HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-21, Page 7e- BRUABY 21, 1879. 11E CANADIAN • OF COMMERCE. TICE, - TORONTO. apiftzi,- $6,000,000, 7 1,41:00,4,00„ ECT 0 RS. LIAM MCMASTER, PrOaidenta HOPE, Vice -President. xrt, Esq. JA11.108 Michie, Esq. At- Egg; T. Sutherland Sta.yner, tsq, ne Esq. john Arnton, Esq. A. R. MMast, Esq. :RSON, General Manager. JOHN ROBERTSON, Inspeetor. :.-J. G. Harper, and J. U. Goadby, -J. G. Orchard, Agent. BRANCHES. Hamilton, London, Taman, Montreal, Orangeville, tawa, Paris, -Pet erboro, St. Catharines, Sarnia. Simeoe, "- Stratford, S trathrey, Seaforth, -- Thorold, Taranto, WalkertiOn., • Windsor, Woodstock, • il Credits issned for use in Europe, al West Indies,China,, Japan, and td American Exchange bought and made ou the most favorable terms, .,,,ered on deposits. RANKERS, -The American Exchange National !,n,glarel-The Bank of SeOtland. FORTH BRANGH. - - MANAGER. <Di -VT 11 aRIS TIME WAREROOMS, SEAFORTH. lEAPEST FURNITURE IN THE COUNTY. ,7 Receiving a Large Stock of NEW tlali1 from the best Factories in Can - O enabled te sell cheaper than any :runty, as I pay eaeh down and get a mt, CAA SALL. lIi Chairs f�r$1 SfL !, Farley Turned Lege ee- $2. -. Extra Good, for Feel 5d. the Very Boat, for $3 25. s ekers, each, for $1 15. kers, ea -aisle: cents azpindie Bed:stead:a 4x4, 6 feet hang, ; Drawer Bureaus, projection fronts, eer kindery hex. ;hairs for $5. 7 ( ordt ttliftu s, SOJL8 Loun- r1 Rocker', 1 Gionnot be ‘,1(1. aed Spinning _Wheelsvery low. j IVE ME Ai_CALL, '*fk furni;di yonr house for a. little '}MS direetly opposite M. R. Coun- loth Jewelry Establishment, Main F.tkies, Wool and Wool Pick - JOHN 8. PORTER. „le teem be in a pesitien to furnish eaper than any oke in the place. ; THE ..SEAFiitT11. tiCE ANDA ND AGENCY. s .F?cqs4G fo .Several Fi st-Chtse Stock, Fire feenrance Coral Reich, and re prepar- Ass ea NT FAVOR A BLE TEi'iS. t fur several of tie best r...oan t for the sale an purchase of Farm l'reperty. IER OF FIE ST -CLASS tM- ED FARMS FOR SALE. rAk tO Loan a S Per Cepa. aterealL the White Star Line of Steeniers. Morrieen'a Store, Maae_st DEA STORE. keeps the lirest Drugs and keeps all th4 Leading Patent Lies. ' keeps the Fest Perfumery, (ombs, &e. keeps No. 1, Trusses, Shoul- aces aud Supporters. eps .Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Beth Brushes. keeps First-class Dye Staffs. keeps the Best Horse and Mediaines. keeps the Best Tobaccos, Ol- ives, &a. ' YE HAW A CALL.' roeite Cerdne's Hall, Seat EMPORIUM:. aiher hereby thank: his Manieronir ra (merchants and others) for their age durint the past 7 years, and et lute/ray and elose attention to erit their confidence and trIrde in greatla enlarged his preul- he he is now prepared to pay HET GASH PRICE r;ti3! of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered mporium, `THEET, SEAFORTH. zhe eubseriber„ 2i tana of good dry traw. D. 'WILSON._ FOR TRE MILLIONe eianed have on heed a ltrge supply' -.lass Shingles, at les MILLEN'S a the Village of krienced workman, from the very . 'rho manner in whith we menu - •h trait there is no Bastard Sh.ingles •tr3 a prepared to do PI,A111.ING ii -oars and Kash at short el I ora aed Sash alvatyS 011 .ark thuds and 1Voultlings made to. A. PATTON, '1 IL 1OUGNIBsoN,G„Trnstees. A. L' B E T T, 1 SEAFORTH, td Retail Deeser in LEATHER and DINGS of Every Deecription. the Very Beet Stock kept. Terraa Trial Solicited. All orders by Mail romptly filled. IL N. BRETT FEBRUARY 21.1 1879, 1 7 - Gaieties. grandmother before she is sixty. Up -& fond mother hearing that an 1 to this time no Queen of England has ever lived to see her great-grandchil- earthquake was comieg, sent her boys