HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-02-07, Page 5SUPPLEMENT. de R GOOD g of Cost. GOODS, MINE. • worth $2 Heavy d.ray Shawls at of [Tartan ShaVds iThee are Very de- :uite Fashionable at Pl, in and Tartan iik- Squares in Seal Black. Something irts at cost price. .1 -all on Trimmings. Tidies. A Large .ead'ng Colors, Very nd Drawers,. Fieh, re ileavy and All. .ather, from 50 cents Scarlet Flannel, 18 Flannel, All Wool,. 30 cents. Y stormy.weather, our second lot of ut the balance of Lies wishing to buy ; season, and lower y. 45 cents, 50 cents, any of them sam- ling in the marlmt in White, Fancy, lot of 35 Pieoes -which have been tar prices. Heavy ,Ints, 95 cents, and tad Boys' Winter oats. Men's Fur at half price. Horse Blankets, - Shaped Horse ters, Beaver and Hen's and Boys' Great Sacrifice. dian Mink Furs, s. A Cheap and. FEBRUARY 7, 1879 , i parties who give donations 'of any kind to theta for him to be kind enough I to send him word by mail to Salford and he and his friends :will prosecute he swindlers. .. I —A police constable in Toronto on Friday -night found a young wont n, namel Annie Aldridge, lying on e sidewalk at tile corner of, King 1 ud Bay streets in an insensible conditi n. She is suffering from heart disda e. She tells a most .shocking story of er sistet's depravity. She says that se ie time ago her sister wrote to her frim Toronto to New York State asking i er to come over. When 'she arkived a er i sister placed her in a house of ill 1 pute on Elizabeth street. —The following was related to a e - porter of the Montreal Gazette on Tu 8 - day night last,na will have to go or what itis wo th : A brass founder i th named Bailey aid at he had walked " all the way front London, Ont., to Main - treat, over 40g miles, in a little 1 es than eight days. For a whole t o days, between Kingston and Oornwa11, _ he had not broken his fast, as he h d been unable to obtain any food betwe4ri those points, the "good men of t1ie house" informing him that tramps h d completely played themselves out arou . d those parts. Bailey sought lodgings .it the police station. —Last Sunday morning, about 545, a freight train on the Canada Southe ta Railway, mostly empties, bound wet, was left standing on the Lyon's Cre k , Bridge, about one mile and a half e st of Welland, when the engine ran to t e tank near Welland station for wat r ; while there No. 119, special, also mo t- ly empties, ran into the rear end of the former train, causing great destrneti n of propetty, and serfous, if not fatal, injury to G-eo. Tyler, a brakeman on No. 13. Thirteen care were entirely destroyed. The locomotive of the rear train ran into the caboose of the ot-lar, and both were burned. so badly as to pe entirely useless, nothing being left. of the cal:stets.° except the trucks. The fire occurred about the middle of the bridge, which was also •conaiderably burned, being saved only by the ex r - tions of the farmers living :in the iiin inediate vicinity. of the collision. The escape of the engine,er an,d. firemen 11::.f 119 was almost miraculous, as they knew nothing of their danger until the engine was stopped., having been alinost entirely telescoped into the caboose. The usual signals were not seen. Tlakt brakeman was attended by Dr. Cooke, of Welland.• His le,g is badly broken near the ankle, and it is feared a,mpti- 1 tation will be necessary. Huron Notes. —The Presbyterian Sabbath Schoel Convention held at Blyth, oil .Tuesda ! was largely attended, evincing the i terest taken in Sabbath .School matte, Different subjeds were discussed toting to the management and further irrtprovement of the schools. The next Meeting will be held at Goderich, —Mr.- Henry - :Aberhardt, of Eli- raondville, was in rather.a critical eon. clition on the evening of the 25th ult. It seems that whilstbdrivingover apitch hole he fell off his sleigh, which passed over his arra and remained on it until he called to the horses to go. on; whieh they did, and relieved him. The arM. Was badly bruised, but not broken. 1- t ---A man named. James Bellback, of the 19th concession of -Stephen, was brought before an Exeter magistrate on Friday of lastweek, charged by the Canadian Company's Agent with hat - cutdown ancl stripped: the bark off a. number of trees !oti. the- •Companyis land. He was allottred four days to give a note with go-od..security for a fair valuation of the timber or else leave • the- country. He has not since been heard of. . —On Wednesday night of last week an attempt was made to burn the Exe- ter bending factory. A pile. of turned table -legs *ere ignitedand the turning lathe was nearly destroyed. The fire was noticed by persons - living in the vicinity of the factory, who forced open a door and extinguished the fire: It te supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, but it seems strange that the fiend attempted his work at so early an hour,it being about half past ton. o'clock. 11 ,--The usually quiet village of James- town was thrown into quite a farore over the marriage of Mr. Gee.