HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-24, Page 7FANITAxar 24, 1879. TRAL 'GROCERY. LAW & FAIR LEY ROW Arr THE "CENTRAL .)CERY" THIS WEEK, E (STOCK OF KEW FRUIT', COMPRISING : Patras Currants, entirely -oni Sand. P'S` Messina Currants, wash - rd, for U. CrOnimon Currants, at Pounds for one dollar. .res new Palencia Raisins, • qi stalk. London Layemblackbas- blue basket, for table use. ,s Sultana Raisins, entirely rom sepels. fats, four pound, and one half pound boxes `itranye and Citron Peek. round Sugar for icing. • Filberts and Walnuts. AN.D SUGARS, FFEES, SPICES, &c.; atoels„ and warrauted the t value ia the market, FEED AND PROVISION*S. Inspection of ourla rge , Stock of RY AND GLASSWARE, are Seth* ay Of at prices fiine FAIRLEY, trs nwelc.,:,3EAFORTIT. RE ID UNDERTAKING. I)FOOT & BOX, ;EA FORTH, ,trul at their Warerooms, Market, as Handsome a fitruiture of every Des- . ; (Is* ean be fOUnd in. any :EsNblishment n Huron; are prepared to fp :n.factured under their OWE. (ever- ts eau gear.t.ntee it as to quality. s 'MADE To. ORDER ..-HEN DESIRED. LD'.RTA KIN. Tired a handsome Hearse, they are :0 attend to undertaking in all its le most reasonable terms. n with their un tertaking business EP -T-10. FLUID E the body and deetroys ail often - :prevents contagion mising from Pespedfully Solicited. BROADFOOT & BOX. NINTIZ,Tril;F:P; *tI51ING Fans AND N -,& C .THE CARRIAGE WORKS, Prepared for .1t. :wOR laud and are stiti man a the handsomest end moat table id I'leasure Sleighs to he People of Ulla Comity. les are all made of the rial, best worknycnship, ior t both handsome and durable. RID SEE THEM. 0 suit the Times. 1./.4.IX (C. Co., Seaforth. Promptly Attended to. SEAFORTH AND LARD AGENCY. ZO STRONG 'several First-Claee Stock, Fire •azwe Companiee, and is preasa- l'AX(}1tABLE TERMS. A ve.,ral ef the best Loan Socie- iLre and purchase of Farm )1.% FIRST4CLASS IM - RM) FOR SALE. - Loan rt S Per treat. Interest. :ite Star Line of Steamers. Yorrison's Store, Main -s: SEAFORTH :CKING HOUSE sell at their Pork Paek- iW es, _ NOS, HEADS, FEET, 'SAGES, &e. Or Dresaed Hogsodelivered BEATTIE & SEAPORTS - JANUARY 24, 1879. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Sensible English about the Care qf Horses. To guard, against chills and colds' with the loss of time, expense, and risk of unsound wind which often fol- lows, horse owners require to be on the alert, especially at, this season of the year. Horses alternately sharply worked, and when hot allowed to stand in Open air until nearly- coal, should • have "WilaTa coverings, wpterproof on *one side for their back and loins.' Farni, as well as town horses, often .catch cold whilst their thirsty drivers are leisurely refreshing in the public house, and the mischief is sometimes aggravated. by the extra spurt which is afterwards put on to make up lost time. Many horses, espeeially if they have -senselessly been allowed to lie out dur- ing the later autumn nights, have al- ready grown along, thick winter coat, which causes ready perspiration; it is almost impos.sihle to get them thorough- ly dry;; they stand chilled throughout the greater part of the night, and hence thrive indifferently, and are especially *liable to colds. Whether of _the light or heavier .breeds, all horses whieh from habit or previous MainageMont grow these long, latavy coats, should be sing- ed. or clipped entirely or, partially. Trimming or singeing the long hairs along the chest and beily, and down to the legs to the knees and hocks, usually suffice for farm horses. Where hard or fast work is required; the Irish plan of clipping the hair from the chest, belly, arms and thighs, proves a great. comfort to the horse, and often saves half a bushel of corn a week. If they are to do their wok cheerfully and. well, horses changing their. Coats