HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-21, Page 3RUARY 218Th. (GE BANK OF GUAM. oralag, MONTREAL. $1,000,00k ls-M. L Genit.atenaleatt e.4,Ient ; W. lane \ Buie I ti„Tittrie., M'Irrs3, 0.1.1er tleo. Berne h hes h -e,, opeotel eterat R vie otg letelueee win of 1, ei eeeetted. t at f•tir r Lte.t, Bulk V tnu li tbeen. • ti vorli then where lepoetta /tea out ti :Lair up etude, era het t•on. retee at pie at all eftlees of heel ef Nam: n 1 ila tate la.• laret Len -Inn ---The kllianPe R. New Yoz:k - a 'it 1.31111 ij vik: of kin ern, Theatetven te. e -Uaten Netienal 10 to 3 :rot:turd:Lys, le to 1. JiT1N 1.1aCK I E Manager poTiord. g, 4 tIt ee•ittn g-ieranteea. to t ei,ee euly tte tietterati ,to. I doe-, +., it hie t itaiet Re' to :tell ail oar Faa AND CARRIAGES, • istod sasdly of theee Eigsi,and s mutioer of those haat eVe(ythidy :LISS II L11.4 1,11 • 'et very cheap -au eataa menet eaetanets. I have ttleo eug tged eour e•teut A.11 a.:teattve Stack- : ytetts. and am prep.tred tn t. of Joy Work, from a ,••nor. 11.0w 1II( all Worlc War - ran ed. ,IttIhrS to reel iet ell p vet a :30eata eita. aty.IN Kinhurn. 4.„..MME MAL,. LIVERY -;EA' RTK. I U Fo RB ES, e1au Its s eti the rhoel: and Trade of the ;rein! Livt_13, .1..,*.eatorth, from Dar. lee. bege to st ate that lie intends. ate easiness in the ota eteathencl- has , tt luable Lure,: N gad veldelee to the -.• etoek, aatrie bet cointiir table re hiclewand (Mod !-i.ti :I formts Will be KeTt. • Oe Ilaegies and aneheaViteons al wan: - woe:// nzeit,.: Made evrriat :et Le stables er tiny an. lea te. Carriagee, end ready for use. With Om - of the hotels: llMMERtiAL LIVERY, sEATORTI-1 • nezaej:G•I astN bege to inform Teen of S etfor-h mod the traveleth h pereatee.1 the Livery Fettak of Ole este. Carnochen & de11 m his power to retain the eelt thie Linn it eittLblisixraent has wiil keep only eeeet driving- and re- , at ti hie cella tgee wilt be kept gooa order, (hale, nieht or day, [Italy attenanel to. PIC.XI0 AND PARTIEa lade telly Deet with. *able. Alletedere it at the Cone - or at the 1i1ee will receive,prompt eal,ou .4.1x1w:-. Street, opposite r, al. alt.-NAUGHT)N, Proprietor, 0 N; GE RS; *FARMERS AND OTI/ERS. "-mita tho atteution of all, these e, tate subset iaer is determined to off.er+= ine Nal inch Ilatnloek, "not, . for inc%"," at the following rates: eek. at $7 Oa per thensand ; 14 foot ,7 50, forCaeln All orders over 47000 ecenut. Call rind see if you don't (rite over a month will b charged ht•r tieseeke h ia numereas customere r:tlsaPPOrt, and Juit t coati:no- t:Leona JoHN TITOMPSON. Steam Saw Mills, MeKiliop. TTER=, TUBS. f..Z.OTTy. SEA FO.P.Th_ r re d to supply all custoreeee with, i.er el hie ,1UTTE1Z TUBS, enarea, Cash- Tbeee Tuba ttre 80- kaltWIt to OHtreat that it is e• say anyt'aine in theitexecommen- __ T also manufacturesa email Ha-rd- al.le for wa,ehing butter -ire tell or etherwiee promptly atterale. Seafo-rth • qERS-HIP NOTICE. Igneil havut, 3nterei into partneroprepard t reanufaettire Plows. glee, &it. By usirtp; drst-class ma - Ing all the work coming through ean gnat aree- a good article. If-IV:inn given . to repairing, horse - neral jonbitig. 3Ir. &tram hay eirteeti yt; ere !exit f-rience in dress - w, wiil to th...! tine; a speoielte• teem's Celeareee+I Agricultural Irn- 1.` El I) & l; A 1Z:rt./N.,-- it st*truls, (lotlerteh Street, See - 560 OUR PURK FACTORY. R 0 B B •r)'Y the Hiebeet Price for as of Iben, alive or dressed. AR altetze teeter ataly on han 1. Fine mai Ham 4. Spietel Rolle,. Beat ett, Pork. Sleeve., 'Mogul, and ell kill le. A, 1 here been in the e- lee; tee, e,•:: e, and having (ma ••••:-.4 mil navel, of meet in Can te eihe as goo' teeti4- e-1 al 0 ROBB. le -k -til? at A '1,,F `Z on. heath 568 :SS M A KING. ISS SCOTT nreetnee Or the letaiee of See- eereentaine ceuutry that she has rtt all the TYLES AND VARIATIONS; Welk. ant Penetu- • e eeet !eel a.. 4.7 1, FLI:A, Drug StinT, trt h. wtnt -1. 559 • - DRE-SSING. N ItS7--kARK . ' {.3 '...;...tforth and pr-T.tre 1 to in,k up f*I`RLS. tko., -t Sa-hiou Cielthingt4. • • ti all to.1 ! tetoetually ' *-1 t eet iete ee.perte • 'oar r "tente o -f * teee., wee, ty e•:.) ,1:ti Ili) A 111,1-Zr • • 1 •" J")40111 earner • e`; i: .VNELL atal FEBRUARY 21, 1879 _ essalta FIRE AND FLAME. taNEeQUARTER OF. A MILLION DOLLAR BLAZE-CARLING'S LARGE BREWERY LAB; LOW ----THE INSURANCE ONLY ne5,000-THREE HUNDRED MEN THROWN OUT OF WORK -FULL DE- SCRIPTION OF THE AFFAIR,. ia our duty to chronicle one .of the most disastrous fires that haS ever taken place in the city of London, . involving - • • as it does a loss oft one quarter of a million. The losAwill be doubly felt by the:number of employees and their familiesthrown. out of work at this, the worst. season of the year, by the burn - of Carling's brewery, whieh took place Thursday morning, 13th inst. Mr. Carling has, for some time past, been accumulatina enormous quantities of barley fel: tl7e commencement of the malting season, Sala atthe time -of the fireit sestimated that not. less than 80,000 bushelswere stored. in the build, ing which was destroyed. For the. greater protection • against fire three mut were kept on duty during the night. And how the fire originaCed or allowed to, gain such headway is a mystery.. The malting had commenced about a week 40. SMOJLE WAS FIRST EIEE.N issuing from the room which is used,1 -fer drying, or No. 1 kiln, which is at the extreme west of the building. This was on the lower floor, and- the men on duty immediately attempted to put the fire out by the aid of buckets, and succeded in doing so to all appearances, brit directly afterwards smoke was also discovered to be issuing from the floor above,- and -the men now .1./ecoming - alarmed the fire alarm -box was