HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-21, Page 5RU.ARY 21, 1879 111111118181111811:11111111MM . • • . • awyer of the place who used er at the sta•te bar, but is kard. Mixon. Notes. Walpere of Eaeter, has pun- ig's Hotel, Zurich. iron Assize Court -will open on Monday; the 14th of ern's chief constable is Mr. idsou. He gets a salary of MUM. - 1 meetiugs have been held tine.' is t Episcopal Ch u rob., n a week or so past. Dunbar, of the firm of Dan- rs, has, returaed to Ethel af- nhy vacatiou among his ea, johnsten has purchased hn leyle, 100 acres of lend plot of Wingham, township rvfor the handsome sum of last week a. fine young seing to Mr. Jas. Westcett, of at its leg badly cut by cone - •t with a plow share while rough the barn. (11 L1 Ritchie, of Myth, was I pared seis on Monday even - he of bee side is ren: etIv helpless, eaul doubts are of her recovery-. eek Mr._ IL Luxton, of Ex - font very severely while McGillivrey. The gash was Dr. Hutchiason. Mr. -Lun- t be able to do any work for weeks. lelser- of last week, Dr. Hat- , Exeter, weist on a profes- to the Elimville parsonage, his horse stood at the door, strippea his cutter of robes, No clue to the perpetrator escevered. belonging to Mr. W. Baker, n, whielt ran away with Mrs. le corning to Exeter, a few !ernated the freak last week, Sirs. Baker about a mile the village. The runaway s stopped near the Mansion ate of the shafts of -the cutter norge Armstrong, of Morris, ged ill skidding logs. ea the re Peter Cantelen, north half u the 7th concession of Mor- irsday last, met With a seri- at„ getting his leer fractured es, The fractured limb was. s is progressiug as well as a:noted. Fullington, whonwas Exeter lately, and who was to jail for carrying a revel, r trial for burglary, has Goderich jail. He is a mein-- agersoll gang, some of whom at Loudon, and gave there f Beatty. He is wanted there, nhable that he will be rear- ne lately, a little child of Mr.. sail, who lives itt the town .-ingliam. near the cemetery, the doorstep and fell on the board, cutting the flesh be - eyes quite to the bone. d was called M, and three an put late the wound. The ng as well as coal be ex - :wading factory, at Exeter, nown asMcNabb's Bending AS totally destroyed by fire moraing last. It was own - Hall, of St. Marys. The fire irk of an incendiary. The lachinery and stock were in - 4,001 It was set on fire three fernier occasions was seen h damage was done. assels, on Monday evening ts Mrs. Humble, who lives Laughter, 316. Shiel, was go- etairs, she lost her balance the bottom upon her face, el striking the floor violently.. ,d lady escaped instant death e. The injury is a painful •is hoped that a full reeovery nrienced. - se, in coneectien with the church, Molesworth, was Idnesday evening. last eveek. allsphell occupied the chair. nere delivered by Rev. Ur. astor of the church ; Rev. v. Wroxeter; Rev. Mr. Mc- 6towel„ and others. The well filled, and :everything ,greeably. The stun of $49 n at the door. 'I. J. W.Butcher, of Exeter, Ighter were driving up the ad, about a quarter of a mile he corporation, on Friday 1: inst., their cutter was up - horse started home, leaving 1. The animal came home to the stable, tile, door of The runner of the broken' be coming la con - re door -casings of the stable nately Mr. and Miss B utch- hurt, eays a source of pleasure to advancement of Huron's the many friends of Dr. arinsota son of Mr. W: S. who lately :removed from ill be pleased to learn that ten arepeinted surgeon on teaniship Peraviaan of the The vessel, during the 011, sails between Liver - ex and Baltimore, peedin between . Liverpool WI Inwing are the officers of the • 'ee of the Independent Order risplars: P. W. C. T., Bro. W. C. T., Bro. W. Hard - L, Sister E. Hicks; airbaira ; W. T., Bro. A. Bro. G. H. Bissett ; W. J. N. Howard ; W. C., Bro. V. A. S.. Siter S.Smale; ..;s,ter D. Maxeltall ; Omer; L. II. S., Sister -S. G Sistir MLatta.; 0 G - teem. anday night, (ith- inst., about if the nent influential citi- 'eeidents of the vicinity of ,isrprised Mr. A. J. Rollins n at his residence, backed kited quantal; of oysters a.rul ihintsrs of life, to wish him God -speed prior to Ins de- Marlitoba, whither he goes reeks. A splendid banquet and partaken of by the ae- iends, after which Mr. T. ras veted into the chair, and Atkieson read an address ed Mr. Roliine with beanti- -copies of Charles Dickens' lee, comprising 14 volumes. $25. Mr. Rains was taken FEBRUA RY 21, 1879. • THE URON EXPOSITOR. 5 completely by surprise and very feeling- ly re.plied to the address, and heartily. thatke&. the friends for the beautiful present. Speeehes by a number. Of tlioe present followed, and a splendid time was spent. - -At the annual dinner, under the auspices.. of the Morris Branca Agricul- tural Society,held at Blyth, the- chair was ably filled. by Mr. Andrew Sloan, who made- some very sensible remarks and introduced the speakers in the fol- lowing order : J. Biggins, Wm. Clegg, G. Watts C. Hamilton., X. Cumming, M. L. Aldrich, T. X. Bell, J. Mason and J. Gaylen The speech.es were interspersed with interesting songs by Messre. Neil - arida, Wm. Weatherston • and Lashare. The affair passed off very pleasantly. -On the 6th inst., after a long and, severe illness, Miss Ann Wilson breath- ed her last at the residence of her brothersin-laiv, Mr. Jamee S-werieeton, Sauble Grange, township of Hay. Din' ceaged lady was well and favorably'. known in the docality„ and has for many years, beeu a .enember. af Mr. Swener- Wife family, to whom she was much endeared. She bore her long .illness patiently, and died confiding in the faith which had sustained her through. her sufferings. lier remains were folio -Wed to the grave by a large mime