re- quire for some weeks ft little extra corn or other good food. Horses- recently brought into full work require more consideration than they receive.. It is apt to be forgotten that condition is acquired slowly, as the result of good feeding and properly regulated exercise or work. Many promising young horses ; are brought up to Lond.on and. other large towns fresh and fat, but, wanting hard condition, unfit to stand severe work, bat at this season largely contribute to the sickuess and mortality. Y0114, .unseasoned horses, whether at town or farm work, if they are to maintain health and condition, should have a frequent off clay, and. should be rested whenever they show dullness, loss of • appetite or cold. By the gradual break- ing in of their raw recruits, by having • a reasona•blereserve force for contingen- cies, bynever allowing a horse to go to work which hadfailed to clear up his sup- per, or which showedany sign of ailment, the London General Omnibus Company have reeently reduced by on.e-half, the casualties amongst their horses. The same sensible principies, intelligently carried out, will secure the same salu- tory results in other studs, whether in town or country.-Louclou Agricultural Gazette. • •How Logs are got Out of the Mountains. A chute is kid from the river's bank up the steep mountains to the railrCi)ad, and, while we were telling it, tho mon- ster logs are rushing, thundering, flying, leaping down the declivity. They come with the speed of a thunderbolt, 'and somewhat of its roar. A track of ;fire and smoke follows them -fire struck bY their friction with the chute logs. They • descend. the 1,700 feet of the chute! in 14 seconds. In d.oing so they drop "700 feet perpendicularly. They strike 'the deep water of the pond with a rePort that can. be heard a mile distant. Logs fired from a cannon co-uld scarcely have greater velocity than they have at the foot -of the chute. Their average ve- locity is over 100 feet a second through- out the entire distance, and at the in - stoat they leap from the mciuth their speed naust be fully 200 feet per seccfncl. A sugar pine log sometimes weighs. 10 tons. What a missile! How the water is dashed into the air 1 Like a grand plume of diamonds and rainbows, the feathery spray is hurled to the height of a hundred feet: It forms the grand est fountain ever beheld: How ,the waters of the pond foam and seethe and lash against the shore! One fog, having spent its force by its mad plunge into the deep waters, has floated so:, as to be at right angles witb the path of the descending monsters. The moUth of the chute is, perhaps, 15• feet above the surface of the water. A huge lot.; hurled from the chute cleaves the air and alights on the floating log. You know how a bullet glances, but Can yoa imagine a saw -log glancing? The end strikes with a heavy shock, but slides quickly past for a short distance, then a crash like the reverbation of ,ar- tillesy, the falling log springs 150 thet -vertically into the air, and. with a curve like a rocket, falls into the pond !70 yards -from the log it struck.-Froni Truckee (Yevacla) Republican. General News. "There's a great difference beta, n. housekeeping and boarding out," ° said Mr. Young -husband; for when I board. - ed out I had to wait sometimes half an hour for my dinner, but now I have it just when I can get it." -The new Masonic Hall in Listolvel is about completed and will be ready or occupation itt a few weeks. It is beautifully finished and reflects te highest credit on the skill of the arc ii - toot and the -workmen in charge. -Alexander, Emperor of Russa, -takes, in early morning, a cup of coi ee and a bibenit, and then a walk. e cannot drink tea, because his nerves •e shattered by his persistent attention to the government of his country. At 12 he takes lutichcon,--a