HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-28, Page 1MRUARY 21, 1879.
but two are married; but
nbled from their different
vait on their honored father,
his last moments by their
Deep sympathy is felt for
• -in their berea.vemeat, and
y• for the deeply afflicted
s. Smith."
?a this week, at the Oak
ing Establishment, the Lorne
in all the different shades.
the latest novelties in the
tlie present time for a nobby
a and see them. • lame &
40 delegates met from all
A the county at Clinton, on
to discuss the Scott Act- The
occupied by Dr. Worthington,
Stevenson acted as secretary.
bag was addressed by Bevds.
hilp,- Preston, Thomas, -Col-
d, Mitchell, and a number of
;lesnen, took part in the dia.
resolution was put and car -
petitions ehoulcl be put in cir-
r the purpose of. ° aetting sae -
get the Scott Actsubmitte'd
payers of the county. The
strong in favor of laboring
v for prohibition, but donlats
seed as to the early success
S. ." State of !Virginia,"
ag a Beautifal Assortl
Desigus and Colorings.
Belie and Ivory.
4inens, Towellinys, Stair
and Crumb Cloths.
V Carpets, new patterns
wer prices.
ment im
C-4- C.1 00 JD ‘,S,
Purchased by Our
and See for Yourselves.
[Importers and Dealers in
DrY Goods Only.
'DAY, tEBRUARt 28, 1879.•
{ McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, hi. Advance.
ERS, &C.
-pos SALE. -For Sale a first -elass Planing
-I; Mill, nearly new and n good running order,
situated in the floeuishi g Town of Seaforth,
W111 be sold &lap. Te ms easy. Enquire of
SECORD, COSS ENS & Goderieh, Ont.
VOR SALE. -The subs Ther has for salea 50
-2: acre lot in the townshipl of McKillop, County of
Huron, 20 acres are cleared and the balance well
timbered with beech and). maple. The property
will be sold cheap. Appl to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517
-I- That lot of land, with shop, stable, boiler and
. •
Melbouine is the 'largest and most
conarnercial city in Australia. It is sit-
uated pear the thouth of the yarra. Its -
suburbs includeda mains of ten miles,
the most of • them., beautifully situated,
• and the resort of the most of the busi-
ness Men. Melba/1rue proper ranks
with apy city in the world for ita age.
Its popidatien, including the suburbs, for the
is about 300,000. In the first place the ada.
city is well laid out Tlie most of the McC
streets being 100 feet in width, and a shor
mostly at right angles. The principal spoke
streets running noith and south are Gover
Elizabeth streets, Swanson and Russell. manne
Those running east and west are Big ed the
and Little Flinders, (Big and. Little- were y
Collins, Big and Little Burke, dec. supper
These streets are parallel with the river. that t
The traffic on them is very great. The increa
sewerage of the whole city is carried ment,
over the surface, which is made of stone
in the farm of a half circle. Every day
a large amount of • water is allowed on
these drains„whicli carries all the filth
to the river With "great force. •On ac -
large a
gave a
early '
be thanked
ing him chai
d respectable
very interesti
ays of Dash
in high terms of the
Wood. lie also stud h
interest in polities, a
Much disappointed if
party,did not give the
tional olicy,Which h
interests of th e Dominion of Cala-
he chairman then called °flair.
by, of Grand Bend„ who made
but interes ing speech. He
very favoura ly of the Mowat
ment, and •elieaed from the
in which thy had administer -
affairs of the ountry, that they
t entitled, to he confidence and
of the peo le. He admitted
O expenditure in some cases had
ed under t a e Mowat Govern-
ut hethough ,.that if his Con-
ed closely into the
udice, they could ,
f the country, con -
• called upon was
dod, who attacked
ment for extrav-
at they had not
enemy they had
Opposition, and
y should ha,ve a,
d the Conservative
best to rule the
pplauded Sir John
e Mackenzie Gov -
lens, and spoke in
ner of the sudden
ie G-overnment on
ember. •
rth, of Egmond-
either called. on by
as received with
worth, -who spoke
idled the previous
evere terms. He
and forcibly, that
ent was a model
G-overnment that
ordance with the
nd progressive ten-
d had left a po-
d them that the
ght well'feel proud
'harlesworth, was
previous speaker
to . such a good
count of Elizabeth street haying quite a
engine, heading turner, stave jointer, planer,
swing saw frame, &c., as left after the fire, to be descent towards the river, and the
streets running east and west also hay -
Bola cheap. These machines, with Rmall outlay,
equal to new. Enquire at THE EXPOSITOR.„„, a great fall
689 to• the main avenue,
Office. 1
whenever there is'a shower of rain any.
WARM FOR SALE.-ForSale, Lot No. 5, Bay- thing lying on these streets ie carried off
• fielci Concession, Gederich Township, eon- • , great rapidity. The supply of Wit-
taining 85 acres, 50 of which with are cleared and in a
good state of cultivation. The farm is adjoining
the village of Hayfield, and will be sold cheap and
on favorable terms. Apiily to the proprietor,
ter for the city is brought a distance of
21 miles, from the Yeep-Yang, convey-
ed in pipes underground. From this
source there can never be any want of
CHOICE FARM FOR SALE -Being Lot 4. water. There is excellent building ma -
80 cleared, well underdrained, and ha a good state .
terms easy. For fiirther particulars apply to brougkt to thiS place in latge blocks,
'srs.McCGHEY &HOLMESTED, Seadorth, then sawn up iiipiecee to suit thebuild;
stance P. O.
