HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-31, Page 5TANuAgiit i 1819.. IG to al receiptasberwed an in - ,389, ancl the expenditure E that of 176 by 338,761. The - of pupils was 9,229. Since the - Xermal School was instituted, ;•e been admitted 7,883 students. , 103(5 were a the Church of ; 355 Rornehe Catholics, 2,310 aiatie ; 2,748 Methodists; 515 ; 287 Coagregationalists, and her denominations. ;may progress of education in ia very digiaotly shown, by a view a all the items of infer - available for each year Silloet trom this it appears that in 29 e population of Ontatio increas-I 4n6,055 te 1,620,851. in 1842 tre oulv 25 High Schools; in .1. In 1842 only 1,721 Public ; in 1877, 4,955. In 1812 the the educationalinstitutions of both public and private, id to 1,795, and in 1877 to 5,248. ere lie reports in 18 t2 to show Lily pupils attended the High but there were during that 17,-4 entered at the Pane l' while M 1877 there were 490,- N t•t there -were paid in seder- lelic and separate School teach - and in 1877 $2,038,099. complete returns in reference Tarticnlar selected for compari- le only at the year 1855. The eopulatiert of that year was while in 1877 it was 494,- 1855 the grani total paid for nal purposes in the Province -15,992, while in 1877 it was [4- 1, Strange Ideas. rrou Is it not wonderfal to ideas some men will express Iucation in this enlightened age? e since I heard a person say that umade men rogues. Accord - his idea, an educated. person is is much to be dreaded- What Poble institutions of learning do characters who hold such ideas The questian might well be !Where were they born and from ia they spring? is Darwin's if the human race correct? - In t would almost be led tobelieve, ie the expressions of some, were deseended from little 4au a baboon or e monkey. Let eel° get hold of a, little property, their estimation , they think ves the greatest people iu the trite,: are very careful to keep a pedigree of their cows and eut ask them who was their, her, and you have asked a Ties - V cannot ttaswer. There is no for him. I am a.fraid the chit- , such parents will suffer on ac- ' their parents. They wilt not their children, for fear it makes ehoneet. Would it not be right to carry out the provisions of ittl Law to the letter, and com- L to send their children to school ,for our months in the year, as 'requires. COXSTAXT REe.DER. rr,jau. 29, 1879. • - : Township Shows. ':::.(itor of the _Theron Expositor. alum waited patiently for you . oete else to express their opinion WUSIAP show question, as the has been iatroduced for discus - 1 your opiuion solieited, but the seems to have dropped er no m- en (tit. I think it is a subject ef censideration, therefore I beg occupy a short space in your paper for a few remarks. I am subject has been iatroduced for 1-n, and I hope it won't be drop - d there is a complete revolution awnehip shows. No one will for a moment that township ave deue et vast amount of go* etunty, but like everything else ve had their day, aud their days ! geod, are past and gone forever, y are now nothing more than a Reticles they are destined to keep nts- shows on the same level as kf•es. Now, Sir, 1 think it is ley were numbered with the e iI the past, awl that we should t oun show in the county, which 6 held M: some of our towns would be most central. for all f the eouaty, and after a few he County of Hurou would be temper() with the Western Fair. many fine animals throughout ntv aro never shown at our iiftOWS, and. for what. reason' as each township has its awn al time ie (generally very preci- hat them of the season, and no afford to run round much and ,ork of impertance endone ; , if there was but one show in tv, evert- one woulkt feel inter - :1' would: be willing to spend two days to attend their county \nailer reason -why so many flats are never shown at the Lhow is this: As 1 have said be- et i township has its own_ show, ths the county show of the la- bia. it merits, and the result n't rise in pecuniary matters level of a tewnship shove. ieduee any one• to bring, ani - in a distance, the prizes offered. .0 Ittege eueugh to meet ex. - There are aot many so foolish t nel ettl for Lite chance of gaining tIC h pear cennected with it, but e. .5( ane foolish enmeseh to seen- . le ewe '•thing to see their n.ames, in it thev are in the minority. e. s , long ;fel townshief shows %sited., we 1119.V expect to see our reznam in the same crip- Witien that it now is and likely lin sa, unlees there is an effort 4 to sluxvo it out of the oid rut has been in for years. The our ceunty should be lend without this the County of . en never make the progress eleeuld make if it keeps on in „rack which it has done for years .11.1-1.