HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-01-24, Page 5TANUAitY 2.4, 1879. !Ne,•!•,,,14,0!••••••••••:.._ f he child, and brings under 4ion the validity of the second The Qther Side, LIDISOIS Post of last week says: mot ExPosrrait has discovered. Aielied a card from Doctor the electors of Turnberry, in asserts that a. certain state - ;dished “iri one of our local pa-. ts a deliberate lie. without a. d foundalion of truth." The :t to w1.4 he refers was pub - the Po.crt although tile as- uld not whistle up sufficient .0 sav so. lend Witet in effect that lee Wtts endeavoring to foment ,zo-ife in the municipal contests els, Grey, Morris and Turn - he Doctor in his address to - tors says nothing about the -eferred against him, so far as Grey and Morris are con - us tacitly aeknowledging the 'ping ; but he thinks he didn't r falt into it" so directly in .-, and questions the Post's For the benefit of the i will here state that our in- st far as Turnberry is con - Rs obtained from a staunch. .iY& holding a prominent po- he township, and who, when Fe an accessory to the con- fused pmt blank to be one. eard a resident of Turnberry Le doctor for his action in the Week bef( re we published the • i. questio - so that after all oi.-ylts as if there was some adew of eaudation " for the inlet thi aspirant for East Int supp sing that instead of t ias we re), an error, so far rry is ct 'teemed, had crept olumus. was that sufficient n to make Dr. Holmes. who a be a aritlerean, give the lie 'le wriCer of the article? Can he Doctdr is losing his good. 's the dayof his defeat draws .at Bag! a Wheat. *,w of theillaron Expositor your last issue I have read a Mr. Pringle regarding that N.t.t which I exhibited last -,-T Tuckersmitix Agricultural .mforth. 11 am happy to re- formation from Mr. Pringle's the judges were unanimous ision with regard to the .justice to the judges, I here - nimble apology for the re- ast upon them. I was led ugh inf rmation received, , censide ed reliable, to the wo of th4 judges said it was 1 hope hat the judges will as an mple apology for about th m. There is also a from c4no of the directors litor, 1 ike to see a man ,vard bo dly and honestly , nis own name, instead o7f IT that fof Director, as if lamed to come to the light. have re eived very unfair Lun thos4 Directors. Why send tol me for inforraa- of being guided by the ly- - of evil disposed persons, inciple o honor or honesty? ;hey not abide by the de - judges. rhOln, one of the :knowled es to be unan- f ix desisioa and not one of i was old, wheat. The bag . eh I exhibited can be seen . Chesney's, if the Direc- , subject iit to further in - 'Chesney, having purchased m me; and the remainder •!.!an be seen in my granary., ; comnannication about it i inst., When I received a . McAdam, Secretary-, and 'tie kb. inst.. -making 8,u keeming neglect and re- - - make tin, affidavit before Alia the wheat was the ..7R., 'Mi. Editor, I con- irectors liave no just cause `to make an affidavit, and lined to do so, as I can d sufileient evidence to I sat' remardino- the i t, <-, tie to satisfy any reason - With regard to what one rs says abeut the Zurich rich I might have claim - d I wished to do so, but or iny-self, I did not wish isturbance about it. Mr. id the jtidges, a respected -,-artied the other two refill, as lie considered it at. One of them, who ing a ' ''(food judge of ledged 'afterwards that his opinion of it. The Ige-s were Mr. Robert eter, and Mr. William -nsall. As for the musty ' Exeter: old rye gener- istier, smell. -- than new ng„ NIr. Editor,, that you e occupying , eo much aluable columns, I re - ALE. MOEwEN. ' on NOtes. of Directo4 of the ..-s' Mutual I surance Gerrie' on S turday, 10 o'cloCk. Sit applica- epted, 'Coveri g risks s.1,200. , - The annual about t o'cloc. The showed that 'the op- , rnpany exteld into Elma, 106 olicies ;_ .rrick, 70; Turnberry, 10: .:,\Iintor, 14 IA, al - .2s7 ; East Wa vano ih., )811, 29 : Ash eld, 3; ;, Mary orou(Ph. ; total uunfiber of increase of 5'7 during the auditors' report enditure was th oraugh- it was SliOWi that, ve years of ti e com- . which ended in July assessthent m. the - -raged. only- 11 ,. cents dollars iusur .d, per J fees for takinc appli- 1 e -half the usu I rates. the coming- y ar are r, 3.- Edgar, P Hop- . Bry-ant, W Loch - ss, J. Fallis.. . For - Jackson, H. 