Con. 7, Ifullett, Count of Huron; 100 acres ; terial of different kids, such as face
of euitivation; buildings, convenient and -good ; stone and
gtanite. These stones are
or on the premises to WM. E. COLDWELL. Con-
555 er. le easily cut, and very 015 011 one
XTALLABLLFaa---ea--ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, -- ------ ------ ------ 1 would• se fifty men at this occupation
V • the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, H. R. S., under one covet. The Supreme Court
. Tuekersmith, County of Huron, consisting of 50 which is being built now, and is only 10
- aeres, 3i miles from the Town of beaforth, and feet high so far, will take six years more
convenient to "school. The land .is of the very to finish? and is 400 yards square. It is
best quality. For further particulars apply to .
' JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to . being built of ,whitepolished stone taken
mondville P. 0,
' 524 from Tasmania. The Post Office and
CiffgET-ANIY-1;6T-IN-WE71.itORTEE FOR the Town !Hall are excellent in their
SALE. -For Sale, a comfortable frame dwell- structureT!h. clotower 4k on the towof
ing house and a quarter -acre lot, on the corner . the latter tils, (ke
eg quite an ornament,
of Market and Louisa streets; there are six
rooms and a kitchen, 3 up -stairs and 3 down; •while the tre can be seen in the dark -
good ,
well, stable and wood -shed ; the house is , est night a quite la distance. In Col-
• well finished, and the lot well fencel ; Apply on
the premises. PETER DALEY. 585
WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 11, Con. 3,
IL R. S., Tnekersinith, containing 50 acres,
about 40 of which are cleared, well fenced and
tinder good cultivation. No buildings. Is within
one mile and a half of ,Seaforth, on the Grand
Trunk, and 6 miles from Kipperi on the Great
Western. A good graved road ;eliding to oath
place. Apply to G. t. VANEGMOND, Egmond-
vine. • 575
WARM FOR SALE L -That splendid farm„ Lot
23, Can, 3, McKillop, containing 100 aere,
more or leas; 80= acres cleared and free from
stumps' ; balance -hazdwocld ; good soil; 2 good
dwelling houses, 2 good barns, and. other out-
buildings ; large orchard and 2, good wells; 18
acres fall wheat only. one and a half miles from
Seaforth, on a gravel road.. For terms, &c., ap-
hns street, the most elevated. portion of
the city, is a monument erected in
memory of Burke and.Wells, who form-
ed an expedition to explore the. contin-
ent from south to north. After reach-
ing the Gulf of Carpentaria, at a place
called Menindie, they started back for
Melbourne, and when about Midway, at
Cooper's Creek, Burke and Wells died of
statvation, hut 'King, another of the
peaty, survived and was taken care of
by the blacks, who had- him, in . charge
for several weeks. He was almost dead
when fouild by ,the whites. The party
who were to meet them with supplies
ply to the pre/prietor on the •premises. WIL- had reached the place the day before,
LIAM CLUF582 and buried the provisions in; the ground
151.faeBitaa a OR SALE. -For Sale, Lot, 14, and cut in large letters in a tree to "dig
Con 16, Grey, West half of let 29, Con. 6, down." But, unfortunately: this Burke
with cheese fEE4ory complete; Lot -11, Co a. 6, . , • • ,
alla 13,13 conapamons did not !notice. mi -
and south hall of Lots 16 and 17, Con, 5, town-
• ship of Morris • Lot 22 Con: B, and Lot 28, Con. wealthiest people of Austr4ia are the
13, township el Howiele; all good hnproved farnas, squatters, who own large trects of land
together with several 50 acre farms in Grey and called stations, varying from 30 to 100
Morris, and houses and lots arid vacant lots in
the village of Hrrusaels. Pricea low, terma easy, squaxe miles. They have great control
and title good. Apply th JOHN LECKIE, Brus- over the banks, and qinte an influence
1 574 in.'Parliament. in their occupation they
vestal FOR SALE. -For Sale, that most desir- are generally saccessful, except in case
able farm, being La 1, Con. 6, in the town- -
of great drouthe. Lest slimmer, toin-
ehip of Hullett, situated miles from Kin.burn.
and 6 miles frorn .Seaforth. There Sze excellent, stance, in the district of Hay, they lost
buildings'on the premise, including. a 'first-class one million sheep, to say aothiag of the
atone house, two storey, 30 by 40 feet. A spring i
creek ;runs through the farm; good orchard, good c
fences, and the land in an excellent state of eur- ,, The laboring class; who go from sta.-
tivatiou. Apply on the premises to JAMES Mc- tion to station, are very peculiar in
MICHAEL, or to MR. JAMES H.HEN SON, Sea: their habits. They are generally called
forth. 562
- - - , - - --I- -_ the - swagmen, from the feet, no doubt, that
WARM FOsituatedR SALE. --T , at welbknown1allettaridin fine- every one has a blanket or swag which
-A; ly farm, Lot 1, Con.
