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The Huron Expositor, 1879-02-07, Page 6
THE HURON EXPOSITOR. FEBRUARY 7 1879.! Poisonous PaClatiq On the present occasidei w to deal with tacustorn preyal s. propose nt among .. the plains, a careful and observing .New l'or traveler gives us the following items of lawful w alof • r • cattle men and their herds in western him out, ' ;some naanufaeturiug anclother ohemists, Nebraska : miniouel grocers, confectioners, etc., w iel, how- I Well, as we go jogging along over to bed ever excusable from an rtisc point the Black Hills oad, and see nothing e-Tbe. ! view, is yet to be deprecated Oa aCcount of -interest except freighters, with their with the a the serious or even fatal consequences "prairie schooners," let us examine Society, which may at any moment, ensue, so the mapand .locate the cattle district. Hotel; C long as the practice is cleett d ea It rano away below the junction (+the is expect a promiu will be p —Whil shall, wh miles fro Glenmor bis way, Ile was f badly fro day nigh •--A fa ing fear barns, co hay, etc. Thursda The insu loss. T burned l living in Madoc, burn e 3 . sured for hi ; -rSeesni da , and shouted: "Behold My ded wife." B t they fired nd his lawful ife was igno- chastised and nt siipperless unual dinner n connection Iullett. Bram• Agricultural ill be held at t e Commercial li ton, on the 19 of Feb. It e that Mr. T. S ock, e t Agriculturist f Wentworth, ✓ sent on the occ gen. a young man named. Mar - resides on a fa about three Galt, was r turning from r a on Saturday • ight, he lost nd. remained .ent all night. und oil Sunday Morning sb en, that he died early on Sun- . . ✓ er named Philip Clapp, liv- milee from IVtadoc, had his tinning 600 bushels of grain, , totally consumed by •fire on y night. Supposed incendiary. 121100 will not . neat cover the is gentleman. na,d his barns a t October. Another -farmer, lla,n Settlement, 12 miles from a o had his dwelling house e lost nearly everything. , In- 400.or Donald. McDonald died at nee in Toronto on Monday last in la's 63rd. year. Deceased was born in the State of New York, and. came to ti is country when a bey. He was for • any years in the employment of the C nada Company, and was a trustee o Queen's College, Kingsten. He repre ented the Tecumseth division in the old Legislative Council from 1858 until the Union; when he became a Senator. —Ail 1d. man namea Couch, who sold shirt patterns throughout the city of Londe ,was discovered dead on a street of thatnight. eity on. Saturday night . about mi night. Heart nasease is sup- posed to 1 ave been the cause. He was •for some hue an occupaat of the City Hospital, . where he as recaivina treatmen for the heart disease. While in this in titun'on he wa often heard. to say tb f be expected to drop dead someclay; —A stt ke among the emp• loyees of the ciga factory at 'liathain was tbreateue • on Monday orning, which was happ ly settled anaioably, and the strikers ent back to work at the old wages. ad they " strack out," the result on rade of every king in town would -ha -o been most aisastrons, and the seem. of • blood and riot enacted in cities n the other side, a couple of evinters go, would undeubteclly. have been re -el acted 'ii that Usually peace - loving teem. • —Petty robberies fromlhotols are be - con ing occurrences in Lon- don .Wi biu two days two overcoats bel 'aging to gentlemen of the town have bee stol u from the billiard room of the Tecu • seh House while the owners wer eng ged with their. game. On an- othr ev Ping an overcoat was also stol n fro Mr. Martin', Westminster Ho el, on King . street. Last Friday mining bout 11 o'clock, a gentleman wh was taviug at Strolig's Hotel ac - cid ntall Leh a pocket book containing $2adyiug, u. the counter in the office of tha hote . About an Imar afterwards he misse his pocketbook, and upon re- tur ing f und it had been appropriated by s me erson. An u usual incidene happened on the ore tobrauch of the G-reat West- ern Rail ay, on Saturday