HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-31, Page 3ANUARY 31, 1879.- AMIN WE BANK OF CANADA. RAD DYFICS, MONTREAT,„ I.,$1,000,000. IRS -M. 'EL Genit,Pereideaf ; Chest. lietaPteaident A. W._ Thoneta Tittn. &lex Buntin, J mien p. Murray, ettehier; Geo. Bares of tide Bank has been. opened up. in tiere general 3 iAllzia4 bIlSine-ti will ttd. h utoleo mnted, elect ted at fair hueiness rat Bettli departtneut h se 'alae bean oune -tine with thie, w hero deeesits mai Lon one itoliar ue.varde, aue awrei1 heNtIA onel piyeble U,tp tr at all °titles of he ba zik et Moutreal mad the Fe. level nat'a. e en;I:N N. -London-e.-The Alliance nel. New York-Nokia:LI Rank Fat fit hp rn, Meteowen & Otn, Wen • %gel- r .41.0e Natioaal Bank. hours lo te 3 Saturdaya, 10 to I. Jt tit N LECKIE, Menager OTE-CTION. he Protection guaranteed to vey nees enly materiel en 1 tleee. , !I, it Us tqlzti.tedn te sell all oar .11•:.e; AND CARRIAGES, e,et O. nen.' lava1 snpely et thou err a:t4.,and a natueer of theact "z eitich eneybetly ent e ee w sea very cheep - ne-b. tonne enetonaers. I have also eneeeed ?•:: it --nun-tone aut ,i7ttr.r LV-ileA•Fit- !4 111 yeaTS. s41141 Lrel. to 1: endet Of J�b vira rk, from a ari.- tor. t-ry l.avr and all. Work War- ranted. Ty to receipt all pelt aecoants e Int )11N XVI feLIAArS, Riaburn. 011ei ERG1AL LIVERY ttEAFORTH. TrIUR F013.13ES3 eleteed ti Stock trail Trade er the teeil tivery, Scesearth, from Mr. i:elev, begs to e• -ate that he intend% - ne business in the eld etand, and has ntinal•lt• hot eee and. vehicles to the et:oeit. None but `osti fiert(tbir rehicles and Good !,;1,4 1.1" ()rm. g Wilt be t n Inn:eine end Carr agee, and neltW.e eyis always reatly for use. .i-zetieetentenf.1 -Thule With COM- : , tit,rehr t Mete t lc the stables or any of the hotels t,eltflE cy WitilEROIAL LIVERY, SEA.FORT1-1. bet to inform -riegg IIICT4 Of Slarldt f4F1-1 th travel - that he has nurehaerel the Liverv Li Seeek of 'Messrs. Cerzioehau ill do all ii hie pawer to retain the -ineh thie fevorite establiehmeet has ! will keep only good driviug eni re - a eel his cerri tgea will be kept . good order. Celle, night 1i,v hiptly attentet1 to. PIO-NW AND Pal:TIES Libertilly Dealt with. !amble. AU erders lett at the Com, or at the oillee srill reoeive prompt e int Market Street, opposite VM.MeNAUGFITON, Proprietor, INT r...Et I 0 ITE MIS, FA NIERS AND OT ERS. erritipy the attention of all, these euei, the enheeriber i deterzaiued to ▪ offeriug gelid inch hemlock, not * for iurli'at the following rates: leek. at $7 011 per thoneand ; 14 foot .47 te.1, f. Citale All orders oval; 4,000 ;eta unt. Cali and see if tea elen't ..pntstured. !oat, ever 3 months will be eharged tha.riks itiaunnierons eustomers eupport, and solicits a continu. fevore. JOHN -THOMPSON. • Stearn Sew Mina, MeKiliop. TTER TUBS. 21/OTT, SEAFORTI-ie ,atee aupply alt enatomeis with of his ll101't B171"fER TUBS, eadre4, Cash. These Tubs are so iraldv known to the trade that it it ;te Siiy any 'bite.; in their recommen- rf also IllannfaCtlireff a small Hard- utalel... ter washing butter in. • ail Or otherwise promptly attend.. S. TROTT, Seaforth. NERSHIP NOTICE. _timed haviag entered into partner - ow prepared to naaeufacture • e. By uaing tiret-class ma, all the work coaxing through we can eriaraatee a good article. tentinn given to- repairing, horse- 'eneral lebbing. Mr. Barton hav eirteen yearexpiriJnee itt dreee- ' we witi uutke •th 0-- a epeliaRy. eeen's Ceiebratel Agricultural Ina- ItA Goderich Street, Sea, 560 i--ORTFI PORK FACTORY:: ROBB ) to i.ay the itigheet Priee for ,zr-v of Ilegs, alive or dr ascii. All i . 1/eats ceust itzeqy on h ad. Fine 'arpl Hanle,- Spice!. -I.oIle, Beef eat, Pork, S. tu.s.ig.e, Bolo„eri. and /1 kin ie. Ae 1 lerve beea in the ,t 1. et t ..-e- years, and having one Terri; tin 1 • arvere of rueat in Oen- ;ill be able te eive es gee 1 Katie - e pr loir. If. ROBB. . catfille- always ea band. 508 SSMAKING. ISS SCOTT ennieteee 1) the Ledies of. Se3- ,z:nmuz4ing eeuitte,y that she hae itt all the 4 VIES AND VARIATIONS, .0) 1 Wqrk aryl Paneta- .. - t. rtiriaa of att. r. Wit:4;24'd Dru4 Store, th, waute.l. C59 DRESSING. [SS STARK eeerm the Lailee of Seaforih and elt-- le Fri-pan:11;a reek° up US, BRAIDS, &c., Faeltion tram Combings. lee,tui i au °relent ptenctuaaly at - "L. selieited. Reeidence-efein DRAYAGE. Ned hetvillg entered into co -part- e ',repel -el to meet the wante of r f Settferth and. others who may 'N'teee as carriere to and from the t sheds and ebeewhere on most Ee. Orders may be left at Joseph e•i y store, and will receive p rompe :neon. NORMAN BROWNELL. JOSEPH ABELL. le7d, 550 : e. •J ANUARY 31, 1879. THE HURON gm-sosii OR. Annual Report. The followiug is the Report o the Officers and Directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society for the eax 1878, to which we made mention i our report of the annual' meetieg. • We the Direetors of the South II ron Aar -!cultural So-ciety, offer the folloE ving statement of the doings of the B • itrd during the year now past: Our la re- port showed a membership of 109; the present ShOW3 a membership of 101. This shows a falling off in the me bert ship yet we believe that our Socie y is growing in favor and its usefulue sis , becoming appreciated. We started the year with an unusually large bal nee in hand, namely $196.63, but since the object of the Soeiety is not to beard . , money, but to spend it in. fur. her- ing