County of Huron, containing 100 acres, 90 of he rolls up said Slings over his shoulders
which are cleared; there are two frame divelling .when travelling., They generally sleep
houses, barn, horse Stable, cow stable, sheerl-house out at night •alengside of a gum leg.
and driving house; also orchard and abundance of
Town of Seaforth, on the Huron Road. ll'Or fun for six naonthsior a year. On pay day
particulars apply to TtIcCAUGHEY & HOLME- they always receive a check Ort the
STED, Seaforth, or to SIMON YOUNG, proprie- bank .
568.4x, mi. £50 or £100 each, and too fre-
tor, on the premises. ' ._ j.,
ntly the first hotel they come, to
piatii TO REI*TT.-Is situited in the- Tow -n= clhue
OUS market tovrna of Seaforth and Clinton, li is, they hand the check to the landlord
miles froin the Huron Road. on the 3rd comes- and ask him to let them know when it
Very often these men never see town
water. The farm is situated two miles from the
t •ey "knock it down " as they say, that
ship of Hallett, half lay between the prosper -
is finished, which generally takes two
Edon. and convenient to school house, &e. There • •
' are 37 acres plowed, and! 6 acres of fall wheat
looking prosperoua ; good bearing orchard and Or three weeks. Then the kind land-
-well; frame buildings, id good repair ; well sup: lord hands tleedi a bottle of spirits and
plied with good water; there is a good quantity a loaf of btead, and off they go to re-
ef feed On the premises - Ithe land is in a :good
state of cultivation. A,p' fily to FRANCIS [(ET plenish their ietrses. I
TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 3, Hullett. 5844 _ The Australian vehicles differ very
. _ .
FIRM FOR SALE. -The subscriber offers for much from Ohre. For ,instance, their
drawn by 15 or 20 ballocks, generally
Lot 2, Con. 7; Usborne, County of Huron, con- .s
tabling 100 acres, 75 cleared and under god(' cul-
tivation ; the balance le well timbered, andhas a driven by one man: 1
good supply of rail timber; On the premises is a The colonial' people take a pride in
frame house 18x26, a frame barn 80x40, and other . .
their botanic gardens and p&rks. Tho
outbuildings, a thriving , orchard, bearing, and a
never -failing well of choice spring water. For Fitzroy gardens are lwid put ' the_
further particulars apply to AN.N FANSO IC, Lot most systerate manner. Trees of every
24, Con. 7, Fullarton, or to DANIEL McP HAIL, t. f
flowers of every kind can be seen there
VALUAI3L1E1 FARM -10011 SALE. -For Sale the
`Dining 50 acres, known as the Daigle estate. This The Royal Park, situuatecl in the sub-
teen is situated within one mile and a quarter of urbs of the city, is beautifully arranged.
Seaforth. The land is of the choicest quality.
There is a handsome residence and good pawl& •Here one ean see almost every living
lugs. The farm is well planted with fruit and or-
namental trees, is in excellent, order, and well
fenced. It is admirably suited for a • raired gen-
tleman, a dairy -man, or market gardener. Terms
easy. This property must be sold at once. A.pply
sale that most desirable farm, composed of heavy wagon will Carry twelve tons, and
E 86-3 C escup ion, om all countries, and
west half of Lot 27, Con. 3, McKillop, con- in full boom tie whole year round.
creature that has been seen at an exhi-
tion, ---. J. C. MCKAY.
. 1
A Political 'Supper in Dash -
to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 539 *00
Finm IN McKII,LOP FOR SALE. -For Sale, • About sevenaefive of the Most prom-
_ ..
the North part of Lots 8 and 9, Con. 13, Mc- hient men ef Dashwodcl an4 surround-
ing neighboerbood, gave an oyster sup-
per to Mr. (p,-. Jackson, the Conservative
candidate for the Local House, on
Thursday, of last -week. The supper
wasgot up in first -glass style by Mr.
H. Ortes, and done credit to the Worthy
host for the admirable manlier in
which the evening's entertainment was
carried out. • IO max say ,there were
also a good 0. sprinkling of Reformers
present, who were invited by their Con-
eervative_ friends, and on the whole
there could not have been a more • en-
joyable and profitable time spent.
After supper the meeting was organized
by appointing Mr. M. Fried, of Dash-.
wood, chairman. Mr. Fried is one of
DashWoocl's oldest residents, and he is
esteemed very highly for his _gentle-
manly and courteous mannea. He has
also had a great elleal to do. in building
up Dashwood. Mr. Fried opened the
meeting in a welldelivered speech, in
containing 112 acres; there are about 80
cleared, well fenced,: underdrained, and in a high
state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered
with hardwood • good dwelling, new bank frame
earn 50x56,,,addi stablina„e underneath, and other
outbuildings; also a goOdyoung orchard and plenty '
of water. Is 10miles from Brussels, 5 from Wal-
ton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gravel roads
to eaeli place; convenient to church and schools.;
will be sold as a whole Or in two parts, or will be
exchanged for a small Farm. Apply to Wal-
ton P. 0. or to . the proprietor on the prem. -
ises. WILLIAM DYNES. 547
_ . .....