afternoon. While th train leaviug Toronto at 3:10 p. m. wit about midwaY between Oak- ville and. ronte, a gentleman had oc- casion to eave a passenger car for the purpose o going into the smoking car to have a " whiff of the weed." The wind was blowing pretty high at the time, and as he reached 'the. platform of the car, a sudden gust swept .him off. The train was running ;at a speed. of about 20 iles an hour' at _the time; but it as speedily brought to a standstill and the stray passenger recovered He had alighted in a huge snow drif , anti escaped Without any in- jury. —A co temporary recoids the sad. and sudden d. ath of Mr. Charles Gordon, son of Mr Paul 'Gordon,' near Elam. He had. b en to a funeral on Wednes- day of la.t week, and eetired to bed late. A tranger sleepitesa -with him ob- served hi sleepless dulling the night, and spok to him in the' morning, and receiving ao answer, shook him, and found he as dead. The estranger be- came frig tened, and. elevated the imme lately. Examination showed. -that bl oil vessel had burst. His re- mains -w re followed. to their long home by a cro -d of sympathizing friends mad neighbor.., W110 will long lament their loss. Hi parents have lest their main stay,. and the commuuityl a good man of business un a valued citizen. - —Floe( the California millionaire, is buildi what will, it as said,. be the finest pr vate residence in America. The grou ds include 1,500 acres on San - SOLE AGENT FOR refer to the very general!, hab ting u,p varioaa articles of an . or culinary description in v, p•ackages rendered - -highly at :motive to the eye by means. of larightay-colored .foils„ paints and • papers, in,aehich. the pigments, being .compounds of earsenic, antimony, mereury, copper or lead, are necessarily deleterious, and ofteu. abso- lutely unsafe. . . . _ A few instances will place our meaa- • ing More clearly before, the readers; premiaingthat we shallcite.no example which has not come under our personal observation. Let us take the filet case of chocolate,. in.sticks. These "sticks" or " cakes " are sold at various prices and of several qualities and descriptions, but leany of them are wrapped round with, or incased in tinfoil—or the thin sheets -of pliable metal, known, coma mercially under that design -ago -a. But what is "tinfoil t" If it were really and solely what its name iimplies; but little objection need be made to its Ilse', seeing that tin is a metal coMparatively unalterable under ordinary ataaosnheric conditions, its oxide Is not r adily setts-- bie in weak acids, and its s$its are not of a powerfully toxic chara ter. Pure tinfoil, however, is never employed as an envelope, being more than double the price of the compound foil which goes by the sameeleme. The composi- tion of the latter -varies considerably, but it may be taken as consianiag chiefly of lead with a small adraixtate• of tin; . this -forms the bulk of the fol, upon one side of which is laid a thin fain of near- ly pure tin. In use this " tin " side of the foil is generally placed externally, the plumbic surface being in contact with the (chocolate Or other) article, therefore if the article in queetion be. at all damp or sticky, not only Meer a por- tion of the lead be left adhereat thereto, but if the surface of tbe poisonous naetal is liable to impregnate the con- ' fectionery. One instance <If this we can narrate from personal experience: A little girl of ' about five, was seized with colic, pain in the abdereen, vomit- ing, etc.., and ether .syrepteens .of lead. poisoning, which yielded to titet appro- priate treatment with some difficulty. It transpired .subsequentla taat a num- ber ,of. sticks of chocolate Wrapped in tinfoil had been given to the chilel who had been regaling herself with the same • .in a rather lavish manner. An etam- ination of some of these tablets showea them to be "old sh,opkeepers," the inner surface of the foil being Much corroded, and leaving a whitish 'fan upon the chocolate, each stick of which, when stripped., was