram, all of Morris. I COATES—FAHREL--On the 13th instant, at the Canada Methodist Parsonage, Listowel, by tbe Rev. J. G. Scott, Peter Coates, Esq., to Miss Ellen Farrel, all of Howick. GARDINER—BROWN—At St. Marys, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. W. A. Wilson,. M. A., Mr. James Gardiner, of the township of Hibbert, to Miss Elizabeth Brown, of the township of Usborne. ATKINSON--MONTGOMERY—At Irishtown, on the llth instant, by Very Rev. Dean Murphy, Mr. James! Atkinson, to Ellen Jane, third daughter of ,Mr. Joseph Montgomery, both of Hibbert. GALLIGHER—BURNS — At Irishtown, on the 18th instant by the Rev. Dean Murphy, Mr. Francis Gailliber, to Miss Catharine, second daughter of r. Malici Burns, all of Hibbert. GEMMELL—WATSON—On the 19th instant, at Roxborough Terrace, the residence of the bride's father, by ' the Rev. J. C. Smith, Mr. Robert Ganniell, to Ellen P., eldest daughter of Mr. William Watson, all of Guelph. HILL—BURKa-In Clinton, on the 10th -instant, by the Rev. Mr. Thomas, Mr. E. J. Hill, of Brussels to Mies Ida AnnBurk, of Clinton. SCOTT-aerfF,NDERSON—On the 25th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. William Scott, to. Miss Eliza- beth Henderson, both of McKillop. fiEWETT—MULDOON--At the residence of the bride's .father, Christopher Muldoon, by the Rev. J. G. Fallis, Ma. Robert Hewett, to Miss Jane Muldoon, both of Mclaillop. • Deaths. McNICHOL— t Cromarty, on the 19th ult., Wal- ter McNic ol, aged 65 years. MMLER—At Cromarty, on the 10th instant, the youngest son ef Mr. James Miller, aged 8 months. I TIMMINS—In Bluevale, on the 18th inWint, Har- old Sheritt Rose, infant sen of James Tim- mins, Esq„, aged 11 weeks and four Idays. SPROAT—In Tubkersmith, on the 25th instant, • at the residence of his father,Mr. Jelin Sproat, Hugh Sproati aged 15 years and 10 Months. PECK—In Stanley, on the 15th instant, -Jane Peck, second • daughter of John Pe4k, aged 23 years and 9 months. JOHNSTONE -- Ire:Ashfield, on the 1111 instant, . William johnstone, at his son's residence, aged 81 years. THE MARKETS. i . SEAFORTH, Feb. 27, 1879. Fall Wheat , ,' 0 90 to 0 98 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel.:''0 85 to 0 87 Sprin0Vheat,Red Chaff,per buil'018 to 0 83 Oats per bushel 0 34 to 0 33 , Peas pee bushel . 0 55 to 0 58 Barley per bushel ' 0 40 to 0 155 Butter, No. l , Loose 0 10 to 0 124 Eggs 0 124 to 0 13 Flour, por 100 lbs 2 25 to 2 25 Hay 7 00 to 800 Hides, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... . 4 00 Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs...., ..... 3 00 Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (retaii)pee barrel, 0 76 Salt (wholeehle)per barrel........ -0 65 Potatoes, per bushel I 0 50 to 060 Oatmeal b rl 1 2 25 to 2 25 Tallow, per lb - 0 05 to 0 06 Beet, in -quarters, per 100 lbs..... 8 50 to 5 00 Dressed Hogs . . • . 4 50 to 5 00 ! 1• CLINTON, Feb. 27, 1879. Fall Wheat,per bushel ' .. 0 85 g 0 93 Spring Wheat; perbushel 0 80 @ 0 90 Oats, per bushel' 0 80 (di 0 84 Barley, per bushel C 50 @ 0 65 PORB, per bushel d 50 A 0 55 Clover Seed, pee bushel 8 50 @ 8 75 Timothy Seed, Per pushel 1 75 (4) 2 75 Batter 012 (4 015 Pork 500 @ 525 Potatoes 0 50 aae 0 60 Eggs 018 g 016 Hay,per ton 800 (0) 9 00 1 . LONDON, gab. 27.—Fall wheat per 100 lbs., $1.55 to 1.60;$spring, $1.15 to $1.50; oats, 85c to 880; peas, 80c to $1 ; barley, 80c to $1.25; butter per lb., 14c. to 18c; eggs, 18e to 20e. • TORONTO, Feb. 27.—Fall wheat, 85c to 97c; spring, 75c to 90c; barley, 45c to 75c ;'peas, 58c to 61c ; oats, 30c to 33c; dressed hogs per 100 lbs., $5.50 to $6 ; butter, 10c to 18c; eggs, 16c to Live Stock Markets. MoNTREAL, Feb. 25.