WARM FOR SALE. --The subscriber offers ior.
sale Lot 22, Con. 12 of the township of Stan-
ley, Containing one hundred acres, 88 acres •elea.r
(4 and in a good state- of cultivation,' and good:
fences, balance 17 acres -good hardwood hush;
une half of clearing seeded down,rthere will be 13
acres of wheat put in this fall, there is about 3
acres Of a thrivinc,e• orchard: on the premises and
a vac iety of frint trees all now bearing. The farm
' well watered, 'a never failing ereek :runs
through the farm, also two good wells, large bank .
barn 36 by 60 feet with good stabling under-
neath the barn, and a.' log dwelling house. The
farm is situated within two and, a half miles of
the village of Hayfield. Por further partioulars.
apply to 3: McLEAN„ proprietor on the premises
or to W. Connor, Hayfield P. 0. 672
hose present for
man of such a
_meeting. He also
tt account of the
ood, and spoke
future of Dash
'had taken a deep
d would bel very
Sir JohnA.and his
the promised Na -
believed Would be
servat've friends too
matte without pre
not in he interests
deran hat increased
The next Speaker
Mr. J. Gill, of Dash
the owat , Gover
agape, and said t
carrie • out the e
preac ed when in.
thoug t the count
chang , as he beleiv.
Geyer ment was th
count . He also
A., an denounced t
ernme t in severe t
a very sareastic ma
flight f the Macken
the 17 h of last -Sep
Mr. A. Chatlesw
ville, as the next s
the ch irman, who
cheer. Mr. Cherie
at gre t length, ha
speak4r pretty
very pladul
wat Governi
meat, and a
islated in a,c
enligh ened. spirit
dencies of the age, a
laical record behin
peopl of Ontario m
of. He, Mr.
astou ded at the
takin exceptions
and h nest Government, and trusted
that hs friend Mr. -"ill would get nacre
light n the matter. Mr. Charlesworth
also r ferred to the flight spoken of by
Mr. G-'11, and show d •that the flight
that t e Mackenzie Government took
out of ffice was far ore honorable and
straig tforward than the flight Sir
John , and,his party took into office,
who r de into powe by misrepresenta-
also d
the M
had le
ernmen by the- Opposition led by
Messrs. Blake and Mackenzie, their
-resignat on, and. the advent to power of
Mr. Mo at. Yours respectfully, A. C.
nd fraud, coupled with promises
they well kn w at the time they
never be able to carry out. He
elt on the flight out of Sir
. and his )arty in 1873, and
d clearly it was one of the
sgraceful an most dishonorable
that was evei1 taken by any Gov-
ut, either in this or any other
y, and thougjhtthat Ins friend
ill had made i. mistake in corn -
the flights of the two parties.
He iso- predicted that Alex.. 'Mac-
kenzie and his G-overnment would soon
ream_ to power again, and the people
of the Dominion of Canada would learn
to appreciate and honor a Government
• that, , ether than gi e false pledges and
deceive the people, would. retire like
gentleen. (Cheer.)
cMr. ' G. . Jackson, the Conservative
caudi, ate, was the called upon to ex-
press his views - on the political quese
tions 4f the day and n rising was received
with applause. Hs said he (Mr. Jack-.
son) tb,ought it wou d be improper on
such en occasion to introduce anything
intoi as remarks of party or partizan
seeing the udience was com-
posed. of gentlemen adherents of both
sides f politics. e e in the first place
cordi lly agreed wi eh his friend, Mr. A.
Chan sworth, in u 'holding the char-
acter four public • en, and would feel -
it a n tional reproa h that the integ-
rity a d honesty o the Hon. A. Mac-
keuzi: should be do bted-a gentleman
who air a number 0 years held such a
-high position, being the first Minister of
a Go ernment wh se power extended.
from he Atlantic' o one side to the Pa-
cific, itt the other, the chief man for
that t me of four eillions of • people.
Neve theless he too r exception to the
reaso , s given by hi frieud,Mr. Charles -
wort • , for his r signation last fall,
whice was by no m &DS voluntary. As
. Mr. A ackenzie, dur ng his incumbency
in po 'er, had so •ianaged the public
affair and 4dvocat d a line of policy
not a ceptable to a arge majority of the
electo s of t is Do inion, they conse-
quent y fail d to gi e him support at
the g neral lection and like all other
Minis ers pl ced in a similar position,
, resig ed be auSe e . was obliged to.
As he (Mr. ackso was specially in-
terest d in anoth r Legislature, he
woul refrai •from nyfurther observa-
tions 011 'p litics °lanceted with the
• Domi • ion Parlia, • ent. He Would
there •re co fine is remarks to the
Local Legisl ture, nd would endeavor,
as far as pos jble, n it to touch on any
questi n ot debitti ble nature.
It ould be impo sible to give but a
very .hort outline of Mr. Jackson's.
speec in your limit d. space, hut I may
say it was both i teresting and in-
struct ve, being au istorical sketch of
the ri ing of this Coefederacy, the pow-
ers an duties of th Dominion Parlia-
ment contrasted wi h hose of tie Pro-
vinci :1 Legislature, as conferredlby the
Britis • North 'Arne ican Act, showing
how dissimilar they were and how fool-
ish it -as to confo nd the politics of
She t o Houses. e described the for-
matio • of the first Local Government
of On ario by John Sandfield Macdon-
ald, ti e various pu lie institutions and
pubh _ works succ ssfully carried out
by th m and. their excellent manage-
ment if the public f Inds, the defeat of
the Manstry of t e Macdonald Gov-
-A •anadian paper dollar is taker: aa
98 cents in the United States.
