HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-31, Page 66 Council Meetin's. HAT; — Council met pursuant-.. to statute on Monday, Jan. 20th. The following gentlemen, after making and subscribing the declarations' of qualifi- cation and oaths of office, took their seats as members of the new Council for 1879, viz.: George Buchanan, M.D., Reeve ; John C. Kalbfleisclx, Deputy - Reeve ; Daniel McColl, John; F. Moritz and Henry Heyrock, Councilors. Min- utes of previous meeting real and ap- " proved. Moved by Mr. McCO11, second- ed by Mr. Kalbfieisch, that William Wilson (Faust -file) be auditor of town- ship accounts for i 1.878, the Reeve ap- pointing, D. S. Faust as second auditor. —Carried. The following appoint- ments to the several township offices were made : Michael Zeller!Treasurer —salary, $80; Samuel Foster,,_ Clerk— salary, $11.0 ; Henry Boller, Assessor— salary, $75 ; John' Schnell, Collector— salary, $70 ; Mrs. Keinhardt, Caretaker —salary, $8. Moved by Mr. Moritz, seconded by Mr. Heyrock, that the` Treasurer be authorized to collect all ac- counts and notes of hand in his posses- sion without delay.—.Carried. Moved by Mr. Heyrock, seconded by • Mr-. Mor- itz, that the Clerk notify Edward Johnson and Walter Fee, path -meas, ters, to open the road .between conces- sions 10 and 11, north of Zurich.— Carried. Moved by Mr. McColl, sec- onded by Mr. Heyrock, that tie sum of $52.50 be paid S. Foster, Cleuk, 'being expenses of municipal election for 1879. —Carried. Moved. by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Moritz, that the fol- lowing accounts be paid: Samuel Downe, .making culvert on concession 2, $6:25 ; R. Braham, do., Hensall, $5.90 ; W. Johnson,' gravel, 91 loads, $5.46; S. Foster, Clerk, registering births, deaths and marriages, $17.50 ; C. Excret, re- pairing culvert on concession 2, $1. Moved by Mr. Heyrock, seconded by Mr. galbfleisch, that the Treasurer be requested to furnish satisfactory se- curity, and that the same be pproved at next meeting of Council. ; Carried. The Council adjourned to meet on Sat- urday, February .15th, when the path-. masters, pound -keepers and fence -view. ers will be appointed.. ` STANLEY.—The Council me , pursu- ant to statute, on Monday, 2 th Jan- uary, at 11 o'clock. The folio ing gen- tlemen having made and subsc ibed the appointed declarations of qu 'ficati.on and office, took their seats, vi .: Thos. Simpson, Reeve ; Geo. Castle, Deputy Reeve ; Peter Douglas, Jame Aiken - head and John McKinley, Councillors. Minutes' of last meeting read ' and adopted. Moved. !by Mr. Aikenhead, seconded by Mr. Castle, that Wm. Plunkett be Clerk for the ensuing year." —Carried. The Council adjourned for one hour. M-oved by Mr. McKinley, seconded by Mr. 1Castle, that George Parke be Assessor for the present year. —Carried. Moved in amendment b Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr; Aiken - head, that Alex. Sparks be Assessor.— Lost. Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. McKinley, that John Beatty be Auditor.—Carried. The Reeve ap- pointed Geo. Baird. Moved ' by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. McKinley, that Robert Reid be Treasurer for the ensu- ing 'year.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. McKinley, that Andrew Stinson be Caretaker of the hall for the ensuing year ; also, • that the hall is not to be used for any pur- pose except public meetings and divine service.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Cas - Ale; seconded by Mr. Aikenhead, that a by -lav be passed appointii' the differ- ent township officers for the year 1879. --Carried. Moved -by Mr. .Aikenhead, seconded by Mr. Castle, that Dr!. Hurl - butt's statute labor tax, $2, be Prefund- ed.—Carried. Moved. .by Mr. ' Castle, seconded by Mr. Aikenhead, that the Reeve give orders to the deputy return- ing officers for $6 each, for their ser- vices at the last election, to include Poll Clerks' fees. Also, $2 each to the trustees of the following schooi sec- tions, viz..: 4, 5 and 10.=Carried.. Moved by Mfr. Doty'gias, seconded by Mr. McKinley, that the salaries of the different township officers shall be the t following; viz.: Clerk, $100, to include voters' list ; Registrar, $10 ; Treasurer, $70 postage $5 ; Assessor, $80; Audi- tors eaoh, $5 ; Returning Officers each, $6, to include Poll Clerks' fee r selec- tors of jurors each, $3 ; Clerk, for com- piling lists, $3 ; Caretaker of Hall, $10. Also, .that a by-law be framed and passed to that effect,—Carried. Moved by Mr. McKinley, seconded by Mr..Cas- tle, that the Clerk* instruct the' Audi- tors to have the accounts audited by the let of March --Carried. Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. [Aiken - head, that the Reeve give an order to John Torrance for $1.50 for one ' and a quarter cords of wood. — Carried. Moved. by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Castle, that the Treasurer hive his a bonds laid on the table at next meeting of Council -Carried. Moved y Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. McT(inley, that the Clerk instruct the different Path-. masters that each person auling gravel on the roads, shall not be allow- ed to haul less than one yard per load from the pit.—Carried.. Moved liy Mr. McKinley, seconded by Mr. Castle, that Jane n McDonald receive the sum bf$10, she being an indigent person.—Carried. by Mr. Castle, seconded 1>(y Mr. Aikenhead, that the Reeve give an order to Henry Hudson for $1, for dog tax, he having lost his dog.—C cried. Moved by Mr. Castle; seconded Iy 1\1r. Aikenhead, that the Council d now adjourn, to meet on the first Sa urday in March, at 10 o'clock a. m. UsBOENB.—Council met on kir nday, January 20th. according to notice from the Clerk. The following gent men, having been duly elected, and 1 acing made' and subscribed to the d clara- tions of qualification and office, took their seat at the Council Board, viz : Leonard Hunter, Reeve ; Councillors James Halls, Southwest ward ; Ienry Horney, Northwest ward ; Thomas M. Kay, Northeast ward. Jonathan Shier was elected Councillor for Southeast ward, but owing to bereavement in his family did not attend. Moved by Jas. Halls, seconded by H. Horney, that Thomas M. Kay be Deputy Reeve for 1878.:—Carried. Moved by T. M gay, seconded by H. Hornsey, that the Clerk's salary for 1879, be • $130 --Carried. Moved by H. Horney, seconded by J. Halls, that Thomas Heywood be As- sessor at a salary of $65.-Curriecl seconded by J. Halls, that George receive the sum of $14 for his ser Township Librarian for the year —Carried. Moved : by T. M. seconded by J. Halls, that the ea incurred at the Municipal ele amounting' to $41.75 be paid.—Ca Moved by H. Horney, seconded b M. Kay, that John Rowoliffe be t ted $4.15 as error in taxes.—C Moved by T. M. Kay, seconded. 'Halls that the Collector be instr to have all taxes; collected by the February. — Carried. Moved b Halls, seconded bill. Horney, tha offer of G. & J. Brooks for.lumb accepted, and that this Council 6,000 feet of cedar and 4,000 fe hemlock for the use of the To (roads and bridges. --Carried. M by T. M. Kay, seconded by Jas. H and resolved that the members o Council deeply sympathise with Sheir in his bereavement.—Ca On motion Council adjourned till urday, lst of March, at 11 0' A.M. Mouxrs. `-The newly elected m bees of the Municipal Council,' George Forsyth, Reeve ; Francis Deputy Reeve ; and Messrs Vanals Mooney and Gosman, Councillors, on Monday, January 20th, actor to statute, and signed their deolara of office and qualification and the C oil was duly organized. The Reev Copied the chair, the minutes of the meeting of the old Council were and passed. Moved by D. Vanals seconded by H. Mooney, that the lowing officers by appointed for current year at the salaries. set their respective , names, viz : Clark, Township Clerk, salary $ John Watson, Assessor, salary $70 ; F. King, Auditor, salary $8.—Carr The Reeve then appointed Adam R second auditor. The following acro were ordered to be paid viz : Dr. J. R. Holmes, Medical attendance certificate of insanity to Mrs. Tirem $14 ; Dr. Thos. G. Holmes, mile and certificate of insanity, $7 ; Dr. Donagh, mileage and certifi. of insanity, $7 ; Robert Hug expenses of taking • Mrs. T man to London Asylum, $9 ; J White, plank and , work on Sunsh bridge, $9.75 ; James Knox,error in tax, $1; James Watson, error in tax, $1 ; John McMillan, gravel, $2.' William Miller,!two cords of wood Hall, $2 -; Isaac Ferrand,plank for P terson bridge, $13.44 ; R. Phillips, tion.forms,$5.57 ; J. Fleuty,printing D. MoDougald,culyert opposite Lot concessiou 10, $3 ; J. G. Mosier, ballot boxes and locks, $4 ; T. Wh one ballot box and lock, $1; Ja Newcom.be,Returninig officer and stable fees;$7 ; George Kolly,Return officer and Constables fees,$7 ; Thos Brandon, Returning officers and C stables fees, $8 James Jdhnston , turning officer's and Constable's fees, W. Clark,Returning officer's fees a election expenses, $18 ; Win. Craig, mission of taxes, $7.78. By-law No 1879,' was duly read and passed. M ed by D. Vanalstine, seconded by Clegg, that this Council do now adjo to meet on the 24th day of Febru next.