ber of frieads, On the following. Satur- day. John 'Drew, of Exeter, was driving his span of spirited horses .up Main street, on Monday evening week, when the noise of the scaol clail- &en on their way from school frighten- ed•thens., and they dashed off .at a rapid pace, turning the corner at the market with great velocity, throwing Mr. Drew aad. a boy aut of the sleigh. He held on to the lines With one hand,' while with the other he prevented the sleigli fromfalling on iaini, and in this danger - ons position was dragged a considerable distance, before he managed to get. the headstrong animals stopped. Mr. Drew was somewhat injured, but not so seri- ously as he would have been had he not had the presence of mind. to hold the sleigh from falling on him: • . named Senn was brought to justice at Mitchell, charged with the forgery of a A Good. Beginning. note made by Robert Dawkes, of Ful- . • lar•ton, in favor of a lightaing rod corei- An Ottawa corresnondent referring to Dawkes stated • that he could the proceedings on the opening day of - not read Writing, but that he agreed to the Dominion Parliament session says: sign a note for $7.50 for two rods put "If the feeling eahibited yesterday up for him by .. the ...Ontario Copper -- Lightning Rod Company, and that the agent had read the Dote to him as be- ing $7.50, and. afterwards made - its $47.50. A witness Who was at that time an associate. of Senn's; but who, is now .working :for an 'opposition com- pany, swore that Senn did make the alteration after leaving Dawkes' house, though both said. witness and. Dawkes admitted that the work performed and the articles furnished by the company were well Worth $47.50. On the strength of the evidence given by his former associate Senn was Committed to stand his trial at the spring assizes. Bell was accepted for his .appearance. out that the animals lied 'been stolen, one from Mrs. Ewins, of Salem, and the other from Mr. Faulkner, of Carthage; to whom they had to be re- turned. -One evening last week, as a son of Mr. Thomas Marks, of Wallace, was driving a horse and cutter belonging to Mr. John Bond, near Wallaceville, the horse became unmanageable, upsetting the cutter. The horse ran away,break- ing the cutter_ and seriously injuring the horse. ' -On Wednesday last week, Mr. Matthew Heathy, well digger, of Strat- ford, was digging a well at tfiei Grand. Trunk -Railway station at Acton, when the heavy bucket that, is used in draw- ing up the earth, &c., fell on him from a distance of about 30 feet. He was badly injured and his recovery is doubt • ful, -As a son of Mr. .John English, of Wallace, was returning from Listowel one day last week, the sleigh suddenly gave a jerk in a pitch hole, the young man fell under the sleigh; and had it not been for timely assistance he would in all probability have been killed.. He escanod with his coat torn and some bruises. He is in a fair way to re- covery. • -In Elma last week an accident oc- curred to a tittle fellow, a son of Mr. McNichol', a Meet respected farmer, in whicb he received very severe injuries, in the fracture of one of .his legs. The little fellow was playing with eine of his school -mates, and very tiefertunately for him he slipped, breakinghisleg in two places. He is now progressing as favorably as ciecinustancenwill permit. -Last week two ladies driving from Seaforth to Dublin turned off to allow two teams loaded with lumber to pass, Bald were capsized into the 'ditch. The gallant young men in charge of the loads not even waiting to ex:Auden jerusha,"proceededeoolly on their way, leaving theladies, who had so kindly given them all the road, to -get _their horse, cutter and buffalo robes out of the snow the best they could. -Last week a lightning rod agent afternooet is to be taken as an index of e the feeling of parties towards each other during the session, a very pleasant Erne may be expected, and the scenes of the last two sessions are not likely to be repeated. There was •a great deal of handshaking before the house met, and ail appeared to be in remarkably good humor. In the expectation of a debate on the Speakershin and a pos- sible" division, the members were nearly all in their seats, while the galleries were crowded with spectators. • No businesswasdone until the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod arrived and making three of the profoundest of bows duly delivered the message from the deputy-Govenor sammoning the mem- hers to the bar of the Senate where they were informed that when they had elected a Speaker His Excellency would be pleased to state his reasons for calling Parliament together on their return. Sir John Macdonald at once, as was expected, nominated .Dr. Blan- chet as Speaker, and in so doing re- ferred to this gentleman's long parlia- mentary experience and the qualifica- tions which his having been Speaker of the Quebec Legislature for eight years gave him for the position: The Hon. S. L. Tilley seconded the nomina- tion. The_Ilon. Mr. Mackenzie, who occupies the seat held by Sir John Mac- donald last session, then rose and reraineled Sir John that in 1872, when nominating the Hon. Mr. Cockburn for the Speakership, he had laid down the principle that when practicable the previous speaker should be re- elected. He followed up this remark, amid laughter from the Minsteriel side of the 110118g, by stating that as the right hon. gentleman had last year ex- pressedlis high praise of the qualifica- tions of the member for Gloucester for the position, he would have nominated that gentlemen. However, as this had not been done, no nomination could have been made which would give greater pleasure to the members on that side of .the House. The motion' was then carried, unanimously. This