:-Mis: Maggie Moses, of Mill Point,
in her tt ens, weighs 322 pounds.
-Th postmaster at Omem ee,Vi ctori a
County, has served in that position for
year •
-Ow ng ▪ to the growth of smuggling
by -worn n at Windsor, females search-
ers are o be employed.
• -No i fewer than two or three hun-
dred fa mers, talk of leaving Waterloo
9ounty for Manitoba next spring. -Th temperance people of Winnipeg
are taking action to lave the Scott
Tempe ance At applied to Manitoba.
-Mi s Mary Kincadie, of Bornish,
has fi e ished a log -cabin quilt with.
2,500 b ocks in it. "How is that for
-Til onbnrg rejoices in the posses-
sion ofi five doctors, whdse aggregate
weight reaches over eleven hundred
-A roperty Owners' Association is
about t be formed in Parkdale for the
purpos of watching the proceedings of
the Co ncil.
' -Se eral Ottawa ladies are suffering
from p eamonia, the effects of cold
taken : t the opening of Parliament and
the dr, wing -rooms. •
n Donaldson and. family, 45h
ion, McGillivray, killed and par-
s Toulouse goose, which, when
, weighed 16 tbs. Who'll beat
e spurious coins are in circula-
Berlin, -particularly 25 cent
They -are good imitations
n only be detected • by the
took of
tion i
and c
of th
ter, Mi
nine la
This le
24 wid
City C
the ses
were p
the M
eta R
and w
place s
to be t
same i
II 4
•rm in Montreal received on
from its correspondent in Boston
f the Consolidated Bank ilotes
ten dollar denomination,
ad been stolen about two years
ree ewes belonging to Mr. Wm.
Ea of the township of Westmins-
1°dlesex County, gave birth to
•• bs on the 17th of February.
:ds the van so far as heard
y interesting statistics: - The
of Fen elon FalliP blessed with
ws, 8 widowers, and 31 old
The bachelors are legion. A
readjustment " . would be a
n Francis Murphy, a law
at Guelph, was the other day
vet, himself in $100 and two
s of $50 each, to keep the peace
his aged' mother, whom he as-
. .
Montreal, the members of the
• uncil carry ou betting during
bins. The other evening stakes
taip on a bet of $5,000 upon the
f an election. The morals of
ntreal fathers need correcting.
rs. Graham left Hamilton for
on Saturday, per Great West-
i#vay, apparently in good health,
en she arrived at the latter
e wae a raving maniac and had
ken to the city hospital for safe
Stephenson has resigned his
• in the Bracehridge Council,
o the understood wish of the
• Government that the offices of
Inspector and Coanchlor or
• hould not be combined in the
e W. H. Gain, of West Oxford,
near 1 gersoll, has in his possession a
silver oin of the denomination of one
groat d. sterling -in good preserva-
tion. The characters on the piece are
quite legible. It bears the inscrip-
tion. "Anna del Gratia" and the date
-A Strathroy gentleman, Mr. George
Gilzea has invented and perfected a
new e ectric light, somewhat different
to tha of Edison's, it being much sim-
pler a d .)iequiring less motive power to
;produ e. Ile intends trying his first
practi al experiment on a grand scale
shortl• .
- hn S. Gray has been committed
to the Guelph jail on a charge of steal-
ing, o the 21st of November, a boiler
whidh had. been seized by the revenue
officer. The prisoner formerly resided
in Mo refield. He was captured in the
count of Huron. He is a tall mus-
cular le an, and the officers who ar-
tested him did ao with considerable tre-
pidati n. ,
- 11 bounded Liberality: Charles
White picked lup a wallet containing
$800 i cash and $200 in notes in
the . all at Alma, at the cele-
bratio of the Burns' anniversary. He
made r 'gent search and. finally found
the o ner, who was so overjoyed at
the re overy of his treasure that he
imrne lately presented White with six
- T i e next social in connection with
She E uglish Church, Blyth, will consist
of a gr nd sleigh ride, and entertain-
ment t the late residence of Mr. Wm.
Way i Hullett. Mr. Way has lately
remov d to Blyth, but still retains
posses ion of the old homestead, and as
a -fare ell to that dear old. spot he pur-
poses zntertaining his friends in right
good s yle and devote the proceeds to
the Church fund. 1
explosion of a singular charac-
ter lat ly occurred in the house of • Mr.
John allace, village of New Aberdeen,
Water oo county. The lamp had been
lighte only 'a few minutes when the
chann y exploded with a noise like that
of a p stol shot,•scattering the glass to
the fa hest corner of the room, and
literala covering the table -with "dia-
mond t ust." The entire chimney was
pulver zed to dust -not an atom larger
than a pin head. could be discovered.
Thegli ss had. been in use for about
a year and was in a warm room all 90
day. 1 ortunately no one was inj -
ed, as all the occupants happened. at
the time to be at a distance from the
• -Rev. Anson Green, died at hs
residence in Toronto, last week, in his
78th year. He was one of the oldeet
ministers in the Methodist Church. 1
• -Robertson's girst mill, at--Grimslex,
was burned down about threeoiclock cou
Saturday morning. Cause_ unknown.
