The Huron Expositor, 1879-02-14, Page 8HE 1-11J110 l'S1 EXPOSITOR. pia on txpooitor. , DISTRICT MATTERS. 1 - `Getman LION.—Invoioes received from. Glasgow. Goods shipped on Ian. 8, per Steam- ship Anchoria, to Now York.Will beforward on or about the 20th inst. To hand this week, a splendid stock of American Cotton Goods, also Canadian Tweeds. A report having been circu- lated that we have given up the Tailoring Branch and that cutting will not be done, 1 beg leave to Inform my customers and the public generally that garments will be cut same as in former sea- sons, and on the same terms. Satisfaetion guar- anteed either when suits are made or cut. R. JAMIESON. 584 AUCTION SALE of Dry Goods at the Corner Store, opposite the Coramercial Hotel, Seaforth. Sale to commence on Saturday first, • February 15th. This will be a 'rare chance for buyers to get cheap Dry Goods, as the stock nmst be aold out. Tuosets WADDELi., Manager. 684 when the proceeds tire to be dev .to worthy local objects, scarcelyreo sufficient to defray expenses. W informed that the proceeds of Tue evening were barely sufficient to d expenses, and that there will surplus for ',distribution among poor as was originally intended. • G0i)i) FOR SEAFORTH.—Two Till the Seaforth Curling Club visited ham, and played the return match the "Lorne "st Club there, on th inst., and succeeded in making t selves " cock-&-the-walk " that d • the subjoined scorewill show: amts. NO. 1. Seaforth. ' Lorne. James Laidlaw 4• 7. McAlpine M. R. Counter C. Walkinshaw J. A. Wilson 7. Dinsley 7so1OS Hatt, skip -25. G. Anderson, sk RINK NO 2. PERSONAL.—We regret tb learn that Dr. Campbell, of this town was taken . severely ill on Saturday last, from the effects of t bad cold, and.:has suffered considerably since. He is at present recovering, and we hope he will soon be entirely convalescent. SALT WORKS.—Mr. Thonaas Goven- lock has leased the :Merchants Salt Company's works in this town for a term of years. As a conditional the lease he has to erect in connection therewith a steam Saw mill and steels factory. Mr. Govenlock is a pushing business man, and having ample means, he will doubt- kss carry on a large business. If there is anymoney in it Tom will he pretty sure to bring it out. THE LITERARY SOCIETY.—Th4 last meeting of the. Literary Society was Seaforth.'; F. Holmested Alex. Wilson C. Wilson J. R. Lyons, skip -L25. ted ives are day fray no the s of ing- with 8th em - 58 Lorin. • 7, Neelan.ds 7. Young W. O. Fowler Gr. Ideliay, skip -21. SOMETHING Naw.—:We are int that a firm in the State of New is in communication with part town, with the view of starting large establishment for the ma tun of flour and salt barrel hoops extensive scale. We trust the ne tions may prove succesffil, and learn the company desire exemptio taxation for a term of years, as o the conditions of their estahliehi works here, We should think it pay the town Well to grant this i ment. An establishment of this would be of great benefit, as it not only be the mea -ns of keeping a large amount of Money whieh i nually Bent elsewhere for suchana rmed ork, s in ere a ufac- n an otia- s we from e of a the ould duce - kind • ould ere • fairly attended. Excellent readings brit it would brine in here for dis ribu- were given by Miss Pringle, Miss E. tion a very considerable mina am ually Johnson, and Messrs. Higgins, Smith, from other places. McCaaighey, Wm.. Campbell and Re. , • Wry...Campbell. The critic's duties de- PRESENTATION TO CHIEF CAMPB volved upon Mr. Field, Who performed At a meeting of the Seafortla_Fi the services required in an intelligent gade, held on Monday evening la and appropriate manner. Remember . members of Rescue Hook and the debate, next Tuesday evemng, on Company presented Mr. John Ca the "Scott Temperance Act." the Chief Engineer, with a w cane and a gold locket, accompa A • GOOD COLT.—Mr. OOWall, SOH .01 - a complimentary address. • Mr. Arr. Walter Cowan formerly of McKil- lop, and now . of Peotone; Illinois, who has been visiting friends in this section for isome weeks, purcha.sed a few days ago from Mr. John Kairns, of Hibbem, as very fine three year old stallion, pay- ing therefor the sum of 6500. , This colt was sired by the celebrated Lord Had- dow, and is one of the best of the many ,valueble colts he has left in this section. Mr. Cowan intends' taking the aninaal horae with him. THE CHARITY Concena.-1---The amount realized by the concert grven under the auspices of Fidelity Lodge, Independent Order Ocldfellows, a few weeks ago, for the benefit of the poor, was 633.25. • Of this amount the .smia of $21 was given to a coramittee of ladies of 'the town for distribution. The balanCe was deveted to paying for the hall and other neces- sary expenses'. - The lodge engaged the services of Mr. Spier, and paid all his expcases out of their own funds. • s This year there was a scarcity o LL.