idea of having a, permanent Speaker is too much patronage attached to the positiou for it ever to be put in practical - operation. Mr. Mackenzie's remarks were evidently moreby way of remind- ing Sir John Macdonald of his devia- tion from a rule once laid d.oWn by himself then with the expectation that any palitical party in Canada woald consent to have a gentleman holding views adverse to themselves in the position. of first commoner. The Speaker having been elected, the - adjournment of the house was at once moved.' Perth Items. - Births. DAVIS-In Exeter, on the 5th instant, the wife of Edwin Davie of a daughter. ' K1LPATRICKIn Crediton, on the 8rd instant, • the wife of Ralph Kilpatrick of a son. CROCKERIn Exeter, on the 10th instant, the wife of Richard Crocker of a son. HORN -In Exeter, on the 8th instant, the wife of TiloDIRS Horn of a son. 1.3UCHANNAN-In Blyth, on thei2th instant, the wife of Mark Buchannan of a son.: HUGHES -Le Blyth, on the llth instant, the wife of enamel Hughes of a son. MeMILLAN-In Tuckeramitleon the 13th instant, the wife Of Miles McMillan of a daughter. STEEL -In Seaforth, on the 5th instant, the wife of Robert Steel of a daughter. TROTT-In Seaforth, on the 12th. -inetant, the wife of George Trott of a daughter, GRIEVE -At Kinburn, on the 14th instant, the WC01Robert Grieve of a son. PURVIS-In TuckerSmith, on the 15th iustant, the wife of Henry Purvis of a son. • HUMESTON-In Blooming Hill, the wife of Jno. Humeston of twin eels.' BROWNEW-e-In Sealnth, en the 17th instant, the wife of Joseph. rownell of a daughter. • ' -A Mr. Robert Henry,. of Ekren has baby.seven months old that weighs 48 pounds. -At the skating carnival in Strat- ford lest week, Master W. Halford, of• earried off first prize for comic character. -.ca man named A. Brethour, boasts Marriages. ANDERSON-LREID-In the township of Fuller- ton, et, the residence of the bride's father, on the 13th instant, by the; Rev. Mx. Rice, Mr. Richard Anderson of Hnllett, late of Usborne, to Isabella, second' daughter; of Philip Reid, Esq. GARRETT-PEINTRICE-At the "Commercial Ho- tel, Exeter, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. E. J. Robinson, Mr. Thomas Garrett, to Miss Ellen Penrice, both of McGillivray. Friday, March -14, 1879, on Lot 10, Con. 3, Hay, Farm, Farm Steck =dim - plements. Jacob Lemmel, proprietor; Bossenberry 81 Orthe, auctioneers. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH. Feb. 20, lti79. Fall Wheat ' 083 to 092 Spring Wheat, Fife, per 1 nehel.. .0 78 to 0 85 8pring1Whent,Red Chaff per bush. 0 '75 lie 80 o 30 to 083 11 65 to 0 58 0 40 to 0 56 0 10 to 012 0 12f to 1,18 2 25 to 2 25 7 00 to 800 0 05 to 0 05 4 00 8 00 I 26 0 76 0 66 0 50 to 060 2 25 to 226 0 05 to 0 06 Oats per bnshel Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter, No. ), Leone Siege Flour, per --100 Hey flidea per lb Grub Hides per 100 lbs... Fallen Hides, per 100 Ib. Sheep skins 0 50 to Salt, (retail)per barrel Salt ( w lolesale) per bar Oatme9lkehrl Potatoe . per bushel Tallow4 per lb. Beef, i rmarters, per 10 Dreeseil Hogs lbs..... 8 50 to 6 00 4 50 tor 5 00 Fall eirleat, per tinshol. Spring Wheat, perbush Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel Clover Seed, per bushel Timot y Seed, per push Batter Cerneene Feb. 20, 11.14. ......... 0 83 (c4 089 0 74 at 0 80 0 26 en o 80 50 eY. 0 65 9 60 el• '0 55 e 3 50 (3 oo 1 50 ®, 75 0 12 '0 15 ,50 5 00 , 051) ne )0 55 r 13 ere '0 14 8u0 ni; 900 .. • Pork Potato Eggs RaY,P a r ton. To mere, Feb. 2 950; spring, 75 to 70c; oats, 29c to 3 dressed hogs. $5 50 rolls; 18c to 20c; t eggs, 23c to 25ce p -Fall wheat, 85 to 840; barley, 50 to c: peas, 55c to 61c ; o $6; butter, pound. h, 13c to 12c; fresh eked, 16c to 180. Liverpool B tter Market. LIVERPOOL, Feb long -continued sev mains with us an espeaially for cho are very scarce; ti ter enquiry for oth here is small of ev grades. We miote fine 80s to 90s, me low qualities 40s t . 8. -The unsu ally re weather still re - the market .is firm, ce qualities, which is makes rather bet - r sorts. The stock n second and. lower finest 100s to 105s. ium 658 to 75s, and 50s per cwt. Live Sto k Markets. Unusually ly of cattle caused p considerably, and nee quite scarce by ek. Yesterday and rloads of beef cattle t satisfaction. of the getting rather leng- es pretty brisk ta- me rates as prevail- ed last Monday, the highest sales made being at about Life tle offered were s cept about fifty priee was $30 to Ile per lb. MONTREAL, Feb. small, week's sup . prices to stiffen beef pattle had bee the end of the w to -day nine more c arrived, to the gre butchers, who wer visaged. - Trade day at about the s CAVE -HUNTER -At St: Paul's Whigheen, on the 12th ipstaut, by Rev. Rural -Dean Davis, Rector, Mr. Francis Cave, of the township ,of Usborne, to Miss Serah Ann Hunter, of the township of Morris. COULTER-BRYERS-On the 12th. instant, .at the Canade Methodiet Parsonage, Wingliam, by Rei. William Bryers, uncle to the bride, ' . Mr. James Coulter, of Newry, to Miss Hester A. Bryers, of Wiughron. THOMPSON-LONG-On the 10th instant, at the Manse, by the ROT. A. McLean, ltir. William Thompson, to MiSs Elizabeth Long all of - Blyth. PA.PST----,GRANT-In Georgetown, at the resie dunce of the bride's 'brother, by the Rev. Mr. Pringle, on the 19th instant,Mr. C. W. Paps•t, Seatorth, to Isobelle,. youngest daughter •of William Grant, Esq., of Georgetown. SECOTJR-TOMKINS-On. the °nth instant, in Cranbrook, by the Rev. Mr. McRae, M.r. Albert Seconr, of Scarboro, to Miss Mary A. Tom- kins, Of Ethel. Deaths". HENDERSON -Li Mitchell, at the residence of la. 