HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-14, Page 3EBREJARY 14, 189. rANEI RANK OF CANADA, EAD OFFICE,. MONTREAL. - — • - 5'1, 000, ow ORS—M. Gale .Peraideat; Thos. Vice-Pzeeiderit ; A. W. tgiIyiepp n, ThoeuneIfth, Alex.lituniu, Ames C, R. Murray, Ceehier; G. Burns .„ of this Bank hasbeen opened up in ;here a General Bette ing businese ed, Ntnte of 1.1 en a dise,,nated, and et ed at Mir bueinese ratee, gs Bank depute -tent xe else been nneneetion with than Where deposits elven hem one etalar %anode, aud [owed tine am seed pentine at pee at all ()McBee( the hank ef Mout real and Ilea Federal araert. ;:e. ate ENTS.—Iatielon—T;te Alliance NeW 301t —Natiorml Bank of Between Mellowen te Co., 6, Wall ileagt) xien Net ioreel Bank. hoar:: 10 to 3 naturdaye, 10 to 1. J0fIN LECKIE, Meleager OTECTION„ I the Pro. ec. ion guera aced tO any trees only good material an 1 does ink, it ht- melded us to sell au our IE AND CzkitiZIAGES, -POW WI [141141 st.tip.>:y j thtm„, , 1-E-Ec and a uumeer of those Itsit eVViSb•tay S1s trit b Will ee11 very eliaap— saeh eeeeee er etextotteete.1 lease tan) engaged t- 'meet -en and tbt WIU171.1 Blank - it nu nr yew, anI muWel} tred Of Joh Worts, from a ieuei.r. ' caw and att: 'Week war_ ranted. liLr te rent iet xtit pint ac xo ante e.. al ern. etlineN WILLIAMS, Kinburra _ SIMERGIAL, LIVERY E A r 0 R T 11 • Di--IUR FORBES, clneee the Stork and Trade of the renil Linery, Seaforth, from litr, x ley. hens to state that he intenda busitteee in Use old eland, and has sseasaeLteses and vehicles to the • stock, None but euntertictUte (ion/Inland Good Will le _Kept. then Bugaits and Carriagee, and 'tliugle Wagons- elwaye ready for use. 5 yttn.Rint-ies Made With Com- ity mild St Ithleh or any of the hotels nelt ti te. . rOM NIERGIAL LIVERY SEA -FORTH. NAT`ttif rON bog e to inform se lane s ei1er:11, and the tra vel - nee he Lae letrehened th 3 Livery Steek "Mesere. Cernochan & a do all m hie power to retainthe ;kb this favorite establiehnient has will keep only neon driving- and re- ; an O. hie card 'nes will be kept eood order- Calls, night or day, eptly attended to. PIO-NIC AND s'.TIES Liberally Dealt nvith. table. All ordera left at the Coin- er at the Intim will receive prompt oa Merkel: Street, opposite \1_ ItNJJG}1TON re. Proprietor, or_ric•El FAIIMERS AND OTH Eltea envy the attention of ell,. these e, the subscriber is deternxined to effering ',seed inch Hemlock, "not fet ineli," at the following rates: ;:. at $7 trit leer thousande 14 foot 5e, for Caeli. All or& rs over 4,000 ,eount. Cell awl see if you den't neetnit cd. ate over 3 months will be charged ber than::s hie a:mu:roue cue toraers II support, and enticits s con:Linn- awes. JOHN THOMPSON. Steam Saw Mills, McKillop. -TER TUBS. ROTT, SEAFORTh red to i.upply all custoraeae with r of hie LOi 1;t7r1rE1t TUBS, Mired, Cash. 'These Tubs rere so, rxblY known to the trade that it is ay'an 4hing in their recommen- r. also manufactores a small Iltird- able for washine butter in. or otherwise promptly attend - S. TROTT, Seaforth. ERSFILP NOTt0El. nted havian entered into pertner-. en prepared to mannfaeture Flown" ees, en. By ueing iiret-claesante- eg all the work coining through, L we een u.iaite' agood iiatien given to repeirinn, horse- jel'ehing. Mr. 11,,erlon bay 'Arteen yeere experience in c1res- .o Will that a s.peciaity. Cetearat ed Agricultural I- iE.U. &flek..R.TON", etarel„ Goderieli Street, Sea - 560 1 PORK FACTORY. It 0 If _II 4) to pay the Irighest•Price for ^ Of Hone, alive or dressed. All ;leant ieniet antly on heni. Fine tired Heine, Spiced Belle, Beef et, pea, sauna:se Bologne, and. Ida le. .1 e I h tve been in the ht Vir*3 pare, nod tieving one ei an 1 curvere of meat in Can- al.le eive tie good satise r: peen If. _ROBB. aleays on hula. 55i SSA/TAKING. SCOTT te the, Laeliee of Sea- tentntry that she has .!-xnanies t in all the '.:LES AND VARIATIONS, nees, Geod Work tent ?uuctu- 'meant:ea! ef all. lea Se WE -ear's Drug Store, 559 DRESSING= deS STARK f -rex tne Le lite; of Seaforth ancl : es is orepare it) make up BRAIDS, &C., a Feel:ion Inern Carabinge. e. Awl all orders pituctutelly at- e incited. Reeidence—Main 1RAYAG havixi eutered iato co-part- ereperel to meet the wante of Seaferth and (anon' who may aS carrierto and from. the - '1s and elsewhere on most . Orders. may be left at joseph etore, anti will receive prompt .NORMAN BROWNELL. jOSEPlf ABELL. 560 FEBRUARY 14, 1879. 1 I I SI 11.11111111°11.1111111.111111111111111, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. res - 3 Don't Leave the Parra, Boys. Come, boys, I have something to tell you, Come near, I would whisper it low— Yon are thinking of leaving the horaestead, Don't be in a hurry to go I The city has many attractions, But think of the /ices. and sin— When once in the vortex of fashions, How soon the course downward begins. You talk of the mines of Australia.