found to contain. b upou the average no less than 31—or nearly a tined of a grain of the oaide of , lead. • et • • i • Our next example shall :Ise one of greater import and . wean:, applica- tion, being none other than a reference to the, highly Poisonous paints in which a number -of foodpreparations are pack- ! , ed. , • - e In • this iuetance, the serious illness of two children directed our attention to the fact that they bad Leen fed. with a kind of food (in itself an excellent pre- paration). coutainecl in a tin oanister, over which was closely packed. a bright , green paper bearing priated.'"directions for use." To open the tins or release the lid of. the canister, it wab necessary to cat or scratch through this greeirpa- per near the top, and the canister being very full) this was done, ana, the -first spoonfuls of a food." taken Out, over a .piece of newapaper, to avoid waste by • spilling. The result may readily bc . imagined; the •requisite proportion of the " food "—together With the scrape lags of the tin and.' green . paper being duly cooked., necessarily- ' ;containedenough of the coloring in question to oc- camion serious gastric disorder, although •-n-in the instanckille observed i by us—in- sufficient to . i 1 . r The paper Covering of these tins has been analytically examined (by Mr. Wentworth L. Scott, F. R. M. S.„, etc..), and a piece measuring 3 ineltes by 21 yielded 3,157 grains.of arsenite of cop- per, or about 421 graine per square inch, Surely this mode of quietly reducing our surplus population might be avoided witheat much difficulty. . Again., gelatine in packets i4 frequent- ly surrounded by a glazed ' arsenical paper containing some 293 !grains of • Scheele's Green per square hide (W. L. nn Eveniu the m:est carefal hands it ia uot easy to (pep or cmpta the tightly fastened paper without slightly inepreg- netting the contents with: deleterious matter. t of put- North and South Platte rivers, north limentaxy over the Niobrara, and the other way to ssels and. south of the South Platte. There is Creighton's rancho on Horse Creek; with 12,000 cattle; Biff's on the'South Platte, with 25,000. Diffiis dead, slid his estate is. shipping freely and reduc- ing stock. During part of his life, he was the largest stock owner, and. left a large fortune. Looking down the South Platte, C. A. Moore has 800, Shadley Bros. 10,000, Watts 3,000, Benton at Dillon 8,000, Then oomes Coe at Carter at the Platte junction with 6,000, W. A. Paxton -10,000, Bosler 39,000, Mabry 8,000, Code Bros. 10,000, T. H. Lawrence 3,000, D. W. Powers 6,000, Pratt & Ferry 7,000, Kane 5,000, Jas. Boyd 2,000, W. II. Parker 1,000, W. C. Irwin 6,000, Van Tassel 3,000. Then there are S. A. Searight 10,000, Swann Bros. 15,000, Coffey 6,000, Kountze 500, Sturgis et Yandell- 15,000, a d -hundreds of others ranging from 500 to 3,000 or 4,000, all on the Platte and its tributaries. i Nor is green the colored paper which endangers some of oar food pro- ducts ; a well-known and. highly re- spectable firm of biscuit manufacturers habitually wrap some fency cakes round, with an ornamental band heavily 'geld " with sulphuret.—aacennine of to keep down Inendicity. In St. Gall, ePhan a;acy. Gener0 News Items. Afresh outbreak of rinderpest has oc- curred in Prussia. - , —The Pope has received. threatening letters from Socialists. - —A man named Settle, of Rochester, has been fined .$1,000 and $100 costs, for sending bscene literature through the post. • —We hear that. Mr. W. Cole, of 13th con. Hallett, has fallen heir to thesin of 1;70,000, through the death. of his father-in-law. • —The picture of "Donnybrook Fair," by Edward Lees •Glen, valued at from a10,000 to $20,000, has been stolen from. from Thomas Jones' resat:tie-ant in New- ark. a --It is estimated that one-seventh of the looms and spindles in Blackbnrn, England, are stopped, and that between four and five thousand .operatives are idle anddestitute. —Lockport, Texas, was struck- by a tornado, and forty houses demolished, •including