'raith, ,V. Giles, and 4. ma - L Esq., of Gre was i. the Oompany. At the Board which dgar and Wrn. iDatig- d for Presidgrit, H. nt, Viee-President ; JANUARY 24, 18L79 W. McKereher and P. Ilepinstall for Secretary J.. Edgar was elected Presi- dent ; E. Bryant, Vice -President; and W. Mcliereberi Secretary; when the Board adjourned, to meet for transac- tion of business on the last Saturday in January, the 25th inst., at 10 o'clock a. 111. =Professor George J. Abbott, for some time American Consul,at Goderieh, who, had. been ill for several months, died on Tuesday afternoon at half -past -lour. He was •jield in -the highest es- teem by all who had the honour of his .acquaintance. His culture and refine- ment did great credit fo' the American Consular staff. —Sicker Brough Esq,, lately Judge 4 the County Court of the County of- Haron,died at his residence in Goderich last week. He was 76 years of age, and was appointed to -the Bench in 1866. 'The disease which caused his death was one of long standing, affecting the brain -and spinal cord. —An old lady by the name of Mrs. Cartwright living with her son-in-law, Mr: Wm. Tigert of the 5th concession of Ashfield, met a very sudden death by apoplexy, on: Saturday llth inst., She was found. b.); her son-in-law at his _gate in an insensible state, and was borne by him to his residence where she soon afterwards -expired. She was on her way to Dungannon when she was so suddenly called away to • render her account of her stewardship. —A few, days ago Mr. Wm. Kernick and his family, of Waivanosh, had a narrow escape in BIyth througff their team running away and pitching them out of the sleigh. While passing Mr. Ilawkshaw's stables one of the horses kicked and broke the tongue of the .sleigh, whereupon the animals bolted, turning the corner at a furious pace, .and upsetting the sleigh, tumbled the occupants out with great violence. There were in at the time Mr. and Mrs. Kerniek and a son and daughter, all of whom escaped without injury beyond a great fright andi,a thorefigh shaking; The depth of snow on the ground very possibly saved some, if not all of their lives. The horses ran a few rods and „plunged into a snow -drift, where they were easily caught. No other damage was done to the rig more than the breaking of the tongue. - —Below will be found a list of the buildings erected in the village of Hen - sell during the past year, which shows that Hensall can compare favorably with any other village in Ontario of a similar size and age: Mr. S. F. Jack-, son's brick cottage --cost, $1,000; Wil- liam Sando's frame dwelling —cost, $400; George Eberhardt's brick store and dwelling—cost, $1,000, F. Blatch- ford's frame dwelling—coat, 7O0;$J. Hudson's Mirk° dwelling—cost, 50;$2 G. & J. Petty's frame cottage—cost, $600; T. J. Wilson's frame cottage— cost, $500; Thomas Dick's frame dwelling—cost, $500; Daniel ' Bell's frame dwelling,—cost, $600; John Peariu's brick dwelling—cost, $1.200; G. Haugh's frame dwelling—coat, $30; John F. Wright's fraine dwelling—cOst, $500; M. Card's frame dwelling—cost, $400.. . Perth Items. - -L.-Perth County Council meets on the .-28th inst. - ,--Sunday . temperance meetings . are being carried on in Mitcheil. -. , —Mr. 3. T. Hicks, of Mitchell, is said to have the best blood horses in the -county. —According to the school census, the population of Mitchell is 2,716, an in- crease of nearly 150 over last year.. ---1Mr. Henry Woods, of Stratford, has purchased the thoroughbred. bull, Duke of :Ctunberland, the price paid being $500. 4Rev. Mr. Cutler, of the Methedist Episcopal Church, St. Marys, was 'stricken, -with paralysis one Sabbath - morning lately. .7 -The new grist mill in Dublin is do- inglabig business and giving general — satisfaction. :Messrs. -Bean & Hyman are the proprietors. • --H-Mrs,. Grace Burns,. the oldest wo- man in the county, died at her resi- dence in. North Easthope on the 12th inst... , She was 93 years of age. —Mr. Edward Moodie, fireman: in the A. M. Gibson 'Works, had one. of his fingers'nearly taken off while oiling the engine, ou Thursday, the 16th - inst. His hand will be useless for several - weeks.' Monday of last week, while going to school, James, son of Mr. John :-:ulheron, Jr., Mitchell, was run over by a passing sleigh, on to which he en- deavored to jump. His leg received. se- vere injury, but no bones were broken. It is swollen badly, and it will be a Couple of weeks before the lad Will, be out again. - —Mrs. R. W. Currie, of MitChell, who lately returned. from. Colorado, whither sho had gone for the benefit of her health, -died at the . residence of Mr. John McDonald, on the morning of Monday, the nth hist., in the 35th year of her age. • Deceased was an old resident of Mitchell, and was respected by all . who knew her. She leaves a kind and Sorrowing husband, and 'a family of four children, —On Wednesday of last week, in the township of Downie, a yotuFg lad nam- ed Jonathan Capling, aged 11 years,: met with an accident which caused. his 'death., A man.named Henry Cale Was