-. Township shows deserve -r what they have been* the f (l ing in the way of improv- ttick: I think they have an - Ile same purpose in the way of eg our stock as what the alpha - (lone in the advancement of ' r , but had the students of our tad satisfied with their attain - hen they had learned their A ley never would have become . lence as they have done. No the County of Hurou nea,ke tess in the way of further lin- their stock, if township shows *ed to rob our county shows of •est which it should have. Now, tor,I fed confident 1 have the JANUARY 81 1879. majority to back me in saying, away with township shows for ever froth our county," and any one who will say otherwise hasn't the interests of the county at heart. ONE WHO FEELS INTERESTED. smosereemelemmosom - Perth Reins. 1 —Mr. Wm. Stayner, of Mitchell, has been appointed a County Constable.. . : —Hotel. and shop licenses in Mitchell are $100 ascii; billiard tables, $50 for the first and $10 eaeli for all others; drays $10 each.; liveries, -$15 each 845-1:1.4. e Agtehell market fees were re - let by auction on. Saturday. Mr. Brooks, being the highest bidder, got - thene at $i,005 just $200 less than they were let for two weeks previous. - --A boy intraed Joseph •Faincombe, e.bout thirteen years of age, from. the township of Mornington„ trapped a large wild cat, thebeginning of: this week, and brought it to Listowel, on Thursday, with the object of selling it. —One morning leg week Mr. Law- rence Bergin, au indigent, was found dead at his residence,on the farm. of Mx•. Staff, West.- Nissouri. The old tronn lived. alone, and in all probability, hie death was caused by wa,nt of atten- dance. He was about ninety years of age..: . • , . --For some time back - several fowl have been missed. from Mr. Kidd's hene nery„ Dublin, and in order to cateh the thief, a trap was set just inside the door on Wednesday nigh'. Next morning - an inemease wild cat was fast in the . trap by one of his le. He was. soon _ despatched, and theremaining chickens . will now likely rest n peace and quiet- ness.. , —H,enry Grey, the Mitchellcon- stable, who allowed 91,e prisoner Keefe to eeoape, was arrested for neglect of . duty. When brought before the Police r.Magietrate at Stratford, he pleaded . . guilty, and was sent‘ced to pay refine . of $10o,a,na. bound tolappear wlien called. upon for further sentence. This ought to be .s., warning to cinstables to proper- ly seeure their prisoners. . —While Ain Gustave Goebel Was out for a drive on .SIIItdaly, in Mitchell, the cutter upset while ioundingthe corner near Mr Dent's, and. the horse took to his heels, leaving Gus sitting in the - snow, looking the ye y pieta4 of - 4sur- prise. The . ani .al reached , Main street, and planged ever salt barrels in front of Mr. McDonald's store, which demolished the el:. The horse was soon afterwards sec ,.. ed... —A. little girl helenging to Mr. Wm. Dunn'of Newry, I narrowly • escaped being killed one day lately. The child, going along the road carelessly and un- observed. by Mr. .T, hos. Meore, was knocked down by dne of his - hdrses.' She was taken out from under .the sleigh tongne and ,Iwhiftletrees, where she might have been, crashed to death - ' so-wet:to:9 le and cil e5i tl hdvireein 'Inlutts, . o,. . —On the moraine- ni Thos. Moore, of co,: ession. 6, Wallace, had. been attending to his horse, when he suddenly became -unwell, went into the house, said to hi a wife "I'm going to die," and .before she had corapre- headed the awful. words her, husband • had, uttered he . was a corpse. Mr.. - Moore was a tall, powerful man,. and. one of whom a Iong life might have been anticipated by those who did not know that he was . subject to heart 1. • been sentenced to serye a term in the Reformatory. —A woman naatied 'Hudson was on Saturday afternoon, found dead in her house in Landon East, having been suf- focated while in,a fit brought on by ex- cessive drinking. —Jesuits in France, have written to leading members of the Order in Mon- treal, stating that they expect to be ex- pelled from France during the coming summer, and asking if they can be ac- commodated in Caeada. —A man named John Iby, who had been in the employ of Hugh McQuoid, lumbering, was taken, ill on his way 'to Campbellford Monday afternoon and expired on the way., His death was caused by congestion of the lungs. —Very Rev. Dean Bondwas conse- crated to the Episcopal oveesight of the • diocese of Montreal, dn St. George's Church, last Saturday morning. The Bishop of Fredericton, who is senior 'Bishop of Canada s , presided, and was assisted by the Bishops of Quebec, Hali- fax, Ontario, and Algetna. A large num- ber of the clergy of the diocese took part ,in the ceremony._ The church was crowd- ed with worshippers. . ietemeetiestmena - Audtion Sales. , Monday, Felieuary 15, on Lot 12, Con. 7, South. BoUndary, Stanley, Farm Stock aral Implements. David- Clark, pro- prietor ; •Bossenberry c Orthe, auction- eers. had the team been Another warning t • keep clear of sleigh Th ursday, -February 6, on Lot 15, Con. 5, Stanley, Farm Stock and Im- plenaeuts. Wm. Dixon, proprietor , Hodgson 86 Oke, auctioneers. Thursday, January 30, on Lot 29, Con. 14, McKillop, Farm, Farm Stock and. Implements. • Duncan 11c7Ailla,n, proprietor; John Bullard, auctioneer. Weduesd.ay, Febraary 5, 1869, on Lot 2, Concession 2, Turnberry, at 1 o'clock P. M., Farm and Farm Stock. W. G. Palmer, proprietor; C. R. Cooper, auc- tioneer. • Thursday, February 6, on Lot 19, Con,.14, McKillop, Farm Stock, Imple- ments, dtc. Wm. Bell, proprietor ; John Bullard, auctioneer. ansessenmeneemenent THE HURON EXPOSITOR. L•cal Notices. MRS. J. E. 1 nous, Dress nd Man- tle Maker, East 13 de of Victoria Squ e, Seaforth. Faeset Aiim vets in Choic Valencia Raisins, Cranberi eze.. at LAID W & FAIR - LET'S. 675 LAXHUB ix Hearings, rout, and White.Fish for S le at theCentral Gr. eery. LAID - LAW -& FAIRLEY. 