-- e Bri- t, the adder pbell, lkingr: ied by 11 amp - bell made a suitable reply. These Mani- festations were made because o Mr. Campbell's intention to resign th posi- tion he has held in the Fire B igade. John has fulfilled the duties of ti is im- portant position since the form ion of a company in Seaforth, and the ddress and presentation by he mem ers of Rescue Company, on the eve of is re- signation, was very appropriate. I It is the intention of Plicenix Comp ny to supplement the action taken by escue Company at the next meeting f the Brigade, when there is no dou t that company will do its best in the vay of testifying the good relations which have existecl between themselve and their chief. MOrri0 Parish, Nichol Nichol Horton Mends Cook, 144; A Senior amine( • THE STOCK SALE.—The stock sale held at Exeter on Wednesday la:t was only a partial success. Last yea there was any quantity of very superio stock, but there was a-- 'scarcity of uyers. good came dis- aof a only, eviYral rices. 1, the ucker- Mr. 6100 ; ty of ed by $101; f Mr. Mr. everal s, the which fferent state od at - t quite LI fail - he As- ertion • d sue - could ers to Could re in- duced to atteiad. to purChase what did • th th 1 ;AN 'UNCOMMON TRAMP.—A stout, s stock, and several buyers avho heavy -built specimen of the wandering from a distance had to go aw appointed, as the stock was no species of travellers known as quality to suit them. There wer " tramps " came to town last week. all Vila, some twenty entries. , Unlike the common run of his kind, he aninaals changed hands at fair ,did not seek money, but -work at what- ever consideration. a spa:apathetic pub- Among these was a yearling bn property of Mr. A. Elcoat, of lic might give him. We are told that he sawed 4 cords of wood for one of our smith, which was purchased b John Barbour, of Wawanosh, for citizens on Sa•turday. The exact cor- a yearling entire colt, the prop rectness of the quantity maybe slightly Mr. Jewell, of Mitchell, purcha exaggerated, but it is quite true that be - Mr, John Ketehen, of Sta.nley,fo did an -uncommon good day's work. • , 284; Ellen Reef, 265; Justice 237; J. Humeston, 236; Jane , 234 ; T. Ryckman, 227 ; E ma , 209. Third class junior—E • a 263 • A. Stewart, 262; Mary !1,256; P. Stewart, 226; S ml. 08; R. .Miller, 205; J. Hibks, Swan, 140; J. Brintnell, 20. econd and junior second no ex - 1 Wingham. DES RUCTIVE very serious, fire oc urred at 'Windham, by wiicb Mr; Giffin, on Monday, lost his barns, outb • ding and three horses; al o a mamboof sheep, cattle and pigs, frm imple4; eats, -wagons, buggies, and a large a • omit of grain and. prodtuoe. Mr. Giffin, while attempting to Jlead. the -ho ses out of the burning building, was k ocked down and stepped or by them, and but for his daughter, ho rushe into the burning building and. pulled him out, he would have peri bed in the flames. Cause of fire is un- know 1' • 1 a young stallion, the property a Jaraes Moller& purchased b • EVENING CLASSES.—The Directors of Charles Mason far $146 • also She Mechenics' Institute have provided very fine sheep and Berkshire pi for a course of lessons ill. 'reading, writ - property. of Mr. Humphrey Snell hag, arithmetic and book-keeping, to be were purchased by several d given by a thorough coraPeteiat teacher. parties. Considering the storm The teething will extend over twelve of the weather, there W8.8 a g weeks two evenings a Week, and will tendance at the sale, although n cost one dollar for the 'course. This so large as last year. This parti offers a very favourable Opportunity for ure is not due by any means to young persons who wish to further , sociation, aS every possible e qualify themselves for the better man - was made to 'make the sale a gra agement of business trandactions. Par- cess. The s'S:ssodation, however lies :wishing to join should apply. to not force. stoat owners and bree the Librarian or to Mr. J. L. Johnson. . I bring out -the stock, neither INSTILLATION.—At me last meetine of they comp y , s , Huron Lodge, Independent Order of Good Templars, on Friday evening last, 11 ' , made successful, the efforts of 5 She following officers were installed. to sodation mug be liberally suppI fill their respective officefor the en - ed by the owners of improved suing quarter: W. C. 'T., Bro. James Hastie ; W. V. T., . Sister , Lizzie Old- 'whom they are more particul signed to aid. Thus far the enc field; W. S., Bro. James Whitesides; W. A. S., Sister McCu!ish ; W. F. n.,. ment afforded the Association ei stock men or the public has n : Bro. Re Taylor' • W. T., 'ister Mrs. Ed - such as to inspire them with an ward -s; W.I. G. Sister 4 ell ; W. O. G., degree of hope for the future. Bro. F. Peters; W. R. II: S., SiaterMc- Dougall ; W. _L. 11.5., SiSter Julia, Gib- or not, therefore, the sales will tinued, we cannot say: A raee son; W. M., Bro. j. R. Aitchison; W. the•Directora and others interes D. M.' Sister Rebecca Welsh, W. Chap.. be held at Brucefield. on Mond 24th inst., when, we presume, th ter will be deeided. , 1. Bro. W. 0. Edwards ;,P. W. 0. - Charles, Moore. 