drawing aload of rails across his father's farm, in the township named, and the little fellow attempted to climb on the sleigh. By some means the load. Was upset and the boy buried underp.eath. He was extrioated immediately, - but - was found. to be quite dead. —One day last week there arrived in Stratford fifteen car loads—an entire train—of pig iron, imported direct from Britain by the Thomson & Williams Manufacturing . Company, - Stratford. This is the largest -consignaient of iron ever received by a* 'single firm in_ this , county, and is to be used in. the manu- facture of the celebrated Johnston • wrought iron, reapers and mowers, of which the company intend to turn. Out 1000 this year -300 more than in 1878. —A prisoner named Keffe, who was in charge of a Mitchell constable., made -a clever escape the Other day. It ap- pears that Keffe was taken to the rail- way station to meet the noon train, on the way to the county jail, where he had been committed to stand. his trial on ec charge of rape, and while there the handcuffs were removed from -one of his wrists, his brothers, who were with him, asking it to be done. as a. . special favor, at the same time promis- ing that he would not attempt an escape. While the constable was talk- ing to a person in the waiting roora, Keffe slipped Lut through the door, and ran for all he was worth along the rail- way track west. He has not yet been captured. John Benner, of the Base Line, Blanshard, met with a serious loss on Wednesday morning of last week. I He had taken his team to the woods on the farm for the purpose of drawing wood, when a dead tree, which his work -Men were in the act of felling, suddenly broke where it was being out, and fell back on the tearii, striking them on the head and killing both horses instantly. The driver of the team, Mr, Benner's sou, had .a narrow escape. The horses were valued at about $200. • —At a late meeting of the Stratford Board of Trade, Mr. P. R. Jarvis- was elected delegate of the Dominion board, Which meets at Ottawa next week, and the committee on railway tariffs was given further time to report. Mr. John Myers, inspector of hides, reported that 'during the 14 months ending Dec. 31st, 1878, he had inspected 4,400 hides, the fees on which had amounted to $215. At Wingham and St. Marys inspectors had been appointed, who had been working about a month, and inspected about '250 hides. Inspectors were shortly to commence operations at Blyth and at Shakespeare. The in- - spec -tion system had worked. very satis- factorily, both to -sellers and buyers, the former realizing more for their hides than formerly, and. the: latter be- ing able to turn out better leather. The price of hides in the Stratford market was from 1 to 2 cents per pound higher than in any other place in this section of the country. z' Auction -Sales. Thurdday,, January .30, on- Lot 29, Con. 14;'Mcliillop, Farm. Farm Stock and. Inaplem euts. Duncan McMillan, proprietor; John Bullard, auctioneer. .., Wednesday, February 5, 1869, on Lot 2, Concession 2-, Turnberry, at .1 o'elock P. M., 'Palen and Farm Stock. W. G. Palmer, proprietor; 0. R Cooper, ale- tioneer. Thursday, February 6, on Let 19, Con. 14, McKillop, -Farm Stock, Imple- ments, &c. Wm. Bell, proprietor; JOhn Bullard, auctioneer. Births. MeCULLOCII—In Seaforth, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. John MeOulloch of a son. HEFFERMAN—At Ethel, on the 12th inst., the wife of M.. john Heffernan of a daughter. GRAY—In Morris, oer the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Grey of twin sons. McRAE — At the manse'Cranbrook, on New a Yer's Day, the wife of Bee. D. B, McRae, of a - daughter. . H1YCROFT—In Brussels, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas Hayeroft of a son. LAMONT—In Grey, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Lamonteof a son. Marriages. BUCHA.N—DUNBAR — In St. Paul's Church _ Mount Forest. ou the 7th inst., by the Rev R. Cordner, MI. Charles le. t uchan, merchant Brussels, to Polly, second daughter of S. Du n bar, M. D., of Mount Forest. JOHNSTON—McGARVEY—At the residence of the bride's mother, Morris, by the Rev. F. Ryan, Mr. Wm. Johnston, to Miss Martha McGarvey, MeGINNIS — SCOTT — In the Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook, on New Year's 'Day, by • Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Andrew McGinnis, to Miss Jane Scott, daughter of Mr. Robert Scott, ail of Grey. CAMPBELL—YOUNG—At the residence of the bride's father, Xinburn, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Lougheed, of Londesborough, Mr. Angus Campbell, to Miss Georgena Young, both of Runde. . McKENZ1E—DAVIS—In Exeter, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. G. A. Mitchell, Mr. Murdock McKenzie, to Miss Elizabeth jane Dales, both of Exeter North. Deaths. STODDARD—In Egmondville, on the 20th inst., Catharine, daughter of Mr. john Stodda-r d, of that place, aged 27 yews, GII3SON—In-East Wawanosh, on the 12th" inst Mary Jane, wife of Mr. George Gibson aged 4,e2, Deceased. was highly and deserredly 1s Yp ae es • ARMOUR -1n Morris, on 13th inst., Mr. .Tames • Armour,. aged 74 years. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan. 23, 1878. Fall Wheat 0 88 to 0 86 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bush1 el.. 0 75 to 0 78 Spring Wheat, Red Chaff,per bash0 70 to 0 75 Oats per bushel 0 27 bo 028 Peas per bushel .1) 50 to 0 53 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 eo Butter, No. i, Loose. 0 0 10 be 0 124 Eggs to 124to 0 13 Flour, por 100 lbs 2 25 to 2 25 Hay 7 00, to 8 00 Hides, per lb . el' 06 to 0 05 Grtibby Hides per 100 lbs... ... . 4 00 Fellen Hides, per 100 lbs. ., 3 00 Sheep skins 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (retail)per barrel, 0 75 Salt (wholosale)per barrel....., .. 0 65 Potatoes, per bushel 0 50 to 0 60 Oatmeal efe brl 2 25 to 2 26 Tallow, per lb - 0 05 to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbe8 00- to 4 00 Dressed Hogs 3 50 to 3 75 . CLINTON, Jan.. 23, 1878. Fall Wheat, per bushel....... . 0 80 g 0 85 Spring Wheat, per bushel 0 70 (0 0 80 Oate„ peibushel .' : . , ' '0 26 IA 0 28 Barley, per -bushel % - @.- 0 65 Peas, per bushel 0 50 g 0 55 Clover Seed, per bushel 3 50 (0 4 00 Timothy Seed, per pushel 1 50 gi 1 75 Butter 0 12 A 0 15 Pork 3 25 0 360 Potatoes 0 50 @ 0 55 Eggs -0 13 @ 015 Hay,per ton. 8 00 g 9 00 Live Stock Markets. TORONTO, January 20, 1879.—The tfol- lowing sales are noted.: Mr. Hearn sold 8 cattle for export at 40 per pound, also 12 cattle at $34 per head; Matheson sold a load averaging 101 hbd. at $33 a head; Govenlock sold a, load averaging, 101 , hhd. at $39 a head; C. Davis sold a load averaging hhd. at $26.50. a head. Re- ceipts for the week — cattle, 360 head; sheep, 100 head. MONTREAL, Jan. 21.—The- market is dull, a,nd prices generally are :un- changed for common butchers' cattle, but first-class cattle are rather lower in price than they have been for- some time past. The sales to -day were mostly made at from 3c to 4c per lb. The following sales were made id W. Flannigan sold 9 choice steers at 4-.1c per n ; M. Laporte, of Mildmay, sold six steers at $4.30 per 100 Ms,' and two . small steers for $86, or 4c per M ; he also sold 11 other cattle at a fraction over $33 each. 3. McKinnon, Of Era- mosa, sold two bulls weighing 3,310 lbs at 3ic per M, also a very large cow for $70, and two heifers at $40 each, or 4c per M ; F. W. Ritchings sold fifteen cat- tle at $38 each; Matt. Elliott sold a car load of cattleat $38 each, and a su- perior springer for $55. J. Elliott sold a ear load of small cattle at $25 :each: T. Colton sold. two milch cows with their calves for $70, and a small cow and calf for $22. R. J. Hopper sold twenty-seven common cattle at an ay-. erage of $30 each; Win. Head sold ten1 cattle at $34 each, or about no per About 140 head of cattle were offered and a number' of sales made at from $16 to $34 each, or from 2c to 31c per lb. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Local Notices. Mits. J. E. TRostas, Dress and Man tle Maker, East Side of Victoria Square, Seaforth. FRESH Ana ,ths in Choice Valencia CritUbSTIRS, &C... at LAIDLA V & L VS. 575 LIMNS' PE FUMES, at 50c. bottle, u ual price, 75c. arranted genuine. ICKSON & B EASDELL. 580 WE 'POSITIVE G-uarantee Odonta: g ea " will cure toot ache, or no pay Bicisox & BLEASDELL, 580 LAKE Hunoi HOFFirIgS, - Trout, and. W lite Fish for Sal at theCentral Groemy. Iseun- n w & FAIRLEY. 5175 REMEMBER thfe Great Annual Stock - T *ng Sale now go ng on at Hort NAN )3BoTHEne, Soaforth. For pa Wiliam see advert sement in t is paper. 580 SEE THE So ' 25 bars for $1 tRosi's G °eery. Seethat ery fine tea at 50 ctlnts, Werth 61 emits, and those cheap Raisins and Currants at It i's Grocery. 5 4 ILE LORD ORNE, New Pa4ttern in 'te Stone Ware comprising Tea ets, Toilet S Ls, eze. Will be o ened out next week Call and se them at LeeriLe. & leentere's, .57 Ours Improv d Condition owders p rify the blood an put horses and eat le in gen- good order. Al ays fresh, tit 25 can s a pound or 5 pounds for $1. IlicitsoN & BLEAS ELL. 580 BEAUTIFUL T I SETS in Mu:, White, Ito Stone Gilt, neral Crockery, lass, Sets, & . Latest Pattein and Cheapest in T len at the N w Shop in the T egrieph -Building. WILLIAm ALEN. 576- . PAY UP.