simple one. as he is not able to cat rich food. Then he walks or rides, and then goes to iis study. He dines at five, or half pt st, and after several hours of work, reti •es at raidnislit, sometimes concluding iis labors with one round. of whist. -There will be few residents of Stratford who will not feel deep ra, et at the death of Dr. j. Philip Jackson, -which took place in Berlin on Satur- day, 4th inst. Dr. Jackson was born in Stratford, and for a number of years practised medicine there. He removiled to Berlin about four years ago, and ‘,48 president of the Waterloo Medidal Board, and. an efficient member of tie Board of School Trustees of that to n. Ile was highly esteemed for his soc al qualities and. open -heartedness by 11 who kaew him, and his untimely death will leave a blank in the community. His remains were brought to Strat- ford on Tuesday for intermeat, and were accompanied by a number of prominent citizens of Berlin. At the Grand Trunk station they were met by •the brethren of Tecumseh lodge, A. F. & A. M., of which Dr. Jackson was a member, and a number of otters, and escorted to their last resting place in Avondale cemetery.. -The Montreal Evening Post says: "Mr. Wm. IP. McLean, Of the Glob& who has been city editor of that journal for some time, is about to retire from. that pesitimi. In one of our contem- poraries it is stated that he is about to • study law. We have the best authority for saying that the gentleman in quek- tion has no.snch intention, but has left the paper referred to in. consequence of a desire to enter the priesthood. Al- though brought up in the Presbyterian faith, he has experienced a conversion. to the. Catholic religion, and will short- ly be a student in the 'Jesuits' College, in this city." - -One Sabbath evening lately, While Billy .Parrot, a simple-minded youth, was returning home Irom payIng his ad- dresses to a lady at Hartford, three ruf- fians sprang upon him from a place of .concealment, denuded him of every stitch of clothing, and then ordered him to run. The unfortunate youth ran nearly a quarter of a mile to the near- est house, where he was taken in in a ht0f-frozen condition and properly cared. for. The people of the neighborhood are highly indignant over this _dastardly outrage, and sincere hopes are entertain- ed that the perpetrators will be captur- ed and brought to justice. , -Mr. W..0. Wortley, who is amongst the oldest merchants in North Wel- lington, and who amassed a decent for- tune by close application, has been forced to make aix assignment for the "benefit "of his creditors. The l Elora Express says: Five years ago Mr. Wortley was an independent man, but over speculation in wheat, by which he lost heavily-, is said to have been the cause of his downfall/ We, are sorry for Mr. Wortley's reverse of fortune, and the hundreds of settlers in Peel and Maryborough, who are under obli- gationto hira for his many acts of kindness in the past, we are sure. will sympathize with him under his present difficulties. -" he Rev. • F. H. Sanderson, of Guelph, gave us a Call yesterday. He is an old typo and feels quite at home in a printing office. He could not resist the temptation of taking a case and setting - up a cOuple of" sticks" of matter. Ile was a good printer when some five years ago he was in our employ, and we are glad to know, from the success he has met with in his profession, that lie is an equally good. preacher. That the printing office is a first-class training - school for clergymen, the great success in their calling of sucla men as the Rev. A. Sutherland, Charles Lavell, and. others that might be named, clearly proves. We need not say we wish our excellent young friend, Mr. Sanderson, the best SUOCOSS in his important call - ince" This'coraplimentary notice from the Berlin Hews, will certainly