1 • .very pleaSant and suc- cessful social' was held in the Presby- terian Church:, on Tuesday eveninglast. The sonial was gotten uti in aid of the Seaforth branch of the Women' For- - For- . eign • Mfasionary ,Saciets's. The chair • was occupied by Rev. Mr:Muegrave• in- teresting, practical addresses were de- livered -by Rev. Mr. Graham, Seaforth, and Rev.Mr.McCoy,Egniondaille,also , reading by Mr. S. Ga. McCaughey and music by Professor Joneg. -At the con- - elusion of the literary -feast the -audience adjourned to the basernent -where a bountiful repast, prepar ed. by the ladies, awaited thema -We hallo _not -learned theamount retlized, but judging from .the etten4neeit must have been a very handsome stun, although the std mission fee was only 15 Cents._ .1- .1 - THE BENEFIT ENIITERT#g.INMENT.—The entertainment given by:the Seaforth Dramatic. Club, on TrieSday • evening last, for the- benefit of the poor, was but fairly patronized. As the merits of the Club are oufficientlY well known, and as, the performances of Toesday evening fully sustained their rePutation, it is unnecessary to particularize the act- ing of the plays in detaiLl It is a mat- ter of great regret that the efforts' of the Club to! entertain' and • aSsist in aiding laudable undertakings, is not more tan- gibly appreciated, than has been the case during the present ieason. is certainly discouraging tactile Club, to be greeted, with such per audience s, compared with what th.ey fornierly had, and we aresfurther inclin d to believe • that money cannothe so •forth, when a` foreign trou carce in Sea - es can coin- mencl a full house, I and take all the cash out of the tosvii to lae circulated elsewhere, while a home entertainment, • Blooming Trill. Coraa—Coids are so prevalent neighborhood.; and the demand medics so great, that the best and cold medicines cannot be p to may advantage whatever in t lively and floOurishinvillage. Roaesa—The road's this wint been in such a dreadful conditi people generally, and even the per men, cornmence to remark non -execution of the duty fallin pathmasters, in making and kee roads passable during the wiae as in the sunaraet months. Enecaion.L-Several new lions barns are to be erected during suing summer in this -vicinit Thos. Wren, Mr. Robt. Varley, M Drover and Mr. John Swan, all building large barns with stone underneath for their own cony and the cemtort of their animal John Brintnell intends building private residence in the village. McLaren, Habkirk. and Mends tend. erecting elegant ,brick vi their Tespective farms. OUR Scn06e.—This school, w school section No. 7, Hibbert, is a very prosiberous condition, al the average for January is much er than in previous years. The in said school rank as follows fo conduct au d'general proficiency, month ending the 3rd of Feb Fifth class—j. T. Wren, 381; M Miller, 351; Win. Glen, 352; Hogarth, 309; D. Reef, 255. class—A. Morrison, 35B; G-. H 354; S. Latta, 309; G. Habkir R. Hogarth, 193. Third class s J. Rice, 426; N. Horton, 310; Je -ski A. Stewart, 288; Katy Stewart, 285 Neil • to be e As- merit - stock, ly de- urage- her by t been great hether 8 Mell- ing of ed will 3r, the s mat- FEBRUARY 14, 187_9. voimmis lowed to depart in peace. Another called at a house and wanted a night's lodgings, which. he received, and one of the young ladies of the house says that he had such fearful big feet on him, that he had to back out of the bed room to turn around. We cannot vouch for the truth of this, but at any rate she declares that if he ever calls round again, he will come in close contact with the dangerous end of an overgrown canine animal. Finsenara—The funeral of the late Mr." Robt. Anderson passed through this place on Tuesday of last week. A 'great many friends paid their last tri- bute of respect to the deceased, more than 80 conveyances -following the re- mains to the grave. NARROW ESCAPE.—As an Usborne far- mer was driving past Mr. Case's bush, where there were several choppers at work, a tree came crashing down just behind his sleigh. Had he been only a few seconds later, be would have got a good brushing with the top of the tree. Kinburn.. • RE3 OVED.— We are very sorry t re- late 5 e retirement of Dr. Adaras rom this pl ce, as he was a young mai of good a ility, and, as a doctor' the resi- dents f this place have greatcause to regret is leaving. He has removed to the Ni es where he ' intends pract sing medic ne, and we are sure that the peo- ple of hat place will be proud of heir new c tizen, and we hope he ma se- cure a large patronage. The. peop e of Kinbu -11 have every reason to re om- mend im as a doctor and also sa citize We also hope that his lace -will IS .occupied soon again by an titer medic 1 gentleman of equal merit. . • •• Kippen. TEA MEETING.--Alea meeting nd.er She a spices of the Methodist Chnr-h of this p ace was held last Friday ven- mg, p oving a grand success. Th tea was s rved bathe Methodist Churcli,bnt not b ing room there for nearly a1l to sit, 5 ey repaired. to the Presbyt rian. Chur h, which was kindly given f r the ie occas'on, where all found lots of oom, ands ere well entertained by speeches . one, evds. Messrs. Campbell, 1 Gra- 1 ham nd Livingston, and. music Of a very elect nature by Kippen Piesby- teria Choir, under the leadersh p of Mr. . Blair. The proceeds -.