— They're wealthy in gold, without doubt, But ah there is gold on the farm, boys, If only you'll shovel it out. The manmade trade is a hazard., The goods are first high and then low, Better risk the old farm a while longer— Don't be inc hurry to go. The great busy West has indueements, Ami so has -the busiest mart, But wealth is not made in a days hope Don't be in a hurry to start! The bankers and brokcas are wealthy, They take in their thousands or so, I think of the fraud& and'doceptions— Don't be in a. harry to go I The farm is the safest and surest, The orcharde are loaded. to den Yoo're as free as the air of the mountains, And monarch of all you survey; Better day on the farm a while longer, Though dee profits come in rather slow, Reeneinber you have nothing to risk, boys— Don't be in a hurry to go! . Gaieties, Noone ever found fault witha music - hot for putting ou airs. —How to producea telling effect— Communicate a seeret to a woman. . . —He who would rise .in the world, says josh Billings, must pay for ' the yeast. --eThere's one melaneholy fact about a calendar: there's no time when its days are not numbered. My dear, do you wish. to make a fool of me?" "No," replied his Wife,. "nature hassaved me the trouble." . —e Bredren," said a darkey in a prayer -meeting, "1 feel's if I coul& talk more good in five usiautes Clan- I could. clo in a. year." —We saw a young .man with tWo heads on his shoulders the other day, but didn't consider itanach of a curios- ity—one belonged to his girl.' —Distinguished divine to recent °Cal- vert : "We propose to baptise you by the Turkish hath method: It is really the only means -to scrub yofir years of sin oat of you," - ea -A notice ia a western newspaper of a steamboat explosion., ends as follows: "Thecaptain swam, ashore.. So did the chambermaid ; she was inured for $15„000 and loaded with iron." —What city in: France is a man about to visit when he (foes to get mar- ried? He is- going to Havre have her). An old bachelor being asked. the question, promptly replied: "To Rouen" (ruin) —it Is that the seeond bell?" inquir- ed a gentleman of a colored p6rter. "No, sah," answered the porter, " dat am the second ringin' ov dia fust .We hab but one bell in dis mum." .—Au Irish gentleman havingi ur- chased an alarm Clock, an acquaintance asked hina what he intended to dorth it. " 0 -ch," auswered he, "sure I've I'Ve nothiag to do but pull the string aud wake myself."1 —She was trimming- the lamps, and. just as a wick dropped Oat of reach her. mother heard her exclaim, "Oh, the Dickens t" "There,. there, -my child! why will youindulge in such eipres- sions?" Then she .fingered for the lost wick and- Bxclaimed : Why,- - ma; isn't that a natural suggestion of iick- wick?" • —A lady taking tea at a small- Om- pany, being very fond of hot rolls, was as -ked to have another. "- Really, I can- not," she modestly. replied; "1 don't Isnow how many I have eaten already." do,'_unexpectedly cried a juvenile • upstart; -whose mother had. allowed him a seat at table. • "You've eaten eight; I've been count -in' !". • —A. Rutland lawyer, in referrieg to Seine prisoners,: addresses the jury as follows "1 tell you their knees shook a as shook the knees_ of Beltiheezer, When Paul said unto him: Thou art, the man.'" And a I3icicleford .advocate, blushing at the condttet of his oppon- ent's client, shouted in open court, "Tell it not in Gath, publish it hotin the streets of Jerusalem t." —a Have you l3roWit Eyes?" inquir- ed a charmiug brunetteaas she raised • lIer soft and melting orbs to a clerk whose optics are of the particular 'shade described, itt a music store-. He blush- ed modestly as he : "Yes, -Miss, you -knew I have ;. but of what possible interest can that be to you ?" "It's. the musie I want," she softly re- • %panda. • • —A widow, intending to succeed her husband in the management of an lio- . tel, advertised that " the hotel will be .. kept by the widow of the former.lande lord, Mr. Brown, who died last r. sum- mer ou a now and impreved. plan." A coroner's verdict reads thus: "The de- • ceased came to his death "b -y ex.ceesive drinking, producing; apoplexy in the minds of -the jury." A Coantry paper says: "A child was run over_by- a wag- on three years old, and crass -eyed; With pantalets en." ' . I • A Touching Story. The following little story is a touch- ing one, and the hero thereof is a well ke7own young gentleman of this city: He has been somewhat wild in his ,hab- its in the past, but for four months he had abstained from drink and spent his eveniugs at home. Orie eveniug, three weeks ago, he went out .calling, and some oue gave him a glass of wine. This aroused the sloesPing fiend, and he went ou a grand carouse. For three days he lost all Mastery over himself, and scarcely knew where he was. On the morning of the fourth clay he was comparatively sobered up. Ile wander- ed into the readiug-,room of One of our hotels,. where ho was well known and sat down and stared moodily into, the street. Presently a little -girl of about ten y08.1.13 ectiae in, and looked timidly around the room. She was dresead in rags, but she hacl a sweet, intelligent face that could. scarcely fail to excite sympathy. There were five persens in the room, and she went to each, beg- ging. One gentleman gave her a. five - cent piece, ana sho then went to the gentleman spoken of and asked hirk for pennyadding, " I haven't hadany- thing to eat for a whole day." The gentleman was all out of humor twd he said, crossly : " Dou't bother ; go away ! I haven't had anything to eat fur three days." The child opened. her eves in shy wonder and stared at him for a moinent, and then walked slowly toward the door. She turned the knob and then, after hesitating a - few seconds, she turned quickly and walkede straight up to him who had alpoken so ill-naturedly, and gently lay - In the five cents she had received on his knee said, with a tone of true girl- ish pity in her voice, -"If you haven't had anything to eat • for three days, you take this and g� and buy , some bread. Perhaps I can get some More some- where." Tho young fellow •blushed to the roots of his hair, and lifting` the rniniatare Sieter of Charity in his arms he kissed her two or three times, in de- light. 