the objects for which the So' iety was formed, it -became the duty d the . Board to see that this -money was - ent . . in the best interests of the people It was seen that the farmer o of Huron stood in the foremost ranks as procincers . of horses, especially of the heavy Class.. It Wtas seen. also that the branch of in- dustry was beeoming more profitable by the cpening up of aiPalmost unlim- ited market and paying prices in, the Mother Country and elsewhere ; land . knowing that if this pre-eminenee of Huron was to be maintained, it viiis by securing the services of the veryI best-. sires; securing new blood of s,uperior' excellence., Itwasresolved, therefore, that a part of this money be employed in securiagthis most desirable endour spring show of entire . stock, e. hich j. At , . was held at Brucefield, April 19th, fit addition to s-ubstantial prizes, a bonus was given -to the first prize stallions in the classes, heavy draught, carriage and thoroughbred, and also tothe first prize ,Shorthorn bull., for the raising of superior cattle is of equal importance to the _breeding of horses. Thes ' bo- nuses were paid to such • as took " first i prize in the classes named, if the : ani - nulls so taking the . first prizes Were shown -for the- first time in the C .unty of Huron. This scheme was at least partially successful. The exhibit of stallions was fully. up to the staudard Of former years. • ' The. first and second prizes in heavy draught was carried off -by owners of stallions shown for the first time ia this county, as also t first prize io Thoroughbreds. This show in .all departments was well sustained, there- being 37 entries t of he, 'ses amongst.others one impoitedPerche on This may be noted as the first:- it tro- duction of this celebrated bre tt o horses into the County of I' urou. Twelve thoroughbred bulls and two . Ayrshires of considerable merit ,were shown. The sum of $198 was aw- ;Med • .in prizes and bonuses at this shos The attendance of spectators, was lax.t and the keenest interest was taken ' ithH the decisions of the judges., It is a Matter of the Utmost importanbe that the' ser- vices of thoroughly competent judges be secured, for in reality this show. shoutd. be a school at which. our people could. learn to distinguish the points, of the perfect horse. In accordance with the provisions of the Act for th.e Encourage ment of Agriculture and Arts, Section 72, we united with the Stephen! and Usborne Branch society, for 'the! pur- pose of holding a Fall Show. t The terms of the union were. 'agreed te at a meeting of the Directors of the two So- cieties held at Hens all, June 10th. The Branch Society agreeel to ,pay to the parent Society the suM of- $650, to pay all caretakers, gatekeepers, &c.; and .all, discretionary prizes above the suiti. - ' of ,530. The parer, t society agreed to pay all regular prizes, as per list, that shoulcl. be awarded, and discretionary 1 -prizes to ' the amouub of $36; all ex- penses coemected with ecuring aud en- tertaining judges, all printing, &c. The Fair was held ill Exeter, on Monday and Tuesday, the 7th and 8t1i of (tete- - ber,,and was in .every respect 0, grand success.. The day was fine aud an im- Meuse .concourse gathered to witness the best.show ever held in this Riding ,of South Huron. The commeu able efforts of the Branch Society in con- tributing so liberally to the geueraiJfnnd led to- a corresponding effort ont1 part of the parent Society, resulting( in a greatly enlarged prize list and a -keener competition. Our show bills offered nearly $1,100 in prizes. Of this sum $915.50.were actually awarded, $886.50 being drawn mostly from the treasury of the Society. The board .would here acknowledge the :' generosity of our esteemed friend, Mr, Archibald Bishop, M. P. P., in his gift of 25 to the, So- ciety; 'and also. ackuowledge With thanks smaller but stilt handsome gifts from Mr. J. Willis, txeter ; Mr.D. McInnis, .Usborne ; Mr. Wm. Penh.ale, .Steplien. Mr. Huuter, of Usberne ; Oke et Hodgson; of Exeter, and others, which though given for .a__. special. 'pure • pose still adds to the interest of the Show.. Twelve ,handrecl and. fifty' en- tries were made by 261 exhibitors. With regard to the quality- of the articles shown it may be remarkecl that a grad- ual improvement is visible in every de- pattment. ,Indeed this is true in it re- markable degree in all classes of herses and cattle especially.. In grains', the display was large and generally good, -.except spring Wheat and barley. The splay of fruit was large and very The same may be said of dairy :pro- duce. We may here be allowed to ex- press the :regret we' feel that though good butter can be madewith proper ap- ',halloos and skill, the great bulk of our -butter reaches the markets of the con- sumers in an unsaleable condition. 