pulled, and about HALF PAST THREE O'CLOCK • the dread solind of the fire -bell boomed forth upon the dead stillness - of the night The citizens who were aroused fro•na their beds saw a bright illumni- nation in that direction, and the clatter-; ing of the lac rses of the FIRE BRIGADE, together with the rumbling of the reel and ladder wagons, as they rapidly gal- loped to the scene, at once pro:claimed that a serious conflagration was in progress. Again and actin the dull sound of the hoarse tonguebd bell boom- ed forth the signal that additional help was required to fight the fiery element • of destruction, and. many of the inhab- itants in a state of Semi -somnambulism rushed fo-rth in the direction of the lur-id glare which lighted up the heavens for miles around. Upon arriving at the spot SCENE OF AWFUL GRANDUER met the eves of the bewildered gazers. The scorc'hing tongues of flame leapt from floor to floor and • high into the OAT, while the blinding smoke, the fierce crackling of the woofwork and- grain, coupled with the HOARSE suot"rs OF THE HEROIC FIRE- MEN moantina their ladders and standing on the was of the burning structure, as they stubbornly and. doggedly conibiat ted every inch of gronndwith .the now triumphant and. roaring, elemeut, made the scene one of the indescribable _ granduer and excitement, rivailing that of a hard-fought battle -field, and never to be forgotten by those who witnessed .it. And now, despite' the desperate efforts of the fire brigade, who are pouringfive powerful streams of water upon the flames, the conviction forces itself upon the minds of the obr servers that this large building, this or- nament to architecture is DOOMED TO TOTAL DESTRUCTION. Hitherto those who had so nobly an- swered thc mil of duty ha,ve escaped disaster, but here. a SAD _ACCIDENT betel ono of the brigade, tamed Joseph "corn along and see- your ole father feed the pig:" _ • • . And Katy she went, and. wen the pigt cum up and. put Its feet in the trof for to -eat, Katy she hiked along wile, and then she sed - until the garments he. wore were frozen poppy 1" s6 stiff that it was only with the utmost But poppy he didn't take -notice, jest - exertion he could bend himself suf- kep a. knockeh 'on the bottom. -of the ficiently to walk. He had got on the bucket for to git all the swill out. After a. other wile Katy she spoke up again find sed : . " Poppy, wot for do you curl it ?" Then the ale ma.n he said, the ole man did : . " Curl be blode ! you better ast that riddle elsewhere' ; it -is twisted. the other way ! I love this pig like it was my own dotter, but Ile straighten that tail fore kiilin time if I got to brake it. I don't like curls, Lana all tho you and yuresister carries 2 reenny guns for me, Ilete dum busted. if Ile giv in to the hull family." But my sister she has .got tongs for to curl hem, an one time Franky,thats the baby, nipped his nose in em an hollered wild, like he was torn cats.: Pigs woller in the mud, and babies they woller on the flore. . One tithe a Mau wich waseut smart like me, more like Silly, he- see a pig wallerin in a puddle • of mud, and he sed: " Poor - feller, -where does it pain - you?" . . : • The pig it looked at the man and then it roled onits other side like y sayn : the whole stock of ales in the ()salmis, only a small quantity which was stor- ed in a cellar adjoining that under the building which was destroyed, being saved. -By dint of great -exertions 1a quantity of hops, also all the books a. papers were saved, although somewh. ' darmiated by water. The safe Nlias al rolled outside of the offiee, but wheth the contents are injured we cannot this point state. SEVERELY BURNET). Mr. Lind, of the firm of Hyman Lind, was severely burned about t neck, but not sufficient 'to inc acitate hin from attending to :his bu ncss. nvitxr-nufr,nixo. A.s is well-known to all our eitizei the burnt brewery Wkl.S 0110 of largest in and knees, and Sammy he went in THE involved, and enable the reader to form a just appreciation of the calamity in its commerciiil sense. / TEE MEN EMPLOYED. It is stated that not less than 300 persons were employed in and about the brewery, ' which represents the feeding of a large number of our citi- zens; and in being thrown out of work at this season they will no doubt receive the hearty synipathy of our citizens. It does not necessarily involve a coni, _mendation of the brewery business when we express the hope that this large number of our people will not long re- main idle. THE LOSS. . Those who -have followed plis report so far will have no difficulty in forming an idea of the great loss which the firm has sustained, and for this loss no one can feel for the victims more than does the Advertiser. Utterly at variance -with Mr. Carling politically we yet heartily sympathise with the firm, and our regret at their calamity is none the less because of our opposition on oc- casions: In a sense, the loss is Lon- don's and a great deal of money former- ly spent will cease to .circulate in the same channels till operations are again commenced. REGARDED AS FIRE PROOF. The brewery WaS rer,aarded as practi- cally fire -proof, and it seems strange that a building constructed speciallywith a view to protection frora fire should be so completely destroyed. Not a bit of Wood. was -used in its construction that could:be dispensed with. Most of the floors were Of iron or cement, and yet as we write nothing but the outer walls remain. ' INSURANCES. The total amount of insurance wili not we believe, cover more than a quarter of the loss, which may simply . be put down at a quarter of a million of dollars. The insurances are as fol- lows :' Canadian.Fire & Marine. . $10,000 Lancashire ..