-some 660 are to be applied on the parsonage" fund. 'A social was also held on Mon- day e ening, which was well attended, and most enjoyable evening spent. in this for reT cough °cured Is our ave n that eWspa- n the ,7 upon ing the as well s and he en - 7. Mr. -. John intend ablmg nience Mr. a fine essrs. n in - las on ich is ow in.' hough small - pupils • good or the uary : ttheve oberh ?our th garth, , 252; nior— 14 .Molesworth. Ru oertain young ma4 who lives a ot a thousand miles from oles- wort , offered his hand to the a rling of hi heart, and was accepted. 1. The knot was consequently tied, and the youni couple, determined to be, ortho- dox o course, decided to have a :wed- ding nd a wedding tour, and iiivited their iends to the number of about a baker s dozen to come and witness the cere oily, which they gladly did. All went well till they were on the streets • of B ussels, when lo • and behold]! the horse ran away with the bride, toride- groon and driver, smashed the 'dash - boar of the cutter to atoms, and scared some of the ladies se badly that they re- • turne with the opinion t at for afety, " the e is no place like ho e." Berne. Ac ,WENT.—. -Por some time I past, the chiefamusement here, has :been sleigh ridin 7 down the bill, hich IcomPrises part d the -village; this affOrde sport for all classes, till one esi last •'eek, the merriment was b to it udden stand, by Mr. Weir, ant o' this place, meeting with pain 1 accident, while he, and Brid et Quigley were careering ov hill s de. irliss Bridget became ed a d threw herself from the -whic 1 gave it a sudden impulse t side, arryin,g it towards an old to p •otect himself from whic Weir threw out his leg, thereby ing sa severe a blow on .the -foot sprai i the ankle to such an exten it is f ared by his medical atte that e will not be able to get -a muc before spring. He has the path of the village in his afflict Com. fine ening ought erch- very Miss r the larm- leigh one ence ; Mr. ceiv- as to that dant ound spin - Lon.— DE the Lodg the whic hear "Or cised the most influence "—wa hand ed on both sides. The dicision was iven on the side of the Poet, wide was sustained by the Templars, Mr. P. Cameron. The chair n, of d G. ed r ser - Stanley. stock and implements realized the snug sum of $1,450. We bane pleasure in congratulating our old success of his Hale, as w better. entitled to par good things Of this life auctioneer's hammer, o was wielded by Mr. Joln EDUCAT/ONAL.—The f correct standing of the Section No. 2, McKillop of January t First divisi 1st R. Sperling, 2nd Flo Betsey Dodds,' 45h Eli 'Fourth form—lst Elli Eliza M. Diokson, 3rd 4th J. Dickson. Senior Hibbert.- GOING TO MANITOBA..—MT. Albert Humeston, having sold his farm, lot 22, concession 13, to his brother Samuel, intends removing to Manitoba in the spring. NEW WAGON SHOP .— Mr. Joseph Hogarth, whose wagon and carriage shop was burned some time ago, has erected a large, handsome new build- ing on the site occupied by the old one. This commodious shop is almost com- pleted, when .Mr. Hogarth will com- mence operations more briskly than ever. We wish him success. • AN OLD RESIDENT GONE.—Mr. Wal- ter McNichol, Sr., departed this life on Saturday, the 18th ult. Mr. McNichol had been ailing for some time, but took worse about the middle of the week, gradually failing until Saturday, when death put an end. to his suffer- ings. He was one of the oldest settlers, and worked at his trade (boot and shoe- making) in Cromarty up to a few days previous to his death. Mr. McNichol was respected by all who knew him, as was evidenced by the large nu-mber who followed his remains to their lest rest- ing place on the following Monday. He leaves a widow and a large grown up family to raourn his death. Wroxeter. BOUND FOR MAZ,IITOBA.—A large party from this section are making prepara- tions to go to Manitoba about the end. of March. With this .end. in view, a company has been formed to charter a special. train from Listowel to Winni- peg, without either change of cars or officials, thus obviating the delay and • annoyance so often caused to passen- gers by the ordinary route. Mr. Geo. Miller, of this place, being a member of the committee of arrangement, will furnish anyone who wishes to take ad- vantage of this exceptionally favorable opportunity with all necessary informa- tion. - A SAD DEATEL—A yeung man who had. been passing through this place some two weeks ago, seeking for em- plOyment, was suddenly attacked with heart disease, which culminated in his death on Wednesday evening la,st. The deceased, John Paterson, was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and emi- grated to this country about tWo years ago and settled near Montreal, where ATE.