—About seven car loads of cattle were offered on this market to -day, ranging in quality frpm fair to good, and in price from 321; to 4ic per /b live weight, or about 6 to 70 dressed weight. Mr. Wm. Head sold three cattle at 4c per Ib; live weight at 31c per lb ,• five do. at $38 each, or 34c per lb, and five do. at 4c1 per lb. Mr. M. O'Grady had. a load of cattle for sale, five of which he sold at 3ac per lb., and two do. at 41c. Mr. Jno. Mc- Kinnon, of Toronto, solid six choice steers for $281, and three 'do. for $140, or at 1 to,* per M.. Mia Crabtree re- ceived a car load of cattle from Toron- to, selling a few head at from 3 to 4c per lb. Mr. R. Hopper bought 39 cat- tle at $38 each, and 20 cattle at $31. Other sales were as follows: Twenty- nine cattle for $1,162, four cattle for $135, two cattle for $74, four cattle for $170, one beas!t at $44, four cattle at $112, and ten' cattle at $4g0. These I will range from 3 to 4,ic per lb, live weight. • Local Notices. Mas. 3. E. THOMAS, Dress and Man- tic Maker, East Side of Victorie. Square Seaforth. FRESH ARRIVALS in Choice Valencia Raisins, Cranberries, &e.. at Leaudetw & FAIR- LEY'S. 575 LAKE HunoN Herrings, Trout, and White Fish for Sale at the Central Grocery. LAID - LAW & FAIRLEE. 575 Conta—Any amount of Corn in quan- tities to -snit purchasers, by the bushel or car lots, at J. 3ROWNELL'S. 583 GalltROW de MEYER, Barristers, Wing - ham, have now on hand a qnantity of Private Fund to loan at 8 per cent. 581 CHEAP FEED. — Corn, chopped, $18 per ton at the Hensel' Mills. See their adver- tisement in this week's issue. 585 "SECURE your shadow, ere the sub- stance fades." Charles Moore is now in full Nast in his new Photographic Studio, Whitney's Block, Seafoath. 583 STE THE SOAP, 25 bars for $1 at ROSE'S Grocery. See that very 'fine tea at 60 cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at Rosn's Grocery. 674 THE LORD LORNE, New Pfitt4T1 in White Stone Ware, comprising Tea Sets, Toilet Sets? &c. Will be opened out next week. Call and Bee thine at LAIDLAW & FAIRLE Vs. 675 PAY UP.—DR. VERCOE, Seaforth, hav- ing a large number of amounts due, Would feel greatly obliged to those indebted to him if they would call and settle their accounts at as early a date as possible. 576 F. G. SPARLING, having determined to go out of business, offers his whole stook at cost. Buyers would do well to call and see for them- selves. This is no humbug.. Must be cleared out at once. F. G. SrARLING. 583 - 30 D. ROSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth, invitee the attention of cash buyers to his Stock of Groceries. His Stock is constantly turning, and is always fresh. His prices are the lowest—it will a to call. Examine his goods and compare pay 9 price.. 674 NV M. ALLEN is selling cal- t. Crockery down. Tea sets at cost. Valet sets very low. Gaits ware below par. Teas, b eet value in town. New fruits at wholesale prices. Bargains all roan . WILLIAM ALLEN, next door to Papa's book tore. 685 Ai CTION SALE of General Dry Goods now oing on at the Corner Store, opposite the Com ercial Hotel, Seaforth; the salesroom crow ed every afternoon with eager purchasers; this reat sale will be continued evelr day until sold. Private sale every morning up till 1:30 P. M. he goods must he sold; oorne and heln to can them away. THOMAS *WADDELL Man- ager. 585 MONEY: 1 ONEY TO LEND—On terms more advan- ----- tageous COL than ever before offered. A, J. Mo- L, Solicitor, Brussels. 504-52 W " ment H. BENSON, 0 WANTS MONEY ?—A few thousand dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES Selicitor, Seaforth. , 533 MONEY TO LEND.