-.10,000 Comhi. ercial Union 5,000 All these are on the contents, and will'fall short indeed of the actual leas. On the building there was an insurance ed $50,000 in the- Royal; but the cost was throe times that sum ex- clusive of a good deal of the interior fit- tings. TIIE,,FIRM of John Carling & Co. was comp)sed of Messrs, John ,Carlina, Wm. Carling', T. H. Carling, and 3. D. Dalton. At the time of the burning, news had been tel- egraphed claw arrival :of Mr. John Carling at Ottawa. He will no doubt at once return. • THE OLD BREWERY, .. which was used as a malting house for a time after the removal, is at the dis- posar6f the firm., ancl they will,: no doubt, at once re -commence operations in that quarters, although the disaster that has befallen them, limiting, as it does, their capacity, cannot but cripple theiii operations. A SENSE OF SECURITY. s reported, but we cannot sa.v with truth, that the firm recently al- lowed some of their insurance policies to lapse, owing to a sense:of security engendered by the building of the water works. . • Lessons in Natural History and. Other Things. One time there was a ole nia,n had a pig, an the pig had a curly tail, but ole Gaffer Peterses has got a brush onto it, and the ole man'sgrid has curly hair, too, cos she puts it up in. papers. So one day the ole man cot the pig an put its tail up in a, endpaper, just like hern, and then he sed.: "Katy," cos. that was her name, It wha Reeves, who lives on Dundas street. He had been on the top .of the building in the performance of his duty as a member of the Hook and Ladder -De- partment, . and bed stuc k to his post ladder to descend to the ground, .When, being unabled from the effects of eX- posure to the frost and Water to firmly grasp the ladder, in his descent he alippedand fell a considerable distance, reeeiving a severe cut on the • lower jaw from - • . . srnnallo ON TUE nuNo OF THE LAMAR, The poor: fellow was picked up and conveyed to his home, where his wound was dressed, by a surgeon. ;fames Fox, one of the Private Watchmen was ,:also severely injured by a brick Whig 'on the cap of the knee, but we belieVe fortunately the cap was iant broken. ; iie was also conveyed to his halite, where his injuries were dressed by a medical man. Chief Engineer Wastie also: received & severe cut on the head., and many were the hairbreadth_escapes as the debris 'fell from the roof and platesof the wall, notably when a cupola on the south side fell stid.den y on the -very Spot where not a mome t before two of the firemen had. bee standing. The loss is something st pendons„ no less than 80,000 BUSHELS OF MALT OR BARLEY. being consumed, in addition .to near 'But the zebry thing, and after a w agin : How did you git Then the zebry thing a other time sed: "1 have been tole where they put !elle ery with steelhors they put horses and I hope it ain't say I think that's je be." One time there canamle, and the show, and the man a ridin it to a other other man which' barrow. Then the be was astonish, a the feller onto the sed:he "1 gess you wu wude put a lite horse." Then the sod: "Yes, 8,nd I gess cumfortable if you waggon." But wen I rode li tle Sally Brope in mine she was up at and I never seen sech a stead e -bug in my life, no, indeed, and Bill he dident in all hisn. Wile we was to ot r dinner Uncle Ned he said : •' "Johnny, do yo Year's day has coin the swearn off is fir t rate?" he spoke up and nd it is the hope you will improve yure canexion,with f the State of Ne - said it Uncle Ned bsters, an after a • called Johnny's a ck of the new year t wude be a mity to rassle with his t of kicku a man cam say .enny le the man he said out?" • 1 it dident say no so the man the • ! there is . a place sin the pentenoh- s, but here I ges wich are stole, no offence for to t the way it ot to vas a man had a anamle it was a vich had it he was town, and met a as pushin a weel weel berm man d he hiked up to aramle's back and be , safer if- you in rod onto yure le back feller he ou wude ride more. ut a seat in yure know that New , and at this Boson And my father sed: Yes, Edward, of this family tha :the casion by sevrin the mining intrests vady." Wen my father h he turned red like 1 wile he sed: " The -reason wy tenshion to the subj was for to say that gude time for him father's painfle hab *jell- is down." Wen I ast Uncl mean by bein down did: "Wel, Johnny, ain't me that's do minin stooks wich 10 " Pretty much all over ?". Then the man ho shu.ke. his lied and sod a nother time: "That's a mighty bad plaee for to be - sick abed in." Then the pig grunt -ed, nineh as to .say : " That's a fack;but wen a feller is took sudden he must put-up with sech corn- modations as he can git tan not be a hog about it." - One day Billy,that's my broter,he and Sammy Doppy was playn by .a rhud hole, an Billy he sed : - 1 " Now,Sammy,les play we was abaam- yard; you be the pig and lie down and *wailer. and Ile be a bull and beller like everYthin„a." s, So they got down ..on their hands Ned wet did he he sed, Uncle Ned I 'was mistook,. it n, but only jest sum put some of yure father's money an my awn into cos hisn was a lyin in he bank a eatin its head off in interest and 1 dident hav no -use for -mine xc p:-, I paid it back to the very man 1 ha borrode it of, wich was yure father. ourse, Johnny, sech axidentiwil hapin u enny famly, but I mus confess they ay ben . occurn as a. pretty reglerthin in thisn sense I found Out a (led sh ire way to beat the stock uaarkit. Y re .father's unfeelin hint that it is time for to swair of is mity rughf onto a 1 ifl WiCh has ben in Iujy and evere wer he has been giv a is on the inside fokes is sech cht about stox that otl back their own fle-lin bind. Yes, 'my rst feechcrs of this is it makes a man er." -7- the