—Dn VER -DOE-, Seafo th, ha,v- in a large numb*. • ef accotulte due, ould feel gr atly obliged to t oee indebted tee h in if they w nld call and settlz their Recounts at is early a da e ae possible:. 76 . D. D. ROSE, arnily Grocer, . eaforth, in ites the attentim of cash buyer's to his Stook of Groceries. -His S •k is censtautly,tu ing,and is ways fresh. Hi prices are the Itive t—it will pa you to call. Ex imine hie goods an compare pr cos, 574 . . THAT Peenet PUDDING. — VILLIAM LEN is showing e very best value i i London le yer Raisins, M. 1 Layers, Seediee Roleins, N w Currants, Can id Peels, Icing Si gars, Floe- vo 'nig Extraets, Pi .kles, Sauces, .Sard les, Lob- sters, Canned -Fish, &e. New Shop in the Tele - gr ph Buildii g. .W 1. ALLEN. 576 . S MITII t4 WEs ,for Fifteen Di ys only, w* 1 hold thei • Gran Marine Sale of ry Goods, Hi ts, Caps, c. TI s sale offees an o portunity fo obtaining goods t piece hitherto 1 nlieard tif in Seaforth. We tiff • many lines at a t. iseount of 25 per cent. op nsua prices. We ,.itlso itell aeten- tio to Mir i inens stock of Beets a id Shoes, w Jell must 4 clear. 1 out to make room or Spring Stt ck. Tenn • Cash STALITII & WEST. 579' ILSON de -t OUNG have re eived a chi tee lot of eery fin Fruits of superi r quality, which they arb sellin very cheep. Also a fine lot of 'ew Season's Tea ,which for price. aid quality MR y guarantee equal to any in the markt t. Special in =entente will b given to parties uying in lar e quantities. 0 r steck of Sugar„ Syrups, To maps, al Goner I Groceries is co pieta and .we 1 assorted in all I nes, and as we hz ve one of thc largest and best ught Stocks in 03 tario, we wil not allow any hb eie in the Trade to undersell us. Call and exam Inc our stock LSON . & Yo G. '568 • ROCKERY AN GLASSWARE: ILSON & 'owl have the la -gest and -best asso ted Stock of roskcry and Gies, ware iu the County compris- in Tea Sets in Fre ch and Ehglish C 'na, Iron, St tie and Poicelain oilet Sets in the 1 test and mo t fashionable des gn„ and of the best material. Ale a full stook of everything to be fo nd in a firs -class Crockery end Glassware to e, and at pri .es which we defy ny one to undersel us.! Give us call before pureli sing elsewhere, we will sav you money by buying from us. A. complete China Tea Set of 44 piecee for $3 50, nd other: go • ds in like proportion, WILSON & lo 'NO, Sea. for h. 568 - PERSONAL. ARDERS.—A number of Boarders accommodated with board, either gentlemen. Apply to 5. M. CALDWE ma and wife), Goderich Street, Seafort can be adies or L, (only . 570 IMPORTANT NOTICE THE DIVISION (JOURT.—The Officz of the Second Divisiou Court will be o•en daily froni half -past one to tour o'clock P. . Office in my Bloek, over the store of Johns on Bros. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seat rth. 562 N OTICE.e-All par nui indebted to th of the late Simon Powell are request the same forthwith t the undersigna shall be handed iato the Court for c T. T. COLEMAN and A. 0. VANEGM ecutore. • Estate d to pay , or they Ilectitee. ND, Ex - 561 N °TICE TO DE13TO1IS.—lotice i "L given that all pe ,sons indebtedrito small book accounts, that if their i de is not paid before Jar nary first, 1879,1 t be sued without fanner notice or res ec sons. 0.0. WILLSON. hereby me for tedness ey will of per - 576 1‘1 ()TICE TO DEBTORS. — Notice i -Le given that all persons indebted t either note or book aceount, that if thei edneee is not paid at once they will be et out furbher !mace or respect ef persoes. WARD. .hereby me by in deb t- ed with - )11N 579-4 GAEROW & MEYER, Barristers; at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Note lie, and Conveyancers. Money . to Leal feuds, at 8 per emit Offices—G oder Wingham. H. W. 0 Meyer, Wingham, Consolidated Bank. .torneys- ries Pab- L, private ch and Solicitor 581 ('ARD OF THANKS.—To W. 5. SHreNON, Esq., Secretary McKillop Mutual Fi eInsur- ance Company—Sir I am in raceip of your draft for $350, in fall payment for los by lire under my policy in this Company, and a thank ful to you as well as the Company for the fair and prompt settlement of my claim. 'Yours truly, JAMES COT"LE. Hullett, January 17, 1879. -581 HENS -A LL FREE TRADE. WARMERS tied oth re buying coat will be iib- erally dealt wit h. Come and see the corn and get our prices for whole or chopped corn. Flour . and Feed delivered at wholesole prices by the ton or car. Grisbing attended to. punctually as usual. Chopping done every day. 670 McCREGOR & URQUHART. N. B.—A well-bred Suffolk Boar kept at- the niill for service. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAV- INGS COMPANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPH JEF 'EBY, President. ALEX. JOHNSTON, Vico-President. SAVINGS BANK ISKA.NIL Xe °TICE TO DEPOSITORS.