575, . GIRRow & 141 aren, Barrist:rs, Wing - hem, have now n hand a gitantit of Private Fandi to loan at 8 per (sent. 581 IIEMEeiDER he Geettt Ann al Stock- Taking.Sale now oing on at HOS`b IIA BROTFIERS, Seaforth .For artieelare see adv tisement in thispaper. 580 SEE . THE Sou', 25 bars for $ at ROSE'S Grocery. See th t very Cute tee at 50cents, worth 60 cants, and tho e cheap.Itaieins an 1 Currants at Rose's Grocery. 574 THE LORD LORNE, New attera in White Stone W e, comprising Te Sets, Toilet Set -se &e. Will b opened out net w Lee Call and see them at LAID .A.NV & FAIRLEr's. 75. EA SETS in • B ue, White, t, General Crooke , Glass, Sets, rns and Cheapest i • Town at the Telegraph Buildi • g. WILLIAM • Births. WESTMAN—In'enidthelph, on the 20th ins t., the wife of Mr. D. Westenan, of a son. ANDERSON—At Anderkion, on the 18th inste'llic i-eife'of Mr. Daniel Anderson of twins (boyand girl.) WELL—IniGranton, on the llth inst., the wife of Mr. C. M. Well of a daughter. FOSTER—In Granton, on the llth inst., the via of Mr. Charles Foster, of a son. MITCHELL—In Granton, on the , 21st inst., th wife of Mr. Joseph Mitchell of a daughter. WORTHINGTON—In Clinton, on the 21st inst. the wife of A. Worthington, M. D:; of a though ter. Marriages. disease. • —Two- weeks ago Mr. James Hamil- ton, Elma, Centre, captured a black and silver-gray fox on tho farm of ,Thomas • Moore, 5th concession. Reynard was so closely pursued. by the young Nim- rod that he todk refuge in a hollow log. . Not wishing tollooee so valuable typiece of game, the lad cdrked. up the hole and. went home for hele, -which was readily • obtained, returnel. slla secared the prize.. From nose to tip of tail the • animal measured 4.. feet .4 inehee and stood 18 incheshi th. • —About 10 o'd ck ph Tuesday. night last week, a fire le :eke' oat in a small frame -addition David Hamilton's aer 'block, Lista sumed, along evi Newman adjoinin- • burned buildings. N as those in -others threatened. . The have been so great supply of coal ga, flames to get ahead of the firemen. - The losses aremo tly coyeeed?by. insur- ance. '—On. Saturda Roberta, the town had a narrow esc ly injured by his He had occasion businesee and -whe home, his horse a cutter, became down Wallace Main street east. _ Grand. Central h upset, and. Mr. R he managed to k • though b.auledal siderable • distanc • brought to a st serious injury we —On Thursday as Mr. James Co, returning home . at tho Stratford t the back- of Mr. grocery in the Bon- e', which was me- ttle shop of Mr. . The goods in the ere removed, as well near by, which were dam.age would not ;but that the engine's e out, allowing the afternoon last, Mr. hip clerk of Wallace, pe from being serious- orse running away. o visit Listowel on about to start for hich was attached to manageable an dr an tract, turning down When passing the tel, the cutter was berts thrown out, but ep hold of the reins, ng the road. for a con- , till the horse was ud. Fortunately no • done. ' fternoon of la,st week, nell, of Topping, was om. Stratford, when and Huron railway crossing, the horses took fright at the whistle of a iooclirnotxive, and dashed forward towards Ithe advancing train. They had just cr ssed the track in front of the engine wh n the bolt care° out of the double -tree, ceusine the tongue to drop from the neckyke, and the horses being umbenageable with terror .speaue • forward, • dragging Mr. Connell over the dash board' of the sleigh. The linebroke and the horses ran down the road, but were speedly stopped. by a mau that was passing and brought back to tho sleigh.' M. Con- nell escaped. with a fow slightbruises. eteenteeteemee- EAUTIFUL White Stone Gi ezo. Latest Pat New Shop in th ALLEN.t 576_ PA.Y.I:Je.— R. VEROOE, ing a large nu s iber of accounts d greatly obliged those indebted t would call and s ttle their aceounts date as possibl . 576 D. D. Res , Family Groce Seaforth, invites the Wen *on of eater buyers to his Stock of Groceries. His Stock is constant turning, and is always fresh. His prieee are the owest—it will pay you to tau. Examine his goods And compare prices. 