Dominion, if not on 'the cautinei : and was made a " show -place ".for ,•1 visitors who happened to be "-doing t lions " of London. Its erection 'V t, tbe mud and wollered, wile Billy bel - 11 lered like distant thunder. Bitheby Le Sammy he cum out muddy, you never as seen sech a Muddy little feller, and he 'Conirneneed in 1873. and extended oaer said: • . a couple of years, and the cost was rot "Now you be the pig M let me bel - less than $150,000. Finding that a ler." • treatkleal of demand haa been spru g - But Billy he said : up Li, lager beer, Messrs. Carling & o. "1 ain't a -very .good pig 'fore din. hist yearbuilt an immense addition at ner, and ittle be time -'nuff for you great cost, and now all is laid low. It to Wier wen yure mother sees yure was fitted up with all the latest p- close." •: nlianeeS for th e making of beer, and no x- A man wich had been put in the pen- pense-had been. spared to secure eve tenchery cos he stole -a herse he got -thing of the latest design. Before ti out and ran .away with his stripy erection of the lager beer portion, tie close on. Au one. day wile he was a capacity of the brewery was fully 20 rtinnin away he met a zebry: So -the barreleper day, and we bolieve that man he looked a wile a stouish, an then was worked to its fullest extent; Ti he sed: will give a fair idea of the large eapi ". How Icing waSyou ite for ?" it is al , pertickler jest wen nnt by a feller wich but, Johnny, sum ckle-headed galoots er fokes is afrade to boy, one of the w ,gittin rich by stex dowt his own brot But Billy he sa for to pay the but Wy not hust up th jest too gorjaus fo An Englishm Eng' s if selling the piano her is gittin rich, cooldn stove and be • enuy thing? • 's Plain Talk to shmen. .• )1 The be Sores, Hands, Eruptio Fict sati rice 25 leasdell uRuN EXPOSITOR. 3 cklen's Arnica Salve. t salve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, kers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped hilbiains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin s. Title salveis guaranteed to give per - action in every elute or money refunded. cuts per box. For sale by Ifikon & Seaforth. 566-8m acts that We Know. If you re .suffering -with a severe cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, lees of voice, tickling i the throat, or any affection of tbe throat or lungs, we know thee Dr. King's . New Discovery will give on imenediate relief. We know of hun- dreds of eases it has completely cured, and that where al other medicines had failed. . No other remedy an elbow one half as many permanent Oures. ow to give you satisfactory proof that Dr. King's ow Discovery will cure you of asthma, bronchit s, hay fever, consumption, severe coughs, colds, ho irseneas, or any throat or lung disease, if you will all at Erickson and Bleasdell's drug store, , eaforth we will give you a trial bottle free of ; ost, or regular size bottle for $1. 556-8m-2 11.1ECIA 11, (AME tON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Sol citors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. 0. Ca eron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILL T sio A.pprais reaeona AM SMALL, Conveyancer and 00112rilid- or in B. Re: Wroxeter. Auctioneer and r. Accounts and notes collected on le teems. 366 la L. -a-'• Ch lice, ov Kidd's S OYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in ncery, tac., Goderich and Seaforth. Of. ✓ Joideke Drug Store, Goderich, and ore, Seaftth. 354 'ARE 1 W & MEYER, Berrisairs, Attorne ys- at.L w, Solieitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pub- lic, and onveyancers. Money to Loan, private funds, t S per cent. Offices-Goderich and Wingha •. 11, W. C. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing - ham, So icitor Conaolidated Bank. 581 MALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristers, Atter. ne s Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, Ont. 0 co—First door east of the new Royal Canadia Bank building. Money to loan on farm propert3. S. MA COMSON. 404 G. A. WATSON RENS 1" at L Oonveya forth an & MEYER Barristers and Attorney w, Solieitors i Chancery and Insolvency, cera, Notaries Public,. etc. Offices -Seto Brnsselte $23,0oo of Private Funds to limas' once, at Eight per emit. Interest,payable yearly. 68 JAS. . BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. The bove firm has thie day been dissolved by. ' mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Mr. James Hill, being invited to ex- plain why he used American locksnu large building for ,he War Department, - has given -the Eng ish working classes a very plain talkii g -to. The distress which exists arno largely due to th trades -unions, th iniprovidence of g them is, he 'says, injurious action of drunkenness and e men, their anti - pathy to the use of machinery, the ex- istence of low' wac es ancl short hours, and the obtusenes • of masters who are 'content to reprod.1 ce the same class of goods from genera ion to generation, in- stead of adapting hemselves to suit the requirements of t e age. Foreign' com- petition, he says, vould not be possible if the trades-unio s would employ their funds in educatin their members in- stead of fighting their masters. He cites one OaSO here an ironmaster, whose men were etting from £5 to £6 a week, was off ,red a large Russian contract at a rate lower than be could affprd to go, henc he called. the • men together and said if they could reduce the cost of labor e would take the con- tractiif not it wo ld go to Belgium. " Let it -go to. elgium ; we'll follow it there and have a bit. of an outing," they answered.. 