—Carried. Lc we vice as 1878. Kay,' exp otion cried. emit- arried. by J. noted 20th y J. t the er be order et 'of Town oved alls, f this Mr. J. cried. Sat - clock em - viz: Clegg, tine, met di: til 0u ec 1a re tn fc ti aft 10 ie nn an a a caM Hug ng )n c- at cd e, 11- r it oh i a 6o ; for a ele ,$t t3 it m Co in o' $8 n r 0 lir l LIT e r d s e e e g GP.EY.=Council met at- Dame's Ho tel, Cranbrook, on the 15th inst., pur suant to adjournment. The followini gentlemen duly subscribed the statu tory declarations ': Thos. Strachan -Reeve ; Samuel Slemmon, •Deput Reeve ; John Hislop, Walter Oliver an. Jacob Keifer, Councillors. Alex Stewart and James -Livingstone wer: appointed Auditors for the current year Application of Jacob Krauter for offic of Assessor, at a salary of $78. Move• by John Hislop, seconded by Jaco Keffer, that Wm. Bishop bo appointer Assessor for the current year, at th same salary as paid last year. -Car- ried. Application of Hawkins an. Kells for the township printing for the current year. Application of Alex. Stewart to have lot 24, concession 5, added to School Section No. 11. Ap- plication of L. McNeil to be added to School Section No. 7 ; trustees of sec- tions interested to be notified to attend next meeting of Council. Petition of Archibald McDonald and others, pray- ing for remission of taxes of Watling family, they being orphans and indi- gent.—Prayer of petition granted. Ap- plication of Jno. Smalldon for compen- sation for injuries received by his .wife in being thrown out of a wagon,through alleged bad repair of side line 3 at rail- road crossing. Messrs. Slemmon and Keffer were instructed to investigate the circumstances of said accident and report at next meeting of Council. Widow Roland was.granted $10 charity. Dog tax refunded—S. Loughead,A. Mc- Lean, Jno. McDougall and A. Simp- son. A number of accounts were paid, after which, on motion, Council ad- journed, to meet again at Tuck's hotel, Cranbrook, on the 15th prox. HULLETT.—The first meeting ' of the Council for the township of Hullett for the present year was held at Londes- borough, on the 20th January, 1879. All the members present. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Movedl by J. Mason, seconded by J. Howson, that David Jackson be an`Au- ditor for the present year.—Carried. The Reeve appointed James Campbell the other auditor. Moved by J. How- son, seconded. by J. Britton, that Robt. Smith be re -appointed Assessor, at a salary of ; 680.—Carried. Moved by J. Lasham, seconded by J. Mason, that Thos. Neelans be re -appointed Collec- tor, at - a salary of $80. --Carried. Moved by J. Britton, seconded by J. Howson, that the following indigent persons receive assistance as charity from the township, viz : John D. Staples and wife, .f, 2 per week ; John Markle, 75 cents per week, to be ex- pended under the direction of J. Brit- ton ; Mary Conley, at the rate of $75 a year, to be paid to Geo. Warner for her board and clothing ; . Wm. McKenzie, $1 per week ; Thos. Erwin and - wife, $2 per week, to be expended under the direction of 3. --Howson ; Michael O'Hara, $1 per week ; John McIntosh, $1 per week, and Finley Munro, $1 per week, Carried.=- Moved by J. Lasham, seconded by J. Mason, that the follow- ing accounts be paid, viz : Jas. Fair, for plank for bridges, $4.49 ; - 3., A. Nelles, for five copies of Municipal Manuals, .$36.—Carried. Moved by J. oil, seconded by J. Howson, that a w to define the duties of gath- ers and provife for the performance tute labor be now prepared and d. The by-law was read' a first, d and third time and passed. d by J. Mason, seconded by J. that the Clerk be authorized spare a by-lavy for preventing - tim- Britt Moved. by J. Halls, seconded by T M. by -la Kay, that the Treasurer's salary be $70. mast -Carried. Moved by J. Halls, second- of sta ed by II. Horney, that Thomas Alija be passe one of the Auditors for accounts of . recon 1878.—Carried. , The Reeve appointed , Move Mr. Jolla McCurdy, of Kirkton, as the � Lasham other Auditor. Moved by T. M. !Kay, + to pre , s THE AURON EXPOSITOR ber, stone, sand, gravel and' other ma- teriel from being taken off the high- ways or road allowances and from the obstructions of highway in this town- ship, said by-law to be` assed at next meeting of Council.