574 THAT PL iel• PUDDING. WILLIAM .ALLEN is .showi ig the very best val e in London Layer Raisins, I. Ti. Layers, See Ross Raisins, New Carreras, voring Extract stars, Canned graph Building. forth, hav- e would feel hiin if they t as- early a WILSON choice lot of v which they are of New Season' they guarantee inducements w large quantitie Tobaccos, and evsell assorted in the largest and will not allow a us. Call and, YOUNG.- 568 PIRIE—JOSLIN—At Stratford, on the 16th bast by the Rev. P. McLeod, Mr. Robinson Pirie, of Clinton, on of the late G. M. Pirie, of Dun- das, to Maggie, daughter of J. jos lin, Esq, Varna. STIRLING-eMcDOUGALL—In Clinton, on the 14th inst.', by the Rev. A. Stewart, M. A., Mr. Wm. Stirling, to Maggii,third daughter of Mr. - J. McDougall, all of 0 oderich township. DAVIES—STINSTON—In Exeter, on. the 22n 1 inst., by tho Rev. J. W. Butcher' at the Bib e Christian Parsonage, Mr. RobertA. Davies, to Miss Matilda Stiaiston, both of Usborne. CONGDON--GRANT—On the 15th inst., at th. residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. .&.- Y. Itaxtley, Mr. Robert G. Congdon, buildee, Streetcville, to Miss SarahGrant, third daughter of,james Grant, Esq., of Granton. SENKBEIL4MORRIS0N—At Seaforth, by tle Rev. Mr. C-rahaM, on the 29th Hinst. Mr. Wi - • Hem Senkbeil, to Miss Herniate ;lice Moe -- risen, both of Seaforth. , • • Deaths. SMAR.T—In London, on the 21st inst., Win. Smart, of Clinton'aged 65 years and eight 1 Months. QUIGLEY—In Helletton the 17th lush, Patrick Quigley, aged 72 years. • BRENT—In 13russels, on the 23rd inst., Jahn Brent, aged 79 years. GLEN—In Exeter, on the 18th inst. Maggie, sec- ond daughter of Thos. Glenn, *inert, aged 16 years. • WILKIE—In Exeter, on the 18th inst., at her residenee, Elizabeth, relict of the late Jam3s Windt", in the 700x year of her age. GeD eral:News Items. —Ontario is credited with 'a popula- tion of 1,620,000e —Ono of the Belleville steam fire engines hae been seized for cogs in -connection -Witli the suit of Belleville V. Cronk. —A party of Bostonians visited Ottawa, last' week, and purchased 75 horses, at prices ranging from $50 to $80, for the Bbston Street Railway Corn - p any. • -e--A thirteen year old piekpocket was arrested at Quebec on Saturday morn- ing, for having his hand in a woman's pocket in St. Roch's Church. Stolen, property Was also found on his per- • son. He has pleaded guilty, and. has 101 IMMINIAMOOM. •••=•••MaimmindInik .THE MARKETS. SE FORTH, Jan. 30, 1878 Fall Wheat '0 83 to 0 66 Spring Wheat, Fife, pdebushel0 75 to -0 60 Spring Wheatelted Chaff,per bush0 70 to 0 15 Oats per bushel 0 28 to . 0 1'0 0r5 0 60 0 0 L5 2 25 80 0 05 4 (0 3 00 1 25 075 0 35 0 00 2 26 0 )6 4 00 4 50. Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter, No.1, Loose, Eggs Flour, per 100 lbs Pfav 0 60 to 0 40 to 0 10 to to 12ito 2 25 to 7 00 to Hidos, per lb 0 05 to Grubby Hides per 100 lbs... ... . Fellen Hides, per 100 Dee , Sheep kins 0 50 to Salt (retail)per barrel, .. Salt (wholessee)per barrel........ Potatoes, per bushel 0 50 to Oatmeal elt b rl t • ... 2 25 to Tallow, per lb. , . • 0 05 to Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbe 3 00 to Dressed Hogs . . 4 00 to andied Peels, loin Sugars, Fla- , Pickles, Sauces, 'ardines, Leh- igh, &c. - New Sho in the. Tele - 'Wit. AzLnx. 51/6 • YOUNCi have received. a y finq Wats of s u prior quality, •ening very eheap. so a line lot Teas, which for price and quality qual to -any in the market. Special II be given to rau ies buying in . Our steak of S gars, Syrups, novel Groceries ii4 complete and all lines- and -as e have one of est bought stocks n Ontario, we iy house in the, Trite e to undersell examine one .stoelf Wilson & PROPRIETARY ARTICLES. 'ODONTAG1CA,” PREPARED ONLY BY HICKSON & • BLEASDELL, • WILD CURE• The worst case of Tooth Ache, caused from. Decayed Teeth. We will refund the money in any cese where it fails to dare after a fair trial. CEOCKERY AND _GLASSWA E. —WILSON & Toineo have he largest and basti assorted Stock of Crockery an u Glassware in the 0unty, compris- ing Tea Sets i French and Engli h China, Iron, Stone and Porcelain Toilet, Sets in 1 the latest and most fashions le design, and of .115-- best material. Also a full sto k of everything t. be found in a first-class Crot kery and Glassw o store, and at prices which w defy any one to un ersell us. Give us a call before purchasing elsewh re, as we will save you moue • by buying from i s. A complete China Tea Set of 44 pieces for $ 50, and other goods in like p oporhon, eeson & YouNO, Sea. forth. 568 Doeeins' LECTEIC SOAP. Having ob- tained the Ag ncy oe this eelebrat d soap in Sea - forth and Hur n County, I appen( the opinion of some of our b et people as te its orits : I have used Dobbins' Electric Soap, »d& by j, L. Cragin & Co., Philad elphia„ Pa., and lin i it vory good. The clothesar beautifully white ind the washing is done in m ch less time—Mr M. P. Hayes." "1 used Dob t ins' Eleetric Soap, iccording to di- rections, and, found the clothes ve liter than when washed in the old way, and ikela 1 thausual time —Mrs. M. Y. eLean." "I have tested Dobbins' Eleetric Soap, and am highly sa idled with the . result. I belt ve it capable of doi g all the wrap- per claims f r it, and mostco identlr recom- mend it as ecu nomizing both tem and labor, and as doing its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsmith." " Having give Dobbins' Eleetric oap a fair trial, I think it is a the manufacturers represent it to be—Mrs. R. T. Coleman.." I desi o all ray friends and customer to give this Soap no trial, so they may know ju t how good the b st soap in the United State is THOMA.S LIDD, Seaforth, Ont., Agent f r Huron County. 