—I have any amount of -13-L! Moneyto Lend on good improved farms only, at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Sam no object if security ample. I don't lead for any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 670 STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will -1- keep during the present season, on Lot 27, Pon. 4, McKillop, a Suffolk Boar. Terms, $1 per Sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of retnrning if necessary. WILLIAM J. GRIEVE., 578 TO PIG BREEDElaS.—The undersigned will -I- keep for the improvement of stock during the present season, on Lot 2, Con. 10, H. R. S., Tucteremith, a Thorough Bred Suffolk Boar. This pig took the firstprize at Seaforth, and is one of the beet in the county. TERMS.—One dollar, to bo paid at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. ADEXA_N- DER YULE. 672 SABBATH THE -1- CHrRCH, THURSDAY, Sabbath delegates. Schwab taries and the than vided ma tice gra e Sab as 1: see that may Secretary. Pre: ing tary COUNTY OF HURON SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. Sith Annual Convention of the County of Huron will be held in the METHODIST SEAPORTS, on WEDNESDAY and MARCH 12th and 13th, 1879. Schools are urgently requested to send Ministers and Superintendents of are Members of the Convention. Secre- should send names of delegates. Ministers others intending to be present should notify Secretary of the Local Committee not later March 6th; comfortable homes will be pro- for such as comply with the above. Please e the Convention the subject of special no- and prayer the preceding Sunday. Pro - mes have been sent to every Minister and ath School Saperintendent in the County, r aB known, and Ministers are requested to tneir schools are supplied. Programmes be had on application to the Corresponding T. CURTIS aTEVENSON, Clinton ident ; E. F. MOORE , Goderich, Correspond- Secretary; W. M, GRAY, Seaforth, Secre- Local Committee. 586-2 Taf -1-'• Fair erto hibi BE . the ting the , to bl T n mad; oval H prov fact Lnok $50. 586-,. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. . TING secured the first prize at the Pro- 4.. vincial Exhibition, Toronto 1878, Western London, 1878, Northern Exhibition , Walk- i, 1878, and at almost all the principal Ex- ions in Canada, for the .T SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROW. eo first prizes for two coneecutive years at • rovincial Testing Match for" the best cut- harrows, against a large competition, when were unanimously pronounced by the Judges superior to anything on the field. ey are manufactured from refined iron, and very strong in the neck, which is of an shape. ving been at a large outlay for new and im- • d mechinery, I am in a podition to menu. - , re at prices that defy competition. at this: One Bet for $12, or five sets for TILOS, TIPLING, Clinton. , VA AT -LY-1- Hot W :DNESDAY,• At 1 lett, Coc 50 et well a ne frarre a n ' UCTION SALE OFA LUABLE FARM. , . J. P. BRINE will sell by Public Auction -for Mr. DAVID BILL, at the Commercial 1, SEAFORTH, on mARca 19th, 1879, o'clock P. M, one of the best farms in Hui - being composed of the West half, of Lot 9, ession 9, towirahip of Hallett, containing cres, 40 acres are vele cleared, without pia and in a good state of cultivation,, being underdrained. There are on the premises frame house, 22x32, frame barn and two stables. also a geed bearing orchard and ver -failing well with pump. Considerable _ . _ _ _ _ . lall p ow ng Uone ; niso bit wiieav sows. TERNIS.