—The return match between rangers and Templars of S anley took place last Friday eve ing in Wiley Temple Lodge omn, was crowded by those wis ing to the discussion. The subect— tor versus Poet—which has well exer- we 'led b was •lled by Mr. Wm. Buchan Hay, assisted by D. McEwen a McDsnald, of &Dailey, who rece imous vote of thanks for the After the discussion, the ery generously treated thos o a "tea." When -all had e justice to the wants of the -and enjoyed themselves arrangements were ma er debate in four weeks. " Resolved that there is siren anticipation than in 134" The affirmative is to b una vices lars seut amp man hear anot ject pleat pe. port d by Grangers, and the nega Tem exeit feve lars. There will dOubtleas ng time, as both parties heat. • • Lumley. emp- pre- done inner most e for Sub - more artici- sup- ive by be an re at D • c- TRAINING.—The boys" o this plac: are training their dogs to draw h an e sleighs. Oaretnee,---Rev. C. Fletcher i to be ordained. at the Presbyterian c arch, Thal. es Road, on Thursday, 205 inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. Go DD SLEIGIIING.—We have -sre sleigl now ple t see t tame feste One a far farm with and to m good ing just now; fact, it better hail. it has been all winter. i -Pee- 41 let have any teaming to do, Should it at once. 13rps.—The country a short dis- south of this place, is badly in - with tramps of the boldest kind. f them , a short time ago, went into ner's barn and struck a light. The T, seeing the light, armed himself n axe and went toward. the barn, pon giving the stranger warning ke himself scarce, he was greatly surpr sed to see a man going across the field, having escaped by another way than surin he w 1 he stc getting some sound advice, he -cis al - he farmer expected, but up 'the visitor that if he did n uld stop short never to go pped and came back, and n es- t stop gain, after friend on the know of none ' cipate in the hen he. The this occasion, Bullard: Rowing is the upils of School for the month n, fifth form— a McClure, 3rd a Mulholland.. Dickson, 2nd . J. Dorrance, third form-4st John and James 'Dod s, 2nd Daisy Borrett, 3rd J. E. McC1 Dorrance, 4th J. Dorra, vision'', junioa third f Dodds, 2nd Mary Spar Sperling, 4th Blanche second form—lst Ma Sarah E. Dorrance, 3rd 4th Robert N. Hays. form—lst William- G Dodds, 3rd. J.. L. Bro Dodds. Senior first f Bro4n, 2nd J. Welke ranee 4th W. McC1 form —1st Charles Dod re and W. C. ce. sSecond di- --31st Annie ing, 3rd Allan cClure. Senior gie Hays, 2nd Alex. Cuthill, Junior second ve; 2nd Peter n, 451.1' Thos. rra—lst A. S. , 31s1 R. Dor- e Junior first s. Bruce:de d.la HORSEI. FOUND.—Thorse stOlen from the . stable of Mr. Donald Ross, near:Brucefield, was found in a barn- yard. -near Rennie's mit, in -.the town- ship of Ray, on Friday' ast. The thief has also been captured, and. turns out to be a young man who worked for Mr. Ross la,st summer. H is, we believe, the same person. who ook , a team of horses from Teeswate and. was cap- tured in Blyth, an acco nt-of which ap- pears ia another colum . was after being liberated. in 13lyt that he took a fancy to -Mr. hor e. He was com- mitted to stand his tri by Magistrates Walker and -McMillan. DRAUGHTS. — A m tch game at draughts was played is Turner's Hall, ou Monday evening, th: 10th inst., be- tween the Hensall and 3 rucefield clubs, seven players a side, re:lilting in a vic- tory for the latter chi At the close, the visitors were enter mined to an oys- ter supper at Turner' Hotel. Below is the score: BRUCEFLELD. lik.4SALL. 1. Baird, Sr Wins Wins Draws 1. .0 1 1c 2 2. Baird, Jr .2 . cDougall.... 0 1 3. Grant, Sr. 8 3. urray 1 0 4. Grant, Jr . . .... .2 4. uchanan2 0 5. Dr, HurIburt........1 5. . Ellis1 2 6. ....... 2 6. IcLean2 0 1. Cameron . .3 7. harters'..- 0 • .1 15 PRESXNTATION.—On evening, Feb. 55h, th adherents of the .congr field, under the cha Rosi, entered his p number of sixty. Afte sion of the house and s tiful repast, the rev was presented with an -sive of appreciation of those of his excellent to the address, Mr. Ro 'with a cutter, harnes value of which was se aualMrs. Ross was p esented with a purse containing twenty-two dollars. Mr. Ross made a short reply, thanking She ;donors heartily for their kindness and! consideration. fter spending a verypleasant veiling, the company re - he ha,d been working till a short time tired at a seasonabl hour to their ago. He was about 30 years of age, and. horaes. This mark of affection on the appeared to be a steady, respectable part of his cougregat on must be ex and intelligent young MID., whose ami- able disposition won for him, before his death, many warm and sympathizing friends. s 7 4 last Wednesday members and gatiou of Bruce - go of Rev. Mr. rsonage to, the Ir taking posses- pplying a holm - rend gentleman address express his services and •fe. In addition s was presented • and. robe*, the enty-five dollars, Strachan; Vice -President, John Mc- Millan • Secretary, D. McGillicuddy.; I Treasurer, Peter Thomson. During the meeting some valuable suggestions --on orga • ation were given by severaof She sp akers. The following persons were appointed as chairmen for the dif- ferent ipunicipalities : Howick—Chasa