'Whether this state of- affairs is charge - ale to the farmers or the midelleinen, _ it is alike to be regretted. Perhaps both parties are to blame. Certain it is that neither aro entirely clear, arid so _ long as farmers produce butter ef.indif- ferent quality,and the storekeeperbbys good and bad at the same price, so Jong will the occasi011.of,..the-blusle of shame on the cheek 'of every- producer .0 the article continuer; so long . will Ithis branch .of farm industry which might be - made a source of great national Wealth, continueto, be a source of an- nual loss, and so long will the quotation iu the market reports_coutinue : "igen- ada buitter - chiefly for wagon grease ; fourpence a pound." In manufactures and ladies' work the usual very &edit- abledisplate was made. An unusually large number of farm • implements of good* and substantial make were on. the _ ground. ' in vegetables and roots in- the field, the exhibit has rarely been lex- celled. But unfortunately this, etate- ment'cannot apply to the crop in gen- eral, for whilst a few fields have arOwn. near Clin on for distriets No. 10, II. and 12. Believing that • such Matches stimulate the youth to greater effort in this easel' ial of good. farming, we felt it our duty to aid the committee in charge who solicited aid from our so- ciety, in consideration of holding the match in.or adjacent tocur riding. We gave for this object 069. Although the day happeued to be storrity, the match was a mocerate success. The plowing, considering the circumstances, was very good, and though many conapeti- tors came from the adjoining counties, we are happy to say that a good share of the laurels were worn by the gallant sons of South Huron. Inasmuch as these offic al reports become the history of agriculture in the localities to which they refer it may not be out of place to append a crop report. We report the fall wheat, of which an increased acre- age was scwn, undoubtedly a full crop. We place he average at 25 bushels per acre of first-rate wheat. Chief varie- ties, Treaclwell, Clawson and Scott. The spring wheat was a partial failure and will not average above 8 bushel per acre. The principal varieties sown were Fyfe e and Redfern. As with spring what so with barley, which crop wou d average about 20 bush- els, the thief - part unfit for malt- ing purpose, being light of grain and dark of c lor. The causes to which are attri utable these failures are : First, th great heat and moisture which eli racterized the spring and early sumilner months, causing a very rauk but iender growth. to shoot up. This perio was followed by a period of intense he t, which- seemed to dry up the stalk iud shrivel the berry before fully fille The incessant rains of the last half o July completed the ruin by staining aid in some cases sprouting the barley on the foot. The oat crop was event e in yield and of good qual- ity. The ay crop was large, but some of it badle damaged by rains. The present a •pect of the affairs ,of that part of th world with which we are acquainte affords subject of -refound. ,. study. It seems indeed to pi zzle the philosophl rs to account for the staeua- , tion of bu, iness mid the deep, distress . which un loubtedly exists. With the most ab ndant harvest. which the , Giver of a 1 good has blessed the world i since the menaany of man ; with the 1shops and witrerooms of manufacturers, and indee all other producer, full to , overflowi g ; with plenty of money and plenty of ays for transportation and f distributic n, and men aching to work, and yet e ery branch of business is dull and trade paralyzed. To ferret out and trace the auses of this deep-seated and deadly la gour, and to point out and - apply the remedy to restore to health and activty the industries of the world, is surely ot beyond the ken , of the learned pl ilosophers. And ye ;we wait for the fir -ti gleain of light. t IAMICTEL Strier.ae, Sec -etary. Wer. BE LIi, President. Mada a e Anderson's Walk. .. extraordinary crop§ of turnips the ' great majority have - baton a total fail- ure. - ! A Provincial plowing match was held Madam Anderson successfully com- pleted the wonderful feat of walking 2,- 700 quart r mile § in 2,700 successive quarter he irs, in Mozart Garden,Brook- lyn, on -M mday evening,. , The hall was crowded to suffocation, the ,spectators being wed fed together like figs in a box. Several N om_en fainted, but DO cue could auc or them. Finally the police forbade t e sale of tickets,. The as- semblage was highly respectable and enthusias i.e. Madaane Anderson, who was °Videi tly suppprted by excitement, did some ery fast ,walking in the even- ing, and h r last lap Was walked in the shortest ti ecf any during th 2:37. A. scene of great ent prevailed vhen the pedestrian COM plishe the platfo present fo She said t trial— usiasm ad oc- her taele and -was carried to m. She thainked all persons • the, support given to her. „ let she had been by turns a with a knife or fork. * * * * In placin,g yourself at a table have the head Uncovered. Always wipe your spoon, when, after having- already used it, you wish to take something from an- other plate, as there are some people eo-delicate that they would not partake even of soup, !where you - ha your spoon, having previously to your mouth. Join the lips so as not to make a lapping If, unfortunat buru yourself, 'neared patientl can, but if you cannot, take y delicately in. o e hand. and, lif Oyer your mot putting back u and then you hind you to al Lot drink your tasting it, and draughts of yo familiar, but resolutely, lool -singer; an actress, a clown in a circus, and a proirietress of concert hang, in which ventures she met with such fail- ures as to ty. She t fessioual come to A fore attene in the old meant to f one year 1 time she appeaxamc reduce her to absolute paver - en deCided to become et pro-. alker, and was advised to • erica and win a name .be- • ting any extraordinary feat country. She said. that she low her presentbusiness for rater, at the end of which 0 oped to have made her. last _in