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money on he day of sale, stifileient to make up the sum of $1200 within 30 days, the balance on tiro to suit purchaser, secured by mortgage with interest at 8 per cent. DAVID HILL, Pro rietor; J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 586*3 AUCTION SALE —OF— A VALUABLE FARM Air . J. P. BRINE has been instructed, by the pdersigned to sell by Public Auction, at the QU DLIN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTFI, on SA217R- Deal , MARCH 15th, at 1 o'clock P. M., that val- uabl farm, being Lot No. 28, boundary between Mc tliliop and Morris, containing 84 acres; 40 aere clear of stumps, 20 chopped and the bal- anc well timbered. There is a log house and two frame stables. A spring creek running thro gh the centre of the farm and a well near the ouse. There are 8 acres under fall -wheat and PO acres plowed and ready for crop. It is with n one-quarter of a mile of the Village of Wal on. T IIIMS.—One thousand dollars of the par- ches money on the day of sale, and the balance On t me to suit purchaser, seeured by mortgage at 8 per cent. interest. 686 N. MaMILLAN, Proprietor. S ORE GOODS By TENDER. INS LVENT ACT OF 1869 AND AMEND- MENTS THERETO. SE ED TENDERS will be . received by the ndersigned until MONDAY, March 10, for the ntire etock of G-roceries, Boots and !Shoes, Croc:ery, etc., belonging to the Insolvent' estate of Charles William Davis, Leadbury. The sale will e for cash. Address CHARLES DAVIS, Assignee, Leadbury. N. B.—All accounts dne the estate mast be settl d by the above date, as the affairs of the este e Must be closed up., 68612 SP I-1 INC NEW SPRING GOODS. SPRI 0 T' 1V1 1\T 1E3 R• 0 Ti HOFFMAN BROTHERS HAVE NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. NW PRINTS AND COTTONS AT HOFFMAN, BROTHERS'. H FFMAN BROTHERS HAVE OPENED A LOT OF NEW DENIM,: A SO A LOT OF NEW DUCKS, SHIRTINCS, &C. N W TIES, COLLARS, AND CUFFS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. N W FRILLINGS AND RIBBONS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. Hoffman Brothers are Agents for Di. Warner's C brated Health Corsets. A new lot just to hand. e - CALL AND SEE E. BUTTERICK & CO.'S FASHION SHEET FOR MAO Remember the Name and Place: HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Cardno's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. STOO1K- DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. The Balance of our Fall and Winter Goods will be old at and Below Cost Price in order to make rOOM 'for Our New Spring Goods, which are Arriving from Glasgow and Manchester Direct. DRESS GOODS FOR THE MILLION. Dress Goods, Lustres and Cords, in all colors. Our 15 cent Dress Goods, in Cords and Greys, are worth 25 cents. Our 20 cent Dress Goods, wide widths, new colors, are worth 30 cents. Black and Colored Cashmeres, and Black and. Colored. Lustres, from 10e. up. We will clear the whole of our Winceys at Cost. See our 10 cent and 15 cent Wincey. Checked and Striped Winceys from 8 cents.up. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOUDS AND SHAVO.S. We will clear out the balance at half priee—see our 15 cent Clouds. i Half Squares, Breakfast Shawls and all kinds of Woolen Goods will be sold at a Great Sacrifice. _ Twenty -Eight Woolen Shawls, the balance of our stock, will be sold at prices to suit Customer s, as we are bound to clear them all out. Ladies' Woolen Neck Shawls. Paisley Shawls, a Great Bargain. • SIXTY FELT SKIRT AT 50 CENTS, WORT4 85 CENTS. LUSTRE SK RTS AND STRIPED SKIRTS. Scarlet Flannels, all wool, fro Shirting Flannels, all wool, fr Angola Shirtings, Wineey Shi n 18 cents per yard up. ni 30 cents per "yard up, worth 40 cents. tings, and Canadian Grey Flannels. 200 REMNANTS OF A L KINDS OF GOODS TO BE CLEARED OUT. SEE THE BARGAINS, BU LA 400 FALO ROBES.—We have a f w Buffalo Robes, which will be Clearedl Out at less than Cost. IES' FUR MUFFS.