—C tried. Moved by J. Howson, seconded y J. Britton, that the amount of he Clerk and Treasurer's salary,aafixe in the previous year's by-law for fixing he salaries of township officers be, for his duties as returning officer the fi al revision of voters' lists, attending' c urt for revision of voters lists, and all o her duties per- taining to his said office as Clerk and Treas er, excepting th selection of jurors nd the registra idn. of births, marria s and death — Carried. Moved by J. Lasham, s conded by J. Howson, that the Clerk be authorized to procure five copies of the Fence - viewers' Guide for the use of the fence - viewers. Carried. Move. by J. Britton, seconded by J. Mason, that all the members of the Council • eet on a day to be fixed, to examine b 'dges on con- cession road 12 and 13, lo 16,- on base line, concession 13, and o • side road 35 and_36, concession 10.— arried. ' The Council then adjourned, o meet again at Londesborough when ailed by the Reeve. STEPHEN.—The newly :lected Coun- cil all present and signed the necessary papers. The following officers were appointed : C. Prouty, CI :i•k, $120 ; A. Krause, Assessor, $65 ; ui . Finkliner, Hall -keeper, $14 ; Dr. Rollins, Treas- urer, $80 ; A. Hobkirk acid H. Doyle, Auditors, $10 each. Councillors' fee, $2 per day, no mileage. he following orders were granted: Co lector's error in tax, $4.92 ; J. Wilson, ork on 22nd concession, $10 ; error in dog tax, $3; spikes, 30 cents ; Eilber nd Schnarr, lumber, $3 ; J. Corbett,.. ork on 18th concession, $16; Depnjy Returning Officers;. $20 ; other exp uses in con- nection with election, tit., 0 ; F. Green, gravel, $6.55 ; Bernard & Co., lumber, $12.48 ;use of school hou es No. 1 and 6 for erection, $8 ; inter st on gravel, road. debentures, $300 ; ravel, $2.85 ; express charges on by -la. books, 55c.; Treasurer's salary and of er expenses, $111.45. Taxes must b paid before next meeting of Coun il, being 1st Monday i February, at 1 a. m. Butter, Cheese. As in a y other pursuit, he farmer de- sires to m : ke the most in ney with the least labor and risk—at 1. ast to under- go as little labor and tis . as possible. Sometime: he will . abani' on a mixed husbandry in which he h sheen all his life profita ily engaged, an convert his farm to da ry purposes a one ; that is, producing o. ilk for the cit market or a cheese fac ory. ' This relives the fami- ly of a gre: t deal of labora d thefarcner himself fro . much hard ork andlook- ing after. It is true he a. his respon- sibilities th his cattle n the pastures and soiling crops ; still it is a release from at le: st one-half of his labors. .But in .f any cases– w think we can say in majority of c ses—lie does not find it o pay nearly so well as the old system ; that it beco es irksome from its sh er njonotony ; yid that he does not - el that his p sition of a farmer is q ite up to' the mark. He becomes ti • easy, and longs for the past life ; and s me day, after s letting from his stock o + cattle a portio of - the best of them, se s the rest off, and returns to actual f: 'ming and the ood old way in which, hough workin harder, and requiring . ore attentio from his family, he, found his tr e position, his true li: ppiness, as we 1 as greater gains. We know of a number «ho have re- linquished •he mere routin: production of milk, an have resumed the old and more satisf ping system of r ising wheat and corn, ye and oats, a little buck- wheat, an a re or two of p. atoes, from ten to twen y acres of timo by if with- in reach of a market ; `elver for the cattle , a fi:ld of turnips and another of rutabagas ; a half-dozen .ullocks for ,rutabagas shambl: s, a half-dozen ead of good cows from .. hick to mak butter ; a .good pen or two of swine ; together with the usual of ler little matte s and things making up he real busines of a farmer who lives • ithin reach of a ready market. E en in relation o the mat- ter of butter alone, there a e few who know how t make a first .lass article, but who w 11 admit that it is more profitable than to sell the a ilk. I. As to the se factories, th se will be established my by `nen of apical, who are frequent y not farmers t all, and, if well con ucted, they w' ll make a great deal o money ; but nless they own the lam + and the cattle as a part of their bu»iness capital, the heavy profits will .ane from the armer, who seeks to red ice his labor, . a he will his income at t e same time, y what we regard only s an unfortuna e change