public and to settle * * * * 0 in drinking no the throat, ne times one ewe]. the company t ost. dipped arried it in eating oise like ly, you if you ur plate mg it up, th with the other hand, ned you, late be- * Do You were or three t is too nee and u do so. alte care noise in mber Of vay that 1 0 on it what bu ill pass your ekey. * Wine as though o not make tw r glass, for th ink it down at ng into it as y e Must also to niake 'any arking the n lows, in such a an count the 9English S Dueling and arently two o ristocrat. B 'ilea in a due linister whe Vinchilsea in uel on the da ir A. Boswell 822; O'Conn nd the practi f •equent amo hat .would 1 is friends ha ess which pr the present ach other in ustom was p anks and. cop ?rime Regent ollt to diunel f making him f York in ad'e 'bottles of -el , lamb must h ler than much t the Duke ve o much of it suredly • no 11 ciety Fifty Years Ago. intemperance the distincti ougham's bro ; Wellington N he chattel) 1829; Grattan of his election was killedin 11 had killed e of dueling ig literary m ir Wilfrid La e said of the veiled at the entury ? Men hard drinking, eValent in a tions of soci invited the Du or the expres drunk ; and t practice of dri ret at et, sitib ve been conside of that of our •iild hardly h or, taking it, have long laret was the, Chief wine of ti e period, nd, as Mr. Walpole points Cu , it was ally within th reach of D kes and pendthrifts. These lines, in Lock- estinia- vere ap- ns of an her was as Prime ed Lord fought a in 1800; duel in is man ; was also n. But son and deunken- • eginning vied with and the most all ty. The e of Nor - purpose e Duke king .six ng. The ably bet- wn day, ve taken e would survived. art's Life of. ion in which Bola and erect ill 'cott, show th ort was held: e Caledonian stood Id Was his mutto 1, and his elaret g 1: Let him , drink port,' the Englis statesman cried - To drank the pois n, and his spirit diel. " Drunkennes was fearfully prevalent uring almos the . whole of the ighteenth c ntury. Mr. LecTy, uoting other I uthorities, rec rd.s that Bolingbroke, when in offic , sat up hole nights drinking, and in the t napkin eyes, to ntemper- ep, to his ole was a ustomed portion ert, you k ,9nce ; his se- e intoxi- of the century • drink- ssious :as •ociety.— ' 0 0 0 morning havina bound a. w oiind his fore ive away th lice; he haste fficial busbies oung man, hi o pour into hi • f wine, eayin ead and his effects of his ed, without sl . When Wal father was ac glass a doubt : .‘ Come, Ro hall drink tw ce while 1 dri r I will not iermit the son i er senses to b witness of 131 ation , of his 'father." Mtn ost brilhiaut ntellect of th ere clouded y drink. and t a custom pe vaded the prof ell as the ge eral circles of rase -r'8 Map ine. Sro.alti y on his Eddie Dibbl , eleven years f Dr. Dibble, ihe dentist, ma rade with ano her heti- at the treet sehool last Friday, and y Principal L wis to go horn e article -wh'ch had, becom t 10 bargain, hen litit return 1 e was instruc ed. to give it to from Whom hel got it. This 11, o ould not let Itim do, and. h -run away. 'After school r New York ou loot. Follo iailroad track, he reached Mi r ight, where his father and. hi cquainted, and stated. over the g down quiet), to a more domestic life. d hhotel. is w -ay reachina In the morninor h N During littentire twenty-eight days' eon • walk, the aft.%st quarter of a mile prior to•the last was the sixth, .made at 9:15 p. m., Dec mber 16, in 2:46. The slow - et Was Mt one thousand two hundred and eight -second, made at 4:15 atm., December 30. The fastest mile was the sevent enth, made December 17 at 12:15 p. trie in 10:17. The slowest mile Was the •ix hundrec1 and fifty-sixth-, -made in. 3, :61. The fastest lap was the last of the walk. The total receipts at the door t uriug the walk were about $32,000, of which Mine.. Anderson Te - °Gives oe -third. Of this she miist givea tint' 1 to the English manager who broug t her to this country, which leaves abo it 457,0c0 aaher own personal e month's earnings. Mme. next engagement is in , from whence she will visit share of t And.erson! Pittsburg Chicago. Rules for Polite behavior, • 1.76. • Do not nudge your neighbors with your elbow; do not scratch yourself ;- clo not bet, -a* ant gesture that you are hungry, and do no look eagerly at the foodas though yo ioould devourthe whole of it. 'whoa -or it be distributing the cut ,Viands, do not hastily present yourplate d first; * * do not bones nor break the stones h your teeth. Jo not suck o get out the Marrow. It is ent to touch awthing fat, e or syrup, with the fingers, you are thereby compelled two or three other indecen- e your hands frequently on r-napkiii, and so dirty it like lout—to wipe them on your ch is leven more uncleanly, our fingers, -whioh is the of impropriety. Be careful anir portion in the dish, or - re eating:in the salt -cellar ; others what you have al - d ; and take it for a general hat has once been on your never be put back in the re is nothing so abominable and Wipe a dish or plate ands;• during the dinner do e titie meats and sauces or to be serv crunch th of fruit wi the bones very inde either sau seeing tha to practice cies, to wi your dinn a kitchen bread, evb or to lick very heigh not to dip what you do not offe ready teat rule that plate ne us dish. Th as to clea with one's not critici ask to drink first, for it is a great in- arefully avoid talking with full. It is uncivil to pick