be react with pleasure by all whose lot it is to be con ected with a printing office. It shows o the outside world the bright -and nqbie side of that institution, and fills th heart of the printer with an inspir tion which cannot but have a good e fect. -S1 ould any of our readers be in the habit f carelessly handling matches and 1 ghts abdut their premises, we commend to their careful perusal the annexed. paragraph from a Northum- berland county paper: By a careless handling of matches, on Saturday even- ing last, Mr. James White, a farmer Of Seymour East, had his barns and the whole of their contents destroyed by fire. The threshers were at the barn setting the machine in order to com- mence threshing. About dusk, Mr. White, who was standing on the straw stack, took out his pipe and tried to light a match in the customary way of rubbing it -briskly across his pants: The top of the match fell off, and. he tried a, Se0011d one, but no sooner had he done this than . the threshers ob- served the plaice on fife. With great exertion the threshing machine and a democrat were hauled. _out and saved. Two barns aad their contents, com- posed of wheat, peas and oats, were de- stroyed. The stack of straw outside • the barns was also consumed. Mr. White had his eyebrows and whiskers singed in his attempt to e cape from the fire. -A pleasant incident own Ted, a few days ago, which goes to sho that, even in these hard times, honest is not an unknown virtue among thoss who toil on the up -hill road for their ally bread. A certain gentleman from western city had occasion, in making Christmas purehases, to isit a flambei of stores in different parts of Montr al, at the conclusion of which he male the dis- covery that he was some 7I out in his cash. Having had a rather extensive roll of bills in his possession, he con- cluded. that the amount must have drop- ped from the centre, but where he could not tell, and being compelled to leave for his lime that evening, he gave the money lup for lost. However, on his re- turn to the city about a week after- wards, he determined to call at a few of the stores previously visited, and conatnenoed at a small and impreteud- ing little store, not a mile from Victoria Square, devoted to the manufacture of gloveL gaiters, &c. On entering the store he was at 01100 recognized as the gentlemau who had dropped the roll of bills, and it is needless to say his stir - prise was only exceeded by his gratifi- cation when the money; neatly tied up, was handed to him by the " guide wife," who was made the reluctant recipient of a suitable and well -merited. reward. • -On Friday 3rd inst., a youug man claiming the aristocratic name of Mon- tague, whose surname is John, reached Guelph, and after telling a pitiful story to several Orange Young Britons, they determined to relieve him in his dis- tress. He was taken* the boarding house of Mr. John Woodburn, and there sumptuously lodged until he could obtaiu work as a fresco painter. He claimed a collegiate edncation, and said he could converse in seven different languages. He was not tested in this respect, but those who met him were willing to make an affidavit that he could successfuly murder the Queen's he English. On the foiloiving Tuesday left Guelph without bicldingadieu to his benefactors, stealing a gol4 and a silver watch chain from Mr. Wood urn, also some collars and a cap. He had pre- viously expressed his intenti n of trav- elling east, if he could not gejt employ- ment here. • After his departure Chief McMillian traced him as far as Rock- , ood, and lea hains on his ne of them ork Road, a ockwood, ednesday m uilty, and nonths' impri risen. -In the tos shby, Lenn nited into on ipal purposes an 200 vot an 40 midi ouncil; of wh olls, and onl hided. Did i the Provinc entage of o ectors ? Thi Von of the ad f w