571-52 • PRICE, 15 CENTS A BOTTLE. WORM POWDERS, Prepared by HICKSON & BLEAS- DELL, at 55 Cents a Box, For Children or Adults. are Perfectly Safe, and will act in nine cases out of ten. Always fresh, and may be relied on. IMPROVED CONDITION POWDERS Prepared only by HICKSON & BLEAS- DELL, at 25 cents a pound, or 5 pounds for $1. FOR HORSES OR CATTLE. They Purify the Blood, and build up the system generally, producing a sleek and. glossy coat, an elastic step and a bright eye. Be sure you get the right kind, as there are many in the Market of no medicinal use. • . , CLINTON, JAIL 30, 1878. Fall W heat, pqr bushel .. 0 80 g 0 86 Sprin g Whoa t; perbnehel . •. 0 70 @ 0 80 Oats, Pei' bushel0 e6 eet 0 '30 Barley, per bushel C 50 0 0 65 Peas, per Imehol 0 50 ete 0 55 Mover Seed, per bugle] 3 50 @ 4 0 • Timothy Seed. per pushel 1 50 @ 1 76 Butter 0 12 (a0 15 Pork 825 (e-,) 360 Potatoes...t...... .............. . 0 50 g 0 55 Eggs 013 R. 0i5 Haa,por ton, 8 00 @ 9 S OCK FOR St E. VNTIRE 11 -1-el easy to heavy drain sired by Old This horse k ly sound and show for th apply- to th Killop. RB Ont. RSE FOR SAL p that splendid GI Stallion," You oh, u Bull, itnporte al beautiful black with good lotion mselvee. For fur • roprietor, Lot 2 EEIT HOLLAND, .—For sale on Canadian bred g John Bull," by J. S. Fisher. •olor, is perfect - His stock will her particulare 1, Con. 11, Me - Walton P. 0., 581x4 t- MONEY., WHO W N S MONEY ?— ‘ I' dollars, p ivate funds, for i ment at 8 pa tont. intereat. II.BEN , Solicitor, Seafort few thousand mediate invest- pply to JAMES 583 lett ONEY 0 LEND.—I have • ith Moneyl Lend on. good imp at' 8 per co it. Charges very object if see 'ray ample, I do Company. OHN S. PORTER TIQP. HICKSON & BLEASDELL'S FAMILY APERIENT ANTIBILIOUS LIVER PILLS, the Great Vegetable Blood Purifier. They act like a charm on the Stomach and. Liver. PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. "TONIC AND ALTERATIVE BITTERS" Prepared only by HICKSON & BLEAS- DELL, for Indigestion, Loss of 'Appe- tite, Dyspepsia, &c. Composed exclu- sively of roots and herbs. PRICE, 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH, ARE NOW OFERINC THE BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF a FANCY W COOLEN AT GREATLY REDUCE GOODS PRICES. Having Purchased a _Entire Set of ravellers' Samples, we now Offer these Goods, in Addiaon, to our Regu- lar Stock, at About Regular Wholesale Prices. "COMPOUND COUCH SYRUP," Prepared only by HICKSON & BLEAS- DELL, cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and. all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Gives immediate relief and a speedy cure. •PRICE, 25c. AND 50c. A BOTTLE. Besides the above we make a number of other Preparations, such as Winter Fluid, Whooping Cough Remedy, Ink Powder, &c. HICKSON & BLEASDELL, SEAFORTH. - '1 SHAWLS. --WOOL SHAWLS AT $1 50, WORTH $2.00. HEAVY SHAWLS AT $3, WORTH $4. EXTRA HEAVY GRAY SHAWLS AT $4 50, WORTH $5 50. SPLENDID LINE OF TARTAN SHAWLS FROM $3 TO $9 WORTH FROM $4 TO $8. THESE ARE VERY DESIRABLE GOODS, AS TARTAN SHAWLS ARE QUITE l'ASH- . IONABLE AT THE PRESENT TIME. SHOULDER SHA.WLS IN PLAIN AND TARTAN FROM 50 CENTS TO $1 50. "CROWN INK?' • *TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT IT IS A FIRST-CLASS INK, AND THAT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. any anuoant of CIZOW-1\1irr – 'eyed farms only, •mall. Sum no '1 lend for any Seellorth. 570 EAST HU A NNUAL 4-h of the be held in t DAT, Febru election of chairmen o quested to their rupee ident ; D. M ON REFORM ASSOCIATION. MEETING.—The Ann nal Meeting • at Huron Reforne Association will e Town Hall, Bri,hssele., on TUES- re, Ilth, 1879, at e o'clock, for the offtcers and other purposes. The the different xnuijicipalitiea /1113 re. secure a /nil representation from eve sections. J0HT MeORAE, Pres- GILLIOUDDT, S eretary. 582-2 OLD CH UCTION SA RCH SITE A THERE ill be sold by Pu -1- o'clock P. M., ou SAT 0 R 22nd, 1879, ti the Tillage of Z building k own as the Old Tho lot an ehureh will be s or together -Terms made kno FREDE RICK H Secretary E. BOSSE BERRY, Auction° E OF D CHURCH. lie Auction at 1 AY, FEBRUARY irieh, the lot and eutheran Church. d either separate n on day of sale. SS, Luth aeon Church. r. 582-4 CORN AND PEAS. THE Subleriber has now on hand, at Hensall, . a hag.: quantity of Chola Corn ,fit for meal or seed. Will be sold in lots of 10 bushels or over at LOWER PRICES TE -1 N HAS RE- CENTLY BEEN GOING. 