Loss about $6,000. Insured for
$2,400. ,
-Mr. A. Methot, of St. Antoine De
Tilly, Province of Quebec, owns an ox
Which stands five feet five inches high,
measures nine feet long and eight feet
girth. '
e -The Winnipeg Free Press says
that the imposter Gordon Gordon
for some tilne carried on. smuggling op-
erations between Toronto and Lewis-
ton, N. Y.
-Advice to a liinited number of mat-.
riagable young ladies; "Go East" to
Galt. There are three young bachelo
in that town, who: are collectively .vvor
75,000. i '
-A minister going from Gorrie to
Arthur, was robbed of his buffalo robe
at Harriston. The tbief and. robe_were
found at Cliffordq The thief escaped
afterwards. a 1
-In the report on the adalterati n
of food, it is stated that of eighty-eig t
samples from the Toronto district an-
alyzed, exactly half that number wee -
-Den Thompson, an actor after n
absence of 8 years from Toronto,' r
turned and paid over $1,000 outlawd.
.debts during recent visit. His creditors
were agreeably surprised. s
-Messrs. Isaac and Harman Hertel,
Centreville, Ont., cut a cord of sound
maple wood in ten minutes with t e
genuine Maple Leaf .Lance tooth a d
cut saw. They; say they- can do it
again. ,
-The horse disease, which recently
made its appearance amongst horses ha
the vicinity of Belleville, is spreading
very rapidly, and the veterinary s
goons have their.handsfull. The hors s
seem to suffer considerably. .
' --.& man in Hamilton was whittling
a stick the other day with the cuttiiig
edge of the knife towards him, wh n
suddenly the knife slipped. and slic d
off the tip of his nose. He knows o e
way he won't whittle any mere.
-A wedding party from the count y
recently put up at a hotel in •Granto ,
and had a gala time of it. They, spe t
about seven hours there and. naust haye
- eased themselves of something like $1C0.
Let us hear no more about hard. tim s
and low prices.
-One day last week, John McKay,
lot 9, con. 3, West Zorra, was carrying
a fork full of hay on his shoulder when
• a pig that was being chased by a d g,
ran against his legs, knocking 1iifrn
down and breaking his thigh bone. Ilte
is now recovering. .
- Mr. John. Ayer has instituted a Boit
against the city of Toronto for $12,000
dapaa,ges for himself and wife haviig
been. thrown from their buggy by in
obstacle in the stieet one day 1
mopth. Mr. Ayer is not yet able 150
attend to his business.
- Two men named R. Patterson aiid
D. Patterson, on Tuesday, 4th inst.,
sawed on the farm of Mr. Franelis
Dearth, with a Shurly it Detrieh
" Champion" cross -cut saw, nine cords
of black ash, in 7- hours. This was an
ordinary day's work, and not a race.
-It is stated that the Grand Trunk
Railway is making arrangements at
Point Levis, for the export cattle trade,
and that by -the opening of navigation,
extensive yards and sheds will be ready
for the occupatien of cattle in traneit,
it being found easier to ship cattle from
Quebec than Montreal.
-At a sale for taxes,. of the iahattels
of J. Welsh, an absconder from the
township of Peelea stack of hay con-
taining three tons wee sold for 1;2 ; fine
other stack of about two tons for 190,
cents; a six-year oblehorse, in good min:
dition, only brought$5 • pigs weighi g g6th inst. The horse is a light bay,
from 100 lbs. to 125 lis., sold for t$1 'four years old, long white strip on fore -
each. I head; white spot on nose ; white hairs
-The other morning at the Hain- ion top of tail; a little white on one
ilton Police Court, Hon. H. B. BUll, ihind. foot. It is supposed. that the theft
Rev. Dr. Burns, ex -M. P. McGill, aid. 3was conamitted between 8 and 9 o'clock,
moor two other celebrities, were fa4ed as one of Mr. Keaohie's neighbors saw
for neglecting to clean the snow off the a man gallop past on horseback about
sidewalk in front of their respectIve that time. Mr. Keachie has offered a
men, operators, train despatchers and
section foremen are recommended to be
teetotallers,and total abstinence is to be
an essential requirement in the selecs
tion for promotion. .
-There was such a run on the relief
fund of All Saints' Church, Toronto, a
fevedays ago, that the fund gave out,
and to cover the 1 deficiency the pas-
-tor, Rev. Mr. Baldwin, gave alb of his
-One night • last week, at St. Eu-
staahe, Quebec, five dead. bodies were
stolen from the charnel house of the,
perish. There were eight bodies in the
charnel house at the time. A student
is suspected.
' -On Sunday an invalid member of
St. Paul's Church, Montreal, while in
his house, a quarte of a mile from the
church, heard the ention by means of
a telephone, the re
which was attache
pulpit. .
-A peculiar exp
the Ottawa river, the ether morning,
about 100 feet square of ice, 20 inches
thick being thrown up in the air, fol-
lowed by a loud re
to have been cause
deposit of saw-dus
river. ,
-E. H. Goff, who figured so promin-
ently before the courts. at Montreal for
some time, is now e. menaber of a gen-
eral. immigration agency firm, known
as Watson (35 Goff, Boston, Mass. The
firm is engaged in sending settlers
to Western and South Western Railway
erring apparatus of
to each side of the
osion took place on
or. It is supposed
by the gas from a
in the bed; of the
• -A terrific storm raged at Charlotte-
town, Prince Edward Island, on Sun-
day. The snow in -the railway cuttings
is from 16 to 20 feet deep. The Cataolic
Church at Cardigan Road, the Presby-
terian church at Sourts, and the rail-
way. coal shed. at. Summerside, were all
blown down, and. many other casualties
are reported.