in his system o husbandry. IrishStew. One and a half pounds of canned meat, one a . d a half poun s of pota- toes, half a ound of onions Time re- quired, abou one hour. T. make an Irish stew: Wash one an. a half pounds of po atoes well i old water, and scrub th:m clean wi h a scrubbing g brush. If t e potatoes aro 'not very good, or are n any way ise sed, take a sharp knife, eel them, and ut out the - eyes and ant black specks a out them; but it is nuc better to ste m or boil them in thei • skins. Fill saucepan with lot wat'-r, and put it o ' the fire to boil. Peel alf a pound of - onions. When the w: ter ie quite boil ng put the potatoes in a steamer and sp ' kle them over with sal . As -the onio s are to be eaten with tl e potatoes, pu them in the saucepan of boiling wate , and . they can be boile• while the potatoes are being . steam:d. Place the teamer on the saucepan of boiling water andcover it down tight to' keep the steam • in. Let the potat.es steam and the onions boil for. half an hour. Now open the tin of canned meat, take ono and a half pounds of me• t out of the tin and cut it in. slices ; tak: a fork and put it in the potatoes and onions to feel if they are quite tender ; When they are sufficient- ly cooked. takthe potatoes ut of the steamer, put -hem on a bear and cut them in dice ; take the oui us out of the saucepan, put them on a board,and cut them; in s ices ; take a la ge sauce- , an, put in a ayer of potatoe , then a ayer of anion prinkle a litt ach layer of i alf a pint of warm water -aucepan; put it on the fire, a eat and veg - tables simmer re thotonghl warmed thro erving turn t + 0 Irish stew ou of dish. , then a layer of meat ; e pepper and salt over eat for seasonng ; pour into the nd let the S M antil they igh. For t upon a GREAT CLEARING SALE FOR 15 SAYS 15 COMMENCING ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 2Nn, 1879. SMITH & WEST. Offer the Following Lines at A GREAT REDUCTION —ON— USUAL PRICES. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR OBTAINING GOODS AT PRICES HITHERTO UNHEARD OF IN SEAFORTH. PLEASE READ The Following Quotations : Overcoats at Seventeen Dollars Re- dviced to Twelve Dollars. Overcoats at Twelve Dollars Reduc- ed to Nine Dollars. Overcoats at Ten Dollars Reduced to Eight Dollars. Overcoats at Nine .Dollars Reduced to Seven Dollars. , Overcoats at Seven Dollars Reduced to ,Six Dollars. Overcoats at Six Dollars Reduced to Five Dollars. Overcoats at Five Dollars Reduced to Four Dollars and -a -half. A - LOT OF HEAVY ALL - WOOL TWEED, AT 45c., 50c., 52c., 55c., 60c., AND- 65c. W'INCEYS - AND FLAN- NELS AT COST. BUFFALO ROBES AND HORSE BLANKETS, THE CHEAPEST IN SEAFORTH. - LADIES! LADIES! IF YOU REQUIRE 1 MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS, ULSTER CLOTHS, CLOUDS, WOOL ,SQUARES, —OR— FUR SETS, FUR CAPS, FUR BOAS, FUR MUFFS, FUR GLOVES, CHILDREN'S WEAR, You will do well to EXAMINE OUR bTOCK, BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND LUSTRES. WE ADE CLEARING OUT OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT. ON OUR PREVI- OUSLY LOW PRICES. We are always Happy to ,Show you - through our House, and will- ing to Quote Prices, that you may compare with •• Others in, the • Trade, • W-hether you Bi:y or not. ITH &. WEST, No. 3, Campbell's Block, Seaforth. —1879— J' A N" TT A- IR, Y_ —1879— SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS MONTH KIDD'S E —AT— PORIUM SEAFORTH, AS I PURPOSE TAKING STOCK EARLY IN FEBRUARY I WOULD RES- PECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF MY FRIENDS AND CUS- TOMERS TO THE IMPQ E TANT I A. CT That I am Offering DURING THE WHOLE OF THIS MONTH My Entire Stook of DRY. GOODS AND READYMADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, & At an Astounding REDUCTION of Current Prices for CASH- o; ` CREDIT to Responsible; Parties. SHORT ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO EXAMINE THE STOCK. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, -THOMAS KIDD, SEAPORT1L D. D. ROSE, 'FAMILY GROCER, SEAFQRT I :Has Pleasure inannouncing to his Friends and Cus- tomers that every Department is full stocked with y First—Class Goods. Hundreds of Families testify to - the valise given at Rose's Grocery in the past, and he looks forward to theutu f re with every confidence, No Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced of the advantages offered. No trouble to show Goods and give samples. ' Flour, Corn, Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Hominy, &c., always kept in Stock. D. D. ROSE, Seaforth. GOODS FOR .THE MILLION —AT— CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO SHOW HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THE CHOICEST SELECTION OF WORSTED COATINGS, PANTINGS, OVER, COATINGS: The eye delights to gaze neon, and Fresh from the Markets for this Fall's Trade. ALL SUITS WILL BE WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT TO YOUR SATISFACTION. RARE BARGAINS IN CERTAIN LINES. CALL AND SEE. STORE No: 1, 1 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK. j WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. JTTST R. CEIVEI� 'LEISURE HOUR AND 'SUNDAY AT HOME FOR 1879. ALL THE BOOKS NOW BEING USED IN THE PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, —AT— C. W. PAPST'S, OARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. GREAT REDUCT ON IN BOOTS AND SHQES. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- - CINITY SHAT WE HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remunerative rices, WE USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST- - M.t�TERIAI, Therefore we can Guarantee Gold Satisfaction to those who wish to favor us with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHOR'4EST NOTICE. Remember the Place : Opposite the Foundry. GRIEVE & FRIEL, SEAFORTHR, _CENTRAL GR-OCERY: LAI SLAW fle IAIRL WILL SHOW AT THE ; CENTRAL GROCERY" THIS WEEK, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW FRUIT IT Six Cases Palms Currants, entirely - free from Sand. J Four cases Messina Currants; wash-- ed ash..ed ready for use. Five barrels Common :C''urr {-ants, .fit Twenty Pounds for one dollar. fifty boxes new Valencia Raisins, selected o, stalk. Ten boxes London Layers, black bas- ket and blue basket, for table t se Ten boxes Sultana Raisins, ;entirely free from seeds Pigs in Mats, four pound, and one and a .half pound boxes Lemon, Orange and:Citron Feels;. Extra Ground Sugar for icing. Almonds, Filberts and Walnuts._ TEAS AND SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICES, &e,, Always in Stock, and warranted best value in the market. FLOUR R, TEED AND PROVISIONS. We Invite Inspectionof our large Stock o/ CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, Which we are Selling Of at prices to suit the times. LAIDLA W & FAIR LEY, CARDN' O'S BLOCK, SE AF-ORTH. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. BROADFO►OT & BO, SEAFORTH, Have on hand at their Wareroors, near the Market, as handsome ct Stock of Furniture of every Des- cription as can be found ;in a similar Establishment in Huron, - all of which they are prepared to - sell cheap. It is all manufactured under their oxen snper, vision, and they can guarantee it as to quality,. FURNITURE MADE TO OR.DEIli• WHEN DESIRED. UNDERTAKING. Having procured a handsome Hearse, they a now prepared to attend. to undertaking in all its branches, on the most reasonable terra& In connection with their :undertaking business they use the ANTI -SEPTIC FLUID, Which preserves the body and destroys all open- sive odors and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. Orders Respectfully Solicited BROADFOOT & BOX. OLD IS COATING FAST, AND PLMAN & CO. OF THE SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WOR4KS, Are Prepared for It. HEY have now on hand and are still man* lactating some of the handsomest and moist stylish and comfortable Cutters and PieasU e Ever offered to the People of this County. Their Vehicles are all made of the best material, best workmcanshi, and superior finish,. They are in fact both handsome and durable, CALL AND SEE Prices to Suit the Mmes. PILL A.N & Co>, ,Seafort .t.. N. B. --Repairing Promptly Attended to. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LARD AGENCY ALO NZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fne and Life Insurance Companies,:and is prepar- ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Sooie. ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Fax and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS l - PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan at f3 Per Lent. Interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St Seaforth, THE SEAFORTH PORK PACKING HOUSE HE undersigned will sell at their Pork Pack- ing House, at Low Prices, PORK CUTTINGS, HEADS, FEET, SAUSAGES, &e. Going prices paid for Dressed Hogs, delivered at our Packing House. 571 ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & CO.,