were chos ned that he ha sold the ay down to th.t village, t Maione's hotel, on the d one at Cummings, ,itt t the Police 3ourt on ruing, Montag e pleaded as sentenced 1 to three onment in th .Central nships ,of Den igh and x county, ihich are municipality or muni - and which contain less rs, there were no less ates nominat m twenty w four could. any other heat this i ce-seekers is a genui e go, "Many c 11.17 Is Your Li ess prevails e mplains of s 1 fe. When sic ow to say plai orld that is s iver Complai ndigestion, Co our Stomach, f,the Heart, 1 usness, &c., LOWER. withot you doubt t nd get a Sam t y it. Regula ill relieve yo for the t to the ssibly be icipality the per- ong the verifica- ane, but WW1= 10 OEM. s?-Siok- rerywhere,and verybody me disease du ing their ,the object is t • get well; y that no pers n in this ffering with- Pyspepsia, t and its effect such as tiveness,Sick eadache, }Orb Burn, P lpitation ressed Spiri s, Billi- n take GREEN AUGUST t getting relief ncl. cure. is go to your Druggist le Bottlefor 10 ente and size 75 cents, wo doses Is nEssrarst rotect it. It s virtue, and to recover. I oarticularly at oeople are -ver f r from sore lood, and pul e ally, which i 1 lead to ser uestiou arises d most effec almonic Waf blic for 20 3 erfeet satisfac erriaanent cur Ohl by all dru e s; price 25 c 1 . orth having? f it is, is a jewel as asily lost n many cases'a difficult this climate, ncl more this season of he year, apt to take col and suf- roat, coughs, s itting of onary compla as gen- not checked in mediate- ous consequen es. The 'which is the quickest ual remedy ? • Bryan's rs " have been efore the ears, have alw ys given nry deal- t ion, and iavarialt) ly effect s when taken in season. gists and co uta per box. Errs's 0000A :-Grateful andi comfort- g.-" By a th • rough knowlec go of the n tival laws hich govern tl4e opera - t ons of digesti n and nntritio a and. by a careful application of the fine proPer- t es of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately fla-vored beverage, which n ay save 11S rattnY heavy doctor's bills. is by the judicioususe Of such articles O diet that a constitution may be grad - u: lly.bnilt up until strong enough to re- st eyery -tendency to disease. Hun- eds of subtle -maladies are floating sv•ound us re dy to attack vherevor t 'ere is a wea point. We.fla y escape any a fatal s aft by keeping urselves ell fortifiedi vith pure bloo , and a p •operly nouri hed frame." -a- Ser - v ce Gazette. S Id only in pack ts label - lo janies pps & Co., Hox =path - ill Chemists, 8,-, Threadneedl .Street, • d 170, Picea illy, London." 482-52 Domings'-Ea CTRIC SOAP. -H ving ob- t ined the Agency f this -.celebrated s • ap in Sea- fo and Huron Ctunty, I append the opinion of s•me of our beet p.,ple as to itsnierit. : "I have u ed Dobbins' Elea ric Soap, inade by , L. Cragin & CO., Philaclelphi , Pa., and find it very good. T o clothes are bea Welly white and t ie washing is done in much I ss time -Mrs. M. 1 . Hayes." " Iused Dobbins' leetric Soap, accor ling to di- re tions, and ',eon the clothes whiter han when NI/1010.d in the old w y, and in half the sual time Mrs. M. Y. McLe n." "I have testa Dobbins' E eetric Soap, and in highly satisfie with .the re ult. 1 believe it apable of doing all the wrap - p r claims for it, tud most conliden ly mora - l:1 nd it as econona ang both time and labor, and as doing its wor. well -Mrs. T. G. ldsmith." axing given Dob Electric Soap fair trial, I hink it is all the ianufacturers repro ent it to be Mrs. R. T. Cole . an." I desire all •y friends a d customers to gi e this Soap one tri I, so they m y know just ho good the best so p itt the th ited, States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth, Oi t., Agent for Ilm• n County. 