—We hav a few which will be sold at half prife to clear them out. Good Muffs fo $1 40. NEW GOOD JUST ARRIVED. Pieces New Prints, Cheaper than ever. 1 Case French _Dress Prints 50 Pieces of Holland, from 10 cents per yard up. Waterproofs and. Melton, for Ulsters. Canadian Spring Tweeds. TT 1\T C 1\T SEAFORTH, 8z D 11 1\1.- 0 A. ONTARIO. J WHOLESA E AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. MES McGUFFI E &. CO., SEAFORTH, TO INFORM THE PUBLIQ OF SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY THAT THEY HAVE LEASED THOSE E TENSIVE PREMNES IN STARK'S BLO Main Street Seaforth, where they intend carrying on the business of K, IIOIBALEAl\TID TI WINE AND SFIRIT MERCHANTS. The? have Received -a LARGE a which have all been Bought So t Mo erate Rate. i0010Vd N30100 8 8 8 a ce go 04 (Ki 00 02 02 Ca 02 -5 E a, CD CD .1. O 'F.2 'CD. 53 S22 02 O 000 0000 O 0 ▪ ct- et- et - X X X _. De D2 P •-• • • ,•-• CO (112 CC CO • trd W OCI Cb 02 CO ro et- v.- es- Er.)4D(C) O 0 o P.1 0000 O 0 0 0 et" et- er rt. rt, rt. rb O 0 00 BEEE 12- O 000 CD CD CD CD O 0 0 0 Crl C.r.Q *1 -I cra ara cra ceg • 0 0 ? ? ? CCP▪ Ca al Ci2 Ct. ITT et' CD cD CD cD 0 0-0 0 CD CZ CD CD • .< < fp A) CD cD PL, to535353 ct-c ce- C-i C-1 r•-; C -I O 0 0 0 0. • W 02 CO O 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 td td XX XX 535)5353 F tecl cD clo CD 0 Crl C13 CO CO cl. rt.cy- Ck0t04) p p ••• • , C-4 C-4 C.1 0 0 0 0 W CO CO ct- el.er FOR SALE OR TO LET. JOIROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, that-co/2- 'i' venient and desirable residence DD -the corner of High and Market Streets lately occupied by Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR. Streets, 488 pooms TO LET.—Three rooms to let ever A. G. Anit's Grocery store, in the front part of the building, with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G.AULT, Propeietier. 581 TIL13EVALE.—New Dwelling House itt Blue- -6-0 vale hir sale ; okra amia ball, 18x26, with kitchen attaehed 14x18; extra well finished ; • one quarter acre lot well fenced, and pump. Price, 8500. *Apply to JOSEPH BURGESS, 'Blue - vale. 585x4 RLACS SMITH SlIOP TO RENT.—To Rent, -Le' the new Blacksmith shop at Aima; is itt the centre of an excellent locality, where large business could be done by a good man. Apply to GEORGE IRVIN. Seaforth P. 0. 585-4 ARM TO RENT.—To Rent, for a terra of years, Lot No 2, Con. 10, Halle S., Tucker - smith, containing 105 acres; stone houseand good outbui1ding:5; 80 acres cleared, well fenced and in good order. Apply to thenudersigned on the premises, or to ahiselhurst P. 0.. A. 'YALE, Proprietor_ 584 j_TOUSE AND LOT IN BUCEFIELBee-For -A-A- Sale, a large two-storey home in Brucefteld. eontaining 4 rooms down emirs and3 up steirs. Good cellar and well. Also one quarter acre of land- For further particulars apply to I. E. I lea! Briggs, Bracefield, or the proprietor E. BRIGGS, la`J Varna. _582 c© VOTICE TO DEBTORS.—Netice is hereby given that ell persons indebte& to me tea small book accounts, that If their indebtedness is not paid before January first, 1879, thee; will ; be sued without further notice or respect of per- sons. 0.0. WILLSON. 576 -pt ARE CHANCE.—Photograph Rooms to Let L" on first floor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or foar Rooms on the flat above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses- sion 1st January, 1879, Apply to F. HOLUB- STED, bartister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MaKillop. 573-tf. VARM TO RENT.—To Rent for a term of -L.' years, a first-class faern, containing 100 acres, 90o1 which are cleared; there is a splen- did barn 40a-70 feet, with stone stabling under- neath; 60 acres plowed, and about 20 acres of fall wheat. This farm is situated on the 2nd Concession of Tnekersraith, IL R.S., and is 'with- in one mile of Seaforth. Apply to MRS. E. RAM - SAY, Seaforth P. 0. 