— The ()nein° -+-1 Loam and Savings Company are prepared to - receive deposits in t,13mem of $5 and upwerde, at the rate of SIX PER CENT. per aum in, FOlt fixed periods, or Five per Goa. on demaud. All ievestments of this Company are sec ired by mortgagee on Real Estate, which affords to de- positors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits. For farther particulars apply by htter, or at the off ce of the Company. 581-12 WM. F.. pULLEdi, Manager. PHOTOG.RAPHY. A. CALDER WOULD thank bis numerous customers and e the pnblie in ge eral fur the liberal patron- apnidrawseohilud etre future as heretofore. The iii)geatexhteenwdilelddtooahlilititisthpeo wpleaarrnietteo, business done is a sure guarantee that the woik eiecated at this establishment is appreciated bythe public. Thanking you kindly i or placing me n my Pres- ent position, I remain, yours, A. CALDER, Opposite the Comme rcial Hotel, 8 eaforth. N.B.—All work entrusted to 'Messrs. A. Mit- chell and J. Jamieson will be carefully attend- ed to. 581 JUST WHATTHECOUNTRY WANTS QEVENTY Thousand Buck Thom Hedge Plants i•-) (home grown) For Sale,—The agent of the Mitchell /ledge Nurseries will be in Seaforth next week soliciting orders, for spring delivery, for this celebrated and well tried plant. . Far - mere and others will find it greatly to their ad- vantage in planting hedges as this country is _be- coming every year mor, exposed to the storms and high winds which we are greatly subject to. It should also be gr vrn around orchards Ind gardens as it is a grnat protection against all intruders and would re a great shelter to your fruit,. This plant w ea let • grow to its natural state will attain a lelght of 20 feet, and will grow in &hued anv soil or climate. JOHN SKINNER. 581-4 11 tl A CARD. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers and friends, for their liberal patronage and support dur- ing the past year, and hope that by careful* application to business and by studying the wants of the public, to merit a continuance of the same. We are happy to state that, notwithstanding the bard times, our past year's budiness compares fa- vorably with previous years. This, in itself, is a satisfac- tion to as, an this year spur - with renewed energy to please. We have still in s 9ck a balance of Xmas Goods, which will be sold very low. Hoping to meet all our old friends agaili this year, and to make many new ones, we remain yours truly, • HICKSON & BLEASDELL .THE GOLDEN LION. Bargains in Remnants of all kinds will be given at the Golden Lion during the - balance of January. Bargains in Remnants of all 'kinds will be given at the Golden Lion during the balance of January. Bargains in Remnants of all kinds will be given at the Golden Lion during the balance of January. Bargains in Remnants of all kinds will- be given at the Golden Lion during the balance of January. Bargains in Remnants of all kinds wil/1 be given at the Golden Lion during the balance of January. Bargains in Remiants of all kinds will be given at the Golden Lion during the balance of January. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH, ARE NOW OFERINC ITHE BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF FANCY WOOLEN GOODS - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Haring Purchased an intim Set of Travellers' qampks, 'we now Ofer these oods, in Addition to our Regu- lar Stock, at Abo t Regular Wholesale Prices. SHAWLS. -WOOL SHAWLS AT $1 50, *WORTH $2.00. HEAVY SHAWLS AT $3, WORTH $4. EXTRA FTFAVY GRAY SHAWLS AT $4 -50, WORTH -$5 5 SPLENDID LINE OF TARTAN SHAWLS FROM $3 TO $9, WOR H FROM $4 TO $8: THESE ARE VERY DESIR,413LE GOODS, A TARTAN SHAWLS ARE QUITE FASH- IONABLE AT THE PRESENT TIME. SHOULDER SHAWLS IN PLAIN AND TARTAN FROM '50 CENTS TO $1 50: SQUAR Egli -A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SILK SQUARES IN SEAL BROWN, MOOSIE, BRONZE, WHITE AND BLACK. SOME- THING CHOICE IN INDIA SILK SQUARES. FELT SKIRTS AT COST PRICE. FRINGES IN SILK AND WOOL. FUR AND GAL- LOON TRIMMINGS. VELVET CUSHION COVERS'. CROCHETED TIDIES. LARGE AllSORTMENT OF VELVETEENS IN ALL THE LEADING COLORS, VERY CHEAP. 1 MEN'S UNDER CLOTHING.- son= AND DRAWERS, FLESH, AMBER AND GREY. THESE GOODS ARE HEAVY AND - ALL WOOL, SUITABLE FOR, THE PRESENT COLD WEATHER, FROM 50 CENTS TO I. EACH. P FORTY1PIECES ALL WOOL SCA-RLET FLANNEL, 18 CENTS TO 40 CENTS. SHIRTINGS IN FANCY FLANNEL, ALL W3OL, ANGOLA.S AND WINCET, FROM 10 6NTS TO 30 CENTS. BUFFALO ROBES. -OWING TO THE VERY STORMY WEATH- ER, AND WE HAVING ONLY ABOUT ONE-HALF OF OUR SECOND LOT OF ROBES LEFT, WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE OF THEM_ AT COST PRICE. Tills WILL GIVE PARTIES WISHING TO BUY ROBES LOWER, BY 2'5% PER CENT. THAN LAST SEA,SON, AND LOWER THAN EVER OFFER- ED IN THIS TOWN OR COUNTY. CLOUDS.