'McPhail, Esq., on the 18th instant, Annie M. MeKenzmewife Of Mr. Alexander Henderson, aged •25 years and three. months. • SMI,LINGLAN-e-In Blooming Hill, on the 15th instant, the beloved wife of Mr. M. Shilling - lien, aged 49 years; • KILPATRICK-1n Crediton; on. the 9th i•ustant,.. • tlie infant son of it 1Cilpatrick. -WILSON-At Sauble Graege, on the • 6th insta•nt, Miss Ann Wilson. WILLIS-In Exeter, on the 10th. instant, the ie - that he threshed 00 bushles of clover cAifentson of Jolla Willhe Leg. _ , MERON-At Big Plain, leorthwcstern Terri - seed ii S hours at Mr. Shand's, in tory, on the 23rdult., Hugh Common, aged 43 - Downie. 0-ood. work. , - years. -Otto day of laet week Mr. Evans, of Blainhard, sold his celebrated. stallion, 'Caimaby," to Mr. Thompson, of Nor- wich, for the sum of $2,500. -A. Inaim named Balt, of Fullerton, wag bronedit before the police magis- trate in Stratford last week,andfined $10 and. costs for killing a dee e out of - egason. -Mr. John White, of the Mitchell pork factory, is buying up cattle with a view of shipping them to England. May the -Speculation be a profitable oue. -A Sabbath School benefit social was eei.en at the Knox Church Manse, Mitchell, on Tuesday evening last week. A very pleasant time was spent and a good Sum realized. -On. Saturday, 1st" inst., as Frede- rick -Moore, son of Mr. R. Moore, of Fuller toin• was chopping in'the woods, the axe accidentally struck his foot in- flicting a severe gash. -Two farmers living in the vicinity of Carlingford, Messrs. Crawford and McLmos, recently traded horses with a stranger, and- they were so enjoyed with their bargains that the excellent .swap n was heard. of fax and near. It was not long, however, before it tamed per lb. All the cat - Id ,before noon, ex - head: The average 0 each, or 3e to 3/c and MU may kn. United Ont., A a I greatly !would et 'date as ' D. 'invites of Gro is alway pay you prices. 4reat Wes Trains leave Brussel as under: ' GOING NORTH. Mixed.. ... .10:25 A. Accon!i.. .... 9:08 P. Mail... , .... '2:58 P. clefs Railway. station, north and soutii . I GoiNo sount. Mail 6:15 A. M. Accom 12.15 A. M . Mixed 7:95 P. M Grand T nk Railway. Tr ins leave Seafort folio s : GOIN WEST— SE Ex ress 2: Ex ress 8. Mixed Train9: Genett I AST- SE Mh,edTrain. 7:5 Ex ress Train1: 5 P. M. Mi ed Train5:0 P. M. Mi. cd Train., 10: 5 A. M. • on and Bruce. and Clin.on Stations as • FORTH. CLINTON. 5 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 8P. M. 9:211 P. M. 0 A. M. 10:00 A. M. nORTIi. ornseoe. m. 7:27 a . M. 12:50 P. M. 4:115 P. M. 10:00 A. M. GOIN Auction Sales. -Monday, March 10,011:Lot 28, Con. 14, McKillop, '.Farm Stock and Implements. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock noon. Thothas .Davidson, proprietor; John Bullard, electioneer. Saturday, February 22, 1879, at the Queen's Hotel, in the Tow.a of Seaforth, Chancery Sale of a Valuable Farm, sit- uate in the township of Hibb,ert. Jas. II. Beeson, Vendor's Solicitor. Friday; February 28, on Let 20, South Boundary, Stanley, FarmStock, Im- plements, s and Household Furniture. Robert Armstroug, proprietor e Bossen- berry & Orthe, auctioneers. Feb. 28, on • Lot 32, Con. 3, McKillop, Farm, Farm' Stock, and Im- plements. E. Tesky:, proprietor. John Bullard, auctioneer. Tuesday, February 25, at the store 6f John Ward, Main Street, Seaforth, Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Whips and Robes. Jelin Ward; proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. . Tuesday, March 4, 1879, on Lot 21, Goshen Line; Stanley, Farm .Stock, Im- plements and Household. Furniture. James Davidson,iproprietor; Bossen- berry de Orthe, auctioneers. Lo Et He o don, Hu NORTH— {lonli depart.... ter Ki. pen Bri cefield Cli tou BI Wi ghard, arrive GOING Sonia - Wingham, depart.. Bl_ .h 1, Clinton Bracefield Kippen Hensel]. lail. Mixed. P.M. A.M. 885 .e0555 2 15 e 52 831 858 844 409 906 425 9 45 452 1082 55 11 80 Mail. Mixed A. M. A. M.. 10 55 700 4215 7 35 114) 801 1 40 818 157 828 • 205 884 250 849 Express. P. .M. 8 15. '7 35 7 51 7 58 8 08 8 25 8 52 9 25 Express. P. M. .6 15 6 55 7• 24 7 43, 7 68 , 8 04 s 23 Loca Notices. Mits. J. E.. Tuo AS, Dress and Man-: tle Itakei, East Side o Victoria Square, Seaforth • FRESH ARRIVA s in..Choice VIncia Reis ns, Cranberries, tn. at LAIDLAW FAIN -2 575 LIInn Hume erringss Trou , and Whie Fish for Sale a the Central Groeery. LAna LAW & FAIALEY. 575 Conn. -Any a» ount of Corn in quan- tities to suit purehaee s, by the bushel or *ex lots at J BROwNnLL's. 5' • AltROW et" ME,'Ett Barristers, Whig, ham; have DOW 011 and a, quantity of Privet Peale to keen at 8 -pe cent. 581 " SECURE your _shadow ere the sub- anstel fades." Charles Moore is now in fall blast in h s new Photograpi 'e Studio, Whitneyte Block See, 'AIL. 588 • - • 'Er. THE SOAP, 5 bars for $1 atRose' Gro ery. See that•ve y fine tea at 50 cmite, wort 60 c •nts, and those el cap Raisins and Cuirants at omers to give this Soap one trial, so they w just how good the best soap in the States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth, ent for Huron County. 571-52 VERCOE, Seaforth, hav- ge number of accounts due, would feel bilged to those indebted te him if they 11 and settle their accounts at as early a possible. 576' . ROSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth, he attention of cash buyers to his Stock ries. Riff Stock is constantly turning, and fresh. His prices are the lowest -it will to call. Examine his goode end compare 574 CI EDA N••• 26, eels, an by the opposit SPECIFIC ARTICLES. POSTS FOR SA.LE.-For Sale, on Lot oncession 6, Morrie, one mile from Bras - quantity .of cedar posts, either cut or acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, Leyden's Hotel, McKillop. ' 567 MONEY. MON tag COLL, Roe, t's Grocery. 574 'Jan LORD Lo NE, New Pattern io AVI) te Stone Ware, :omprieing Tea 'Sets, Toilet Set., , &e. Will be ope ed, out next 'week. Call and see hem at TattIDLAW FAIP.LEY'S. 575 . 