McLaughlin, Fordwich; Turnberry-e- G. Fortune, Wroxeter; Grey—S. Siem - mon, Cranbrook; Morris—j. R. Miller, Morrisbank ; Hallett—John McMillan, Constance ; McKillop—J. Govenlock, Seaforth; Brussels—J. It. Smith; Wroxeter—dames Paulin. The follow- ing reeolutima, moved by Mr. j. McCrae, and seeonded by Mr. R. Govenlock, was carried unanimously, amidst applau-se: "That in the opinion of this Associa- tion the Ontario Government is worthy of the confidence of the Provinee, hav- ing administered its affairs wisely, ewe nomically, and in the best interests of the people; and we hereby pledge our- selves to use every honorable and legiti- mate effort to secure the return of our esteefl3ed member, Mr. T. Gibson, and the M *at Administration, at the com- ing el ction." _ Blyth. DOG POISONED.—A valuable dog own- ed by Edward McTavish, of this vil- lage, was found poisoned last Tuesday. • SOCIAI,.—A social svas given at the residence of Mr. McGill, East Wawa, - nosh, last Wednesday evening, in aid. of Trinity Church, aud proved. a suc- cess in every way. LECTOtIE.—The Rev. Mr. Carrie, of Luckno*,- delivered a lecture in Trinity Church last Monday evening. Subject, "Manitoba." We are sorry to say it was very thinly attended. DISAPPOINTED.—A party in Exeter named Bissett, advertised for horses, and stated that he would. be in Blyth to buy at Hawkshaav's hotel last Wed- nesday, lant tailed to put in an appear- ance. Farmers who came from a dis- tance had to return home without get- ting a bid. POETICAL.—Riobara. Sellers, of this place, has been presenting his friends around town, -with lines of his own composition on the .flight of Jonathan Carter, wh6 bade good bye to his friends and) his deists a few months ago, and as Mr. Sellers says,- went to live with Uncle Sam. [The above was intended for last week, but did not reach us until Friday.] • McKillop. Coviwn# Metarism.—The next meet- ing of the McKillop Council willbe held at Davis' Hotel, Leadbury, on Thurs- day, the 205h inst. ACCIDENT.—A. young man, the son of Simeon Barrows, of McKillop, got a very severe cut on the foot on Thurs- day last. It seems that while he was chopping in the woods, about half a mile distant from the house, the axe glanced and made a fearful gash in his foot. The young man had to walk home, and was very much exhausted when he arrived.' - THE ROXBORO MILLS.—Ifesers. Bur- nett daDolphin, of Seaforth, haveleased the Roxboro flouring mill and are now putting it in a thorough stete of repair. After the 24th of this month they will be prepared to execute gristing, chop- ping and all other work in their line. Both the new proprietors are practical working men, and as they thoroughly understand their business and are in- dustrious and reliable, they will no doubt do a good business. PROPERTY -CHANGES.—MT. j. Bulger has sold the forty acre farm on which he lived, on the 2nd concession of Mc- Killop, to Mr. Thomas McQuade for 62,100 ; helms also sold 50 acres on She 3rd concession to Mr. Andrew Growscup for 61,900. Mr. Bulger has purchased She Scott farian north of Walton in the township of Morris, from Mr. MeArthur for 65,100. Mr. Bulger has removed to his new farm, which is one of the best in the township. A GOOD SALE.—The best stock sale held in the township this season was that on the farm of Mr. William Bell, • which was. held on the 6th inst. Mich cows averaged $35, and other animals went propOrtionately well. The whole TIGHT BINDING ceedingly gratifying to ing 'as it does that the earnest and untiring 1 halt. Long may thi feeling continue to, e people of this church and much esteemed. p Mr. Ross, show - appreciate his bors in their be - .kindly, cordial dat between the na their worthy stor. • Bruss C. R. COOPER, Brus Auctioneer. Sales in any promptly attended to. 548 - WELL HEATED.—T paratus of St. John's greatly improved lat building is nicely Ilea THE ROADS.—The 1 ads are in a bet- ter state now than thy have been at anytime this winter, ut even at that they are none of the b is. els P. 0., County part of the Ccainty Morris. EDUCATIONAL.—The following is a cor- rect report of the standing of the pupils of School Section No. 5, Morris for the month of January. The standing is Foart class—lst- Jabez Stubbs, 2nd based on proficiency and good congict : Henry Clark, 3rd Walter Anderson. Seniai third class---lst James N, Wil- ,kinson, 2nd Isabelle Tucker' 3rd Jane E. Anderson. Junior thirdelass—lst Jame ti M. Stubbs, 2nd Agnes Baines, 3rd _Thomas H. Wilkinson. Second McVey, 3rd James Kelly. Senior first cla,ssest William Badour, 2nd John. class-elst William. Flemming, 2na George Flemming, 3rd. Wm. Lobb. Jinaior first clase—lst Ellen Clark, 2nd Cantly Baines,3rdADA. Haggit. — he following is a correct stand - the pupils in the senior depart - Df School Section No. 11, Morris, roficiency and good conduct: class—lst William Hewitt, 2nd McDougall, 3rd May Ryan. e heating a,p- hurch has been ly, and now the d. ENTERTAINMENT.— ment will be given th John's Sunday Schoo room, on Wednesday CHURCH UNION.