churches, the Court House, Masonic Hall. &-c. One child was kill- ed and several persons butt. - '—Sitting •Bull has stated to the United States' Government that he desires peace; aud runners have been , sent to the different agencies to ascer- tain on what terms he and his people - would return. • —John G. Ferguson, a well -td -do farmer and formerly Councillor for the township of Charlettenburg; living near Williamsburg, in the County of Gaeta garry, died in his cutter, lent Sunday -while on his way to church at Williams- town. ' —Edward Belden, of Milwaukee, and Peter_ Vanness, of New York, com- menced a long distance -walk on Mon- day .morning. Vauness niust valk 2,000 half miles in 2,000 cense u- tive half hours, and Belden 2,000 h lf milenin 2,000 consecutive twenty min- utes. —It is announced in diploma i▪ c, circles in Germany, that England in- tends • to purchase Cyprus, to asnlid coMplications from a nominal -ccln- tinuance of the sovereignty of the Sul- tan. One millioa pounds has been of- fered, which the Sultan wifl proba•ly- accept. . —Some twenty persons, most of them women, have become insane at Verzegnes; -Italy, owing to- " pictm es and sermons on hell," and at cert in hours of the day indulge in extravaga •t, incoherent and indecent talk, thou sat they had previously been quiet and w .11 behaved. —A. New York boarding house kezp- er has been presented. with $10,000 iier the Elevated Railway Company of th city, as the value of a discovery male by her that the fearful noise -caused ey the cars on the elevated track may e stopped by filling the hollow in the ra ls with sand, tar and cotton. —The small -Pox at Dublin, which s- sumed a violent type last month, as now increased to an epidemic, and is causing considerable alarm among d ty officials. Eaery precaution is being tak, n to stop the spread of the disease, whiah • has DOW reached. the alarming death rate of 51 in every 0110 thousand jer week. • —Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson l4as taken up the proposition of Prof. John Geroge, of London, to provide a ke- frigating ship at Now • Orleans, to be moved from point to point, and tllst the effect of low temperature in tinguishing the germs of yellow fev Appropriations frau]. Congress will asked. —Considerable distress exists in dif- ferent parts of Switzerland; and is cans - Mg the local authorities much uneesi- mess.' It is found almost impossible -people get themselves arrested in .order, they say, that they may have f od atad shelter, and the prisons are cro ti- ed with inmates whose only offence is The cattle business on our western en be Cattle Ran.chesi. I plains is beconaing immensee and many • poverty. —Alderman O'Sullivan., of East NJw- of our Iowa men, as well es men of ark, N. J., Ni78,F.1 found guilty an Satin:- enterprise from raore eastern States, are being being attracted thither to engeae in 'w- 00 st r, . mg stirred up strife and instigated 1 the lassiness. As an idea as to what it costs to Make -a good start I there, we suits between his neighbors. The p quote one sale made lately, end as re- ally in two years' imprisoinnent or $ portedbythe Leann- oLaAnimas, fine, or boil.. He was tried feral.° sa Colorado: . . f s • . ,, . offence four Tears ago, but escaped c . victim He is. the only man agai Hon J. W. Powers this week con - sena " whom. the indictment for such offei eluded the purchase from Ripley of Rutland, Vermont, the well known : was ever found iu New Jersey.' ranch ni, this county know' as a The ' -nDespatcbes from London,,nngla Meadows," together witireat line stock, : state that at Preston 300 more ope, lauds and ranch apputtena.r. cat. . The , tives struck. At Ashton-underafa property. time cone -eyed coniasts of 1,- the cotton manufacturers have resol 600 head of high grade cat le (70 bar . to reduce the weavers' Wages 57 per ce brazil) 25 Shorthera bulls, 40 horses, _ The notices of reduction expire on 1,100 acres- of clic:nee land, stone much 14ta. of February. ' The Master s Luildiage, corrals