5S5x4 LACKSMITI1 SHOP FOR SALE.—For Sale, in the -Village of Jamestown, a good blacksmith shop, with three quarters of an acre of land at- tached, in which are a annnher of choice fruit trees. There is also a stable on the premises. Thiaaproperty is situated in a good. locality, and. Iwill lele sold on terms to snit pin -chaser. Apply on the premises to JAMES LYNN, Jamestown P.0. 584 IMPORTANT NOTICES. OTICE.---All lattice indebtea to the Estate -1-‘ of the late Simon Powell are requested. to pay the same forthwith to the undersignad, or they shall be handed into the Court for coliectioaa T. T. COLEMAN and A. G. VANEGMOND, Ex- ecutors. 561 PERSONAL. 110DARTNER WANTgD.—With $1,000 to $2,000, JL to take halt interest in a steam saw -mill business newlyestablished. Apnla to E. MOUNT - CASTLE, Clinton, Ont. 585a4 lptOARDE EtS.—A number of Boarders can be accommodated with board, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply to j. M. CALDWELL, (only man and wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 'HJUOEVas '3N00 ONIVIJI'd32H OUIV L IO 0 z tee CD 1-4e 0 CD CD tea▪ l ' CD Ci2 ea. -0 0 Ca ea. CD • MILL MACHINERY, ENGINES, BOILERS, dic. J'_ S. R C7ITOIM &I\T, MANUFACTURER OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. SPECIFIC ARTICLES. CEDA_R POSTS FOR SALE.—For Sale,on Lot 26, Concession 6, Morris, one mile from Bras - eels, any quantity of cedar posts, either cut or by the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden's Hotel, McKillop. . 567 > d FIRST-CLASS ,Stock of LIQUORS, t the LOWES7 CASH PRICES, 0 at they will be able to supply 4ieir customers with the Genuine Article at a —1 fore Ind e Store will be under the Management of Mr. H. C. MALCOLNISON, lately ' Messrs. Killoran & Ryan, and we trust to have a visit from our frien s be- l the Christmas Holidays. 1, tel -Keepers who may favor IA with their custom will meet with Saaeial : cements. i JAMES 4cGUFFIE & Co., Seafortla. i : TITAX 0 A.UTION.—The public are hereby cautioned ••--1 against giving credit to any person in my mtme without my written order or consent, as f rom this date I will not be responsible for any debts so contracted. THOMAS WHITES1DES. Seaforth, February 26, 1879. 586-4 VOTICE TOIDEBTOItS.—All parties indebted -al to the undersigned, who do not send the amount of their indebtedness to him at Her:twill - will be sue& without fatther notice or respect of persons. All parties having claims against the undersigned will please forward them to .him at HenselL OSCAR RUDOI.PH, Sensalle 586 4 CARD OF THANKS.—To W. J. SHANNON, Esq., Secretary MeXillop Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company—Sir,: I am in receipt of your -draft for $350, in full payment for loss by lite under my policy in this Company, and am thank fill to you as well as the Company for the fair and prompt settlement of ray claim,. Yours truly, XAMES COTTLE. Hallett, January 17, 1879. 581 ATOTICE TO DEBTORS.—The subscriberbegs J` to notify those indebted to hini that he is so sitnated that he must demand settlement at once. If not promptly settled all accounts, with- out respect to persons, will be placed. in COlitt for collection. Parties who -cannot pay the money mast give their notes. Those who are put to trouble must blame themselves. WM. GRASSIE, Seaforth. 584-4 CURD OF TIIINKS.—I beg leave to tender `--/ my sincere tbanks to Mr. W. N. Watson, and through him the Royal Canadian Insurance Company, of Montreal, for the prompt manner in which nay claims have been 'paid. I was burned out on the morning of thelah inst. and. ma the 20th I received a cheque on the bank for the amount of my claim. I would recommend the Royal. Canadian, and their gentlemanly agent, Mr. Watson, to the' public generally. MRS. I'. MARKEY. 