during the repast either icivility: the month 1 one's teet ravels. old, on e a little Webster was told. and get • his by d with it the boy is pride decided started ing the ford that 11 self are night at contiu- alk Sat- rday night, having passed ver the ousatouie bridge on a hand //an Sat- rday night he italept in the Norwalk tation house, and on Sunday walked o Mount Vernon. From thee he rode on a hand car. He 1 y by getting food. at two es. In New York he of the family, who gave 1 ith which he paid his • assage back op the Continental, get - t ng here the either morning all right. e says he ha- a good time. and rode n the elevate ame anxious tracked him a ti ey secured. ti i New York p ut as nothing v hereabouts, h he • ito New Yor ved on the w r • three hou and a friend im money, N • 6 en came t amp for a bo road. His parents be - about him, and had far as Norwalk. Then e services of detectives watch trains ifor him, could be learned of his they were in despair home. A pretty good eleven, years oa—Kew faven _ Palladi cm. A Stone n a Horse'siJaw. For a long ti ervable in the g to Superin tould and Cuiry and Best an • hies. Yestei day a veterinar ade an incis'on, and to his tient brought to light a 1 • tooth stone, nd one inch i as of a yello arently as ha • make sure e a lump has been ob- jaw of a horse belong- endeut OsbistoL, of the Belcher surgeon astonish- ard and hes long he stone ,and ap- In order e of the - jewelry • length - as seen nee un - ley,' half piece of though leus the ayers or ere dis- terial of ppeared the in- ilers. It f barley s mouth esh, and upon it • as hard kings are 7ev.) En - about two in diameter. ish white colo as ntaible. e to the natu ono, Mr. Osbtston took it to ore and had it sawed iu tw ise. Wheut. its centre oubtedly bee which was visible in each t e stone, the •ain looking a etrified. Artund this nu s one had formed in regular rowths, the ri ge of which t uctly to be tiaced. The m Thich the stone was fornaed t be the samelas is found i c •ustations on he tubes of b thought thalt the grain. ' of the horse itself in the then deposite . The stone i he annular ma Virgialict City ( was cut there wh.at had a grain of ba 11 erced the ski a d imba1d6d t at the saliva t e limy matte at marble,and ✓ ry distinct. t rprise. • • It LEG A IL ftAMERON, HOLT & CA.MERON, Barrieteze, ye/ Boliditors in Chansery, Goderich, Ont. M. 0. Cameron, Q. C., Philip -Holt, �. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie - T Moiler in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reaeonable terms'. 366 RI L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in -11-j• Chancery, &c., Goderieh and Seaforth. Of - Reel, Over -Jordan' e Drug Store, Goderich, and Kidd's Store; Seaforth. 354 ("),.;ABRO.W & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys- at.Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pnb- lic, and Conveyancers. Money to Loan, private funds, at 8 per cent. - Offices-Goderich and Wingha.n.i. H. W. C. Meyer, Kent's Bleck, Wing- bam, Solieitor Consolidated Bank: 581. ALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristers, Atter- i tie neys, Solicitors in Chansery, &e., Clinton, Ont. Office -First floor east of the new Royal Canadian Bank blinding. Money to keen on farm property. s. eteecomsoze. 404 O. A. WATSON ENSON et MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery andInsolveney, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Oftlees-Sea. forth and Brussels. $23,00o of Private Funds to uvest at once, at Eight percent. Interest, payable yearly. • 53 .TAS. /1. BENSON. E.W. O. MEYER. The above firm has thi3 day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. 0. MEYER. MEDICAL. T G.SCOTT, M. D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and " • Aneoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 34? TT. L. VERCOE, M. D., C. Physician, Sur- "- • geon, etc., Coroner for the County 'Of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. ADA.MS,m. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., Y • Physician Surgeon and Accouelieni. Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. Memberof the Royal College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinimrn.Ortt. 485. WM. HANOVER, M. D., c. m., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Aecouchenr, Seafurth. Ont. Oftice-Rooms in Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by the lato Dr. King. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Frideys. • 496 DMeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Grath' -le' • ate of Ontario Veterinary College Seaforth, Ont. 'Office and Residence in rear of killorau & Ryan's. Calls promptle attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Charges reasonable. Horses examined este sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario -Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practite with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seatorth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attenad to by . day or night.; A large- stock of Veterinary Medicines -constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and eertifica tee given Horses bought and sold. on commission. 424 TT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., -L'L • Surgeon Dentist; Greduata- of the Royal College of Dental Surgeona of Ontario. Office /lours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seaforth. MISCELLANEOUS. A J. McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office -&-'" • in Leekie's new brick building. 