—CLOUDS AT 15- CENTS, 20 CENTS, 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, 75 CENTS AND $1. THESE GOODS ARE MANY OF THEM SAM PLES, AT VERY LOW PRICES, THE NEWEST THING IN TRY, MARKET—THE PEG WOFFINGTON. SCARF AND HOOD, IN • WHITE, FANCY, AND SELF COLORS. TWEEDS. -WE HAVE qPENED OUT OUR THIRD LOT OF 35 PIECES OF THOSE 'BE. UTIFUL CANADIAN TWEEDS, WHICH HAVE BEEN BOUGHT kT 25 PER CENT. 1258 THAN RRGULAR 'PRICES. HEAVY FIN ALL WOOL 75 CENTS, 85 CENTS, 90 CENTS, 95 CENTS, AND $1. SEE THEM. ALANCE OF MEN''S AND BOYSWIN HATS AND CAPS. -B TER CAPS AT COST, FROM 25 CENTS UP TO 65 CENTS. MEN'S FUR CAPS, TO CLEAR THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK, AT HALF PRICE. BLANKETS. -WHITE BFID BLANKETS. GREY HORSE BLANK- ETS, FROM $1 50 PER PAIR UP. AMERIGAN SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS. READYMADE CLOTHING. -MES ULSTERS, BEAVER AND MELTON OVERCOATS FROM $6 TO $1-2. MEN'S AND BOYS UN- . DERCLOTII1N G. LADIES' FURS—GERMAN MINK MUFFS, GREAT SACRIFICE. MUFFS AT $l 75, $2 ANI3, $2 50. CANADIAN MINK FURS, CAPS AND MUFFS., A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes. A Cheap Lot of Fresh Groceries and Fine Teas to Hand.' ID IT 1\T 0 A_ 1\T eit ID TT 1\1- 0 A_ INT. THRESHING-. TO FARMERg.---Having procured an attaeh- ment to my new sueehine for -threshing clover, I am now prepared tO execute orders in that line when called upon, W. T. DORRENCE,- Lot 34, Con. 5, McKillop. 580x4 STOCK FOR SALE. TeNTIRE HORSE FOR SALE.—For sae on easy terms that. splendid Canadian bred heavy &might Stallion," Young john sired by Old John Bull, imported ey Je-S.Fieher. This horse is a teaneifril biatekeolor, ie Perfect- ly sound and with good action. Hie stock will show for themselvee. For f nether particulars apply to the proprietor. ot 21, Con. le Ale- Eillop.. RBOERT HOLLAND, Walton P. ont. r:431x4 , - SPECIFIC ARTICLES. reEDA.R POSTS FOR SLE.—The subscriber -Vitas on hand, at his plate, Lot 5, Con.113, Grey, a quantity of good cosier posts for sale. ROBERT I3LAIR. 580x4 C1EDAR POSTS FOR SALE.—For Stile, on Lot 26, Coneeesion 6. Morris, one Inile from Brus- sels any qaantity of cedar posts, either cut or by 'the acre. Apply to ALEX. ROBERTSON, opposite Leyden's Hotel, MeXillop. 56'7 MONEY. _ WHO WANTS MONEY e—A few thotogini dollars, private fonds, for immediate invest- ment at 8 per cent interest. Apply to JeAMES 11. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 ONEY TO LEND,' have -any amount of Moneyto Lend on -good improved farms only, at 8 per cent. Charges very entail. Sure no object if security ample. don't lend for any Company. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. '5-70 FOR SALE OR TO LET. pooms TO LET.—Three rooms to let over -le' A. G. Anit's Grocery store, ha the front part. of the building, with front and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT, Proprietor. sea -RARE OrIANCE--Photograph Rooms to Let " on fint fiOOT in Scott's Bride/Kock, Seaforth. position central. Also, three or four Rooms out the fiat above, suitable for a dweLieg. Posses - filen let January, 1879. ,Apply to F. 1101,erel-- STED, banister, on the premises, or to R013Te SCOTT, MeKillop. 573-tf. PARTNERSIDT NOTICES. VOTICE OF DissoLurioN OF PARTIeTeri- SIIIP.--Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsiiting hetween the undersigned, as Millers, in tbe village of; e Wroxetere has been this {ley dissolved be mutual consent. All debts owing to the eald partner- ship are to be paid to Robert Cla,1„ at Wroxeter, 'Jamie -Le, and till claims against the said part- nership are to be presented to the said Robert Clark, by whom the same will be set tied. Dated at Wemeeter, this llitb day of jetnuaty, 1879. DAVID 01•Ail.K, ROBERT °LA:RR.. Witness— WM. HOGG. 581-3 LOST OR FOUND. 1-100- LOST.—Lost Seaforth, jaamars -le' 15th, hitt& and. tan Coolie biteh, about 7 month:s old, and answering to the nameoflelorse Tee front leg has been broken between Vieille° and the shouldereand is crooked Ally parson leaving her at Sbarp's Rotel will be suitably rewarded. CHARLES DAVIS, Leadbury. -5-81x4 llittiFFALO ROBE LOST.—Lost, NevvYpers 'LP night, on the Huron Road between Settforth and Clinton, a smell Buffalo Robe, with dark lining, and trimmed with red and bine eagnlg: The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving the same at the EXPOSITOR Office. Seaforth, or with the undersigned. TELOATAS LIVING - STONE, Hollett. 58014 .OST.