586-1 TT OG FEEDING.—Pablic notice is hereby -I- given that the Rodgerville Cheese Manua fracturing Company have resolved to hire itt hogs, to be fed on whey at the following rates : at- tendance and feeding, at the rate of 50 cents per month, per head. They agree to take in 50 about the 5th of May, and 60 about the 25th of May, and 50 about the 10th of June. Parties wishing to take advantage of this offer would re. quire to coranranicate with the Company on or before the middle of April, stating how many tbey intend. sending, and at -what tine. JAMES LANG, Manager, Rodgerville P. O. 586 MEETINGS TO BE HELD. WINBURN CHEESE FACTORY.—The Milk ' Routes for the Kinburn. Cheese Factory will be let at Stanley's Hotel, Milburn, on Monday, March 10, at 1 o'clock P. M. All interested will pleaee take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. JOHN MeMILLAN, Preaideat. 586-2 TaRTJCFFIELD. CHEESE FACTORY. — The Annual Meeting of the Patrons of the Brace - field Cheese Factory will be held at the Town Hall, Brucefield, on Saturday, 1st of /latch, commencing at 1 o'clock P.M., to rdake arrange- ments for the comingseason. All interested are requested to attend. HUGS McCARTNEY, Bracefield: a 586x2 SEAPORTS CHEESE FACTORY.—The An- nual meeting of the stock b.olderst -of the Seaforth Cheese Manuraeturing Company wild be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth. on Thursday, March 13, 1879, at 2 o'clock P.M., for the pur- pose of electing Directors and the transaction of other business. J. DUNCAll, Secretary. 11,0BT. GOVENLOCI1, President. 5868 WANTED. TIOG WANTED.—A welabredSeotelt or Dandy Di mount 'levier. Must be young and. a good watch deg. Apply at the BANK OF COM- MERCE. Seaforth. 586-2 flORDWOOD.—Cordwood„ green or dry, wanted to exchange for 1 new wagon, 2 pairs of bob- sleighs, iron harrows -or wheelbarrows. Me - NAUGHT, Seaforth. 585 1VOTICE.—Tenders will be teceived by the Ma- il incipal Corporation of Tatkeremith for the erection of a bridge on the Heyfield River be- tween Lots 30 and 31,en the 2nd Concession, H. R. S., opposite the West End Cheese Factory, Also for making approaehee thereto, at se much per yard for cutting and filling. The Plane and Specifications eau be seen at the the house of John Hannah, Deputy -Reeve, Lot 16, Con. 2, H. R. S. Ti3nders will be received hp to noon on the 8th ef March, 1879. wiLtirAm ' McCONNELL, Township Clerk.' 584-4 ESTRAY STOC-. • VSTRAY RAM.—Come into the premises of the undereigned Lot 18, Con'•R. . 2 L. R 8, ta•e' Tackeremith, ha November last, a tao-yearold . ram. The owner can have the same on pro`ting property and. paying charges. JOHN WORK- MAN. 586 0 VI STRAY HEIFER.—Came into the. premises -" of the undersigned, Lot 28,Con.11, NUR illop, n about three weeks ago, a red and white heifez coming 2. The owner is reaueated to prove Aad property, pay eharges and takeheraway, WM. GRIEVE. 578 _ LEGAL NOTICE. THE DIVISION POURT.—The office of the -I- Second Division Court -will be open daily from half -past one to tour o'clock P. M. Office in my Block, over the store of Johnston Bron.. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 ESTRAY STEER.—Come Into the premises of the undersigned, Lot No. 2d, Contession 12, MeNillop„ about the lst of November Itet, a yearling steer, spotted red and white. The owner can have the animal on proving *Property and peeing charges. FRANCIS ISEIRNES. 58e*4 - - — . _ LOST OR FOUND, 'LOST. — Between Seaforth and Mitchell, e. -I-I Ladies' Shoe. The finder will be suitably rewaried on leaving the same at THE EX- POSITOR Office, Seaforth. .586