1 1E TO LEND—On terms more advan- ma than ever before offered. A. J. Mc. olicitor, Brussels. 504 52 WIT. WANTS MONEY ?-?t few thousand Y do lars, private fends, for immediate invest - menta 8 per c.-eit. interest. Apply to JAMES H. BE nON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 538 ON 'Y TO LEND. -I have any amount of LT -L M ney to Lend ou good improved farms only, at 8 p r cent.Charges very email. Snm no object if seeurity sinPle. I don't lend for any Compa y. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570 STOCK FOR SERVICE. To P G BlIEEDERS.-The undersigned will hep during the present ae.ason, on Lot 27, Con. 4, McKillop, a Suffolk Boar. Terms, $1 per sow, p vable at the time of service:with t114 pnvile e of returning if necessary. WILLIAM J. GRI VIt. 578 P G BRE S.DERS.--The undersigned will ke p'for the improvement of stock during the pre eut sewn, on LOG 2, Con. 10, H. R. S., Tucker mith, a Thorough Bred Suffolk Boer. This pig took the first prize at Seaforth, and is one of the hest ie the county. TERMS.—One dollar, o be paid at the time of aervice. with the privile e of returning if nocesssry. ADEXAN- DER ULE. 572 PERSONAL. PPR NER WANTnID.-With $1,000 to e2,000, to take half interest in a steam saw -mill busine s newly establiehed. Apple to E. MOUNT - CASTE, Clinton, Ont. 585x4 NT -2T CE. -I hereby warn the following persons n it to abuse inc or my house in the future, or I s all prosecnte them to the full extent of law, v .: The McCallums, Davison, and MeMil - len, el of MeKillop. also Alexander Murchie of Grey. I em detenntned to mike an camel -Ai of these nil all other rowdies sheald such disturb - once o crir again. JOHN LEYDEN. McKillop, Feb. 1 , 1879. 584x2 • I he .eby certify that Thomas Davidson, Lot 20, Co .14, llticKillop,is not the party refer sed to abo e, as he has never annoyed. me in the least. JOHN LEYDEN. ARTNERSHIP NOTICES. N.03! CB 0? DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER - .L1 SHIP. -The partnere hip heretofore exist- ing between the uuderseped, as Boot and Shoe maker under the style of J. E. Briggs & Sn,his this d y been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts o be paid to J. E. Briggs, who will settle all. le ther billH. 3 E. BRIGGS, E. BRIGGS. Bruce eld January 1st, 1879. 58244 Dig is tonere Steel, Huron muttut ing th said J Dated s'rEE WEIE • OLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.-Netice hereby given that the co -partnership here- xisting between George Rowe and James arryiug on business at the Alma Hotel, Road, in Hallett, is this lay dissolved by consent. All liabilities centracted dnr- said partnership will be discharged by the mes Steel, who continues the bueiness. this 20th day of January, 1879. JAMES , GEORGE ROWE. Wituess-JAMES 582x4 LEGAL NOTICE. THE from in -my L. M DIVISION COURT. -The office of . the cond Division Court will be open daily alf-naet one to tour o'clock P. K. Office Block, over the store of Johnston Bros. YEA, Wei k of Divieion Court, Seaforth. 562 TNS LVENT ACT OF 1875 A1.71) AMENDING A.0 S —In the Matter of ALL N.NT MITCHELL, of Seaforth, an Insolvent. -To ea sold by Auc- tion, it the Commercill Hotel, neaforth, on the 18th d y of February, 1879, at 2, o'cloek in the aftern on, withont reserve, the balance of the book aeconnts of the above-named Insolvent, amou titg ia the aggregate (iunlading $58 35 doubt al) the sum of $53280, or thereabouts; at so run b on the dollar. List of debtORD 1.)e seen at the office of the .undersigued. Terms cash. S: G. fcCAUGHEY, Assignee, Seaforth. 58:3-3 Th sleeve sale adjogrued to Saturday, the 22nd nat., at the same place, at 2 o'clock P. M. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH The Balance of our Fall and Winter Gods .will be sold at and Below Cost Price in, order to make room for Our New Sprzng G9ods, which, are Arriving from Glasgow and Manchester Direct. DRESS GOODS FOR THE MrILION. • Dress Gaods, Lustres and Cords, in all color. Our 15 cent Dress Goods, in Cords and Greys, are worth 25 cents. Our 20- cent Dress Goods, wide widths, new colors, aie worth 30 cents., Black and Colored Cashmeres, and Blackdnd.Coloredi Lustres, from 10e. up. We will clear the whole of our Winceys at Cost. ' See our 10 cent and 15 cent Wince.y. Checked and Striped Winceys from 8 cents up. GREAT BARGAINS 1 CLOUDS AND SHAWLS, We will clear out the balance Jat half price -see our 15 cent Clouds. Half Squares, Breakfast Shaw a ahd all kinds of Woblen Goods will be sold at a Great Sacrifice. e . Twenty -Eight Woolen Shawls, the balance of our stock, will be sold at prices to suit Customers, as we Ire bound to Clear them all out. Ladies' Woolen Neck Shawls. Paisley Shawls, a Great Bargain. SIXTY FELT - SKIRTS AT 50 CEN S, WORTH CENTS. LUSTRE SKIRTS AND STRIPE SKIRTS. Scarlet Flannels, all wool, from 18 cents per yard up. Shirting Flarinels, all wool, from 30 cents per yard tip, worth 40 cents Angola Shirtings, Wiricey Shirtings, and Canadian Grey Flannels. 5 200 REMNANTS OF AL KINDS OF GOODS TO BE CLEARED OUT, SEE THE BAR,GAINS, FALO ROBES. -We have a few Buffalo Robes, wbi4h will be Cleared at less than Cost. LADIES' FUR MUFFS. -We haveclear then3 out. Good Muffs for $1 40. e sold at half price to a few which will FOR SALE OR TO LET. 1111/ROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, that con- • venient and_ desirable residence on the earner of Efigh and Market Streets, lately occupied by Dr. Vereoe. Apply to DR VERCOE. 488 pooms TO LET. -Three rooms to let over A. 6-. AnIt's Groeery store, in the front part of the building, with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT, Proprietor. 581 111ILUEVALE.