00 I will also .havd ou hand. du ing the next few months Choice Selected peas or Seed, let Kippen Stettion. Will also take an)j quanta! of guod Clover Seed at market price: 582 ' • DAV I) eleLENNAN. .•SOMETHING NEW. TORONTO, Jan. 30. -1 --Fall Wheat, er bushel, 80c to 90c; Spring Wheat, oc to 800; Barley 60c to 64c'c '• Peas oc to 61c ,• Oats, 28c to 310; Dressed H )gs per 100 Mt $1.00 to i4.50; Butter, • er lb 10c to ; Eggs,.15c to 20c. Live Stock Markets. Moterneese, San. 27.—The arrivals live stock at Point St. Charles last w were eighteen carloads of cattle, mixed ,carloads of Cattle- and. sh and • three carloads of hor Three additional carloads of cattle rived yesterday. Very few sales made to day, as dro-vers were askin considerable advance on the very prices which prevailed last Friday. is said that the country roads liaveb so much blockaded by the late sn storm that not many cattle will brought to market for some time. T is DO sign of scarcity on the market and the sales made to -day were at a the same rate as prevailed about a w ago. Alex. Dow, of Waterloo, set carload of cattle at $40 each, or a • 3ac pet lb. 5. Elliot, of Kingston, 20 cattle at $33 each, or a little -over per lb. ; F. Ritchings sold. three c for V12.50 or 310 per. About 50 of cattle were otferedat VigerMarke day; and there was an improved 'nand for them. M. Garrison sol cattle at from $25 to $30 each; G. ber sold a number of cattle at from to $35 each. There were BO live on the market. No sales of dre hogs were reported to day, but very prices are asked for car -lots. of ek wo ep, es. ar- ere ow It OD. • be ere ere (et, out ek a out old tle ead to- de - 12 eb- po • ogS sed igh CHANE OF BUSINESS (3, FRIEL has purehased the Stock and Bash • ‘-'• nese of James Carpenter, DUBLIN, and will hereof( er carry on the business heretofore carried ea by Mr. Carpenter. Ile will keep con- stantly on hand a full stock oi BOOTS AND ISHOES Of all kind, which he will Bel at prices suitable to the times. He is also pre arod to turn out Ordered Work in the Neatest end Best Style, and of good material. Fits guaranteed. • Repairing promptly attended o. • Being a practical workman • imself and inten.d- ing to devote his personal att ntion to business, he hopes to give entire satis action to all who may favor him with their pat •nage. Remember the Place—Car enter's old stand, opposite Pendergast's Hotel. 582 •C. FRIEL. SHINGLES FOR TE MILLION. THRESHING-, Ito temovisas.—Having procured an Attaoh. menti to ene new tuschineforthreshieg elever, I am now pretested to execute orders in that line when called upon. WM. T. DO RRENCE, Lot 54, Con. 5, Ifeltillop. 580e.4 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE --The ilbSCATli hae an hand, at hispiftee, Lot 5, Con. 18, Grey„ a quaneity of good eedar posts for sale. ROBEeRT BLAIR. 58ex4 _•. rEDAR POSTS FOR SALE,—For Sale,on Lot N -e 26, Concession 6. Morrie,- one mile from Brus- sels'any quantity of ceder posts, either out or by the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leydenis Hotel, MaKillop, 567 SQL,PAR ES.—A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SILK SQUARES IN SEAL BROWN, MOORE, BRONZE, WHITE AND BLACK. SOME- THING- CHOICE IN INDIA SILK SQUARES. FELT SKIRTS AT COST PRICE. FRINGES IN SILK AND WOOL.. F1JR, AND GAL- LOON TRIMMINGS 1 VELVET CUSHION COVERS. CROCHETED TIDIES. LA.RGE ISSORTMENT OF VELVETEENS IN ALL. THE LEADING COLORS, VERY CHEAP. Is as good after being frozen as -any Common Ink before freezing, • and yet is Sold for ONLY 15 CTS. PER PINT BOTTLE AND A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. THE undersigned have on and a huge supply of First -Class Shingles, at xi. 111ILLEN'S FACTORY, in the Village of "NA7-110. TPR, Made by experienced wor en, from the very best; material. The rnanner which we manu- facture is such that there is o Bastard Shingles in the pick. We are always prepared t do PL.A.NING and supply Boors an 1 • Sash at short notice. Panel Doors an Sash always on hand. 7 metian Blinds and Mouldings made to order. IL. PAT iN, R. TOU G, Trustees. 682 A. L. t IBSON, • 11 111 There is as much Ink in a, pint bottle as in eight 5e. bottles -40 cents worth. MEETINGS TO BE HELD. THE RODGELVILLE CHEESE FACTORY. -- -e- A General Meeting of the Patrons andeteinias- holders of the Rodgerville -Cheese Fectory will be held a-; the Factory on 'Wednesday the bth day of Febrias.ry„ at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Routes for hauling the milk will be let at the some time. A full attendance is requested. JAMES LANGe Peeeident. 581-9 _ . NOTICE.—Notice is hereby Oven that the Annual Meetin-g of tbeldembers of the Nay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insure/ice COM, pany will beheld in the Town Hall, Zerich, on Monday, the 3rd of February next, 4510 o'zioek A. M., for the purpose ot preeenting a fall re.port at the affeits of the Coropeny, electing Directors and transacting other bneineee •of tho Company. A large attendance is looked for. B. -v. 1i8. - STEIN, Manager. •581,2 MEN'S UNDER CLOTHING.