'Then he took her to the persons in the room and to thoee in the corri- dors and the office, and told the story and asked contributious, giving himself all the money he had with him. He succeeded in raising over forty idol- lars, and sent the kindly -hearted one on her way rejoicing.—Pittsbu,reh. Tele- graph. One -Half to the Triformant. • An" Old Doctor" contributes to the Charlottesville (Va.) Chronicle the fol- lowing ainusing story : . " In Colonial times, Velaps Col. Archi- bald Cary was a magistrate, living at Williamsburg, a man who was much disliked by his neighbors on account of, his vindictiveness and general mean- ness, came before the Colonel aena in- formed him that his neighbor, Jan Brown, had violated the 'game law by killing a deer before the 1st of Septem- ber. Now, although Brown was a good, honest, poor man, much esteemed by his acquaintances, Esquire Cary was bound to issue a warrant for his arrest, and, when Brown appeared before him, he confessed that he had , killed the deer, knowing at the time he was vio- lating the law; but that his wife had a great longing for veniscsn, and, knowing that the deer daily frequented his corn field, she gave him no peace. He had begged her to wait a little while, till the 1st of September, but ,she vowed she would not wait. So he killed the deer. The old niagistrate, seeming full of com- passion, said: " Brown, the law is explicit; you will have to pay the fine, which -is. five pounds.' " Bless your heart? Col. Cary,' said Brown, all I have ou earth would not sell fel: five pounds.' ; " Well, then,' said the Justice, turn- ing to the law and readiug, without pay - ins, strict attention to punctuation or the exact position Of the words: Who- ever shall be gui•lby a shooting, snar- ing, trapping, or in any way killing a deer within this, His Majesty's Colony ef Virginia, at any time between the 1st • of May and the lst of September, shall pay a fine of £5, and, if he is unable to do this, the punishment shall be award- ed by 39 lashes on the I bare baelt, well laid ou, one-half to be given to the in- formant and the other half to the King.' Mr. Constable,' said :His Honor, we are 'enjoined to do justice aud love mercy, and where an odd amount which is not capable of an equal division is to be divided,between a rich man and a poor usaaal always give the poor man the large share; yenwill, therefore, give the informant in this case the 20 lashes, and. whenever you catch His Majesty, the King, in this colony, you will then give him thei19,7 So the ma- jesty of law was maintained, much to the satisfaction of all, who kuew the odious informant." Beau Nash and Tohn _Wesley. -We have always thought Wesley's re - centre with Beau Nash; art Bath, a fair • illustration of his quiet and almost obe scurely sarcastic method of quite suffi- ciently confounding a troublesome per- son. Preaching in the open air at Bath, the King of Bath, the Master of the Ceremouies, Nash,' Was so unwise as to attenapt'to put down the apostolic mau. Nash's character was bad.; it -was, that of an idle, heartless, licentious dangler on the skirts Of high society-. He appeared in the crowd, and autherita- tively asked Wesley by what right he dared to stand there. The coner„ egation wp.s not -wholly of the poor; there were a number of fash- ionable and noble persons present, and among them many with whom this at- tack had been pre -arranged., and. who expected. to see thedisComfiture of the Methodist, by the courtly and fashion- -able old. dandy. I. - Wesley replied to thequestion simply and quietly, that he steed there by the authority of Jesus Christ, conveyed to him "by the present Archbishop of Canterbury, when he laid hands on me, and. said, " Take thou authority to preach the Gospel !" • • Nash began to bustle and. to be tur- bulent; and he exclaim:ed— " This is contrary to . Act of Parlia- ment ; this is a conventicle." "Sir," said Wesley, "the Act you re- fer to applies to seditious meetings: here' is no sedition, noehadow of sedi- tion -; the meeting -is not, therefore, con- trary to the Act." . . Nash stormed, "-I say it is; besides your preaching frightens people out' of their wits." "Sir," said. Wesley, "give me leave to ask, Did you ever hear me preach ?" " Howethen, can you judge of what yOU have never beard?" "Sir, by common report." - "Common report is not enpugh," said Wesley; again, give me leave to ask is your name not Nash ?" "My name is Nash." • And the reader must inaagine Wes- ley's thin, clear, piercing . voice, cutting through the crowd— _ "Sir, 1 .dafe not judge of yoa by com- mon report. There does not seem muchin it, but the effect was overwhelming. • To Accommodate the Lady. Writing while on the • railroad Mr. Burdotte• of the Burlington Ilawkeye says :. how, or other, I am always the victim in cases of this delicate nature. Just as I; expected. She' speaks, fastening .lier commanding gaze upon me. • " Sir, would itobe asking too much if I begged you, to let myself and my little. girl have that seat? A gentleman can always find a. seat so much more easily than a lady." And she smiled. Npt the charming - est kind of a smile. .It was too tri- umphant to be very pleasing. Of course I surrendered.. I said: "Oh, 'certainly, certainly. . 