-New Dwelling House in Bine- • vale for sale; stOry and a half, 18e26, with Idtcheri ettached 14x18 ; extra well finished ; one quarter acre lot well fenced, and primp. Price, $500. Apply to JOSEPH BURGESS, Blue - vale. 585x4 TILACKSMITH SHOP TO RENT —To Rent, -1-1 the new Blacksmith shop at Alma; 18 111 the centre of an excellent loesdity, where a large business could be done by a good man. Apply to GEORGE IRVIN, Seaforth P. O. 585-4 •VABM TO RF.NT.—To Rent, for a term a -12 years, Lot No 2, Con. 10, IL IL S., Meeker- emith, tontainieg 105 acres; stone heuse and good outbuilding- ; SO acres cleared, well lanced and in good order. Apply to the undersigned on the preinieee, or to Chiaelhurit E. 0. A. YULE, Propt ietor_ 584 1.T OUSE AND LOT IN BUCEFIELB.-F.or .1.1. Sale, a knee two-storey house in Brneefield containing 4 rooms -down emirs and 3 up stairs. Good cellar and 'well. Also one quartin Imre of land r For farther particulars apply to T. E. Briggs, Bracefiela, or the proprietor E. BRIGGS., Varna- e 582 p ABB CHANCE. -Photograph Rooms to Let Lu on first floor in Scott's Brick Block, beaforth, position central. Also, three or four Rooms on theftet above, suitable for a dwellings P098013r sion let January, 1871 Apply to F. liOLME- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MaKillop. 573-tf. TITOUSE AND LOT IN SEAI"O1T11 FOR SALE. -For Sale, a comicatabIefraine deven- ing, house and a onarter-aere lot, on the corner of Market and Louisa. streets there are sin rooms and a kitchen, 3 up-staersaxid 8 do'wn; good well, stable and wood -shed; the house is well finished, and the lot well fenced; Apply bn the premises. PETER DALEY., 885 vA_Rm TO RENT. -=To Rent for 11 term Or years a first-class farm, e,ontainineg 100 atres, 90 Of whieh are cleared; there is a eplen-. did been 4070 feet, with stone stabling under- , neath ; 60 acres plowed, and about -2.0 acres a fall wheet. Ihis farrn is situated on the 2nd. Concession of Tuckersmith, H.R.S., and is with- in one mile of Seaforth. Apply to MRS -E. RAM - SAY, Seafortb P. 0. 585n4 TILACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE. -For Sale, in the Village of Jamestown, a good bleeksmith shop, with three quarters of an are -of land at- tached, in -which are a- -number of Choke fruit treas. There is ale° a stable on the premises. This property is situated m a good. locality, and_ will be sold on tenns to snit purehaser. Apply on the premises to JAMES LYNN, Jamestown P. 0- 584 VARM TO RENT. -Is eituated in the Town - stip of Hnliett, half wey bt tween theprospera ons market towns of Seaforth and Clinton, 14 miles nom the Huron Rota, on the 131'd cone,es- sloe. and convenient to school house, &e. There are 37 acres plowed, lima 6 uere 1 WI wheat looking prosperous; pod bearing orchard and well; frame buildings, in good npair wall sup- plied with good water ; there is a good quantity of feed on the premises; the land le in a good Out state of cultivation. Apply to FRANCIS KET- TLE, Proprietor, Lot '7, Con-. 8, Hallett. 583x4 NEW GOODS J -UST ARF!IVED. 409 Pieces New Prints, Cheaper than ever. 1 Case French Dress Prints. Pieces of Holland, from 10 cents per yard up. Waterproofs and A.Ieltons, Ulsters. Canadian Spring Tweeds. 50 for TT 1\T C LT 'itSz 12): 7 LT A.. IV, SEAFORTII, ONTARIO. rSTPORTAN T 'NOTICES. OTICE.—All parties indebted to the Estate I "1- Of the late Simon Powell are requested to pay the 138.11143 fOrthwith to the undersignia, or they than be handed into the Court for collection. T. T. COLEMSeN and A. G. VANEG-XONH, Ex- ecutors. 561 InTOTICE TO DEBTORS.--Jotiee is hereby .1-1 given that all persons indebted to me for small book accounts, that if their indebtedness is hot paid before Tannery first, 1871 they will be sued without farther notite or respect of per- sons. 0. C. WILLSON. 576 CARD OF THANKS.—To W I SHANNON, N-1 Esq., Secretary lifeKillop Mutuel Fire Insur- ance Compaey-Sir : I am m receipt of your draft for $1450, in full payment for loss by ATe under my policy in thie Company, and am thank ful to you as well as the Company for the fair and prompt settlement of nay cledm. Yours trnly, JAMES COTTLE. Hallett, Januarv 17, DIAMOND DUST POESH. VOTICE TO DEBTORS. -The sabseedberhegs L 581 1879. _ j".1 to notify those indebted to him that he is 130 FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER, AND GLASS, MAN_ once. If not promptly settled all accoants, with - situated that he Must demand settlement at , SALE AND RETAIL AGE/sV,r, SEAFORTH. , oht respect to pmsons, will be placed in Court UFACTURED BY G. W. CLIA.R.KE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- for collection; Parties who cannot pay the money must give their notes. Uwe who are put to trouble nmet blame themselves. WL 6.11A.SSIE, Seaforth. 584-4 M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 1 WANTED. A Complete 'Stock of Watches, glories) Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec- poitc exchange for 1 new wagon, 2 pairs DWOOD.-Cordwood, green or dry, wanted tacles and Fancy Goods, tohich will be sold qteap for Cash. of bob - sleig s,NAU iron harrows or wheelbarroNV8. D. Mc- T, Seaforth. 585 1. REMEMBER THE PLACE -Directly Opposite Mr. J. -S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. Lt. COITNTER SEAFORTH. TEL DEES WAN TED. -Tenders for Fencing ed by the undersigned mita the. 15th of ary. For 'particu airs. apply to D. JOHN-. 583-2 ICE. -Tenders will be received by the Ma- ici pal Ocevoration of Tuekeremith for the t High School Cr'roundr, Seaforth, will be reed Fein SON. T 0 erect' on of a. bridge on the Bayfield River be - twee Lots 30 and 31, OD the 2nd Concessioneli. R. S. opposite the West End Cheese Factory. Also for trealiug approaches thereto, at so mucl per pied for cutting and filling. The Plan and Specifieatiatie can be lieen at the the h use . of John Hannah, Depu.ty-Reeve, Lot 16,0( n.2. H. It S. Tenders will be received up to no n on the 8th of Match, 1879. WILLIAM Me,0( NNELL, Township Clerk. 