571-52 I I G rea t 1.1 esters' !Mail way. rains leave Bru. sets station, north tndatonth, as under: GOING -NORTH GOING S IITH: xed.. ... .10:25 . M. Mail 6:15A. M. Ac orn.. .... 9:08 . M. Accom 2.15 A. 14. 111 11 2:58 M Mixed 7:15 P. M. Grand runk Railw frainaleave Seal rth and Clinton S fo 'lows : 37. ations as G ING WEST-. •, EAFORTH. I' C INTON. 4 xpress 2:y5 P. M.' 2: 5 P. M. rxpress 8:58 P. M. . 9: )0 II. M. ii fixed Train9:00A.. M. ; 10:10 A. M. GouNG EAST- a EAF011111. 0 INTON. Mixed Train7:52 A. M. . 7:p7 A. AI. xpress Train1:15 P. M. 12:50 P. M. I ixed Train... . 5:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. fixed Train10:35 A.M. 10:00 .A..M. London, 710,I I NG NON.T.II- Mail. P.14. i2on don, depart.... 2 15 Exeter 8 35 Hensel' 8.52 Rippen 3 58- • Iirueetield 4 08 I lytb linton 4 82 4 25' Vinghe in, arrive 5 95 G °alio SOUT11- Mail. A. M. Wingham, depart 10 55 Dlyth 12 15 illinton 'I . 1 16 Lrucelield , 1 40 10-PPLin- • 1 67 Henson 2 05 50 I /1111..••••••••••••••••111101,41 11...rif POEM= - , uron and Bruce. Mixed. Express. A.141. P.M. • 555 615 805 785 884 751 844 758 900 808 945 825 1032 852 11 80 925 Mixed. Express. A.14. P.M. 700 615 785 655 SOL 724 818 • 748 828 758 884'804 _8 ell 823 MRS. C.1141. DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Mind° Sept,. 16th. Pupils should give in itheir names previous to the opening of the class: Thosenpt hay- ing Iestrument can be actemmodated with use of Pian or Organ at very mod- erate team. • Se forth, Sept. '7, 1878. op. THE CONS LIDATED BANK OF CANADA. , cAit.iTAL - e4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MO TBEA_L, Incorporated 1833; and ROYAL •CANADIAN BANK, Irmo porated 1861. SEAF0RIrH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOGK, MAIN -ST. SEtIFOR'TH. In•aftio 'N'elw li.rork Payable at any Ba k in the United States. - ills oil Exchange en London payable at all Chief 'Cities of` the UnitaKingdom. , INTERE8F P4I1)02 .?\7 ,-PPPOSI TS. SEE HILL ,& S SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT $I0. IflarlinasssessuuramiggrearIMISCi. TTISTT 1:? -0=71M32) - LEISURE HOUR '.AND SUNDAY AT HOME' FOR 1879: ALL THE BOOKS NOW BEINGI USED IN TUE BUFFALO ROBES. PUBLIC AND HIGH: SCO.00LS, No. 1 Whole Fall Extra Robes... Nb, 1 do.„, linea and fiuished. ..... 12 00 AT THE LOWEST CASH P -RICES., 0. W. PAPST'S, CA RDNO'S BL01.1K, SEAFORTH. No. 1 Whole Pall Prime.. 6 50 No. 1 do., Heed and trimmed.... 10 00 . 1 Whole Fall 600 No. 2 Whole 4 00 No. 1 Whole Calf, lined'and triw- med 3-50 These Goods were bought at auction at 25 per cent. lass than current rates. WIRING THE LAST 1\TOTTia-M Owing to the uni renal de pression in Trade and the dull times for the past sea- son, people generally have practised ECONOAIY in their purgases in all 1/ranches of trade. The GROCERY BUSI- NESS has felt the pressure with the rot Cansidering this, we feel gratijied Mat our Busi7zess ha S 1.1 :FLD L. S ONTARIO 1)/11111ERS' EMPORIUM. OWN' us the 1141 Altho s GWA1TKIN & SON HAVE RMOVD TO TEEEXR NEV PREMISES, Oor. Bayland Wellington Streets.., times are not yet past, we fed that the worst is oi:er, and people Mu-szr HAVE CHEAP GOODS. .fit ?qkticipition of this lee havelaid in an un- usually large Sto.cli (pc. TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TOBACCOS FISH, CURRANTS, and itms- 'Ntogether wih a Geterat, Stock of FREsu-GROCEUTES• FURNITURE. FURN'T WEEK OF THE YEAR M. ROBERTSI CABINETMAKER - AND UNDERTAKER, HIS AGAIN 0 PE:s7 el .1 A Up to January 1st, we shall give NewFu rit, Raisins and Valentia, 18 lbs. for$1. . Currarits, new fruit, 18 lbs. for $1. Sag6.r, good, 13 lbs. for 81. Sugar, yellow, 12 lbs. for Sugar, bright, 11 lbs. for $1. Our 40c. Tea, 3 lbs. for $1. Our 50e. Tea. 3 lbs. fo7 $1 25. Our 65c. Tea, 3 lbs. lot $1 65. IOW HILL & CO., SEAFORTH. - •BRIMFIELD. ii EJ i s A_ L T -J PATRONIZE INDUSTRIES. Whygo abroad f or your