dren; but Her Majesty may now reason- eo &friend's in the country to escape ably hope to be a great -great -grand - ea. After a few days she received a, mother a,nd to eee her graudchildren's note from the friend, saying, "For , - goodness sake, take your boys away grandchildren -Hon. Peter Smyth, member of the and send along the eaethquake in - Legislative Council of Nova Scotia, died stead." -When a man dies suddenly, "with at Port Hood, Cr11., on Thursday. Ile aid of a physician,' as an had represented Inverness county iu U14U the Irishman once said, the Coroner must be called in. If the man diee the Nova 'Scotia, Assembly for twenty years previous to Confederation, and in regularly, after beieg treated by a doctor, 1867 was appointed a Legislative Coun- i -everybody knows why he died and. the cillor. - . Coroner's iaquest is not necessary. -At the conclusion of moraing ser - _Two women in black, their faces vice in St. Andrew's -Church, Chatham, last Sunday, a vote was taken by the shrouded in thick veils, visit a Carson (Nev.) aro-bank nd play till early in pastor on the proposition for the con- ta the moruina, limithig their bets to one gregation to stand during the singing of dollara card. They never- speak and -utterly disregar& the surrounding pro- fanity tend vulgarity which they „pelmet choose bat hear. e -It was an awful poor rawboned „looking beast, and ne wonder the other - man dide't appear greatly inclined to trade. "That's a fine - horse," said the proprietor of the animal to en- courage him, "a royal horse,and"- yes" quietly interrupted the other, "-there's the prints of whales on. his back now." The meeting adjourned. Ali, by George l" groaned young . Mr. Lathered, sinking wearily into an office -chair. "-ab,, by'buorge I my head aches. fearfully." " Possible ?" asked his employerrold Mr. Herdfax., with a look of courious interest and sympathy. "..Possible? Something must have got inkeite" And then' for a Iona time no- body said anything, :and ''the room seemed to . grow about fifteen degrees :coldeia seene church -wardens of a church, lee -Bath, in England, being disgusted witJi the penuriousness of a rich peer, wb4, since the collection began to be n in a bag instead . of a plate., esolved to shame lune into- liberality. They cut a slit in. the bottom of the bag and passed it first to his Lordship, whose bronze penny fell with a re. soundieg clash on the floor, plain to be seen. of *rcien. Next day his Lordship took all his peayer-books aild the psalms and hymns. The Motion was carried, and.'et the evening service the new plan was adopted. -Prince Louis Napoleon is reported to be lying dangerously ill at his moth- er's residence, at Chiselhurst. It is said that -the Prince has for some time led an irregular and. dissipated life, and has been wholly regardless .of the ad- monitions of his mother and, of M. Rou- her and other devcited adherente of the Imperial family; -A serious accident happened Mr. Joe Amos, of McGillivray, on Tuesday. It appears that he was Oriiing a fly- wheel for a circular saw, -hen a piece of the wheel flew off and Stuck him on the forehead, near the temple, inflicting a deep wound. Two docters are in at- tendance: They entertain but, slight hopes of his recovery. -Mr. John. Haskett, of Thedford ,was married. about a year ago. About a month ago death claimed- him for its ewn.- His life was inured, and when the insurance officers icame to pay the insurance to his wife they found she was dead also. Only a few days in tervened between their deeths. Con- tak . sumptiona is said. to have been the , contributed nothing but coppers, re- . • cause. ' -Two woodmea '•Li.'rorking in the township of Lornicerry recently deposit- ed their dinners in a hole in a basswood. tree. When they game to- look they found their meal's had. disappeared. Hearing a noise they chopPed down the cialions home and, deserted the church tree, and. out jumped a huge black - for good and all.