584-4 TI E ROXI30110 MILLS. INT 414 e do 4 Tb good tion. Pa horn As and can 584 1 ILSON & .Y UNG have- received a eho' en lot of very tine Fruits of superior quality', *win. di they are seine verr- cheap. Also a -fine lot of ew Season's Teas which for priesi and quality the, guarantee equal o any in the market. Speeit4 ind 'cements will .be given. to parties buying ix lar'e quantities. 0" Is stock of Sugars, Syrups:, Tol (mos, and Gellert 1 Groceries is complete and. wel assorted in all li ies, and as we Ilene one of the largest and best beught stocks i•u Ontario, we , wil not allow any hentsein the Trade to undersell. us. Call and . exam ue our , stock WILSON & . YO :NO. 568' • - aoennen AND GLASSWARE. -WILSON & ou-se have the la, gest and best assorted Stock • of rockery and Glas -ware in the Comity, complete ing Tea Sets in Frei eh and English Chine, hole St ne and .Porcelain roilet Sets in the latSst and mo t fashionable des gn, and of the beet Material. Als i a. full stock of everything to be fouled . in p. • ars -class Crockery nd Glassware storearind frt pri .es :•bich. we defy any one to underselleis, Give • us call before pure. lasing elseWhere, aa we will sa e yen Money by I trying from us . A complete Chine -Tea Set of 44 pieces for $8 50. and other go (la iii like prover on, WILSON & YoentG, Sea. 1. for b.. 568. - 01113I1S' EL E t11.10 SCAP.-Having ob- : tai ed the Agency o this celebrated soep in Sett - for h and. Huron Cot nty, I append the opinion.of i Sol e of Our best pe tile as to -its merits ; "1 have, ne d. Dobbins' Elect, *c• Soap, made by J, L. Cragin i & Co., Philadelphia Pa., and. find it very good. 1 T1 e elothes are bete Wally white and the washing , ss time -Mrs. M. P. Hayes." • is lone in m . used Do ins' _ ectrie Soap, according to di- reetione, and found the clothes -whiter than when i , via shedm the old w y, and in hell the need time i - - rs. M. Y. 31cLe ." "1 have tested Dobbins" EL etric Soap, and. m highly satisfied with the reeult. I believe it •apable of doing all the wrap- per claims for it, nd most confidently recom- •m nd it as economr.ing both time and labor, and as doing its wor well -Mrs.. T. Goldsmith." ' " aiing given Dob inte Electric Soap a fair trial, I think it is•all the • anufacturers represent it to be -Mrs. R. T. Cole an." I desire all my friends e• 8 0 FA.RMERS. AND OTHERS. SKIS. 'BURNETT & DOLPHIN, having eased and put in a thorough state of repair oxboro Flouring Mill, are now prepared to 'dieting and ILlaopping. y will else keep on hand awl for sale a nipple of Flour and Fe -ed of every descrip- ties tali ig glean to be ground ceti -have it with them the ttame da y. the proprietois are both practical workmen, .heiceighly *understand the business, they u a IL lace sa tisfaeti ' BURNETT & DOLPHIN. 'al klieg likentSh, FWift touch of the sun, 13 a ley insi einaneutisly eeleetiely done .1. Minutely and truly reflecting eftch grace, N ble brow, beerning eve, awl beauty of face ! ‘;`, hat a triumph of skifi, as wondrous es nevi I • Yon 0443 get tben;hoine with yen the sense day "'en t lit rival of mime, Apellete ue'er diniv, that you. hri"1" 1;1'10 kJ oat beau i nipictiut, or picture as true A. C .a_LLANDER, THE SPOT FOR BOOKS AND $TAT1ONERY. C. W. PAPST, 0- AMINO'S BLOCIf, 8EAFORTII ALL. THE STANDARD WORKS KEPT IN STOCK. CONSIGNMEST TO ATB gr GOODS ARRItTING WE.EICLr : SCHOOL BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS 'HYMN BOOKS, BLANK 1300KS, LEGAL FORMS, Everything to be be had WRITING PAPER, NE V•SPAPERS, FA 'CY GOODS, CA • DS, CAI D CASES, Found in a trst-Class Book a at 0. W. Pa iseg, Cardno's Bloc ENVELOPES; PERIODICALS, NOVELS„ - CARDBOARD, WU SW, &c. Statione.ry Store can &Vora. FARM ERS, STO P •LARC PROFITS. CO TO A:CALLIVIDER, CLIN ON, 'HURON STRIMT ) TO GET 'YOUR SAWS GUMMED. 9: e above poetieal "cap " Ats Calder to a ; knee k -down. le you want a picturt-Pla,to- :, 58x1.:?, General Blaeksraith, CU nean, Out.. gra h or Arebrutype-centeining all these anis. ! . tic excellencies just step into the Gallery • opp site the Commercial, and you will find Au- BRINE'S die at his post, in the best of haulm, and re dy to p ease every time. A. CALDER, Seufori h. . Al 0 N T II L. Y SALE , • D ESS AHD MANTLE MAKING. MISS SLEETH Jt ISBES to announce to the Ladies ,tf Sea - forth and vieiuity that' she has commenced pr te; and Mentle Making tu all their vanious say es. Having had ten yeere enerienee she f ee s eatirfied the will give general satisfactiOn. A c 11 respectfully solicited. Rooms in i h rear of i Ir. G G. SparlIng'a store. Entrance through e . - the store or from St. John street. Cutting and — I lift' ug a ipecialty. 55 1N..1 R. ji. P. 13BINE will bold his tl ire iferelny , j Y L Su% at the C0M:4E11.'11AL lirrl'Eil,„ -;Y', ... , FORTH, on WEDNED.4.1, FEB14UAR1 26:h, , Parties wishing to dispose of Horseee Cattle, i lb79, commencing at 1 o'clockP. M. tiharp. Sheep, Igen-Vehicles Implements- or Chatiles of i any kind should bring :hem in by 10 ti]eloek if ; the same day. di 1 I Purchasers will find in this sale_ an -eiztellent 1 opp,..rtunity of getting good hargaiue. -581-1 - • • J. P..11RINE, Antei Leer. : . . 1 • . ?rim Direct re- tf 'the Canada Silver J.