—A the two Presbyteria place has not been fully believed that a complished. lelanneasa -Fall IV spring wheat, 74c 50c to 550; oats, ley, 35c.to 500 ; pork hay, 67 to 68. PROPERTY CHANGES has sold his house berry street, to Mr. —Mr. Thos. Balla cottage on Church st McCracken, for 6500. BRUTAL ASSAULT.— noon .last; as Mr. sethor editor of the up the street on busin Frey's Hotel, by Mr. cillor of Brussels, who "Are you sick, D „Said, 'Yes, I am very sed on. Mr. Moore g overcoat and said, "Take that you and struck on The left eye. He throwing him down, him in. a brutal ma licuddy has been ver days, so niiich so, attend to his duties i was -with the greatest could manage to wal respectable resident pathizes very much heady. The scene w graceful ever enacted be deplored that suc Moore, holding the could lower himself e to attack (as he did) feeble to offer even t ance. Mr. Moore Wm Harris, J. P., an extent of 623.15. Th sault was an item th Poat last week. REFORM MEETING. ing of the East Huro tion, was held in the sels, on Tuesday after a fair representation cipality in the Ridsh was called to order John McCrae, and th cers for the ensuing ye resulting as follows ing of ment for Fifth Jane Senior fourth class -1st Flora, Fulton, 2nd Kate Murchie, 3rd. James Mc- Fadz an. Junior fourth claass—lst Jane iees, 2nd Sohn McFadzeam 3rd Anni Simpson Senior third class - 1st A nie McDougall. 2nd. Agnes Ful- ton, rd Margaret Johnston. junior thini class—lst Martha Braille, 2nd Jane Dickson, 3rd. Janet Simpson. st. basket entertain - children of St. , in their school vening next. yet the union of bodies in 'this ade, but it is Mon will be ac - 11 • fled. to by any member of the board Carried. MONIA. by Samuel Wanton seconded by John Wood. that the Sea, retary be authorized to procure max per list from the 'Educational Depot. menti for School No. 11.—Carried, Moved 1)3r George Dobson, seconded Samuel Wallace, that the Board do no adjourn to meet again at Egnarnalvilln on the last Saturday in March, et: o'clock P. M.—Carried.—Gno. Samoan Secretary. Comeem Mananto.—The Council intit on February 5th, at Daley's Hotel, mondville, all the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and eons firmed. The following alterations were made in the list of pathmasters: Johns in place :of Samuel Crich, joasspis Cud -more in place of Jae. Crich, D -Dor - ranee in place of Joseph Nigh, Alexa. der Nicholson in place of Wm. Ches. ney, Wm. MeNaaighton in place of Wm. Murray, Mex. Sproat in place of John. Ranke, John Steele, in place el - - Alex, Yule, Robert Elgie to work on sideroad between 20 and 21, Con. 3, L. R. S., Tudor, Head, McDonald, Sohn - ver, Stoddart and Gormley to work 2nd Concession. John Young was ap- - pointed Assessor ata salary of 680. The - Reeve and Deputy Reeve were author- ized to confer with the Council of Sea - forth and John Beattie, Eseaareganling the payment of a doctor's bill on ac- count of the boy Alilborn, who lost an arm and a kg in the ila.,x mill, Sea - forth. The Committee appointed to ex_ amine the bridge on the 2nd. Concession; II. R. S. reported the bridge in an nn. safe condition. Messrs. Walker, Han- nah and Landsbormigh were appointed to consult with Mr. Bay, and proettra plans for a new bridge, plans and sped. fications to be left at Mr.Hannah's. Lot 16, Con. 2, H. R. S. The Clerk was tn. atructed to advertise in THE EXPOS/TM _ for tenders for the erection of a,' new bridge. The Council adjourned to meet; again when called by the Reeve.—Wit. MCCOls.INELL, Clerk- Herman. GoOD Trtrreans.—At the 4ast regular meeting of 'Hensel). Lodge, Indepen- dent Order of Good Temple's, the fol- lowing officers were installed for the current term: Brother W. 3. Donald son, P. W. C. Ta Brother H. Harris, W. 0! T.; SisterL. Kirkpatrick, W. V. T.; Brother 3. Grassick, W. S.; Sis- ter M. Blatchford, W. A. S.; Brother S. Fairbairn, W. F.''S.- Sister M. Duns - Moor, W. T.; Brother 3. Beverley, W. C.; Brother B. Blatchford, W. M.; Sister Perkins, W.D.M.; Sister IL Wil- son, W. I. G.; Brother W. Johnston, W. 01. G.; Sister N. Scott, W. R. II. S. as C.TSister V. Smith, W. L. H. S. C. T.; Brother J. Frasier, L. D. It is a sourCe of great pleasure and gratifica- tion to the founders of Hensel]. Lodge to consider that four months ego they organized with 11 member, and that to -day there are about 40 members and She number is Still increasing. We haveinow a first-class staff of officers and. a good number of earnest, working members, and their efforts have been croa+ed with good success, and :their example and influence are beiiig felt both in the village and Burro -ending country. eat, 83c to 86c; to 76c; peas, 5c to 27c ; bar - 63.50 to $390; —Mr.J.H.Wright nd lot on Turn- LeBon, for 6350. Syne has sold his eet, to Mr. Thoss In Saturdii:37 fore - D. McGillicuddy, ost, was walking s,he was met near at.1Moore, Coun- saluted him thus: n 2" The editor poorly," and. pas- asped him by his . McGillicuddy hen grasped. hina, and pummelled ner. Mr. McGil- sick for about 10 t he could not She office, and it difficulty