---Thomas Ley was charged at Lon-
don, on Monday, with assaulting his
wife and mother-in44w, by pitching
them both Out of the back door. The
reason for this conduct was that the
°let woman had got her fortune told,
and ia consequence prophesied that he
(Ley) would be killed in nine menths
from February 1st. He was fined $1
and costs or two months.
• -A Dundas paper says that there
has not been a single police ease before
She Mayor or town magistrate since the
9th of January last. Some may attri-
bute this freedom of the town from
crime to one thing and some to another,
but, the paper adds, "we caniant help
thinking that the energetic teuiperance
movement, which has been carried on
here during the past year, has had more
Shan a little to do with this state of
peace and quietness."
-The fall wheat in the vicinity of
Richmond Hill, York County, has suf-
fered considerably by the sunny days
and. frosty nights of the beginning of
February. The generality of fields
Were not coyered to any great depth,
owing to the drifting nature of the
snow, and wheat cannot be said to
have been well coyered from tile begin-
ning of the winter. Some fields,
especially on knolls and hills, are said
to be, according to appearance, pretty
well killed out already.
=The License Board of St. Thomas,
has under consideration the introduc-
tion of a clause in the by-law regulating
the keeping of saloons, whereby every
proprietor of a hotel, &a., shall
agree before receiving his license, to al-
low no person under the age of twenty-
one to frequent his premises. In case
the by-law is violated, the offender's
license is to be taken from him. That
is a step in the right direction. Carry
out the laws now available, and when
public opinion has been educated. to
uphold them, it will be then time to
seek for total prohibition.
-A horse was stolen from the stable
of- Mr. John Keachie, near Sheffield.,
!Wentworth county, on Sunday evening,
premises. The display of even-handed
justice received, as it merited, the Ma -
mistakable approval of the whole -an-
washed. crowd present.
• -The Paris Transcript 14trns that
diarrhcea of a epizootic character is lat
present prevalent among the cattle !in
that district; also lymphangitis, mare
commonly known as Monday morning
disease, weeds or short grease; and a
few cases of influenza have been under
• treatment, seine of them very bad. Ope
case of titanus in a horse resulted frem
woundan the foot.
• -.----Among the recent failures in
Halifax, is that of David. Scott, grocer,
owing $2,800, with assets under $2000.
His case is another _instance of what
the Hera& calls the folly of country
farmers coming into the cities to do
store business. Mr. Scott left a good
farm, worth $4,000, raised money on ;it
by mortgage, purchased the property in
Halifax, where be was doing busineas,
for $12,000e paying $2,000 cash doWn,
" and after two or three years he is
landed on his back without farin,
property or business, and even worse --
can't pay his debts."
-The Grand Trunk Railway anther-
ities are very decided upon the question
of the sobriety of their employees; aad
Mr. Spicer, MraStephenson, and other
heads of departments have done much,
by example as well as by precept, ;to
induce their men to give up drinking,
and. thus remove an elerhent of dan er
to themselves and passengers, in
'working of the road.. It is now urged
by the North Shore Railway upon its
enaployees that instant dismissal, with
ho claim to re-employment, is to be the
fate of any one found. drunk while Ion
duty. Engine drivers, firenien,
reward of $25 for the recovery of his
property and the arrest of the thief.
-At the Guelph Grand Trunk sta-
tion, one day last week, there occurred
an event which demonstrated the
strength and endurance of true love. A
young fellow living up north, loved a
maiden who lived in the far west. By
correspondence their mutual desire to
be united in the holy bonds -of matri-
mony got to such a high pitchthat they
determined. to meet at Guelph and have
the ceremony performed. He came
from the north, eliel carne from the
Lt points of their
reseal. After an
ry meeting, an up
as produced, and
railway platform
west, and the diverge
lives terminated as afji
affecting and osculat
country clergyman
then and. there on th
they were hitched. for:life.
-An incident occurred at Hon. Geo.
Brown's.Bow Park farm, near Brant -
fora, a few days since, which created
quite in excitement in the neighbor-
hood. When darkness settled clewn
over the scene the evening before, there
were no signs of what occurred. during
the silent watches of the night. In the
night one of the employees heard a deep,
rumbling sound. In the morning he
told what he had experienced, and de-
clared he had heard the shock of an
earthquake. The mystery was . soon
solved, for on proceednig along the road-
way a sight that struck amazement
into every witness was revealed. • An
acre or more of the earth had sunk
nearly. 40 feet; and the tips of trees were
just visible on a level with the surface.
The earth on the sides of the chasm is
quite perpendicular, and the query is,
where has that acre of land gone to?
It is not a land slide, lmt a complete dis-
appearance. Stane think it is caused
by a quicksand bottom, and others that
the river had. washed a strata out be-
neath. Whatever the cause the occur-
rence is a startling one in the staid. and
tranquil neighborhood.
-In Wingharn, one Sunday evening
lately, as two ladies were proceeding
home from church, they were met by a
tramp, who not only made use of in-
sulting language, but even laid bands
on them. The ladies showed the scoun-
drel that they were not afraid of him,
and when he heard. some one approach
made off as quickly as possible. The
town has lately been infested with this
class of tramps, and. the constable
shotdd keep a good. watch on them..