• bear, which, after a stiff fight, they suc- ceeded in dispatching with their axes. Miscellaneous Items. . It was the first bear that had been. seeu in the locality for years. -There was an extraordinary bab- tisin at Palmyra, Penn., last Sunday. Mrs. Martha Bowman, au invalid, aged fifty-five, was taken to Spring Creek and baptized according to the rites of the German- Baptist Cherch. Being unable to walk, she was placed. in a eight car loads of live boas, containing chair and carried into the stream by a minister and an attend= . She was 5:31 head, and. one car of cattle, via Boston for Liverpool. three then immersed tittles the water -being cold as ice. When she was -Mr. mid Mrs. Scott-Siddons dined brought out of the water the third with His Excellency the Governor - 'time, the pallor ok death was in her General and Her Royal Highness the face. Her husbandaud. children sup - Princess Louise on Friday. posed that she was dead, and being --Greet exciteneent prevails at P overcome with emotion, they gave vent Yarmouth, Nova Bootie., audit is fear- b b their anguish in tears. The woman ed bloodshed will ensue, in consequence was wrapped in,,blankets and taken to a of the liquor trials now in progress thereneighbor's house, where hot, bricks and -The Emerson Manitobahiterna- irons were applied to her feet, and () ire tional says: Mtraveller in from Pem- stimulants admrrietka, and after c bine ountain says the road. for forty much exertion ehe was brought to on - miles is lined with teams drawing in sciousness. Her first words on recover - wheat. ing to consciousness were: "God, am I with you? I am so cold, so cold." It -Thomas Lord, the New York mil - was some -time before tbe • ice in her lionaire, whose marriage with Mrs. hair was thawed out. .Juat :before she Hicks in December, 1877, attracted night, arevived, she could hear her friends atteiged 85 e-Gorrigan's tobacco ma,nufactory, the largest in New Orleans; has been seized by' the revenue officials. -The Rev. E. P. Hammond., the American evangelist, is conducting a series of revival services at Brant- ford. -Jelin Black, of Berlin, is shipping nton, died. last years. around her, but was unable to speak or -The citizens of Omaha have ehipped, move. a carload of flour to Glasgow, Scotland, for the relief of the unemployed and distressed.. Free transportation was furnished. -The definitive treaty of peace be- tween Russia, and Turkey has at last been signedthe event being the cause of considerable rejoicipg in the Turkish provinces. -Lord. Dufferin, our late G-overnor- General, has received the appointment of I3ritish Ambassador to St. Peters- burg. The appointment_ gives great satisfaction. -The valuable team of horses be- longing to Mr. Re Jackson, London township, that sectired first prize at the Western Fair es Carri&ge horses, have both died diiriug the past two weeks. -A young lady passing along Queen street, Toronto, the other morning, had her ear nearly cut eff by a piece of ice whicli flew u p and'struck her. A man was breakiag the ie from the sidewalk with an axe. -A despatch fr ha Berlin, Prussia, - says : Vrwenty-twe hundred Catholic ladies oftIoe Rhine Provinces have for- warded a petition- to the Eniperor against the suppredsion of the Ursuline • Convents. Floyd County, Indiana, there is hydrophobia, scare and great eeeite- ment. A number of persons have been bitten and a general slaughter of dogs has followed, In one township.. two hundred dogs have beau killed, - -A motion is before the United - States Senate to cirant the wife and daughter of the kite Bayard Taylor, who are in peounniry embarrassment, au amount equal a.1> a year's salary of the Berlin mission.; -The Indians of the Eagle Hill Mis- eion band waited ien Lieutenant -Gov-. 