1 could find an- other seat without any trouble." She thanked me, and I crawled. out A W01118.11 With three bird cages and a little girl has just got on the train. She arranges the three' bird cages on a seat, and then she and. the little girl stand up in the aisle, and she glares around upon the tfisgalla,nt men, who aenaain glued to their seats and look dreamily out of the Window. I bend myface down. to the tablet and write furiously, for I feel her eyes fastened upon me. Some of my comfort& up my overcoa shawl strap pa overshoes, and went into the v aS the writ of e , and they 1 rtable. Then I step ok up those b a ong on top of dawn on the a iologetically r ho was gazin n that boded uch warmer e stove." Sh 't she gave m uch wanner mutes than t e canaries. e, and I am at sherdisapp 81 II IG a • le seat, and gathered ., my manuscript, my kage, my valise, and my he and the little girl cant premises as soon ectment had beeiaserv- eked happy and com- ed across the aisle; I rd cages and set them the coal box., and sat seat , thus vacated. I marked. to the woman, at me with an expres- trouble, that "it was or the canaries up by didn't say auything, a look that made it ✓ me for about five -0 stove can make it for don't believe she likes ncomfortably confident oyes of my conduct. • A Pretty A manof fift d carrying -a Rowed by a entere ore the other rchases. T an and wife --s ie woman sa se to'ipterest aced.on the g crash that Est ore. The hu. on at a glanc ade for the d Well, I gae- itt in a hurry. The wife sta, erchant call rri, called t id not the erchant;. ho he was un id: " See here, si mage done b " My wife!. y wife?" repl " Why, I tho with you." " But 1 am 3 t in the wo at time. "You are, el "0± course s aimed the in ant my pay." "How muc oking from o "Well, abou Tile man he • out the in ok a seat iu "And you ad ueried the m o money. " I s'pose sh "But isn't s "Why don't rgecl his wife. " Oh ! you s he kicked t at 'ere dame ngs instead o von owned yc itch along a ain't as mean etroit Free Pi 11 11 a a 4 I 1 1 1 1 11 ecent Husband. ,shrouded in an ulster hip in his hand and omen who looked fully a Woodward avenue evening to make some ey talked together as ould, and pretty- soon something in a shOvv- her. Her elbows were ass, and. then there. was rtled everybody in the band took in the situa,- andi remarked, as he or: 's 1 won't buy to -day, as ted to follow, but the d to her, and she, in • her husband, who least attention. The ever, overhauled -him itching . his teana,and r, you must pay for the • your wife." o you call that woman ed the man. ght she was; she came ur wife; of course I am !" ' an, coming. up just at ?,, e is! indignantly ex- " Come, now, I ?" queried ,the man, e to the other. twelve shillings." itated, but filially Omit- ney, while the weinan e sleigh. it that she is your wife?" reliant, as he pocketed s's a relative." le your wife ?" you tell hi mI am,John?" eels' still!" he growled, e snow off his toes; "if •e had been twenty shil- twelve I wouldn't have u for a brother-in-law! d bless your stars that I as so -me husbands !"— ess. 4 • 11 • -Bet th t Daniel Lost. .Here is an a ithentic story of a debt hat Mr. Web ter incurred and paid: Ie was comine on the boat from New rork in 1844, nd,a letter had just been ublished wit the signature of James i. Birney, an ouncieg his withdrawal for the Presidency in Clay. • Mr. Webster W8,8 - gathering who were con- mselves upon its appear tie_ circle stepped a prom - arty man (who is still of the best known figures h a denial of the autheu- letter. Mr. Webster • himself up, and de - o doubt of its genuine-. Webster sa candidate • aver of Henr 1 he centee of a I•gratulating th /ince. Into t tient Liberal living, and on in Boston), wi icity of the aughtily dre lared he had ess. " But I personally know Mr: Birney," aid the abolit onist, "and he is incap- ble of writing such a letter." . 'iSome raore words passed, when Mr. Webster said.: . . "-I will bet ou forty poundsit is a miaine docui ent." - "1 take tha bet,", was the insta,nt re - °hider. 'When the oat . reached Boston, a (espatch was ound there stating the letter i, to- be forgery. Mr. Webster cknowledged. that appearances -were gainst him, ut, as - the despatch au- ounced that :ome kind of a letter had. een written, I e risked the gentleman o wait to see vhat it was before the let was paid. A day or two after, wheu he letter had ome, and proved. to be ntirely foreigi in character to what • as represent :d, Mr. Webster's oppon- . nt went to th great man's office to onfront him •ith the testimony. . You have fairly won," said Mr.. Webster, and, reaching to a pigeon -hole irahis desk, to k down two new huu- dred-d011ar h s. and paid. him. The cientleinam wa,. astonished at Webster's ta promptness, a d apologized for takiag 7 guns, while otherwise only fi-ve hundred or six hunched could be made. When completed these guns will be distribut- ed. to the army for piactical tests.-a- 4'prin.afield, Masse Union. Buclden's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for outs, Bruises, Sores, -Ulcers Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns. and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in evereecaeo or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 566-8m An Honest Medicine Free of Charge. • Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat, Chest or lungs, we know of none we can reconunend so highly as Dn. Rine's NEw Dis- t:01M= for Consumption Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Hay Fever, lioarseness, tickling in the throat, loss of voice, etc. This needicine does POSITIVELY CUBE, and that where everything else bas failed. No medicine can show one half so many positive and permanent cures as haire. al- ready been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific, curing the very worst cases in the shortest time possible. We say by all means give it a trial. TRIAL BOTTLES mane Regular size $1 For sale begfickson & Bleasdell, &Worth. 