1 hey are now living on meal and wate Mr. Hill says that the great bulk of iis locks -came from this country, to hic.h he was driven by the :inferiority and high prices of English workma ship and the unwil- lingness of mas ers to entertain his ideas of inipro -ement. He visited America last yea and opened up busi- ness relations wit two firms that have taken pains to ca ry out his views. As a consequence he is putting American locks on the grea hospital at Walsall, within a stone's t row of factories that cannot produce t iena as oheaply or Yet as good. The fr ight from New Yor1. is even less than from Willenhall. Tlif)s and Do ns of Journalism. Not an hour aga I met one of the brightest men :on the metroohtaxi preif,s, . Twenty years ago he was facile! pre •eps. fen ye In ago he wa man- Itging editor of a -"reat daily-. T� -night he egged a drinl from me, and: -when I tendered him a dollar he thanked me with tears in his -eyes. Make nb mis- tate about this n an. He is on -.a tear no , but in less ihan ten days he'll be inak-ing his $150 k week as easy as rolling off log. The bt ne of :New York life is wh skey.. They all drink it. Actors, majnagers, critics, dry goods men and ev rybody else a e slaves to drink. It is the curse of th age in which we live. A eneration of n-ight fellows die out tb. re ever Y; ye tr.—Cor. Philadelphia Ti.nes. Nov JAMES 11. BENSON: 7, 1876. H. W. C. MEYER. illEOICA L. JG. • A donee s emit of COTT, M. D. &c., Physician, et argeou and eoneheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- uth side of Goderich Street, find door reebyterian Church. 34a 1..f L . g Office directl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. JAMES MoGUFF1E & CO., SEAFORTH, BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC OF SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY THAT THEY HAVE LEASED THOSE EXTENSIVE PREMISES IN STARK'S BLOCK, Main Street Seaforth, where th 77-110=SA.I.A WINE AND 'SP ,y intend carrying on the business of A -1\1-p IRd=1A.II.J RIT MERCHANTS. They have Received a LARGE an FIRST-CLASS Stock of LIQUORS. which have all been Bought a the 10WES1 CASH PRICES, So that they will be able to supply their customers with the Genuine Article at a Moderate Rate. The Store will be under the Management of Mr. H. C. MALCOLMSON, lately with Messrs. Killoran & Ryan, and we trust to have a visit from our friends be- fore the Christmas Holidays. Hotel Keepers who may favor us with their custom Will meet with Special Inducements. JAMES MeGUFFIE & Co.,. Seaforth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROTHERS INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE. PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING TES- TIMONY OF ONE OFt THE WORLD'S GREATEST PIANISTS WITH REGARD TO rT im 1 A_ z\T o •. For Which We are thelWbolesale Agents for Ontario 1 !BOSTON. Mass., July 21st, 1878. . , TBE E.441ERSO.,.\T PIANO CakPANY. VERCOE, M. D., 0. M., Physician, Sur-- nu, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron GENTLEMEN -I have eXamined with great interest and pleasure your Upright Pianos. Tbe nd Residence, on jarvis street north, one I bave is superb in every respect. Elasticity of touch sad fine singing quality of tone are opposite Seaforth Public Schnol. W. Grndu t.c of the TiSurgeon and Acenuchent. University of Trinity College, Toront . Member of the Royal College of Phy • eicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kintinen.Ont. 4.elfi ADAMS, M, D., late of Laketielch Ont., prominent in them, whilst in power they are like a Grand. I am not the least surprised at the un- paralleled success with wbich your Pianos meet, and most heartily and empleatieally endorse pub - Physician lic opinionan respect to them. Faithfully penes, F, BOSCO VITZ. _ AA/ Id. HANOVER, M. D„ C. M., Graduate of V. V 11. cGill Univereity, Physician. Surgeou and Accouce eur, Seaferth. Ont. Office -Rooms in Meyer' Block latalroccupied by Dr. Phelan, and former y by the late Dr. King. Will attend at Carron rook on Tuesdays and.Fridays. 496 11It • a eNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, ,Gradr .e of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Out. ( ince and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or - day. stock of veterinary medicines on hand ' °large reasonable. Horsee examined as to 13011114- 11PS11 ne d nertifieates given if required. 407 th an do te goo use vig Women are first time, to degrees of ti , without exc ms as men. • dmitted this year, for aal the examinations e 'University of Lon- ption, on the same rtiatE: is no reniei y for female complaiets so as Victoria Duel u. and lava Ursa After its for a few days, he whole system seems in - rated, the pallid ips and cheeks soon show a ros * tint, and herf lness soon. drives a -way the sielily fears and nerv hs pains which destroy the pleasures of those elm sufferfrom the peculiar conplaints of the ge tler sex. :For sale 'by Mr. J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 1-585 al AM a 03 ' two ye Torou reside attend Veteri ex ami Hoes° W. E tario Vet OM to pr o, has s ce east of d to by ary Medi ed as to bought L1)E14e V. 8., Gate:Mate ot the erinary College. After devoting actice with Professor Smith, of ' ettled in Seaforth. Office at his W. M. Chureh. Cells promptly day or night. A large stock of eines constantly on hand. Horses JOHN WARD Seaforth. being ouudness and, certilicahes given 01R. JO-A.1\TS. Clough & Warren's Celebrated Instruments always on hand. Also the popu- lar Canadian Bell Organ. Other Pianos and Organs supplied on the shortest notice. Instruments sold on time or the instalment system. SCOTT BROTHERS Seaforth, Ont. A RALE CHAN° E TO MAKE MONEY. HARNESS AT - GREAT for 8,1e and sold on commission. 