— sEIIRTS AND DRAWERS, FLESH, AMBER AND GREY. THESE GOODS ARE HEAVY' AND ALL WOOL, SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT COLD WEATHER, FROM 50 CENTS TO $1 EACH. FORTY PIECES ALL WOOL SCARLET FLANNEL, 18 CENTS TO 40 'CENTS. SHIRTINGS IN FANCY FLANNEL, ALL WOOL, ANGOLAS AND WINOEY, FROM 10 CENTS TO 30 CENTS. Do not Throw Your Money .Away Buying Five Cent Ink. HARRY MITCHELL, SOLE AGENT FOR, Zete. SEA FORTff, - ONTARIO. BUFFALO ROBES.—OWING TO THE VERY STORMY WEATH- - ER, AND WE HAVING ONLY ABOUT ONE-HALF OF OUR SECOND LOT' OF ROBES LEFT, WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE OF THEM IT COST PRICE. THIS WILL GIVE PARTIES WpIIING TO BUS ROBES LOWER BY 25 PER CENT. THAN LAS SEASON, AND LOWER THAN EVER OFFER- ED IN THIS TOW OR COUNTY. • EIGG EMPORIUM. TRESubscriber hereby thanks his numerous elastomers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage durinc the past 7 years, and hopes by strict integrity and close attention to business to merit their' confidence and trade in She future. Having great)°, enlarged his prem- ises during the winter, he is now prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the subscriber, 25 tons of good dry clean wheat straw. D. 1). WILSON. FOR SALE OR TO LET- pooms TO LET.—Three reoro.s to lot over 3-V _A, Ge Ault's Grocery store, in the front part of the building, with front and rear entreoce. I Apply to A. G.-AULT, Proprietor. 581 t - i RARE CHANCE.—Photograph Remits to Let ' on first .floor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Rooms on the flat above, suitable for a dwelling- Posses- I sion lat January, 1879- Apply to F. HOLME- STED, barrister, on the premise.s, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MaKillop. 673-11. TT OUSE AND LOT IN BUCEITELB.—For1 Sale, a large two-storey house in Brucefield containing 4 rooms down stairs and S op stai'rs.1 Good cellar end well. Also one quarto acre of I land- For further particulars apply to J.. E.1 Briggs, Bruzefield, or the proptietor E. BRIGGS, I Viuna- 582 CLOUDS.--OLOUDS AT 15 CENTS, 20 CENTS, 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, 75 CENTS AND $1f THESE GOODS 'ARE MANY OF THEM SAM- PLES, AT VERY if .0W PRICES, THE NEWEST THING IN THE ; MARKET —THE EG WOFFINGTON SCARF AND HOOD, IN WHITE, FANCY, ND SELF COLORS. IMPORTANT NOTICES. lefOTICE.—The Creditors of Samuel Stark, 011 e-1 this town, will meet at his residence, iu See - forth, on Saturday, the Fifteenth day of Febeet-' ary, at the hour of 2 -o'dock , P. M , for the pnra pose of examining his state of affairs, and con- cluding uponthe best to be done, as it is, hia? wis.h to do the beet he eau under bis eireturietaa-', tee. SAMUEL STARK, Seaforth. CAIM OF THANITS.—To W. de SHANNONe Esq., Seceasay Mel...CW(4i Mutual Fire Instize exce Company—Sir: I ani in receipt of yout draft for $850, in full payment for hos by firet under my policy in this Company, and =thank! ful 10 you as well as the Company for • the faU and prompt eettlement of me, claim. Yount truly, jet MES COTTLE. laullett, January 17 1879. 581 PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. VoTicE 071 DISSOLUTIONOF l'ARTNER SHIP.—The partnership heretolore ing between the undersigned, SA Boot and. Sla makers,tinder the style of J. E.. Briggs A Son,ha this day been dissolved by muttialeconsent. debts to be paid to T. E. Briggs, who will settlis all leather bilia. J. E. BRIGGS, E. BRIGGS. Brucefield January let, 1879e 58rei DISSOLUTION OF PA11TNERSIIIP---N0t1-4 • ie hereby given that the eo-partnerehip hers- tofore existing between George Bowe and joint* Steel, carrying on business at the Alma Hotel, Huron Road, in Efullett, is this ley dissolved by mutual consent. All liabilities contracted due- ing the said partnership will be discharged byttie said James Steel, who continues the buginesii. Dated this 205h day of Jannary, 18e9. jeltrelS STEEL, GEORGE ROWE. Witness—JAMES •WEIR. 582x.4 I •XTOTICE OF DIssoLuruyx OF PARTNERI- -I-I SHIP.—Notice ie hereby given that th Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, as MiflerU, in the village of Wroxeter, has been this day dissolved be Timbale consent. All debts owing to the Paid Inatome ship are -to be paid to Robert Clatk, at Wroxeter, aforesaid, and all ehdras against the said bar - nership axe tO be presented. to the said Robe Clark, by vihom the genie will be -settled. Datal. at Wroxeter, this 10th day al January, 1879e DAVID CLARK, ROBERT CLA.RK. Witness— Bow*. 581-6 TWEEDS.— wE HATE OPENED OUT OUR THIRD LOT OF 35 PIECES OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL CA1ADIAN TWEEDS, WHICH llivE BEEN BOUGHT AT 25 PER CENT. LESS THAN REGULAR -PRICES, HEAV 'FINE „ALL WOOL 75 CENTS, 85 CENTS, 90 CENTS, 95 CENT AND $1. SEE THEM. MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTEDI LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Q,0LI01T0RS for the Consolidated Bank of tee Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm anti Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private fands) loaned on mortgage se- curities,. at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the best mortgage securities, without any expense to the lender. S. G. MeCAUGHEY, M. A. F. ITOLITESTED. HATS AND CA CAPS AT COST, CAPS, TO CLEA • PRICE. S.