556-8m-1 it. "That's all " it's fairly yo The gentle then, immedi debt with it. borrowed mon distinguished Mr. Webster' avhoni he wen dation, telling; by the means looked at the and said : "Those bill - few hours eau. He was one to Whom Web in,need. a aght," said Mr. Webster, sa, an, who was a poor man tely proceeded to pay a This debt he owed 'for y received from a very oston merchant, one of intimate friends, _ to and cancelled the obli- • he story how he came o do it. The merchant ills with a meaning smile were my money .only a f few capitalists, here ter always resorted when A Ne TV Army Gun. The Hotchk ss magazine gun,which iS_110W being • ade itt part at the ar- moury, is a m dification of the French Chassepot. T e magazine which is in the•butt, cent ins six cartridges, which are forced for ard by a spriug. The barrels, ranuods, bands, stocks and some other pa ts are made here. The patented parts are _made by the Win- chester Repeating Arms Company of New Haven, wins have • expended about 530,000 in preparation for their manufacture. The machinery at the armoury is no adapted. to the manu- facture of thes parts, and as• the ap- propriation of ongress is only' 20,000, and the whole thing is an experiment, the plan of o taining the small parts from the W. chester company serves the interest of economy, and will result ion of eleven hundred • in the produc ILECIA 14 CIAISIERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristeis, Soficitors in Chancery, ino., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. • 506 'WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie- " sioner in 13. R., Wroxoter. Auctioneer • and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable terms. 866 p L. DbYLE, Barrister, Altorney, Solicitor in -1-'• Chancery', &c., Goderich andSeaforth, Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug, Store, Goderich, and Kidd's Store, Seaforth. • 354 ARRow & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys - at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pub- lic, and Conveyancers. Money, to Loan, private funds, at 8 per cent. Offices—Goderich and Wingham. . H. W. C. Moyer, Kent's Block, Wing - nam, Solicitor Consolidaeed Bank.. • 581 VrALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristers, Atter- nays, Solicitors in Chancery, &e., Clinton, Ont. Office—First door east of the new Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on rant property. S. MALCOM'S ON. 404 0. A. WATSON RENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, eta; Offices—Sea. forth mid 13russels. $28,ocea of Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight percent. Interest,payable yearly. 58 JAS. II. BENSON. H. W. 0. MEYER. - The above firm has thie day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all . Nov. 27,1876. • JAMES II. BENSON. . H. W. C. MEYER. . E . .:1" 0. SCOTT, M. D. &c., Physieittn, Surgeon and " • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence:went side of Gotlerich Street, finsi door ea et of Presbyterian Church. 24,1 r..T L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician , Sue - 'ILL • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite See forth Public Sehool. WA. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakelield, Ont., . Physieian, Surgeon rind Accoucheue. Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Toronto- Member of the Royal College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 485 D. D. ROS, FAMILY GROCER, TIC. It '11 I -I Ilas Pleasure in an ouncing tg iii3 Frie• -,7,ds and Cus- tomers that every _Pepartment is fully. stocked with First—Class Goods. lluncti-eds of Families testify to the value given ct Rose's Grocery -in the past, and he looks forward to the fut-ure with every confidence. Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced of the advantages ered. • Ho trouble to shovi Goods and give samples. .Flour, Corn, Calmat, I3uckwheat Flour, Cracked What, Hominy, &c., always kept in Stock. D. D. RO E, Seaford?, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. JAMES McGUFFIE & CO'I SEAFORTH BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC- OF SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING- - COUNTRY THAT TH.EY HAVE LEASED THOSE EXTENSIVE PREAIIStS ,IN STARK'S BLOCK, Main Street Seaforth, wh re they intend carrying on the business of WIIOIJSA4EJA.T3D WINE AND PIRIT MERCHANTS. They have Received a LARGE and FIRST-CLASS Stock of LIQUORS, which have all been Bou hit at the LOWES1 CASH PRICES, So that they will. be able to supp Moderate Rate. The Store will be under the M with Messrs. Killoran & Ryan, a fore the Christmas Holidays. Hotel -Keepers who may favo Inducements. y their customers with the Genuine Article at a • nagensent of Mr. H. C. MALCOLMSON, lately d we trust to have a visit from our friends be - us with. their custom will meet with Special JAMES McGUFFIE & Co., Seaforth. TV IATM. HANOVER, M.D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician. Surgeon and Accoucheer, Seaforth. Opt. Office—Rooms in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr..Phelan, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. formerly by the late Dr. hing. 'will attend at Carronbrook ou Tuesdays and Fridays'. 