'ereor Laird,. at 1 Battleford, end stated that they . never were so near starvation as et- the present. They ' asked. for provisions in advance. The matrimoplat Mix-ture took place -A...McKillop,-aeld Joseph Wilton, of: Wet Lore°, have I sectired the timber on the let December, 1869 and proved uu . to benompounded of most ongenialele- ti! tract of 7.000 [tares, containiug celleut hardwood, hetongingto the Can- .• ments- - t tide Company, in Colchester township, e- - g J. 0 UR LIFE WORTIT. 11) Cises?-Sick- e.Essex. They have already commenced nen prevails everywhere,and everybody lumberme open toes. . -7-04 Saturday afteruoon Cock fight- ing for stekes maw:luting to $50 was in- dulged in by a large uumber of Mon- treal bovs. The birds were armed With A Marriage Proposal and the Briefest Answer on Record. ' Writing from 'Greenfield, Conn., ,Rev. Dr. T. L. Culvers relates the following marriage incident, whicb; happened. there in "ye Olden. time :" I . , Rev. Steven. Mix Made a journey to Northampton 1606, in search of a wife. He arrived. at 'Rev. Solomon Stoddard's, informed him of the ob- ject of his visits and that the pressure of heine duties iequieed the utmost dis- patch. . Mr. Stoddard took him into the room ,where his daughters were, and intro- duced him to Mary, Esther, Christiana, Sarah, Rebekah and. Haample aucl.then retired. Mr. Mix, addressed ! Mary, the eldest daughter, said he had been lately settled in. Wethersfield, and Was desir- ous. of obtaining a wife, and concluded by offering her his heart and hand.. She blushingly replied. that so, imeortant -a proposition required. time for cousidera- don: I He rejoined that he Was pleased that seasked foiesuiltable time for reflec- tion, and in order' to afford her the needed. opportunity to think of his pro- posal, he would step into -an adjoining room and smoke pipe I xvibla her father, and she could. 'report to him. Hav- ing smoked. hie pipe, and sent a Xrie8- sage to Miss Mary that he was ready for her answer, she Came in and asked for futlier, time foi: considera- tion. He replied that sbe should reflect still longer on the subject, and send her an- sWer by letter to Wethersfield: In a.fe_w weeks he received her .reply, „which -is probably the most laconic epistle of the kind ever penned. Here is the model let- ter, which -was soma followed by a wed- dipg : " NORT114611)TON, 1006. " Itrai STEPHEN : Yes. _ . ---- '" Meal- Seoneeele." eondition medicine there is nothing in i horse whether mi.& the horse be kept using it; it is just t who own horses r they shofild have c Remember the nam signature of Hurd & age. Northrop & L THE 't has no equal; which can injure a or well -nor need m working while e article which all quire, and which nstantly on hand. , and see that the Co. is on each. pack - man, Toronto, Ont. proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. EPPS'S COCOA.—Glateful and. comfort- knoVeledge of the govern the opera - nutrition, and by of the fine proper - cocoa, Mr. Epps akfa,st tables with beverage, which eavy doctor's bills. use of such articles ution may be grad- trong enough to re, to disease. Hun - ladies are floating o 'attack wherever t. We may escape y keeping ourselves pure blood, and a Ser- ly in packets label - Co., Horneeopath- eadneeclle Street, ondon." 482-52 ing.