—BALANCE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER ROM 25 CENTS UP TO (65 CENTS. MEN'S FUR THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK, AT HALF BLANKETS.—W ITE BED BLANKETS. GREY HORSE BLANK- • ETS, FROM $1 50 PER PAIR UP. AMERICAN SHAPED HORSE • BLANKETS. LOST OR FOUND. N.1 T1OG LOST.—Lost, in Seaforth, on January 26th, a black collie Dog with brown legs and a brown -spot over each. eye. About Atre months' oldany person giving (melt infornia- tion to the andereigned as will lead to hie reecv M.. Will be suitably reworded. TITOMAS LA - SLIE, Seatorth, •582-4 I"-- D°a LOST.—Lost in Seaforth, on Samar, 15th, a blatk sail tan Coolie biteh, abouti 7 months old, and answering to the nameof Flora. The front leg has been broken between thtiknee and the Shoulder, and is crooked. Any potiofl leaving her at Sharp's Hotel will be suitably • rewarded. CHARLES DAVIS, teedbury. 581.0 1 BUFFALO ROBE LOST.—Lost, on New Yellen night, DU The HUM» Road between Ses..for* and Clinton, a eine!' Buffalo Rohe, 'WWIdr lining, and trimmed with red. and blue -edgt g, The finder will be suitably rewarded. on less g the same at the EX.POSZTOP. 011Ice, Beatorthor with the undereigu.ed. THOMAS LIVING - STONE, Hullett, 5804 SATCELEL LOST.—Lost. on lilonday, an 27,, between the residence ol Mrs. Win. Cheen+1., Tuckersmith, and Seaforth station, A smell leather Hand Safehel, hi which was e lam purse with a steel chain attached, in which a sum of money. Any person leaving, thli saine either -with the undersigned or at thie-EXPOSI TOR Office, Seaforth, 11 be liberatly tewardd HUGH CHESNEY. 682-4 --- et.--- • T OST.—Lost, in Seaforth, on Janualy 20tin a '1-4 note -book containing 14 notes payable 10 • the order of the undersigned. The notes are of no value to any one but the owner, Payment al • the same have been stopped, and all persons ire cautioned agairst purehesing the lame. A re- Iward will be paid to any person returning tile said note -book to WALTER HANNAH, Lot 3, Con- 12, Hallett, Harlock P. O. 561 READYMADE CLOTHING.—MEN'S ULSTERS, BEAVER AND MELTON OVERC ATS FROM $6 TO $T2. MEN'S AND BOYS UN- DERCLOTHING.' MILLINERY REMOVAL. TN thanking the Ladies of Seaforth and Sur- "1- rounding country for past favors, I -wouldbeg • to remind them that I have removed to Bengali, where I willbe pleased to wait upon old as well as new customers who may chance this way. 675 MISS M. MITCHELL. LADIES' FURS -LGERMAN MINK MUFFS, GREAT SACRIFICE. MUFFS AN $1 .4 $2 AND S•1 50. CANADIAN MINK FURS, CAPS AND MUFFS. ESTRAY STOCK. STBAY STEERS. --Came into the premis .1-i the uiadersigned, Lot I, Con. 5, Mc two yearling Steers, re d and white. The owher can have the same on proving property and eiay- ing charges. HUGH DUN. .5800 ESTRALY STI1IEP..-7Came into the premis48 the undersigned, Lot 24, Con.. 2, L B 8., Tackersmith, e.bout the last of November, inxe Ewe. The owner can have the t ame by pro 1111 property and paying tharges. WILLIAM C MING. • 4 ESTRAY STEE11.—Came into the premise*. 01 the undersigned, Lot 5. Con, 1, Melfillesp, about August last, a grey Steer one year ana a half old. The owner can have the sonby proving property and paying charges. !3I, 57 CietniSTISZALY.L.HEIFER.—Citine into thee preneses -1-'4 of the undersigned, Lot 28,Con. 11, Meliillop, about three weeks ago, s; red and white heifer coming 2. The -owner is requested to, Ova property, pay charges and take her away an . VM. t -op • I - STRAY HEIFERS.—Came into tb.e pretaises -124 of the andereigned, Lot 12, North ThaMes • Road, 17aborne, about the 5'th of Deeember,1 two yearling Heif ers, both red_ and white. !The Avner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. WILLI.talSS- . --8 MORE., Eeeter O. - 88 VSTRAY STEER.--Strayee from the prenkises 1=1 of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con. 4, L. IP. 8, Tuckersmith, on or about the hest -of November a three year old Steer'red and white. A. 'bagel -white star Oil forehead, also a slit in the $ght b ear. .Anyperson giving such itiforanation az#er lead to the recovery of the above animal willly suitabrewarded. HUGH McRAY, Sr., pen P. O. • VSTRAY CALVES AND HEIFER..--SttiOssil- -1-4 from Lot le, Bayfield Road, Stanley, 5 awing Calves and one yearling heifer. Some 4 the calves are red and 101320 red and white, -The heifer is ell re& Any pereon giving to ttelei un dersigned such infonnationis lead te 41k recovery of the above snirosas, will be is Is rewarded. DAVID ROBERTSON, V •office. -. A Full Assortmentof Boots and Shoes. A Cheap Lot of Fresh Groceries and Fine Teas to Hand. DTI 1\T l\T IT C