and fixtaree. The pliere paid was at:0,000. The ranche is 25 mileseast of this place, s -hutted, on the scuth side c t tl.e river. The river bottom at that eint is aka 21- miles in Width, and tLe rTcater pc rtion ef the lama producce Leavy er p of hay. This place has a fr(ntage on the Arkan- I, as of four nalez:, and is rE wailed by old settlers as ti e aneet bele- of land in -Colorado. Mr. PoWers is to be con- gratulated on tlie pusses:4,11 cf so fine a propel ty. At nee saine til. o we are tiad to laces- tlett Capt. (:. EL Ripley, e of the late proprieteis, will probably re-ceange in I. ueinees in Col- orado. , And as stiee idea af u1.0a aciag on nem of the. same ' district bolding 'meeting on Tneeday, to consider question of the spaniel's' wages. etriaina operatives of the Blacka CotteurlaUlls have resumed work at or - mer wages. —A ycung gentlemen ef leat Spri fiela, Blass., with an annual income of • $156, eveaded secretly a. school yet ng lady of 17, On Sunday he called at er residence,' and his ullconscious mother- ! in-law *aid her daughter was -not at • home. The husband forcedhis •ray to see for lihuself ; the old lady cal ed for bt, neighbor to put him out, and he bride dArted forth and threw her elf into- the arms of her husband, NN ho brandished aloft a a py of the .11oys of 00 PROPRIETARY ARTICLES. ODONTALGICA " PREPARED ONLY BY HaCKSON & BLEASDELL, 'VII Li 1_1 C T.T rhe worst case of Tooth Ache, caused from Decayed Teeth; We will refund the money in any case where it fails to cure after a fair trial. PRICE, 15 CE.NT8 A BOTTLE. WORM POWDERS, Prepared by HICK,SON & BLEAS- • DELL, at 25 Cents a Box, For Children or Adult's. are Perfectly Safe, and. will act ie nine cases out of teu. Always fresh, and may be relied on. IMPROVED CONDITION POWDERS Prepared only by HICKSON & BLEAS- DELL, at 25 cents a pound, or 5 pounds ' for $1. , FOR HORSES OR CATTLE. They Perify the Blood, and build. up the system generally, producing a sleek and glossy coat, an elastic step and a brig& eye. Be sure you get the right kind, as ! there are many in the market of no medicinal use. ASK T'Caczt. HICKSON & BLEASDELL'S FAMILY APERIENT ..kNTIBILIOITS MYER, PILLS, the Great Vegetable Blood Purifier. They act like a charm on the Stomach and Liver. - PRICE, '25 CENTS A BOX. "TONIC AND ALTERATIVE BITTERS Prepared, only by HICKSON & BLEAS- /DELL, for Indigestion, Loss of Appe- tite, Dyspepsia, &c. Composa- exClU7 sively of roots and berbs. ' PRICE, 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. "COMPOUND' COUCH SYRUP,' Prepared only by HICKSON' & BLEAS- DELL, cures Cotighs, ColasstIloarseness, Sore Throat, And. all DiaeaSes of the Throat and Lungs. Gives immediate relief and a speedy cure. PRICE, 25c. .AND 50c. A BOTTLE. • 1 - Besides the above we make a number . .of other Preparations, such as Waiter Fluid, Whooping Cough Remedy, Ink Powder, &e. HICKSON 84 BLEASDELL, SE -A. F 0 JIT IT. i`CRoWN INK.. 1Y TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL BE • CONVINCED THAT IT IS A FIRST-CLASS INK, AND THAT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. CIZOWIT Ii\T= Is as good after being frozen as any Common Ink before freezing, • and yet is Sold for ONLY 15 CTSII PER PINT BOTTLE AND A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Tbere is as meet' Ink in a pint bottle as in eight 5e. bottles -40 centa worth. 1879-- 'T 1\T A. •-1879- SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS MONTH ,—Alr---- KIDD'S EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH'. AS 1 PURPOSE TAKING STOCK EARLY IN FEBRUARY I WOULD RES- - PECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION tall MY FRIENDS AND CUS- TOMERS TO TBE IMPCD.U.,T1.A.1\71' P_A_OrT That I am Offering DURING THE WHOLE OF THIS MONTH My Entire Sto7 of DRY GOODS AND READYMADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, G*OCERTES, &c., -,ee3 At an Astounding REDUCTION of Current Prices for CASH CREDIT to Responsible Parties. r SHORT ALL ARE CORDIALLY irortgo TO EXAMINE . THE