-"By a thorou natural laws which time of digestion an. a careful applicatio ties of well selecte has provided our br a delicately flavore may save us many It is by the judieiou of diet that a consti ually built up until ,sist every tendency dreds of subtle m around eiS ready there is. a weak poi many a fatal shaft well fortified with properly inourished vice Gazette. Sold oi led-" James Epps ic Chemists, 48, TI and 170, Piccadilly, complains of some cli.sease. during tlimr life. When sick,the objent is, to gee well; uow to say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, . Liver COmplaint and its effects, Such as eteel epurs end lacerated each other Indigestion, CostiVeness,Siek Headache, considerably. - A "relic of barbarism , Sour Stomach, Heart Berne Palpitation such as this ought liot to be tolerated • of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, BAL- M a 'Christi= country. . winless, dec., can take GREEN'S AUGusT , ---;\. mae1 iu Toronto nemed Taylor FeowER without getting relief and. cure. ' t.,0!-:. otetasi,,u th C) et his wife from the If you. doubt 'this go to your Druggist house for seine rea(ion or other a night and get a SamPleBottle for 10 cents and or two ago. The I Woman, in revenge try it. Regular size 75 emits, two doses hoiling water on her. husband. The for his having ejected her, threw some will relieve you!. .. . . . lean will probably lose his eyesight • 1.11-E111:1101)Y SAYS So. -That it is all fru the elTeeLS of the scalding. ' who have either used the tFticle them- ealt will - antke some middleetged selves Or witnessed its !effects when ye :We; feel old. to hear that the Princess -used by others ; all such, , nd they axe Il.:yal. Who fva6 b ltivIttlita I 16_', iS ()II II- ! IL zerandinether A REAL NECESSITY.— out a bottle of Hagyard's eident. _Thep is no prep ing humanity that has in cures, or relieved so much called by some the Good o house should be with- ellow Oil. in case of ae- ration offered to suffer - de so many permanent pain and misery. itis amaritan,- by others the cure-all, and by the afdic d an Angel of Morey. For sale by Messrs. Lums len & Wilsou, Seaforth 1-585 CENTRAL GROCERY Jrn within their re- only fit to judge, are liner iii10118 in the he point of becom- opiniou that " Darleyai Coeditiop POW - Her daughter; the ders and. Arabian Heave Remedy" are Itertelititry l'eincees of Saxe-Meiniugen, superior to enythiug of the kind here- expeeting hie confinement uext tofore or at present in use for cOrighs, inonth e ti!at, if all goes well, Her colds, thick whid,, and all diseases '1 t\ the Quee will be a great- which affect the Wind of I orses. A.s a LAIpLAIN & FAIRLEY- WILL SHOW AT. THE "CENTRAL GROCER -Y" WEEK, A LARGE STOCK OF. NEW FRUIT, COMPRISING: Six Cases Patras Currants, entirely free from Sand , Four,' cases Messina Currants, wash- ed ready for us. Five barrels Common Currants, at Twenty Pound a forne dollar. Htifty boxes new Valencia Raisins, selected ol , - Ten boxes .London Layer s,black bas- ke and blue basket, for table use. Ten boxes Sultana Raisins, entirely .free from seeds! Figs in Mats, four pound, and one and a half pould boxes Le9n6n, Orange and Citron Peels. Extra Ground Sugar for icing. Almonds, Filbert.? and Walnuts. TESANp SUGARS, COFFEES, k'PICES, & Always in Stock, and. warranted the best value i the market. FLOOR, FEED AilD PROVISIONS. We '..rnvite Inspe lion of our large Stoa of CROCKERY AN D GLASSWARE, 1176/.