that he around. Every f Brussels sym- ith Mr. McGil- s the anost dis- ere, and it is to a man as Mr. • osition he does, en below a beast, man too ill and e slightest resist - as taken before mulcted to the cause of the as - 5 appeared in the • The annual meet - Reform Associa- own Hall, Brus- oon. There was m every muni - g. The meeting y the President, election of offi- • r proceeded with, : President, T. t —An .entertainment in connection with the Lodge was held in the Tem- perance Hall on Thursday evening of last week. There was a lengthy pro - me, which was well carried out. go number were expected from rth, but for some 'reason unknown did not attend. The hall was as full as could be seated cOmfort- A considerable part of the audi- ence was from Exeter. Several from Shat place also took part in the per- formance, and . acquitted. themselves with great ability. There was excel - music, recitations, readings, hes and dialogues. The meeting a by tendering a vete-of thanks to riencls from Exeter and to the pub- lic for their patronage. All present seemed delighted with the entertain - me t.-e-Cosr. • II gram A la Seal the fille ably lent spe dos the —Arrived this -week, at theOak Hall Clothing Establishment, the Zone • Suitings, in all the different abeam. These are the latest novelties ill the market at the present time for a tobby suit. Call and see them, H Aisne * Asazisson, Seaforth. 1879 1879 :A. £. MCDOUGALL .81.10). Tacker smith. SHOOT, Boaam—The first meeting of the fpubiic school board. was held. on Fel? uary 1st, in ;Daley's hotel, village of Egniondville, at 2 o'clock p. na. The newly elected members took the dec- laration of office. It was then moved by George Sproat, seconded by Samuel Wa lace that John Doig be re-elected cha man for the current year.—Car- rie4 unanimonsly. Moved by jamea Mc wing, seconded. by John Wood., th4 G-eo.Sproat, be re -appointed. Secre- tar -Treasuren—Carried. The Treas- ure presented. his financial audited statement for Ithe year 1878 showing tha 187 the t he had received from balance of 7 Government and county grants sum of $1,318.40; from school .board. interest, $1,370, and. from rate levied, 64,500.--Tota1 $7,185.40. By paid for teachers, $-5,042.50; for school site ',and. buildiuga, $1,275; fax fuel, 6144.89 ; for maps and apparatus, 12;6 for repairs and incidental expenses, $371.40. Balance on hand., 6339.41. Teachers engaged. for 1879, aggregate salaries, $4,740, being $300 less than 1878, and. HO new school honses tb build, the trustees feel confident of a reduction on the rate to be levied this year of at least $1,200. Moved by James McEwing, seconded by George Sproat, that therr following menabers take charge of the several schools in their respective wards, viz.: Ward No. 1, Mr. Wallatce and Mr. Brett, School Houses No. 8 and 11; George Sproat and. MT. Peacock, Nos. 4, 6 and 7; Mr. Doig and Mr. Wood, Nos. I, 2 and 3; Mr. Dobson and Mr. McEwing, Nos. 9 and 10, and. are empowered. to procure wood and. other necessaries. ---Carried. Applications were received from the teachers of Schools in Nos. 1, 3, and 9, for assistance fax two months, which was granted. Moved by James MoEw- ing, seconded. by Robert Peacock, that John Wood and John Doig be author- ized to procure assistants for Nos. 1 and 3, and James McEwing and George Dobson procure one for No. 9, at as reasonable rates as possible.—Carried. Moved by John Wood, seconded by George Dobson, that the Treasurer pay all accounts for wood, etc., when certi- ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF THEIR FIRST 01.0D oczyp-i.Trrp,-7- IMPORTATIONS, FOR THIS SEASON. JUST OPENE D OUT Part of whith Consi.sts of A GRgAT BARGAI 033. ONE HUNDRED AM TWENTY -0i _PIECES OF NEW 11014ANNS, ItAieh, they Offer at dm Followat Prices : 1 25 Pieces at 10 cents per yard, last yeal sold at 12i cents per 'yard. • 25 Pieces at 124 cents peryard.s. - sold at 15 cents per yard. ast yea 25 Pieees at 15 cents per yard, last yor sold at 18 tents per yard. 25 Pieces aa, 17 cents per yard ast sold at 20 cents per yard. 25 Pieces at 20 cents per yard, last yed sold at 25 cents per yard. 400 PIECES 40 Of New AMERICAN COTTO,M, wide, at 6 cents, 7 cents, 8 cents, 10 cents per yard. Best:Talue We Have Ever H OUR ANNUAL STOCK-TAKIIII Is now going on, and for THE.NEXT TEN DAYS All REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS/ will be sold at CALL AND SEE TUE GRBA1 BARGAINS. A. G. MCDOUGALL & OO Direct Importers and De Dry Goods 001.7. Jars.0 FZIJ PI , -- situsJ Wilk SEN F4') *xi 'garb, tlealS1 *1111 Soli4 1141 tsinn -goeft the Vi on 1i 00111 0° 80 oh 61 oil terani Mess] or u 4 staan , V4 To.014 aorel oonr4 -hest 1 .1 &M Epp -' — FA alio una leue Tru Wes - pine ville. , FAI . A m01. -stur awe1. buil sore ac Seal. PlY ' LI A ed ..' 22ill goo .1)u whe' Pro P witl arid Kbip : toge Mor the ., and sels. FA ship; and:, buil. sloe ore, fe tics: XI fort — • F -cop: .._ ,,,J,i, h...' uud: ..ot To par . 2T to; ; -- - 1 stox. aml. mil Kip ,eno Me P. 4. Th lag 71 Ion , tie offs tc IC ole sta wit 0 Th TOO