504-52 NA. ONEY TO LEND -On terms more advan- -"-L tageons than ever before offered. A. J. Me- COLL, Solicitor, Brussehe 504,52 ROARDERS.-A 'number of Boarders can. be -1-P accommodated with board, either ladita or gentlemen. Apply to X. M. CALDWELL, (only man and wife), Goderich Street, Seaforth. 570 3 P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the " • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the -County, All orders left at the Ex- eosieoe Office will be promptly attended to. 'I) A. MeLEOD, Licensed Auctionear for the • County of Huron. All -orders left at James MeBride's will receive prompt attention. If by letter -address Seaforth P0. . 558 NNOTICE TO DEBTORS. -,A.11 parties not hav- 'LL ing settled up their accounts with me for 1877 failing to do so at once will be charged 10 per cent. interest from January let, 1878, without fail, THOMAS COVFI•1TRY, Seaforth. THE DIVISION COURT. -The office of the "L Second Division Court will be open daily from half -put one to tour o'clock P. M. Office itt rny Block, over the store of Johnston Bros. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 N OTICE.-All parties indebted to the Estate of the late Simon Powell are requested to pay . the same forthwith to the undersigned, or they hall be banded iuto the Court for collection. T. T. COLEMAN and I. G. VANEGMOND, Ex - cantors. 561 NCTICE TO DEBTORS. -Notice is hereby -1•1 given that all persons indebted to me for small book accounts, that if their indebtedness is hot paid before January first, 1879, they will .be stied without further notice or respect of per - sots. 0. 0. WILLSON. 576 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to me by either note or book account, that if their indebt- edness is not piid at ence they will be sued with- out further notice or respect of persone. J )11N WALD. 579-4 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Fantle and village property for sale. Office- Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Out. 615 111AFORTH PUMP FACTORY. -The under - in' signed, while returning thanka for the pat- ronage already received, would remind his many customers and frierids that he still continnes to make pumpa and cisterns of the best material and by the best workmen. None but quartered timber used for pumps. A few farm gates atm on hand. •Alt overdue accounts not settled forth- with will be charged 10 per cent. interest from the 1st of January, • 1878. NOBLE CLUFF, Seaforth. 563 TO TIIR PUBLIC. -Read what the people say in regard to the Great Shoehonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones, Markham, says: "1 had a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshonees Remeay " so highly, recommended, I procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was,entirely well, and have remained s�, although I was much exposed through the winter In travelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dera- orestvillb, writes: "1 have found your re- medies particularly beneficial for liver complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and would advise ail similarly affected to give them a trier," John Finlayson, Athol, says: " When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could not cure it, and had to return home. It became better and afterwards much worse. I finally pur- chased it botele of the Remedy and a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I commenced to improve, and before they were finished my foot was completely cured. It is now 17 months since, but have had no further attack." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 25 cents a box. 522. •pHB GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. -Job Moses Periodical invaluable medicine is unfailing in tho cure of all those p:inful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re• nioves all oberactions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To maaied ladies, it is peculially suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularity . These pills should not be taken bY Females daring the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mie - carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, h,ysteries, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return. mail. Sold in Seafotth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lamsden. 197 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. e JAMES McGUFFIE & CO. 5EAFORTHI BEG TO INFORM THE • PU LIC OF SEAFORTH AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY THA THEY HAVE LEASED THOSE EXTENSIVE PREI IISES IN STARK'S BLOCK, Maio Street Seaforth, where they intend carryin on the business of WINE AND,SPIRIT MERCHANTS. They have Received aLARGE and FIRST-CLASS Stock of LIQUORS. 'Which have all been .Bought at the LOWES1 C ASH PRICES, So that they will be able to supply their customers with the Genuine Article at a Moderate Rate. The Store will be under -the Management of Mr. H. C. MALCOLMSON, lately with Messrs. Killoran & Ryan, and we trust to have a visit from our friends be- fore the Christmas Holidays. 1 Hotel -Keepers who may favor us with their custom will meet with Special Inducements. JAMES McGUFFIE & Co., Seaforth. 