(i1t, we are Selling Off at prices to suit the times. LA IDLAW & FAIRLEY, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEA.FORTH. ROWN INK." TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL BE WNVINCED THAT IT IS A FIRST-CLASS INK, AND THAT -TOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. C J_Z 0 -NAT is -as good ctfier Icing frozen as any (..tommon Ink before freezing, . and yet is , - sold for ONLY 15 CIS. PER PINT BOTTLE - AND ALIBER.eL DISCOUNT TO ., THE T tux DE: HURON EXPOSITOR. THE GOi,DN LION, SELAPORTI A, LA GE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRI TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, REC IVED AT TfiE GOLDEN kIO T, SE'AFORT a,. A, LA PRI REO LIC) AL. ,PRI IREC ,LIO A LA PR1 Egc LIO 11 EJ 1\T S A1_1 T—J tiai '— PATRONIZE HOME INDUS RIWrs Why go abroad for your Furniture when you can get as Good Valie for your money in &mall as any other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has now onhand a Splendid Stook of GE -LOT OF NEW SPRING P 1J R N 1 r11 tT TS. EXT RA ; GOOD VALUE, IVED. AT THE GOLDEN , SEAPORTS. GE LOT OF NEW SPRING TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, IVED AT THE GOLDEN , SEAPORTS. GE LOT OF NEW SPRING TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, IVED AT THE GOLDEN , SEAPORT H. A LA l,GE LOT OF NEW SPRING P.RI TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LIO T, SEAFORTH. AaLAI G -E LOT OF NEW SPRING 'PRI TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, It EC IVED AT THE GOLDEN • LIO T, SEAFORTH. A LA :GE LOT OF NEW SPRING - PRI TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RE EIVED AT THE GOLDEN. 1 LIO , SEAFORTH. _ A LA tGE LOT OP NEV SP.RING PRI TS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LIO SEAFORTH. A LA. GE LOT OF NEW SPRING- ' PRINTS, EXTRA. GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LIO T, SEAFORTH. A LA GE LOT OF NEW SPRING •PRI YTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RE EIVED AT THE GOLDEN , LIO , SEAFORTH. A LA GE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRI 'TS. EXTRA, GOOD VALUE, RE I EIVED AT THE GOLDEN LIO , SEAPORTS. A LA GE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RE 'EIVED AT THE GOLDEN . LIO T, SEAFORTH. .There is as muell Iek in a piet bottle as in! eivht 5c. bott es -40 cents worth. Do not Throw .'our _gone!' Away Buying Cent -IA RRY AffrcHELL). SOLE AC ENT, FOR 1SEAFORTI O.V11..4 To. THE HENSALL PO$K FACTORY. A LA GE LOT 01? NEW SPRING - PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, 1 RE lEIVED AT THE GOLDEN , SEAPORTS-. LIO LA PR RE LIO IGE LOT OF NEW SPRING NTS, EXTRA. GOOD VALUE, 3EIVED AT TITE GOLDEN , SEAFORTH. R. JAMIESON. PRO RIETARY ARTICLES. ic DONTALG ICA, P:k., Tit I • OF ETERY DESC.RIPTION, Which he will sell at Prices to Suit th.e Times. • UNDERTAKI,NG IN ALL ITS BRANCHES PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Also a First- Class Hears Which he furnish for FUNERALS, on Boilable terms. J31_TTLIDING-S.. Contracts for Buntlines of every description taken on most reasonable terms. Material fir. nished if deeired. Remember the Heneall Furniture and undaa - c taking gstablishment. 576 S. FAIRBAIRN. SIGN 01 e CIRCULAR THE SAW. WM. ROBERTSON! 84. P0., SEAFORTH. CALL AT WILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO.'S AND SEE THE IMPROVED at te. • td 0 t-4 ee tel zj tse ret t=i 0 0 trd 02 td 0 t-, (r) c[vVH NC RAN "e4 SELECTED STOCK. OF A111ER.TCAN LOCKS AND GENERAL BUILDERS' c.- 0 lOOlfVd N30100 )-1-1 1\TOTIC-P1 Owing to the univorsal de- pression in Trade and the dull times for the past sea- son, people generally have practised ECONOMY in their purgiases in all branches or trade. 'The GROCERY BUSI- NESS has felt the pressure with the rest Considering this, we feel gratified -that our Business has HELD hs OWN. -Although the Hard times are 'not yet past, we feel that the worst is over, and people MUST HAVE CHEAP GOODS. hi anticipation 0/ this we hare laid iiz an un- usually large Stock of TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TOBACCOS, FISH, CURRANTS, and RAIS- INS, together with a General Stock, of FRESH GROCERIES. 