424 8by Public hours 'Mrs. Seafoi al DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., 1-8 • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the lioyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Roona, in hitneyis new brick block, Main Street, h. MISCELLANEOUS. A J MeCOLL, Solicitor, &e., Brussels. Office -Leh • in Leckie's' new beick building. 604-52 BOA gentle man a J . part!, POS1U 11 McBr iDERS.-A number of Boarders can be commodated -with board, either ladies or nen. Apply to J. M. CALDWELL, (only d wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 . BRINE, Lieencect Auctioneer tor the tounty of Huron. Sales attended in all el the Cpnuty. All orders left at the Ex - n Office will be promptly attended to. _ . 1VIeLEOD, Licen•led Auctioneer for the ounty of Huron. All orders left at janies de's will receive prompt attention. If by letter address Seaforth P. 0. 558 JOH LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate ent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant Money loaned on real estkte in town or county, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges mode ate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured - men ages paid off. Terms to suit harrowers. Farnt and village property for sale. °Bice— Lecki 's new brick block, Brushela, Ont. 61.5 QEA " ronag cuato make and b Web on he wi th the 1 Seale) TlIl unfai clang tion i moat, all obtructions, and a speedy cure may be retie on. To Tha.ricdladies,itis peculiai ly suited. It wi 1, in a short time, bring on the mohthly pe- riod ith regularitz. These pills should not be take by Females daring the first three months of Pr ,graucv as they are sure to bring on alas - cane go, but at any other time they are safe. In all c .ses of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex - elide , palpitation of the heart,. hysterics, and whit s, these pills will effect a cure when all other mea 8 neve failed ; and, although a powerful reme y, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, • ything hurtful to the constitution. .Full direc ions in the pamphlet around each package, whic I should be carefully preserved. Job Moees, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12a cents for p stage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To. • , Ont., general agent- e for the Dominion, will usure a bottleeoataining over 50 pine by retell maih Sold in Seaforth by Flickeon & Blea dell, J. S. Roberts, and It. Lumsden. 197 ELI =MOM! THOILts' ExCELSion EcEEcTnic TEN Trims iTs WEIGHT IN 'GOT, .—• Paiti cannot stand where it Is used. It is the • beapest medieine ever made. One dose cures ,teomi on sore throat. One bottle -has cured brou- /cilia Fifty emits' worth has eared au old stand - e ugh. It positively (tures eatarrh, asthma, abet roup. Fifty cents' worth has cured click in the ack, and the same quantity lame back of 8 year 'standing. The following are extracts from feN of the many bettors that have buil received from different parts of Canticle, which, we think, sho ld sufficiently satisfy the most skeptieni : J. Coil rd, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dezen Dr.' hornas' Belt ctrie Oil, have sold all I had from you, and want more new ; its cures are truly won- derf 1." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin:write:a "I hav sold all- the agent left, it acts like a charin- it w s slow at iirst, but takes splendid now." H. Cole of Ione, writes. Please forward 6 dozen Tho nee' Eclectric Oil, I am nearly out, nothing Neu Is it. It is highly recommeudedby those who haveused it." J. Bedford, Thamesville, writes, "Send me at (nice a. further supply of Eeleetric Oil, 1 have only one bottle left. I never saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfac- tion" Thompson, Woodward, writes, "Send me some more Eelectrie Oil, -I have r•old entirely Out. Nothing- takeslike it." Miller & Reed, Ul- vei-ten, P. Q,, write, "The Detect] ie Oil ia gettiug a great reputation here, and is daily railed foe. Send us a further supply without delay."Lemoyne, Gibb & Co„ Buckingham, P. Q., writes, "Send us one gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to take -well." Sold by all inedicine dealers. Price ea Cents. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE.—Ecleetric— Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by -Hickson & Bleesdell, J. S. Roberts and la. Lumaden 621 tORTH PUMP FACTORY. -The under- gned, whileraturning thanke for the pat - already recaved, would remind hie many ers and friends that he still • matinees to pampa and cisterns of the best material the best workmen. None but quartered r used for pimps. A few farm gates still d. All overdue accounts not Handed forth - ill be charged 10 per ceut. interest from t of Jenuary, 1878.. NOB -LE CLUFF, rous diseases to which the female cons5t6iltu- T BEG TO -ANN'OUNCE TO th. __e eriodical Pala -This invaluable medicine is GREAT REDUCTI • GREA.T FEMALE REMEDY.-Tob Moses ing iu tho cure of all those p'ainful aud subject. It' moderates all excess and re- 'YOUR OWN PRICES. UCTION SALE. bot to make a Change in his Bnsiness, will offer nction, at his Store, Main Street, ON TUESDAY, THE 251LH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 18793 The whole of his Large Stock of Hann prising 35 Sete of Light and Heavy H Workmanship. His Steck pf other Goo what it will Sale will commence at 12 TERMS. -On the Harness, 8 months' other articles cash. A discount of 6 cen J. P. BRINE, AUCTIONEER. N. B.