496 T)MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Grady • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seater%) Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killorau & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or nay. A. stock of 'veterinary medicines on hand Charges reasonable. Horses examined as to sound - nese and certificates given if required. 407 _TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting Iwo years to practice -with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day Or night. A large stook of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses neamined as to soundness and certifinates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 IT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., -Lea-. Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the lioyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's now brick block, Main Street, S eel orth. • MISCELLANEOUS. A J. McCOLL, Solicitor, &e., Brussels. Office 1--L- • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52 'WARDERS .—A number of Boarders can be accommodated with board, either ladies or - gentlemen. Apply to J. M. CALDWELL, (only Mall and wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for -the " • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Clounty: All orders left at the Ex- PoSITOI!. Office will be promptly attended to. D• McLEOD, Liceneed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. All orders left at James McBride's -will receive prompt' attentiou. If by letter address Seaforth P. 0. 558 _TORN LECKIE?, General Loan and Real Est -ate " -Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest.. Chargee moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers.„ Farms and village property ler sale. Office— Leckie's new brick: block, Brussels, Ont. 515 QEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY.—The under - 's) signed, white returning thanka for the pat- ronage already received, would remind his many customers and friends that he still continues to make pumps and cisterns of the best material and by the best workmen. None but quartered timber used for pumps. A Jew farm gates still on hand. All overdue accounts not settled forth- with will be charged 10 per cent. interest from the Ise of January, 1978. NOBLE (MUFF, Seaforth. 563 TO THE PUBLIC.—Read what the people say A- in regard to the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones IllarIchann says: "I had a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshonees Remedy" so highly recommended, I procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, and have remained so, although I was much exposed through the winter in travelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem- orestville, writes: "1 have found your re- medies particularly beneficial for liver complaint, dyspepsip. and bronchial affections, and would advise all similarly affected to give them a trial." John Finlayson, Athol, says: When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could not cure it, and had to return home. It became better and afterwards much worse. I finally pur- chased a bottle of the Remedy and a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I commenced to - improve, and before they were finished my foot was completely cured. It is now 17 months since, but have had no further attack." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 25 cents a box. •522: ' ['HE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -L Periodical Pills—This invaluablemediciue is unfailing in tho cure of all those inlinful and dangerous dioceses to which the female eonstitu- tion is subjeet. It; moderates all excess and re. moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To ma.triedladi es, it is peculiaily suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod -with regularite . These pills should not be taken by Females daring the fast three menthe of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring or Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all eases of. Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics,.and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all Other means mere failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or 'anything hurtful bo the constitation. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. JohMoses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 14 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Out., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle eontaining over 50 pills by Return mail. Sold in Seaforth be, Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberta, and R. Lumsden. 197 o CHANCERY SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 'HIBBERT, COUN-. TY OF PERTH. PURSUANT to the decree in the eanse of Me- -s- Taggart Vs. Merrill, and bearing date tke 12th day of June, A. D. 1878, there will be sold, with the approbation of Henry MacDermott, Esq.., Master ot the said Cohrt at Goderiehiat the QUEEN'S HOTEL, in the TOWN OF SEA" FORTH, at the hour of Two o'eloek in the after- noon, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of FEBRU- ARY, A. D. 1879, the fellowing lands and preni. ises, being Lot Number Twenty -Five, in the Thirteenth Concession a the Township of Hib- bext. in. the County of Perela cox tabling One Hundred Acres, more or lees. The land is first-class farming land, a dry tiny barn, fifty acres or thereabouts are cleared, and under good cultivation; fairly fenced; the re- mainder is well timbered with black 41Sh. nd beech and maple. There is a •bnall bearing orchard; good well; buildings are log, The lot is 'situate five miles from the village of Hensell, ten miles Item the Town of Seaforth, and One Biid one-quarter miles from Chiselhux-st P. 0. Church, school and bla-eksraith shop within a short distance of the premises. The property will be put up at a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE.— The purehaeer, at the time of sale, to pay a deposit in the proportion of $10 for every $100 of his purchase money, to the Vendor& Solicitor, and shall pay the balance into Court within one month thereafter; and upon payment the purcha.ser shall be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into possession. In all other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chan- cery. Further particulars and the conditions of sale may be obtained upon application to James H. Benson, Esq., Vendors' Solicitor, Messrs. Me- Canghey & Holmested, Solieitors, Seaforth, and lelessrs. Garrow & Meyer, Solicitors, Godericin Goderich, Jannary SOth., 1872. H. MaeDERMOTT, Master at Goderieh. JAMES IL BENSON, Vendors' Solicitor. 588-8 SPRING SEED SHOW. THE Annual Seed Show, under the auspices of -1/- the Tuckeremith Branch Agricultural Society, will be held in the AGRICULTUR.A.L HALL, itt the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1879, when the following prizes will be offered for Grain, Seeds and Roots, Best 4 bushels Spring Wheat, Fife, 1st $3, 2ted $2, 8rd $1. Best 4 bushels Sping Wheat, Red Chaff, 1st $3, • 2nd $2, 8r4 $1. Best 4 bushels Spiing Wheat, any other variety, 1st $8, 2n4 $2, 8rd $1. Best 4 bushels two-eowed Barle:v, isb $2, 2nd Si• 50, Brd $1, Best 4 busbels six -rowed Bexley, Ist $2, %id $1 50, 8rd $1. Best 4 bushels large white Oats, let t2, 2nd $t Best 4 bushels -common white Oats, let $2, 2nd $1. Best 4 bushel's black Oats, 1st $2, 2n4 $1. Best 4 bushels small Peas, let $2, 2nd $1. - Beet 4 bushels large Peas, Ist $2, 2nd $1. 13eat 2 bushels Timothy Seed, 1st $2, 2nd $1. Best 2 bushels Clover Seed; let $2, Peid $1. Best busneland a half early Potatoes, 1st $2. - 2nd$1. Best bushel and a half late Potatoes, let $2, 2nd i. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. All articles shown must lee the growth of 1878, and produced on the farm of theexhibitor. 2. No person will be entitled to raoxe than one prize for grain, seeds or roots of the same kind. 8. No person will be allowed to show eeed or sell on the grounds without first becoming a memb-er of the eociety. . 4. No exhibitor -allowed to expose his mune on the bags. 5. All articles for exhibition to be on the ground by 10 o'clock A. M. 6. No grain, seed, or roots to be removed frelll the building before 4 o'clock • GORDON Mt ADAM, Secretary. GEORGE SPROAT, Plesident. 583 -PHOTOGRAPHY. CALDER AATOULD thank his numteseus enstorners attd SCOTT BROTI-IERS the public in ge end for the liberal petton- age extended to him in the pasenend would say that he will do all in his power to please in the future as heretofore. Tne barge business -done INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING TES - is a sure gnaeantee that the wo.k executed at «" "O' SOF ONE OF 'THE WORLD'S GREATEST this establishment is appreciated by the public. PIANISTS '4VITH REGARD TO Thanking you kindly for placing me in my pres- ent position, I remain, yours•, • Ae CALDER Opposite the -Getable mkt Hotel, Seaforth. N.B.—All 'work entrasteti to Messrs. I. Mit- chell and Z. Jamieson -will be carefully attend- ed to. 581 M SON IDIA_1\TO For Which We are the Wholesale Agents for Ontario • THE EifERSON PIAATO BOSTON. Mass., July 21st, 1878. CaMP GENTLEMEN—I have examined with great interest and pleasure your Upright Pianos. The one I have is superb in every respect. Elasticity a touch and fine singing quality of tone aro prominent in them, whilst in power thy are like a Grand. I am not the least surprised at the un- paralleled success with which your Piatios meet, and most heartily andemphatieally endorse pub- lic opinion in respect to them. Faithf lly yours, • Fe BOSCOVITZ. 0 Clough & Warren's Celebra lir Canadian Bell Organ: Other Pianos and Organs su Instruments sold on time or ed fustruments always on hand. Also the polin- >plied on the shortest notice. the instalment system. SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, Ont. THE .GOD RICH FOUNDRY_ Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Belau e 'Wheel and Saw Mandrel. ' . . •.., $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel ane Pulleys Complete 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balanee Wheel, Pulleys and Governors. .• 27.5 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balanee Wheel, Pulleys and Governors 200 A Hoisting or Boat Engine with Hoiating Gear. 250 Second hand 16 Horse P.orable Boiler, with Smoke Stack................... ... ............ 150 Second hand 16 horse Portable Boiler, 'with Smoke Stack......... . . .... 200 Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, ith Smoke Stack ..... ... -........... .. . .. ... ...... . - 225 Second band 80 horse Portable Tubular BOiier, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars, Stea-m Gunge, Guage and Safety V ves, all in Good Order. , 450 Secondhand ShinAle and Heading Milne. 90 Heading Jointer I 40 HeadingPlaner . •, .. ............. ...... . ..... .... • ...• • • • • • 50 HeadingTurner.' ................. ... ........ ...... .. . ... . ... . ... ....................— 70 Stave Machine, with Knife ' 80 New Engines and Boilers on had, also Made to Order very cheap.' Mill Machinery for Flouring, -Grist and §aw Ofills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. = 1..Agricultura1 Implements.