1 have also on hand a lqrge stock of CROCKERI„ GLASS- WARE, LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, itchich, will be sold at extraordinary low prices for cash. connection with this we Always Keep on Hand cat FLOUR, FEED 'AND PROVIS- IONS of all kinds. In plat- = chasing 1 have kept an eye Ito the main fact, rix., That we must BUY CHEAP for we know that lye will hare to SELL* CHEAP. Our Shop is on the southside of Main -A tt opposite Mark,et-st., Strong Fairley's old stand. 572 M. MORRISON. Zxvwcc avrz FURNITURE. FURNITURE. DIAMOND CROSS -CUT SAW, MADEl?' M. ROBERTSON, FROM THE BEST DOUBLE REIN- CABINETMAKER ED CAST STEEL, AND GUARIN- PRE ARED ONLY 13Y HICKSON & BLEASDELL, TEED TO CUT THIRTY COR.DS OF 11_11_1 CU:FEJ Z HARDWOOD W 1 T Y1 0 UT REF T - rhe orst case of Tooth Ache, caused from Iecayed Teeth. We will refund the m ney in any case where it fails to cure a ter a fair trial. ' _ P1 ICE, 15 CENTs A BOTTLE. G. Sr. J PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST pilICE for , nny q, entity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL KINDS: QUIZ ED MEATS C-nstui y on hentl„ FINE LA I: Te; CL117 521 A ITSAtl ES, PORK &e, G. & J. PETTY. RM POWDERS, Prepa ed by: IIICKeON & BLEAS- DELLa at 25 Cents a Box, . For C hildreit or Adults, are Perfectly Safe, Lnd will act itt nine cases out of ten. klways fresh, and may be relied, on. IMP OVED CONDITION POWDERS Prep. •ed ouly by HICKSON & BLEAS- D , at'25 cents a pound, or 5 pounds or $1 FOR ,11ORSE(S. 01? CA'fTLd. They Porify the Blood, and build up,the syste i generally, producing a sleek and glossy coat, an elastic step and a bright eye. 13e sure yeu get the right kind, as there are niamy in the market of no medic nal use. HIC SON & BLEASDELL'S F AM LY APERIENT ANTIBILIQUS LIV la PILL'S, tbe Great Vegetable Blood Ponder. They act hlie a charm on th Stomach and Liver. 'RICE, 25 cENTs A BOX. "TO Prey; DEL tite, sivety 3 VE RITTERS" red ouly by .HICKSON & BLEAS- a for Indigestion, Loss of Appe7 Dyspepsia, &c. Composed exclu- of roots and herbs. PRE E, 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. 0 Prep: DEL Sore Thro PRI of of Fluit Pow HI MPOUND COUCH SYRUP," red only by HICKS() N & BLEAS- . es Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, •Thrmt, and all Diseases of the Lt. and Lungs. Gives immediate anCl a speedy cure. 'E, 25c. AND 50e. A BOTTLE. the above we melte a numb: r uer l, eletratioes, as \Vioter Whoopieg Cough Itemedy, KSON & BLEASDELL, S 1,.; A. F 0 R. . TING. ALSO LANCE TOOTH, ONLY 75 CENTS PER FOOT. WM. ROBERTSON & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. KIDD'S HARDWARE. EECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CPT NAILS, SPADES. SHOVELS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FENC/NG WIRE AND ,BUILDING 1(DW41zE Of Every Description Cheep. EAVE IROUGH8 AND CONDayeel Ile -PIPE _ Put up on the Shortest N otice am; Wert ens ee Special .1 mducemeias to Cash and Prompt Paying. Cmtomers. .WEIN SEA.FORTH PLANING Mi LI SASH, DOOR AND BUND.FACijWV '' EIE uh'eri bt' » ge leave to thank hiw an: tea u . customete for be liberal patronage eat t;itAiti, to himeinee emu:rooming business in. Seaton 11.atul frn4ts hat he ',fay be favored with it (ember:eine of the. 4.:1.11.1..t. P. tales in,: eliding to build wonld (10 wei, t,.r7e e i keel. 01 'DRYNsiEkILUNTER, EM 1>f)011S, iLlNl., AIOULDIN(,:,„ SH.I.NGLE:-:, LATH, ETC, II ef-7:1,7 cou1171: 111 tif 1k34tti11Ct1OLt etee e wale rely faaseeti aim watiltheir patrounsaeat, eaee bat firet-ct et %bile; ewe a *L., tatflOyeo tle111.1 aa, ••• tn f:w,1 2t) >10 ii. UIIL\I)FUi,J r. AND‘ UNDERTAKER, HAS AGAIN OPENED A. Retail Furniture Store Two Doors North of his Old Stand, epposite Waddell & Co.'11 Dry Goods Store, where he is prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING .Attended to as Usual. • A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &e., always on hands 581 Ma ROBERTSON. t,274 - go co .0 THE .NEWSHOPR FARMERS, ATTENTION! 