Simday forenoon lately, while
the family of Mr. John Wiegand, nesz
Mildmay, were attendhag divine service,
burglars entered the dwelling house and
broke open a chest and took from a cash
box,$2,060,which sum Mr. Weigand had
the previous clay received. No trace of
the robbers can yet be found, althougl.
some parties are suspected. The rob-
bery is the largest one ever perpetrated.
in the neighborhood, and. caused quite
a sensation. Tramps had better steer
dear of that country, as every farmer
will be on the Ilook out after this.
-A very serious accident happened
at the crossing of the Tore -Alto, Grey and
Bruce Railway, near Orangeville, -011
Thursday evening of last week, to a
party driving from 'Shelburne on account
of the'lateness of the train. The planks
at the crossing having been taken up to
allow the railway snow scrapers te pass
caused the track to be raised. above the
level crossing, lima the sleigh ' having to
cross diagonally was 'upset ocou- •
pants. Mr. J. Henry, of Oshavesealiad
ais arm and collar -bone broken, and
was otherwise seriously iajured. A
great many serious accidents have been
caused in the same way at thiserossing.
---Th.e London Mutual Fire Insurance
Association held their -annual meeting
last week, when Mr. Crowell Wilson, of
Winghanawas re-elected preeident, and
Mr. Daniel Black vice-president. The
annual report says ;---" The losses have
again been heavy, a67,599.35 having been
paid; of this aura U6,251.55 were for
claims that were not reported ducat the
end of 1877, and $51,890..20 for losses
that happened during the year.' It is
stated that the crime of incendiarism is
increasing alarmingly throughout the
country, half a million of dollars being
annually lost in this 'manner. Numer-
ous fires have also been -caueed- by the
use of steam threshers.
--kr. W. B. Mills, of Arden Adding-
ton eounty, claireis to have the largest
flock of sheep owned by any- one map
in Ontario. He has over 1,000 sheep,
seven thoroughbred Cotswolds, and a
• large number of lambs, some of whieh
at seven months old weighed 125 pounds
avoirdupois, and. over. -Several men
from Montreal, and big fanciers from
all parts of the country, have been to.
eeethera. They are kept in five zepar-
ate flocks, and it is nice to see them to-
-gether. It takes five or six men. and
one span of horses to attend to them.
In feeding them the sleigh is leaded at
the barn, then drawn to the fields, and
the fodder scattered. over the ground.
This is a pretty big thing for the back-
• woods.
-A uncommon circumstance of
longevity has been brought to notice
from Annapolis, Nova Scotia. Below
are the names of five brothers and sis-
ters: Mrs. James Taylor, of Cornwallis,
98, Benjamin Foster, of Berwick, 97 ;
Samuel Foster, of Hampton, 95.; 'Mts.
Ftatik Tupper, of Cornwallis, 93;
Phillip Foster, of Cornwallis, 87, mak-
ing a total of 470 years. The grand-
mother of the above diedat the age of
105 Years. An old. man living at Cara-
• vette, N. B., named. Oneobrocas Cor-
mier, on the 13511 of June next will be
100 years of age. He has always been
temperate in all things. The old man
lives about 100 yards from the chapel,
to which he walks every morning. itt
1815, he was called out to serve in the
-Mr. Vennor, the now famous
weather prophet, writes to the Montreal
Witness under the date of Feb. 19th as
follows- I pen the following for those
among your readers who are interested
in the ups and downs of our Canadian
winters, and. in reply to a nunaber of
questions recently put to 1310 both in
conversation and, by letter. Let such
persons watch carefully the changes for
She next few weeks, and compare with
She forecast here given. Between the
20th and 27th a decidedupward curve in
the line of temperature, and mild, 'soft
weather. On, or closely following -the
27511, and probably embracing the first
few days of March, another "cold di,"
with snow -storms. On, or close upon
the 15th, 16th. and 17th days of Match,
extremely cold weather again, and.
heavy snow -storms, possibly extending e
to the 20th. Thus, as I read the .
probabilities, we have yet in store for us
a good. deal more cold weather and fur- :
ther heavy now falls
:--A few days ago anincidentA-ccurrea
in London which is not without interest e
It appears that Mr. James Ileveyente- 1.... ss
ed. a room where his ehild was lyi: Aff
asleep in the cot, and observed their is r'pe
cat lying in a peculiar position alengt Ade_
the child. An examination rave _tile&
She fact that the animal had. its paws.
pressed tightly on each side o I the,
child's nose, while its mouth. Nas
up to that of the child-. Mr. If evey at
once grasped. tie eat, but four id elle '
difficulty in tearing it away. fl. l
when taken up, appeared in a satupefineod.
conditien, a-nd. it is probable hditt
been rescued at tbe time, Rould have
died. From other circums esof a.. -
similar nature, that hav a eceurribede
round the house, Mr. Hew ..eir is ef
opinion that the cat has been in the
habit of sucking the chil ,rs breath, and
rethusfer injuringreferred
twi will
snohteableth. .caugun if: tilatat: ,
nsItemeeesspaorsyjittok:basegainrve, till aaltiatviugbe ebateetzuovuet
• to once destroyed. •