- CoonabeS. to Miss D. Hogg, both of Grey. The ceremony was performed. at the resil, den,ce of the bride's father, -atter which the young couple, accompanied, by a few friends, went for a short drive. number of friends and acquaintance tripped. the " liglit fantastic toe" at Mr. Hogg's in the evening, at which a very enjoyable time was spent. ITheic many' _friends in that vicinity] wish them unbounded success in their matrit- menial venture,. —On Sunday morning, 26t1i ult., the funeral of the late Mr. W. B. ! Mills took pled° from his late residenCe, ii the township of Morris, and was largel- ly attended by the ,M.a,sonic fraternity of which he was a, member, and others,. His remains were interred. in the Wingham cemetery. Rev. Mr. Davie ! conducted the services at the grave, af1- ter which Mr. S. G. Cox, Master ol Winghom Lodge, .read the impressive - burial service of the Order, Mx. Mills was a man whotwas respected by everyT one, and always won the high esteetot. of those with whom he came in . cont tact.. The funeral sermon was preach {. - ed on Sabbath morning, 2nd inst., .by the Rev. Mr. Davis. The Masonic . brethren attended in a body. —On Fridaylast a large, seedy look- ing man stole a pair of boots hung up in front of John Treble'sstole, Exeter, A little boy saw litm take thern and run for the back street. -The boy told Treble. Constable Gill, J. Treble and J. Southcott _went • to look for hintit • Southoott met him. and clinched, hint; H and threw him down, when he dre his revolver. Scuthcott caught the r volver and threw it 'away. • Constabl. 1-• Gill and Treble came to So!uthcotOt ! help, when they soon slipped the "da,if bies " on him and. ran hilt" into the ! lock-up. He Was sent to Goderich Saturday to stand his trial. He had seven -shooter, fully ! charged, and ! -twenty-one different bunches of keys his pockets: - —The Board of Directors of the Howi ick Farna,ers' ltIntuti Fire Ineurance Company met in Gerrie on Saturdayt - 25th ult. Eight applications were aci cepted by the Boatd, covering - risks - amounting to $7,800; A !sedond hearf intbin regard to John G-allaher• was ent .tertained. The additional evidence giventwould show that his stone wall! • whi"Ch was supposed to be good, -was s $. a.' ,en-ig HURON EXPOSITOR. injured. by the fire as to be worthless, which was the principal cause of a further award of $70. It would ap- pear'further, that it was the design of Mr. Gallaher to have built a woodshed 24x24 feet, named in the application, but was not built, which accounts for the high insurance on the house. Mr. Gallaher having expressed his willing - netts to allow a two -third claim on the supposed woodhoute, the case was ami- cably settled. —Some days ago, white Mr. James Beamish, of East Wawasicish, was chopping in the bush, he accidentally felled a tree upon three of his dogs, killing them. It was quite a loss to Mr. Beamish, as the dogs were valu- able. They were of the setter breed, and one of them could not have beeu bought for ten dollars. —Mr. P. O'Brian, of Hay, visited Exeter on Monday of last week, with a primitive style of vehicle, to which was attached a pair of asses, whose diminu- tive size and attractive appearance drew a crowd of boys around him. During the time he was in the village his route was like a triumphant -pro- cession, the occasion furnishing a fund of amusement for the ara,bs. —The cold hand of death has been laid Upon two citizens of Jamestown, within a very short time of each other. The first was the infant SOIL of Mr. James Lynn; the second, Mr. John King, of Merritt They are sadly missed from the family circles to which they each belonged. Thus does time the re- morseless reaper, cut off the old and young—both great and small. —A very successfnl surgical opera- tion was performed by Drs. Browning, 9f Exeter, Buchanan of Zurich, and Hornibrook, of -Mitchell, by the re- moval of a cancer front Mrs. Thos. Prior's breast, at Exeter, on Friday.- of last week. The operation should have been performed two or three months ago, but Mrs. Prior had been per- suaded by other physicians that she was not afflicted with a cancer. — The Belmore Division Grange met in Gerrie on Monday, the 27th ult. An unusual number of both represeetatives and. visitors were present, and a very interesting meeting is reported. The quesfion of cheese and butter factories was interestingly discussed. The fol- lowireg officers were elected for the cur- rent year: J. Scarf, W. C.; Alex. Drummond, Secretary; J. Ramstraw, 04; P. Hepinstall, Lecturer; J. John- ston, S.; R. Fallis, A. 5.,-; E. Cooper, Chaplain; W. Anderson, Treasurer; Alex. Edgar, G. K.; Sister Scarf, Ceres; Sister Walker, Pomona; Sister Edgar, Fldra ; Sister Hepinstall, L. S. H. 'Smith and Wm. Anderson were elects Deputies, and P. Hepinstall, Representative to the next Division Grange. The next meeting of the Bel - more Division G -range is to be held at the 9th line, Howiek, Grange. room, on Monday, 13th March next, at 10 o'clock a. m. Subject for discussion, "The ad- vantage of dairying in .connection with farming." Perth Items. — Mr. Thos De Cantillon has started. anew livery stable in Dublin. —Dublin school trustees are Messrs. Thos King, Alex. M. Ross and Joseph Kidd. — The workingmen in the Grand Trunk Railway shops Stratford, are now working on full time. —A new Presbyterian Church is go- ing to be erected in St. Marys. It is estimated to cost $9,000. —A gentleman of Mitchell, is in pos- session, of a coin bearing date 1707, and which is in agood state of preservation, after passing through the world for 170 years. —The Listowel council have decided to engage a constable at a salary of a,bout $400 per annum, and instructed the clerk to -advertise for a suitable man who will devotehiwhole time to the interests of the town.. —The enterprising firm of Hill & Bowers, millers, Newry • Station, are doing a steady businesS in the flouring line. They have shipped lately several car loads of flour to the Maritime Pro- vinces. —A large number of ,people'in the vicinity of Listowel, are talking of going to Manitoba in the spring. The major- ity of those who intend to make the trip do so with the intention of seeing the country, and forming their own opinions .as to its ' adaptibility for agricultural purposes. —Mr. J. Harburn, ex -deputy -reeve of Hibbert, beinebabont to remove to one of the • newer sections, probably Grey coun- ty, sold his farm of 50 acres to his bro- ther John for $4,000. The Harburns are good farmers and John -will now have one of the best farms in this township. James is the crack plowman who has won a