7D_ TIOC-1-.A..1•1-, Formerly of the Filrilt of Monroe t. Hogan, having purchased the, large and commodious premises form- erly occupied by Mr. David Mc. - "Vaught, on No)th Main Street, is now prepared to do every kind of :GENERAL ffl.ACKS#IITHIlit, Such as HORSE SHOEING-, REPAIRING, &e. He will also keep on hands. first-class steak of PLOWS, HARROWS, And other Implements of his own Manufacture. PRICES MODERATE Al Good_ Work Gaaranteed. ..hopes to receive a -call from ell his Old friends elides many new -oneS as fed Melina.. • THE CONSOLIDATED BANK ; OF CANADA. (IA in - - = $4,000-001). O1'IY 114.:e K 110 N r Is leAL, Incorporated lbSll; taei ROYAL C.A %DIAN BA:else Ier Wawa:AAA 1E6.1. Remember the Shore -North of the Queen's Hotel, West Side. D. HOGAN, SZAPORTH. - THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM —SE A FOE TH.— MRS. WHITNEY, viTISFIES owe more to remind her many " Lien& end eustomers that she is now better prepared then over te supply all their wants in her ,ine. She As one of the most coat plet e it.rsortmeets Of ST077- - Bell Coal and Wood, Cooking,- Hall .and Parlor, of the latest desigue that , earl be found in any town in the county, en -1 at prices AS low as the loavest. Ifer assor nient el - Was never better or :Tone Vaeie-1: COAL CIL, Both Whet sale and Retell at a very Slight ad- vs:ice on mennfactrarers tees. "Repairing end Eave-Trongbing promptly attended to and en- tire sal 'election ieu Inuit( ed. BRUaEFIELD. - For the better at eoloodai ion of h en at:erten Mrs. Whitney lots ape ea 21 b. Alle 141-41re Brucellehi. tcher.-; will at: 1smn.1 a corm& eteck of evei riling in her liee, She would oi :act par> t ea liar r-otber .0 7 lot invvC inspeerio n to her -ea 0.7 es, v,bieh inli p irthwier,4 slxyala see 1 atom p'i b lee• ebeewheee. lime rebel- when you eonte to tie 1-orlb or Brneell. 1.1 delft leave rjihnt ir spear tea my st It. will b tinle w.11apera. M RS, WHIT,,'.; EY, Seeferth end Brae.. *'eld. DR. WILMA-xi CRAY'S aVE4.-1 [le MEDICINE, SEA FORTH BRANCII DONT UV ION E3Lf..)0K1 MAIN -ST. E.A FORTH. • E>ratt.. 01.1 :*7 (-NV VOVIC Pay .11.: at, Ilaut.: i . t0( 1' uite . -1-;`,. 1 --, ,kailla of Earitataxgo. on London payable • at a:1 1.7tiref.Ciries. of tea eeitesi adage:nut. 1 _V TEREST PAID ON 11) B PO Sj The Great Euglisla Remeay is espe,-iff)1) teofrimentlied as an f3i 'hoz '11w- ernirni3. Weakates Sperniaterrhea, Irapo- teney, and all diseaees that fallow ase -• quence of Self aheee, _ Before Taking as Loss of Memory, .tAlitaiTaklegi Unit ereal inc Pack, .Deneeae, of Vieloit Pee:IA-sure Ohl Age, aim many ether cliteareee :hat t� 11:,;111.4. a or Coneamptior, Pri±uriture Grava, ih tri whieb asrt reit, :zee first cent- ed by deviathal floa, :he Prit'a ei eat:um 11:14 over ital.:ger:or The t• tIsri.74)1t 4A. z: SUL 4,30 LIts'ar y< ef ex- poief ee iu fret:film the Trete': alieeset. Pam- ii.aq -PI. 53 n. il. '1:e.. ••;petette Medicine ie eeld 1.3- ell Int:a:Ai-Is al -zti per p. eleee, eati fur or will be :au: b ree t '.T the 313' Ley, by hildiegAug 1\- I1.LIa!,1 6121. 4. 1:0•7 AVizelaer, Out. faole etreth by Hi 150n £ Llee,e,e11, 3_ S. R.:4.aq 11-aleelee 41.4. a. dru,gg14.• e