FarnitUre when you can, get as Good Value for your money in, Lrensall as in any other Town in, Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has now on hand a Splendid Stock of PLT it- .1\T 1 tr.T_T :a OF ETERY DESCRIPTION, Which he will sell at Pricss to 'Suit the Times. - UNDERTAKING IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Also a Firiq-Class -Hearse, Whieh he will furnish for FUNERALS on rea- • son able terms. • 13-C.TI1.41DINC4-.S_ Contracts for Buildings of every description taken on most teasonable terms. Material fur- nished if desired. Ilemember the Hensall Furniture and Under- taking Establishment. 1 ! S. FAIRBAIRN. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE ,AIJD TIN EMPORIUM. SEAFORTH. 1 576 MRS. WHITNEY WIPHES once more to remind her many Ty friends and customers the t she is now bet- ter prepared than ever to supply all their wants in her line. She has one of tau most complete assortments of S 0 "Nr S, Both Coal an,d Wood, Cooking, Hall and Parlor, of the latest designs that caa be found in any town in the county, and at prices as low as the lowest. Her assortment of rrIrr1 7‘7"-A.P, Was never 'better Or more vaiied. COAL OIL, Both Wholesale and Retail at a very slight ad- vance on manufacturers prices. Repairing and Eave-Tronghing promptly attended to and en- tire satisfaction gnaranteel. BRUCEFIELD. For the better accomodation of her customers Mrs. Whitney his opened a bianch store in Brucefield, where will be found a complete stock of everything in her line. She would' direct par- ticular attention to and invite inspection to her Stoves, which intending purchasers shonld see before purchasing elsewhere. Remember when you come to Seaforth or Brneefield. don't leave without inspecting my stock. It will be time well spent. MRS. WHITNEY, Seaforth and Brucefield. RE. _Reail _Furniture S 1/3 I hare also on hand a large stock of CROCKER\ GLASS- WARE) LAMPS and 'LAMP GOODS, Which, will be sold at extraordinary low prices for cash,. In connection with this " We Always Keep on Hand NVDIJ1liV ,SIO UVO'I ,ore 174 - Two -Doors North of his Old Stand,f pposite Waddell & Co.'s Dry Goods Store, wilere he is ;e*-+ prepared TO SELL AS CHEAP AS .4N17.. IN t'17'e ti THE TRADE. • t-' Os- ris UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usual. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., alwa.ys on hand., • • 531 1 • M.. ROBERISON. . K IDD'S HARDWARE.. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTWIERS • 02 tj AMERICAN CUT -NAILS, SPADES; SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE IROUGHS AND CON ' ING PIPE 11 1-3 NOSSEI-102 0 02 0 UCT- I • Put up on the Shortest Notice and W rranted. Special inducements to Ca h and Prompt Paying Custome -s. JOHN 1 MD. 1-1."31?- ;NT 0 A common tobacco VIXEN for the ea • Yon cs.n get e price SELECTEDSTOOK 0 rn SIGN OF THE WM. FLOUR, _FEED AND PROVIS- P-.' IONS of all kinds.Ji pw- chasing I hare kept an eye to the main, faet, rk, -1-mhat we must LUY CHE.AP TOT' we know that Ice ivW hare "to z7,t_ELL CHEAP. Our Shop is 021 Me southside of illain-st, opposite :iliarket-st., Strong Fairley's old stand. ei 572 ,111. AfORRISON. DR. WILLIAM G -RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. • The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as en unsfearainilinga wetio eakre nelsr Spermatorrhea, Ira o- teney, and all dm' eoes that follow as a .0- ;1. k. quenee of Self abutte, Ubeini°vreersakaliLnlasit:itargsPain in the rBack, Diraneati a Xemoi-S1 After Dj of Vision, Premature Old Age, end manyother diseases that leads to Insanity or -Consumption and a Premature Grave, all bf which aa a rule are uBe ovaerind hilligleeviuLti-itguilremSptilaC3iflout111%13(111 lelittur 1> and e is /71 the result of a life study and many years o/ perience in treating theae specie 1 diseases. Pam. Cx3 phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by ell Druggists at $1 per paekage, or 43 paekagee for $5, or will be sent by mail oi recit of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY CO', Windsor, :11.1.t. Sold in Seafoillinabsa yaallikr4.1031.aa 1'71 Bleasdell, S. lloberts n.r druggist merchants. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, -.SASH, ODOR AND BLIND FACTORY subscriberbegs leave to thank Ins numerous Customers for the liberal patronage extendedte hini'aince commencing business in Seafortlyanti trusts that he ritt,Y be favored with a eoutinuane °IPthartin ealeasme.tending to build would& well to give him a call, as he will continue to kcip on hand * arge stock el al) kinds sf • "- ••4 ▪ He feels confident of givingsatisfactieu to -thins° io,a• wmmay favourhira with their pationage, as aSSIS bat dret-cia Flew:Arleen are employ/A. E-artieulha attsn Lion pai:. t a CUStOMPlaning • 203 WIN II. BR 0 A DFOOT., DRY PINE LUMBER, 1)0 ORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS; SHLNGLES,, LATH, ETC. HiCUiLAR SAW. EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks WI, ManCrrian custora.ers(m(reb4nts and ethers) for their liberal patronage during the past seven scars, and bores's' by strict integrity andclose attention to business - to merit their confidence and trade in the future. ! - Having greatly enlarged bis premises, anvil*. tha winter, he iv new prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE OBERTSON1 For any quantity of --good fresh egf,,s, delivered at.ihe EGG110111U , Main Street,Setforth.., Wanted by•the qubsariber 25 tons of good drs 'clean WHEAT STBe.W. 8,4 00.7 THE MYRTLE NAVY? SEAFORTH. SEE T: & B.IN GILT LETTE 572-12 ON EACH PLUG. S T a -UMBER -FOR SA !Al HEMLOCK, First Quality, l's6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDEiZ, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. ' 479 • THOMAS DOWNEY, THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of • HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED I ALL KINDS OF CUBED MEATS Constantly on Hand. FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK (;UTTINGS, &c. 523 'G. & J. PETTY, 4 CALL AT *ILLIAM ROBERTSON & CO.'S AND SEE THE IMPROVED DIAMOND C tOSS-CGT SAW MADE THE BEST DOUBLE REFIN- ED CAST STEEL, AND GUARAN- TEED TO CU 17 THIRTYSORDS OF HARDWOOD W ITIIOtTT REFIT- TING. ALSO LANCE TOOTH, ONLY EIGHTY CE1TS PER FOOT. :WILLIAM ROBERTSON & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. W:L$yON. MCCAUGHEY & H1LMESTED1 LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE. _ SCOTT'S BLOCK, LIAIN-ST.„ SBAFORTH. SOLICITO1S for the ConRolidate 1 Bre& of •••-' Canada and. the Canadian Bank of Comaa-zrze., in Seaforth. r .,Thd Town and Villige. Pre?crt-y ben glat And e dd. fo ey (private funds) loaned on m irk.; trel SS- curi des, s.treasona Aerates of inter-atea xrges moderate. Money invesIed for privatep,-...,•ranta upon the beat mortgage securities, withrat any er;,tense to the )end -r. S. G. lIcCA UGHEY, M.A. F. 113IIMESTED FIENSA.LL FREE TRADE. PAIMERS and others buying Oatti will be lib, 'Stiffly d8.1t, with. Come an I se. '.ox n and get our pries for whole or choppel than. Flour and Feed. delivered at Whole3air, p.•1•,•es by the toner ear.' (+listing attended to pundually as usual. Chopping done -every day. 570 3IeGREGOR MIQUHART- . MARRIAGE LICENSES on cztuTtricArrigif-f- Under the new ket,) issued at tho EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under antbority ci tbe Lieutenaut-G3vernor )rt' • MILLINERY; REIVIOVAL. JN tba-alang the Ladies el Seafortb and aux. rounding country torliast f &yore, I would beg te remind them that I-ifava removed to Ileurell. where I will be pleasedto vokit upon old as we I es new cashmere who ineY 0 hews thie way. 675 7itt5-13 MITCHELT.4, 4