—Lost, in Seaforth, en Zaillittry 20th) -a -L.' note -bock containing 14 notes payable to the order of the undersigned. The motes are of no value to any. one but the owner. Payment of the same have been stopped, and all pereons are cautioned eget, tit purchasing the same. A re- ward will be paid to any person returning the saki note book to WALTER HANNAH, Lot 4, Con- 12, nullett, Hatiock P. O. 581 MEETINGS TO 33E HELD. THE RODGERVILLE CHEESE FACTORY.- -e- A General Meeting of the Patrons and lehae i:e- holders of the o gerville Cheese -Factory will be held at the Factoryou Wednesday the Stle day of February, at 1 o,clock in the afternoon. Routes for hauling the milk will be let at the some time. A full attendante le requested. J AMES LANG, President. 581-2 1\1"---0T-1-0E.---Notice is hereby given that tie -el Annual Meeting of the Iliembers of the Hay Township Fanners' Matiial Fire Intarance Com- pany will beheld in the Town Hall, Zurich, -on , Monday, the fird of Febenary next, at 10 eeilock A. M., for the purpose. el presenting a filleeeport of the elixirs of the Company, electing Dkreetors and transacting other business of the CoMpany. A. Urge attendance is looked for. H. V. 7- e -R - STEIN, Meleager. AUCTION SALES. At'CTION SAVE OF. FARM, FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS.—Mr. Jelin Bullard has been 'listen -et -el by Mr. Duncan efeelillan to sed by Public Auction, on Lot 29, Oon. 14, Me - :Sinop, en THURSDAY, january 30i -h, the fol- lowing vainabee property,vize The Fatm—The farm contains 80 acres of fetid, 45 of which are cleared and undet good cultivation ; 8 acres of fall wheat ; all in good order. Is situated one- quarter of a mile from Walton. Sto.1 and Im- plements -1 span of good working horses, -OW in , foal to Enterprise, 4 cows, -supposed to be lu calf; 1 farrow Low, 2 steers, coming two years old; 1 heifer, coming 2 years old; 2 spring. calves ; 8 pigs, 1 limber wagon, neatly new, 1 set of bob-sleigks ; 2 plows, 1 set et he -rows 1 lanmng emll; 1 set of double harness, 1 grind stone; 2 logging chains; 1 eross-cut saw, and a number of other artieles too numerous to mene tion. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. TERMS.—For the Farm Made known on the day of oak. Stock and Implements : All sums* of $5 and under cash, over that aliment 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notee. A. tliscOunt of 8 per cent. 'will be allowed for eltele on all eredit amounts. DUNCAN eleMILLAN„ Proprietor, JOHN BUL- 'LARD, Auctioneer, 580-2 ESTRAY STOCK. w STRAY STEERS.---Canie into the prenaises-of j" the undersigned, Lot 1, Con. 5, MeKillop, two yearling Steers, led and white. The (MOT can have the same on proving property and pay- ing charges. HUGH DUNN. 580x4 W STRAY SHEEP.—Clame into the nretnises the undersigned, Lot 24, Con. 2, 1e R. S., Tuckersmith, about the last of November, one Ewe. The ownerecan have the same by proving Property and paying chews, WILLIAM CUM - MING. 580x4 'E`STRAY STEER.—Caine into the premises -Lei the undersigned, Lot 5. Con. 1, elcRillope about Auguet last, a grey Steer one year and a half old. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. B. 0e- CONNELL. : 579x4 ESTRAY RIFER.—Carne into the-Rein:7- see of the undersigned, Lot 29, Con. 2, MeXillop, on or about the let of November, a yearling heifer. The owner can hove the same on prov- ing property and paying charges. WILLIAM., AITCHESON. - 57814 ere STRAY HEIFER.—Came into the premises -e-e of the undersigned, Lot 28,Con.1e, about three weeks ago, a red and white heifer eonling 2. The owner is reqoested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. wm. GRIEVE,515 ESTILLY ELEIFElt.—Carne into the pi-en/lees of the undersigned, Lot 28, Con, 11, Hibbert, &bone the beginning of Deeember. 2 yearling lieifere, both btendled. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying charge. JOHN NICHOLS, Chiselharst. .578x4 STRAY HEIFERS. --Came into the premises -L3 of the undertigne.d, Lot 12, North Thames Road, Usborne, about the 5th of December, two yearling Heifer, both red and white. The - owner is re4nested • to prove -property, pay charges and take tb.em away. WILLIAM PASS - MORE, Exeter P. 0- 381-0 ---- VSTRAY STEERS.—Strayed from the Prem- -I" ises of the undersigned, (about Harvest,) Lot 68. Con. 7, Mellillop, two yearling Steers—one red and the other grey. Any person giving such information as will lead to the reeovery of the above animals will be suitahly rewarded. ROB- ERT CAMPBELL, Constance P.O.b78x4 _... VSTRAY CALVES AND B:EIFER.--Strayed -4-:1 from Lot 16, Bayfield Road, Stanley, 5 spring 1 Calves and one yearling heifer. ' Some of the calves are zed and some red and white. The heifer is -Allred. Any person giving to the un- dersigned such iniormiation as- will lead -to the recovery of thasbove animals will be suitably rewarded. DAVID ROBERTSON, Tuna post office. 3804 A