STOCk ; NO TROTIBL TO S1710W GOODS. THOMAS KIDD, SEAFORTII. • D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER, Ilas Pleasure in annoumang to his Friends and Cus- tomers that every Department is fully stooked with First—Class Goods. Hundreds of Families testify j „ to the1( value gwen at 086, s urocery in the past, and he looks forwa4 to the ifuture with every confidence. No Prices quoted. COM& and see, and be convinced of the advantaiges offered. No trouble to show Goods 1 and - give samples. _Flour, a0r21, Oatmeal, Buckwheat • I Flour, Cracke4 Wheat, Hominy, ‘&c., always kept in Stock. Q. D.I ROSE, Seaford& GO -ODS FOR THE MILLION —AT, I CAMPBELL'S CLOTHIr EMPORIUM. i THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AND THE Do not Throw Your Money Away PUBLICTHE CHOICEST SELECTION OF WORSTED COATINGS, PANTINOS, OVER COATINGS, The eye delights to g&4 upon, and Fresh from the Markets for this Fall's Trade. Buying Five Cent Ink. HARRY MITCHELL, day of being a common barrater, Francisc 0 Bay, . eel:uprising a natural -park, mai y for. improvements to any desired e tent. The house is 100 by 200 feet i area, and resembles &French chateau if the •old,style. • Verandas sur- round it, and the roof is broken. with massy gal les and two. towers 140 feet high. T ac eutiee exteator is very or- nate. A nong the -Apartments are sev- eral par ors, Music room, library and • wine roo n; the latter being of. uncom- mon size The dining room is 100 feet . long, so t at great dinners ro.ay be enven, in it; bu meet of it cais be shut off, leaving a room of comparatively mall size for o -dinary use Five years will .be consumed in completing the house and its urroundings. Mr. Flood also contemplates a, city residence of corre- sponding magnificence. —Tliei.ussion and Gorman :medical journals tate that the East of Europe is in are .t alarrn. at the progress of what the allege to be the -plague. ska tcr the d sease obtained piogress strict quaranti e was enforced, but the in- habitant of Astrachan. !hag _begun to flyescatt ring the disease as. far as Nijui Novgaret , which is but a few hours dis- tant fron Moscow. One set of tele- grams fr gin the Governors of the in- fected Ploviuces to the Minister of tire interior, aportsthe paeSent state of af- fairs as iost hopeful, bet the " Wiener aledicini che Wochenachrift" drawe the most terrible picture of affaire, and says it is ahnost too late now to attempt to stop tl e disease. The•symptofiss are t headacht. fever, mei swelling of the glands. -There is need of experieuced medical men. About a third of the Russian - clecteis died either dur- ing the war, or from , typhoid fever wl ich followed. .A large num- : ber of sti dente have. been summoned. SEAFORTII, - - ONTARIO. TEI E OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TIN EMPORIUM, —SEAFORTH.— • MRS. WHITNEY WISHES mine more to remind her many friends and customers that she is now -better prepared than ever to supply all their wants in her -line. She as one of the most, com- plete assortments of •e 0 77- S Both Coahand Wood, Cookiug, Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that can be found in any town in tbe county, and at prices as low as the lowest. Her assortment of tal\T-VsT.A_IR,T2 \Vasnevcr better or MOTO varied. COAL OIL Both Wholf. sale and Retail -at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturers prices. Repairing and Eave-Troughing promptly attended to and en- tire sat' f .t. t. d •13RUCEFIELD. For the better accomodation of 'her customers Mrs. Whitney has opeeed e. blanch store in Bruce field, where will be found a complete stock of eveiything in her -line. She would direct par- t'cular attention to mad invite inspection to her Stoves, which intending purchasera should see before purclun-ing elecwhere. Remember when you come to Seaforth or Drueefield don't have without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seafoeth. and Brneelield. ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. RARE BARGAINS IN CERTAIN LINES. CALL AND SEE. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. STORE No. 1, CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. LEISURE HOUR AND SINIDAlt AT HOME' FOR 1879, ALL THE BOOKS NOW BEING USED IN THE PUBLId AND HIGA SCB:OOLS, T THE LOWEST CASH PRICES„ C. W. PAPST'S, CARDNO'S BLOCK,. SEAFORTH. GREAT REDU TION IN BOOTS AND SHOES. WE BEG TO ANNOUNalE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT WE HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS 1OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Llowest Renaunerative,Prices, WE USE NOTRING BUT ME BEST.MATERIAL Therere we can GnerantL Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor us with a call. • REPAIRING DONE ON THE SEORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place Oppositei the Foundry. GRIEVE' & FRIEL, SEAFORTI-L CENTRAL GROCERY. LAIDLAW krAIRIAY WILL SHOW AT THE "CENTRAL .GROCERY" THIS WEEK, 1.'LARGE STOCK OUNEW fWfl COMPRISING - Six Cases Patna Currants, enti* y free from Sand. - Four cases ifessine6 currants, wash- ed ready for use. Five barrels Common C2rrant4 at Twenty Pound.5 for one dollar:.- rifty boxes new 7C61692Zia Raisifts, selected 4 stalk. Ten boxes London Layers, black bas- ket and blue basket, for table use. Ten boxes Sultana Raisins, entirely free from seeds. Figs in Mats, four pound, and one and a half pound boxes Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel% Extra Ground Sugar for icing. Almonds, Filberts and Walnuts. TEAS AND SUGA COFFEES, SPICES, te., Always in Stock, and warranted the best value in the market, FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS. t, • We Invite Inspection, of 432 r large Stock of CROCKERY •AND GLASSWARE, Which, we are Selling Of at prices to suit the times. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY CARDNO'S BLOCK, SE &FORTH. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING.. BROADFOOT & BO • SEAFORTH, Have On hand at their TrareraWas, near the Market, cts Handsome a .Stock, of Furniture of every Dr8- vription as can be found in any similor Establi.'shment in Huron, all of which they are prepared to sell cheap. It is all manufactured under their own super.- ViSien, and they can varantee it as ta quality, FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER WHEN DESIRED. - UNDERTAKING. Having procured& handsom.e Hearse, they ale now prepared to attend to undertaking in *l11 branches, on the most reasonable terms. In connectionwith their unlertaking business they use the ANTI -SEPTIC FLUIDI, Which preserves the body and destroys all offen- sive odors and prevents contagion arieing frOaa. dead bodies, Orders Respectfully Solicited BROADFOOT & BOX.. ©1.413 WilN,Tal EP IS COMING FAST, AND PILLMAN & 00. SEAFORTH tABR1A1E WORK$, Are Prepared for It. THEY have now on hadand are still mum- -5- faetnaing some of the handsoinest and ;Mut - stylish and comfortable -Cutters and Pleasure Sleifghs' Ever offered to the People -of this County Their Vehicles are all made ofthe best 'material, best WOrklnan8 and superior finish,. • They are in Tact both handsome and duraide. CALL /MID SEE Tit Pxices to Suit the Thnes. 'ULLMAN & Co., Sea/forth. N. B.—Repairing Promptly Attended to. • THE SEAFORTEf INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stook, F'ne and Life Insurance Companies, and ie profit-- - ed to take risks THE ARM FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Sosie* ties. Also Agent for the sale and pnrehase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS 1.Me • PROVED- FARMS FOR SALE - a503000 to LoanS Per Cetft, interest. • • Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. _ OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Stere, Mai -St Seaforth. _ THE SEAFORTH PORK PACKING HOUSE THE undersigned will sell at their Pork Peek* ing Home, at Low Prices, PORK CUTTINGS, BEADS, FEET, SAUSAGES, itte. Going prices paid for Dressed Hogs, dellYer at our Packing House. ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & CO, 571 SEAFORTIL hs