- Mining Coi puny owning two minim miles of tenitery in the same eeetion as the famous Silver Islet Miue, which has already yieldee $4,001000, art prepared to receive applicalloo 14 for eheres ae. lengiug to an ieeee 0: 4,000 $ i5 Olean", each share be ng entitled. wintont eny edoitione/ elm veto a $40 'coupon., re - ti reeble in c teh by an auteuel payment of AI,C00 from the Cempany. Attention • is dieecred to he fs et that, after reseiv- ing .S., f0 for ev( ry $25 invested, subseribe me w in tti ill retain i heir Shares, :hes not Get part" ipetion he the 11,rga:•4 0: the •Coinpeay free of cost, but rattually ,sernring it dirc et, profit besinee. Terms.: nal u semen i tian, and the. -bklanee in .montly insult tents of $2 per shire. For - in tiler partici bus, Adureroi immediately HENRY IMIrCli, Secretary, Lowloe, Cube ise \VII ei writieg„ name this pe - per. • 5-4-! _ THE • HENS.A.LL MILLS heve it few car loaa. of .Cori, on hand, and " as the (-lover ment is likely to impose a duty en in now is yen' time to bay. - THE McKILLOP MUTUAL 4 Chopped Corn 1 cents per 100 p.oniels. scea. 45 cents per h11Fhe1. in mall or large roan- AUCTION BALES. A UCTION SALE OF A VALUABLE FARA, FARM sTocK AND IMPLEXEN rs.—Xtr. John Bullard has been instructed by Mr. E. Teeky to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 32, Con. 3, AreKilloo, one mile awl a grunter fOra Sea - forth, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 213th, 1479, eame mencing at 1 o'clock P. AL, Sharp, the following valuable property Stock and Implements- Well Cured Ne High :nixed Corn, for feed or CARD OF THANKS. FIRE INSURANCE. COIvi . • titles. Cell eerie, these pes cannot last long. lt‘l R. W. J. SHANNON, Secretaryand Trees- nrer of the a . eve:Company, will Attend et To the Directors of the McKillop tinsel ire Insurance Company. ,'NTLEMEN : This is to certify that my claim for loss. by fire has been settled, to my en ire satisfaction, and that I 'ton perfeerl) bet- isfi d with the treatment I have received it the ha ds of the officials of your Company. 58 2 _ THOMAS HODG1NS. 4`. the QUEEN'S BoTEL, SEAFeRTH, day of each week, from 2 to 5 o'clock 11. M., tor 1 o e of transaeting tbe bueineele of the , Company. All inte:ested will please taint notice I JAMES KERB, President 1 and gpvern themselvee necordingly. • W J SE1 1.1,TN'ON Secretary. - 5t.45 - • • Gristing, Flourtny and Choppily Done ou the Shor test Notice. Having charged our bolting e'en ha trim pet the defmiency this sea - Son's Wheilf , we eve renseelied the general cone plaiets of (leek flpur end fame that shill not 'lee, and twit has a 'running tendency. All orders pi -mutely attended to and work gnarenteed. 585 litGREtiOR & URQWeART. One span of work:ng horses, 8 milch cows sup- posed to be in calf, 1 lumber wagon, 1 single buggy., 1 pair bob-eleiglis, I cutter, 1 set •double harness, 1 rot eingle harriese, 1 fanning mill, I T. rake, 2 plows, I set wooden herr-owe. qaan- tit,y of hay, and meny artislee. Farm. -The term. is well known. It °omelets acres, besutifully sitaated, within a mile, and a -quarter of Seaforth. The buililinge are &est -Oa -le, and coat V3,000. Te place is admit:01y adapted for a re szket gardener or a retired gentleman. Title intliepritatle. Only reason for -selling le tailing health of proprietor. TEItMS-On the. Stock and Implements : sums of es and under, cash; over that nenewit 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved eadrit notes. A discOnnt of 6 -cents en the dollar will be "(Bowed for cash on. ali credit amounts. For the Farena Ten per cent. on. the ?Ley of eale ; stiffleient of the tenence to make $2,000, withiu 30 Jays, and the remainder in yearly instalments to suit par- eteioansz.ece:..at 7 per cent, secured. by mortgage. E- T )SKY, ?eoprietOr. JOHN BULLARD, ADO.. -584-2, ESTR.A_Y :sTocK, E5T HOUND. -An estray Hound -came hit° the prentieee of the undersigned, Con. 6. MeKillop- The owner is reqnested to prove plooetty, pee, clam -gee (Led take it JOHN awey. 5s1o5T.t1, 1 . _ e4,89.'RAY HEIFER. --Clone into the premieres of the undersigned, Lot 213,-Cen, McKillop, about three weeks ago, a red awl white heifer coming e. The owner is reqnested to prove property, pey eharges and take her away. WM. GRIEVE. 578 ESTRAY STEER--Ceme mto the premises a the undersigned, Lot No. 2d, Conteseion 12, MeKillop,. about the. lst of November let, yeairling eteer, epotted red and white. '2eowner can breve the animel on proving eroperty and paying charges_ FRANCIS BLIRNES. 583'4 -PSTRAY ST:r...:Eit -Strayed. from tbe premises -I Of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con,. L. It, S.,' Tuckersmii b. on or about the /inn of Nm oveber, a three year ol I Steer, reit ased -white_ A. large white -star on for...heall, alio 4. Fat :11. the rigl,t ear: Any person. giving sresh information as will plecand it, A. 04)10 .recovery of the above animal will be euitalil ver.hel. 1111eilf ,Aftic_a:t:', Sr.. Nin - 582: 4 LOST OR FOUND. DOG LOST.--Tost, in Seslorth, on jannaty 26th, n Meek coltie Dog wine brown legs, and a, brown epot -over eitch eye. About five months' 01.1. ,• ny person giviug -such iniorms- 1 ' tion to tbe underaigned as will lead to hie recov- ert will be euitably rewarded, TfionAs LAP. SLIE, Seaforth. 58'24 ATO1-1.FLL LOST.—Lost. uO Mexaley, Jan 27, • bet lett n the reeirlen ;e 01 Mr8. Wm.Chenney, C.r11111013alial, en..1 Seaforth station,a- small hither Iffool Setchel, itt vihielt was a meroce0 purse v.:tzli a steel chain ettethed, in 'which wale it sum of meuey. Any person leaving the same either with the undersignerl or at the EXPOSI- '1'011 Office, Se -worth, v.ill be liberally vewarLied. HUGH Coes ;EY. 582-4 " ... • . - MEETINGS TO ,BE HELD. TInuot. FIELD CHEESE PACroBs.— -The manlisi Meeting of th:. Patrons of the )3rnee- field taheese Fentoty 'wile be held at the Town Earle Brucetield, on Saturday, let ol March, commenciug at 1 o'eloc,k P M., to make arrange- men,a for the comings( eats». All ittterested are requested to attig-0, 5e0411TNEY, Bracefield. 58.37.2 ; •