-Tbis Stock was wide for Caste The Stock can be inspected at any tihne ear4, Saddles, Trunks, Whips, Robes Ike., 'cora= rness,all of his own make, and of me Best -aia teri al and 8 is very large and varied. The Stoek meat be seal, tirin g 'clrek sharp. reakt will be given on furniShing approved joint notes. All On the Dotter will be allowea foroash on cretin amounts. JOHN WARD, PROPRIETOR. ork, and is not of the class neuelly sold by Auction. rio • to the sale. • THE GOD Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balane Second hand 20 Horse -Engine, Balanc Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Helene Second band 12 Horse Engine, Baiaric A Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hois Second hand 16 Horse Portable Boiler, Second. hand 16 horse Portable Boiler„ Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler; Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Steam Gnage, Gunge and Safety Na ves Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine Heading Jointer. ICH FOUNiDRY. W eel and Saw Mandrel. $225 "%heel anci Pulleys Complete. .. 225 Wheel, Pulleys and Governors.. ... .. .... . . .... ..... 275 Wheel, Palley s and Governors 200 ing o -ear ith Smoke Stack -, . a 150 200 vith Smoke Stack. ith Smoke Stack , 225 Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Freak Grate Biers, all in Good Order. . . 450 ....... .............. .. . 90 . . 40 Heading Planer Heading Turner Stave adachine, with Knife New Engines and Boilers on ha for Flouring, Grist and Saw 11. -"Agricultural Implements.-Stov Attended to. CODERICH F • • • 4 .. • • d, 80 CINITY ALL KINDS OF To Lowe I -USE NOTHING 50 70 80 o Made to Order very cheap. , Mill Machinery . Middling Furillers of Improved Kinds VarimiaKinda.-Repairs on Boilers, Mills, &c.,promptly DRY AND MANUFACTURINC COMPANY. dH.ANOERY SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT, COUN- TY OF PERTH. 121 URSTIANT to the decree in the cause of Me. -11- Taggart vs. Mer -ill, and bearbeg date the 12th day of Janie, A. D. 1878, there will be sold, With the approbation of Henry MeeDermott, Esq., Mast-er of the said Co -net at Goderich,at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, in the TOWN OF SEli- FOR fH, at the hour of Two oaeloek thc aftep- noon, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of FEBRU- AltY, A. D. 1879, the following lands and prom- isee, being Lot Number Twenty -Five,, tile Thirteenth Concezeion of the Township of Hib- bert. in the County of Perth, cottaining One Hundred Aeres, more or less. 'The lanais first-class laming land, a dry -clay loam ; fifty acres or thereabouts are cleared, and under good cultivation; fairly fenced ; the re- mainder is well titnbered with black ash and aeech and maple. There is a small beating orchard, good well; buildings are log. The tot is situate five miles from the village of Irensall, ten miles from the Town of Senforth, and one and one-quarter miles from Chisellmest P. O. Church, school and blacksmith shop within a short distance of the promisee. The property will be put up at it e-eserved bid. TERMS 01' SALE.- The purehetser, at the time of sale, to pay a deposit in the proportion of $10 for every $100 of his purchase mooey, to the Vendors' Solicitor, and shail pay the balance into Court within one month thereafter ; and upon payment the pnrchaser shell be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into possession. In all other respects the conditions 01 eele wfli be the standing conditione of the Court of Chan- cery. Further particulars and the conditiorts of sale may be obtained upon application to hones H. Benson, Esq., Vendors' Solicitor, Messrs. Mc- Caughey & llohnested, Solicitors, Seaforth, and. "Lessee. Garrow & Dreyer, Solicitors, Goderich. Goderich, January 30th, 1879. MaeDERAOTT, Master a.t Goderiche JAMES H. BENSON, Vendors' Solicitor. 583-3 IN BOOTS AND SHOES. T E PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- HAIT I -HAVE REDUCED CUSTOM SHOEMAKING t emuneiative .Prices. MIT THE BEST MATERIAL Therefore I can Guarantee Good l3atiflaction to those who wish to favor me with it call. REPAIRING- DOr ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place : Opposite the F ty. ELLIOTT GRIEVE, SEAFORTH. SPRING SEED SHOW. THE Annual Seca Sho'w, under the auspices of J- the Tuckersmith 13ranch Agricultural Soeiety, will be held in the AGRICULTURAL HALL, in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, on WEDNESDAY,. FEBRUARY 26th, 1679, when the following prizes will be offered. for Grain, Seeds and Roots, viz.: Best 4 bushels Spring Wheat, Fife, let $3, 2nd $2, Spa $1. Best 4 busb els Spring Wheat, Lea Chaff, lst $3, and $2, 3rd $1. Best 4 bushels Spring Wheat, any other vatiety, let $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Best 4 bushels two -rowed Butley, 1st $2, 2n4 $1 50, ard $1. Best 4 buehels six -rowed Barley, let $2, and 60, 3rd $1. Best 4 bushels large white Oats, 1st $2, and $le Best 4 bushels common white °eta, lst $2, and Best 4 bushels black Oats, lst $9, 2nd 1. Best 4 bushels small Pea, 1st $2, 2nd$1. Beet 4 bushels large Peas, lst V, 2nd $1. Best 2 bushels Timothy Seed, 1st $2, and $L Best 2 bushels Clover Seed, let $2, and $1. Best busnel and a half early Potatoes, 1st $2, 2nd $1. Best bushel and a half late Potatoes, let $2, 2nd $1. • RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. All articles shown. must he the growth -of 1878, and produced on the form of the eehibitor. 2. No person will be lentitled to more than one prize for grain, seeas or roots of the same kind. 8. No person will be allowed to show seed or sell on the grounds without -first becoming &- member of the society. 