—Stov s of Various Rinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, &c.,promptly Attended to. CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MR. DENT IS HARD UP. THIS IS A STATEMENT IN WHICH THERE IS MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY, IN FACT HE S NO GOOD AT POETRY; BUT AT TELL- ING THE- TRUTH HE (*N'T BE BEAT. • ON SATURDAY, THE 25TH OF JANUARY, HE WILL BEGIN A GRAND AUCTION SALE OF DRY GOODS. Ho is obliged to have his Stock all solt't in as little time as possible. His Great Clearing Sale is now Going on daily, so you needn't wait fertile Auction, as you can bay froni him any day just as cheap. Come right along and catch theiBargains ars they Ily. Since commencing my Great Clearing Sale, sever b ogns sales sprung up, but CAUTION. they are only the sami e n name. Remember, the Genuine Sale is going on at DENT'S onlyeand it is to DENT'S yen are invited to go to get such value in Dry Goods as will warm up the very cockles of your heart for the rest of the season. t Don't forget the Auction Sale on Saturday, January 251h. POST OFFICE STORE WALTON IONCE MORE respectfully beg eavi to return thanks to my numerous custoraers for their kind patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and Well Selected Steck of DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of GRI!?eEs—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the County. A ge StockERi of ROOTS and SHOES—Maherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oile, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- thing required in a general store. . Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me fax last and previous years, to come and settle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection. No further motice -will be given, MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am alsovaluatorfor the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies ha the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm security for a term of from three to twenty years, on the most favorable colitions. LIFE INSURANCE.—If you want your MG insured give me a call, as I am agent for the Su Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, air conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give ea call. I am always att ntive to businees. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and 9bker seeds on hand. R. PATTISON, WALTON. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAV- INGS -COMPANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPH JEFFERY, President. ALEX. JOHNSTON", Vice -President. SAVINGS HANIi 1111A.NCIIEf. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS.— The Ontario -LI Loan and Savings Company are prepaied to receive deposits in the sum of $5 and npwards, at the rate of SIX PER 'CENT. per annum, FOR fixed period*, or Five per cent. on demand.Alt lineaments of this Company are secured by mortgagee on Real Estate, whieh affords to de- positors the best possible security tor the safety of their depoeits. For further pat -titulars apply by letter, or at the office of the Company. 581-12 'WM. F. BUI.I.,ER, Manager. MCCAUGHEY & 1101.1ESTED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. SOLICITORS fax the Consolidated Bank of leP Canada and the Canadian Bank of Connneree itt Seaforth. • Farm aim Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on lame -gage se- curities, ,at reasonable vane of interest. Cleinges moderate. Money invested fax private persons upon the best mortgage securities, without any expellee to the lender. •S. G. MeCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTEDs JUST WHAtTHECOUNTRY WANTS QEVENTY Thousand Buck Thom Hedge Plaits " (home grown) Fax Sale,—The agent of the. Kitchell Hedge Nurseries will be in Seaforth next week soliciting °rams, for spring delivery, for this celebratea and well tried plant. Vier- mers and others will find it greatly to their ad- vantage in planting hedges as this eotaitry is be- coming every year more exposed. to the storms and high winds Whieh we axe greatly subject to. It should also be grown around orchatds and gardens as it is a great protection against 11,1 intruders and would be a great snelter to your fruit r. This plant when let grow faits natural state will attain a height of 20 feet, and will grow itt almost any soil or elimate. aoux SRINNEB. 581-4 AUCTION SALE OF OLD CHURCH SITE AND CHURCH. rrHERE will be sold by Public Auction, at 1 o'clock P. M., en -SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1879, in the Village of Zurich, the lot and building known as t3ne Old Lutheran Church. The lot and chnech Will be sold either separate or together. Terms made known on day a sale. FREDEsiteIcCreKtallt3ES, Lutheran chunk. B0SSENI3ERRY, Auctioneer, 582-4 HENSALL MILLS, FREE TRADE. VARMERS andothers buying corn will be lib- erally dealt with. Come and tee the corn tad get onr prices for whole or chopped corn. Flour and Feed delivered at wholeeele prices by the ton or car, G-risting attended to punctually as tuned. Chopping -done eve*. day. 570 . McCREG-OR & URQUHART. N. 13.—A well-bred 'Suffolk Boar kept at the mill for servite. M ILL' N ERY REMOVAL. TN tbankin,g the Ladies of Seaforth and Sur- -1- rounding country for past favors, I wouldbeg to reznind them that I have removed to Hensall„ where I wilthe pleased to wait upon old as well as new customers 'et o may ebance this way. 675 •MISS 31. MITCHELL.