1-101_111D PIR0MSI\TTS_ M. ".COUNTER, HAS DETERMINED TO SELL OFF i1 LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCI IS, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, &c., A A GREAT REDU TION TO ASH BUYERS. The Goods Muslt be Sold—Profits not 4onsidered. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS AND WIEDDWG PRESENTS. New and Nobby Fancy Goods at Net Cost. Watches at 20 Per Cent. Discount. . Solid Gold and Silver Goods from 10 to 15 p r cent. off. - Silver Plated Ware, 20 per cent. tiff. Plated Jewelry, 25 per cent. off. Clocks from ip to 20 per cent. off. Spectacles and. other Small Wares, 25 per tent. off. Personal Attention given to R branches. Cash or Trade will be given fo Remember the Sign, "Tree of site Mr. J. S. Porter's Cheap Ca epairing Watches, Clocks, and Jewelty, in all the r Old Gold and Silver. Silver Ware in the Window," ami directly oppo- sh Furniture Store. ' M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH. SBPOI=1,11"1-- MUSICAL INSTRUMENT THE CAN:ADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE._ HEAD :OFFICE, - TORONTO. Paid Cap Capital, - torim000rmo,. 1,400,000. DIRECTORS. HON. WILLIAM MCMASTER, President. Hos-. ADAM lion, Vice -President. - Noah Barnhart, Esq. James Michie, Esq.. Williaxn Elliott. Esq. T. SutherlandStayner, Esq. George Taylor, Esq. John J. Arnton, Esq.: A. R. Mel4laster. Esq. W. N. ANDERSON, General 'Manager. JOHN ROBERTSON, inspector,. Nam Yons.-Y. G. Harper, and J. 11. Goadby, Agents. CEEICA60.—X. G. Orchard, Agent. BRANCHES. Barrie, Belleville, Brantford, Chatham, Collingwood, Dundee, Denville, Galt, Goderich, Guelph, Hatnilton, London, - Leman, Montreal, Orangeville., Ottawa, Faris, Peterboro, St. Catharines, Sarnia, Simeoe, Stratford, Steethroy, Seaforth, There'd, Toronto, Welkerten, Windsor, Woodstook, Commercial Credits issued for use in Enrolee, the Bast and West Indies, China, japan, and South America. Sterling and ,AmSlitfall Exeltemge bought and sold. Collections made on the most favorable terms. Interest allowed on deposits. BANKiElteS. New 'York -The ,Amerlean Exchange National Bank. London, England -The Bank o.f Scotlaad. SEAFORTH BRANCH._ M. P. HAYES, - AIANAGER. PoiRotriz"..s• - 'FURNITURE WARE:ROOK SEAPORT:H. THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN THE COUNTY. T AM NOW Receiving a. Large 'Stock of NEW --a• FURNITURE from the best Factories in Can- ada, and I am enabled to sell cheaper than any one in the County, as I pay eash down and get s Large Discount.. .CAN SELL: Six Splendid Chairs for $1 80. Six Chairs, Fancy Turned Legs for $2. Six Chairs, Extra Good, for $'2 CO. Six Chairs, the Very Best, for St 25. Boston Rockers, each, for $1 1-5. Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents. Board and Spindle Bedateache 4x4, 6 feet long, $250. Beautiful 7 -Drawer Bureaus; projection front, $1S-0ther kinds very low. Six Cane Chairs for $5. I.fair Cloth, Chaim Sofas, Loan - Vis and Rockers, I -Cannot be undersold. Baby Carriages and Spinning Wheels very low. GIVE ME A CALL jnIfoyno4.avant to furnish yenr house for a little EMPORIUM wAREnooms directly oppositeCoun- ter% Mammoth Jewelry Establishment, Yale) Street, Seaforth. Caish .Zor 'Hides, Skins, Weol and Wool Pick -- SCOTT BROT ET ERS ings. JOHN S. PORTER 1 P. SB. .-Shall soon he in position to furnish INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THE FOLLOWING --Funerals eheaper than any -one in the place. TIMONY OF ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST PIANISTS WITH REGARD TO 'II 11 E EJ 1\./1 PoSON PT.A.1\1-0, For Which We are the Wholesale Agents for Ontario BOSTON. Miss., July 21.st, 1878. TILE EMERSON PIANO 00.32PANY. GENTLEMEN -I have exarnino1 with great interest and pleasure your Upright Pianos. The one I have is superb in every respect. Elasticity of touch and fine singing quality of tone are prominent in them, whilst in power th ,y are like a Grand. I am 1101 the least surprised at the un- paralleled success with which your Pia oil -meet, and most heartilty and emphatieally endorse -pub. lie opinion in respect to them. Faithf Ily yours, F. BOSCOVITZ. 0 C+A.1\TS- Clough & Warren's Celebra ed Instruments always on hand. Also the popu- lar Canadian Bell Organ. Other Pianos and Organs su plied on the shortest notice. Instruments sold on time or the instalment system. SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, Ont. T -HE GODERIOH FOUNDRY. Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balsa* Wheel and Pulleys 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balantfo-Wheel, Pulleys and*Governors. . 275 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pollee's and Governors 200 A Hoisting or Bost Engine with Hoisting Gear. 250 , Second hand 16 Horse Forel:hie Boiler, with Smoke Stack. Second hand 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack. Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack. Second hand 30 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars, Steam Gunge, Guage and Safety Valves, all in Good Order 450 Secondhand Shingle and Heading Machine Heading Jointer 5090 40 Heading Planer „ Heading Turner 150 000 • . '70 Stave Machine, with Knife •80 New Engines and Boilers on haz for Flouring, Grist and Saw 1..Agricu1tUral Implements.-Stov Attended to. d, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill Machinery ills. Middling Purillerii of Improved Kinds. 18 of 'Various Xiieds.