good many matches. —On Tuesday night last week Mr. Alex.Mitchell,who lives on the Mitchell gravel road, a mile or two from Elma centre, had a horse, cutter and harness, stolen front his stable. He telegraphed to 'Mitchell next morning, and was in- fromed that his horse, cutter, &c., had, been left in a yard- but no person in charge could be found. —Mr. E. Dillon , lot 18, con. 14, Lcaran, went to attend. to his horses on Thurs- day morning of last week; and to hie dismay lie found all four animals crush- ed underneath the roof of the stable. One end of the rafters which carried the roof was Placed against the end of a barn; and being burdened with a heavy weight of snow, the roof caved in on the horses; killing the whole -of them. This is a heavy loss to Mr. ; the horses being worth about $300. —Mr. Win. Shatford, of the 10th con. Wallace, near Donegal, died very sud- denly on Sunday morning last • week. He had been engaged during the prev- ious day in threshing at a neighbor's place; and in loading up the thrashing machine at night, it is supposed he had injured himself by overlifting. He was taken seriously 411 during the night, and though two medictl men were sent for and used all their skill in his behalf, nothing could be done to save him. ' —A public School exatnination was held in School Section No. 2, Hibbert, recently. A large num- ber of people of the section manifested their appreciation of the labors of their teachers, Messrs. James Hislop and Gibson Malaffy, by attend- ing the examination. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, there were also present a number of teachers and others from a distance. The ex- amination was principally by the teach- ers, Messrs. Mnrch, Hislop, and Brown- lee. At noon the people of the section presented to the visitors their baskets Of provisions, w quality were s alter all had an selves the exa The pupils gay training,both in t they answered t and in the abilit selves. Their th arithmetic and g ally marked. T enlivened the exe About four o'cloc by Mr. James M few remarks, in Hislop as a teach and expressed hi the pupils presen handsome gold c at $25, accompan plimentary add • plied in suitable ant and successf held in the eveni it 111 'eh for • quantity and. ldom surpassed; and ciently refreshed them - 'nation was resumed.. evidenee of superioet e readiness:with which e numerous questions, to think for thein - roughness in algebra, • ography, was especitt e pupils at intervals cise by vocal music. the chair was taken holly, Sr., and after a hich he spoke of Mr. rid the highest terms, regret at his leaving, ed Mr. Hislop with a aiu and locket, valued ed by a highly com- ess. Mr. Hislop re- erms. A very pleas - 1 entertainment _was g. —Last week A black fox in the Lambton Co. • H for it, but decline sum for scerare a thur Wallis killed -a township of Mosa, has been offered $30 accepting so small a animal. Auct on Sales. Monday, Febru ry 17, on Lot 12, Con. 7; South Boundar , Stanley, Farm Steck and Implements. David Clark, pro- prietor; Bossenb rry & Orthe, auction- eers. Thursday, February 13, 1879. on Lot 9, Con. 9, Morris, Farm Stock aed*Im- plements. Danie Coleman, proprietor; Jelin Bullard, au tioneer. Tuesday, Febr ary 11, 1879, on Lot 23, Con. 5, Hib • rt, Farm Stodk and Implements. Ja es O'Connor, proprie-! tor ; Thomas Kin., auctioneer. ! Saturday, 'Fehr ary 22, 1879, at the Queen's Hotel, in he Town of Seaforth, Chancery Sale of a Valuable Farm, sit- uate in the tOwns tip of Hibbert.1 Jas. H. Benson, Vend r's Solicitor. Friday, Febrna y 28,011 Lot 20, South Boundary, Stant y, Farm Stock, Im- plements, • and 1 ousehold Furniture. Robert Armstrou , proprietor ; Bpssen- , berry & Orthe, au tioneers. 1 B iths. BURNETT—In Seat° th, on the 20th u t., the wife of Mr. Frederi k Burnett of a dant liter. SMITH—In Gorrie, on Dec. 30„ the wife f Afex. Smith of a- son. PERM/a:IN--Li Bru, els,- on the 18th u t., the wife of Mr. Dugald Ferguson of a clang iter. HONEY—in Grey, on lot 29, concession 6, the wife of Mr. Honey f a son. STEPHENS—In Setif rth, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr. Thema Stephens of a son. Ma riages. . McDOUGALL—JONE '.—At Clifton Cott ge, Eg- inondville, by the • ev. Mr. Graham, on the 5th inst., Mr. A. G McDougall-, of Seat rth, to Ellen' second dal% iter of John Jono , Esq., South View, Live vol. '. MURRAY—BUCHAN —At the residi nee of , the bride's father, y the Rev. Geo. 01 rk; on the 29th ult, Waite Murray, Esq., to pidney, daughter of Ro ert Buchanan, Fsq., of East Wawanosh. KYS—HEAMAN—Inl jUsborne'on the 221 d ult., by the Rev. E. J. „ binsonMr. John Keys, to 'Miss Sarah Ann Haman, both of Stephen.' HEARD—LEATH011a —At St. Thomas on the , 7th ult., by the Re . Manly Benson, imr. Geo. ' Heard, of Lambet , to Lizzie J., eldest daugh- ter of Robert Lent iorn Esq. of Exete . COOMBS—HOGG—At the residence of tbol bride's i father, Grey, on th , 22nd ult., by the Iev. Mr. Ryan, Mr. Win. G Coombs, son of Mr.ijoseph Coombs, to Debora) Margaretta, datigh ter of Mr. James Hogg, o Grey. GOVENLOOK— GILL i 8 — In Brussels on the 17th ult., by the v. J. Ferguson,M*. 'Win. " Gorenlock, of Bean , to Margaret Gilles, of the township of Grey. CLUFF—KNECHTEL In Brussels, on ti e 29th ult., by the Rev. J. Jerguson, Mr. Nobl Cluff, of Seaforth, to Ma Tie Knechtel, of B ussels. • aths. JOHNSON—In Seafo th, on 16th ult., luisto- pher Johnson, age 83 years. CASE -1n Usborne, o the 28th ult. S sauna, daughter of Joseph Case, Esq., aged 2 years. EfANDFORD—At Devo , on the 25th u1t.,1 youngest son of SU s Handford, Esq. aged 1 year and. 23 days. WRIGHT—In Seafort , on the ist inst., Mary E. Wright, eldest da ghter of the late James Wright, Esq., aged 1 years and 6 months. LAMB --In Harpurhey, on the 4th inst., Andrew. Lamb, aged 79yo& T. LANDERS-L-Iu Stanle , On the 1st inst., Ellen Landers, eldest da t ghter of Mr. John Landers, aged 24 years. ROLAND—At Farqu.ha , township of 111 sborne, on, the lst inst.„Mr. m. Roland, aged 75 years. • THE M RKETS. SE FORTH, Feb. 6, 1879. 0 84 Lb 0 871 Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat, Fife, pe bushel0 75 to 0 80 Spring,Wheat,Red Chit ,perbus070 to 076 . 0 50 to 0 55 Oats per bushel, 0.28 to 0 30 Peas per bushel Barley per bashel 0 40 to 060 Batter, No.] , Loose 0 10 to 0 124 Eggs 0 124 to 0 13 p 2 25 to; 2 25 ..o. . 16? .... . 7 00 tot 8 00 Hides, per lba- 0 05 to, 0 05 Grubby Hides per 100 bet 4 00 Falleri-Hides, per 100 1 8...., 00 0 50 to, 1 25 Sheepskins Salt ( etailaper barrel 0 75 - Salt ( holesale)per ba rel0 66 ! Potat ee, per bushel0 50 to0 60 . 2 Oatm brl 25 to 2 25 ITallow, per lb 0 D5 to 0 06 Beef, tn quarters, per 1 0 lbs8 00 to 4 00 Dress d Hogs 4 50 to 5 00 • Fall Wheat,per bnshel - 083 (4 0 89 Sprin g Wheat, perbush 1... 0 74 0 0 80 Oats, per bushel • 0 26 @ 0 30 Barleyi, per bushel , C 50'@ 065 Peas, ker bushel • 0 50 (4 0 55 Clover Seed, per bindle' 50 @ - 4 00 Timothy Seed, per pus el 1 50 @ 1 75 Butter! 0 12 ge 0 15 Pork 400 (3 425 0 50 g . a 55 018 @ 015 CLINTON, Feb. 6, 1879. Potatoes Elggs. Hay,p13r ton, 8 00 (4 900 LONDON, Feb. 1.—Fall wheat per 100 rounds, white, $1 45 to $1 52; red, eI 4 to $1 50; spring wheat, $1 10 to 3q barley, barley, 60c to $1 55; oats,' 83c to 88 ; peas, 80c to 90c; dressed hogs, $4 75 to $5 25; butber per pound, 13c to 14c ; eggs: 18c to 200. Tonottro, Feb. 6.—Fall, per bushel, 80c to 92c spring 'wheat; 70c to 84c; barley, 550 to 9,c; oats,!28c •, peas,, 55c to Ole; dressed hogs pet 100 lbs., $5 to $5 50; butter per. lb., 1c to 14c ; .eggs, 16c to 30c. Live Stock Markets. TORONTO, Feb. 5. Cattle—First class, $3 75 to 14 per 100 lbs., live weight ; second -class $3 to $3 -50; third class $2 to $2 50. Sheeo—There is a !good demand for local use; for local use, first Class, $3 50 to $4 ; second claSs, $3 to $3 26;.third class, $2 to 42 50. Lambs --There is a fair demand; prices -firm at, for first class, $3 50 to $4; sec- ond class, $3 to $3 25; third class, $2 to $2 25. THAT PLUM P UDD IN G. — -WILLIAM ALLEN is showing the very best value in London Layer Raisins, M. R. Layers, Seedless Raisins, New Currants, Candied Peels, Icing Sugats, Fla- voring Extracts! Pickle, Sauces, Sardine, Lob- sters) Canned Fish, &c. New Shop in the Tele- graph Building. WM. ALLEN. 576 • Local. Notices. MRS. J. E. THOMAS, Dress and Man tle Maker, East Side of Victoria Square, Seaforth FRESH A.RIIIVALS in Choice Valenci Raisins, Cranberries, &c.. at Latnarw 4 FAIR LET'S., 575 LAKE HURON Herrings, Trout, an White Fish for Sale at the Central Grocery. LAID LAW & FAMLEY: 575 GARROW & MEYER, Barristers, Wing - ham, have now on hand a gnantity of Private Funds to loan at 8 per ceut. 581 REMEMBER the Great Annual Stock - Taking Sale now going on at Hon MAN BRoTHERS, this paper.afotah.,F5o8or particulars see advertisement in SEE THE SOAP, 25 bars for$1 at Rosn's Grocery. See that very fine tea at 50 -cents, worth 60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at RoSE's Grocery. 574 THE Loin) LORNE, Nei, Pattern. in White Stone. Ware, comprising Tea Sets, Toilet Set % &c. Will be opened out next week. Call and see them at Lanaraw &FAMEY's. 575 Biaterreux,. TEA SETS in .Blue, White, White Stone Gilt, General Crockery, Glass, Sets, &c. Latest Patterns and Cheapest in Town aethe LNetwESh.m6opinthe Telegraph az wiraat A.s PAY UP.—DB. VERCOE, Seaforth; hav- ing a largo number of accounts due wotild feel greatly obliged to non indebted to hiin if they would call and settle their accounts at as early a date as possible. 576 • WILSON de YOUNG have 'received, a choice lot of very fine Fruits of superior quality, which they are selling very cheap. ,Also a line lot of New Season's Teas, which for price and quality they guarantee equal to any in the market. Special inducements will begiven to parties buying in large quantities. Our stock of Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, and General Groceries is complete and well assorted in all lines, and as we have one of the largest and best bought stocks irt Ontario, we will not allow any house in the Trade to undersell us. Call and examine our stock Witsor & YOUNG: 568 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. —WILSON &Tomo have the largest and best assorted Stock of Crockery and Glassware in the County, compris- ing Tea Sets in French and English China, Iron, Stone and Porcelain Toilet Sets in the latest and most fashionable design, and of the best material. Also a full stock of everything to be found in a first:class Crockery and Glassware store, and at prices which we defy any one to undersell us. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we will save you money by buying from us. A complete China Tea Set of 44 pieces for $3 50, and other 'goods in like proportion, Wieser & YOUNG, Sea. forth. 568 DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SCAP.—Having ob- tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea -- forth and Huron Connty, I append. the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits : "1 have used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by J, L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and find it very good. The clothes are beautifully white and the washing is done in much less thne—Mrs. M. P. Hayes." "1 used. Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di- rections., and found the clothes whiter than when washed in the old way, and in half the usual time --Mrs. M. Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins' Electric Soap, and am highly satisfied with the result. I believe it capable of doing all the wrap- per claims for it, and. most "confidently recom- mend it as economizing both thne and labor, and as doing its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsmith." "Having given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial, I think it is all the manufacturers represent it to be—Mrs. R. T. Coleman." • I desire all myfriends and customers to give this Soap one trial, so they may know just how good. the best soap in the United States is.- THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth, Ont., Agent for Huron_Coanty. 571-52 Great Western Railway. Trains leave Brussels station, north and south se under: . I GOING 'loam GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. ....10:25 A. M. Mail. . .. ... .. 615 A. M. Accom.. .... 9:08 P. M. Accom 12.15 A. Br Mail 2:58 P. M. Mixed 7:15 P. M Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as follows : GOING WEST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Express........ 2:25 P. M. 2:45 P. M. Express 8.581?. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. GoiNG Esu— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train.... 7:52 A. M. Express Train.. 1:151?. M. Mixed Train.... 5:00 P. M. Mixed Train.-- 10:35 A. M. • London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Mail. IJ red. Express. P.M. A. M. P.M. London, depart.... 2 15 5 55 6 15 Exeter 3 35 8 01 7 35 Hensall 8 52 8 81 7 51 Kippen 8 58 8 44 7 58 Brucefield. 408 900 808 Clinton 4 25 9, 45 8 25 4 52 10' 32 8 52 Wingharn, arrive5 25 11 30 9 25 Goma SOunt— Mail. Mixed Express. A. M. A. M. P.M. Wingham, depart10 55 7 00 6 15 Blyth 12 15 7 33 6 55 Clinton 1 10 8 01 7 24 Brucefield 1 40 8 18 7 43 Kippen 1 57 8 28 7 58 Hensall 2 05 8 84 8 04 Exeter 2 50 8 49 8 23 7:27 A.M. 12:50 P. M. 4:25 P. M. 10:00 A. M. WANTED. • TENDERS WANTED.—Tenders for Fencing the High School Grounds, Seaforth, will be received. by the undersigned until the ,15th of Febraary. For particulars apply to D. JOHN- SON. 583-2 THRESHING. TO FARMERS.—Having procured an attach ment to my new machine for threshing clover' ara now prepared to execute orders in that line when called upon. WM. T. DORRENCE, Lot S4, Con. 5, McKillop. 580x4 STOCK FOR SALE. ENTIRE HORSE FOR SALE.—For sale on easv terms that splendid Canadian bred heavy draught Stallion, Young John 'Bull," sired by Ohl John Ball, imported by j. S. Fisher. This horse is a beautiful black color, is perfect- ly sound and With good action. His !stock will show for themselves. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, Lot 24, Con. 14, Mc- Killop. RBOERT HOLLAND, Walton P. 0., Ont. 581x4 LEGAL NOTICE. THE DIVISION COURT.—The office of the Second Division Court will be open daily from half -pat one to tour o'clock P. M. Office in my Block, over the Ettore of JohnstonBros. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 TNSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 AND AMENDING -'-ACTS—In the Matter of ALLAN MITCHELL, of Seaforth, an Insolvent3—To be sold by Auc- tion, at the Cenirnercial Hotel, Seaforth, on the 18th day of February, 1879, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, without reserve, the balance of the book accounts of tho above-named Insolvent, amounting in the aggregate (including $58 35 doubtful) tee sum. of $532 89, or thereabouts, at so much on the dollar. List of debts can be seen at the office of the undersigned. Terms cash. S. G. AI cCA U GREY, Assignee, Sea forth.. 583-3 FOR, SALE OR .TO LET. Roems TO LET.—Three rooms to let over A. G. Ault's Grocery store, in the front part of the building, with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G-. AULT, Proprietor. 581 — RARE CHANCE.—Photograph Rooms to Let on first floor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Ramis on the flat above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses- sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- STED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MeKillop. 573-tf. HOUSE AND LOT IN aUCEFIELB.—For Sale, a large two-storey htmse in Btucefield containing 4 room down stairs and 3 up stairs. Good cellar and. well. Also one quatrtei acre of land. For further particulars apply to J. E. Briggs, Brucefield, or the proprietor E. BRIGGS, Varna. 582 FARM TO RENT.—Is situated hi the Town- ship of Hnllett, half -way between the prosper - ons market towns of 2 eaforth and Clinton,14 miles from the Huron Road, on the 8r4 conces- sion, and convenient to school house, &c. There are 37 acres plowed, and 6 acres of fall wheat looking prosperous • good bearing orchard and well; frame buildings, in good repair; inn sup- plied with good -water; there is 6 good quantity of feed on the premises ; the land is in a good state of cultivation. Apply to FRANCIS KET- TLE, Proprietor, Lot 7, Con. 8, Httllett. 588x4 — ,MONEY. . : WHO WANTS MONEY T—A few th " dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to J . H. BENSON, Selicitor, Seaforth. 1 neand MES est MONEY TO LEND.—I have any nano nt. of Moneyto Loud on good irnproved farm only, at 8 per cent. Charges very small. Su 1 no object if security ample. 1 don't lend f r any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570 - SPECIFIC ARTICLES. 0EDAR POSTS FOR SLB.—The subs riber v --/has on hand, at his place, Lot 5, Con. 18, rev, a quantity of good cedar posts for sale. RO ERT- BLAIR. 5 eat OE DAR POSTS FOR SALE.—For Sale, oin ‘-- 26, emceed= 6, Morrie, one mile from sels, any quantity of cedar posts, 'either by the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden' s Hotel, Mellillop. Lot Brus- Frit or 567 PARTNERSHIP NOTICES1 .xist- Shoe ,has All ettle GS. 82*4 VOTICE OF DiSSOLUTION OF PARTNER- -LI SHIP.—The partnership heretofore ing between the undersigned, as Boot and ' mekers,under the style of l'. E Bliggs & So this day been dissolved by mutual consent debts to be paid to j. E. Briggs, who will all leather bills. J E. BRIGGS, E. BRI Brucefield January 1st. 1870. rtISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.I -1-/ is hereby given that the co•partnership tofore existing between George Rowe and Steel, carrying on business at the Almaotel, Hnron Road, in Hallett, is this day dissolv mutual consent. All liabilities contracted ina the said partnership will be discharged said James Steel, who continues the Dated this 20th day of jannary, 1879. STEEL, GEORGE ROWE. Witness—JAMES WEIR. James bnsmess. JAMES 5824 mij.t.uil par Robert Dated 5t-3' ntiee here- d by &Ir- by the ER- the us, e of ner- t3 ter, part - 1879. '1VOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART -L' SEIM—Notice ii hereby given thatl Partnership heretofore subsisting betweeij the undersigned, as Millers, in the villa Wroxeter, has been this day dissolved by consent. All debte owing to the said ship are to be paid to Robert Clark, at Wrox aforesaid, and all claims against the said nerehip are to 'Represented to the said Clark, by whom the same will be settled. at Wroxeter, this 16th day of January, DAVID CLARK, ROBERT CLARK. \Vitnesa-- WM. HOGG. . 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES. FAIRWARNING. — All aceonate thiel which are not pail by the 14th of Fehr ' will be placed in other hands for colle William Purdy, of Varna, is authorized ceive payments and give receipts for me ROBINSON, 'Varna. 5 n me, ary, tion. o re- x2 NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to me small book accounts, that if their indebtedness is hot paid before January first, 1879, 'they be sued without further notice or respect of sons. 0. C. WILLSON. for will per- '76 • NOTICE.—The Creditors of Samuel Stark, -LI this town will meet at his residence, in forth, on Saturday, the Fifteenth day of Febru- ary, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., for th pose of examining his state of affairs, and cluding upon the best to be done, as it i I wish to do the beet he can under his cireametan- ces. SAMUEL STARK, Seaforth. 582-3 of Sea - pur- con- his . CiURD OF THANKS.—To W. J. SIANNON, vEsq., Secretary McKillop Mutual Fire Iissur- ance Company—Sir : I am in receipt of your draft for $350, in full paythent for logs by fire under my policy in this Company, and am thank ful to you as well as the Company for the fair and prompt settlement of my claim. _ ours truly, JAMES COTTLE. Hallett, Janaazjy 17, 1879. 81 . ESTRAY STOCK. V STRAY STEERS.—Came into the p remit 1-1 the undersigned, Lot 1, Con. 5, MAK two yearling Steers, red and white. Th can have the same on proving property end ing charges. HUGH DUNN. o 380x4 es of llop , ner pay- VSTRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premi -1-1 the undersigned, Lot 24, Con. 2, Tackersmith, about the last of November, Ewe. The owner can have the same by property and paying charges. WILLIA.M MING. L.lia pre CUM 58014 es of S., one ving - VSTRAY HEIFER.—Came into the pre -a-4 of the undersigned,' Lot 28,Con. 11, 111cKtIlop, about three weeks ago, a red and white heifer coming 2. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. IWAI: GRIEVE. lees. 578 VSTRAY STEER —Caine into the prenn es of -Li the undersigned, Lot No. 20, Ounce. sion 12, McKillop„ about the 1st of November last, a yearling steer, spotted red and white. The Owner can have the animal on proving pro arty and paying charges. FRANCIS BErRNES. Sr,' STRAY HEIFERS.—Carne into the pre , of the undertigned, Lot 12, North Thames Road, Usborne,'about the 5th of December, yearling Heil ere, both zed and white. owner is requested to prove property, charges and take them away. WILLIAM PASS MORE, Exeter P. 0- - 881-3 lees two The pay - . -LISTRAY STEER.—Strayed from the premises -2--' of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con. 4. L. E. S., Tuckersmith, on or about -the first of November, a three year old Steer'red a,nd white. A large white star on forehead, also a slit :n the right ear. Any person giving such information asiwill lead to the recovery of the above animal will be suitably rewarded.. HUGH Mt:KAY, Sr ., Kip - pen P. 0. 582x4 VSTRAN CALVES AND HEIFER.—Strayed. •IL4 from Lot 16, Bayfield Road, Stanley, 5 spring Calves and one yearling heifer. Some of the calves are red and some red and white. The heifer is all re& Any person giving to the un- dersigned such information as will lead to ' the recovery of the above animals will be suitably rewarded. DA.VID ROBERTSON, Varna .post office. 58-5 LOST OR FOUND. QOLD RING FOUND.— Found, in Seaferth, a Gentleman's Gold Ring. The (mime can have it by applying to Mr. FRANCIS CASE, Peaforth, and paying for this advt. 58x3 Di OG LOST.—Lost, in Seaforth, an .Tar'nary 26th, a black collie Dog with brown legs and a brown spot over each eye. About five months' old. 4 ny person giving such info Tes- ti= to the undersigned as will lead to his recov- ery will be suitably rewarded. THOMA.S LAP- SLIE, Seat orth. 582-4 1 TIOG LOST.—Lost in Seaforth, on Santa ra -1-' 15th, a black and tan Coolie bitch, abolit 7 months old, and answering to the name of Fiera. The front leg has been broken between the knee and the shoulder, and is crooked- Any petson leaving her at Sharp's Rotel will be suitably rewarded. CHARLES DAVIS, Leadbury. 581x4 TotUFFALO ROBE LOST.—Lost, on New Years -I" night, on the Huron Road between Seaforth and Clinton, a email Buffalo Robe, with dark lining, and trimmed with red and blue edging. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaying the same at the Errostron Office Sea.fort , or with the undersigned. THOMAS LIV NG- LTONE, Hullett. 580 4 SATCHEL LOST.—Lost. on Monday, Jan.27, betwecn the residence ot Mrs. Wm. Chesley, Tuckersmith, and Seaforth station, a. small leather Hand Satchel,. in which wail a mor ceo y purse with. a steel chain attached, in which was a sum of money. Any person leaving the ame either with the undersigned or at the EXPOSI- TOR Office Seaforth, ern be liberally rewar 'ed. HUGH MASSEY. 58-4 — $10 REwa-"—stolen prom n the pre es of the undersigned, near Bruce eld, on Tuesday Evening, Febraery 4th, a Dark Bay Horse, coming 4, heavy draught, well built,ith. 1 small star on the forehead, and small head. IThe above reward will be given upon the recove y of the horse to Mr. C. M. Dunlop, Chief of P lice, Seaforth; or to the undersigned. DON LD ROSS, Brucefteld. 583 LOST.—Lost, in Seaforth, on Sanitary 20th, note -book cuntainiug 14 notes- payable to the order of the undersigned. The notes ate of no `value to any one bat the owner. Payment of the same have been stopped, and all persoxis are cautioned against purchasing the same. A re- ward will be paid to any person -returning the Bald note -book tp WALTER HANNAH, Lot 4, Con- 12, Hullett, Harlock P. 0. 581 1•1"1" I TNTE _ Splendid Assortment of C m- ic and bentimental Valenti es, Valentine Cards ,Envelopes, c. at 0. W. PAPST'S Bookstor 5 TEH G LDEN LION, S.A.rE" 0 IR, A. LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED 1 AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTa. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING - PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED! AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAr RTH. A LARGE LdT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, ORTH. RECEIVEDIi, AT THE GOLDEN' LION., SEA A LARGE LOT, OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTIFI. 1 A LARGE LOT OF NEW 'SPRING PRINTS, EXTB.A GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED 1 AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAF1O1'TH. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA. GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED I AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED 1 AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTIL • A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED 1 AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFIORTIL A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE. RECEIVED 1 AT THE GOLDEN LION, S EAFORT A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING - PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE- GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. A LARGE LOT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS, EXTRA_ -GOOD VALUE, RECEIVED AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. R. JAMIESON. THE NEW SHOP. FARMERS ATTENTION 73_ I -I 0 0-11\T, Formerly of the Firm, of Monroe (.6 Hogan,having purchased the large and commodious premises erly occupied by Mr. David Mc- Naught, on North Main, Street, is now prepared to do every kind of GENERAL BLACKSMITHINGI Such as HORSE -SHOEING-, REPAIRING, &c. He will also keep on hand a first-class stock of PLOWS, HARROWS And other Implements of his own Manufacture. PRICES MODERATE And Good Work Guaranteed. He hopes to receive it call from all his old friends and as many new ones as feel inclined. Remember the Shop—North of the Queen's Hotel, West Side. D. HOGAN, SEA.FORTIL CARDNO'S MUSIC HALL. ONE NIGHT ONLY. WEDNESDAY, FEB: I2. Fifth Tour of, E. A. McD0 WELL'S ORIGINAL SHAUPRAUN COMP'Y Requiring a Special Car for Transportation of Scenery. 20 FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS. 20 WEDNESDAY EVENING, February 12th, Oniy Appearance of the Shaughraun Company in . DION ROINICLIILT'S GREAT DRAMA, " THE ,SHAUGHRAUM" MR. E. A: McDOWELL as CON. THE SHAUGHRAUN, Supported by a Powerful Caste of Characters. ADMISSION, 25 and 60 cents. Reserved Seats 50 cents. For eale at C. W. Papat's Bookstore. ROBERTS' DRUG STORE. R?ThERTs keeps the Purest Drugs and Chemicals. ROBERTS keeps all the Leading Patent Medicines. ROBERTS keeps the Beat Perfumery, Hair Oils, Combs, &c. -ROBERTS keeps No. I Trusses, Shout - der Braces and Supporters. ROBERTS keeps Tootlii, Nail, Hair, Clothes and Bath Brushes. ROBERTS keeps First -1;s Dye Stuffs. ROBERTS keeps the t Horse and Cattle Medicines. - ROBERTS keeps the Best Tobaccos, Ci- gars, Pipes, &c. GIVE HIM A CALL, Opposite erdnet's Hall, Seaforth, CHANCERY SALE _ OF A VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIPHIBBERT, COUN- TY OF PERTH. URSUANT to the decree in the cause a Mo - Taggart vs. Merrill, and bearing date the •12th day of June, A. D. 1878, there will be sold, with the approbation ol Henry MaeDerrnott, Esq., Master ol the said Coart at (3-oderich, s.t the QUEhN'S ROTEL, in the TOWN OF SEA.. FORIII, at the hour of Two O'eloek in the after- noon, on SATURDAY, the 22n4 day of FEBRU- ARY, A. D. 1879, the following lands and prent ises, being Lot Nmaiber Twenty -Five, in the Thirteenth COneeesion of the 'Township of Hib- bert. in the COttlity of Perth, °attaining One Hundred Acres, more or lees. The land is first-class farming land, a dry day loam; fifty acres or thereabouts are cleared, and under good cultivation; fairly fenced; the re- mainder is well timbered with black ash and beech and maple_ There is it email bearing . orchard; good welt ; buildings are log. The lot is situate five milt s from the village -of Hensell, ten miles from the rown of Seaforth, and One and. one-fp:tarter miles from Chiselhurret P. (". Church, sehool said blackamith shop within a' short distance of the premises. The property will be put up ata reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE.— The purchaser, at the time Of Side, to pay a deposit in the proportion of $10 for every $100 of his purchase mon, to the Vendors' Solicitor, and shall pay the balance irate court within one namath thereafter; and union payment the purchaser shall be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into posseesion. In all other respects the tonditions ot s Ile will be the standing conditiotaa of the Court of Chan- cery. Further particulars and the -conditions of sate may be obtained upon applitation io dames H. Benson, Esq., Vendors' Solicitor. Messrs. Me- Ceughey & Rolmested, Solicitors, Seaforth, and Mesers. Gatrow & Meyer, Solicitors, Goderieh. Goderich, January 30th, 1879. 11. MacDERMOTT, Master at Godericht. JAMES H. BENSON, Vendors' Solicitor. 583-3 SPRING SEED SHOW. . 'FHB Annual Seed Show, under the auspices of 1- the Tuckersmith Branch. Agricultural Society, will be held. in the AGRICULTURAL HALL, in. the TOWN OF 8 tilAFORTH, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1879., when the following prizes will be offered for Grain, Seeds and Roots, Best 4 buehels Spring Wheat, Fife, 1st $3, 2nd $2, Srd $1. Best 4 bushels Fining Wheat, Red Chaff, lst $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Beet 4 bushels Spring Wheat, any other variety, lat $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Best 4 bushels two -rowed Barley; let $2, 2nd -51 50, fird. $1. Best 4 buehels six -rowed Bexley, 144 $2, 2nd $1 50, 3r4$1. Best 4 bushels large white Oats, 144 $2, 2n4 $la Best 4 bushels common white Oats, .1st $2, 2nd $1. Best 4 bushels black Oat% lat $2, 34ad $1. Best 4 butthels small Peas, 1st $2, 2nd$1. Beet 4 bushels large Peas, 144 $2, 2nd$1. Best 2 bushels Timothy Seed, 144 52, 2nd$1. Best 2 bushels Clover Seed, 144 52, 2nd $1. Best bushel and a half early Potatoes, 144 $2, 2nd $1. Best bushel and a half late Potatoes, 144 $2, $a RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. Alt articles shown must he the -growth of 1878, and -produced on the farm of the exhibitor 2. No person will be entitled to more than one prize for_grain, seeds or rOOtE of the same kind. 3. No person will be allowed to show seed or sell on the grounds without first becoming a memb er of the society. 4. No exhibitor allowed to expose his name on the bags. 5. All articles for exhibition -to he en the ground by 10 o'clock A. M. 6. No grain, seed., or roots to be removedfrem the banding before 4 o'clock P. M. GORDON MeADAM, Secretary,. GEORGE 'SPROAT, President. 683-3 SHINGLES- FOR THE MILLION. TliE ondereigned have on hand a. lerge apply of First -Class Shingles, at at. MILLEN'S PACTORY, in the Village of Wit OC.Mr.r Made by eXperieneed workraert, from the very best material. The manner in which we Malin - facture is such that there 18 nO Bastard Shingles in the pack. We are always prepared to do 'PLANING and supply Doors and Sash at ehort notice. Panel Doors and Sash always on hand. Venetian Blinds and Mouldings intde to order. , A. PATTON, ) R. TOUNG, Trustees. 582 A. L. GIBSON) ) MCCAUGHEY & HAMMED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. QOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of " Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce ilIPSeaforth. Town and Village Property bought loaned on mor gage se- anNdsol.roney p rivate funds) tuaities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges mosted for private persons -upon the oenraeti udyenve best mortgage securities, without any expellee to the lender. S. G -a MeCAUGHEY, M. A. P. HOEMVISTED. JUST WHATTRECOUNTRY WANTS QEVENTY Thousand Bock Thom Hedge Plants la" (home grown) For Sale.—The agent of the Mitchell Hedge Nurseries will be in Seaforth next -week soliciting orders, for spring delivery, for this celebrated and well tried plant.- Par- tners and others will find it greatly to their ad- vantage in planting hedges as thie country is be- coming every year more exposed to the storms and high winds which we are greatly subject to. It should also be grown around orchards and gardens -as it is it great protection ageinst all intruders and would be it great shelter to your fruite. This plant when let grow to its natural state will attaitt it height of 20 feet, and will grow in almost any soil or -climate. .1.011N SKINNER. - 581-4 FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION. MR. jOHN BULLARD has been instructed tO •1-"- sell ley Public Auction, 'without reserve, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL. in tl e TOWN OP SEA. - FORTH, on 112/s.DAY,1?EBRUAIM3-th, 1.379„at 1 o'clock, that fitet-class farm, being Lot 7, Con. 10, Township of McKillop, containing 50 acres; 40 of which are eleare& and in a good state of cultivation. There is it good log house, log barn, good well, orchard, and firet-ciase fences ; the land is all under cultivation, and there are 81 awes sown, with fall 'wheat; is 31 miles from Beechwood post office, 10 miles irom Seaforth and 8 from .Cetronbrooka Terms easy. GEORGE MAYER, Proprietor. JOHN BULLARD., Auctioneer. 583-1 AUCTION SALE OF OLD CHURCH SITE AND CHURCH. •••••••••,IMMPIO,,, THERE will be sold by Public Auction, at 1 o'clock P51.. en SATURDAY, FEB RUARY 22nd, 1879, in the Village of Zurich, the lot and building known as the Old Lutheran Church. The lot and church will be sold. either separate or together. Term made Iowan on day of sale. FREDERICK HESS, Secretary Lutheran Chnrch. E. BOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer. 582-4 EAST HURON REFORM ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL MEETING.—The Annual Meeting of the East Huron Reform Association will be held in tte Town Hall, Brussels, on. TUES. DAY, February Ilth, 1879, at 12 o'clock, for the election of officers and other purposes. The chaitmen of the different municipalities are re- quested to Becure a Inn representation from their respective sections. JOHN ItreCRAE, Pres- ident, D. MeGILLICUDDY, Secretary. 582-2 M I LLINERY REMOVAL. TN thanking the Ladies of Sailor* and 13ter- .-2-• rounding country for past faversalworildbeg to remind them that I have removedto Hensel, where I will be pleased to wait up= old as well as new customers who may chancethis Way. 676 MISS M. MrrOHE if