4. NO exhibitor allowed to expdee his name on the bags. 5. All articles tor exhibition to be -on the ground by 10 o'clock A. M. 6. No grain, seed, or roots to be removed from the building before 4 o'clock P. M. GORDON aleADAM, Secretary,' GEORGE SPROAT, tesident. .683-3 POST OFFI STORE, WALTON. ONCE MORE respectfully beg ;eav to return thanks to iny numerous customers for their kind pat.rOns ge duringthe lest llayeni th t I have been doing business amongst them and kindly eolicit a continuance of their favors f r the future. I have just received a Large and Well Selected Steck of DRY GOODS of rill eteiriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of AGRLalar y'—which, for quality andyrice, are the best in the County. elOe sEtoReklEofSB--OTFoAsTassiavs) HOES-McPher90n:8 make. Crock my, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints ard Oi le 1rugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams. in fact every- thing required in a general store. As forkvinit you want if eon don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I would ale° intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and settle by cesh or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No f urther notace will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. -I am also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one a the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society chine money on gond farm security for s term of from three to twenty years on the int at favorable coaditeons. LIFE IN SURANCE.-If Toe -want your life insured give me a can, as I am agent for tbe San atutuel Life Aseurance Company, one of the best Life In - &trance Companiee in the Dominion, and aonducted on the most ecouomieal principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentave to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clover, Titiereha, Turnip and other seeds on hand. R. PATTISON, WALTON. SOMETHING NEW. CHANGE OF BUSINESS fat FRIEL hes purchased the Stock and Blasi - h --a• nese of James Carpenter, DUBLIN, and will hereafter carry on the business beretolore carried on by Mr. Carpenter. He will keep eon- stantly on hand a full stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Of all kinds, which he will -sell at pries suitable to the timeslie is also prepared to turn out -Ordered Work in the Neatest and. Best Style, and of good material. Fits guaranteed. Repairing promptly attended to. Being a practieal workman himself and intend- ing to devote his personal attention to buebeess, he hopes to give entire eatisfaetion to all who may favor him with their patronage. Reneeliber the Place-Citepentee's .ola stand, opposite Pendergast's lioten 582 C. FRIEL. -THE ONTARIO 'LOAN AND SAV- INGS -COMPANY, OF LONDON. ,CHAT Mit. DENT SELLS THE WHO SAYS CHEAPEST DRY WHY, EVE ND tbuy of him myself. He's se 13- his ,present prices. You can get !Shawl for $1 25, and then in Dress G GOODS RIY BO DY IN SEAFORTH- ? SAYS SO: ling out, you know and it -won't take him long to do it at peafect duck of a Jacket at Dent's for $1 50, and, a lovely oda But it's nO use talkino. You must see for your- . aelf before yon can believe ; and he hs a case of New Spring Prints, just in, the lovhest pat- terns you ever ELM. Don't throw yont Taney away, but go and spend it at Dent's. Mr. DENT would also say that be has notify all parties interestedthat they niust all be settled by the 28th of the present lomat+ , or they will be put into Couit on the first of Mareh, without favor to anyone -he must have the dust. lot of notes and overdue .accounts on hand, and would JOSEPH JEFFERY, President. ALEX- JOHNSTON, Arne -President - SAVINGS BANK iticA.Niclit. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS,- The Ontario Loan and Savings Company are prepared to receive deposits in tho sum of $5 and epwatde, at the rate of SIX PER CENT,. per swum, FOR fixed periods, or Five per cent. on -demand. All investments of this Company are secured by mortgagee on Real Estate, -whieh efforde to de- pos i tors the beat possible security for the safety of tbeir deposite, For further partieulate; apply by letter, or at the office of the Company, 581-12 WM. F. BULLER, Manager. MCCAUGHEY & HOI.MESTEi, Lkw, cHANcEn,yo,zetqa,CONVEYANCING • Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. SOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Committee i n Seaf o rt:. Farm aaTown eliavinage Property bought and sold': Money (-privets funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate le aninvested for private persons upon the best mortgage securitiesawiehout any expenee to the lender. 8. G. MeCAUGHEY, M. A._ la. HOLDIESTED. CORN AND PEAS. -THE Subscriber ha a now on hand, at Tiernan, a- a large quantity of Choice Corn, fit for meal or seed. Will bo sold in lots of 19 buehels or over at LOWER PRICES THAN HAS RE- CENTLY BEEN GOING,. wm also have on hand timing the nett few Months Choice Selected Peas for Seed, at Kippen Station. Will else take any quantite of good Clover Seed at market price. 582 DAVID- MeLENNAN. AUCTION SALE OF 01.0 CHURCH SITE tin CHURCH. rnERE will bo sold by Public Anetien, at 1 -a- o'clock P. M.. en SA_TOILDAY. FEBRUARY 22nd, 1879, ill the Village of Zurich, tbe lot and building known as the oia. Lutheran Church. The lot and church will be sold either separate or together. Terms made known on day of sale. FREDE NICK HESS, Secretary Lutheran. Church. E. BOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer. 532-4 HENSALL TILLS. FREE TRADE. -pARMERS and others buying corn -will belib- erally dealt wi h. Come and see the torn and get one prices for whole or chopped corn. Flour end Feed delivered at wholesale prices by the ton or ear. G-'risting attended to punctually An usual. Chopping done eveiy day. 570 McCREGOR 4 URQUHART- N. B. -A well-bred Suffolk BOAT kept ut the mill for service. MILLINERY .REMOVAL, TN thanking the regales of Readmit' and Sur- rounding country for past favors, I weeld beg to remind them that I have TenClOVE a to Hensel), where I wit:the pleased to wait upon old as -well as new customers 'who may thence this way. 675 MISS M. MITCHELL. _