-Repa- s oiBoIiers1 Mills, &c.,proraptly CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANU ACTURINC COMPANY. MR. DE T 1S HA D UP. THIS ISA STATEMENT IN WHICH THERE IS MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY, IN FACT HE S NO GOOD AT POETRY; BUT AT TELL- ING THE TRUTH HE C N'T BE BEAT. ON SATURDAY, ITHE 25TH OF JANUARY, HE WILL BEGIN A GRA He is obliged to have his Stink all sol Going on daily, so yen needn't wait for cheap. Come right along and catch the D AUCTION SALE OF DRY GOODS. Jil in as little thne as possibl . His Great Clearing Sale is now he Auction, as you eau hl y from hien any day ju st as argains as they fly. CAUTION Since commenci g my Great Clearing Pale, sever b ogns sales sprung nu, but • they are only th same in name. Remember, the Genuine Sale is going on at DENT'S only, and it is to DENT'S y n are invited to go to gee such value in Dry Goods as will warm up the very cockles of your heart for the rest of the season J. Don't forget the Auction Sale on Saturday, January 25th. POST OFFI9E STORE, !WALTON. I ONCE MORE respectfully beg leavci to return thanks to my numerous cuStomers for their kind patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business aznongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors lof the future. I have just received a Large and, Well Selected Steck of DRY GOODS of all 4esriptioaa. Also always on hand a full assortment of G ROC E Ce Et Stock o BOOTSae,aintsaand Re 1ES-TEAS a Speciasltoio--whEichs, for quality and price, are the best in the Connty. ALa -McPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Har P nd Oileiltrugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- aw thing required 'in a general store. Ask for what you want if you don't see IL Cash or farnt produce taken'in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to come and settle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the acconnte will be put into other hands for collection. No further police will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. am also valuator for the Dominion a Ug and Investment Society, one of the best loansocieties in the Dominion. The above Society I4ant money on good farm security (or a term of from three to twenty years, on the nest favorable con tions. LIFE INSURANCE. -If you want your life insured give me a call, as I am agent for the Sni Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, ai4d conducted en the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always ate iltive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Offiee in con- nection. Clover, Timethy, Turnip and 4ther seeds on hand. R. PATrISON, WALTON. Aw; THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAV- INGS COMPANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPH JEFFERY, President. ALEX. JOHNSTON, Vme-Peesident, SAVINGS ,I.BANK. ISICANCIT. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS.- The Ontario Loan and Savings Company AM prepared to receive deposits in filo Burn of re una upwards, at the rate of SIX PER CENT. per .atennin, FOR fixed periode, or Five per cent on demand. All investments of this Company are secured by mortgages on Rent E,etate, whieh affords to de- positors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits- For further particulars apply by letter, or at the office rof the Conapa-ny, 58142WM. F. BULLER, _Manager. _ _ _ PHOTOGRAPHY. A. CALDER v(T01316 thank his numerous enstomers and '7 the_public in general Ler the liberal patron- age extended to him in the past, and would say that he will do all in his power to please in the future as heretofore. The large business done is a sure guarantee that the -work executed at Ines establiehment is appreciated by the public, Thanking you kindly for placing me in eat pres- ent position, I rexnaia, yours, A. CALDER, 'Opposite the Comme reial Hotel, 8 eaforth. N.B.-All work entrusted to Messrs. A. Mit- chell and J. Jamieson will be earetally attend- ed to. 581 ROBERTS' DRUG AND VARIETY STORE. CHRISTMAS GOODS. rrHE Choicest and cheapest lot nf Toys, Dolls, -a- Vases, Writing Desk -e, Work Boxes, Books, and general Fancy Goods, 'suitable for Holiday presents, is now on exhibition at ROBERTS' Drng Store. • - Intending purchasers will fina it to their ad- vantage to call early. Opposite Cardno's ysi,.SitetiofRortElunTs. -571 NEW GRAIN WAREHOUSE KIPPEN STATION. TEE subeeriber having cempletedarringements •L' with it first-class grain Arm,. bee rented the Warehouses at this plaeeeitend will pay the high- est market price in cash for all good merchant- able farm produce delivered here. Wn He thank- ing hie many friends in Stanley and Hay for their liberal support in the past, 110 hopes to merit it continuance of the same, and also it fair share of petrona,ge from the adjoining section of Tuckersmitli. 572 DAVID MeLENNAN. • :11ENSALL FRE) TRADE. VARMERS and others buying corn will, be lib- erally dealt with. Come and see the co= and get our prices for whole or chopped torn. Flour and Feed delivered a,t wholesale prices by the toner car. Gristing attended to punctually as netiaL Chopping dote every day. -570 MeOREG-OR & URQUHART.. N. B. -A -well-bred Suffolk Boar kept at the mill ter service. , R. N BRE TT, 5RA7011T11, Wholesale and Retailbetteer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Tenni rnoderate. A Trial Solicited. All ordere by mail or otherwise proxnptly filled. ARP B. N. BRZTT P8. CAMPBELL, Provincial Lind Suer -ern • andCivil Engineer. Orders by maul prompt- ly attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell,